SNOWED-IN December 2014

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2014-’15 Ski Season O DECEMBER 2014


Serving the Ski Community of Ellicottville and Surrounding Areas in Cattaraugus County, NY and McKean County, PA


Follow us on Instagram @evlsnowedin TAG / HASHTAG YOUR SHOTS AND YOU COULD WIN!

This month’s giveaway sponsored by Nature’s Remedy ... pages 30-31



Score lodging, E-BUCK$ and lift tickets to HoliMont ... see back cover






What better way to kickstart the season than by getting to know the people who take care of the hills we love to enjoy ... page 10

ILSTH A TR 17 f E L I EC. ails od B O D e tr antens M W PENre tEhncuhntaie 24 O SN O xplohe Mo pag


... pages 08-09





Holiday #SHOPLOCAL Wish List EXPLORE PA: Put the joy back into shopping with a trip to the Olde Schoolhouse Village Shoppes in Eldred, stock up on holiday cheer at Flickerwood Wine Cellars in Kane, or plan a guided hunt on the Powder Horn Hunting Preserve. Find your trail in the Allegheny National Forest Region ... pages 26-28

... pages 12-14


In line with its always-evolving personality and progression, Holiday Valley added two key personnel to its terrain park program this season. THERE’S A LOT TO GET EXCITED ABOUT ... page 07

LET’S EAT: SNOWED-IN’s “Menu Pick of the Month” takes us to EBC for Croque Monsieur and Ski Bum ... page 21

Page 02 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014

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Creator, Publisher

Brenda Perks, DesignPerks of Ellicottville 716.244.7573

Layout/Design a monthly winter publication BOOSTING the EVL ski scene

@evlsnowedin ... Hashtag your photos to #evlsnowedin and we’ll select our top picks each month to be featured in print and online

Brenda Perks, DesignPerks of Ellicottville

Advertising Sales

Brenda Perks 716.244.7573 Evan Evans 716.474.6812

Team Writers Spencer Timkey Megan Sorokes Dash Hegeman Erik Schmitz Pat Morgan Melanie Hulick Mary Heyl Nicole Nyznyk Kristina Barlow

Team Photographers Bob Knab, Phatman Brenda Perks

Distributed in Cattaraugus, Chautauqua & Erie Counties, NY, McKean, Warren & Erie Counties, PA, and Northeast OH.

Ellicottville SNOWED-IN is a publication produced by DesignPerks, PO Box 1077, Ellicottville, NY 14731

Article/Photo Contributions

Contributions are welcome. Please submit your articles and photos or topic ideas to

Advertising Rates

Available upon request Deadlines for the 2014-’15 season: December issue: Nov. 10th January issue: Dec. 10th February issue: Jan. 10th March issue: Feb. 10th Please contact one of our sales reps for rates and additional information Ellicottivlle SNOWED-IN is published five times a year in October (Ski Show edition), December, January, February and March by DesignPerks of Ellicottville, PO Box 1077, Ellicottville, NY 14731. Copyright © 2014 by DesignPerks. All rights reserved. Reprinting in whole or part is forbidden except by permission of DesignPerks.



No child should wake up without a gift on Christmas, but with a little luck of the Irish and Santa’s Workshop, hope is on the way ...

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014 ... Page 03


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Bring Craftsmanship into Your Home

One of ten handcrafted pie boxes to be auctioned off at this year’s Irish Christmas event. It’s the pie inside that remains a mystery until the box is claimed.

By Megan E. Sorokes On Friday, Dec. 5 the community is invited to enjoy a few hours of “wild, eclectic fun” at the Annual Irish Christmas, hosted by Bob McCarthy at The Gin Mill, located on Ellicottville’s main drag. “It’s a unique and unusual event,” McCarthy said. “It’s been running for approximately 15 years, and I continue with it year after year because it’s so successful for our community that it bears repeating. It’s become an iconic night.” Although the night of Irish music, storytelling and fun begins at 7pm, McCarthy suggests arriving earlier to grab a seat for the old-fashioned Irish auction (4pm). “The auction includes handcrafted items from Ireland, Irish whiskey and of course, pies,” McCarthy said, emphasizing the popularity of the pies. “The pie auction has become a phenomenon where people come just to watch. Each year I change it up a bit, and each year the bids have increased. I already have one bid of $700 for a pie … but it’s not about the pie. It’s about the person who made it and that those pies are going to make a difference.” The pies are made by ten local ladies, each making one of their own favorite recipes. Ten pies, ten boxes … and a special raffle after the pies are distributed to the winners. “The ladies always ask if they can make more than one, but I just need one,” McCarthy said. “Each pie comes in a handcrafted pine box with shamrocks inlaid in them.” The entire event lasts only about an hour / hour and a half. Anyone is welcome to attend, as there are no tickets or charges, and all funds raised during the auction and raffles benefit Family Support for Ellicottville, an affiliate of the local rotary club. “People come, open their hearts and their pocket books because they know where the money is going,” McCarthy said. “I don’t charge for my events because I believe in coming and supporting with no limit. There is nothing needed for the Irish Christmas other than the kindness of your heart.” Anyone attending the Irish Christmas is asked to bring an unwrapped gift for any age and gender, including parents, teens and children, which will then be given to families in need during Santa’s Workshop, held the following day at a location yet to be determined. “There is a big wagon out front - all day - with a tractor attached,” McCarthy said. “It’s lit up and people can leave their gifts.” For anyone who has not attended the Irish Christmas in previous years, McCarthy suggests coming out to see what it’s all about. “You have to see it to partially understand it,” he said. “It’s emotional. People laugh, and people cry because they know something special has happened. It’s been years, but the amount of emotion and love and caring has never diminished.” “I’m a romantic at heart,” McCarthy added. “I believe in the magic of the Irish, and I believe in children. People are so generous and kind, and it’s been a constant all these years. It’s an incredible event.” For more information on the event or donations, please contact Greg Cappelli, Rotary Club of Ellicottville, at 716-474-7832.

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Page 04 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014


DEMO DAY @ HOLIDAY VALLEY Saturday, Dec. 20 | Base of Mardi Gras | 9am-3pm


photos / BOB KNAB, Phatman Boardshop

Product test skis / snowboards from major manufacturers for FREE!

TRY BEFORE YOU BUY In our current age of consumerism, picking the right product to purchase can be a slippery slope. You’ve got digital ads, consumer reviews, megamarketing and advertising dollars and everyone pulling you every which way. This especially rings true in the ski and snowboard industry, where companies are in a constant dogfight for a (relatively) small market. You can listen to a salesman until they’re blue in the face or read reviews until your eyes bug out, but there’s really only one way to find the peace of mind in your purchase, and that is to try before you buy. Luckily, Holiday Valley Resort is bringing back its annual Demo Day on Saturday, Dec. 20. The Demo Day is - quite simply put - awesome. Reps from the industry’s best brands make the trek to the western-most part of the territory (we’re considered Mid-Atlantic, so for a lot of these reps it’s a 6+ hour drive from Jersey or Philly). They load up their trucks, come through and get people hyped on their product … and the season! Set up in front of the Main Lodge at Holiday Valley, branded tents create a mini-community of skiers and snowboarders. Typically, the resort has been open long enough to give people excellent conditions to really get a good feel for the product. J Nuzzo of Mervin Manufacturing (Lib Tech, GNU and Roxy) makes the trip every year from Pittsburgh to come to the HV Demo. He’s seen a substantial increase in participants every year. “It seems like every year, regardless of the weather, more and more people are coming out to try product,” he said. “It’s awesome for the rep force, because when people are getting out on the product and giving significant feedback, it’s a win-win for everybody.” All of the shops in Ellicottville carry a presence at the demo as well. The Boardroom Snowboard Shop (@BoardroomEville), The City Garage (thecitygarage on Instagram), Mud Sweat N’ Gears (@MudSweatGears) and Dekdebruns (@Dekdebruns). Look them up on Facebook too! All participants must sign a waiver before they try product, and everyone is encouraged to come out and try some new gear. If the Farmer’s Almanac is any indication for the season, we’re in for a good one. More information can be found at or by calling 716-699-2345.

Reps from all over the territory will be making their way to Ellicottville for the Holiday Valley Demo in December. This month, SNOWED-IN got on the horn with Shawn Begg from Rossignol. Take a step into the life of an industry rep … SPENCER: Shawn, thanks so much for taking the time to speak with me. There’s a lot of excitement already for this winter. SHAWN: Thanks for calling me! I’m honored to have been chosen! The excitement is really indicative of the entire industry. It seems like the people can’t wait to get on the hill. SPENCER: Totally. How long have you worked for Rossignol? SHAWN: I’ve been the Rossi Tech Rep for the past seven years, and I’m also a general sales associate. SPENCER: What exactly does that entail? SHAWN: Well, my seasons are segmented. We started by traveling to every Rossi dealer in the territory (the Mid-Atlantic) - no matter how big or how small - and clinic the sales staff on the new product. A clinic is when we go in and give them a rundown on the products they ordered, so they’re ready to sell when the consumer walks into the door. SPENCER: Clinics are a must for any dealer. What’s after that? SHAWN: Then comes the transition to the on-snow demos, which is what the Holiday Valley Demo Day is. I’m kind of the Rossi hype man - I get people excited on the product. With all the new tech coming out, including basalt, rocker, etc., it makes it easy to initiate conversations with the consumers. Getting people out on the product is one of my favorite parts of the job. The reinforcement of when people go out and are blown away by the product they’re testing ... that’s one of the best parts of the job. SPENCER: Demos are such a critical aspect for this industry. What do you think it impacts the most? SHAWN: I think when people haven’t skied or snowboarded on any of the newer tech, that has the biggest impact. For instance: if someone is on skis they bought seven or eight years ago, the tech has changed so dramatically that they’re going to be blown away when they take that first run. Then, it’s our hope that they go into the local shop and purchase said equipment. SPENCER: After the demos, you transition to the selling season. What’s that like? SHAWN: It’s crazy to think that shops buy product for next season when they’re not even all the way through the current one. But it’s awesome to see all of our dealers and talk about what’s selling and what isn’t. The SIA show in Denver (the national sales show) is like the Super Bowl for us. No matter how many times I’ve gone, I still get so excited. SPENCER: What do you like most about Ellicottville? SHAWN: I love coming here. It’s such a cool place with an excellent vibe. The relationships I’ve made with the dealers here are awesome, because it’s always such an accommodating place. I live close to Whiteface in Northern NY, and people never believe me when I say there’s such good skiing and snowboarding in WNY. I tell them don’t ever discount the fact that this place has such good skiing and a killer town vibe.


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SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014 ... Page 05




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Page 06 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014

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In line with its always-evolving personality and progression, Holiday Valley added two key personnel to its terrain park program this season.

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There’s a lot to get excited about ...

