Ellicottville Snowed-In

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2013-’14 Ski Season O JANUARY 2014

DO something!

Serving the Ski Community of Ellicottville and Surrounding Areas in Cattaraugus County, NY and McKean County, PA

don't just sit there ...


photo/BOB KNAB



What happens when skiers and Harleys get together? A day full of engine-revving, slope-swishing fun during the 2nd annual Harley-Day Valley event at Holiday Valley, Jan. 25 ... page 04

January is National Learn to Ski & Snowboard Month. Great incentives are being offered at both resorts ... page 07



SNOWED-IN’s Monthly Product Picks: Did you know you can purchase HV trail signs for your chalet? ... pages 10-11

Think Snow ... Think Fun! McKean County, PA is a Cold Weather Champion!

As the Weather Channel says, “McKean County, Pennsylvania is where you go when you want to find snow. It is a national cold-weather champion.” In northwestern Pennsylvania, McKean County holds the state record for the most amount of snowfall per year. Local folks invite you to enjoy ice skating, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and snowmobiling as you experience the natural beauty of winter in the Allegheny National Forest Region ... pages 26-27

PHOTO TIMELINE: ... pages 08-09

From Snowmaking to Opening Day to Apres Ski, HoliMont is Waist Deep in






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Page 02 ... SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014

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Creator, Publisher

Brenda Perks, DesignPerks of Ellicottville 716.244.7573 designperks@gmail.com

Layout/Design a monthly winter publication promoting the EVL ski scene


@evlsnowedin ... Hashtag your photos to #evlsnowedin and we’ll select our top picks each month to be featured in print and online

Brenda Perks, DesignPerks of Ellicottville

Advertising Sales

Brenda Perks 716.244.7573 designperks@gmail.com Evan Evans 716.474.6812 evane716@aol.com

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Team Writers

Spencer Timkey Megan Sorokes Pat Morgan Erik Schmitz Kimberly Nobles Melanie Hulick Kristina Barlow

Team Photographers Chris Perks Bob Knab,


SNOWED-IN is distributed in Cattaraugus, Chautauqua & Erie Counties, NY; the Finger Lakes of NY; McKean, Warren & Erie Counties, PA; and Northeast OH

Ellicottville SNOWED-IN is a publication produced by DesignPerks, PO Box 1077, Ellicottville, NY 14731

Article/Photo Contributions

Contributions are welcome. Please submit your articles and photos or topic ideas to designperks@gmail.com

Advertising Rates

Available upon request Deadlines for the 2013-’14 season: December issue: Nov. 10th January issue: Dec. 10th February issue: Jan. 10th March issue: Feb. 10th Please contact one of our sales reps for rates and additional information Ellicottivlle SNOWED-IN is published five times a year in October (Ski Show edition), December, January, February and March by DesignPerks of Ellicottville, PO Box 1077, Ellicottville, NY 14731. Copyright © 2013 by DesignPerks. All rights reserved. Reprinting in whole or part is forbidden except by permission of DesignPerks.

SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014 ... Page 03

protect your

Noggin Sport Making Headway in Reducing Concussions / Traumatic Brain Injuries By Brenda Perks Damon Janes ... ever hear of him? He was an aspiring high school football player and motocross rider from Brocton, NY who lost his life as a result of a head injury suffered on the football field last September. It’s an unfortunate way to say goodbye to anyone – especially a young gentleman whose charismatic charm permeated those surrounding him. It was that charm, however, that brought everyone together. A benefit in his memory was held at Brocton’s Nickel Plate Depot just a few weeks following his death. It was a benefit no one ever wants the privilege of attending, but everyone was there - friends, families, teachers, bikers (both Harley and dirt bike enthusiasts) … those who knew Damon well, those who knew him little, and those who didn’t even know him at all. It was a benefit that saw tremendous support. It was where I met Damon’s dad. Dean Janes is now on a mission. Following the loss of his son, Dean has taken action to help make a difference and spread the word about the importance of protecting our youth from head injury. His mission was evident during the benefit as he passed around and promoted a product that, had he known about before, may have saved his son’s life.

Experience Winter HoliMont is Open to Non-Members Monday - Friday* Check out our Weekday Experience Pass: 10 non-transferable lift tickets for $235



Say hello to Noggin Sport. A new product making headway in all facets of the sports world, Noggin is a gel-filled elastic covering similar to a swim cap that is worn underneath helmets, and is said to reduce impact by 22%. According to Noggin Sport CEO Alex Abramov, “Noggin Sport is dedicated to providing the highest level of protective headwear, to be worn with certified helmets, to protect against the occurrence of head injuries and minor traumatic brain injuries.” He went on to explain that the gel found in a Noggin Sport works to disperse the impact away from the skull, and that the product is made up of the latest dry wear fabric in order to provide the most comfort when being worn. “The Noggin also keeps the helmet in place in the event of a quick head movement or sudden impact,” he said. Noggin Sport, based out of Toronto, has been CSA and HECC tested at the Interek lab in New York City, and has surpassed all standards of testing in various test areas. (Head to their website at www.nogginsport.com to view all the tests performed and their results.) When asked about Noggin’s relationship with the Janes family, Abramov replied, “I had the chance to meet Dean and a lot of the community when I visited during one of the benefits they held for the family. Dean and I share the same vision in making the Noggin a mandatory piece of safety equipment in minor football, as well as other sports.” And that they truly are working towards. Since the tragic loss of Damon Janes, Noggin has donated approximately $15,000 worth of product to Dean Janes and the community of Westfield/Brocton, NY. They’ve also donated $6,000 worth of product to a high school in California after the death of Dodi Soza, who lost his life in an accident similar to Damon’s.

CONGRATULATIONS! During the month of December, Snowed-In again teamed up with 95.7 The Big Pig in Olean, NY to offer an awesome Holiday Giveaway Package. Visitors to our participating establishments were encouraged to fill out an entry ticket and drop it into the “Celebrate the Holidays in Ellicottville” entry boxes on display.

“We’ve partnered up with the families of Damon Janes and Dodi Soza to spread awareness that there is a product out there that adds additional protection to a player’s head without compromising the helmet’s warranty,” said Abramov. “There’s no question about it - the Noggin reduces impact and if that can help reduce one traumatic head injury, it’s well worth it.” Don’t think for a minute that Noggin is solely focused around the football field. “We’ve had inquiries about our protective head bands from various other sports organizations,” said Abramov. “From baseball, motocross, skiing and snowboarding, all the way to equestrian, lacrosse, and soccer. We’re working hard to make the Noggin a household name and get it on as many heads as we can.” Currently, Noggin headwear is only available for purchase online at www.nogginsport.com, but according to Abramov, the company is working on distribution deals to get the product into sports stores everywhere. The product retails online for $39.95 and is available in black, blue and pink, in youth and adult sizes. Local organizations, sports teams, and retailers interested in carrying the Noggin Sport line are encouraged to email Alex Abramov directly at alex@nogginsport.com, or call 416-868-1500.

Congratulations to BERNADETTE WENDEL of East Concord, NY, who’s name was randomly drawn to receive the sweepstakes prize pack: an overnight stay at Sugar Pine Lodge, $275.00 in E-Bucks to spend at sponsoring locations, and a Ellicottville Oasis Spa • Cameleon family pack of weekday ski lift tickets to HoliMont Ellicottville Optical • A Touch of Ellicottville Ski Area. Bernadette’s winning ticket was entered Red Door Ski Shop • Olean Medical Group at Ellicottville Country Store & Antiques. The Holiday Shoppe • The Birdwalk Ellicottville Country Store & Antiques Tops-Ellicottville location Dessert Art Bakery of Salamanca Mikey’s Emporium of Killbuck

Did you miss out? Don’t worry! The Giveaway contest will return this summer in Snowed-In’s sister publication, The Summer Local!

Page 04 ... SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014

ON DECK AT HOLIDAY VALLEY saturday, january 25

sunday, january 26

photo/Bob Knab

FEEL THE RUMBLE of the Jumpstart Harley simulator



By Megan Sorokes

By Spencer Timkey

What happens when skiers and Harley-Davidsons get together at Holiday Valley? A day full of engine-revving, slope-swishing fun during the second annual Harley-Day Valley, set for Saturday, Jan. 25 from 10am-7pm.

Just because we’re located in the Western New York foothills and don’t have as aggressive terrain as, say, Utah or Colorado, the fact remains Ellicottville and Holiday Valley are known throughout the national ski and snowboard circuit. Shops like The City Garage are always willing to play host to fun events on our local mountain, and the “Tell A Friend Tour” is at the top of the list.

“We started it last year,” commented Jane Eshbaugh, Marketing Director for Holiday Valley, explaining that the event is a collaborative effort between Holiday Valley and the Harley-Davidson dealership of Gowanda, NY. “The Harley dealership is busy in the summer, and Holiday Valley is busy in the winter, so we wanted to do something together that would allow Harley Davidson folks to come out and enjoy themselves during the wintertime. This is one day where we encourage bikers to learn to ski, followed by a big celebration.” Harley-Day Valley is a free, family-friendly event that features motorcycle displays, live music, vendors, and the opportunity to learn how to ride a Harley on-site! “It’s called a JumpStart,” Eshbaugh explained of the HarleyDavidson riding experience. “It’s an actual motorcycle - a special trainer that you can sit on, go through the gears and learn how to ride. It’s locked in, the back wheel is on a roller and it’s a lot of fun!” Laura Solly, owner of Daff, 17 W. Washington Street, Ellicottville agreed, and noted that the vendors are available to answer questions about all things Harley-Davidson. “It’s nice to socialize with other shop owners, and other members from town,” Solly said. “It’s a nice alternative to other Ellicottville events, and it brings in different clientele. I went up with some friends last year and we had a great time. We went out, danced, enjoyed a few cocktails and the band was good.” Eshbaugh noted that last year’s event had a great turnout, and she’s hoping this year is a success as well. “Last year was really exciting, as it’s something totally different than we’d ever done before. It’s a fun weekend; there’s so much going on! And everyone is invited! You don’t need to be a skier, snowboarder, or Harley-Davison rider. Just come out and experience winter at Holiday Valley!” For more information or a complete schedule of the day’s events, head over to www.holidayvalley.com or keep tabs by following Holiday Valley on Facebook.

