Nothing, and I do mean nothing, is worth going into debt over except personal or medical healing, and if you object to this statement then its quite possible that you also believe you can’t live without your cable TV or your weekly six pack. If you are wanting to learn better money managing skills then read my article “Living On Less”. Here are a few tips to help you live in a debt free zone if you choose to. Pay Cash for all items instead of putting it on a credit card. It stops impulse buying when it comes straight out of your pocket. Use one credit card to pay for your monthly expenses and pay it off at the end of each month. No interest charge accrues that way. If you would make a commitment to use only one card, then you would find it much easier to watch your balance. Don’t span credit card limits. Having five cards with different limits only allows you to spend more money you don’t have. This is not an effective way to keep you on track for being debt free. Pay them off and put them away! I’m not suggesting you close them, just don’t give yourself permission to use them. There are many 0% interest rates in today’s culture so look for one but plan to pay if off before the deadline of the rate change or cancel it if you don’t need it. Use the Internet to find less expensive items. Find discounts and free shipping on sites like or Take advantage of Layaway plans, that way you hold on to your cash and save up to pay off the items you were able to get on sale. Negotiate! Small stores will often give discounts when you are bold enough to say, “Can you do any better than this on the price?” or “Is this the best you can do?” Ad on to your deals with the use of additional coupons that you can find on-line. Google your favorite item and see where the best coupon deal is.
After the holidays are over, understand that in most chain stores you can go back to get the discount offered if you paid full price, but they might not give it to you beyond 14 days so don’t forget to return to the store with your receipt in hand within 2 weeks after you've made your purchase. Retail shopping has dropped and people are now aware that they need to take better care of their own personal economy first. This is also how we need to live even when our economy is booming! There is no reason for us to compulsively buy items we don’t need until we have complete financial freedom on our side, and even then we’re still accountable to someone for our spending. Sadly, it often takes something big, like a recession, for us to realize important lessons in life. So now that anxiety levels have risen, due to our personal overspending, we see more and more road rage, theft, and even elderly women robbing banks just to survive. To find strategies to managing your anxiety check out our website under Tips & Talks on ‘Managing Anxiety’. In the mean time, make a choice to live in a Debt Free Zone even if you are in debt right now. Only YOU can pull yourself out of it. You CAN do it!!
Kellie These articles are copy right protected and written to help anyone seeking information to improve their situations, add personal growth to their list of priorities or coach someone they care about. I encourage you to share these articles, and when you do, please make certain they remain in their full,and complete version. Thank you! Check out our website for more information