©Photo: Roger Ellingsen / Statens vegvesen
Cultural landscape at the Scenic Route
NORWEGIAN SCENIC ROUTE JÆREN - with open skies, wide horizons and endless ocean. Constantly changing weather and light. Mile upon mile of sandy beaches and sand dunes, only broken by boulders and salmon rivers. This is Norway’s food basket with intensive agriculture in a flat, vast and well-kept cultural landscape, in an area with a mild climate the year round. The Jæren coast is open to the sea and has always been regarded as one of the most dangerous stretches of the entire Norwegian coastline. Work on constructing lighthouses
began in the mid 19th century. The aim was to lead North Sea shipping safely along the Jæren coast in bad weather, darkness and fog. Over the years a number of new lighthouses were built, with the Kvassheim Lighthouse, completed in 1912, the last of them.
sand dunes give an exciting glimpse of ocean and history. Jæren’s thousand square kilometres or more represent the biggest lowland area in Norway and the long sandy beaches towards journey’s end can offer the motorist some relaxation.
Side roads down to the Kvassheim Lighthouse and other cultural heritage sites, boulders and
Norwegian Scenic Route Jæren runs between Ogna and Bore and is 41 kilometres long.