April Edition Detroit Live Magazine

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MARCH 2011


JEFF DANIELS Fights for Michigan Jobs


Photo by M.G. Nader

Detroit Live Magazine - 1


March 4th Blackberry Brandy March 5th Shakedown March 11th Hometown Rival March 12th Blackberry Brandy March 19th 3 Whisker Betty March 25th Hometown Rival March 26th No Justus B-Day BLOW-OUT!


NO JUSTUS March 26th





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TED NUGENT TRIBUTE featuring Gunner Ross

pg. 5


MARCH 2011

wis e L n o Aar

Editor-In-Chief: Darian Counts Sales: Darian Counts Ryan Lapointe Jordan Weatherhead Sarah Myrand National Media Coordinator Ryan Lapointe


Cover photo: M.G. Nader

pg. 20

A Conversation with Jeff Daniels pg. 11














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Contributors: Benny Jet, Bob Harris, Ryan Lapointe, Karin Elizabeth, Eric Harabadian, M.G. Nader, Eddie Cooper, Sarah Stonbraker, Brad Savino, Jordan Weatherhead, Tim Cook, Donald Lierman, Dustyn Hall, Shaun Zewatski, Graphic Design: Darian Counts, Olin Ezra Editing: Donna James Photgraphers: M.G. Nader, Steve Sexton, Dante Desaro, Matt Dolinar, Ryan Lapointe, Shane Glenn, Tom McNaughton Copyright 2011- Granger publications. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. All materials received without SASE are considered property of Granger Publications. Detroit Live is available free of charge to fans of live music everywhere...Enjoy! Granger Publications 20111


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Ted Nugent Tribute



Scott Anderson and Wyatt Wade


TnT Presents

Ted Nugent Photo By T Mac Imaging


By Darian Counts

TNT fall prey/ the holy divers/ attracting insanity

Over the last couple of years I’ve grown to appreciate some of the many tribute bands in the Detroit area. So when ex Ted Nugent drummer Gunner Ross agreed to do a “Ted Nugent Tribute Show” I was excited about the idea. But in keeping with our loyalty to local musicians, we decided to incorporate some local front men into the mix by having them perform their favorite Ted songs with the band. I was confident this would be a great show. I knew it would draw a capacity crowd to

Phil - Attracting Insanity

the best metal rock and roll that has whatever venue we chose to hold it in. they got one. been created. AI seems to take pride Throughout Detroit there are many in performing covers that many other great venues with ample sound systems Four bands. Two tributes, one cover and bands are either afraid of or are just as well as plenty of parking and square one original: unaware of. Song after song, this metal footage. For this event, we chose the All monstrosity had me thinking “I can’t Around Bar on Ecorse road in Taylor. Kicking off this event was the band believe they are pulling this song off so The All Around, owned and operated featured on the cover of the Feb 2011 perfectly.” Apparently I wasn’t the only by Dave & Sheila Carlson, has been an issue, Fall Prey. This is a high energy one eating it up. Judging from the way advertising partner of Detroit Lives’ original hard rock band that I came the crowd rushed the stage wielding, since the beginning. They have a great across last year at the suggestion of pumping rock and roll fists of fury, it stage, flexible hands on owners, and Forest Wade/ Send More Cops bassist, seems that Attracting Insanity has struck an incredible sound system. As some Wyatt Wade. I was impressed with the a chord with the hard rock/metal fans. of our long time partners have found, songwriting and dynamics on their EP advertising with Detroit Live not only but had never seen them perform live. Sly - The Holy Divers provides exposure through print and So we offered them the opening slot for online advertising, but can lead to the evening. Amanda, George, Joe, Rob bulging crowds in your establishment. and Mike came out swinging. It was This night was no exception. obvious this quintet meant business. From the throngs of people streaming It was Saturday the 5th of February. through the front door asking “is the Mother Nature decided to drop an Fall Prey show” to the balls to the walls unexpected 6-8 inches of snow on execution of each of their songs, it was Southeast Michigan in the middle of clear that this band not only knows the afternoon and needless to say it was how to perform, they also know how to feeling a little apocalyptic outside. I promote! They worked hard, filled the received a text asking “Is the show still room with their fans and then rocked on for tonight??” Hell Yes!’ I shouted like there was no tomorrow. Huge props mentally, and then texted back. I’ve to Fall Prey and all of their fans for had big shows fall on days with near kicking the evening off right. blizzard conditions and they usually turn out as really fun gigs. I think it’s Picking up the number two slot for because the snow filters out the people the evening was the band Attracting who really don’t want to be there. Every Insanity. This group of local veterans person who came thought twice about is, in a word, explosive. Covering metal it but decided “Yeh, let’s go the Ted masterpieces like Metallica’s Master Nugent thing… Hell with the snow.” On of Puppets and White Zombie’s “Devil this night, the crowd of several hundred Man” they’re definitely not your musicians and local music fans was average cover band. AI’s veterans Jay especially excited and committed to Sims, Jeff Howey, Darrel Robertson, have a night to remember and Detroit Phil Thompson and Jayson Smith Live was committed to making sure have woven together a set of some of

