NEW LIFE OUTREACH Newsletter autumn 22

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CHANGING THE TANZANIANATION M I S S I O N S O R G A N I Z AT I O N B Y D R . E G O N A N D H A N N A H FALK 2022-NR.2 Reportage from “the holy chaos” in USHETO side 2 The United States of America is a beautiful nation with many wonderful people we call friends, and we are grateful for all of them. In July, we traveled throughout the US, visiting many different churches. During our travel in the US, we asked for continued support for us, the ministry in Tanzania, and all the places around the globe where we work. We are grateful for all of you who support us, but we need more PARTNERS - will you be a partner?

There was enormous excitement and joy when a woman who had not walked for 13 years jumped up healed! Her pastor was overwhelmed by this mira cle, and her twin sister could not control her great Therejoy. were about 3,000 people registered as new ly saved and wanting follow-up. It felt as if we had traveled to the ends of the Earth, but what a privi lege to preach Christ to all these people. ◆

By Hannah Falk


2 new life outreach

A t one point we believed we were lost, then suddenly, we met a group of motorcycles, a few cars coming toward us to guide us to Ushetu with police protection. After songs and speeches from pastors, church leaders, and government officials, we could finally go to bed. It took us a little while before we could sleep because the hyenas had also decided to sing or most likely howl a song for us in the darkness of the night!

The crusade gathered thousands of people from close by and far away. During the night many slept in the local churches.

When we turned away from the main road in Kahama and drove towards Ushetu, it became more desolate and very dusty, such as it only can be in Africa during the dry season

It was a special experience to preach the Gospel in Ushetum because our crusade organizer, Paulo Mi tanga, before he met Jesus, “served” people as the local witchdoctor. To listen to his report about how he operated through demonic powers and worked in the world of occultism makes your hair raise on your Whenhead. Egon proclaimed the Name of Jesus and prayed for the many people, it was like a big explo sion, and many demons reacted violently, screaming and howling – making horrific sounds. It was ’holy chaos’, we have never seen so many demon-pos sessed people simultaneously. Leaving the crusade to go home, people found possessed people slain to the ground next to the road and under the trees. The powers of Hell met their Victor! One by one, many people were set free from the power of evil. When God opens ’heaven’ for people, miracles take place, it is difficult to explain, but you need to ex perience it. Several blind and older people received their eyesight again. Weak and destroyed bodies became new, and a deaf, dumb girl began to hear and speak for the first time!

Blind eyes were opened, and these happy people are rejoicing they can see again.

Old Muslim men are standing all the way up front to the platform, they don’t want to miss anything.

new life outreach 3 This Muslim woman dared to come to the platform and testify she had received Jesus! This woman who could not walk for 13 years jumped up and began to walk. This little deaf, dumb girl was healed! She can hear, speak and repeated words we asked her to speak.

By Egon Falk S unday, 20 March, I preached in the Pentecostal Church in Juba. We had such a service with God’s power, and a church was full of spiritually hungry people. Monday, 21st through Friday, 25th of March, we ministered in a Pastors Conference with several hundred participants The target of our conference was not only to teach but also to encourage and strengthen the pastors and other evangelical leaders. We had sessions from 9 am to 4 pm every day. The facility did not have AC and no windows. Outside it was more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and we were melting in the heat. I don’t know if I ever have experienced such a power ful presence of God’s spirit as it is almost impossible to explain as it was so powerful and overwhelming. It was like God himself walked between us! South Sudan has only had peace for a couple of years. War destroys not only the nation but also its people. After more than 50 years of war, peace has finally come to Sudan. The damage, poverty, and human suffering have taken their toll upon the nation. We know that the Gospel and Word of God can lift a nation, and we believe that will happen in South Sudan. We are grateful to be allowed to have a small part in this miracle. The trip was Hannah’s first, and she loved the people. When we left the capital of Juba, she said, ’This is too hard. I don’t believe I can return for another visit’. We are tired and deeply touched. It is difficult not to cry when we talk and remember all God did. SOUTH SUDAN

4 new life outreach Søndag den 20. marts talte jeg i Pinsekirken i Juba og vi havde et møde hvor Guds nærvær var utroligt stærkt. Kirken var pakfyldt med åndeligt sultne mennesker.

The worship and praise to God was very powerful. The Holy Spirit was present in Juba, S Sudan.


Pastor Fermo Ogilla from South Sudan together with Pastor Peter Raphael, Egon and Hannah Falk, Tanzania.

