*Summer Local September 2014 issue

Page 1

Part of The Summer Local Series




National Alpaca Farm Days ... page 17


Have you ever met an



E L L I C O T T V I L L E N Y | C AT TA R A U G U S | M C K E A N C O U N T I E S

Showcasing Events and Outdoor Recreational Activities in Ellicottville and Surrounding Areas in NY and PA





FALL FOLIAGE TOURS: EXPLORE THE BEAUTY OF OUR OWN BACKYARD Start planning your autumn adventure! From exhilarating hikes and cool-weather camping at Allegany State Park to chairlift rides that take you to the “top of the world,” the Enchanted Mountains of Cattaraugus County and the Allegheny National Forest Region of PA have plenty of options to fulfill your leaf peeping pleasures. Gather the kids and hop in the car - numerous county roads invite you to discover the beauty of the season. View the vibrant colors of Fall as you navigate New York’s Amish Trail (page 14), or take in the crisp, fresh air with a day trip to Ellicottville’s Fall Festival (page 07). One of the most beautiful fall drives in America is Pennsylvania’s Route 6; the section between Port Allegany (pictured above right) and Ludlow takes you through forest, farmlands, charming small villages, historic attractions and the Allegheny National Forest (page 18.) Lynn Hall, Barnhaven and Smethport are just a few of the suggested “must-sees” as you travel through McKean County, PA. Are you ready? Let’s go!

Publisher’s Pick: 100 Years at the Cattaraugus County Museum

It’s easy to overlook the history in your surrounding communities. As a society, we tend to think big picture - Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Little Rock - when historical dates and geography come to mind. But you’d be surprised as to what you can find when exploring the roots of Cattaraugus County. On Sunday, Sept. 7, the Cattaraugus County Museum in Machias, NY will host its 100th anniversary. Since part of the museum’s original mission when founded in 1914 was to commemorate veterans of the Civil War, many of those same artifacts will be on display ... page 03

Night Lights Returns to Sculpture Park Nature, Art, Illumination: See Griffis Sculpture Park in a Whole New Light




Griffis Sculpture Park in East Otto, NY will transform into a mystical nighttime show come Fall. If you missed this event last year, here’s your chance to experience the magic ... page 15




Savor the Last Bite of Summer with This Month’s Menu Pick at the Ellicottville Brewing Company ... page 10


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Creator, Editor

Brenda Perks, DesignPerks of Ellicottville 716.244.7573 designperks@gmail.com

Layout/Design A Monthly Publication Showcasing Events and Outdoor Recreational Activities in Ellicottville and Surrounding Areas in NY and PA


Follow us! Then hashtag @thesummerlocal your pics with #thesummerlocal. Each month we’ll feature our top picks in print & online!

THE SUMMER LOCAL is a publication produced by DesignPerks PO Box 1077, Ellicottville, NY 14731

Brenda Perks DesignPerks of Ellicottville

Advertising Sales

Brenda Perks 716.244.7573 designperks@gmail.com Evan Evans 716.474.6812 evane716@aol.com

Team Writers

Spencer Timkey Anjanette Nicolazzo Megan Sorokes Erik Schmitz Dash Hegeman Pat Morgan Melanie Hulick Nicole Nyznyk Kristina Barlow Joshua McDowell Mary Valvo

Team Photographers Chris Perks Bob Knab, Phatman Pat Morgan

Distributed in Cattaraugus, Chautauqua & Erie Counties, NY, Finger Lakes of NY, McKean, Warren & Erie Counties, PA, and Northeast OH.

sweet thanks! ... to The Summer Local Team, Partners & ALL our ADVERTISERS ... for a tremendously AWESOME Season THREE! •

Watch for our return during the

Spring of 2015!

The Summer Local is published five times each year in May, June, July, August and September by DesignPerks of Ellicottville, PO Box 1077, Ellicottville, NY 14731. Copyright © 2014 by DesignPerks. All rights reserved. Reprinting in whole or part is forbidden except by permission of DesignPerks.




100 Years at the Cattaraugus County Museum



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advert se a new season begins NOW

By Spencer Timkey It’s easy to overlook the history in your own backyard. As a society, we tend to think big picture - Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Little Rock - when historical dates and geography come to mind. But you’d be surprised as to what you can find when exploring the roots of Cattaraugus County. For instance, Major John Hoops - whom, having just served as a soldier in the Revolutionary Army, had just helped his country win its independence - bought 20,000 acres of land. Upon settling his newfound territory, he called it “Olean.” The importance of the Cattaraugus County Historical Museum should not be understated. While serving as an important part of our county’s community, it also gives us an elaborate look into its past. Hired by the county in 2007, Brian McClellan’s background in working at historic sites and national parks made him the perfect choice for museum curator. His tenure has been defined by progressive thinking and new ways to get people into the museum. “We design and implement new exhibits every six months or so,” McClellan said. “But the last couple of years, we’ve really worked to bring some additional programming to the museum. Those sort of things - summer talks, musical programs, etc. - help us increase our exposure amongst the community.” Without a doubt, the Civil War remains one of our nation’s most intriguing subjects. Quite literally, the country almost pulled itself apart. Sharing a bloodline with a long dead Civil War veteran is not an uncommon occurrence in our country, which is why McClellan has focused many of his efforts around it. “The last few years, we’ve done a lot of things on the Civil War that have been really well received,” he said. So far this summer, the museum has hosted several experts who have come in and discussed things such as archaeology, the Underground Railroad and Iroquois beadwork. All of these things are intriguing, but nothing is cooler than realizing all of it happened where you live. On Sunday, Sept. 7, the museum will host its 100th anniversary, calling it “100 Years at the Cattaraugus County Museum.” Since part of the museum’s original mission when founded in 1914 was to commemorate veterans of the Civil War, many of those same artifacts will be on display. The museum will also have people reenacting Civil War soldiers, which is a big hit with many in this area. “The Civil War series for the summer has been such a huge success, so we’re going to cap it off with this event,” McClellan said. “We have the Excelsior Cornet Band out of Syracuse - a fabulous Civil War brass band - to give a performance. Professor Ian Bennington, out of Allegheny College (in Erie, PA) will focus his speech on the strength of nationalism amongst Confederate soldiers … it’s going to be a really great event, and we hope a lot of people come out.” The Cattaraugus County Museum is located in the Stone House, 9824 Route 16, Machias, NY 14101. For more information about the museum’s 100th anniversary event, or about the museum in general, call 716-353-8200 or click over to www.cattco.org/museum.


a monthly winter publication BOOSTING the EVL ski scene


The 2014 SKI SHOW EDITION will provide readers and potential visitors with an all-inclusive informational platform that will allow them to easily plan their trip to Ellicottville from start to finish. The publication will travel with Holiday Valley for distribution at ski shows in Toronto, Buffalo and Rochester during October.

Additional copies will be distributed in Ellicottville for Fall Festival weekend and at various business locations throughout the tri-state area (western NY, northern PA, and northeast OH) throughout Oct./Nov.


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www.ellicottvillesnow.com REGULAR SEASON ADVERTISING DEADLINES DECEMBER edition: Nov. 10th • JANUARY edition: Dec 10th FEBRUARY edition: Jan. 10th • MARCH edition: Feb. 10th


Around the Block: Unleash Your Creativity From Art Outdoors to Scary Good Fun on the Streets, Ellicottville is Alive in Autumn

ART IN THE GARDEN Saturday, Oct. 11th • Rockwell Ave.

EVL HALLOWEEN HALF MARATHON & 5K Saturday, Nov. 1st • Downtown

By Nicole Nyznyk

By Dash Hegeman

Ellicottville’s Fall Festival has a little something for everyone - food, music, shopping, scenic chairlift rides - plenty of options are available to people visiting the weekend of Oct. 11-12. Perhaps one of the most interesting venues is an art gallery that offers its visitors a very unique viewing experience. Take a short walk up Mill Street two blocks, head down Rockwell Avenue and you will find yourself at the home of Darlene Allen and her magnificent garden, which, for one day only from 10am-5pm will be transformed into an art lover’s paradise.

To some, the idea of running a half marathon is a scary endeavor. After all, running 13.1 miles isn’t something you just jump out of bed in the morning and do. Preparation and training are needed to work your way up to that kind of distance.

Welcome to Art In the Garden.

If you’re familiar with the Ellicottville fitness scene, then at some point you’ve probably had the pleasure of meeting Doug and Gwen Bush. Endurance athletes in their own right, they are always looking for new and exciting ways to challenge themselves. The couple recently decided to take on the challenge of bringing a half marathon to Ellicottville.

For eight years running, people have been making the short trek to Rockwell Ave. for this event, and upon arrival have been treated to a cornucopia of artistic inspiration. Not only does Darlene have art on display in her garden art center, there are actual artists doing their thing and making pieces on location throughout the afternoon.

The EVL Halloween Half Marathon, which also features a 5K and a Kids Race, will take place on Saturday, Nov. 1 at 11am. One of the unique aspects of this race – as evidenced in the event name - is that it will feature a Halloween theme so not only should you start training for the big day, but you should also start planning your race costume.

