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Delaware Child Care Map: An Interactive Tool
The Delaware Child Care Map is a public, interactive mapping tool that allows users to see the locations of licensed child care providers and facilities throughout the state alongside community indicators on topics such as demographics (age, race, and ethnicity), family types, income, poverty rates, unemployment and more. This tool was developed by PolicyMap in partnership with the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.
The tool provides policymakers, nonprofits, child care providers, and local businesses with data to better understand the child care landscape in their communities. This information can help stakeholders advocate for investments in child care and consider opportunities to provide workers with quality child care options.
Access the tool online at dechildcaremap.policymap.com/newmaps#
As of 2021Q1 there were 1,002 licensed child care providers and facilities in the State of Delaware. The total capacity across all providers and facilities was 50,514.

Early Childhood Education in New Castle
Licensed Child Care Center: 297 Facilities, 32,514 Estimated Capacity
Licensed Family Child Care: 285 Facilities, 2,432 Estimated Capacity
Licensed Large Family Child Care: 45 Facilities, 535 Estimated Capacity
Total Licensed Provider and Facilities: 627, 35,481 Estimated Capacity

Early Childhood Education in Kent
Licensed Child Care Center: 73 Facilities, 6,735 Estimated Capacity
Licensed Family Child Care: 86 Facilities, 707 Estimated Capacity
Licensed Large Family Child Care: 14 Facilities, 182 Estimated Capacity
Total Licensed Provides and Facilities: 173 Facilities, 7,604 Estimated Capacity

Early Childhood Education in Sussex
Licensed Child Care Center: 74 Facilities, 6,294 Estimated Capacity
Licensed Family Child Care: 110 Facilities, 925 Estimated Capacity
Licensed Large Family Child Care: 18 Facilities, 210 Estimated Capacity
Total Licensed Providers and Facilities: 202 Facilities, 7,429 Estimated Capacity
Where are potential single-parent, job seekers?

Where are non-white families living in poverty?

Estimated percent of all families that are single female headed with children, between 2015-2019:

Estimated percent of all families that are single headed with children, and licensed providers color coded by STAR level:

Areas with High Share of Child Care Age Population that are Very High Poverty:

The Delaware State Chamber of Commerce, Rodel, Delaware Department of Education, and Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia see access to quality and affordable child care as an important workforce topic. To better understand how this issue impacts employers and employees, the group is seeking responses to this quick survey: https://bit.ly/de-child-care-survey
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia: https://www.philadelphiafed.org/community-development/inclusive-growth/delaware-child-care-map-tool