On Jan. 26, Line’s Traveling Circus will return to Holiday Valley. Known for its misfit persona, Andy Parry and crew started cruising around the country in 2008 looking for new terrain and a good time. Parry (among other pro freeride skiers) will come to Holiday Valley and session with local kids to help them learn their own boundaries. “We linked with Andy a couple of years ago and told him he should come check out Holiday Valley,” said Trey Clauss of The City Garage. “It’s a super fun event that allows kids to ski with pros, learn new tricks and generally get super stoked.” Last year’s Tell A Friend event in Ellicottville had an awesome turnout, with tons of kids of all ages coming to shred with the Line crew. Skiing and snowboarding are all about progression, so getting pros to come and help kids push it is awesome. “Line is one of those companies that is always innovating,” Clauss said. “So when we can get a national thing like the Traveling Circus to come, it solidifies what they’re trying to do.” The Traveling Circus fuses freestyle skiing with a reality show theme, and the free episodes online are absolutely hilarious. In a sport and culture that’s all about progression and fun, Parry and crew are definitely hitting it spot on. For more information, head downtown to The City Garage at 5 Monroe Street in Ellicottville and talk to Trey, or like them on Facebook. LINE SKIS ARE AVAILABLE AT: THE CITY GARAGE • DOWNTOWN ELLICOTTVILLE ALL SKIERS ARE WELCOME TO PARTICIPATE IN THE “TELL A FRIEND TOUR”

SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014 ... Page 05

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Page 06 ... SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014


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SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014 ... Page 07

GOOD IDEA BAD IDEA By Spencer Timkey

In one of last summer’s editions of Fore! Golf (Snowed-In’s cousin publication), we ran a segment called Good Idea, Bad Idea. It was a notso-subtle way of informing you what you should and shouldn’t be doing on the golf course. Well, we’re at it again - except this time, let’s focus on skiing and snowboarding etiquette. Enjoy!

Don’t Just Sit There ...

DO SOMETHING! By Megan Sorokes

Tired of watching your friends hit the slopes while you sip hot cocoa and watch from the lodge? Bundle up, grab some skis or a snowboard and join them in January as the nation celebrates “Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month.” During the month of January, Holiday Valley visitors can take advantage of a 20% discount on learner packages, which includes lift ticket, lesson and rentals. Over at HoliMont, guests who bring a friend to the resort will be offered a free lesson. “It’s not expensive,” said Ron Kubicki, Director of Holiday Valley’s Snowsports School, noting the cost for a Learn-to-Ski package in January will be less than $58. He added that the staff is ready to assist each guest with gearing up for the experience. “Our staff help ‘first-timers’ with every aspect, from signing up to going through rentals and getting out in the snow. We’ll spend however long it takes to give our guests a successful first-time experience.” Nicole Verniero of Hamburg, NY said she hit the slopes during last year’s Learn to Ski or Snowboard Month because of her boyfriend. “He skis, and I figured I’d have to learn if I wanted to go with him,” she said. “I took one of my friends along, and we had a great time.” Verniero said the Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month bundle offered by Holiday Valley played a major role in the success of her visit. “It’s very systematic, very well-planned,” she said, noting the bundle includes everything from the ski rentals to the lift ticket and lessons with an instructor. “Our instructor was great; everyone was very helpful and thorough. They don’t just throw you out there, and you don’t feel like a number. The instructors dedicate time to each person. It was easy!” Think you’re too old to start skiing or snowboarding? Think again! “You’re never too old to learn to ski,” Verniero said. “I’m older and I tried it. There was a woman in our group that was 68 years old! It doesn’t matter how old you are or your skill level. The program is very accommodating!” Jane Eshbaugh, Marketing Director at Holiday Valley, noted that this year, the resort is trying something new to increase involvement during Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month. “We’ve partnered with local shops to offer a Learn to Ski or Snowboard Package,” she explained. “Guests participating in the event will receive a pass for a shopping discount or other gift. It gives everyone a chance - at the local stores to talk to a new skier or rider about clothing, accessories and equipment, all of which is important.” Eshbaugh also mentioned another great initiative tied in with Learn to Ski or Snowboard Month. “Learning how to ski and snowboard - it’s such an awesome thing to do, so we’re also offering incentives to someone who brings a friend during the month of January.” Dubbed the “Bring a Friend and Win Challenge,” this added initiative gives skiers and snowboarders the chance to share their passion for snowsports with friends, family and coworkers with a chance to win some great prizes. Visit www.bringafriend.org and www.skiandsnowboardmonth.org, as well Holiday Valley’s website at www.holidayvalley.com for more information about Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month and additional details on the Bring a Friend Challenge. “Go for it,” Verniero exclaimed. “Everyone should try it. What do you have to lose?”

GOOD IDEA: Be aware of your surroundings. I understand that you probably enjoy listening to jams when you’re on the hill (I do as well!) and you can kind of get lost in your music. Don’t. It’s too easy to envision yourself on-stage with N’Sync instead of focusing on the 50 other people who are on the same run as you. Look up the hill before you make a hard cut, watch out for intersecting runs and always be aware of your surroundings. BAD IDEA: Not putting the bar down. What possesses people to not put the safety bar on the chairlift down? It doesn’t make you look any cooler, slick. Nor does it make any sense. Why wouldn’t you want to protect yourself from plummeting 50+ feet? Also, nobody likes to get yelled at by Safety Patrol. Do everyone a favor and just put the bar down. GOOD IDEA: Layer appropriately. In our current age of Under Armour and Dri-FIT and super technical long underwear, it’s not hard to layer. And one good pair of ski or snowboard socks is all you need! Think about it. When you wear three (3!) pairs of cotton socks, your feet A) sweat much more, and the cotton can’t wick up the sweat, therefore making your feet ultimately colder; and B) totally throws off the fit of your boot. DON’T WEAR COTTON NEXT TO YOUR SKIN. Thanks. BAD IDEA: Getting sauced before hitting the hill. I shouldn’t even have to put this in here, but it’s become such a chronic problem that I feel I must. I’m not condemning drinking. But, friends, do it AFTER a day on the hill. Don’t do it before. This is not tubing, nor sledding. Skiing and snowboarding are high-speed, high-risk sports. And if you’re saying to yourself “Well, I don’t care if I get hurt because I’m tough!” just stop. Think about the other people who are on the hill. Aren’t you going to feel like a jerk if you get lit and take out some little kid? Be considerate. Please! GOOD IDEA: Being patient when you’re out on busy weekends. This goes for both the resorts and the local businesses. We’re a resort town. It gets busy here. The bartenders, waitresses, ski rental guys (etc.) want to keep the mass of people moving, but sometimes it gets congested. Please be patient and try to keep the temper/sarcastic comments/dagger eyes away. Everyone here hustles! I’ll tell you this much from working here my entire life - a smile will get your much further than a scowl. BAD IDEA: Being reckless. Staying in control allows you to avoid injuring yourself and someone else. If you’re not good in the terrain park, don’t go straight for the double kink. If you don’t have your turning down, don’t ski Mach-10 into the moguls. The resorts here have enough terrain to keep all facets of skill set occupied, so don’t think you need to overdo it. Just have fun!

Page 08 ... SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014

HoliMont Ski Area officially opened for the 2013-14 ski season on Saturday, December 14th; eleven days earlier than last year’s Christmas Day opening. Since then, the Village of Ellicottville has 1) been buried in beautiful lake effect snow, 2) seen an increase in temperature that all but wiped out the natural snowfall, and then 3) witnessed a Christmas comeback as winter returned just in time to blanket the slopes with enough snow to give the area the winter look that we here at HoliMont love so much. Overall, it’s been a very nice start to the season and it’s already provided us with some great moments. Enjoy!


On the morning of December 16th, HoliMont was blanketed in a fresh snowfall, which made for some fantastic Monday morning skiing and riding.


Late in November the temperatures in Ellicottville dropped and the Mountain Crew was able to fire up the guns and start the snowmaking season at HoliMont.



The SMI PoleCat series was built for simple operation and low maintenance, and is the best option when using a non-potable or unfiltered water supply - this is a great performer in all conditions.

December 14th was the first day of the season at HoliMont. A sincere thank you goes out to all the Members and their guests who came out to kick the season off in style.


HoliMont prides itself on its grooming capabilities. The Groomers at HoliMont know the area like the back of their hand and they take total pride in what they do.

SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014 ... Page 09


On December 28th the sun came out and gave everyone at HoliMont a nice helping of natural Vitamin D. If people weren’t out on the slopes that day then chances are they were camped out on the deck outside the chalet ... taking in the rays.


The family experience is what HoliMont is all about. In today’s world of so many entertainment options, it’s nice to have the option to get the entire family out on the slopes together for some family bonding time.


Just about every weekend at HoliMont, the apres ski scene is almost as lively as the on-hill excitement. The music genera varies from week to week but one thing remains constant ...people are relaxed and having a good time.


Safety is an important aspect of any ski area and HoliMont is no different. The volunteer Ski Patrol at HoliMont is made up of some of the most dedicated people you will ever meet. Their commitment to the well-being of HoliMont skiers and riders is second to none. For over 50 years, families and snowsports enthusiasts from miles around have converged on HoliMont, North America’s largest private ski area devoted to family skiing adventures. Generations of members have been drawn in by the amazing skiing, only to fall in love with the warm, community atmosphere that makes HoliMont the kind of place you never want to leave. During the week, HoliMont is happy to welcome the public and groups. Our eight lifts service over 50 slopes and trails. Head to www.holimont.com.


Page 10 ... SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014






Holiday Valley Mountain Shops Holiday Valley Resort • EVL 716.699.2345

The Boardroom Snowboard Shop 6113 Route 219 • EVL 716.699.5620

What chalet couldn’t use some trail sign decor from your favorite resort? Pick from Falcon, Eagle, The Wall, Foxfire, Champagne, Yodeler, Cindy’s, Mardi Gras, Morningstar Tannenbaum, Bear Cub, or The Chute! Signs are available at the Main and Yodeler Mountain Shops. Shipping is available!

Show your pride for our athletes heading to Sochi with the America Collection from The Boardroom. Red, white and blue is the go-to color scheme! A star-spangled beanie and bandito makes you a walking flag, while the 9FIFTY #shoplocal snapback from New Era lets you keep it cool all year long. Chances are, we’ll once again win the medal count. U-S-A!

CANADA GOOSE FULL LINE $325.00-$795.00


Dekdebruns Ski & Snowboard 18 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.2754

Ellicottville Brewing Co. 28 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.2537

Shown is the men’s Canada Goose Expedition Parka. Choose from a full line of street or technical gear made from Hutterite White Goose down. Experience the light, fluffy warmth of nature’s efficient engineering, giving these jackets an 800-fill power (on a scale with a common range running from 500-850). Choose from a line of jackets and accessories that will keep you from wanting to migrate south this winter.

Everyone loves a strong pint of brew from EBC. The Christmas Jug Pack is one of the coolest things the Brew Pub’s new retail space has to offer. For just under $30, you get a branded jug and two pint glasses. Inside the package is a gift card - take your jug in and get it filled up with whatever beer you fancy. An awesome idea for anyone that loves EBC’s beer (so, pretty much everyone).



