Newinspire styleguide 8 bleed1 pdf latest

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InSpire Enterprise Style Guide, LLC Dr. Lee J. Jones, Professor and President InSpire Enterprise

For Graphic Designers, Writers, Web Designers, and Public Relations



Graphic Designers


Logos InSpire Logo’s Color Commerical Use Download the Logos Magazine Ad Specs.

ADs Specs Website Developers

10 11-12

Purpose Appropriate Use

Official Websites, E-mails, and Mottos The World of InSpire Public Relations Standards Editors and Writers


16-17 18 19-23

Submission Criteria

Intern Packet



Intern Application

Central Office Procedures


InSpire Style Guide · Table of Contents

Creative Design Team

Introduction From The Desk of The President InSpire Enterprise, LLC is the parent company to several initiatives designed to positively heighten the human spirit with inspirational and motivational initiatives. The initiatives include: InSpire Magazine, InSpire Us Foundation, ILEAD Institute, InSpiring Scholarships (Nancy Jones O’Neal Memorial Scholarship), Be-InSpired Publishing, InSpire Attire, InSpire Models, Be EnCouraged Talk TV, B-InSpired Talk Radio, Aspire Motivational Messages Calendar, Soul Search Newsletter, InSpire Films, InSpire Greeting Cards, etc. Our number one goal is to provide our constituents with tools that will enhance their lives, as they enhance the lives of others. One of the most important features that will lead to the success of InSpire Enterprise is a graphic identity as well as consistently implementing the brand across all divisions. Adherence to implementing the guidelines will increase the effectiveness of the InSpire brand for the entire organization. The focus of the InSpire Enterprise Style Guide is to provide the basic template for graphic designers, writers, web designers and public relation team members affiliated specifically with these departments. The scope of the style guide is to highlight the “InSpire Brand,” giving guidelines and instructions on the use of InSpire graphics, writing guidelines, public relations processes and web development standards. We are very Blessed to have professionals, interns and volunteers who play a major role to ensure that InSpire Enterprise makes a positive impact in the lives of those with who we interact and serve. Each person affiliated with our organization has pledged to give their very best.

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We hope that you will find this document useful and helpful as we maintain the integrity of or brand!


Lee Jones, Ph.D President InSpire Enterprise, LLC

InSpire Magazine InSpire Magazine is the growth and development resource of choice for individuals committed to enchancing their lives and the lives of others. We produce a highly interactive and quality publication designed to provide our readers with constant positive and motivational messages that will uplift the human spirits to pursue proactive steps toward holistic approaches that ultimately lead to happiness and ultimate peace of mind.

InSpire Us Foundation The InSpire Us Foundation offers an array of initiatives designed to InSpire the Human Spirit to live out its true purpose in life. The foundation was founded on the fundamental principle to InSpire people beyond what they think is possible for their lives. Some of the initiatives under the auspices of the foundation are: ILEAD Institute, InSpiring Scholarships (Nancy Jones O’Neal Memorial Scholarship), Mentoring Program and Elder Care, etc.

B-InSpired Talk Radio B-InSpired Talk Radio Show is a 60 minute weekly urban talk show format. The show focuses on topics and interactive discussion aimed at enlightening the human spirit by engaging the listening audiences with consistent positive messages. The show is high energy and interactive and appeals to audiences of any racial background. The show presents an array of topics geared toward assisting the listeners in realizing their innate purpose and potential.

InSpire Models The InSpire models provide a unique runway experience aimed to enhance the quality of life for all participants. The InSpire models will provide each model with an opportunity to enhance their leadership and personal development. Our goal is to provide to our audience the ultimate runway experience.

Be EnCouraged Talk TV The mission of Be EnCouraged Talk TV is to provide the viewing audience with responsible television production aimed at enlightening the community with current and relevant topics that affect a global world. Your Voice aims to present multiple topics that will be addressed in a formal, yet relaxed atmosphere. The show is designed to increase discussion relative to diversity. We create a forum where the viewing audience and the show’s guests are engaged in each topic.

InSpire Attire InSpire Attire is the official clothing line of InSpire Enterprises, LLC. The clothing line will highlight creative urban and business attire. InSpire Attire will also highlight Dr. J’s bowties.

InSpire Greeting Cards InSpire Greeting Cards provides our constituents a card for every season. The InSpire Greeting cards capture the essence of inspiration through words and graphics.

InSpire Soul Search Newsletter The Soul Search Newsletter is a compilation of inspiring thoughts and stories designed to motivate. Additionally, the newsletter provides our subscribers and friends with upcoming initiatives/events and happenings within InSpire.

InSpire Films

The InSpire Films is the latest edition of InSpire Enterprises, LLC. The films department provides aspiring actors and writers with an opportunity to enhance their skills as they ascend to the next level of their career. Films deal with real life issues that affect the daily lives of people who are aspiring to reach the pinnacle of their success.



Excellence will never be an accident within the InSpire Enterprise Team. It will be achieved as a result of an unrelenting and vigorous insistence on the highest standards of performance. It will require an unswerving expectancy of quality from each member of the InSpire Team, its volunteers and all people who represent by InSpire (i.e. InSpire Ma Magazine, Inspire Film, the InSpire Us Foundation, ILEAD Institute, InSpire Attire, Be-Inspired Talk Radio, Be Encouraged TV, etc.)

