Night Vision Mini

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Design: Roy Fleetwood

nightvision mini 20W, 22W and 39W ceramic Metal Halide CSA listed wet label IP65 Nightvision Mini is a new addition to the existing luminaire series, in a considerably smaller housing for miniature metal halide lamps. As in the larger size, the range includes light fixtures with a wall washer distribution as well as asymmetrical and narrow beam reflectors. The slim profile of the luminaires makes it possible for them to be integrated discreetly into the architecture of the building. These luminaires are particularly well suited for facade illumination or for accent lighting of details such as window niches.



TVW 9/09



Nightvision Mini

7° 7°

1.57” 1.57” 3.07” 3.07” 1.57” 1.57”

.33” .33”

11.98” 11.98” 11.98” 11.98” 13.03” 13.03” 13.03” 13.03”


5.78” 5.78” 5.11” 5.11”

7 °7

5.78” 5.78” 5.11” 5.11”

3° 1 00 3 ° 1

3° 3° 10 10

3.07” 3.07”

.33” .33”

11.02” 11.02” 11.02” 11.02”

90 90

I (cd/klm) I (cd/klm) I (cd/klm) 90 ft 16.4 90


90 I (cd/klm)


90 4040

Nightvision Nightvision Mini 20 Mini W,20 wall 20W, W, washer wallwasher washer Nightvision Mini wall

Nightvision Mini W, Wallwall Washwasher 22W 120v only Beam Angle ȸ HIT-TC-CE HIT-TC-CE 20 W2020 W W HIT-TC-CE Nightvision Mini 20 Part number Partnumber number Colour Colour Lamp120v Lamp Lampholder Lampholder WeightWeight Weight Beam angle Beam angle Nightvision Mini WallColour Wash only Beam Part Lamp Lampholder Beam angle HIT-TC-CE1600 20 lm W Catalog Number Finish22W Lamp Lampholder Weight C 0-180AngleC ȸ90-270 1600lm lm 1600 Part number Colour Lamp Lampholder Weight Beam angle 8700041 8700041 C0–C 180 C0 0– –180 180 C 34° –C270 C90 90 –270 270 1600 lm 8700041 Catalog Number Finish BLACK 22W LampPHILIPS CERAMIC MH 3000K Lampholder Weight C90 0-180 C–90-270 TVW-9-AL-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. PGj5 5.5lbs 108°

16.4 16.4 ft ft

16.4 ft

40 80


80 120

9.84 ft

120 120

9.84 ft


9.84 .18fc .18fc 9.84 ft ft .18fc .37fc .37fc .37fc .37fc .37fc .37fc .18fc .18fc.18fc 1.48fc .18fc 1.48fc 1.48fc .18fc .37fc 1.48fc 13.123 ft 13.123 ft

16.4 ft

13.123 13.123 ft ft 26.24 ft 26.24 ft

9.84 ft



1.48fc 1.48fc 13.123 ft 13.123 ft


I (cd/klm) I (cd/klm) I (cd/klm) 90 ft 16.4 90


90 I (cd/klm)


90 4040

40 80


9.84 ft

120 120

9.84 ft


.37fc 9.84 9.84 ft ft .37fc 2.97fc 2.97fc

.37fc .37fc

26.24 39.37 ft 26.24 ft ft 39.37 ft

Lampholder Lampholder WeightWeight Weight Beam angle Beamangle angle Lampholder Beam

TVW-9-AZ-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EURO General WHITE 20W GE CERAMIC MH 3000K Electric 6.5 black 8 046 000 CMH 20 CMH W/ 20 W/GUMH white white white 8 700 7008 066 8700 700 000 066000 000 CMH 20 W/ 066 TVW-9-AZ-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EURO WHITE 20W GE CERAMIC 3000K TVW-9-AZ-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE SILVER 20W GE CERAMIC MH 3000K CMH 20 W/ white 8 700 066 000 silver grey silver grey Osram HCI-TF Osram 20 HCI-TF W 20 20W W3000K 8 7008 056 8700 700 000 056000 000 silver grey HCI-TF 056 TVW-9-AZ-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE SILVEROsram 20W GE CERAMIC MH silver grey Osram HCI-TF 20 W 8 700 056 000

39.37 39.37 ft ft

Nightvision Mini Wall Wash 39W 120v only

2.5 kg GU 6.5 34°

Nightvision Mini Wall Wash only Catalog Number Finish 39W 120v Lamp Catalog Number Finish BLACK 39W LampPHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K NVW-9-DM-B-78-0-S-T-01 TEXT. NVW-9-DM-B-78-0-S-T-01 TEXT. NVW-9-DM-B-EW-0-S-T-00 EURO BLACK WHITE 39W 39W PHILIPS PHILIPS T4.5 T4.5 CERAMIC CERAMIC MH MH 3000K 3000K NVW-9-DM-B-EW-0-S-T-00 MATTE EURO WHITE 39W PHILIPS PHILIPS T4.5 T4.5 CERAMIC CERAMIC MH MH 3000K 3000K NVW-9-DM-B-10-0-S-T-00 SILVER 39W NVW-9-DM-B-10-0-S-T-00 MATTE SILVER 39W PHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K

GU 6.5 6.5 GU GU 6.5

5.5lbs 108° 34° 5.5lbs 34° 5.5lbs 34° 5.5lbs 34°

108° 108° 108° 108°

Lampholder Lampholder GU 6.5 GU 6.5 6.5 GU GU 6.5 6.5 GU GU 6.5

Weight Weight 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs

C 90-270 C 90-270 108° 108° 108° 108° 108° 108°

C 0-180 C 0-180 34° 34° 34° 34° 34° 34°

Nightvision Mini Wall 39W washer with long Bracket 120v only Nightvision Mini 35Wash W, wall HIT-TC-CE HIT-TC-CE 39 W 3939 WWNightvision HIT-TC-CE Mini 35 W, wall washer Lamp Part number Partnumber number Colour Lampholder Lampholder Weight Weight Beam angle Beamangle angle HIT-TC-CE 3200 39 Wlm Part Lampholder Weight Beam Catalog Number Colour Colour Finish Lamp Lamp Lamp Lampholder Weight C 0-180 C 90-270 3200lm lm 3200 Part number Colour Lamp Lampholder Weight Beam angle 8703046 8703046 180 C00– –180 180 C 90 –C270 C90 90– –270 270 3200 lm 8703046 TVW-9-DM-B-78-0-S-T-01 TEXT. BLACK 39W PHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000KGU 6.5 C 0 – C 5.5lbs 34° 108° 8703046

2.97fc 1.48fc 2.97fc 1.48fc 1.48fc 2.97fc 2.97fc 1.48fc 13.123 ft 13.123 ft


13.123 13.123 ft ft 26.24 ft 26.24 ft

Colour Colour Colour Lamp Lamp Lamp

Nightvision Nightvision Mini 35 Mini W, wall 35 W, washer wall washer

16.4 16.4 ft ft

16.4 ft

80 120

1.48fc 1.48fc




Nightvision Mini Wall Wash 20W 120v only

Part number Partnumber number Part

.18fc .18fc .18fc 9.84 9.84 ft ft .18fc 1.48fc

26.24 ft ft 26.24 ft 39.37 39.37 ft

C 0 – 180 C 90 – 270 Philips Philips CDM-Tm Philips CDM-Tm PGJ5 PGJ5 PGJ5 2.4kg 34° kg 34° 108° black black black 8 7008 041 8700 700 000 041000 000 CDM-Tm 34° TVW-9-AL-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. 22W PHILIPS CERAMIC MH 3000K PGj5 5.5lbs 34° 108° 041 TVW-9-AL-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EURO BLACK WHITE 22W PHILIPS CERAMIC MH 3000K2.4 kg2.4 PGj5 5.5lbs 108° 34° 108° 108° Philips PGJ5 2.4 kg 34° 108° black 8 041 000 white white white 20 W CDM-Tm 20W W 8 700 7008 061 8700 700 000 061000 000 TVW-9-AL-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EURO WHITE 22W PHILIPS CERAMIC CERAMIC MH MH 3000K 3000K PGj5 5.5lbs 34° 108° 20 061 TVW-9-AL-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE SILVER 22W PHILIPS PGj5 5.5lbs 34° 108° white 20 W 8 700 061 000 silver grey silver grey 8 ft700 051 8700 700 000 051000 000 TVW-9-AL-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE SILVER 22W PHILIPS CERAMIC MH 3000K PGj5 5.5lbs 34° 108° 39.37 ft silver grey 8 051 39.37 silver grey 8 700 051 000