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SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014 ... Page 07

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Reiki • Reflexology • Active Isolated Stretching • Clay Foot Mask • Paraffin Hand Dip By Spencer Timkey With temperatures dropping favorably mid-November, snow guns blazed the way for one of the earliest opening days in HV history. ‘Preview Weekend’ welcomed the first skiers and riders of the 2014-’15 season on Friday, Nov. 21. It should be noted, as well, that this year The Valley beat out multiple west coast resorts in opening!



New terrain park manager Mike Nenno, head builder Chris Perks, and long-time terrain park crewman Paul Quiter were out on Mardi Gras the day before opening, setting features in the rail park for ‘Preview Weekend’. With the addition of Nenno and Perks comes a new vision and direction for Holiday Valley’s terrain parks. We caught up with the guys to get some insight on the season. “It’s been an awesome learning experience,” Nenno said of his new position with Holiday Valley, which is primarily in event planning and execution. “The guys here have been great, and it’s great to have Chris back on the team building. We’re really excited about this winter and the things we’re going to do with the parks.” If you’ve viewed the Holiday Valley Trail Map for this season, you might have noticed a park symbol on fan-favorite Fiddler’s Elbow. This run is perfect for an easy, flowing park, which is exactly what Perks and the park crew plan to do with it. “We’re all about progressing the sport, but people have to start somewhere,” said Perks. “This will be a great park for kids and adults of all skill levels - from beginners to advance, with some rails and natural snow features.” Moonshadow will remain the boardercross course, Foxfire will remain the advanced park, and Snoozer is reverting back to a normal run (with no park on it.) This rearranging of the terrain parks will add a new dynamic to the resort, all the while keeping it fresh. Perks, who has a son that’s just about ready to take the next step on his snowboard, is most excited about getting the parks in tune with what the sport is about - having fun. “That’s definitely the general direction that we want to take the parks in,” he said. “Getting back to what this whole thing is all about. Skiing and snowboarding are supposed to be fun. Sure, there’s progression involved. But our main focus it to build safe parks that are inviting to both kids and their moms and dads – parks that everyone can have a blast in.” Speaking of progression, the Burton Riglet Park returns this year (at the base of School Haus) so parents can take their little ones and get them acclimated to the feeling of getting on snow and sliding boxes and rails. Nenno also hinted at an event with Red Bull called ‘All Snow’ - a competition that will be ridden strictly on snow-built features - no boxes or rails - just snow. It’s all about creativity. ‘All Snow’ will make its way to Holiday Valley on Feb. 21. A few other park events are in the works as well … keeps tabs here each month! “All in all, we’re really excited as to the direction the parks will go this year,” Nenno said. “We’ll have some good events and some good layouts. It’s going to be a great winter.”

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Page 08 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014

If you spend any time on the slopes in Ellicottville, you know that ski season is the most anticipated time of year for everyone here. That said, the month leading up to the new season is a pretty exciting time behind the scenes at HoliMont. Recently we launched an updated website, saw the first snow of the season, watched it all melt, watched the temperature go from 65 degrees to freezing with the return of snow in a matter of two days, tuned up our groomers, taken part in some fun pre-season fitness conditioning, and we even had a special visit from Shreddy the Snowman. Below you’ll see our Instagram feed leading up to the 2014-’15 ski season. Enjoy!


Speaking of welcome sights, snow covering a PistenBully groomer is one of the things that the HoliMont Mountain Crew is always looking forward to seeing, and on Nov. 7 they were treated to a small sampling of whiter (and colder) things to come!


HoliMont launched a new to help kick off the new season. If you haven’t checked it out yet, please click over and do so. We hope you like it as much as we do!


Nov. 1 saw the first snowfall hit Ellicottville. While the accumulation wasn’t substantial, it gave the area a soft, white dusting of snow and reminded us all that winter was right around the corner.


Another dusting of snow but this time a bit more substantial. It was a welcome sight.

If there is snow up on the slopes, then it’s only a matter of time before downtown Ellicottville starts to see snow on the ground. It was, no doubt, embraced by the downtown shops who are looking forward to the hustle and bustle that the ski season brings to Ellicottville year in and year out. Photo/Ellicottville Chamber of Commerce. Follow them on Instagram.

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014 ... Page 09


By mid-afternoon Ellicottville received over 5 inches of fresh snow, changing the landscape of HoliMont entirely. Hopefully it is a sign of good things to come for the upcoming season. Skiing/snowboarding in lake effect snow is always an enjoyable time and we’re definitely hoping that Ellicottville sees its share of it this year.


There was light snow coverage, the sun was out and the sky was blue. It was the start of what looked to be a very nice day at HoliMont. However ... Mother Nature had a different plan in store for Ellicottville that day ...


Saturday, Nov. 15 was the annual Snowsports preseason meeting. Returning HoliMont Snowsports staff came to the chalet to talk about the upcoming season, fill out paperwork, catch up with friends, and endure some ski & snowboard specific fitness training courtesy of local personal trainer Kim Logel.


Nothing says winter like a good ol’ fashioned snowman. On Nov. 17 conditions were prime for snowman making, so that’s what some of the office staff did (purely for social media marketing purposes ... no fun was had by anyone involved).


Friend of HoliMont @mradamx took a hike to the top of the hill and sent us this gem of a photo on Nov. 15. Looks good up there! For over 50 years, families and snowsports enthusiasts from miles around have converged on HoliMont, North America’s largest private ski area devoted to family skiing adventures. Generations of members have been drawn in by the amazing skiing, only to fall in love with the warm, community atmosphere that makes HoliMont the kind of place you never want to leave. During the week, HoliMont is happy to welcome the public and groups. Our eight lifts service over 50 slopes and trails. Head to

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What better way to kickstart the season than by getting to know the people who take care of the hills we love to enjoy?

Seventeen years and counting! On Sunday, Jan. 4, 2015 HoliMont will turn the lifts for the annual SkiScape fundraising event


For HoliMont’s current conditions click on

“This year’s event is the 17th consecutive year that HoliMont has helped us with our important goal. We cannot thank them enough for all they have done, and continue to do, for the children and families we serve.” - Deanna Messinger, KEDS

By Nicole M. Nyznyk

By Dash Hegeman

This month SNOWED-IN is getting personal with HoliMont crew member JC McAuley, seasoned snowmaker / terrain park manager. When JC is not firing up the guns on subzero nights, you might find him around town at his #1 Ellicottville hot spot or crushing some pow on his favorite HoliMont trails …

SkiScape raises money for the Kids Escaping Drugs organization, which was established in 1987 as the Alcohol and Drug Dependency Services Foundation (ADDSF) and then became known as the Kids Escaping Drugs Campaign. It was created with the sole purpose to raise funds for the creation and support of adolescent treatment facilities in Western New York.

NICOLE: When did you begin your career at HoliMont?” JC: In the fall of 2001 I had just left a job and a friend that was working at HoliMont said there was an opening and that I should look into it. I got hired in the general maintenance department and have worked my way up from there. Eventually, HoliMont needed someone to manage the terrain parks … NICOLE: Wow! Thirteen years that’s incredible! You certainly spend a lot of time in Ellicottville during the season, but where do you call home? JC: I’m from Franklinville originally and now reside in Salamanca with my family. NICOLE: Ski or snowboard? JC: I primarily ski. I can make it down the hill on a board but it doesn’t look pretty. NICOLE: Fair enough. OK let’s play weather forecaster … your thoughts on the Polar Vortex? Do you think this winter will be a reflection of last year? JC: Winter is winter in my mind. Polar Vortex is basically a fancy marketing term. I do think we’ll have another cold winter though. It’s what I hope for! NICOLE: What fuels you to do your job? What makes you want to get up day after day during the season in the bitter cold? JC: There are a lot of things. I work with a great group of guys and I get a nice sense of freedom working outside. Once we get the park up, I really enjoy watching the kids session the features that we put in … seeing them having fun makes it all worth it! NICOLE: What can we look forward to this year in terms of snowmaking or the parks; is there anything new and exciting that you can let us in on? JC: Nothing new but it’s always exciting in the park! NICOLE: I bet it is! What are the expectations of you and your crew this season? JC: We’re focused on keeping our reputation that we’ve established over the years that HoliMont has a fun (and safe) terrain park. NICOLE: What activities do you enjoy off the clock? JC: I enjoy sledding with my kids … when there is time. I really enjoy going to my kid’s basketball games, which seems to take up a lot more time these days.


1) Favorite sports teams: Cleveland Browns and Boston Red Sox 2) Favorite spot in town to grab a bite: Tim and Bonnie’s 3) Favorite drink: I do enjoy a Guinness from time to time 4) Favorite run at HoliMont: It’s a long combination. Punch Bowl to Highland Fling, to Lower Goat Path, to Irish Whisky, to Rim Run, to Wild Turkey to the bottom of Plum lift. So many turns, so much fun! 5) If you had three wishes: unlimited park budget, world peace, and to see the Browns win the Super Bowl

“Kids Escaping Drugs is extremely grateful for the opportunity the HoliMont Ski Area provides us with for SkiScape,” said Deanna Messinger of Kids Escaping Drugs. “The generosity of HoliMont and many local Ellicottville businesses allow KED the opportunity to raise critical funding for pro-active education in area schools and early intervention programs for adolescents from all over Western New York.” HoliMont is preparing for a great turnout for this very worthwhile all-day event. The Kids Escaping Drugs staff and volunteers will be setting up in the Main Chalet early on in the morning and getting people registered between 8am and 9:30am. There is a minimum $60 pre-registration donation required for Non-Members of HoliMont. HoliMont Members pay $20 and that includes a t-shirt and lunch. A minimum $70 donation can be made the day of the event. Cost includes: lunch, admission into the individual races, t-shirt (for those who pre-register), and a fun day of skiing/snowboarding. It’s a fantastic deal for a fantastic event. Every year, after registration is complete, most participants take to the slopes for the rest of the morning. This year those who choose to do so will be treated to a panoramic winter wonderland. As this article is being written it is snowing in Ellicottville and HoliMont is preparing for a strong, snow-filled winter. Whether you want to casually ski/snowboard or test your speed in the individual races that are set up in the morning, there is a little something for everyone. Medals are awarded to the top three winners in each division of the races. After the Individual Ski Races are finished the always-entertaining Lake Effect Firefighters Race takes place. Firefighters from all across New York State come to HoliMont to take part in this exciting event. Each year teams of brave firefighters put on an impressive, if not entertaining, display of teamwork and coordination. On skis or snowboards, wearing their full firefighter uniform, these teams race down the hill in unison, weaving in and out of gates, all while carrying a long fire hose. If you’ve never seen it take place before, you should definitely make it a point to do so this year! Not in to the ski scene but want to help SkiScape raise money? Feel free to hang out in the Chalet where you can place bids on an impressive assortment of silent auction items throughout the day, which helps to bring in even more money for the event. SkiScape is a fantastic event that HoliMont continues to be proud to support. For information on SkiScape you can visit or call 716-827-9462. “The proceeds raised also benefit the management of the Renaissance Campus, a 62-bed residential facility in West Seneca for boys and girls ages 12-20 suffering from chemical dependence,” stated Messinger. The mission of Kids Escaping Drugs is to raise, manage and distribute funds for the development and support of facilities, education and prevention programs for adolescents and their families in Western New York suffering from alcohol and drug dependency/addiction.