cont on pg. 7

Photo By T Mac Imaging

Amanda - Fall Prey


Photo By T Mac Imaging

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Gunner Ross Ted Nugent Tribute

Darrell Robertson Attracting Insanity

and Send More Cops. I proposed the idea of doing a Ted Nugent Show and getting local front men to sit in and do their favorite Ted Nugent song. Gunner thought it sounded like a great opportunity for local Up next, a tribute band I was musicians to get together and throw particularly interested in seeing, The down. Anyone who’s ever seen Gunner Holy Divers, a tribute to Ronnie James Ross perform either with the Almighty Dio. With last year’s passing of RJD it Strut, Ted Nugent or his current seemed that the timing was right. This project Send More Cops, knows he’s an band, sporting a collection of some of explosive drummer. His kit for this show Detroit’s best locals (Rick Stafford, (even though streamlined for the venue) Darrel Robertson, Sly Valentini and Keith Rock Holstein) easily satisfied was “rock star large “with everything plus the kitchen sink (minus the gong). Dio fans of all styles. Be it Sabbath or solo stuff, this group of local pros served It set the tone for the show. up some of the tastiest morsels from For this show Gunner tapped into the Dio collection. From Holy Diver to the talents of fellow Send More Cops Heaven and Hell, The Holy Divers did member Scott Anderson. The two had Ronnie proud. I’m sure that in spirit, Ronnie was there, throwing up horns all spent time touring as a Ted Nugent tribute band during Gunner’s off time night long. This brings us to the main event for the with Ted. Scott was the perfect guitarist to set ablaze this evenings Nugent riffs. evening, the Ted Nugent Tribute Show. With his side by side Marshall ½ stacks This show was actually a byproduct of last month’s meeting between DL MAG his tone was every bit as badass as that of the Nugemeister. Perhaps even

Scott Anderson - Ted Nugent Tribute more Nugalicious than the actual Nuge (maybe because I was standing 10ft in front of it) either way, riffs like Stranglehold, Wang Dang Sweet Poontang and Great White Buffalo sounded, and more importantly felt, spot on. Joining Gunner and Scott was Wyatt Wade of SMC and Forest Wade. Wyatt’s big time stage presence, bass playing and vocals added the depth needed allowing a three piece to sound much larger. These three took turns busting out almost every Nuge song you would want to hear. Joining them onstage for an awesome version of fellow downriver rocker Derrick St. Holmes’ tune “Hey Baby” was NO JUSTUS’ front man Ron Mowrer. And yes, even yours truly had to join the festivities for a little bit of Wang Dang Sweet Poontang (complete with “if anybody wants to get mellow you can turn around and get the f*ck outta here!!!” intro).

The Holy Divers

The night was another example of Detroit musicians getting together and showing what they can do. From the biggest to the smallest, whether your last show was at Joe Louis Arena or Joes Primetime bar, not letting circumstances they can’t control like foul weather or even hard economic times damper their spirit, has become a trademark of the people of Michigan. And on this night that trademark showed. Huge thanks to Gunner, Scott and Wyatt, Attracting Insanity, Joe and Eric - Fall Prey The Holy Divers, Fall Prey, Dave and Sheila Carlson, Mark Radner, Kayla the Detroit Live girl, and most of all the fans of Detroit rock and roll. See ya next time! DC

