Insurance Ireland - Brand Proposal

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Insurance Ireland Updated proposal for Brand Strategy, Design & Guidelines 3rd September 2021

Creating brands that deliver How to produce persuasive, engaging & successful brands

Successful brands are built on a foundation of clear, differentiated and actionable strategy – executed in communications that are distinct, absorbing and clear. Donlon Brands is a strategic communications consultancy offered by Brendan Donlon – a highly-experienced, multidisciplinary brand communications expert. The key to the success of my work is the intersection of my skill sets as a strategist and a communications practitioner. I help clients to define their aims, and then help to deliver them.

I achieve this either by personally delivering a tailored consultancy service, or by providing an overview of supports, strategic direction and project management to your in-house or external agency team. I work with my clients - at board and CEO level to help develop undefined strategic aspirations into measurable and achievable goals. This informs the creative work that articulates those goals, which is then communicated persuasively for each unique cohort of their target audience.

The end result is a more powerful and effective brand experience. I can partner Insurance Ireland to achieve the same result – this proposal explains how.

L I N G E E S F The audience you want Perception to reach Perception of your of your organisation tone Perception of your offer

What your brand does for your audience

Brand Promise

Your competition

What you offer

What makes your offer different


Empowering Insurance Ireland How Donlon Brands leverages brand strategy to reflect and drive change

When I create a brand, I seek to answer four primary questions: What makes your organisation distinct from those you compete with for attention and influence in your sector? Who do you need to influence - and what do you want them to know and feel when they interact with you? How can we make your message relevant to and valuable to your target audiences? How can we create communications that reflect your unique vision, in a way that makes your target audience relate to and value your promise? In the context of a representative body like Insurance Ireland, you face the additional challenge of balancing the needs of your members and the preconceptions of your non-member audiences.

Like other member associations, your external stakeholders may view Insurance Ireland as a vested interest lobby group. It is vital that your brand strategy faces this perception head on, and provides a credible reason to listen to and trust your messaging. My goal is to provide Insurance Ireland with the tools for an engaged relationship between your offer and your audience - which encompasses the entire experience of your brand, not just the brand identity. For some clients, this process starts with an analysis of your new organisation strategy – and, if required, the development of an accessible and actionable distillation of your strategy. I can then start the creative journey with clear, mutuallyagreed and objective goals for what is a subjective process.

Perceptions of your beneficiaries Online Advertising Brand Environment


tit y

Id en

Packaging Website


Social Media


Br a

nd C


o ns

Online Advertising

How your Corporate audience uses Stationery your brand to define Display Where & how Signage themselves Stands you advertise nd Print I d e n Fundraising How you Advertising Collateral offer your service Packaging Website Competitors for funding Social Media & donations The service Br an d ns you offer C ommunicatio Brand Environment



Corporate Stationery Display Signage Stands nd Print I d e nFundraising Advertising Collateral





tit y


Perceptions of key personnel

Competitors for attention

Positions your brand

Competitors for influence & respect

Brand Experience

Brand Strategy

Identifies your brand

Communicates your aspiration for the brand

How your audience perceive themselves

tit y

Emotions Competitors

Perceptions of Sponsors and Partners

Conveys the reality of your brand

Identify, then engage

With an integrated approach, your brand can represent your promise A new brand identity can only reflect the reality of the brand experience; it cannot change perceptions in isolation: A new brand identity is just the badge at the front of the car – it won’t change the car itself, but it can signal the promise of a better experience. In the case of Insurance Ireland, the primary function of your new identity will be simply to identify who you are. It will be the wider context of communications and experiences that will convey the totality of your brand promise. Successful brand identities are robust and focused: They represent the nuanced complexities of a brand’s promise, rather than explaining them outright.

A strong and clear brand identity needs the support of a considered and comprehensive brand language, both written and visual. The goal of this project is to bring Insurance Ireland on a journey. This starts with identifying (and developing, if required) your organisational goals, and ends with the supply of the assets you and your partners need to articulate those goals. As we progress together on this journey, we may discover specific communications tools that are necessary to support or articulate the new brand. I’ll quote for this as it arises – either to create the material, or to direct your existing partners to produce it.

I build better brands. Brendan Donlon

I create tools for clients to effectively and memorably engage with their audience – and ultimately, to achieve their strategic goals. No matter your audience, I provide the clarity and innovation that will help your brand compete for attention and influence: I provide a creative process that starts with brand strategy and ends with distinctive, focused communications: This allows you to build stronger relationships with your target stakeholders, and ultimately to reach your organisation’s potential. These results are delivered with a service that is complete, efficient and clean. That’s why my clients use me to resolve their communication challenges: They get more than design: They get expert and original thinking that identifies a solution, addresses all the details, then executes the idea to completion. This combination of detailed project management and highly effective creativity is my brand promise. It powered the projects you’ll see in the following pages, and it can do the same for Insurance Ireland.

