Program Guide Structure & Schedule
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HEY YOU! Welcome to the Global Goals Jam! Did you know this jam is happening in over 15 cities across the globe at this time? This why we provide some instructions to get you started. In this document you will find all that you need to know to get started; links, instructions‌ you name it!
PROGRAM 3, 2, 1, and lift off! Everything in place but wait, what’s the plan? Let us swiftly hover over the plan-de-campagne. Here’s what we’ll do
Let’s pick some goals! From the 17 listed Global Goals, the organisation have picked the most relevant for your location. This will be your topic for the jam. Try to make your project as locally relevant as possible. Think Big, Start Small, Act Fast
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Program We make 4 short sprints What’s a sprint? A sprint is a time-boxed effort in which we work. The sprints we’re taking are about 3-4 hours each. If your jam takes one day, they may take less long. Results should be as tangible and impactful as possible
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Goals to Methods to Results
Be specific, use methods and document your results As our aim is to have short term impact, share our work and to build upon each other’s work, it is important to have clear goals, select appropriate methods and document everything within the Scream app. Results should be as tangible and impactful as possible
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In each sprint, several methods you can use from the designmethodtoolkit.com and SCREAM app. However, we suggest some tailored methods for this Global Goals Jam.
Experience the problem: how to make existing data as tangible as possible for others, so they can really ‘feel’ it is a problem Goal 1A: Represent relations between users & stakeholders Method 1A: Actors Map (in Scream: GGJ - Sprint 1 - Actors Map) Goal 1B: Create an installation for users to experience the problem Method 1B: Empathy in Action (in Scream: GGJ - Sprint 1 - Empathy in Action) Deliverables: record of the Empathy in Action method (photo/ video) and visual representation of the Actors Map (Upload to Scream)
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SPRINT 1 Method: ACTORS MAP The Actors map represents the relationship between stakeholders. It’s a view of the service/system and its context. TASKS - 30 minutes
30 minutes
1. List down each of the core stakeholders on post its. 2. Arrange the stakeholders on a big sheet of paper. 2. List down the sub groups of stakeholders and arrange them on the big sheet of paper. 3. Connect the stakeholders to each other and describe how they relate to each other. 4. Write down the specifics of the relationships between the stakeholders, how, where and why do they communicate? 5. Pick the stakeholder(s) that experience the problem. 6. Pick the stakeholder(s) that need to empathize with the problem so that they can help to facilitate solutions. 7. Make the big sheet of paper visible for the team and use it to understand your ideas can be interpreted by the different people involved. 8. Upload a photo of the actors map to SCREAM.
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SPRINT 1 Method Empathy in Action
Empathy in Action
3h 30 minutes
Empathy in action is a way to help people empathize with a specific situation that is foreign to them. TASKS - 210 minutes (3 and a half hours) 1. Analyze the data available to the team. 2. Do a brainstorm on how to make people that are completely unfamiliar with the topic, quickly understand and empathize with the problem (look at the examples). 3. Develop a quick prototype of a physical experience and test it among the design team. 4. Collect feedback, and use what you have learned to refine the design idea. 5. Present the prototype to your audience. If it is not available, ask someone that is outside your team to roleplay as the audience and experience your prototype. 6. Record videos, take photos and upload them to SCREAM.
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SPRINT 2 RESPOND TO IT! How to respond to the problem?
 Goal 2A: Generate as many ideas as possible Method 2A: (Brainstorm + Concept): Lotus Blossom, Goal 2B: Transform the best ideas into concrete sketches Method 2B: Concept sketch Goal 2C: Take the best idea/ concept and prototype it Method 2C: Rapid Prototype Deliverable: An overview of ideas, a selection of sketched ideas and a rapid protype on record (photo, video, etc.) to upload to SCREAM App
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SPRINT 2 Method: Lotus Blossom
45 minutes
The lotus blossom method is a creativity exercise. It is a framework for idea generation, starting from one central theme. Eight conceptual themes flow out from the main theme and each of them are used as central theme to generate 8 more themes. TASKS - 45 minutes 1. Draw a square in the middle of your paper and write down the central theme in it. 2. Think of 8 related ideas and write them around the square using a new square for each. 3. Take each of the 8 previous themes and create 8 new themes around it. Write them in new squares. 4. Give all the team members 12 dot stickers, each team member puts dots on the concepts they feel are the best, if they think a concept is better they can put all 12 dots on that one or distribute them among 12 different concepts. 6. Count dots and pick the 2 concepts that were liked the most (have the most dots). 7. Take photos and upload the concepts and the results of the dot voting on SCREAM.
