Heads Up | Issue 25

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YARN GIVEAWAY 2 skeins of Red Heart Heads Up will go to‌

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Yarn reviews, favorite quotes, crayon color choices, and scarves! See what our challenges had to say about all these topics and more in our Heads Up Challenge Designer Lineup!


You’re a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why? Blue- any shade! I gravitate towards anything blue and have to force myself to design using other colors. I would be totally happy using blue for everything I crochet, though I'm sure everyone else wouldn't be as delighted as me. What is your favorite quote, and who is it from? "Life Is Not Measured by the Number of Breaths We Take, But By the Moments That Take Our Breath Away" Not sure who it belongs too but it hold so much meaning, I love positive quotes! I have numerous wall hangings and wall art with quotes. They are my constant reminder what I want out of life. Another is the "Love is Patient" quote, my wedding verse, which is also hanging on my wall.

Get this Free pattern from Crystal’s shop!


You’re a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why? I would be white because white is the blending of all colors. What is your favorite quote, and who is it from? I know it sounds like a cliché, but my favorite quote is "Life is what you make it" by Peter Buffett. I believe we have the power to succeed or fail, it's up to us to make our path. Which is better: scarf or cowl? Why? I think scarves are more versatile than cowls; you can make your scarf look like a cowl if you want to!

Get this Free pattern from Alessandra’s shop!


YARN REVIEW! Click on over to see what Carolina had to say about Heads Up on her blog, RIGHT HERE!

Get this free pattern from Carolina’s shop!


You’re a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why? I'm a rainbow, of course! (Now wouldn't that be the coolest crayon ever?) My daughter who has color synesthesia says I am warm orange, though--the only person she knows who is just that color. (But this is a whole new topic of conversation! You would have to READ MY BLOG to find out more! What is your favorite quote, and who is it from? The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish

to create something that did not exist before. ~Dieter F. Uchtdorf 5) I should say cowl for safety purposes since I've been known to shut a scarf in the car door and attempt to walk away--think Big Fat Greek Wedding and headset--but when I actually choose, it is typically a scarf since they can be worn a bazillion different ways and NOT MESS UP YOUR HAIR--because good hair days are hard to come by!

Get this free pattern from Susan’s shop! 8

YARN REVIEW! Click on over to see what Tara had to say about Heads UP on her blog, RIGHT HERE!

Get this Free pattern from Tara’s shop!


You’re a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why? I would be grey. I like to be invisible in the crowd! What is your favorite quote, and who is it from? Behind the clouds, the sky is always blue! Unknown source, but a great quote!

Get this Free pattern from Viktoria’s shop!


What is your favorite quote, and who is it by? “Whatever the problem, be a part of the solution. Don’t just sit around raising questions and pointing out obstacles.” – Tina Fey Name two things EVERYONE should do or try! Everyone needs a hobby. Something that both excites and relaxes them. And, everyone should take a technology free vacation. I need one so badly! I can’t wait until I am able to unplug and finally unwind! Which is better: scarf or cowl? Explain Why! Cowl! I’m the crazy person you will see who gets the end of the scarf stepped on, pulled on by children, or stuck in a car door as it drives away!

Get this Free pattern from Pam’s shop!


YARN REVIEW! Click on over to see what Jennifer had to say about Heads

UP on her blog, RIGHT HERE!

Get this Free pattern from Jennifer’s shop!


31 October 7 November 14 November Pattern Pile Ups, Design Wars updates, yarn giveaways and Designer Interviews! CLICK HERE to get all these and more!



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