You Can Be A Success /you-can-be-a-success/ Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have all the success while others struggle for years and never seem to get anywhere? Are you one of those who always seem to struggle? Below are some hints on how you can become one of those who achieve success. Try stepping outside your comfort zone once in a while. Great things come to pass when you make friends with your discomfort zone. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. There is an old saying that people who haven’t made mistakes haven’t made anything. Make mistakes and learn from them. Be aware of any negative thoughts you hold about yourself – challenge them, are they really true, if so what is the evidence? Are you giving yourself a hard time? Make an effort to try and look on the bright side of things. Purposely find something positive about the issue and focus on that. You can almost always see another side of things. It just depends where your bias is.
Read some good uplifting books, Train yourself to finish what you start. Follow through – you owe it to yourself and others. Focus on the present moment. When you live in the past too much you stop living now. Learn what is important to you in life – is it love? Is it money? Is it your family? What do you love doing? Who/what makes you happy? Realize that setbacks and knocks are just a normal part of life. If life were brilliant all the time we would take it for granted and not appreciate it. Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
What successful people do 1. Are willing to try out new things, knowing that if it doesn’t work out as intended, failure is often cleverly disguised as a learning opportunity. 1. Believe and trust themselves first and foremost. They don’t have to check with others to make decisions, they instinctively know what is right for them and they go for it! 1. Have a well-developed life strategy that includes a written life vision/mission, purpose, and goals statement. 1. Get things done, through whatever organizational/time management system that works for them. They make the most of each day and take action on important life tasks each and everyday.
1. Are able to discern (see clearly) other’s reasons and motives, so they selectively choose who and what to align themselves with. They surround themselves with only the highest quality people, programs, and places. 1. Tap into the collective brainpower of others by reading books, magazines, and articles—anything that is helpful for their own development. 1. Value the process of learning for learning’s sake. They do not just learn for a specific end—to get a certificate, degree, title, etc. They learn because it is fundamentally rewarding for them. 1. Are the teachers of the world, who share their knowledge with other people. They put themselves out there so the rest of us can benefit, and in exchange, their own learning grows and develops. 1. Do not like to stay the same, they love to grow and develop. To stay ahead of the game, they often reinvent themselves time and time again. 1. Not only know about specific subjects and topics, but also about what it means to be a human being at this time in our evolution. They are insatiably curious and want to know more about becoming bigger and brighter, as a result they naturally evolve.
How people get inspired
“Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?” No matter how this topic is tackled, the question remains a mystery. “Do you need to be inspired to aspire or do you need an aspiration to get inspired?” The same holds true for the second question. Others may argue that in order to have a strong desire to achieve something, you must be inspired. On the other hand, some argue that for you to be inspired, you may need to aspire first. This is very much like the chicken and the egg question, right? There is no definite answer. Concerning
inspiration vs. aspiration, the best course of action is to discover how to get people inspired, rather than focus on which is the right answer. For some people, inspiration helps them stay motivated and become an achiever.
So, how do people get inspired?
The feeling of frustration forces some to seek inspiration. Some need to experience unpleasant circumstances to trigger an inspiration. This path may not be at all pleasant. But who says that the road to greater achievement is always smooth sailing? Take for instance the case of an average earner. He just earns enough to make a family survive. On his way to work, he could see other people barely having three square meals a day, hardly having anything to keep them warm on a cold night, practically living on a roofless shanty with paper boards as walls. He wanted to help but can’t. He feels helpless for he can’t do anything to alleviate their condition. This feeling of helplessness urged him to promise himself that his family will never experience extreme poverty. This feeling of frustration inspired him to aspire for a better life for himself and for his family. His fear that his family might end up like one of the economically challenged people makes him determined to do something about improving his financial stability. Someone who is successful can be an effective source of inspiration. People tend to look up to somebody who has reached the top. They wonder how it is to be like their idol, so they set themselves on a course headed in their idol’s direction. They study their idol’s past and how he was able to overcome all adversities. People who wish to be inspired associate with successful people. Successful people have big ambitions. Being ambitious and dreaming big dreams can keep the inspiration alive. Being ambitious is actually good as long as you do not step on other people’s toes and provide inspiration to fellow men.
A strong desire can trigger people to get inspired and aspire for it. Again, stay within the confines of good fellowship, not hurting anybody along the way. Some people desire popularity. They aspire to be well known in society. They set their sights higher and aim to be recognized and respected. Love is a strong motivator. There was once a man who pursued his love interest. He was able to get married to the girl of his dreams. His love for his wife motivated him to do his best in his job to provide for his growing family. Love provided the spark and nurtured his dreams to aspire for the best that life has to offer for him and his family. Many sources of inspiration can help you in achieving success in life. Arguing about whichever comes first – whether inspiration or aspiration – is not one of them. The important thing is to find your true source of inspiration and to remain focused in the achievement of your goals.
If you would like to discover 7 Steps To A Better You than read this article.