Gado Gado 26 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.2128

Nature’s Remedy 26 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.4372

By Malia Design and Global Girlfriend - both supply hand-sewn, artisan products that employ disadvantaged Cambodian women and disabled individuals. Malia Design’s proceeds benefit organizations in Cambodia and Chicago that prevent human and child trafficking. Global Girlfriend’s proceeds fund micro-grants to women in developing nations and support Greater Good, a nonprofit that aids people, pets, and the planet.

Be both kind to the earth and friendly to your palate as you sip a hot or cold beverage from insulated glass. The double insulation features an air pocket to protect your hands from the heat (or lack thereof). Also included is an infusing section to steep tea, a variety of which can also be purchased at Nature’s Remedy. Don’t forget your local honey to to quell your allergies when winter melts into spring.



Ellicottville Oasis 23 Jefferson St. • EVL 716.699.8996

Mud, Sweat n’ Gears 18 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.8300

Dry skin is the worst! Whipped Shea Butter Body Polish from Farmhouse Fresh will leave your skin feeling prime when you wake up. Apply it in the morning in the shower or bath and start the day off right! It’s got caffeine and Vitamin E as well, which help the body get fired up.

This holiday season, MSG urges you to come on in, and check out the all new Soul 7 ski, produced by Rossignol. This nimble ski features a paulownia wood core, reducing weight by nearly 20%. Couple this with Rossignol’s new “Air Tip” honeycomb design (which reduces swing weight) and you’ve got a ride like no other. Schedule a fitting of your own, call MSG today!


SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014 ... Page 11


BOGS Classic High Handles $110.00

Nouriche 14 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.1034

Slopeside Ski Shop @HoliMont • EVL 716.699.4698

Brooklyn-based artist and designer Adam Fink’s Lumen Candles will create a dazzling spectacle on a wall in your home. Choose from several images to project: a flock of birds, magnolia, pine or cedar trees, a buck, or nesting lovebirds that move naturally with the dance of the flickering light. No wonder these stainless steel gems have been featured in Dwell, The New York Times, and HGTV!

The Bogs Classic High Handles is the ideal WNY boot, as it will handle just about any weather condition. It is made out of durable hand-lasted rubber and 7mm waterproof Neo-Tech insulation so your feet are going to stay dry! Plus, it’s comfort-rated for temperatures up to -40°F. The pull handles make getting the boot on very easy. Check out Slopeside at HoliMont in the main chalet for all your Bogs necessities.



EVL Ink Tattoo & Apparel 5 E. Washington St. • EVL 716.699.1048

A Touch of Ellicottville 26 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.5385

Craving an alternative look that will set you apart? EVL Ink Tattoo & Apparel is a onestop shop to pick up Sullen Art Collective gear, specifically their well-crafted women’s and men’s sweatshirts. Come see why this unique shop is the only place in the region to buy Sullen’s trendsetting apparel!

Looking to support both a local shop and artist? A Touch of Ellicottville features an array of Ellicottville and Lime Lake themed, hand-thrown mugs, plates, bowls, jugs, and other pottery. The neutral tones are sure to match any décor or design palate. Throw them in the dishwasher or microwave without fretting, because these lookers are both dishwasher and microwave safe!


TURBO FAN SERIES $190.00-$275.00

Hampshire Mills 890 Broad St. • Salamanca, NY 716.945.3100

The City Garage 5 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.2054

Keep your little one’s feet warm this winter season with these adorable fuzzy moccasins by LAMO. Crafted from suede and featuring a cute bow decoration, the moccasins are lined with soft merino wool, providing soft comfort for your little one. Available in pink and chestnut, in sizes ranging from age 3 months to 24 months.

The crew over at the City Garage have something unique in their diverse goggle selection. Introducing the Turbo Fan series from Smith Optics. Experience the top fog prevention in the industry! With Smith’s supercharged Vaporator lens system, coupled with their brand new 5X Anti Fog Inner lens, these goggles will prove more effective than anything else on the market.



EVL Cheese Company 5 E. Washington St. • EVL 716.699.1065

Holiday Shoppe 13 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.4620

These award-winning brie bakers come in many different colors (plum, apple red, cast iron, white, and cobalt blue) and sizes. The shop offers a variety of brie cheeses with several topping options, including cranberry and almonds, fruit and nuts, and caramelized onions. Don’t forget the chutney! There are many flavors to choose from!

Are you ready to make your friends jealous of your stylish new gear? Drop in at the Holiday Shoppe to pick up a New Dimensions scarf or poncho or a Love of Fashion sweater vest. The reasonable prices will tempt you to purchase all of the above! Faux fur will insulate as the poncho and sweater vest adorn to make you simply the talk of the town!

DAHLGREN ‘SNO’ ALPACA SOCKS starting at $21.00

RED RASPBERRY WINE $16.50/bottle (buy 6 get 1 free)

Mager Mountain Alpacas 69 Mountain View Dr. • Little Valley, NY 716.938.9077

Winery of Ellicottville 14 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.1055

These knee-high socks are made of alpaca/ merino wool with a patented Dri-Stride System, keeping you warm and dry no matter how long you stay out on the hill. They have a cushioned shin for comfort in ski boots, reinforced heel for added durability, and are flat knit everywhere else for optimal fit. Available in a variety of designs for both men and women.

Fermented right here in Ellicottville and back by popular demand, the 100% red raspberry dessert wine (released in December) is only available in the Winery’s Ellicottville shop. Make sure to hurry, as last year’s supply quickly sold out! Drizzle its simultaneous sweet and tart flavors over cheesecake, ice cream, or serve it solo to impress guests and loved ones.

Page 12 ... SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014

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SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014 ... Page 13


Apres Cuisine

with Chef Brian Kiendl of John Harvard’s Brew House

WINTER SEARED SEA SCALLOPS WITH BACON JAM SEARED SEA SCALLOPS Turnip Puree Braised Kale with Turnips Bacon Jam Saffron Cream Vanilla Essence

The JANUARY Snowed-In Special of the Month at John Harvard’s

BACON JAM 4 ea. Slices Bacon 2 c. Red Wine Vinegar 1 c. Sugar ½ c. Raisins PROCESS: Rough cut bacon slices in approximately 1-½” thick pieces. Render bacon crispy in medium/high heat. Remove from pan and drain grease. Add bacon back to the pan and dust with sugar, cover with red wine vinegar and reduce to syrup consistency. Repeat once more. Add to food processor and macerate with raisins







The dish I have chosen for SOUTHERN TIER’S this month’s SNOWED-IN 2XMAS special is quite a bit lighter than last month’s. The spiced flavors in this beer Although the garnish for will not only hold up to the this dish screams winter, sweetness in this dish, the scallops tend to offer a but help them more delicate feel on your along. pallet. I love cooking with scallops due to the fact that they are extremely versatile. During the THINK SWEETER WHITE warmer spring and summer months, Being that the scallops will be I prefer to serve them raw like a carpaccio, on the sweeter side, choose a or lightly cured as you would in a ceviche. Scallops sweeter white, such as a Riesling, truly do carry a lot of weight with many different flavors, but come colder weather, there’s nothing like to add a level of sweetness. a perfectly cooked scallop hot out of the pan. This A Riesling will pair well dish can be executed from home with no pressure of with the “winter” being too “professional,” so give it a try! garnish.


Chef Brian Kiendl is a graduate of F.C.I. in New York City with a Grand diploma in classis French technique. He continued his studies in France, and later found himself working near his hometown as the chef at the Athenaeum Hotel. He then traveled back to New York City to learn from some of the best in the business, before landing the head chef position at John Harvard’s Brew House, located inside the Tamarack Club at Holiday Valley Resort, phone 716-699-5350.

Let’s Eat.

Page 14 ... SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014




The Silver Fox opened its doors on the 21st of December in 1974, making this season its 39th year in business. As you can imagine, at that point in time the restaurant options in Ellicottville were considerably less than they are today. “At that time we were a meat and potatoes establishment,” said Silver Fox owner, Michael Nickolson. As Ellicottville materialized into the ski town that you now know, the restaurant evolved along with it by expanding its menu and shifting its focus when necessary. Mike’s father, the late Gerry Nickolson, owned a construction business before the restaurant came into being. After purchasing the building in 1968 (which at one point was a fur barn where trappers traded pelts), for a price that is just plain laughable by today’s Ellicottville standards, the father/son duo eventually opened what was to be the 5th sit-down eatery in Ellicottville. With Gerry working the floor and Michael in the kitchen, The Silver Fox soon became an Ellicottville mainstay. “We try to serve the best product we can and do it in a way that is aesthetically pleasing,” Nickolson said. “There are a lot of wonderful things on the menu. Ordering here all depends on whether you are eating to fill a void in your stomach or eating for the sheer enjoyment of the experience.” Nickolson isn’t lying. The menu covers a wide range of options. Everything from salads and pizza to pasta, steak and seafood; The Silver Fox has you covered for your night out on the town. Dinner at The Silver Fox is certainly something to experience. With a softly lit dining area and a hospitable looking bar, you’ll find something to appease just about everyone in your dining party. The Silver Fox has grown beyond its “meat and potatoes” beginning, but it still very much specializes in meat. The steak at the restaurant is cooked to a tee based on your preference (and more impressively, it is some of the tenderest “melt in your mouth” steak you will find!) The 16oz. 21-day dryaged strip steak isn’t listed on the menu, but it is on the specials board when available … and when it’s available, it is nothing short of mouthwatering. Speaking of mouthwatering, and if you’re more of a “surf” than “turf” person, Nickolson has recently added some new seafood to the menu. It comes in the form of a freshwater shrimp that is grown on a farm where the conditions allow for the harvesters to control the size of the shrimp. The result is an enormous shrimp (picture a small lobster tail) that is firm yet quite tender and has a lobster-like taste to it. Sound right up your ally? Try the bouillabaisse, a hearty offering of scallops, shrimp, mussels, and fresh fish topped with a light saffron broth that compliments each morsel of seafood to perfection. Since we are on the topic of seafood, in terms of appetizers you cannot go wrong with the Asian Splendor. These coconut shrimp spring rolls, chicken teriyaki pot stickers, and sakura greens with a side of Japanese sauce are a fantastic way to ease your way in to your main course. When it’s all said and done (and if at all possible), leave room for dessert. There are plenty of choices to select from, and each one looks like a fine choice to end your meal. Aside from the food, The Silver Fox has some other unique offerings to check out. Its Wednesday Date Night has been gaining popularity for some time now. Bring your date in and start off with a glass of wine for each of you and a shared appetizer, and then choose a bowl of salad to share, one entrée to share, and one dessert to share - all for $42. This affordable, romantic evening is a fantastic way to break up the workweek. The following night there is Thursday Night Ribeye Night, where you can order a 14oz. Certified Angus Beef cut of steak and a glass of wine for $27. Come any Friday and check out the Martini Club. This year ‘round social gathering is a nice way to kick off the weekend in style, while getting to improve your knowledge on various gins. There is a “club” sign-in book attend four Fridays in any given month, sign the book each visit, and you can win a $50 gift certificate to the restaurant. The Silver Fox Steakhouse is located at 23 Hughey Alley in Ellicottville, phone 716-699-4672. They are open everyday except Tuesday, at 4pm. Dinners are served starting at 5pm. Find them at www.thesilverfoxrestaurant.com and on Facebook.