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014 ... Page 11



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Holiday #SHOPLOCAL Wish List Page 12 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014



Slopeside Snow Sports @ HoliMont Ski Area 716.699.4698

Mud, Sweat n’ Gears 18 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.8300

Helly Hansen’s top-selling base layer should be on your “pick-up” list for the upcoming season. Winter is cold - that’s no surprise but this wool base layer uses unique LIFA® fiber technology to keep your skin dry and a high quality merino wool exterior to both insulate and wick moisture away. This 1/2 zip opening top is both functional and stylish, making it a must have for the new season.

The crew at MSG selected this board as one of their favorite products of the year. Winner of the 2015 TransWorld ‘Good Wood’ award, the Helix features an asymmetrical hybrid twin design, ensuring riders get more out of their turns with less effort, and ensuring a comfortable, responsive feel. For the ultimate set-up, toss a pair of Ride Rodeo bindings on it, and you’ve got one of the best set-ups around.

SKI BUM WINTER ALE $8.99 six-pack / $33.00 case

SOREL BOOTS starting at $125.00

Ellicottville Brewing Co. 28A Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.ALES

Red Door 11 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.2026

Tis’ the season … of snow and spinning chairlifts here in Ellicottville! So what better way to ring in the season than to taste the beer of the season! Introducing the new ‘Ski Bum’ Winter Ale found only at EBC. This handcrafted beer has impressive taste (and packaging too!), featuring lift tickets from all over North America. Pick up a sixer or a case Ski Bum is perfect for your next chalet soirée!

Sorel’s line of winter boots has a tried-andtrue reputation for high quality comfort and dependable warmth. The Red Door stocks a variety of styles and colors for women, men and children (kids boots start at $60). All of the Sorel boots are waterproof, provide sturdy tread and are both fashionable and practical durable enough for everyday wear, and great to use with your snowshoes too!

FARMHOUSE FRESH LINE starting at $15.00


Ellicottville Oasis Spa 23 Jefferson St. • EVL 716.699.8996

Dom’s Butcher Block 38 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.6328

Keep your skin clean and healthy with FHF skincare products. From body creams and oils to hand creams and body scrubs, this line (which made the “O” List-Oprah’s Best,” is used by the staff at Ellicottville Oasis in their “Bee Pampered” Body Wrap. Each product is made with up to 99.6% natural and naturallyderived ingredients, is paraben and sulfate free, and many are also vegan and gluten free.

The next time you’re at Dom’s picking up your fresh cut of meat, check out the fine selection of cutting boards they offer exclusively in-store. Craftsman Terry Fuller infuses all types of native and exotic woods - from curly maple and black walnut to leopard wood of South America and Purple Heart of Africa (just to name a few) - to create these beautifully mastered boards that will no doubt look great in any kitchen.


GOATS MILK SOAPS $4.98-$6.98 per bar

The Boardroom Snowboard Shop 6113 Route 219 • EVL 716.699.5620

Ellicottville Country Store & Antiques 5364 Route 242 East • EVL 716.699.6100

Outdoor Tech is your go-to outdoor speaker and sound product! Built with Bluetooth and meant to be taken outside, Outdoor Tech boasts industry-best sound with tons of possibilities. Grab a Turtleshell for booming jams or a portable Kodiak power charger! Go forth and play!

Immerse yourself in history at the Ellicottville Country Store & Antiques, which boasts many antique finds, handmade items and a country diner. Great holiday gift ideas await inside, such as goats milk soaps. Made in-house, goats milk soap is ideal for all skin types; its natural elements can help with various skin conditions such as dryness, cracking and acne. SPECIAL: Purchase 3 bars of soap and get the 4th free!

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014 ... Page 13

PICTURE JACKETS starting at $200.00

ALP-N-ROCK CLOTHING starting at $139.00

Dekdebruns Skis & Snwoboards 20 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.2754

Holiday Valley Mountain Shops 2 locations: Main Lodge / Yodeler Lodge 716.699.2345

Who doesn’t love eco-friendly? Picture’s award-winning line of men’s, women’s and kids clothing is all made from organic and recycled material - right down to the packaging that it all comes in. Not only will you stay warm and look good, but you’ll feel good about joining the movement to “reduce reuse recycle.” Kids jackets start at $130; Picture outerwear fleeces, vests, leggings and pants in stock too!

Alp-n-Rock provides unique fashion for those with a passion for an active outdoor life. Go from the slopes to après ski, tennis court to clubhouse, and barn to city with ease. Each design is a work of art that captures the essence of a location or a universal experience such as love, joy, heartbreak and passion. Late night hours for your shopping convenience: Main Lodge Sun-Thurs til 8pm, Fri-Sat til 9:30pm; Yodeler is open daily til 5pm.)

CABERNET FRANC $17.00 NOIRET 2012 $19.00

HOLIDAY SUGARING FREE with purchase of Hungarian Mud Facial

Winery of Ellicottville 14 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.1055

Anew Beginning Massage & Spa 9 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.2508

The winery unveiled its newest creations Nov. 7th during a special Open House Weekend. The Cabernet Franc offers hints of delicate cherry beneath lean oak and spicy flavors with a smooth finish. The Noiret 2012 is deep, dark and rich with notes of coffee and chocolate. Both are available by the bottle or by the glass at the winery bar ($6/glass). Stock up for the holidays on these and others while in town!

Hungarian mud, which is rich in essential minerals and collagen, is great for diminishing facial blemishes and improving overall skin texture. Purchase a 1 hr. Hydrating Hungarian Mud Facial ($75) and receive complimentary sugaring of brows, lip or chin. Sugaring is an all-natural paste made from ingredients like sugar, water and lemon. Unlike hot wax, it is applied at room temp, and results last longer!

‘VINTAGE’ WOODEN SIGNS Starting at $80.00


A Touch of Ellicottville 26 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.5385

The City Garage 5 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.2054

Adorn your winter ski chalet or summer lake house with a classic vintage wooden sign customized specifically for you! Made in the USA and available in various sizes, these popular pieces add character to any wall and make holiday great gifts. Purchase one of the many “Ellicottville” inspired signs hanging in the store, or flip through the catalog at the counter and place your custom order.

One of the brands the crew at The City Garage (and subsequently the men of MUNG) are most excited about this season is the grassroots brand ‘Ski The East’. Featuring an array of softgoods and various glassware pieces, these products are the ultimate pickup for those looking to rep the east coast. Affordable prices make these the perfect gift for kicking off the ski season here in EVL.

OUTDOOR RESEARCH JACKETS starting at $199.00

JINGLE BELL BARK $20.95 for a 1lb. box

Do-op Gear Shop 34 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.6800

Watson’s Chocolate 27 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.2805

Known for its flexible fabric which is both breathable and water resistant, Outdoor Research jackets will keep you dry and comfortably warm during those extended on-hill ski sessions or leisurely walks around town. Not to mention the lifetime warranty carried by the clothing line … it’s just that good! Swing into Do-op and check out the O.R. pants, hats and gloves they carry as well!

The holidays wouldn’t be complete without fine chocolate. Only available during the holidays, Watson’s Jingle Bell Bark boasts layers of dark chocolate and white chocolate mint, garnished with green stripes and crushed candy canes. One of the most festive holiday confections and a true taste of the season, this treat is a perfect gift for friends and family … if you’re lucky, they’ll even share a little taste with you!

HOLIDAY DRESSES $49.00-$99.00

NYR PRODUCT LINE starting at $10.00

Gado Gado 26 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.2128

Nature’s Remedy 26 Monroe St. • EVL 716.699.4372

Celebrate the holidays looking your best by outfitting yourself with a beautiful dress from Gado Gado. You’ll make a statement at any festive gathering when you wear Kensie, Ya, Paper Crane, or Ark & Co. – just to name a few of the fashionable lines available in store. With so many different styles and colors, the girls at Gado Gado will be happy to help you find the perfect holiday dress to match your personality.

Neal’s Yard Remedy is driven by their belief that health and beauty should be more natural and less synthetic, which is why they’ve developed a bath / body / hair / makeup line (and baby-friendly line) that is all organic so you can feel good about what you’re putting on (and in) your body ... lotions, creams, facial cleansers, shampoos/conditioners, essential oils, mascara and even men’s shaving cream!

Page 14 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014


CHOCOLATE LAB WINE $11.99 per bottle (750 ml)

EVL Cheese Company 5 E. Washington St. • EVL 716.699.1065

Village Wine Rack 5 E. Washington St. • EVL 716.699.1042

Holiday gift shopping made easy! Create a custom gift basket or tray for each cheese lover on your list. Choose from over 225 cheeses and compliment them with crackers, salt rising breads and other gourmet delicacies available in-store. Browse kitchenware in the store, or swing over next door to the Village Wine Rack and add a bottle of the good stuff to any basket. Place your order soon to avoid the holiday rush!

Indulge in this New York State grape wine with natural chocolate flavor and caramel color. Chocolate Lab is unabashedly unsophisticated with the familiar fruitiness of the lush, ripe, native grapes from which it was made. With a delightful hint of chocolate, it is as unpretentious and approachable as a friendly puppy. Enjoy it chilled or on the rocks. Also available in a 1.5 liter pouch for $17.99

LENNY & EVA JEWELRY Individual pieces start at $12.50

THE BURRITO BOWL $8.80 (guac & green chili extra)

Cameleon 31 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.5055

Bike & Bean 30 Washington St. • EVL 716.699.BIKE

What started out as a kitchen table idea has quickly grown into one of the most popular interchangeable jewelry collections available today! With each piece made in the USA (many with reclaimed silver and copper tones), the line offers customers the ability to mix and match cuffs, necklaces, sentiments, charms and pendants to create their own unique wear. Create your look with a visit to Cameleon!

Fuel up! Choose your fillings: chicken (GMO and cage free), brown rice (GMO free), organic black beans, local peppers, onions, spinach and lettuce, fresh squeezed lime, organic sour cream, fresh guacamole (made in-house), green chili (also made in-house), cheddar cheese from Cuba Cheese Co., and organic cilantro. Glutenfree, low-carbs! Come in and customize your Burrito Bowl to satisfy your tastes.

RAY-BAN EYEWEAR starting at $135.00

‘THE HEART OF CHRISTMAS’ Individual figurines start at $9.99

Ellicottville Optical 2 Hughey Alley • EVL 716.699.5293

Hampshire Mills 890 Broad St. • Salamanca, NY 716.945.3100

The Ray-Ban collection offers both sunglasses and eyeglasses in a wide range of pricepoints and styles, including their most popular - the Wayfarer and Aviator. All Ray-Bans are available with or without prescription, and can be special ordered if the one you desire is not in stock. SAVINGS: Mention Snowed-In and you’ll save 10% on any pair of Ray-Bans, valid through the month of December only.

