RETURNING TO HOLIMONT IN MARCH ... page 07 Keep tabs at
APRIL 11-13
BLUEGRASS IN EVL ... page 19
2013-’14 Ski Season O MARCH 2014
BOOSTING the Ski Community of Ellicottville and Surrounding Areas in Cattaraugus County, NY and McKean County, PA
4 0 e g a p ... Y T R A GP S N T I N R Y P E E V LIDAY VALL | S E lley E H P day Va i C I l o P H R t ER ents a own T MA AT HO R downt w of ev ng! A e e l d s U a r a th lo | Q lated ras Pa re are L ? The all mon the Mardi G A ion is s kimming t e i l g t V d n e i I n p n a nd S RN it run e com ludes can h A C n you ng and keep 9, which inc l Quarterpip Party and Po a h t R e r E e goi 22. rch 8 th mo pring annua WINT son wi r engin Carnival Ma ening. The e the S ay on March ull menu of l a u i e o h s y w t s , i e r v 5 h f g w e e t 1 t l a r t l y n h i u i u s a g w o o rc a d W
h is goin ose that Satur for Ma come y March n deck g to cl n stuff down! n O i u f k o o L One of the most exciting things about Ellicottville is watching it change from the hustle and bustle of a ski community, to that of a leisurely summer ‘resort town’. Just as the village and accompanying ski resorts take on their own unique transformations, local retailers evolve for the seasons as well. SNOWED-IN stopped Team Riders Ready by The City Garage to get the dirt on all that was happening, as we watch the snow melt ... page 12 for Nationals
City Garage Swapping Out Winter Gear for ... Glamping?
In the business for over 30 years, USASA allows regional talent to showcase what they’ve got, with the hopes of qualifying for the main event out West come end of March. SNOWED-IN caught up with one HoliMont Snowboard Team rider who’s been to Nationals an unprecedented six years in a row ... page 09
Art is often created in a studio or a place of solitude where the artist has time to pause and reflect on the work they are creating. But sometimes the process is an art form in and of itself ... If you are not familiar with the work of Michael Israel, it can best be described as a Cirque du Soleil performance that ultimately results in a Jackson Pollack-like life sized canvass of creativity. Israel is more than just a “painter.” He is a performer who executes his skills in a concert setting, which ultimately gives the audience an artistic experience unlike any other. Ellicottville, NY will be able to experience this performance, first-hand, on August 2, 2014 in the Beer Garden of the Ellicottville Brewing Company. As part of Israel’s ongoing efforts to better the world through art and raise money for organizations in need, he will use his fascinating talents to perform “The Art Of Rescue,” which will raise money for both the HoliMont and Holiday Valley Ski Patrol teams ... page 20
Page 02 ... SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014
Featuring 21 day Dry-aged USDA Prime Steak, Seafood and Pasta Entrees. Martini Club 5-7pm Come in & enjoy a martini with complimentary appetizers.
23 Hughey Alley • Ellicottville, NY 14731 716-699-4672 •
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Office: 12 Washington Street • Ellicottville, NY • 716-699-4800
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A Monthly Publication Showcasing Events and Outdoor Recreational Activities in Ellicottville and Surrounding Areas in NY and PA
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HoliMont is Open to Non-Members Monday - Friday* Check out our Weekday Experience Pass: 10 non-transferable lift tickets for $235
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Brenda Perks, DesignPerks of Ellicottville 716.244.7573
@evlsnowedin ... Hashtag your photos to #evlsnowedin and we’ll select our top END-OF-SEASON picks to be featured online!
re the c
The Summer Local is a publication produced by DesignPerks PO Box 1077, Ellicottville, NY 14731
Creator, Publisher
a monthly winter publication promoting the EVL ski scene
outdoor recreation festivals events arts health ... it’s a lifestyle
Brenda Perks, DesignPerks of Ellicottville
Advertising Sales
Brenda Perks 716.244.7573 Evan Evans 716.474.6812
Team Writers
Spencer Timkey Megan Sorokes Pat Morgan Erik Schmitz Kimberly Nobles Melanie Hulick Kristina Barlow
sweet e thanks!
Team Photographers
Chris Perks Bob Knab, Phatman Boardshop
SNOWED-IN is distributed in Cattaraugus, Chautauqua & Erie Counties, NY; the Finger Lakes of NY; McKean, Warren & Erie Counties, PA; and Northeast OH
Ellicottville SNOWED-IN is a publication produced by DesignPerks, PO Box 1077, Ellicottville, NY 14731
... to the Snowed-In Team, our Fans and all our ADVERTISERS for a tremendously AWESOME Season FOUR! •
The 2013-’14 season is still kickin’ ... get out and make some turns! Ellicottivlle SNOWED-IN is published five times a year in October (Ski Show edition), December, January, February and March by DesignPerks of Ellicottville, PO Box 1077, Ellicottville, NY 14731. Copyright ©2013 by DesignPerks. All rights reserved. Reprinting in whole or part is forbidden except by permission of DesignPerks.
SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014 ... Page 03
Shred the Love.
Saturday, Feb. 15 marked the 6th Annual Boarding 4 Breast Cancer event at Holiday Valley Resort. Once again, the day was an unparalleled success. It was one of the most perfect winter days we have had in a long time - light snowfall, moderate temps and bright sunshine. We continue to be impressed and awestruck by the support of our community. We couldn’t have pulled it off without the following: Mervin Mfg, Oakley, Giro, Smith Optics, Under Armour, 686, Neff, Skullcandy, Outdoor Technology, Echelon Snowboards, Flux Bindings, Arbor Snowboards, iFound, Union Binding Company, Coal Headwear, and Nike Snowboarding. Ellicottville’s reputation of being a completely unselfish community remains true and is upheld by the continued support of the following: John Barry, Bob Knab and Phatman crew, Lisa Booz & Camp Good Days, IEvolve, SKM Group, Towne BMW and Mini, Megan Dickinson, Megan Wilson, Dave Morris, Tim MacKenzie, Pat Meehan, Dan Broadwell, and the sampling team from Intense Milks. We also want to note the continued, amazing fundraising support from the Dimond & Brahaney families, as well as Colleen Collins. A HUGE thank you goes out to Holiday Valley and everyone who takes part in supporting this event. From Kristen and Jane in marketing, Miss Carrie & the ‘Daycare Army’, Ron Kubicki and all Snowsports staff, as well as the entire Centerplate food & beverage team led by Franco Brady, it truly is a resort-wide effort. The constant love and encouragement we receive from the resort makes us want to keep forging ahead and working together to do our part and make the world a better place. Additionally, a special thanks to Pat Morgan, whose ideas and creativity allow us to continue to revolutionize our collaborative efforts. Lastly, to our own Boardroom customers and supporters, an enormous thank you to all. For everyone else who came out and supported, volunteered, or participated in any way, a thousand thanks. We couldn’t have done it without you! Much love, Samantha Timkey and The Boardroom Crew
Our wines are made right here in Ellicottville!
Wine Tastings Available Every Day! Wine by the glass or bottle at our Bar
Private Banquet Room for Your Parties!
716-699-1055 14 Monroe Street • Ellicottville
Page 04 ... SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014
By Spencer Timkey
FUN x FUN x AND MORE FUN What a year! This winter has been rather odd - from an epic pre-Christmas snow to meltdowns to a Polar Vortex - and Ellicottville has thrived thanks to the continued support of you, our awesome and loyal friends and family. Taking into account the changing landscape of ski and snowboard culture, Ellicottville is a testament to the fact the industry is very much alive and well. If you’re looking to finish the season strong, there are a slew of events at Holiday Valley to get your engine going. On deck is Winter Carnival March 8-9, which includes the Mardi Gras Parade downtown Saturday evening. The annual Quarterpipe competition is slated for March 15, while the Spring Party and Pond Skimming comes your way on March 22. Whether you’ve got your family here or you’re out on the town with friends, March has a full menu of fun stuff going down.
WINTER CARNIVAL MARCH 8-9 Winter Carnival at Holiday Valley is just as much a weekend of activities as it is tradition. Let’s start with the crowning of the Ski Queen. Entries are open to anyone; the contestant who receives the loudest cheer from the crowd wins the title. The Ski Queen’s coronation takes place at the Snow Bar, where her and m’lady’s court will receive prizes and Game of Thrones style royal treatment. The Snow Bar, which is exactly what it sounds like, is one of the favorites of Winter Carnival. A giant mound of snow carved out into a legitimate Snow Bar ... what’s not to love? A big thanks to Holiday Valley’s mountain crew for making the Snow Bar a reality year in and year out. The pony races at Holiday Valley are a perennial favorite as well. The ponies (constructed by Ellicottville’s Bob McCarthy) are attached to snow tubes from Holiday Valley’s tubing park. Lay your bet on a pony, and the winner of each heat goes on to the derby round. Fun prizes are awarded, and all of the money raised is donated to charity. Other exciting Winter Carnival traditions returning to Holiday Valley include the Dummy Downhill, the Mercy Flight raffle, and the Sunday Costume Parade down Mardi Gras slope (quite the sight to see!) For the kiddies, Creekside Lodge hosts a number of activities throughout the weekend such as balloon races and a scavenger hunt. For the full list of events, head to Saturday’s events culminate with the Mardi Gras Parade down Washington Street in the village. Ellicottville’s Chamber of Commerce encourages walking groups - you can have as many people join as you’d like - and it’s free to participate. All you need to do is fill out an application, which is available on the Chamber’s website at
Q-PIPE COMP MARCH 15 GO BIG OR GO HOME Another much-anticipated March event is the Quarterpipe competition, held at the base of Yodeler. Pat Morgan, Holiday Valley’s terrain parks manager, expressed that the quarterpipe comp is a good way to finish off the year. “It’s a super fun yet super mellow event meaning, we don’t need a lot of resources to get it set up. It’s pretty much just making snow, pushing it into a pile and cutting the quarterpipe out of it. The kids love it.”
POND SKIMMING AND SPRING PARTY MARCH 22 To welcome in the change of seasons, Holiday Valley gives you Pond Skimming and its annual Spring Party. Pond Skimming ... where participants start a little bit up Yodeler, motor towards the bottom and skim across a dug-in trench of water. This popular spectator event provides hilarity and awesome entertainment for everyone involved. Crowd favorites are those who dress up and have fun with it! The Spring Party takes place at the Yodeler Lodge, with entertainment provided by Holiday Valley.