Finally, while at The Silver Fox, ask about the Loyalty Card. For $12 you can purchase a card (the $12 is then added to the card) and every time you order, 10% of your bill gets added to the card. Accrue enough “points” and you can start to take money off future bills. Loyalty really does have its benefits!

SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014 ... Page 15

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Page 16 ... SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014

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SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014 ... Page 17


BARTENDERS ellicottville



If you happen to pop into Madigan’s during one of your winter pilgrimages to EVL, you’ll undoubtedly be greeted by a cast of characters like no other - from the patrons to the staff. This happy hour haven is home base for many locals who enjoy the house wine and the comfort afforded by the iconic woodstove. One of the newest faces behind the bar there is Jorden Leydecker, 22 years young, hailing from over the river and through the woods, growing up in nearby East Otto. When she’s not slinging drinks at the “Green Bar,” Leydecker is a self-employed personal trainer at Spring Creek Athletic Club in Springville, putting her Bachelor of Sport Medicine from the University of Pittsburgh to good use.

Interview By Pat Morgan P. MORGAN: There are a lot of bars and restaurants in EVL, how did you wind up at Madigan’s? JORDEN: Even if given the choice of other places to work, Madigan’s would still be my #1. I was told about the job by a friend and was introduced to Shane Kell on a Friday night while out. Luckily I got a call within a few days and was thrown to Dawn Anderson (fellow bartender) to get ready for Fall Fest. It’s my first bartending job but I picked it up pretty quickly over the past year. I used to work at Friendly’s, so mixing a drink is just like making a sundae, just different ingredients - laughs - Madigan’s is the best job anyone could ask for! P. MORGAN: When you’re not holding it down at Happy Hour or on those weekend nights at Madigan’s, what else are you into? JORDEN: I spend a lot of time at the gym, either working out or training people. I love being there and I’ve made a lot of friends as well as networked myself as a personal trainer. I am always willing to help people in any way I can. I ski, but am using my free time wisely this winter to learn to snowboard. I’m always into gaining new hobbies! I also take advantage when I’m not working to spend some time on the other side of the bar with my friends and family and hangout with them - I’ve got a number of amazing girls that are great friends and always up for having fun. Random road trips and spontaneous memories are always the best. You have to take full advantage of the days you wake up with no plans, but lots of people to hang out with and lots of things to do, especially locally! P. MORGAN: Madigan’s - like any bar in EVL - has it’s crazy moments. What’s the wildest thing you’ve experienced thus far there? JORDEN: There are literally so many crazy things that have happened at the bar, I can’t just name one. You get to the point when working there that things don’t even seem wild, just normal. I’ve seen way too many people doing way too many things I would love to erase from my memory. Old women taking off their clothes, the stripper pole being used by multiple guys at a

time, the amount of people that come dressed in costumes when it isn’t Halloween. But all the memories make good stories. Pick-up lines get better and better every day. I had a guy last New Year’s Eve try to jump over the bar while yelling “I want to be the first Marine you’ve kissed!” Oh and being given the nickname “Shooter” is always fun to explain; ask me about it during your next visit! Needless to say, Madigan’s brings out the best in people. P. MORGAN: What else should readers know about you? JORDEN: I try to have as much fun as I can and take advantage of life every day. I am someone who realizes all the blessings and opportunities I have, and I intend not to let any of them go to waste. I believe if you work hard in life and are a genuinely good person, good will come to you. And you can never have too many friends and family, so stock up! You can sleep when you’re dead! P. MORGAN: It’s been rumored that you mix your other job as a trainer, with your bartending job, and have created a push-up shot? How the heck did this come about? JORDEN: I wish I could take credit for the push-up shot but I can’t. That actually came about on the day of the Madigan’s golf tournament this past summer. It was Shane’s brilliant idea, but I like to spread it around as much as I can. Anyone can drink a lot, but it takes real talent to exercise while drinking. Plus I think multitasking is always a positive, so the push-up shot is something I love to teach. Come on in for a tutorial! P. MORGAN: Shout Outs? JORDEN: I have to give a shout out to my bosses, Kevin and Grace Kell. They are the most generous people I have ever met. Not to mention Shane, Brynn, Connor and Caitlin - they have all become family to me. Along with them, I have to say thank you to Dawn, Chad and Jay. We make up the best group of coworkers and I’ve never had so much fun at a job thanks to them. I love all of my Friday happy hour group that come to visit me, not to mention my usual Saturday day drinkers. Those people know who they are and make my shifts go by so much more quickly. And of course I have to thank the large group of locals who have become great friends of mine; you guys give me amazing memories and are a huge reason why I love my job and life so much!

The next time you’re in Ellicottville, be sure to pop into the one and only “Green Bar,” Madigan’s, a local tradition for 30 years now. With a staff rich in character, a menu rich in flavor, and spirits that enrich the soul, you’ll want to make this bar one of your regular stops on your “Tour of Ellicottville.” Whether it’s Thursday night with Party Squad upstairs, theme parties like the “Bad Ski Suit Party” being planned for Jan. 17, or casual afternoons sitting by the woodstove, there are always conversations to be had and memories to be made at Madigan’s. Located at 44 Washington Street, you can reach ‘em by phone at 716-699-4455.


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A closer look with:

Barbara Fox WEBSITE: www.barbarafoxartstudio.com HOST LOCATION: KATY’S CAFE Washington St., Ellicottville

Take a step inside a number of downtown businesses in Ellicottville, and you’re sure to see a variety of art adorning the walls or displayed on retail counters. The artists are local; their artworks are available for sale. Claim your piece of Ellicottville.

By Kimberly Nobles

Her work has been showcased in many places, including The Inkwell in Allegany, the Oxford Gallery in Rochester, various galleries in northern California, and of course her own studio in Ellicottville, better known as the Mill Street Gallery. Her realistic paintings have a luminous quality that may cause you to question whether they are actual paintings, or photographs. We’d like you to meet Barbara Fox. She is an artist of watercolor and oil, and her works have made their way into another popular hot spot here in Ellicottville - Katy’s Café, located on the main drag. Fox has dabbled in painting here and there throughout her life, but it wasn’t until after her son was born and the family moved to rural California, that she began painting regularly. Her former occupation, freelance graphic design, had rendered itself difficult due to the family’s relocation away from the big cities, so it was painting that she ultimately turned to. Watercolor wasn’t always her prime choice, however. Fox applied to teach a drawing course at an Oakland art studio, but when another instructor was hired, Fox was instead offered to teach a beginning watercolor class. After accepting the position, she raced to the library to learn as much as she could about watercolor (since she had never even taken a class herself!) Her crash course led to a deep love of watercolor. “The challenge, versatility, and beauty of the medium never tires,” Fox says. Even now that she has opened up to oil painting, watercolors hold a magic for her that other mediums can’t duplicate. Fox’s dynamic works of art led to the opportunity to become a Master Designer for the U.S. Mint. To date, eleven of her designs have been made into commemorative coins. The sheer number of paintings she showcases on her blog (www.barbarafoxwatercolors.blogspot.com) is amazing, and each one is beautiful and singularly detailed. It is the beautiful landscape surrounding her which often inspires her outdoor scenes, but it is the way light shines on an object that gets her enthusiastic to capture it in a painting. Barbara starts her days answering emails, updating her blog and Etsy site (www.etsy.com/shop/bfoxart), posting new art to Facebook, editing her newsletter, and other business related computer work. Once accomplished, she strives to paint five hours a day, but confesses that sometimes these hours are spent sanding and preparing canvases, framing, and packing and shipping paintings. In her (rare) downtime, Barbara enjoys walks, visits with friends and family, and reading. If you are interested in browsing or purchasing some of Barbara’s work, you can visit her website at www.barbarafoxartstudio.com or Etsy store. For an in-person experience, Barbara’s studio, the Mill Street Gallery, is sure to have a great selection. Stop in and pick out what inspires you!

SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014 ... Page 19



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• NO Lift Tickets Needed!!! • 20+ MILES OF GROOMED TRAILS! • Adult and Children Ski Rentals Available • Snowshoe Rentals Available • Beautiful Vistas and Overlooks • Year Round Cabin Rentals • Summit Mountain Shop / Snack Bar The Largest Cross Country Ski • Plenty of Parking T Year-Rhoe Area in Western u FIND US ON FACEBOOK Park! nd New York! Allegany-State-Park-Shops-Restaurant For Ski Conditions and Info: www.alleganynordic.org (716) 354-9121 or (716) 354-9282

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Page 20 ... SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014


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FB: EllicottvilleSnowedIn Follow Us on Instagram @evlsnowedin Ellicottville: SNOWED-IN is a publication produced by DesignPerks PO Box 1077, Ellicottville, NY 14731

SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014 ... Page 21

Nature’s Remedy

natural foods market & holistic wellness center

Welcome to “In.Form” ... Burn Fat. Be Fit. For Life.


hom e

By Dr. Kristina Barlow, N.D., C.S.T

Happy New Year! 2014.

It’s that time again … time to put our New Year’s Resolutions into action. Last year at this time, the Journal of Clinical Psychology published a study on New Year’s Resolution Statistics. Of the top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for 2012, “Losing Weight” was number one and “Staying Fit and Healthy” was number five. Regarding success of our goals, 45% of Americans usually make resolutions, while only 8% of them are successful in achieving their goals. Of the types of resolutions, weight related goals ranked second at 38%. Speaking of weight-related goals ... according to the CDC, more than one third of Americans are obese; childhood obesity is ever on the rise. Obesity is the leading cause of preventable death, and the medical cost for obesity is over $150 billion per year! It is no wonder why weight loss is a top New Year’s Resolution here in America!

WHAT IS In.Form? The reality of being overweight or obese robs us of our truer beauty, our time, our health, our loved ones, our money, our happiness and our security. This grim reality does not have to be your reality. If you have somehow become overweight, obese or unhealthy, YOU CAN reverse this and become the truer version of yourself! There is no quick fix or magic pill that will change your health. Only a total commitment to changing your lifestyle permanently will change the state of your body. Whether you are overweight, unhealthy or both, I want to challenge you to become part of this 13-week holistic approach to weight loss where you will burn fat and be lean … for life! I had an opportunity two weeks ago to be trained in Utah for an In.Form health and weight loss program. It came at a great time in my practice, as more and more I see that 75% of what people experience in their physical, mental and emotional health comes from what they eat. It is becoming a challenge to help people change their lifestyles through personal consultations alone. While many people still don’t understand the basics of our toxic food industry, others have become self-educated but are very confused, while others who have substantial knowledge find it challenging to change their lifestyles. This program is not just for people struggling with their weight and lack of helpful information, but also for those who would like to be healthier and more informed. The more we understand about health and our bodies, the greater our chances are of achieving and MORE importantly, MAINTAINING, the health and wellness we seek.