Nightvision Mini Wall Wash 20W 120vLamp only Catalog Number Weight C 0-180 C 90-270 HIT-TC-CE HIT-TC-CE 20 W2020 W W number HIT-TC-CE Part Colour Finish Lamp Lampholder Weight Lampholder Beam C 0 –angle 180 C0 0– –180 180 C C90 –C270 C90 90 –270 270 C HIT-TC-CE1600 20 lm W1600lm Catalog Number Finish Lampholder Weight 0-180 C–90-270 lm TVW-9-AZ-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. BLACK Lamp 20W GE CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 6.5 5.5lbs 108° 1,01600 1,0 1,0 C 0 – 180 C 34° 90 – 270 8700046 8700046 General General Electric Electric GU 6.5 GU 6.5 2.5 kg 2.5 34° kg 34° 108° black black 8 700 046 8 700 000 046 000 1600 lm 8700046 General Electric GU 6.5 2.5 kg 34° black 8 700 046 000 TVW-9-AZ-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. BLACK 20W GE CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 6.5 5.5lbs 108° 34° 108° 108° 1,0

16.4 16.4 ft ft

16.4 ft

9.84 ft




2.97fc 2.97fc

13.123 13.123 ft ft 26.24 ft 26.24 ft

26.24 39.37 ft 26.24 ft ft 39.37 ft

C 0 – 180 General General Electric Electric GU 6.5 GU6.5 6.53000KGU 2.5 kg2.5 2.5 34° kg 34° black black black 8 7038 046 8703 703 000 046000 000 General Electric GU 34° 046 TVW-9-DM-B-EW-0-S-T-00 EURO WHITE 39W PHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC MH 6.5kg 5.5lbs General Electric GU 6.5 2.5 kg 34° black 8 046 000 white white white CMH W/ 35W/ W/ 8 703 7038 066 8703 703 000 066000 000 CMH 35 066 TVW-9-DM-B-10-0-S-T-00 MATTECMH SILVER35 39W PHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000KGU 6.5 5.5lbs white CMH W/ 35 8 066 000 silver grey silvergrey grey 8 ft703 703 8703 703 000 056000 000 Osram35 HCI-TF Osram HCI-TF W 35 35W W silver 8056 056 39.37 ft Osram HCI-TF 39.37 silver grey 8 703 056 000 Osram HCI-TF 35 W

Nightvision Nightvision Mini Mini Mini Nightvision Nightvision Mini

C 90 – 270 108° 108° 108° 34° 108° 108°



3 3


Nightvision Nightvision Mini Mini

Nightvision NightvisionMini Mini

Nightvision Nightvision Mini TVW Mini Nightvision Mini Nightvision Mini Nightvision Mini WallWall Wall washer washer Wall Washer washer Wall washer For ceramic Forceramic metal metal halide halide lampslamps lamps (HIT-TC-CE), (HIT-TC-CE), .ceramic Die castmetal low copper aluminum body For halide (HIT-TC-CE), For ceramic metal halide lamps (HIT-TC-CE), protection protection I,class IP65 IP65 . class Tempered glass lens protection class I,I,IP65 protection class I, IP65 die cast diealuminium aluminium housing, housing, polyester polyester powder powder .cast CSA listed wethousing, label die cast aluminium polyester powder die cast aluminium housing, polyester powder coated, coated, high gloss high textured gloss textured aluminium aluminium reflector, reflector, all all all . IP65 for gloss up or textured down aiming coated, high aluminium reflector, coated, high gloss textured aluminium reflector, all exterior exterior steel parts steel are parts stainless arestainless stainless steel, tempered steel,tempered tempered . 120V integral electronic ballast exterior steel parts are steel, exterior steel parts are stainless steel, tempered safetysafety safety glass, glass, silicon silicon gasket, gasket, closure closure by 4 by stainless by44stainless stainless . stainless steel hardware glass, silicon gasket, closure safety glass, silicon gasket, closure by 4 stainless steel steel screws, steel screws, mounting mounting flange flange with tilt with scale, scale, . screws, silicone gaskets mounting flange with tilttiltscale, steel screws, mounting flange with tilt scale, 2 drilled drilled holes Ø holes 8,5 8,5 spacing mm, spacing 304cord mm, 304mm, tiltmm,tilttilt . supplied with 4 feet of spacing SJOW 22drilled holes ØØmm, 8,5 mm, 304 2 drilled holes Ø 8,5 mm, spacing 304 mm, tilt rangerange range 110°, 110°, 2 x M20 2xxM20 cable M20 cable glands, glands, integral integral . supplied lampcable 110°, 2with glands, integral range 110°, 2 x M20 cable glands, integral electronic electronic ballast, ballast, supplied supplied without without lamp.lamp. lamp. electronic ballast, supplied without electronic ballast, supplied without lamp.

NightvisionMini Mini Nightvision Mini Nightvision Nightvision Mini

Nightvision Mini Nightvision Mini Mini Nightvision Mini TWB Nightvision Nightvision Mini Wall washer with mounting bracket Wall washer with mounting bracket Wall washer with mounting bracket Wall Washer with Long Bracket Wall washer with mounting bracket For halide lamps For. ceramic ceramic metal halidealuminum lamps(HIT-TC-CE), (HIT-TC-CE), For ceramic metal halide lamps (HIT-TC-CE), Die cast metal low copper body For ceramic metal halide lamps (HIT-TC-CE), protection class I,I,I,IP65 protection class IP65 protection class IP65 . Tempered glass lens protection class I, IP65 die die. cast castaluminium aluminium housing,polyester polyesterpowder powder CSA listed wet housing, label die cast aluminium housing, polyester powder die cast aluminium housing, polyester powder all coated, gloss textured aluminium coated, high gloss textured aluminiumreflector, reflector, all all . IP65high for up or down aiming coated, high gloss textured aluminium reflector, coated,steel highparts glossare textured aluminium reflector, all exterior steel, exterior steel partselectronic arestainless stainless steel,tempered temperedsafety safety .120Vsteel integral ballast exterior parts are stainless steel, tempered safety exterior steel gasket, parts are stainless 4 steel, tempered safety glass, silicon closure glass, siliconsteel gasket, closureby by 44stainless stainlesssteel steel . stainless hardware glass, silicon gasket, closure by stainless steel glass, silicon gasket, closure by 4 stainless steel screws, mounting bracket screws, mounting bracketwith withtilt tiltscale, scale,4 drilled . silicone gaskets screws, mounting bracket with tilt scale, 44drilled drilled screws, mounting bracket with tilt scale, 4 drilled holes Ø 8,5 mm, spacing 70 mm (200 mm), holes Ø 8,5 mm, spacing 70 mm (200 mm), . supplied feet of SJOW holes Ø 8,5 with mm, 4spacing 70 mmcord (200 mm), holes Ø hole 8,5 Ø mm, spacing 70 mm 110°, (200 mm), 1 mm, holewith Ø17 17 mm,tilt tiltrange range 110°, 110°,2 M20 .centre supplied lamp 11centre centre hole Ø 17 mm, tilt range 22xxxM20 M20 1 centre hole Ø 17 mm, tilt range 110°, 2 x M20 cable glands, integral electronic ballast, cable glands, integral electronic ballast, supplied cable glands, integral electronic ballast, supplied supplied cable glands, integral electronic ballast, supplied without withoutlamp lamp without lamp without lamp

11.02” 11.02” 11.02” 11.02” 3.07” 3.07” 3.07” 3.07”

9.05” 9.05” 9.05” 9.05”

5.11” 5.11” 5.11” 5.11”

1.57” 1.57” 1.57” 1.57”

. .66.6.66666” ” ” ”

. .33.3.33333” ” ” ”

3°°° 3 ° 1 003130 110

77°7° ° 7°

2.75” 2.75” 2.75”

7.87” 2.75” 7.87” 7.87” 7.87” 10.62” 10.62” 10.62” 10.62”