March is sure to be a good month ... help us finish strong with these three awesome events. Keep tabs on details for all of the above, registration, start times, etc., by following Holiday Valley on Facebook and by clicking over to
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SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014 ... Page 05
Daily at 11:00 a.m.
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ructed ubing d. Fun
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One hour “Duo” Massage, Oasis European Facials, Oasis “Duo” Spa Pedicures ... $336 (3.5 hrs.)
Celtic Thunder help the children
Friday, March 7 in Ellicottville, NY
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EVL local Bob McCarthy has teamed up with the Rotary Club of Ellicottville for his newest event “Celtic Thunder: A Night of Irish Music and Dance.” This unique fundraiser will not only support a book being written by Ellicottville area resident Katie Benatovich, proceeds will also go towards the Rotary’s Polio Plus Program. Katie Benatovich is currently working on the book, which aims to help children battling cancer. The tagline, “Help the Children,” is very fitting, as this book will be written for and donated to Camp Good Days & Special Times. Benatovich hopes that by writing this book, more families will learn about Camp Good Days & Special Times, thus benefitting from the services and support they provide. Camp Good Days is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for children, adults and families whose lives have been touched by cancer and other life challenges, by offering summer camping experiences and year-round events and activities. The goal of Rotary’s Polio Plus program, which began in 1985, is the global eradication of polio. Rotary is working through the Global Polio Eradication Initiative to ensure that no child will ever again know the crippling effects of polio. The initiative is very close to reaching this goal.
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The evening of Friday, March 7 is going to leave a mark on Ellicottville with McCarthy-style entertainment including the classic Irish folk band, The Leftovers, Irish Dancers and some great surprises. What an exciting way to kick off Ellicottville’s Mardi Gras weekend, and a great value too, as the beer, wine and food are included in the price of the ticket. Special Irish brews from Ellicottville Brewing Company, red and white wine from E-Ville Spirits, and beef on weck from Dom’s Butcher Block, as well as traditional Irish potatoes will be on the menu. Katy’s Cafe & Catering will be serving up tasty desserts! Other sponsors for this event include Weed Ross Insurance and Northtown Automotive Companies.
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Tickets are going fast, but are still available for a $40 donation apiece. A limited number of “Gold “ tickets are up for grabs for those individuals wishing to do a little bit more to help the cause, and are prices at $100 each. The event takes place at 7pm at the Rotary Auditorium, located in the New Ellicottville Town Center. (Not familiar with the Rotary Auditorium? That’s because this event will also act as the Grand Opening celebration of the Auditorium, making this an extra special event for the community!) For more details about Rotary, Celtic Thunder, tickets, and to learn more about Karen Benatovich’s book in progress, please call 716-699-8758.
Page 06 ... SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014
March means a lot of things here in Ellicottville. It means the ski season is nearing an end but that it’s nowhere close to being done. Last year, if you will recall, we got close to a foot of powder on March 20. Obviously we’re hoping for a repeat of that this year. Will it happen? Who knows? But we can always hope! March and April still offer plenty of top notch skiing and snowboarding opportunities. Historically speaking, once the 1st of March hits, you have about 44 days (give or take) remaining in the season. It seems like a lot, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s not. Before you know it, May will be here and you’ll be lamenting over the times you thought about hitting the slopes but just put it off because there was still plenty of time left in the season. Do yourself a favor and don’t let that happen to you. That said, we hope to see you here throughout March and into April. Enjoy the rest of your ski season!
After an unfortunate 2 season hiatus, the halfpipe has returned to HoliMont and it is better than ever. The Mountain Crew and Park Crew teamed up February 3-7 and constructed a very nice 300 foot long pipe. Watching all of the hard work and precision that goes in to building the pipe is an eye-opening experience.
The 33rd Annual Contractor’s Day took place at HoliMont on January 31 and it was a tremendous success. With over 750 people in attendance, not only is this yearly event a fantastic networking opportunity, but it is also a great chance for businesses to get their employees out of the office and onto the slopes for some good clean fun.
Six teams participated in our “Rise to the Challenge” race including: The Milton Ontario Special Olympics Team, The Mississauga Dream Team, Buffalo Ski Club Adaptive Program, Swain Ski Area Shared Adventures, and HoliMont’s Phoenix Program. The 52 happy skiers all received medals and certificates at the awards ceremony in the main chalet. This year’s race was again, the highlight of the Phoenix Adaptive Program, which is made up of athletes from the U.S. and Canada. The race brings out the best of the racers’ abilities in adaptive skiing.
Instagram is a quick, easy, and fun way to spread the word about what is going on at HoliMont. Throughout the season we’ve had a good amount of people use the #holimont2014 to show us their side of HoliMont. Recently our Lift Crew took on the task of building snow sculptures at the bottom of each lift terminal. Here are a couple fan favorites.
SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014 ... Page 07
Recently some HoliMont Members decided to bring their love of the Olympic games into the Chalet for lunch. We’re not sure what they ended up eating but they definitely took the gold for originality and passion.
February 7 was Men’s Day at HoliMont ... a time honored tradition where the guys of HoliMont invite their buddies down for a day of skiing/snowboarding, food and drinks, games, giveaways and plenty more throughout the course of the day. Additionally, Men’s Day makes for a good excuse for the guys to start the weekend in Ellicottville just a little bit earlier than normal. And as we all know, during the winter there is nothing wrong with that!
After a successful debut at HoliMont last season, the AcroBag Tour will be making its way back to HoliMont at the end of March. Stay tuned to for more information on what days the bag will be up and running, prices, and any other necessary information. A new addition to the Tour this year will be a tubing bag jump.
March 7 is TeleFest at HoliMont. Price for the event is $100 ($50 for Passholders). For that you get: an all-day lift ticket, event t-shirt, clinics for raw beginners to seasoned experts, vendor displays, demos, Tele Race and a chance at some really great raffle prizes! Limited TeleMark package rentals are available. Call HoliMont SnowSports at 716-699-8159 to register. For over 50 years, families and snowsports enthusiasts from miles around have converged on HoliMont, North America’s largest private ski area devoted to family skiing adventures. Generations of members have been drawn in by the amazing skiing, only to fall in love with the warm, community atmosphere that makes HoliMont the kind of place you never want to leave. During the week, HoliMont is happy to welcome the public and groups. Our eight lifts service over 50 slopes and trails. Head to
Page 08 ... SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014
Ellicottville, NY 699.4455
The Daily Lunch Specials! Tues.-Sat. 11:30am-2:00pm Fri. March 1st MICK HAYES
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A TOUCH OF ELLICOTTVILLE • 28 Washington Street • 716.699.5385 Kids LOVE our Hats . . .
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Create Memories That Last A Lifetime!
Experience HoliMont Open to Non-Members And Groups Monday - Friday
SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014 ... Page 09
Team Riders are Ready for Nationals. By Spencer Timkey After watching this year’s Winter Olympics (and the corresponding behind the scenes look into athletes’ lives) you find yourself in awe of just how aggressively these people are pushing the limits of the human body. Snowboarding - and snowboarders - are training harder than ever before. Kids who want to become professional snowboarders need to find their start somewhere, which is where USASA comes into play. The United States of America Snowboarding Association, an established organization that fosters the stoke of kids across the States and Canada, provides an opportunity for young riders to compete in different events and advance to the national competition in Copper Mountain, Colorado. In the business for over 30 years, USASA allows regional talent to showcase what they’ve got and continue to chase the dream of going pro. As many of you probably saw during the Olympics, snowboarding has progressed to a breakneck point in terms of physics; the Holy Crail that Sage Kotsenburg threw down transcends what was normally thought impossible. But without things like USASA, riders wouldn’t have a chance to even get to that point. Holiday Valley and HoliMont host multiple events throughout the season, from slopestyle to slalom to rail jams. Winners garnering top points standings get a bid to nationals. SNOWED-IN caught up with Katie Selhorst, a HoliMont Snowboard Team rider who’s been to nationals an unprecedented six years in a row.
HEAD TO HEAD with Katie Selhorst TIMKEY: Tell me a little bit about yourself. SELHORST: My name is Katie Selhorst, and I’m a high school senior hailing from Cleveland, Ohio.
TIMKEY: When did you get your start on a snowboard, and when did you join HoliMont’s team? SELHORST: I started skiing when I was 3. I made the switch (writer’s note: she made the switch from the dark side) to snowboarding when I was 6. I never looked back! When I was 10, I joined the team. TIMKEY: What drives you? As in, what pushes you to progress as a rider? SELHORST: I think I’m most motivated by the fun of it. I think it’s more fun to have something to work on, so I’m always looking for ways to get better and faster. I love flying down a course knowing it was a good run even without a time. My coaches have also had a big part in keeping me motivated ... making sure I’m always working on something and trying new things. They wouldn’t let me get bored.
TIMKEY: Tell us about your experience at Nationals? SELHORST: I’ve been to Nationals the past six years. It’s an awesome ex-
perience! The competition is amazing, and everyone there wants to do their best. For me, it’s two runs per event to give it your all so you’ve got to give it everything you’ve got. Once the competitions are done, you get to spend time with family and friends and everyone gets really close.
TIMKEY: What kind of board do you ride? SELHORST: I have three boards. For GS I have a 168cm custom Donek
with F2 bindings (stance: 55 degrees in the front and 47 degrees in the back). For slalom, I have a 152cm Donek rev4 with F2 bindings (same stance) and for boardercross I have a 149cm Jones Twin Sister (stance: 15 degrees / -5 degrees).
TIMKEY: The really important question ... why do you love snowboarding? SELHORST: Well, first off - I love to go fast! There’s no feeling like flying
down the runs with my only concern is possibly forgetting to stop. I also love snowboarding because it’s something I can do on my own ... or with friends. It never gets boring. There’s always something new to work on or try out or perfect. Once I’ve figured something out I always have something else to work on. It makes it interesting.
TIMKEY: What keeps you busy during the offseason? SELHORST: I’m a big show jumper! So during the offseason, and pretty much whenever I’m not snowboarding, I am at the barn working with my horse.
Selhorst, along with other WNY Series qualifiers, will travel to Nationals at Copper Mountain March 29 - April 8, 2014. GOOD LUCK TO ALL OUR LOCAL MOUNTAIN COMPETITORS!