Pamper yourself with Hampshire Mills’ new arrival of decorative items from “The Heart of Christmas” collection. These beautiful figurines will accent any home or business during the holiday season. Over 25 different ones to choose from - including mice, angels and of course jolly ‘ol Santa. Buy them individually or purchase the entire collection! Makes a great gift for someone special - even yourself!


HOLIDAY GREETING CARDS starting at $0.49

Mager Mountain Alpacas So Soft Gift Shop 69 Mountain View Dr. • Little Valley, NY 716.938.9077

Vail Hardware 104 Main St. • Little Valley, NY 716.938.6681

These stylish fur headbands will keep you fashionably warm on those chilly days, all while offering a fun look to your winter wardrobe. Made from 100% alpaca in natural colors with velcro closure to fit all head sizes, these headbands are a hot item – they sold out the first day at Ellicottville’s Fall Festival! A new shipment just arrived from Peru, so stop in soon to claim yours. Supplies are limited!

Don’t be fooled by the ‘hardware’ name, Vail Hardware is not only a full-service hardware store, they also house a gift shop where you can find a variety of items including handmade scarves, decorations, candles, toys, kitchen ware and more. The back wall boasts an attractive greeting card display with a selection of cards for all occasions - find the perfect holiday card for everyone on your list!

SUPPORT LOCAL EVERYTHING! $$affordable holiday shopping$$

SKATE THE PARK $5.00 for an all-day pass

BioDome Project 207 Pine St. • Jamestown, NY

Jamestown Skate Products 209 Pine St. • Jamestown, NY 716.708.6444

Support local artisans this holiday season! You’ll find a variety of unique gifts at the BioDome and all are locally made! From ceramic mugs and vases by Pam Gifford to hand lathed works of art by Clint Peyton, along with natural soaps produced by Chautauqua Soap Company, BDP “Support Local Everything” tees printed by Mellow Phone Printing, home decor and more.

Jamestown Skate Products is a rider owned and operated skate shop stocking all major skate brands, as well as a selection of locally made skateboards, snowboards and accessories. Along with the shop, JSP also houses an indoor skatepark offering a really fun bowl and street course. Come skate for a day, or purchase an all-month pass for $40 or 1-year membership for $160.

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014 ... Page 15

Experience HoliMont Ski/Ride Monday - Friday* with the

Weekday Experience Pass

10 non-transferable lift tickets + 5 snowsports clinics for $222 if purchased before 1/1/15

Open to the public and groups Monday - Friday* *Excluding December 25 - 31

6921 Route 242 Ellicottville, NY 14731 716.699.2320

Page 16 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014



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SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014 ... Page 17

THE B O A R D R O O M AND BURTON GET REAQUAINTED By Pat Morgan If you’ve ever visited any of the shops in EVL (which many of you likely have if you’re reading this publication!) you find a uniqueness to each and every one of them, which is unrivaled both throughout this village and most likely wherever your travels take you. One of these shops in particular has the unique distinction of being the first, and to this day is the only store in Ellicottville dedicated solely to one of the greatest sports (yes it’s a sport) on earth - snowboarding. That shop is none other than The Boardroom Snowboard Shop, owned and passionately operated by Mike and Jodie Timkey, along with their daughter and son Samantha and Spencer. Now 30 years strong, the shop has evolved greatly since its inception, with brands filtering in and out through their quest to offer the best of the best for their valued customers. One of these brands, now on its second tenure at the shop, is Burton Snowboards - the biggest and longest standing pioneer brand in the industry. With this recent reintroduction, The Boardroom truly does offer the top brands in the industry. So let’s drop in and hear more about their recent acquisition. The history of Burton in brief - started in rural Vermont by its namesake, Jake Burton Carpenter, who handcrafted snowboards in his workshop and managed all aspects of the business in its infancy. From designing and crafting to pounding the pavement in pursuit of sales, the man did it all. Fast forward over 35 years later, and Burton has pioneered countless innovations in snowboarding, often taking risks and testing ideas that many brands can merely dream of. The Timkeys have long understood the importance of this brand in the industry, and decided what better time than now, to bring a wide array of their products into the shop. Of course, it wouldn’t be the BOARDroom without us first giving you an overview of the Burton hardgoods (a term used to categorize snowboards and bindings). With so many board ‘stories’ (technical specifications) like camber and shape on the market, the Timkeys have their hands full, selecting decks that will both sell yet offer their customers an incredible on-hill experience. For that reason, they chose the Custom-X, the Custom Twin Flying V, and the Process as their introductory offerings. The Custom is kind of like the old trusty steed in snowboarding, upon which all other boards are based. This board has been a staple in the Burton line forever, and now branches into other camber stories like the ‘Flying V’ which refers to the undulations along the base of the board. To compliment these incredible boards, The Boardroom also went all in with the Burton binding line, with some of the highlights being the Genesis and the Malavita. All of the bindings are available in both Re:Flex (traditional) and EST (channel) mounting systems as well. One of the really cool things about the offering here, is The Boardroom is selected as a premier Burton account, being that they are snowboard only, as well as independently owned. What this means, is you can get color ways and select products at their store that you’ll never be able to buy online (SHOP LOCAL!) or at box stores. You’ll have to check these out for yourself in person. On the women’s side of the spectrum, the Timkeys selected a board and binding good for just about every level of female rider: the Deja-Vu deck paired with the Scribe binding. This match-up provides the versatility and comfort (not to mention the amazing look to it) that any girl gracing the slopes of Ellicottville would want to get their feet on. It doesn’t just end with hardwoods at The Boardroom. They also carry a wide array of Burton softgoods - from tech flannels and bonded fleeces to some of the most bombproof 2L Gore Tex outerwear by the [ak] product line, perfect for whatever the WNY weather Gods throw your way. To really set off your kit, Burton also produces one of the premier goggle lines on the market, under the name anon. anon has been wreaking havoc on the interchangeable lens market with their Magna-Tech lens/frame interface wowing consumers each and every time with its ease. Essentially, your sense is held to your frame by a series of high-powered magnets, which release with a simple twist, yet hold strong during the rigors of riding. Add to that a facemask integration with the mIG model, and you truly have all bases covered throughout this product line. The next time you’re in the market for a snowboard, binding, boot, or related accessory, there aren’t many shops around who can boast that they truly have everything you want, need, and didn’t know you needed. With a selection of other brands including Nike, Smith Optics, Oakley, Lib Technologies, GNU, Union Binding Company, Volcom and more, you can spend hours perusing their inventory and picking the brains of the Timkeys. Head to The Boardrom Snowboard Shop: 6113 Route 219, Ellicottville, NY (essentially at the base of Holiday Valley Resort) 716-699-5620 • • get social @boardroomeville

Page 18 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014

Take the Road Less Traveled

Discover History, Camaraderie and Creative Gifts/Workshops Not Far from Home By Mary Heyl As the days become shorter and the nights become colder, every falling snowflake is a reminder that the Christmas season is now upon us! While the retail craze of “Black Friday” has become a holiday tradition in and of itself, there’s another shopping day that is becoming more recognized and celebrated every year: “Small Business Saturday.” That’s right - instead of heading to the malls and giant retailers for Christmas gifts, more and more shoppers choose to patronize locally-owned stores in their own towns on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. However, just a visit to Ellicottville or the quaint village of Randolph twenty minutes away proves that one day is just not enough to explore the many unique gift items and holiday events that the season offers.

IMMERSE YOURSELF IN HISTORY Part Nostalgia, Part Novelty, and Part Delicious!

EXPAND YOUR CREATIVE SKILLS Shops Offer Classes Through the Winter Months

ELLICOTTVILLE COUNTRY STORE & ANTIQUES 5364 Route 242 East • Ph. 716-699-6100


Shoppers must visit Tom and Laura McLeod’s Ellicottville Country Store & Antiques, housed in a building that is every bit as unique as the treasures within. This 150-year-old structure was originally built as a dry goods store, but later served as the post office until 1935; visitors can still see what remains of the post office inside. According to owner Laura McLeod, the structure of the building is part of its charm: upon entering the store, visitors can look straight up and see the second story. This gallery-like mercantile features gift items on the first floor, while the second floor holds a dozen antique booths from a variety of vendors.

What do painting, dance, knitting, crochet, ceramics, quilting, and miniature gardens all have in common? These are just some of the classes that Randolph has to offer! On Sept. 20, Randolph held its First Annual Class Kick Off; visitors explored the downtown shops where class instructors displayed their projects, shared their class schedules, and helped prospective students sign up for fall classes. Now that winter is here, there’s no better time to expand one’s creative skills, as classes are continuing throughout the snowy months. Visitors in town for just the day or the season are invited to join one of Randolph’s many classes!

Importantly, McLeod notes, her store has authentic antiques from the early 1800s to the 1960s. “This is the kind of place that people expect to spend five minutes in,” explains McLeod, “but actually spend a couple of hours perusing.” It’s not hard to understand why: a washing machine from the 1870s, a 19th century Edison Victrola, and sealed antique medicine vials are just a few of the rare antiques on the store’s second floor. For the savvy antique shopper, McLeod’s store offers a constantly changing selection of antiques, as nothing stays in the store for too long. For shoppers considering Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers, the first floor boasts a wide selection of gift items, many of which are made locally. Handmade artisan jewelry, quilts and paintings are beautifully displayed throughout the first floor, and many shoppers are interested in Pure Integrity Soy Candles, which McLeod’s store is the sole distributor of. “These candles burn brighter, longer, and cleaner,” according to McLeod, “and the scent lasts longer too.” Indeed, there’s something for everyone to discover at Ellicottville Country Store & Antiques. For the outdoorsy folks, there’s a large selection of Lodge cast iron cookware and cookbooks, as well as fishing tackle, birdfeeders, and gardening supplies. On the first floor, there’s a children’s toy section, but perhaps even more enticing than that is the thirty-foot train outside the store that the youngest of visitors will be eager to explore. After a few hours of shopping, there’s nothing more refreshing than a hot breakfast or lunch, and visitors to McLeod’s store don’t have to go far. Adjoined to the shop is a diner that has become a local favorite serving breakfast and lunch. Stuffed French toast, eggs benedict, and “the omelette of the day” are always popular menu items, but none more so than the home fries, which are fondly known as the best in the Southern Tier! For lunch, diners can enjoy homemade soups, sandwiches, burgers, and beef on wick, which must be followed up by one of McLeod’s homemade desserts; this dessert menu consisting of such delectable delights as pie and cake changes weekly. Ellicottville Country Store & Antiques is open Wednesday-Sunday from 9:30am-4pm, and the diner is open Thursday-Sunday from 7am-2pm, with breakfast ending at noon. Looking for a special gift or a particular antique? “If we don’t have what a customer is looking for, we’ll call around until we can find it,” explained McLeod. “It’s one of the things we pride ourselves on and is part of our motto: ‘Quality goods, fair prices, and oldfashioned service’.” With timeless values such as these, it’s no wonder Ellicottville Country Store & Antiques has become a destination for holiday shopping as well as year-round adventure.

