Sarajevo Navigator October 2016

Page 1


Map of City Center


A Word from the Mayor


Address: Hasana Brkića 45/I Tel./Fax: +387 (0)33 719 065 Tel./Fax: +387 (0)33 719 066 E-mail: Web:

Basic Info


Sarajevo Stories


Published by: Sarajevo Navigator Co-published by: Tourism Association of Sarajevo Canton For Publisher: Nata{a MUSA General Director and Editor-in-Chief: Nedim LIPA Executive Director: Enis AVDIĆ Assistant Editor: Gorana LONČAREVIĆ Marketing, sales & distribution: LINDEN - Contributors: Ahmed ANANDA, Lejla ANANDA, Adi ARAPOVI], Džana ČANKOVIĆ, Dina GANIBEGOVIĆ, Ajdin HOLJAN, Aldin KADI], Velija SMAJIĆ, Matej ŠREPFLER

Attractions 10

Mapa gradskog jezgra Monthly City Guide

Rije~ gradona~elnika Osnovne informacije Sarajevske pri~e Atrakcije


Streets and Squares of Sarajevo Ulice i trgovi Sarajeva


Museums 16 Muzeji

Exhibitions and exhibition venues 20 Izložbe i izložbeni prostori

Don’t Miss


Sarajevo Scene


Theaters and Theater Plays


Coffee with ...


Movie Theaters


Calendar of Events


Made in Sarajevo


Where to Eat


Going Out


Expats in Sarajevo


Ne propustite Sarajevska scena

Pozorišta i pozorišne predstave


Kafa sa ... Kina

Cover Photo: Dženat Dreković National Theater Sarajevo

Kalendar doga|aja

Design: DTP: Sandra Ozimica

Nastalo u Sarajevu

Organization of Printing: Radin Print d.o.o. Sarajevo

Gdje jesti Izlazak

Circulation: 10 000 copies


Stranci u Sarajevu

Shopping 54 Kupovina

Accommodation 58

Supported by:

Smje{taj Editor’s note: Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the information at the time of going to press and we assume no resposibility for changes and errors. Each organizer has its own cancellation and change-of-date policy. It is therefore advisable to verify with each venue before heading off to an event. Uredni~ka napomena: Redakcija Sarajevo Navigatora ulo`ila je sve napore da potvrdi ta~nost podataka prije {tampanja ovog izdanja i ne prihvatamo odgovornost ukoliko je u me|uvremenu do{lo do promjena ili su nam date neta~ne informacije. Svaki od organizatora ima svoja pravila za otkazivanje ili promjenu datuma doga|aja. Savjetujemo vas da provjerite prije nego se uputite u posjetu.

Special Recommendation


Activities & Tours


Sarajevo Weekend Getaways


Leisure, Wellness & Health


Getting Around


Specijalna preporuka Aktivnosti i ture

Vikend izvan Sarajeva


Slobodno vrijeme, wellness i zdravlje Snala`enje



Welcome to Sarajevo

Enjoy culture and the coming of autumn! Uživajte u kulturi i dolasku jeseni! October, autumn comes to Sarajevo in its finest attire, a oktobrom u Sarajevo dolazi jesen u svom najljepšem Ithatnbringing weather that is perfect for a visit out in nature Sizdanju i vrijeme idealno za posjet prirodi, koja je is clad in wonderful autumnal colors. poprimila bezbroj prekrasnih, jesenjih boja. Among the many cultural events taking place this month, the most important one is definitely the MESS International Theater Festival, whose 56th edition will run this year from September 30 to October 9. We are proud that MESS now stands as the top theater festival in Southeastern Europe, the reason being that every year in early autumn Sarajevo receives many international theater stars. Since this month abounds with theater events, we recommend that you visit Despić House, an annex of the Museum of Sarajevo, whose rich collection tells the story of how one prominent Sarajevo Serb family lived during the 18th and 19th centuries. It was in Despić House that Sarajevo’s first theater performances were put on and the rich Despić family legacy also includes a building on Sime Milutinovića Sarajlije St., where the Museum of Literature and Performing Arts in BiH is now housed. If you are able to make a break out in nature, be sure to choose the excursion sites, Barice and Čavljak, where you will not only enjoy fresh air, captivating nature and a wonderful view of Sarajevo, but also a rich gastronomic offering in the mountain lodges.

Među brojnim kulturnim događajima koji se dešavaju ovog mjeseca svakako je najznačajniji – MESS, Međunarodni teatarski festival, čije se 56. izdanje održava od 30. septembra do 09. oktobra. Ponosni smo jer je MESS danas najrelevantniji pozorišni festival u Jugoistočnoj Evropi i razlog zbog kojeg Sarajevo svake godine u ranu jesen pohode brojne međunarodne teatarske zvijezde. Pošto ovaj mjesec protiče u znaku pozorišta, preporučujemo vam i da posjetite Despića kuću, depadans Muzeja Sarajeva, čija bogata postavka priča o životu ugledne, srpske građanske porodice u Sarajevu tokom 18. i 19. stoljeća. Upravo su u Despića kući igrane prve pozorišne predstave u Sarajevu, a dio bogate ostavštine porodice Despić je i zgrada u ulici Sime Milutinovića Sarajlije, u kojoj je smješten Muzej književnosti i pozorišne umjetnosti BiH. Ukoliko, pak, poželite otići u prirodu, neka vaš izbor ovog mjeseca budu izletišta Barice i Čavljak, gdje osim u čistom zraku, očaravajućoj prirodi i predivnom pogledu na Sarajevo, možete uživati i u bogatoj gastronomskoj ponudi tamošnjih planinarskih domova.

Ivo Komšić Mayor of Sarajevo Gradona~elnik Sarajeva 04



Sarajevo in Brief Ukratko o Sarajevu


apital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo is the largest city and country’s administrative, economic, cultural, university and sport center. The City of Sarajevo is comprised of four Municipalities: Stari Grad, Centar, Novo Sarajevo and Novi Grad.


Situated in the area called Sarajevo Plain, the town is surrounded by mountains – Jahorina, Bjelašnica, Igman, Treskavica and Trebević. River Miljacka flows through the city.

Sarajevo je smješteno na prostoru Sarajevskog polja. Okruženo je planinama Jahorinom, Bjelašnicom, Igmanom, Treskavicom i Trebevićem. Kroz grad teče rijeka Miljacka.

Bosniaks, Croats, Serbs, Jews, Roma and other ethnic groups live in Sarajevo. The religions represented are Catholicism, Christian Orthodoxy, Islam and Judaism.

U Sarajevu `ive Bo{njaci, Hrvati, Srbi, Jevreji, Romi i ostale etni~ke skupine. Zastupljene religije su katoli~anstvo, pravoslavlje, islam i judaizam.

The area that Sarajevo occupies has been continuously inhabited since the Prehistoric period. It becomes a city with the arrivals of the Ottomans in 15th century, and a capital of independent BiH in 1992. Sarajevo has always connected East and the West thus creating a unique blend of history, culture and heritage.

Prostor na kojem se nalazi Sarajevo naseljen je još od prahistorijskog vremena. Gradsko središte Sarajevo postaje dolaskom Osmanlija u 15. stoljeću, a glavni grad nezavisne BiH 1992. godine. U Sarajevu su se oduvijek spajale kulture Istoka i Zapada i zahvaljujući tome je ovaj grad jedinstvena kombinacija historije, kulture i naslijeđa.


arajevo je glavni i najve}i grad Bosne i Hercegovine, te administrativni, privredni, kulturni, univerzitetski i sportski centar BiH. Grad Sarajevo sa~injen je od ~etiri op}ine: Stari Grad, Centar, Novo Sarajevo i Novi Grad.


OSNOVNE INFORMACIJE Population 275,524 (2013 census)

Stanovni{tvo 275,524 (popis iz 2013.)

Climate Sarajevo has a mild continental climate. Average summer temperature is 19.1 ºC (66 F), and winter is -1.3 ºC (30 F). Average yearly temperature is 9.5 ºC (49 F).

Klima Klima u Sarajevu je umjereno kontinentalna. Prosje~na ljetna temperatura je 19.1 ºC, a zimska -1.3 ºC. Prosje~na godi{nja temperatura je 9.5 ºC.

Time Zone Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sarajevo are located in Central European Time Zone (GMT +1).

Vremenska zona BiH i Sarajevo se nalaze u srednjoevropskoj vremenskoj zoni (GMT +1).

Electricity The electric supply is 220V with 50Hz frequency.

Napon Napon elektri~ne energije u BiH je 220V, sa 50Hz frekvencijom.

Water Supply It is safe to drink tap water in Sarajevo.

Voda Voda u Sarajevu je ~ista i mo`e se piti iz ~esme.

Currency Currency in BiH is Convertible Mark. The international abbreviation for currency is BAM, while KM is used locally. (1,95 KM = 1 Euro) You can exchange your currency in any bank or post office. We recommend that you do so at branch offices or ATMs (See map on pg.1)

Valuta Valuta u BiH je konvertibilna marka. Me|unarodna oznaka je BAM, dok se lokalno koristi KM. (1,95 KM = 1 Euro) Valutu mo`ete promijeniti u bankama ili po{tama. Mi vam preporučujemo da to učinite u poslovnicama ili na bankomatima (Vidi mapu, str.1)

Banks are generally open from 08:00 to 18:00 on working days, and from 09:00 to 13:00 on Saturdays.

Radno vrijeme ve}ine banaka je od 08:00 do 18:00 radnim danima, i od 09:00 do 13:00 subotom.

Main post office is open from 07:00 to 20:00 from Monday to Saturday.

Glavna po{ta otvorena je od 07:00 do 20:00 od ponedjeljka do subote.

Holidays Holidays when all public institutions, banks, and post offices are closed in Sarajevo are:

Praznici Praznici kada sve javne ustanove, banke i po{te u Sarajevu ne rade su:

January 1 and 2 - New Year March 1 - Independence Day May 1 and 2 - International Labor Day November 25 - National Holiday

1. i 2. januar - Nova godina 1. mart - Dan nezavisnosti BiH 1. i 2. maj - Me|unarodni dan rada 25. novembar - Dan dr`avnosti BiH

Important numbers Važniji brojevi BiH Country Code +387 Pozivni broj za Bosnu i Hercegovinu Sarajevo Area Code (0)33 Pozivni broj za Sarajevo Zip Code 71000 Po{tanski broj za Sarajevo Airport 289 100 Aerodrom Bus Station 213 100 Autobuska stanica East Sarajevo Bus Station 057 317 377 Autobuska stanica Isto~no Sarajevo Railway Station - Information 655 330 @eljezni~ka stanica - informacije Medical Emergency 124 Hitna pomo} Police 122 Policija Fire Emergency 123 Vatrogasna brigada Road Assistance Service 1282 / 1288 Pomo} na cesti Local Tel. Number Directory 1182 Info o lokalnim telefonskim brojevima International Tel. Number Directory 1201 Info o me|unarodnim telefonskim brojevima Ko{evo Hospital 297 000 Bolnica Ko{evo General Hospital 285 100 Op}a bolnica 24-hour Pharmacy Ba{~ar{ija 272 300 De`urna apoteka Ba{~ar{ija 24-hour Pharmacy Ilid`a 762 180 De`urna apoteka Ilid`a Veterinarian Clinic 770 360 Veterinarska stanica Mountain Rescue Service 062 654 456 Gorska služba spašavanja



The legend of Hase Legenda o Hasetu!


sim Ferhatović Hase was born on January 24, 1933 in Kovači. He joined FC Sarajevo’s Junior Team in 1948 and played his first game as a senior player with FC Sarajevo in 1952 against Zagreb. He was the best striker in the Yugoslav Championship during the 1963–64 season and played for Yugoslav Youth and B Teams, but only once for the Yugoslav A Team. The legendary Ivica Osim, a former player and coach for the rival team, FC Željezničar, said that Hase was an outstanding and intelligent player and that if he were to ever play in Belgrade (Yugoslavia’s capital), he would surely come to enjoy far greater acclaim. Hase went to Fenerbahçe, a Turkish club, in 1963, but when he heard, just before their match with Željezničar, that FC Sarajevo was having difficulty putting together a good team, he came back home. He canceled his contract for just 10 days and reregistered to play with his home team. Sarajevo beat Željo 3-2 and, upon scoring a goal, Hase broke the goalpost out of sheer delight. He returned to Turkey for a short time to play a total of nine games and it is said that he had to pay Fenerbahçe more in compensation than he got when signing on. He just wanted them to let him go back to his beloved Sarajevo.



sim Ferhatović Hase rođen je 24. januara 1933. godine u sarajevskom naselju Kovači. Junior Fudbalskog kluba Sarajevo postao je 1948., a prvu utakmicu kao prvotimac FK Sarajeva odigrao je 1952. protiv Zagreba. U sezoni 1963/64. bio je najbolji strijelac Prvenstva Jugoslavije, igrao je za mladu i B fudbalsku reprezentaciju, a za A selekciju Jugoslavije nastupio je samo jedanput. Legendarni Ivica Osim, bivši igrač i trener suparničkog FK Željezničara, za Haseta je rekao kako je bio odličan i inteligentan fudbaler i kako bi, da je kojim slučajem igrao u tadašnjoj prijestolnici - Beogradu, doživio mnogo veću afirmaciju. U turski klub Fenerbahçe Hase odlazi 1963., ali kada je uoči susreta sa Željezničarom čuo da FK Sarajevo muku muči da sastavi dobru ekipu, zaputio se natrag kući. Dobio je ispisnicu na desetak dana i ponovo se registrovao za matični klub. Sarajevo je susret protiv Želje dobilo sa 3:2, a nakon postignutog pogotka Hase je u oduševljenju polomio prečku gola. U Tursku se potom vratio nakratko, odigrao svega devet utakmica i, kažu, Fenerbahçeu kao odštetu platio iznos veći od onoga što je dobio kada je potpisao ugovor. Samo da ga puste da se vrati nazad u svoje Sarajevo.



He made a famous statement at the time which has been graffitied on the wall of Koševo’s annex stadium: - Brother, I cannot play for money and be told how to play. I thank them, they were correct and did not cause me any problems. I told them I can only play in Sarajevo. Hase loved to play “street football” with locals and even before important games he would escape from quarantine to help bolster his “street team”. Sports enthusiasts were crazy about Hase’s intuitive way of playing and even fans from opposing teams would offer applause as he left the stadium. During one game at Koševo, he was performing such feats that Mirko Kamenjašević, a sports commentator, made a break in the program, saying: - Dear listeners, enjoy some music from our studio until they can grab the ball from Hase! He played his last game on October 16, 1966 at Kantrida Stadium in Rijeka, where he suffered an injury that would spell the end of his career a month later. FC Sarajevo was the champion of Yugoslavia that season. Toward the end of his career he opened the famous ćevabdžinica, Devetka, named after his No. 9 jersey. Thanks to him, Sarajevo ćevapi became known throughout the region. During one game at Koševo, he was performing such feats that Mirko Kamenjašević, a sports commentator, made a break in the program, saying: - Dear listeners, enjoy some music from our studio until they can grab the ball from Hase!

He was known as a generous man who always had a kind word for Sarajevo’s poor and had some change to spare. Asim Ferhatović’s heart stopped beating between the nights of January 24 and 25, 1987 and Sarajevans bid him farewell by offering applause at the funeral. He is still remembered by his fellow citizens, and Koševo Stadium and the street leading to it are named after him, as are FC Sarajevo Youth Academy, memorial tournaments for futsal, chess…. He is honored in the song, “The Sunday Hase Departed”, by one of Sarajevo’s most iconic bands, Zabranjeno Pušenje, even though some say it was dedicated to Josip Broz Tito. FC Sarajevo celebrates its 70th year on October 24, 2016 and “bordeaux” fans are sure to use the occasion to chant “Hase is the only one!” and to pay homage to the legendary Asim Ferhatović Hase.

Iz tog vremena datira i njegova čuvena izjava, koja je kao grafit zapisana na zidu pomoćnog stadiona Koševo: - Ne mogu, brate ja, igrati za novac i slušati kako trebam igrati. Hvala im, bili su korektni i nisu mi pravili probleme. Rekao sam im da ja mogu samo u Sarajevu igrati. Hase je volio i sa rajom igrati „na male“, pa je i prije važnih utakmica znao pobjeći iz karantina i pojačati postavu svog „uličnog tima“. Ljubitelji sporta divili su se Hasetovoj intuitivnoj igri, a i protivnički navijači su ga nerijetko sa stadiona ispraćali aplauzom. Na jednoj utakmici na Koševu izvodio je takve bravure da je radio-reporter Mirko Kamenjašević najavio pauzu u programu riječima: - Dragi slušaoci, dok Hasetu ne uzmu loptu, slušajte muziku iz našeg studija! Posljednji nastup upisao je 16. oktobra 1966. godine na Kantridi u Rijeci, kada je doživio povredu zbog koje će koji mjesec kasnije i prekinuti karijeru. Te sezone je FK Sarajevo postalo prvakom Jugoslavije. Pred kraj karijere otvorio je čuvenu ćevabdžincu “Devetka”, nazvanu po broju koji je nosio na dresu. Upravo zahvaljujući njemu su sarajevski ćevapi i postali poznati širom regije. Na glasu je bio i kao čovjek „široke ruke“, koji je za sarajevske siromahe uvijek imao lijepu riječ i nešto novca za udijeliti. Srce Asima Ferhatovića prestalo je kucati u noći između 24. i 25. januara 1987. godine, a Sarajlije su ga i na dženazi ispratile aplauzom. Na jednoj utakmici na Koševu izvodio je takve bravure da je radio-reporter Mirko Kamenjašević najavio pauzu u programu riječima: - Dragi slušaoci, dok Hasetu ne uzmu loptu, slušajte muziku iz našeg studija!