1) Favorite 80s movie? ... Hmmm probably Back to the Future 2) What do you listen to when you ride? ... When I am training or riding on my own I’m usually listening to a weird playlist with some pop songs, some contemporary christian songs, and a lot of country. But for race day I have a playlist with mostly rock and rap songs. 3) Chicken wings or fingers? ... Definitely Chicken fingers. Ask anyone on the team; they are my favorite food. 4) Favorite sports team? ... My favorite sports team is the Ohio state Buckeyes, because most of the Cleveland teams are terrible. 5) Time Travel or Flight? ... Time travel, so I could go to school, ride my horse and snowboard, and I would actually have time for everything I want to do.
#SHOP LOCAL Page 10 ... SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014
Holiday Shoppe 13 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.4620
Nouriche 14 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.1034
Adorn yourself and your environment in green, with The Holiday Shoppe’s array of decorations to celebrate St. Patrick driving the snakes out of his homeland. One need not be Irish to wish for good luck with a ladybugadorned, four-leaf clover pin. Photograph frames, shot glasses, ornaments, and engraved glasses are a few other options; as is la crème de la crème: the Celtic Nativity Scene!
Feel, cherish, and spread the love and warmth in Peace Love World’s fabulous gear. Sporting positive mantras for happiness and tranquility, the options stretch from oversized comfy sweatshirts with thumb holes to lush V-neck long-sleeved t-shirts to fleece sweatpants or zip-up hoodies in fabric so soft you will melt. No wonder Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian have been spotted in this unparalleled brand!
BAGS, BAGS & MORE BAGS! as low as $19.99
The Boardroom Snowboard Shop 6113 Route 219 • EVL 716.699.5620
Holiday Valley Mountain Shops Holiday Valley Resort • EVL 716.699.2345
Western New York weather is pretty weird. One day it can be 30 and bluebird and the next it can be 25 below and apocalyptic (just kidding). Oakley’s Airbrake allows you to change lenses quickly and hassle-free - there’s a lens for every weather and light condition. In-line Airbrakes start at $220 and include two lenses and a case.
Let’s face it - you can never have too many bags. Whether it’s a small clutch or overnight bag, or an expedition backpack or rolling board bag, DaKine and the HV Mountain Shops have you covered. We’ll help you find the perfect bag (a variety of colors, patterns and sizes to choose from) to match your outfit and lifestyle. Come to the Mountain Shops, located on the ground level of Yodeler Lodge and the Main Lodge base area.
Slopeside Ski Shop @HoliMont • EVL 716.699.4698
Bike & Bean 30 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.2453
This winter has been cold! Covering as much skin as possible is a must, but sometimes getting your face covered is easier said than done. Check out the WDX by Wind X-Treme. This unique piece of merino wool can be worn in an assortment of fashions (scarf, headband, balaclava, cap, and many more options). Seamless, odor resistant, with a soft and natural elasticity, battle the elements with the WDX.
Comparable to wheel sets priced in the thousands, this set is designed just east in Horseheads, NY. Stan’s NoTubes pioneered the patented, tubeless rim system that sheds weight from the bicycle and creates less of an opportunity for flats. Less weight and flat tires means a faster speed and less money in the long run. No wonder bike shop owner Dennis Baldwin calls this the best and first investment to make on a bike.
SALOMON NFX 2014 $499.00
Mud, Sweat n’ Gears 18 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.8300
The City Garage 5 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.2054
The next time you pop into Mud, check out one of the more unique items on their shelves. Presenting “Speed Beans,” MSG’s very own coffee blend. Created in Fairfield, PA, these fair-trade organic beans are sure to tickle your tastebuds, and of course help you tackle the race course fully charged. It’s the perfect addition to your EVL chalet morning ritual!
If you’re into twin tip skis, The City Garage is the place to be. Salomon has introduced the NFX 2014 which is the hottest ski for twin tip skiers looking for high performance sticks. This is without a doubt the best twin tip Salomon has ever built! For just $499 you can click into the ski that all the Olympic athletes were on, as they looked to podium in Sochi!
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SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014 ... Page 11
“LUCKY CHARMS” $5.99-$15.99
Hampshire Mills 890 Broad St. • Salamanca, NY 716.945.3100
EVL Cheese Company 5 E. Washington St. • EVL 716.699.1065
Every year, Hampshire Mills stocks a wide variety of “lucky charms” to help you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! Scarves, shamrock votives, baby bibs, shot glasses with funny sayings on them (such as “I have known many, liked not a few, loved only one, I drink for you,” Irish goblets, and many more festive and decorative pieces.
Impress your guests with Bernard Schimmel’s hand carved serving platters. Made from fallen or trimmed maple, ash, and cherry branches just over the border in Ontario, each piece is unique - just like the snowflakes that blanket our village. Finished with food-grade mineral oil and hand rubbed with beeswax, these beauties come in small, medium, large, and extra large.
Winery of Ellicottville 14 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.1055
Dekdebruns Ski & Snowboard 18 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.2754
A sure favorite for any time of day, Winery of Ellicottville’s house made sparkling wines will tickle your tummy and warm your conversation. Choose the fruity Pink Diamond or the classic sweet Riesling. These delicious bottles come with a set of two embroidered champagne glasses. Cheers to this great local creation! (Also available without glasses.)
These goggles will give you the feel of James Bond or Wonder Woman on the slopes. Military Recon technology offers GPS and Bluetooth technology that allows you to know your speed, location, how many trails you have conquered and more, all while scrolling through your favorite music. The screen is subtle, so if a text pops up it will not cause a crash. All this in addition to Smith’s reputable lenses & protection!
Ellicottville Brewing Co. 28 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.2537
EVL Ink Tattoo & Apparel 5 E. Washington St. • EVL 716.699.1048
The new retail spot located inside the Brew Pub downtown is filled with awesome stuff. This zip-up hoodie, emblazoned with Ellicottville Brewing Company, fuses comfort with style. Wear it on the slopes! Wear it at the bar! Wear it to bed! A multi-functional hoodie is a must-have for everyone.
If you feel that EVL Ink Tattoo & Apparel is too dark for you - or that black is just not your color - come check out these bright, vibrant shoulder bags and backpacks! Messages of peace and love adorn these comfortable and well-designed bags to leave you with a calming mantra for cold, dark days.
Gado Gado 26 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.2128
Nature’s Remedy 26 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.4372
It’s time to rethink our wardrobes as we shed the many layers required this boisterous winter! Gado Gado offers bright colors and new fashions to usher in the seasonal changes that some lament and most welcome. (Much more is available than what is pictured.) Bargain hunters may even find a few winter items on sale. Better hurry to be the first to claim these unforgettable women’s trends your own.
Proudly made in the USA, Blendtec’s products have been dubbed the Swiss Army Knives of blenders. With speeds topping 200mph, pulverize whole fruits and veggies to make juices; soak cashews and blend into luxuriant whipped cream; grind meat; mill grains; even use preprogrammed recipes to make soups. The Twister, a smaller blending jar, is also available to buy, as is the Spirulizer, a must-have for raw foodies.
Ellicottville Oasis 23 Jefferson St. • EVL 716.699.8996
A Touch of Ellicottville 26 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.5385
Dry skin is just the worst! It gets dry and cracks ... then your hands and elbows bust open ... what a mess! Avoid dry skin with some Osmosis lotions from Ellicottville Oasis Spa. There are a bunch of different ones to choose from, so stop by and get your lotion on. Fight back against dry skin!
Support the local Volunteer Fire Department with the purchase of a well-tailored long-sleeved or short-sleeved t-shirt. All proceeds benefit the brave citizens who put their lives on the line to protect us. Available in both children and adult sizes. Choose from navy or tan in the shortsleeved and navy or red in the long-sleeved. All show EFD printed in white on the back, except the tan short-sleeved, which shows navy.
Page 12 ... SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014
From Winter to Summer ...
By Pat Morgan Of course everyone knows what The City Garage is famous for in the winter cutting edge ski and expedition gear with bits of fashion and unique accessories sprinkled in, presenting one of the most well rounded and interesting array of ‘stuff’ in town. The good news is - nothing images, despite the season. Looking for the ultimate workout/performance apparel? Look no further than the shelves of 5 Monroe Street, where you’ll find some of the coolest Salomon footwear, as well as technical apparel by both Salomon and The North Face. Whether you’re looking for casual comfort or intense workout/training gear, The City Garage has you covered. Not quite your thing? Don’t fret - there’s plenty more where that came from! If you’re an avid visitor of all things Ellicottville, without a doubt you know The City Garage always has something that leaves you scratching your head, yet at the same time makes you feel like you need that off-the-beaten-path item. This spring and summer will be no different, as The CG will be home to the one and only ‘glamping’ department in town! (For those not up on the lingo - glamping is essentially ‘luxury’ camping, offering modern solutions to rustic heritage.) From the collapsible wine glasses and stem wear of GSI Stainless, to the durable yet stylish mugs and flasks by Stanley, there’s a solution for any type of liquid salvation on display at The CG. While the minor details like cookware etc. are important, The CG also remembers that things like hammocks and tents are important too, which is why you can find the best of the best hammocks from ENO (Eagles Nest Outfitters) on their shelves as well!
Still not quite sure that glamping and trail running are your stainless steel cup of tea? Rest assured, The City Garage has more in store for you! One of the coolest and most dominant items space-wise you’ll see on display as you cruise through their open doors, are the impressive looking SUPs (stand up paddle boards) by BIC (yes - like the pen and lighter company). Measuring a modest 10’6”, one has a variety of shapes and colors to choose from, so whether you’re enjoying the serene sunset of Spruce Lake, or challenging yourself to the windy waves of south shore Lake Erie - there’s a SUP for you at The CG. Not looking to get wet and wild? The CG also has one of the more modern dry land activities for you as well, featuring Gibbon Slacklines. Simply find two trees (or anything firm standing), tighten the strap, and begin your balancing act adventure. Speaking from experience - one of the most challenging/frustrating yet rewarding activities I’ve ever done! To top it all off, The CG also features a variety of audio solutions by Outdoor Technology, from Bluetooth speakers to clip-in headphones for your cycling or skiing helmet. Too many things to choose from? Toss a pair of the new ‘Chroma Pop’ sunglasses by Smith Optics on your face to help conceal your astonishment, as well as provide an entirely new way to look at the world (you literally need to SEE these to believe). With all of this in mind, there’s only one thing left to do: get in the car and get down to Ellicottville, to keep the four seasons of fun continuous. The gang at The City Garage are ready and waiting to help you set your summer off the right way! You can find them at 5 Monroe Street or give them a shout at 716-699-2054 for all your summer solutions!