Excellence is contagious. It infects and affects everyone in the organization. It charts the direction of every program. It establishes the criteria for planning. It provides zest and vitality to the organization. As it is achieved, excellence has a talent for permeating every aspect of life in the organization. Excellence demands commitment and a tenacious dedication from the leadership of the organization. Once accepted it must be nourished, allowing for continual review and renewing. It is a never-ending process of learning and growing. It requires a spirit of motivation and boundless energy. It is always the result of a creatively conceived and precisely planned effort. Excellence inspires. It electrifies. It affects every phase of the organization's life. It unleashes an impact, which influences every program, every activity, every committee, and every team member. To instill excellence in an organization is difficult; to sustain it, is even more so. It demands adaptability, imagination and vigor. But most of all, it requires a constant state of self-discovery and discipline, from the leadership. Excellence is the lifeline and the vessel of InSpire. It will be the most compelling answer to apathy and inertia. It energizes as stimulating and pulsating force. It is the expected standard of performance, and it nurtures as a fiercely driving and motivating philosophy of operation. Excellence is a state of mind put into action. It is a road map to success. When a climate of excellence exists, all things come more easily. Simply put, InSpire will strive each day for nothing short of EXCELLENCEE

Graphic Designers Logos The InSpire Logo’s is primarily a single unit. However, there are some that will only use the “Block Shield”. For example the following represents the style of the logos: Single unit, Used on all letterhead, T-Shirt Designs, etc.

Shield with Moto: Used when placing on merchandise and other marketing material that has limited space but clear visibility of the logo.

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Wordmark Logo is primarily used as the links on all websites. It can be used in place of others only after consulting with V.P. of Marketing and Director of Marketing.

InSpire InSpire Logo’s

More than a magazine









InSpire: Arial Black 150 pt, tracking -75 “More than a magazine...” : Arial Italic 12 pt, tracking -5 Magazine : Arial Regular 15 pt, tracking 1300

Color Colors can be swapped out when on the cover of a magazine depending on the color of the cover photo. For usage other than on the magazine cover, the standard black and gold should be used at all times. In most cases this is the all black logo. When necessary, an all white logo can be used as well as the Gold Inspire with the Black Inspire behind the gold with all other copy black (see example).

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GOLD CMYK= 27, 40, 95, 4 RGB = 185, 145, 53 BLACK CMYK= 0,0,0,100


General Guidelines  Maintain the orientation of the logo  Treat the logo elements as a single unit (horizontal logo only)  Keep the logo whole and intact  The wordmark should be used by itself. Improper Usage  Tint or screen the logo  Make different elements of the logo different colors  Tilt or rotate the logo  Separate the logo elements or change the orientation of one to the other (horizontal logo only)  Blending the logo off the page or into a background color and/or crop it  Print type or images over the logo or use the logo as a background element Commercial Use The InSpire logos and wordmarks are legally protected trademarks. For promotion and resale applications the “TM” subscript must be incorporated with the InSpire seal wordmark to provide proper legal protection. Any commercial, fund-raising or promotional uses of the trademarks, or other licensed logos, require prior approval from Vice President of Marketing and/or the Director of Marketing. Download the Logos Under no circumstances should the logos be recreated. All official logos are located on the server. Please see supervisor for access to original logo files. InSpire Magazine Layout InSpire Magazine currently uses CS4 Adobe Illustrator for is magazine design. All articles must should be 8.75x11.25-this represents a 1/4 of an inch bleed. Ultimately, after trimming the final print size will be 8.5 x 11. Each spread will go though a minimum of 2 drafts before final spread is approved by the Creative Design Director. After approval of the final design, a high resolution will be placed in the appropriate folder on the server along with an In Design source file. Designers should refrain from using any other graphic design other than the CS4 Adobe Illustrator. Word Count Story Formatting: (Please list the following information in this order. Please make sure all documents have cleared formatting.) Story title Byline Word count Sidebars/Info Boxes/Supplementary Information Writer contact information Written article Article Word Count Full page article – 750 words Spread with dominant art -1000 words Feature/Cover articles- 1500 words Half page articles - 400 words Corners, Art Expressions, - 250 words Featured highlight blurbs (TOP 40, 20 Inspirers, Ppl 2 Watch, etc)- 250 words per person Inspiring Books blurb -100 words per book Q&A’s - 600 words Editors Letter –500 words

Photo spread Blurbs- 100 words

Magazine Ad Specs. Print Specifications All measurements are standard and should be adhered properly unless noted otherwise. Margins: (Cover) .05 inch margin on all sides (Departments) Top/Bottom: .05 inch margin, Inside/Outside: .75 inch (Ads) - see advertising specifications section. Bleed: .125 inch (1/8) at all times unless noted otherwise. Color: see color code in Logo section when using InSpire colors.

