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The Power of Preventative Care
Beebe Healthcare focuses on high-quality, high-value care for the community
THE COST OF HEALTHCARE swirled throughout the state this year as a highly debated topic. There are many opinions and factors to consider, although one indisputable healthcare saver is value-based care. Beebe Healthcare has been transforming to implement the best value-basedcare practices in an equitable way for residents and visitors of Sussex County.
We are focused on meeting the needs of our patients and community by expanding services to treat patients during the entirety of their healthcare
journey. Throughout a patient’s continuum of care, it is important to look at the patient’s whole picture of health. While acute care hospitalization is important, Beebe is also focused on strategically addressing the factors of an individual’s health to help prevent hospital readmissions and development of chronic medical issues. These efforts will improve a patient’s quality of life and value of care.
One way that Beebe Healthcare is transforming care is through Care Coordination. Beebe Healthcare’s Care Coordination program helps patients with chronic medical conditions navigate through the healthcare system. Care Coordination plays a crucial role in improving the health and wellbeing of individuals with chronic conditions while contributing to the sustainability of the healthcare system by optimizing resource utilization and reducing costly complications and return trips to the emergency department.
Beebe’s transition of care coordinators focus on managing a patient’s movement between the different healthcare settings, for example from hospital to home. They ensure a smooth transition, coordinating services and informational resources. The coordinators aim to enhance the quality of care, improve health outcomes, and ensure that patients receive comprehensive, patient-centered care that is well-coordinated across various healthcare providers and settings.
Chronic care management is a more proactive care coordination providing ongoing support over an extended period, often managing chronic conditions. They work to maintain continuity in care, helping patients navigate various aspects of their health over time. Their focus is on preventative care, aiming at reducing resource utilization of high-cost hospital trips by encouraging and educating patients and families to engage in the management of their healthcare condition.
This doesn’t just happen in a hospital or emergency department setting. Beebe Medical Group physicians and advanced practice clinicians place an emphasis on integrated care. Our teams work diligently together to address physical, social, and behavioral needs. And the Population Health and Community Outreach teams bring these resources to the individuals and families who already face many barriers to proper preventative care.
With prevention as a focal point in the outpatient setting, we screen and develop personalized treatment plans that can address each person’s unique needs. This may include scheduling a diagnostic exam or preventative appointment like the underutilized Medicare Annual Wellness Visit, connecting them to a local food bank, arranging transportation, or assisting with medication.
Our goal is prevention in treating the patient as a whole rather than focusing on a specific disease or condition. We partner with our patients to save time, money, and resources by developing individual plans centered around compassionate care to promote dignity and better outcomes. These are not overnight wins or success stories. It sometimes can take years to recognize the difference this type of care can make in someone’s life. For example, obesity that is treated and addressed at an earlier age can prevent downstream medical conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. This prevents an individual from needing expensive medications and treatments.
At Beebe, we know that it will take all of us working together to tackle healthcare costs and become a healthier state. We know that we will provide value when our patients demonstrate improved health conditions, access the right care at the right place, and become partners in their care. We promise to expand this care in an equitable way and work within our teams and with community-based organizations to meet people where they are. We are all unique and have different needs to achieve the goal of receiving high-quality, high-value care.
Bill Chasanov, DO, MBA, is the vice president and chief health systems design officer. Loretta Ostroski, MSN, is the vice president of integrative care, Danielle Socrates MBA, CPXP, is the vice president of value-based care operations and transformation.