Amanda - Fall Prey

Jayson Smith Attracting Insanity

Rick Stafford

Darian Counts

Keith Holstein -The Holy Divers

All Photos On This Page By T Mac Imaging

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The Groove of

By Donald Lierman difficulty to enjoy them. Music itself have fun jamming together than to is its own language to me. “But, I still associate with one faction or another.” have had a fear to sing Japanese songs It seems the band is about celebrating on a stage in US. Before any show, the positive, not the negative of life. I still have it. However, I believe in “At this stage of life, I’m constantly my band members, and once I go on a learning about programmed biases that stage, I just follow the power of music I didn’t even know I had,” said Santos. and am free. “It works because many “I’m constantly learning that my beliefs of our audience also share their positive were all CHOSEN by me, even if I energies with us. Last summer, just didn’t realize it. I have bought so many before a show, Ben (our drummer) told beliefs from my earliest childhood me, ‘Even if no one cares what you days, and have clung on to them like are singing, just do your best. Believe a security blanket. These beliefs were because other Babies members believe so strong and subtle, that I didn’t Sometimes mellow is just good enough. little hippie rap. A reggae presence in you. We are with you. Don’t worry even realize I had accepted them to For this flower in the dustbin born in pulses through “Start Walking”. Is and just enjoy playing music. Other be universal truths instead of my own a cross fire hurricane howler shifting there a song that is emblematic? will start enjoying, too.’ When I get the arbitrarily chosen truth. the scowl into a smile can be an act “Fortunately, there doesn’t seem to be fear, I always recall this. People will of devout faith in the power of music. just one favorite,” said Santos. “Our like what we are doing.” “It’s so important to find out for Yet, the results make it all worthwhile. fans seem to respond energetically and yourself what leads to your sickness joyfully to everything. I suppose there Other members of the band are Ben instead of health. I suppose this Ann Arbor twangs of a laid back vibe. are those fans that love the rockers, Lorenz, Dale King, and Mike Ouellette. attitude is prevalent in our music, Ann Arbor’s October Babies exude some may prefer the reggae/ska, The band has evolved since its creation. in that we’re in it together for the an aura of peace, love, and coolness. some may lean toward the funk/R&B “Toko and I met in Tokyo, Japan in jam and discovering new creative So what is its mantra? “We call our numbers, some favor the Latin, the 2002,” said Santos. “When she moved directions, not to control the way we style ‘Upbeat Global Soul’ as a way to country/bluegrass, the deep trippy here to the USA in 2005, she and I are perceived. “We are constantly consolidate the many different genres tropical songs, the surf stuff, the began making music together. By developing our ability to listen to each that come together in our music,” said swing, the electronica... but I have a 2007, we completed our first record other and ourselves, and to override our Erik Santos, co-founder of the group. feeling that most of our fans love the – October Babies “Ao-zora Radio” preconceptions. When we’re making “The term also accentuates our lack spectrum.” (Blue-sky Radio). music together, we leave our egos at the of interest in maintaining divisions “To perform the record, we recruited door. It’s a great feeling.” between one music and another. The groove of their music transcends Ben Lorenz and Dale King (drums the fact that the lyric are in Japanese. & guitar), two great musicians from October Babies will return to Flint’s “When Toko (Shiiki-Santos,co-founder “At first I had no confidence to sing the great Open Mic scene I used to Churchill’s Food & Spirits. The gig and singer) and I got married, we had these Japanese songs in front of host at TC’s Speakeasy in Ypsilanti. starts at 10 p.m. Heck, you may even a potluck dinner reception. There was audience in the US because I thought Since then, we added guitarist Mike see this old street fighting man trying to this incredible diversity of food from the language different would be too Ouellette, who had been an artistic get his mellow on. many different cultures, all mixing on hard to accept,” said Shiiki-Santos. “I collaborator with the band from the For further information on October people’s plates. “Well, thats the same thought that I could not take my great beginning. “Also, with the release of Babies, log on to www.octoberbabies. with October Babies’ music. We love friends (the important band members) our 2nd album “High Hai Hi!” we net. so many different genres and styles; on such a dangerous journey. However, recruited a killer horn section and we invite any/all of them to speak they really supported me to do so. auxiliary percussionist who play with through us when appropriate. It’s “And how wonderful it has been ... us when we perform in Ypsilanti/Ann useless to try and divide music anyway. I have met so many open-minded Arbor.” It’s a universal language that blends people who love music and also open vibrations and transcends cultural their hearts to our music! I have been The band is not about tearing down the differences. Why try?” amazed by those people...”The lyrics walls or building barricades. It’s more have not prevented the band from about enjoying life. “Our music isn’t Their music does explore a diverse set attracting a supportive American about politics,” said Santos, “though it of genres. My favorite, “Wa Wa Wa” is following. “I have listened to songs is important for us to maintain healthy poppy and bouncy from the early punk in many different languages since I relationships with people, so we do our days. They have produced a rocking was child,” said Shiiki-Santos. “I was best to stay open to other points-ofvideo of the song on YouTube with the in Japan and all adults around me view. “I can’t speak for the band on Detroit Derby. “Can I be Born Again” listened to foreign songs. So, even if I this subject, but in general, the October is rhythmic and floats a trail of ethereal didn’t know the meaning but I had no Babies are all good and caring and selfyeah. “Floating Soldier” generates a anchored individuals who would rather Toko Shiiki-Santos Photo Eric Perry 8 detroitlivemagazine.com. Go to it !... no, seriously... go there now.

