23 minute read

LinkedIn Message Writing. Get Hired Faster

1. Personalize the message: Start your message by addressing the recipient by name and mentioning a shared connection, such as a mutual friend or a similar professional background. This can help establish a connection and make your message stand out.


"Hi[Recipient's name],

I hope this message nds you well. I came across your prole and noticed that we both have a background in marketing. I wanted to reach out and connect with you as I am currently looking for new opportunities in the Michigan area."

2. Mention the specic company or position you're interested in: Show that you've done your research and are genuinely interested in the company or position by mentioning them specically in your message.


"I am particularly interested in [Company Name] and the [Position Name] role. I have been following the company's recent success and am impressed by their commitment to [Company's mission or values]. I would love the opportunity to learn more about the position and see if there may be a t for me to join the team."

3. Highlight your Michigan connections: If you have experience working in Michigan or with Michigan companies, make sure to highlight that in your message. This can help establish your connection to the state and give you an advantage over out-of-state candidates.


"I have a strong connection to Michigan, having worked for [Michigan-based company name] for [number of years]. I am familiar with the local job market and am eager to bring my experience and skills to a new opportunity in the state."

4. Ask for an informational interview: If you're not actively applying for a specic position, ask for an informational interview to learn more about the company and the industry. This can help you make valuable connections and potentially lead to job opportunities in the future.


"I am eager to learn more about [Company Name] and the [Industry] in the Michigan area. Would it be possible to schedule a time to connect with you for an informational interview? I would love to hear more about your experience and gain insights into the industry."

5. End with a call to action: Make sure to end your message with a clear call to action, such as asking for a reply or setting up a time to connect.


"I would be happy to send over my resume and LinkedIn prole for your review. Please let me know if you're available to connect next week or if there is a better time that works for you.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon."

1. Start with a professional subject line: A clear and concise subject line can help your email stand out and increase the chances that it will be opened. Use specic keywords related to the job or industry you're interested in and make sure the subject line accurately reects the content of your email.


Subject: Experienced Marketing Professional Seeking Opportunities in Michigan

2. Address the recipient by name: Personalizing your email by addressing the recipient by name can help establish a connection and make your email stand out. If you don't have the recipient's name, consider using a more generic greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager."


"Dear [Recipient's Name],

3. Mention a shared connection or why you're writing: Start your email by mentioning a shared connection, such as a mutual friend or similar professional background, or why you're reaching out. This can help establish a connection and show that you've done your research.


"I hope this email nds you well. I came across your prole and noticed that we both have a background in marketing. I wanted to reach out and connect with you as I am currently looking for new opportunities in the Michigan area."

4. Highlight your Michigan connections: If you have experience working in Michigan or with Michigan companies, make sure to highlight that in your email. This can help establish your connection to the state and give you an advantage over out-of-state candidates.


"I have a strong connection to Michigan, having worked for [Michigan-based company name] for [number of years]. I am familiar with the local job market and am eager to bring my experience and skills to a new opportunity in the state."

5. Mention the specic company or position you're interested in: Show that you've done your research and are genuinely interested in the company or position by mentioning them specically in your email.


"I am particularly interested in [Company Name] and the [Position Name] role. I have been following the company's recent success and am impressed by their commitment to [Company's mission or values]. I would love the opportunity to learn more about the position and see if there may be a t for me to join the team."

6. Include your resume and cover letter: Attach your resume and cover letter to your email, and make sure to mention that you have included them in your message. This can make it easy for the recipient to review your application and increase the chances that they will read your materials.


"I have included my resume and cover letter for your review. My resume highlights my experience and skills in [relevant eld or industry], and my cover letter provides a more in-depth explanation of my interest in the [Position Name] role at [Company Name]."

7. End with a call to action: Make sure to end your email with a clear call to action, such as asking for a reply or setting up a time to connect.


"Thank you for your time and consideration. I would be happy to schedule a time to connect or answer any questions you may have.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Telemarketing Script. Get Hired Faster

1. Introduction: Start the call by introducing yourself and the purpose of your call. Be clear, concise and professional.