Brand Identity

Identity for consumer goods retailer Guidelines:

Some of my brands - and a portfolio of branding expertise

Identity for the TV Licence commissioned by RTE and An Post

Retail Brand Identity for UEFA Albanian Football Federation



Architects House Exchange

Expertise & advice for high-quality childcare Expertise & advice for high-quality childcare

Expertise & advice for high-quality childcare

Identity for the International Council for Offshore Aquaculture Development

Corporate Identity for an Event Management Company

Naming & Identity for Day-Spa and Related Beauty Products

Naming and Identity for House Exchange Service

Corporate Identity and Naming for Child care Consultancy

Identity for the FAI Women’s National League Post

Brand Identity for Quality Standard in Seafood Sector

Umbrella identity commissioned by Sr. Stanislaus Kennedy for her network of lobbying and advocacy groups Brand Identity for Java Republic

Eircode Identifying and articulating a new public service Donlon Brands was approached at the embryonic stage of this project, to consider how Irish postal codes could be branded. I worked for Capita, the service providers, in positioning their brand promise, and then in creating a brand identity and communications style for the new identity. The Eircode service was launched and communicated without any significant promotion, yet has become a highly successful and widely adopted brand in the intervening years. “The Eircode brand was created efficiently, yet with great creativity - and it made a timely launch of the service possible.” Liam Duggan Chief Executive, Eircode

Read the guidelines:

See our identity in motion

TV Licence Bringing clarity and authority to a brand in transition Donlon Brands was commissioned by RTE and An Post to create a brand identity for the TV Licence. Research had shown confusion amongst consumers as to the ownership and beneficiaries of the TV Licence - and this situation was further clouded by political discussion about how the funding model may need to change to suit changes in how we consume broadcast content. We were briefed with a clear strategy as to how the branding needed to be perceived: Independent, progressive and robust - but not punitive or authoritarian. We developed a concept that reflected the many ways funded content can now be enjoyed - and created a naming structure that allows for future change without affecting this investment in branding.

Brand Identity Guidelines and Templates Issue 1.1 2019

Orchard Fostering

Balancing empathy and credibility to achieve fundamental business KPIs Donlon Brands was commissioned to create a new brand identity, strapline and brand assets for this organisation, and to protect these assets with a focused set of guidelines. The goal of the project was to allow Orchard Fostering to better compete for the attention of prospective foster parents, in a highly-competitive sector. This needed to be done in a sensitive way, yet clearly convey that Orchard Fostering operated to higher standards of professionalism and carer-supports.

Templates: Twitter

“The rebrand really paid dividends – we have really improved foster carer retention and recruitment, which was the key impediment to growth.”

Below find links to download editable layered Photoshop files and ready to use JPEGs. The branded in-stream images shown here are for occasional (or introductory) brand-led messages, and should be interspersed with standard, non-branded content..

Kathryn Holly Chief Executive, Orchard Fostering

Photoshop Templates

Profile Photo Profile Photo

In-Stream Photo

In-Stream Message

Header Photo In-Stream Photo In-Stream Message

Ready to use JPEGs

Profile Photo Header Photo

Header Photo

Brand Guidelines • Issue 1.1 • 2019 • Page 16

Download the complete brand guidelines at

We were under the impression she would always be a child who would be vulnerable and may not reach her milestones that a normal four-year-old might meet. She has actually surpassed herself! She has no learning difficulties and to see how well she has come on and how happy she is by being given a secure family background… it breaks your heart to just see how happy she is in her own little world and how well she is doing.

My name is Michelle. I am a foster carer to two female siblings, one aged nine and one aged four. I foster with my husband and three children, the youngest now is 13 years old.

To see our foster children having similar days that my own children would have had and the joy they get out of it is the reward. It’s the little things like that – they’re not treated any differently than my own children. They’re getting the same love, care and opportunities and hobbies that they want to try out and do; they just love it. We’re delighted that they may remain in our care long term.

Since we began fostering we have had these two little girls in our care. They came to us whilst in emergency care. We met them in their emergency placement and they then moved in with us a few weeks later. Both have very different characters.

One challenge that was greater than I thought was my own children adapting to fostering. Although I left fostering until they were a bit older, there is an impact for your own children, but it depends on their personalities.