With all of this in mind, there’s only one thing left to do: get in the car and get down to Ellicottville, to keep the four seasons of fun continuous. The gang at The City Garage are ready and waiting to help you set your summer off the right way! You can find them at 5 Monroe Street or give them a shout at 716-699-2054 for all your summer solutions!
SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014 ... Page 13
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Page 14 ... SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014
Follow us on Instagram
@evlsnowedin Hashtag your photos to #evlsnowedin and we’ll select our top END-OF-SEASON picks to be featured ONLINE!
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Ellicottville’s first townhome development built with the Customer in Mind. Thoughtful design, timeless character and a variety of floor plans. Glen Burn Trail puts your lifestyle first.
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SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014 ... Page 15
Apres Cuisine
with Chef Brian Kiendl of John Harvard’s Brew House
Crispy Salmon Panzanella with Wilted Romaine and Pickled Veggies Garlic bread puree Focaccia croutons Wilted romaine Pickled vegetables Blistered tomatoes Tomato chips Fresh torn basil
The MARCH Snowed-In Special of the Month at John Harvard’s
FOR THE GARLIC BREAD PUREE: Take a half loaf of your choice of garlic bread, tear it into small pieces and place in a blender. Add to that 2 C. water, 1 Tbsp. butter, and about 3 oz. olive oil. Blend until smooth. Pass through a fine strainer or sieve if you desire smooth, or if you desire a rough puree, that is ok as well.
BEER PAIRING Order yourself a crisp
Looking ahead to the warmer months coming upon us, I get SAM ADAMS real excited about “going to the ANGRY ORCHARD CIDER garden” to choose dinner to go along with this dish specials. I know we’re still in the when you dine with us cold season, but that doesn’t mean at John Harvard’s. we can’t start our fresh cooking early. For the month of March, I have chosen a simple yet very classic dish. I call it Salmon Panzenella because of the garnish - your classic salade di panzanella. The meaty pan seared salmon will provide all you need for your belly and make you feel comfortable; the garnish will offer great things for your pallet. It is simple and re-energizing and will get you started on the “thinking fresh” part of cooking.
Choose something that will hold up to the acidic flavors of the garnish, yet will not overpower the fattiness of the salmon.
Chef Brian Kiendl is a graduate of F.C.I. in New York City with a Grand diploma in classis French technique. He continued his studies in France, and later found himself working near his hometown as the chef at the Athenaeum Hotel. He then traveled back to New York City to learn from some of the best in the business, before landing the head chef position at John Harvard’s Brew House, located inside the Tamarack Club at Holiday Valley Resort, phone 716-699-5350.
Page 16 ... SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014
BARTENDERS ellicottville
Throughout the winter editions of SNOWED-IN, we’ve taken you on a tour of personalities and bars/restaurants that create the character and culture here in Ellicottville. Our last stop of the season brings us to Katy’s Cafe, a local hot spot for breakfast and lunch, where they serve up specialty coffee drinks and great soups and sandwiches with a side of smiles and laughs. We sidled up to the breakfast bar and caught up with Brooke Szpaicher, a familiar young face around the village …
Interview By Pat Morgan P. MORGAN: First things first … who are you? Go. BROOKE: (laughs) … Well, I’m Brooke Szpaicher, I’m 23 years young, born and raised right here in good old Ellicottville! P. MORGAN: Nice. What else? School, etc.? BROOKE: Well, after graduating from Ellicottville Central, I attended St. Bonaventure University just over the hill, where I graduated in 2013 with Bachelors in Education. P. MORGAN: How long have you been working at Katy’s? And secondly, what enticed you to get a job here? BROOKE: Well, I guess I’ve been here a long time indirectly. Originally when this was Cooling’s, I was asked by the Cooling sisters to join their team. They really became like older sisters to me. So, when Katy’s opened, it seemed like a no-brainer to work here as well; it’s the place to be - gotta love the locals!
P. MORGAN: What’s your favorite part about working here? BROOKE: I honestly just love all the laughing I do with the girls I work with - Tinka & Michaela have a blast working here, no matter how busy it is. We have more stories between the three of us than I have time to tell - from both the crazy locals as well as the weekenders in here for breakfast recovering from the night before. It’s always something! P. MORGAN: Alright, so give us one of these stories ... BROOKE: I’d better not (laughs), some of them probably shouldn’t be repeated, BUT … I will say I love the local morning crowd. It’s really cool to hear all of their stories about growing up here, as well as the true history of Ellicottville. You’d never learn these things in a classroom. P. MORGAN: Last but not least … shout-outs? BROOKE: Of course I have to mention Kay and Victor (the owners) for having me a part of their show, the girls I work with, and of course my mother (Ma Dukes!) my sisters Mila and Maddie, my “brother” Trey, and YOU Pat Morgan (laughs).
If you haven’t stopped into Katy’s Café yet, experience their positive and uplifting energy by grabbing your morning coffee there on your way to hit the slopes, or swing in for lunch and try out one of their homemade sandwiches or soups, or special order your next cake or pie from cake creator/café owner Katy Arena. Katy’s Café, located on the main drag in downtown Ellicottville, 716-699-8860.
search ‘KatysCafe Ellicottville’ on facebook
SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014 ... Page 17
New Location!
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Page 18 ... SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014
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check out our NEW DELI STYLE SANDWICH additions!
H the hot spot for breakfast H specialty coffees & drinks H daily lunch specials H homemade soups & chili ... DON’T FORGET: Our homemade soups are now available H H by the Quart! Take some home or on-hill!
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SELLERS GREAT VALLEY 3 bed/2 baths, finished bsmt, oak bar, vaulted ceilings, 1 acre, private. ML# B444282 • $180,000
WE’RE RIGHT HERE ... 1 level 5 bed home, walk-in closets, WBFP, spacious RIGHT NOW ... yard, mins. from slopes. AND RIGHT FOR YOU! ML# B440818 • $189,000
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ISCHUA 12 beautiful acres w/views & pond. 3 bed / 2 baths, new carpeting, private. ML# B443634 • $79,900
SALAMANCA Wow! Income property! 2-family, hdwd floors, new metal roof, freshly painted. ML# B422843 • $35,000
SALAMANCA Solid brick home, hdwd floors, new roof, new wiring, nice yard, low taxes. ML# B440871 • $65,500
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Office: 38 Washington St. #3, PO Box 1012 • Ellicottville, NY • 716-699-8888
SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014 ... Page 19
Close out ski season mid-April with Bluegrass and Roots Music at Holiday Valley By Erik Schmitz With an anticipated ski season closing date of April 6, Holiday Valley will follow up with a weekend-long Bluegrass and Roots music festival April 11-13. The weekend, dubbed the Enchanted Mountain Music Festival, will fill Holiday Valley’s main lodge with workshops and performances that will knock the mud right off your boots as we transition from a ski town to a golf mecca. The idea for the festival came from a man by the name of Rick Manning, who attended a meeting in Ellicottville as part of the Ellicottville-Great Valley Recreational Trail Group. During his time in Ellicottville, he noticed the town’s charm and its commitment to music, thus inspiring him to spearhead an event here. Coincidentally, Holiday Valley Marketing Director Jane Eshbaugh, who also serves on the Recreational Trail Group, was present at that meeting and was extremely receptive to Manning’s idea. After careful consideration, they picked the end of ski season as the perfect time for the festival’s inaugural date. Manning, who is from Ithaca, NY, has successfully organized Ithaca’s Winter Village Bluegrass Festival for many years. “Part of Bluegrass culture is to pick with your friends,” Manning said. “Come hang out, hear some music, and play some music too.” Manning, who will play with two additional acts throughout the weekend, boasted the community nature of the upcoming festival. Coaching and offering tips and tricks-of-the-trade, Manning and other scheduled performers will offer their time picking and strumming with participants during workshop sessions held throughout the weekend. Additional information including special lodging packages at Holiday Valley, as well as one-day and whole weekend ticket pricing, can be found online at Plan to come out and support this fun new event to ensure that, like the festival’s music, it will itself become a tradition.
FRANK SOLIVAN & DIRTY KITCHEN | Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Facebook | Twitter
Front-woman Nora Jane Struthers carries a thoughtful and energetic presence everywhere she goes. She brings well-planned framework to her albums, videos and performances. The Telluride Music Festival granted the band its prestigious Blue Ribbon in 2010. (Previous winners have included Nickel Creek and Dixie Chicks.) In an updated version of the traditional American success story, Nora Jane packed up her van and left her teaching job in bustling New York City for “Music City” (Nashville, TN) in her twenties. She put every effort possible into her music and built up a national following, earning a top music video award on Country Music Television and completing a successful Kickstarter campaign to fund her upcoming album, Carnival, which is scheduled to be released just after the festival, on April 16.
Solivan has been called a “monster mandolinist.” He comes from small-town Alaska, where he pursued music studies in college. He eventually relocated to Washington DC where he joined the U.S. Navy band, the Navy itself, and then spent six years with the Presidential support band. Throughout his tenure playing music in public service, he experienced an intense desire to write his own music. So, after that chapter of his life closed, he stepped into the DC bluegrass scene where he picked up International Bluegrass Music Association award-winning accompanying musicians to form Frank Solivan and Dirty Kitchen. In addition to picking and playing, Solivan and his band offer catered events dubbed “The Dirty Kitchen Experience.” Solivan prepares food to make you salivate before taking the stage to impress with his musical virtuosity.
How long have you been playing music? I’ve been playing my whole life, but only professionally for five years. I grew up singing duets with my dad and started playing guitar at 14. We sang duets and I played some banjo, too, but singing, playing guitar, and writing songs are sort of my main things now.
How long have you been playing music? I’ve played my whole life, starting with my family - my grandmother, sisters, dad, and brothers all play. Performing is natural to me. I started with my middle school band, I sang in choir, and then branched out in high school. It helped me to get a taste for playing for people while I was young. Making money from playing gigs gave me a sense of joy and independence; I helped out my family buying clothes for school.
What is the most favorite event you’ve played? That’s a tough question to answer. I can list a couple. The Telluride Bluegrass Festival was great because we won the band competition. Grey Fox Festival in upstate New York, too, because I used to go regularly with my friends. It was a thrill to then be on stage for it. I remember looking out on the crowd and at the scenery thinking my path had led me in the right direction. Are you looking forward to the workshops at the Holiday Valley venue, where you’ll be able to play with and coach attendees? One of the beautiful things about traditional music - and this can apply to all forms, from blues, to Cajun, to folk, to cold country and bluegrass - all these styles are folk and anybody can pick up and play. I’m looking forward to bringing people together to find great joy in playing music with other human beings. It’s so easy.