"Hello, my name is [Your Name] and I am calling from [Your Company or Organization]. I am reaching out to discuss potential job opportunities in Michigan and see if there may be a t for my skills and experience."

2. Establish connection: Try to establish a connection with the recipient by mentioning a shared interest or a common professional background. This can help establish rapport and make the call more productive.


"I noticed from your LinkedIn prole that you have experience in [Relevant eld or industry]. I have also worked in the same eld for [number of years] and I would love to hear about your experience."

3. Highlight your Michigan connections: Make sure to highlight your connection to Michigan, such as prior experience working in the state or with Michigan-based companies. This can show that you're familiar with the local job market and give you an advantage over out-of-state candidates.


"I have a strong connection to Michigan, having worked for [Michigan-based company name] for [number of years]. I am familiar with the local job market and am eager to bring my experience and skills to a new opportunity in the state."

4. Mention specic company or position: Show that you've done your research by mentioning a specic company or position that you're interested in. This can show your genuine interest in the recipient's organization and increase the chances that they will be willing to help.


"I am particularly interested in [Company Name] and the [Position Name] role. I have been following the company's recent success and am impressed by their commitment to [Company's mission or values]. I would love the opportunity to learn more about the position and see if there may be a t for me to join the team."

5. Oer to send your resume: Oer to send your resume to the recipient and make sure to ask if they would be willing to review it. This can increase the chances that they will read your materials and consider you for the job.


"Would it be possible for me to send my resume to you for your review? I would love the opportunity to discuss my experience and skills with you in more detail."

6. End with a call to action: Make sure to end the call with a clear call to action, such as setting up a time to follow up or asking for a reply.


"Thank you for your time and consideration. I would be happy to follow up with you in a few days or schedule a time to connect and discuss my qualications in more detail.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Interview Salary Negotiation. Get Hired Faster

1. Research: Before negotiating your salary, it's important to research the market rates for your specic industry and job title in Michigan. You can use websites like Glassdoor, PayScale, or the Bureau of Labor Statistics to get an idea of the average salary range for your position.

2. Prepare your arguments: Be ready to make a compelling argument for why you believe you deserve a higher salary. This could include your experience, education, and specic skills and accomplishments that are relevant to the job.


"I have [number of years] of experience in [relevant eld or industry], and I have a proven track record of [specic achievements or skills]. I am condent that my expertise and contributions would bring signicant value to your team and would justify a higher salary."

3. Start the negotiation: Once the salary has been discussed, you can start negotiating. Make sure to listen to the employer's oer and respond in a professional manner. Avoid making any demands or ultimatums, as this can be perceived as unprofessional.


"Thank you for the oer. I was hoping for a higher salary, given my experience and qualications. Can we discuss a salary range of [your desired salary range]?"

4. Be exible: While it's important to be assertive, it's also important to be exible and willing to compromise. Be open to alternative compensation packages, such as additional benets or exible work arrangements.


"If the salary is not exible, I would be open to discussing alternative compensation options, such as additional vacation time or exible work arrangements."

5. Conrm the details: Once you have reached an agreement, make sure to get the details in writing and conrm the start date, salary, and other important details.


"Thank you for agreeing to [your desired salary or compensation package]. Could you please send me a written oer to conrm the details, including the start date and salary?"

1. Know your worth: Before negotiating your salary, it's important to know the market rate for your specic job title and industry in Michigan. You can use websites like Glassdoor, PayScale, or the Bureau of Labor Statistics to get an idea of the average salary range for your position.

2. Determine your target salary: Based on your research, determine a target salary that you feel is fair and reasonable. Make sure to consider factors such as cost of living, your experience and qualications, and the salary oered for similar positions in the area.

3. Be prepared to discuss your target salary: During the interview, be prepared to discuss your target salary when the time is right. Be condent and assertive when discussing your target salary and be ready to justify your reasons for requesting a higher salary.


"Based on my research and experience in [relevant eld or industry], I feel that a fair and reasonable salary for this position would be [your target salary]. I am condent that my expertise and contributions would bring signicant value to your team and would justify this salary."

4. Be exible: While it's important to be assertive, it's also important to be exible and willing to compromise. Be open to alternative compensation packages, such as additional benets or exible work arrangements.


