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Chair's Message
As we embark on the final quarter of 2021, it seems fitting to spend some time talking about health and wellness. The summer came to an end, schools resumed, and we are in a full-on sprint to the end of the year. This issue will explore the dimensions of wellness and the importance of keeping all of them aligned to ensure a long and happy life!
When you skip the morning workout on a regular basis, you don’t think about the potential long-term impact on your physical health. When you maintain a daily schedule that runs at breakneck speed – and maybe in a job that brings you no joy or fulfillment— you know that you are tired, but you likely don’t think about the impact on your emotional and intellectual health. When you put off calling that friend you haven’t seen in a long time, or scheduling that dinner date with your extended family, you aren’t tuned into the impact on your social wellbeing.
Since the close of 2020, and the re-entry into this next normal, I have become more and more aware of people taking a different view of the decisions that they make regarding their own health and wellness. Maybe you are thinking about a different job or career. Maybe you are more disciplined to eat right or commit to a regular workout routine. Perhaps you connected with new friends or—better yet—reconnected with old friends you have missed! Many people have become more spiritual—and I don’t necessarily mean in religious terms—but simply in assessing personal purpose, meaning, and value.
It makes no difference how you address your own health and wellness—but it does make a difference that you do it. Do not wait until we turn the page on a new year and set new unattainable “New Year’s Resolutions.” Commit to health—your health, your family’s health, and your community’s health!