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Not Your Bubbie’s Manischewitz

Lisa Rothberger, Andrea Belen, Emily Meitzner Korotkin and Stacy Meitzner Korotkin Stacey Goodman and Amye Goldhaber

Not Your Bubbie’s Manischewitz
The Jewish Federation’s Young Women’s Philanthropy group gathered on the rooftop at Social in Birmingham May 11 for “Not Your Bubbie’s Manischewitz,” a mixology workshop with a historic twist.
The group, chaired by Stacey Goodman and Michele Rosenblum, was honored to partner with the Center for Michigan Jewish Heritage as the ladies mixed and stirred vintage cocktail recipes while socializing and enjoying a gorgeous spring evening.
JScreen, an initiative of JFamily at the JCC, was also on hand to educate the women about how they help save lives by providing highly subsidized detection for preventable hereditary cancers and genetic diseases that people of Jewish heritage are at higher risk of developing.
In addition to learning some new cocktail making skills, each participant went home with her own mixology kit to recreate the recipes at home. Young Women’s Philanthropy’s next event will take place this fall.