Sugrađani ga nisu zaboravili, pa njegovo ime danas nose stadion Koševo i ulica koja vodi ka njemu, omladinska škola FK Sarajevo, memorijalni malonogometni i šahovski turnir... Opjevan je i u pjesmi “Nedjelja kad je otiš’o Hase” kultne sarajevske grupe Zabranjeno Pušenje, iako će neki reći kako je ta pjesma zapravo posvećena Josipu Brozu Titu. FK Sarajevo 24. oktobra 2016. proslavlja 70. rođendan, a zasigurno je da će navijači bordo kluba i taj povod iskoristiti da skandiranjem parole “Jedan je Hase!” odaju počast legendarnom Asimu Ferhatoviću Hasetu.



Ashkenazi Synagogue A{kena{ka sinagoga


Ashkenazi Synagogue was built in 1902 by Karl Paržik as the first religious object to be constructed in a then-popular pseudo-Moorish style. It is the third biggest synagogue in Europe. Aškenaška sinagoga je izgrađena 1902. godine, po projektu Karla Paržika, kao prvi vjerski objekt u pseudomaurskom stilu. Treća je po veličini u Evropi. Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; Drvenija Bridge Exit / Most Drvenija Izlaz

Ba{~ar{ija Ba{~ar{ija


Baščaršija is the heart of old Sarajevo. The building started in 1462 and reached its culmination by the middle of 16th century. In the center of it is Sebilj (from Arabic word depicting a kiosk-like public fountain) designed by the Czech architect Alexander Vitek. Baščaršija je srce starog Sarajeva. Izgradnja je započeta 1462. godine, a procvat doživljava u 16. stoljeću. U centru Baščaršije se nalazi Sebilj (ar. Sebilj - javna česma u obliku kioska) kojeg je dizajnirao arhitekt Aleksandar Vitek. Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; Baščaršija Exit / Baščaršija Izlaz

Cathedral of Jesus’ Sacred Heart Katedrala Srca Isusova


The seat of the Archbishop of Vrhbosna (Upper Bosnia), Cathedral of Jesus’ Sacred Heart, was built in a neo-gothic style in 1889. The tomb of Josip Štadler, Archbishop of Vrhbosna from the turn of the 20th century, is located in the Cathedral. Katedrala Srca Isusova prvostolna je crkva Vrhbosanske nadbiskupije, a sagrađena je u neogotičkom stilu 1889. godine. Grobnica Josipa Štadlera, vrhbosanskog nadbiskupa sa početka 20. stoljeća koji je inicirao izgradnju ovog objekta, nalazi se u Katedrali. Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; Cathedral Exit / Katedrala Izlaz

City Hall Vije}nica


Built in 1896 in the Pseudo-Moorish style, Vijećnica served as the seat of city government and would come to house the National Library after World War II. When the library was bombed and burned in 1992, the majority of the library’s collection went up in smoke. After nearly two decades of renovation, Vijećnica re-opened its doors on May 9, 2014. Vijećnica je izgrađena 1896. u pseudomaurskom stilu kao sjedište gradske uprave, da bi nakon Drugog svjetskog rata u njoj bila smještena Nacionalna biblioteka. Biblioteka je 1992. granatirana i zapaljena i tom prilikom je izgorio i veći dio knjižnog fonda. Nakon skoro dvije decenije obnove Vijećnica je ponovo otvorena 9. maja 2014. godine. Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; City Hall Exit / Vijećnica Izlaz



Gazi Husrev Bey’s Mosque


Gazi Husrev-begova d`amija

Gazi Husrev Bey’s Mosque is the most important Islamic house of worship in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Constructed in 1531, it was left to the city by Gazi Husrev Bey, the Ottoman ruler of Bosnia. The mosque is only a part of Gazi Husrev Bey’s substantial bequest to the city. Gazi Husrev-begova džamija je najznačajniji islamski vjerski objekt u BiH. Izgrađena je 1531., a zadužbina je Gazi Husrev-bega, tadašnjeg osmanskog namjesnika. Džamija je samo dio velike Gazi Husrev-begove ostavštine. Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; Latin Bridge Exit / Latinska ćuprija Izlaz

The Latin Bridge


Latinska }uprija

The Latin Bridge was built in 16th century but acquired world fame for the infamous Sarajevo Assassination. Precisely from this spot Gavrilo Princip shot and killed Austro-Hungarian heir to the throne - archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophia, which triggered the start of World War I. Latinska ćuprija je izgrađena u 16. stoljeću, a postala je svjetski poznata po Sarajevskom atentatu. Tu je Gavrilo Princip usmrtio austrougarskog prijestolonasljednika Franza Ferdinanda i njegovu suprugu Sofiju, što je bio povod za početak Prvog svjetskog rata. Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; Latin Bridge Exit / Latinska ćuprija Izlaz

The Old Orthodox Church Stara pravoslavna crkva


The Old Orthodox Church was built in 16th century. Unique for its atypical architecture, this church has been safe guarding holy icons and religious relics for centuries. There are several interesting legends and folk tales related to its founding. Stara pravoslavna crkva sagrađena je u 16. stoljeću. Unikatna zbog netipične arhitekture, ova crkva već vijekovima čuva veliko blago u vidu svetih mošti i raznih relikvija, a postoji i nekoliko interesantnih legendi vezanih za njen nastanak. Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; Ba{~ar{ija Exit / Ba{~ar{ija Izlaz

Tunnel of Hope Tunel spasa

Built under the runway of Sarajevo Airport in 1993, the Tunnel of Hope was the city’s only connection with the outside world during the four years of siege. A portion of it remains open today. (For organized tours contact tourist agencies.) Tunel spasa izgrađen je ispod aerodromske piste 1993. i bio je jedina veza Sarajeva sa ostatkom svijeta za vrijeme četverogodišnje opsade. Danas je dio tunela otvoren za posjete. (Za organizirane posjete kontaktirajte turističke agencije.) Trams/Tramvaji 3, 4, 6; Ilid`a Exit / Izlaz / Bus 32; D. Kotorac Exit / Izlaz



Franciscan Church of St. Anthony of Padua

Architecture / Arhitektura 1 Obala Maka Dizdara 3

Religion & Architecture / Religija i arhitektura 1 Franjeva~ka 6 4 033 236 107

Akademija likovnih umjetnosti

Franjeva~ka crkva sv. Ante Padovanskog

Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; ^obanija Bridge Exit / Most ^obanija Izlaz

Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; Latin Bridge Exit / Latinska ćuprija Izlaz

Alifakovac Cemetery

Gazi Husrev Bey’s Bezistan (Covered Bazaar)

Religion & Culture / Religija i kultura 1 Alifakovac Quarter / Alifakovac mahala

Architecture / Arhitektura 1 Gazi Husrev-begova bb

Mezarje Alifakovac

Gazi Husrev-begov bezistan

Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; City Hall Exit / Vije}nica Izlaz

Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; Latin Bridge Exit / Latinska }uprija Izlaz

Ali Pasha’s Mosque

House of Spite

Religion & Architecture / Religija i arhitektura 1 Mar{ala Tita 14

History & Culture / Historija i kultura 1 Veliki Alifakovac 1

Alipa{ina d`amija

Inat ku}a

Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5, 6; Skenderija Exit / Skenderija Izlaz

Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; City Hall Exit / Vije}nica Izlaz

Ba{~ar{ija Mosque

Main Post Office

Religion & Architecture / Religija i arhitektura 1 Ba{~ar{ija 37

Architecture / Arhitektura 1 Obala Kulina bana 8 4 033 252 834

Ba{~ar{ijska d`amija

Glavna po{ta

Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; Ba{~ar{ija Exit / Ba{~ar{ija Izlaz

Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; ^obanija Bridge Exit / Most ^obanija Izlaz

Bijela tabija (White Fortress)

Mori}a Guesthouse

Arhitecture & History / Arhitektura i historija 1 Vratnik Quarter / Vratnik mahala

Architecture & History / Arhitektura i historija 1 Sara~i 77

Bijela tabija

Mori}a han

Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; Ba{~ar{ija Exit / Ba{~ar{ija Izlaz

Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; Latin Bridge Exit / Latinska }uprija Izlaz

BH Presidency


Architecture / Arhitektura 1 Titova 16

Architecture & History / Arhitektura i historija 1 Ba{~ar{ija Square / Ba{~ar{ijski trg

Predsjedni{tvo BiH


Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; Skenderija Exit / Skenderija Izlaz

Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; Ba{~ar{ija Exit / Ba{~ar{ija Izlaz

Clock Tower

St. Joseph’s Church

Religion & Architecture / Religija i arhitektura 1 Sara~i 8

Architecture & Religion / Arhitektura i religija 1 Zmaja od Bosne 1

Sahat kula

Crkva Sv. Josipa

Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; Latin Bridge Exit / Latinska }uprija Izlaz

Trams/Tramvaji 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7; Marijin dvor Exit / Marijin dvor Izlaz

Congregational Church of the Holy Mother

The Tombs of Seven Brothers

Religion & Architecure / Religija i arhitektura 1 Zelenih beretki 3 4 033 269 261

History / Historija 1 Bistrik Quarter / Bistrik mahala

Saborna crkva Presvete Bogorodice

Turbe sedam bra}e

Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; Drvenija Bridge Exit / Most Drvenija Izlaz

Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; Latin Bridge Exit / Latinska }uprija Izlaz

Emperor’s Mosque

Tr`nica (Meat and Dairy Market)

Religion & Architecture / Religija i arhitektura 1 Obala Isa-bega Ishakovi}a bb

Architecture / Arhitektura 1 Mula Mustafe Ba{eskije 4a 4 033 205 353

Careva d`amija

Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; City Hall Exit / Vije}nica Izlaz


Trams/Tramvaji 2, 3, 1, 5; Drvenija Bridge Exit / Most Drvenija Izlaz

1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail




rgovke is the name of the u-shaped street that has a small square in the center. The main, western extent runs along Kolobara Han and the eastern section comes out onto Baščaršija St. (Baščaršija Square). Narrow passages connect this small street to Sarači St. in the north and Ćurčiluk Veliki in the south. Trgovke St. is located on the spot that was home to Sarajevo’s first bezistan (covered bazaar), which was built in the first half of the 16th century by Mehmed Bey, son of Isa Bey Ishaković, the founder of Sarajevo. The bezistan’s lead cupolas were destroyed in a fire that swept through Sarajevo in 1697, when Eugene of Savoy invaded the city, and it was totally destroyed by another fire in 1842. The spot once occupied by Mehmed Bey’s Bezistan was later home to a series of shops that were collectively known as Trgovke. This name wasn’t in reference to the shops, but to the lady traders (trgovke) who sold items here and were active on market days. This shopping complex was knocked down in 1949 and then rebuilt in the 1970s, when Baščaršija underwent a thorough reconstruction in anticipation of the XIV Winter Olympic Games that would be held in Sarajevo in 1984.


rgovke je naziv ulice u obliku slova U, u čijem središtu se nalazi omanji trg, a koja je svojom bazom, odnosno zapadnom stranom naslonjena uz Kolobara han, dok na istoku kracima izbija na ulicu Baščaršija (Baščaršijski trg). Sa sjeverne strane ova saobraćajnica je uskim prolazima povezana sa ulicom Sarači, a sa južne ulicom Ćurčiluk veliki. Ulica Trgovke nalazi se na mjestu gdje je nekada stajao prvi sarajevski bezistan, kojeg je još u prvoj polovini 16. stoljeća podigao Mehmed-beg, sin osnivača Sarajeva Isabega Ishakovića. Olovne kupole tog bezistana urušile su se u požaru koji je poharao Sarajevo nakon invazije vojske Eugena Savojskog 1697. godine, da bi, nakon što je 1842. godine stradao u novom požaru, bezistan u potpunosti bio porušen. Na mjestu Mehmed-begovog bezistana potom je izgrađen kompleks dućana, koji je prozvan – Trgovke. Ali, ne po dućanima, odnosno trgovinama, nego po trgovkama, ili pazar-bulama, ženama koje su se bavile trgovinom i koje su upravo na tom prostoru trgovale u pazarne dane. Taj kompleks dućana porušen je 1949. godine, da bi ponovo bio podignut krajem 70-tih godina, kada je u povodu predstojećih XIV Zimskih olimpijskih igara izvršena sveobuhvatna rekonstrukcija Baščaršije.






1 Zmaja od Bosne 3 4 033 668 027 3 Tue-Fri/Uto-Pet: 10:00 - 19:00; Sat-Sun/Sub-Ned: 10:00 - 14:00

1 Zmaja od Bosne 5 on-Sun/Pon-Ned: 09:00 - 19:00 4 033 226 098 3 M

The National Museum of BiH is the oldest and most significant institution of its kind in BiH. Approximately four million items are housed in collections representing the fields of archeology, ethnology and the natural sciences, plus the museum has its own botanical garden, with more than 3,000 plant species. Zemaljski muzej BiH najstarija je i najznačajnija muzejska institucija u BiH. Oko četiri miliona eksponata nalazi se u zbirkama odjeljenja za arheologiju, etnologiju i prirodne nauke, a muzej posjeduje i botanički vrt sa više od 3000 biljnih vrsta.

Through its collections, Historical Museum of BiH defines the history of BiH from the arrival of Slavs on the Balkan Peninsula to the contemporary period. Historijski muzej BiH kroz svoje zbirke obrađuje historiju BiH od dolaska Slavena na Balkansko poluostrvo, pa do savremenog doba.


MUZEJ SARAJEVSKE PIVARE 1 Franjevačka 15 4 033 491 138 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 09:00 - 20:00; Sat-Sun/Sub-Ned: 10:00 - 18:00 The items on display at the museum showcase Sarajevska Pivara’s 150-year-old tradition. U muzeju su izloženi eksponati iz 150 godina duge tradicije poslovanja Sarajevske pivare.

VIJEĆNICA MUSEUM / MUZEJ VIJEĆNICA 1 Obala Kulina bana 1 4 033 292 800 3 Mon-Sun/Pon-Ned: 10:00 - 20:00 Permanent Exhibit: Sarajevo 1914 – 2014. Stalna izložba: Sarajevo 1914 – 2014. Permanent Exhibit: Sarajevo City Hall Revisited. Stalna izložba: Vijećnica još jednom.


MUZEJ STARE PRAVOSLAVNE CRKVE 1 Mula Mustafe Bašeskije 59 4 033 571 760 3 Mon–Sat/Pon–Sub: 08:00 - 18:00; Sun/Ned: 08:00 - 16:00 Permanent exhibit of paintings of local and foreign artists, religious manuscripts and printed books, church textiles and embroidery and precious metals. Stalna postavka slikarskih djela domaćih i stranih slikara, crkvenih rukopisa i štampanih knjiga, crkvenih tkanina i veza, te plemenitih metala.


Permanent Exhibit: Sarajevo Under Siege. Stalna izložba: Opkoljeno Sarajevo. Permanent Exhibit: 15 Years by Jim Marshall. Stalna izložba: 15 godina, Jima Marshalla. Permanent Exhibit: Open Depo / Stalna izložba: Otvoreni depo. To/Do Oct/Okt 31 – Exhibit: Geniale Dilletanten, by Goethe Institut / Genijalni diletanti, Goethe instituta To/Do Oct/Okt 31 – Exhibit: Sarajevo Now: People’s Museum / Izložba: Sarajevo sad: Narodni muzej Oct/Okt 23 - 31 – Exhibit: A New Purpose of Industrial Objects / Izložba: Nova namjena industrijskih objekata


UMJETNIČKA GALERIJA 1 Zelenih Beretki 8 4 033 266 550 3 Mon–Sat/Pon–Sub: 10:00 - 20:00 To/Do Oct/Okt 31 – Permanent Exhibit: Intimacies of Space: Interior and Exterior from the Collection of the National Gallery of BiH / Stalna postavka: Oprostorena intima: enterijeri i eksterijeri iz kolekcije Umjetničke galerije BiH From/Od Oct/Okt 6 To/Do Nov 11 – Solo Exhibit, by Radmila Jovandić Đapić / Samostalna izložba Radmile Jovandić Đapić Oct/Okt 11 – A presentation of ideas for the reconstruction of the National Gallery of BiH / Prezentacija idejnog projekta rekonstrukcije Umjetničke galerije BiH From/Od Oct/Okt 13 To/Do Nov 29 – Solo Exhibit, by Franjo Likar / Samostalna izložba Franje Likara

1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail


BRUSA BEZISTAN BRUSA BEZISTAN 1 Abadžiluk 10 4 033 239 590 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 10:00 - 18:00 (From/Od Oct/Okt 15: 10:00 – 16:00), Sat/Sub: 10:00 – 15:00 Brusa Bezistan’s permanent collection titled From Ancient History to the End of Austro-Hungarian Period will guide you through Sarajevo’s rich history. Stalna postavka Brusa bezistana „Od prethistorije do kraja austrougarskog razdoblja” }e vas provesti kroz bogatu historiju Sarajeva.


MUZEJ SARAJEVO 1878. – 1918. 1 Zelenih beretki 1 4 033 533 288 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 10:00 - 18:00 (From/Od Oct/Okt 15: 10:00 – 16:00), Sat/Sub: 10:00 – 15:00 Museum 1878 – 1918 deals with the Austro-Hungarian period of Sarajevo’s and the country’s history. Zbirka Muzeja 1878. – 1918. bavi se periodom austro-ugarske vladavine Sarajevom i BiH.


1 Despićeva 2 4 033 215 531 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 10:00 - 18:00 (From/Od Oct/Okt 15: 10:00 – 16:00), Sat/Sub: 10:00 – 15:00 Permanent exhibit depicting culture of living of a wealthy, Sarajevo Serb, family in the period between 17th and 20th century. The Despić family housed Sarajevo’s first theater plays. Stalna postavka o kulturi stanovanja bogate građanske, srpske porodice u periodu od 17. do 20. stoljeća. U Despića kući igrane su i prve pozorišne predstave u Sarajevu.


