SNOWED-IN December 2016

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Giving back this holiday season Irish Christmas | Dining Out Snowed-In holiday gift guide Cheers to a Better You! Q&A with Peter Cetera


Showcasing the Snow Scene of Ellicottville and Surrounding Areas in Western New York and Northern Pennsylvania



try before you buy

... page 04

snowTRENDS @mudsweatgears ... top performing skis | the latest in helmet and goggle technology | expandable athlete packs

With the first snowfall of the season, we’re amped on testing out the newest product.

If you haven’t made it out to your local ski shop yet, there’s no better time than the present to dial in your gear for the 2016-17 season. We stopped into Mud, Sweat N’ Gears in Ellicottville to scope out some of the newest product on their retail floor. Owners Kimberly Reading and Miguel Azcarate go to great lengths to hand-select the equipment stocked in MSG ... one of their favorites this year: the newly redesigned Nordica Enforcer ski. Read about this and other top picks ... page 17

M CONTINUES THE DREAM Former HoliMont Snowboard Team racer spends her off-season chasing winter in preparation for the World Cup circuit / 2018 Olympics

Last winter, SNOWED-IN introduced you to a young woman named Megan Farrell, whose Olympic aspirations in the field of alpine snowboard racing were taking her in a direction that most people in their early twenties never even set their sights on. Over the course of the past year, Farrell came to realize that she had the ability to start strong in competitions but didn’t always maintain the focus necessary to come out with an overall win. She began working with different sports psychologists with the goal of getting herself to a new level of mental proficiency and competitive demeanor. And while you were most likely enjoying your summer relaxing and soaking up the sun, Farrell spent her off-season chasing winter in Chile, training for the upcoming World Cup circuit and the hopes of securing a spot on the 2018 Olympic team ... page 12


From Eldred to Kane and everywhere in between, enjoy a full day of holiday shopping in the ANF Region of PA ... page 26



ADVENTURE BOUND | VILLAGGIO | ILEX INN | The story of 3 Ellicottville originals who returned “Home” ... page 07

Page 02 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016

AM E T R U JOIN O e. ki scen nt. s L V the E inme TING f-hill enterta S O O B d of W on- an o t R A FE e O id F u g G r IN you LOOK WE’RE

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Caitlin Croft | Executive Assistant 12 Washington Street, Ellicottville, NY 14731

fit for adventure

premium footwear for the outdoor-minded ... because we believe life is enriched through adventure, travel, and community. available at Adventure Bound onthefly • 16 Washington Street • Ellicottville, NY 716-217-4047 •

Creator / Publisher Layout & Design Brenda Perks, DesignPerks of Ellicottville 716.244.7573 a monthly winter publication BOOSTING the EVL ski scene and surrounding attractions in Cattaraugus County, NY and McKean County, PA

@evlsnowedin ... FOLLOW US, upload your pics, use #EVLSnowedIn. Each month through winter we’ll select our favorites and feature them in print & online!

Advertising Sales Brenda Perks 716.244.7573 Evan Evans sales rep / distributor 716.474.6812

Team Writers and Photographers Spencer Timkey Dash Hegeman Greg Culver Mary Heyl Melanie Hulick Pat Morgan Caitlin Croft Jaimie Woodarek ELLICOTTVILLE SNOWED-IN is distributed in Cattaraugus, Chautauqua & Erie Counties, NY McKean & Warren Counties, PA and select locations in Northeast OH.

Ellicottville SNOWED-IN is a publication produced by DesignPerks, PO Box 1077, Ellicottville, NY 14731

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Available upon request Deadlines for the 2016-17 season: December issue: Nov. 10th January issue: Dec. 10th February issue: Jan. 10th March issue: Feb. 10th Please contact one of our sales reps for rates and additional information Ellicottville SNOWED-IN is published five times a year in October (Ski Show edition), December, January, February and March by DesignPerks of Ellicottville, PO Box 1077, Ellicottville, NY 14731. Copyright © 2016 by DesignPerks. All rights reserved. Reprinting in whole or part is forbidden except by permission of DesignPerks.


Publisher’s This Holiday Season, Give the Gift of Giving Back

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016 ... Page 03

Myers Steak House & Inn 460 Wdilwood Avenue, Salamanca, NY

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Bring Your Taste Buds to the Party with Our Fabulous STEAKS • FRESH SEAFOOD • CREATIVE CHEFS • NEW MENUS Wide Variety of Bottle Beers • Wine List Selections and The White Tail Tavern too! Free WiFi • 6 Nicely Appointed Guest Rooms • Reservations Appreciated

By Spencer Timkey It’s easy to get lost in the noise of the holiday season. Flash sales at big box stores. Christmas dinner planning. Last minute shopping (guilty!). Too often, society attempts to reinforce this notion that Christmas revolves strictly around the giving and receiving of material possessions. We live in a consumer world, where drones deliver packages to you that you ordered from your cell phone. It’s easy to get lost in the noise. But this holiday season, the crew at SNOWED-IN implores you to think about the concept of giving a little differently. As a proud alumnus of St. Bonaventure University, I’m taking advantage of this platform to tell you about an incredible, admirable endeavor of the University - The Warming House. In 1974, Fr. Dan Riley gathered students together to help him with a community service project. They would congregate with senior citizens of the community and provide them with coffee and donuts. But it’s purpose dug much deeper than that. “They were bringing these people out of their isolation, and giving them a sense of community,” Fr. Francis Di Spigno, O.F.M. told me. “Over the 40 years, The Warming House transformed itself from coffee and donuts to providing full-fledged meals - but the mission has not changed.” St. Bona, a short 25 minute drive from Ellicottville, resides on a gorgeous patch of the Enchanted Mountains. A Franciscan institution, Bona oft-times invokes the teachings of St. Francis in its goodwill work. “St. Francis saw Christ in everyone,” Fr. Francis said. “He found God in all creation. When the city banished the lepers, he would go to them with food. He turned what was bitter into sweet - seeing those who were in need and helping them. Those who felt disconnected, marginalized and alienated. We follow his teachings, and apply those teachings to The Warming House.” Fr. Francis calls The Warming House “one of the jewels of the University’s outreach into the local community.” Open 6 days a week, it serves over 12,000 hot, nutritious meals annually to those in need. However, those being fed aren’t the only ones receiving. “The mission is to feed people,” he said. “But it’s not just the community or those in need - it’s the St. Bonaventure community. It’s a two-way street. We need a population that we might not necessarily have a conversation with. You see, after St. Francis saw Christ, he stopped looking at the lepers as decrepit. He saw them as beautiful creations of God. Outreach such as The Warming House stretches us beyond ourselves, gets us out of our comfort zone and acquainted with those who are different.” Jordan Garrett, a student at Bona, is one of six student coordinators who galvanize their peers into volunteering at The Warming House. Although serving meals is a primary task, they are also dedicated into spreading awareness, organizing what will be cooked, scheduling and other administrative duties. But he told me that none of it really feels like work. “The feeling of gratitude you get from helping is one that I can’t really describe,” he said. “We’re not approaching this as a job. If you do that, you’re lacking an understanding of what the real message, the real mission is. It’s about understanding a different walk of life and building a relationship with someone who’s different than you are. But at the end of the day, you begin to realize that we’re all not that much different.” The Warming House relies on grants, donations and volunteers to keep its wheels turning. The Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, United Way, Cutco Knives, The Home Depot and the Food Bank of WNY are all big reasons The Warming House can continue its mission. “St. Francis’ conversion is one that I would love to see all people experience - to see Christ and God in all things and all people,” Fr. Francis said. “On the surface, the mission is to feed those who may not have the ability to feed themselves. But a strong piece of The Warming House is to not only feed our guests, but feed ourselves as well - spiritually. This brother and sister adventure we’re all on helps us never forget who we really are.” If you’d like to donate or help at The Warming House, Fr. Francis (or St. Bonaventure’s University Ministries) can be reached at 716-375-2142. For more information, call Fr. Francis or head to


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Page 04 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016




BOB McCARTHY’S IRISH CHRISTMAS | Friday, Dec. 2 @ 6pm | Ellicottville Brewing Co. Bob McCarthy’s Irish Christmas fundraiser has become an event to remember, and one that locals and weekenders alike look forward to each holiday season. This year, especially, is certain to draw a large crowd. McCarthy aka “The Voice of Ellicottville” started this special event 11 years ago; this past June the community was forced to say goodbye to one of its most generous, kind-spirited individuals ever known. Although Irish Christmas will never be the same without him, Bob’s dedication to the event and the meaning behind it has inspired the Rotary Club of Ellicottville to continue this magical endeavor. It was McCarthy who said, “I love doing Irish Christmas … it is a night of Irish magic. I don’t know how the magic gets there, but it just does. That’s the beauty of it.” Come Friday, Dec. 2, McCarthy’s trusty wagon will be parked outside the Ellicottville Brewing Company on Monroe Street starting around 7am. Throughout the day, the public can leave new toys and unwrapped gifts for Santa’s Workshop and the Sheriff’s Santa Program. These programs collect gifts to help make Christmas a little special for less fortunate families. When evening rolls around, the brewery will surely be filled with plenty of friends and so much of that special magic, as Bob McCarthy’s Irish Christmas officially kicks off at 6pm. “A Taste of Ireland” will greet patrons with a culinary feast, featuring a number of restaurants serving a special Irish dish at a reasonable price. Enjoy Katy’s Irish Stew, Villaggio’s Irish Meatballs, Madigan’s famous Guinness Mac & Cheese, the Silver Fox’s Bangers & Mash, and a fabulous dessert, Irish Cream Bread Pudding from Dina’s chef Tom Kneeland. EBC’s regular menu will also be available to order from. Top it all off with EBC’s special Irish Coffee. The highlight of the evening will showcase the return of the Pie Auction. Our locals have dug out their favorite recipes for pie, and some great woodworkers have volunteered to create some very special pie boxes, so you will see some extraordinary creations that you can bid on, along with birdhouses and special furniture in the “McCarthy tradition” … and believe it or not, there will be a number of Bob’s very own creations that will be auctioned off as well! Bob had started early and had created some unique pieces before his passing, which his family insists be a part of this great event. Music by Seanachie will kick off the festivities, which start promptly at 6pm - you won’t want to be late! The spirit of the season is unmatched in Ellicottville, and Bob McCarthy’s Irish Christmas is a perfect opportunity to share it with friends. Irish music, storytelling, raffles, food and fun … all for his favorite cause. Remember to mark your calendar for Friday, Dec. 2 to share the spirit with friends and to help give back to families in the community. For more information call 716-474-7832. If you cannot attend this special event but would still like to contribute, monetary donations may be sent to: Family Support for Ellicottville, PO Box 101, Ellicottville, NY 14731.

CONSUMER DEMO | Saturday, Dec. 17 • 10am-3pm | Holiday Valley Resort

Buying something new can be a tricky endeavor for even the most experienced consumer. Advertisements will tell you all the things you want to hear - and none of the things you don’t. Reviews can be skewed, biased or just flat-out wrong. The notion of ‘try before you buy’ has become a common phrase in our society, mainly because people want the peace of mind knowing the money they’re about to spend is on something they know they’ll enjoy. Ski and snowboard equipment, an investment unto itself, can be some of the trickiest products to buy. You’ve got Internet banner ads showing ridiculous deals, but if you don’t know what you’re buying, you’ll dig yourself deeper into the dreaded money pit. The importance of supporting your local shop is paramount - and Holiday Valley’s Consumer Demo Day is the perfect complement to that.

Holiday Valley and the major ski and snowboard companies are here to help you with your purchasing decisions. On Saturday, Dec. 17, visitors are welcomed to test new product. Reps from major manufacturers, plus Ellicottville’s local shops, will set up a demo village at the base of the Main Lodge. Brands like Burton, Salomon, Volkl, Atomic, Mervin Manufacturing (Lib Tech, GNU and Roxy), Head, Elan, Nordica, Apex Ski Boots, and many more will set up shop to put product out on hill. One of the best parts about this event is that all demos are FREE to try. So long as you show up with a valid ID and a credit card (to make sure you don’t run off with the pair of Rossignol Experience 88 HD skis that you just fell in love with), you can product test all day long on as many different set-ups as your little heart desires. Of course it goes without saying that you will need a lift ticket to enjoy the slopes. For more information on this year’s Consumer Demo visit or call 716-699-2345.


SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016 ... Page 05



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Page 06 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016 ... Page 07

SHOP. PLAY. DINE. STAY. Roots Run Deep in Ellicottville. By Spencer Timkey “A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.” George A. Moore’s words may sound a little cliche for a lighthearted piece as this, but honestly, he nailed it. You may travel the world over, experiencing sights and sounds of cultures far different than the one you grew up in. But the more time you spend away from home, the more you begin to miss it. And I’m not just talking 10-day vacation stints, either. I’m speaking on the people that grew up here and moved away … only to wonder what it would be like to live in it again - to own a business, raise a family, become completely immersed into the community. You can certainly label Ellicottville a small town - a small residential population, an elementary/middle/high school all in one building, knowing someone almost anywhere you go - but the place certainly does project an impressive persona on its visitors. It’s that persona that brought three originals back to the place they once called home. John Rounds, Nick Pitillo and Rick Jackson all grew up in our (anymore, not so) small town before moving to various places around the country. The allure of Ellicottville can’t be defined by material possessions, multi-million dollar homes or a single store or restaurant. It’s a remarkably diverse place where walks of all life congregate to enjoy a vibrant personality of ski resorts and beers and good food and awesome people. But when I asked Rounds, Pitillo and Jackson what brought them back, the answers were quite simple. “It’s home.” As small business owners, they cater to the masses. While each offers a different service - food, retail and lodging - all three could see the same person at any given time. The Rounds Family, happy to be back in Western New York. Spencer Murray Nick Pitillo with his #1 managers

Dana Hall

Rick & Glenda Jackson, Inkeepers




16 Washington Street • 716-217-4047 Interview with JOHN ROUNDS

7 Monroe Street • 716-699-2199 Interview with NICK PITILLO

6416 Route 242 East • 716-699-2002 Interview with RICK JACKSON

If you’ve been coming to Ellicottville since before Michael Jackson was the King of Pop, you’ll remember Adventure Bound. Original proprietors Chris and Heidi Rounds sold what the name implied: adventure. Ski boots, camping equipment, and everything in between, many people remember Chris selling them their first pair of skis. “Every week, we meet people who tell us they remember buying their first set of equipment from dad or the original store,” said (John) Rounds, who reopened Adventure Bound onthefly last fall. “The reception we’ve gotten has been absolutely incredible.” When Rounds opened Adventure Bound in the fall, he expected a traditional Ellicottville winter - tons of snow, tons of people and heavy traffic. Then last winter happened. “Growing up in Ellicottville and being around the winter sports market for such a long time, you think you’ve seen it all,” Rounds said. “Every day, we kept saying ‘next week it will get better.’ Obviously, that didn’t happen. But we never questioned the decision to come home and reopen AB, because it’s not strictly winter-specific. It’s designed to be a year-round retail operation.” As Adventure Bound moved into the spring and summer months, they doubled down on their offerings of kayaks, paddleboards and fly fishing gear from Orvis. After a summer of scoping local fishing spots and waterways, they’re ready to go full-on with guided trips and tours. “Speaking of guided tours, we’re getting ready for our ‘Almost Full Moon Snowshoe Tour’ on Saturday, Dec. 10th,” Rounds said. “We’ve got a full demo fleet of snowshoes from MSR that we love to get people out on to explore some terrain they might not see otherwise.” Since Adventure Bound doesn’t sell snowsports hardgoods (skis, snowboards, etc.), they supplement the winter business with snowshoes, Patagonia clothing and camping equipment. This season’s newest addition might be a brand you’ve heard of. “Sorel cold winter boots for men and women are currently in-store, and we’re thrilled to have a brand that carries so much weight. Between Sorel, Orvis, Osprey backpacks and Patagonia, we’ve got our brands really dialed in.”

Ask Ellicottville native Nick Pitillo what he said when Cheryl Kane approached him with the idea of opening a restaurant where The Barn was. “I believe the exact quote was ‘No way’,” Pitillo told me, laughing. “Maybe a little more colorful than that. But initially, the thought of opening another spot was the last thing on my mind.”

Rick Jackson left Ellicottville at the young age of 20, ending up with the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department. Initially leaving because he wanted a change of scenery and to get his feet wet, Jackson ended up staying in the Sunshine State for a cool 25 years.

Pitillo’s journey through the food and beverage world has taken him around the country, from baseball stadiums to breweries to casinos. After leaving Ellicottville and getting a degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology, he jumped feet first into the restaurant world.

“I grew up here, moved away, then saw the Ilex was for sale. After 25 years on the force, I figured enough was enough. I filled out my retirement papers and bought the place. We’ve been here six years.”

“My first job out of school, I worked for Darden restaurants - Olive Garden, Red Lobster, etc. - and after 7-8 years, I came back to Buffalo to open one at Walden Galleria. From there it was off to Arizona, then Indiana, before I ended up in Mount Snow, Vermont, where I ran food and beverage for their lodging properties. My first big event? The X Games. It was pretty cool looking up in your deli and seeing Tony Hawk. After a couple of X Games, I started to get homesick. So I came back.”

Lodging in Ellicottville is about as diverse as the people that visit here. You can rent a massive house with 15 of your friends or come for a quiet, couples getaway. The Ilex Inn is the latter. A bed & breakfast that sits just outside of the village, it doesn’t define itself by just one season.

Pitillo helped the Seneca Nation with food service while they were opening their casinos around western NY, from Batavia to Niagara Falls to Salamanca. And finally, after countless hours working for someone else, he decided it was time to do his own thing. “That’s how Osteria 166 happened,” he said, referencing his (stellar) spot on Franklin Street in downtown Buffalo. “It helped having two incredible business partners in Jeff Cooke and Ed Gurbacki. That’s the dream, man. Owning your own place.” So we finally circle back to Cheryl’s question. Pitillo brought his wife (Kendra), daughter (Olivia), and pup (Jasper) to Ellicottville, visiting where his father is buried, hiking around Holiday Valley and generally scoping things out. “I took Kendra into (what was) The Barn, and said ‘Honey, what do you think? For another Osteria?’ and she burst into tears. We’ve been married a long time, and I couldn’t tell if they were happy tears or sad tears. Thank the Lord, they were happy tears. Villaggio was born.” The crew at Villaggio - young, energetic and determined to make it succeed - embody the fun and inviting vibe Pitillo wants to project. Things like Ellicottville’s Largest Disco and having dance crews perform Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ in the street at Halloween, Pitillo is constantly pushing the envelope on what the place can do. “If we’re not giving someone a reason to come in or come back, then we’re not doing it right.”

“Anymore, we’re busier in July than some of the winter months,” Jackson said. “I think a lot of folks love the ‘home getaway’ aspect of it. We’ve got six rooms and multiple sitting areas, and the pool is a big draw in the summer. All in all, it’s been a great six years.” Remember earlier when I mentioned the diversity of the people that visit? Jackson validated that. “The people that stay with us are always great, and it’s astounding how many different cultures and nationalities we’ve seen. We’ve had families from Jerusalem, Russia, the Netherlands, Germany, Australia … all over the world.” Since Jackson’s family owns a lot of the land behind the Ilex, guests are free to hike around - there’s even access to a part of the Finger Lakes Trail, which circles the ridge around the village before ending up at HoliMont. “My wife (Glenda) and I love being back here. I think what people that visit don’t see is how tight knit of a community we are,” he said. “She’s the secretary at St. Paul’s Church and we’re both volunteer firefighters. Everyone in the town and village does something to complement each other - very rarely do we hear complaints about service in town. I think that’s what makes this place so great. We’re all in it together.”

Page 08 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016

Gallery 14731 Art ~ Gifts ~ Décor

Handmade Gifts!

Local Artists!

Chance Encounter leads to

Quirky Quilters

Lyn Hall tries her hand at quilting ... and discovers that she’s really good at it! Find her works locally at Ameri-Can in Ellicottville

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One of the area’s most unique stores, patterned after Aspen’s best consignment shop. High end items for men, women and children.


By Caitlin Croft

Hours: Mon/Wed 12-5, Tues/Thur/Fri/Sat 10-5, Sun 12-4

There is something to be said about being in the right place at the right time. For how many times in life things don’t always add up, beautiful coincidences always seem to be peppered in. If you ask Lyn Hall of Quirky Quilters, she will tell you that her career started from a chance encounter.

34 W. Washington Street, Ellicottville, NY





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“About six-seven years ago, I was perusing a sewing shop in Erie, PA. There was a woman there looking to purchase a new long-arm quilting machine. After she proclaimed to the store, ‘Anyone want to buy my used machine?’ ... I for some reason, said yes.” Hall was always proficient at sewing and decided she would teach herself to quilt. “I have lived a gypsy life and now I am a snowbird; spending winters in Florida and summers in Randolph, New York,” Hall tells me. “I have been lucky enough to do so much from running motels, managing storage units to owning a Ben Franklin retail store for 12 years, and I always waited tables on the side.” Hall’s children built up Oregano’s, a restaurant in Randolph, NY in 2001, which was a popular fixture for the five years they were open. After Oregano’s closed its doors, Hall’s husband, Dick, retired and started making wooden toys to send to underprivileged children locally and worldwide. “It started off very small in our garage and slowly grew into a huge operation over the last 10 years, with 10+ volunteers and a new location inside Rand Machine. These toys have been sent to 9+ countries including Jamaica, parts of Africa and South America.” Since May of 2016, Randolph Toy Makers have sent out 2,400 toys to children. Back to Hall and her desire to learn the art of quilting ... After successfully teaching herself to quilt, one of Hall’s friends asked Hall if she would make a quilt for her. After that, the requests just kept pouring in. “I was fortunate that the old 129 Main Consignment Shop allowed me to work out of their space and have my products on display. When they closed last May, Rand Machine took me in and allowed me to set up in their warehouse.” Now Hall makes all the tops to her quilts while she is down in Florida soaking in the warmth, and assembles them when she returns home in the summer. When constructing her quilts, she “goes with the flow”, producing her own free-hand designs. “Patterns are too boring,” she says. Hall believes that this factor has attributed to her continued and growing success. Another chance encounter about a year ago led Hall to downtown Ellicottville’s AmeriCan retail shop where she met owner/operator Liz Boberg. Ameri-Can is a beautiful mash-up of local art, décor, clothing and crafts which align perfectly with Hall’s aesthetic. After a few conversations and looking at Hall’s works, Boberg offered to sell her quilts in the shop. If you stop in to check out her quilts and fall in love but are looking for something different than what’s available for sale, Liz is always happy to coordinate custom requests. In addition to Ameri-Can, you can find Hall’s work on her new Etsy page or contact her directly at 813-469-3821. You can also find ‘Quirky Quilters’ on Facebook. Chance encounters happen all the time and occasionally things align perfectly. So, next time you are out shopping, running errands or stuck in line, remember to slow down and appreciate the now, otherwise you might just miss your beautiful coincidence.

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016 ... Page 09

A TOUCH OF ELLICOTTVILLE • 28 Washington Street • 716.699.5385






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Give the Gift of Winter Fun this Holiday Season! Holiday Valley Gift Cards are good for anything and they make holiday shopping so easy! Climb the Sky High Adventure Park. Slide at the Holiday Valley Tubing Co. Ski & Ride on our 58 slopes, 4 terrain parks, glades and cruisers. Indulge at Ellicottville Oasis Spa. Swim in the outdoor heated pool and hot tubs. Enjoy the craft brewed beers at John Harvard’s Brew House. Purchase Holiday Valley Gift Cards at or call 716.699.2345

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HoliMont visitors are richly rewarded with the opportunity of experiencing North America’s largest private ski resort devoted to family adventures. Stands of scenic trees and native grasses are utilized in HoliMont’s design, which maximizes the natural beauty of the mountainous backdrop. Eight lifts with a capacity of 13,000 people per hour run along the trails, which boast a longest run of 4,000 feet, top elevation of 2,260 feet, base elevation of 1,560 feet and vertical drop of 700 feet. Throughout the ski season, members enjoy a full variety of activities and events, ranging from private lessons and programs for adults and children alike, to racing teams and competitions. Taught by highly trained professionals over 50 distinctly unique trails,which combine to over 20 miles of breathtaking skiing, the programs at HoliMont SnowSports School make it one of the best ski spots in the nation.

HoliMont SnowSports Enhance your skills or learn something completely new with one of our friendly snowsports instructors. Our weekend clinics are just the thing to keep you motivated and on the path of progression. Own the confidence and freedom to carve up any slope your heart desires.

The Oldest Snow Vehicles in the World HoliMont members donated the funds this season to purchase a piece of snow machine history. The restored 1974 Model 1443 Tucker Sno-Cat® made the long trip from Idaho to EVL last month and will be used for special events and getting people and supplies moved around the area.