What is In.Form?

In.Form is a 13-week holistic health and weight loss program designed to utilize nutrition, supplements, exercise, education, social support and individualized coaching to bring information, inspiration, hope and practical tools to your front door. We will not be counting calories or points, but rather focusing on a truly healthy lifestyle. We will lead you to the fountain of health … it is up to you to drink the water. This journey will be A LOT of fun and we’ll build great memories in the process!

The 13 week program (1 hour 15 minutes per week) will consist of the following: WEEKLY CHECK-IN AND SOCIALIZING (first ½ hour) • Assess initial state of your body and effectiveness of the program • Weight, Body Fat %, Body Water %, Muscle Mass, Daily Caloric Intake, Metabolic Age, Bone Mass, Viseral fat and six body measurements • Try two new shakes recipes/week

OTHER BENEFITS YOU’LL RECEIVE • Resource Guide and Participant Manual • Free bag of vegan protein powder • Protein Shaker • Before and after pictures (if desired) • Discounts on other services at Nature’s Remedy

WEEKLY CLASS (1 hr.) • Education on our essential food plan, knowing our bodies, our food industry, shopping, eating out, supplements, recipes, toxicity, detoxification, our personal sources of influence, how to be in control of those influences, food journaling, adjusting your plan and goals by evaluating your body measurements and journal, reading labels, snaking, sugar, processed foods, caffeine, our body’s many cries for water, healthy sources of protein, fat, carbohydrates and fiber, assistance with emotional releases or overcoming mental and emotional obstacles, juicing, blending, sleep, stress, metabolic rate, helping your children and your spouse … and more. • Weekly Door Prizes • Weekly Awards (individual and group) • Monthly Health Assessment Questionnaire • Individualized health coaching

WHEN WILL THE NEXT In.Form PROGRAM START? • Class 1: Monday, Jan. 13 from 6:30-7:45pm • Class 2: Friday, Jan. 17 from 7:30-8:45pm • Both classes will continue for 13 weeks straight with the 13th week being a CELEBRATION!

Please call Kristina C. Barlow, N.D. for more information or to make an appointment. She can be reached directly at 716-353-0786 or email her at drbarlow@naturopathicpartners.com. Nature’s Remedy is located at 26 Monroe Street in Ellicottville and can be found on the web at natures-remedy.net or by phone at 716-699-4372. Kristina is a naturopathic doctor and craniosacral therapist practicing in Western NY, specializing in mental and emotional health, neurological challenges, musculoskeletal dysfunctions, detoxification and weight loss. *These ideas are not meant to be substitutes for proper allopathic care; they are used together with it. This information is NOT intended to “treat,” “cure,” “diagnose” nor be a substitute for the proper diagnostic assessments and treatments prescribed by your doctor. Naturopathic doctors are not PCPs, so always consult with your doctor for your health care needs. This article is only intended for your information, at your discretion and supplementing your allopathic care. *All products, information and services listed in this article are available at Nature’s Remedy, 26 Monroe Street, Ellicottville, NY 14731. HOW MUCH? Cost for the 13-week In.form program is $295 per person (that’s about $98/month or $24/week!) Call Nature’s Remedy for more information or to sign up!

All the great books and documentaries out there right now have basic common objectives to health - cut out all processed foods and sugar, drink more water, eat clean fruits, vegetables and animal proteins (or, for some, no animal proteins at all), decrease or eliminate caffeine and become educated about your body and our food industry. NOT one book out there is promoting processed foods, refined carbohydrates, genetically modified foods, sugar, sodas, alcohol, cigarettes, herbicides, pesticides, antibiotics, growth hormones, cruel animal manufacturing and no water intake. Yet our marketing and advertising industries promote them. Our culture is obsessed and addicted to them. And, knowingly or unknowingly, we fall into their spell. Let’s break the chains that are binding our success to healing and optimal health. Please join me and the entire crew at Nature’s Remedy as we take this journey together.

Page 22 ... SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014



RY A U R B FE N I Y N A, C N A M ALA S O T G N I N R U p right) T T E tured to R ic R p ( E T S B E ENT I IC CA M T R B E C I E R T I A S H Y L R IS EXC AR’S ENERG E H R E N K T O AMSOI S UC 68 MON HS IN IS YE






event to the other side of the casino, which will allow them to build an even better course, which many experts in the industry labeled the “event of the year.” Like most of you reading this edition of SNOWED-IN, you’re probably checking in on what’s new at your favorite local ski resorts, the shopping and character of the village Over 15,000 fans poured through the gates in Salamanca last year to witness the By Pat Morgan

of Ellicottville, and of course local happenings in the surrounding communities. Lucky for you, this issue boasts all of those things and more, as we have one heck of an event coming to the area in early February. Introducing the AMSOIL Championship Snocross, taking place at the Seneca Allegany Casino & Hotel Feb. 7-8! If you have yet to check out an event like this, toss your leg over the seat, and let’s go for a ride! The 2014 AMSOIL Championship Snocross Series (presented by RAM truck) will roar into Cattaraugus County, bringing with it some 200 of the best snowmobile racers in North America, just over the hill in neighboring Salamanca, NY. If you’ve never seen snocross (as snowmobile racing is called), then you’re in for a real treat. Imagine watching a field of 20 snocross athletes, skillfully navigating a course of jumps, bumps, berms and turns, at speeds that will truly leave you in awe. To the average person, it may appear that these athletes are hanging on for dear life on these 160hp machines.

nationally televised event, adding to the buzz and excitement of the venue even more. The production level of the event is second to none - featuring state-of-the-art video boards with all new instant replay capabilities, as well as live streaming online for those not fortunate enough to breathe these turbo charged exhaust fumes in person!

SNOWED-IN also caught up with ISOC director Carl Schubitzke, who couldn’t have been more enthusiastic when speaking of this particular event. He cited cooperation and over-the-top professionalism from the city of Salamanca, as well as the staff at Seneca Allegany Casino, noting that easy-to-work-with teams like this “get the racers even more excited to perform their best!” Schubitzke also revealed some surprising details about the sled culture in this region: there are nearly 20,000 registered snowmobiles in Erie, Niagara, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, and Allegany Counties. New York State alone garners nearly $1 billion due to this surprisingly thriving industry. In response to this impressive stat, the Seneca Gaming Corporation and the Seneca SNOWED-IN reached out to Tucker Hibbert via Twitter (@hibbert68) who pilots the Nation of Indians recently invested over $65,000 into Snow Bounders Inc., which has #68 Monster Energy Arctic Cat, winner of the pro series’ inaugural event last year. enabled the construction and maintenance necessary for a 1.5-mile trail connecting Hibbert revealed, “The Salamanca event was a pleasant surprise - incredible track, the casino and its hotel to over 90 miles of existing snowmobile terrain in Allegany coupled with my come-from-behind victory couldn’t have been sweeter! #repeat”. To State Park … talk about commitment! those of you who don’t tweet fluently in 140 characters or less - Hibbert is looking forward to winning his second straight Salamanca AMSOIL Snocross stop, and With all of these great details, it’s a no-brainer where you should be Feb. 7-8. Advance chances are, he’ll be a favorite! tickets start at $25 and can be purchased via isocracing.com. For the incredible value of $30, one can purchase an all-weekend pass. If you’re traveling in a group, opt Anyone who attended last year’s race already knows how incredible this event is. for the four-pack of all-weekend passes for $100. Couple this with children 6 and But for those of you new, let’s go over some of the basics. This series is put on by under receiving free admission, and this is truly a family event not to be missed. New the ISOC, which stands for International Series of Champions, a sanctioning body this year: a “Family Zone,” which will include miniature snowmobile test drives, a responsible for the production of this multi-stop tour, which visits all (cold) parts of vendor village, food and beverage, athlete autograph signings and more. Packages North America. Just as crews at HoliMont and Holiday Valley make snow to cover are available for those attending the event, so click over to SenecaCasinos.com to the slopes, these crews will take nearly one million gallons of water and turn it to learn more, or call 716-945-9300 to inquire about the casino’s impressive 413 room snow, covering more than a football field’s worth of property, adjacent to the Seneca hotel and 2,000 slot, 33 table game facility. Needless to say, there is something for Allegany Casino. With year one out of the way, the ISOC has decided to move the everyone, when the 2014 AMSOIL Championship Snocross Series arrives this year!


SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014 ... Page 23

Grand Funk Railroad

Party Down with the Hits at SENECA ALLEGANY CASINO

A Conversation with Don Brewer HULICK: You’ll be playing Seneca Allegany Casino at the end of January. That is close to the beautiful ski village of Ellicottville. Do you or any members of the band ski? BREWER: Well I used to ski quite a few years ago, but I didn’t plan on doing any skiing this time. We’re actually coming from a show in Miami the night before and on to Michigan for a show the very next day, so there won’t be any time for me to hit the slopes. HULICK: You’ve been in the business for over four decades and you’re music is played on classic rock stations to this day. BREWER: Yes, we’re celebrating 45 years this year. HULICK: Did you ever think, starting out, you would be at this point all these years later? BREWER: I never dreamed this. All you wanted to do back then was to make a hit record and go for a couple years. We were fortunate to have a great career. Even back in the 70’s and then continuing into the 80’s and then we reunited in the 90’s and we’ve been going ever since. It’s pretty amazing. I love the fact that I can go out on the stage and see three or four generations of people that know the words to our songs.

.............................. Sunday, Jan. 26 @ 5pm | Seneca Allegany Casino By Melanie Hulick If you’re a fan of classic rock music, then you’re a fan of Grand Funk Railroad. The five-piece band that made it big in the 1970’s is a staple on any classic rock radio station you listen to. Formed in 1969 in Flint, Michigan, GFR is celebrating their 45th year in the business and will be making a stop at Seneca Allegany Casino Event Center in Salamanca for one show only on Jan. 26. I had the chance to catch up with original member and singer/ drummer, Don Brewer, from his home in Florida on a very snowy day here in Western New York. “How much snow do you have?” asked Brewer. My answer of over four feet quickly drew the response, “Can you get rid of that before we get there?” With the backing of 13 gold records, 10 platinum records, two number one singles and their signature driving beat, the band still tours and packs them in wherever they play. In July of 2011 over 25,000 showed up to “party down” with this “American Band” at the Molson Canal Series Concert in Tonawanda, which Brewer recalled as being one of the best shows they’ve played.

