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Art and culture
Art & Culture
Swedish celebrities such as Astrid Lindgren's beloved character Pippi Longstocking and director Ingmar Bergman have contributed to the culture that reflects Gotland's multifaceted environments. Beaches, limestone quarries and Visby's charming, cobbled alleys have been the backdrop of many films and TV shows.
At times, it feels as if the whole island is a scene for different kinds of cultural expressions. Many esteemed Swedish crime writers use Gotland as the stage for their murders and eerie happenings. Thankfully, real life on the island is safe but don't be surprised if you happen to end up in the middle of a film shoot during your visit.
If you hear sweet notes emanating from a ruin, it could be a concert. Many stages are outdoors or located in barns with ambience, such as Stelor or Gåsemora. If you are longing to spend time with Othello, King Lear or Macbeth, they and many other Shakespeare characters can usually be found at Roma Kungsgård in the summer.
There are cultural expressions worth discovering around the island – small galleries, studios and art workshops. Keep an eye out for signs that say “Öppet” (open), stop by and allow yourself to explore. Who knows what treasures you will find in the cultural community of Gotland?
Five outdoor venues for music and shows:
Romateatern/Roma Kungsgård Amphitheatre at Närsakar Kultudralen Hide Limestone Quarry Kallis, after beach deluxe
Don't miss the island's cultural oases:
Körsbärsgården – A meeting place for art, architecture and literature at Storsudret. Sculpture park, art gallery, various installations and exhibitions. Länsteatern – The island's only permanent professional theatre and dance venue that puts on its own productions and has guest appearances around the island, all year round. Medieval Week – Theatre, music, shows, markets, tournaments – all in historical packaging. A week in August that attracts visitors from around the globe.
More information about cultural events on Gotland: Kulturens ö – kulturenso.se Tickets from destinationgotland.se