What is the most favorite event you’ve played? I like smaller festivals; they’re fun to play … Seattle, Grey Fox in upstate New York, but I’d have to say my favorite was La Roche Bluegrass Festival in France last summer - the experience around being in France, making friends, learning a new language, eating great food. Are you looking forward to the workshops and coaching attendees? I’m definitely excited. I do workshops, clinics and camps all over. In workshops we can slow things down and go over the fundamentals I call the Four T’s: technique, tone, timing, and then increasing your tempo. Workshops are a part of Bluegrass culture. During my formative years I went to festivals and professional musicians took the time to show me, so now I look forward to doing the same.
Page 20 ... SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014
Art In Concert:
Michael Israel ELLICOTTVILLE BREWING COMPANY Saturday, August 2, 1014 details / tickets / sponsorship opportunities
Previous issues of SNOWED-IN have showcased that art comes in many different shapes, sizes, and configurations. Often what is created is done so in a studio or at least in a place of solitude where the artist has time to pause and reflect on the work they are creating. But sometimes the process is an art form in and of itself.
A Performance Piece Like No Other “Great art reaches beyond the senses and sensibilities to touch the soul.” - Michael Israel If you are not familiar with the work of Michael Israel, it can best be described as a Cirque du Soleil performance that ultimately results in a Jackson Pollack-like life sized canvass of creativity. Israel doesn’t consider himself as just a “painter” in the traditional sense of the word. He is more than that. He is a performer who holds a concert that is based on social commentary, which ultimately gives the audience an artistic experience unlike any other. Painting is a singular component of how he expresses his art. Ellicottville, NY will be able to experience this performance, first-hand, on August 2, 2014 when the Ellicottville Brewing Company hosts, what could possibly be, the event of the year. As part of Israel’s ongoing efforts to better the world through art and raise money for organizations in need, he has graciously agreed to use his fascinating talents to perform The Art Of Rescue, which will raise money for both the HoliMont and Holiday Valley Ski Patrol teams. Each winter, both ski patrols play a very necessary part in ensuring that the ski season goes smoothly. These dedicated volunteers spend an impressive amount of time training and honing their skills so that they can quickly and effectively act as first responders to any on-hill accident that occurs on the slopes of Ellicottville. Needless to say, all the training and necessary equipment comes with a substantial price tag, so bringing Michael Israel’s high-energy performance into town this summer is sure to help generate funds for the cause. And considering that some of Israel’s works have sold for as much as $250,000 it’s safe to say that both ski patrol teams are elated to have this guy on their side. Words cannot do justice in describing a Michael Israel event. He has been described as a combination of Jackson Pollack, David Copperfield, and Jackie Chan. His charismatic showmanship has mystified audiences of thousands of people so it will definitely be a special show when he performs in the more intimate setting of the Ellicottville Brewing Company. For more information on the show, including sponsorship opportunities, tickets, etc., contact HoliMont Ski Patroller Mary Lyn Boberg at 716-560-5482 or; or call the Ellicottville Brewing Company at 716-699-2537 or check out To learn more about Michael Israel, click over to
SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014 ... Page 21
HATHA YOGA Mon. & Wed. 6:00-7:15 p.m. Thurs. & Sat. 8:30-9:45 a.m.
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WHAT TO SEE & DO For a full list of attractions, special events, restaurants and lodging, Allegheny National Forest Campgrounds, cabins, Trails, fishing, Boating, kayaking
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Enjoy the great outdoors. Over 600 miles of hiking and biking trails are available. Easy strolls within the forest to multi-day backpacking adventures are available. Downloadable maps at:
Kinzua Sky Walk Kinzua Bridge State Park Open daily Dusk to dawn Mt. Jewett, PA Zippo/Case Museum Open daily Bradford, PA Eldred WW II Museum Open Tues.-Sun. Eldred, PA
For a FREE Travel Guide & Map 800-473-9370
March 15 Lonestar: Country/Pop Melodies & Vocals Bradford, PA Tickets: 814-362-2522 March 20 Supreme Reflections Bromeley Family Theater Bradford, PA Tickets: 814-362-5113 Wine Down Fridays Fridays in March Flickerwood Wine Cellars & Lounge Kane, PA
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SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014 ... Page 23
Nature’s Remedy
natural foods market & holistic wellness center
Anxious-LESS ... Coping with the Challenges of Life By Dr. Kristina Barlow, N.D., C.S.T Every single one of us gets to experience this incredible world through our own spiritual eyes as we travel down our own spiritual journey. See, touch and play in winter’s beautiful snow; look up and view a sky often full of pillowy clouds; hike, bike or ski through the enchanted Allegheny Mountains; and observe animals - especially our own - experience life in the moment. We also get to experience life through loving relationships with others, and a search for the Divine. When you stop to really think about it … life is miraculous! Life is also challenging for all of us. As we “work through” these challenges, the results are meant to strengthen our character, develop our experiences, deepen our wisdom and increase our love for ourselves, for others and for God. All too easily and all too quickly our challenges can create downward spirals of depression, disappointment, bitterness, addictions, blame shifting, anger, self-pity and ANXIETY. These reactions often create patterns of self-destruction and loneliness. Anxiety is commonly experienced in 75% of the population. It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it. - Hans Selye. Our body has an incredible, innate ability to react to stress through the nervous, glandular, immune and gastrointestinal system. This natural reaction occurs with real or perceived dangers and is meant to help the body perform at optimal levels by secreting hormones and neurotransmitters, which prepare the body and mind for action. The problem in our modern world is that stressors don’t retreat and the body stays in this flight or fight response almost daily, creating chronic inflammation in the body. The two main systems to take the hit of stress are the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response) and the adrenal glandular system. Over time, chronic stress, poor diets, toxicity and sedentary lifestyles create imbalances in these two systems. Symptoms of anxiety include shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, heart palpitations, muscle tension, trembling, insomnia, irritability, chest pain, cold sweats, feeling faint, headaches and feelings of anxiety in the stomach, chest, neck or head. Chronic anxiety can lead to heart disease, mental and emotional illnesses, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, pain disorders and changes in the body’s biochemistry. These changes in our biochemistry can be tested via urine and saliva samples for the assessment of neurotransmitter imbalances and adrenal dysfunctions. Smile, breathe, and go slowly. - Thich Nhat Hanh. The practice of changing our perceptions begins with five simple steps to every real or perceived stressor. These steps are in direct opposition to our response of hurrying because we have to fight or flee from the sabertooth tiger, holding our breath, thinking with our “monkey brains,” slouching in a defeated stance and tightening all of our facial muscles. None of these responses serve our final outcome. So … slow down or stop. Breathe at least three deep breaths. Remember that everything eventually works out. Straighten your back properly by pushing your sternum upward. And … smile. (Fake it!)
STEERING YOUR OWN BOAT: 10 NATUROPATHIC SOLUTIONS Life changes courses almost daily. You are responsible for caring for yourself and your life. As we are learning how to not be controlled by all the worries of this world, here are ten naturopathic solutions for your mild to debilitating anxiety. Magnesium, B Vitamins and Multi-Vitamin & Multi-Minerals. Magnesium Complex combines citrate and malate to promote relaxation of muscles, calming of the nervous system, better sleep and increased bowel movement. Nutri-Calm combines B vitamins with Vitamin C and calming herbs such as valerian root, passionflower flowers and hops flowers for calming anxiety, panic attacks and irritability. B vitamins are often depleted with processed foods, stress and anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications. Most people with anxiety need to replenish vitamins and minerals. For this I would suggest (my favorite MV/M) Love & Peas protein powder with a non-dairy milk, frozen berries and Ionic Minerals (76 trace minerals) once or twice a day. Anxiousless is our most effective quick-acting, non-drowsy anxiety supplements. Sceletium tortuosum, an herb from South African known for its calming and mood enhancing properties, combined with l-theanine, B-1, magnesium and zinc has the ability to calm anxiety within 30-45 minutes. L-theanine comes from green tea leaves and helps the body’s stress response, relieving both depression and anxiety. One capsule as needed for situational anxiety or one capsule twice per day for more severe, chronic anxiety. This is NON-sedative. It promotes sleep. And, it works for almost everyone! Amino Acid Therapy. GABA has been called “The Anxiety Amino Acid” as it is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter on the nervous system. Anxiety, panic, fear, phobias, grief, anger, pain and trauma all deplete
GABA. Low GABA levels decrease serotonin levels that then increase anger and feelings of loss of control. Loss of control causes anxiety and fear which triggers panic or excessive fight or flight responses. Low GABA levels also increase epinephrine and norepinephrine release that decreases logical thinking and increases heart rate. Finally, Normal GABA levels will help to decrease the firing or excitatory neurons in the brains, thus calming brain activity. GABA Plus contains GABA, glutamine, passionflower, taurine and spirulina. Combine this with Magnesium Complex, Nutri-Calm and extra B-6 for anxiety, panic disorders, sleep and memory. Flower Essences. Dr. Bach from England discovered the healing properties of 38 flowers in the early 1900’s. The essences of these flowers were made from the dew of the petals from the early morning. Their healing effects are gentle but powerful! Come into Nature’s Remedy and fill out our Flower Essences questionnaire to see which combination of essences would be best for your. For anxiety, Distress Remedy provides a calming effect during stress, trauma or shock. It allows the person not to dissociate from the situation while also preventing panic attacks and loss of temper. Be Courageous helps someone to take action in the face of their fears, finding self-confidence to pursue goals. Traditional Chinese Medicine. These simple and powerful combinations of Chinese herbs balance deficiencies or excesses within the five elements, yin/yang or sagging/deficient chi. Often people with excess Fire or deficient Fire have symptoms of anxiety. Stress Relief is for a person with excess Fire experiencing anxiety, insomnia, absent-mindedness, extremes of emotion, nervousness, tension, dizziness, light-headedness, mania or heart palpitations. It will quench this fire and pacify
the spirit, calming the nerves. Energetic Movements. Yoga, tai chi, qi gong, hiking, walking, running, dancing and meditation. Energetic Therapies. Homeopathy and CranioSacral Therapy are two therapies I provide in my office. Please contact me for more information. Both are very effective at treating the underlying causes of anxiety. Water. Often anxiety is the result of dehydration. To see if this is the cause, drink ½ of your body weight in ounces for one week. Observe your results. Essential Oils. Perfumes can cause anxiety and headaches. Switch to a calming essential oil and people will love to be near you and hug you! Lavender, Chamomile, Bergamot, Geranium. Grapefruit, Sweet Marjoram, Rose Bulgaria, Sage, Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang. Nervine Herbs. Black Cohosh. Blessed Thistle. Blue Vervain. Catnip. Fennel. Chamomile. Damiana. Feverfew. Geranium. Ginger. Ginkgo. Ginseng. Hops. Passion Flower. St. John’s Wort. Yarrow. Please come into the store for a free 15-minute consultation. Cast All Your Anxiety: After an initial homeopathic consultation, many people (especially men), express that they feel 50% better just from talking and letting out all that they are holding in. Over and over again this proves that holding onto the past, current stressors, secrets and our many fears produce a lot of unresolved anxiety. If you are someone who holds things inside, find an outlet. Find someone who cares and who will listen. A therapist. A friend. An alternative practitioner. A journal. Prayers to God. Trustworthy spiritual people. Cast all of it outside of your body. This is freedom!