“Fall Fest is always a smorgasbord of people, sights, food, music and art,” stated Darlene. Catering to individuals and families of all ages, EVL Half (for short) invites your energetic “We thought it would be fun to offer a little more relaxed environment where people can young ones to join in on the fitness fun. The non-timed fun run for kids ages 4-12 will allow watch artists working and interact with them.” young runners to finish the ¾-mile run at the same finish line as the 5K and Half Marathon runners. All registrants of this race will receive a finisher medal. Everything about the setting is focused on inspiration, creativity and serenity. “At the Art in the Garden event, you can better imagine what a piece of artwork might look like in “We wanted to bring something a bit different to Ellicottville during what is traditionally a slow your home or office space and do it on your terms,” said Darlene. “The Garden itself is time of year for the community,” Bush stated. “The idea came from a dinner we were having also a very casual and healing atmosphere for the artists while they work.” with friends; we discussed the idea of organizing a running race. Overall we want to create a fun event, but it will still be a serious one that has a certified course and chip timing.” Darlene went on to say that one of the things she enjoys most about Ellicottville is the relaxed lifestyle that this area allows her to have. Being an avid appreciator of art in all If you think running can’t be fun, you’d be well advised to rethink that notion. You’ve seen forms, she wanted to be able to do her part to help showcase some of the very talented an increase in the popularity of themed races like foam runs, color runs, and glow runs. artists in this region. With that goal in mind, and knowing what a huge draw many of Pictures of these unique races inundate Facebook timelines and Twitter and Instagram feeds the festivals in this area have, she decided that Fall Festival was an opportune time to alike. According to Bush, the Buffalo Color Run, which took place on Aug. 16, attracted 7,000 facilitate a gathering of artists, who could then showcase their talents to people they might participants. With that said, Bush seemed skeptical as to whether or not those kinds of “fun runs” had real staying power. He went on to state that in looking to build an event that could not otherwise ever have a chance to meet. be an annual success (which he is looking to do with the EVL Halloween Half Marathon), he Having the ability to meet the artists is instrumental. “All real art has a story behind it, looked at races like the Wineglass Half and Full Marathon in Corning as an example - every and when you can talk to the artist who created it ... well, that changes everything - maybe year it sells out months in advance and attracts around 3,000 participants. Naturally, numbers like that are a significant boon to local tourism. even you,” said Darlene. The artistic focus is primarily on two-dimensional works in both painting and drawing, however, there will also be some fascinating three-dimensional pieces in the garden created by the very talented Ellen Paquette (www.ellenpaquette.com). Paquette, who specializes in pot illustration, theatrical poster design and illustration, scenic design and costume design, is also a professional Celtic harpist and will be performing in the garden for everyone to enjoy. If you’ve visited Darlene Allen’s garden in the past, you probably already have time set aside to visit again on Oct. 11. If you have not yet been exposed to Art In the Garden, take some time and discover what’s been sitting right around the corner all these years. You’ll undoubtedly meet some new friends and perhaps even walk away with a great piece of art … an everlasting reminder of just one of the unique things you love so much about Ellicottville in the fall.

For those who have never run a half marathon, or even a 5K for that matter, Bush’s company, Endurance Factor, is offering some phenomenal tips on how to best prepare. If you go to www.evlhalf.com and click on the Race Info tab, you will see a section titled Training where you can download information on how to train yourself to successfully complete whichever race you decide to take part in. A little preparation can go a very long way and ultimately be the difference between just finishing a race and having a fun time while finishing a race. So far, over 250 training guides have been downloaded. Following the race, an awards ceremony (as well as some fun celebratory events that have yet to be finalized) will be held at the Ellicottville Brewing Co. All in all the day promises to be a one-of-a-kind experience, which if the Bushes have their way, will become a spooky-fun Ellicottville staple for many years to come. Entry fee for the Half Marathon is $65. The 5K is $20 and the Kids Run is $10. You can register at www.evlhalf.com.

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On Deck ...

Autumn in Ellicottville EVERY WEEKEND NOW THROUGH OCT. 19 CHAIRLIFT RIDES HOLIDAY VALLEY / SPRUCE LAKE 716-699-2345 www.holidayvalley.com Enjoy a skyride up to beautiful Spruce Lake! Holiday Valley is firing up the Spruce chairlift each Saturday and Sunday from 11am-5pm for just $5 a head (children under 2 are free!) After you’ve taken in your share of fresh air, you can choose to hike back down the hill or ride the lift down.

SEPT. 19-21 ROCK N’ ROLL WEEKEND DOWNTOWN EVL 800-349-9099 www.ellicottvilleny.com Kick off the change of seasons with lots of rockin’ live entertainment in all the local hot spots all weekend long. Then on Sunday, the show everyone loves to enjoy is back for its 15th year … the Classic Car Show will consume Ellicottville’s main street on Sept. 21 from noon-5pm. Ellicottville is proud to showcase your cars, trucks and rods all set up in class order to be judged by a panel of experienced car enthusiasts with awards in each class. Contact the Ellicottville Chamber of Commerce if you are interested in entering.

SATURDAY, OCT. 4 HEADSTANDS FOR HUMANITY HOLIDAY VALLEY / DRIVING RANGE www.headstandsforhumanity.com Ever hear of it? Headstands for Humanity is a really cool and fun event that’s returning to Holiday Valley for the 2nd straight year. It is an attempt at breaking the Guinness Book of World Records for the most people doing a headstand simultaneously in one place. Mike Paterniti (who loves to do headstands in unusual places) is coordinating this event and he’s trying to get over 400 people involved. The actual event starts at noon, but participants should arrive by 11am. Cost to participate is a minimum donation of $10, although people are encouraged to get additional pledges, which will be donated to the Lounsbury Adaptive Ski Program at Holiday Valley and the Ellicottville Great Valley Recreational Trail Fund. There will be prizes for teams with the most number of participants and the biggest fundraisers. Participants have to stand on their head (at the same time) for 30 seconds, so everyone is encouraged to practice ahead of time. More info is available at the website listed above. The site even has a tutorial on how to do a headstand and how to practice for the big day!

OCT. 11-12 FALL FESTIVAL DOWNTOWN & HOLIDAY VALLEY 800-349-9099 www.ellicottvilleny.com Ellicottville’s oldest and largest festival takes place when the foliage of the surrounding hills is ablaze with color! Tens of thousands of festival-goers make for a lively weekend of unique foods, arts & crafts, carnival rides, live entertainment and a whole lot more. Holiday Valley will host musical performances at the top of Mardi Gras (don’t worry, the lift will be running), and the annual Ski and Snowboard Swap will return to the HV grounds.

SATURDAY, OCT. 11 FALL FESTIVAL 5K RUN HOLIDAY VALLEY / MAIN LODGE www.heartrateup.com Another amazing day of participation awaits in the beautiful, challenging and memorable setting of Ellicottville, NY. Runners and walkers will start and finish the 5K course on Holiday Valley Road up near the Main Chalet. The course will travel down to Route 219, south around the school and back for the climbing finish on HV Road. Start time is 10am. Register early!


Beginner, sport and expert mountain bike racers will toe the line for this annual race held every Fall Fest weekend in Ellicottville. The course is amazing, fast, defeating and addictive! Start time is 10am.






ELLICOTTVILLE BREWING COMPANY 28 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.2537 www.ellicottvillebrewing.com

Ellicottville Oasis 23 Jefferson St. • EVL 716.699.8996 www.ellicottvilleoasis.com

If you’re familiar with Ellicottville, then you are no doubt familiar with the most popular event of the year: Fall Festival. Now, you can enjoy a 6-pack of one of EBC’s most popular seasonal brews - Fall Festival Lager. Coming in at 5.6% ABV, this beer is malty with a clean finish and only mild bitterness. Grab a pack to go!

Xtreme Lashes® are the industry leader in semi-permanent eyelash extensions. They are applied by a Certified Lash Stylist directly to the individual natural lashes one at a time. As your natural lashes shed and new lashes grow, follow-up appointments or a “re-lash” is recommended every 2 to 4 weeks to maintain a full and natural look. (Re-lashing $75.00). Experience your perfect set of Xtreme Lashes. By appointment only. Call Ellicottville Oasis Spa and ask for Joanne, Certified Xtreme Lash Stylist.

PRE-MADE CHEESE TRAYS starting at $15.00


EVL Cheese Company 5 E. Washington St. • EVL 716.699.1065 www.evlcheese.com

Village Wine Rack 5 E. Washington St. • EVL 716.699.1042

Looking for the ultimate addition to your dinner party or late summer cookout? EVL Cheese Co. has you covered with their premade cheese trays! Choose from favorites like Finalndia, Smoked Swiss, Amish Longhorn, Romano Locatelli, Leerdammer (smooth baby Swiss) and many more! Hhave a custom cheese tray prepared especially for your next event.

The Village Wine Rack has a unique offering to tempt your tastebuds ... introducing Amorosa di Cabernet Grappa by Jacopo Poli. This liquor is made from fermented pressings, creating a high proof alcohol rich in flavor. You’ll surely enjoy every sip.