Typeface Department Headings: Rockwell 25pt, tracking 50 Body Copy: Adobe Calson Pro (Regular) 10-12pt Edition Footer: Gill Sans (Regular) 10pt

General Guidelines

• Build document to ad size. • Postscript or Open type Mac fonts only. • No RGB images. No spot or pantone colors. • Do not nest eps file inside or embed ICC profile within images. • All colors must be converted to CMYK prior to creating pdf files. • Run preflighting software whenever possible and provide report. • Images and graphics should be 300 dpi, or no less than 266 dpi. • No jpeg, pict, gif, Microsoft Publisher or Microsoft Word accepted. • Include crop marks with all bleed ads. Do not include any marks in image area. • Be sure to extend bleed by 1/4” on all sides, and at least 1/2” on all sides for live area Bleed: Please extend bleed 1/4” on all sides, include crop marks. Live Area: Keep all live matter at least 1/2” from final trim size on all sides. Gutter Safety: Keep all critical matter 1/2” from the gutter. Printing Process: Four-color process (CMYK). Perfect bound. Screens: 150-line preferred. Total printing tone value should not exceed 270 percent.

InSpire Style Guide · 10




Full page spread

17 x 11”

17.5 x 11.5”

Full page

8 .5x 11”

9 x 11.5”

One-half page horizontal

8.5 x 5.5”

9 x 6”

One-half page vertical

4.75 x 11”

5.25 x 11.5”

One-quarter page

4.25 x 5. 5”


1/2 Page Ad Full Page Ad

Full Page Spread

1/2 Page Ad

1/4 Page Ad

Web Designer Purpose The InSpire Enterprise websites: (InSpire Magazine, InSpire Us Foundation, ILEAD Institute, InSpire Attire, InSpire Films, Be EnCouraged TV, B-InSpired Talk Radio, Be InSpired Publishing and InSpire Models) are very important means for disseminating information about the vast initiatives offered by the organization. It is critical to understand that the websites, in many instances, will be the first introduction that many of our customers will have with InSpire Enterprise. The websites reflect the image of the organization.

Appropriate Use All web sites operating under the auspices of InSpire Enterprise will conform to the standard, polices and rules of the “Inspire Brand.”

Privacy Issues All InSpire websites are hosted by Only web developers will be given full access to upload, manage content and troubleshoot routine issues that may occur with the websites. The username and pass code will be changed periodically to ensure the highest level of security for all our websites.

Procedures for Official Pages All InSpire websites will maintain a clear, professional and focused website designed for the most casual user. Official pages should present information in a professional manner that describes the organization in a clear and consistent method. At a minimum, each website should offer the following on its home page: pages should:  The Logo for said division 

Information about InSpire Enterprise, LLC

Links bearing the logo for all other Inspire divisions (e.g., InSpire Magazine, InSpire Us Foundation, ILEAD Institute, InSpire Films, Your Voice TV, B-InSpired Talk Radio, Be-InSpired Publishing, and InSpire Models)

Use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar

Meet web accessibility guidelines to make pages accessible to all users

Follow the guidelines set forth in this style guide

Updated information

InSpire Enterprise has three official You Tube channels used for our websites. We also have one Twitter account used for all divisions under InSpire Enterprise, LLC. The follwing represent how each of the You Tube channels and twitter accounts wll be used: B-InSpired Talk Radio channel used specifically for B-InSpired Talk Radio websites.   InSpire Films (Let Your Haters Be Your Motivators) channel used specifically for InSpire Movies and Short Skits.   InSpire Magazine/InSpire Us Foundation/ILEAD/InSpire Models/Be-InSpired Publishing channel used specically for InSpire Magazine, InSpire Us Foundation, Ilead InStitiute, InSpire Models and B-InSpired Publishing web sites.  InSpire Enterprise Twitter Account will be used for all divisions.

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Each website will have links to the official You Tube Channels. It is the goal of InSpire to develop all future websites with content management procedures.

Creative Design Team Designing, Communicating and Uploading Magazine Content to Server Format Process for Designing Content for InSpire Magazine Spreads All designs should be created in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. They should be created in CMYK color mode and at least 300 DPI. Single page designs should adhere to the standard 8.5x11 dimension with a 1/8 inch bleed on all sides. This will essentially make the dimension of a one page design 8.625x11.125 inches in totality. All images should be as sharp as possible with absolutely no pixilation. InSpire WILL NOT use any photos or images that are less than 300DPI. When creating final source files, one should use the file format. TIF. Source file should be COMPLETELY FINISHED with no more changes to be made. Save finished design as .PSD or AI for future reference if changes are needed or if new source files need to be created. Once, PSD or AI is saved, and then flatten image and SAVE AS .TIF. File. Remember to place the Source file in the Draft file folder and the final along with a PDF/Jpeg version. The Final Tif file should be names as such: Example: SPRING2011COVER8.5X11_PHILIP_FINAL.TIF Always include spread name, dimensions, designer name, and FINAL. When creating draft files, the standard for InSpire is .PDF and .JPG. We will need both formats in the Draft Spread folders. Use no compression on both PDF and JPG files, and make both 100% in file size. Also flatten .PDF files too save file space and uploading time. File naming should go as follows: Example: SPRING2011COVER8.5X11_PHILIP_FINAL.JPG SPRING2011COVER8.5X11_PHILIP_FINAL.PDF