Nightvision Mini 20 W, washer with mounting Nightvision Mini 2022W W,wall wallLong washer with mounting bracket Nightvision Mini 20 W, wall washer with mounting bracket Nightvision Mini Wall Wash with Bracket 120v only bracket Nightvision Mini 20 W, wall washer with mounting bracket Weight Part number Colour Lamp Beam Part number Colour Lamp LampholderLampholder Weight Weight Beamangle angle Part number Colour Lamp Lampholder Weight Beam angle Nightvision Mini Wall Wash 22W with Long Bracket 120v onlyLampholder Catalog Part Number FinishColour Lamp Lamp C 0-180 number Lampholder Weight Beam angle

Catalog Number Finish BLACK 22W LampPHILIPS CERAMIC MH 3000K TWB-9-AL-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. Philips PGJ5 black 8 PhilipsCDM-Tm CDM-Tm PGJ5 black 700141 141000 000TEXT. Philips CDM-Tm PGJ5 black 88700 700 141 000 TWB-9-AL-B-78-0-C-T-00 BLACK CERAMIC MH 3000K TWB-9-AL-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EURO WHITE 22W PHILIPS Philips CDM-Tm PGJ5 black 8700 700161 141000 000 white 8 white 20W W CERAMIC MH 3000K 700 161 161 000 000MATTE white 20 W 88 700 TWB-9-AL-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EURO WHITE TWB-9-AL-B-10-0-C-T-00 SILVER 22W 20 PHILIPS whitegrey 20 W 8 700151 161000 000 silver 8 silver grey 22W PHILIPS CERAMIC MH 3000K 700 151 151 000 000MATTE silver grey 88700 700 TWB-9-AL-B-10-0-C-T-00 SILVER 8 700 151 000

silver grey

Lampholder PGj5 2.2kg kg 2.2 kg PGj52.2 2.2 kg PGj5 PGj5

C 90-270 C C90 90–––270 270 CC000–––180 180 C108° 90 270 Weight C180 0-180 C C 90-270 5.5lbs C 0 – 34° 180 C 90 – 270 34° 108° 34° 108° 34° 34° 108° 5.5lbs 108° 34° 108° 5.5lbs 34° 108° 5.5lbs 34° 108°

Nightvision Mini Wall WashColour 20W with Long Bracket 120v onlyLampholder Weight Beam angle Part Lamp Partnumber number Colour Lamp Lampholder Weight Beamangle angle Part number Colour Lamp Weight Beam Nightvision Mini Wall Wash 20W withLamp Long Bracket 120v onlyLampholder Catalog Number Finish C 0-180 Part number Colour Lamp LampholderLampholder Weight Weight angle CBeam 0 – 180

Catalog Number Finish TWB-9-AZ-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. BLACK Lamp 20W GE CERAMIC MH 3000K General Electric black 8 146 000 General Electric GU6.5 6.5 black 700 146 000 Nightvision Mini Wall Wash 22W with Long Bracket 120v onlyGU General Electric GU 6.5 black 88700 700 146 000 TWB-9-AZ-B-78-0-C-T-00 BLACK CERAMIC MH 3000K TWB-9-AZ-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EURO WHITE 20W GE General Electric GU 6.5 black 8700 700166 146000 000TEXT. CMH white 8 CMH20 20W/ W/ white 8 700 166 000 Catalog Number Finish Lamp CMH 20 W/ white 8 700 166 000EURO TWB-9-AZ-B-EW-0-C-T-00 WHITE 20W GE CERAMIC MH 3000K TWB-9-AZ-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE SILVER CMH HCI-TF 20 W/20 W whitegrey 8 700156 166000 000 silver Osram 8 silver grey 22W Osram HCI-TF 20 W3000K 700 156 156 000 000TEXT. TWB-9-AL-B-78-0-C-T-00 BLACK CERAMIC MH silver grey Osram HCI-TF W 88700 700 TWB-9-AZ-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE SILVER 20W PHILIPS GE CERAMIC MH20 3000K grey Osram HCI-TF 20 W 8 700 156 000 TWB-9-AL-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EUROsilver WHITE 22W PHILIPS CERAMIC MH 3000K Nightvision Mini Wall Wash 39W with long Bracket 120v only TWB-9-AL-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE SILVER 22W PHILIPS CERAMIC MH 3000K Nightvision Mini Wall Wash long Bracket 120v only Catalog Number Finish39W withLamp Catalog Number Finish BLACK 39W LampPHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K TWB-9-DM-B-78-0-S-T-01 TEXT. Nightvision Mini Wall Wash 20W with Long Bracket 120v only TWB-9-DM-B-78-0-S-T-01 TEXT. TWB-9-DM-B-EW-0-S-T-00 EURO BLACK WHITE 39W PHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K Catalog Number Finish LampPHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K TWB-9-DM-B-EW-0-S-T-00 EURO WHITE TWB-9-DM-B-10-0-S-T-00 MATTE SILVER 39W TWB-9-AZ-B-78-0-C-T-00 MATTE TEXT. BLACK 20W PHILIPS GE CERAMIC MH 3000KMH 3000K TWB-9-DM-B-10-0-S-T-00 SILVER 39W T4.5 CERAMIC TWB-9-AZ-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EURO WHITE 20W GE CERAMIC MH 3000K TWB-9-AZ-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE SILVER 20W GE CERAMIC MH 3000K

Lampholder GU 6.5 2.3 2.3kg kg 2.3 kg GU 6.5 2.3 kg Lampholder GU 6.5 PGj5 GU 6.5 PGj5 PGj5 Lampholder Lampholder GU 6.5 GU 6.5 Lampholder GU 6.5 GU 6.5 6.5 GU GU 6.5 GU 6.5

Nightvision NightvisionMini Mini35 35W, W,wall wallwasher washerwith withmounting mountingbracket bracket Nightvision Mini 35 W, wall washer with mounting Nightvision Mini Wall Wash Bracket 120v only bracket Nightvision Mini 3539W W, with walllong washer with mounting bracket

Part Partnumber number number CatalogPart Number Part number

Lampholder Beam Lampholder Weight Weight Beamangle angle Lampholder Weight Beam angle C 0-180 C 90-270 LampholderLampholder Weight Weight Beam angle C C 180 C90 90–––270 270 CC000–––180 180 C108° 90 270 TWB-9-DM-B-78-0-S-T-01 TEXT. BLACK 39W PHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 6.5 5.5lbs C 0 – 34° 180 C 90 – 270 General Electric GU 6.5 2.3 kg 34° 108° black 8 703 146 000 General Electric GU 6.5 2.3 kg 34° 108° black 8 703 146 000 GeneralT4.5 Electric GU3000K 6.5 GU 6.5 2.3 kg 5.5lbs 34° 34° 108° black 8 703 146 000EURO TWB-9-DM-B-EW-0-S-T-00 WHITE 39W PHILIPS CERAMIC MH 108° General Electric GU 6.5 2.3 kg 34° 108° black 8 703166 146000 000 white CMH W/ 8 CMH35 35 W/ white 703 166 166 000 000MATTE CMH 35 W/ white 88703 703 TWB-9-DM-B-10-0-S-T-00 SILVER 39W PHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 6.5 5.5lbs 34° 108° CMH HCI-TF 35 W/35 W whitegrey 8 703156 166000 000 silver Osram 8 silvergrey grey OsramHCI-TF HCI-TF35 35W W 703 156 156 000 000 silver Osram 88703 703 silver grey Osram HCI-TF 35 W 8 703 156 000

444 4

Colour Colour Colour Finish Colour

Lamp Lamp LampLamp Lamp

C 90-270 CC90 180 90–––270 270 CC00––180 270 Weight C180 0-180 CC C 90 90-270 5.5lbs 108° C 0 – 34° 90 – 270 34° 108° 34° 108° 34° 108° 5.5lbs 34° 108° 34° Weight C 0-180 108° C 90-270 5.5lbs 34° 108° 5.5lbs 34° 108° 5.5lbs 34° 108° 5.5lbs 34° 108° 5.5lbs 34° 108° Weight C 0-180 C 90-270 Weight 34° C 0-180 108° C 90-270 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 34° 108° Weight C 0-180 C 90-270 5.5lbs 34° 108° 5.5lbs 34° 108° 5.5lbs 34° 108° 5.5lbs 34° 108° 5.5lbs 34° 108°