Create your own little oasis in Cathy Congdon’s miniature garden classes at her ladies’ clothing and gift store, Randolph Retail Company, 127 Main Street. The beach-themed garden and the cheery Christmas garden can brighten your windowsill or make a beautiful gift. For a schedule of upcoming classes, contact Randolph Retail Company at 716-358-5758. Yarn for Ewe, located at 133 Main Street, offers knitting and crochet classes year round for the newbie and the seasoned knitter/crocheter. Knitting classes run regularly throughout the winter in the morning and afternoon (10am-noon and 1-3pm) on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Prospective students can learn socks, hats and mittens, or get help on any works in progress. Visit Yarn for Ewe’s Facebook page to see pictures of class projects or call the shop at 716-267-2070 for more information. Venture next door to Anthony Ercolani’s Destination 129 Main, where one can learn how to paint and glaze ceramics. Glaze your own retro-lighted Christmas tree, Old World Santa, or ornaments with instructor Karen Keuther on Thursday nights from 6:30-8:30pm. Also on Thursday nights, Vicki Reding teaches painting classes to students at all levels: learn how to paint on canvas, use watercolors, or learn a surprisingly beautiful technique with colored pencils! Reding’s Thursday night classes and Tuesday daytime classes are held at Randolph Retail Company. For more on Reding’s winter class schedule, contact her at 716-358-3023. Betsey Dubois teaches quilting and sewing classes from 1-4pm at her fabric shop, Betsey’s Country Shop, located at 12 Jamestown Street. To find out more about the different sewing and quilting projects that Betsey and her students are working on, contact her at 716-3589704. On Tuesday nights, Barb Pitts teaches quilting classes at Randolph’s Municipal Building on Main Street, where she encourages beginners to give quilting a try. Every third Thursday of the month, Pitts leads an all-day sew at the Municipal Building that quilters are welcome to join (December’s sew will meet on the second Saturday of the month). For more details, contact Pitts at 716-358-6548. Stay in shape this winter at Expressions Performing Arts Center, located at 75 Main Street, where studio owner and director Melissa Anderson offers classes in jazz, tap, hip hop, cheer dance, and ballet. Expressions is the proud sponsor of this year’s Randolph Country Christmas Parade on Saturday, Dec. 6 at 11am. The theme of this year’s parade is “Christmas at the Movies’,” and will celebrate classic and new Christmas films alike, as well as the big man himself, Mr. Santa Claus! Put in your Christmas requests with him and enjoy a carriage ride along Main Street at this anticipated annual celebration. After the parade, visitors are encouraged to continue down Main Street to Randolph Central School, where the annual Christmas Craft Show will take place all day. A must for Christmas-shopping families is the Snowflake Walk, an all-day “scavenger hunt” where Main Street shops will have a special treat for young visitors who should keep their eyes open to find the themed Christmas tree in every shop! Learn more about other events and classes at

SAC 7323 Ellicottville Snowed-In | Holiday Issue | 10” x 12.75” | No bleed | 4C Process

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014 ... Page 19




l have pt. 20, where ective xpand town

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Page 20 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014

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SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014 ... Page 21


A Perfect Pair: Croque Monsieur and Ski Bum Winter Ale

S ’ N I D E W O N EVL S u Pick of Men h t n o the M

By Joshua McDowell Winter! As I write this, the slopes of Holiday Valley are being graced by skis and snowboards for the first time this season. Here at EBC, we are making sure the restaurant and brewery are in ship shape for the busy months ahead. A big part of this includes finalizing our new winter menu and launching our seasonal brews. On the food side, we are proud to offer a unique twist on a centuries old recipe, the “Monte Cristo” - otherwise known as the Croque Monsieur. While brainstorming fun and innovative avenues for the dish, we pondered the idea of having the sandwich coincide with the latest (and greatest) brew created by Mr. Dan Minner, better known as Ski Bum. This centennial winter ale is refreshing and sessionable; a deep auburn brew that packs a moderate bitterness with seasonal spices. We add just the right amount of centennial hops for an amazing aroma and flavorful composition. As for the Croque Monsieur itself, it is a simple yet elegant sandwich … one of my absolute favorites. Its origins in French bistros across Paris have yielded thousands of variations over the years. Our version remains true to the original for the most part, with the addition of our “signature twist.” The ingredient list isn’t complex; the key is to make sure your French toast making skills are spot on. So let’s head into the kitchen. Chef Joshua McDowell is a graduate of the Pennsylvania Institute of Culinary Arts of Pittsburgh, PA. He carries a Bachelor’s degree in Culinary Arts and offers 18 years of experience in the food service industry; 12 of those years in the Ellicottville, NY area. Joshua currently holds the title as Executive Chef at the Ellicottville Brewing Company, 28 Monroe Street, downtown Ellicottville, 716-699-2537,

CROQUE MONSIEUR ... EBC STYLE INGREDIENTS 4 eggs 8 slices sourdough or white bread Pinch of cinnamon 8 oz. Black Forest ham 8 slices Gruyere cheese 1 T. Dijon mustard ¼ c mayonnaise 2 c heavy cream 2 T. real maple syrup (#shoplocal)

This is the fun part. Some of the more traditional versions call for a Béchamel sauce; I’ve adapted that into a maple cream sauce to accent our sandwich. Simply reduce the cream by half over a low to medium heat, then just whisk in the syrup and remove from the stove. Mix the mayo and Dijon mustard and place inside the sandwich while preparing it.

PREPARATION It is relatively simple: mix the eggs with cinnamon. Some folks like to make French toast and then assemble the sandwich in between the pieces of French toast; some folks like to assemble the entire sandwich then dip into egg/cinnamon mixture and griddle it whole. I prefer the dippingthe-sandwich method. It gives a better mélange of flavors. Bottom line: we just need the eggy bread to cook and our cheese to melt with nicely warmed ham. The method you choose to cook is up to you.

Once you’ve got your sandwich hot and your beer chilled on the lunch table, take a gander outside and watch the big fluffy snowflakes drop. This is a mood setting meal; it should make you feel as if you’re looking over the slopes of Chamonix or Tignes. Our goal: to create a very ski town friendly rustic combination, pairing EBC’s own Ski Bum with Croque Monsieur. I hope you all enjoy, be safe out there on the slopes this season. Stop by the brewery anytime for a brew, a bite and good company.

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Nature’s Remedy

natural foods market & holistic wellness center



By Dr. Kristina Barlow Tiredness. Weariness. Sleepiness. Drowsiness. Exhaustion. Languor. Lethargy. Torpor. Prostration. Enervation. Sluggishness. Inertia. Inactivity. Inaction. Slowness. Lifelessness. Listlessness. Laziness. Idleness. Indolence. Shiftlessness. Sloth. Apathy. Passivity. Lassitude.


Vitality. Vigor. Life. Liveliness. Animation. Vivacity. Spiritedness. Verve. Enthusiasm. Zest. Vibrancy. Spark. Sparkle. Effervescence. Ebullience. Exuberance. Buoyancy. Sprightliness. Strength. Stamina. Forcefulness. Power. Dynamism. Drive. Fire. Passion. Ardor. Zeal. Zip. Zing. Pep. Pizzazz. Punch. Bounce. Oomph. Moxie. Mojo. Get-up-and-go. Vigor. Feistiness. CLEARLY, WE ALL DESIRE TO BE FULL OF PIZZAZZ, MOJO AND FIRE! No one wants to be Inert, Lifeless or Weary. Here are three ways to Zip your Energy so it pulls you forward in life and to Inactivate the Fatigue that drags you down. For further information about these suggestions or to set up a personal consultation with Kristina, please call / text 716-353-0786 or email



Fatigue. Weight Gain. Food Cravings. Addictions. Irritability. Mood Swings. General Malaise. Difficulty Sleeping. Chronic Infections. Joint/Muscle Pain. Infertility. Obesity. Blood Sugar Issues and Digestion/Elimination problems-constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating or cramping. Other Indications for cleansing: Heart Disease. Cancer. Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases … our leading causes of death in the US.


• WHERE ARE THE TOXINS COMING FROM? Air. Water. Foods-Pesticides, Fertilizers, Hormones and Antibiotics. Clothes. Personal Care Products. Cleaning Products. Home and Work Environments. Medications. Cigarettes. Alcohol. • WHAT ARE THESE TOXINS? Heavy Metals. Thousands of Various Chemicals. Viruses. Bacteria. Yeast. Fungi. Parasites. Mold. • HOW DO THESE TOXINS AFFECT US? Accumulation of the many types of toxins, over time, will affect all the cells of the body causing each cell to be ineffective in it’s various life functions. The overall effect seen in our lives is fatigue, robbing us of LIFE. A great overall detoxification program will focus on the large and small intestines, liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, lymphathic system and blood as these are the routes of cellular detoxification.

*This information is NOT intended to treat, cure, diagnose, nor be a substitute for the proper diagnostic assessments and treatments prescribed by your doctor. Naturopathic doctors are not PCPs, so always consult with your doctor for your health care needs. This article is only intended for your information, at your discretion and supplementing your allopathic care.


• CleanStart. Start and end your day with a fiber drink and 3 capsules as an effective way to cleanse your intestines and begin to gently cleanse the cells. This combination of herbs with the psyllium fiber increases energy, improves sleep and promotes weight loss. • Juice and/or Blend, especially for the benefit of GREEN vegetables! Add Love and Peas (pea protein), Nature’s Harvest (pea protein with greens), Ultimate GreenZone (greens) or Liquid Chlorophyll. • Eliminate all processed foods (especially sugar!), all wheat and all dairy … it’s only a month!


Adrenal fatigue occurs when the activity of the adrenal glands (glands that respond to stress) is so diminished that fatigue sets in, metabolism decreases, fluids and electrolytes become imbalanced and libido diminishes. Even your body shape can change as stress fatigues the adrenals. Low thyroid function is becoming more and more common. The dysfunction is occurring either at the thyroid, with low production of T4, or at the cells, low conversion of T4 to the active T3.