The City Garage 5 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.2054 www.citygarageskishop.com

Bike & Bean 30 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.2453

All summer footwear and clothing in the store is 40% off! Come in soon and take advantage of killer deals on footwear by Birkenstock, Salomon, Keen and Sanuk, as well as clothing by Kuhl and The North Face. See you at The Garage!

Not only does Bike & Bean serve up some of the tastiest burritos in town, they’re also fully stocked with all the gear you need to hit the trails hard. Introducing the Maxxis Ardent, one of the most popular selling mountain bike tires in the industry. Available in 26” & 29” sizes, as well as a variety of widths, this tire will help you take control of your next ride.

ment t.



EVL BLUE $15.00

Silver Fox Steakhouse 23 Hughey Alley • EVL 716.699.4672 www.thesilverfoxrestaurant.com

Winery of Ellicottville 14 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.1055 www.wineryofellicottville.com

The Silver Fox Steakhouse features Certified Angus beef, the highest grade beef available. The restaurant prides its selections on tenderness and flavor. Two of the most popular featured cuts on the menu include a 12 oz. Dry Aged Strip Steak and a 16 oz. Dry Aged Rib-eye. The key effect of dry aging is the concentration and saturation of the natural flavor, as well as the tenderization of the meat texture. Enjoy the Fox’s Thursday Night Steak Special: a succulent 14 oz. Rib-eye accompanied with potato, vegetables, a house salad and complimentary glass of wine.

The Winery of Ellicottville is proud to launch their latest batch of EVL Blue, a silver medal in both 2012 and 2013 Florida State International Wine Competitions. This wine consists of 100% fresh picked blueberries and is made right here in Ellicottville. Bottles are priced to move.


SUGARBOO WALL HANGINGS starting at $245.00

Nature’s Remedy 26 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.4372 www.natures-remedy.net

Gado Gado 26 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.2128

Nature’s Remedy has some new arrivals to add to its already impressive array of products available in-store. Introducing soaps created in Ithaca, NY by Avitals Apiaries. Made with beeswax, herbs, clays, and essential oils for color, these unique items will leave your skin feeling naturally clean and healthy.

Gado-Gado, well known for its unique selection of women’s clothing, jewelry, and accessories, recently brought in some tasteful wall decor pieces by Sugarboo, perfect for your chalet or cottage. A variety of pieces to choose from ... stop in and pick out your favorite.

FALL KNITTING CLASSES starting at $10 for a 2-hour lesson


Yarn For Ewe 133 Main St. • Randolph, NY 716.267.2070 www.yarnforewe.biz

Double Black Diamond Golf Shop Holiday Valley Resort • EVL 716.699.2345 www.holidayvalley.com

Join Yarn for Ewe all day on Saturday, Sept. 20 for a fall class preview day. Learn how to make socks, mittens and more. Make this hooded sweater, the Wonderful Wallaby, with soft, new yarn from Cascade’s “Cherub Aran.” This sweater is seamless and can be knit in sizes 2 toddler to adult XXL. (The 4-part Wallaby class is $32 total with 10% off materials.) Ask about material discounts on other knitting classes at Yarn For Ewe.

If you’re looking for the ultimate accessory for your golf game, consider stopping into the Double Black Diamond Golf Shop at Holiday Valley and speaking with one of the PGA Professionals on staff about a Bushnell rangefinder, the number one choice of tour pros around the world. Pictured here is the Tour Z6 Jolt.

CHICKEN CORDON BLEU $9.99 sandwich / $12.99 with pint

ACORN SLIPPERS $19.99 - $48.99

John Harvard’s Brew House @ Holiday Valley Resort • EVL 716.699.5350

Hampshire Mills 890 Broad St. • Salamanca, NY 716.945.3100 www.hampshire-mills.com

Take a seat at John Harvard’s for a savory chicken cordon bleu sandwich. A tender crispy chicken breast smothered with ham and melted swiss topped off with a pretzel roll ... so delicious you will go to bed in EVL and think you woke up in Paris! Pair it with your favorite pint for complete satisfaction.

New Fall Arrival! Hampshire Mills has Acorn slippers for the whole family! Lots of different styles and colors to choose from - cozy fleece to the classic ragg wool slipper sock. The store also has in stock the hardto-find Acorn fleece socks for just $18.99. Great for around the house or use in rain boots for extra protection during the cold winter months.



We’re In for Yet ANOTHER Polar Vortex Savor the Last Bite of Summer: Find Comfort in EBC’s Mex-Italian Porketta By Joshua McDowell

The Summer Local Menu Pick of the Month

We have been hearing this term “polar vortex” thrown around a lot recently. I do realize it is a real weather phenomenon, but doesn’t it seem like it’s been used a little too much? We have some pretty brutal winters around here in WNY when this term actually makes sense and has some meaning to it. But this summer we’ve had more than our share of these alleged polar vortexes. I know quite a few people who are a bit bitter about this summer, or lack of. Well peeps, it is evident that Fall is making an early entry this year, and for those looking for a little comfort, I have the perfect fix for you!


One of the items added to the Brew Pub’s menu this summer is the Mex-Italian Porketta - a sultry and ultra delicious dish. What we have here is a very worldly dish with multiple cuisine styles present. This one has quickly become a favorite of the staff and is gaining popularity with our customer base as well.


Chef Joshua McDowell is a graduate of the Pennsylvania Institute of Culinary Arts of Pittsburgh, PA. He carries a Bachelor’s degree in Culinary Arts and offers over 17 years of experience in the food service industry. He has spent the last 11 years honing his skills in and around the Ellicottville, NY area, and last year was introduced as Executive Chef at the Ellicottville Brewing Company, 28 Monroe Street, downtown Ellicottville, 716-699-2537, www.ellicottvillebrewing.com.



To be honest with you, preparing the Porketta is not for the faint of heart. Culinarily, it takes a bit of skill as far as timing everything perfectly. And to preserve some recipe secrecy, I’m not going to give a verbatim recipe. Let’s dish out a general overview of this kitchen gem ...

As I am thinking of what beer I should pair with this dish, it comes to mind that Dan Minner is currently upholding a very strict production schedule. Right now the main focus consists of the seasonal Fall Festival lager. So with a dish that combines so many different national cuisines, I find it only fitting to have another nation represented with the beer pairing. Our ode to the ancient Bavarian festival in southern Germany is actually my absolute favorite beer that we currently produce. Every year at EBC we brew this beer for our local Fall Festival, and the reaction of the public is much the same as it was back in the day. We use only the freshest German Hallatauer hops and Munich malts to produce this wonderfully delightful royal brew.

First off is the pork itself. We use a pork osso bucco (or shank), which we marinade in multiple spices including paprika and fennel seeds. It is then char grilled and finished in the oven by braising. Place the final porketta atop linguine pasta tossed with garlic, basil and tomatoes in an olive oil and white wine sauce. Served alongside the pasta is garden fresh asparagus with a balsamic vinegar and honey reduction. Last but not least, on top of everything we drizzle a special emulsified sauce consisting of chipotle peppers, lots of cilantro and specialty Mexican spices. Once this dish comes together, it is quite unique in its lightness, beauty and reminiscence of mid-summer.

With all of the beautiful colors that make up this dish, paired with pint of our Fall Fest lager, you would be hard pressed to find a better dining experience anywhere in WNY. Until next time, think warm thoughts ... we’ll be knee deep in snow before you know it!

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l Fest WNY. w it!


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Fixing Your Body WILL Fix Your Brain - Part II By Dr. Kristina Barlow, N.D., C.S.T.

My hope is that these articles on fixing our broken brains will start us on new journeys to better living in a world where we suffer needlessly on top of those sufferings that are unavoidable. If you missed Part I of this two-part series, click over to www.thesummerlocal.com/content/ health. *The ideas in this article combine my knowledge from naturopathic medical school and my clinical experience with Dr. Hyman’s excellent and concise book. The UltraMind Solution provides a simple plan to defeat depression, overcome anxiety and sharpen your mind.