Nightvision NightvisionMini Mini Nightvision Mini Nightvision Mini

HIT-TC-CE HIT-TC-CE20 20 W W HIT-TC-CE 20 W HIT-TC-CE 20 lm W 1600 1600 lm 1600 lm 8700141 8700141 1600 lm 8700141

16.4 ft ft 16.4 16.4 ft 16.4 ft

9.84 ft ft 9.84 9.84 ft 9.84 ft

.18fc .18fc .18fc .18fc 1.48fc 1.48fc 1.48fc 1.48fc

9.84 ft ft 9.84 9.84 ft 9.84 ft


13.123 ft ft 13.123 13.123 ft

26.24 ft ft 26.24 26.24 ft

39.37 ft ft 39.37 39.37 ft

13.123 ft

26.24 ft

39.37 ft

HIT-TC-CE HIT-TC-CE20 20 W W HIT-TC-CE 20 W HIT-TC-CE 20 lm W 1600 1600 lm 1600 lm 8700146 8700146 1600 lm 8700146 8700146 1.48fc 1.48fc 1.48fc 1.48fc 13.123 ft ft 13.123 13.123 ft

26.24 ft ft 26.24 26.24 ft

39.37 ft ft 39.37 39.37 ft

13.123 ft

26.24 ft

39.37 ft

HIT-TC-CE HIT-TC-CE39 39 W W HIT-TC-CE 39 W HIT-TC-CE 39 lm W 3200 3200 lm 3200 lm 4,0 4,0 4,0 8703146 8703146 3200 lm 8703146 4,0

16.4 ft

9.84 ft


1.48fc 1.48fc 1.48fc 1.48fc



80 120 120 120 120


16.4 ft ft 16.4 16.4 ft

9.84 ft ft 9.84 9.84 ft

4040 40 40 8080 80

1.48fc 1.48fc 1.48fc

.18fc .18fc .18fc .18fc 1.48fc 1.48fc 1.48fc



16.4 ft ft 16.4 16.4 ft 16.4 ft

I (cd/klm) I (cd/klm) I (cd/klm) 9090 I (cd/klm) 90

9090 90

I (cd/klm) I (cd/klm) I (cd/klm) 9090 I (cd/klm) 90

9090 90 90

4040 40 40 8080 80 80 120 120 120 120

13.123 ft ft 13.123 13.123 ft

26.24 ft ft 26.24 26.24 ft

39.37 ft ft 39.37 39.37 ft

13.123 ft

26.24 ft

39.37 ft



.33” .33”

.33” .33”

11.96” 11.96” 11.96” 11.96” 13.03” 13.03” 13.03” 13.03”

5.78” 5.78” 5.11” 5.11”

° 77°

11.02” 11.02” 11.02” 11.02”



23.62ft 23.62ft

23.62ft 23.62ft 19.68ft 19.68ft

16.07ft 16.07ft 11.81ft 11.81ft

19.68ft 19.68ft 16.07ft 16.07ft

24.27ft 24.27ft

24.27ft 24.27ft 20.01ft 20.01ft

20.01ft 20.01ft 16.07ft 16.07ft

16.07ft 16.07ft 12.13ft 12.13ft

600 600


12.13ft 12.13ft 8.2ft 8.2ft

450 450

8.2ft8.2ft 3.93ft 3.93ft

450 450 600

33.13ft 33.13ft 33.13ft HIT-TC-CE 39 W W HIT-TC-CE 39 W 39 HIT-TC-CE 27.55ft 27.55ft33.13ft 27.55ft 320039 lmW HIT-TC-CE 3200 lm 3200 lm 21.98ft 21.98ft 27.55ft 21.98ft 3200 lm 16.4ft

3.93ft 3.93ft


11.81ft 11.81ft 7.8ft 7.8ft

7.8ft7.8ft 3.9ft 3.9ft


n ioon ct ti reec ddi ir n n hht t tio tio LiLgig recrec di di ht ht LigLig 60 30

90 I (cd/klm)

Lampholder Beam angle Lampholder WeightWeight Beam angle

Nightvision Mini 35 W, asymmetric asymmetric wide beam beam Nightvision MiniMini 35 W,35 asymmetric beam Nightvision Mini W, Nightvision Asymmetric 120vwide only wide Nightvision Mini 35 W, asymmetric Part number number Colour Lamp wide Lamp beam Lampholder Lampholder Weight Beam angle angle Part number WeightWeight Beam angle Part Lamp Lampholder Beam Catalog Number Colour Colour Finish Lamp Lampholder Weight C 0-180 C 90-270 Part number Colour Lamp Lampholder Weight Beam angle C0 0 –– 180 180 C270 90 –– 270 C0–C 180 C 78° 90 –C 16.4ft 21.98ft 90 16.4ft TVA-9-DM-B-78-0-S-T-01 TEXT. BLACK 39W PHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 6.5 5.5lbs 72° 270 11.51ft C 0 – 180 C 90 –72° 270 11.51ft 16.4ft 11.51ft General ElectricGU 6.5 GU 6.5 6.5 2.5 kg2.5 2.5 kg kg 78° black 8049 704000 049 000 000 General Electric 78° 78° 72° black black 8 704TVA-9-DM-B-EW-0-S-T-00 General Electric GU 72° 72° 8 704 049 EURO WHITE 39W PHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 6.5 5.5lbs 78° 5.57ft 5.57ft 11.51ft 5.57ft Electric GU 6.5 2.5 kg 78° 72° black white GeneralCMH 8 7048049 35 W/ W/T4.5 704000 069 000 000 W/ white white 8 704TVA-9-DM-B-10-0-S-T-00 000 5.57ft CMH 35 8069 704 069 MATTE CMH SILVER35 39W PHILIPS CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 6.5 5.5lbs 78° 72° 49.81fc 12.45fc 5.57fc 3.159fc1.39fc 1.95fc 1.39fc 49.81fc 12.45fc 49.81fc 5.57fc 12.45fc3.159fc 5.57fc 1.95fc 3.159fc 1.95fc 1.39fc CMH 35 W/ HCI-TF 35 W white silver grey 8 7048069 Osram 704000 059 000 000 Abstand/Distance 3.28ft 6.56ft 9.84ft 13.12ft 16.4ft 19.68ft silver grey Osram Osram HCI-TF HCI-TF 35 W 35 W 8 7048059 000 Abstand/Distance 6.56ft 9.84ft 13.12ft 16.4ft 19.68ft 49.81fc3.28ft 12.45fc 5.57fc 3.159fc 1.95fc 1.39fc silver grey 704 059 Abstand/Distance 3.28ft 6.56ft 9.84ft 13.12ft 16.4ft 19.68ft silver grey Osram HCI-TF 35 W 8 704 059 000 Abstand/Distance 3.28ft 6.56ft 9.84ft 13.12ft 16.4ft 19.68ft

(cd/klm) I (cd/klm) II (cd/klm) 90 90 90 8704049 60 150 8704049 8704049 150 60 150 8704049 150 30 30

90 90


Nightvision Mini Asymmetric 120v only

Part number number Colour Lamp Lamp Lamp Part number Colour Part Colour Nightvision Mini Asymmetric 120v only Catalog Number Part number Colour Finish Lamp Lamp