Kristina C. Barlow, N.D., is a naturopathic doctor and craniosacral therapist practicing in WNY and the NYC Tri-State Area, specializing in mental and emotional health, neurological challenges, musculoskeletal dysfunctions and Candida Cleansing/Sugar Addictions. For more information or to make an appointment for a consultation, please contact Kristina directly at 716-353-0786, email her at or stop into Nature’s Remedy, located on Monroe Street in Ellicottville, phone 716-699-4372. You can find Nature’s Remedy on the web at

Adrenal Fatigue: Abdominal Weight Gain. Muddled Thinking. Nervousness. Low Libido. Fatigue not Relieved by Sleep. Swollen Ankles. Weak Muscles. Restlessness. Cold. Low Blood Pressure. Paralyzed Under Stress. Natural Wake Up Time is 10 a.m. Respiratory Problems. Fibromyalgia. PMS. Craving for Stimulants. Moodliness. Hypothyroidism: Fatigue. Cold Intolerance. Weight Gain. Dry Skin. Brittle Nails. Hair Loss. Headaches. Low Immune System. Infertility. Heart Palpitations. Poor Eyebrow Growth. Poor Memory and others similar to above.



• General Adrenal Support: Adaptamax (herbs that help the adrenals glands to adapt to stress), NutriCalm (B vitamins which are needed as cofactors for the adrenals yet are often deficient in many people) and Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid from whole food sources). • General Thyroid Support: Kelp (concentrated source of iodine needed for the production of T4 from the thyroid and very deficient in Western diets), Selenium (also deficient in the U.S. and needed to help convert T4 to T3) and Milk Thistle (to support the liver which will help the body convert T4 to T3). • Support Balanced Reproductive Hormones including testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, DHEA and pregnenolone. In addition, great liver support for proper conversion and metabolism of hormones in the body. (Refer to Kristina for a safe and great protocol on Detoxing the Liver!)


Fatigue. Anxiety. Depression. Irritability. Weakness. Headaches.


Overfed, Undernourished and Extremely Sick. This is how U.S. citizens are described. Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead by Joe Cross proves that eliminating toxic “foods,” cleansing the body with fruits and vegetables and replenishing lost nutrients CHANGES a person’s energy levels, health status, sleep patterns and moods. Proper nutrition includes healthy macronutrients: protein, fat and carbohydrates in addition to micronutrients: vitamins, minerals, fiber, enzymes, antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids and probiotics.


• Create a Habit of Health for 30 days: Super Trio (antioxidants, vitamins & minerals and essential fatty acids), Probiotic 11, Food Enzymes, LOCLO (whole food fiber) and Love and Peas (a pea protein powder). Try this for 30 days and see how you feel. Of course, the goal is to get a majority of our nutrients from whole foods but when we are depleted and trying to change our lifestyle, then supplementation is an awesome way to start! • Add a delicious smoothie to your day, preferably for breakfast. Two scoops of Love and Peas, almond or coconut or flax milk, and frozen berries topped with chia and hemp seeds. Power packed nutrition and extremely satisfying. • Follow the 21-Day Sugar Detox by Diane Sanfilippo. Sugar is a huge contributor of malnutrition because it robs our bodies of nutrients, creates inflammation and does not contribute anything to health and healing.

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014 ... Page 23

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Page 24 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014


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Enjoy Randolph

Discover winter wonderlands as you coast over the fresh powder on your snowmobile in Cattaraugus County, NY. Find out why folks here embrace the winter instead of hiding indoors from it. Ride through wide open spaces on over 300 miles of groomed trails, PLUS almost 70 more miles in scenic Allegany State Park. Warm up to the wintry weather after you see breathtaking landscapes full of trees glistening with snow detailing each branch. You will be welcomed in and surrounded by others passionate about the thrill of the ride, throughout our quaint towns and villages. Talk to the locals about where the best spots are to go. Or spend the day creating your own path. Either way, you’ll enjoy a different experience each time you take to our primary and secondary trails. Start at the Southwest corner of the county, in Randolph, with a filling breakfast at R&M Restaurant and gas up at Arrowmart. Many businesses are right on the trail and cater to snowmobilers, with parking available. Head up to Cattaraugus, soaring over hills and valleys. Then whip over eastward direction, passing through East Otto and Machias to Franklinville where you can grab more fuel if needed. Mow down a quick bite at JD’s Smokin’ Grille and Bar in Hinsdale for authentic barbeque, then race down to Portville, where there is a Southern Tier Polaris which offers repairs if necessary. Continue on along the bottom portion of our county and head towards Allegany State Park. A good loop to start (and a full day’s worth) but you haven’t even covered half of the snow in our area! Other trails will have you traveling to Gowanda along the Amish Trail through Conewango and Leon. Zip through the middle of the county meandering along the Geology Trail where you will see amazingly huge quartz rocks in Little Rock City. Plan to stay a couple days or more to capture all the snowy satisfaction in the Enchanted Mountains. Need a place to stay? Group Camp 5 in Allegany State Park’s Quaker Area was gorgeously remodeled prior to last year’s season. It has 18 winterized cabins, seven individual facilities (three are handicap accessible) and one giant mess hall that includes three upright refrigerators, a freezer, and 14 tables with benches. Each of the cabins features two separate rooms - one with a table and benches, propane heater, and beds; the other an open space to leave your gear and supplies. If you gather the whole snowmobile club (camp can hold up to 72 people), the cost ices down to just $6 per person per night! Call 800-456-2267 to ensure your stay now. Seneca Allegany Resort and Casino has direct access to the trails in the Park! Enjoy some downtime from the cold as you try your luck at the casino, get a bite to eat at the Western Door Steakhouse or catch a concert in the resort’s Events Center.


716-358-9701 x 208 or 800-331-0543

Have a FREE snowmobile map mailed directly to you by calling 1-800-331-0543, or click on for the latest weather reports and upcoming winter events in the area. The snowmobile map includes businesses that have easy access to trails and the local snowmobile clubs. Are you ready to have fun?

The Enchanted Mountains

. . . Naturally Yours

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014 ... Page 25

A Conversation with Dewey Bunnell HULICK: Next year marks your 45th year in the music industry. Are you still having fun with the travel and performing live? BUNNELL: Yes! How about that? Well I’d put an asterisk on the traveling part (laughs), but we’re still enjoying the performing part and the fact that we still have a viable career. In fact, it’s picking up a little steam this past year or two. Right now it’s really changed with the big shake up with our drummer Willie Leacox retiring this past year after 41 years with the band, and sadly our lead guitarist had to get off the road last November to battle cancer. So we got two younger guys … some new blood, which makes it fun. It makes me and Gerry (Beckley) step up a little more to keep up with those guys. HULICK: I knew Willie had retired. Was it difficult to find someone to gel with the band because he had been there so long? BUNNELL: Well you never really replace someone like that completely, but it’s given us an element that fans haven’t seen with us before. HULICK: “A Horse With No Name” was your debut single and it went to number one on the Billboard charts. Where were you when you heard that happened? BUNNELL: Well it’s kind of a two-pronged thing. We originally recorded and released it in England in 1971 and it wasn’t released in the states until 1972, so there was a bit of a gap there. Oddly enough Warner Brothers Music said they were going to put out the album and the single in the states only if we agreed to come over and do a tour. Of course we jumped at the chance … we were young and ready to do it. So we did a six-week tour of the U.S. basically playing clubs and we opened for the Everly Brothers for some shows. While we were in the states, England released the song to coincide with the U.S. tour and while we were heading back to England it went to number one in the states. So to answer your question, each time it went to number one we were in neither of the countries at the time. HULICK: Did that put the pressure on you that every single song you released from that point on needed to go to number one? BUNNELL: We were so full of ourselves Melanie … we thought we had the Midas touch. I don’t remember being anxious about it at all. We felt like we were just part of our generation of young people and we felt they were going to like what we did … and most of the times they did. HULICK: I still have the 45 (rpm) single of “Sister Golden Hair,” which I can’t even guess as to how many times I played and sang along with it in my room as a teen, even though I can’t carry a tune of one note. So my parents had to suffer through that part of my teenage years. BUNNELL: (laughs) Wow! That’s great to hear … thank you for telling me that.

.............................. January 23, 2015 | 7:00 p.m. By Melanie Hulick January 23, 2015 will find the perennial classic-rock favorite filling the Seneca Allegany Events Center with their melodic sound that became a mainstay of pop rock music of the 1970’s. Meeting in London in a high school for kids whose families were in the military, Dewey Bunnell, Gerry Beckley and former band mate Dan Peek took their love of music and formed the band America in the late 1960’s. Their debut single, “A Horse With No Name,” quickly ascended the Billboard music chart to the number one position. Following with songs like “Ventura Highway,” “Tin Man,” “I Need You,” “Lonely People,” “Don’t Cross The River” and “Sister Golden Hair,” they proved their musical fusions of pop-rock and folkjazz combined with their image based lyrics would be a force that would go on to be played on classic-rock and adult contemporary radio today. I had the pleasure to catch up with Dewey Bunnell by phone; we talked about 2015 marking their 45th year in the business, a future project, how the band got its name, and what keeps him and Gerry Beckley on their game four and a half decades later.


HULICK: Why the name America and who came up with it? BUNNELL: It’s a kind of gray area as to who came up with it. We were all sitting around and the band Chicago had come onto the scene and there was a group named “The U.S. of Americans”. Here we were American kids in England and we’d been there a few years and away from the good old U.S. Our Americanism was really a label we wore regardless because of our accents and dealing with British people and there was such focus on this “American” label in our lives. Anyway, the point is we thought if Chicago can use the city name we can use our country name. That’s about all there was to it. HULICK: What’s next for you guys? BUNNELL: There is a live album we’re thinking of putting out as a duo, just Gerry and I with acoustics. We did some shows years ago like this - really stripped down. HULICK: I actually like shows like that because you get let in on a much more personal level with the artist and their songs. BUNNELL: I agree. Believe it or not we have been getting a lot of appreciation from fans with just a five piece band up on stage with us where the use of synthesizers is minimal or not at all. Some of the bands that open for us are coming up to us and saying … Wow! You guys play your own instruments? HULICK: (laughs) Well that sure puts you in the generation gap doesn’t it? BUNNELL: (laughs) It certainly does. HULICK: In one or two words, sum up the past 44 years. BUNNELL: That’s a tough one … wow. I think the past 44 years when all is said and done, were pretty remarkable and pretty satisfying. I wouldn’t change a thing. I’d say it’s been a “thumbs up”!

Tickets to America’s performance at Seneca Allegany Casino in Salamanca, NY start at $20 and can be purchased through (click on Seneca Allegany Casino venue). For more information on the band, visit

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Over the River and Through the Woods ...

More than just lyrics to a popular song, traveling over the river and through the woods here in the Allegheny National Forest Region of northwestern Pennsylvania will place you on the trail to enjoyable shopping in local shops, professional holiday musical performances and outdoor adventures for the sportsman. CHRISTMAS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER The lyrics of Barry Manilow’s Christmas is just around the Corner is perfect road-trip music as you follow the Treasures of the Forest Holiday Shopping Trail to enjoy holiday shopping away from long lines and crowded parking lots … “Christmas is just around the corner, Christmas you can feel it in the air, Better write all your letters to Santa - There’s shopping and wrapping to do …” Featuring more than 35 shops in eight small towns, this shopping trail leads you into charming, locally owned shops brimming with local handcrafted items, collectibles, antiques and more, where you can rediscover the joys of holiday shopping. Some highlights of the shopping trail include:

Olde Schoolhouse Village Shoppes A shopping destination in Eldred, PA boasting 8,000 sq. ft and over 100 vendors.

