Flintshire Business Exhibition 17 & 18 October 2012 ● 09.30 - 17.30
Arddangosfa Fusnes Sir y Fflint 17 a 18 Hydref 2012 ● 09.30 - 17.30 ConvaTec Unit 19, Drive B, First Avenue, Zone 2, Deeside Ind Park, Flintshire, CH5 2NU Uned 19, Ffordd B, Rhodfa Gyntaf, Parth 2, Parc Diwydiannol Glannau Dyfrdwy, Sir y Fflint CH5 2NU
Flintshire Sir y Fflint
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open for business aʼr agor i fusnesau
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
in association with / ar y cyd â
ar agor i fusnes
Welcome / Croesoʼr Thank you for attending the second Business to Business Exhibition run as part of Flintshire Business Week.
Diolch i chi am ddod iʼr ail Arddangosfa Busnes i Fusnes syʼn cael ei chynnal fel rhan o Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint.
This exhibition is only possible through the generosity and support from our Ni fyddai modd cynnal yr arddangosfa hon sponsors and particularly ConvaTec Ltd, heb haelioni a chefnogaeth ein noddwyr who have so generously provided this ac, yn enwedig, ConvaTec Ltd, sydd wedi wonderful venue. Building on last yearʼs bod mor hael â darparuʼr lleoliad arbennig success, the number of exhibitors has hwn. Gan adeiladu ar lwyddiant y llynedd, increased, with companies from across mae nifer yr arddangoswyr wedi cynyddu, Cllr Peter Macfarlane Wales, Wirral, Merseyside and gyda chwmnïau o bob rhan o Gymru, Cheshire. Cilgwri, Glannau Mersi a Sir Gaer. Mae This is a great opportunity for exhibitors to platform hwn yn gyfle gwych i arddangoswyr lwyfannu their company products and services, to attend cynhyrchion a gwasanaethau eu cwmnïau, mynychu seminars and workshops, as well as providing great seminarau a gweithdai, yn ogystal â chynnig business networking opportunities. cyfleoedd rhwydweithio busnes rhagorol. Through its strong manufacturing base, Flintshire supports an extensive supply chain across North Wales and works to an ʻOpen for Businessʼ philosophy. The Council prides itself on its support for businesses, demonstrated by the long-standing commitment to this event and many others run throughout the year. The Flintshire Team is here at the Exhibition to ensure that you can maximise your trading opportunities.
Trwy ei sylfaen weithgynhyrchu gref, mae Sir y Fflint yn cefnogi cadwyn gyflenwi helaeth ar draws Gogledd Cymru gan weithredu athroniaeth ʻAr Agor i Fusnesʼ. Maeʼr Cyngor yn ymfalchïo yn ei gefnogaeth i fusnesau, sydd iʼw weld yn yr ymroddiad hirsefydlog iʼr achlysur hwn a llawer o rai eraill syʼn cael eu cynnal drwy gydol y flwyddyn. Mae Tîm Sir y Fflint yma yn yr Arddangosfa i sicrhau eich bod yn gallu gwneud y gorau oʼch cyfleoedd masnachu.
Councillor Peter Macfarlane / Cynghorydd Peter Macfarlane Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure, Flintshire County Council / Aelod oʼr Cabinet dros Adfywiad, Twristiaeth a Hamdden, Cyngor Sir y Fflint
Contents / Cynnwys ConvaTec Site Layout / ConvaTec Cynllun Safle
Exhibitors & Layout Plan / Arddangoswyr a Chynllun Trefniant Timetable of events / Amserlen achlysuron Health & Safety / Iechyd a Diogelwch
04 05
24 - 27
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
ConvaTec Site Layout
open for business
ConvaTec Cynllun Safle
Exhibition Entrance
Toilets Refreshments / Seminar Assembly Point
“On behalf of ConvaTec, I would like to welcome you to our Global Manufacturing Centre. We are proud to be hosting the Flintshire Business Week Exhibition for the second year. After the extremely positive feedback following last year’s exhibition, we are delighted to open our doors to connect and work closely with the local business community again. We welcome all exhibitors and visitors, and wish everyone participating another successful event.”
“Ar ran ConvaTec, hoffwn eich croesawu i’n Canolfan Weithgynhyrchu Fyd-eang. Rydym yn falch o fod yn croesawu Arddangosfa Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint am yr ail flwyddyn. Ar ôl yr ymateb cadarnhaol dros ben yn dilyn arddangosfa’r llynedd, rydym yn hynod falch o agor ein drysau eto i gysylltu â’r gymuned fusnes leol a gweithio’n agos â hi. Croeso i’r holl arddangoswyr ac ymwelwyr a dymunwn achlysur llwyddiannus arall i bawb sy’n cymryd rhan.”
Jo Graham, Director of Operations, UK. 04
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
in association with / ar y cyd â
ar agor i fusnes
Exhibitors & Layout Plan
Arddangoswyr a Chynllun Trefniant
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
ADS Graphics Ltd 01244 281880
Stand 55
www.ads-graphic.com sue@ads-graphics.com At ADS we offer a complete one-stop-shop facility for all your design, digital print, print and packaging requirements. Established for over 35 years, we manufacture a wide variety of items including cartons, leaflets, labels, brochures, posters, banners and window stickers
Yn ADS rydym yn cynnig cyfleuster cyflawn mewn un man ar gyfer eich holl ofynion dylunio, argraffu digidol, printio a deunydd pacio. Wedi sefydlu ers dros 35 mlynedd, rydym yn gweithgynhyrchu amrywiaeth eang o eitemau gan gynnwys cartonau, taflenni, labeli, pamffledi, posteri, baneri a glynion ffenestr.
AGS Security Systems Ltd 01352 707888
Stand 57
AGS Security is an award winning provider of security in North Wales and the North West. We offer a full range of security services for businesses and homes in Flintshire, Denbighshire, Wrexham, Cheshire and beyond. We can assist you with all your security requirements including the following - intruder and fire alarms, CCTV, access controls, gates / barriers, maintenance and monitoring. AGS Security Systems are proud to be headline sponsors of the Flintshire Business Awards for the past two years and are also celebrating 25yrs of successful business in 2012
Mae AGS Securityʼn ddarparwr gwobrwyol o ddiogelwch cyffredinol yng Ngogledd Cymru a Gogledd-orllewin Lloegr. Rydym yn cynnig dewis llawn o wasanaethau diogeledd ar gyfer busnesau a chartrefi yn Sir y Fflint, Sir Ddinbych, Wrecsam, Sir Gaer a thu hwnt. Gallwn eich cynorthwyo gydaʼch holl ofynion sicrwydd gan gynnwys y canlynol – larymau tresbaswyr a thân, TCC, rheoliadau mynediad, adwyau / rhwystrau, cynnal ac arolygu. Mae AGS Security Systems yn falch o fod yn brif noddwyr Gwobrau Busnes Sir y Fflint am y ddwy flynedd diwethaf ac mae hefyd yn dathlu 25 mlynedd o fusnes llwyddiannus yn 2012.
Arco Ltd 0151 326 2626
Stand 20
www.arco.co.uk ellesmereport.branch@arco.co.uk
Arco is the UKʼs leading safety company, distributing quality products and training and providing expert advice helping to shape the safety world and make work a safer place. Arco offer a range of over 22,000 quality assured, branded and own branded products including personal protective equipment, clothing, footwear, gloves, workplace safety and hygiene products.
Arco yw cwmni diogelwch arweiniol y DU, yn dosbarthu cynhyrchion a hyfforddiant o safon ac yn rhoi cyngor arbenigol syʼn helpu llunioʼr byd diogelwch a gwneud gwaith yn lle mwy diogel. Mae Arcoʼn cynnig amrywiaeth o fwy na 22,000 o gynhyrchion brand aʼn brand ein hunain gyda sicrwydd ansawdd, gan gynnwys cyfarpar diogelu personol, dillad, esgidiau, menig, diogelwch y gweithle a chynhyrchion hylendid.
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
ar agor i fusnes
in association with / ar y cyd â
B2 Office Supplies 01244 837118 www.btwo.com officesupplies@btwo.com Dewch am goffi efo ni. Rydym yn bobl ʻwrthiʼ gwych – yma i helpu i chi weithreduʼn effeithlon ac effeithiol. ■ Gwasanaethau dodrefn swyddfa gwych a gwerthfawr ■ Nwyddau marchnata / dillad gwaith ffynclyd, llawn effaith – efoʼch logos chi! ■ Prynu papurach a chyflenwadau argraffuʼn ddoeth
Stand 30
Come and have a coffee with us. We are great ʻon itʼ people – here to help you operate efficiently and effectively. ■ Fabulous and great value office furniture services ■ Funky, impactful merchandising / work wear – with your logos! ■ Smart purchasing of Stationery & printer supplies.
Barclays 07881 318057 www.barclays.com Dewiwyn.davies@barclays.com Gyda chanolbwynt clir ar gysylltiadau âʼr cleient, mae Barclays yn gwasanaethu ei gleientiaid trwy rwydwaith byd-eang o reolwyr cysylltiadau, sector diwydiant a chynnyrch arbenigol, syʼn rhoi atebion iʼr diben i ddiwallu eu hanghenion. Maeʼr rhain yn cynnwys rhoi benthyg, rheoli peryglon, masnach, arian parod a rheoli hylifedd, a chyllido asedau a gwerthiannau arbenigol. Caiff cleientiaid gynnig atebion bancio buddsoddiad hefyd yn ogystal â gwybodaeth arbenigol am reoli cyfoeth a buddsoddiadau.
Stand 25
With a clear focus on client relationships, Barclays serves its clients via a global network of relationship, industry sector and product specialist managers, who provide tailored solutions to meet their needs. These include lending, risk management, trade, cash and liquidity management, and specialist asset and sales financing. Clients are also offered access to investment banking solutions as well as wealth and investment management expertise.
The Management Centre (Bangor Business School, Bangor University)
01248 365 992 www.themanagementcentre.co.uk
Y Ganolfan Rheolaeth, Ysgol Busnes Bangor, ywʼr Ganolfan Ragoriaeth ar gyfer Arweinyddiaeth; Rhaglenni Rheolaeth a Datblygiad Proffesiynol (CIPD, ACCA, CIPS). Fel Canolfan Gyfun Sefydliad Rheolwyr Siartredig (CMI) yng Ngogledd Cymru maeʼn darparu addysg arloesol ac ysbrydoledig, cymwysterau a CPD i berchenogion busnes, adrannau gweithredol a rheolwyr ymhob haen... mae dewisiadau iʼr diben a chymysg ar gael yn ein Canolfan Hyfforddi a Chynadledda preswyl.
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Stand 21
The Management Centre, Bangor Business School, is the Centre of Excellence for Leadership; Management and Professional Development Programmes (CIPD, ACCA, CIPS). As a Chartered Manager Institute (CMI) Integrated Centre in North Wales it provides innovative and inspiring learning, qualifications and CPD for Business Owners, Executives and Managers at all levels...Tailored and blended options available at our residential Training & Conference Centre.
