Sept 2013
Volume 16, Issue 3
The North Michigan Herald (A publication of the North Michigan Conference)
The Lead Team Reverend Thomas M. Doherty Conf. Superintendent 4395 20 Mile Road Barryton, MI 49305 989-382-5389 989-309-0876 (cell) Email: Rev. Russ Atherton MEG/MAC Board Chair 616-454-2720 850 Maryland Ave NE Grand Rapids MI 49505 Email: Rev. David Gruber Dist. Leader Coach 231-670-6742 (cell) Email: Mr. Paul Bullock Lead Team Chair 231-734-5037 Email:
I N S I D E TH I S I S S U E :
Church Growth
Missions Page 2 Meauwataka Moments
Scamp Camp 2013
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Manton Day Camp
Note from MEG Board
Church Growth in the North Michigan Conference I am blessed to be working with so many creative people of different generations. So what does church growth look like in North Michigan? It depends on where you look and who you talk with. If you talked with a pastor from one of our churches you will find a development strat‐ egy that begins with a family orientated church and growing it to about one hundred. In addition, they are developing an active and vigorous college campus ministry and there are plans to reach out through a coffee house. Their plans include duplicating the fam‐ ily type church in other areas and outreach to teens through a youth center. Family ori‐ ented church people in another community have plans to minister to students and staff at the local college campus. In addition, they are planning to partner with churches in nearby communities to help them grow and to work in conjunction with other Free Methodist churches to plant new works. Others are reaching out by providing a safe place to connect through good music, conversation, and developing relationship in a local urban neighborhood. Up north one of our local churches visited healthy growing churches to see what they are doing on Sunday morning. They are taking what they learned and are adapting it to their own setting. Much of what growing churches are doing to be successful doesn’t cost any money, only planning and effort. If we visited a church of 80 in mid‐Michigan we would find them developing new ways to reach into their community, while at the same time reaching into three other com‐ munities with plans to church plant. One of those new outreach methods includes part‐ nering with a new Christian exercise gym that also provides Christian counseling and prayer opportunities. One of the communities they are reaching out to is about 15 miles away but members of the home church live there. They are starting with a Bible study and are already looking at buildings to lease. There is hope and excitement for what can develop. In addition, they are working with people in a community that is 35 miles away. They have made contact with a family to start a Bible study there and are looking for ways to duplicate themselves. They are making plans to collaborate with another church that is near a large City in the North Michigan Conference to plant Bible studies in that community. They already have connected with people who live in the community and others who are willing to move their for the purpose of planting a church. In another midsize Michigan City, a growing church is looking to relocate so that they have room to triple their current size over time.
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Missions Page "The Local Church and the Main Task" "The local church must take ownership of the Great Commission, that is, to reach all ethnic groups within its sphere of influence. This will require a major shift in our thinking. The church will have to admit it is largely ethnocentric, focusing intentionally or unintentionally on a small range of related homogeneous communities. In general, we have little understanding of our responsibility to the stranger have been content to remain in our comfort zones, building walls of security within which we can enjoy what we have and at the same time being content to send out and resource those who feel call to cross-cultural ministry This mindset must change. All Christians - not just a select few - are called to work cross-culturally." - David Boyd from "You Don't Have to Cross the Ocean to Reach the World"
Matthew 28: 19-20 Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (NIV)
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In one of the cities in the North Michigan Conference a local church is planning to develop several home churches that are connected with a mother church. In this way they are hoping to reach into several of the very diverse eth‐ nic communities that make up this city. In some of our smallest towns in the North Michigan Conference, our smallest churches are reinventing them‐ selves. They are giving their churches a facelift and reorganizing the way they do church from changes in the ser‐ vice and how to care for everyone one during a service; too how they make developmental decisions. They are finding ways to release and empower people. Great excitement is being generated in these churches. Some are deciding that reaching people for Jesus is more important than staying in a building that has because an obstacle rather than a blessing. I honor that Kind of sacrifice. There are many other examples that are already developing throughout the North Michigan Conference and many who are seeking help to grow in new and dynamic ways. In this process I am finding there are many, “right” ways of growing and planting churches and we are trying to help everyone find God’s “right” way for them. If you are already a part of the dynamic change that has started in the North Michigan Conference, thank you. If you are not and you want to be, please let me know and I will connect you with the people that can work with you to find your best way forward. Let us know about your stories of struggle and victory. The leaders in the North Michigan Conference are giving their best to see every church grow healthy and strong. It starts with a passion and willingness in a local church. If the local church has those attributes, the conference can help them succeed through the power and leadership of God. I am looking forward to building God’s Kingdom with you. Superintendent Thomas M. Doherty
