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Looking Back
From the William Davidson Digital Archive of Jewish Detroit History
accessible at www.djnfoundation.org
Ensuring All Have Food for Passover
Passover will soon be here, and meals to Jews serving in America’s armed I thought I would dive into the forces. William Davidson Digital Archive In the 1950s, food for the people of the of Jewish Detroit History to find holiday fledgling State of Israel was a critical issue. stories. Using the search term “Passover” In this respect, there is an interesting ad showed a list of 20,245 pages in the April 4, 1951, issue of the JN. The with that word. That’s a lot of Manischewitz company noted that there pages! was still time to send one of its Passover So, I narrowed the search. food parcels to Israel. I added one of my favorite The headline for the March 22, 1963, words to the search term — issue of the JN, “USSR Jewry Faces Danger
Mike Smith Alene and “Passover Food” was found of Remaining Without Matzoth,” relates to
Graham Landau on 852 pages. another overseas Passover food issue. Once
Archivist Chair Many of the Passover food again that year, Moscow bakeries did not citations are holiday advertisements for receive Passover flour rations, and there stores such as Chatham, Wrigley’s, Great would be no matzah unless allowed from Scott! and Farmer Jack, as well as the outside the country. This was another epiDexter-Davison Markets. A recent issue of sode of antisemitism in Soviet-era Russia. the JN had an ad for Johnny Pomodoro’s The Jewish community also did its and also reported that Meijer is expanding best to help its own needy people. The its kosher selections. April 5, 1985, issue of the JN has a
There were also other Passover food ads. story, “Money for Wheat,” about the Restaurants such as J. Lefkofsky & Sons’ Moies Chetim Organization providing “Hygeia Kosher Deli” or, more recent- Passover food for Jewish poor in Detroit. ly, Plaza Deli, and currently, Steve’s Deli There are also many stories about the promoted their Passover meals. Or in the work of Yad Ezra during Passover. 1950s, you could book a Passover cruise Perhaps the reports that warm the on the “Greek Line.” Its ships featured heart the most are those of Jewish youth on-board kosher kitchens. And, of course, in action. See the April 4, 1998, JN story many Passover recipes have been published about Amy Miller working toward her bat in the JN and Jewish Chronicle. In recent mitzvah. She volunteered with Yad Ezra years, JN food columnist Annabel Cohen to make Passover food packages. Likewise, has written about many a tasty creation. in the April 4, 2000, issue, see “Food for
Most impressive are the stories of Jewish Passover.” Sarah Kiperman and Rachel Detroiters supporting those in need during Matz prepared for their bat mitzvahs by Passover. The first such story appeared organizing a food drive. in the Feb. 26, 1921, issue of the Chronicle: These are just a few of the interesting “Urges Passover Food Be Rushed to Passover stories in the Archive. Poland.” That year, there was a dire need Chag Pesach Sameach! Have a Happy for food in Poland in the aftermath of Passover! WWI and its subsequent war with Russia in 1920. During WWII, a report in the March 26, 1943, issue of JN noted that the Detroit Jewish Welfare Board was sending Passover story about Amy Miller working toward her bat to make Passover food packages. Likewise, in the April 4, 2000, issue, see “Food for Matz prepared for their bat mitzvahs by
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