By Egon Falk I was in Amman, Jordan, just this past April, where I had several meetings in different churches. My heart is inspired by these pre cious people of this part of the world. They are looking for God and are very open to Jesus despite what they know it will cost them. To meet these ’Muslims’ in their simple homes, to hear them call loud and clear to God in prayer, touches the heart of God. There are many challenges, but we believe God wants us to do more in this nation. More for the many refugees from Syria and Iraq who live in inhuman circumstances.

 From Pastor Dickson Cornel Kabigumila, Tanzania: Baba (Father) Egon Falk. We Tanzanians honor you as our own! We celebrate your true love towards our nation and the undeniable sacrificial life you have lived for the Gospel!

CLIP FROM OUR FACEBOOK PAGE Somebody in Denmark. I met him (Jesus) today…. on a hill. Prayed for help and sudden ly there he was …. warmth, joy, and love went through me …. Jesus is alive. It was fantastic to experience …. out from nothing there he stood, and I had no doubt …. it was It’sJesus.wonderful …. So many good things are happening now.

Egon Falk’s church service in Hashmi Free Methodist Church, Jordan.


Blessings!  Bernice Chapman, Victory Church Brooks Alberta, Canada. You prayed for me, and Jesu (the Holy Spirit) healed me to walk again after not walking for three years, that was about April 1996. I am so blessed to see you on FaceBook and to officially tell my story.

new life outreach 5  NEW LIFE OUTREACH CALENDER August 16 – 21 Crusade Tsihimlwa wa Bukumbi, Tabora August 28 Preach - New Life City Church, Arusha September 13 – 18 Crusade Msange, Singida September 25 Preach - New Life City Church, Arusha Oktober 04 – 09 Crusade - Basotu, Manyara Oktober 16 Preach - New Life City Church, Arusha Oktober 30 – Nov. 20 Church meetings USA November 29 – Dec. 04 Impartation Week & Academy of Leadership Graduation December 18 Christmas Food Outreach 2022 Some fine young Jordanian men to gether with Egon Falk.

Thank you, Sir.  Bishop George Gichana, Kenya. My friend Dr. Egon, I still re member the meetings we did with you in Tanzania in the 80s. Your vision, mission, and strate gy has touched thousands.


6 new life outreach This year, at our bible school here in Arusha, we have 120 students. This class is the largest class we have ever had. The students live under poor circumstances in the dormitories because we do not have enough room. Several students were not registered in time, so we had to send them home with the promise of space next year. OUR PRAYER TO GOD IS THAT IT WILL BECOME FINANCIALLY POSSIBLE FOR US TO BUILD ANOTHER AroundDORMITORY!thenation, we have 40 of what we call Out-Campuses, and they have 700 students. Through these servants of God, those we train and equip, we are convinced that TANZANIA SHALL BE SAVED!

NEW LIFE EXPANDSSCHOOLS have chosen to take a step of faith and in the month of March 2022, we chose to buy the school called ESA located downtown the city of Arusha. The ESA school was owned and run by a married couple where the hus band unfortunately become very ill from Corona. This meant that the couple gave up running the school and it decayed more and more. Eventually, they could no longer pay overdue bills and the school was about to go bankrupt. At this stage, they approached us to see if we would buy the school to run it. We chose to do this because it is important to us that as many children as possible in Tanzania can receive a good education, that can help transform their lives. Unfortu school has not been maintained for a few years and it requires a lot of investment to get it back on its need help to the school, so attend it have the education

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that the children who


environment. If you can help us, you can donate through orwww.egonfalkministries.combymakingandsendingacheck to LIFE UNITED, P.O. Box 18862 Shreveport LA. 71138, Phone: 318 688 4411 Include a note saying it goes towards Egon Falk’s ministry, ESA School ACADEMY OF LEADERSHIP By Egon Falk By Ruben Holmgreen Falk