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speaks with Detroit Live regarding the current threat to the burgeoning Michigan movie industry

Sadly that’s where good new ends. Last week Michigan’s new governor Rick Schneider submitted the 2010 budget. In the current budget Governor Schneider is proposing cutting the Michigan film tax credit substantially. In effect, taking Michigan off the short list of preferred locations to produce future blockbusters.

By Darian Counts

incentive, I’ve done 15 movies. I come in, set up the production office with phones, computers cables, networking equipment, they stay for a few months then leave and I take it all out. Then, they refer me to the next production company coming in and I do it all again for them. It saved my business!” People have worked hard gearing up for this. It’s just not fair to come in and just hit the delete button. People like mark Carlson matter. The workers and business owners of Michigan who have worked hard retraining themselves for this new industry and an incredible pace matter…they just do.

One person who has been a major advocate for this groundswell of interest in moving film production to Michigan is none other that This month in Detroit Live you’ll read Michigan’s own hometown A-lister Jeff about Michigan filmmakers John Anton Darian: from your experience, are Daniels. and Rat Skates. Both are contributing production companies bringing in a to the local economy by producing lot of their own workers in from out During an exclusive interview with motion pictures right here in Michigan. of state or are they hiring Michigan Detroit Live founder Darian Counts, Over the last several years Michigan Jeff spoke candidly, reflecting on what residents? has gained a reputation as a business the Michigan film tax credit has meant friendly environment for movie Jeff: That’s a great question. As a to not only locals who have been able production. While many businesses to acquire employment do to the influx matter of fact Gary Gilbert of Right have closed their doors and moved out angle productions told me that 2 of jobs, but also from Hollywood of the state; the Film industry has been producers and moguls who have begun years ago when he first came to one of the precious few bright spots Michigan to produce a film he brought to hear the buzz about Michigan’s on the Michigan economic horizon. 80 people with him from L.A. and movie friendly tax incentives and are Over the last several years its become (or were) looking at Michigan with the Chicago, 2 years later he came commonplace to see A-list actors like back to do another film. This intent to move even more production George Clooney, Drew Barrymore, Al time he brought 14 people. here. Pacino, Clint Eastwood, Edward Norton Out of 80 people needed for and Hillary Swank walking the streets of the crew, this time, all but 14 Darian Counts: From a production Michigan towns working on upcoming standpoint what has the governor’s new were from Michigan. That Hollywood, er Michigan blockbusters. is a direct reflection on the proposal done to the Michigan Movie These masterpieces and are made in people of Michigan and how industry? Michigan, as surely as the automobiles quickly they are working to that put the world on wheels and gave retrain themselves to learn Jeff Daniels: In essence it’s taken us Detroit its nickname. They’re made in this new industry. To pull the out of the mix, we no longer a serious Michigan, using Michigan workers. player. We had a growing industry that rug out from under them is They are creating new opportunity for just not right…The people of was bringing in a lot of money and millions of hard working Michiganders Michigan are doing their part now everything is on hold. And it’s who’ve been laid off downsized or to reeducate themselves for the Michigan citizens who are paying just plain let go. In addition they’re this new industry and we need the price. And it’s not just the artistic generating tax dollars of the state. In the politicians to do theirs to types like actors and artists who want the last couple of years film schools and to produce movies here. Its drivers and provide a lucrative economic film training institutes have begun to environment to attract business. caterers and electricians and waiters. spring up to provide training for what Its guys like Mark Carlson of Carson many in the industry are fully expecting But again Darian, I want communications who came to do to be an economic boom spurred on by to emphasize that it’s not my phones at my home a few weeks the motion picture industries ongoing just the film crew. It’s the ago. I asked him “How’s business?” attraction to the great lakes state. restaurants, lumber companies, He says “Thank god for the film