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SPRINT 2 Method: Concept Sketch A concept sketch is a fast freehand drawing TASKS - 45 minutes
45 minutes
1. Based on the previous selection take the two selected concepts and think them through. What does it need? What does it lack? Can you extend it? Does it have extra elements that it doesn’t need?. 2. As you think this through, make a sketch of the concept using the template provided, don’t worry too much about making it look nice, as you draw it you will have to think details through. 3. Fill in the area in the template for your short description, be concise and to the point. What does your design do? What are its main features? 4. Once you have done this for both concepts, rate the concepts using the matrix in the template. Make sure that it fits people’s needs and desires (people), doesn’t harm the environment while being sustainable (planet), and is financially viable (profit). 5. The team selects the best idea. 6. Take photos and upload your concepts to SCREAM.
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SPRINT 2 Method: Rapid Prototype
Rapid Prototyping
90 minutes
Paper prototyping is a quick and cheap way of gaining insights without the need for costly investment. It simulates the function but not the aesthetic of a proposed design. TASKS - 90 minutes 1. Having your concept as starting point, think how you can quickly make it tangible. This can be done with cardboard, laser cutting, foam, paper, or any material that you can find. 2. Build one (or many) models that can help people to understand your concept. 3. As you build the prototype, quickly test it within your team. See what works and what doesn’t and improve as needed. 4. We recommend you test your prototype with people outside your team, make note of what issues aren’t as strong as you intended. If it doesn’t require big changes, adjust the prototype. 5. Take photos and videos of your prototype, upload them to SCREAM.
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MAKE IT! Goal: Create a working prototype that can be tested without having to build all functionalities at once Method: Wizard of Oz: BUILD! Deliverable: working prototype
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SPRINT 3 Method: Wizard of Oz The Wizard of Oz is a research method where a participant interacts with an interface, system or physical object. This system, though, is operated by an unseen person TASKS - 90 minutes
90 minutes
1. Use your previous prototype as a starting point. What did you learn from it? 2. Consider the time and skills that the team has, identify what is feasible to build and what isn’t and what is best to communicate your concept. Depending on your concept this could be a video, digital, clickable prototype or physical product. 3. Make a plan, think of making things and also ways that you can fake functionalities that aren’t feasible to make with the time, resources and skills. For example, if you need to display your concept at a train station, projecting a photo of one on a big wall, might achieve your intended effect and requires much less effort than building one. 4. Build your design. 5. Take photos/videos of your design and upload it to SCREAM.
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SPRINT 4: Test & Implement TEST AND IMPLEMENT IT! Testing + Reflecting + Prepare pitch Goal 4A: Get an idea how users would interact with our working prototype Method 4A: Through other eyes Goal 4B: Check if our concept and prototype matches the requirements to balance the 3P’s: People, Planet and Profit Method 4B: 3P Check Deliverable: Evaluation + 3P outcomes plus a final pitch of 2 minutes!
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SPRINT 4 Method: Through Other Eyes
Designing can take a lot of time. Sometimes, if you look at something too much, you become too fixated. At several moments in the process it might be useful to have a review from someone outside of the group. A fresh approach to the design TASKS - 45 minutes 1. Use your prototype and test it, have people use your prototype. Ideally the people that test your prototype are your user group, but if not possible test it with people outside your team. 2. Take notes of what the testers understand and what they don’t, also write down the feedback they give. 3. Take photos and videos, upload them to SCREAM.
SPRINT 4 Method: 3P Check
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45 minutes
Your design will have had some changes from its initial idea. It is good to confirm how it fits with People, Planet and Profit once more in order to have a significant impact in the world. TASKS - 45minutes 1. For People - check if it fits the needs of the different stakeholders, if it is desirable/usable, if it is a fair product and if it is socially responsible. 2. For Profit - check if it can be sold, if it is easy to distribute, if there is a business case around the product. 3. For Planet - check if it is sustainable, if the life cycle of the product/ service doesn’t harm the environment, if it can be produced with local materials.
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2 MIN PITCH 1. Prepare your pitch, make sure that you present 
 your concept in a short, clear and concise way. 2. Practice your pitch with other team members. 3. Pitch at your local Global Goals Jam! 4. Record your Pitch and upload it to SCREAM App
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Here’s an overview
Sprint 1
Sprint 2
Sprint 3
Sprint 4
Experience the problem
Respond to it
Make it
Test and Implement it
Actor map + 
 Empathy in Action
Lotus Blossom + Concept Sketch + Rapid Prototyping
Wizard of OZ
Through others eyes 3P Check
Record of the Empathy in Action method
Overview of Ideas Selection of Sketches Rapid prototype on record (film)
Working Prototype
Evaluation Outcome 3P 2 minute Pitch
QUESTIONS? Contact us in the SLACK channel or for urgent matters: m.van.hout@hva.nl