DJN August 19, 2021

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2475West12Mil–Ste.10 The Probate Law Firm of The Probate Law Firm of The Probate Law Firm of The Probate Law Firm of The Probate Law Firm of

The Probate Law Firm of



Assessing Our Lives

24725 West 12 Mile – Ste. 110 O 24725Southfield, West 12 Mile – Ste. 110 MI 48034 24725 West 12 Mile – Ste. 110 What Is What Is Southfield, MI 48034 What Is

Your Plan?..... Southfield, MI 48034 1-248-945-1111 What Is Your Plan?..... What Is Your Plan?..... What Is Call Us. 1-248-945-1111 Your Plan?..... What Is Call Us. What Your Plan?..... We1-248-945-1111 are here forIs you Call Us. We focus on Probate Litigation Your Plan?..... We are here forIs you Your Plan?..... What We focus on Probate Litigation Call Us. and Your Administration. Administering Plan?..... and any of Us. your We are here for you We focus on Probate Litigation What Is What Is Call What Is and Administration. Administering We focus on Probate Litigation and any of your estates where everyone is you on the same What Is Call Us. Your Plan?..... Call Us. We are here for and Administration. Administering We focus on Probate Litigation estates where everyone is on the same Call Us. Your Plan?..... Your Plan?..... Your Plan?..... Call Us. Call Us. Call Call Us. Us.

and Administering We are here for you WeAdministration. focus on Probate Litigation legal needs during the Your Plan?..... and any of your page. Protecting you from self-dealing We focus on Probate Litigation estates where everyone is on the same and Administering WeAdministration. focus on Probate legal needs during the We focus on Probate Litigation page. Protecting you from self-dealing estates where everyone isLitigation on theor same and Administration. Administering and any of your parties appointed by will, trust the We focus on Probate Litigation and Administration. Administering Call Us. We focus on Probate Litigation and Administration. Administering page. Protecting you from self-dealing and any of your estates where everyone is on the same COVID-19 outbreak. and Administration. Administering legal needs during the parties appointed byyou will, trust orsame the page. Protecting you from self-dealing estates where everyone is on the court. Protecting from family and Administration. Administering and Administration. Administering COVID-19 outbreak. estates where everyone is on the same estates where everyone is on the same We focus on Probate Litigation parties appointed by will, trust or the We focus on you Probate Litigation page. Protecting from self-dealing estates where everyone is on the same legal needs during the court. Protecting you from family parties appointed by will, trust or the page. Protecting you from self-dealing We focus on Probate Litigation estates where everyone is on the same members who always want more. estates where everyone is on the same page. Protecting you from self-dealing legal needs during the and Administration. Administering and Administration. Administering COVID-19 outbreak. page. Protecting you from self-dealing Weappointed focus on Probate Litigation court. Protecting you from family parties by will, trust or the page. Protecting you from self-dealing and Administration. Administering members who always want more. court. Protecting you from family estates where everyone isison the same page. you from self-dealing parties appointed by will, trust or the WeProtecting focus on Probate Litigation parties appointed by will, trust or the page. Protecting you from self-dealing estates where everyone on the same and Administration. Administering parties appointed by will, trust or the COVID-19 outbreak. estates where everyone is on the same members who always want more. page. Protecting you from self-dealing court. Protecting you from family parties appointed by will, trust or the parties appointed byyou will, trust or the and Administration. Administering court. Protecting from family members who always want more. COVID-19 outbreak. court. Protecting you from family page. Protecting you from self-dealing parties appointed by will, or the estates where everyone istrust ontrust the same page. Protecting you from self-dealing parties appointed byyou will, or the court. Protecting from family court. Protecting you from family members who always want more. court. Protecting you from family estates where everyone is on the same members who always want more. parties appointed by will, trust or the members who always want more. court. Protecting you from family parties appointed by will, trust orfamily the page. Protecting you from self-dealing court. Protecting you from members who always want more. members who always want more. page. Protecting you from self-dealing members whoalways always want more. members who want more. court. Protecting you from family court. Protecting you from family parties appointed by will, trust or the members who always want more. parties appointed by will, trust or the memberswho who always always want members wantmore. more. court. Protecting you from family court. Protecting you from family members who always want more. members who always want more. 24725 West 12 Mile – Ste. 110