1 Glođina 8 4 033 535 264 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 10:00 - 18:00 (From/Od Oct/Okt 15: 10:00 – 16:00), Sat/Sub: 10:00 – 15:00 Permanent exhibit depicting the culture of living of a wealthy, Sarajevo Muslim family, in 18th and 19th century. Stalna postavka o kulturi stanovanja imućne gradske, muslimanske porodice u 18. i 19. stoljeću. 1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail

GALLERY 11/07/95 GALERIJA 11/07/95 1 Fra Grge Martića 2 / III 4 033 953 170 3 Mon-Sun/Pon-Ned: 10:00 - 20:00 Permanent exhibit of items dedicated to the preservation of the memory of Srebrenica tragedy and 8,372 victims who tragically lost their lives during the genocide. Stalna postavka eksponata čiji je cilj očuvati sjećanje na tragediju u Srebrenici i 8.372 osobe koje su tragično stradale u genocidu. Permanent Projection of Documentaries: „Srebrenica Memorial Film“ by Leslie Woodhead and Muhamed Mujkić and „Miss Sarajevo“ (Siege of Sarajevo 92-95) by Bill Carter. Stalna projekcija dokumentarnih filmova: „Srebrenica Memorial Film“ Leslieja Woodheada i Muhameda Mujkića i „Miss Sarajevo“ (Siege of Sarajevo 92-95) Billa Cartera. Video projection by Paul Lowe: The Siege of Sarajevo. Video projekcija Paula Lowea: Opsada Sarajeva. To/Do May/Maj 2017 - „Greetings from Sarajevo 1993” – Exhibition of the original posters, created during the siege of the city by Design TRIO Sarajevo / „Pozdrav iz Sarajeva 1993“ – Izložba originalnih postera, kreiranih tokom opsade Sarajeva, Dizajna TRIO Sarajevo. To/Do Oct/Okt 31 – „10 Minutes“ - Movie by Ahmed Imamović / „10 minuta“ - Film Ahmeda Imamovića


MUZEJ ZLOČINA PROTIV ČOVJEČNOSTI I GENOCIDA 1992-1995 1 Ferhadija 17 4 062 467 764 3 Mon-Sun/Pon-Ned: 09:00 – 22:00 This permanent exhibition makes use of photographs, documents, personal items belonging to victims, exhibit displays, simulations, replicas, video testimonies and statements, interactive maps and documentary films to show the atrocities that were committed throughout BiH. Stalna postavka prikazuje zločine počinjene na cijeloj teritoriji BiH putem fotografija, dokumenata, ličnih predmeta žrtava, eksponata, simulacija, replika, video svjedočenja i izjava, interaktivnih mapa i dokumentarnih filmova.




ARS AEVI ART DEPO 1 Terezije bb (Centar Skenderija) 4 033 216 927 3 Tue–Sun/Uto–Ned: 10:00 - 18:00

BOSNIAK INSTITUTE BOŠNJAČKI INSTITUT 1 Mula Mustafe Bašeskije 21 4 033 279 800 3 Mon-Sat/Pon-Su: 08:00 - 16:30 Permanent exhibits: Ethnological collection, paintings of Mersad Berber, water colours of Ismet Rizvić, Gallery of Portraits and exhibit „In the Focus of the Collection“ Stalne postavke: Etnološka postavka, slike Mersada Berbera, Akvareli Ismeta Rizvića, Galerija portreta i postavka „U fokusu kolekcije“ Oct/Okt 5 – Exhibit of Paintings, by Fuad Arifhodžić / Izložba

slika Fuada Arifhodžića

MUSEUM OF LITERATURE & PERFORMING ARTS MUZEJ KNJIŽEVNOSTI I POZORIŠNE UMJETNOSTI 1 Sime Milutinovića Sarajlije 7 4 033 201 861 3 Mon–Sat / Pon–Sub: 10:00–19:00

Permanent Exhibit: A short history of literature and the performing arts in BiH. This permanent exhibit is accompanied by a bilingual catalog and audio guide (both in English and Bosnian). Stalna postavka: Kratka povijest književnosti i pozorišne umjetnosti u BiH. Stalnu postavku prati dvojezični katalog na engleskom i bosanskom jeziku i dvojezični audio vodič na engleskom i bosanskom jeziku. Oct/Okt 17-22 – Art exhibition of works by primary and secondary school students in Sarajevo, by Matica Hrvatska / Izložba Matice Hrvatske: Umjetnički radovi učenika sarajevskih osnovnih i srednjih škola


1 Donji Kotorac, Tuneli 1, Ilidža 4 033 778 670 3 Mon–Sun/Pon–Ned: 09:00 - 16:30 The Tunnel of Hope was a symbol of hope for the citizens of Sarajevo during the four years of siege. Tunel spasa je tokom četverogodišnje opsade bio simbol nade za stanovnike Sarajeva.

SEVDAH ART HOUSE / ART KUĆA SEVDAHA 1 Halači 5 4 033 239 943 3 Tue–Sun / Uto–Ned: 10:00–18:00

Permanent exhibit about sevdalinka (traditional urban love song) as well as its most notable interpreters. Stalna postavka o sevdalinci (tradicionalna gradska lirska pjesma) i interpretatorima - majstorima sevdaha.


Permanent display of Ars Aevi Collection / Museum of Contemporary Art Sarajevo, the most important international contemporary art collection in South-East Europe. Stalna postavka Kolekcije Ars Aevi / Muzeja savremene umjetnosti Sarajevo, najznačajnije kolekcije internacionalne savremene umjetnosti u jugoistočnoj Evropi.


MUZEJ GAZI HUSREV-BEGOVE BIBLIOTEKE 1 Gazi Husrev-begova 46 4 033 238 152 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 09:00 - 17:00; Sat/Sub: 09:00 - 15:00 A permanent exhibit featuring artifacts on the history of literacy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Islamicrelated themes and the general cultural history of BiH. Stalna postavka artefakta koji se odnose na historiju pismenosti u BiH, islamsku tematiku, kao i opću kulturnu prošlost BiH.


GAZI HUSREV-BEGOV MUZEJ 1 Sarači br. 33 4 033 233 170 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 09:00 - 19:00; Sat-Sun/Sub-Ned: 10:00 - 19:00 Permanent Exhibit on life and work of Gazi Husrev Bey. Stalna postavka o životu i djelu Gazi Husrev-bega.


1 Velika avlija bb 4 033 535 688 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 10:00 - 18:00 (From/Od Oct/Okt 15: 10:00 - 16:00), Sun/Ned: 10:00 – 15:00 Permanent exhibit depicting lives and culture of Sarajevo Jews. Stalna postavka o životu i kulturi Jevreja u Sarajevu.

THE OLYMPICS MUSEUM / OLIMPIJSKI MUZEJ 1 Alipašina bb (Zetra) 4 033 226 414 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 09:00 - 17:00

Permanent Exhibit: Organization of the 14th Winter Olympic Games. Stalna postavka: “Organizacija XIV zimskih olimpijskih igara”.


MUZEJ ALIJE IZETBEGOVIĆA 1 Ploča 2 (Kapi – kula) 4 033 237 220 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 10:00 - 16:00, Sat/Sub: 10:00-15:00 Permanent exhibit depicting the life and work of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s first president. Stalna postavka o životu i djelu prvog predsjednika Bosne i Hercegovine.

1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail


COLLEGIUM ARTISTICUM COLLEGIUM ARTISTICUM 1 Terezije bb (Centar Skenderija) 4 033 204 352 3 Mon-Sat/Pon–Sub: 10:00 - 18:00 To/Do Oct/Okt 31 – Exhibit: From The Series Untitled, by Fani Zguro / Izložba: Iz serije bez naslova, Fani Zguro


BLACK BOX 1 Vrazova 5 4 033 203 646 on-Fri/Pon-Pet: 10:00 - 14:00; 15:00 - 18:00: 3M Sat/Sub: 09:00 - 14:00 Permanent Exhibit: „BlackBOX Art&Print“ / Stalna postavka: „BlackBOX art&print“

DUPLEX/100M² DUPLEX/100M² 1 Obala Kulina bana 22 4 066 488 832 3 Tue–Sat/Uto–Sub: 14:00 - 19:00 Oct/Okt 1-24 – Exhibit: Home Sweet Home, by Gordana Anđelić Galić / Izložba: Dome,slatki dome, Gordane Anđelić Galić


GALERIJA MERSAD BERBER 1 Vladislava Skarića 5 4 033 537 789 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 11:00 -19:00; Sat/Sub: 12:00 - 16:00 Permanent exhibit of paintings by Mersad Berber Stalna postavka djela slikara Mersada Berbera


VIJEĆNICA 1 Obala Kulina Bana 1 4 033 292-800 3 Mon-Sun/Pon-Ned: 10:00 - 20:00 Oct/Okt 1 – 15 – Photo Exhibit: War of Memories / Foto izložba: Rat sjećanja

GALERY OF CONTEMPORARY ART CHARLAMA GALLERY JAVA GALERIJA JAVA 1 Titova 21 4 033 225 878 3 Mon-Sat/Pon-Sub: 12:00 - 20:00 Oct/Okt 6 – 8 – Performance “wakEUp” and Exhibit „On the Road“, by Srđan Ćesić & Andrej Nosov / Performans “wakEUp” i izložba „Na putu“, Srđana Ćesića i Andreja Nosova Oct/Okt 11 – 26 – Exhibit of Paintings: Bururet, by Safet Begić / Izložba slika: Bururet, Safeta Begića From/Od Oct/Okt 28 To/Do Nov 14 – Exhibit of Paintings: Body Language, by Irma Merdanić / Izložba slika: Govor tijela, Irme Merdanić


GALERIJA SAVREMENE UMJETNOSTI CHARLAMA 1 Terezije bb (Centar Skenderija) 4 063 947 442 3 Mon-Sat / Pon-Sub: 10:00 - 20:00

To/Do Oct/Okt 31 – International Exhibition of Contemporary Art „The Creators II“ / Međunarodna izložba savremene umjetnosti “The Creators II”


ATELJE-ZBIRKA ZEC 1 Maršala Tita 31/II 4 033 205 343 / 061 338 186 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 10:00 -18:00; Sat/Sub: 10:00 - 14:00 Permanent exhibit of paintings by Safet Zec Stalna postavka djela slikara Safeta Zeca International Theater Festival MESS / Internacionalni teatarski festival MESS 1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail



Exhibitions at the National Gallery of BiH Izložbe u Umjetničkoj galeriji BiH


he National Gallery of BiH, the most important gallery of its kind in the country, was founded in 1946 at the behest of the Government of the People’s Republic of BiH. The core of this art collection comprises 600 pieces from the collection of the National Museum of BiH and the Gallery’s holdings now include more than 6,000 items, which may be divided into several thematic collections. Since 1953, the National Gallery has been housed in what was once a store belonging to the wealthy Jewish merchants, Ješua and Mojce Salom, on Zelenih Beretki 8. During the month of October, the National Gallery will be hosting a number of very interesting programs in honor of its 70th anniversary. A solo exhibition by Radmila Jovandić Đapić will be on display from October 6 and on October 11 an exhibit will be unveiled that shows ideas for the Gallery’s reconstruction project, in cooperation with the Institute for Architecture, Urbanism and Spatial Planning and the University of Sarajevo’s Faculty of Architecture. From October 13 visitors will be able to see a permanent exhibit of works by the painter, Franjo Likar. The National Gallery of BiH is open to visitors every day, except Sunday, from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Admission is 5KM for students and 2KM for senior citizens.


redbom Vlade Narodne Republike Bosne i Hercegovine od 11. oktobra 1946. godine osnovana je Umjetnička galerija BiH, najznačajnija galerijska institucija u BiH. Jezgro početne umjetničke zbirke činilo je 600 eksponata iz fundusa Zemaljskog muzeja BiH, a do danas je kolekcija Umjetničke galerije BiH narasla na više od 6000 inventarskih jedinica, podijeljenih u nekoliko tematskih zbirki. Od 1953. Umjetnička galerija BiH djeluje u prostoru nekadašnje robne kuće bogatih jevrejskih trgovaca Ješue i Mojce Saloma, koja se nalazi na adresi Zelenih beretki 8. Tokom mjeseca oktobra, u kojem obilježava 70 godina djelovanja, Umjetnička galerija BiH donosi nekoliko veoma zanimljivih programa. Samostalna izložba Radmile Jovandić Đapić bit će postavljena od 6. oktobra, a 11. oktobra bit će prezentiran idejni projekat rekonstrukcije Galerije, načinjen u saradnji sa Institutom za arhitekturu, urbanizam i prostorno planiranje i Arhitektonskim fakultetom Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Od 13. oktobra posjetitelji će moći pogledati samostalnu izložbu bh. slikara Franje Likara. Umjetnička galerija BiH je za posjetioce otvorena svakog dana osim nedjelje, od 10 do 20 sati. Cijena ulaznice je 5 KM, za studente i penzionere 2 KM.




Branko Đurić Đuro


ranko Đurić Đuro came to fame while acting in the comedy play, Audicija, back in the mid-‘80s. This play was watched by more than two million and became an entertainment and social phenomenon in former Yugoslavia. Đuro was part of another project that took the scene by storm – the famous Top Listi Nadrealista (TLN), a TV show that used sketches to examine events taking place in society during the ‘80s and early ‘90s. There was a core group of so-called “New Primitives”, a movement that formed around TLN, giving rise to some of Sarajevo’s most important rock bands. One was Bombaj Štampa, with Branko Đuro as its frontman. When war broke out in BiH, Đuro moved to Slovenia, where he lives today. In the years since the war, he has participated in many important projects, acting in Danis Tanović’s Oscar-winning film, No Man’s Land, and Angelina Jolie’s directorial debut, In the Land of Blood and Honey. He directed the most popular Slovenian film of all time, Kajmak and Marmalade, and created the megasuccessful sitcom, Naša Mala Klinika…. Đuro’s most recent endeavor is stand-up comedy, with “Đurologija”, which he performs to full houses throughout the region. He will be giving another performance in Sarajevo on Saturday, October 1, at Mirza Delibašić Hall.


ranko Đurić Đuro slavu je stekao još sredinom 80-tih glumeći u humorističkoj predstavi Audicija, koju je pogledalo više od dva miliona ljudi i koja je postala zabavni i društveni fenomen u bivšoj Jugoslaviji. Đuro je učestvovao i u još jednom projektu koji će postati fenomenom – čuvenoj Top Listi Nadrealista (TLN), tv serijalu koji je kroz formu skeča secirao društvenu zbilju u 80-tim i početkom 90-tih godina. Okupljeni oko TLN činili su i jezgro takozvanog pokreta Novih primitivaca, pod čijim su okriljem nastale neke od najznačajnijih sarajevskih rock grupa. Jedna od njih bila je i Bombaj štampa, čiji je frontman upravo Branko Đurić. S početkom sukoba u BiH Đuro je odselio u Sloveniju, gdje i danas živi. U godinama nakon rata glumio je u brojnim važnim projektima, poput Oscarom nagrađenog filma „Ničija zemlja“ Danisa Tanovića i rediteljskog prvijenca Angeline Jolie „U zemlji krvi i meda“. Režirao je najgledaniji slovenački film svih vremena „Kajmak i marmelada“, kreirao megauspješni sitcom „Naša mala klinika“... Njegov najskoriji projekat je stand up komedija „Đurologija“, sa kojom puni sale u čitavoj regiji i koju će u Sarajevu ponovo izvesti u subotu 01. oktobra, u dvorani Mirza Delibašić.



