3 minute read
Remembering the Pontchartrain Wine Cellars
Years ago, whoever French provinces … Delights he could stand it may have said that like beef sirloin, bouillabaisse, no longer … He women were poor coquilles, escargots and Vichy burst in on the restaurant operators sure were favorites. king and cried, “I didn’t know Joan Lee … A Joan was terrific! was born a Jew stunning woman, she was as RESTAURANTS THAT and a Jew I must easy to take as PEOPLE do not enjoy eating die. Do what you want her delightful at … Where waitpersons take with me, but I can no longer French food at cash or credit card and then deny my faith.” the bistro par make your salad … Where “If that is how you feel,” excellence on waitpersons have hair hang- said the king, “then the other Larned, Detroit. ing over their faces … Where advisers will have to live with
Danny Raskin She was all carpet sweepers or brooms are adviser … The king relied so it. Your counsel is too import-
Senior Columnist set to become used while people are eating much on him that he decided ant to do without. Go and be an attorney nearby … Where waitper- to make him his head adviser a Jew again.” when her father, founder of sons serve across the table … The other advisers objected The Jew felt elated … He the old Pontchartrain opened … Where glass on cabinets … It was bad enough just to hurried back home and felt on Wayne, took ill … The or open grills is not clean sit in counsel with a Jew, but the strength surge back into Pontchartrain Wine Cellars … Where servers wear dirty to allow one to lord over them his body as he ran … Finally, was known mainly for excel- or torn uniforms … Where was too much to bear. he burst into the house and lent food and fine wines. restrooms are not spotless Being a compassionate called out to his wife, “Sarah!
When Joan took over, she … Where the owner and ruler, the king agreed with Sarah! We can be Jews again!” knew little about the creative employees pay no attention them and ordered the Jew to His wife glared back at him end of the business … but she to scraps of food or paper on convert … As soon as the act angrily and said, “Couldn’t learned fast, tasting, evaluat- the floor … Where chefs and was done, the Jew felt great you wait until after Passover?” ing and buying for her restau- cooks who handle food wear remorse for this terrible deci- CONGRATS … To Alice rant. no gloves. sion … His remorse turned to Kroner on her birthday.
Her menu did not feature OLDIE BUT GOODIE … despondency and took its toll haute cuisine but rather fea- Once upon a time, there on his health … He became tured simple dishes of the lived a king who had a Jewish weaker and weaker … Finally,
Danny’s email address is dannyraskin2132@gmail.com.
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