Please call Kristina C. Barlow, N.D. for more information or to make an appointment. She can be reached directly at 716-353-0786 or by email at drbarlow@naturopathicpartners. com. You are also encouraged to stop by Nature’s Remedy, located at 26 Monroe Street in Ellicottville. Find Nature’s Remedy on the web at or call 716-699-4372. Kristina is a naturopathic doctor and craniosacral therapist practicing in Western NY, specializing in mental and emotional health, neurological challenges, musculoskeletal dysfunctions, detoxification and weight loss. *These ideas are not meant to be substitutes for proper allopathic care; they are used together with it. This information is NOT intended to “treat,” “cure,” “diagnose” nor be a substitute for the proper diagnostic assessments and treatments prescribed by your doctor. Naturopathic doctors are not PCPs, so always consult with your doctor for your health care needs. This article is only intended for your information, at your discretion and supplementing your allopathic care. *All products, information and services listed in this article are available at Nature’s Remedy, 26 Monroe Street, Ellicottville, NY 14731.
On Jan. 20 we began our first InForm Health and Weight Loss program. We have 15 participants and are loving it with reports of better energy and sleep, improved movements of their bowels, less pain, improved moods, excitement for a permanent lifestyle change … and, of course weight loss! After four weeks we have lost 75 pounds as a group! The approach is through nutrition, exercise, increased water intake, supplements, detoxifying, group support and individualized coaching. If you missed sign-ups for this InForm class, no worries. We will begin a new session at Nature’s Remedy come April. If interested, please contact myself 716-353-0786 or Nature’s Remedy 716-699-4372 for full details.
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We’re Thawing Out with March Maple Weekends in
The Enchanted Mountains
Cattaraugus County is known for its vast countryside, serene landscapes, and picturesque hills and valleys. With expansive forests all around us and an area indigenous to tall maples, we offer up some of the best maple syrup for your tastebuds. In fact, we love the sticky stuff so much, we have two weekends devoted to our maple farms, when they invite visitors to learn about their process and sample their goods. So how does warming up with a hot pile of pancakes sound to ease the cold of winter?
March is the start of a season of tradition, where local maple farms tap the trees in hopes of some sweet sap flowing down into their buckets. The time period between winter and spring is best for collection, with temperatures around 40 degrees being ideal. The trees are tapped with cordless drills, and small plastic spouts are placed to run the sap into a hanging bucket. Some maple farms have intricate webs of tubing, going straight from the tree to the tank, with vacuums to draw out that delicious sap. Each farm uses the same basic idea to get the sap, but have different techniques and processing systems to bring the syrup to your table. Maple farms in the area are encouraging families to visit them during two weekends in March to see how they produce syrup, to learn how much sap it really takes to make syrup, and to sample some of their tasty maple products. Some of the farms will even give tree tapping demonstrations, and share the history of their farm. Maple Weekends will be running from 10am-4pm each day, March 22-23 and 29-30. Get out of the house, explore your environment and learn something new! Sprague’s Maple Farm in Portville will display their authentic old-fashioned sugarhouse along with various demonstrations, sugar on snow parties, wagon rides to the sugarhouse, and activities for the kids. Starting out as a hobby over 30 years ago, this huge farm now boasts a restaurant serving all your maple favorites as well as free range turkey dinners. Visit Wright Farms in Farmersville to see how they are able to manage an astonishing 7,200 taps. Five generations of Wrights have worked to maintain the tradition of producing maple syrup and maple products on the farm. In fact, one of those generations was inducted into the American Maple Museum’s Hall of Fame in 1978 for his contributions to the maple industry. Stop by Boberg’s Maple in Delevan, known for their Maple Cream, on the second weekend for a tasty treat! Their process is more traditional with older equipment adding to the charm of the farm. Warm up to this family owned and operated business. The Pancake House at Moore’s in Freedom still serves up “all you can eat” pancakes from January to mid-April, but you can order their products online, by phone, or in their store out back. Their unique restaurant is filled with a selection of antiques, including a washing machine, sleds, tools, chinaware, knickknacks and other memorabilia. Maple Glen Sugar House in Gowanda will present a candymaking demo for Maple Weekends. Their store offers a variety of unusual gifts for sale, like seven flavors of gourmet pancake mix, maple sugar, maple sugar candies, maple cream, jellies, and maple mustard to maple peanuts. The health benefits of maple syrup are becoming more evident. It can be used in a variety of recipes as a substitute for sugar, having more nutritional value. It is all natural, fat free, cholesterol free and has as much calcium as a glass of whole milk. Whatever farm you decide to go to, admission is FREE and all are more than happy to welcome you to their Sugar House. Come to Cattaraugus County and embrace our agricultural side … your stomach will thank you! Naturally Yours to discover and play in! Two weekends not enough for you? Then keep a heads up for Franklinville’s WNY Maple Festival April 26-27. Two days of pancake eating, craft items, a parade, and live demonstrations. Read more about these events and others on our website at or get more information by calling 1-800-331-0543 or emailing Don’t forget to print off the free Maple Weekend Coloring Book that helps your children review what they saw and learned throughout the day!
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THE OSMOND BROTHERS Their Signature Brand of Entertainment Coming to Seneca Allegany Casino
A Conversation with Jimmy Osmond HULICK: We are so excited you guys are coming this way. OSMOND: Well thank you. We love it up there. People are always so nice.
We have a lot of history there.
HULICK: I’ve read your bio and I can’t believe everything you’ve done. You have your own production company, you promote concert tours, and the list goes on and on. OSMOND: (laughs) Don’t believe everything you read. It looks like a lot, but in 47 years of performing you can do a lot of projects one at a time that are diverse, and I think that has kind of been our thing. We all love to try new things. We haven’t succeeded in all of it, but it’s been a great ride. HULICK: One of the most recognized segments associated with the Osmonds is the “I’m A Little Bit Country, I’m A Little Bit Rock and Roll” from the Donny and Marie show. Can we expect to hear different genres of music at your show? OSMOND: Yes. Merrill and Jay are with me and they are the ones that produce all the shows and they are the ones that actually created that segment. So we have put that in all our live shows because it’s their history too.
.............................. FIVE SHOWS | May 7-11, 2014 By Melanie Hulick As the saying goes … “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” The Osmond family has been proving that for over five decades. It was on the Andy Williams Show in 1962 that the world got their first real glimpse of the Osmond Brothers doing their harmonizing barbershop routine, and from there they skyrocketed to success creating “Osmondmania” by 1970, when they could barely make it to their dressing rooms through the droves of wild adoring teenage girls. Three of the Osmond Brothers - Merrill, Jay and Jimmy - will be bringing the songs and memories of the past 50 years to the Seneca Allegany Casino Events Center in Salamanca, NY for five shows in May. The Osmond Family - Alan, Wayne, Merrill, Donny, Marie, Jay and Jimmy - have collectively produced 53 gold and platinum records with over $100 million in sales worldwide. The behind-the-scenes work that they have all had is extensive, not only in the entertainment industry, but on a more personal level they have given of themselves to reach those in need - from hurricane victims, to our troops fighting around the globe and especially to the care and needs of children through the Children’s Miracle Network, which was originally founded by their mother, Olive Osmond as the Osmond Foundation. Now known as the Children’s Miracle Network, the Osmond family has built it into the largest children’s charity in the world. The idea for this foundation came when the first and second born Osmond children, Virl and Tom, were born with hearing disabilities. It is because of this disability they were not able to join in the musical history of the other seven children. I had the pleasure of talking with the youngest Osmond brother, Jimmy, recently and he shared some insight on why the family seems to have this magical recipe for success, and it has nothing to do with the many awards and achievements they have been showered with over the years from their peers in the music industry. “It’s not about that for us. People don’t care what you did … they only care what you’re going to do for them. They are there to see the show so they can have their experience. We are just the lucky ones to give them those moments that take them back, and that’s fun for us,” said Osmond. What can we expect from their shows in May? According to Osmond, “We’ll be doing a little bit of pop, country, rock & roll, gospel … I think people always gravitate to the music that was from a good time in their lives, so we have something for everyone. We are looking forward to coming back to the area.”
HULICK: I can’t imagine how many shows all of you have done collectively over the decades. Is it still fun for you? OSMOND: We love doing what we do. You know the one thing we’ve learned when we do shows is that it’s not about us … we’re just there singing songs that were lucky enough to be on the radio. You find that you really transport people back to an earlier time when things were easier and they are remembering their lives through the songs that they heard on the radio. That’s kind of fun to have history with people. It’s a hard ask for people to go to shows nowadays and for some reason we’ve been really blessed … knock on wood … that people have chosen to continue to support our show. I think they “get it” … I think they realize that we are very appreciative and we know we wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for them. In the 1970’s we could never say hello to people. It was always us being rushed back stage. But now we’re enjoying our shows as if it was our last one, and I think we are having more fun than we ever had. HULICK: I think another reason you have been so successful and draw people to your shows is your family values. You are so relatable. OSMOND: You’re very kind. We’ve had our own share of problems though. We do a segment in the show called “Remember Me,” that is edited together so it features the members of the family that are retired, and I think people like it because you can look into their eyes and they are thinking of their own families and you are kind of the trip switch to help them do that. If we can continue to be a part of that, that’s pretty cool! HULICK: I know you love performing in Broadway musicals and have played the Teen Angel in Grease and Billy Flynn in Chicago. Have you ever thought about doing a Broadway show based on your music and life? OSMOND: We’ve been approached by a few producers but it never came together. You are right … I love being in those types of shows and it was so much fun playing those characters. West End in England (that country’s Broadway) is where I’ve spent most of my time, so that would be amazing. So we’ve been honored that some people have thought it was a good idea, but it’s not come together yet. HULICK: You know I have to ask the question … how many children and grandchildren are in the family now? OSMOND: 4,000 … HULICK: (laughs) OSMOND: (laughs) You know, I am not sure right off hand, but I know it’s
over 50 grandchildren and over 60 great grandchildren. That’s why we’re still working! (laughs)
HULICK: What’s the best thing about being Jimmy Osmond? OSMOND: Well it has to be being Michelle’s husband and Sophia’s,
Zachary’s, Wyatt’s and Bella’s daddy.