NATIONAL THEATER NARODNO POZORIŠTE 1 Obala Kulina bana 9 4 033 226 431 on-Sun/Pon-Ned: 09:00 – 12:00 & 16:00 – 19:30 3M

Oct/Okt 4 MESS 19:30 The Seagull / Galeb (Director/Režija: Oskaras Koršunovas) Oct/Okt 4 MESS 19:30 While I Was Waiting / Dok sam čekao (Director/Režija: Omar Abusaada) Oct/Okt 6 MESS 19:30 The Beggar´s Opera / Prosjačka opera (Director/Režija: Kokan Mladenović) Oct/Okt 7 MESS 19:30 The Patriots / Rodoljupci (Director/Režija: András Urban) Oct/Okt 8 MESS 18:00 Three Winters / Tri zime (Director/Režija: Ivica Buljan) Oct/Okt 9 MESS 19:30 Our Violence and Your Violence / Naše nasilje i vaše nasilje (Director/Režija: Oliver Frljić) Oct/Okt 12 19:30 Rigoletto (Conductor/Dirigent: Ana Zorana Brajović; Director/Režija: Ognian Draganoff) Oct/Okt 13 19:30 Genetic’s of Dogs / Genetika pasa (Director/Režija: Dejan Projkovski) Oct/Okt 14 19:30 Balkan Spy in Sarajevo / Balkanski špijun u Sarajevu (Director/Režija: Sulejman Kupusović) Oct/Okt 17 12:00 Thumbeline / Palčica (Coreography and Director/Koreografija i Režija: Nermina Damian)


Oct/Okt 19 19:30 Sunshine Boys / Sjajni momci (Director/Režija:Mustafa Nadarević) Oct/Okt 21 19:30 Mare Nostrum / Naše more (Coreography/Koreografija: Davide Bombana) Oct/Okt 25 12:00 & 14:00 House of a Hedgehog / Ježeva kuća (Director/Režija: Ferid Karajica)

YOUTH THEATER POZORIŠTE MLADIH 1 Kulovića 8 4 033 205 799 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet:12:00 – 14:00

Oct/Okt 2 MESS 20:00 Backstage in Biscuit Land / Iza kulisa zemlje biskvita (Authors/Autori: Jess Thom, Jess Mabel Jones, Matthew Pountney) Oct/Okt 5 MESS 18:00 The Sound of Fire / Zvuk vatre (Authors/Autori: Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol) Oct/Okt 9 MESS 18:00 What is Europe? / Šta je Europa? (Director/Režija: András Urban)

ACADEMY OF PERFORMING ARTS SARAJEVO AKADEMIJA SCENSKIH UMJETNOSTI SARAJEVO 1 Obala Kulina bana 11 4 033 215-277 on-Fri/Pon-Pet: 08:00 – 16:00 3M

Oct/Okt 1 MESS 20:00 Home, Eros, Faith / Dom, Eros, Vjera (Director/Režija: Andrej Kalinka, Ivan Martinka) Oct/Okt 4 & 19 20:00 Die Hard / Umri muški (Director/Režija: Admir Glamočak ) Oct/Okt 15 20:00 August: Osage County / August u okrugu Osage (Actors/Uloge: Vanja Matović, Helena Vuković...) Oct/Okt 21 20:00 Hasanaginica (Actors/Uloge: Zoran Dragičević, Martina Mandek...) Oct/Okt 28 20:00 The Reader / Čitač (Actors/Uloge: Saša Krmpotić, Helena Vuković...)

two hours before play / dva sata prije početka predstave



BIH ARMY HALL DOM ORUŽANIH SNAGA BIH 1 Zelenih beretki 2 4 033 285 800 on-Fri/Pon-Pet: 00:00 – 24:00 3M

Oct/Okt 7 MESS 22:00 Katër i Radës. The Shipwreck / Katër i Radës. Brodolom (Director/Režija: Salvatore Tramacere)

SARAJEVO WAR THEATER SARAJEVSKI RATNI TEATAR 1 Gabelina 16 4 033 664 070 on-Fri/Pon-Pet: 10:00 – 16:00 3M

Oct/Okt 1 MESS 22:00 The Conference of the Birds / Konferencija ptica (Director/Režija: Nina Rajić Kranjac) Oct/Okt 3 MESS 20:00 The Mountain Giants / Gorski divovi (Director/Režija: Roberto Latini) Oct/Okt 5 MESS 20:00 Ubu the King / Kralj Ubu (Director/Režija: Jernej Lorenci) Oct/Okt 6 MESS 18:00 Forecasting (Director/Režija: Barbara Matijević) Oct/Okt 7 MESS 18:00 We are the Ones Our Parents Warned Us About / Mi smo oni na koje su nas roditelji upozoravali (Director/Režija: Mirjana Karanović) Oct/Okt 9 MESS 22:00 Einstein’s Dreams / Einsteinovi snovi (Director/Režija: Slobodan Unkovski)

CHAMBER THEATER 55 KAMERNI TEATAR 55 1 Maršala Tita 56/II 4 033 550 475 on-Tue & Thu-Sat/Pon-Uto i Čet-Sub: 3M 10:00 – 12:00 & 16:00 – 20:00

Oct/Okt 1 MESS 20:00 Home, Eros, Faith / Dom, Eros, Vjera (Director/Režija: Andrej Kalinka, Ivan Martinka) Oct/Okt 4 & 19 20:00 Die Hard / Umri muški (Director/Režija: Admir Glamočak )

1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail

Oct/Okt 6 20:00 Ajmo na fuka (Director/Režija: Dragan Komadina) Oct/Okt 7 MESS 22:00 The Frog/ Žaba (Director/Režija: Elmir Jukić) Oct/Okt 8 20:00 The Maids / Sluškinje (Director/Režija: Elma Juković) Oct/Okt 12 20:00 Premiere: Kiss of the Spider Woman / Premijera: Poljubac žene pauka (Director/Režija: Alen Šimić) Oct/Okt 13 & 14 20:00 Kiss of the Spider Woman / Poljubac žene pauka (Director/Režija: Alen Šimić Oct/Okt 17 20:00 The Concert of Birds / Koncert ptica (Director/Režija: Aleš Kurt) Oct/Okt 18 & 22 20:30 Helem Nejse Radio Show / Helem Nejse Rejdio Šou (Authors/Autori: Stihomir Klepić, Čika Gagara, Edis Bilić) Oct/Okt 20 20:30 Idiot-narrated fairytale / Bajka koju idiot priča (Director/Režija: Emir Kapetanović) Oct/Okt 21 20:00 Luv / Ljupaf (Director/Režija: Ronald Rand) Oct/Okt 24 & 25 20:00 If they could speak out loud / Kad bi naglas govorili (Director/Režija: Srđan Vuletić) Oct/Okt 27 & 28 20:00 Our Class / Naš razred (Director/Režija: Dino Mustafić) Oct/Okt 29 20:00 In Zvornik, I Have Left My Heart / U Zvorniku ja sam ostavio svoje srce (Director/Režija: Sulejman Kupusović)

YOUTH CENTER - NOVO SARAJEVO CENTAR ZA DJECU I OMLADINU NOVO SARAJEVO 1 Kemala Kapetanovića 17 4 033 641 895 on-Sat/Pon-Sub: 09:00 – 22:00 3M

Oct/Okt 8 MESS 19:00 & 22:00 What Would You Give Your Life For? / Za šta biste dali svoj život? (Director/Režija: Haris Pašović)




Sarajevo is Heaven on Earth Sarajevo je džennet na dunjaluku Bejtović is a Sarajevan girl who, after more than 20 years arajka Una Bejtović je, nakon više od 20 godina rada u Uyearsnaof working in the media, started her own PR agency three Smedijima, prije tri godine pokrenula PR agenciju Bejtović ago. Bejtović Communications promotes major projects Communications, koja javnosti prezentira značajne projekte from the world of sports, arts, culture, human rights.... Una completed her studies in Literature of the Peoples of BiH and Bosnian and did her Masters on Democracy and Human Rights. For years she has been active with the MESS and Pravo Ljudski Festivals, the FAMA Museum of the Siege of Sarajevo, the Srebrenica Project – Mapping Genocide... and she received the 2012 PRO.PR Award for outstanding work in public relations. Una describes Sarajevo with the following: - This is the most magical town in the world, where you have the luxury of going for a quick coffee with friends during working hours. We who live here often take for granted the fact that professional and private spheres overlap, just as we do all of the other little portraits that make up the lovely mosaic of life in this city. Una’s perfect day includes a walk through Baščaršija to Miris Dunja, where she has her morning coffee and reads the paper. She heads to Mrkva Ćevabdžinica for the perfect pljeskavica, to Željo for ćevapi and to Hodžić for sudžukica. - When I want to treat myself, I go to Bašča Kod Ene, whose mućkalica is a culinary delight, and I enjoy it with a view of Sarajevo.


iz domena sporta, umjetnosti, kulture, ljudskih prava... Una je završila studij Književnosti naroda BiH i bosanskog jezika, potom magistrirala na temu demokratije i ljudskih prava, a već godinama je sudionik festivala MESS i Pravo ljudski, FAMA-inog Muzeja opsade Sarajeva, projekta Srebrenica – mapiranje genocida... Dobitnica je i PRO.PR nagrade za izvrsnost u odnosima s javnošću za 2012. godinu. Sarajevo Una predstavlja riječima: - Ovo je najšarolikiji grad na svijetu, gdje imaš luksuz da u radno vrijeme popiješ brzu kafu sa prijateljima. Mi koji živimo ovdje često zdravo za gotovo uzimamo tu isprepletenost poslovnog i privatnog i sve one male sličice koje čine lijepim mozaik života u ovom gradu. Unin savršen dan uključuje šetnju Baščaršijom do cafea Miris dunja, gdje uz jutarnju kafu čita novine. Za ručak po savršenu pljeskavicu odlazi u ćevabdžinicu Mrkva, po ćevape u Želju, a po sudžukice kod Hodžića. - Kad sebi baš želim ugoditi, odvezem se u restoran Bašča kod Ene, čija je mućkalica kulinarska čarolija, pa uživam, uz pogled na Sarajevo.


She goes to Metropolis and Torte i to for cakes and ASDŽ Aščinica is her favorite for traditional sweets, namely tufahija. - I usually spend the evenings having dinner with friends in the quiet atmosphere of Mala Kuhinja or Avlija, and visit Opera Cafe or attend some cultural events. She believes that Sarajevo should be developed as a “spiritual tourism” destination because she believes that, after Mecca and Medina, it is the loveliest place to spend Ramadan. - Sarajevo is heaven on earth, for it is the 500-year legacy of Islam which has made life possible with others, despite differences. She lists Žuta Tabija, Kamarija - Point of View and the restaurant, Kod Bibana, as the loveliest vantage points in town and says that Wilson’s Promenade is the most beautiful urban green oasis. - The National Museum contains 1,001 Sarajevo stories and is the most relevant ID for our culture and identity, she adds, and then concludes with: - Visitors should take a zvekir and copper coffee set so that they can be constantly reminded of our charming city and the laid-back people who enjoy the quick pulse of city life.

Na kolače odlazi u Metropolis i Torte i to, a od tradicionalnih slastica najdraža joj je tufahija u aščinici ASDŽ. - Večeri obično provodim sa prijateljima u mirnoj atmosferi Male kuhinje ili Avlije, u cafeu Opera, ili na nekom od kulturnih dešavanja. Smatra da Sarajevo treba razvijati kao destinaciju „duhovnog turizma“, jer je ubijeđena kako je ovo, nakon Meke i Medine, najljepše mjesto na kojem se može provesti ramazan. - Sarajevo je džennet na dunjaluku, jer baštini 500 godina Islama koji podrazumijeva život sa drugima i drugačijima. Najljepšim sarajevskim vidikovcima smatra Žutu tabiju i cafe Kamarija - Point of View, te restoran kod Bibana, a za Vilsonovo šetalište kaže kako je to najljepša gradska zelena oaza. - Zemaljski muzej sadrži 1001 sarajevsku priču i najozbiljnija je lična karta naše kulture i identiteta – dodaje Una, a razgovor zaključuje riječima: - Kao suvenir iz Sarajeva posjetitelji bi trebali ponijeti zvekir i bakarni set za kahvu, kako bi ih neprestano podsjećali na šarmantni grad i ljude koji opušteno uživaju u pulsu ubrzanog gradskog života.


CINEMA CITY MULTIPLEX / MULTIPLEX CINEMA CITY* From/Od Oct/Okt 6 - The Samurai in Autumn / Jesen samuraja From/Od Oct/Okt 6 - The Girl on the Train / Djevojka u vozu From/Od Oct/Okt 6 - Nine Lives / Devet života From/Od Oct/Okt 13 - Inferno From/Od Oct/Okt 13 - The Accountant / Računovođa From/Od Oct/Okt 13 - Masterminds / Genijalni umovi From/Od Oct/Okt 20 - Jack Reacher: Never Go Back / Jack Reacher: Nema povratka From/Od Oct/Okt 20 - Florence Foster Jenkins / Neslavno slavna Florence From/Od Oct/Okt 20 - Quackerz / Patke za nemoguće zadatke From/Od Oct/Okt 27 - Free State of Jones / Pobunjenik iz okruga Jones

MEETING POINT Oct/Okt 1-5 - ZG80 Oct/Okt 6-12 - Janis: Little Girl Blue / Janis, mala tužna djevojka Oct/Okt 13-18 - The Constitution / Ustav Republike Hrvatske Oct/Okt 19 - Goethe at Meeting Point Cinema: I Feel Like Disco / Goethe u kinu Meeting Point: Osjećam se disco Oct/Okt 20 & 22-25 - Florence Foster Jenkins / Neslavno slavna Florence Oct/Okt 21 - The Ambassador to Bern Oct/Okt 27-29 - Days of Swedish Film 2016 / Dani švedskog filma 2016.

KINOTEKA BIH / KINOTEKA BiH* Oct/Okt 3 - Playing Soldiers / Mali vojnici Oct/Okt 4 - Black Pearls / Crni biseri Oct/Okt 5 - The Perfect Circle / Savršeni krug Oct/Okt 6 - Summer in the Golden Valley / Ljeto u zlatnoj dolini Oct/Okt 7 - Esma’s Secret - Grbavica / Grbavica Oct/Okt 27 - American Graffiti / Američki grafiti * For movie time-table visit / * Za raspored prikazivanja filmova posjetite





any interesting events will be taking place this month, the most significant of which is the MESS International Theater Festival, which will run until October 9. The French DJ and producer, DJ YokoO, will fill Silver & Smoke with house rhythms on October 8 and the British artist, John Graham, will also be performing here on October 28. Dance lovers will enjoy the Just Dance Festival at Dom Mladih on October 8 and two more dance festivals will be taking place this month: Sarajevo Dance Friendship will be held October 13-16 at Hills Hotel and the Sarajevo Dance Festival will take place at the Ramiz Salčin Sports Hall from October 15 to 17. The 6th Annual International Classical Music Festival, Muzika na Žici, will be held at Dom Armije BiH (Oct. 12-15) and on October 20 the National Theater will host the Japanese dance troupe, Izena No Kai, who will give a traditional RyuKyu dance performance as part of the Year of Japanese Culture. Football lovers are in for a real treat this month with “the never-ending derby” between FC Sarajevo and FC Željezničar, who will play at Koševo-Asim Ferhatović Hase Stadium on October 16. These are just some of the events planned for October, so we suggest that you take a close look at our calendar, visit our web portal,, or download our free Sarajevo Navigator apps, available from Google Play or App Store, all of which are regularly updated with new information about events.


vog mjeseca dešavaju se brojni zanimljivi događaji, od kojih je najznačajniji Međunarodni teatarski festival MESS, koji traje do 09. oktobra. Francuski DJ i producent DJ YokoO ispunit će 08. oktobra klub Silver & Smoke house ritmovima, a 28. oktobra u istom prostoru nastupa Britanac John Graham. Ljubitelji plesova uživat će 08. oktobra na Just Dance Festivalu u Domu mladih, a u ovom mjesecu će biti održana još dva plesna festivala - Sarajevo Dance Friendship se od 13. do 16. oktobra dešava u hotelu Hills, dok će Sarajevo Dance Festival biti održan od 15. do 17. oktobra u dvorani Ramiz Salčin. Šesti Međunarodni festival klasične muzike „Muzika na žici“ na programu je od 12. do 15. oktobra u Domu Oružanih snaga BiH, a 20. oktobra će u Narodnom pozorištu, u sklopu Godine japanske kulture, nastupiti japanska trupa Izena no kai, koja izvodi tradicionalni RyuKyu ples. A, ljubitelje fudbala u ovom mjesecu očekuju prava poslastica - vječiti derbi između Sarajeva i Željezničara, koji se igra 16. oktobra na stadionu Koševo – Asim Ferhatović Hase. Ovo je samo dio dešavanja u ovom mjesecu, pa vam preporučujemo da pažljivo pregledate naš kalendar, posjetite web portal, ili preuzmete naše besplatne aplikacije Sarajevo Navigator sa Google Playa ili App Storea, koje redovno osvježavamo sa najnovijim informacijama o događajima.


For more information about events visit



02 03 04 05

20:00; Performance: Đurologija XXL; KSC Skenderija 21:00; Live Music @ Pivnica HS; Charlie Chaplin 21:00; Party @ Aquarius Vils; Club Mash 22:00; Live Music: Ammara & The Band; Club Monument 22:30; Live Music: ProRocs Band; Underground Club 21:00; Party: Lazy Sunday; Aquarius Vils





21:00; Party: Good Vibrations!; Aquarius Vils 23:00; Event: Latino Night; Cinemas Sloga 21:00; Party: Back to the 80’s; Aquarius Vils 21:00; Party: Aquarius Music Selection; Aquarius Vils 21:00; Live Music: Pivnica HS Band & Nešad Selman; Pivnica HS 23:00; Party: Club Night; Silver & Smoke


14:00; Event: UEFA Champions League Trophy Tour; Vijećnica 18:00; Party: Mahir Beathouse; Aquarius Vils 21:00; Live Music: Artis Tamburitza Orchestra; Pivnica HS 23:00; Party @ Cinemas Sloga; Silver & Smoke


11:00 Concert: Music for Children - Ententini; Sarajevo Center for Culture 21:00; Live Music @ Pivnica HS; Caffe Tito; Aquarius Vils 22:00; Concert: Neno Murić; Coloseum Club 22:00; Live Music: Arsla Jazz Quartet; Club Monument 22:30; Live Music: Racija Band; Underground Club 23:00; Live Music: Fox; Cinemas Sloga 23:00; Party: Sub One + Guest; Silver & Smoke


20:00; Sport Event: Just Dance Fest; Dom mladih Skenderija 21:00; Party @ Aquarius Vils; Club Mash 21:00; Live Music: Dino Džihić; Charlie Chaplin 22:30; Live Music: Hangover; Underground Club 22.00; Live Music: Lolo Lovina; Club Monument 23:00; Party: YokoO; Silver & Smoke




09 10 11 SUNDAY

21:00; Party: Lazy Sunday; Aquarius Vils


21:00; Party: Good Vibrations!; Aquarius Vils 23:00; Event: Latino Night; Cinemas Sloga


12:00; Concert: Toy Symphony; National Theater 21:00; Party: Back to the 80’s; Aquarius Vils






20:00; MUSIC ON THE STRING FESTIVAL Concert: The Tree of Life I; B&H Army Hall 21:00; Live Music: Pivnica HS Band & Nešad Selman; Pivnica HS 23:00; Party: Club Night; Silver & Smoke 20:00; MUSIC ON THE STRING FESTIVAL Concert: ESTA: Young International Talents; B&H Army Hall 21:00; Live Music: Artis Tamburitza Orchestra; Pivnica HS 23:00; Party @ Cinemas Sloga; Silver & Smoke 15:00; Sport Event: Sarajevo Dance Friendship; Hotel Hills (until 10/16)


Za vi{e informacija o doga|ajima posjetite


02. 03. 04. 05.