Lampholder Weight Beam angle Weight C 0-180 C 90-270 Lampholder Weight Lampholder Beam angle C0 0 –– 180 180 C270 90 –– 270 270 C0–C 180 C C90 –C 90 Catalog Number Finish Lampholder Weight 0-180 C 90-270 TVA-9-AZ-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. BLACK Lamp 20W GE CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 6.5 5.5lbs C 0 – 180 C 78° 90 –72° 27072° General Electric GU 6.5 2.5 kg 78° black 8 701 049 000 Nightvision Mini Asymmetric 22W 120v only General Electric GU 6.5 2.5 kg 78° 72° black 8 701 049 000 8701049 16.07ft 21.65ft General Electric GU 6.5 2.5 kg 78° 72° 72° black 8 701 049 000 16.07ft TVA-9-AZ-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. BLACK 20W GE CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 6.5 5.5lbs 78° TVA-9-AZ-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EURO WHITE 20W GE CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 6.5 5.5lbs 78° 72° 10.8ft GeneralCMH Electric 2.5 kg Lampholder 78° black white 8 701Catalog 10.8ft 16.07ft 10.8ft 20 W/ W/ GU 6.5 8049 701000 069 000 000 Number Finish Lamp Weight 72° C 0-180 72° C 90-270 CMH 20 W/ white white 8 701TVA-9-AZ-B-EW-0-C-T-00 069 000 CMH 20 8 701 069 EURO 20W GE CERAMIC GU 5.5lbs 78° 5.24ft MATTEWHITE SILVER20 20W GE CERAMIC MH MH 3000K 3000K GU 6.5 6.5 5.5lbs 78° 72° 5.24ft 10.8ft 5.24ft CMH W/ white silver 8 701TVA-9-AZ-B-10-0-C-T-00 grey Osram HCI-TF 20 W W 3000K 8069 701000 059 000 000 TEXT. BLACK 22W PHILIPS MH 3000K PGj5 5.5lbs 78° 72° silver grey Osram HCI-TF 20 WCERAMIC 8 701TVA-9-AL-B-78-0-C-T-00 059 000 5.24ft silver grey Osram HCI-TF 20 8 701 059 TVA-9-AZ-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE SILVER 20W GE CERAMIC MH GU 6.5 5.5lbs 78° 72° 25.27fc 6.31fc 1.57fc 2.78fc 1.02fc 1.57fc .74fc 1.02fc .74fc 25.27fc 25.27fc 6.31fc 2.78fc 6.31fc 2.78fc 1.57fc 1.02fc .74fc8 701 059 000 silver greyEURO WHITE Osram HCI-TF 20 WCERAMIC MH 3000K TVA-9-AL-B-EW-0-C-T-00 22W PHILIPS PGj5 5.5lbs 78° 72° Abstand/Distance 3.28ft 6.56ft 9.84ft 13.12ft 16.4ft 19.68ft Abstand/Distance 6.56ft 9.84ft 13.12ft 16.4ft 19.68ft 25.27fc3.28ft 6.31fc 2.78fc 1.57fc 1.02fc .74fc Abstand/Distance 3.28ft 6.56ft 9.84ft 13.12ft 16.4ft 19.68ft Nightvision Mini Asymmetric 120v only Abstand/Distance 3.28ft 6.56ft 9.84ft 13.12ft 16.4ft 19.68ft TVA-9-AL-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE SILVER 22W PHILIPS CERAMIC MH 3000K PGj5 5.5lbs 78° 72° Nightvision Mini Asymmetric 120v only Catalog Number Finish Lamp Lampholder Weight C 0-180 C 90-270 Catalog Number Finish BLACK 39W LampPHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K GU Lampholder Weight 78° C 0-180 72° C 90-270 TVA-9-DM-B-78-0-S-T-01 TEXT. 6.5 5.5lbs Nightvision Mini Asymmetric 120v only PHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 6.5 TVA-9-DM-B-78-0-S-T-01 TEXT. 5.5lbs 78° 72° TVA-9-DM-B-EW-0-S-T-00 EURO BLACK WHITE 39W 39W PHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 6.5 5.5lbs 78° 72° Catalog Number Finish Lamp Lampholder Weight C 0-180 C 90-270 TVA-9-DM-B-EW-0-S-T-00 MATTE EURO WHITE 39W PHILIPS PHILIPS T4.5 T4.5 CERAMIC CERAMIC MH MH 3000K 3000K GU 5.5lbs 78° 72° TVA-9-DM-B-10-0-S-T-00 SILVER 39W GU 6.5 6.5 5.5lbs 78° 72° TVA-9-AZ-B-78-0-C-T-00 MATTE TEXT. BLACK 20W PHILIPS GE CERAMIC MH 3000KMH 3000K GU GU 6.5 6.5 5.5lbs 78° 72° TVA-9-DM-B-10-0-S-T-00 SILVER 39W T4.5 CERAMIC 5.5lbs 78° 72° TVA-9-AZ-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EURO WHITE 20W GE CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 6.5 5.5lbs 78° 72° TVA-9-AZ-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE SILVER 20W GE CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 6.5 5.5lbs 78° 72° 32.15ft 32.15ft 32.15ft HIT-TC-CE 20 W W HIT-TC-CE 20 W 20 HIT-TC-CE 26.9ft 26.9ft 32.15ft 26.9ft 160020 lmW HIT-TC-CE 1600 lm 1600 lm 21.65ft 8701049 21.65ft 26.9ft 8701049 8701049 21.65ft 1600 lm 16.07ft

90 60

23.62ft 23.62ft

23.62ft 23.62ft 19.68ft 19.68ft

600 600


19.68ft 19.68ft 16.07ft 16.07ft

450 450

16.07ft 16.07ft 11.81ft 11.81ft

450 450 600



11.81ft 11.81ft 7.8ft 7.8ft

32.15ft 32.15ft 32.15ft HIT-TC-CE 20 W W HIT-TC-CE 20 W 20 HIT-TC-CE 26.9ft 26.9ft 32.15ft 26.9ft 160020 lmW HIT-TC-CE 1600 lm 1600 lm 21.65ft 21.65ft 26.9ft 21.65ft 1600 lm 16.07ft

90 I (cd/klm)

7.8ft7.8ft 3.9ft 3.9ft

60 30

Nightvision Mini 20 W, asymmetric asymmetric wide beam beam Nightvision MiniMini 20 W,20 asymmetric wideonly beam Nightvision Mini W, wide Nightvision Asymmetric 22W 120v Nightvision Mini 20 W, asymmetric wide beam Part number number Colour Lamp Lamponly Lampholder Weight Beam angle angle Part number Colour Lampholder WeightWeight Beam angle Part Colour Lamp Lampholder Beam Nightvision Mini Asymmetric 22W 120v Catalog Number Colour Finish Lamp Lamp Lampholder Weight C 0-180 C 90-270 Part number Lampholder Weight Beam angle C0 0 –– 180 180 C270 90C––90-270 270 C0–C 180 C C90 –C 16.07ft 21.65ft Catalog Number Finish BLACK 22W LampPHILIPS CERAMIC MH 3000K Lampholder Weight 0-180 90 270 16.07ft TVA-9-AL-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. PGj5 5.5lbs 10.8ft C 0 – 180 C 78° 90 –72° 27072° 10.8ft 16.07ft 10.8ft Philips CDM-Tm PGJ5 2.4 kg 78° black 8044 701000 044 000 000 Philips Philips CDM-Tm PGJ5 PGJ5 2.4 kg2.4 78° 78° 72° black black 8 701TVA-9-AL-B-78-0-C-T-00 CDM-Tm kg 72° 72° 8 701 044 TEXT. BLACK 22W PHILIPS CERAMIC MH 3000K PGj5 5.5lbs 78° TVA-9-AL-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EURO WHITE 22W PHILIPS CERAMIC MH 3000K PGj5 5.5lbs 78° 72° 5.24ft 5.24ft 10.8ft 5.24ft PGJ5 2.4 kg 78° 72° black white Philips CDM-Tm 8 7018044 20 WPHILIPS CERAMIC 701000 064 000 000 white white 20 W 20 8 701TVA-9-AL-B-EW-0-C-T-00 000 EURO 22W PGj5 5.5lbs 78° 72° 5.24ft W 8064 701 064 TVA-9-AL-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTEWHITE SILVER 22W PHILIPS CERAMIC MH MH 3000K 3000K PGj5 5.5lbs 78° 72° .74fc 25.27fc 6.31fc 2.78fc 1.02fc 1.57fc 1.02fc 25.27fc 25.27fc 6.31fc 2.78fc .74fc 1.02fc 6.31fc 1.57fc 2.78fc 1.57fc .74fc white silver grey 20 W 8 7018064 701000 054 000 000 Abstand/Distance 16.4ft 19.68ft 13.12ft 3.28ft 6.56ft 9.84ft silver grey 8 701TVA-9-AL-B-10-0-C-T-00 000 MATTE PGj5 5.5lbs 78° 72° Abstand/Distance 19.68ft 16.4ft 13.12ft 6.56ft 9.84ft .74fc 1.02fc 25.27fc3.28ft6.31fc 2.78fc 1.57fc silver greySILVER 22W PHILIPS CERAMIC MH 3000K 8054 701 054 Abstand/Distance 16.4ft 19.68ft 13.12ft 3.28ft 6.56ft 9.84ft silver grey 8 701 054 000 Abstand/Distance 3.28ft 6.56ft 9.84ft 13.12ft 16.4ft 19.68ft

