Do Your Comfort Zones Serve You Or Limit You? /do-your-comfort-zones-serve-you-or-limit-you/
You may have heard the term “comfort zone” many times but, my view on this topic is that comfort zones do not serve you because they limit you. It is almost like placing yourself inside a box which was created by our limited education systems and society.
In reality, comfort zones actually take control of your life and, most of the time not in a way that serves you best. Simply put, I believe this term is ridiculous.
The reason why I say that is because it is a concept that really shouldn’t matter to us.
Yet we, as people are naturally interested on this idea of being comfortable and being in constant ease that anything outside of our comfort zone is classified as scary and something we shouldn’t consider pursuing at all.
I am guilty of this as I used to always have my comfort zone dictate most of my decisions in life. This related to my personal as well as my professional life.
But the truth is, and one that I have come to realize over the past two years is that if you have a vision or dream in life, something that is truly important to you, whether it’s a passion you’ve always wanted to pursue, a love in your life, a cause you strongly believe in, your comfort zone should NOT matter nor even be considered at all.
When you find something that is truly important to you, you stop allowing your comfort zone to take over and start asking yourself, what do I need to do to fulfill that dream or mission, regardless of what is comfortable to me?
People tend to say that we should focus on our strengths in life, find out what we are naturally good at and use that to our advantage by pursuing it as our life’s mission.
I don’t think that’s the case.
How else is anyone going to build on new skill sets and for growth to take place if they are only focusing on what they are naturally good at?
I did not achieve the level of success I have to this date in my online business because I were naturally good in online marketing, nor was it because I had charisma or the experience being great in videos and producing content.
To be honest the lack of these specific skills took me so far out of my comfort zone and there was no comfort being there at all.
I truthfully had none of these skill sets when I first started; I was a beginner just like everyone else trying to get our foot in the door.
I used to be extremely shy and introverted and had no idea how to talk in front of camera. I had experience in speaking in front of small to medium crowds but on camera none whatsoever. 2/4
But what had led me, to ultimately succeed in this business was my bigger vision for myself.
I envisioned being my own boss at the age of 30+, having the freedom to pursue things such as travel, adventure, living life on the edge and helping people with a similar vision do the same.
It wasn’t my natural strengths that dictated my decision to pursue this vision. It was the vision itself and using that to fuel my energy and drive to challenge myself to step outside my comfort zone at all times.
Prior to making that decision, my comfort zone consisted of working long hours in the corporate world building someone else’s dream which, I did not realize at the time. It was only when I decided to step outside my comfort zone, that I realized there is something better out there… my own vision, my own purpose and ultimately, my own business.
My point here is that, you should never let your so called ’strengths’ or weaknesses limit your belief in what you’re capable of doing. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses is a great exercise provided you use it as a guide. We all have the ability to learn new skills thereby increasing our strengths and turning weaknesses into strengths.
Never let it dictate your decisions and pull you away from achieving your bigger visions in life.
If you have a message you want to share to the world but you’re not the greatest communicator, go out there and find your voice, shoot videos, attend events, write blogs and surround yourself with people that inspire and challenge you. 3/4
It’s what personally helped me become fully self-expressed from once being shy and fearful to speak up.
Ultimately, the whole aim in life is to figure out what you truly want to do, how do you want to contribute to this world and how you grow into that regardless of what you’re naturally good at and what’s comfortable or easy to you.
How do you grow unless you step out of your comfort zone?
Once you realize that, you’ll realize that your comfort zone was nothing but a story we tell ourselves, a limitation on how we show up in life and an excuse for not listening to what our soul’s purpose was trying to express.
It is then when this realization hits, that you start living your life by expressing the truest version of yourself.
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