electricians, musicians, communications workers, caterers. All the way down to the maid that cleans the hotel room when the crew checks out. This business effects many people who in reality have no direct tie to the movie industry but benefit from the business it creates it all the same. And these are the people who need to contact your legislators and let them know this is an important issue. Darian: The governor is talking about capping the tax credit at 25 million. Can you give us an idea of specifically how that affects the industry? Jeff: Well at 25 million one good sized

...I understand that the governor has a big job to do... I do hold out hope that a compromise can be reached. Michigan doesn’t have to have the BEST tax incentive in the country but we have to remain competitive ... Jeff Daniels movie or a couple of smaller movies will use op the majority of that cap leaving no more credit for other companies. So in turn other production companies will go to other states like

Cont. On Pg 13

Jeff Daniels

Michigan’s own

Detroit Live Magazine - Detroit Rock City!!! 11

John Anton:Jack of All Trades By Jordan Sarah Weatherhead

The coffee shop was over crowded for being a Wednesday night. Scents of coffee beans and pastries kept me company while I waited for John Anton, the creator of the new independent action film, ‘Guns, Drugs, and Dirty Money’, filmed in Detroit. I was a little nervous, I must admit, I was going to be meeting a man who did it all: writer, director, producer, bar owner, and actor. He walked through the door with a humble confidence and I knew it was him right away. He greeted me with a warm smile and a how-do-youdo. Considering all the college students in deep concentration I suggested we sit outside with our coffee, being it was 44

degrees out, nicest day of the spring so far. He was more than perceptive to that idea. I could tell right off the bat this was a man who rolled right along with life. John Anton was born in Dearborn, Michigan in 1969 where he spent most of his spare time in his parent’s bakery with his brother. Even at an early age, Anton would act out movie scenes, jumping from one pile of flour to the next. “Then actually from 11 to 18 I lived in Europe! It was in Yugoslavia, because that’s where my parents are from. And after I’d seen Mad Max and Rambo man, I was like ‘I wanna do a movie one day!’ Those two movies were my influences, yeah.” He laughs hard at my reaction to the Mad Max comment and takes a sip of his coffee. John also attributes his love for movies to the well-known Rocky series. “Rocky’s the underdog and the good guy. I was never a bully; I always helped the kids that were getting picked on, keeping the bullies away from them. And Rocky’s a guy who’s always struggling, trying to get on top. I feel like I’m always striving to get somewhere, and it’s never easy, it’s always a battle.” He tells me he dropped out of high school while in the foreign country, mainly because of the language barrier. Just another thing in life Anton had to overcome. Another thing you should know is this is the first film Anton has ever worked on. He said, “I’ve never done a short film…or anything at all. I’ve acted in some things. And I see back in 2000 all these local people, when the digital cameras came out, started makin’ movies, and I’m like, ‘hey you know what, I’ve always wanted to do a movie. If they can do it, I can do it. Ya know?’” It took him a year to write the movie and 9 years to shoot, edit, and fund it (which he was doing all on his own). But the biggest obstacle was learning how to do everything from scratch. Anton started out knowing next to nothing about cinematography and what it takes to make a movie. He says, “When you want to learn something or know something, you can do it on your own. You can go to the library, or the book store or online. If you’re really interested, you