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
in association with / ar y cyd â
ar agor i fusnes
Black Iris Exhibitions Ltd 01978 780421 www.blackiris-exhbitions.co.uk info@blackiris-exhibitions.co.uk O helpu cwmnïau gael mwy yn ôl o gost eu harddangosfa i ddylunio ac adeiladu gosodiadau ar gyfer eu stondinau arddangos, setiau llwyfan neu swyddfeydd anghyffredin, Black Iris Exhibitions ywʼr man lleol i alw am unrhyw ofynion dylunio ac adeiladu 3D. Mae eu brwdfrydedd dros gyflenwiʼr gorau oll iʼw cleientiaid yn dangos yn ansawdd eu gwaith yn ogystal âʼr cysylltiadau hirsefydlog rhyngddynt âʼu cleientiaid dros gyfnod.
Stand 02
From helping companies achieve a higher ROI on their exhibition cost to designing and building installations for their exhibition stands, stage sets or unusual office interior, Black Iris Exhibitions are the local point of call for any 3D design and build requirements. Their passion to deliver the very best for their clients shows in the quality of work produced as well as the long standing relationships theyʼve built with their clients over time.
Business in the Community 01352 706213 / 07738 024238 www.bitc.org.uk wales@bitc.org.uk Bydd siaradwyr o fyd Busnes, Llywodraeth ac Ysgolion yn ymuno â phobl ifanc i drafod pwysigrwydd ymwneud â busnes mewn ysgolion. Bydd y gweithdyʼn trafod yr heriau syʼn wynebu ysgolion a phobl ifanc ac yn dangos sut all y prosiect Dosbarth Busnes helpu ysgolion roi sylw i faterion arwain a llywodraethu, cyflogadwyedd a sgiliau mentro a rhoi cefnogaeth gyda datblygu cwricwlwm. Bydd y gweithdyʼn edrych ar sut fyddwn yn creu partneriaethau effeithiol, cynaliadwy rhwng ysgolion a busnesau, sut fyddwn yn cefnogi pobl ifanc i ddarganfod eu hadnoddau cudd, sut fyddwn yn datblygu dawn a sgiliau ac, yn y pen draw, yn cynnal y cyrhaeddiad academaidd isel mewn ysgolion.
Stand 65
Business Class - the importance of business engagement in schools Speakers from Business, Government and Schools will join with young people to discuss the importance of business engagement in schools. The workshop will discuss the challenges facing schools and young people and highlight how the Business Class project can support schools to address leadership and governance issues, employability and enterprise skills and provide support with curriculum development. The workshop will look at how we build effective, sustainable partnerships between schools and businesses, how we support young people to realise their potential, how we develop talent and skills and ultimately support the low academic achievement in schools.
CCSL 01244 289350 www.ccsl-cad.co.uk sales@ccsl-cad.co.uk Mae CCSL yn ailwerthwr cwbl awdurdodedig o gynhyrchion meddalwedd Dylunio Mecanyddol, Efelychu, Cyhoeddi a Rheoli Data SolidWorks 3D gyda Gwerth Ychwanegol. Byddwn yn defnyddio ein medrusrwydd profedig yn y diwydiannau CAD a Pheirianneg i ddarparu atebion dylunio greddfol, perfformiad uchel, gyda chynhaliaeth ein gwasanaethau hyfforddi a chefnogi o safon.
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Stand 54
CCSL are a fully authorised Value Added Reseller of SolidWorks 3D Mechanical Design, Simulation, Publishing and Data Management software products. We utilise our proven expertise in the CAD and Engineering industries to provide an intuitive, high performance design solution, backed up with our quality training and support services.
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
Carrier Wales 0800 102102
Stand 07
www.carrierwales.net info@carrierwales.net The internet is critical to business. But with all the technology jargon itʼs easy to make mistakes. Donʼt take that chance. Carrier Wales is your ideal internet partner. Carrier Wales provides high-speed internet services and solutions. No jargon. No mass of confusing options. Just innovative services to help your business grow. To get started call 0800 102 102 today. info@carrierwales.net
Maeʼr Rhyngrwyd yn allweddol i fusnes ond, gydaʼr holl jargon technoleg, maeʼn hawdd gwneud camgymeriadau. Peidiwch â mentro fel hyn. Carrier Wales yw eich partner Rhyngrwyd delfrydol. Mae Carrier Wales yn darparu gwasanaethau ac atebion Rhyngrwyd cyflym dros ben. Dim jargon. Dim llwyth o ddewisiadau dryslyd. Dim ond gwasanaethau arloesol i helpuʼch busnes dyfu. I ddechrau arni, ffoniwch 0800 102 102 heddiw. info@carrierwales.net
Cheshire West and Chester Council 0151 356 6567
Stand 23
www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk nicola.powell@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk The Councilʼs Economic Development Team, now based out of the Universityʼs Riverside Innovation Centre (RIC) provide access to a range of dedicated business support to help enterprising people develop an idea, identify premises, start a company, or expand an existing commercial concern - whatever their aspirations and whatever their size.
Mae Tîm Datblygu Economaidd y Cyngor, sydd bellach yn gweithio o Ganolfan Arloesi Riverside (RIC) y Brifysgol, yn rhoi mynediad at bob math o gymorth unswydd i fusnes i helpu pobl fentrus ddatblygu syniad, cael hyd i eiddo ac adeiladau, dechrau cwmni, neu ehangu cwmni masnachol presennol – beth bynnag eu huchelgais a beth bynnag eu maint.
Clwyd Theatr Cymru 01352 701573
Pop up Stand
www.clwyd-theatr-cymru.co.uk annie.dayson@clwyd-theatr-cymru.co.uk
Led by Terry Hands since 1997, CTC operates the largest producing theatre in Wales. At its heart is a world-class drama company staging 8 productions each year. This is complemented by a wide-ranging visiting programme of drama, dance, classical music, comedy, family and community shows. Thereʼs a cinema, three galleries, several function rooms, bars and a restaurant.
Dan arweiniad Terry Hands ers 1997, mae CTC yn rhedeg y theatr gynhyrchu fwyaf yng Nghymru. Yn y bôn maeʼn gwmni drama di-ail syʼn llwyfannu 8 cynhyrchiad bob blwyddyn. Yn ategu hyn mae rhaglen ymweld helaeth o ddrama, dawns, cerddoriaeth glasurol, comedi a sioeau teuluol a chymunedol. Mae yno sinema, tair oriel, amryw ystafelloedd achlysur, bariau a thŷ bwyta.
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
ar agor i fusnes
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Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
ar agor i fusnes
in association with / ar y cyd â
ConvaTec Ltd 01244 584000 www.convatec.com deeside.info@convatec.com Mae ConvaTec, cwmni byd-eang gyda mwy na 6000 o weithwyr, yn creu technolegau meddygol arloesol syʼn effeithioʼn gadarnhaol ar waith gweithwyr proffesiynol gofal iechyd a bywydau eu cleifion. Gyda gweithlu o fwy na 500 ar Lannau Dyfrdwy ac yn Rhymni, mae ConvaTec wedi gweithgynhyrchu amrywiaeth o gynhyrchion gofal iechyd arloesol ac o safon ers 30 mlynedd.
Stand 10
ConvaTec, a global company with over 7500 employees, creates breakthrough medical technologies that positively impact the work of healthcare professionals and the lives of their patients. With a workforce of more than 500 based at Deeside and Rhymney, ConvaTec have manufactured a range of high quality and innovative health care products for 30 years.
Cromwell 01244 530400 www.cromwell.co.uk chester@cromwell.co.uk Cromwell yw cyflenwr annibynnol arweiniol cynnal a chadw, atgyweirio, offer traul a PPE yn Ewrop, gyda mwy na 50 o ganghennau yn y DU yn cynnig gwasanaeth casglu neu ddosbarthu. Gydaʼn hymrwymiad i wasanaethu cwsmeriaid, ein nod yw eich helpu chi gyrraedd eich nod eich hun.
Stand 15
Cromwell is Europeʼs leading independent supplier of maintenance, repair, consumable tooling and PPE, with over 50 branches in the UK offering a collection or delivery service. With our commitment to customer service, our goal is to help you achieve yours.
Days Hotel Chester North 01244 830332 www.dayshotelchesternorth.co.uk info@dayshotelchesternorth.co.uk Yn sefyll ar garreg drws Parc Diwydiannol Glannau Dyfrdwy a Safleʼr Meysydd Awyr, y gwesty ywʼr man delfrydol ar gyfer eich holl anghenion llety a chyfarfodydd yn Sir y Fflint. Parcio am ddim, wi-fi am ddim a defnyddioʼr clwb hamdden am ddim iʼr holl westeion.
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Stand 03
Situated on the door step of Deeside Industrial Park and Airfields Site. The hotel is the ideal location for all your accommodation and meeting needs in Flintshire. Free car parking, free wi-fi and free use of the leisure club from all guests.
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
Dandyʼs Topsoil 01244 280008
Stand 56
www.DandysTopsoil.co.uk Sales@DandysTopsoil.co.uk Award winning Dandyʼs Landscape Supplies Centre, located on Deeside Industrial Park operates from a 6 acre site which includes a product warehouse, rock salt storage facility, a sales office and shop; the site now houses Deesideʼs first truck stop and welsh diner. Dandyʼs is open to the public and trade and specialises in bespoke topsoil blends, road grit, decorative graves and over one hundred other gardening and landscape supplies.
Mae canolfan wobrwyol Dandyʼs Landscape Supplies, ym Mharc Diwydiannol Glannau Dyfrdwy, yn gweithredu o safle 6 erw syʼn cynnwys warws cynnyrch, cyfleuster cadw halen y graig, swyddfa werthu a siop; erbyn hyn maeʼr safleʼn cynnwys arhosfa lorïau gyntaf Glannau Dyfrdwy a thŷ bwyta Cymreig. Mae Dandyʼs ar agor iʼr cyhoedd a masnachwyr ac maeʼn arbenigo mewn cymysgeddau pridd uchaf wrth fesur, graean ffyrdd, beddau addurnol a thros gant o gyflenwadau garddio a thirlunio eraill.
Deeside College 01244 834545
Stand 62
www.deeside.ac.uk acquire@deeside.ac.uk Acquire Training, the business arm of Deeside College, is the central point of contact for employers to access business training across North Wales and the North West. The college works closely with employers of all sizes and at all levels in the public, private and voluntary sectors responding to their training needs.
Acquire Training, adain fusnes Coleg Glannau Dyfrdwy, yw man cyswllt canolog cyflogwyr ar gyfer hyfforddiant busnes ar hyd a lled Gogledd Cymru a Gogledd-orllewin Lloegr. Maeʼr coleg yn gweithioʼn agos gyda chyflogwyr o bob maint ac ar bob lefel yn y sectorau cyhoeddus, preifat a gwirfoddol gan ymateb iʼw hanghenion hyfforddi.