20:00; Performans: Đurologija XXL; KSC Skenderija 21:00; Live Music @ Pivnica HS; Charlie Chaplin 21:00; Party @ Aquarius Vils; Club Mash 22:00; Svirka uživo: Ammara & The Band; Club Monument 22:30; Svirka uživo: ProRocs bend; Underground Club 21:00; Party: Lazy Sunday; Aquarius Vils



21:00; Party: Good Vibrations!; Aquarius Vils 23:00; Događaj: Latino večer; Cinemas Sloga 21:00; Party: Back to the 80’s; Aquarius Vils






09. 10. 11. NEDJELJA

21:00; Party: Aquarius Music Selection; Aquarius Vils 21:00; Svirka uživo: Pivnica HS bend i Nešad Selman; Pivnica HS 23:00; Party: Club Night; Silver & Smoke 14:00; Događaj: Turneja trofeja UEFA Lige šampiona; Vijećnica 18:00; Party: Mahir Beathouse; Aquarius Vils 21:00; Svirka uživo: Tamburaški orkestar Artis; Pivnica HS 23:00; Party @ Cinemas Sloga; Silver & Smoke 11:00 Koncert: Muzika za djecu - Ententini; Centar za kulturu Sarajevo 21:00; Live Music @ Pivnica HS; Caffe Tito; Aquarius Vils 22:00; Koncert: Neno Murić; Coloseum Club 22:00; Svirka uživo: Arsla Jazz Quartet; Club Monument 22:30; Svirka uživo: Racija bend; Underground Club 23:00; Svirka uživo: Fox; Cinemas Sloga 23:00; Party: Sub One + gost; Silver & Smoke 20:00; Sportski događaj: Just Dance Fest; Dom mladih Skenderija 21:00; Party @ Aquarius Vils; Club Mash 21:00; Svirka uživo: Dino Džihić; Charlie Chaplin 22:30; Svirka uživo: Hangover; Underground Club 22.00; Svirka uživo: Lola Lovina; Club Monument 23:00; Party: YokoO; Silver & Smoke 21:00; Party: Lazy Sunday; Aquarius Vils


21:00; Party: Good Vibrations!; Aquarius Vils 23:00; Događaj: Latino večer; Cinemas Sloga


12:00; Koncert: Simfonija igračaka; Narodno pozorište Sarajevo 21:00; Party: Back to the 80’s; Aquarius Vils



20:00; FESTIVAL MUZIKA NA ŽICI Koncert: Drvo života I; Dom oružanih snaga BiH 21:00; Svirka uživo: Pivnica HS bend i Nešad Selman; Pivnica HS 23:00; Party: Club Night; Silver & Smoke 20:00; FESTIVAL MUZIKA NA ŽICI Koncert : ESTA: Mladi internacionalni talenti; Dom oružanih snaga BiH 21:00; Svirka uživo: Tamburaški orkestar Artis; Pivnica HS 23:00; Party @ Cinemas Sloga; Silver & Smoke 15:00; Sportski događaj: Sarajevo Dance Friendship; Hotel Hills (do 16.10.)



For more information about events visit


20:00; MUSIC ON THE STRING FESTIVAL Concert: (RE)PLAY; B&H Army Hall 21:00; Live Music @ Caffe Tito; Aquarius Vils; Club Mash 21:00; Live Music: Mostar Sevdah Reunion; Pivnica HS 22:00; Event: 14th Coloseum Club Birthday Party; Coloseum Club 22:00; Live Music: Sunday Stories; Club Monument 22:30; Live Music: Undergrounderi; Underground Club 23:00; Party: Freshman party: Geo Da Silva; Cinemas Sloga


10:00; Sport Event: Sarajevo Dance Festival; Ramiz Salčin Hall (until 10/17) 20:00; MUSIC ON THE STRING FESTIVAL Concert: The Tree of Life II; B&H Army Hall 21:00; Party @ Aquarius Vils; Club Mash 22:00; Concert: Marija Šestić; Club Monument 22:30; Live Music: Zoon Politikon; Underground Club



16 17 SUNDAY




16:00; Sport Event: FK Sarajevo - FK Željezničar; Olympic Stadium Koševo - Asim Ferhatović - Hase 21:00; Party: Lazy Sunday; Aquarius Vils 21:00; Party: Good Vibrations!; Aquarius Vils 21:00; Performance: Stand-Up Comedy Night: Tihomir Paravina; Club Monument 23:00; Event: Latino Night; Cinemas Sloga 20:00; Concert: Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchestra with Christoph & Stephan Koncz; National Theater 21:00; Live Music: Pivnica HS Band & Nešad Selman; Pivnica HS 23:00; Party: Club Night; Silver & Smoke


18:00; Party: Benjamin Rifatbegović; Aquarius Vils 20:00; Performance: Ryukyu Dance; National Theater 20:00; Performance: Cabaret by Lane Gutović; Dom mladih Skenderija 23:00; Party @ Silver & Smoke, Cinemas Sloga


19:30; Concert: Maja Ačkar & Adema Pljevljak Krehić; Bosniak Institute 21:00; Live Music @ Caffe Tito; Pivnica HS 21:00; Live Music: Neno Murić; Aquarius Vils 22:00; Live Music: Sheyla & Jazzmenu Quartet; Club Monument 22:30; Live Music: Radarska kontrola; Underground Club 23:00; Live Music: Rasta; Cinemas Sloga 21:00; Live Music: Anchy Moondogs; Pivnica HS 21:00; Party @ Aquarius Vils; Club Mash 22:00; Live Music: Natalija Havralenko; Club Monument 22:30; Live Music: Chally Poppers, Tribute to RHCP; Underground Club 23:00; Party: Toni Juranović + Edib D; Silver & Smoke





23 24 SUNDAY


25 26

21:00; Party: Lazy Sunday; Aquarius Vils 19:30; Concert: The Pannon Philharmonic & Bogany Gergely; National Theater 21:00; Party: Good Vibrations!; Aquarius Vils 23:00; Event: Latino Night; Cinemas Sloga 21:00; Party: Back to the 80’s; Aquarius Vils




21:00; Party: Aquarius Music Selection; Aquarius Vils 21:00; Live Music: Pivnica HS Band & Nešad Selman; Pivnica HS 23:00; Party: Club Night; Silver & Smoke


Za vi{e informacija o doga|ajima posjetite


20:00; FESTIVAL MUZIKA NA ŽICI Koncert: RE(PLAY); Dom oružanih snaga BiH 21:00; Live Music @ Caffe Tito; Aquarius Vils; Club Mash 21:00; Svirka uživo: Mostar Sevdah Reunion; Pivnica HS 22:00; Događaj: Proslava 14. rođendana Coloseum Cluba; Coloseum Club 22:00; Svirka uživo: Sunday Stories; Club Monument 22:30; Svirka uživo: Undergrounderi; Underground Club 23:00; Party: Brucošijada: Ge Da Silva; Cinemas Sloga


10:00; Sportski događaj: Sarajevo Dance Festival; Dvorana Ramiz Salčin (do 17.10.) 20:00; FESTIVAL MUZIKA NA ŽICI Koncert: Drvo života II; Dom oružanih snaga BiH 21:00; Party @ Aquarius Vils; Club Mash 22:00; Koncert: Marija Šestić; Club Monument 22:30; Svirka uživo: Zoon Politikon; Underground Club

16. 17.

16:00; Sportski događaj: FK Sarajevo - FK Željezničar; Olimpijski stadion Koševo - Asim Ferhatović Hase 21:00; Party: Lazy Sunday; Aquarius Vils





18. 19. UTORAK


21:00; Party: Good Vibrations!; Aquarius Vils 21:00; Performans: Večer Stand-Up komedije: Tihomir Paravina; Club Monument 23:00; Događaj: Latino večer; Cinemas Sloga 20:00; Koncert: Sarajevska filharmonija & Christoph & Stephan Koncz; Narodno pozorište Sarajevo 21:00; Svirka uživo: Pivnica HS bend i Nešad Selman; Pivnica HS 23:00; Party: Club Night; Silver & Smoke


18:00; Party: Benjamin Rifatbegović; Aquarius Vils 20:00; Performans: Ryukyu ples; Narodno pozorište Sarajevo 20:00; Performans: Kabare Laneta Gutovića; Dom mladih Skenderija 23:00; Party @ Silver & Smoke, Cinemas Sloga


19:30; Koncert: Maja Ačkar i Adema Pljevljak Krehić; Bošnjački institut 21:00; Svirka uživo @ Caffe Tito; Pivnica HS 21:00; Svirka uživo: Neno Murić; Aquarius Vils 22:00; Svirka uživo: Sheyla & Jazzmenu Quartet; Club Monument 22:30; Svirka uživo: Radarska kontrola; Underground Club 23:00; Svirka uživo: Rasta; Cinemas Sloga 21:00; Svirka uživo: Anchy Moondogs; Pivnica HS 21:00; Party @ Aquarius Vils; Club Mash 22:00; Svirka uživo: Natalija Havralenko; Club Monument 22:30; Svirka uživo: Chally Poppers, tribute to RHCP; Underground Club 23:00; Party: Toni Juranović + Edib D; Silver & Smoke




23. 24. NEDJELJA


25. 26. UTORAK


21:00; Party: Lazy Sunday; Aquarius Vils 19:30; Koncert: Panonska filharmonija & Bogany Gergely; Narodno pozorište Sarajevo 21:00; Party: Good Vibrations!; Aquarius Vils 23:00; Događaj: Latino večer; Cinemas Sloga 21:00; Party: Back to the 80’s; Aquarius Vils 21:00; Party: Aquarius Music Selection; Aquarius Vils 21:00; Svirka uživo: Pivnica HS bend i Nešad Selman; Pivnica HS 23:00; Party: Club Night; Silver & Smoke


CALENDAR OF EVENTS OCTOBER 2016 / KALENDAR DE[AVANJA OKTOBAR 2016 For more information about events: / Za vi{e informacija o doga|ajima:






30 31 SUNDAY


10:00; Event: OPEN Fest; Dom mladih Skenderija (until 10/29) 18:00; Party: Zlijay aka Mixmaster Zlee; Aquarius Vils 23:00; Party: HigheR’s Indigo Tones; Silver & Smoke 23:00; Party: Sloga Night; Cinemas Sloga 21:00; Live Music @ Aquarius Vils; Caffe Tito; Pivnica HS 21:30; Party: Mash Party; Club Mash 22:00; Live Music: Sunday Stories; Club Monument 22:00; Concert: Neno Murić; Coloseum Club 22:30; Live Music: Unplugged Plug; Underground Club 23:00; Concert: In Memoriam of EKV; Cinemas Sloga 23:00; Party: John Graham aka Quivver; Silver & Smoke 21:00; Party @ Aquarius Vils; Club Mash 21:00; Live Music: Pivnica HS Band & Nešad Selman; Pivnica HS 22:00; Live Music: Acoustic Breeze; Club Monument 22:30; Live Music: Pero Defformero; Underground Club 23:00; Party: Pytzek feat. Sijah & Kolenda; Silver & Smoke 21:00; Party: Lazy Sunday; Aquarius Vils 20:00; Party: Halloween Party; Café bar Libertad 21:00; Performance: Stand-Up Comedy Night: Filip Andronik & Hazim Mujčinović; Club Monument 22:30; Live Music: Halloween Party: OPUS & Lijepi Brener; Underground Club 23:00; Event: Latino Night; Cinemas Sloga


10:00; Događaj: OPEN Fest; Dom mladih Skenderija (do 29.10.) 18:00; Party: Zlijay aka Mixmaster Zlee; Aquarius Vils 23:00; Party: HigheR’s Indigo Tones; Silver & Smoke 23:00; Party: Sloga Night; Cinemas Sloga


21:00; Svirka uživo @ Aquarius Vils; Caffe Tito; Pivnica HS 21:30; Party: Mash Party; Club Mash 22:00; Svirka uživo: Sunday Stories; Club Monument 22:00; Koncert: Neno Murić; Coloseum Club 22:30; Svirka uživo: Unplugged Plug; Underground Club 23:00; Koncert: In memoriam EKV; Cinemas Sloga 23:00; Party: John Graham aka Quivver; Silver & Smoke


21:00; Party @ Aquarius Vils; Club Mash 21:00; Svirka uživo: Pivnica HS bend i Nešad Selman; Pivnica HS 22:00; Svirka uživo: Acoustic Breeze; Club Monument 22:30; Svirka uživo: Pero Defformero; Underground Club 23:00; Party: Pytzek feat. Sijah & Kolenda; Silver & Smoke




30. 31.

21:00; Party: Lazy Sunday; Aquarius Vils




20:00; Party: Halloween Party; Café bar Libertad 21:00; Performans: Večer Stand-Up komedije: Filip Andronik & Hazim Mujčinović; Club Monument 22:30; Svirka uživo: Halloween Party: OPUS & Lijepi Brener; Underground Club 23:00; Događaj: Latino večer; Cinemas Sloga


27. Aquarius Vils ČETVRTAK

Hotel Hills Sarajevo

1 Zmaja od Bosne 13

1 Butmirska cesta 18

4 033 713 320

4 033 947 947

28. BiH Army Hall / Dom oružanih snaga BiH 4 033 285 800

KSC Skenderija 1 Terezije bb 4 033 201 204

Café bar Libertad

National Theater /

1 Kranjčevićeva 13

Narodno pozorište


1 Zelenih beretki 2

4 033 221 508 29.

1 Obala Kulina bana 9

Charlie Chaplin

4 033 445 138

1 Bihaćka 19

Olympic Stadium Koševo /

4 060 311 32 52

30. Cinemas Sloga 1 Mehmeda Spahe 20 31. 4 033 218 811

Olimpijski stadion Koševo

Club Mash

1 Franjevačka 15

1 Branilaca Sarajeva 20/I

4 033 239 740

4 061 236 488

Ramiz Salčin Hall /

Club Monument

Sportska dvorana Ramiz Salčin

1 Strossmayerova 3

1 Semira Frašte 21

4 033 209 660

4 033 774 591

Coloseum Club

Silver & Smoke

1 Terezije bb

1 Zelenih beretki 12

4 033 250 860

4 061 482 464

Dom Mladih Skenderija

Underground Club

1 Terezije bb

1 Maršala Tita 56

4 033 201 203

4 061 502 476

1 Patriotske lige 35 4 033 664 262 Pivnica HS

Buy your tickets for events in the ticket shop in Branilaca Sarajeva 24 Street (Bosnian Culture Center). The working hours are 10 a.m. to 5. p.m. every day. / Ulaznice za događaje možete kupiti u biletarnici u ulici Branilaca Sarajeva 24 (Bosanski kulturni centar). Radno vrijeme je svakog dana od 10:00 do 17:00 sati. Info: + 387 61 208 160.

1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail




Online Sarajevo Čaršija Traditional Recipe Book Online tradicionalni kuhar sarajevske čaršije


aršija is not just Sarajevo’s cultural-historical core, it’s also a place that should be visited by those who want to enjoy traditional Bosnian specialties. Baščaršija is home to Sarajevo’s most well-known aščinicas, ćevabdžinicas, buregdžinicas, sweet shops, bakeries…. Recognizing the importance that Baščaršija’s rich culinary offering has for the overall tourism offering for Destination Sarajevo, the Stari Grad Municipality of Sarajevo, with support from Mamak, its Sister Municipality in the Republic of Turkey, recently unveiled the Online Sarajevo Čaršija Traditional Recipe Book App for smartphones. In addition to the introductory text, which deals with the development of traditional cooking throughout history, users may also access recipes for Bosnian dishes, sweets and drinks, including begova čorba and tarhana, krompiruša, sogan dolma, Bosnian pot, hošaf, salep…. The app also includes the addresses for establishments that offer traditional food, as well as a map of Baščaršija indicating their locations. The contents of the Sarajevo Čaršija Traditional Recipe Book App will be available for smartphones that use Android and iOS platforms and will have information in three languages: B/C/S, English and Turkish.


arajevska čaršija, koja predstavlja kulturno - historijsko jezgro Sarajeva, važi i za nezaobilazno odredište onih koji žele uživati u specijalitetima tradicionalne bosanske kuhinje. Jer, upravo se na Baščaršiji nalaze najpoznatije sarajevske aščinice, ćevabdžinice, buregdžinice, slastičarne, pekare... Prepoznajući važnost koju bogata gastronomska ponuda Baščaršije ima u sveukupnoj turističkoj ponudi destinacije Sarajevo, Opština Stari Grad Sarajevo je, uz podršku pobratimske Opštine Mamak iz Republike Turske, nedavno predstavila aplikaciju za pametne telefone „Online tradicionalni kuhar sarajevske čaršije“. Pored uvodnog teksta, koji se bavi historijskim razvojem tradicionalne kuhinje, aplikacija korisnicima donosi i recepte sa sastojcima bosanskih jela, slastica i pića, poput begove i tarhana čorbe, krompiruše, sogan dolme, bosanskog lonca, hošafa, salepa... Tu je i adresar ugostiteljskih objekata koji nude specijalitete tradicionalne kuhinje, kao i mapa sa ucrtanim lokacijama tih objekata na Baščaršiji. Sadržaj aplikacije „Online tradicionalni kuhar sarajevske čaršije“, koja je dostupna za pametne telefone koji koriste Android i iOS operativne sisteme, dostupan je na tri jezika – B/H/S, engleskom i turskom.