The nine-year-old is a lovely really happygo-lucky and very resilient child. She had a challenging relationship with her birth mother and so initially we had to show her a different way of growing up and being parented. Initially she did resist against this but it is showing its rewards at this stage.

My eldest who is 20 must now accommodate two other younger children that she never had to think about before. But to see her caring for them is really good. They make such an impact too. It’s their journey as well but they’re happy to foster these two children. To even see my son give up the role of being the youngest in the family happily, because he wants these two children to be a part of this family, is lovely to see.

Michelle’s story

The other little girl has a lot of medical problems. In the beginning there were a lot of medical appointments and learning to understand her syndrome. We had to work with various consultants, psychologists and social workers involved in her life. She came to us just barely three and to see how much she has come on since then is amazing.

These two girls may be remaining with us until they are 18 years old. We’re delighted! They’re just such a part of our lives and are like two of our own children.


Fostering To qualify for fostering you can be single, cohabiting or married and you may be a homeowner or a tenant. We welcome applications from all ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds.

Whether fostering has just crossed your mind, or you see it as your life’s ambition, we’d like to help you on your fostering journey. Right now, hundreds of children and young people are in need of a safe, stable and supportive environment.

Our carers come from all types of backgrounds but what they share is a caring and nurturing attitude and a desire to help vulnerable children through life’s ups and downs.

In return you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are making a positive difference to children who need stability in their lives.

You will also need to be over the age of 25, have a spare bedroom and be able to commit your time to fostering.


Download the complete brochure at

Orchard Fostering Brand Identity • Existing Logo • Comparisons

Make a difference. Find out about fostering.

Could you join our team?

Orchard Fostering / 7292 Brand Identity Presentation 01 / 11.4.19 – Page 3

Copyright Donlon Brands 2019 - All Rights Reserved Do not distribute, reproduce or alter without permission

The previous brand identity compared to competitors and stakeholders.


Bringing accessibility, clarity and trust to a complex monopoly utility Donlon Brands spent eight years working with EirGrid on a long-term programme of communications transformation, culminating in an extensive campaign of public engagement on the future of the electricity grid. This relationship started with a request for a rebrand. This led to a research process that showed it was the organisations’ tone of voice and communications style that was impeding public acceptance and fostering local opposition to grid upgrade projects – and simply changing the brand would not fix this. Instead, Donlon Brands started a highly successful longterm relationship with EirGrid to transform their approach to conveying complex information to non-technical audiences, while developing and protecting their brand assets. This covered all aspects of brand communication, from creating and maintaining brand guidelines, to writing, designing and providing direction to key strategic comms.

“Stepping Up” campaign Still frame and slides from planning presentation

What’s the purpose of our campaign? Spell out what we do and why we do it

Build informed consent for grid development

Explain how we are at the heart of climate action

Learn more about Donlon Brands work with EirGrid at See the TV ad Visit the public-facing campaign page Read the brand guidelines

How hard will people work to understand something? Know it DѸHFWV WKHP

Direct engagement Stakeholder comms




Shaping our Electricity Future campaign From this…


Put clean electricity generation close to where most power is used

Shaping our electricity future Preparing for at least 70% clean electricity by 2030

to this…

Currently, EirGrid must connect new electricity generators to the grid wherever they request. This applies even where the grid is weak or the local demand for electricity is low. Given that many developers plan to build new sources of clean electricity in remote locations, this creates a need for significant additions to the grid. With this approach, new renewable generation would be located based on existing strengths and weaknesses of the electricity grid. The current model for locating renewable generation would be replaced by one that is led by government policy. This approach would lead to more wind farms being developed near more densely populated areas – as this is where there is greatest demand for electricity. With this approach, the vast majority of new clean electricity that Ireland needs would come from offshore wind farms on the east coast. This would then be balanced with some new wind and solar farms inland in other areas.

What work will be needed, and how much might it cost? With this approach, we estimate we would need around 38 projects to add to or upgrade the electricity grid. We estimate this approach is a less expensive way to prepare the grid for 2030 targets. It would cost approximately €0.7 billion for related grid upgrades across the 38 projects. It presumes that 4.5 GW of the renewable electricity target comes from offshore wind off the east coast. This will be supported by less than 1 GW of new solar energy and inland wind farms. This approach would see wind farms locating near more populated areas of the country. This would need a change in government and regulatory policy. This approach would also need the full cooperation of the generation sector to be most effective. This approach is highly likely to result in a grid that allows at least 70% of Ireland’s electricity to come from renewable sources by 2030.