Delivery Solutions Delsol Ltd 01244 525090
Stand 22
www.deliverysolutions.uk.com customerservice@deliverysolutions.uk.com
Delivery Solutions provide parcel and pallet overnight delivery services to business and domestic customers throughout the UK and Ireland, with a thriving Import and Export service to industries throughout the Northwest & Wales. Promoting five core services Parcels, Pallets, International, Sameday & Storage. DELSOL - We deliver the goods.
Mae Delivery Solutions yn darparu gwasanaethau dosbarthu parseli a phaledi dros nos i gwsmeriaid busnes a chartref ar hyd a lled y DU ac Iwerddon, gyda gwasanaeth Mewnforio ac Allforio ffyniannus i ddiwydiannau ar hyd a lled Cymru a Gogledd-orllewin Lloegr. Trwy hyrwyddo pum gwasanaeth craidd – Parseli, Paledi, Rhyngwladol, Yr Un Diwrnod a Storio – mae DELSOL yn cyflenwi a chyflawni.
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
ar agor i fusnes
in association with / ar y cyd â
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
ar agor i fusnes
in association with / ar y cyd â
Desique Ltd 01244 544440 www.desique.co.uk studio@desique.co.uk Mae Desique yn asiantaeth ddylunio gwasanaeth llawn syʼn arbenigo mewn dylunio gwefannau technegol, SEO, atebion e-fasnach, systemau rheoli cynnwys, dylunio ar gyfer argraffu gan gynnwys brandio, gwaith pamffledi a deunydd pacio.
Stand 19
Desique is a full service design agency who specialise in technical website design, SEO, e-commerce solutions, content management systems, design for print including branding, brochure work and packaging.
DRB Group 01244 280280 www.drbgroup.co.uk info@drbgroup.co.uk Grŵp peirianneg fecanyddol a thrydanol gyfun yw DRB syʼn gweithreduʼn bennaf yng Ngogledd Cymru a Gogledd-orllewin Lloegr. Rydym yn cynnig amrywiaeth o wasanaethau cynnal a pheirianyddol gan gynnwys: ● Cyflenwi cydrannau peirianyddol ● Turnio a saernïo ● Cynnal, trwsio ac atgyweirio peiriannau ac offer presennol gan gynnwys peiriannau trydan, pympiau, falfiau, offer hydrolig a niwmatig ● Dylunio a gweithgynhyrchu peirianwaith ac offer
Stand 35
DRB is an integrated mechanical and electrical engineering group operating primarily in North Wales and the North West of England. We offer a range of maintenance and engineering services including: ● Supply of engineering components ● Machining and fabrication ● Maintenance, repair and overhaul of existing plant and equipment including electric motors, pumps, valves, hydraulics and pneumatics ● Design and manufacture of machinery and equipment
Driven by Q Ltd 01978 846678 www.drivenbyq.co.uk mc@drivenbyq.com Mae DrivenByQ yn cynnig gwasanaeth gyrrwr proffesiynol i ddeiliaid cyfrifon corfforaethol. Rydym yn gwmni darbodus gyda threfn archebu yn y cwmwl syʼn helpu cyflenwi ein gwasanaeth cwsmeriaid nodedig am bris cystadleuol iawn.
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Stand 26
DrivenByQ offer a professional chauffeur service for corporate account holders. We are a lean company with a cloud based booking system which helps deliver our outstanding customer service at a very competitive price.
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
Duncan Sheard Glass Chartered Accountants 01244 526030
Stand 43
www.dsg.uk.com spg@dsg.uk.com We are one of the largest independent, client focused firms of chartered accountants and business advisors in North Wales and the North West of England. Our team has skill sets to match the very best in their fields and together with our experience working with our substantial client base, we have unrivalled expertise in tax planning, strategic business planning and the use of trusts to protect family wealth and minimise tax. We will provide you with advice that is comprehensive, proactive and delivered on time. Our emphasis is to provide cost effective advice that works in the commercial world. Our aspiration is to work with you to help you develop your business, whilst helping you to protect your assets and minimise your tax liabilities.
Rydym yn un oʼr cwmnïau cyfrifyddion siartredig a chynghorwyr busnes annibynnol mwyaf, syʼn canolbwyntio ar gleientiaid yng Ngogledd Cymru a Gogledd-orllewin Lloegr. Mae gan ein tîm sgiliau cystal âʼr gorau oll yn eu meysydd ac, ynghyd âʼn profiad o weithio gydaʼn sail gleientiaid sylweddol, mae gennym fedrusrwydd digymar mewn cynllunio ar gyfer treth, cynllunio busnes strategol a defnyddio ymddiriedau i warchod cyfoeth teuluol a lleihau treth gymaint â phosibl. Byddwn yn rhoi cyngor i chi syʼn gynhwysfawr, yn rhagweithiol ac yn brydlon. Ein pwyslais yw rhoi cyngor costeffeithiol syʼn gweithio yn y byd masnachol. Ein huchelgais yw gweithio gyda chi er mwyn helpu i chi ddatblygu eich busnes, wrth gynorthwyo gwarchod eich asedau a lleihau eich rhwymedigaethau treth gymaint â phosibl.
Edwin C Farrall Transport 01829 753558
Stand 11
www.farralls.co.uk paul@farralls.co.uk Established in 1956 Farrallʼs Transport is a family owned and operated business offering the complete storage and distribution package. From our 50,000 sq ft of racked food grade warehousing on Deeside Industrial Park we can provide complete track and trace of your product from receipt through to despatch.
Wediʼi sefydlu yn 1956 busnes teuluol yw Farrallʼs Transport yn cynnig y pecyn storio a dosbarthu cyflawn. Bydd gofynion palediʼn cael eu cyflenwi ar y diwrnod nesaf. Oʼn 50,000 troedfedd sgwâr o silffoedd warws gradd fwyd ym Mharc Diwydiannol Glannau Dyfrdwy gallwn ddarparu dilyn ac olrhain cyflawn oʼch cynnyrch oʼr dderbynneb iʼw anfon.
EEF Ltd 01656 641790
Stand 09
EEF is dedicated to the future of manufacturing. With our unique combination of business services, government representation and industry intelligence, no other organisation is better placed to provide the skills, knowledge and networks UK manufacturers need to thrive. Not a member? Join us and benefit. Call us on 0845 250 1333 or visit www.eef.org.uk
Mae EEF yn frwd dros ddyfodol gweithgynhyrchu. Gydaʼn cyfuniad unigryw o wasanaethau busnes, cynrychiolaeth y llywodraeth a deallusrwydd oʼr diwydiant, nid oes unrhyw sefydliad arall mewn lle gwell i ddarparuʼr sgiliau, gwybodaeth a rhwydweithiau sydd eu hangen ar wneuthurwyr y DU i ffynnu. Ydych chi ddim yn aelod? Ymunwch â ni ac elwa. Ffoniwch ni ar 0845 250 1333 neu ymwelwch ag www.eef.org.uk
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
ar agor i fusnes
in association with / ar y cyd â
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
Stand 00
Stand 00
e We ar ly nt curre g our tin lebra
y ersar Anniv
we make it safe Stand 00
Intruder and Fire Alarms ●
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Proud to be headline sponsor for the Flintshire Business Awards 2012 Visit us 17th - 18th October at the Flintshire Business Week Exhibition
T: 01352 707888 • www.ags-security.co.uk
Follow us:
Fieldway, Denbigh Road, Mold, Flintshire CH7 1BP
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
in association with / ar y cyd â
ar agor i fusnes
Ellison Marketing 01978 265807 www.ellisonmarketing.co.uk info@ellisonmarketing.co.uk Wediʼi sefydlu yn 2003 gan Mike Ellison, mae Ellison Marketing yn gyson wedi darparu amrywiaeth o wasanaethau marchnata i gwmnïau bach, yn ogystal â chorfforaethau a phrif gwmnïau, ers 10 mlynedd bron gan gynnwys cynhyrchu trywyddau, marchnata digidol, SEO/PPC. Mae Ellison Marketing yn cynrychioliʼr datblygiad nesaf mewn gwasanaethau marchnata allanol. Dyma gwmni ifanc, egnïol, syʼn gyflym ddod yn un oʼr Cwmnïau Marchnata a Chyfathrebu syʼn tyfu gyflymaf yng Ngogledd-orllewin Lloegr, gyda chleientiaid yn; y Cyfryngau, Hamdden, Gwestai / Arlwyo, Diwydiannol a marchnadoedd ariannol.
Stand 04
Founded in 2003 by Mike Ellison, Ellison Marketing have consistently provided SMEʼS, as well as corporate and blue chip, with a range of Marketing services for almost 10 years including Lead Generation, Digital Marketing, SEO/PPC. Ellison Marketing represents the next evolution in outsourced marketing services. A young, vibrant company, quickly becoming one of the fastest growing Marketing and Communications Companies in the NW, with clients in; Media, Leisure, Hotel/Catering, Industrial and financial markets.
Evans Easyspace Ltd 0800 039 3900 www.evanseasyspace.com tracybackhouse@evanseasyspace.com Mae Evans Easyspace yn ddarparwr blaenllaw o swyddfeydd a gweithdai ar osod, yn benodol ar gyfer y farchnad BBaCh. Rydym yn cynnig swyddfeydd gyda gwasanaethau, rhith swyddfeydd, ystafelloedd cyfarfod ac unedau hunan-gadw ar osod ac maent yn hynod boblogaidd oherwydd ein cyfnod rhybuddio o 2 fis aʼn staff gwybodus, agos-atoch sydd eisiau i chi lwyddo.
Stand 16
Evans Easyspace is a leading provider of office and workshop space to rent, specifically catering to the SME market. We offer serviced offices, virtual offices, meeting rooms and self-storage units to rent and are extremely popular for our 2 monthsʼ notice period and our knowledgeable, approachable staff who want you to succeed.
Faculty of Applied Science, University of Chester 01244 511646 m.hazelton@chester.ac.uk Mae Prifysgol Caer yn cynnig cyfleoedd dysgu rhan-amser ac o bell. Mae gennym ddatblygiad proffesiynol parhaus achrededig mewn Rheoli Prosiectau. Newydd ar gyfer 2012 fydd ein rhaglen mewn Logisteg a Rheoli Peryglon.
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Stand 59
The University of Chester offers part time and distance learning opportunities/ We have professional accredited continuing professional development in Project Management. New for 2012 will be our programme in Logistics and Risk Management.