STOP INSULTING YOUR BRAIN (CONTINUED) ... REMOVE THESE INSULTS: 7. Remove sugar, caffeine, alcohol (no more than two drinks per day), nicotine and recreational drugs. We are at the cusp of legalizing marijuana … Google a SPECT scan of a brain on marijuana; don’t be fooled to think that smoking anything won’t affect your brain and your lungs. 8. Evaluate the side effects of over-the-counter and prescription medications with your doctor. Most medications have multiple side effects - not only systemic symptoms but also depletions of CoQ10, B-Vitamins, Glutathione and Magnesium in addition to heavy metal toxicity (lead in some calcium supplements, aluminum in antacids and mercury or thimerosal in flu vaccines). 9. Eliminate toxic chemicals that are in our immediate control. We cannot control the effects of more than 80,000 chemicals introduced into our society since the early 1900’s (yet ONLY 550 have been tested for safety according to the EPA), or the 2.5 billion pounds of toxic industrial chemicals released each year. BUT, we can control our homes, cars, workplaces and social gatherings. For many people the personal space you live in 24 hours/day is more toxic than effects of environmental pollution. Dr. Hyman reports that 3,500 different chemicals can be added to our foods, 3,000 in our homes and 4,000 in cigarettes! Perfumed and petroleum-based laundry products, followed by perfumes and colognes are the worst culprits, harming not only your brain but also the brains around you who have to endure these offensive smells. Cleaning Products. Furniture made with formaldehyde and fire retardants. Chemical Pest Control and Lawn Fertilizers. Dry Cleaning. Air Fresheners. Antibiotics, Pesticides, Herbicides and Fertilizers in our animal foods. Food Chemicals. Additives and Coloring. Artificial Sweeteners. MSG. Cigarettes. 10. Mold exposure. 11. Electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Released from computers, cell phones, wireless networks, microwave ovens, TVs, WiFi, cell towers, power lines and electrical wires. 12. Heavy Metals. Especially Mercury, Lead, Cadmium and Aluminum).

KEY #2: BALANCE YOUR HORMONES An imbalanced endocrine (hormonal) system is very common and looks like: fluctuating moods and energy, sugar or salt cravings, overweight (especially belly fat), PMS, painful or heavy menses, depression, poor sleep, low to no libido, thinning hair, dry skin, tired in the mornings, nervous fatigue, coffee in the morning and wine at night. The three worst hormonal problems in the U.S. are high production of insulin from the pancreas (due to eating sugar), high production of cortisol and adrenaline from the adrenals (due to stress) and low thyroid function (due to diet and stress). The dysfunctions in these three glandular systems create imbalances in our reproductive hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone), brains (broken), sleep (melatonin) and our weight (growth hormones). HIGH PRODUCTION OF INSULIN may be present with 6 or more of the following symptoms/signs: Craving and eating sweets. Family history of diabetes, hypoglycemia or alcoholism. Irritability, anxiety, fatigue or jitters especially after missing a meal. Intermittent headaches improved after eating. Shakiness two to three hours after a meal. Inability to lose weight, especially on a low fat diet. Carbs/sugar for breakfast leads to poor eating all day. Can’t stop eating carbs or sugar. Feel sleepy or drugged after eating a meal of carbs and sugar. Heart palpitations after eating sugar. Overconsumption of bread. Water retention with salt consumption. Panic attacks in the afternoon after skipping breakfast. Poor memory and concentration. Eating provides a calming effect. Fatigue a few hours after eating. Night sweats. Fatigued most of the day. Belly fat. Thinning hair. Infertility. High blood pressure. Type 2 Diabetes. Chronic yeast/fungal infections. If this describes you, then you have become insulin resistant! If you measure your waist at your belly button then divide that by the measurement of your hips at the widest part and your result is greater than 0.8, then you have insulin resistance. I would then ask your doctor for an insulin-response test that measures your fasting blood sugar and insulin levels followed by your blood sugar and insulin levels after ingesting 75 grams of sugar. The continued consumption of sugar and simple/refined carbohydrates (white rice, white flour, wheat flour and processed foods) will lead to insulin resistance or Metabolic Syndrome X or prediabetes which is increased belly fat, high blood sugar levels (over 90), high triglycerides (over 100), low HDLs (less than 60), high blood pressure and inflammation. The solution is to eliminate sugar and simple/refined carbohydrates from your diet, start exercising, and add the appropriate supplements! Stixated (Garcinia cambogia with chromium), Sweet Fx, Chlorophyll, Spirulina, Bee Pollen, ProPancreas, Chromium GTF and SugarReg. LOW PRODUCTION OF THYROID HORMONES may be present with 6 or more of the following symptoms/signs: Thick skin and fingernails. Dry skin. Thinning or coarse hair. Sensitivity to cold. Cold hands and feet. Muscle fatigue, pain or weakness. Heavy or painful menses, PMS or infertility. Low to no libido. Water retention. Low blood pressure and heart rate. Fatigue that is worse in the morning. Memory and concentration problems. Thinning of the outer third eyebrows. Trouble losing weight or recent weight gain. Constipation. Depressed or apathetic. Autoimmune disorders. Gluten sensitivity or Celiac disease. Exposure to radiation. Exposure to environmental toxins. Consumption of tuna and sushi. Dental amalgam fillings. Family history of thyroid problems. Consumption of chlorinated or fluoridated water. Many suffering from low thyroid function or subclinical hypothyroid (TSH levels not yet

Please call Kristina C. Barlow, N.D. for more information or to make an appointment for a FREE 10-minute consultation regarding this article: phone 716-353-0786 or email drbarlow@naturopathicpartners.com. Or stop by Nature’s Remedy, 26 Monroe Street, Ellicottville, NY, 716-699-4372 or visit them on the web at natures-remedy.net. Kristina is a naturopathic doctor and craniosacral therapist practicing in Western NY, specializing in mental and emotional health, neurological challenges, musculoskeletal dysfunctions, detoxification and weight loss. *These ideas are not meant to be substitutes for proper allopathic care; they are used together with it. This information is NOT intended to “treat,” “cure,” “diagnose” nor be a substitute for the proper diagnostic assessments and treatments prescribed by your doctor. Naturopathic doctors are not PCPs, so always consult with your doctor for your health care needs. This article is intended for your information, at your discretion and supplementing your allopathic care. *All products and services listed here are available at Nature’s Remedy in Ellicottville.

“high” enough to make a diagnosis of low thyroid function) are not getting the help they need. “Wait and Watch” does not work! Later, the use of T4 medications alone (Synthroid, Levoxyl) do not always help because not everyone is efficiently converting T4 to T3. T3 is the ACTIVE form of the thyroid hormones responsible for boosting metabolism and improving mood or brain function. Ask your doctor about T3 medications. Guggal Lipids and 7-Keto can help to convert T4 to T3. Also Black Walnut ATC (for the iodine), Thyroid Support and Thyroid Activator have been effective at help the thyroid to function properly. Finally, detoxifying foods and supplements are needed because the main reason for increased thyroid dysfunction over the past few decades is TOXICITY! PCBs, Fluoride (in water and dental products), chlorine (pools, water and foods) and bromine (baked goods additives) all push iodine off the cells of the body. Iodine is needed to properly make thyroid hormones and protect the reproductive organs - especially in females. The U.S. and Canada are iodine deficient in their soils, especially around the Great Lakes regions. As a result, some of the highest mortality rates due to breast cancer are found in the Great Lakes regions. Eat your sea vegetables and black walnut or take Iodarol-iodine/potassium iodide. Other important nutrients for the thyroid are selenium (also found in black walnut), zinc, fish oil and tyrosine. LOW PRODUCTION OF SEX HORMONES for females (estrogen & progesterone) may be indicated with a score of 8 or more of the following symptoms and signs: PMS. Monthly weight fluctuations. Water retention. Bloating. Headaches. Mood swings. Tender breasts. Depression. Poor coping skills. Muscle or joint pains. Cyclical sugar and salt cravings. Menstrual irregularities. Infertility. Use of birth control pills or other hormones. PMS migraines. Breast cysts or fibrocystic breasts. Family history of breast, ovarian or uterine cancer. Uterine fibroids. Perimenopausal symptoms. Hot flashes. Anxiety. Night sweats. Low to no libido. Dry skin or hair. Heart palpitations. Memory or focus problems. Weight gain around the middle. Facial hair. Exposure to pesticides or heavy metals. For men, 3 or more symptoms indicate low sex hormone production (testosterone & DHEA): Decreased libido and vitality. ED. Infertility or low sperm counts. Loss of muscle. Increased abdominal fat. Low energy. Loss of purpose or sense of apathy. Bone loss or fractures. Increasing cholesterol. Increased insulin or blood sugar levels. Weakness. Depression. Exposure to pesticides or heavy metals. Work with an alternative practitioner to define the hormonal imbalances, address the causes first (diet, toxicity, deficiencies) and give the body what it needs to repair. The body will heal! And so will the mind as sex hormone imbalances act on the brain directly to affect mood and cognition. Low estrogen will promote low serotonin and low melatonin, potentially causing depression, sleep disturbances and increased risk for dementia, as normal levels of estrogen are brain protective. Too much estrogen can cause breast, uterine and cervical cancers. Low progesterone causes PMS and perimenopausal anxiety and insomnia because of affecting low GABA production - the relaxing neurotransmitter. Low testosterone decreases mood, memory, motivation and overall cognitive function. Testosterone drops with age mostly because of weight gain, lack of exercise, stress and high-sugar diets/insulin resistance. Treatment includes exercise, elimination of sugar, refined foods, alcohol, caffeine and dairy while decreasing stress. Phytoestrogenic herbs such as Dong quoi, progesterone cream, Chaste tree, MACA, l-arginine are just some of the herbs that can help balance the hormones.