Tickets to The Osmonds’ performance at Seneca Allegany Casino in Salamanca start at $25 and can be purchased through (click on Seneca Allegany). For more information on the Osmond Family, visit
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SHAKE OFF THE GREY DAYS OF WINTER AND LOOK FORWARD TO WARMER WEATHER We’re looking forward to the sounds of the returning song birds, the bloom of wildflowers, updating our home décor, and getting outside to hike and bike the mountain trails of the Allegheny National Forest Region in northwestern Pennsylvania ... are you?
A CELEBRATION OF LIVE PERFORMANCES Adding to the sounds of spring, a series of professional songsters including Lonestar (a country/pop powerhouse) and Supreme Reflections (a 60’s revival tribute performance) are coming to the region in March. Lonestar will perform on March 15 at 7:30pm at the Bradford Area High School Auditorium, 81 Interstate Parkway in Bradford, PA. This group is known for merging deep country roots with strong melodies and rich vocals. Since their national launch in 1995, they have achieved ten #1 country hits including “No News,” “Come Crying to Me’ and the crossover smash, “Amazed.” Other hits include “Tequila Talkin,” “Smile,” “Tell Her,” “What About Now,” “I’m Already There” and “My Front Porch Looking In.” Their new CD, Life as We Know It, features classic ballads like “With My Eyes Open,” as well as pop and country hybrids like “Pretty Good Day” and “Party All Day.” Lonestar consists of Richie McDonald (lead vocals, rhythm guitar and piano), Michael Britt (lead guitar, background vocals), Keech Rainwater (drums), and Dean Sams (keyboards, harmonica, background vocals, acoustic guitar.) Learn more about the band at Tickets range in price from $55 to $65 and are available by calling 814362-2522 or clicking over to Join in the fun when Supreme Reflections performs the ultimate tribute to the music of Diana Ross & The Supremes on March 20 at 7:30pm at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford’s Bromeley Family Theater, 300 Campus Drive in Bradford. Don your grooviest ’60s outfit and take part in the celebration! Supreme Reflections is a loving tribute to the most famous female singing group of all time, THE SUPREMES! This sparkling trip down Motown’s memory lane is written and directed by Motown producer and creative consultant George Solomon and awardwinning producer/director Michael Chapman with choreography by Paul Holmquist. The music of Motown is ever enduring and you’ll be singing along and dancing in the aisles - getting your’60s groove on. With the purchase of your ticket to see Supreme Reflections, you have an invitation to attend the pre-show ’60s themed party - refreshments included. All the fun starts in the KOA Lobby in Blaisdell Hall and then continues in the Bromeley Family Theater for some of the greatest music of the period. The party starts at 6:30pm. Tickets are $20/$16 and can be ordered by calling 814-362-5113 or online at
Think Spring with a floral arrangement from Graham’s Florist & Gifts
March is the perfect time to “freshen” your home or condo. When the weather is rainy, pick a day to go out exploring for treasures to brighten your home. Grahams Florist & Gifts, 9 Kennedy Street in Bradford, offers silk floral arrangements, fresh flowers, and potted plants that can help bring spring inside. A new floral wreath of yellow forsythia with a lovely ribbon bow and streamers that blow in the wind might be just the ticket to brighten your door for spring. Candy Tingley, the owner of the shop, an experienced fourth generation florist, will be happy to work with you to create something special just for you. Bring in a paint chip or a photo of your front door or that room that needs a little something to brighten it for the season, and let her work her creative magic. Gift shop items include a selection of wall decorations, outdoor and indoor planters, plant stands, clocks, and assorted decorative items. Shop hours are Monday through Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday 9 am-1pm. Questions or special requests? Phone 814-368-3186. The Main Street Mercantile, 45 Main Street in Bradford, is a treasure trove of artwork, local photography, collectibles and both useful and decorative furniture. Two storefronts - upstairs and downstairs - are brimming with a wealth of home goods. With a constantly changing inventory at this artisan co-op, you’ll want to visit frequently! An antique Hoosier cupboard for the kitchen ranging from $300-$800, a mirror for your hallway, a sinfully soft pink plaid alpaca throw, a new chair for that empty corner of the living room, or possibly a photograph of spring flowers, or pastel yellow, blue or pink Luray plates to serve your family and guests in style could be just what you need and want to usher spring into your home. Original fine artwork by Denise Drummond lines one wall; her fresh style featuring the bright colors of a field of flowers will brighten anyone’s home. A large selection of inexpensive soy candles offered in spring scents like lilac and fresh cut-grass will freshen the air, bringing the season into the home even if snow is still blowing outside the front porch! Something for you? Handcrafted alpaca sweaters, hats and purses in springtime colors will have you smiling. Quality items are priced very reasonably; a pink striped alpaca purse was marked at $18; an alpaca hat was only $30. If you are crafty, there is a wonderful selection of alpaca yarns in a wide variety of colors for you to choose from. Hours are Monday through Thursday 10am-6pm, Friday 10am-7pm, Saturday 10am6pm, and Sunday Noon-4pm. Phone 814-368-2206 for additional information.
SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014 ... Page 27
Shopping at the Main Street Mercantile is always a treasure hunt
Revitalize with Cavallaro’s Paint & Decorating
Feed your appetite: Beefeaters Restaurant, Kelly’s Restaurant, and John Williams European Pastry Shop all have something to satisfy your tastebuds
How about a new paint color or framed print for your condo or home? Cavallaro’s Paint & Decorating, 12 Kennedy Street in Bradford, offers and a wide range of quality paints and wallpaper, and hundreds of frames and mats to choose from. Computerized mat cutting equipment allows them to customize your artwork with precision and style. This family owned decorating shop offers custom paint matching and custom framing and superior customer service. The new line of designer Candice Olson’s colors by Benjamin Moore Paints include names like seashell, white down, pale oak, golden straw, sea haze, flora and feather gray. Can’t you just imagine how they will look in your house? You’ll have a great time leafing through their selection of wallpaper books in search of just the perfect paper for your bathroom or kitchen. Bring in your fabric samples, a photo from a magazine, or just your ideas and play; this is a store that believes in customized service. Store hours are Monday through Friday 8am-5pm, and Saturday 8am-Noon. Phone 814-362-9565 for additional information.
LUNCH, BRUNCH OR DINNER? The Historic District of Downtown Bradford, Pennsylvania is a quick few minutes ride from Ellicottville, NY on Route 219 South. Bradford not only offers a variety of family owned shops where you can browse and buy distinctive home decorating items, there are a variety of locally owned restaurants with a wide selection of dining menus to suit all styles. Beefeaters Restaurant, 27 Congress Street, offers fine dining in a casual setting. Located in a restored Carnegie Library, this historic building features a great meet & greet bar and
lounge area with a full range of signature drinks. Family friendly, the dining area offers a diverse menu of beef, seafood, salads and desserts. Well known for the quality of their beef bar, the prime rib and “beef on wick” sandwiches are two favorites of the locals. Beefeaters is open for lunch Wednesday through Saturday from 11am-2pm, and for dinner Monday through Saturday from 4pm-10pm. Reservations can be made by calling 814362-9717. Kelly’s Restaurant, 27 Main Street, offers homemade daily specials and soups. Their chili is a family recipe, and they feature a selection of salads, pasta, beef and seafood. A children’s menu and free wireless internet make it a perfect location for meeting family and friends after a day of shopping. A full-service bar offers many local craft beers. A large, private back room is an ideal location for hosting groups and family events. Hours are Monday through Saturday 11am-9pm. Phone 814-362-2933. For breakfast or brunch, John Williams European Pastry Shop is a charming café offering European style pastries, quiche, traditional American breakfasts of ham, sausage, and eggs done the way you like them, and a lovely Sunday Brunch. Fresh baking is done daily on-site. When you enter John Williams, the smell of fresh baked bread and rolls from the oven will greet you, and the display cases will be brimming with a selection of pastries, cookies, pies and cakes. Depending on the weather in March, if it is warm enough, you can dine outside along Tunaquwant Creek in downtown Bradford. If you are looking for a fun idea to do with a group of friends or family, you can call ahead and schedule a “Baking with Joe” cooking class. You and your guests will work with the baker to create a delicious treat - such as raspberry twists - which you can then take home or eat! Hours are Monday through Friday 6am-5pm, Saturday & Sunday 6am-3pm. Phone 814-362-6637.
A new “Treasures of the Forest Shopping Trail Map” includes over 26 specialty shops to visit in McKean County, Pennsylvania, with driving map, and is available to download online. You can also view the full list of attractions and local restaurants at Plan to stay over! Our area offers charming bed & breakfasts, cabins, hotels and lodges - everything from the primitive to the plush.
Phone 800-473-9370 or to receive a FREE guide and map!
HOLIDAY VALLEY 716-699-2345 WINTER CARNIVAL March 8-9 It’s hard to believe that Holiday Valley can be even more fun, but wait ‘til you come to Winter Carnival 2014! A multitude of exciting events will be held on-hill both days, with the annual Mardi Gras Parade taking place in the village Saturday evening at 6pm. NORTHWIND SUPER G Sunday, March 16 This is your chance to let ‘em rip! A radar gun will clock your speed on the Super G course on Northwind. Open to all ages. POND SKIMMING & SPRING PARTY Saturday, March 22 A crazy celebration of spring skiing and all the fun that goes with it! Skim across an ice water filled pond or just come watch … it’s a guaranteed good time!