Old Schoolhouse Village Shoppes, 109 Indian Creek Road, Eldred, PA … a true holiday shopping destination featuring over 100 vendors and artisans, and more than 8,000 square feet of shopping, the selection here is impressive. Each of the seven storefronts created within the renovated old schoolhouse has its own theme. Enjoy a cup of warm cider as you shop for primitives, repurposed and re-imagined furniture, seasonal decorations, antiques, and home accents. Country cabin style furniture crafted of dark woods, oak and pine, and massive farmhouse tables with seating for a grand holiday feast can be found in the Northwest Cabin Shop. For the lake house, a carved wooden swan, benches or nautical theme accents could be the perfect gift for family or friends. Educational toys, quality American-made wooden toys by Holgate, and old-fashioned toys like pick-up-sticks can be found in the Toy Shop. The Shabby Chic Shop features pale green, yellow and white-washed furniture, along with decorative mirrors, cupboards and china pieces that will add sparkle and shine to your holiday condo decorations. Downstairs you will find the Schoolhouse Health Foods & Coffee Shop featuring natural vitamins and supplements and organically grown produce, fresh cheeses and meats, and nuts and spices for holiday baking. The charming coffee shop gives you a chance to try fresh baked sconces and the soup or lunch feature of the day. Hours for both shops are Wednesday-Saturday, 10am-5pm.

FOODIES REJOICE! A fun day-trip destination for specialty foods, local wines and spirits is the village of Kane, Pennsylvania, located at the edge of the Allegheny National Forest. Flickerwood Wine Cellars, 309 Flickerwood Road, offers a wide selection of fruit, sweet and delicious award-winning wines - all created by the Zampogna family. Shoppers can sample wines on-site in the lounge. Their gift shop features many wine themed novelty items, along with a wide selection of red, white, blush and specialty wines. Hours are Monday-Thursday 11am-6pm, Friday-Saturday 10am-9pm, and Sunday noon-6pm. Ph: 814-837-7566, The Sweet Shoppe, 8 Field Street, is the chocolate lover’s dream destination. Artisan chocolates are homemade of quality ingredients. Seasonal specialties are offered along with cupcakes, cream horns, pies, cookies and cakes. Holiday gift packages can be pre-ordered. The shop is open daily from 11am-5pm. Ph: 814-335-6437, Bells Meat & Poultry, 401 North Fraley Street, offers a fresh selection of over 32 varieties of homemade sausage, including a local favorite - Korv, a sweet Swedish sausage usually served over the holidays. You can stock up on home-canned vegetables, sauces, beef logs, spices and rubs, or pepper sticks. Shop hours are Monday-Saturday 9am-6pm, Sunday 9am5pm. A full line of quality, fresh meats and poultry can be pre-ordered for pick-up by calling 814-837-7321 or ordered online at CJ Spirits, 120 Willow Run Drive, is northwest Pennsylvania’s first craft distillery. Using fresh local ingredients, pure “Allegheny Mountain” spring water, state-of-the-art distillery equipment and time honored methods, vodka, gin and white whiskey are distilled and bottled on-site. Stop by for tours and tasting or to sample the homemade appetizers in the bar and table area. Along with items in the gift shop, gift baskets may be pre-ordered. The Martini Basket - a perfect hostess gift - includes a bottle of Rocksov, the distiller’s premier vodka, a martini shaker, martini olives, and a bottle of dirty martini mixer. CJ Spirits is open Wednesday-Thursday from 11am-9pm, Friday-Saturday 11am-11pm, and Sunday 11am-7pm. Ph: 814-837-1500,

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014 ... Page 27 Guided hunting tours offer an experience of a lifetime. Plan a successful outing on the Powder Horn Hunting Preserve or Yellow Dog Hunting Grounds.



Escape to the country with a romantic overnight retreat at Oz’s Homestay.


The Treasures of the Forest Holiday Shopping Trail Map can be downloaded with a full description of all 35 shop names, products offered, location, contact information and holiday shopping hours at

RING IN THE SEASON Celebrate the season with the sounds of music. Two professional performances, both offered locally at very reasonable prices, will have you humming your favorite Christmas tunes. ‘A Magical, Grassical Christmas’ DePue Brothers will perform an afternoon matinee on Sunday, Dec. 7 at 3pm at the Regina Quick Center for the Arts at St. Bonaventure University, 3261 W. State Road, St. Bonaventure, NY. This musical iconic family from northwest Ohio (Bowling Green, to be exact) includes four brothers with a sound that encompasses a vivid blend of classical, bluegrass and rock genres. As a family they have been making music together for over 25 years and were the subject of a nationally televised PBS documentary. Coming together with Tony Trishka, Mark Cosgrove and Don Luzzi, the band has been performing and recording together since 2004, delighting audiences from around the nation ever since. Call ahead to order tickets at 716-375-2496 or order online at www. The Empire Brass - ‘Christmas Celebration’ performance will be Thursday, Dec. 11 at 7:30pm at the Bradford Area High School Auditorium, Bradford, PA. Empire Brass is Rolf Smedvig and Derek Lockhart on trumpets, Victor Sungarian on French horn, Greg Spridopoulous on trombone and Kenneth Amis on tuba. One of the world’s greatest brass quintets, the ensemble joins forces with the Bradford Area School District Band and Chorus to present an evening of holiday music. The five musicians are renowned for their virtuosity. They perform more than 100 concerts a year in the world’s great halls from New York to London, from Zurich to Tokyo. Reserved seating is only $25 per ticket. For tickets call 814-362-2511 or order online at

A HUNTING WE WILL GO Powder Horn Hunting Preserve is located in the heart of the Allegheny Mountains in McKean County, PA at 81 Knapps Road, three miles off Route 6 in Port Allegany. Here you can experience the hunt of a lifetime. A private 300-acre hunting area includes a wide variety of natural habitat such as big hardwoods, lush food plots, streams, ponds and open fields. Each hunt is tailored to the individual’s experience. You can use all the resources the ranch and preserve have to offer.

Each hunt is guided by an experienced and knowledgeable staff member of the preserve whose sole purpose will be to help you have a successful hunt. The hunts are priced per person, per day and are all-inclusive. No license is needed and you may hunt seven days a week. Hunting for Fallow, Sika, and Whitetail Deer are offered. Ask about the exclusive herd of Pere David deer and Aoudad Sheep for your once-in-a-lifetime selection. Please phone 844-724-8687 for pricing and packages information or email At Yellow Dog Hunting Grounds, located at 896 Turkey Track Road in Kane, PA, you will experience the thrill of upland bird hunting on 200 beautiful acres in McKean County. The grounds are beautifully laid out with perfect cover and habitat to hunt for pheasant, chukar or quail. All hunts are priced by the bird and a dog guide may be furnished upon request. For an additional fee the folks at Yellow Dog will breast, bag and tag the birds. Lunches are offered. No one under 18 is permitted to hunt without a parent or legal guardian. Hunters are not required to have a hunting license while hunting on Yellow Dog Hunting Grounds, but it is necessary to wear blaze orange. Yellow Dog Hunting Grounds is open Monday-Saturday, Sept. 1-March 30. Phone 814-366-4519 for information or email

BABY IT’S COLD OUTSIDE Plan your trip to include an overnight at one of our charming Bed & Breakfasts. Oz’s Homestay, 296 Faulkner Road, Shinglehouse, PA, offers a romantic retreat for those seeking a restful weekday or weekend escape in the country. It is also the perfect location for extended families to get together over the holidays. Each room is decorated with furniture handcrafted by resident inkeeper Ash from timber harvested on the homestead. Guests will enjoy a gourmet breakfast cooked by innkeepers Ash and Celine Easdon-Smith. In the evening you can enjoy a glass of wine in the hot tub where you can take in the beauty of your natural surroundings. Reservations: 716-378-2211, The Smethport Mansion District Inn, 905 West Main Street, Smethport, PA, was originally the home of John McCandless, who married wealthy banker Henry Hamlin’s daughter Emma. Fancy cherry and golden oak woodwork wrap the interior walls, and the rooms enfold you in elegance and comfort. Reservations: 814-598-7403,

PLAN YOUR TRIP A full list of lodging, restaurants, shopping sites, trails, outdoor recreation and attractions is available in the Allegheny National Forest Region Visitors Guide & Map. This free brochure may be ordered by calling 800-473-9370 or by clicking on

Page 28 ... SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014

TREASuRES OF ThE FOREST ShOPPING TRAIl for everyone on your list (and you, too!)


Put the joy back into shopping! Small local shops lead you away from crowded streets, heavy traffic and long lines. Visit each of the communities below-find creative imaginative gifts for family and friends.

Treasures of the Forest

Ellicottville Ellicotiville

TAX FREE Shopping in Pennsylvania

Treasure Key

From Erie

Shopping Site


Shopping Trail


ANF Visitors Bureau Welcome Center 80 E. Corydon Street Bradford, PA 16701


Clothing & Shoes

Zippo/Case Museum Gift Shop 1932 Zippo Drive Bradford, PA

Artworks at the Depot 1 South Fraley Street • Kane, PA




Exit 23

Flickerwood Wine Cellars 309 Flickerwood Road • Kane, PA

Limestone Willow Bay


Bradford Custer City Ranger Station

Smethport Kinzua Sky Walk

Allegheny National Forest Lantz Corners



Old Schoolhouse Village Shoppes 109 Indian Creek Road • Eldred, PA


Mt. Jewett


Timeless Treasures 10 Chestnut Street • Bradford, PA

From Pittsburgh

Plan Your Shopping Trip! Lodging & Dining Information


Orris Jewelers 62 Main & Chambers Streets • Bradford, PA

Cook Forest State Park

The Sweet Shoppe 8 Field Street • Kane, PA

Jack Bell’s Meat Market 401 North Fraley Street • Kane, PA

Elk Country Visitors Center

Main Street Mercantile 45 Main Street • Bradford , PA

Sportsman’s Outlet 500 Chestnut Street • Bradford, PA

SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014 ... Page 29

42,000 square feet of family entertainment! Activities for all ages!

16 QuibicaAMF Bowling Lanes • Arcade Room • Corn Hole • Extreme Pong Darts • Ping Pong • Billiards • Card Tables • and More!



WRITERS JOIN OUR CREATIVE TEAM a monthly winter publication BOOSTING the EVL ski scene

learn more 716.244.7573



Dec. 13: Neon Party with DJ Felony Dec. 27: Metal Alliance Show with Steele Reign and Dog Day Sunrise Dec. 31: NEW YEAR’S EVE BASH featuring music by New Wave Nation 1 Leisure Lane, Olean, NY • 716-379-8210

It’s More Fun When You Stay Over! Allegheny National Forest Region, Pennsylvania

The Lodge at Glendorn Step into our snow globe and experience the enchantment of Glendorn during the winter season. Enjoy cross-country skiing, snow-shoeing, curling and ice skating on Skipper Lake, snowmobiling and Mat-track Jeep Tours. Relax in front of one of 41 wood burning fireplaces and enjoy a meal crafted by our award-wining culinary team.