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A r o u n d District Leaders
District 1-2 Gerald and Ellen Cook 410 W. Hinman Mancelona MI 49659 231-587-5284
District 3 Joseph & Mary Martin PO Box 38 Mesick, MI 49668 231-775-1659 District 4 James Vandewarker 2825 Condensary Rd. Sheridan, MI 48884 989-261-4348
District 5 H. Brian Teed 1235 E. Mill St. Hastings, MI 49058 269-908-1775 Cell 269-908-1775 District 6 Kyle Segar 10 E McKinley Ave. Zeeland, MI 49464-1209 231-690-5610 (cell)
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C o n f e r e n c e Meauwataka Moments
Meauwataka Community Free Methodist Church has a long and rich history in this rural community near Cadillac. Strategically located to attract attendees from a variety of zip codes, the congregation provides a warm welcome to all. The church serves as a beacon of hope and a sanctuary of comfort for the com‐ munity, providing funeral dinners, participating in community activities, and pro‐ viding a personal touch in the lives of friends and neighbors. Pastor Carol Small provides loving, stable leadership through her ministry. Her genuine heart for the community is apparent as she initiates and maintains con‐ tact throughout the community. In addition to Sunday morning services, Pastor Carol leads a weekly Bible study called “Word Surfers” and provides volunteer chaplaincy services at Mercy Hospital in Cadillac. She is also actively engaged in community activities such as the Meauwataka Community Picnic – an annual event hosted on the church grounds. This is Pastor Carol’s second year as pastor at Meauwataka Community FMC. In August the church celebrated the addition of three members to the church. There is increased engagement by the congregation as people recognize their gifts and choose to share in ministry. With this comes a renewed sense of antici‐ pation and excitement in being part of what God wants to accomplish in this community.
To: All Pastors, WMI Presidents or WMI Secretaries Please check your WMI Directory for your Church and send any updates to Lin Miller, 115 East 20th Avenue, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783 to by email to: If you do not have an active WMI please send the name of a contact person.
Workshop are offered Saturday morning and afternoon and include Bible study (Proverbs 4:5‐6); PowerPoint for Come to the WMI Retreat on Beginners and Intermediate Users; Frugal Pampering; Sept. 27‐28 and learn more Basic Beading; and Flower Craft. about your “royal” heritage. Shannyn Caldwell, co‐host of Each church is asked to design a “Castle Pennant” the Nationally Syndicated 18x30 . These will be displayed at the Retreat. Keep in Christian morning show “Peter and Shannyn in the Morning” on Family Life Radio and an author will be pre‐ mind the theme and how it relates to your church minis‐ senting the message—Yes, I am a princess and my father try and identity. Questions? Call Robin Ferris at 231‐215‐1864 (cell). is the King of Kings.
WMI Retreat
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SCAMP CAMP 2013 Many ask, “What is SCAMP camp?” as I did a few years ago. Well it stands for Senior Citizens are Mar‐ velous People in case you didn’t know. Indeed they are marvelous. They are friendly, they are awesome as they fight through aches and pains, walkers and scooters, and make it to activities such as SCAMP camp. They bring their crafts, their white elephants, and many diverse items to add to a very competitive Silent Auction, which is used to help fund SCAMP camp and keep the fees reasonable for all. When you come to SCAMP camp one of the best things to me is that I don’t have to cook one meal from Tuesday evening till Friday at noon. That is a real rest. I also like the free time to nap, or read, or join the others at miniature golf or real golf. Others went to a wild life museum and nature trail nearby. I heard others say they were going for a ride in the country. Manton is beautiful area of Michigan. It’s thick forests and rolling hills make a drive just awesome. Every evening several gather around a camp‐ fire to talk and watch several take a turn at corn bag toss game. If you had room for a s’more they were there. Some years at SCAMP camp have been so entertaining and fun like the puppets we had a few years back. Another year we traveled to Suttons Bay armed with a lovely picnic lunch and we viewed light‐ houses and shops. Another year we had singers with great testimonies to share. Every year we have a Talent Show which can turn serious with a reading or funny with an e‐mail funny some might share. This year, was the funniest Talent Show ever for me!! With just the words “My Son Has Been Shot”, Sarah Parsons, and her two sisters