EirGrid: Shaping our electricity future

Draft Approach


What might this draft approach look like? The most likely consequence of this approach would be more wind farms off the east coast. However, connecting them to the grid would not require much visually-intrusive grid infrastructure. There would also need to be some new lines or cables.

Preparing for at least 70% clean electricity by 2030


Shaping our electricity future

Questions to consider We want to hear your views on our four draft approaches to ensuring at least 70% of Ireland’s electricity comes from renewable sources by 2030. If you visit our consultation portal at you can answer an easy-to-use online questionnaire. This raises the key issues we want you to consider. We’ve listed these questions here so you can consider your answers first. If you would prefer to send us your views in another way or in a more open format, we welcome that too. Just use the contact details shown on page 27.

On our consultation portal, we’ll ask for your opinion on a series of statements. For each statement, we’ll ask you to tell us what you think by picking one of the following answers: • Strongly agree • Agree • Neither agree nor disagree • Disagree • Strongly disagree • Don’t know We’ll then give you the space to provide more information. This could include the reasons for your answer, or anything else that gives some context for your views. Here are the five statements where we need your response – and a concluding question we ask at the end of our online questionnaire.

Introduction Ireland should do everything possible so that by 2030, at least 70% of its electricity comes from renewable sources like wind turbines or solar panels. What do you think?


EirGrid: Shaping our electricity future

Preparing for at least 70% clean electricity by 2030

Draft Approach 1: Generation-led When connecting new sources of renewable electricity, locations should be guided by the strength of the grid and demand for power near the proposed site. What do you think? Draft Approach 2: Developer-led Companies that develop renewable electricity should decide where to locate new wind or solar farms. What do you think?

The next decade has the potential to be revolutionary for Ireland’s electricity system. With your help, we can build on the results already achieved in the last ten years. We can continue to lead the world in how much of our electricity comes from clean, renewable sources. We have the potential to meet the challenge of the climate crisis with innovation and cooperation that will be an example for others. Ireland can make a meaningful difference to a global crisis, but it will mean embracing and accepting change. Some of these changes may have local impacts, but they will benefit all of Irish society for generations to come. EirGrid is committed to a collective and collaborative form of decision-making. We want to hear your concerns and listen to ideas that you may not see in our draft approaches. If we can reassure you, we will. If we can use your suggestions to improve our draft approaches, we will. We are genuinely open to workable ideas that can prepare the grid to take at least 70% of Ireland’s electricity from renewable sources by 2030. The first step is to tell us what you think, or to ask any questions you may have about these draft approaches. We want to hear from you – so please get in touch.

Draft Approach 3: Technology-led Renewable electricity needs to be moved from remote locations to where most power is used. To achieve this, we should use new technology like high-voltage direct current underground cables. What do you think? Draft Approach 4: Demand-led Companies that use a huge amount of power should locate new facilities near sources of renewable electricity and where the grid is strong. What do you think? Conclusion Do you have any other feedback or is there anything that you feel we have not considered?



EirGrid: Shaping our electricity future


Read the strategy publication at

Insurance Ireland Stage One Rebrand Project Creating Brand Strategy Revised Quote Every brand communications project will reflect the scale and ambition of the parent organisation’s strategy. Based on your expanded brief, the scope and scale of the tasks and deliverables has increased since my first estimate –and so has the fees. If you’re interested in working with Donlon Brands but this estimate exceeds your budget, I can tailor a project scope to meet your needs. Just let me know your fiscal constraints. Equally, I’m open to splitting this project and passing on my completed strategy to another agency. I can then offer creative and strategic direction at an agreed daily rate for the creation and implementation stages.

This stage covers the time to assess existing internal research on your organisational strategy, and then to interview (up to) three internal & three external stakeholders. In these interviews, I will lead the subjects through a brand review and positioning process, and uncover their views on other brands that are perceived as best-in-class for representative associations / lobby groups. I will then create a presentation deck to articulate the proposed brand strategy, present it to the internal working group, and carry out any final developments before the strategy is completed and approved. This deck will capture the findings of the internal and external interviews, will summarise the challenges and opportunities for your brand communication, and will articulate the brand strategy in an actionable, meaningful and tangible way.

Fees & Costs for this stage

€ 5,990.

Stage Two

Brand Name & Strapline

This stage explores new naming and strapline options for Insurance Ireland, based on the agreed brief. It allows for a shortlist of proposed names that are available for domain registration in Ireland, and that are not easily confused with existing entities. This stage then allows for the development of a final shortlist - with additional / new options, if required - based on feedback to the first list. This stage will conclude with the selection of one preferred name and strapline. The cost of registering the chosen name as a trademark, or searching for its availability to be registered, is not included, but can be costed if required.