"If the salary is not exible, I would be open to discussing alternative compensation options, such as additional vacation time or exible work arrangements."

5. Conrm the details: Once you have reached an agreement, make sure to get the details in writing and conrm the start date, salary, and other important details.


"Thank you for agreeing to [your agreed upon salary or compensation package]. Could you please send me a written oer to conrm the details, including the start date and salary?"

Here are some examples based on dierent wages in Michigan:

• For entry-level positions with a bachelor's degree, if the oered salary is $ 45,000 per year, you could negotiate for a salary of $ 50,000 - $ 55,000 per year.

• For mid-level positions with 5-10 years of experience, if the oered salary is $ 70,000 per year, you could negotiate for a salary of $ 75,000 - $ 80,000 per year.

• For senior-level positions with over 10 years of experience, if the oered salary is $ 85,000 per year, you could negotiate for a salary of $ 90,000 - $ 95,000 per year.

Note: These are just general examples and may vary based on the industry and specic job title.

By following these guidelines and examples, you can eectively negotiate your salary during the interview process and get hired faster in Michigan. Remember, it's important to be condent, professional, and exible during the negotiation process. Good luck!

How to Ask for Job Perks. Examples and Techniques

1. Research company culture: Before you can ask for job perks, it's important to understand the company culture and what kind of benets they typically oer. Look at the company's website, Glassdoor, or other resources to get a sense of what they value.

2. Determine your priorities: Consider what kind of benets are most important to you. This could include things like exible work hours, paid time o, health insurance, or professional development opportunities.

3. Timing is key: It's best to ask for job perks during the negotiation stage of the hiring process, after you have received a job oer. You can also ask about benets during the interview process, but be prepared to discuss salary at that time as well.

4. Be prepared to justify your request: When asking for job perks, be prepared to justify your request and explain why it's important to you. Be specic and explain how the benet will help you perform your job better.


"I noticed that [company name] values [benet you're interested in]. As someone who [explanation of how the benet aligns with your values/goals], having [benet] would be extremely important to me. I'm condent that having [benet] would allow me to perform my job even better and contribute even more to the team."

5. Be polite and professional: Remember, your request for job perks should always be made in a polite and professional manner. Avoid making demands or ultimatums, and be willing to compromise if necessary.


"Would it be possible to discuss [benet you're interested in] as part of my compensation package? I understand that every company has dierent policies, but I believe that having [benet] would be a valuable addition to my job satisfaction and overall performance."

Types of Job Incentives and Bonuses

1. Commission: Commission is a type of incentive that rewards employees based on the sales they generate. The more sales an employee makes, the more they earn in commission.


"As a sales representative, you will receive a commission on every sale you make. The commission rate is [percentage of commission], so the more you sell, the more you can earn."

2. Performance-based bonuses: Performance-based bonuses are monetary rewards given to employees for meeting or exceeding specic performance goals or targets.


"If you meet or exceed our quarterly sales targets, you will receive a performance-based bonus of [dollar amount]. We have a strong history of rewarding our top performers, and we are condent that you have the skills and drive to be successful in this role."

3. Prot-sharing: Prot-sharing is a type of bonus that provides employees with a portion of the company's prots. This type of incentive is often used to motivate employees and foster a sense of ownership and responsibility for the company's success.


"As a valued member of our team, you will be eligible for prot-sharing. This means that you will receive a portion of the company's prots each quarter, based on the company's performance."

4. Stock options: Stock options are a type of bonus that gives employees the right to purchase company stock at a discounted price. This type of incentive is often used to align the interests of employees and shareholders and to provide long-term incentives for employees.


"As a full-time employee, you will be eligible for stock options. This means that you will have the opportunity to purchase company stock at a discounted price, giving you a stake in our success and a long-term incentive to help drive our growth."

5. Employee benets: Employee benets, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time o, can also be considered incentives and bonuses. These benets can be extremely valuable to employees and can help attract and retain top talent.


"In addition to your salary, you will also be eligible for a comprehensive benets package, including health insurance, a (k) retirement plan, and [number of paid vacation days] of paid time o per year."