and Martha Reed as the director, they did the funniest skit I have ever seen. In case your church uses this hilarious idea I won’t share how it went but let it be known that they are all wonderful actresses who might have missed their calling!!! Our guests this year were Dr. Ken and Linda who have served on the missionary field for many years. They raised their children in South Africa. Now they are serving in the Middle East. After listening to them I understood the call for prayer for our churches and Christians in Egypt much better than I ever had. Probably several of you also received the prayer request from Andrea Casteel in an email this week. Ken and Linda had told us of Christians having their houses and businesses burned and some have been beaten. They were telling us to pray and fast for these Christians. At my home church, at South Evart, we have “Roger” who keeps us apprised of all the latest literature about the End Times. He is so excited because it all means that our Lord is coming soon. Dr. Ken and Linda reflected this also. They are living in the midst of end times happenings and persecution of Chris‐ tians. They appealed to us to fast and pray and approach Muslims with humility and love. We must
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Manton Community VBS/Day Camp Thanks to Samantha Zuiverink and her willingness to "Try Something New", the Community of Manton had their first ever Bible School/Day Camp. At Family Camp Shila Parsons led our kids on a tour around the world as she did with the students of the Manton Community. This was not only a time for them to learn about Jesus, but it included a whole day of activities "day camp." Children would get dropped off at 7:30 am and be picked up by 5:30 pm. These students would come together in the morning and start off with breakfast and play on the playground. Then Shila would ring her bell to let every child know it was time for Bible School. The children would come into the tabernacle and sing songs in worship, listen to the Bible story that day, sing more songs, hear a word from our missionaries all over the world. Students received their own travel bags, t‐shirts, key chains, and crosses to remind them of missionaries over the world, but also to remember that God loves them very much. There were about 60 boys and girls each day. They had time for doing crafts, playing outside at the gaga pit, swimming in the pool, and closing each day with a movie. On Friday, parents and guardians of the children lined up along the Manton Christian Camp main drive and watched their boys and girls participate in the parade. The students put on an ending program for their parents. It was an awesome time at Manton Christian Camp this week. Thanks for everyone's
(Continued from page 4) stand firm in the gospel. They told us about the harsh Sharia Law that the Muslims live under and can‐ not understand a God that would die for us. They honor Christ as a prophet but cannot understand him being God and Man. They believe they have to earn heaven by good works. They have to be forsaken by their family in order to become a Christian. This year’s SCAMP camp was a little more on the serious side. But looking back on my notes I realize we live in a very serious time. We need to remain faithful and true to the gospel and be concerned for eve‐ ryone’s salvation. As Linda told us we must try to “snatch” them away from Satan. The Harvest is plenty but the workers are few. Submitted by Linda Halifax
The North Michigan Herald The Herald is published 12 times per year under the authority of the North Michigan Conference of the Free Methodist Church. Esther A. Middlewood, Editor 5667 Leisure South Drive, SE Kentwood, MI 49548 (616) 455‐0609 E‐mail: Publication deadline is 15th of each month. Please check label for date of your mailed subscription expiration. Renew through the Conference Office for $10 per single mailed subscription. 6012 S. Mission Road Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 989‐772‐2414 E‐Mail:
Greetings to All! Just a note to let you know that I will be leaving the position of editor of the North Michigan Herald. The Conference wants to move into the “electronic age” with websites, blogs, Facebook, etc. and I still function in the 20th century—not the 21st. I have no interest in keeping up with the rest of the world, so the Superintendent is looking for someone with a modern mind-set and some editing skills to take over the Herald. Make no mistake, I have enjoyed my limited time with you and have been both blessed and challenged. God be with you!
“The purpose of the North Michigan Conference is to facilitate the development and growth of healthy churches.”
A Note from Rev. Russ Atherton and the MEG Board Set new policies for the Ministerial Student Assistance Fund (MSAF): *Monies will be paid after the class is completed, on the condition that at least a "C" grade is earned. This is to heighten the expectation that work be completed and that competency levels be achieved. *As funds allow the MSAF will pay up to 25% of a student's class tuition with an annual limit of $250 for School of Ministry students and $750 for college/university/seminary students, effective September 1, 2013. While recognizing the high cost of education, we are trying to be equitable to all of our students in administrating the limited funds in our MSAF.
It’s back to school on Sept. 3! Keep our boys and girls—and their teachers—in your prayers.