(cd/klm) I (cd/klm) II (cd/klm) 90 90 90 8701044 60 150 8701044 8701044 150 60 150 8701044 150 30 30

90 90

90 90 60

Nightvision Mini Nightvision Mini Mini Nightvision Nightvision Mini

5 5


Nightvision Nightvision Mini Mini

Nightvision NightvisionMini Mini

1.57” 1.57”

1.57” 1.57”

3.07” 3.07”

3.07” 3.07”

7° 7°

5.78” 5.78” 5.11” 5.11”

33° ° 1100

3° 3° 10 10

Nightvision Mini Nightvision Mini TVA Nightvision Mini Nightvision Mini Nightvision Mini wide beam Asymmetric Asymmetric wide beam Asymmetric Wide Asymmetric wide beamBeam Asymmetric wide beam For ceramic ceramic metal halide lamps (HIT-TC-CE), For ceramic halide lamps (HIT-TC-CE), .metal Die metal cast low copper aluminum body For halide lamps (HIT-TC-CE), For ceramic metal halide lamps (HIT-TC-CE), protection class I, IP65 protection class I, IP65 . Tempered glass lens protection class I, IP65 protection class I, IP65 housing, polyester powder die aluminium cast aluminium die cast housing, powder . aluminium CSA listed wet polyester label polyester die cast housing, powder die cast aluminium housing,aluminium polyester reflector, powder all exterior coated, asymmetrical coated, asymmetrical all exterior IP65 for aluminium up oraluminium downreflector, aiming coated,. asymmetrical reflector, all exterior coated, asymmetrical aluminium reflector, all safety exteriorglass, steel parts are stainless stainless steel, tempered steel steel parts are stainless steel,electronic tempered safetysafety glass,glass, . 120V integral ballast parts are steel, tempered steel parts are stainless steel, tempered safety glass, silicon gasket, closure by 4 stainless stainless steel screws, screws, silicon gasket, closure by 4hardware stainless steel steel screws, . stainless steel silicon gasket, closure by 4 siliconmounting gasket, closure by 4tiltstainless screws, flange with scale, 2steel drilled holes mounting flange with tilt scale, 2 drilled holesholes . silicone gaskets mounting flange with tilt scale, 2 drilled mounting flange with tilt scale, 2mm, drilled holes 110°, Ø mm, 8,5 spacing 304 tilt range range Ø 8,5 spacing 304 mm, tiltofrange 110°, .mm, supplied with304 4 feet SJOW cord Ø 8,5 mm, spacing mm, tilt 110°, Ø 8,5 mm, spacing 304 mm, tilt range 110°, ballast, 2 xx M20 M20 cable glands, integral electronic 2 x M20 cable glands, integral electronic ballast, . supplied with lamp 2 cable glands, integral electronic ballast, 2 x M20 cable glands, integral electronic ballast, supplied without lamp supplied without lamp lamp supplied without supplied without lamp


.33 .33 .33

11.96” 11.96” 11.96” 13.03” 13.03” 13.03”

5.78” 5.78” 5.11” 5.11” 5.78” 5.11”

3° 10 33° ° 1100

° 7 7°

1.57” 3.07” 1.57”

3.07” 3.07”

Nightvision Mini

Nightvision Nightvision Mini Mini

Nightvision Mini Nightvision Mini Mini Nightvision Mini TVN Nightvision Rotationally symmetrical narrow beam Rotationally symmetrical narrow beam Rotationally symmetrical narrow beam Narrow Beam For ceramic metal halide lamps (HIT-TC-CE), ceramic metal halide lamps (HIT-TC-CE), For For ceramic metal halide lamps (HIT-TC-CE), . Die cast low copper aluminum body protection class I, IP65 protection I, IP65 protection classclass I,glass IP65 . Tempered lens die cast aluminium housing, polyester powder cast aluminium housing, polyester powder . CSA listed wet label die die cast aluminium housing, polyester powder coated, high gloss symmetrical aluminium coated, high rotationally symmetrical aluminium . IP65 upgloss orrotationally down aiming coated, highfor gloss rotationally symmetrical aluminium reflector, internally fitted radial louvre, all reflector, internally fitted radial louvre, all exterior . 120V integral electronic ballast reflector, internally fitted radial louvre, all exterior exterior steel are stainless steel, tempered safety glass, parts stainless steel, tempered safety glass, .parts stainless steel hardware steelsteel parts are are stainless steel, tempered safety glass, silicon gasket, closure by steel screws, silicon gasket, closure 4 stainless screws, . silicone gaskets silicon gasket, closure by 4 4bystainless stainless steelsteel screws, mounting flange with tilt 2 holes mounting flange tilt 2cord drilled holes . supplied with feetscale, of scale, SJOW mounting flange with4with tilt scale, 2 drilled drilled holes Ø mm, spacing 304 mm, tilt 110°, Ø. supplied 8,5 spacing tilt range 110°, with lamp Ø 8,5 8,5 mm,mm, spacing 304304 mm,mm, tilt range range 110°, 2 cable glands, integral electronic ballast, x M20 cable glands, integral electronic ballast, 2 xx 2M20 M20 cable glands, integral electronic ballast, supplied without lamp supplied without lamp supplied without lamp

11.02” 11.02” 11.02”

Nightvision Mini 20 rotationally symmetrical beam Nightvision 20 W, rotationally symmetrical narrow beam Nightvision MiniMini 20 W, rotationally symmetrical narrow beam Nightvision MiniW, Narrow Beam 22W 120v only narrow Part number number Colour Lamp22W Lampholder Weight BeamBeam angleangle PartCatalog numberNumber ColourFinish Lamp120v LampholderWeight Weight Part Colour Lamp Beam angle Nightvision Mini Narrow Beam Lamp only Lampholder Lampholder Weight Philips CDM-Tm PGJ5PGJ5 2.4 kg kg 7° 7° blackNarrow 8 702 702 041 000 Nightvision Mini Beam 22W 120v only PGJ5 Philips CDM-Tm 2.4 kg black Finish 8 702 041 000 Philips CDM-Tm 2.4 7° black 8 041 000 Catalog Number Lamp Lampholder Weight 8 8 8 8



white W 702 061 000 Catalog Number Finish LampPHILIPS CERAMIC MH 3000K 20 W22W 8 702 061 000 whitewhite EURO 20 W 702 061 000 TVN-9-AL-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT.20 BLACK TVN-9-AL-B-EW-0-C-T-00 WHITE silver grey 702 051 000 TVN-9-AL-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. 22W PHILIPS PHILIPS CERAMIC CERAMIC MH MH 3000K 3000K 8 702 051 TVN-9-AL-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EURO BLACK WHITE silver silver grey grey 702 051 000 000 TVN-9-AL-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE SILVER 22W


Nightvision Mini Narrow Beam 120v only

PGj5 Lampholder PGj5 PGj5 PGj5 PGj5 PGj5

5.5lbs Weight 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs

Part Colour LampLamp Lampholder angle PartNightvision number Colour Beam LampholderWeight WeightBeam Part number number Colour Lampholder Weight BeamBeam angleangle Mini Narrow Catalog Number FinishLamp120v only Lamp Lampholder Weight General Electric GU 6.5 2.5 kg 7° black 8 702 702 046 000 General Electric GU 6.5 2.5 kg 7° black 8 702 046 000 General Electric GU 6.5 2.5 kg 7° black 8 046 000 Nightvision Mini Narrow Beam 120v only Catalog Number Finish BLACK 20W LampGE CERAMIC MH 3000K Lampholder Weight TVN-9-AZ-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. GU 6.5 5.5lbs whitewhite Finish CMHCMH 20 W/ W/ 8 702 702 066 000 20 W/ 8 702 066 000 white CMH 20 8 066 000 Catalog Number Lamp Lampholder Weight


silver grey HCI-TF 20 W 8 056 000 Osram HCI-TF 20 W MH 3000K 8 702 056 silver silver grey grey Osram HCI-TF 20 W 8 702 702 056 000 000 TVN-9-AZ-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. BLACK 20W GE CERAMIC CERAMIC TVN-9-AZ-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EUROOsram WHITE TVN-9-AZ-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE SILVER 20W GE MH 3000K