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
Federation of Small Businesses 01745 362492
Stand 17
www.fsb.org.uk northwales@fsb.org.uk The FSB is the UKʼs largest campaigning pressure group promoting and protecting the interests of the self-employed. 3,000 members in North Wales benefit from free legal advice, free business banking, protection against tax investigation and employment tribunals as well as discounted rates for insurance, credit card processing, telecoms and much more. Subscriptions from £120 per year.
FSB yw carfan bwyso ymgyrchol fwyaf y DU syʼn hyrwyddo ac yn gwarchod buddiannauʼr hunangyflogedig. Mae 3,000 aelod yng Ngogledd Cymruʼn elwa ar gyngor cyfreithiol di-dâl, bancio busnes di-dâl, amddiffyniad rhag ymchwiliad treth a thribiwnlysoedd cyflogaeth yn ogystal â phrisiau rhatach ar gyfer yswiriant, prosesu cardiau credyd, telathrebu a llawer mwy. Tanysgrifiadau o £120 y flwyddyn. www.fsb.org.uk
Finance Wales 01745 586820
Stand 18
www.financewales.co.uk Svetlana.goode@financewales.co.uk Finance Wales, part of the Finance Wales Group, is a leading UK investor in small and medium-sized businesses. Finance Wales makes commercial debt and equity investments to help businesses based in Wales reach their growth potential investing from £5000 to £2 million in a single round in early stage, development capital, succession and acquisition deals.
Cyllid Cymru, rhan o Grŵp Cyllid Cymru, yw buddsoddwr arweiniol y DU mewn busnesau bach a chanolig. Mae Cyllid Cymruʼn gwneud buddsoddiadau dyled ac ecwiti masnachol i helpu busnesau yng Nghymru gyflawni eu gobeithion twf trwy fuddsoddi rhwng £5000 a £2 filiwn mewn cylch unigol mewn bargeinion cyfnod cynnar, cyfalaf datblygu, olyniaeth a chaffael.
Flintshire County Council Economic Development/ Datblygu Economaidd Cyngor Sir y Fflint 01352 752121
Stand 64
Flintshire County Council Economic Development team leads the approach to town centre regeneration, rural development and tourism in the county. The service supports businesses to raise the quality of their services and encourages and incentivises investment in town centre properties.
Tîm Datblygu Economaidd Cyngor Sir y Fflint syʼn arwain yr agwedd at adfywio canol trefi, datblygu cefn gwlad a thwristiaeth yn y sir. Maeʼr gwasanaeth yn cefnogi busnesau i wella ansawdd eu gwasanaethau ac maeʼn annog ac yn cymell buddsoddi mewn eiddo canol y dref.
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
in association with / ar y cyd â
ar agor i fusnes
Flintshire County Council is working in partnership with local communities and businesses to regenerate town centres across the County Attracting customers into the town centres
Attracting town centre investment
Improving the appearance of High Streets
For further information on the Town Action Plan programme visit our stand or ring 01352 703223 Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
ConvaTec Business Exhibition &
Wednesday 17th Oc
Venue: ConvaTec - Zone 2, Deeside Ind Park. CH5 2NU 09.30 Official Opening - Lord Barry Jones PC 10.00 Manufacturing for Growth in association with EEF Speakers: ■ Brian Fleet CBE, MBE ■ Dr. Brett Suddell will talk about advanced sustainable manufacturing technologies - ASTUTE programme ■ Phil Millward - Human Resources Director, General Motors UK & is a member of the North West Regional CBI Board as well as the Semta Strategy Board ■ Paul Byard - National Director Wales at EEF Ltd Director at ProGen Consulting Ltd, Chief Exec of MAS for Wales Programme at Enterprise Plc, General Manager at Hills Industries Ltd
Brian Fleet
Brett Suddell
Factory Tours available 24
Phil Millward
Paul Byard
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
in association with / ar y cyd â
ar agor i fusnes
& Seminars
ctober 12.00 Deeside Enterprise Zone In association with: Praxis Presentations: ■ Lord Barry Jones PC - President of DIP forum ■ Askar Sheibani - Chair of Deeside Enterprise Zone Board Lord Barry Jones
Askar Shiebani
14.00 Successful Growth through International Trade Speakers include: ■ Joseph Cave - Barclays Trade Director, Welcome ■ Huw Watkins - Director Enterprise Europe Network ■ Andris Alksnis - Investment and Development Agency Latvia ■ Joseph Cave - Financing International Trade Opportunities Joseph Cave Rene Power ■ Rene Power - Barrett Dixon Bell ■ Institute of Export - Anthony Pierce ■ Welsh Assembly: Mike Hynda, Senior Business Development Manager ■ Round up - Joseph Cave
17.00 Made in Flintshire - Networking Event Sponsored by: P & A Group, Hot and cold food available. Target Audience: Flintshire businesses, delegates, exhibitors and companies with potential to trade from outside the area.
Small Seminars: ● Finance Wales
Integer Data ltd
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
ConvaTec Business Exhibition &
Thursday 18th Oc
Venue: ConvaTec - Zone 2, Deeside Ind Park. CH5 2NU 08.00 Mersey Dee Alliance Innovation Network Business Breakfast - Invitation only Bringing together innovators, entrepreneurs and experts from Wales and North West England
10.00 - 11.30 Bangor University Management Centre Business and Law Schools will lead a discussion on the current situation regarding tendering opportunities in the Public Sector and facilitate a workshop on Tendering. David Roberts
This event will be videoed and there will be press release and photograph opportunities 26
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
in association with / ar y cyd â
ar agor i fusnes
& Seminars
tober 11.30
ConvaTec Award Ceremony Best Exhibition Space
12.30 - 14.30 Business In the Community Lunch - speaker TBC 14.30
Supplier Development Service
Latest information on How to tender and opportunities with Flintshire CC, Wrexham CBC, Chester West and Chester Council, Wirral Borough Council.
Close of Exhibition
Days Hotel. Chester, CH5 2HX
9.15am-12.30pm ISO 14001 Awareness Workshop ● Includes lunch To book please contact: 01978 667321 or email: lynne.lewis@wrexham.gov.uk
Small seminars:
Gardners Accountants
Hicks Randall
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
ar agor i fusnes
in association with / ar y cyd â
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
in association with / ar y cyd â
ar agor i fusnes
Flintshire Tourism Association 01352 713138 / 01352 780733 www.discoverflintshire.co.uk Christine@pantasaphfarm.co.uk Grŵp o fusnesau ymwelwyr annibynnol syʼn gweithioʼn galed i hyrwyddoʼr gwasanaethau ymwelwyr rhagorol, llety ac atyniadau yn Sir y Fflint. Gydaʼn gilydd rydym yn helpu llunio Sir y Fflint fel cyrchfan ymwelwyr.
Stand 52
Group of independent tourism businesses who work hard to promote the excellent visitor services, accommodation and attractions within Flintshire. Together we are helping to shape Flintshire as a visitor destination.
Gardners Accountants Ltd 01352 710216 www.gardnersaccountants.co.uk info@gardnersaccountants.co.uk Fel practis cyfrifyddion siartredig blaenllaw rydym yn hoffi meddwl ein bod yn cynnig llawer mwy na dim ond cyfrifyddu. Down iʼch deall chi aʼch busnes fel bod ein gwasanaeth cynghoriʼn union beth sydd ar eich busnes ei angen – ar yr adeg iawn. Gardners – perthynas ystyrlon – ymatebolrwydd cadarnhaol – dibynadwyedd llawn.
Stand 06
Gelicity UK Ltd yw un o gwmnïau arweiniol y DU ar ofal am y croen, gyda chynhyrchion bath a chorff sydd ychydig yn wahanol iʼr arferol. Sefydlwyd Gelicity UK yn 2006 gan y Cyfarwyddwyr: Wayne Walton a Paul Morris. Caiff ein cynhyrchion bath a harddu eu gweithgynhyrchu yn y Fflint, Gogledd Cymru aʼu hallforio i dros 20 o wledydd ledled y byd.
Stand 60
As a leading chartered accountants practice we like to think that we offer much more than just accountancy. We get to understand both you and your business so that our advice service is exactly what your business needs – at the right time. Gardners – meaningful relationship – positive responsiveness – total reliability.
Gelicity UK Ltd 01352 731010 www.gelicity.com gavin@gelicity.com Gelicity UK Ltd are one of the UKʼs leading skincare companies, with bath and body products that are that little bit different than the norm. Gelicity UK was founded in 2006 by the Directors: Wayne Walton and Paul Morris. Our bath and beauty products are manufactured in Flint, North Wales and are exported to over 20 countries worldwide.
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
Glyndŵr University 01978 293183
Stand 48
www.glyndwr.ac.uk Business at Glyndŵr University is changing radically. We are passionate about enabling business to prosper and grow. We now offer a wide spectrum of flexible training programmes and collaborative services to make this happen. Glyndŵr can help make a difference to your bottom-line. To get on board with our revolution and become part of a winning collaborative business community, visit in-business.org or call us on 01978 293 439.
Mae Busnes ym Mhrifysgol Glyndŵr yn newid yn sylfaenol. Rydym yn frwd dros weld bod busnes yn gallu ffynnu a thyfu. Erbyn hyn rydym yn cynnig sbectrwm eang o raglenni hyfforddi hyblyg a gwasanaethau cydweithredol i wneud i hyn ddigwydd. Gall Glyndŵr helpu gwneud gwahaniaeth iʼch llinell isaf. I ymuno âʼn chwyldro a dod yn rhan o gymuned fusnes gydweithredol lwyddiannus, ymwelwch ag in-business.org neu ffoniwch ni ar 01978 293 439.
GO Wales 01978 293345
Stand 14
www.gowales.co.uk s.forde@glyndwr.ac.uk GO Wales offers a range of services proven to help students, graduates and businesses in Wales including: work placements, funding for training, an online database of jobs in Wales and the Graduate Academy.
Mae GO Wales yn cynnig amrywiaeth o wasanaethau profedig i helpu myfyrwyr, graddedigion a busnesau yng Nghymru gan gynnwys: lleoliadau gwaith, cymorth ariannol ar gyfer hyfforddiant, cronfa ddata o swyddi yng Nghymru ar-lein aʼr Academi Graddedigion.
Groundwork North Wales 01978 757524
Stand 50
www.groundworknorthwales.org.uk info@groundworknorthwales.org.uk
Groundwork North Wales delivers operational, energy efficiency and training services to the business sector. Helping your business up skill your staff, lower costs, increase profits and reduce your carbon footprint. Make sure you visit the Groundwork North Wales exhibition stand.
Mae Groundwork Gogledd Cymruʼn cyflenwi gwasanaethau gweithredol, defnyddio ynniʼn effeithlon a hyfforddi iʼr sector busnes. Helpu eich busnes wella sgiliau eich staff, lleihau costau, cynyddu elw a gostwng eich ôl troed carbon. Cofiwch ymweld â stondin arddangos Groundwork Gogledd Cymru.
