Infinity Three

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Real Estate Developers Association of Singapore


In a small footprint of less than 300 m2, this multipurpose facility houses a multitude of functions for the support & service of its members. A key element in the success of this assignment was the ingenuity of the space planning. The adaptability to accommodate a wide range of activities and to flex between different user groups means higher utility of every square foot.

尽管该多用途活动中心的空间 不超过 300 平方米,但功能 设备却相当齐全,足以为所有 会员提供各种支援与服务。而 其主要成功因素就在于空间规 划上的巧思。为满足各种活动 与不同团体的使用需求,以达 到此活动中心的每一平方米空 间都必须做到物尽其用。

he recently renovated REDAS Headquarters combines the elegance of hospitality with the practicality of corporate efficiency.

Rooms open, close, join, separate and change furniture to switch from use to use effortlessly. At various times the space will play host to: a senior delegation of property or government officials who may be welcomed and presented to, an informal gathering of members may meet to celebrate, a seminar or exhibition may be held; or the monthly REDAS board meeting. Many such occasions can even take place in a single day. These tidy offices have the ability to run multiple functions simultaneously. While forward looking in design style; the colour, materials and details were selected to define and to interplay “Property Development” issues of both heritage and futuristic nature. This can be seen in how the use of timber at reception, is juxtaposed to the “Digital-dots” of the wall in the exhibition space next door. Classic elements like the highly polished “Nero Marquina” marble have their counterpoint in the bright red signature (inspired) chairs. In a subtle analogy with Singapore’s own physical condition, a lot was made possible for REDAS with very little space and it was done beautifully.

期完成装修的 REDAS 总部可谓完美地结合 了极具亲和力的高雅 外观与企业效率的实用性的典 范。

对房间模式,我们可通过开、 关、分、合的方式,并适当地 变换家具,便可轻松、灵活地 营造出各种不同的使用空间, 以满足不同的用途。例如,接 待房地产高级代表团或政府官 员;会员聚会、举办庆祝活 动;举办研讨会或展览;或 召开 REDAS 月董事会。甚至 一天内都可以完成多种场地布 置。规划得井然有序的办公空 间也可同时实现多种用途。 在设计风格方面,我们力图以 精心挑选的色调、材质和细节 来定义并呈现一种融合原貌 与未来感的“房地产发展” 主题。所以接待处采用了原 木风格,而毗邻的展览间则选 择了“数位点”墙面设计。此 外,象征古典元素的优雅“ 黑白根 (Nero Marquina) 大理 石”与特征鲜明的亮红色椅子 相映成趣。 REDAS 这种以狭小空间来创造 出无限美丽可能的设计风格,正 是新加坡生活形态的最佳写照。

Editorial: Derek MacKenzie Interior Design: Joris Angevaare Photography: Fearghal Hendron

Photography: Fearghal Hendron


he owners of Tung Centre were resolved that the tired and dated image of the building’s ground floor were a disservice to the commercial potential for both revenue (through lease values) and its asset positioning.

feature and it is designed with complex curvature to provide form and shape without visual dominance. It is streamlined and elegant and helps to soften the otherwise hard surfaces of this highly trafficked public space.

The brief for the building’s upgrading, although straight-forward, also had an interesting twist.

The eye-catching light features are a design counterpoint to the precise, crisp detailing of the interior. They act well as a visual link between the outer foyer and the inner lobby.

The owners wanted their new lobby to be completely unique – never before seen or likely to be replicated. With the geometric awkwardness of the plan, designphase dba proposed that simple, clean lines with a white marble feature wall and white granite floor should be key elements to the scheme. Studying traffic patterns lead to the decision to install a huge mirrored wall to reflect the beauty of the marble in the foyer. This made the space look larger at the critical “pinch-point” where the lift lobby meets the foyer. Bianco Statuario was chosen for the architectural

Moving the entrance outward to the building line had several advantages: • The additional area presents a grand and spacious entrance • New and future security arrangements were able to be accommodated comfortably • A wider and more elegant frontage was achieved • The building’s brand was able to be built harmoniously into the design. The project’s description would not be complete

without mention of the pedestrian walkway and the featured columns (pictured right). The double wrap-around, mirrored steel shape elegantly displays custom designed lighting bars which flood the walkway in an unusual and yet practical way.

Adding To Lease Value Through Upgrading Upgrading

of public areas may provide a meaningful hedge for owners whose tenants may consider relocation to newer buildings.

通过此项升级装修以增加租赁价值 升级改造公共空间是房屋业主预防租客择地而安的重要法宝。


ung Centre 的业主认为 该建筑一楼的形象陈旧而老 套,对其收入 (租赁价值) 与资 产定位的商业潜力造成了负面影响。 对这栋建筑的升格简略看似简单直 接,但也存在有趣的曲折跌宕之处。 业主希望重新装修后的大厅能具有 出独一无二的风格与特色——前无 古人而后无来者。碍于原建筑的几 何设计结构,Designphase DBA 建议采用以简单、干净的线条,搭 配白色大理石墙面及白色花岗石地 板为设计主轴。并通过研究人流途 经的路线,巧妙地安装大型的镜面 墙,这不但映射出门厅大理石的美 丽色泽,还令大厅与门厅的“衔接 处”呈现空间放大的效果。选用“ 东方白 (Bianco Statuario) 大理 石”来彰显建筑特征,复杂的弯曲 设计旨在呈现不具视觉支配效果的 形状。其流畅且优雅的线条柔和了 人流如织的公共空间的刚硬外观。 引人注目的灯光设计与细致清新的 内部装潢风格交相辉映,自然地成 为连接外门厅与内大厅的视觉桥梁。

将入口向外移至建筑界线有以下几 项优点: ·以增加的空间来呈现入口的气派 与宽敞 ·方便今后设置崭新与未来的保安室 ·门面更为宽敞大方 ·建筑风格的协调设计完全展现了 此大楼的品牌与标志 人行走道及特色廊柱也是不可遗漏 的设计重点。双环绕的镜面钢造 型结构,优雅地嵌上特别设计的灯 管,不经意间使人行走道兼具特色 与实用性。

Editorial Derek MacKenzie Interior Design Designphase DBA Photography Tim Nolan

Infinity Three

The public spaces of some very large, contemporary, corporate building architecture can look cold and impersonal - perhaps more institutional and politically correct for the mix of desired big tenants. However, the owners of smaller footprint developments can choose to be more individual, reaching out to more specific occupants with a distinct attitude and personality being expressed through their design.

Published by designphase private limited. Printed by Win&Win Printer.

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