For KEYS #3 through #7, go to www.THESUMMERLOCAL.com


The Enchanted Mountains

. . . Naturally Yours

Fall In Love with the Views of Cattaraugus County When you think of Autumn, what comes to mind? Perhaps the start of another school year, crisp days with cool nights, festivals that boast the change of season … probably the most treasured aspect of Fall is the bright, vibrant colors that paint our hillsides. You may not know it, but Cattaraugus County is home to some of the most beautiful places to take in the colors as you enjoy the last warm days before the long winter. To help you on your quest for fall peeping, here are a few “must-see” fall foliage destinations! View the colors by car as you drive the country highways and byways through our Old Order Amish community on New York’s Amish Trail. Share the roadways with Amish buggies that go a comfortable speed of 10mph - don’t be in a hurry, slow down and appreciate the culture and its scenery. While on tour, stop in at some of the many different Amish owned shops to see what they have to offer. Fill up on delicious baked goods, or browse handmade quilts, furniture and children’s toys that are available for purchase. Traveling the Amish Trail is a great opportunity to stock up on wonderful gifts for the upcoming holiday season. (The holidays will be here before you know it!) Not sure which roads to navigate through Amish country? Call 1-800-331-0543 or visit AmishTrail.com.

The hiking trails of Rock City Park in Olean, NY will lead you through gigantic rock formations left over from the glacial period and over the falling leaves of the trees surrounding these rocks. Experience the view from the treetops as you make your way to the trail via a route located on the top of one of those large rocks. Relax on the double swing, pose for photos under the arbor, or hold hands with Big Foot. Check out the neat extras in the gift shop as you are educated on different types of rocks and how they come to fruition. Rock enthusiasts will have the chance to view, purchase and learn about rare and common rocks from around the world at the annual Rock City Park Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show Columbus Day Weekend.


Search through the crisp fall leaves at Griffis Sculpture Park to find sculptures popping up all over place! Walk the woods of the Mill Valley site and discover an area full of steel sculptures placed perfectly along the edge of the forest, the pond, and in the field. For a grander view, drive up to the second portion of the park, the Rohr Hill site to see giant sculptures that stand as tall as the trees, or hunt for the snake in the lower portion of the woods there. Take a break next to (or in) one of the sculptures and cherish the warmth from the Autumn sun.

Hungry? For a breathtaking view while you eat, head to Bear Mountain in Salamanca, NY. Enjoy the nice weather while it’s still here with some delicious food outside on the restaurant’s deck, also known as “The Ledge.” Once you’re there, you will see why it rightfully owns that nickname. Located just outside of Allegany State Park, Bear Mountain invites you to grab a bite to eat and enjoy live entertainment at nighttime. Travel along I-86 at Exit 21 to get to Bear Mountain (you will see the huge sign on the hillside). There is a reason our area is called the Enchanted Mountains. You are sure to understand why after traveling this route with forever views and a feeling that can’t be beat.

Last but not least is Allegany State Park. Fall is one of the most popular times at the park; campsites are buzzing with families looking to hike, swim, bike ride and enjoy a warm campfire. If you plan on camping, plan ahead of time as families have made this an annual tradition. Or come for just a day to get some fall fishing in, take the horse out for the last time or climb Thunder Rocks and the Stone Tower. The sights at this historic NYS park are spectacular anytime, but they are especially awesome in full color. The friendliness of the staff and the wildlife educational opportunities will make your stay even more pleasurable.

As the season changes, fall whole-heartedly into Autumn here in the Enchanted Mountains of Western New York. To view more information on any of these fall foliage destinations, or for a FREE Activities Guide:

www.EnchantedMountains.com For a FREE Activities Guide, call 1-800-331-0543




PUMPKINVILLE OPENS FOR THE SEASON SEPT. 13 - OCT. 31 • 9AM - 7PM EVERY DAY • FREE ADMISSION 4844 SUGAR TOWN ROAD, GREAT VALLEY, NY 716-699-2205 | www.pumpkinville.com A full day of family fun returns to Pumpkinville this Fall! Enjoy the hayrides, pony rides, cow train, corn cannon shoot, corn maze, Storyland … just to name a few of the attractions available. The Bounty Barn offers locally produced jams, jellies, maple and honey products. Choose from a variety of fresh picked apples or visit the pick-your-own pumpkin patch. Head to the cider mill and watch them press fresh apple cider. And to satisfy the sweet tooth, there’s the on-site bakery stocked full with pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies and muffins, pumpkin donuts, pumpkin and apple pies ... tasty treats galore! The Pumpkinville Grille cooks up hot dogs, sausage, BBQ pork, chili and homemade curly fries daily, with mouth-watering chicken BBQ dinners on weekends. Take part in PINK PUMPKIN FESTIVAL WEEKEND, Sept. 21-22 … purchase a pink pumpkin and Pumpkinville will donate to the WNY Susan G. Koman Association for the Cure. It’s a full weekend of pink - pink pumpkins, pink t-shirts, pink fudge, pink ice cream, pink apples and more!

NIGHT LIGHTS AT GRIFFIS SCULPTURE PARK SEPT. 24 - OCT. 11 6902 MILL VALLEY ROAD, EAST OTTO, NY www.griffispark.org For the 2nd straight year, Griffis Sculpture Park will transform into a mystical nighttime show like no other. The park already beautifully combines art with nature and attracts visitors far and wide, but now you can see it in a whole new light. A portion of the park will be creatively dressed up with lights, illuminating the trails and sculptures with colorful and theatrical ambiance, offering a truly almost surreal experience. Adults and kids alike will appreciate such a unique and magical experience as they walk the pathways guided by light. Brought to you by the folks at SitlerHQ and Volt Vision, Inc. For times and admission, click over to the Griffis Park website.

BONAGANY SATURDAY, SEPT. 27 • 11AM - 5PM MAIN STREET, ALLEGANY, NY www.sbu.edu Plan on joining the fun on Allegany’s Main Street for the 9th annual Bonagany Festival, celebrating the friendship between the village of Allegany and St. Bonaventure University. Held during Bonaventure’s annual Family Weekend, the festival showcases the best of the university and offers a great opportunity for parents to get out and enjoy the community. Bonagany 2014 will feature artists from around the region, live musical entertainment, food vendors, free inflatable amusements for kids, free wagon rides, and games for all ages.



OCT. 25 - 26 CATTARAUGUS COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 501 ERIE STREET, LITTLE VALLEY, NY 716-938-2311 Want to think and act local? Looking to invest in your own community and the businesses within? Show your support by attending the 2nd annual W.I.L.M.A. Expo. The weekend will encourage people to buy from and promote local businesses by highlighting items that are handmade or manufactured in Cattaraugus County by local artisans and manufacturers. The family-oriented event will offer activities for children of all ages, and will provide everyone with awareness about the personal, community and economic benefits of buying local. Or if you are just looking for a distinctive gift to give a loved one during the upcoming holiday season, you are sure to find it here. Free admission to shop! Vendor applications can be downloaded at www.ccbizhelp.com. Learn more about this event by searching WILMA Weekend on Facebook.


By Erik Schmitz As autumn nears, the nights will begin to grow colder and the days shorter. Most of us have the luxury of heat in our homes, though perhaps not the warmth of companionship. For some, another face could be the added boost we need to help lift us on dark, dreary days. What better way to usher in the change of seasons than to adopt a pet from one of the many wonderful shelters serving Cattaraugus and McKean Counties. If adoption is not possible, the service of fostering an animal, or even making a donation to help cover the various expenses incurred to run a shelter and care for the animals, will bring the necessary supplies and much needed warmth to a cold nose. (Please remember when adopting any pet, the most important thing you can do as a pet owner, is to have your pet spayed or neutered. This includes barn cats.)

McKEAN COUNTY SPCA 80 Glenwood Ave., Bradford, PA 16701 Ph. 814-362-8850 www.mckeanpawss.com

EMPIRE ANIMAL RESCUE SOCIETY (EARS) Salamanca, NY 14779 Ph. 716-397-5861 www.empire.petfinder.com

The SPCA in Bradford is the only shelter currently serving all of McKean County. They are a no-kill shelter and are stacked to the brim with animals in need of homes. No-kill means animals are not euthanized, unless they need emergency treatment and the funds are not available. McKean County PAWSS (Providing Animals With Special Services) is an emergency fund created to handle special circumstances for the McKean County SPCA. The account was created to help with medical treatments and surgeries that the shelter’s general fund cannot financially cover. Special story: This is Lucy. She is a PAWSS baby who was saved. She came into the shelter with a very bad front leg and was taken to the doctor, but there wasn’t anything that could be done to save the leg. It had to be removed. Thanks to generous donations made to PAWSS, Lucy was able to have the procedure to remover her leg. Shortly following, she was fostered and then adopted by a wonderful couple … this little girl is living the good life now. You may find a list of pets in need of fostering or adopting by visiting the McKean County SPCA shelter from 11am-4:30pm Monday-Saturday and until 4pm on Sundays. Please call ahead to notify the staff. Donations can be made online to the shelter’s emergency fund listed above, and to the general fund by mailing a check made payable to the McKean County SPCA General Fund.