National / Nacionalni 1 Sarači 6 4 033 535 690 3 08:00 - 23:00

As one of the oldest restaurants in the heart of Baščaršija, Aeroplan offers a wide range of Bosnian specialties. Extra Services: Take Away Service Jedan od najstarijih restorana u srcu Baščaršije koji nudi veliki izbor specijaliteta bosanske kuhinje. Dodatne usluge: Hrana za ponijeti. Recommended / Preporučeno: Hadžijski ćevap


International / Međunarodni 1 Branilaca Sarajeva 5 4 033 210 494 3 09:00 - 23:00 Delight your taste buds with delicious specialties and enjoy the pleasant ambience of this restaurant-steakhouse. Extra Services: Take Away Service, Catering Obradujte svoja nepca ukusnim specijalitetima i uživajte u ambijentu koji nudi ovaj restoran-steakhouse. Dodatne usluge: Hrana za ponijeti, ketering Recommended / Preporučeno: Beefsteak Amerikanac


FREE DELIVERY 08:00-19:00

National / Nacionalni 1 Ćurčiluk mali 3 4 033 238 500, 033 447 583 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 08:00 - 21:00; Sat/Sub: 08:00 - 20:00 This is a place where you can enjoy a variety of excellent Bosnian cuisine. Extra Services: Take Away Service, Catering Ovo je mjesto gdje mo`ete u`ivati u velikom izboru jela bosanske kuhinje. Dodatne usluge: Hrana za ponijeti, ketering Recommended / Preporučeno: Stew-like Dish / Papaz ćevab

A[^INICA HAD@IBAJRI] F. NAMIKA National / Nacionalni 1 Ćurčiluk veliki 59 4 033 536 111 3 07:00 - 18:00

Traditional Bosnian specialties in the oldest a{~inica in Sarajevo. Extra Services: Take Away Service Tradicionalni bosanski specijaliteti u najstarijoj a{~inici u Sarajevu. Dodatne usluge: Hrana za ponijeti Recommended / Preporučeno: Meat Dish / Pače


1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail




Mediterranean / Mediteranski 1 \ulagina ~ikma 8 4 033 447 727 3 10:00 - 24:00

A perfect place for enjoyment of wholesome food. Extra Services: Take Away Service, Catering Prijatno mjesto za u`ivanje u dobroj hrani. Dodatne usluge: Hrana za ponijeti, ketering Recommended / Preporučeno: Homemade Rakija – Brandy / Domaće rakije


National / Nacionalni 1 Poddžebhana 15 4 033 238 638 3 10:00 - 23:00

1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail

Enjoy a homey atmosphere, delicious food and a gorgeous panoramic view of Sarajevo. Extra Service: Catering Uživajte u domaćem ambijentu, ukusnoj hrani i prekrasnom panoramskom pogledu na Sarajevo. Dodatne usluge: Ketering Recommended / Preporučeno: Veal Baked under the Iron Bell / Teletina ispod sača




FREE DELIVERY 08:00-20:00

National / Nacionalni 1 Bravad`iluk 28 4 033 537 503 3 08:00 - 24:00

Traditional Bosnian specialties with delicious sour salads. Extra Services: Take Away Service, Catering Tradicionalni bosanski specijaliteti sa ukusnim kiselim salatama. Dodatne usluge: Hrana za ponijeti, ketering Recommended / Preporučeno: Pastry with Fillings / Pite

DRUGA KUĆA FALETIĆI National / Nacionalni 1 Faletići 16 4 033 240 710 3 08:00 - 23:00

A hidden gourmet paradise in nature, only 4 km from Baščaršija. Extra Services: Cooking Course Skriveni gurmanski raj u prirodi na samo 4km od Baščaršije. Dodatne usluge: Škola kuhanja tradicionalnih jela Recommended / Preporučeno: Oven Baked Veal Ribs & Pies / Teletina ispod sača i pite


International / Me|unarodni 1 Prote Bakovi}a 12 4 033 537 020 3 08:00 - 23:00

Delicious food and cozy ambiance will make you come back again. Extra Services: Take Away Service, Catering Ukusna hrana i ugodan ambijent }e vas natjerati da do|ete ponovo. Dodatne usluge: Hrana za ponijeti, ketering Recommended / Preporučeno: Gulash Dveri / Gulaš Dveri


International / Me|unarodni 1 Kranjčevićeva 18 4 033 213 535 3 08:00 - 22:00


A restaurant that offers tradition and quality in its finely prepared local specialities. Extra Services: Take Away Service Restoran sa tradicijom i kvalitetom koji nudi vrhunski pripremljene specijalitete domaće kuhinje. Dodatne usluge: Hrana za ponijeti Recommended / Preporučeno: Veal Kebabs / Teleći ražnjići 1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail




International / Međunarodni 1 Branilaca Sarajeva 17 4 033 846 094 3 Mon-Sat/Pon-Sub: 08:00 – 23:00; Sun/Ned: 11:00 – 19:00 Dedicated to pasta lovers, Pastatura is perfect for both a quick meal on the go or a relaxed lunch. Extra Services: Take Away Service Posvećena ljubiteljima paste, Pastatura je jednako dobar izbor za brzi obrok u prolazu i opušteni ručak. Dodatne usluge: Hrana za ponijeti Recommended / Preporučeno: Lasagne Bolognese


International / Međunarodni 1 Franjevačka 15 4 033 239 740 3 10:00 - 01:00

1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail

History, tradition and quality all in one place. Extra Services: Organization of Receptions and Events Historija, tradicija i kvalitet na jednom mjestu. Dodatne usluge: Organizacija prijema i događaja Recommended / Preporučeno: Unfiltered Beer / Nefiltrirano pivo




National / Nacionalni 1 Bravadžiluk 5 4 033 538 359 3 08:00 - 23:00

Staklo Restaurant offers original Bosnian food and drink, all served in traditional Bosnian dishware. Extra Services: Catering, Take Away Service Restoran Staklo nudi izvorna bosanska jela i pića, servirana u tradicionalnom bosanskom posuđu. Dodatne usluge: Ketering, hrana za ponijeti Recommended / Preporučeno: Breaded Chicken Fillets / Pohovani pileći fileti


FREE DELIVERY 11:00-20:00 min. 20 KM

International / Me|unarodni 1 Muse Ćazima Ćatića 33 4 033 833 034 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 11:00 - 20:00; Sat/Sub: 12:00 - 20:00 The best sushi with carefully selected and always fresh fish. Extra Services: Take Away Service Najbolji sushi sa uvijek svježom i pažljivo odabranom ribom. Dodatne usluge: Hrana za ponijeti Recommended / Preporučeno: Maki Mix


Mediterranean / Mediteranski 1 Franca Lehara 2 (Alta Shopping Center) 4 033 956 954 3 Mon-Thu/Pon-Čet: 08:00 - 22:00; Fri-Sat/Pet-Sub: 08:00 - 23:00; Kitchen/Kuhinja: 10:00 - 22:00; Sun/Ned: 08:00 - 21:00; Kitchen/Kuhinja: 10:00 - 21:00 Excellent balance of fresh cuisine,modern aechitecture and excellent ambiance. Extra Services: Take Away Service Odličan balans svježe kuhinje, moderne arhitekture i sjajnog ambijenta. Dodatne usluge: Hrana za ponijeti Recommended / Preporučeno: Pastas and Pizzas / Paste i Pizze


International / Međunarodni 1 Đulagina 8 4 033 535 999 3 10:00 – 22:00 A winning combination of superb food and service. Extra Services: Take Away Service Dobitna kombinacija vrhunske hrane i usluge. Dodatne usluge: Hrana za ponijeti Recommended / Preporučeno: Zembilj Steak / Zembilj odrezak


1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail



]EVABDŽINICE, AŠČINICE, BUREGDŽINICE Name / Ime 1 4 Ćevabdžinica Kurto Ba{~ar{ija 27 033 447 502 Ćevabdžinica Mrkva Baščaršija Bravadžiluk 13 033 222 225 Ćevabdžinica Mrkva Dobrinja Blv. branilaca Dobrinje 033 222 225 Ćevabdžinica Mrkva Express Envera Šehovića 34 033 222 225 Ćevabdžinica Mrkva Grbavica Zagrebačka bb 033 222 225 Ćevabdžinica Mrkva SCC Vrbanja 1 033 222 225 Ćevabdžinica Petica Oprkanj 2 033 537 555 Ćevabdžinica Vezir Bravadžiluk 26 033 446 677 Ćevabdžinica Željo Kundurdžiluk 19 033 447 000 Oklagija Bravadžiluk 17a 033 572 222 RESTAURANTS - NATIONAL FOOD / RESTORANI - NACIONALNA HRANA Bašča kod Ene Prvi bataljon 22 061 177 791 Druga Kuća Faletići Faletići 16 033 240 710 Đulbašća Streljačka 58 033 241 770 Inat kuća Veliki Alifakovac 1 033 447 867 Kibe Vrbanjuša 164 033 441 936 Kod Bibana Hošin brijeg 95 033 232 026 Kod Keme Đulagina 12 033 531 140 Nanina kuhinja Kundurdžiluk 35-39 033 533 333 Nova Bentbaša Bentbaša bb 033 446 138 Preporod Branilaca Sarajeva 30 033 849 999 Rive Gauche Kranjčevićeva 17 033 217 728 Sedef Ferhadija 16 (pasaž) 033 200 588 Trebevićki raj Brus bb 065 209 666 MEDITERRANEAN FOOD / MEDITERANSKA HRANA Bistrot Duett Zelenih beretki bb 033 848 913 Libertas Logavina 9 033 447 830 Luka Sarajevo Obala Maka Dizdara 8 033 209 303 Piccolo Mondo Kotromanića 5 033 213 903 Pizzeria Terrazza Štrosmajerova 8 061 569 513 INTERNATIONAL FOOD / MEĐUNARODNA HRANA 4 sobe gospođe Safije Čekaluša 61 033 202 745 Avlija Avde Sumbula 2 033 444 483 Bon Appetit Kranjčevićeva 11 061 287 618 Burger Bar Skenderija 31b 033 206 055 Casa United Branilaca Sarajeva 22 033 833 313 Fan Ferhatovi} ^izmed`iluk 1 033 236 000 Food Market Vrbanja 1 033 733 335 Four Seasons Franca Lehara 2 033 590 565 Jasmin Sagrždije 5-7 033 531 252 Lovac Petrakijina 24 033 205 424 Mala kuhinja Tina Ujevića 13 061 144 741 Prava priča Hrasnička cesta 4 033 628 744 Reuff Aleja Bosne Srebrene bb 033 545 534 Snogu Street Wok Bar Čobanija 4 062 501 378

1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail

WiFi      

                                




cake shop / slastičarna 1 Čizmedžiluk 20 4 061 909 149 3 Mon-Sat/Pon-Sub: 10:00 - 19:00; Sun/Ned: 10:00 - 17:00

This shop specializes in hand-made traditional sweets that are made from the finest ingredients and by following recipes that are more than two centuries old. Specijalizovani objekat koji nudi ručno rađene tradicionalne poslastice, pravljene od najkvalitetnijih sastojaka i po receptima starim više od 200 godina.


café bar 1 Hamdije Kreševljakovića 61 4 033 211 609 3 Mon-Thu/Pon-Čet: 07:00 – 22:00; Fri/Pet: 07:00 – 23:00; Sat/Sub: 08:00 – 23:00; Sun/Ned: 08:00 – 22:00 Café de Paris is the first French corner in town. Enjoy homemade beer and French products, and shop in their fine food store and cheese shop, which are connected to the café. Café de Paris je prvi Francuski ugao u gradu. Uživajte u domaćem pivu i francuskim proizvodima, te kupujte u dućanu fine hrane i trgovini sira, koji su povezani s kafeom.


café bar 1 Zmaja od Bosne 5 4 061 208 881 3 00:00 - 24:00

A unique place completely dedicated to Josip Broz Tito. Located by the Wilson’s Walkway, it is an ideal spot for a break during summer days. Music lovers can often enjoy unplugged concerts. Unikatan objekat u potpunosti posvećen Josipu Brozu Titu. Smješten je uz Vilsonovo šetalište i idealno je mjesto za predah tokom ljetnih dana. Ljubitelji muzike često mogu uživati u unplugged nastupima bendova.

CHARLIE CHAPLIN pub 1 Bihaćka 19 4 060 311 32 52 3 07:00 - 24:00

A pub with a modern interior where you can enjoj some good beer or brandy while listening to rock hits. The pub’s menu also includes a wide range of foods to suit every taste. Moderno uređeni pub u kojem ćete uživati u dobrom pivu ili rakiji slušajući rock hitove. Također, na meniju puba se nalazi veliki izbor jela za svačiji ukus.


1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail



club / klub 1 Mehmeda Spahe 20 4 033 218 811 3 21:00 - 05:00

A popular gathering place for youth where you’ll have some good fun, especially on Thursdays. The program also includes Latino Night (Monday), concerts and parties (Friday) and live music and resident DJs (Saturday). Popularno okupljalište mladih gdje ćete naći dobru zabavu, posebno četvrtkom. Ponedjeljkom je na programu Latino Night, petkom koncerti i party-ji, a subotom nastupi uživo i rezident DJ-evi.


Cafe restaurant / kafe restoran 1 Trg djece Sarajeva 1 (BBI Center) 4 033 217 368 3 07:30 - 23:30 Cordoba Cafe is known for its modern interior, as well as a diverse offering and professional services. Enjoy hot or cold beverages, cakes, sushi and other “salty” dishes. Moderni enterijer u kombinaciji sa raznovrsnom ponudom i profesionalnom uslugom odlike su Cordoba cafea. Uživajte u toplim ili hladnim napicima, kolačima, sushiju i drugim slanim jelima.



narghile bar 1 Trgovke 29 4 061 338 278 3 08:00 – 24:00 The ideal place to socialize in a lovely atmosphere and summer garden, where an extra seat is always needed! Idealno mjesto za ugodno druženje u prelijepom ambijentu i ljetnoj bašti u kojoj se svaki put traži mjesto više.


cafe bar 1 Trg djece Sarajeva 1 (BBI Center) 4 062 252 508 3 07:30 - 23:30 An ideal place to relax and enjoy yourself, along with the kind staff. Idealno mjesto za opuštanje i uživanje uz ljubazno osoblje.

GASTRO PUB VUČKO pub 1 Radićeva 10 4 033 208 028 3 08:00 – 24:00

Located in the center of town, Gastro Pub has a certain ambience, where you can enjoy more than 50 kinds of beer, 50 fine wines, plus a wide selection of food that is sure to satisfy the tastes of all who visit. Gastro pub u centru grada u kojem ćete u specifičnom ambijentu uživati u više od 50 vrsta piva, 50 etiketa vrhunskih vina kao i bogatoj ponudi jela koja će zadovoljiti ukuse svih gostiju.


club / klub 1 Bazardžani 3 4 033 441 918 3 10:00 – 03:00 Club and restaurant Hacienda, located in the heart of Baščaršija, is the perfect place for every time of day where you can enjoy electronic music and band performances, along with excellent Mexican food. Klub i restoran Hacienda, lociran u srcu Baščaršije, odlično je mjesto za svako doba dana, gdje možete uživati u dobrom provodu uz elektronsku muziku i nastupe bendova, kao i odličnu meksičku hranu.


1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail



narghile bar 1 Velika Avlija 4 4 061 781 996 3 08:00 - 23:00 Cafe Libris offers an innovative concept in a local spirit with a hint of the orient - it is an excellent mix of creativity, quality and has a laid-back atmosphere. Cafe Libris je inovativni koncept domaćeg duha uz primjesu orijenta i predstavlja odličan sklad kreativnosti, kvalitete i opuštenog uživanja.


club / klub 1 Branilaca Sarajeva 20/1 4 061 540 220 3 Mon-Sat/Pon-Sub: 08:00 - 03:00; Sun/Ned: 12:00 - 02:00 Visit Mash Club, a hot spot in Sarajevo, and enjoy live performances of Jazz, Blues, Bossa Nova, Flamenco, Funk and Rock & Roll. Great coffee, cold beer and beverages, along with an excellent selection of music. Posjetite Mash Club, hot spot u Sarajevu, i uživajte u živim svirkama džeza, bluza, bossa nove, flamenka, fanka i rokenrola. Uz vrhunski izbor muzike, tu vas čeka izvrsna kafa, hladno pivo i ostala pića.


cafe bar 1 Skenderija 1 4 033 954 496 3 Sun-Thu/Ned-Čet: 09:00 – 24:00; Fri-Sat/Pet-Sub: 09:00 – 01:00

The bar is unique, not just for its unforgettable view of the city, but also because you can enjoy a wide range of drinks and cocktails and sample some snacks. It is located on the rooftop terrace at Courtyard by Marriott. Bar jedinstven po tome što uz nezaboravan pogled na grad možete uživati u velikom izboru pića i koktela te prezalogajiti nešto. Nalazi se na krovnoj terasi Hotela Courtyard by Marriott.

SARAJBOSNA - ORIENTAL DELICACY SHOP café & cake shop / cafe slastičarna 1 Gajev trg bb 4 061 539 485 3 Mon-Sat/Pon-Sub: 08:00 - 21:30; Sun/Ned: 09:00 - 20:00 1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail

Why has Sarajbosna become more than simply a national brand? Because for 18 years the secret to producing their quality products has been careful selection of choice ingredients. Zašto je Sarajbosna postala više od nacionalnog brenda? Zato što se, već 18 godina, tajna njihovih vrhunskih proizvoda ogleda u izvrsnosti pomno odabranih sastojaka.