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
in association with / ar y cyd â
ar agor i fusnes
Hick Randles Business Services 01352 758888 www.hicksrandles.co.uk Mae Cyfrifyddion Siartredig a Chynghorwyr Busnes Hicks Randles yn darparu amrywiaeth eang o wasanaethau busnes ar gyfer busnesau sy©ˆn bodoli, yn dechrau ac yn tyfu. Ar hyn o bryd mae'n bartner gyda Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Wrecsam ar gyfer cyflawni Rhaglen Dechrau Busnesau Llywodraeth Cymru yng Ngogledd-ddwyrain Cymru. Mae'r rhaglen hon yn ddi-dâl ac yn gydgyfrinachol.
Stand M1
Hicks Randles Chartered Accountants provide a full range of accountancy, taxation and business advice services for start up and growth business. Currently a partner with Wrexham County Borough Council for the delivery of the Welsh Government Business Start up Program in North East Wales. This program is free and confidential.
Hillyer McKeown Solicitors 01978 229346 www.hillyermckeown.co.uk enquiries@law.uk.com Mae Hillyer McKeown yn ddarparwyr blaenllaw gwasanaethau cyfreithiol arbenigol, gyda chanolbwynt clir ar ddiwallu anghenion masnachol yr holl gleientiaid. Rydym yn rhagweithiol ac yn meithrin cysylltiadau seiliedig ar ddealltwriaeth glir oʼr farchnad a byddwn yn gweithio gyda chleientiaid i sicrhau cysondeb a pharhad medrusrwydd.
Stand 08
Hillyer McKeown are leading providers of specialist legal services, with a clear focus on meeting the commercial needs of all the clients. We are proactive and build relationships based on a clear understanding of the commercial marketplace and we work with clients to ensure consistency and continuity of expertise.
ICR Group Ltd 0845 263 7224 www.icrgroup.org.uk kev@icrgroup.org.uk Cwmni seiliedig yn Nhreffynnon, Gogledd Cymru yw ICR Group syʼn darparu gosodiadau trydanol a gwasanaethau ynni adnewyddadwy i gwmnïau masnachol a diwydiannol. Maeʼn uno pedwar brand cryf dan un to: ■ Ideal Electrical Contracting ■ Ideal LED & Lighting syʼn arbenigo mewn goleuo masnachol a diwydiannol ■ Ideal Cleaning and Repair – peirianwaith ac offer ■ Ideal Solar
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Stand 05
ICR Group is a company based in Holywell, North Wales that provides electrical installations and renewable energy services to commercial and industrial companies. It unites under one roof four strong brands. ■ Ideal Electrical Contracting ■ Ideal LED & Lighting specialising in Commercial and industrial lighting ■ Ideal Cleaning and Repair – Machinery and Equipment ■ Ideal Solar
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
IEC Connect Limited 01244 670890
Stand 36
www.iecconect.co.uk Jo.taylor@iecconnect.co.uk IEC Connect Limited is a family owned and operated Renewable Energy Business, with our Head Office based in Chester. From our long established electrical contracting roots, we have developed into one of the UKʼs leading suppliers of Renewable Energy Solutions. From a single domestic installation to full commercial contracts, IEC Connect can provide you with a complete tailor made solution.
Busnes teuluol Ynni Adnewyddadwy yw IEC Connect Limited, gydaʼn pencadlys yng Nghaer. Oʼn gwreiddiau contractio trydanol hirsefydlog, rydym wedi datblyguʼn un o gyflenwyr Atebion Ynni Adnewyddadwy arweiniol y DU. O osodiadau cartref unigol i gontractau masnachol llawn, fe all IEC Connect ddarparu ateb cyflawn hollol addas i chi.
Institute of Export & International Trade 01733 404444
Pop up Stand
www.export.org.uk piercea@export.org.uk Established in 1935, the Institute of Export is the professional membership body representing and supporting the interests of everyone involved in importing, exporting and international trade. Offering a unique range of individual and business membership benefits and a world renowned suite of qualifications and training, the Institute is the leading authority in best practice and competence for businesses trading globally.
Wediʼi sefydlu yn 1935, y Sefydliad Allforio ywʼr corff aelodaeth broffesiynol syʼn cynrychioli a chefnogi buddiannau pawb syʼn ymwneud â mewnforio, allforio a masnach ryngwladol. Yn cynnig dewis unigryw o fuddiannau aelodaeth unigol a busnes a chyfres fyd-enwog o gymwysterau a hyfforddiant, y Sefydliad ywʼr awdurdod blaenllaw ar arferion gorau a chymhwysedd busnesau syʼn masnachuʼn fyd-eang.
Integer Data Limited 01244 677751
Stand 51
www.integerdata.co.uk info@integerdata.co.uk
Flintshire based ethical IT company Integer Date Ltd supplies, maintains & repairs IT & information systems & develops web-based and database solutions for every size of business. Data analysis specialists Intergerʼs services have saved £millions for some of the worldʼs largest companies & their extraordinary levels of customer care & value-formoney apply to every customer; big, small or somewhere-in-between. With its popular REPAIRMYIT & SOURCEMYIT brands, Integer now caters for the individual as well as business users.
Cwmni TG moesegol o Sir y Fflint yw Integer Data Ltd syʼn cyflenwi, cynnal a thrwsio systemau TG a gwybodaeth a datblygu atebion seiliedig ar y we a chronfa ddata ar gyfer busnesau o bob maint. Fel arbenigwyr dadansoddi data, mae gwasanaethau Interger wedi arbed miliynau o bunnoedd i rai o gwmnïau mwyaf y byd ac mae ei ofal arbennig a gwerth am yr arian yn berthnasol i bob cwsmer; mawr, bach neu rhwng y ddau. Gydaʼi frandiau poblogaidd REPAIRMYIT a SOURCEMYIT, mae Integer bellach yn darparu ar gyfer yr unigolyn yn ogystal â defnyddwyr busnes.
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
in association with / ar y cyd â
ar agor i fusnes
Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, Representative Office in the UK 0207 229 8173 www.liaa.gov.lv, www.polarisprocess.com uk@liaa.gov.lv Mae Asiantaeth Fuddsoddi a Datblygu Latfia (LIAA) yn hyrwyddo datblygu busnes trwy hwyluso mwy o fuddsoddiad tramor a chynyddu gallu cystadleuol mentrwyr Latfia yn ogystal â chefnogi cwmnïau tramor yn chwilio am bartneriaid Latfiaidd ac sydd eisiau masnachu gyda chwmnïau, cyrff a sefydliadau gwladol Latfia. Ar stondin LIAA hefyd bydd cynrychiolwyr tri o gwmnïau sector peirianneg Latfia DevelopBaltic – www.developbaltic.com, Padtex Insulation – www.padtex.lv a Volburg – www.volburg.lv
Stand 33
The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) promotes business development by facilitating more foreign investment and increasing the competitiveness of Latvian entrepreneurs as well supports overseas companies seeking Latvian partners and wanting to trade with Latvian companies, organizations and state institutions. At the LIAA stand will be present also representatives of three Latviaʼs engineering sector companies DevelopBaltic – www.developbaltic.com, Padtex Insulation www.padtex.lv and Volburg - www.volburg.lv
Kingspan Insulated Panels 01352 716100 www.kingspanpanels.co.uk Mae Kingspan Insulated Panels, rhan o Kingspan Group Plc, wedi sefydlu sefyllfa fyd-eang arweiniol o ran dylunio a gweithgynhyrchu systemau to, mur a ffasâd FIREsafe ynysedig o safon ar gyfer y diwydiant adeiladu. Defnyddiwyd dewis Kingspan o baneli ynysedig yn llwyddiannus ar draws y byd ar brosiectau adwerthu, dosbarthu, masnachol, diwydiannol, hamdden, ysbyty ac addysg. Mae manteision perfformiad Kingspan Insulated Panel Systems yn adnabyddus iawn i fuddsoddwyr eiddo, perchenogion adeiladau, dylunwyr a chontractwyr.
Stand 28
Kingspan Insulated Panels, part of the Kingspan Group Plc, has established a leading global position in design and manufacture of high quality FIREsafe insulated roof, wall and façade systems for the construction industry. Kingspanʼs range of insulated panels have been successfully used across the globe on retail, distribution, commercial, industrial, leisure, hospital and education projects. The performance advantages of Kingspan Insulated Panel Systems are well recognised by property investors, building owners, designers and contractors.
Knox Insolvency Solicitors, Knox Commercial Solicitors & DEBTFAIR SOLICITORS
0845 387 0105 www.knoxinsolvency.co.uk, www.knoxcommercial.co.uk, www.debtfair.co.uk, enquiries@knoxinsolvency.co.uk
Rydym yn gwmni cyfraith busnes arbenigol syʼn delioʼn unig â gwaith cyfraith fasnachol ac ansolfedd a chasglu dyledion ar hyd a lled Gogledd Cymru. Mae gan Andrea Knox, pennaeth y cwmni, gymwysterau deuol fel Cyfreithiwr ac Ymarferydd Ansolfedd Trwyddedig. Mae cleientiaid yn cynnwys cwmnïau CCC llwyddiannus, gwerth miliynau o bunnoedd, corff chwaraeon rhyngwladol, practisiau cyfrifyddu blaenllaw ac unig fasnachwyr bach: yr unig elfen gyffredin yw bod angen cyngor cyfraith fasnachol arbenigol arnynt. Caiff mwyafrif y trafodion eu prisio ar sail ffi benodedig. Mae gwasanaeth Cymraeg ar gael.
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Stand 46
We are a specialist business law firm dealing solely with commercial and insolvency law work and debt collection throughout North Wales. Andrea Knox, the principal of the firm, is dual qualified as a Solicitor and a Licensed Insolvency Practitioner. Clients include a successful PLC, multi-million pound companies, an international sporting body, leading accountancy practices and small sole traders: the only common factor is that they require specialist commercial law advice. Most transactions priced on a fixed fee basis. Welsh language service available.
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
KK Finefoods 01244 286200
Pop up Stand
www.kkfinefoods.com info@kkfinefoods.com KK Fine Foods produces the finest quality frozen ready meals, pastries, pates, sauces, soups and grills, and over the years has won many awards as a testimony to its innovative products. KK was established in 1987 and supplies the foodservice, retail and the public sector.
Mae KK Fine Foods yn cynhyrchu prydau parod rhewedig, teisenni, pates, sawsiau, cawliau a griliau oʼr ansawdd orau a, thros y blynyddoedd, mae wedi ennill llawer o wobrau fel tystiolaeth oʼi gynhyrchion arloesol. Sefydlwyd KK yn 1987 ac maeʼn cyflenwiʼr sector gweini bwyd, adwerthu a chyhoeddus.
Leadership & Management Wales 01978 293995
Stand 37
www.lmw.org.uk lmw@glyndwr.ac.uk Leadership & Management Wales (LMW) is the centre for excellence for leadership and management skills in Wales. It is funded by government to benefit businesses of all sizes and sectors, supporting the development of skills that will improve effectiveness and efficiency and help grow the economy in Wales.