Uploading Content to the Server InSpire Magazine currently has a sever hosted by Godaddy. The roles of the server are to host all websites for InSpire Enterprise and to upload and download large files that will be accessible to appropriate departmental team members within InSpire. The InSpire Server is the main source for all content and data relative to the organization. To that end, those who have access to enter the server should only enter folders that have been authorized by the Vice President of Technology and the President of the organization. The Creative Design Team will have access to the InSpire Server for purposes of uploading and downloading content for InSpire Magazine. While each Art Director will have his/her own folder on the server, the process for uploading and downloading content will consist of the following:

When logging on to the server you will go through a few folder before arriving at a folder entitled, Creative Design Team. After clicking the Creative Design Team Folder there will be folders entitled, Team, Magazines, and Administrative Folder. The Team Folder will have the names of each member of the Creative Design Team. The Team Folder will be used for misc. information for the designer (non magazine content). The Magazine folder will be used to store past and current edition magazine content. Within each edition’s folder there will be three sub folders (1) Magazine Content by Department, (2) Draft Folders, and (3) Final Tif Files. Art Directors should seek the departmental content folder to secure all raw files before designing. Please note, it is important for each Art Director to know the InSpire Magazine Departments. Once the drafts are complete they should be uploaded to the draft file folder. Remember the Draft File Folder will consist of the source file (raw file) and a PDF and Jpeg. Only final files should be placed in the final Tif file folder. The Draft Files and Source Files should have the first name attached to the saved file name. For example, if the article name is On Fire For InSpire and it was designed by Fred Johnson, the saved file name should be OnFire For InSpire/Fred_Final.Tif. Finally the Administrative Folder will have misc. administrative graphics and administrative files (e.g. all logos, style guide, descriptions of editorial departments, etc).

Communication within and among Creative Design Team In most cases the Art Directors who design the magazine as well as the Creative Directors are not located in the same cities (or countries). Therefore it is important that we have reliable means of communication. In addition to the bi-monthly conference calls, InSpire will us the following mean of communication to ensure accurate and timely communication: Skype: will mean one of several ways we will communicate while creating each edition. We will be using Skype and it’s one-on-one video conferencing, multi-person teleconferencing functions and screen sharing to communicate as needed (mostly to review work, see and discuss project progress one-on-one, and team-wide teleconferencing). Each Art Director should have a skype account. Action Method Online: is another means of communication (Download/ sign-up for the FREE version). The Creative Design team will be using this as our teams’ productivity and project management hub as we work through the magazine projects. This will be used within the Creative Design Team only - we are piloting for organization wide implementation. Please explore the functionality of this application - it has fantastic functionality for your personal/freelance project management needs as well! Primary functions we will use for InSpire include streamlining project management process, building in greater accountability, share design team specific resources, facilitate project related discussions, and centralize creative design team communications. These tools are not meant to replace standard communication methods (phone/text/etc) - but will enhance our cohesion and mitigate some of the geographic hurdles present in our current business model.

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Other tools that we may utilize: Google Calendar - as a unified calendar to schedule editing rounds, “show and tell” sessions, and serve as the official assignment calendar for the Creative Team.

Rounds of editing: We usually work within three rounds of editing before final comps are due for placement. An editing schedule will follow soon.

Official Websites, E-mails, and Mottos Be-InSpired Publishing (BIP):  From Conception to Completion: Your Publishing Goal is Our Business! E-mail: Web-Address

B-InSpired Talk Radio (BIT):  Our Desire is to InSpire! E-mail: Website:

InSpire Models (IMs):  The Ultimate Runway Experience! E-mail: Website:

InSpire Enterprise (IE): Failure is not an Option! Excuses are Unacceptable! and Excellence is Our Goal!

InSpire Magazine (IM):

Be EnCouraged Talk TV (BETTV): Responsible Television at Its Best! E-mail: Website:

More Than a Magazine, We are an Answer! E-mail: Website:

InSpire Films (IF): ( Imitation of Life)

InSpire Us Foundation (IUF):

Let Your Haters Be Your Motivators (Movie)

Enhancing Your Life and the Lives of Others Email: Website:

InSpiring Leadership Accountability Development Institute (ILEAD):

E-mail: Website:

E-mail: Website:


Leadership is Service, A True Leader is a Servant! E-Mail: Website:


InSpire Attire (IA)


Make Your First Impression The Best: Wear The Attire That InSpires!


Public Relations InSpire will maintain strict adherence to ensuring that our “brand management” is implemented across all divisions within and throughout the organization. Additionally, we will ensure that our Public Relation standards are consistent and that all written/verbal communication is integrated and managed. Under no circumstances will we adjust or relax our public relation standards to adapt to the politics of socialism, etc. All InSpire Enterprise Divisions must adhere to the following Public Relations Standards: All internal and external documents (e.g. reports) must have the appropriate logos on the front page of every document. All Inspire external correspondence must be typed on the appropriate official letterhead All InSpire external communication must have a typed address and/or label (no hand written addresses on envelopes) The Director of Public Relations shall be the official spokesperson for all media relative to the organization. All team members should refer media inquiries to the Director of Public Relations. The President and Executive Editor, The Senior Vice President, Vice President of InSpire Us Foundation, Chief Financial Officer, Controller, Vice President of Operations, and Chief of Staff must be informed about all InSpire related grants to ensure that we eliminate any duplicate request sent to the same granting agency. Appropriate VPs must be copied on all relevant external and internal documents to ensure accurate communication.