Nightvision Mini Narrow Beam 120v only Nightvision Mini Narrow Beam 120v only

GU 6.5 GU 6.5 6.5 GU GU 6.5 GU 6.5

5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs

CatalogMini Number Finish Lamp Lampholder Weight Nightvision 35 rotationally symmetrical narrow beam Nightvision Mini 35 W, rotationally symmetrical narrow beam Nightvision 35 W, rotationally symmetrical narrow beam Nightvision MiniW, Narrow Beam 120v only CatalogMini Number Finish Lamp Lampholder Weight TVN-9-DM-B-78-0-S-T-01 TEXT. BLACK 39W PHILIPS Lampholder T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 6.5 Beam 5.5lbs Part number number Colour Lamp Weight Beam angleangle PartCatalog numberNumberColour ColourFinish Lamp Lamp LampholderWeight Weight Part Lamp Lampholder Beam angle Lampholder Weight TVN-9-DM-B-78-0-S-T-01 EURO TEXT. BLACK TVN-9-DM-B-EW-0-S-T-00 WHITE 39WElectric PHILIPS GU T4.5 6.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 5.5lbs General Electric 2.5 kg 7°6.5 7° blackblack 8 705 705 046 000 000 General GU 6.5 2.5 2.5 kg7° 8 705 046 General Electric GU 6.5 kg black 8 046 000 8 8 8 8


TVN-9-DM-B-10-0-S-T-00 MATTE SILVER 39W PHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K CMH 35 white 705 066 000 CMH 35 PHILIPS W/ 8 705 066 CMH 35 W/ W/ whitewhite EURO 705 066 000 000 TVN-9-DM-B-EW-0-S-T-00 WHITE 39W T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K TVN-9-DM-B-10-0-S-T-00 MATTE SILVER silver grey Osram HCI-TF 35 705 056 000 silver grey Osram HCI-TF 35 W 8 705 056 000 silver grey Osram HCI-TF 35 W W 705 056 000

5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs

C 0-180 C 0-180 7° C 0-180 7° 7° 7° 7° 7° C 0-180 C 0-180 7° C 0-180 7° 7° 7° 7° 7° C 0-180 C 0-180 7° C 0-180 7° 7° 7° 7° 7°

16.4 ft 16.4 ft 16.4 ft .37fc .37fc

.37fc .37fc .37fc

.37fc .37fc .37fc



14.96fc 29.83fc14.96fc 14.96fc 29.83fc14.96fc 29.83fc 29.83fc 29.83fc 29.83fc 14.96fc 14.96fc


11.61fc .37fc 11.61fc .37fc

13.12 ft 13.12 ft 13.12 ft

16.4 ft 16.4 ft 16.4 ft .37fc .37fc

.37fc .37fc .37fc .37fc .37fc .37fc 14.96fc



Nightvision Mini Nightvision Nightvision Mini Mini Nightvision Mini

26.24 ft 26.24 ft 26.24 ft

39.37 ft 39.37 ft 39.37 ft

60 60 5000 5000

30 30 5000

7500 7500


60 30

10000 10000 10000

HIT-TC-CE 20 W20 W HIT-TC-CE HIT-TC-CE 20 4,0 W 4,0 4,0 1600 lm 4,0 1600 1600 lm lm

.37fc .37fc .37fc 4,0 .37fc 4,0 14.96fc

14.96fc 29.83fc14.96fc 14.96fc 29.83fc14.96fc 29.83fc 29.83fc 29.83fc 29.83fc

8702046 8702046 8702046

9.84 ft 9.84 ft 9.84 ft

14.96fc 11.61fc14.96fc .37fc 14.96fc 11.61fc



14.96fc .37fc14.96fc


13.12 ft 13.12 ft 13.12 ft

16.4 ft 16.4 ft 16.4 ft .37fc .37fc

.37fc .37fc .37fc

29.83fc 29.83fc

9.84 ft 9.84 ft 9.84 ft

.37fc .37fc .37fc

16 16 16 29.83fc

14.96fc 11.61fc .37fc 14.96fc 11.61fc 14.96fc 11.61fc .37fc


26.24 ft 26.24 ft 26.24 ft

I (cd/klm) I (cd/klm) I (cd/klm) 90 90 90

HIT-TC-CE 35 W35 W HIT-TC-CE HIT-TC-CE 35 4,0 16 W16 4,0 .37fc 4,0 16 3200 lm 32003200 lm lm


29.83fc 14.96fc 29.83fc 29.83fc

14.96fc .37fc 14.96fc

39.37 ft 39.37 ft 39.37 ft

.37fc .37fc .37fc


8705046 8705046 8705046


13.12 ft 13.12 ft 13.12 ft

12 12

8702041 8702041 8702041

9.84 ft 9.84 ft 9.84 ft

14.96fc 14.96fc 14.96fc 11.61fc .37fc

I (cd/klm) I (cd/klm) I (cd/klm) 90 90 90

HIT-TC-CE 20 W20 W HIT-TC-CE HIT-TC-CE 20 .37fc .37fc 4,0 W 4,0 .37fc 4,0 4,0 1600 lm lm .37fc 4,0 1600 4,0 1600 lm

26.24 ft 26.24 ft 26.24 ft


39.37 ft 39.37 ft 39.37 ft

60 60 5000 5000

30 30 5000

7500 7500


10000 10000 10000

60 30

1.57 1.57

5.78” 5.11”


11.96” 13.03”

11.96” 11.96” 13.03” 13.03”

5.78” 5.78” 5.11” 5.11”

33°° 1100

3° 10

.33” .33”

3.07” 3.07”





I (cd/klm) 90 60

90 90 150


60 60 60

(cd/klm) II (cd/klm) 90 16.490 ft

150 150

60 60


300 300

9.84 ft


450 450


600 600


16.4 ftft 16.4

9.84 ftft 9.84


.37fc .37fc

9.84 ft

.18fc .18fc .37fc


90 90 150


60 60 60

(cd/klm) II (cd/klm) 90 16.490 ft

150 150

60 60


300 300

9.84 ft


450 450


600 600

26.24 39.37ftftft 26.24

39.37 ftft 39.37

TVM-9-AL-B-EW-0-C-T-00 TVM-9-AL-B-10-0-C-T-00 EURO MATTEWHITE SILVER 22W 22W PHILIPS PHILIPS CERAMIC CERAMIC MH MH 3000K 3000K TVM-9-AL-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE PHILIPS Nightvision Mini Medium WideSILVER Beam22W 120v only CERAMIC MH 3000K Colour Lamp Colour

Lamp Lamp

LampholderLampholder Lampholder Weight

Nightvision Mini Medium Wide BeamLamp 120v only Catalog Number Finish HIT-TC-CEHIT-TC-CE HIT-TC-CE 20 W 20 W W 20 .18fc .18fc .18fc General Electric General Electric GU 6.5 GU GU 6.5 6.5 2.5 kg black blackWide 8 702 047 8 702 702 000047 047 000Medium General Electric black 8 000 Nightvision Mini Beam 120v Catalog Number Finish Lamp 1600 lm 1600 1600 lm lm TVM-9-AZ-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. BLACK 20W GEonly CERAMIC MH 3000K

13.12 26.24 13.12 ftft ft

26.24 39.37ftftft 26.24

CMH 20 W/ CMH 20 W/ W/ white white 8 702 067 8 702 702 000Number 067 000 20 white 8 067 000 Catalog Finish LampGE TVM-9-AZ-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. BLACK 20W CERAMIC MH 3000K TVM-9-AZ-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EURO WHITE CMH silver grey silver silver grey Osram HCI-TF Osram HCI-TF W 20 W W 3000K 8 702 057 8 702 702 000057 057 000 grey Osram 20 8 000 TVM-9-AZ-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. BLACK 20W20GEHCI-TF CERAMIC MH

8702047 8702047

39.37 ftft 39.37

TVM-9-AZ-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EURO WHITE TVM-9-AZ-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE SILVER 20W GE CERAMIC MH 3000K TVM-9-AZ-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EURO WHITE 20W GE GE CERAMIC CERAMIC MH MH 3000K 3000K TVM-9-AZ-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE SILVER 20W TVM-9-AZ-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE GEonly CERAMIC MH 3000K Nightvision Mini Medium WideSILVER Beam20W 120v