Fees & Costs for this stage

€ 3,630

Stage Three

Stage Four

Stage Five

Based on the agreed brief and on one preferred name, this stage covers the time to create options for a new brand identity.

This stage covers the time to present a shortlist of two new brand identity concepts to a selected set of stakeholders for discussion and review.

First concepts will be delivered in a single presentation, and each concept will be shown applied to sample / prototypical use to show the extended visual language for each concept. This will include a visual showing the proposed top-third of your website landing page for each concept.

The research process will take the form of an online presentation that explains the motives for the rebrand, confirms the objectives, and presents the short-listed options for discussion and review. This allows for the final brand identity to reflect the views of key stakeholders.

Based on feedback to the first presentation, this stage sees the iterative development to the favoured concepts from the first presentation, including the creation of hybrid / spin-off concepts, if this proves helpful. This stage allows for approximately two to three development presentations, and does not allow for the creation of further new concepts.

Fees & Costs for this stage

This stage covers the creation of a single presentation and two online sessions of approx 1 hour each, followed by the creation and presentation of findings presentations. These costs presume that Insurance Ireland recruits the individuals from key stakeholder groups to participate in these sessions.

Brand Identity - Concept Creation

€ 4,950

Stakeholder Research

Fees & Costs for this stage

€ 2,640

Concept Development

Fees & Costs for this stage

€ 2,970

Stage Six

Stage Seven

Stage Eight

When the final concept has been approved for roll-out, this stage covers the time to develop key brand communication assets.

Using the existing usage visuals and item templates as a starting point, a first proof of this PDF document will be created to show how the new brand is to be correctly reproduced and communicated. The document will also include guidance on the following topics and usage templates, and with download links to key files.

This stage covers the time to develop the guidelines to completion, based on feedback to the first proof. It allows for approximately one further proofing round to sign off.

Implementation to key assets

For the purposes of this quote they are defined as: Website landing page top panel, event page top panel, news page top panel, letterhead, business card, email signature, social media and online advertising (3 message types sized for 4 ad formats and 2 social media networks), popup stand, powerpoint (cover and internal slide), consultation paper cover, e-mail templates x 3, zoom background and external office signage. This stage allows for approximately 2 to 3 proofing rounds to sign off. Please note that the licensing of royalty-free stock imagery is not included in this overall quote, and can be quoted separately if this need is confirmed during the project.

Fees & Costs for this stage

€ 6,150

Guidelines - First Proof

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Cover (1 page) Introduction to the guidelines (1 page) Brand Identity (1 page) Identity Reproduction: Colour, Mono & Reversed + download links (1 page) Colour: References (1 page) Recommendation for written content tone of voice (1 page) Recommended style for photography / illustration (1 page) Recommended style for infographics (1 page) Links to purchase information on preferred typeface(s) (1 page) Template for Letterhead, business card and email signature (3 pages) Templates for Social Media Visual Assets: Twitter & LinkedIn (1 page) Templates for online advertising - 4 formats (1 page) Templates for email assets x 3 (1 page) Template for pull-up stand (1 page) Template for PowerPoint (1 page) Template for editable consultation paper cover (1 page) Zoom background (1 page) Contact Details (1 page)

Fees & Costs for this stage

€ 4,697

Complete / Supply Guidelines & Assets

Fees & Costs for this stage

€ 2,220 Fees & Costs

€ 33,607

Date of issue: 3.9.21. E&OE. Prices shown do not include VAT, and are based on the third-party suppliers billing you directly. This estimate is subject to our terms and conditions, and is valid for one month from date of issue. Changes to the schedule, brief, content, final deliverables or the specified number of proofs will lead to additional fees and costs. If your project requires third-party services, software or licensing, these costs are marked-up to cover cash-flow and administrative expenses

Guidance on optional extra costs

Consumer research groups €


Allowance for imagery €


Website production €


The Donlon Brands Quotation Promise

I want to work with you: My aim is to agree a fee model that benefits both consultant and client. If the figures here cause concern, there are always practical ways to achieve your goals within your budget. If you would like to discuss this proposal, please get in touch and let’s schedule a meeting. Brendan Donlon

STRATEGY, CREATIVITY AND COMMUNICATION Unit F1 Nutgrove Office Park Nutgrove Ave, Rathfarnham, Dublin D14 A895 01 207 9107 • 087 239 2992

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