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All InSpire Enterprise divisions must record all meetings for maintenance of historical files. The minutes must be submitted to the central office for appropriate filing. All InSpire team members must wear official InSpire Name Tag and InSpire Lapel Pins at all “Official InSpire” external functions and/or when team members are representing the organization. All InSpire Regional Directors will send the central office an itinerary of planned events in their perspective region.

Editors and Writers

Ask Dr. J. Ask Dr. J. is designed to invite our readers to ask our President and Executive Editor Questions. The goal is for the Executive Editor to respond to questions that are within his area of expertise and or knowledge base. It will be located directly next to the letter from the editor.

Cover Design

The front cover of Inspire Magazine will feature an individual or individuals and usually will not exceed three persons. The cover will highlight the headliners, features and important articles from cover to cover.

Contents Page

The contents pages will provide a chronology of the editorial composition of both the Features articles and the Editorial Departmental stories. Both will have an independent contents page to increase navigation and usability for the InSpire reader.

Current Events (Community Editor)

Current Events will highlight major national, regional and

The InSpire Magazine Editorial Departments are ultimately responsible for ensuring that all written content appearing in the magazine is wellwritten, gramatically edited and emcompasses the goals of the InSpire Magazine mission – ordinary people, doing extraordinary things. Below is the new InSpire editorial departments that are represented in InSpire magazine, as well as the guidelines and relevance of the section content.

local events and initiatives that are/have currently taking place. This department will attempt to include the most positive and “powerful� stories that are affecting the nation.

Despite the Odds

We have been blessed and inspired by many triumphant stories of the power of the human spirit to transcend seemingly insurmountable life challenge or obstacles. Our mission is to share many of these stories with our readers in hopes that you to will be inspired by the resilience of everyday people to achieve and overcome despite tremendous odds. If you have a story of triumph you would like to share with our readers we welcome your submission for publishing consideration. We look forward to receiving your amazing stories of the triumph of the human spirit. The triumphant stories should be a true account of your personal testimony and should be written to InSpire other readers that nothing

is impossible when one is determined, committed, and steadfast!

Economic Empowerment (Business and Economic Editor) Economic Empowerment News and Information will feature the work of our Editor for Business and Economics. Our aim is provide valuable information that will assist our readers to grasp ways to better organize and plan for better personal and family financial management. The Editor for Business and Economics will be responsible for this segment.

Feature Story

The Feature Story will typically begin in the middle of the magazine and where necessary, continue on subsequent pages near the end of the magazine. The layout coordinator will have discretion on where the story will ultimately begin and end within the magazine. On occasion, InSpire may have more than one feature.

Global Inspirations (International Editor) Global Happenings will be aeries of positive and

inspirational snippets about what is happening around the world relative to international progress. Our International Editor will be responsible for this segment.

Health Beat (Fitness and Wellness Editor) nSpire’s Health Beat is the responsibility of the InSpire Health Editor and is designed to provide a brief segment on the latest medical and health

InSpiring Minds Want You To Know InSpiring Minds Want You To Know will highlight personal testimonials that share inspirational stories. Readers and other supporters of InSpire Magazine provide this submission. InSpire Quotes Inspirational quotes will be accompanied with a celebrity photo along with her/his inspirational quote. The Editor of Arts and Culture will be ultimately responsible for securing the Inspirational Moment for each edition.

Inspirational Books: Review

The InSpire Bookshelf will be our list of a maximum of five books we recommend to our readers during each edition. The Bookshelf will be selected based on the books’ content and its adherence to the mission of InSpire magazine. InSpire’s Executive Director for Research will choose the Bookshelf. advances.

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Higher Learning (Higher Education Editor) Many issues dealing with education have taken a very negative and ugly slant suggesting that much has not been accomplished in this regard. Our Higher Learning section will aim to highlight intriguing and inspiring stories that seek to provide our readers with more positive aspects of education. This department will focus on stories for higher education.

Additionally, InSpire will select one book for each edition for a summary review of its contents. Suggestions for the book to be reviewed will be taken from InSpire’s staff. The book review will be written by one of InSpire’s freelance writers.

In Memory of Page The force behind InSpire rest not just with the InSpire Team, but with those who have since passed on. Each edition of InSpire will feature a dedication page In Memory of Ms. Nancy

Jones O’Neal. She is the sister of the President and Executive Editor.

InSpire Photos

InSpire provides a series of photo spreads of miscellaneous, yet selective events and activities from around the country. These spreads may range from social to conference events.

Law Library (Law Editor) Understanding the law can be as difficult as our own lives at time. This editorial section will provide our readers with an array of legal advice to consider as we try to manage the ever-changing laws in our society. Letters from the Miscellaneous This page is dedicated to various leaders in InSpire and his/her miscellaneous thoughts regarding the magazine in the making, the current InSpire issue, personal opinions and an overall message to his readers.