New Fleet of Snowboards If Knuckle dragging is more your style, come try out our brand new fleet of Burton rental boards. These aren’t the clunky rentals you may be used to. The Burton Process is one of the best all-mountain boards out right now and we fitted them up with high performance Burton Mission bindings. We also carry Lib Tech and Never Summer demo boards provided by the Boardroom Snowboard Shop.

Gear-Up Rental Shop Come check out the new demo and rental skis at HoliMont. We teamed up with Rossignol to offer some of the hottest shapes and camber designs on the market. The rental shop is open daily from 9am-5pm. We also carry a line of demos from local EVL ski shops. Try them out here and get a discount at the local shop if you decide to buy.

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016 ... Page 11

Plan your next Conference, Office Party, or School Outing HoliMont can accommodate any group. Your team needs a break from the daily grind and there is no better way to recharge batteries than a fun and relaxing day on the slopes. We make it easy for you to accomplish your goals, so that you get to focus on the fun. With several versatile meeting rooms, HoliMont can accommodate your needs. Get out and play in the morning with refreshing runs on the slopes and see what it inspires during afternoon meetings. Or pump up with a healthy breakfast meeting catered by Dina’s and let loose for the rest of the day on our pristine slopes. Challenge your group to a fun race and take your team building experience to the next level, then celebrate your results with an après party.

The Weekday Experience Pass The Weekday Experience Pass is a snow lover’s “Dream Come True.” Give yourself the freedom of experiencing HoliMont during the week and ski for as little as $25.00 per day. • SKIING WITH VIRTUALLY NO LIFT LINES OR CROWDS • 10 WEEKDAYS OF SKIING/SNOWBOARDING • 5 GROUP LESSONS Used up all 10 of your Weekday Tickets? Purchase another 10 for the same low price you paid originally. Can’t use 10 more? Bring in your used 10 day passes for a one-time adult lift ticket.

X-Country and Snowshoe Trails Take a break from the excitement of our downhill activities and immerse yourself in nature on our breathtaking three-and-a-half-mile cross-country trail. HoliMont’s cross-county trails and terrain will provide you with a quaintly invigorating alternative to the fast-paced downhill fun that HoliMont has to offer. No matter what your ability level is, you can rest assured that you will get a great workout while also surrounding yourself with some amazing scenery. The Gear-Up rental shop has snowshoes, XC skis and even headlamps to rent for moonlight adventures. Please note that there is no foot/non-skier traffic allowed on the chairlifts. For over 50 years, families and snowsports enthusiasts from miles around have converged on HoliMont, North America’s largest private ski area devoted to family skiing adventures. Generations of members have been drawn in by the amazing skiing, only to fall in love with the warm community atmosphere that makes HoliMont the kind of place you never want to leave. During the week, HoliMont is happy to welcome the public and groups. Our eight lifts service over 50 slopes and trails. Head to

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While you were enjoying summer in the States, this former HoliMont Snowboard Team racer was chasing winter in preparation for the World Cup circuit / 2018 Olympics By Dash Hegeman

Last winter, SNOWED-IN introduced you to a zealous young woman named Megan Farrell, whose Olympic aspirations in the field of alpine snowboard racing were taking her in a direction that most people in their early twenties never even set their sights on. Fourtime Olympic Gold medalist Jesse Owens once said, “We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, selfdiscipline, and effort.” Farrell knows a thing or two about determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort. Over the course of the past year, Farrell came to realize that she had the ability to start strong in competitions but didn’t always maintain the focus necessary to come out with an overall win. She began working with different sports psychologists with the goal of getting herself to a new level of mental proficiency and competitive demeanor. After suffering a concussion last January, Farrell was able to regroup and come back with a new level of ambition. “I broke down the pieces in my training and identified what I need to be successful,” stated Farrell. “I was able to come back and win 8 NorAm races backto-back to grab the overall NorAm Cup title. This showed great improvement from the previous year where I typically would qualify first but failed to maintain the intensity and concentration required to win the race.” The NorAm Cup title put Megan in a good position heading into the 2016-17 competitive circuit, which is essentially the preseason to her overall goal of making the 2018 Winter Olympics. According to Farrell, this season “shows the selection committee what you are capable of. In terms of the selection process, this season is all about results and next season is showing that those results can be consistent. The official Olympic Team will not be announced until the January or February of the Olympic year (one month prior to competition).” Based on how strongly she ended last season, consistency is key from here on out. With that in mind, Farrell went into her offseason training with an entirely new level of resolve. She treated training like it was her job because, let’s face it, it was. The month of August was spent in Santiago, Chile training and conditioning herself with her former national team coach at El Colorado ( - a popular training destination for many different national teams. There, she and some of her teammates took part in a camp that focused on high volume on-snow training. Training in South America, where it was winter during that time period, allowed Farrell and her teammates to be on snow that was more consistent with what they would actually experience during their actual race circuit. Since alpine snowboarding requires a firm, hard snow surface, it is very difficult to train in North America during the off season because the snow at the areas that do manage to keep snow into the summer ends up becoming very slushy as the day progresses. In Chile however, that is not an issue. Farrell’s time in Chile was also important from the standpoint of being able to continue to test her equipment and make the necessary fine-tune adjustments that ultimately become the difference between winning and losing races. Additionally, as Farrell put it, “It is difficult to get so many hours of on-snow training in-season because you are battling fatigue and it is important to maintain high energy levels for race day. This season, there are World Cups scheduled approximately every two weeks from December until April. This means that I have to stay at the top of my game for 5 months.” Training isn’t Farrell’s only job though. Training to be an Olympic athlete takes money and a lot of the expenses fall directly on Farrell. In May she began working with a company called Bothwell-Accurate as an Environmental Consultant. Last April she graduated with a BScH in Environmental Science from Queen’s University, and having had a prior relationship with Bothwell-Accurate, the company brought her on with the understanding that they would help support her in her 2018 Olympic aspirations.


Farrell also has an impressive list of sponsors who are helping her pursue her dream. On top of the support she gets from Bothwell-Accurate, Farrell passionately lists her sponsors as: “Kenmark Snowsports, Apollo Colours, Expressions Dental Care, Anytime Fitness at Yonge and Elgin Mills as well as team Mom & Dad. On top of this, I have launched a crowdfunding campaign for the past two years where I have received an outpouring of There support from friends, family, and new fans who have all made a significant impact on my day i journey.” to N Next up for Farrell is a trip to the Yukon for more training. This time she will be with the Chris new Canadian National Team coach, Jan Wengelin and it will be the first official training HoliM camp for the upcoming season. “The camp spans from November 11-22,” Farrell said. Pass “The main focus is again on volume and consistency in riding to build a good base head- well ing into the first World Cup in December. Our days at the Yukon will consist of on-snow your training from 9-3 followed by mental training (goal setting) tuning our equipment, offsnow training (workouts and maintenance) all of which make sure that our time on snow Plus M is maximized in efficiency. Thinking of a training day, we spend a majority of the time on chairlifts or waiting to go down the course. This means that we have to make sure every Break run, every turn, every second is focused. This will be my first time training in the Yukon Regu which is exciting. One of the things that I love about being a professional snowboarder is that I get to travel to all of these new places and embrace new cultures that I would not Regu Total have otherwise experienced.”


That ability to experience and embrace new cultures will continue after Farrell leaves the Yukon. From there Farrell will get to go to one of her favorite places to compete - Italy, Buy If pur where she will begin the new World Cup season. If pur “Last season, we spent a majority of December training in Italy to prepare for the first If pur World Cups in Carezza and Cortina,” Farrell reminisced. “This year will be similar. We head out on the 5th of December and train at Hockfuegen, Italy followed by the World Cups in Carezza and Cortina on the 15th and 17th. Training in Italy during December is *The awesome for a number of reasons: 1) it’s the first World Cup of the season so it’s filled with excitement, 2) the slope of Carezza is steep and the snow is firm, ideal for racing! and 3) the hills are surrounded by the Dolomites, which are breathtaking.”


There is no doubt that Megan Farrell has a lot on the line this season. How she competes HoliM this winter will have a tremendous impact on whether or not she is able to chase her 2018 grind Olympic dreams. The pressure is immense but she is up for the task. day o you g “When goal setting, I try to avoid result based criteria since there are too many factors involved in which I cannot control,” Farrell said. “Instead, I focus on making sure I go can a into a race feeling confident so that I can execute my plan. I work to break down what runs I need to make me feel confident on the day of each race. This can mean confidence in up w my tuning skills, knowing what line I want to take in the course, and feeling comfortable rest o in the high intensity environment at the top of the race course including the warm-up and pre-run rituals. This season, there is a lot of pressure building on results for criteria refres towards the next Olympics. For me, focusing on the process and making sure that I am expe getting everything I can out of every training and race day that I can - that is what I can control and what I can improve.”


As Farrell continues to chase her dream - a dream that most people never even entertain limi - she does so knowing that she has the support of her family and friends. She knows that there will be obstacles to overcome and that all she can do is control the things that she has power over. Or as Megan says, “My goal for the season is to finish without regret, knowing that I did everything I can.”

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016 ... Page 13

Open to the Public Monday - Friday Weekday Experience Pass

There’s no reason why adventures need to be saved for the weekend. Every day is a day to be remembered at HoliMont. And since HoliMont is open to Non-Members every Monday – Friday (except for the week between Christmas and New Years) you now have the opportunity of experiencing HoliMont numerous times throughout the season. Our Weekday Experience Pass is the ideal way for you to get 10 weekdays of skiing and/or riding, as well as 5 group clinics at a minimal cost. Run after run, HoliMont will make your day. No long lines. No crowds. Just you and the excitement of the slopes. Plus More! Break Down on Savings for 2016 – 2017 Regular Weekday Pass $56 x 10 = $560 Regular Clinics $50 x 5 = $250 Total $810

Buy Now and save up to $570 today! If purchased by November 12th – $240 If purchased by December 31st – $250 If purchased on/after January 1st – $260


(716) 699-2320 (716) 699-5582 (716) 699-5306 (716) 699-8159 (716) 699-5306 (716) 699-4698 (877) 754-4654 (716) 699-5029 (716) 699-2826

Hours of Operation

*The Weekday Experience Pass is a non-transferable picture pass

Corporate Outings, Groups & Schools

HoliMont can accommodate any group. Your team needs a break from the daily grind and there is no better way to recharge batteries than a fun and relaxing day on the slopes. We make it easy for you to accomplish your goals, so that you get to focus on the fun. With several versatile meeting rooms, HoliMont can accommodate your needs. Get out and play in the morning with refreshing runs on the slopes and see what it inspires during afternoon meetings. Pump up with a healthy breakfast meeting catered by Dina’s and let loose for the rest of the day on our pristine slopes. Join the SnowSports School for a 1 hour refresher clinic or challenge your group to a fun race and take your team building experience to the next level, then celebrate your results with an après party.

The possibilities for mixing business and pleasure are limitless - not to mention affordable.

General Public & Members MON - FRI (Winter) 9:30am - 4:20pm Christmas week is open to members and invited guests ONLY. Members & Invited Guests SAT & SUN (Winter)

8:30am - 4:20pm

Off-Season Office Hours MON - FRI

7:00am - 3:30pm

6921 Route 242 PO Box 279 Ellicottville, NY 14731

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support small business



this holiday season

Snowed-In’s annual Holiday Gift Guide



Ellicottville Salt Cave 32 W. Washington St. • EVL 716.699.2068

A Touch of Ellicottville 28 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.5385

Indulge this holiday season! Escape to The Cave and feel the holiday stress and tension float away with their signature Salt Stone Massage - warm heated Himalayan salt stones are incorporated into a Swedish massage to provide soothing, therapeutic benefits. The 84 trace minerals found in the salt stones nourish your skin, leaving it smooth and silky! Come on in - you deserve it! 45 mins $80 / 60 mins $100 / 90 mins $150. Couples massage also available.

Take a piece of Ellicottville home with you! Or better yet, wear it! A Touch of Ellicottville offers its visitors (and locals too!) a wide selection of Ellicottville branded clothing - from tees and sweatshirts to pajama pants and even teeny tiny threads for those wee little ones (every baby in E’ville should rock a onesie from this place!) A hot seller since fall are these Ellicottville-USA hoodies … stop in and claim one for yourself before they’re all gone!



The City Garage 5 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.2054

The Boardroom Snowboard Shop 6113 Route 219 & 16 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.5620

Cold feet? Never again with Salomon’s first fully heated ski boot. Based off of the best selling ski boot in America, the XPro men’s and ladies features a generous fit in the forefoot, while having a snug fit in the heel. Pair that with a heated liner and you will be sure to outlast your friends on those bitter cold ski days! Available Now!