new life outreach 7 A danish boy’s dramatic life in Africa - as a human fisherman A wonderful story about a Danish fisherman boy who was used to bring healing and salvation to hundreds of thousands of Africans. The book is an autobiography about Egon - an evangelist and international missionary’s journey with God through a lifelong journey. It has already been published in three languages; English, Norwegian and Danish. BUY HTTPS://READERLINKS.COM/L/1790074ONLINE: Gift idea! THIS IS A GRIPPING AND INSPIRING STORY OF THE GREATEST EVANGELIST IN AFRICA, DR. EGON FALK, ALSO KNOWN AS AFRICA’S BILLY GRAHAM 7 BECOME A PARTNER SUPPORT NEW LIFE OUTREACH CAMPAIGNS, BIBLE SCHOOL, GIRL´S HOME, CHILDREN´S MISSION, SCHOOL, CHURCH ANDSUPPORTINGMORE... A CHILD AT NEW LIFE SCHOOLS: - COMMUNICATES A SPONSORSHIP WHICH HELPS AN ENTIRE FAMILY OUT OF POVERTY. - SECURES A FUTURE OF HOPE FOR THE NEW GENERATION THROUGH -EDUCATION. STRENGTHENS AND DEVELOPS 3 SCHOOLS IN ONE: SECONDARYPRIMARYPRE-SCHOOL,ANDSCHOOL. INTO AFRICA A biographical story of Dr. Egon Falk. THIS IS A GRIPPING AND INSPIRING STORY OF THE GREATEST EVANGELIST IN AFRICA, DR. EGON FALK, ALSO KNOWN AS AFRICA’S BILLY TheGRAHAM.bookis testimony to his great love for the African people, his passion for serving God, and helping African people out of poverty, darkness, suffering, and pain. This easy-to-read biography tells his story, including the humble beginnings as the son of a fisherman, his calling to Africa, the start of gospel crusades, amazing stories of signs, wonders, and miracles, and giving quality education to the poor and needy children by establishing schools in African communities. Dr. Egon Falk has experienced hate from the witch doctors, who, through curses and spells, sent people to kill him.Recently, a lady was sent to kill him, but through the love of God, she ended up delivered from demons and saved by the power of the Gospel. HIS FAITH HAS BEEN PUT TO THE TEST MANY TIMES BY PEOPLE ASKING FOR PHYSICAL HEALINGS. AS YOU READ THIS STORY OF A PERSON WHO HAD DEDICATED HIS LIFE TO HELPING PEOPLE, YOU WILL BE INSPIRED AND ENCOURAGED. FOR EN BEDRE FREMTID! Find NLOs privatlivspolitik Alle gaver er (et kr. (et REGULERING AF FADDERSKABER Fra februar 2021 reguleres prisen for eksisterende fadderskab af en elev i børnehave og grundskole fra kr. 200,- per måned til kr. 225,- per måned. Fadderskabet for en elev i secondary school, gymnasiet fastholdes til kr. 300,- per måned. Nye fadderskaber koster fremadrettet kr. 150,- for et halvt fadderskab og kr. 300,- for et fuldt fadderskab. DIN STØTTE TIL ET BARN PÅ NEW LIFE SCHOOLS: - FORMIDLER ET FADDERSKAB SOM PÅ SIGT HJÆLPER EN HEL FAMILIE UD AF FATTIGDOM - SIKRER EN FREMTID MED HÅB FOR DEN NYE GENERATION IGENNEM UDDANNELSE - STYRKER OG UDVIKLER 3 SKOLER I ÉN: BØRNEHAVE, GRUNDSKOLE OG GYMNASIE KONTAKTOPLYSNINGER: Gruppe-baseret undervisning på New Life Schools Støtte forudsætter Tag et billede den til, eller forKontaktSagavejindsend5,Rubenmere “VOR TID I TANZANIA IKKE FÆRDIG OG VI SATSER PÅ EN STÆRK SLUTSPURT. VI BEDER DIG OM AT MED OG STØTTE OS NEW LIFE OUTREACH!” Vil du være en partner, som kan hjælpe os med landet, udbrede evangeliet og hjælpe de fattige? BLIV PARTNER IDAG I NEW LIFE OUTREACH: • Som partner får du tilsendt nyhedsbrev med • Får også tilsendt det elektronisk. • Bliver du en bønnepartner for NLO. • Får du information omkring møder, når Hannah og Egon gæster Danmark. Vi kan ikke alle rejse ud, men vi kan alle bære Vi søger partnere, som vil give et fast mdr. beløb. Et partnerskab koster kr. 100,- pr. mdr. Send os din mail-adresse på - så tage nyhedsbrev og få mere at vide om partnerskab anden information via e-mail. NLO generalforsamling 2. maj kl 13:00 I Evangeliehuset, Worsaaesvej 5, Frederiksberg - Se dagsorden Tlf.: 75 34 55 99 drømmerealiser KonomhjælperningstormedMesterbygerfaringprocessenT satHuskmodtageSend Hannah & Egon Falk P. O. Box 6073 New Life Outreach Sagavej 5 3700 Rønne Tlf.: 29 28 71 63 Mail: Web: Danske Bank 9570 Konto: 1 693 3244 Nordea 0650 Konto: 6448 231 257 Ved indbetaling via netbank: Angiv venligst navn og adres se. Kontakt: “Vor tid i Tanzania er ikke færdig vi satser på en stærk slutspurt, hvor beder dig om at være med og støtte os og New Life Outreach” Vil du være en partner, som kan hjælpe os med vikle landet, udbrede evangeliet og hjælpe de BLIV PARTNER IDAG I NEW LIFE OUTREACH: • Som partner får du tilsendt nyhedsbrev med • Får også tilsendt det elektronisk. • Bliver du en bønnepartner for NLO. • Får du information omkring møder, når Hannah og Egon gæster Danmark. Vi kan ikke alle rejse ud, men vi kan alle bære Vi søger partnere, som vil give et fast mdr. beløb. partnerskab koster kr. 100,- pr. mdr. Send os din mail-adresse på lema@nlo.dkmodtage nyhedsbrev og få mere at vide om skab el. anden information via e-mail. AS A PARTNER OF NEW LIFE OUTREACH * You will receive the newsletter. * You become a prayer partner. * God will bless you. We are looking for partners who will sign up for a monthly amount towards our Ministry. Become a partner for 50US of more a month. Donations cam also be send to: Word of Life Center P.O.Box Shreveport18862LA. 71138 Phone: 318 688 4411 Please make checks out to Word of Life Center include a note saying it goes towards Dr. Egon Falk´s Ministry. YOU https://readerlinks.BUYCANTHEBOOKHERE:com/l/1790074 PARTNER



