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In Case You Missed It
Did you miss the Chamber Chatter online? Here are our most popular posts on social media...
@Delaware State Chamber of Commerce
@DelawareStateChamber @DEStateChamber
#MemberNews: @BeebeHealthcare celebrates nearly 100,000 #kudos as @SchellBrothers’ project kudos campaign donates $96,796 https://bit.ly/3q4PiJB @DrKaraWalker: Wonderful to hearinspiring words from US Sen@CoryBooker on how to achieve success by focusing on adding diversity to our teams, measuring the impact and outcomes, and adding consequences for falling short. Thank you for your leadership and for the Chamber #184thAnnualDinner
#Diversity in our #workforce is a must, bridging the #skillsgap is a must, connecting people to #jobs is a must. DSCC members Tech Impact, Delaware State University, SSD Technology Partners, Computer Aid, Inc. & WSFS Bank are working to make it happen!
@DEAuditor1: The @DEStateChamber’s 184th Annual Dinner may have been virtual this year, but it was still great connecting with familiar faces! #MemberNews:
Wohlsen Construction
Company names Vice President of Construction Quality https://bit.ly/3qujLjL Jobs for Delaware Graduates: What a great way to start the week! JDG is excited to be featured in the January/February edition of Delaware State Chamber’s Delaware Business magazine. It is an honor to be recognized as the Award of Excellence recipient for 2020. JDG has been committed to helping students achieve success for more than 40 years! Click to uncover the full story ---> https://www.dscc.com/delawarebusiness.html.
“Hire for #attitutde, train for #skills”
Great #leadership advice this morning from our #ChamberLeadership speaker, Jennifer Cohan of Leadership Delaware, Inc. #netde