Letters to the Editor InSpire readers will submit there thoughts and comments on the past issue of InSpire magazine and there statements will be published alongside there name and location.

Medical Minute (Health Editor) InSpire’s Health Beat is the responsibility of the InSpire Health Editor and is designed to provide a brief segment on the latest medical and health advances.

Mind over Matter (Mental Health Editor) Some medical professionals consider mental health issues in the country, as a forgotten

with diversity head on. We aim to provide our readers with common sense ways of respecting, celebrating, and acknowledging Diversity and what it really means.

People to Watch

concern of America. Over the last ten years issues of mental health has been of considerable concern. Under the editorship of Dr. Peter Millet, noted psychologist, InSpire will focus on a myriad of mental issues, with preventative knowledge and medical awareness.

Musical Moment (Music Editor)

Our goal will be to showcase a variety of music designed to highlight the positive and inspirational impact. We will also provide the readers with more positive aspects of what is happening in the musical world.

On Fire for InSpire

On Fire for InSpire will highlight two InSpire team members elected by the Executive Editor in consultation with the Senior Vice President and Editor-in-Chief who have done extraordinary work behind the scenes for InSpire during the preparation of said edition.

Our Diversity (Diversity Editor)

One of the most profound and difficult things we deal with daily is our inability to grasp the notion that diversity in America is here to stay. This section in InSpire Magazine will tackle the issues associated

The People to Watch section is designed for community activists who have made significant contributions to his or her community. InSpire will acknowledge him/her by highlighting them and their work. The Editor for Community will ultimately be responsible for ensuring that all information is gathered and ready for publication.

Rhythm of Our Lives (Cultural Editor)

Rhythm of our lives will capture all non-musical content which seeks to give both historical and current relevance to entertainment content (e.g. theater, acting, dance, etc.)

Spiritual Pulse (Spiritual Editor)

Spiritual Pulse will be a 1-2 page spiritual highlight on a topic relative to human spirit. This piece is intended to touch the very core of spirituality. Our Editor for Spirituality will be responsible for this segment.

Sports Are Us (Sports Editor)

From Ice Hockey to Football, sports dominate the media and the minds of Americans. Sport Are Us will feature inspirational stories and provide timely information about high school, college and professional sports. Our Sports Editor will be responsible for this segment.

Say I Do

Say I Do is a section in the magazine that will highlight an inspirational story with photos and an article of a national wedding(s).

Small Businesses (Small Business Editor) Often times we are given images that all small businesses fail in their first year. The Small Business section of InSpire will showcase and spotlight many small businesses that are not only succeeding, but excelling. Our writers will offer practical tips to sustain a very successful small business venture.

Spirit of Hip Hop (Hip Hop Editor)

Hip Hop has been, in many ways, dealt a very negative “blow” throughout its evolution. InSpire’s Hip Hop Editor will write and highlight the latest of a series of many positive stories and activities within the Hip Hop community. Our Editor for Hip Hop will be responsible for this segment.

Staff Box

The Staff box will highlight all InSpire Team members who work with the company. The staff box will also include free lance writers and all others who have contributed to a particular edition.

Tech Talk (Technology Editor)

Our Technology Editor will offer our readers some quick tips in managing the technological changes occurring within our information society. Our goal is

to keep our readers above the curve when dealing with daily changes in technology.

We Got Jokes

Make me laugh will be a cartoon developed by InSpire’s cartoonist. Our goal is to provide a tasteful and humorous cartoon that will make each of our readers laugh. This section of our magazine will not in any way reinforce negative stereotypes nor present derogatory images of any group of people.

Wisdom for the Soul (Elder Editor)

Our elders are the soil that feeds the earth. They are those whose wisdom tells countless stories and ones whose faith sustains them over the years. We are pleased to offer this section to our readers. Everyday we are impacted in some way, by the elders’ gift of life.

Youth Speaks (Youth Editor)

InSpire Style Guide · 22

Acronyms IE

InSpire Enterprise


InSpire Magazine


InSpire Us Foundation


Be-InSpired Publishing

ILEAD InSpiring Leadership Educational

Accountability Development InStitute

BETTV Be Encouraged Talk TV BIT

B-InSpired Talk Radio


InSpire Models


InSpire Films

It has been said that if you want to predicate the future look in to the eyes and souls of our youth, for they are truly the future. This section will speak to the positive aspects and activities of our youth. We will highlight several untold stories across the country that our youth are undertaking.

Submission Criteria Length: Two-pages (12 point font, single spaced and one-inch margins) article with a creative title. Feature articles and interviews will be handled on a feature-by-feature basis or a case-by-case basis. Photos: Must submit files as TIFF or JPEG (high resolution300dpi). TIFF’s are preferred first. Professional color photo of author and contact information (e.g., active university e-mail (or business e-mail), phone number, mailing address, etc). Please keep in mind issues of federal copyright law and trademark law as it relates to pictures taken or scanned. Byline: Please include your name, e-mail address, mailing address, organizational affiliations, company names, logos, and any other useful information for the readership. Our goal is to ensure interactivity with the reader and the Magazine. Graphics: e.g., charts, tables, images, pictures a. Note: those submitting coverage of an event, please send pictures of the event. (all hard copy pictures will be returned as requested.) b. Note also: pictures must be of highest resolution possible. What is preferable are profes sionally taken pictures. Please consult with photographer concerning copyright issues. c. For pictures with multiple faces contained therein, write the names of those pictured, the date, time, and the name and purpose of the event. d. Please contact the graphics editor to ensure your digital images comport with the magazine require ments.