HOLIMONT 716-699-2320 SKI DAY FOR UNITED WAY Thursday, March 6 The United Way of Cattaraugus County invites everyone to come out and enjoy a day on the slopes, all the while raising funds for the many programs offered to the local community. Entry fee is $60 which includes an all-day lift pass, a long-sleeve t-shirt, continental breakfast, gourmet lunch by Dina’s Restaurant, after-ski snacks, and entry into the Poker Run. Pre-register today! 716-372-3620 FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY Every Friday through the season 6:00-8:30pm $15 adults, $8.50 kids 12 and under
DOWNTOWN EVL LIVE MUSIC AT MADIGAN'S 36 Washington St. 716-699-4455 Friday, March 1 MICK HAYES Thursday, March 6 PARTY SQUAD Friday, March 7 LEON & THE FORKLIFTS Monday, March 17 (all day) ST. PADDY’S DAY BASH! Everyone’s Irish on this day! MARDI GRAS PARADE Saturday, March 8 • 6pm Downtown Ellicottville Plan your float or marching group for the Mardi Gras Parade! For information on registering for this year’s parade:
ELLICOTTVILLE BREWING CO. 28 Monroe Street BREWERY TOURS Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays 12pm, 2pm, 4pm See an EBC host for details, or book online. COUPON: clip the EBC ad in this edition of Snowed-In (page 14) to claim a 2-for-1 Brewery Tour, valid through March 31, 2014 only. FAMILY STYLE DINING Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays 5:30pm, 7:30pm, 9:30pm Enjoy a “no wait” outing with your group in EBC’s semi-private dining area upstairs, where each course from your selected menu is served in large format platters or bowls by your own personal waitstaff, allowing guests the convenience of passing each platter around the table “family style.” Book online! 716-699-2537 HATHA YOGA BY LAURA SOLLY YOGA Core Performance Fitness Studio Bristol Lane Monday & Wednesday 6pm-7:15pm Thursday & Saturday 8:30am-9:45am Instructed by Laura Solly. Ongoing 8-week sessions, drop-ins welcome, privates & duets are available upon request. To sign-up, contact Laura Solly. 716-353-0951 SILVER FOX STEAKHOUSE 23 Hughey Alley DATE NIGHT Every Wednesday Bring your date in and start off with a glass of wine for each of you and a shared appetizer; then choose a bowl of salad to share, one entrée to share, and one dessert to share - all for $42. MARTINI CLUB Every Friday Come in and enjoy a martini with complimentary appetizers every Friday from 5-7pm. Don’t forget to leave your John Hancock in the “club” sign-in book attend four Fridays in any given month, sign the book each visit, and you can win a $50 gift certificate to the restaurant. 716-699-4672 DAILY WINE TASTINGS AT WINERY OF ELLICOTTVILLE 14 Monroe Street Wine tastings offered every day! “Our wines are made right here in Ellicottville!” 716-699-1055 LOCAL CHURCH SEEKING DONATIONS! The Holy Name of Mary Church Ushers’ Club is seeking donations for its roof fund. The landmark building, located at 22 Jefferson Street, has served the community for over 100 years. Checks can be sent to PO Box 543, Ellicottville, NY 14731. In the memo write “Roof Fund.” Your support is greatly appreciated! 716-699-2592
OUT OF BOUNDS CASINO PERFORMANCES Seneca Allegany Casino & Hotel Salamanca, NY TRAVIS TRITT Saturday, March 8 • 7pm Commanding the stage for over 25 years, Travis Tritt is no stranger to the spotlight. With seven platinum-selling albums, two Grammys, three CMA awards and five #1 hits, Tritt is one of the most successful and acclaimed musicians of his era. His latest release, “The Calm After,” showcases his evolution as a country music artist. And at age 50, his Southern Rock edge has never sounded better. Tickets start at $25, available through GARY ALLEN Saturday, March 29 • 7pm Multi-talented country singer/songwriter Gary Allen made his debut in 1996 with the release of his first hit single, “Her Man” – the lead-off to his gold-certified debut album, “Used Heart for Sale,” A string of hits followed, including “It Would Be You,” “Right Where I Need to Be,” and “The One,” just to name a few. Fast forward to today with the release of his latest album, “Set You Free,” which chronicles Allan’s own journey as a man and artist. Now’s your chance to experience his unique song styling in person. Tickets start at $35. Tickets available through 1-877-8-SENECA WET YOUR WHISTILE: INTRODUCTION TO BREWING Saturday, March 15 • Noon-3pm Pfeiffer Nature Center Portville, NY Learn how to make artisanal wines from some local masters. $20 per person includes all needed information plus tastings of several varieties, all made from local ingredients. 716-933-0187 ANF REGION CONCERTS LONESTAR Saturday, March 15 • 7:30 pm Bradford Area High School Auditorium 81 Interstate Parkway, Bradford, PA Known for merging deep country roots with strong melodies and rich vocals, this country/pop powerhouse achieved ten #1 country hits during their 20-year career. Tickets range in price from $55-$65. 814-362-2522 SUPREME REFLECTIONS Thursday, March 20 • 7:30 pm Bromely Family Theater Univ. of Pitt-Bradford 300 Campus Dr., Bradford, PA A loving tribute to the most famous female singing group of all times, “The Supremes.” Your ticket includes an invite to the pre-show ’60s themed party in Blaisdell Hall, complete with refreshments! Tickets are $20/$16. 814-362-5113
MAPLE WEEKENDS March 22-23 & 29-30 Throughout Cattaraugus County, NY What better way to spend a day with family and friends! Maple producers across the county will open their doors to the public. Witness how maple syrup is made, and indulge in the many maple products that will be available for sale. Admission is free! For a list of maple producers in your area: WINE DOWN FRIDAYS Every Friday in March Flickerwood Wine Cellars 309 Flickerwood Road • Kane, PA Enjoy a relaxing evening with friends while drinking a great glass of wine and listening to live music. 814-837-7566
THIS SPRING ENCHANTED MOUNTAIN MUSIC FESTIVAL April 11-13 Holiday Valley Resort Ellicottville, NY This inaugural event will showcase bluegrass and roots music over the course of three days, complete with concerts and workshops. Bands will include Frank Solivan and Dirty Kitchen, as well as Nora Jane Struthers and The Party Line. For full details, ticket pricing and special lodging packages: 716-699-2345 GREATER OLEAN AREA HOME AND GARDEN SHOW April 11-13 William O. Smith Rec Center Olean, NY More than 80 of the area’s leading businesses are expected to exhibit their wares and services. Displays will include landscaping, patios, window replacement, siding, heating and A/C, pools, spas, furniture and more. Representatives from local banks, home builders and insurance companies will also be on-hand. 716-372-4433 ANTIQUE & COLLECTIBLE SHOW & SALE April 12 • 10am-4:30pm Pine Creek Inn Route 6, Galeton, PA Close to 20 vendors will display and sell antiques and collectibles at this one-day show. Admission I $4.50 adults, $3.00 youth, members are free. ALLEGANY ADVENTURE RUN Saturday, May 3 Allegany State Park Salamanca, NY Three different course distances to choose from, fun post-race party, great door prizes & live DJ. Register at:
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SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014 ... Page 29
WE LOVE SNOW! AND WE KNOW YOU DO TOO! Help us capture the local scene!
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We’ll pick and post our favorite “END-OF-SEASON” picks on our website at We’re looking forward to seeing your final winter shots!
Ready. Set ... Point. Shoot. Post.
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G @amandadevito: #mysnowboarder #greatrun #nomorebunnyhill
@mradamx: Late night hiking sessions. @evlsnowedin
@misstimkey: a small sampling of giveaways for @b4bc. se ourse good people doing good things, pay it forward. @boardroomeville s and ank as Line. d
@bobbiscabs: #ellicottville #skyporn #endoftheday
@kristykoebel: Valentine’s Day snowshoeing adventure
@shellydevito: #papoo #evlsnowedin
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@dash_913: Got some early morning turns in. #gnu #spacecase #groomers #holimont2014 #valentinesday #love
@nicolemnyznyk: #snowday peace, love, snow
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@amandadevito: @holiday Valley @evlsnowedin
@shellydevito: #dinas #yum
@chazormond: #evlsnowedin @holimont
@mradamx: Getting deep here on the east coast. @skitheeast @drift_innovation @smithoptics #gettingthegoods
Page 30 ... SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014
B4BC “Shred the Love” at Holiday Valley
Boarding 4 Breast Cancer returned to the slopes in Ellicottville on Saturday, Feb. 15. The day played host to a plethora of activity, including demo tents, a cancer awareness outreach booth, park clinics, rail jam, silent & Chinese auctions, and an awards reception party. Brought to you by The Boardroom Snowboard Shop, Holiday Valley and the many generous sponsors, proceeds will go to the Buffalo area’s Women’s Oncology Program at Camp Good Days and B4BC awareness programs. High fives to everyone who came out and showed their support!
photos/Phatman Boardshop
View more photos from this year’s B4BC event at
SNOWED-IN ~ MARCH 2014 ... Page 31
13 Lifts • 58 Slopes and Trails • Elevation 2250 ft. Top / 1500 ft. Base • Acres 1400 Total / 300 Skiable + woods
Holiday Valley also boasts 5 terrain parks, 3 base lodges, 2 hotels, cross country skiing/snowshoeing trails, a mountain coaster & more! The resort has become a leader in the ski industry and ranks among the favorites of skiers in the East. 716-699-2345 •
8 Lifts • 52 Slopes and Trails • 750 Vertical Feet • 135 Skiable Acres • Terrain Parks & Halfpipe
For over 50 years, families and snowsports enthusiasts have converged on HoliMont - North America’s largest private ski area devoted to family skiing adventures. During the week, HoliMont welcomes non-members and groups. 716-699-2320 •
MAKE SENECA ALLEGANY CASINO & HOTEL YOUR ENTERTAINMENT DESTINATION! Enjoy non-stop gaming action with more than 2,000 new and exciting slots, and more than 30 thrilling table games. Indulge in a variety of delicious dining options featuring authentic Italian at Patria, and The Western Door, voted Western New York’s premier steakhouse. Relax in the comfort of AAA Four-Diamond hotel accommodations with 413 luxurious rooms on 11 levels. Let our professional and attentive staff revitalize your mind, body and soul in The Spa & Salon. Experience the excitement of live entertainment in our 2,400-seat Events Center. It’s all here waiting for you at Seneca Allegany Casino & Hotel!
Call 1-877-8-SENECA or visit *Double occupancy required. Now through April 14, 2014. Season’s end date is weather permitting. Based on availability. food credit for Seneca Café only. Offer valid at Holimont Monday through Thursday only. friday and Saturday nights are subject to an upcharge at Holiday Valley.
Stay up-to-date on entertainment and eventS at Seneca caSinoS.
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i-86, exit 20 777 Seneca Allegany Boulevard Salamanca, NY 14779 | 1-877-8-SENECA