Arweinyddiaeth a Rheolaeth Cymru (LMW) ywʼr ganolfan ragoriaeth ar sgiliau arwain a rheoli yng Nghymru. Caiff ei gyllido gan y llywodraeth i elwa busnesau o bob maint a sector, cefnogi datblygu sgiliau fydd yn gwella effeithiolrwydd ac effeithlonrwydd a helpu economi Cymru i dyfu.
Linde Sterling Ltd 01244 545187
Stand M3
Linde offers bespoke handling solutions for every type of industrial and commercial application. These include engine and electric powered counterbalance trucks, a complete range of warehouse trucks, very narrow aisle systems, electric tow tractors, side loaders and container handlers. With capacities from one tonne to 52 tonnes Linde can match the specification to your specific requirements.
Mae Linde yn cynnig atebion trin wrth fesur ar gyfer pob math o gymwysiadau diwydiannol a masnachol. Maeʼr rhain yn cynnwys lorïau gwrthbwys peiriannol a thrydanol, amrywiaeth llawn o wagenni warws, systemau eiliau cul iawn, tractorau halio trydan, llwythwyr ochrol a thrinwyr cynwysyddion. Yn gallu codi llwythau o un dunnell i 52 tunnell fe all Linde ateb gofynion penodol eich manyleb.
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
in association with / ar y cyd â
ar agor i fusnes
Lindop Toyota 01244 821031 www.lindop.toyota.co.uk im@lindop.toyota.co.uk Ar hyn o bryd mae Lindop Toyotaʼn gweithredu o 2 ddelwriaeth yn Queensferry a Wrecsam. Rydym wedi sefydlu yn y cylch ers dros 40 mlynedd ac yn cyflogi dros 100 o staff erbyn hyn. Caiff dau oʼn ceir presennol (Avensis ac Auris / Auris a Hybrid newydd 2013) eu gweithgynhyrchu yn y DU gyda pheiriannauʼn cael eu cynhyrchuʼn lleol ar gyfer y DU ac allforio yma ar Lannau Dyfrdwy. Allyriadau arweiniol eu dosbarth drwyʼr dewis i gyd yn cynnig cost isel perchenogaeth i fusnesau a BIK isel i yrwyr ceir cwmni.
Outside Stand
Lindop Toyota currently operate from 2 dealerships in Queensferry and Wrexham. We have been established in the area for more than 40 years and now employ over 100 staff. Two of our current models (Avensis and Auris/New 2013 Auris&Hybrid) are manufactured in the UK with engineʼs being produced for the UK and for export locally here in Deeside. Class leading emissions throughout the range offering businessʼs low cost of ownership and low BIK to company car drivers.
M & S Water Services Limited 01244 534236 www.mswaterservices.co.uk info@mswaterservices.co.uk Wediʼi sefydlu yn 1988 mae M & S Water Services Ltd yn cyflenwi amrywiaeth o gynhyrchion trin dŵr, offer ategol a gwasanaethau syʼn ateb gofynion cleientiaid yn union. Rydym yn arbenigo mewn darparu cynhyrchion a gwasanaethau ar gyfer bwyleri ager, tyrau oeri, systemau dŵr oer a gwresogi ar yr un pryd â helpu cleientiaid i gydymffurfio â deddfwriaeth gyfredol i reoli twf bacteria Legionella (ACOP L8) trwy Asesiadau Peryglon Legionella a rhaglenni arolygu / trin dŵr penodol i safle.
Stand 31
Established in 1988 M & S Water Services Ltd supply a range of water treatment products, ancillary equipment and services engineered to exactly meet client requirements. We specialise in providing products and services for steam boilers, cooling towers, chilled and heating water systems while also assisting clients to comply with current legislation to control the growth of Legionella bacteria (ACOP L8) via Legionella Risk Assessments and site specific water monitoring/treatment programmes.
MicroGraphics Colour Imaging 01492 592277 www.micrographics.co.uk Mae MicroGraphics yn cynhyrchu printiau trawiadol ar gyfer posteri, arddangosfeydd, man gwerthu, arwyddion a llawer diben arall. Rydym hefyd yn cynnig detholiad mawr o systemau arddangos, stondinau baner a chownteri cludadwy. Nid dynaʼr cyfan – ymwelwch âʼn stondin i weld ein dewis o dalwyr iPad a chael gwybod am ein torrwr gwastad digidol newydd!
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Stand 34
MicroGraphics produce stunning prints for posters, exhibitions, point of sale, signage and many other purposes. We also offer a great selection of exhibition systems, banner stands and portable counters. Thatʼs not all - visit our stand to see our range of iPad stands and find out about our new digital flatbed cutter!
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
North Wales Fire and Rescue Services 01745 352707 www.nwales-fireservices.org.uk steve.cook@nwales-fireservices.org.uk
Outside Stand
North Wales Fire Service, Business Education Team, providing legislative fire safety advice and guidance for businesses.
Gwasanaeth Tân Gogledd Cymru, Tîm Dysgu Busnes, yn rhoi cyngor a chyfarwyddyd deddfwriaethol ar ddiogelu rhag tân i fusnesau.
North Wales Training 01492 543431
Stand 01
www.nwtraining.co.uk info@nwtraining.co.uk North Wales Training is one of the most highly regarded private training providers in Wales delivering Pre-Apprenticeship, Foundation and Modern Apprenticeships and Modern Skills Diplomas together with an extensive portfolio of short courses both in house and at employer venues. Occupational areas include Management, Engineering, Motor Vehicle, Hospitality, Care, Customer Services, Retail and Administration.
Hyfforddiant Gogledd Cymru yw un oʼr darparwyr hyfforddiant preifat uchaf ei barch yng Nghymru yn cyflwyno Diplomâu Cyn-prentisiaeth, Prentisiaethau Sylfaen a Modern a Sgiliau Modern ynghyd â phortffolio helaeth o gyrsiau byr yn fewnol ac ym mannau cyfarfod cyflogwyr. Mae meysydd galwedigaethol yn cynnwys Rheoli, Peirianneg, Cerbydau Modur, Croeso, Gofal, Gwasanaethau Cwsmeriaid, Adwerthu a Gweinyddu.
Northop Hall Country House Hotel 01244 816181
Stand 24
www.northophallhotel.co.uk info@northophallhotel.co.uk
Country house hotel and restaurant set in 9 acres of formal gardens and woodland with 38 bedrooms and meeting rooms – with excellent access to A55 and motorway network. Northop Hall Country House is a family owned and operated venue - ideal for accommodation / business meetings / team building / leisure events. Please call to discuss your individual requirements.
Plasty syʼn westy a thŷ bwyta mewn 9 erw o erddi ffurfiol a choetir gyda 38 ystafell wely ac ystafelloedd cyfarfod – gyda mynediad rhagorol oʼr A55 aʼr rhwydwaith traffyrdd. Busnes teuluol yw Northop Hall Country House – delfrydol ar gyfer llety / cyfarfodydd busnes / meithrin timau / achlysuron hamdden. Cofiwch ffonio i drafod eich gofynion unigol.
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
ar agor i fusnes
in association with / ar y cyd â
Office Essentials Limited 0845 456 9601 www.office-essentials.co.uk sales@office-essentials.co.uk I gael nwyddau swyddfa am y prisiau gorau posibl dewiswch y gwerthwyr papurach swyddfa gydaʼr gwasanaeth gorau oll heb os nac oni bai ar gyfer holl anghenion eich swyddfa.
Stand 12
For office supplies at the best possible prices choose the office stationers with absolutely the best possible service for all your office needs.
P & A Group 01352 752555 www.p-a-group.com info@p-a-group.com Cwmni gweithgynhyrchu yn yr Wyddgrug yw P&A syʼn cyflenwi paledi a chasys pacio i sbectrwm eang o ddiwydiannau ers dros 25 mlynedd, a chael eu henw da am gynhyrchion o safon a gwasanaethu cwsmeriaid. Mae P&A hefyd yn cynhyrchu a mewnforio nwyddau pren iʼr ardd: delltwaith ffensio, seddau, cabanau ac adeiladau pren. Mae canolfan arddio P&A yn cynnig gwasanaeth tirweddu gwobrwyol syʼn anelu at y farchnad.
Stand 32
Arbenigwr telathrebu busnes ym Morfa Caer yw Parkway Telecom. Rydym yn cyflenwi systemau ffôn, ffonau poced a galwadau llinell sefydlog i gleientiaid ar hyd a lled y DU. Wediʼi sefydlu ym mis Gorffennaf 2000, mae Parkway Telecom yn dathlu 12 mlynedd mewn busnes eleni. Rydym yn bartner aur Vodafone gydag achrededig Vodafone one-net ac alcatel-lucent.
Stand 49
P&A are a manufacturing company based in Mold supplying pallets and packing cases to a wide spectrum of industries for over 25 years, building their reputation on quality products and customer service. P&A also produce and import timber garden products: fencing trellis, seats, cabins and timber buildings. The P&A garden centre has an award winning landscaping service aimed at the commercial market.
Parkway Telecom Limited 01244 687687 www.parkwaytelecom.co.uk paul@parkwaytelecom.co.uk Parkway Telecom is a business telecoms specialist based in Saltney. We supply telephone systems, mobile phones and fixed line calls to clients throughout the UK. Established in July 2000, Parkway Telecom is celebrating 12 years in business this year. We are a Vodafone gold partner and Vodafone one-net and alcatel-lucent accredited.
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
Pinacl Solutions Ltd 01745 535381
Stand 39
www.pinaclsolutions.com christine.featherstone@pinaclsolutions.com Pinacl Solutions integrates industry leading products and services to design and implement bespoke solutions for voice, video, data networks, data management, MS Lync. Strategic partnerships with key vendors ensure that we provide the optimum solution for our clients, integrating strong technical knowledge, an in-depth understanding of our customerʼs objectives. Our flexible and consultative approach also ensures that we deliver cost effective, scalable and future proof ICT Solutions that fully support a wide range of public and private sector organisations.
Mae Pinacl Solutions yn cyfuno cynhyrchion a gwasanaethau arweiniol y diwydiant i ddylunio a gweithredu atebion pwrpasol ar gyfer llais, fideo, rhwydweithiau data, rheoli data, MS Lync. Mae partneriaethau strategol gyda gwerthwyr allweddol yn sicrhau ein bod yn darparuʼr ateb gorau iʼn cleientiaid, gan gyfuno gwybodaeth dechnegol gref, dealltwriaeth drylwyr o amcanion ein cwsmer. Mae ein hagwedd hyblyg ac ymgynghorol hefyd yn sicrhau ein bod yn cyflenwi Atebion TGCh cost-effeithiol, graddadwy ac addasadwy iʼr dyfodol syʼn cefnogi amrywiaeth eang o gyrff yn y sectorau cyhoeddus a phreifat yn llawn.