CLUBS / KLUBOVI Name / Ime 1 Aquarius Vils Zmaja od Bosne 13 Coloseum Club Terezije bb Monument Štrosmajerova 3 Silver & Smoke Zelenih beretki 12 Underground Club Maršala Tita 56 CAFES / KAFI]I Alfonso Trg fra Grge Martića 14 Baklava Shop – Ćurčiluk veliki 56 Barbarosa Hasana Brkića 30 Caffe bar Hag Kotromanića 48 Delikatesna radnja Obala Kulina bana 10 Dialog Caffe Muhameda Kantardžića 3 Galerija Boris Smoje Radićeva 11 Gönül Kahvesi Vrbanja 1 Kamarija Point of View Pod Bedemom bb Kolobara Han Sarači 52 Libertad Kranjčevićeva 13 Mahala Bravadžiluk bb Meeting Point Hamdije Kreševljakovića 13 Metropolis Maršala Tita 21 Mevlana Ćurčiluk veliki 24 Michelle Ferhadija 15 Moj Cafe Trg fra Grge Marti}a 4 Nafaka Luleđina 7 Opera Branilaca Sarajeva 25 Ort Caffe Zelenih beretki 22 Palma Porodice Ribar 5 Promenada Ferhadija 4 Rahatlook Ferhadija 41 Slastičarna Ramis Sarači 1 Spazio Cafe Radićeva 11 U Prolazu Trgovke 12 Vatra Ferhadija 4 Vijećnica Brodac 2 Zlatna Ribica Kaptol 5 INTERNET CAFES / INTERNET KAFI]I Ka5aN Cafe Husrefa Redžića 3 BARS & PUBS / BAROVI I PIVNICE Akademija (Obala) Obala Kulina bana 11 Blind Tiger Burger & Cocktail Bar Dalmatinska 2 Celtic Pub Ferhadija 12 (pasa`) Cheers Pub Saliha H. Muvekita 4 Guinness Pub Ferhadija 26 Pro Rock Club Johnny Zmaja od Bosne 73 The Brew Pub Kranjčevićeva 18 The Pub Envera Šehovića 15


4 061 210 788 033 250 860 033 209 660 061 482 464 061 502 476

WiFi  

033 207 961 062 539 121 063 131 751 033 200 243 033 208 855 033 223 039 061 275 500 061 551 020 062 546 496 033 440 159 033 221 508 062 777 600 063 892 500 033 203 315 061 502 347 033 444 484 033 223 602 061 214 254 061 156 943 061 257 843 033 714 700 061 965 580 033 921 461 033 535 947 033 209 226 033 222 244 033 232 210 033 836 348

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033 208 227

033 299 955 033 849 522 033 834 576 062 476 476 061 722 260 062 138 525 061 709 565 062 152 152

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People and souls come together in Sarajevo U Sarajevu se spajaju ljudi i duše


arviz Mohammadi is an archaeologist, art historian, poet and musician from Iran who came to BiH in 1984. He studied in Banja Luka and Sarajevo and ran a small carpet gallery, Puti Svile, in Sarajevo before the last war broke out and he left BiH. He had a strong yearning for Sarajevo so he returned with his family in 2000. Parviz imagined a place full of Persian art, so he created Isfahan, a Persian carpet and handicrafts gallery, in Morića Han in the heart of Baščaršija. - I have always known people in BiH as those who like to have neighborly gatherings, drink coffee and sing. At first I thought, “What kind of people are these to always be so happy?” And then, after studying history, I came to realize that the influences exerted over the centuries have made you a good and special people. Born in Qorveh Dargezin in western Iran, where most of the women weave carpets, Parviz came to see a Persian carpet as a form of spiritual wealth that brings warmth and positive energy to every home. - The philosophy of Isfahan Gallery makes it a different kind of shop. This is a sort of museum, unique in Europe, with rare treasures from around the world, carpets that took years to make. Some are not even for sale but are just here to testify to the rich tradition and beauty of Persian art.



rheolog i historičar umjetnosti, pjesnik i muzičar, Iranac Parviz Mohammadi prvi put je u Bosnu i Hercegovinu došao još 1984. godine. Studirao je u Banja Luci i Sarajevu, a u našem gradu je držao i malenu galeriju tepiha Puti svile sve do izbijanja posljednjeg rata, kada napušta BiH. Čežnja ga je vukla natrag u Sarajevo, u koje ponovo dolazi 2000. godine, sa porodicom i željom da okuplja ljude na mjestu bogatom perzijskom umjetnošću, pa u srcu Baščaršije, u Morića hanu, otvara Isfahan, galeriju perzijskih tepiha i rukotvorina. - Stanovnike BiH sam uvijek doživljavao kao narod koji voli da se komšijski okuplja, pije kafu i pjeva. Sprva sam se čudio: „kakav je ovo, uvijek veseo narod?“ A, onda sam proučavanjem historije shvatio da su uticaji kojima ste stoljećima bili izloženi od vas napravili poseban, dobar narod. Kako je rođen na zapadu Irana, u mjestu Gorveh Dargezin, gdje se većina žena bavi tkanjem tepiha, Parviz Mohammadi na perzijske tepihe gleda kao na duhovno bogatstvo koje svakoj kući donosi toplinu i pozitivnu energiju. - Filozofija galerije Isfahan je drugačija vrsta trgovine. Ovo je svojevrstan muzej, jedinstven u Evropi, u kojem su izloženi svjetski rariteti, tepisi za čiju su izradu bile potrebne godine. Neki od njih uopšte nisu na prodaju, već su tu da svjedoče o bogatoj tradiciji i ljepoti perzijskog umijeća.



He often hosts “Persian evenings” at the gallery, with instruments and poetry readings, all with the aim of learning from one another and seeing carpets from around the world with identical motifs which show that we have a common source. - Sarajevo is a carpet where all religions leave traces of true love and the soul, and here I found a piece of myself that I had lost, he relates. He says that he loves to start from Baščaršija and walk up through the mahalas, where the architecture and simple people make him feel like he has gone back hundreds of years into the past. - Those who live in the mahalas, mainly older people, are especially warm. As for Bosnian food, he is keen to mention potato and cheese pies baked under a sač. - I love Pod Lipom and their vegetarian dishes, the Turkish restaurants in Baščaršija have good soups and, when I prefer meat, I go to the Iranian restaurant, Persepolis, for Iranian kebab and rice. As for cakes, Torte i to and Palma have the best. He does not like the fact that in Sarajevo people smoke in enclosed places and he would rather stroll to Vrelo Bosne or hike up on Bjelašnica with friends than go to a cafe. - I am glad to show dear ones the city from Žuta Tabija and help them become familiar with healthy relationships, mixed marriages and Sarajevans’ lovely customs. He often attends the theater and festivals and wishes there were more cultural events so that visitors could better know the spirit of the city and its young artists. He says that he loves to start from Baščaršija and walk up through the mahalas, where the architecture and simple people make him feel like he has gone back hundreds of years into the past. - In Sarajevo, art brings souls and people together because it transcends religions, nations, languages…. Parviz thinks that Bosnian carpets, copper pitchers and coffee pots from Baščaršija make the perfect Sarajevo souvenirs, and he ends our chat with a message: - Over the centuries, contact with different philosophies, cultures and religions has made people here wise and shows the world that we can all live together, help each other, forgive and nurture love and friendship.

U galeriji se često održavaju Perzijske večeri, tokom kojih se svira, čita poezija, s ciljem da ljudi uče jedni od drugih i na tepisima iz cijelog svijeta vide identične motive koji pokazuju da smo svi potekli iz istog izvora. - Sarajevo je tepih na kojem sve religije ostavljaju iskrenu ljubav i dušu, a ja sam ovdje našao izgubljeni dio sebe – ističe Parviz. Otkriva kako voli sa Baščaršije krenuti u šetnju mahalama, u kojima se zbog arhitekture i jednostavnih ljudi osjeća kao da se vratio stotinama godina unazad. - Stanovnici mahala, i to stariji ljudi, posebno su topli. Od bosanskih jela izdvaja pite ispod sača - krompirušu i sirnicu. - Volim restoran Pod lipom i njihova jela od povrća, turski restorani na Baščaršiji imaju dobre čorbe, a kad se poželim mesa, odlazim na iranski ćevap sa rižom u iranski restoran Persepolis. Što se kolača tiče, najbolji su u Torte i to i Palmi. Ne sviđa mu se što se u Sarajevu puši u zatvorenim prostorima, pa umjesto odlaska u neki od kafea radije bira šetnju Vrelom Bosne ili planinarenje sa prijateljima na Bjelašnici. Otkriva kako voli sa Baščaršije krenuti u šetnju mahalama, u kojima se zbog arhitekture i jednostavnih ljudi osjeća kao da se vratio stotinama godina unazad. - Dragim ljudima rado pokazujem grad sa Žute tabije, upoznajem ih sa zdravim međuljudskim odnosima, miješanim brakovima i lijepim običajima Sarajlija. Često posjećuje pozorišta i festivale, a priželjkuje više kulturnih događanja, kako bi posjetioci mogli bolje upoznati duh grada i njegove mlade umjetnike. - U Sarajevu se kroz umjetnost spajaju duše i ljudi, jer umjetnost je iznad religija, nacija, jezika... Savršenim sarajevskim suvenirima smatra bosanski ćilim, bakarne ibrike i džezve sa Baščaršije, a za kraj razgovora poručuje: - Dodir sa različitim filozofijama, kulturama i religijama je kroz stoljeća učinio ovaj narod mudrim i on svijetu pokazuje da svi možemo živjeti zajedno, pomagati se, opraštati i njegovati ljubav i prijateljstvo.




Food, Drink and Delicacies / Hrana, piće i delicije

1 Bravadžiluk 16 4 062 876 938 3 10:00 – 22:00


Aydinoglu R.A. offers a wide selection of traditional Turkish sweets, including candied chestnuts, different flavors of Turkish delight and tahan halva. Aydinoglu R. A. nudi veliki izbor tradicionalnih turskih poslastica među kojima se izdvajaju kandirani kesten, turski lokumi u različitim aromama i tahan halva.


Handmade Clothes & Accessories / Ručno rađena odjeća i dodaci

1 Ćurčiluk veliki 8 4 033 238 415 on-Fri/Pon-Pet: 09:00 - 21:00; Sat/Sub: 09:00 – 19:00; 3M Sun/Ned: 10:00 – 16:00 BH Crafts offers unique handmade clothing, accessories, souvenirs and household items in the spirit of traditional B&H motives.



BH Crafts nudi unikatnu ručno rađenu odjeću, suvenire i predmete za uređenje kuće u duhu tradicionalnih bh. motiva.

BURTUQAALI Designers Concept Store / Dizajnerski koncept dućan


1 Kulovića 9 4 033 550 860 3 Mon-Sat/Pon-Sub: 10:00 – 21:00 The first concept store in Sarajevo where you can find fine shoes, clothing, bags, jewerly and glasses by renowned international and regional designers (Oyeswimwear, Oneteaspoon, Sergio Rossi, Sovilj, Manu). Prvi concept store u Sarajevu u kojem možete naći vrhunsku obuću, odjeću, torbe, nakit i naočale poznatih svjetskih i regionalnih dizajnera (Oyeswimwear, Oneteaspoon, Sergio Rossi, Sovilj, Manu).

FRANZ & SOPHIE - WORLD OF ORGANIC TEA Tea Shop / Prodavnica čajeva

1 Petrakijina 6 4 033 218 411 3 Mon-Sat/Pon-Sub: 10:00 – 20:00; Sun/Ned: 12:00 – 18:00


Franz & Sophie is a unique place where you can find organic teas from all over the world – just like the nature and tea masters have created them. You will be served by the first tea sommelier in the region. Franz & Sophie je jedinstveno mjesto gdje možete naći organske čajeve iz cijelog svijeta, baš onakve kakvim su ih stvorili priroda i majstori čaja. Uslužit će vas prvi sommelier za čaj u regionu. 1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail


MAGAZA Music & Fashion Concept Store / Koncept dućan - muzika & moda

1 Ćurčiluk veliki 20 4 033 266 000 3 Mon-Sat/Pon-Sub: 09:00 - 21:00


Sarajevo’s favorite music shop offers a unique mix of music, musicthemed gifts and fashion, with London brands Cocorose and Azuni, and official merchandise of Balkan music star Dino Merlin. Kultni sarajevski dućan na jedinstven način spaja muziku i modu. Najbolji izbor muzike, muzičkih poklona, suvenira balkanske muzičke zvijezde Dine Merlina, te modnih brendova Cocorose London i Azuni.


Handmade Souvenirs & Gifts / Ručno rađeni suveniri i pokloni

1 Gazi Husrev-begova 50 4 061 505 001 3 Mon-Sat/Pon-Sub: 10:00 – 18:00 If you’d really like to treat someone to a gift, and you prefer simple, unique handmade and beautiful things, then the shop, Maksuz, in the heart of Baščaršija, is the perfect place for you. Ukoliko želite maksuz nekome nešto da poklonite, a pri tom volite jednostavne, unikatno ručno rađene i lijepe stvari, onda je dućan Maksuz u srcu Baščaršije idealno mjesto za vas.

1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail



MOJA RADNJA Food, Drink and Delicacies / Hrana, piće i delicije

1 Spasovdanska 27b 4 057 344 288 3 Mon-Sat/Pon-Sub: 10:00 – 18:00 Moja Radnja specializes in the sale of domestic brandy (rakija) that is made from organic produce using traditional technology. Moja radnja je specijalizirana za prodaju domaćih rakija iz ekološkog uzgoja proizvedenih po tradicionalnoj tehnologiji.

STUDIO OPTIKA OCULTO Prescription Glasses and Sunglasses / Dioptrijske i sunčane naočale


1 Vrbanja 1 (Sarajevo City Centar) 4 033 733 333 3 10:00 – 22:00 1 Šenoina 12 4 033 666 333 3 Mon-Pet/Pon-Pet: 09:00 – 20:00; Sat/Sub: 09:00 – 17:00 Visit us and share our passion for unique designer frames and sunglasses in our exclusive boutique. Posjetite nas i podijelite našu strast prema unikatnim dioptrijskim i sunčanim naočalama u ekskluzivnom optičkom studiju.


Food, Drink and Delicacies / Hrana, piće i delicije

1 Vrbanja 1 4 064 44 30 777 3 10:00 – 22:00 A fragrant enchantment that offers hundreds of kinds of delicacies, sweets, unusual chocolates, spices, teas, oils, humus, candied fruits and other unique products that also make the perfect gifts. Mirisna čarolija u kojoj možete pronaći stotine vrsta delikatesa, slatkiša, neobičnih čokolada, začina, čajeva, ulja, humusa, kandiranog voća i drugih jedinstvenih proizvoda pogodnih i kao sjajan poklon.


SHOPPING CENTERS / [OPING CENTRI Name / Ime Alta BBI Centar Importanne Gazi Husrev-begov bezistan Sarajevo City Center

1 Bulevar F. Lehara 2 Trg djece Sarajeva 1 Zmaja od Bosne 7-7a Gazi Husrev-begova bb Vrbanja 1

4 033 953 800 033 569 999 033 266 295 033 532 144 062 992 492

Offers / Ponuda Fashion, Household Items, Cosmetics / Moda, dom, kozmetika Fashion, Food, Cosmetics, Electronic Equipment / Moda, hrana, kozmetika, tehnika Fashion, Food, Cosmetics, Electronic Equipment / Moda, hrana, kozmetika, tehnika Fashion, Household Items, Souvenirs / Moda, dom, suveniri Fashion, Food, Cosmetics, Electronic Equipment / Moda, hrana, kozmetika, tehnika

FOOD / DRINK / HRANA I PIĆE Bee Japa Svijet Baklave Špajz

Vrbanja 1 061 369 433 Honey Products Shop / Med i pčelinji proizvodi Rustempašina 1(Sara Centar) 061 944 100 Cookies Store / Prodavnica kolača Koševo 28 033 941 403 Organic Food Store / Prodavnica organske hrane

GIFTS & SOUVENIRS / POKLONI I SUVENIRI Antika Babić Galerija Egoist Old Bazaar/Stari Bazar Svijet kockica LEGO®

Oprkanj 12 Trgovke 21 Kazandžiluk 4 Franca Lehara 2

062 604 200 060 326 2224 062 622 350 062 576 445

Antique Shop / Prodavnica antikviteta Gifts & Souvenirs / Pokloni i suveniri Gifts & Souvenirs / Pokloni i suveniri Toy Store / Prodavnica igračaka

Gazi Husrev-begova 30 Kazand`iluk 18 Kovači 19 Gazi Husrev-begova 39 Gazi Husrev-begova 47

033 534 240 061 139 511 061 212 149 033 226 277 061 136 585

Traditional Jewelry / Tradicionalni nakit Traditional Souvenirs / Tradicionalni suveniri Traditional Souvenirs / Tradicionalni suveniri Traditional Jewelry / Tradicionalni nakit Traditional Jewelry / Tradicionalni nakit

CRAFTS / ZANATI Filigran – Midhat Bećar Kazand`ija - M. Huseinovi} Kazandžija - N. Alić Zlatar - S. Sofić Zlatar i filigran - M. Halvo



CITY BOUTIQUE HOTEL 1 Mula Mustafe Ba{eskije 2 4 033 566 850 Price range / Cjenovni razred: 7777

Facilities: Elevator, Restaurant, Safe Deposit Box, Free Internet, Satellite TV, Conference Room, Meeting Room, Airport Shuttle (surcharge) Sadržaji: Lift, restoran, sef, besplatan internet, satelitska TV, konferencijska sala, sala za sastanke, prevoz do aerodroma (plaća se)

HARIS YOUTH HOSTEL CENTRAL 1 Bentbaša 11 4 033 844 329 Price range / Cjenovni razred: 7 Facilities: Free Internet, Satellite TV, Safe Deposit Box, Coffe Bar, Airport Shuttle (surcharge) Sadržaji: Besplatan internet, satelitska TV, sef, cafe bar, prevoz sa/od aerodroma (plaća se)

HOTEL BOSNIA 1 Kulovića 9 4 033 567 010 Price range / Cjenovni razred: 7777 Facilities: Elevator, Bar, Restaurant, Safe Deposit Box, Free Internet, Satellite TV, Shuttle Airport (surchage) Sadržaji: Lift, bar, restoran, sef, besplatan internet, satelitski TV, prevoz sa/od aerodroma (plaća se)