HULICK: There is a lot of music history in the band, as far as the newer members. They’ve played with KISS, Michael Bolton, Meatloaf, Bob Seger … BREWER: (laughs) And 38 Special. HULICK: (laughs) How do you go from KISS to Michael Bolton? That’s incredible! BREWER: (laughs) We got a great bunch of guys. We’ve had the same group since 2000, so we’re going into our 14th year this year. It’s a great cast of characters, as I like to say. It’s a lot of fun. We all get along and it’s a talented bunch of people. HULICK: You got started in music at a very young age. BREWER: Yes, I had my first band, The Red Devils, when I was 12. We played at the elementary school gymnasium at lunch time. (laughs) My dad was a former drummer and my mother was a former dance instructor, so they were totally into me getting involved in music. My sister went on to be a dancer on Broadway. So I had all the support I needed. It was with my second band, The Jazzmasters, that I started playing the drums and singing at the same time, which made me one of a few who did that. We had some regional success with that band, and from that we took me and Mark Farner, and when we enlisted Mel Schacher we became Grand Funk Railroad. HULICK: How did you come up with the name? BREWER: There’s a railroad in Michigan called the Grand Trunk Western Railroad that as we were growing up waiting for the train to pass you kept reading Grand Trunk Western Railroad, and in the 1960’s this new music came along called funk. So we thought we’d do a play on words and call us Grand Funk Railroad rather than Grand Trunk. Back then it was a little risqué, but nobody thinks much about it today. Back then people would ask, “What did you say the name was?” People thought you were saying the F bomb. It was a powerful name back then because you combined the use of funk music with the sound of a train. HULICK: That constant beat a train makes as it passes you on the tracks. BREWER: Right. Exactly.

The current band consists of Brewer, bassist and original member Mel Schacher, singer Max Carl, lead guitarist Bruce Kulick and keyboardist Tim Cashion … “All of who have been with GFR since 2000,” said Brewer.

HULICK: Who were your musical influences? BREWER: There have been tons of them. As far as the drummers I was influenced by, I would have to say Dino Danelli from the Rascals, Mitch Mitchell from Hendrix’s band and Ginger Baker from Cream.

Asking what we can expect from their upcoming show, Brewer said, “I like to say we play the hits plus. We do play some new stuff, but we really concentrate on the hits like ‘American Band,’ ‘Locomotion,’ ‘Some Kind of Wonderful,’ ‘I’m Your Captain’ … we give the audience what they’re there for … the hits.”

HULICK: What’s your favorite song to do live? BREWER: Well I really get a kick out of doing “Some Kind Of Wonderful.” A lot of times I’ll see little kids on their grandparent’s shoulders singing the words to the song. It’s so adorable and you think to yourself … Oh my God, that little kid knows the words to “Some Kind Of Wonderful!” I think that’s just awesome!


Tickets to Grand Funk Railroad at Seneca Allegany Casino in Salamanca start at $20 and can be purchased through www.senecacasinos.com (click on Seneca Allegany Casino venue).

Page 24 ... SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014

There’s SNOW Place

Like the Enchanted Mountains of WNY Where Do YOU Want to Play?

Now that the hustle and bustle of the holidays has passed, let us help you find some snow-filled joy with our trails for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. Get out and about, an navigate our unspoiled forested areas. Whether you’re a novice and need to stay on the beaten, groomed path, or someone seeking to brave unknown territory, you will discover what you’re looking for. Spend a couple hours as a group or a whole day, trekking through snow-covered pines, past semi-frozen waterfalls or through vast fields of white.

Snowshoeing is a slightly easier experience, almost as simple as walking, with the heel being left free for movement. Creating a larger surface area, snowshoes prevent you from sinking knee deep in the snow, and the best part: they are easy to learn to use. The modern snowshoe has an aluminum or steel frame with neoprene or nylon decks, a series of straps and crampons for traction. If the trail is somewhat packed, you will hardly sink at all. If unpacked, you will sink only slightly. Cross-country skiing is also great for cascading across the snow-covered fields. The skis you will use are slightly longer and thinner than downhill skis, and are sized according to one’s height and weight. These need specialized boots that attach to the bindings, and there are several different styles of bindings. Attaching at the toe, the heel is also left free for easy maneuvering. Poles can be used to add in balance and speed. Cross-country skiing takes a little more practice than snowshoeing, but gliding across the snow will leave you feeling exhilarated. Allegany State Park in Salamanca, NY holds our most famous area of trails - the Art Roscoe Trails - dedicated to the forefather of Western New York skiing, Arthur Roscoe, who mapped out many of the logging trails now used in this area. The Art Roscoe Trails offer over 20 miles of groomed trails, and range from beginner to advanced, with varying mileage in the different loops. Snowshoeing is not allowed on the groomed trails, but there are plenty of other trails for you. Rental skis and snowshoes are available at two locations in the park: Red House Gift Shop at the Administration Building, and Summit Warming Hut located at this area. Holiday Valley Resort in Ellicottville, NY has two packed trails along the golf course and ridge line that can be used for snowshoeing or cross-country skiing. Here, you can cruise the groomed trails or the tracks made by snowmobilers for a terrific cardiovascular exercise. Pfeiffer Nature Center of Portville, NY has 9+ miles of trails between its two properties, Eshelman and Lillibridge. Open each day from dawn to dusk, these free trails offer everything from short, level walks to long, rugged climbs. Pass by the rustic American Chestnut log cabin, the small farm, or the wetlands while viewing many natural animal habitats. Pfeiffer Nature Center also offers great family-based events throughout the wintertime to help keep away the winter blues. Check their website at www.pfeiffernaturecenter.org. The Pat McGee Trail, which runs slightly longer than 12 miles from Salamanca to Cattaraugus, NY along an old rail bed, can also be used for these two winter sports. Just remember: you will be sharing the trail with snowmobilers at times as it is a multi-use trail. No matter what you choose for winter fun, come find it in the Enchanted Mountains of Cattaraugus County, NY! Naturally Yours to discover and play in!

For more information: 1-800-331-0543 info@enchantedmountains.com


SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014 ... Page 25


Don’t Hibernate - Recreate!

You’ll enjoy the scenic wonders of the Allegheny National Forest in northern Pennsylvania when the tree tops are frosted with snow and the lakes sparkle in the sunlight. Our trail system is perfect for cross-country skiing and snowmobiling. Our wineries, restaurants and shops provide the perfect “after-snow” locations. Take in a current movie at the historic Art Deco Theater - the Main Street MovieHouse in Bradford. Accommodation choices include The Lodge at Glendorn Relais & Chateaux, a variety of charming bed & breakfasts, rustic cabins in the forest and modern hotels. Click on visitANF.com/wheretostay

WHAT TO SEE AND DO January 13: Rocky Horror Picture Show Main Street MovieHouse 7:30 PM - Bradford, PA Tickets: 814-368-9388

“Do the Loop”



“McKean County, Pennsylvania is where you go when you want to find snow. A national cold-weather champion ...” - The Weather Channel

The #1 exciting trip into the snow-covered mountains on the Alleghenies loops through the Allegheny National Forest in Pennsylvania with connecting trails to the Allegany State Park, New York. To check trail conditions call 814-723-5150.

January 18: Majestic Winter Dice Run Majestic Kamp & Lost Trails Rew, PA 814-465-9979 Annual Tony Dolan Ski For Cancer: Cross-country ski event Westline, PA 814-368-3646

For a FREE Travel Guide & Map 800-473-9370

February 8: Bradford Brewfest Bradford, PA 814-368-7115 February 9: Marilla Winter Trek Marilla Reservoir, Rt. 346 Bradford, PA tunavalleytrail.com February 20: Brass Transit: The Legacy of Chicago Bromeley Family Theater Bradford, PA Tickets: 814-362-2522


The Sports Show brings the passion for the outdoors indoors by bringing outdoor sports enthusiasts of all ages to view the latest in hunting and fishing gear, shop for ATV’s and snowmobiles, and plan/book hunting and fishing trips with outfitters. NEW THIS YEAR: Shawn Luchtel from Heartland Bowhunter will appear both days of the show. From the beginning, Heartland Bowhunter was founded with one guiding principle … quality. No matter the service, product or production, quality was going to be the baseline for everything embarked upon. Heartland Bowhunter documents the adventures of the team as they bow hunt all over the Midwest for anything from whitetail deer to Canada geese. Join the team throughout Season 6 for some incredible bow hunts from Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, South Dakota, and North Dakota.


Shawn has been in the whitetail woods of Missouri since childhood. His father and him have been hunting together since Shawn was old enough to climb into a tree. He loves pursuing giant whitetails in the Midwest, but plans to chase screaming bulls out West in the near future. Although you won’t see him in front of the camera often, his expertise is shown through his cinematography. Shawn has been with HB since the launch of their first DVD and thrives on innovation/creativity in production for seasons to come.

The Greater Olean Area Chamber of Commerce will host its 5th annual Outdoor & Rec Sports Show Jan. 25-26, 2013 at the newly developed Good Times of Olean Events Center in Olean, NY. The show will run Saturday 10am-5pm and Sunday 10am-4pm. At least fifty of the region’s leading businesses are expected to exhibit their wares and services during the two-day event. Shawn Luchtel from Heartland Bowhunter (pictured above) will be in attendance at this year’s Show!

Country Squirrel Outfitters from Ridgway, PA will be the official outfitter of this year’s show - they will bring kayaks, bicycles, hiking supplies, snowshoes and cross country skiing, as well as hunting accessories. CSO will also offer the opportunity for show-goers to demo snowshoes and skis! Leisure Time Powersports of Limestone, NY will be the show’s official snowmobile vendor - they will showcase their product lines of snowmobiles and ATVs and accessories on-site. Leisure Time will also give show-goers the opportunity to demo their snowmobiles (weather pending) and ATVs. Ron’s Gun Shop of Richburg, NY will return for their fifth straight year of sponsoring the show raffle. Ron’s Gun Shop will display product lines of guns and rifles as well as accessories. The Cattaraugus County Pistol Clerk will be on the floor both days. CUTCO Cutlery and Ka-Bar Knives will also return as a show sponsor and vendor, showcasing their wide variety of household and hunting knives. Other returning sponsors include Microtel Inn of Olean, Premo Limo, and WPIG-FM. The Greater Olean Area Outdoor & Rec Sport Show is offering outdoor retailers, associations and outfitters the best opportunity to sell merchandise, secure leads, book trips and interact with the outdoor community. Use this show to establish relationships with current and new customers. Exhibitor space is limited. You can secure your booth(s) for the event with a deposit of $100. GOACC members will receive discount booth space. For more information on the Greater Olean Area Outdoor & Rec Sports Show or other Greater Olean Area Chamber of Commerce events and activities, please call GOACC at 716-372-4433 or email events@oleanny.com.


Page 26 ... SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014



Think Snow ... Think Fun!