EARS officially formed in 2011 in Salamanca, NY through the combined efforts of many tireless advocates. It is a foster-based organization (with no physical location) dedicated to rescuing abandoned, abused, neglected and endangered animals, and facilitating the adoption of spayed, neutered and vaccinated dogs and cats. It also works with local animal control officers to educate as much as possible. Special story: This little furry friend was infested with fleas when EARS rescued him last month. He was also covered in matting from not being groomed, and his gums were white. Due to the flea infestation, he was very anemic. Following a day at the spa, Fred is now a very happy K9. These are his before and after pictures. Lucky for him, a pre-approved adopter quickly fell into place. Another successful rescue brought to you by the volunteers of EARS. According to Tawnee Bocharski, EARS volunteer, “The need is always big and doesn’t seem to be slowing down much.” PayPal donations to the EARS organization may be made on the PayPal website by searching empirerescue@gmail.com. Supply donations may be made between 8:30am and 4pm at the City Clerk’s office in Salamanca City Hall, 225 Wildwood Ave. Search Empire Animal Rescue Society on Facebook for more information on how you can get involved and to view animals in need, as well as other success stories.

ALMOST HOME ANIMAL SANCTUARY 6251 Hart Rd., Little Valley, NY 14755 Ph. 716-938-6474 www.almosthomeanimalsanctuaryinc.com

JOYFUL RESCUES 1319 Turock Dr., Cuba, NY 14727 Ph. 716-372-3661 www.joyfulrescues.org

Almost Home is an oasis of respite for animals destined to be destroyed. It was born from the loving relationship between Laurie and Timothy O’Leary, DVM. When the two married in 2006, Timothy was practicing emergency veterinary medicine in Buffalo, and Laurie was running an elderly cat sanctuary on her apple orchard in Little Valley. The two fell in love, and the cat sanctuary transformed into Almost Home. According to Timothy, “The number of species increased by about 1300% when I moved here.” The sanctuary does not adopt animals. However, it does provides low-cost services such as spaying and neutering, as well as emergency surgeries for people who cannot otherwise afford the costs; many of the region’s surrounding shelters turn to Almost Home when these special services are needed. Laurie and Timothy recently installed a geothermal heating system for the sanctuary, which will cut energy costs in the long run. In addition, they plan to add a barn to be able to care for more animals. Your donation can greatly help with both of these expenses, in turn providing extended life for even more animals in need. Donations may be made online at www.almosthomesanctuaryinc.com. Checks may also be mailed to the address listed above.

Joyful Rescues operates as a no-kill rescue facility that serves the Olean, Rochester and Buffalo areas. In 2003, Joye Turock officially founded the non-profit and continues to ADO volunteer as the director. P ME T The organization is responsible for an average of 700 adoptions per year and has built a large base of volunteers. The shelter’s website features pets available for adoption, fundraising events, and even a “buy-a-brick” program to help raise additional funds. Donations may be made directly on their website; checks may be mailed as well. The shelter is open to visitors on Saturdays from 11am-2pm with additional hours by appointment. Up for adoption: Meet Sienna Bradley. She is an adult black lab/beagle mix, rescued with 36 other dogs and a Siamese kitten in a high-kill area. House-trained and friendly to cats, children, adults and other dogs, Sienna is fixed and up-to-date with vaccinations. She has a microchip and is registered. At five-years-old, she weighs about 30 lbs., requires moderate exercise, and also the occasional grooming. She does very well on a leash. If you are interested in Sienna, or would like to view and apply for another animal housed at Joyful Rescues, download the adoption application directly from their website.


Visit | Learn | Explore the World of Alpacas

Local Farmers Ready to Open Their Doors to the Public During National Alpaca Farm Days, Sept. 27-28 Plan a trip over to Cardinal Acre Alpacas, located in the heart of Amish Country.

Mingle with the animals and shop the many items available at Mager Mountain Alpacas’s “So Soft” Gift Shop.

By Mary Heyl Throughout the weekend of Sept. 27-28, alpaca farms nationwide will be inviting visitors to experience various aspects of raising alpacas. There are several local opportunities to meet these gentle animals, understand the unique warmth of their fleece, and learn about the prosperous agribusiness of alpacas. One such place is Cardinal Acre Alpacas, owned and operated by Sue Hornberger, in Little Valley, NY. What began with just three alpacas as pets in September of 2009 became a herd of 23 alpacas ranging in color from brown, to white, to black, and many shades in between. “There are more than 20 natural colors of alpacas, with about 15 variations,” Hornberger explained, which is important when it comes to breeding alpacas for their fleece. Although white fleece is most common among alpacas, gray fleece is rare and highly sought after, according to Paul Mager of Mager Mountain Alpacas, also located in Little Valley. After spring shearing, the fleece is sent to one of several American fiber mills for cleaning and processing so it can then be spun and made into a variety of beautiful and useful goods. Although there are fewer fiber mills in the U.S. than in South America, where alpacas originate, there is undoubtedly a great demand for alpaca fleece products nationwide. According to Sue Mager of Mager Mountain Alpacas, machine-knit alpaca blend socks are hugely popular among her customers - from moisture-wicking athletic socks to insulating boot socks, alpaca offers warmth and breathability whether you’re hunting, hiking, skiing, or simply enjoying a cozy evening inside! Finding it hard to believe that alpaca garments are ideal year round? “Alpaca is naturally hypo-allergenic,” says Hornberger, a fact that is confirmed by fiber-experts worldwide. “It doesn’t contain the lanolin [natural oil] of sheep’s wool and doesn’t hold in the irritating allergens that wool does, which are usually what people are sensitive to.” Just a walk through her gift shop at Cardinal Acre Alpacas shows that alpaca fleece creates lightweight warmth for just about everything from cardigans to bright orange hunting hats to fingerless gloves. In addition to its usefulness in clothing, Sue Bean of A Slice of Heaven Alpacas and Simply Natural Alpaca Gift Shop in Randolph, NY notes that alpaca fleece makes beautiful household items and gifts. Luxurious blankets and throws made from 100% alpaca fleece are popular among her customers as wedding gifts and can be monogrammed. Other favorite items include felted soap and nesting ornaments, which are stuffed with fleece and hung outdoors to provide birds with warm material for nest-building.

In addition to providing soft ready-made garments, alpaca fleece is ideal for spinners, knitters, crocheters, and weavers. Hornberger, Bean, and the Magers all carry alpaca yarn spun from the fleece of their herds and other alpacas nationwide. Those who are interested in learning how to spin fleece into yarn can take advantage of Bean’s spinning wheel demonstrations and lessons at A Slice of Heaven Alpacas. Although there is much to be appreciated in alpaca garments/goods, raising alpacas provides much joy for all involved. For Paul and Sue Mager, raising alpacas began as a retirement venture, an agribusiness that was affordable and profitable, but also family-friendly. Started 14 years ago, Mager Mountain Alpacas was the first alpaca farm to appear in Western New York, and according to Paul Mager, was a true learn-as-you-go venture. “We had no prior experience in agribusiness,” explained Paul, “but we try to use what we’ve learned along the way to help others get started and become successful with their alpaca farms.” What defines success in alpaca farming? From a business perspective, raising alpacas is ideal, as upkeep is affordable (less than $300 annually, per animal) and nearly all aspects of raising alpaca - from stables to feed - are tax deductible. The fleece is in demand and having a diverse herd affords many opportunities to breed for different fleece colors. However, success can be defined in other ways too. Walk into Hornberger’s gift shop and you will see an array of colorful ribbons that are a testament to the fiber quality and pedigree of Cardinal Acre’s alpacas. Indeed, showing alpacas at various competitions nationwide is also a joy for the Magers’ granddaughters who share their grandparents’ love for these gentle animals. But even more evident of success than profitability and awards is the shared appreciation among alpaca farm owners for the animals themselves. Read any brochure from these Cattaraugus County alpaca farms, and you are guaranteed to read the words “gentle,” “docile,” and “sweet,” as descriptors of alpacas. Unlike their spitting, moodier cousin, the camel, alpacas are sometimes shy but usually receptive to visitors’ curious strokes. Both the playful young alpacas and the sweet-tempered adults are sure to charm everyone they meet. In fact, you never know what aspect of alpacas’ lives you may witness on your visit, be it the happy “pronking” (running on their toes) in the evening or the distinctive wooing song of the males courting the females. From late August through the first part of October, the Magers are anticipating the birth of seven more babies, or “crias.” They encourage visitors to stop by and witness one being born! For more information on these alpaca farms, including visiting/gift shop hours, please visit their websites: cardinalacrealpacas.com, www.magermountainalpacas.com, and asliceofheavenalpacas.com, or head over to www.nationalalpacafarmdays.com.





Fall Road Trip in the Highlands of the Alleghenies The highlands and byways of the Alleghenies are known far and wide for their scenic beauty. The Allegheny National Forest in northwestern Pennsylvania contains over 517,000 acres of woodlands that in the fall will burst into the shades of the season - rusty reds, brilliant oranges and flame yellow. Plan your getaway trip now to view the stunning fall foliage of northern Pennsylvania. Prime “leaf peeping” is usually the last two weeks of September and the first two weeks of October.



