6 Ideas You Can Use For Your Digital Business destiny-entrepreneur.com /6-ideas-you-can-use-for-your-digital-business/
When I first came across the idea of building an online business, the question that came to mind was… “What kind of business will I build?”. After doing months of research and trying many different methods and tools, I came to the realization that the best kind of online business is a digital one as this provides me with the ability to create a product once then, sell it over and over.
You must agree that is an awesome model and surely increases your ROI with every sale you make of the same product. I have put this article together to provide you with some ideas of what products you could create and I am hoping that one or more of them will get your creative juices going.
You can adapt these ideas to any niche market you are either already marketing in or, considering marketing in.
eBook This is a very a popular digital product and very easy to make and get to market. An eBook was the first digital product I ever made. eBooks can be about anything you want and as long or as short as you want. You can sell them on Amazon very easily via their self-publishing platform or there are a huge array of other platforms that sell eBooks. This is also a product you can sell on your website or giveaway as a means of getting your website visitors to provide you with their email address that you can then use to follow-up with.
Video Videos online have increased at an alarming rate over the last few years and they continue to be popular. The challenge however is that a lot of people are not comfortable either creating videos or being on videos. I found this to be true in the beginning but by obtaining free and very cost effective programs, I found that the more I practiced, the more comfortable I became and soon my videos were looking like they were created in a studio. 1/3
Video is really great for getting information across to your customers. Whether you are showing them how to do something or talking more in depth about a certain subject, or both, video is a very effective way of doing this. It’s also a great tool for building trust with your customers as it can help them feel like they are getting to know you personally rather that communicating with a faceless entity!
Audio If you’re not ready to take the plunge with video, maybe recording some audio might be a way to ease yourself in gently. People love audio products because they can listen to them in the car or on their phones. This ease of access makes them popular. You can convert your eBook into audio and offer it as a bonus for those purchasing your product.
Another way to use audio is to create a presentation in PowerPoint then narrate your audio over the presentation then convert that to video.
Printables Printables are something that have been around for years but, then are often forgotten as a way of getting your message across. Printables are basically graphics or PDF documents you create then share with your website visitors. The types of printables you can create are eye catching sayings or quotes, to do lists, tables and charts, business plans, info-graphics, workbooks, and so on. You can create them quite easily using platforms such as Canva and Picmonkey.
E-course You can create a e-course on just about any subject. There are those online who even create e-courses on basic car repairs, mobile phone repairs, cooking, self-improvement, website development and the list goes on. The Lifestyle Design Academy is a good examples of these types of e-courses.
We all have skills and talents and most of them can be converted to an e-course then offered to your prospects either as a free bonus or as a product on its own.
Membership site Creating a membership site does require some technical know-how in terms of setting it up correctly but, it is not something you cannot learn. With the advent of WordPress and the numerous plugins you can get for free to design a top-quality website, this has now become available to anyone willing to spend a little time learning the basics.
I trust these ideas have created a spark for you and once you get going on trying one or more of these, you will find in no time at all, you will get better and better and may even come up with some ideas of your own. 2/3
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