The Force is strong in these ones! Stance continues its powerhouse collaboration run with your favorite characters and places from the Star Wars universe. Will you follow in your father’s footsteps and join the Empire? Or will you fight for justice with the Rebel Alliance? Buy both and wear one on each foot! A perfect stocking stuffer, give the gift of everyone’s favorite intergalactic story this Christmas. #teamboardroom



Holiday Valley Mountain Shops 2 locations: Main Lodge / Yodeler Lodge 716.699.2345

Slopeside Mountain Shop @ HoliMont 716.699.2320

Holiday Valley is prepared for Opening Day! Pictured are Melissa, Chasidi, Colleen, Marc and JP outfitted in just a few of the many great winter wear items you’ll find inside the shops, which are both open 7 days a week once the slopes open for skiing and riding: Yodeler Mountain Shop open until 5pm Sunday-Thursday and 6pm Friday/Saturday. Main Mountain Shop open until 8pm SundayThursday and 10pm Friday/Saturday.

The Slopeside Mountain Shop at HoliMont added a premium line of gloves to the lineup this year. Hestra has been making quality gloves since 1937. The All Mountain CZone glove is a warm and versatile glove with CZone membrane that makes it windproof, waterproof and breathable. Impregnated goat leather in the palm. Wolf Paw construction for increased durability. Once you slip your hands into these babies, you might not take them off till spring.



Dekdebruns Snow Sports 20 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.2754

Betsy’s Consignment 34 W. Washington St. • EVL 716.699.6131

Khombu boots offer both fashion and function by keeping your feet warm and dry at an incredibly reasonable price! They are a great option to wear all winter long. Khombu prides themselves for developing their product with the help of U.S. Olympic Athletes and customer feedback. Stop in and check out what they have to offer for the whole family!

In need of a stylish party dress? An affordable winter coat? A classy decoration? Why buy new when you can stop by Betsy’s and shop a plethora of previously loved options? Who knows what else you’ll find that you were not even aware you needed? Browse a full rack of ski jackets and pants, just in! Plenty of beautiful jewelry, purses and gift items as well! We’re sure you’ll easily piece together a full outfit with matching accessories that screams YOU.

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016 ... Page 15



Gallery 14731 5 E. Washington St. • EVL

Daff Dry Goods 17 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.2293

Mary Lake-Thompson has created these beautiful custom canvas totes exclusively for Gallery 14731. Depicting skis in the snow, these totes are perfect for packing lunch at the lodge. Or use them for everyday grocery runs, errands and more. They will surely be handy for you, and will also make great gifts for friends and family for any occasion. Show your love of Ellicottville with this 100% custom canvas tote. The only place to find it is Gallery 14731!

Kick off the holiday season at Daff Dry Goods! Their friendly staff will assist you with all your gift giving needs and help you accessorize your holiday outfit. Pictured here: Woolrich has been making this wool buffalo check plaid shirt for more than 100 years, and it’s still a customer favorite. Today’s version is constructed with durable 9.75 oz. fabricwool-blended with just enough nylon for easy-care machine-washability.



Mud, Sweat n’ Gears 18 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.8300

Gado Gado 26 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.2128

Winter is coming, and the snow will be deep! The Pajar Grip Zip is a tall, brightly colored boot constructed of leather and nylon, perfect for the woman who wants a fashionable, yet warm snow boot. A sturdy rubber outsole, weatherproof upper, and toggle closure at the top of the boot keep snow away. These boots are a necessity for apres ski trendsetters.

This stunning jewelry is handcrafted in Turkey from bronze and pewter. Made by Chanoor, they proudly introduce the latest designs of spiritual, authentic and extraordinary Turkish designs. Shop Gado Gado’s eclectic selection of stylish winter wear, party dresses, and other unique picks sure to work well with this jewelry. Also makes a perfect gift for that certain individual in your life who deserves something special.



Ellicottville Oasis Spa Inside Tamarack Club • Holiday Valley 716.699.8996

Bike and Bean 30 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.BIKE

Let your aches and pains melt away with a visit to Ellicottville Oasis. Smooth basalt stones are heated and placed gently on the body; the stones are also incorporated as an extension of the therapist’s hands. This therapy unlocks tension deep within the muscles, relieving stress and inducing total relaxation. One hour $95 / 90 mins $135. Add a Day Pass to The Tamarack Club for just $25 and get access to the Tamarack’s amenities including the pool, hot tub and fitness room.

Don’t let the cold weather get you down! Let Pearl Izumi help keep your toes warm with these SoftShell Elite Shoe Covers - an essential for cold weather riding. Made with durable Softshell fabric for wind and water resistance, this cover offers great warmth and protection. A hook-and-loop closure provides a secure fit around your shoe and ankle, and Kevlar® bottoms deliver long-term durability. Reflective elements for low-light visibility.



Hampshire Mills 890 Broad St. • Salamanca, NY 716.945.3100

Adventure Bound onthefly 16 Washington St. • EVL 716.217.4047

Not only does Hampshire Mills carry a great selection of clothing and footwear from quality name brands like Columbia, Woolrich, Merrell, Smartwool and Minnetonka, they also boast a huge selection of Melissa & Doug toys. Shop for your little ones this Christmas! Puppets, arts and crafts, dress-up costumes, puzzles, play food, cars and so much more. Mention you saw this in SNOWED-IN and get 20% off any Melissa & Doug item.

The ladies will love the look and feel of Sorel’s top boot, Joan of Arctic. This classic silhouette features a beautiful, waterproof, full-grain leather and suede upper, with supersoft faux fur around the cuff and a removable, recycled felt inner boot to ensure that feet stay warm, dry and comfortable in cold winter conditions. Stop in and browse a full line off Sorel boots for both men and women; many different styles and colors to choose from.



Mager Mountain Alpacas 69 Mountain View Dr. • Little Valley, NY 716.938.9077

Nature’s Remedy 26 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.4372

These stylish fur headbands will keep you fashionably warm on those chilly days, all while offering a fun look to your winter wardrobe. Made from 100% alpaca in natural colors with velcro closure to fit all head sizes. Very popular! Another hot item in Mager Mountain Alpaca’s So Soft Gift Shop - socks! Made of alpaca/merino wool, they are favored by skiers and snowboarders for keeping their feet warm and dry.

Confidently face your day with this non-drowsy, fast-acting formula by Nature’s Sunshine. Boost your mind and reduce fatigue. AnxiousLess contains a proprietary blend of herbs and nutrients that targets nervousness and worry from multiple pathways. Offers safe, non-habit forming relief. It is the perfect aid to power you through the holiday stress and well into the new year.

Page 16 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016 Open Daily 10am-5pm

Over 100 Cheeses From Around the World!

Fresh Cheese Curd, Aged Cheddar, custom made cheese trays, gift baskets, salt rising bread, gourmet delicacies, kitchen wares, local art and more. 5 E. Washington St. (next to Kwik Fill)






LOTS of delicious subs for br under s ea

ta kf rt as “LET’S BUILD A i FR ng t se GREAT SANDWICH HO ES a r TOGETHER” T H S t 7 ved PI A a m a ZZ L CATERING O A AD d ll d P T LA EN O S & ail ay AVAILABLE! y -G TE O !

38 Washington St. • 716-699-2629 (behind the daily grind)

Ellicottville’s Insurance Agency AGENCY

Insurance for Seasonal Homes, Homeowners, Auto, Business, Workers Compensation and More

Weed Ross Agency

22 Monroe Street, PO Box 1708, Ellicottville, NY 14731 P: 716-699-2388 | F: 716-699-5358 | E: An Independent Insurance Agency

Sean D. Cornelius, President



SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016 ... Page 17

T HE Y A R E NEARLY IMP OSSIBLE TO KEEP IN STOCK , B U T M S G H A S T H EM : THE NEWLY REDESIGNED NORDICA ENF O R C E R S K I By Pat Morgan With winter quickly approaching here in Ellicottville, there’s no time like the present to get into some of your favorite local, specialty retailers to get outfitted for the pending snowfall. One of the mainstays in our community, Mud Sweat n’Gears, is located on the corner of Washington and Monroe Streets in the heart of the village. Recognized by the industry as an ‘America’s Best Bootfitters’ shop, as well as home to the only Montana Speed Factory around, MSG’s passionate, knowledgable staff is ready to get you dialed in. We caught up with owners / operators Kimberly Reading and Miguel Azcarate, to talk about the products they’re most excited about for the coming season. If you’ve read our articles here in SNOWED-IN before, you’ve heard us mention how Kim and Miguel go to great lengths to hand-select the equipment stocked in their dynamic store. Whether Miguel’s vast experience in ski racing or Kim’s skills at sourcing unique items are called into play, one thing is for certain - it’s the best of the best if it’s found in MSG. These words couldn’t ring more true, in introducing one of their favorites for the 2016-17 season, the Nordica Enforcer ski. In 2016 Nordica launched their redesigned Enforcer line, and simply put - it took the industry by storm. Netting rave reviews from practically every gear review and ski publication on the planet, it all culminated with the 2016 Ski of the Year award from SKI Magazine. The backstory of the ski revolves around the original model - a 100mm ski, which despite its width, was immensely popular and was noted for its powerful carving ability. However, everything can be improved, so Nordica added the Enforcer 93 for this season, with the same camber under foot / low rise rocketed tip and tail, yet much more nimble due to the 7mm waist difference. Azcarate noted how exceptional these skis performed even on the variable east coast terrain. With their smooth, yet powerful and playful ride, he instantly knew both needed to adorn the vast ski wall at MSG. With such high accolades coming in, this ski became nearly impossible to keep in stock, selling out throughout North America, and without a doubt looks to be a recurring theme this season. For the time being, MSG has them in stock, but Reading cautions that they’re already moving fast - don’t delay! Helmet use and safety is of course a hot topic in the ski and snowboard industry these days, and let’s be real - if you’re going to kick into the aforementioned skis, speed is going to be a part of the equation. So, why not protect that noggin of yours with some of the best offerings out there? MSG has always focused on helmet safety, whether it’s high-end, full face protection for its racing customers, or a stylish yet still highly protective model. This season they’re proud to add the Giro Range and Stellar models, which have some revolutionary features. Reading explains, “Fit is taken to a whole new level with these helmets. Instead of a traditional single piece shell, these offerings from Giro feature a 2-piece shell, leading to a fully integrated fit system.” What does this mean, without all the buzzwords? A helmet that literally forms to each and every skier’s head shape, with the simple turn of a dial. To top it all off, these helmets also feature MIPS Technology, the standard for head protection in this day and age. MIPS stands for Multi-directional Impact Protection System, which is comprised of a three-layer foam medley, bound together by an elastometric system. Essentially, all three layers can operate independently in the event of an impact, which can greatly reduce rotational forces that can cause serious injury or death. No helmet is complete without the perfect goggle pairing, to which Reading recommends the Giro Contact model featuring a magnetically interchangeable lens. With uncertain lighting often found here on the east coast, the ability to switch your goggle lens for the conditions is paramount. Gone are the days of fussing with clasps, latches, and attachment points which never seem to align properly. Simply click these lenses in, and you’re back to your regularly scheduled run. One of their most popular goggles in stock, Reading urges anyone out there to stop in and try them on for size and ease. Last but not least, no trip to MSG would be complete without browsing their expansive clothing, accessory and outerwear offerings. New this season, and unique to MSG is a company called SYNC, a fairly new kid on the block, so to speak. SYNC started as a kickstarter based campaign dating back to 2015, when a group of industry veterans realized something was missing in performance wear with the ski racer in mind. You see, with ski racing, movements can be much more aggressive and dynamic, which many other current companies don’t take into account when designing. Thus, SYNC was born! Featuring Prima Loft down insulation, 20k waterproofing, yet still maintaining breathability, the brand caught the eye of Kim and Miguel at the SIA show in Denver, after seeing it on hill at the summer ski camps of Mt. Hood. MSG also carries their athlete pack, which boasts expandable features for gear and boots, and a sturdy aluminum internal frame, ensuring no matter how rugged your trip is to the hill, your equipment will stay protected and intact. While these are some of the spotlighted items from the crew at Mud, Sweat N’ Gears, it by no means even scratches the surface of what they have to offer. Whether skiing, snowboarding, or simply looking for comfortable yet stylish apparel and accessories, MSG has something for you. Looking for top notch tuning and bootfitting service, chock full of local knowledge? They’ve got you covered there, too.

photo/Jaimie Woodarek

Mud, Sweat n’ Gears | 18 Monroe Street | Ellicottville | 716-699-8300 |


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WELLNESS cheers to a better YOU.