Begin your journey by traveling south from Ellicottville on Rt. 219, turn onto I-86 East to Olean, then onto Rt. 16 South, drive approximately 5-½ miles to Rock City Park, 505 Route 16, Olean, NY. Enjoy the mighty sweep of the mountaintop view of a thousand square miles from Signal Rock, once a long range signaling point for Native Americans. The park is open daily from 9am-6pm until Oct. 31. Tickets are $4.50 per person, $2.50 for children ages 6-12 years. www.rockcitypark.com

OLDE SCHOOLHOUSE VILLAGE SHOPPES Treat yourself to a beautiful Fall drive along Pennsylvania’s Route 6.

Leaving Rock City Park, travel south on Rt. 16, then 646 into east Bradford, PA for lunch at your choice of nearby restaurants. The Lighthouse Family Restaurant, 26 Bolivar Drive, offers a wide variety of family favorites, served in a relaxed style with great pricing. Phone 814-3685111. Chu Lee Garden Chinese Restaurant, 405 East Main Street, offers a great selection of authentic Chinese dishes for either take-out or in-restaurant dining. Phone 814-362-4700. Both restaurants are open seven days a week. After lunch, hop back into the car to continue your fall adventure on PA 346 East. This mountain road winds through the hills and valleys of rural Pennsylvania as you drive east towards Eldred. Just before entering Eldred, turn left onto Barnum Road, then left to travel to the Olde Schoolhouse Village Shoppes at 109 Indian Creek Road, Eldred, PA for a shopping stop! Over 100 vendors offer antiques, primitives, handmade decorative items and repurposed and reinvented furniture - all at very reasonable prices. Decorate your condo, cabin in the woods, or lake house with items you personally select from the charming collection of handmade, handcrafted, vintage and one-of-a-kind tables, shelves, chests, and chairs. The wide variety of beautiful and useful items for sale will surprise and delight you. Downstairs you’ll find Schoolhouse Village Health Foods where you can grab a snack and stock up on staples for your pantry from locally grown food, cheeses, meats and organic products. Call ahead for inventory or to order bulk foods. Phone-814-225-2255, www.oldeschoolhousevillageshoppes.com Return to PA Rt. 346, at the bridge turn right to visit the Eldred WWII Museum, 201 Main Street, Eldred, PA. This is history you can see, touch and feel. This world-class museum honors the history of the Canadian-American munitions factory that was hidden in these mountains, employing over 1,800 women during the war effort. Exhibits include the gallery of valor, personal WWII stories, a working submarine telescope, and a wide-ranging display of artifacts and interactive exhibits. Upstairs is an extensive research library. The Eldred WWII Museum is open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm, and Sunday 1-4pm. For more information or to book a group tour, phone 814-225-2220, www.eldredwwiimuseum.net For dinner, travel Rt. 446 to Rt. 155 heading towards Port Allegany to The Two Mile Inn, 3434 Route 155, Port Allegany, PA. Popular menu choices include a 12-oz. Angus strip steak fire grilled, or the sea station platter featuring bay scallops, shrimp and haddock with a honey Dijon sauce. If you are a beer connoisseur you will love the over 50 choices of bottled craft beers. Dining hours are Thursday-Saturday 4-10pm, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday 4-9pm. Reservations can be made ahead by calling 814-642-2588.

FALL ROAD TRIP ON SCENIC ROUTE 6 One of the most beautiful fall drives in America is Pennsylvania Route 6. The section between Port Allegany and Ludlow takes you through forest, farmlands, charming small villages, historic attractions and the Allegheny National Forest. Lynn Hall, Barnhaven and Smethport are just a few of the suggested “must-sees” as you travel through McKean County, Pennsylvania. Go to www.paroute6.com.

TOUR THE RESTORATION OF LYNN HALL Tour the ongoing restoration efforts at historic Lynn Hall, Port Allegany.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Lynn Hall, 21656 Route 6, Port Allegany, PA, built in the early 1930’s is undergoing restoration. All of the design elements that make Fallingwater one of the most unique homes ever built were integrated into Lynn Hall first by builder Mr. Walter Hall. The in-floor radiant heat, skylights, heat circulating fireplaces and organic style make this building unique to its time. Mr. Hall was an early innovator gifted with creativity and construction ability. The stone work of Lynn Hall is vast and of a unique style. The heavy slate floors throughout were cutting edge at the time of construction. Gary DeVore grew up the son of a stone mason and lifelong Frank Lloyd Wright fan. His wife Sue wanted to return to the area, and it was sheer luck that they drove past the property on their way back to Minnesota. They took one look at the property, saw the original organic style made popular by Wright, and knew they wanted it.



VISIT SMETHPORT: Mansion District Bicycle Race Old Jail Museum

“Through my childhood work with my father I learned a variety of construction skills. Through over 30 years directing and managing resident summer camps, my wife and I developed a growing level of additional skills like electrical, plumbing, carpentry, and rehab design. Many of those camp buildings were 75 to 200 years old so we learned a lot about how they were built and how to restore them to a usable condition. After we retired in 2006 we began rehab and restoration as a full time hobby,” explained Gary DeVore. “First we rehabbed a big old Italianate in my hometown. Next we did a gut restoration of an early Mississppi River farmhouse. We really stretched our skills when we purchased a 40-year-old Mississippi sternwheeler.”

but I do take orders for custom assemblages - your junk or mine.”

“We are spending the summer pressure washing, scraping and painting the exterior based on early photos of the building,” Sue DeVore said of Lynn Hall. “At the same time we are enlarging old photos to give folks touring the place an understanding of what it once looked like. We give impromptu tours almost daily, two or three times a day on weekends. There are days we welcome the excuse to stop work. We have also learned that we meet architects, family members and complete strangers who are amazed at our undertaking. We ask that groups call in advance or email us. We do not charge for our tours but encourage folks to give a “restoration donation” of their choice.”

Dressed in the colors of fall, the tree-lined streets of Smethport harken back to the age of the 1800s when lumber barons and oil barons of the new industrial age settled into Smethport, the county seat of McKean County, Pennsylvania. These pioneers of the industrial age built majestic homes constructed of brick and timber.

Restoration is more than just rebuilding a structure. It is about the people who existed in the space and the experiences they had here. Gary expounds, “We are asking that anyone with stories and pictures of Lynn Hall over the decades share them with us. Already we have notes of a young man who cut stone for Mr. Hall, a boy who spent his early teen years at Lynn Hall during the war, and we got to talk with a woman who worked as a waitress in the restaurant in the late ‘40s. The history of their lives will remain a part of the history of Lynn Hall.” Learn more or book a group tour by calling 814-275-2158. www.LynnHall-restoration.com

CONNECT WITH NATURE AT BARNHAVEN Barnhaven, 96 Red Mill Road, Clermont, PA, is a special place to connect with nature and timelessness, or with your family and friends. A fall travel destination for relaxation and rejuvenation, Barnhaven is located just south of scenic Route 6. This is a place where you can cocoon and never leave the premises, indoors or out - there are books, board games, binoculars for viewing the wildlife in the backyard, an open kitchen fully stocked with appliances, a deck and lower patio with a fire pit, a horseshoe pit, and a wooden swing under the hemlocks. Barnhaven is decorated with old farm implements that were found on the premises and refurbished. The night sky is as dark as any you will find … perfect for star gazing. The property and barn have been in the family of Neil Anderson since the late 1800s; Neil began fixing up the barn as a creative outlet. He lived there for many years by himself, and now the property is ready for sharing and is available to rent for overnight accommodations. “My partner Sharon and I love the unplugged experience,” explains Neil, “and so far everyone else who has visited does too. Sharon is an artist/illustrator with a background in fashion, and I am a wood craftsman. We both love assemblage art out of relics from another time. Her work can be found at www.sharonwattscreative.com. Mine is here in Barnhaven,

Barnhaven sleeps six comfortably, with a lawn perfect for pitching a pup tent. There is great hiking, biking, fishing and bicycling. Horse trails are available just down the road at Potato Creek. Fall Foliage packages start at $300 per couple for a two-night stay. For additional details or reservations please call 845-831-8168 or 814-778-5852.