Stay 2 nights & receive 20% off of your nightly rate when you mention this ad. 1000 Glendorn Drive, Bradford, PA 16701 Reservations: 814-362-6511 •

WINTER TRAVEL PACKAGES & SPECIAL OFFERS Our lodging packages range from rustic cabins to deluxe four-star resorts. Located just 30 minutes south of Ellicottville, NY, the Allegheny National Forest Region abounds with scenic beauty, winter sports, and fun bars and restaurants. Tax free shopping on clothing! Bradford, Pennsylvania: Best Western PLUS Bradford Inn 100 S. Davis Street 814-362-4501 Ski Package: $92 plus tax per night for one or 2 occupants; includes hot breakfast and free drink each in lounge

Comfort Inn of Bradford 76 Elm Street 814-368-6772 Present your ski pass for 10% discount


Holiday Inn Express 30 Tarport Drive Ext. 814-362-7090 Present your ski pass for 10% discount

“McKean County, Pennsylvania is where you go when you want to find snow. A national cold-weather champion ...” - The Weather Channel

Mountain Laurel Inn 136 Jackson Street 814-362-8006 Present your ski pass for 10% discount on 2 nights stay


Kane, Pennsylvania: Lantz Corners Getaway Lodging 2952 Route 219 & Route 6 814-778-5391 Present your ski pass & receive a free appetizer at The Barrel House Restaurant & Lounge Kane Manor 230 Clay Street 814-837-6522 Present your ski pass for 10% discount Smethport, Pennsylvania: Mansion District Inn B & B 905 West Main Street 814-598-7403 Ski Package: Free bottle of wine and 10% off your stay

For a FREE Travel Guide & Map 800-473-9370

Port Allegany, Pennsylvania: The Inn on Maple Street 115 East Maple Street 814-642-5171 Packages: Snuggle Bunny, Soup-er Time, Snow-body Shinglehouse, Pennsylvania: Oz’s Homestay (Bed & Breakfast) 296 Faulkner Road 716-378-2211 Packages: Cabin Fever 2-1, Winter Weekends - $99 plus tax Sun through Thru Ridgway, Pennsylvania: Towers Victorian Inn 330 South Street 814-772-7657 Ski Special: 20% off your stay

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716-699-2345 FREE DEMO DAY Saturday, Dec. 20 9am-3pm Base of Mardi Gras / Main Lodge Come test the latest and greatest equipment by major manufacturers including Mervin Manufacturing (Lib Tech, GNU, Roxy), Elan, Salomon, Dynastar, Burton, Head, Atomic and more. All the local shops will be on-hand too! Lift ticket, credit card required as deposit. NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATION Wednesday, Dec. 31 Main Lodge New Year’s Eve at Holiday Valley is a great way to celebrate with your family, friends or sweetheart. The main lodge will host music, drink specials (and mocktails), holiday fun food and plenty of cheers for adults and kids! Head outdoors for the final countdown to 2015, with the HV Groomer’s Parade at 11:15, followed by the Torchlight Parade at 11:30 (intermediate and advanced skiers/riders who want to participate in the torchlight parade should meet at the base of Cindy’s at 11), followed by a grand fireworks display at midnight.


716-699-2320 WEEKDAY EXPERIENCE PASS Purchase by Dec. 31 and save! There’s no reason why adventures need to be saved for the weekend. And since HoliMont is open to Non-Members every Monday-Friday (except Dec. 25Jan. 1) you now have the opportunity of experiencing HoliMont numerous times throughout the season. The Weekday Experience Pass is the ideal way for you to get 10 weekdays of skiing/riding, as well as 5 group clinics at a minimal cost. For additional details including pricing and registration form, download the brochure from the HoliMont website or call the HoliMont office.


CHRISTMAS IN ELLICOTTVILLE Nov. 28-30 The Village of Ellicottville will be the background for beautiful strolling choirs harmonizing your favorite Christmas carols all weekend long. Enjoy many events scheduled, including breakfast and fire truck rides with Santa, horse and wagon rides, interactive children’s activities and more. As daylight comes to an end, witness the lighting of Ellicottville’s 3-story Christmas tree. 800-349-9099 CHRISTMAS STROLL Saturday, Dec. 6 Bring the family for an old-fashioned Christmas celebration, complete with visits from Santa and many other activities for both kids and adults. Children of all ages will love the live camel and the Reindog Parade. The day concludes with a Living Nativity at the Village Gazebo. 800-349-9099 MADIGAN’S 36 Washington St. 716-699-4455 Saturday, Dec. 20, 9pm CHRISTMAS PARTY Presents for everyone! ---------Friday, Dec. 26, 6pm PARTY SQUAD ---------Saturday, Dec. 27, 6pm SKY PILOT SILVER FOX STEAKHOUSE 23 Hughey Alley 716-699-4672 MARTINI CLUB Every Friday, 5-7pm With complimentary appetizers at the bar. WINERY OF ELLICOTTVILLE 14 Monroe St. 716-699-1055 WINE TASTINGS Offered every day!


SENECA ALLEGANY CASINO 777 Seneca Allegany Blvd. Salamanca, NY Saturday, Nov. 29, 7pm LYNYRD SKYNYRD Tickets start at $40 ---------Dec. 3-7 LORRIE MORGAN AN ENCHANTED CHRISTMAS Tickets start at $10 Friday, Dec. 26, 7pm ---------BLUES TRAVELER Tickets start at $20 For all tickets: 1-877-873-6322 VISIT WITH SANTA Dec. 4-11 6pm-8pm Wright’s Music Shed 80 Main St., Bradford, PA Santa’s coming to visit all the little children! So come down and let Santa know what you want for Christmas. There will be coffee and refreshments for adults. 814-598-2646 BIG BUCK CONTEST Dec. 4-Jan. 8 (Every Thursday) Paul’s Trading Post 11124 Route 321, Kane, PA Be part of this 10th annual Big Buck Hunting Contest! All entries are FREE and all size bucks are eligible for prizes. Paul’s Trading Post has weekly drawings for the “buck of the week” and will host a big awards dinner in January. Call for complete details and entry locations. 814-945-6504 5X7 ART FOR EVERYONE EXHIBITION AND SALE Saturday, Dec. 6 6-9pm Cattaraugus County Arts Council 100 Main St., Allegany, NY Over 300 original 5x7 artworks will line the gallery wall at CCAC, offering a unique shopping experience for those looking for one-of-a-kind artwork to grace their own wall or for gift-giving during the

holiday season. The evening is a lively affair with buyers vying for their favorite pieces. The artwork is hung anonymously so value and name recognition are leveled while fun and suspense is increased. One by one, 30 first-pick ticket holders ($50 per person) get to choose up to five pieces. After the first-pick ticket holders have chosen, all the artwork is available for only $25 each. Admission to the event is $15 (included in the first-pick ticket price). Tickets can be purchased at the CCAC office or by phone. 716-372-7455 BRADFORD'S OLD-FASHIONED CHRISTMAS Saturday, Dec. 13 All Day! Downtown Bradford, PA Join in the jolly festivities with events scheduled at participating downtown stores. Have breakfast with Santa, lunch with Frosty, and enjoy other ongoing events throughout the day including face painting, horse-drawn carriage rides, caroling, food vendors and sales to help you fulfill your Christmas shopping list. 814-598-2646 GOOD TIMES OF OLEAN 1 Leisure Lane, Olean, NY 716-379-8210 Saturday, Dec. 13 NEON PARTY WITIH DJ FELONY ---------Saturday, Dec. 27 METAL ALLIANCE SHOW WITH STEELE REIGN AND DOG DAY SUNRISE ---------Wednesday, Dec. 31 NEW YEAR’S EVE BASH WITH NEW WAVE NATION

FIRST NIGHT BRADFORD Wednesday, Dec. 31 Downtown Bradford, PA First Night Bradford is a community celebration of the New Year through the arts. It is a drug and alcohol-free, public festival with both local and regional talents. Bring the family down and ring in 2015 in Bradford, PA!



(Follow us @evlsnowedin to participate) Snap photos SCORE SOMETHING COOL! Upload to Instagram THIS MONTH’S CONTEST SPONSORED BY: Use hashtag #evlsnowedin Nature’s Remedy Or tag @evlsnowedin ellicottville, new york You’re entered! IT’S THAT EASY! One photo will be chosen as the winner & announced in next month’s issue of Snowed-In on the InstaSNOW Page.

CONTEST RULES: Family members and team members of DesignPerks publications can participate but are not eligible to win. Tagged images are subject to use by Snowed-In for marketing / promotional purposes in print • online • social media. Questions / comments can be directed to: DesignPerks, PO Box 1077, Ellicottville, NY 14731, 716.244.7573,

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vely orite ously veled One $50 ieces. ave for vent ket the

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SNOWED-IN ~ DECEMBER 2014 ... Page 31


TAG @evlsnowedin #evlsnowedin

Each month we’ll select our top picks to be featured in print and online at Help us capture some of the exciting winter scenes of Cattaraugus / McKean Counties. Here are our PRE-SEASON PHOTO PICKS! (Tagged images are subject to be used by The Summer Local for promotional purposes in print • online • social media.)


nts wn unch ng face es, help list.


@daffevl: #daffdrygoods #ellicottville #thinksnow @evlsnowedin

@kristykoebel: #OpeningDayHV #friends #itsnotevenwinter #november21

@dash_913: a shot of the @pistenbullyusa using my @gopro #hero3. #winteriscoming #park #HoliMont #evlsnowedin

H @nalter: #johnharvards @evlsnowedin Fall Beers


@nickpaul29: The only snowstorm here is manmade.

@marketingbacon: Pow Down on opening day #holidayvalley

ity h the , gional nd

@mradamx: Sometimes you just gotta take her for a rip #snowvember #thumpstar #pitbike who needs dirt

@bperksey: First #snowman of the season #welovewinter

@thecitygarage: I’ts happening! #snow @evlsnowedin

@boardroomeville: @buffalobills #GoBills

@littlemisshappiness: #letitsnow #dogsofinstagram

@holimont: Our #snowman put on some winter weight today. #evlsnowedin

Celebrate the Holidays in





a Getaway at Sugar Pine Lodge, $350 in E-Bucks to spend at Sponsoring Locations, and a family pack of weekday ski lift tickets to HoliMont Ski Area.

Contest ends December 14, 2014. E-Bucks must be redeemed before Jan. 31, 2015. Lodging must be redeemed by Nov. 1, 2015. Register to win at these participating sponsors: Est. 1870

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