1. Identify your career goals: Before you start your job search, take some time to identify your career goals. What type of job are you looking for? What industry are you interested in? What kind of work environment do you want? Knowing your career goals will help you focus your job search and make it more ecient.

2. Update your resume and cover letter: Make sure your resume and cover letter are up-to-date and highlight your skills, experience, and achievements. Tailor your resume and cover letter to each job you apply for to increase your chances of getting noticed by employers.


When applying for a marketing position, you could highlight your experience with social media advertising and your success in increasing website trac.

3. Utilize job search engines: Utilize online job search engines such as Indeed, Monster, and LinkedIn to nd job postings in Michigan. Set up job alerts and rene your search to match your career goals and location.

4. Network: Networking can be a powerful tool in your job search. Connect with people in your industry, attend career fairs and events, and reach out to former coworkers or classmates for referrals or job leads.


"Hello [name], it's [your name]. I hope this email nds you well. I am currently job searching and was wondering if you knew of any open positions in [relevant industry or eld] in the Michigan area. I would really appreciate any referrals or advice you could oer."

5. Apply to multiple job postings: Don't limit yourself to just one job posting. Apply to several job postings in your eld and don't be discouraged if you don't get a response right away.

6. Prepare for the interview: Once you get an interview, make sure to research the company and prepare for common interview questions. Dress professionally and bring a copy of your resume to the interview.


"Thank you for considering me for the [position] role at [company name]. I am excited about the opportunity to join your team and bring my [relevant skills and experience]. Can you tell me more about the day-to-day responsibilities of the role and what you're looking for in a candidate?"

7. Follow up: After the interview, send a follow-up email to thank the interviewer for their time and express your interest in the position.


"Dear [Interviewer's Name], I wanted to thank you again for taking the time to meet with me today. I am very interested in the [position] role at [company name] and I believe my skills and experience would be a great t for the team. Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide. I look forward to hearing back from you."

1. Start early: Start your job search as early as possible to increase your chances of nding a job before the school year starts. This will also give you plenty of time to prepare for your rst job, whether it's part-time or seasonal.

2. Identify your skills and interests: Take some time to identify your skills and interests. This will help you focus your job search and nd a job that you will enjoy and excel in.


If you are interested in technology, consider looking for a job in a tech-related eld such as a computer repair technician, web designer, or software developer.

3. Update your resume: Make sure your resume is up-to-date and highlights your skills, experience, and education. If you haven't had any work experience yet, consider listing any extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or internships.

4. Utilize job search engines: Utilize online job search engines such as Indeed, Monster, and LinkedIn to nd job postings in Michigan. Set up job alerts and rene your search to match your skills and interests.

5. Network: Networking can be a powerful tool in your job search. Connect with friends, family, and classmates for referrals or job leads. Attend job fairs and events to meet employers and learn about job opportunities.


"Hi [Name], I hope this email nds you well. I am currently job searching and was wondering if you knew of any open positions in [relevant industry or eld] in the Michigan area. I would really appreciate any referrals or advice you could oer."

6. Apply to multiple job postings: Don't limit yourself to just one job posting. Apply to several job postings in your eld and don't be discouraged if you don't get a response right away.

7. Prepare for the interview: Once you get an interview, make sure to research the company and prepare for common interview questions. Dress professionally and bring a copy of your resume to the interview.


"Thank you for considering me for the [position] role at [company name]. I am excited about the opportunity to gain experience and learn new skills in [relevant eld]. Can you tell me more about the day-to-day responsibilities of the role and what you're looking for in a candidate?"

8. Follow up: After the interview, send a follow-up email to thank the interviewer for their time and express your interest in the position.


"Dear [Interviewer's Name], I wanted to thank you again for taking the time to meet with me today. I am very interested in the [position] role at [company name] and I believe my skills and eagerness to learn would be a great asset to the team. Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide. I look forward to hearing back from you."

Career Skills Assessments

Identifying your job interests, skills, and experience is a crucial step in your job search journey. This information will help you to target your job search, tailor your resume and cover letter, and prepare for job interviews. Here are some tips and strategies to help you identify your job interests, skills, and experience in Michigan.

