The Scholar Within
efore entering the his life must be provided for promised land, the him. Therefore, a student must Jewish nation encounbe provided with his teacher, tered trouble. The mighty for the life of one who possessarmies of Sichon and Og were es knowledge and seeks it, is not going to simply allow them considered as dead if he cannot safe passage. They study Torah. Indeed, there would have to fight. are individuals for whom Fought they did, and life without knowledge of they miraculously conTorah is like life without quered their lands east water — their teachers of the Jordan. should move into the city Then, Moses desof refuge so that they would Rabbi Bentzion ignated three cities of be able to “live.” But can Geisinsky refuge for the tribes we apply this law to all stuthat settled in those dents? Can every student Parshat conquered lands to V’etchanan: “possess knowledge and serve as a haven for Deuteronomy seek it” to the extent that a 3:23-7:11; anyone who killed life without Torah is comIsaiah another unintentionalpared to death? 40:1-26. ly. As the verse (4:41) The Talmud’s answer is in our parshah reads: yes. We look at ourselves “Then Moses separated three or at others, and we sometimes cities on the side of the Jordan tell ourselves that we are supertoward the sunrise, so that a ficial beings, that we care about murderer might flee there, he materialism more than wisdom who murders his fellow man and spiritual growth. We look unintentionally, but did not hate at a student making trouble in a him in time past, that he may classroom and think this child flee to one of these cities, and he will never be able to underwill live.” stand. This attitude is mistaken. What is the meaning of “and The Talmud is telling us the stuhe will live”? The Talmud says dent making trouble, although we must not only provide a he is not yet a “possessor of place for the unintentional mur- wisdom,” is, at heart, a “seeker derer to flee, but that it must be of wisdom.” Deep down, he a place where they can flourish: is a person to whom spiritual “These cities should be mediwisdom is not just an enjoyable um-size towns; they are to be luxury but an absolute necessity. established only in the vicinity When we come across someof a water supply … they are to one who we believe is foolish, be established only where there it is our obligation to see “the are marketplaces.” As the verse seeker of wisdom” within. We indicates, we must provide him must discover and reveal the with arrangements that will beauty of a life imbued with enable him to live. wisdom. As Maimonides puts it: When Rabbi Bentzion Geisinsky lives in a student is exiled to a city of Bloomfield Hills, where he co-directs refuge, his teacher is exiled Chabad of Bingham Farms with his wife, together with him. Implied is Moussia. that everything necessary for
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JULY 22 • 2021