McKEAN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA IS A NATIONAL COLD-WEATHER CHAMPION The more snow the more fun! As the Weather Channel says, “McKean County, Pennsylvania is where you go when you want to find snow. It is a national cold-weather champion.” In northwestern Pennsylvania, McKean County holds the state record for the most amount of snowfall per year. Local folks invite you to enjoy ice-skating, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and snowmobiling as you experience the natural beauty of winter in the Allegheny National Forest Region.


A great way to spend a winter day is

snowmobiling in the Allegheny National Forest.

Sled rentals are available from Kinzua Country Recreation in Bradford.

The Lodge at Glendorn offers a multitude of outdoor winter activites . . .

“The Loop” is the #1 exciting trip into the snow-covered mountains of the Alleghenies. Snowmobile on the 224 miles of groomed trails that loop through the Allegheny National Forest. This trail takes you out into remote areas of the forest brimming with wildlife and beautiful winter landscapes. Trail connections can be made from “The Loop” onto the New York trails in Allegany State Park. A Pennsylvania snowmobile registration is required to ride in Pennsylvania, and a New York registration is required for New York. Registration for Pennsylvania snowmobiling can be done online at www.dcnr.state.pa.us/ forestry/snowmobile/registration.aspx. For trail conditions, please call 814-723-5150 and select option 2, then option 1, then option 3. Trail conditions are updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. Snowmobile maps are available online at www.VisitANF.com and by calling 800-4739370. Snowmobile Rentals: Snowmobilers may rent a snowmobile from Kinzua Country Recreation, located at 3461 West Washington Street in Bradford, PA. Helmets are free of charge with rental. Reservations for rentals must be made in advance by calling 814368-7595. Dine Along the Trail: A nearby restaurant, The Willows, offers great food and great times, with plenty of free parking for sleds and trailers. Snowmobilers are encouraged to stop in and enjoy Chef Anthony Chirillo’s Italian inspired recipes. Wood-fired steaks, veal, fettuccini Alfredo, linguini with red or white clam sauce, and homemade lasagna are a few of the locals’ favorites. The stuffed haddock is delicious, and they offer a nice wine list along with specialty cocktails and after-dinner drinks. The Willows Restaurant, 2669 West Washington Street in Bradford, PA, is open for lunch and dinner, and brunch on Saturday and Sunday from 11am-3pm. For reservations phone 814-368-7567. Visit them on the web at www.thewillows-bradford.com.


. . . and beautifully appointed accommodations. www.glendorn.com

The Lodge at Glendorn is an official full service outfitter offering a wide range of guided activities in the Allegheny National Forest, including guided snowmobile excursions. Cross-county skiing, snowshoeing and ice fishing are three other activities to enjoy at the Lodge during the winter months. All recreational equipment is provided for use by overnight guests. Glendorn offers beautifully appointed accommodations in the “Big House,” a grand redwood lodge, or private luxurious cottages with woodburning fireplaces. Dining is 4-star cuisine which may be accompanied by a selection from their award-winning wine cellar. In the evening, there are plenty of lush, comfortable chairs perfect for curling up in front of one of the woodburning fireplaces with a book and a hot toddy. Phone 800-8438568 or click over to www.glendorn.com for information and reservations. Guided Snowmobile Tour Packages are offered by Lantz Corners Getaway, 2952 Route 219 in Kane, PA. These tour packages are for riders that have their own sleds, and are available Monday through Friday. The package includes a full day trail ride on “The Loop” with an experienced trail rider plus other amenities including your overnight accommodations. You will ride from your room and not have to trailer to the trail. On the same property is The Barrel House Restaurant & Tavern serving breakfast, lunch and dinner along with a separate tavern where you can relax, have a brew with your friends, and watch a game on one of their big screen TVs. Both properties are physically located at the intersection of Route 6 and Route 219 at Lantz Corners, Pennsylvania. For the guided snowmobile package, reservations must be made in advance by calling 814-7785391. More information can be found at www.lantzcorners.com.

CHILL AND DECOMPRESS Book your guided snowmobile tour with Lantz Corners Getaway.

“Snowboarding is a great way to decompress; it’s a way to stay positive,” explains Ryan Williamson, one of the three dudes at Homewood Snowboards who expertly handcraft high quality boards right here in the Allegheny National Forest Region. Steve DeFazio, Darcy DeFazio and Ryan are the faces behind Homewood Snowboards.

SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014 ... Page 27

The Westline Inn offers gourmet dining in a rustic atmosphere. While you’re there, grab a pint and enjoy a game of shuffleboard.

The guys over at Homewood invite you to visit them at their snowboard manufacturing outlet, located on Holley Avenue in Bradford, Pennsylvania. McKean County, PA is a national cold-weather champion,” according to The Weather Channel. Among the many activities available, enjoy cross-country skiing or snowshoeing on the Marilla Trail System. The beauty of the natural scenery along the trails will amaze you. All three are young, passionate winter sports enthusiasts who don’t want snowboarding to be a big fashion show; they want snowboarding to be about having fun. Their board line offers Camber, Rocker, and Blend (a combination of Rocker and Blend). Stock sizes include Men’s Twin: 146, 150, 152, 156, 158, 160; Women’s Twin: 146, 150; and Men’s Directional Twin 158, 160. They have raw materials on-hand, and can work with you if you are looking for a more flexible or stiffer board. Stop by their outlet shop at Homewood Snowboards, 57 Holley Avenue in Bradford, PA. During the winter, you will want to phone ahead to make sure they’re not out testing their boards! Reach them at 814-362-8010 and at www.homewoodsnowboards.com. Cantilever & Camel Spin: The Callahan Ice Rink, 24 Poplin Avenue in Bradford, PA is open for public skating Tuesday 6:30-9pm, Friday 6-9pm, Saturday 1-4pm and 6-9pm, and Sunday 1-4pm. The 85x200 ft. enclosed ice rink offers a heated viewing area, concessions, and rentals. A party room can be rented for birthday parties and other special occasions. For the convenience of guests, there are four locker rooms. If you like to dive, dangle and face-off, plan to join in the fun of the Men’s Pick-Up Hockey Games that are held Wednesdays and Sundays from 6:30-9pm. During the week there is a USA Hockey Sanctioned Bradford Youth League. For additional information call 814-368-8190. Trails for Cross-country skiing and Snowshoeing: Two popular activities during the winter months are cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. The Allegany State Park in New York maintains a series of groomed trails suitable for cross-country skiing. Trial information and conditions are available by calling 800-456-2267. If snowshoeing is your passion, a variety of local trails will put you into the forest to see wildlife and old growth forests. Kinzua Valley Trail is a 4-mile un-groomed trail suitable for cross-country skiing. This trail winds along scenic Kinzua Creek, leading you deep into nature where you can experience the solitude and beauty of snow-capped pines towering above the trail and ice formations sparkling along the edges of the mountain stream. The trailhead is accessed from the village of Westline. The difficulty level is rated moderate, making this a great beginner trail, perfect for families or groups of friends. Historic Westline Inn: The Westline Inn, near the trailhead of the Kinzua Valley Trail, offers gourmet dining in a casual atmosphere. Leave the snowshoes or skies on the porch and grab a table in the bar area to enjoy their pub menu. In the dining room, Tuesday through Saturday, dinner is served starting at 5pm, Sunday from 3-7pm. The atmosphere is of a rustic lodge deep in the mountains with taxidermy animals decorating the walls. You can begin your meal with steamed clams, mussels or Shrimp le Jon - fresh shrimp wrapped in bacon, stuffed with horseradish and boiled. For the main course, choose from a 32 oz. Porterhouse steak, T-bone steak, Filet mignon, or Steak au

Poivre - two 5 oz. portions of tenderloin grilled with fresh peppercorns and covered in a smooth brown sauce. Also on the menu are seafood entrees, lamb, veal, chicken, shrimp and Crepes Julia. Leave room for dessert - Chef Julia creates all the desserts in house! To drive to Westline Inn, take Route 219 South from Bradford, after the intersection with Route 59, start watching on the right hand side for the sign that says Westline, turn right and drive approximately 3 miles. You will see the Inn to the right. Reservations are recommended, phone 814-778-5103.

MAKE TRACKS IN THE SNOW Marilla Bridges Trail is a scenic 1-mile loop trail with forest and water vistas and easy access for snowshoeing. Highlights along the trail include the Erik Benjamin Covered Bridge, which spans the spillway of the Marilla Reservoir, three rustic wooden trestle bridges, and a delightful gazebo located about halfway along the trail at the southwest corner. The trail is non-motorized and it is not groomed. The trailhead is located along Route 346, five miles west of the City of Bradford, Pennsylvania. Marilla Springs Trail is a 3.6-mile, point to point trail, with a slightly more aggressive trail experience perfect for snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. The lower trailhead begins at the southwest corner of the Marilla Bridges Trail, near the gazebo. At the upper trailhead, the trail connects to Forest Road (FR) 173H; turn right to cross into the Allegheny National Forest and FR 173, a major forest road between Route 346 (Willow Creek) and Route 321 at Sugar Run. This is a moderate to difficult trail and not recommended for beginners; it is for experienced trail users. Remember to dress for the elements, as there are no nearby services along this trail. Trail maps may be downloaded at www.tunavalleytrail.com.


For a FREE copy of the Allegheny National Forest Visitors Guide & Map, or an ANF Snowmobile Map, along with a full list of accommodations, restaurants and nearby attractions please call the ANF Visitors Bureau at

800-473-9370 or visit us online at visitANF.com



HOLIDAY VALLEY 716-699-2345 www.holidayvalley.com CANADIAN FRIENDSHIP WEEK Jan. 2-8 Holiday Valley is offering lift tickets and equipment rentals at par for Canadian cash, 2-for-1 tickets to the Holiday Valley Tubing Park, and 2-for-1 mountain coaster tickets. BAGJUMP Jan. 3-5 A Bagjump is a device derived from the entertainment and inflatables industry to serve as a landing pad for action shots. Set it up on the slopes, and you’ve got an exciting day of aerials! The Bagjump will be at the base of Foxfire, helmets required, parent’s signature if under 18. For full details/ticket prices, head to HV’s website. HARLEY-DAY VALLEY Saturday, Jan. 25 A day featuring everything Harley Davidson, and all are welcome to the all-day Saturday party in the Main Lodge with live music and loud bikes! TELL A FRIEND TOUR Sunday, Jan. 26 The Line Skis Traveling Circus comes to Holiday Valley, featuring freeride skiers Andy Parry, Ian Compton and friends. All freeriders are welcome to come and session, hang out with the crew, then head to the City Garage in downtown Ellicottville, where the fun will continue into the late afternoon.