1. Assess your interests: To start, consider your hobbies, passions, and what you enjoy doing in your free time. This can give you an idea of what you might be interested in pursuing as a career.

2. Evaluate your skills: Make a list of the skills you have acquired through your education, work experience, and other activities. This can include technical skills, such as prociency in a specic software program, or soft skills, such as eective communication and time management.

3. Review your work history: Take a look at the jobs you have held in the past and the tasks you performed in each role. This will help you identify patterns in the types of jobs and industries you have been drawn to in the past.

4. Consider your values: Think about what is important to you in a job, such as work-life balance, job security, and opportunities for growth.

5. Take a career assessment: There are many career assessments available that can help you identify your strengths, skills, and interests. These assessments can be a great starting point for identifying your job interests and skills.

Once you have identied your job interests, skills, and experience, you can use this information to target your job search. You can tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight these areas, and prepare for job interviews by researching the companies and positions you are interested in and practicing your interview answers. This will help you present yourself as a strong candidate and increase your chances of getting hired.

A career assessment can be a valuable tool in nding a job. It helps you to identify your strengths, skills, and interests and can guide you towards potential career paths that align with your abilities and preferences. Here's how to use a career assessment to nd a job and some examples of popular assessments:

1. Choose the right assessment: There are many dierent career assessments available, so it's important to choose the right one for you. Consider what you want to get out of the assessment and look for assessments that align with your goals. Some popular assessments include the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Strong Interest Inventory, and the Skills Assessment.

2. Take the assessment: Once you have chosen an assessment, take it and be as honest and accurate as possible. The results will provide you with insight into your strengths, skills, and interests and can help you identify potential career paths.

3. Evaluate the results: After you have completed the assessment, review the results carefully. Look for patterns and themes in your strengths, skills, and interests and consider how they can be applied to dierent career paths.

4. Research potential careers: Use the results of the assessment to research potential careers that align with your abilities and interests. Consider the job duties, educational requirements, and potential salary and benets of each career.

5. Network and apply: Use your network to make connections and learn more about potential careers. Reach out to people in your network who work in your area of interest and consider attending job fairs or informational interviews. Use your resume and cover letter to showcase your strengths and skills and apply for jobs that align with your interests and abilities.

1. Send a Thank You Note: Send a personalized email or handwritten note to the interviewer to express your gratitude for the opportunity to interview. In the note, you can mention specic points from the interview that stood out to you and reiterate your interest in the position.

Example: "Dear [Interviewer's Name], I wanted to thank you for taking the time to speak with me yesterday about the [Job Title] position. I really appreciated the opportunity to learn more about the role and the company. Your insights into the responsibilities of the position and the company culture were especially helpful. I am very excited about the possibility of joining the team and look forward to hearing back from you soon."

2. Check In: If you have not heard back from the hiring manager within a week or two of the interview, it's appropriate to follow up with a brief email to check in on the status of the hiring process.

Example: "Dear [Interviewer's Name], I hope this email nds you well. I wanted to follow up on the [Job Title] position I interviewed for last week. I am still very interested in the role and was wondering if there has been any update on the hiring process. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you soon."

3. Oer Additional Information: If there was a question or concern that arose during the interview that you did not have a chance to fully address, following up can be a good opportunity to provide additional information or clarication.

Example: "Dear [Interviewer's Name], I wanted to follow up on the [Job Title] position I interviewed for last week. I wanted to provide additional information on my experience with [Skill/Task]. During my previous role at [Company Name], I was responsible for [Task Description] and was able to achieve [Result]. I am condent that my experience in this area will be a strong asset in this position. Thank you for your time and consideration."

You can put any text here

Finding A Job In A Foreign Country

1. Research the Job Market: Before you begin your job search, research the job market in the country where you want to work. Look into the type of jobs available, the job requirements, and the average salary for those positions. This information will help you to understand what opportunities are available to you and what you need to do to be a competitive candidate.

2. Network: Networking is one of the most eective ways to nd a job. Reach out to individuals in your personal and professional network who may have connections or knowledge about job opportunities in the country you want to work in. You can also attend job fairs, join professional organizations, and attend networking events to make new contacts and expand your network.