Pochin Goodman 01606 833333
Stand M2
www.pochins.plc.uk Gillian.urquhart@pochins.plc.uk Pochin Goodman is a strategic partnership between Goodman Group and Pochinʼs PLC. The purpose of the venture is to promote and develop land within the Deeside Enterprise Zone, providing places for business to grow and for people to live. Pochin Goodman are delighted to support Flintshire Business Week.
Partneriaeth strategol yw Pochin Goodman rhwng Goodman Group a Phochinʼs PLC. Diben y fenter yw hyrwyddo a datblygu tir yn Ardal Fenter Glannau Dyfrdwy, darparu lleoedd i fusnes dyfu ac i bobl i fyw. Mae Pochin Goodman yn hynod falch o gefnogi Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint.
PPC Rescue 01244 470067
Stand 58
www.ppc-rescue.co.uk marketing@ppc-rescue.co.uk
We are Google AdWords and SEO specialists offering a jargon free, enthusiastic approach to driving customers to your website, at an affordable price. We are a Google Certified Partner trained and vetted by Google to get the best out of this amazing pay per click (PPC) advertising programme – in a nutshell, weʼd like to help you get more customers. Weʼre waiting for your call, what are you waiting for?
Rydym yn arbenigwyr Google AdWords a SEO yn cynnig agwedd frwdfrydig, rydd o jargon at yrru cwsmeriaid iʼch gwefan, am bris fforddiadwy. Rydym yn Bartner Ardystiedig Google a hyfforddwyd ac a archwiliwyd gan Google i gael y gorau allan oʼr rhaglen hysbysebu ryfeddol hon syʼn talu fesul clic (PPC) – yn gryno, hoffem helpu i chi gael mwy o gwsmeriaid. Rydym niʼn aros am eich galwad, am beth ydych chiʼn aros?
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
ar agor i fusnes
in association with / ar y cyd â
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
ar agor i fusnes
in association with / ar y cyd â
Praxis 0161 839 9454 www.theairfields.co.uk Neil.Mort@praxis-holdings.com Praxis yw un o fuddsoddwyr a datblygwyr eiddo mwyaf egnïol a dibynadwy yn y DU. Ni yw prif ysgogwr y Meysydd Awyr – cynllun blaenllaw Glannau Dyfrdwy – a gafodd ganiatâd cynllunio amlinellol ar gyfer defnyddiau gweithgynhyrchu, diwydiannol, adwerthu a phreswyl. Rydym yn frwd dros ffyniant hirdymor Sir y Fflint ac yn dal i fuddsoddi yn yr isadeiledd sydd ei angen i wireddu gweledigaeth Glannau Dyfrdwy.
Stand M4
Praxis is one of the UKʼs most active and reliable property investors and developers. We are the driving force behind The Airfields Deesideʼs flagship scheme – which has outline planning consent for manufacturing, industrial, retail and residential uses. We are committed to Flintshireʼs long-term prosperity and continue to invest in the infrastructure needed to deliver the vision for Deeside.
Printers Unlimited 01244 566330 www.printersunlimited.co.uk info@printersunlimited.co.uk Mae Printers Unlimited yn rhoi benthyg argraffyddion swyddfa am ddim. Rhoddwn yr argraffydd i chi ei ddefnyddio cyhyd ag y byddwch eisiau ei ddefnyddio! Argraffyddion bwrdd gwaith ydynt (delfrydol ar gyfer argraffu oʼr ansawdd orau boed yn llythyr syml neuʼn daflen hysbysebu fanwl). Byddwn yn eu gosod, yn eu cynnal, yn eu gwasanaeth ac yn eu cyfnewid yn y pen draw am ddim i chi. Eich unig draul ywʼr inc / arlliw (y byddwn yn ei gyflenwi am brisiau cystadleuol iawn). Nid oes unrhyw gostau trwsio, cynnal na gwasanaethu.
Stand 38
Printers unlimited, supply office printers on a free loan basis. We give you the printer to use for as long as you want to use it! They are desktop printers (ideal for top quality printing whether itʼs a simple letter or detailed promotional leaflet), we install, maintain, service and eventually replace them at no charge to you, your only expense is the ink/toner (which we supply at very competitive rates), there is no repair, maintenance or service costs.
Signworld Group 01244 661919 www.signworldgroup.com info@signworldgroup.com Signworld Group yw gwneuthurwr arwyddion mwyaf amrywiol Gogledd-orllewin Lloegr, yn darparu arwyddion ffatri ac adwerthu mewnol ac allanol, graffigwaith cerbydau a fflyd, stondinau arddangos ac arddangosfeydd a dylunio gwefannau. I gael gwybod mwy, ymwelwch ag www.signworldgroup.com neu ffoniwch un oʼn tîm ar 01244 66 19 19.
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Stand 53
Signworld Group is the North Westʼs most diverse signage manufacturer, providing both internal and external factory and retail signage, vehicle and fleet graphics, exhibition stands & displays and Web Design. To find out more log onto www.signworldgroup.com or call one of our team on 01244 66 19 19.
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
Strategic Business Parks Project / Prosiect Parciau Busnes Strategol 01352 703063 / 01978 667307
Stand 66
Brian.chaloner@flintshire.gov.uk Rebecca.morgan@flintshire.gov.uk The Strategic Business Parks Project is a partnership between Flintshire County Council, Wrexham County Borough Council and Welsh Government which aims to support SME businesses at both Deeside Industrial Park and Wrexham Industrial Estate. Business Park Co-ordinators are employed at both sites to liaise with SMEs and to facilitate a raft of relevant business support and development activities.
Partneriaeth ywʼr Prosiect Parciau Busnes Strategol rhwng Cyngor Sir y Fflint, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Wrecsam a Llywodraeth Cymru syʼn anelu at gefnogi BBaCh ym Mharc Diwydiannol Glannau Dyfrdwy ac ar Stad Ddiwydiannol Wrecsam. Caiff Cydgysylltwyr Parciau Busnes eu cyflogi ar y ddau safle i gadw cyswllt â BBaCh ac i hwyluso llond gwlad o weithgareddau perthnasol cefnogi a datblygu busnes.
Springfield Hotel and Health Club 01352 780503
Stand 45
www.hotel-northwales.com admin@hotel-northwales.com The Springfield Hotel & Health Club boasts an enviable location overlooking the Dee Estuary near Holywell, easily accessible from the main A55/ With large, modern conference facilities, a new fully equipped Health Club, free Wi-fi for all guests and a quality Restaurant and Bar, the Springfield Hotel has a full range of services to suit everyone.
Mae Springfield Hotel & Health Club yn ymfalchïo mewn lleoliad dymunol yn edrych dros Aber Dyfrdwy ger Treffynnon, o fewn cyrraedd yn rhwydd i briffordd yr A55. Gyda chyfleusterau cynadledda mawr, modern, Clwb Iechyd newydd llawn offer, wi-fi am ddim iʼr holl westeion a Bwyty a Bar o safon, mae gan y Springfield Hotel ddewis llawn o wasanaethau i ateb gofynion pawb.
Taith & Traveline Cymru 01352 704544
Stand 02
www.taith.gov.uk Jessica.pritchard@taith.gov.uk
Taith is the North Wales integrated transport consortium. Traveline Cymru is the public transport information service for Wales, funded by the Welsh Government.
Taith yw consortiwm cludiant cyfun Gogledd Cymru. Traveline Cymru ywʼr gwasanaeth hysbysrwydd cludiant cyhoeddus dros Gymru, dan nawdd Llywodraeth Cymru.
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
ar agor i fusnes
in association with / ar y cyd â
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
Tetris Limited 01352 860 860
Stand 47
www.tetris.org.uk info@tetris.org.uk Tetris brings over 20 years of electrical and construction experience to provide industry leading renewable and energy saving technologies to the domestic, commercial and industrial sectors. Specialists in solar photovoltaicʼs, LED lighting technologies and intelligent heating controls we can provide a solution that both saves and makes you money whilst reducing your carbon emissions. From initial free advice and consultation, we will design and install your perfect solution. We are also prepared for the Green Deal with energy assessors and installers on standby.
Mae Tetris yn dod â mwy nag 20 mlynedd o brofiad trydanol ac adeiladu i ddarparu technolegau adnewyddadwy ac arbed ynni arweiniol y diwydiant iʼr sectorau cartref, masnachol a diwydiannol. Arbenigwyr mewn ffotofoltedd solar, technolegau goleuo LED a rheolyddion gwresogi deallus gallwn roi ateb syʼn arbed ac yn gwneud arian i chi ar yr un pryd â lleihau eich allyriadau carbon. O gyngor ac ymgynghori dechreuol am ddim, byddwn yn dylunio a gosod eich ateb perffaith. Rydym hefyd yn barod am y Fargen Werdd gydag aseswyr ynni a gosodwyr yn aros.
The Food Innovation Centre, University of Chester 01244 511646
Stand 59
m.hazelton@chester.ac.uk The Food Innovation Centre at the University of Chester will support Food & Drink businesses in the region to capitalise on new technological advancements. The centre will offer industry leading research and advisory services to provide technological, scientific and business support to companies involved throughout the food and drink chain.
Bydd y Ganolfan Arloesi Bwyd ym Mhrifysgol Caer yn cefnogi busnesau bwyd a diod yn y rhanbarth i fanteisio ar ddatblygiadau technolegol newydd. Bydd y ganolfan yn cynnig gwasanaethau ymchwilio a chynghori arweiniol y diwydiant i roi cymorth technolegol, gwyddonol a busnes i gwmnïau perthnasol ar hyd y gadwyn fwyd a diod.
Toyota Material Handling UK 0870 850 1400
Stand 29
www.toyota-forklifts.co.uk marketing@uk.toyota-industries.eu
Toyota Material Handling UK provide a comprehensive range of new and used counterbalance forklifts and warehouse equipment, as well as long and short term rental, national service coverage and operator training. Supplied throughout the UK direct from Toyota and supplemented by a dedicated strategically positioned dealer network, Toyota has the resources and expertise to provide the complete business solution. www.toyota-forklifts.co.uk
Mae Toyota Material Handling UK yn darparu dewis cynhwysfawr o hen a newydd ffyrch codi gwrthbwys ac offer warws, yn ogystal â rhentu hirdymor a byrdymor, cwmpas gwasanaethu cenedlaethol a hyfforddi gweithredwyr. Yn cael eu darparu ar hyd a lled y DU yn uniongyrchol o Toyota gyda chefnogaeth rhwydwaith gwerthwr unswydd mewn mannau strategol, mae gan Toyotaʼr adnoddau a gwybodaeth arbenigol i ddarparuʼr ateb busnes cyflawn. www.toyota-forklifts.co.uk
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
ar agor i fusnes
in association with / ar y cyd â
Treble9 01244 537304 www.treble9group.com my999@treble9group.com Rydym yn help cynnal curiad calon eich busnes, fel y gallwch ddal i swyno cwsmeriaid, waeth beth fydd bywyd yn ei daflu atoch. Cynllunio at raid a phrofi | hyfforddiant | cyfathrebu mewn argyfwng | ymchwiliadau | diogelwch cyfryngau cymdeithasol
Stand 44
We help to keep the heartbeat of your business going, so you can continually delight customers, no matter what life throws at you. ● Contingency planning and testing ● training ● crisis communications ● investigations ● social media security.