Tonia Neely, licensed esthetician

Kim Duke, certified personal fitness trainer

ANEW BEGINNING MASSAGE & SPA 9 Monroe Street • EVL 716-699-2508 | Facials are one of those misunderstood spa treatments. They are commonly viewed as a luxury; a great way to enjoy part of your Saturday afternoon. But what if I told you facials are not just a way to be pampered, but rather something you should at the very least do seasonally, as they provide both short and long-term benefits to our skin and our overall health.

CORE PERFORMANCE FITNESS & TRAINING 55 Bristol Lane • EVL 716-698-1198 | So I named my fitness studio Core Performance Fitness and Training because I have been trained and believe that all motion comes from your core strength. Training and strengthening of these muscle groups are critical for maximum upper to lower body (or lower to upper body) transfer of strength during many sporting activities. Some may consider this functional training, and still some others may consider it athletic performance training. They may be right, but core strength training has within it all these elements.

While home care is very important, a proper facial involves equipment, products and knowledge of an Esthetician or Certified Skin Care Provider. Estheticians have access to products for all skin issues with the training and know-how to care for that individual’s needs. Yes, a facial is a wonderful, relaxing experience, but it can also help you with bigger issues such as acne, hyper-pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles.

By using core strength training as your basis for creating a fitness program, you are teaching all the individual parts of your body to work together as one unit. This is beneficial in everything from everyday living to athletics and is the foundational principle behind functional fitness.

The first step to getting your skin to looking and feeling they way you would like it long-term is a good consultation with your esthetician. Knowing your goals for that session and your future goals really does make a difference. At Anew Beginning Massage & Spa, we start with a basic cleanse, followed by a deep cleaning to help lift out all the oils, leftover makeup and impurities from the environment. Toner is used to pick up the leftover cleanser. Now the skin is ready for the good stuff - serums, enzymes, essential oils and exfoliates. Depending on your skin’s needs, steam may be used or just some hot towels. During this time, light hand and arm massage is performed while the hot towels and steam do their magic. This leads us to the perfect opportunity to talk about the purpose of enzymes and why they may be so beneficial. Enzymes are designed to help exfoliate the skin while under hot towels or steam to reveal a fresh layer of skin for ease of absorption of the serums, essential oils and moisturizer. Natural enzymes work wonders in this way; a lemon zest enzyme is used for normal to dry skin with irregular pigmentations. The lemon enzyme promotes deep hydration that protects skin from the elements of the environment. Cherry enzyme is perfect for normal to combination skin by promoting deep hydration that protects from environmental damage, while removing the surface signs of aging. Following all of that good stuff is an invigorating and rejuvenating face massage using beneficial oils. An appropriate mask is chosen, applied, and left on for 10 minutes (an important procedure that should be handled by a professional). Masks can be used to hydrate, help serums penetrate or pull out impurities further. Once the mask is removed, toner is applied. This is a very underestimated step by a lot of people. Toner shuts down the pores and brings back your natural Ph balance. This is truly a key step in everyone’s home skin care. Lastly, your esthetician ends with serums, essential oils and/or moisturizer. Estheticians can also help you develop a good at-home regimen, so that you can continue with the radiant skin they have left you with after a treatment. After all, your counter of products sitting in the bathroom and all that money will not be doing any good for your skin if they cannot reach the new fresh layers of skin they need to be effective. So that seasonal facial you may be on the fence about is really just amplifying all you already do to help your skin daily in your home. Contact your local esthetician and request “Anew” outlook on your skin.

If there is one move I want my clients to master, it is the PLANK. I don’t know too many people who get excited about doing planks. Generally, you stare down your timer as the minute (or less) runs down. For a pretty basic isometric exercise, planks strengthen your entire body - they make your core pop, strengthen your lower back, and build your shoulders. Better yet, you don’t need any equipment, and you can amp up the intensity by widening your stance and bracing yourself with your hands instead of your forearms and elbows. See for yourself. Check out what Keith Scott A.T.C., C.S.C.S., a strength coach in Medford, NJ recommends for conquering the plank before you attempt any heavy weight exercise. You’ll be better for it, guaranteed. Get into pushup position on the floor. Now bend your elbows 90 degrees and rest your weight on your forearms. Your elbows should be directly beneath your shoulders, and your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet. Hold the position for as long as you can. Your goal should be to hold it for two minutes. “The plank helps develop strength in the core, shoulders, arms, and glutes,” says Scott, “making it a great prerequisite for lifting heavy weights or playing intense sports. Even though you aren’t moving or lifting weight, you have to constantly squeeze your abs to hold the position - most people can’t last 30 seconds on their first attempt.” Ways to improve your plank time: The longer you can hold the plank, the more resilient your lower back will be to injury, and the better your abs will look once you burn the fat off them. Follow these tips for longer plank times. • Practice: Perform planks several times each day, trying to hold the position a little longer each time. • Use body-weight exercises: Pushups and pullups will improve your core strength. • Squat and deadlift: folks who are strong in these specific lifts find planks are no problem. HOLD IT: If you don’t have the core strength yet to do a regular plank, you can build up to it by doing a bent-knee plank. If you can hold a plank for more than two minutes with ease, you can move on to these tougher variations. • Lift one leg up. By simply raising one leg in the air, you dramatically increase the demand on your core to fight your body’s natural urge to rotate. • Lift one arm up. Again, your body will want to fall to one side. Don’t let it! • Use a Swiss ball. Rest your forearms on the ball and you’ll have to stabilize your body and stop the ball from rolling out from under you. To learn more about Core Performance Fitness and Training, check out our website or follow us on Facebook at Core Performance Health and Fitness. To book a complimentary fitness assessment give us a call at 716-698-1198.

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016 ... Page 19

The Latest in Fashion Trends in Women’s Clothing & Accessories, Gifts & Home Decor

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Nature’s Remedy


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Mon. and Wed. 6:00-7:15 p.m. Thurs. and Sat. 8:30-9:45 a.m.

Drop-ins welcome (if space permits) Privates / Duets available upon request LOCATED IN THE STUDIO BEHIND DAFF

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• 2,000 square-foot facility • locally owned with over 14 years of personal training experience! • group fitness room / programs • customized, one-on-one programs in our private studio

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All fitness levels welcome. We mean it!



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32 W. Washington St. Ellicottville, NY


Anew Beginning Massage & Spa RENEW YOUR MIND • BODY • SOUL

Holiday Specials





NEW Look, NEW Location! Find us inside the Tamarack Club at Holiday Valley Resort!

6447 Holiday Valley Road • Ellicottville, NY


The Best Part: Our Rates are staying Massage Therapy 30 mins. | 60 mins. | 90 mins. | Hot Stone the same! Esthetic Treatments

... from $45 • European Facial • Osmosis Skincare • Specialized Facials • Body Wraps • Salt Glow Body Polish

Hand & Foot Treatments

... from $30 • Spa Pedicure • “Ultimate” Pedicure • Spa Manicure • “Ultimate” Manicure • Shellac Manicure • Pedicure/Manicure Packages

Other Services:

• Body/Facial Waxing • Makeup • Eyelash Extensions

Gift Cards Available

Relaxation Massage: Couples “DUO” Massage: Deep Tissue or Sports Massage: Pre-Natal Massage: Hot Stone Massage:

$45 $100 $55 $45

$75 $160 $90 $75 $95

$100 $210 $125 $100 $135

1 hr $200

SPA Packages

Packages now include a DAY PASS to the Tamarack pool, hot tub and fitness room! Ellicottville Oasis Simple Retreat:

40 minute Swedish Massage, Signature Balancing Facial, Oasis Spa Pedicure ... $165

Ellicottville Oasis Escape:

One hour Swedish Massage, Oasis European Facial, Oasis Spa Pedicure with hydrating mask ... $210

Ellicottville Oasis Grand Retreat:

Relaxing One hour Massage, Seasonal Body Wrap, Oasis Restorative Facial and Oasis Spa Pedicure ... $300

Oasis Total Rejuvenation:

Relaxing One hour Massage, Oasis High Performance Facial, Seasonal Wrap, Oasis Spa Manicure and Oasis Pedicure with Mask ... $360 (includes a Spa Lunch)

Couples Getaway Package:

30 minute “Duo” Massage (upgrade to a one hour ... add $60) Express Facials for Two, “MANicure” for him and an Oasis Spa Pedicure for her ... $290

Girlfriend’s “BFF” Spa Day:

One hour “Duo” Massage, Oasis European Facials, Oasis “Duo” Spa Pedicures ... $425

Page 20 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016

Ellicottville, NY 699.4455









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Saturday, Dec. 17th 9pm

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SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016 ... Page 21





PREPPED MEAL PLANS ... As we head into a busy holiday season, treat yourself and save the stress of “what’s for dinner” by ordering healthy and delicious prepped meals from personal chef, Brittany Lowry. Fresh ingredients, super low maintenance, ready-to-eat when delivered! It’s simple: go to the website, view and select your menu options, pay online, and enjoy healthy fuel for your family. (Be sure to place your order at least one week prior; delivery fees may apply.) Prepped meal plan menus change each month to keep your tastebuds excited! Guarantee some clean eating and stress free food - your body will thank you for it!

BRICK OVEN PIZZA ... There may be no greater combination than a slice of pizza with an ice cold beer! At John Harvard’s, you can count on your pizza being cooked the right way - in a giant firebrick oven! Seven different pizzas to choose from using fresh, homemade dough, delicious sauce and a signature blend of cheeses. The house favorite - Buffalo Chicken Pizza. Or create your own with 18 different toppings to choose from … that’s over 1 MILLION possible combinations! Gluten-free options also available, and don’t forget to grab a tasty brew to wash it all down. 24 delicious beers on tap including locally crafted drafts from Southern Tier and EBC.



CANDIED BACON BURGER ... This local favorite starts with quality beef that is ground fresh everyday at Dom’s Butcher Block. It is then grilled to perfection and topped with cheddar cheese, BBQ sauce, and candied bacon (ground bacon cooked down in brown sugar and whiskey), served up on Madigan’s fresh made rolls with a side of fresh cut fries. If you’ve got an appetite that needs satisfied, this meal can certainly do the job. Come try Ellicottville’s new favorite burger for lunch or dinner. Lunch served Tuesday through Friday 11am-2pm; dinner served every Friday and Saturday 12-9pm.

MEAT & CHEESE PLATTER ... Make your tailgating party a hit! Dom’s Butcher Block stocks a large selection of smoked meats, cheeses and other tasty treats. Choose from a variety of beef sticks, smoked sausage, smoked summer sausage, and beef jerky. The smoked cheeses from Cuba Cheese Shoppe will definitely pair well with any of the meats you stock up on. Build your own ultimate meat and cheese platter or call in advance and the guys behind the butcher block can build it for you! And about those “other tasty treats” … if you’re looking for something else to throw in the mix, Dom’s carries a full line of stuffed olives and pickles from Deb’s Delights.



SPARKLING RIESLING / RED RASPBERRY ... Tis the season - go ahead and indulge with a bubbly bottle of Sparkling Riesling. Its semi-sweet bubbles will give your spirit an extra lift, while the smooth finish will satisfy the palate. Buy a bottle individually, or opt for the gift pack, which comes with two champagne flutes. Another great holiday flavor - Red Raspberry. Who says wine must be served in a glass? Pour it over ice cream or cheesecake, bake it into brownies, or even make a delicious martini (ask the winery staff for their recipe - it’s deliciously dangerous!) Of course, the award-winning dessert wine will do you just fine flying solo if you prefer its taste untouched.

FRESH CHEESE CURD ... EVL Cheese Company is proud to offer fresh, plain pasteurized cheese curd with no preservatives. Curious? It has almost the same firmness as cheddar cheese (because cheese curd is actually the beginning process of cheddar, before cheddar is put into block form), and it is somewhat salty and squeaky when bitten into. Fresh cheese curd is best served at room temperature, although some like it melted or deep fried. No matter how you choose to enjoy it, fresh cheese curd is a wonderful appetizer or snack. Stop in and take home some fresh cheese curd for your next happy hour enjoyment!



THE GOOD MORNING BAGEL AND PEPPERMINT PATTY LATTE ... Kickstart your morning at Katy’s Café - the local hot spot for camaraderie and a good cup of Joe. The girls behind the counter have plenty of options to energize your tastebuds, including quick and easy breakfast sandwiches for those on the go. One of those options is The Good Morning Bagel - fresh cut cucumbers, crispy bacon and cream cheese on a toasted everything bagel. Pair it up with a Peppermint Patty Latte: chocolate and peppermint syrups with espresso and steamed milk, topped with whipped cream. It’s a great way to start the day!