Must be submitted in original file format it was created in i.e. Illustrator, Photoshop, In design, etc. along with PDF of final revised AD. Disregard if ads are created at InSpire Mag. Legality & Disclaimer Issues—Team members who are submitting articles are impliedly and directly giving InSpire MAGAZINE® permission to publish your work as well as vesting all intellectual property rights to InSpire MAGAZINE®. The Magazine does not necessarily endorse the position or claim of the article contents. Furthermore, by submitting your work, and its attendant pieces, you are assuring InSpire MAGAZINE® that such articles and submissions are free of copyright, intellectual property, misappropriation, ownership, or any other legal violations, infringements, or deprivations. Special note: Provide all of the requested information in a timely manner and as a completed package. Much time, effort, and costs will be saved allowing the editorial and managing team to focus on putting out a high-quality product.

Intern Packet The InSpire Enterprise, LLC is the parent company and home to several InSpire Initiatives including: InSpire Magazine, InSpire Us Foundation, ILEAD Institute (InSpiring Development Accountability Institute), Be-InSpired Publishing, InSpire Models, B-InSpired Talk Radio, and, Your Voice TV Talk Show. Additionally, InSpire is launching a line of inspirational greeting cards, a 24 month motivational calendar (Aspire) and a clothing line: InSpire Attire. Student Interns will have an opportunity to intern in any of the divisions outlined above. The internship experience is designed to assist the intern in developing a more thorough understanding of their desired area of concentration. Each intern will also be provided additional experiences as a minor area on concentration that will further assist with fulfilling a more in-depth internship experience: Below are some of the task interns may be asked to perform.

InSpire Magazine

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Work collaboratively with all senior staff to ensure the overall quality and productivity of the magazine

Write Articles

Work with editors to ensure all deadlines dates are met

Answer all routine calls coming in to the office

Assist magazine’s webmaster where necessary and appropriate

Provide ongoing communication to all editors

Work closely with Senior V.P. and V.P. of Marketing

Assist the Director of Photography with taking photos for the magazine

Conduct internet research for the magazine

All other duties as assigned

Assist the administrative coordinator and chief of staff on matters of the office

Assist in developing marketing and promotional items for the magazine

InSpire Us Foundation

Assist with calling prospective Donors for the Foundation

Work with the President of The Foundation is keeping website updated

Serve in administrative capacity for foundation office

All other duties as assigned

Serve as a marketing representative for the Foundation


Be-InSpire Publishing

Assist the Executive Producer in running day-to-day functions of the show

Assist with guests coordination

Prepare follow-up letters for all guests

Maintain office records

Assist with marketing the show

Assist wit maintaining the website

All other duties as assigned

InSpire Attire

Assist the coordinator of InSpire Attire with planning clothing line

Develop infrastructure for the clothing line

Assist with administrative details of office

Assist in making calls to possible agencies

Assist in developing designs, etc.

All other duties as assigned


Greeting Cards

Assist with calling prospective Donors for the Foundation Serve as a marketing representative for the Foundation

Work with the President of The Foundation is keeping website updated

Serve in administrative capacity for foundation office

All other duties as assigned

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Interns are selected based on the following selection process A completed internship application Their desires to work hard and completed mutual goals Their goals stated in the internship application

Intern Expectations All InSpire Interns are expected to read all information in the starter packet prior to the start of the internship, so that he/she is familiarized with the central office team and office protocol. InSpire has zero tolerance policy regarding tardiness, and not meeting deadline dates. Any personal or professional activity that may bring negative attention to our office will be cause for immediate dismissal.

All Interns are expected to:

READ The Intern Starter Packet prior to the start of the first day

Adhere to your campus policies with regarding to completing an internship

Report to work on time and/or meet all deadlines dates

Dress appropriately to work (e.g. no strapless dresses, derogatory t-shirts, etc,)

Answer all calls coming in to the InSpire office with enthusiasm

Maintain a positive attitude

Participate in all Inspire functions (where applicable)

Ask lots of questions

Laugh often and take your work seriously

Enjoy your Internship!

Internship Application Name ___________________________________________ Date ______________ Date of Birth ___________________ Phone Number Home __________________ Cell Number _______________________ Work Number ________________________ Current Address __________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________ State ___________________ Permanent Address _______________________________________________________ City _______________________________________ State ___________________ Email Address ____________________________________________________________ Please Check The Areas You are interested in ____ InSpire Magazine (writing, graphic design, photography, etc) ____ InSpire Us Foundation ____ Ilead Institute ____ Video Production ____ Public Relations ____ Be EnCouraged Talk TV ____ B-InSpired Talk Radio ____ Be-InSpire Publishing ____ Marketing ____ Administration (operations) ____ InSpire Attire ____ InSpire Models Please state the goals you would like to fulfill for this internship (please use additional paper if necessary) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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Please Check the time you are available for Internship: ___ Spring (January 5-May 30) ___ Summer (June1-August 30th) ___ Fall (September 1-December 15th) Are You Seeking academic credit for this internship? If so, have you contacted your advisor?

