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5 Tips for Losing Weight This Summer

It happens every year without fail. The weather (finally) heats up and you pull out last year’s summer clothes— only to realize that they shrunk in storage somehow. Well, the weight loss surgery team at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center can help you solve that mystery, and you don’t have to become a patient.

Newark Beth Israel Medical Center has a new Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Program headed by Dr. Alan A. Saber, the program’s director, and nutritionist Catherine Wong, MS, RD, CDN. Now you have access to a range of minimally invasive weight loss surgery options and a multidisciplinary team of specialists to assist them.


Here are 5 weight loss tips the team gives their pre- and post-operative patients that will work for nearly everyone.

➊ Stay active. Exercise for 30 to 45 minutes every day at least five days a week

➋ Practice mindful eating. If you chew your food at least 20 to 30 times with each bite you will eat less.

➌ Write it down. Keep track of what you are eating by using a food diary. There are also several health apps that can help you keep track of your food intake, calories and activities.

➍ Be prepared. Preparing meals ahead of time has been shown to improve portion control and help reduce calorie intake.

➎ Be consistent. Maintaining a consistent diet and exercise plan is the most effective way to ensure a successful weight loss result.

To learn more about the Metabolic Surgery Program at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center or schedule a consultation, call 973-926-7331 or 973-926-7402.

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