HOTEL BAŠTINA LULA 1 Luledžina 14 4 033 232 250 Price range / Cjenovni razred: 77 Facilities: Parking Available (free), Free Internet, Satelite TV, Safe Deposit Box, Restaurant, Airport Shuttle (surcharge) Sadržaji: Parking (besplatno), besplatan internet, satelitska TV, sef, restoran, prevoz do aerodroma (plaća se)



HOTEL COSMOPOLIT 1 Radićeva 15 4 033 251 100 Price range / Cjenovni razred: 7777 Facilities: Elevator, Restaurant, Safe Deposit Box, Free Internet, Satellite TV, Parking Available (free), Airport Shuttle (surcharge) Sadržaji: Lift, restoran, sef, besplatan internet, satelitska TV, parking (besplatno), prevoz sa/od aerodroma (plaća se)

HOTEL SOKAK 1 Mula Mustafe Ba{eskije 24 4 033 570 355 Price range / Cjenovni razred: 77 Facilities: Restaurant, Safe Deposit Box, Free Internet, Satellite TV, Meeting Room Sadržaji: Restoran, sef, besplatan internet, satelitska TV, sala za sastanke

HOTEL VIP 1 Jaroslava Černija 3 4 033 535 533 Price range / Cjenovni razred: 7777 Facilities: Elevator, Restaurant, Safe Deposit Box, Free Internet, Satellite TV, Parking (free), Airport Shuttle (free) Sadržaji: Lift, restoran, sef, besplatan internet, satelitska TV, parking (besplatno), prevoz sa/od aerodroma (besplatno)

OPAL HOME HOTEL 1 Despićeva 4 4 033 445 445 Price range / Cjenovni razred: 7777 1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail

Facilities: Elevator, Restaurant, Safe Deposit Box, Free Internet, Satellite TV, Sauna, Massage, Parking Available (free), Airport Shuttle (surcharge) Sadržaji: Lift, restoran, sef, besplatan internet, satelitska TV, sauna, masaže, parking (besplatno), prevoz sa/od aerodroma (plaća se)



HOTELS / HOTELI Name / Ime 1 4 Price Range / Cjenovni razred Art Vladislava Skarića 3 033 232 855 7777 Astra Zelenih beretki 9 033 252 100 777 Astra Garni Kundurdžiluk 2 033 455 100 777 Bistrik Bistrik 34 033 475 475 777 BM International Pijačna 2 033 774 630 777 Bosnia Kulovića 9 033 567 010 7777 Bristol Fra Filipa Lastrića 2 033 705 000 7777 Courtyard by Marriott Skenderija 1 033 563 606 77777 Europe Vladislava Skarića 5 033 580 400 77777 Hecco Deluxe Ferhadija 2 033 558 995 7777 Holiday Zmaja od Bosne 4 033 288 200 7777 Ovo malo duše Mudželeti mali 2 033 972 800 777 Radon Plaza Džemala Bijedića 185 033 752 900 77777 Residence Inn by Marriott Skenderija 43 033 563 600 77777 BEDS AND BREAKFAST AND GUEST HOUSES / PRENOĆIŠTA I PANSIONI Le Petit Prince Safvet-bega Bašagića 55a 061 868 616 77 Promenade Inn Štrosmajerova 10 061 618 899 77 MOTELS AND HOSTELS / MOTELI I HOSTELI Dugi sokak 17 777151 - 200 KM 7777 060 33 <22 7 < 50 KMDenal - 150 KM 7 201 KM 7Hostel 7751 - 100 KM 777101 7319 Hostel Vagabond Ferhadija 21 033 238 811 7 7< 50 KM 7751 - 100 KM 777101 - 150 KM 7777151 - 200 KM 77777201 KM <



Sunnyland unnyland is an amusement park located in Zlatište a lokalitetu Zlatište na obroncima planine Trebević Sten-minute above Sarajevo, on the slopes of Mt. Trebević, all of a Niznad Sarajeva, udaljen svega desetak minuta vožnje od drive from the center of town. The complex centra grada nalazi se zabavni park Sunnyland, koji zauzima covers more than 16,000 m2 and the main attraction is the Alpine Coaster, the only one of its kind in the wider area. Those looking for fun and excitement at the amusement park may choose to ride the 600-meter Alpine Coaster on their own or with a partner, while also enjoying the gorgeous nature surrounding the facility and the unforgettable view of Sarajevo. The Alpine Coaster utilizes the force of gravity and the ride reaches a maximum speed of 40 kph, with the driver having control over the speed of the car. In addition to the Alpine Coaster, Sunnyland also offers a range of other very interesting activities, such as the well-equipped children’s play area, a restaurant with a fascinating view and a top gastronomic offering, a cafésweet shop and souvenir shop. Visitors may make use of the parking area, as well as a walking path that runs through the entire complex. You can visit Sunnyland every day from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Tickets for one ride on the Alpine Coaster cost 5KM and children over the age of four are permitted.

površinu od preko 16.000 kvadratnih metara i čija je glavna atrakcija alpine coaster, jedini takav u širem okruženju. Svi oni koji su u potrazi za zabavom i uzbuđenjem u ovom zabavnom parku mogu birati da se pojedinačno ili u paru spuste alpine coasterom duž 600 metara dugačke staze i pritom uživaju u prekrasnom prirodnom okruženju i nezaboravnom pogledu na Sarajevo. Vožnja alpine coasterima funkcioniše na principu gravitacije, maksimalna brzina koju vozilo postiže je 40 kilometara na sat, a vozač ima priliku sam kontrolirati brzinu vožnje. Osim vožnje alpine coasterom Sunnyland nudi i niz drugih veoma zanimljivih sadržaja, poput bogato opremljenih dječijih igraonica, restorana sa fascinantnim pogledom i top gastronomskom ponudom, caffe – slastičarne i suvenirnice. Posjetiteljima su na raspolaganju i parking, kao i šetnica koja vodi kroz cijeli zabavni park. Zabavni park Sunnyland možete posjetiti svakog dana od 9 do 22 sata, cijena jedne vožnje alpine coasterom košta 5 KM, a voziti se mogu stariji od 4 godine.



INSIDER CITY TOURS & EXCURSIONS 1 Zelenih beretki 30 4 061 190 591 (24h) 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 09:00-18:00; Sat-Sun/Sub-Ned: 10:00-16:00

The best way to get to know Sarajevo is with Insiders. Their specialties are daily and private tours and excursions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Services: City Tours & Excursions Najbolji način da upoznate Sarajevo je sa Insiderima. Njihova specijalnost su dnevne i privatne ture i izleti po BiH. Usluge: Ture i izleti

SARAJEVO DISCOVERY 1 Mudželiti veliki 2 4 061 818 250 (24h) 3 09:00 – 18:00


Exploring Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina with the top tour agency, Sarajevo Discovery, is like reading a wonderful book. Services: Include tours and excursions. Istraživanje Sarajeva i Bosne i Hercegovine sa vrhunskim vodičima agencije Sarajevo Discovery je kao čitanje jedne divne knjige. Usluge: Ture i izleti.

1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail


The Source of Paljanska Miljacka Vrelo Paljanske Miljacke

Photo by Adis Spahić


bout 20 kilometers southeast of the center of Sarajevo, in Gornje Pale at the foot of Mt. Jahorina, is the source of Paljanska Miljacka (1,010 m).


About 13 kilometers further downstream, the source joins Mokranjska Miljacka at the village, Dovlići, and turns into the Miljacka River, which flows through Sarajevo.

Ona se oko 13 kilometara dalje, u selu Dovlići spaja sa Mokranjskom Miljackom i tvori onu rijeku Miljacku što protiče kroz Sarajevo.

The area around Paljanska Miljacka is exceptionally beautiful, especially in spring and autumn, when the waters runs deeper and the river course gives rise to waterfalls that cascade over mossy marble blocks.

Predio oko izvorišta Paljanske Miljacke izuzetno je lijep, posebno u proljeće i na jesen, kada je vodostaj rijeke bogatiji i kada riječni tok gradi prekrasne slapove koji padaju preko sedrenih blokova obraslih mahovinom.

The remains of the medieval Gradina Pavlovića are located right above the source, and there is the nearby restaurant, Vrelo Miljacke, with trout straight from the fish farm, along with other specialties, such as fish and national dishes. There are also a few rooms available for overnight stays for those who might like to spend some more time in the lovely natural surroundings.

ko 20 kilometara jugoistočno od centra Sarajeva, u Gornjim Palama u podnožju planine Jahorine, na nadmorskoj visini od 1.010 metara izvire Paljanska Miljacka.

Neposredno iznad vrela nalaze se ostaci srednjovjekovne Gradine Pavlovića, a u blizini je i restoran „Vrelo Miljacke“ sa ribogojilištem pastrmke, koji gostima nudi riblje i specijalitete nacionalne kuhinje. A onima koji usred tog prekrasnog prirodnog okruženja požele boraviti duže na raspolaganju je i nekoliko soba za noćenje.



+387 (0)57 226 419



EYE CLINIC SVJETLOST 1 Dr. Mustafe Pintola 23 (Hotel Hollywood) 4 033 762 772 3 Mon-Thu/Pon-Čet: 08:00 – 20:00; Fri/Pet: 08:00 – 18:00

Svjetlost offer only the best for your eyes: world class experts and latest technology in friendly environment. Services: ophthalmological diagnostics, retinal treatments, laser eye surgery, cataract surgery and lens implantation surgery Svjetlost nudi najbolje za vaše oči povezujući stručnost, tehnologiju i iskustvo. Usluge: Oftalmološka dijagnostika, retinološke usluge, laserska korekcija dioptrije, operacija mrene i ugradnje leća

HERBAL SPA 1 Fra Filipa Lastrića 2 4 033 615 935 3 09:00 - 22:00 1 Dr. Mustafe Pintola 31 4 033 763 400 3 09:00 - 22:00

Enjoy the wide variety of treatments available for stress relief, relaxation and facial care. Services: Massage, hammam, body care, facial care, hair care, manicures and pedicures and a beauty salon. Uživajte u bogatoj ponudi tretmana za opuštanje, relaksaciju i njegu lica. Usluge: Masaže, hamam, njega tijela, njega lica, njega kose, manikir i pedikir, salon ljepote.

PRIVATE CLINIC SANASA 1 Dr. Mustafe Pintola 31 4 033 763 763 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 09:00 - 17:00; Sat/Sub: 09:00 – 14:00 1 Grbavička 74 4 033 661 840 / 661 841 3 Mon-Fri/Pon-Pet: 08:00 - 19:00; Sat/Sub: 08:00 – 14:00

Complete health care in one place. Services: Ophthalmology, dental medicine, cardiology, pediatrics, dermatology, gynecology, urology, orthopedics, complete medical diagnostics, internal medicine, neurology, surgery and more. Sveobuhvatna zdravstvena njega na jednom mjestu. Usluge: Oftalmologija, stomatologija, kardiologija, pedijatrija, dermatologija, ginekologija, urologija, ortopedija, kompletna dijagnostika, interna medicina, neurologija, hirurgija i dr.

VIP EGE 1 Skenderija 8 4 061 228 858 3 Mon–Sat/Pon-Sub: 08:00 - 20:00


Your oasis of peace and a stress-free sanctuary. Services: Facials and cleaning, professional make-up artistry, haircuts, blow dries, coloring, massage and sauna. Vaša oaza mira i utočište od stresa. Usluge: Njega i čišćenja lica, profesionalno šminkanje, šišanje, feniranje, farbanje, masaže i sauna. 1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail


SLOBODNO VRIJEME, WELLNESS I ZDRAVLJE HOSPITALS AND HEALTH CENTERS / BOLNICE I DOMOVI ZDRAVLJA Name / Ime 24 Hour Emergency Service / Hitna pomoć Clinic Center University of Sarajevo / KCUS Emergency Department / Klinika urgentne medicine (KUM) General Hospital / Opća bolnica Abdulah Nakaš

1 Kolodvorska 14 Bolnička 25 Bolnička 25 Kranjčevićeva 12

4 124 033 297 000 033 214 158 033 285 100

Offers / Ponuda Urgent Medical Services / Hitne medicinske usluge Medical Services / Medicinske usluge Urgent Medical Services / Hitne medicinske usluge Medical Services / Medicinske usluge

PRIVATE CLINICS / PRIVATNE POLIKLINIKE Bičakčić Dental Clinic / Stomatološka ordinacija Bičakčić Dr. Al - Tawil Dr. Ferida Huković-Čengić’s Private Medical Clinic Medical Office Dr.Kapetanović / Ordinacija Dr.Kapetanović Naša mala klinika Vetlife

Maršala Tita 7 Zmaja od Bosne 7 Ćemaluša 6 Edhema Mulabdića 6 Adila Grebe bb Hajrudina Šabanije 2

033 208 288 033 974 166 033 222 308 061 755 233 033 222 212 033 235 333

Dental Clinic / Stomatološka ordinacija Medical Services / Medicinske usluge Internist Office / Internistička ordinacija Center for Breast Issues / Centar za dojku Center for Cosmetic Surgery / Centar za estetsku hirurgiju Veterinarian Clinic / Veterinarska stanica

Patriotske lige bb Dž. Bijedića 185 Bl. M. Selimovića 83b Ahatovići Alipašina bb Ćumurija 8 Nahorevska 9

061 582 162 033 752 900 033 773 850 063 035 565 033 276 246 033 561 800 033 215 081

Fitness Billiard, Bowling / Bilijar, kuglanje Olympic Pool, Fitness / Olimpijski bazen, fitness Horseback Riding / Jahanje Tennis / Tenis Fitness, Sauna, Pool / Fitness, sauna, bazen Activities for Children / Aktivnosti za djecu

RECREATION / REKREACIJA Fitness Center Progym Hotel Radon Plaza Billiard & Bowling Olympic Pool Sarajevo / Olimpijski bazen Sarajevo Pegasos Equestrian and Recreation Centre Tennis Courts / Teniski tereni Zetra West Wood Club & Spa (Hotel Central) Zoo / Zoološki vrt Pionirska dolina

1 Address / Adresa 4 Telephone / Tel 3 Working Hours / Ulaz 2 e-mail



Public Transport

Gradski saobra}aj

Sarajevo is well connected with a network of trams, trolley-buses, buses and minibuses. The one-way ticket for an inner-city zone is 1.6 KM if you purchase it in a kiosk. However, if you purchase it with a driver, the one-way ticket costs 1.8 KM. The ticket must be punched as soon as you enter the vehicle. Failure to do so will result in a fine, on the spot. A bus line runs between the airport and Baščaršija and coincides with flight timetables. The public transport map is located on the inside of the front cover page of Sarajevo Navigator. For additional information, contact the Public Transport Company (GRAS) at or at 033 293 333 and Centrotrans on or at 033 770 800.

Sarajevo je dobro uvezano javnim gradskim saobra}ajem. U gradu funkcioni{e mre`a tramvaja, trolejbusa, autobusa i kombija. Karte ko{taju 1,6 KM po vo`nji ukoliko se karta kupi u kiosku, dok, kada je kupujete kod voza~a, njena cijena iznosi 1,8 KM. Kartu obavezno morate poni{titi pri ulazu u vozilo jer ćete u protivnom biti ka`njeni na licu mjesta. Aerodrom je sa Baščaršijom povezan autobuskom linijom, koja je usklađena sa rasporedom letova. Mapa javnog prevoza se nalazi na unutra{njim koricama Sarajevo Navigatora, a za vi{e informacija kontaktirajte Gradsko saobra}ajno preduze}e - GRAS na ili 033 293 333 i Centrotrans na ili 033 770 800.


Taxi slu`be

Sarajevo has one of the cheapest taxi services in Europe. Several private taxi companies operate in the city 24 hours a day. For example, taking a taxi from Sarajevo Airport to the city centre will cost between 17 and 20 KM. Taxi stands are clearly marked and starting rate is 1,5 KM. All vehicles use the taxi meter. The driver will issue the receipt upon a request.

Sarajevo posjeduje jedan od najjeftinijih taxi servisa u Evropi koji radi 24 sata dnevno. Npr., vo`nja na relaciji Sarajevski aerodrom - Ba{~ar{ija (sa jednog na drugi kraj grada) ko{ta izme|u 17 i 20 KM. Nekoliko privatnih taxi slu`bi stoje vam na raspolaganju. Taxi {tandovi su jasno ozna~eni, a po~etna tarifa je 1,5 KM. Sva vozila posjeduju taksimetre, a voza~i }e vam na zahtjev izdati ra~un.

Sarajevo Taxi Crveni Taxi / Red Cab

 033 1515; 033 660 970; 033 660 666  033 760 600; 033 468 728; 061 468 728; 061 760 600



It is becoming more popular among Sarajevans and tourists to get around town by bike. While there are bike lanes in only a few parts of town, some shopping centers do have designated parking spots for bikes. Bicycles are available for rent at many locations during the summer, while the NextBike system is also at disposal. If you’d like to go biking outside of town or take an adventurous tour of the mountains, you can find a map of bicycle routes at

Kretanje biciklima po gradu je sve popularnije među Sarajlijama i turistima. Biciklističke staze označene su samo u nekim dijelovima grada, a neki tržni centri imaju predviđene parking prostore za bicikla. Bicikle tokom ljetne sezone možete iznajmiti na više mjesta, a zainteresovanima je dostupan i NextBike sistem. Ako poželite voziti bicikl izvan grada i upustiti se u avanturističku turu po planinama, mape biciklističkih ruta možete pronaći na

Prote Bakovića 2 71000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 00 387 33 840 135

Our tours are designed to ensure you visit all „not-to-be-missed” spots at high standard. CITY TOURS AND EXCURSIONS Working hours: 0-24 66

Feel at home 66

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