247 5West12Mile–Ste.1 0 24725 West 12 Mile – Ste. 110 Southfield, MI 48034 24725 West 12 Mile – Ste. 110110 24725 West 12 Mile – Ste. 110 24725 West12 12 Mile –48034 Ste. Southfield, MI 24725 West Mile – Ste. 110 Southfield, MI 48034 24725 West 12 Mile – Ste. 110 Southfield, MI 48034 1-248-945-1111 24725 West Mile – Southfield, MI 24725 West12 12 Mile – 48034 Ste. 110 110 24725 West 12 Mile – Ste. Ste. 110 Southfield, MI 48034 1-248-945-1111 Southfield, MI 48034 1-248-945-1111 24725 West12 12 Mile –48034 110 24725 West 12 Mile –Ste. Ste. 110 Southfield, MI 48034 1-248-945-1111 24725 West Mile – Ste. 110 Southfield, MI 1-248-945-1111 Southfield, MI 48034 24725 West Mile –Ste. Ste. 110 Southfield, MI 48034 1-248-945-1111 1-248-945-1111 24725 West12 12 Mile –48034 110 1-248-945-1111 Southfield, MI 48034 Southfield, MI 24725 West 12 Mile –48034 Ste. 110 1-248-945-1111 Southfield, MI 48034 Southfield, MI 1-248-945-1111 1-248-945-1111


Southfield, MI 48034 1-248-945-1111 1-248-945-1111 1-248-945-1111 1-248-945-1111

AUGUST 19 • 2021

ne of the most bewilAmalek as “like a leech eager for dering commandblood,” and “like a fly looking ments in the entire for sores to feed on.” Torah shows up at the end of No matter how insidious this week’s parshah. Ki Teitzei Amalek may be, the commandopens by describing some of ment itself seems problematic. the complex Jewish Are we supposed to blot laws regarding warfare. out the name Amalek, as From the earliest days if it didn’t exist? Or are we of our Jewish people, supposed to remember it? even the most disPerhaps we are to rememturbing aspects of life, ber to forget his name? such as slavery, capital Reflecting on this passage Rabbi Mark Miller punishment, or (dare I within the context of 2021, say it) disobedient chilit makes more sense to me. Parshat dren, were expected to Part of the human condiKi Teitzei: be pursued in an ethtion is figuring out how Deuteronomy ical manner. Precisely to handle the aftermath of 21:10-25:19; in situations like these, Isaiah 54:1-10. difficult moments. Putting it God demands actions behind us could be considbefitting a holy people. ered repressing something This leads to the problem of important. But dwelling on it Amalek. Amalek was one of could be considered neurotic. In Esau’s grandsons — part of the the wake of a pandemic, what family of Abraham, but on the will be the most effective way outside after Jacob seized the for any of us to learn and grow blessing to continue the line of from the experiences we have our patriarchs. In Jewish cushad, from all we’ve lost? tom, the name Amalek is spoThis parshah arrives just as ken with disdain, evoking a sim- we are walking through Elul, a ilar (if less emotional) reaction full month dedicated to preparto hearing Haman or Hitler. It is ing for the High Holidays. We this very parshah in which the are meant to show up to Rosh name Amalek is enshrined as Hashanah with an open, honest a pariah for all time: “You shall assessment of ourselves. What blot out the memory of Amalek has hurt us? What has limited from under heaven. Do not for- us? What has agitated us? What get!” (Exodus 25:19) has disappointed us? The immediate reason given And then Yom Kippur profor this harsh commandment vides us a chance to enter 5782 is that soon after escaping from with a clean slate. Not a brand slavery in Egypt, it was the new slate, but a clean one. The Amalekites who first attacked path is somewhere between our people in the wilderness. remembering and forgetting Even the manner of the attacks — a place that is, as our Torah was reprehensible — lying in portion reminds us, confusing wait and picking off the stragand mystifying. But ultimately glers. Rather than engaging in accessible. ethical warfare, Amalek tarRabbi Mark Miller is senior rabbi at geted the slowest and weakest. Temple Beth El in Bloomfield Township. Rabbinic literature described

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