HANNAH & EGON FALK P.O. Box 6073 New Life Outreach Sagavej 5 3700 Rønne Tlf.: 29 28 71 63 Mail: Web: Danske Bank 9570 Konto: 1 693 3244 Nordea Bank Reg. nr.: 0650 Konto: 6448 231 257 KONTAKT MOBILE PAY: 9 4 8 5 5 du er venner med eller hvilken religion du er født ind i. Gud elsker ALLE mennesker! Det er budskabet vi giver til børnene når vi besøger skolerne i landsbyerne hvor vi har kampagner. At Gud elsker alle og Han vil gerne at vi også elsker Ham og andre tilbage. Dette er noget som er lidt nyt for os. Siden oktober sidste år fik vi mulighed for at besøge skolerne og det har været vidunderligt. Vi får altid en god tid sammen for at opmundtre dem og invitere til vores seminar for søndagsskoleViledere.serat i nogle landsbyer gør lærerne god fremgang. De oplever et større behov for at komme sammen fra de forskellige kirker, i skolerne og i børnearbejdet generelt. MUSIK-SKOLEN New Life’s musik-skole er begyndt. Sammen med en stor gruppe af læVi er ved at afslutte et af vores projekter med at oversætte spille musik og gode kristne sange for børn. Vi bruger noget af dette i vores børnearbejde, men vores mål er at sprede musik til swahili-talende lande mulige måder.

New Life Outreach inviterer til LIVE skab via zoom, igennem et globalt Velkommen til at møde Egon og Falk og høre dem fortælle vidnesbyrd bringe et inspirationsord direkte fra Der vil også være bøn for syge og sker med behov og I vil høre seneste bestyrelsesformand Nick Hansen Glæd dig til et spændende event. NLO Generalforsamling samme 12 på zoom. Husk at få et zoom henvendelse på el. WAR, INFLATION AND

By Ruben Holmgreen Falk T he corona pandemic was a really difficult time in Tanzania, where many poor Tanzanians experien ced that they were pushed even further into poverty and had to fight even harder to find work and food for the family. This has now been replaced by an even more difficult time, where in addition to unemploy ment and Corona, they also must struggle with the very high inflation rate, high fuel and food prices that have been triggered by the global fuel and food shortages due to the war in Ukraine. The high inflation rate, and the high fuel and food prices, are hitting the hard-tried African people much harder than we can imagine and they don’t have the public safety net stretched out under them that we have in the Western world. We are already seeing how it affects our children in the NLS schools and their families in a very negative direction. We expe ct that as a school and mission organization, we will need to help more of them to ensure they are fed every day. this we need your help, so we hope you will contribute a donation orwww.egonfalkministries.comthroughbymakingandsendingacheck to LIFE UNITED, P.O. Box 18862 Shreveport LA. 71138, Phone: 318 688 4411. Include a note saying it goes towards Egon Falk’s ministry, feeding the hungry.

DR. EGON AND HANNAH FALK P.O. Box 6073 TanzaniaArusha Mail: Mail: Web: Word of Life P.O.Box Shreveport18862LA. 71138 Phone: 318 688 4411 Thank you so much for your support! Do you want to donate: Please make checks out to Word of Life Center include a note saying it goes towards Egon Falk´s ministry. ADRESS ADRESS DONATIONS CORONA AND NOW

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