“WELCOME HOME TO MYERS” Dine in a unique “Lodgey Chic” atmosphere surrounded by walls of American Wormy Chestnut. Featuring tender aged steaks, black angus prime rib (Friday and Saturday), great seafood and flavorful creations from the Myers chefs. Enjoy your favorite steak for lunch or dinner. Salads made from a variety of lettuces, including organic greens, fresh baked rolls and several in-house recipes. Relax with a selection from Myers’ “Comfort Food for the Soul” Menu or a tempting dessert with “kicked-up” coffee or cocoa. Free WiFi and six cozy guest rooms. It’s all good at Myers Steakhouse & Inn.

Online Catering 716.969.2617 |

36 Washington Street • Ellicottville, NY 716.699.4455

14 Monroe Street • Ellicottville, NY 716.699.1055 |

10 Washington Street • Ellicottville, NY 716.699.8860

Inside Tamarack Club • Holiday Valley Resort 716.699.5350 |

38 Washington Street • Ellicottville, NY 716.699.6328 |

5 E. Washington Street • Ellicottville, NY 716.699.1065 |

460 Wildwood Avenue • Salamanca, NY 716.945.3153 |

Page 22 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016

Ultimate Après-Ski From the thrill of over 1,800 of the newest slot machines and over 30 action-packed table games, to seven restaurants, to the luxury of a AAA Four Diamond Award-winning hotel, and the energy of world-class entertainment - a trip to Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino makes for truly epic après-ski. Nestled in the foothills of the Allegany Mountains in Salamanca, NY near the Pennsylvania border and just minutes south of Ellicottville, you will be able to experience all that the region has to offer. •

Ultimate Relaxation ...

AAA Four Diamond Award-winning hotel offers 11 stories of luxury.

Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino is home to one of the most impressive hotels in Western New York, awarded AAA Four Diamond certification for every year since 2005. Pamper yourself in any of their 413 luxurious rooms, including 45 corner, end, or center suites. All rooms offer spectacular views of the Allegany Mountains with unobstructed mountain vistas. Make a splash in the relaxing indoor pool, unwind as you soak in the steamy whirlpool, or get your heart pumping in the state-of-the-art workout facility. •

First-Class Entertainment ...

Enjoy top-notch entertainment where every seat feels like the best seat in the house.

The 2,400 seat Seneca Allegany Events Center plays host to the world’s finest entertainers. No seat is further than 110 feet of the stage, and two oversized highdefinition video screens in the venue make every seat feel like the “best seat in the house”. You can also catch live regional entertainment Friday through Sunday as well as pro sports action anytime of the week at The River Bar, located in the heart of the casino floor. Tickets available at Seneca Resorts & Casinos and, all Ticketmaster locations or by phone at 800-745-3000. •

Dining Indulgence ...

No matter your appetite, hit the culinary jackpot at Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino.

At the Western Door, western New York’s premier steakhouse, savor cuts, chops and flown-in seafood. All steaks are aged 28 days for ultimate flavor and juiciness. Delight in the aromas of authentic Italian at Patria. Choose from more than 120 boutique wines from around the world and enjoy dishes that were all prepared from scratch. Indulge in indecision at the award-winning Thunder Mountain Buffet, including everything from prime rib to shrimp and much more. Choose from breakfast, lunch, or dinner anytime at the 24-hour Seneca Café. Enjoy your favorite drink and appetizer at The River Bar. When you need food on-the-go, stop by Bear Claw Café and Seneca Café Express. •

Unwind, Retreat and ...

Retreat to The Spa & Salon - a place where you can quiet your thoughts, calm your spirit and soothe your senses. Relax with a Swedish body massage, full body wrap or customized facial. Treat yourself to a manicure, pedicure, waxing or hair service in the full service salon. Also, when you book a massage, facial or body treatment, you’ll have access to The Spa & Salon’s facilities, including pool, hot tub and locker rooms equipped with sauna, steam room and showers. And, when you’re finished relaxing, get some retail therapy and stop by the Logo Shop with an assortment of items from authentic handcrafted Native goods to souvenirs and travel accessories. Whatever you decide to do when you get away to Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino in Salamanca, NY, it’s always pure escape. Call 1-877-8-SENECA or visit to make hotel, spa or dining reservations.

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016 ... Page 23


Enjoy Randolph


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68 Clean & Comfortable Guest Rooms NO PENALTY FEES IF CANCELLED Whirlpool Suites with Kitchenettes BY 6 P.M. DAY OF ARRIVAL Complimentary Deluxe Continental Breakfast Indoor Pool, Whirlpool, and Fitness Center • FREE Guest Laundry and FREE Wi-Fi! In Room: Refrigerator, Microwave, Kuerig Coffee Maker, Dataport, HD Flatscreen TV, Hair Dryer, Iron & Ironing Board Adjacent to Seneca Allegany Casino and Allegany State Park • ONLY 11 MILES TO FABULOUS ELLICOTTVILLE SKIING!


Page 24 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016

A GOOD RUN HERE IS ALMOST A GIVEN After rippin’ up the mountain, come and discover an extraordinary


resort with everything you could possibly want: A lavish spa, incredible dining, a plush four diamond hotel and all the action-packed winning you can handle. Best of all, it’s all just minutes from Ellicottville.



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SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016 ... Page 25

“YOU’RE THE INSPIRATION” Peter Cetera to start the 2017 Winter Concert Season at Seneca Allegany Casino

A Conversation with Peter Cetera HULICK: It’s great to talk to you again. I talked with you back in 2007 when you played the Polish Heritage Festival at the Hamburg Fairgrounds Agri-Center. CETERA: (laughs) Oh my God! I still talk about that gig! (laughs) That was one of the most unusual gigs I ever played because when I got there, unbeknownst to me, the local promoter actually had me booked as the Polish Frank Sinatra! HULICK: (laughs) Oh no! CETERA: (laughs) The Polish Frank Sinatra … I will never forget that. HULICK: So how have you been? CETERA: I’ve been good. I’ve been working a lot this past year with my band, the Bad Daddies. They will be with me when I come to Seneca Allegany. We’ve traveled around quite a bit and I’m looking forward to settling down now for the holidays and get back at it first of the year. HULICK: You were in Italy recently for a charity show with David Foster. CETERA: Yes. There was a group of us that went over and did a couple of shows for the Muhammad Ali Fight Night, which was something that he started years ago, and since his passing Andrea Bocelli has taken it over and brought the event to Italy in conjunction with his charity event. It was a spectacular show being on the stage with Andrea Bocelli … and now I can say that Andrea Bocelli closed for me. (laughs) HULICK: (laughs) Wow! That’s quite a statement. CETERA: (laughs) Yes it is! There was Brooks & Dunn, Reba McEntire, Andrea Bocelli and me on the stage. It was an eclectic group to say the least. HULICK: Christmas is right around the corner and you recorded a Christmas album in 2004 called “You Just Gotta Love Christmas”. This album was very personal to you because one of the tracks is a duet that you sang with your daughter Claire. CETERA: Yes. She is my eldest daughter and I even put my youngest daughter’s art work in the inside sleeve. So I got both my daughters involved. It’s actually the best thing I’ve done. I’ve always wanted to do a Christmas album.

...................... SATURDAY | JANUARY 7 @ 7pm By Melanie Hulick Singer/songwriter Peter Cetera has accomplished what few artists have in the music business … succeed at a very successful solo career, since 1986, and preceding that as the lead singer, bass player and songwriter for the multi platinum group Chicago. Cetera will be kicking off the 2017 concert season when he makes a stop at the Seneca Allegany Event Center in Salamanca on Saturday, January 7 for one show only. The voice and author behind some of the best and most popular songs in music history such as “The Glory of Love”, “The Next Time I Fall”, “After All” and “You’re The Inspiration” still enjoys performing and looking out at all those faces as they remember each of the songs he sings. I had the pleasure to catch up with Cetera recently … nine years after I interviewed him the first time. We talked about the memorable show I interviewed him for, which was the Polish Heritage Festival in 2007, and why it is something he will never forget. We also talked about why he was on stage with Andrea Bocelli, why his only Christmas album was a real family affair, and oh yes … baseball. Reflecting on 2016, a year for the history books in many ways, Cetera can add Rock and Roll Hall of Famer to his list of accomplishments, having been introduced into that elite roster when he was inducted into the Hall as a 2016 member. Include the fact that he was nominated for the Songwriters Hall of Fame and you can understand why the singer/songwriter feels good about the past year. “It’s been a wonderful year … and musically it’s never been better,” said Cetera. “Now I am looking forward to getting some rest over the holidays and getting back out there with my first show of 2017 at Seneca Allegany. I am really looking forward to it!”


Tickets to Peter Cetera’s performance at Seneca Allegany Casino in Salamanca start at $25 and can be purchased through (click on Seneca Allegany). For more information on the singer/songwriter, visit

HULICK: I know you are a Chicago Cubs fan. You must be absolutely thrilled they finally won the World Series. CETERA: Oh my God! I am still in a state of shock! Strangely enough, you mentioned Italy earlier and Joe Torre and his wife were part of that group that went over there from the states and I got a chance to meet him. We were talking about the Cubs and he said if I wanted to go to some of the games to let him know. So I was actually going to be in Chicago for game two of the playoffs with the Dodgers, so I had some really good seats and unfortunately I had to watch Clayton Kershaw pitch a masterful game and beat the Cubs. Then I also had tickets to game five of that series, which myself and 40,000 other fans wished we didn’t have to use because that meant the Dodgers tied the series and I didn’t want to sit there with a bunch of people going … “Oh my God, please don’t let us down.” (laughs) … but the Cubs won that one. Unfortunately, I was not able to go to any of the World Series games because I was on the road, although I did get to watch most of them on TV and did get to watch the final game while I was in Maui in between two gigs … I had the night off and strangely enough that was the night they won and I was ecstatic! It’s funny about baseball … I think when you’re a fan of a team your whole life that hasn’t won you just get used to it and you love them for who they were and who they are. I didn’t really expect anything from them, but the past couple years they got it right. They got a good general manager, a good manager and a good group of players and they did it right for the first time in my lifetime. HULICK: Do you have any projects in the works? CETERA: Not really. I do have a couple songs I’ve written and I may put those out down the road, but right now nothing in the immediate future. The music industry has changed so much over the years allowing artists to put out a song or two instead of whole albums, and I am not sure if it is worth it just putting out a song or two, or three for that matter. I am not against the new music scene, but I am not sure if I want to go that route. HULICK: Do you have a Buffalo connection? CETERA: I remember being caught in a snow storm … HULICK: (laughs) You know, several artists I’ve talked to remember being caught in a snow storm here. (laughs) CETERA: (laughs) It was years ago and I remember looking out my hotel window down at the streets with snow swirling around and being stuck there for a couple days. HULICK: Do you ski at all Peter? CETERA: I cross country ski and I used to snowboard, but I gave that up because I didn’t want to break anything. HULICK: Well when you get here you will most likely be driving through the most beautiful small ski village called Ellicottville on your way to Seneca Allegany. Hopefully there will be snow on the ground and on the hills so you can see this picturesque village. If you have time around the show, before or after, you should make it a point to stay a day or so and experience all it has to offer. CETERA: Sounds wonderful … I may have to take you up on that. HULICK: What can we expect from your show? CETERA: Well, it’s me and my band doing all the hits I wrote or performed both from my days with Chicago and my solo career. We’ve been getting not only our usual generational fans that have followed me all these years, but we are also getting the Gen-X group showing up now to introduce themselves to the music. I think people can put together my face with the music and are telling me they forgot I wrote that song … and I forgot you sang that song. You’ll get to hear and see my exceptional band the Bad Daddies … it’s a really, really good show. I am looking forward to seeing everyone. You won’t be disappointed … It’s a fantastic show!

Page 26 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016



TREASURES OF THE FOREST SHOPPING TRAIL Leave the malls, long lines and stressful shopping behind. Explore the 2016 Treasures of the Forest Shopping Trail as you search for holiday gifts and one-of-a kind treasures as you travel through the Allegheny National Forest Region in northwestern, Pennsylvania. See page 28 for the map, or download from Along the trail you’ll find just the perfect gift for everyone on your list - and maybe something nice for you!

