Temple Shir Shalom’s Tikkun Olam-a-thon
Laurie Nosanchuk and Marcia Scarr make “Sweet Day” boxes for heroes in our community.
n Jan. 19, close to 250 members of Temple Shir Shalom joined in-person and online for their annual “Tikkun Olam-a-thon” — a day of social action celebrating both Jewish values and the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. From toddlers to octogenarian participants, there were projects for every age benefitting 10 different local organizations. Projects ranged from making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for Detroit’s homeless to making fleece scarves for elementary students. “We had a blast” and “I love helping others” were just two of the reviews shared by religious school students who were a part of the day. The day was planned in partnership with the Temple’s Social Action Committee chaired by Sallyjo Levine, and SHORESH, the Shir Shalom Religious School, led by Associate Director Andee Liberman. It began with an opening assembly that included a high-energy tefillah (prayer) experience and a presentation from Kristina Rinaldi, the executive director of Detroit Dog Rescue — sharing the evolution of DDR and why taking care of animals was an important value for her family. To be a part of next year’s Tikkun Olam-a-thon or to learn about other religious school and social action programming, contact Shir Shalom at (248) 737-8700.
Elliot, Sadie and Parker Goldman display the bags filled with toiletries and inspirational messages they assembled and created for Heart 2 Hart.
Jenna and Brock Vinter make Snuffle Mats for Detroit Dog Rescue.
High School Youth Group members Abby Samson, Maddy Pitler and Ella Blank make fleece scarves for elementary school students.
JANUARY 27 • 2022
Ariana, Zev and Stephanie Lorber make Helping Hands Bags for Corner Shower and Laundry.