Located along scenic Route 6, the Smethport Mansion District Walking Tour features a self-guided walking tour of 32 properties. Walking tour brochures may be picked up at the outdoor kiosk located in front of the McKean County Courthouse. Highlights of the walking tour include the “wedding houses” built by the wealthy banker Henry Hamlin as gifts for his children, and the State Senator Redfield Mansion, a grand 1900 Victorian Queen Anne. The McCandless Mansion, 905 W. Main Street, is now operated as the Mansion District Inn and welcomes overnight guests. Nearby Hamlin Lake offers a scenic walking trail near the lake, which is perfect for strolling on a fall day. Smethport’s historic gold watch cycling race, “The Wheel Around the Hub,” will be held Saturday, Sept 13 starting at 500 W. Main Street in Smethport. The starting gun fires at 12noon in front of the McKean County Courthouse on Main Street. The event includes two cycling circuits: a 53-mile circuit race and a 15-mile fun race. This year’s event will also feature a junior mountain bike class for cyclists aged 12-13, 14-15, and 16-17, who will participate in a one-lap race. Parents are encouraged to ride along with younger cyclists. The public is invited to watch, and following the race, there will be a BBQ dinner and awards celebration at the Smethport Fire Hall with live entertainment by John Mead. Participants can register online at bikereg.com, keyword: Smethport. Funds raised benefit the Smethport Volunteer Fire Department. www.smethporthistory.org/wheelrace To find out more about the first pioneers and industrial heritage of the region, plan a visit to The Old Jail Museum, 502 W. King Street, Smethport, PA. Here history is incarcerated in the county’s most fascinating jail. You can learn about General Kane and the Bucktails - a famous sharpshooting regiment from the American Civil War, local railroads, wildlife of the region, and the colorful history of McKean County. During September and October, the museum is open from 1-4 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. www.mchsmuseum.org

PLAN YOUR VISIT To order a free Allegheny National Forest Region Scenic Drive Brochure featuring seven detailed driving tours with a color-coded map, please call 800-473-9370. For information on lodging, attractions and events go to www.visitANF.com.



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SKY HIGH ADVENTURE PARK FOOD DRIVE FRIDAY Friday, Sept. 5 Bring a non-perishable food item to be donated to the E’ville Food Pantry and pay $40 for a 3-hour climb at Sky High. NIGHT CLIMB Sept. 26-27, Oct. 3-4, Oct. 17-18 Start time begins at 6:00pm Let the headlamp be your guide on an exciting night climb. 2-1/2 hours for $39. Reservations required. 716-699-2345 www.holidayvalley.com LIVE MUSIC @ MADIGAN'S Saturday, Sept. 20 1:00-5:00pm: Porcelain Train 6:00-10:00pm: Mick Hayes Celebrate Ellicottville's Rock 'N Roll Weekend at the Green Bar! 716-699-4455 ELLICOTTVILLE BREWING CO. GUIDED BREWERY TOURS Fri. | Sat. | Sun. Make your tour reservation online today! 716-699-2537 www.ellicottvillebrewing.com WINERY OF ELLICOTTVILLE DAILY WINE TASTINGS 716-699-1055 WineryOfEllicottville.com

ENCHANTED MTNS SUNSET AT THE CABIN Thursday, Sept. 11 6:30-8:00pm Pfeiffer Nature Center 1974 Lillibridge Road Portville, NY Stop by and view one of the most beautiful sunsets in the county while enjoying the company of old friends and new. Free to the public, but please bring a dish and beverage to pass. 716-933-0187 www.pfeiffernaturecenter.org

ROUTE 16 GARAGE SALE AND FIREMEN'S BBQ Sept. 13-14 9:00am-5:00pm both days Route 16 Corridor Hinsdale, NY Looking for that special bargain? Antiques, lawn, garden and household, produce and many more low cost items will be available at hundreds of garage sales throughout the day. Participating communities include: Knapps Creek, Town of Olean, City of Olean, Hinsdale, Maplehurst, Ischua, Franklinville, Machias, Delevan, and Yorkshire … 43 miles of garage sales! Garage sales will occur at private residences and at designated community selling points. Additionally, businesses along the corridor will be having special sales. The Delevan Public Library will host a scholastic book fair, and BBQ’s will be offered by area fire departments and other community organizations along the way. 716-904-2233 GUIDED HIKE ALONG THE FINGER LAKES TRAIL Saturday, Sept. 27 9:00am The Roundabout (end of Stone Chimney Road) Salamanca, NY Get out and enjoy the fall foliage on this hike along the Finger Lakes Trail from HoliMont to a spot near Elkdale Country Club. Hikers will meet at 9:00am at the end of Stone Chimney Road, just north of Salamanca. They will then car-pool to HoliMont Ski Resort in Ellicottville. The hike is approximately 10 miles and parts of it are very hilly, so be sure your health is in good condition, pack plenty of snacks and water for the trip, and utilize proper hiking gear. You’ll see Ellicottville from the top of the mountain, towering “skyscrapers” of Little Rock City, a spot where a tornado touched down in 2010, the St. Lawrence Divide and a rock bridge built in 1860. Mike Schlicht will be guiding this hike and can be reached with any questions: 716-316-4388 www.fingerlakestrail.org

XTERRA EPIC ASP AND XTERRA ASP RACES Saturday, Sept. 27 Allegany State Park Salamanca, NY The Xterra ASP includes a 0.6-mile swim, 15-mile bike, and a 4.5-mile run. The longer Xterra EPIC ASP consists of a 1.2-mile swim, 36-mile bike and a 9.5-mile run. Can you handle the challenge? The shorter triathlon will begin at 8:00am with a wave start, and the Epic race will begin at 8:10am. Registration fees and forms for this event are available online. www.score-this.com

ANF REGION FIRST FRIDAY RECEPTION Sept. 5 & Oct. 3 Artworks at the Depot 1 South Fraley Street • Kane, PA Experience the work of painters, wood turners, jewelry makers, and photographers while listening to music and enjoying refreshments. Free admission. 814-837-8752 www.alleghenyartworks.org WHEEL AROUND THE HUB BICYCLE RACE Saturday, Sept. 13 Greater Smethport Area 500 W. Main Street • Smethport, PA Join in for a ride through the unmatched beauty of northwest Pennsylvania during fall foliage season along Scenic Route 6 and 46 and vie for the coveted pocket watch. Celebrate with live music and BBQ dinner following the race. 814-887-6020 www.smethportfd.com AUTUMN DAZE CAR SHOW Sunday, Sept. 14 Main Street • Bradford, PA “Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows” See antique, classic, street rods, and special interest vehicles. Food, live music and craft vendors too! 814-362-3717

FALL FEST @ FLICKERWOOD Sept. 27-28 Flickerwood Wine Cellars & Lounge 309 Flickerwood Road • Kane, PA Celebrate the Fall Harvest with two days of wine, music, crafts, prizes, discounts, and lots of fun! 814-837-7566 www.flickerwood.com

IN OCTOBER HEADSTANDS FOR HUMANITY Saturday, Oct. 4 Holiday Valley Driving Range A really cool and fun event attempting to break the Guinness Book of World Records for the most people doing a headstand simultaneously in one place. The goal: over 400 people! Show up at the HV Driving Range by 11am. Cost to participate is a minimum $10 (all pledges will be donated to the Lounsbury Adaptive Ski Program and Ellicottville-Great Valley Recreational Trail Fund. Need a little tutorial? Head to the website and start preparing now for the big day! www.headstandsforhumanity.com PIG ROAST: "SIMPLER TIMES" Saturday, Oct. 4 McKean County Fair Grounds Smethport, PA Experience old-fashioned fun, learn about the Civil War and what life was like 150 years ago. Activities include music, dance, “history alive” venues, pony express demonstrations, children’s games from days gone by, pony rides and many more activities to enjoy. 814-887-5142 www.smethportchamber.com FALL FESTIVAL Oct. 11-12 Ellicottville, NY Ellicottville’s oldest and largest festival takes place when the foliage of the surrounding hills are ablaze with color! Thousands of festival-goers make for a lively weekend of unique foods, arts & crafts, carnival rides, live music and more. www.ellicottvilleny.com





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nge PA days


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Cattaraugus and McKean Counties provide us with an array of photographic moments. THANK YOU Summer Local fans for helping us capture some of those amazing scenes throughout the spring, summer and fall months!

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Enjoy the beauty of the fall hiking a woodland trail in Pennsylvania’s Allegheny National Forest.

Drive the Longhouse National Scenic Byway rated one of the top 50 drives in the United States by USA Today. Our Scenic Drive Brochure features seven scenic drives with map and driving directions. In our neck of the woods, prime leaf peeping is the last two weeks of September and the first two weeks of October. FREE Scenic Drive Brochure: 800-473-9370

WHAT TO SEE AND DO Plan your fall getaway now. Choose from a cabin in the woods, a romantic B&B, a hotel/motel or a deluxe 4-star lodge. Something for every price range is available in McKean County, PA. Just 90 minutes south of Buffalo along Route 219.

Kinzua Sky Walk

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Experience the thrill of walking 624 feet out into the Kinzua Gorge over 300 feet high above Kinzua Creek. NEW trail to the bottom of the Gorge! Kinzua Bridge State Park 1721 Lindholm Drive, Mt. Jewett, PA

Allegheny National Forest Camping, cabins, trails Fishing, boating, kayaking alleghenysite.com

Sept. 27-28 Fall Fest, Flickerwood Wine Kane, PA

September 13 Wheel Around the Hub Bicycle Race Smethport, PA

Oct. 4 Pig Roast: “Simpler Times” Smethport, PA

Sept. 14 Autumn Daze Car Show Bradford, PA

Oct. 11 Fall Foliage Photo Trek Bradford, PA

Sept. 19-21 Civil War Living History Encampment Wildcat Park, Ludlow, PA

For a FREE Travel Guide & Map 800-473-9370


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Clymer, NY

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