Nightvision Mini Medium Wide BeamLamp 120v only Catalog Number Finish

2.4 43°kg kg 43° 2.4 43° Lampholder Weight PGj5 5.5lbs

Lampholder PGj5 PGj5 PGj5 PGj5 PGj5 PGj5


Weight 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs

C 0-180 43° C 0-180 43° 43° 43° 43° 43° 43°

Weight Beam angleBeam angle angle Weight Lampholder Beam Weight C 0-180 2.5 43°kg kg 43° 2.5 43° Lampholder Weight C 0-180

GU 6.5 Lampholder GU 6.5 GU GU 6.5 6.5 GU GU 6.5 6.5 GU 6.5

5.5lbs Weight 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs

43° C 0-180 43° 43° 43° 43° 43° 43°



C 0-180

Nightvision Nightvision Mini 35 W, Mini rotationally 35 W, W, rotationally rotationally symmetrical symmetrical medium medium medium wide beam wide beam beam Nightvision Mini 35 symmetrical wide

16.4 ftft 16.4

Nightvision Mini Medium Wide Beam39W 120v only T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K GU HIT-TC-CEHIT-TC-CE HIT-TC-CE 39 W 39 W W Catalog Number Finish Lamp Lampholder Weight 43° C 0-180 39 TVM-9-DM-B-78-0-S-T-01 TEXT. BLACK PHILIPS 6.5 5.5lbs .37fc .37fc Part numberPart Part number number Colour Colour Lamp Lamp Lampholder Weight Weight Beam angle Beam angleC 0-180 Colour Lamp Lampholder Weight Beam angle Catalog Number Finish LampPHILIPSLampholder Lampholder Weight 4,0 32004,0lm 3200 32004,0 lm lm TVM-9-DM-B-78-0-S-T-01 TEXT. BLACK T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 5.5lbs 43° TVM-9-DM-B-EW-0-S-T-00 EURO WHITE 39W 6.5 8705047

9.84 ftft 9.84 1.48fc

1.48fc 1.48fc 1.48fc 11.61fc .37fc 2.97fc 2.97fc 2.97fc 11.61fc .37fc 2.97fc 11.61fc 2.97fc .37fc 2.97fc 13.12 ft


PhilipsBeam CDM-Tm Philips CDM-Tm PGJ52.4 kg black black 8 702 042 8 702 702 000Number 042 000Medium Nightvision Mini Wide 22WPHILIPS 120vPGJ5 only Philips CDM-Tm black 8 042 000 Catalog Finish Lamp TVM-9-AL-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. BLACK 22W CERAMIC PGJ5 MH 3000K 20 BLACK W 20 WPHILIPS CERAMIC MH 3000K white white 8 702 062 8 702 702 000Number 062 000 Catalog Finish Lamp 20 W white 8 062 000 TVM-9-AL-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. 22W TVM-9-AL-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EURO WHITE

8702042 8702042

silver grey silver silver grey 8 702 052 8 702 702 000052 052 000 TVM-9-AL-B-78-0-C-T-00 TEXT. BLACK grey 8 000 TVM-9-AL-B-EW-0-C-T-00 EURO WHITE 22W PHILIPS PHILIPS CERAMIC CERAMIC MH MH 3000K 3000K TVM-9-AL-B-10-0-C-T-00 MATTE SILVER 22W

8702047 .37fc .37fc .37fc 9.84 ftft.37fc .37fc 9.84 1.48fc 1.48fc 1.48fc 1.48fc 1.48fc 1.48fc .18fc .18fc 2.97fc 2.97fc 2.97fc 2.97fc 2.97fc .18fc 2.97fc 13.12 ft


13.12 26.24 ft 13.12 ftft

8702042 .37fc .37fc

2.97fc 2.97fc

Part numberPart Part number number Colour

16.4 ftft 16.4 .18fc

I (cd/klm)


2.97fc 2.97fc 2.97fc .18fc .18fc .18fc .37fc 1.48fc .37fc 1.48fc 1.48fc .37fc

16.4 ft

11.02” 11.02”

Nightvision Nightvision Mini 20 W, Mini rotationally 20 W, W, rotationally rotationally symmetrical symmetrical medium medium medium wide beam wide beam beam Nightvision Mini 20 symmetrical wide Weight Beam angle Beam angleC 0-180 Weight Beam angle Lampholder Weight

Nightvision Mini Medium Wide Beam 22W 120v only HIT-TC-CEHIT-TC-CE HIT-TC-CE 20 W 20 W W 20 .18fc Part numberPart Part number number Colour Colour Lamp Beam Lamp Lampholder Weight .18fc Colour Lamp Lampholder Nightvision Mini Medium Wide 22W 120vLampholder only Catalog Number Finish Lamp 2,0 16002,0lm 1600 16002,0 lm lm


13.12 ft

Nightvision Nightvision Mini Mini

Nightvision Mini

Nightvision Nightvision Mini Mini Mini Mini Nightvision TVM Nightvision Rotationally Rotationally symmetrical symmetrical Rotationally symmetrical Medium Wide Beam medium medium wide beam wide beam medium wide beam . Die cast low copper aluminum body For ceramic For ceramic metal halide metallens lamps halide(HIT-TC-CE), lamps (HIT-TC-CE), (HIT-TC-CE), For ceramic metal halide lamps . Tempered glass protection protection classlisted I, IP65 class IP65 protection class IP65 . CSA wet I,I,label die castdie die castforaluminium aluminium housing, polyester polyester powderpowder powder cast housing, .aluminium IP65 uphousing, or down aimingpolyester coated, coated, coated, rotationally symmetrical symmetrical aluminium aluminium reflector,reflector, reflector, rotationally symmetrical .rotationally 120V integral electronic ballast aluminium all exterior all exterior steel parts steel are parts stainless are stainless stainless steel, tempered steel, tempered tempered all exterior steel parts are steel, . stainless steel hardware safety glass, safety silicon glass, gasket, silicon gasket, closure gasket, by closure 4 stainless by 4 4 stainless stainless safety glass, silicon closure by . silicone gaskets steel screws, steel screws, mounting mounting flange flange tilt scale, with tilt scale, scale, steel screws, mounting flange with . supplied with 4 feet ofwith SJOW cordtilt 2 drilled2 2 drilled Øholes holes 8,5 Ø 8,5 8,5 spacing mm, spacing spacing 304 mm, 304 tilt mm, mm, tilt tilt drilled Ø mm, 304 . holes supplied with mm, lamp range 110°, range2110°, 110°, x M20 2 xcable x M20 M20glands, cable glands, glands, integral integral integral range 2 cable electronic electronic ballast, ballast, supplied ballast, supplied supplied without without lamp without lamp lamp electronic

13.12 26.24 13.12 ftft ft

1.48fc 1.48fc

26.24 39.37ftftft 26.24

General Electric Electric GU 6.5 GU GU 6.5 6.5 2.5 kg 2.5 43°kg kg black blackGeneral Electric 8 705 047 8 705 705 000047 047 000 General black 8 000 TVM-9-DM-B-78-0-S-T-01 TEXT. 39W PHILIPS PHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC CERAMIC MH 3000K 2.5 GU 6.5 TVM-9-DM-B-EW-0-S-T-00 EURO BLACK WHITE GU 6.5 TVM-9-DM-B-10-0-S-T-00 MATTE SILVER 39W T4.5 MH 3000K CMH 35 W/ CMH 35 W/ W/T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 6.5 white white 8 705 067 8 705 705 000067 067 000 CMH 35 white 8 000 TVM-9-DM-B-EW-0-S-T-00 EURO WHITE 39W PHILIPS

8705047 8705047

TVM-9-DM-B-10-0-S-T-00 MATTE SILVER 39W PHILIPS T4.5 CERAMIC MH 3000K GU 6.5 silver grey silver silver greySILVER Osram HCI-TF Osram HCI-TF W 35 CERAMIC W 8 705 057 8 705 705 000057 057 000 grey Osram HCI-TF 35 W 8 000 TVM-9-DM-B-10-0-S-T-00 MATTE 39W35PHILIPS T4.5 MH 3000K GU 6.5

43° 43° 5.5lbs

5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs

43° 43° 43° 43° 43°

39.37 ftft 39.37



Nightvision Nightvision Mini Mini Nightvision Mini Nightvision Mini

13 7

13 13



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