EXPLORE HISTORIC DOWNTOWN BRADFORD Plan a shopping trip to the National Historic District of Bradford to explore the many locally owned shops and restaurants. Bradford’s newest specialty shop is The Fluffy Baby Boutique. Clothing, cloth diapers and accessories, baby carriers and wraps, quilts, diaper bags and baby food makers are just a few of the items carried in this shop for expectant Moms and Dads. Children’s clothing is offered in sizing from infant outfits up to age three. The shop is open Tuesday-Friday 10am-6pm, and Saturday 10am-4pm. 17 Kennedy Street. 814-596-0175. Fluffy Baby Boutique Beefeaters Restaurant

At the Zippo/Case Museum, “Made in America” Zippo lighters and Case knives, along with a wide variety of Zippo branded clothing and accessories are showcased within their gift shop. Bradford is the hometown of Zippo. The Zippo lighter was invented in Bradford, and is still proudly manufactured in Bradford as are Case knives. The Zippo/Case Museum gift shop offers many items which may be personalized with a name or photo. Open Monday-Saturday 9am5pm, Sunday 11am-4pm. 1932 Zippo Drive. 814-368-1932. For the outdoor enthusiast, Sportsmen’s Outlet offers everything for the outdoors at great prices. Their knowledgeable staff can guide you in selecting the best hunting supplies, guns, ammo, kayaks, canoes, fishing equipment, binoculars, GPS units, and game cameras for placing under the tree. Sportsmen’s Outlet also offers a large selection of outdoor and sports clothing, including UnderArmour in adult and children’s sizes. The outdoor themed gift shop is stocked with a large selection of both decorative and useful items for your camp, condo, home or RV. Store hours are Monday-Saturday 9am-7pm, Sunday noon-5pm. 500 Chestnut Street. 814-362-7700.

Tin Ceiling Gift Shoppe

Timeless Treasures is a charming gift shop brimming with beautiful baby and children’s clothing. Browse the shop’s selection of quality toys such as darling animal hand puppets and a young girl’s tea set in a wicker basket. For the ladies on your list, they have vests, purses, scarves, and jewelry. Timeless Treasures offers a delightful selection of seasonal and decorative home accents too! Hours are Monday-Thursday and Saturday from 10am-5pm, Friday 10am7pm, and Sunday noon-4pm. 10 Chestnut Street. 814-331-4884. The Main Street Mercantile is a large co-op shopping destination consisting of two floors and two storefronts with over 10,000 square feet of shopping delights. Here you will find handcrafted alpaca clothing and gift items, lovely paintings and pen & ink sketches by local artisans, fine-art photography and local history & coffee-table books. The Pennsylvania Wilds: Images of the Allegheny National Forest, is full of fine-art photography from around the Forest. Antiques, furniture, china, collectibles, and a vintage Christmas shop upstairs make this a fun shop to explore. Shop hours are Monday-Thursday and Saturday 10am-6pm, Friday 10am-7pm and Sunday 11am-5pm. 45 Main Street. 814-368-2206.

Just Riding Along Bike Shop

Santo Vida Natural Wellness Center

Just next door is the Tin Ceiling Gift Shoppe. Look up! The tin ceiling of this shop has been beautifully restored and it shines down on all of the carefully selected gift items. Household and decorative items, seasonal decorations, chocolates and confections, teapots and candles help round out the items perfect for gifting. Take time to wander - treasures abound in every corner, on every shelf. Hours are Monday-Thursday 10am-6pm, Friday 10am-7pm, Saturday 10am5pm and Sunday noon-4pm. 51 Main Street. 814-362-6082. Santo Vida Natural Wellness Center has a lovely selection of handmade soaps for gift-giving. They also offer locally crafted ceramics, essential oils, homeopathic books, literature on nutrition and inspiration, skin care products and environmentally friendly cleaning products. Here you will find organic and vegan products, dairy and gluten free foods like dark chocolate, organic coffees and herbal tea. A gift certificate from Santo Vida will be sure to put a smile on the face of your gift recipient. The shop is open Monday-Friday noon-6pm, Saturday 10am-1pm. 86 Main Street. 814-363-7025 Amish cheeses and specialty meats are offered at The Grocery Stretcher. Foodies will enjoy browsing the shelves of this home-owned, hometown, old-fashioned grocery store. This shop can also make up delicious deli trays for parties and gifting. Stop in and see what is in the deli case! Hours are Monday-Friday 9am-5:30pm and Saturday 9am-2pm. 32 Main Street. 814-368-9394.


Is someone dreaming of finding a new bike under the tree? Just Riding Along is staffed by experience riders who can assist you in selecting the perfect bike based on the rider’s age and skill level. The shop also carries bike accessories and apparel. Gift certificates are available with special prices on year-end closeout bikes. Shop hours are Wednesday-Friday 10am-6pm and Saturday 9am-1pm. Their shop closes after Christmas to the end of February. 48 Mechanic Street. 814-363-9101.


Olde Schoolhouse Village Shoppes

The Rose Boutique

Wright’s Music Shed can help add music to your holiday season. Their shop offers sheet music, new and used musical instruments and accessories. Their staff will be happy to provide professional assistance in selecting an instrument. The shop also handles rentals, repairs and offers music lessons. Shop hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 1pm-6pm, Thursday 3pm-6pm, and Saturday 10am-2pm. 80 Main Street. 814-368-5399. What is shopping without checking out a new restaurant? A Slice of the 80’s is a family friendly, casual restaurant, where families can enjoy wings, hoagies and salads while playing a game of Pac Man. At John Williams European Bakery Shop you can enjoy a breakfast of French toast or a lunch of quiche and croissants with a treat from the bakery case. For lunch or dinner, Beefeaters Restaurant is casually elegant; their dining rooms are housed in a beautifully restored Carnegie Library. Try the “Beef on Wick” - one of their house specialties.

OVER THE RIVER AND THROUGH THE WOODS The Olde Schoolhouse Village Shoppes, located in the village of Eldred, is a must-see along the shopping trail. Eight classrooms have been creatively reinvented as a marketplace shopping destination housing over 100 vendors and artisans in 10,000 square feet. Shops include Americana Sweetshop, Primitive, Country Splendor, Northwoods Cabin, Farmhouse Kitchen, Toy Room, and Shabby Chic with ladies fashions and accessories, Garden Section and Man Cave. Find the perfect holiday accent for your home and lovely gifts for family and friends. Shop hours are Wednesday-Saturday 10am-5pm. 109 Indian Creek Road. 814-225-2255.

SMETHPORT - A VICTORIAN VILLAGE From Eldred, stay on the trail to visit the Victorian village of Smethport. The Smethport Mansion District Walking Tour is a self-guided tour showcasing the amazing architectural treasures built by the Lumber barons in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Walking tour brochures can be picked up at the kiosk in front of the McKean County Courthouse along Main Street. The Rose Boutique offers beautifully hand-painted lamps and handcrafted baby clothes, blankets, jewelry, and mesh wreaths for all seasons. Shop hours are Tuesday-Friday 11am5pm and Saturday 11am-4pm. 111 West Main Street. 814-887-2720. Just down the street is Buchanan Brothers Pharmacy where you can find gifts, educational toys, greeting cards, yarn, decorative and seasonal items. Hours are Monday-Friday 9am6pm and Saturday 9am-1pm. 313 West Main Street. 814-887-5375. Take a shopping break at Chico’s Café & Bakery Shoppe. Their café offers casual dining, complete with a soda fountain and ice cream delights. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, this new restaurant is housed in a beautifully restored historic storefront. Restaurant hours are Monday-Wednesday 7am-8pm, Thursday-Saturday 7am-9pm, closed Sunday. 101 W. Main Street. 814-568-2115. Travel Route 6 west to Bear Hollow Gift Shoppe. This small artisan shop offers Natural Edge Pennsylvania hardwood furniture crafted from reclaimed barn wood. Shop their selection of handmade furniture, log home, bear, and antler décor, and hand-carved benches with bear or elk motifs. Hours are Friday noon-5pm, Saturday-Sunday 10am-5pm. 13867 Route 6.

ARTISAN SHOP AT KINZUA BRIDGE VISITORS CENTER New this year is the PA Wilds Artisan Shop. This artisan shop offers a juried selection of items handcrafted by local artisans, local photography, books and clothing. Hours, starting Sat. Nov. 26, are Monday-Saturday 8am-4pm. Located within the new Kinzua Bridge Visitors Center, tour the museum and take in the amazing views from the Kinzua Sky Walk. The skywalk at the park is open daily and offers spectacular views. Admission is free. 296 Viaduct Road. 814-778-5467.

KANE - A STAR IN THE FOREST The village of Kane offers a wide variety of sights along the shopping trail. Foodies, craft-

Artworks at the Depot

Myers Motorsports

ers and collectors will enjoy exploring this community nestled at the edge of the Allegheny National Forest. Artworks at the Depot offers handcrafted black cherry wooden bowls, decorative table accents, books, jewelry, watercolor, pen & ink, oil paintings and other esthetic surprises. Store hours of the artisan co-op are Friday-Saturday 11am-5pm, and Sunday noon-4pm. (Closed January-May) 1 South Fraley Street. 814-837-8752. KP McClard Photography at the Gallery on Field is a small photography shop offering art prints, note cards and exquisite prints on metal, canvas or wood of local sites such as the Kinzua Sky Walk and the Kinzua Dam. New for 2017 IS a 2017 Kinzua Sky Walk calendar full of photos of the Kinzua Sky Walk at the Kinzua Bridge State Park. The cost of the new calendar is $25 and can be ordered online at Shop hours are Monday-Saturday 9am -5pm. 8 Field Street. 814-558-5792. Zanadu features a wide selection of yarns and fabric textiles for the quilter, home or professional seamstress, along with craft items and a great selection of children’s craft kits. The store is offering a holiday special of 30% off Elna Sewing Machines. Hours are TuesdayThursday 9am-5pm, Friday 10am-6pm, and Saturday-Sunday 10am-3pm. 105 North Fraley Street. 814-561-1047 The Sweet Shoppe. The name says it all. Sit down and enjoy a hot beverage or shop for homemade chocolates, cupcakes, cream horns, pies, cookies, and cakes. Custom orders are available. Monday-Friday 11am-5:30pm, Saturday-Sunday 11am-3pm. 17 Field Street. 814-837-9597 Field Street Boots boasts boots , boots and more boots - from children’s colorful puddle jumpers to high water fishing waders, plus a great selection of outdoor seasonal and waterproof clothing, hunting and fishing supplies. Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm, Friday 8am6pm, Saturday 8am-4pm, Sunday 10am-2pm. 18 Field Street. 814-837-2400. Bell’s Meat & Poultry offers over 40 varieties of specialty sausages including Korv, a Swedish tradition for the holidays. Their shelves are filled with specialty foods, home canned foods and spices. Monday-Sunday 9am-5pm. 401 North Fraley Street. 814-837-7321. CJ Spirits Craft Distillery offers handcrafted spirits from “grain to glass.” Enjoy a tour of the distillery and a tasting in the bar area. Try a signature cocktail fashioned from the distillery’s award winning Vodka, Rum, Gin or Whiskey. Order a holiday gift basket for that special someone on your list. Hours are Wednesday-Thursday 11am-9pm, Friday-Saturday 11am11pm, and Sunday 10am-5pm. Located at 120 Willow Run Drive. 814-837-1500. Flickerwood Wine Cellars & The Pub at Flickerwood invites you to shop and sample awardwinning specialty wines. Their gift shop offers a wide variety of wines and themed gift items. Gift baskets made to order. Hours are Monday-Thursday 11am-6pm, Friday-Saturday 10am-9pm, Sunday noon-6pm. 309 Flickerwood Road. 814-837-7566. Twisted Vine Winery specializes in fruit wines and special flavors. Their top sellers are Wildberry and Sangria wines. Find a wine that you will love from over 20 varieties. WednesdayFriday and Sunday noon-4pm, Saturday 11am-5pm. 13106 Route 948. 814-837-8298. Find everything to outfit your fisherman or hunter at Paul’s Trading Post. The shop offers fishing line reel, respooling, live bait, lures and hooks, along with ammo, Winn Whitetails, trapping, archery, and muzzleloading supplies. Located at the edge of the Forest, Paul’s Trading Post also offers clothing, groceries, and Tillamook Jerky. 11124 Route 321. 814945-6504.

SHOP FOR BIG BOY TOYS AT MYERS MOTORSPORTS Myers Motorsports is where you can purchase a new ATV, UTV or snowmobile. Snowmobile or ATV rentals are also available. The shop sells accessories and clothing along with offering service on ATV, UTV, motorcycle, snowmobile, boat or PWC. Shop hours are Tuesday-Friday 10am-6pm, and Saturday 10am-3pm. The shop is located at 3176 Route 219, just north of the intersection of PA Route 6 & PA Route 219 at Lantz Corners, PA. 814-779-3745.