HOLIMONT 716-699-2320 www.holimont.com SKISCAPE 2014 Sunday, Jan. 5 • 8am-4:30pm Join HoliMont for a fun-filled day to raise money and awareness for the “Kids Escaping Drugs” campaign in Western New York. Individual races, firefighter’s race, lunch, and post-party. Pre-register on the KED’s website. kedmakeachangewny.org DINA'S FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY Every Friday through the season 6:00-8:30pm at HoliMont $15 adults, $8.50 kids 12 and under

DOWNTOWN EVL WINTER BLUES FESTIVAL Jan. 3-5 Throughout Ellicottville Blues bands performing in many of Ellicottville’s hot spots. Head to the Ellicottville Chamber’s website for the complete music line-up. 1-800-349-9099 www.ellicottvilleny.com

LIVE MUSIC AT MADIGAN'S 36 Washington St. 716-699-4455 Friday, Jan. 3: BLUES BOMBERS Saturday, Jan. 4: MICK HAYES Saturday, Jan. 18th: LEON & THE FORKLIFTS Thursday, Jan. 23: PARTY SQUAD Saturday, Jan. 25: NEVER BEEN Friday, Jan. 31: GOODBYE DAWN

ONGOING EVENTS THE BOARDROOM'S "SNOW BIG DEAL" EVENT 6113 Route 219, Ellicottville 716-699-5620 www.boardsandpowder.com The Boardroom Snowboard Shop has teamed up with Towne MINI to offer an awesome contest that rewards the winner with an Ellicottville weekend getaway for two. The winning package includes use of a 2014 MINI Countryman ALL4 for the weekend, high performance ski/snowboard rentals from The Boardroom, lift tickets and overnight lodging at Holdiay Valley, a GoPro Hero3 camera, breakfast at Dina’s, lunch at John Harvard’s, dinner at Ellicottville Brewing Co. and a BIG pile of MINI motoring gear. Drawing will be held on Feb. 9, 2014 at The Boardroom. Enter online at: TowneMINI.com/SNowBIGDeal WINERY OF ELLICOTTVILLE 14 Monroe St. 716-699-1055 WineryOfEllicottville.com DAILY WINE TASTINGS Wine tastings offered everyday! “Our wines are made right here in Ellicottville!” SILVER FOX STEAKHOUSE 23 Hughey Alley, Ellicottville 716-699-4672 www.thsilverfoxrestaurant.com WEDNESDAY DATE NIGHT Bring your date in and start off with a glass of wine for each of you and a shared appetizer; then choose a bowl of salad to share, one entrée to share, and one dessert to share - all for $42. This affordable, romantic evening is a fantastic way to break up the workweek. FRIDAY MARTINI CLUB Come in and enjoy a martini with complimentary appetizers every Friday from 5-7pm. Don’t forget to leave your John Hancock in the “club” sign-in book ... attend four Fridays in any given month, sign the book each visit, and you can win a $50 gift certificate to the restaurant. HATHA YOGA BY LAURA SOLLY YOGA Core Performance Fitness Studio Bristol Lane, Ellicotttville Mondays & Wednesdays 6pm-7:15pm Thursdays & Saturdays 8:30am-9:45am Instructed by Laura Solly. Ongoing 8-week sessions, drop-ins welcome, privates & duets are available upon request. To sign-up, contact Laura Solly. 716-353-0951 laurasollyyoga@yahoo.com

OUT OF BOUNDS LIVE PERFORMANCES AT SENECA ALLEGANY CASINO 777 Seneca Allegany Blvd. Salamanca, NY 800-745-3000 www.senecaalleganycasino.com LISA LAMPANELLI Saturday, Jan. 11, 7pm From her hilarious appearances on Comedy Central’s celebrity roasts to sell-out comedy hours, Lampanelli never pulls any punches. See her bring down the house with a hysterical performance you won’t want to miss! Tickets start at $25. GRAND FUNK RAILROAD Sunday, Jan. 26, 5pm This iconic American blues rock band echoed the sentiments of the 1970s with their raw, real style. Their hits include ‘Some Kind of Wonderful,’ ‘We’re an American Band’ and ‘The Loco-Motion.’ Relive their signature sound for one night only! Tickets start at $20. SNOWSHOE BLITZ Saturday, Jan. 11 • Noon-3pm Pfeiffer Nature Center 1974 Lillibridge Road Portville, NY Join the great folks of Paths, Peaks and Paddles as they provide expert instructors and equipment for beginners. Equipment fitting (shoes and poles), a brief lesson on how to walk in snowshoes, and 30-45 minute hike through the center’s old growth forest. Finish up with some hot cocoa and a winter picnic! $8 per person, pre-registration is required. 716-933-0187 www.pfeiffernaturecenter.org SNOWMOBILE DICE RUN Saturday, Jan. 18 Majestic Kamp and Lost Trails Route 46 • Rew, PA Join the Majestic Winter Run. Drag Races will kick off at 6pm in the camping area. FREE food will be available and prizes will be awarded. Cost is $20 for adults and $10 for passengers and children under 15. www.majestictrails.com

KANE SNOW DAY EVENT Monday, Jan. 20 • 11am-2pm Glenwood Park • Kane, PA Enjoy games, hot cocoa, snacks and fun at Glenwood Park during this alwaysanticipated annual event. A great day for families to enjoy winter! 814-837-6565 TONY DOLAN SKI FOR CANCER Saturday, Jan. 25 • 9am-4pm Westline Inn • Mt. Jewett, PA Come out for this 35th annual fundraiser! Skis will be supplied for those who need them (first come first served). Pig roast starts at noon. Live music, raffles, giveaways and much more. Registration is $20 and includes a long sleeve t-shirt. www.cancer.org SPORTS & OUTDOOR REC SHOW Jan. 25-26 Good Times of Olean 800R East State Street • Olean, NY Sponsored by the Greater Olean Area Chamber of Commerce, you can expect to see offerings from over 50 of the region’s leading outdoor retailers, associations and outfitters - hunting and fishing gear, shop for ATVs and snowmobiles, etc. 716-372-4433 www.oleanny.com


ART ROSCOE SKI RACE Sunday, Feb. 9 Allegany State Park • Salamanca, NY Classic cross country skiing on the Art Roscoe Trail System. Choose your course distance: 22K, 13K, or 6K. Awards, door prizes, post-race snacks and more. www.heartrateup.com MARILLA WINTER TREK Sunday, Feb. 9 • Noon-4pm Marilla Reservoir Route 356 • Bradford, PA A day of fun outdoor winter recreation including cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and guided winter hikes. Free refreshments provided by Tuna Valley Trail Assoc. www.tunavalleytrail.com

Looking for something FREE to do?


You can become a cardholder, even if you’re a seasonal visitor!

CARDHOLDERS CAN: Take out books, audio books, movies, magazines, download eBooks to their devices, make copies, fax and enjoy a cup of fresh brewed coffee (in many flavors!) Sign out books, audio books, videos, and magazines for up to 3 weeks! The library also has 6 stationary computers, 7 laptops, 1 kindle, 2 iPads and a touch screen computer that are available for use in the library. There is a wonderful area with a fireplace and a leather sofa to relax on, as well as a separate room for anyone to use when privacy is needed. PROGRAMS: The Library offers many programs (most free, some at a nominal fee) such as book club, storytime, night sky classes, exercise classes, craft classes, children’s music program, movie nights and book sales. COMMUNITY ROOM: The community room is available to the public for use at no charge. You will need to check with the library about the use of the room and its availability. NEW THIS YEAR: Through the generous donations of many books, the library has acquired a number of rare books. The books have been researched and are being offer to the public at a nominal price; some very good deals can be found!

6499 Maples Road • Ellicottville, NY • 716-699-2842

VISIT US on the WEB at www.ellicottvillesnow.com • LIKE US on facebook.com/EllicottvilleSnowedIn


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SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014 ... Page 29

We’re psyched for ski season! Are you? WE want YOU to HELP US capture the local scene!

Hashtag #evlsnowedin

& tag @evlsnowedin and each month we will select our top picks to be featured in print and online at www.ellicottvillesnow.com. We’re looking forward to seeing your winter shots!

Ready. Set ... Point. Shoot. Post.

@marketingbacon: Shop til you drop in E’ville. But don’t let a Conman swoop in. #evlsnowedin

@thecitygarage: Shhhh, we made it out to #birdland for a couple hot laps! @holidayvalley

@bobbiscabs: Opening day was beautiful! #hdr #holidayvalley #winterishere #skyporn #snow #evlsnowedin

@mradamx: This is it. #evlsnowedin

@boardroomeville: Feet are weird and need extra help. Head to our friends at @thecitygarage ! They’re pros at custom bootfitting.

@thecitygarage: #snowdance #winterstormwarning

@mudsweatgears: Peace, love and GoPro Hero. #shoplocal

@evlsnowedin: #teamusa @boardroomeville

@daffevl: #ellicottville #kids #uggs #boots #slippers

@evlsnowedin: Plenty of pow! #holimont2014 photo by Chaz

@dash_913: #winterwonderland #holimont2014 #snowfun

@red_scarph: Hanging the garland in her #prettytutu #christmasiscoming #ohtannenbaum #evlsnowedin

Page 30 ... SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014

A Little Rain Never Hurt Anyone: Demo Day at Holiday Valley

Demo Day 2013 saw more than its fair share of ponchos, but it still provided those itchin’ to test drive some new equipment on the slopes the chance to do so. All the local shops and major manufacturers were well represented during the Dec. 21st event. If you missed out on the product testing, call up your favorite local shop ... most offer demo equipment and will be hitting up more EVL demo dates throughout the season.

photos/Bob Knab, www.rkgraphics.smugmug.com

View more photos from DEMO DAY at www.ellicottvillesnow.com and www.rkgraphics.smugmug.com


SNOWED-IN ~ JANUARY 2014 ... Page 31


13 Lifts • 58 Slopes and Trails • Elevation 2250 ft. Top / 1500 ft. Base • Acres 1400 Total / 300 Skiable + woods

Holiday Valley also boasts 5 terrain parks, 3 base lodges, 2 hotels, cross country skiing/snowshoeing trails, a mountain coaster & more! The resort has become a leader in the ski industry and ranks among the favorites of skiers in the East. 716-699-2345 • www.holidayvalley.com


8 Lifts • 52 Slopes and Trails • 750 Vertical Feet • 135 Skiable Acres • Terrain Parks & Halfpipe

For over 50 years, families and snowsports enthusiasts have converged on HoliMont - North America’s largest private ski area devoted to family skiing adventures. During the week, HoliMont welcomes non-members and groups. 716-699-2320 • www.holimont.com

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Call 1-877-8-SENECA or visit SenecaAlleganyCasino.com *Double occupancy required. Now through April 14, 2014. Season’s end date is weather permitting. Based on availability. food credit for Seneca Café only. Offer valid at Holimont Monday through Thursday only. friday and Saturday nights are subject to an upcharge at Holiday Valley.

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