4 minute read
Danny Raskin
Good Burgers
Remembering Hamburg Time in Birmingham.
It was a mouth-water- tell anybody what it was … a by many … The menu was have any water, but why don’t ing, scrumptious and good reason many would flock very simple, listing a “Time of you buy a tie? Here’s one that delicious member of the to Hamburg Time … I did Your Life” hamburger, a Wine goes nicely with your robes.” hamburger family … as pre- know that one would have to Burger and the simple, classic The Arab shouted, “I don’t pared at Hamburg Time in have course-ground hamburg- cheeseburger … Not listed but want a tie, you idiot, I need Birmingham. er meat with enough fat in it served were the half-pounder, water!” One could to stay juicy … Most ground which was just that, a half- “OK, don’t buy a tie. But to use any kind of sirloin is too dry by the time it pound burger on a small loaf show you what a nice guy I am, hamburger meat, comes off the fire. of French bread, or the Danish I’ll tell you that over that hill but if you did I did know that Hamburg blue cheeseburger. there, about 4 miles, is a nice it just right, the Time formed its meat into The latter item brought so restaurant. They’ll give you all
Danny Raskin Senior Columnist way they did it, the Wine Burger the classic hamburger, about a third of a pound would do many raves that Hamburg Time couldn’t keep up the the water you want.” The Arab thanked him and had something nicely …They probably would demand at lunch time … walked away toward the hill and special … There was a special poke a few holes in the surface There was nothing fancy about eventually disappeared … Three ingredient, but they wouldn’t … then pour an ounce or so Hamburg Time inside or out hours later, the Arab came of wine over the meat and let but the cooking. crawling back to where the man it soak in for about an hour OLDIE BUT GOODIE … was sitting behind his card table … Flop this little devil on An Arab was walking through … TheJewish man said, “I told the griddle and cook to suit the desert, desperate for water, you. About four miles over that to individual taste, and folks when he saw something far hill. Couldn’t you find it?” would be in for a rare treat … off in the distance … Hoping The Arab rasped, “I found it Overcooking was something to find water, he walked there all right. They wouldn’t let me the folks at Hamburg Time to find a little old Jewish man in without a tie!” were no doubt aware would sitting at a card table with a CONGRATS … To Hedy spoil the luscious doozies. bunch of ties on it … The Arab Blatt on her birthday. Because of this, Hamburg asked, “Please, I’m dying of Time became a local institu- thirst, can I have some water?” tion in Birmingham beloved The man replied, “I don’t
Danny’s email address is dannyraskin2132@gmail.com.
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