Turn your visit into an overnight stay. For a full list of bed & breakfasts, cabins, and other full service hotels check out For a free visitors guide and map, phone 800-473-9370.

Page 28 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016

TREASURES OF THE FOREST SHOPPING TRAIL for everyone on your list (and you, too!)


Treasure Key

Treasures of the Forest

Ellicottville Ellicotiville

Artisan/Shopping Site


Artisan/Shopping Trail


ANF Visitors Bureau Welcome Center 80 E. Corydon Street Bradford, PA 16701


Distillery Winery

Timeless Treasures, Bradford


From Erie


Exit 23

Limestone Willow Bay

Sportsman’s Outlet, Bradford


Bradford CUster City Custer


Ranger Station

Smethport Main Street Mercantile, Bradford

Allegheny National Forest Sheffield


Kinzua Sky Walk Kinzua Visitors Center

Lantz Corners

Mt. Jewett

McKEAN COUNTY Fluffy Baby Boutique, Bradford

From Pittsburgh

TAX FREE Shopping in Pennsylvania

Clothing & Shoe

s Old Schoolhouse Village Shoppes, Eldred

k Forest e Park

The Sweet Shoppe, Kane

Jack Bell’s Meat Market, Kane

Elk Country

Visitors Center Flickerwood Wine Cellars, Kane Bear Hollow Gift Shop, Smethport

Plan your Shopping Trip! Download shop details & hours at: It’s More Fun When you Stay Over - Lodging & Dining Information 800-473-9370

Kinzua Bridge Visitors Center Artisan Shop, Mt. Jewett

advertise your season

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016 ... Page 29

prime visibility extended shelf life attractive content

Antiques • Period Lighting Reproduction Furniture Rugs • Florals Candles • Primitives Shabby Chic Boutique with clothing, jewelry and accessories This reclaimed school building has been transformed into a quaint village marketplace. This “gem in the woods” is worth the drive with home decor in Country, Primitive, Farmhouse Kitchen, Shabby Chic, Northwest Cabin and Americana. Schoolhouse Health Foods carries Young Living Essential Oils, natural supplements, farm fresh eggs and free range beef. They offer a variety of alternative health services.

BOOSTING the EVL scene

and surrounding attractions in cattaraugus county, ny & mckean county, pa

Call or email today to learn more


FB: EVLSnowedIn | Follow us on Instagram @evlsnowedin Ellicottville SNOWED-IN is a publication produced by DesignPerks PO Box 1077, Ellicottville, NY 14731

Wednesday - Saturday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 109 Indian Creek Rd. Eldred, PA Tel: 814-225-2255

You’re On the Trail to Something Big Allegheny National Forest Region, Pennsylvania GET OUT AND


KINZUA SKY WALK AT THE KINZUA BRIDGE VISITORS CENTER Beautiful year round! Winter hours starting Saturday, Nov. 26th 8 am to 4 pm Monday through Saturday FREE ADMISSION TRAIL CENTRAL

Snowmobile, ATV, and UTV Rental Packages Myers Motorsports 814-779-3745


Nov. 25-26 Holiday Open House Flickerwood Wine Cellars & Pub 309 Flickerwood Road Kane, PA

Nov. 26 Shop Local, Shop Small Check out for a full list of local shops and a downloadable shopping trail!

Nov. 25 Official Kick-Off to the Christmas Season Old Schoolhouse Village Shoppes 109 Indian Creek Road Eldred, PA

Nov. 30 Boston Brass Septet Holiday Concert Bromeley Family Theater 7:30 to 10:30 pm Bradford, PA Tickets/Info: 814-362-5113

FREE Visitors Guide & Map


Dec. 2-4 Every Christmas Story Ever Told (And Then Some) - Christmas Play Togi’s Playhouse, Bradford, PA Dec. 10 Old Fashioned Christmas Main Street Shopping District 9 am to 4 pm, Bradford, PA Dec. 31- First Night Bradford Main Street, Bradford, PA

Page 30 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2016



716-699-2345 CONSUMER DEMO Saturday, Dec. 17 • 10am-3pm Major ski and snowboard companies will offer the latest and greatest for your demo-ing pleasure, including Burton, Salomon, Volkl, Atomic, Lib Tech, GNU, Roxy, Head, Elan, Nordica, Apex Ski Boots and more. Ellicottville’s local shops will also be on-hand. The best part: all demos are FREE to try!


716-699-2320 SKI-SCAPE 2017 Sunday, Jan. 8 • 8am-4:30pm Join the fun and help kids at the same time by participating in the 19th annual Kids Escaping Drugs campaign. A day of skiing, food and prizes! It’s easy to participate: simply sign up on the day of the event at the KED registration table located at the Main Chalet or register through the KED office by calling the number or visiting the website listed below. Price is $20 members and $60 non-members and includes all day skiing and snowboarding, individual ski races, lunch and silent auction. 716-827-9462

DOWNTOWN EVL BOB McCARTHY’S IRISH CHRISTMAS Friday, Dec. 2 • 6pm Ellicottville Brewing Company 28 Monroe Street “A Taste of Ireland” dishes prepared by local restaurants; a pie auction; live auction featuring unique pieces from area woodworker, Irish music, storytelling, raffles and more. This event raises funds for Santa’s Workshop and the Sheriff’s Santa Program - two wonderful organizations that help brighten Christmas for those less fortunate families. 716-474-7832

Ellicottville’s Christmas Stroll Saturday, Dec. 3rd • All Day Downtown Ellicottville

Slow down the pace during the holiday rush and take some time to come to Ellicottville for the annual Christmas Stroll. Visitors can enjoy the Christmas Bazaar at the United Church on Elizabeth Street from 9am-4pm ... a great opportunity to find that special something for that special someone on your gift-giving list. Holy Name of Mary Roman Catholic Church on Martha Street will showcase their display of Nativity and Angels all day for all to see. “Ellicottville is a great place to come out and experience a relaxed pace and to take the time to enjoy a nice representation of the reason we celebrate during this holiday season,” said Gwen Bush, organizer of the event. “Come out and remind yourself of what Christmas is all about.” From 4-5:30pm, Santa will arrive at Villaggio to greet all the good girls and boys, while Mrs. Claus will be in her kitchen at Katy’s Café for cookies. All through the day, elves will be circulating the village with candy, carolers will be strolling with their sweet sounds, a live camel will even be sauntering around! Bring your furry friends dressed in their season’s best for the annual Rein Dog Parade down Washington Street at 4pm. The evening comes to a conclusion with a living Nativity, featuring the local children of Ellicottville. The procession begins at 6pm, ending at the Village gazebo, where the pageant will take place telling the story of that first Christmas, the journey and the birth of Jesus. 1-800-349-9099



RANDOLPH’S COUNTNRY CHRISTMAS Dec. 2-4 Throughout the Village of Randolph Historic Randolph will kick off this annual holiday celebration weekend with the Memory Tree Ceremony in Triangle Park Friday night at 7:30pm. On Saturday, enjoy a Christmas Craft Show and Rummage Sale at the high school, a Snowflake Walk scavenger hunt for kids downtown, carriage rides, visits from Santa and Mrs. Claus, and the much anticipated “Light Up the Night” Christmas Parade Saturday evening at 6pm. Randolph’s Country Christmas concludes Sunday with the local volunteer fire department’s Toy Auction at 2pm and a Living Nativity at 6pm. For a complete schedule, call or visit the website below. 716-358-9701 x 208

EVERY CHRISTMAS STORY EVER TOLD (AND THEN SOME) Dec. 2-4 Togi’s Playhouse 18 Welch Avenue, Bradford, PA Fri/Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2pm Witness a whirlwind of Christmas cheer during this wonderful holiday play. This is a hilarious and energetic jaunt through Christmas tales and traditions from all over the globe. 814-598-1101

5X7 ART FOR EVERYONE Saturday, Dec. 3 • 6-9pm Cattaraugus County Arts Council 100 W. Main Street, Allegany, NY This special exhibition and sale is an annual fundraiser for CCAC that invites artists both amateur and professional to compose and donate 5”x7” artworks anonymously. This year’s “Holiday Edition” will include the addition of handmade and artisan holiday ornaments on a festive holiday tree. The pieces are then “claimed” through a series of first-pick ticket holder drawings and a mad dash free-for-all. The evening is a lively affair with buyers vying for their favorite pieces among the 300+ artworks lining the gallery walls. Guests enjoy happy hour beverages and appetizers while browsing the artwork before the competition to stake their claim to artwork begins. One by one, the fifteen first-pick ticket holders ($30 per person) get to choose one favorite artwork before everyone else. All of the 5”x7” artwork is sold for a uniform price of $25 per piece. Any remaining artwork at the end of the night will be for sale at the CCAC Gallery through the holiday season. General admission tickets are $15 per person. 716-372-7455

HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE AT THE KANE DEPOT Friday, Dec. 2 • 6-7:30pm Kane Depot 1 South Fraley Street, Kane, PA All are welcome to this FREE event. Food and beverages will be provided. Come browse an eclectic selection of art and cross off some of those names on your holiday shopping list. The Depot will be open every weekend until Christmas from 11am-5pm on Saturdays and noon-4pm on Sundays. OLD FASHIONED CHRISTMAS Saturday, Dec. 10 • 9am-4pm Downtown Bradford, PA Enjoy Bradford’s Downtown Old Fashioned Christmas with events at participating stores. Have breakfast with Santa, lunch with Frosty, face painting, horse-drawn carriage rides, caroling, food vendors and sales. 814-598-2646 FIRST NIGHT BRADFORD Saturday, Dec. 31 Downtown Bradford, PA First Night Bradford is a community celebration of the New Year through the arts. It is a drug and alcohol-free, public festival with both local and regional talent. There are events and fun filled entertainment for all ages. Accessible and affordable for everyone. 814-598-1644


photo contest

(Follow us @evlsnowedin to participate) Snap photos NEW GIVEAWAY Upload to Instagram Tag @evlsnowedin EVERY MONTH! Use hashtag #evlsnowedin THIS MONTH’S CONTEST SPONSORED BY: You’re entered!

IT’S THAT EASY! One photo will be chosen as the winner & announced in next month’s issue of Snowed-In on the InstaSNOW Page. CONTEST RULES: Team members of DesignPerks publications can participate but are not eligible to win. Tagged images are subject to use by Snowed-In for marketing and promotional purposes in print • online • social media. Questions / comments can be directed to: DesignPerks, PO Box 1077, Ellicottville, NY 14731, 716.244.7573,

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We’ll select our favorite photos and feature them in print and online at ONE PHOTO WILL EARN SOMETHNG COOL! (see page 30) DIFFERENT GIVEAWAY EACH MONTH!

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heer This ough

A Food me and our ll be Cnalter17: Guess what! Gold chairs are painted and ready for a new ski season #50 @holidayvalley



Cholidayvalley: “Mission control this is Ops. All systems running smooth.” #onedaycloser

Cseancornelius80: Harrison doing “deck snow angels” #hpwcevl #evlsnowedin @evlsnowedin

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Cmelissa_brightman: Rocking snowflake earrings, praying for snow

Cavagracefashions: It’s beginning to look a lot like __________!!

Cbbbaronator: Getting some last turns in. #winteriscoming

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Cclsnowmobiles: Powder-filled winter dreams! #whatareyoudreamingabout #snowflakes #wewanttoride

Ckristykoebel: Who’s ready?! #christmasinthecountry #holiday

Cevlsnowedin: The best belt ever. @arcadebelts @thecitygarage

Clcove1: Canadian Thanksgiving at Fall Festival #evl #Ellicottvilleny

Cbbbaronator: Couldn’t ask for a better adventure buddy. #willygoat #paddleboarding #alleganystatepark

Candreasolar716: We’re ready! #stoked #evlsnowedin

Cmclauss24: So many choices. Getting ready for his first official ski season @thecitygarage. #skitheeast #ellicottville #evlsnowedin

Celebrate the Holidays in



an overnight stay for two at The Jefferson Inn, $275 in E-Bucks to spend at sponsoring locations, and a 4-pack of weekday ski passes to HoliMont Ski Area!

with and


Contest ends December 11, 2016. E-Bucks must be redeemed by Jan. 31, 2017. Lodging must be redeemed by Oct. 31, 2017. Register to win at these participating sponsors:


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For school closings go to the Big Pig’s Facebook page

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