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A Vital Hub
Siemens-Healthineers is pioneering breakthroughs in healthcare— for everyone, everywhere
A VITAL HUB for Siemens Healthineers research and development, engineering, and manufacturing, the Glasgow facility in Newark, Delaware, is one of more than 50 such sites across the globe. Among the five largest medtech companies worldwide, Siemens Healthineers enables healthcare professionals to deliver high-quality care, leading to the best possible outcome for patients—no matter where they are.
Siemens Healthineers products and services span from in-vitro diagnostics, image-guided therapy, in-vivo diagnostics, and innovative cancer care. These solutions touch approximately five million patients every day.
The company’s Glasgow site specifically focuses on in-vitro diagnostic testing systems and assays, building on the company’s rich history in pioneering breakthroughs in healthcare, dating back to 1896. Notably, 70% of all critical clinical decisions are influenced by IVD tests—the type of technology provided by the Glasgow site.
Comprised of six buildings with over 545,000 square feet of space on 130 acres of owned land, Glasgow is the company’s principal reagent manufacturing location for clinical chemistry assays. The site is home to approximately 1,000 full-time and contractor colleagues working across all major business functions—R&D, manufacturing, supply chain, portfolio and product management, marketing, customer service, product education, quality management, and more—advancing innovation and developing diagnostics technologies for labs of all sizes.
Today, Siemens Healthineers in Glasgow supplies about 700 finished products and produces over 11 million units, representing six billion tests shipped across North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific. Over its 60-plus years, the site has been home to DuPont, Dade-Behring, and since 2007, Siemens Healthineers.
Over the past three years, Siemens Healthineers invested nearly $50 million into infrastructure improvements and ongoing R&D activities that support Glasgow’s contributions to a rapidly growing and diverse diagnostic testing portfolio. At the same time, Glasgow is central to the company’s strong commitment to sustainability as site leadership and colleagues collaborate to reduce the facility’s ecological footprint:

Electricity – The facility has replaced more than 2,000 fluorescent lights, helping to reduce the amount of electricity used and the number of bulbs and ballasts requiring replacement.
Water conservation – The site identified a source of “one-pass” water for use in cooling process equipment. By switching to a recirculation pathway, Glasgow saved nearly five million gallons of water annually.
Waste management – Ten years ago, the site set a zero-waste-to-landfill goal. Today, most waste is sent to waste-to-energy incineration. In 2012, approximately 80% of the waste generated at the site was sent to landfills, with 20% targeted for recycling. By 2022, the numbers flipped: 81% of site waste was sent for recycling with 19% sent to landfills.
The Glasgow site operates 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, with some production processes operating daily. The facility is led by Jessica Hunt, who has more than 25 years of experience in manufacturing, supply chain, and global technical operations. She was appointed in January 2023.