3. Update Your Resume and Cover Letter: Your resume and cover letter should be tailored to the job market in the country where you want to work. Make sure to highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the jobs you are interested in. Consider hiring a professional to help you with your resume and cover letter if necessary.

4. Use Job Search Websites: Utilize job search websites that cater to job seekers looking for international opportunities. Some popular sites include Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor. Create a comprehensive prole and set up job alerts so you can stay informed of new job opportunities.

5. Learn the Language: If you are moving to a country where you are not uent in the language, it is important to begin learning it as soon as possible. Being able to speak the language will give you a competitive edge when it comes to nding a job and will help you to integrate into the new culture.

6. Get Your Documentation in Order: Make sure you have all of the necessary documentation in order before you begin your job search. This may include a work permit, visa, and any certications or licenses required for your profession.

7. Be Prepared to Be Flexible: Finding a job in a foreign country can be a challenging process, so it is important to be prepared to be exible. This may mean being open to taking a job that is not exactly what you had in mind, or starting at a lower salary than you are used to.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of nding a job in a foreign country and begin your new adventure. It is important to be persistent and proactive in your job search, and to have a positive attitude and open mind as you embark on this new journey.

Here are some places to search for global job opportunities, including websites, email addresses, and examples:

1. Global Job Websites:

• Indeed (www.indeed.com)

• LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com)

• Glassdoor (www.glassdoor.com)

• Monster (www.monster.com)

• CareerBuilder (www.careerbuilder.com)

2. Government-Sponsored Websites:

• USA Jobs (www.usajobs.gov)

• UK Jobs (www.jobs.gov.uk)

• Australian Government Jobs (www.jobs.gov.au)

3. Recruitment Agencies:

• Robert Half International (www.roberthalf.com)

• Manpower (www.manpower.com)

• Adecco (www.adecco.com)

• Association for International Practical Training (www.aipt.org)

• Institute of International Education (www.iie.org)

Job Networking for Michigan job seekers

1. Utilize LinkedIn: Create a professional LinkedIn prole, connect with current and former colleagues, and join LinkedIn groups related to your industry and location.

2. Attend networking events: Attend job fairs, industry events, and networking events to meet potential employers and other professionals in your eld.

3. Reach out to connections: Reach out to your personal and professional network, including family, friends, former classmates, and colleagues, to see if they have any job leads or know someone who can help you in your job search.

4. Ask for referrals: Ask current and former colleagues, supervisors, and mentors for referrals to companies or individuals in your eld who may be hiring.

5. Join professional organizations: Join professional organizations in your eld to meet potential employers and other professionals in your industry, and attend their events and meetings.

6. Participate in community activities: Participate in community activities, such as volunteering or serving on a board, to meet potential employers and expand your network.

7. Use job search websites: Utilize job search websites, such as Indeed, Monster, and Glassdoor, to nd job openings and connect with potential employers.

By utilizing these strategies and being proactive in your job search, you can increase your chances of nding job opportunities and making valuable connections in Michigan.

Money-Saving Guide For Michigan Job Seekers

1. Make a budget: Make a budget and stick to it to ensure that you're spending your money wisely.

2. Use public transportation: Using public transportation instead of driving can save you a signicant amount of money on gas, parking, and car maintenance.

3. Buy in bulk: Buying in bulk can save you money on items like groceries, household goods, and personal care items.

4. Shop for sales and deals: Take advantage of sales and deals when shopping to save money on clothing, electronics, and other purchases.

5. Cook at home: Cooking at home can save you money on food compared to eating out, and it's often healthier as well.

6. Use coupons: Use coupons when shopping to save money on groceries, personal care items, and other purchases.

7. Use energy-saving appliances: Using energy-saving appliances and light bulbs can save you money on your monthly energy bill.

8. Carpool: Consider carpooling with coworkers or friends to save money on gas and reduce wear and tear on your vehicle.

9. Use public libraries: Take advantage of the many resources available at Michigan's public libraries, including books, magazines, and DVDs, to save money on entertainment.

By following these tips and making smart nancial choices, Michigan job seekers can save money and stretch their budgets further.

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