____ yes ____ yes

____ No ____ No

(Please note that all interns seeking academic credit must have official paperwork from university on file prior to the start of the internship)

_______________________________________________ Signature

Central Office Procedures The Central Office of InSpire Magazine is located in Atlanta, GA. Each day the InSpire Team will make every attempt to practice our motto: Failure is Not an Option, Excuses are UNACCEPTABLE, and Excellence is Our Goal! In addition to providing the very best in responsible journalism and EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE, we want to ensure that our central office is managed in a way that reflects what we value: The Offices (public and private) should be neat at ALL TIMES. All paper and clutter should be organized throughout the day and prior to leaving. This includes your own workstation. Please DO NOT use other team member’s office and/or workstation without prior permission. Each person working with InSpire is assigned specific tasks, some of which may be confidential. Moreover, each person has placed items in the work areas in ways that make sense to them. So, please be considerate and respectful prior to entering their work area.

Entering the Office:

Please note that the InSpire office typically does not use the overhead lights, as they are super bright. We have enough table lights that should brighten-up the office. Besides, what artificial lighting will not do, we will light the atmosphere with our InSpiring personalities. You may feel free to use overhead lights in your personal work space, however please use only table lights in all publics areas. It is ok to have the T.V. on at the front desk and other public areas, but the volume should be left very low between the hours of 8:00am-6:00pm, so not to interfere with incoming and outgoing calls. Please keep the door between each suite closed at all times. Additionally, please use the back door in our suite as an exit only. You should enter in the main door at all times. This allows the person working the front to know who is in.

Food SHOULD NOT be eaten at the front desk at anytime. You may have a beverage as long as it is not in the view of office guest. You should use the coasters for all beverages.

There is a Central Office Notebook and a copy of the InSpire Operation Manual left at the front desk under the phone. The notebook serves two purposes (1) to provide a quick overview of the office procedures as well as to leave notes as appropriate for the next person coming in. Please take a moment to review the notebook and leave notes as appropriate. We do not typically turn on the fountain in the front office until after 5:00pm All Team members need to park in designated parking area. If you have been assigned a designated parking space, please use this space assigned to you. If you currently do not have a designated space, please park in any open space. Staff members should only park in loading dock area if you are loading/ unloading (building policy).


Notify Chief of Staff and Director of Human Resources with any updates on your personal contact information. Upon entering the office please make a habit of checking both your mailbox, telephone message slot, and e-mail. Like in any business, information travels VERY fast. Where possible, we will always try to keep you ahead of the curve. You will be held accountable for all the things you should know not the things you failed to find out.

InSpire Central Office Phone Procedures

Each person who has a workstation will be assigned her/his own phone line. Additionally, there will be one intern phone and two courtesy phones. The courtesy phone will be located in the main reception area and in the InSpire Lounge. These phones will be used for InSpire Guest who has a major emergency and need to get to a phone. All work station phones should be used for official InSpire business. All personal calls should be accessed by using your personal cell phone.

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When answering any of the phone lines in the InSpire office, you should be upbeat and professional. If the INSPIRE MAGAZINE TEAM cannot be inspiring then we are in the wrong office. Here is a sample greeting: Good Morning! Good Afternoon! Good Evening! InSpire Magazine. How May we help you? Please see phone summary to operate all phone functions. Remember at InSpire we never say we do not know. If you are unaware of an answer to a question/inquiry, simply say, the person who handles this is currently unavailable, but I will ensure that Mr./Ms. Dr. will follow-up with you. InSpire’s basic operating hours are from 9:00am-7:00pm. Web Address is: <>

Last Person Leaving InSpire Office

If you are the last person leaving the InSpire Office, please complete the following:

Turn-off all the lights

Turn-off the T.V. and fountain

Close all the blinds and windows. If you are the last person to leave the building, please make sure all the other quads are empty before you turn on the building alarm.


The central office of InSpire , wherever it may be housed, should have a dedicated line for the use of the magazine’s staff and for callers who are inquiring about the magazine. The phone number should be located on the website and updated whenever the location of the central office changes. There should also be a fax line available for the sending and receiving of documents.

Conference Calls

Conference calls are held at regular intervals with members of the Executive Team as an efficient way to conduct business meetings. The conference calls are usually arranged at the magazine’s central office at times convenient to all who are participating. Conference calls are primarily held to discuss planning activities and other business items that need immediate attention.


The InSpire Central office must maintain a current email address for use by the magazine’s office staff. Currently, the email address on the website to the web master inspire@

Executive Team Meetings

Leadership team meetings are held quarterly in a city where one or more team members or regular members are located. These meetings are usually held over the course of three days and are designed to discuss the business and operations of the magazine. The member(s) hosting the meeting will also incorporate other activities such as meetings with other magazine stakeholders.




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