HoliMont Snowed-In

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Page 08 ... SNOWED-IN ~ FEBRUARY 2014

SNOWED-IN ~ FEBRUARY 2014 ... Page 09

It’s hard to believe that we’re already into February. January flew by, which just validates the saying “time flies when you’re having fun.” Plenty happened over the month of January. Kids Escpaing Drugs SkiScape was a huge success, Members Day saw a nice mix of HoliMont Members come together and dine over a huge potluck lunch, the annual HoliMont Cocktail Party drew a great mix of HoliMont Members and guests, weekday groups have been experiencing the midweek excitement of HoliMont, lots of great music has been played at numerous apres ski parties, and we closed out the month with the always popular, ever growing Contractors Ski Day on January 31, where contracting businesses from all over brought their employees to HoliMont for a day of fun and networking on (and off) the slopes.


The parks at HoliMont are fun for all ages and ability levels. With our great selection of elements and jumps, you will be sure to find something to help you progress your park abilities. Helmets are required in all HoliMont Terrain Parks.


The new warming hut (dubbed Foxwood) has been a tremendous hit this season. HoliMont Member Christopher Cove provided us with this artistic shot of the structure.


It is safe to say that everyone who skis or snowboards has a desire to improve their abilities. That’s where the HoliMont Snowsports School comes into play. This skilled team of snowsports enthusiasts help coach everyone from complete beginners to seasoned skiers (both alpine and tele) and snowboarders. Take a lesson today and improve your skills out on the slopes.


On Sunday, January 5, the Kids Escaping Drugs organization came down to HoliMont to host the 16th Annual SkiScape event. Every year just following the New Year, Kids Escaping Drugs partners up with HoliMont in order to raise funds for the development of its facilities and the continuation of its programs in Western New York.

©Christopher Cove


Making snow is such an important part of the east coast ski industry, and HoliMont is very proud of its snowmaking capabilities. Near the end of January, Ellicottville received a nice stretch of cold weather, which allowed us to do some very effective snowmaking. In fact, we should now be finished with snowmaking for the season.



This annual potluck lunch event brings HoliMont Members of all ages together for a day of sharing HoliMont stories over some excellent home cooked food.

Every now and then the morning sunrise in Ellicottville is more than worth waking up early to see. On such days, it is more than acceptable to spend a few minutes with your eyes glued to the skyline while you take in the incredible colors.


Sometimes some of the most picturesque moments at HoliMont happen during non-operating hours. Obviously the fun happens when the slopes are open but every now and then some amazing sights materialize when we are closed.

ANNUAL COCKTAIL PARTY Great food + great company = a fun and entertaining evening for this annual event held on January 11.

For over 50 years, families and snowsports enthusiasts from miles around have converged on HoliMont, North America’s largest private ski area devoted to family skiing adventures. Generations of members have been drawn in by the amazing skiing, only to fall in love with the warm, community atmosphere that makes HoliMont the kind of place you never want to leave. During the week, HoliMont is happy to welcome the public and groups. Our eight lifts service over 50 slopes and trails. Head to www.holimont.com.

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