YOUTH TASHLICH 10 AM, SEPT. 2 At Franklin Cider Mill, 7450 Franklin Road, Bloomfield Hills. Families and children of all ages are invited to join with Congregation Shaarey Zedek by the river at the cider mill for a short service and songs. In lieu of breadcrumbs, duck food will be available on site.
jazz and gospel. The concert will feature music mixing original songs and reinterpreted covers, creating an evolving music experience that keeps one foot in the classical world and the other tapping to the pulse of the people. Visit: dso.org/events-andtickets/calendar or call 313-576-5111. AISH CELEBRATES 10 AM-NOON, SEPT. 7 Aish HaTorah Detroit, 25725 Coolidge, Oak Park, celebrates the High Holidays. For free tickets see jlive.app/events/772. ROSH HASHANAH SEDER 3-4:30 PM. SEPT. 8 The Rosh Hashanah seder is a part of Jewish
OPERA SESSION 7-8 PM, SEPT. 2 At Sosnick Courtyard of Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Led by soprano and Detroit native Kisma Jordan, OperaSOUL is a worldclass concert experience that seamlessly blends operatic vocals with styles of pop, rhythm & blues,
tradition which combines our hopes for coming year with symbolic foods. We’ll also blow the shofar, tell a story and sing together to celebrate the new year. Hosted by Congregation Beth Ahm, 5075 W. Maple, West Bloomfield. Event is free, but registration is a must: jlive.app/events/742. SHOFAR IN THE PARK 4-5 PM, SEPT. 8 Jfamily and Aish have teamed up to create a great family Rosh Hashanah experience. Shofar in the Park with great shofar stories, apples and honey, snacks and a great outdoor experience. No registration necessary for this free event. Look for the big tent at Aish, 25725 Coolidge, Oak Park. HEAR THE SHOFAR 7 PM, SEPT. 8 Jewish Ferndale will have an outdoor shofar blowing service the second day of Rosh Hashanah. The address is 1725 Pinecrest Drive, Ferndale. For information, call Rabbi Herschel Finman, 248798-5082. One needs to hear the shofar in person
in order to fulfill the mitzvah. HARD HATS AND HEELS 4:30-7:30 SEPT. 9 Join CREW Detroit for a tour of three Marygrove Conservancy campus buildings, 8425 McNichols, Detroit: one recently completed, one in activephased construction and one in the early planning phase. Buildings tours include the new early childhood education center (new construction), school and community health center (renovation former Liberal Arts Building), and a community impact incubator (former student union). This event highlights a new project or series of projects under development in our region. Cost: $75 for members $100 for non-members. Info: crewdetroit.org. COOKING COMPETITION 7 PM, OCT. 14 Forgotten Harvest and Food Network star Chef Amanda Freitag are partnering to Chop Down Hunger, during an exciting, fast-paced virtual cooking competition fundraising event. Tickets are now on sale: $50 per device (unique access codes will be emailed to ticket purchasers 1-2 weeks before the event). For more information, visit forgottenharvest. org/2021chopdownhunger. Compiled by Sy Manello/Editorial Assistant. Send items at least 14 days in advance to calendar@ thejewishnews.com.
SEPTEMBER 2 • 2021