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Craft: Family Tree
Make Your Family Tree
A family tree is a diagram that represents your family’s history. It shows the relations between people in several generations of a family. To get started, you can draw your own tree, or download a template from the internet: freefamilytreetemplates.com
How to start:
1. You and your siblings go on the bottom branches of the tree. You can add photos and birthdates to each person.
2. Above your name, go your parents. In addition to their birthdays, ask them when they got married and add that, too.
3. Above your parents go your grandparents.
4. If you can, ask your grandparents about their parents and see if you can add another row to your family tree. Ask where they came from and add as much detail as you can.
CAMP TAMARACK Tamarack Camps Some of the earliest Jewish organizations in Metro Detroit are still around today. Tamarack is one of them. It exists because back in 1902, Blanche Hart and Ida Koppel started the Fresh Air Society as a way to help Jewish immigrant children get outdoors. They first took kids to Belle Isle for a day of activities, but then expanded their vision to give the kids an overnight experience. Hart raised money for land in St. Clair, Mich., and built a camp that could welcome 200 kids. Now located in Ortonville on 1,100 acres, Tamarack hosts hundreds more each summer — generations of happy campers.