Trinity Mirror Cheshire 01244 606307 www.trinitymirrornorthwest.co.uk Mae Trinity Mirror Cheshire, rhan o Trinity Mirror North West & Wales, yn cyhoeddi nifer o gynhyrchion print a digidol sydd wedi hen sefydlu o fewn ei bortffolio amlgyfrwng fel cyfres wobrwyol y Chester Chronicle, y Flintshire Chronicle, yr Ellesmere Port Pioneer, cyfres y Crewe Chronicle aʼr Runcorn & Widnes Weekly News. Mae portffolio cynnyrch llawn a gwybodaeth am ddarllenwyr iʼw gweld yn www.trinitymirrornorthwest.co.uk
Stand 63
Trinity Mirror Cheshire, part of Trinity Mirror North West & Wales publishes a number of well established print & digital products within its multimedia portfolio such as the award winning Chester Chronicle series, the Flintshire Chronicle, the Ellesmere Port Pioneer, Crewe Chronicle series and the Runcorn & Widnes Weekly News. Full product portfolio and readership information can be found at www.trinitymirrornorthwest.co.uk
TSA Advet Ltd 01244 504700 www.tsaadvet.co.uk Andrew.whatling@tsaadvet.co.uk Rheoli dogfennau ar ei holl ffurfiau o archifo, sganio, electronig, copi caled, technegol, cyffredinol ymlaen i ddinistrio ac ailgylchu.
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Stand 01
Document management in all its forms from archiving, scanning, electronic, hardcopy, technical, general through destruction and recycling.
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
open for business
Wagtail 01745 561166
Pop up Stand
www.wagtailuk.com info@wagtailuk.com Wagtail UK is the UKʼs leading specialist detection dog company providing services for drug detection, tobacco, explosives, illegal immigrants, cash, cadaver, bat carcass and great crested newts. Current clients include the UK Border Agency, HMRC, Police and the Armed Forces.
Wagtail UK yw cwmni cŵn datgelu arbenigol blaenllawʼr DU syʼn darparu gwasanaethau ar gyfer datgelu cyffuriau, tybaco, ffrwydron, mewnfudwyr anghyfreithlon, arian parod, cyrff marw, carcasau ystlumod a madfallod dŵr cribog. Mae cleientiaid presennol yn cynnwys Asiantaeth Ffiniauʼr DU, CThEM, Yr Heddlu aʼr Lluoedd Arfog.
Wall Signs (NW) Limited 01352 733489
Stand 61
www.wallsigns.co.uk sales@wallsigns.co.uk Wall Signs Limited have been supplying signs both locally and nationally for almost 14 years. Our services include Wide format Print, Vehicle Graphics, Screen Print, Exhibition Displays, Health & Safety products, Stickers & labels and much more. Please contact us for more information.
Bu Wall Signs Limited yn cyflenwi arwyddion yn lleol ac yn genedlaethol ers 14 blynedd bron. Mae ein gwasanaethauʼn cynnwys argraffu fformat llydan, graffigwaith cerbydau, print sgrin, arddangosfeydd arddangos, cynhyrchion Iechyd a Diogelwch, glynion a labeli a llawer mwy. Cofiwch gysylltu â ni i gael rhagor o wybodaeth.
West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber of Commerce 01244 669988
Stand 40
www.wcnwchamber.co.uk info@cepnwchamber.org.uk
The West Cheshire and North Wales Chamber of Commerce is a business led membership body, representing the interests of organisations across West Cheshire and North Wales; from large corporate businesses to owner managed firms in all sectors of this dynamic and diverse economic region.
Corff aelodaeth dan arweiniad busnes yw Siambr Fasnach Gorllewin Sir Gaer a Gogledd Cymru, yn cynrychioli buddiannau sefydliadau ar hyd a lled Gorllewin Sir Gaer a Gogledd Cymru; o fusnesau corfforaethol mawr i gwmnïau dan reolaeth perchennog ymhob sector oʼr rhanbarth economaidd egnïol ac amrywiol hwn.
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
ar agor i fusnes
in association with / ar y cyd â
Wild Thang Ltd 0151 933 3289 www.wildthang.co.uk Andrew@wildthang.co.uk Wild Thang ywʼr Adnodd Nwyddau Eithaf! Mae gennym bopeth y gallech fod ei angen fyth i helpu hyrwyddo, marchnata a chreuʼr ddelwedd iawn iʼch cwmni neu sefydliad. Pedwar maes arbenigol: Eitemau Hyrwyddo ac Anrhegion Corfforaethol, Crysau T -Dillad Hamdden a Lifreion, Papur ac Argraffu Fformat Mawr a Gwisgoedd Pêl-droed a Dillad Chwaraeon ynghyd ag addewid os na allwch ei weld y gallwn ni ei gael i chi. Dros 30,000 o eitemau ychwanegol ar-lein.
Stand 27
Wild Thang is The Ultimate Merchandise Resource! We have everything you could ever need to help promote, market & create the right image for your company or organisation. Four specialist areas: Promotional Items & Corporate Gifts, T-shirts-Leisurewear & Uniforms, Paper & Large format Print and Football Kits & Sportswear plus a sourcing promise that if you canʼt see it we can source it. Over 30,000 further items online.
Working Links 01352 700950 www.workinglinks.co.uk lee.bennett@workinglinks.co.uk Working Links Wales yw darparwr unigol mwyaf gwasanaethau cysylltiedig â chyflogaeth yng Nghymru. Ers i ni ddechrau yn 2000 rydym wedi helpu 30,000 o bobl newid eu bywydau trwy gyfleoedd cyflogaeth a sgiliau. Rydym hefyd yn gweithio gyda channoedd o gyflogwyr i ateb eu gofynion denu staff, cynorthwyo creu amgylchedd ar gyfer twf a buddsoddiad trwy weithlu medrus a hyblyg.
Stand 42
Working Links Wales are the largest single provider of employment related services in Wales. Since we began in 2000 weʼve helped 30,000 people to change their lives through access to employment and skills opportunities. We also work with hundreds of employers to meet their recruitment needs, helping to create an environment for growth and investment through a skilled and flexible workforce.
Wrexham County Borough Council 01978 667000 www.wrexham.gov.uk susan.hughes@wrexham.gov.uk Mae tîm cefnogi busnes y Cyngor yn cynnig dewis eang o wasanaethau cefnogi i fusnesau lleol o bob math, gan gynnwys: ■ Cyngor Cydgyfrinachol i Fusnes ■ Cynllunio Busnes ■ Chwilio am Gyllid ■ Cyngor Marchnata ■ Tendro ■ Archwiliadau Iechyd / Adolygiadau Busnes ■ Cyngor ar TGCh ■ Chwiliadau Eiddo ■ Gweithdai Twf, Arloesi ac E-farchnata I gael trafodaeth ddechreuol ynghylch beth allwn gynnig iʼch busnes, ffoniwch ni ar 01978 667000 neu e-bostio business@wrexham.gov.uk
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Stand 41
The business support team within the council offers a wide range of support services for local businesses of all which includes: ■ Confidential Business Advice ■ Business Planning ■ Funding Searches ■ Marketing Advice ■ Tendering ■ Health Checks/ Business Reviews ■ ICT Advice ■ Property Searches ■ Growth, Innovation & E-Marketing Workshops For an initial discussion about what we can offer your business, call us on 01978 667000 or email business@wrexham.gov.uk
Flintshire Business Week / Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012
Health & Safety
open for business
Iechyd a Diogelwch
Emergency Procedures
■ Business week visitors are not
permitted to smoke on site. ■ All accidents and any dangerous
occurrence must be reported to the event receptionist. ■ If first aid treatment is required,
contact the event receptionist. St John Ambulance staff are located in the car park.
■ Please do not stray from the
designated exhibition area or visitor areas. If you become lost ask for directions from a member of the ConvaTec staff who will be happy to assist. ■ Toilets are available at the main
entrance to the building and in the car park. ■ If you need anything just ask at the
■ Fork lift trucks and other
commercial vehicles will be operating on the site roadways. Please keep on the designated footpaths and signed walkways. 50
reception in the main exhibition building entrance i.e. where you came in.
Check the latest information and programme for Flintshire Business Week 2012 at www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk
Sir y Fflint
in association with / ar y cyd â
ar agor i fusnes
Rachael Byrne
Patricia Carlin
Kate Catherall
Brian Chaloner
Jennifer Petrie
Jenna Davies
Business Development Manager / Rheolwr Datblygu Busnes
Senior Business Advisor / Uwch Ymgynghorydd Busnes
Business Advisor / Ymgynghorydd Busnes
Business Park Coordinator / Cynlynydd Parc Diwydiannol
Assistant Business Development Officer / Swyddog Cynorthwyol Datblygu Busnes
Administrator for Flintshire Business Week / Gweinyddwr ar gyfer Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint
The Flintshire Business Development Team would like to thank all Sponsors, Exhibitors, Partners, Collaborators & Delegates. Without your support this event would not have been possible.
Byddai Tîm Datblygu Busnes Sir y Fflint yn hoffi diolch i holl Noddwyr, Arddangoswyr, Partneriaid, Cydweithredwyr a Chynrychiolwyr. Heb eich cefnogaeth ni fyddai’r achlysur hwn wedi bod yn bosibl.
We are here to help your business!
Rydym yma i helpu eich busnes!
To contact the team/ I gysyltu a'r tim: Tel/ Ffon: 01352 703219 Email/ E-bost: businessweek@flintshire.gov.uk / wythnosfusnes@siryfflint.gov.uk
Gwelwch y rhaglen aʼr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Wythnos Fusnes Sir y Fflint 2012 yn www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
www.flintshirebusinessweek.co.uk www.wythnosfusnessiryfflint.co.uk
Sponsored and hosted by Dan nawdd
Electrical points supplied by / Darparwyd y pwyntiau trydanol gan
Wifi supplied by / Wifi gan
Smoking shelter provided by / Lloches ysmygu gan
Catering and refreshments provided by / Arlwyo a Lluniaeth gan
Brochure deisnged by / Dyluniwyd y Pamffledyn gan
Brochure printed by / Argraffwyd y Pamffledyn gan
Thanks also to St John始s Ambulance Diolch hefyd i Ambiwlans Sant Ioan