12 Detroit Live Magazine - Someone has Gotta Rock...Why not you?

can learn anything. I didn’t need algebra and chemistry, I needed what I needed, ya know? It was my 10 year film school!” He laughs hysterically at that point. A sort of reflection on what he’s accomplished in life so far, and takes another drink. I have to say, after watching the movie; I was in disbelief at the outcome. From a man who started from scratch, this movie had just as much action as you’d expect to see in a Hollywood film. Set in and filmed in Detroit, ‘Guns, Drugs, and Dirty Money’ takes you on an action filled roller coaster. The movie gets progressively better and more intricate as it moves along, following strong characters such as Nino Capazo, Big Gom, Slick, Rio, and my personal favorite, Charlie! Just when you think you know what is going to happen, BAM! - another gunshot is fired or another car explodes, and your theory will go right off the cliff, just the camo van in the movie! Anton says, his friend recalls a time back in 1987 when they were spray painting the van camo, he told him, “I’m gunna blow this van up in a movie one day”. Fast forward Anton’s life about 27 years, and now viewers can watch the unreal explosives in the comfort of their own homes; in surround sound nonetheless! Whether it’s a shocking scene of the effects of drugs and the depressing results they can carry, or a scene that has you laughing hysterically, ‘Guns, Drugs, and Dirty Money’ never has a dull moment. During the filming of the movie John and the crew (comprised mostly of his close friends and family) made some crazy stories that will last them a lifetime. From being up north and blowing up cars with a rocket launcher when the fire department and state police made a visit, to the cops showing up every time they shot scenes in his dad’s rental home full of guns and fake cocaine. He told me of the time that the cops walked in a saw the pile of flour on the table. They asked what it was and the crew told them they were just filming a movie. The cops said okay and started to leave. Anton said, “Hey, that’s it? You’re just gunna leave?!” He told me the cop’s response was this, “If you guys have enough balls to stand here and talk to us, with that much cocaine on the table, you guys can keep it!” He chuckles and slaps his leg as he recounts that memorable day. John looked so happy and content in life sitting outside that night. The slight cold breeze cutting through cont on pg. 15

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Boundaries and Aria Aesthetic. All unique in their own right, all different genres but all completely bad-ass. Rose From The Ashes only got together in December and are already tearing up the downriver area with a Killswitch Engage-inspired sound. Their next show is Saturday April 2nd at Rack n Roll in Riverview for a Rockstar Energy Drink Showcase with Kastura and Bullets For Breakfast.

Timothy Cook Sr.

By Tiny Tim Cook

Hello again folks. It’s good to be back. I had to take some time off due to some personal issues. Thank you all for the support and wishes. On Tuesday, January 18th my father Timothy Cook Sr. lost his ongoing battle with cancer at the age of 59. I am writing about my father because he is the reason I love music as much as I do and he loved local music. He really was a fan of Toby Redd, Adrenalin, The Almighty Strut, Sick & Tired, Mad Hatter and The Lordz as well as anything Motown. He taught me to appreciate Michigan music like Seger, The Stooges, the MC5 and The Amboy Dukes and to stay loyal to the “Detroit scene”. My Pops was cool like that and it definitely has come through in me as I love this scene. This past April when I put together a benefit for my Dad, it came through again with all the support and love that was shown to my family as bands ranging from Forest Wade, Ray Street Park, Sean Baker Orchestra, One Click Gorilla, Paul Samotis, Brass Knuckle Karma, Pure, Social Class Zero, Attracting Insanity, Myth Not Man & more all performed. My Pops told me that the vibe that day inspired him to keep fighting. So many continued thanks to the Detroit music community. Some new bands that have been bending my earbuds lately have been Rose From The Ashes, The Crooks,

The Crooks are Detroit’s version of The Black Keys. Totally out of place on the show I saw them on, but wow did they steal the show. I love the rawness of this band, if you get a chance you have to see them live, no recording will ever do this band justice. Boundaries and Aria Aesthetic recently played support on a Living Like Ghosts / Panama Red show. To hold their own with these two juggernauts was impressive. Boundaries remind me of a mix of old A Day To Remember with AFI and Alexisonfire. Aria Aesthethic really had an Alkaline Trio vibe to them. Just amazing and thankful I got to see these two bands and can’t wait to again. Well, it’s time to hit the road once again, until next month drop me a line at facebook.com/tinytimrocks or tinytimrocks@yahoo.com. As always remember Earth, Soul, Rock n Roll and Life Rules! - Tiny


Jeff Daniels cont..

Photo by M.G. Nader

Louisiana or New Mexico or even Canada to produce their films taking their million dollar budgets with them. I mean the reality is fewer Michigan movies mean fewer jobs… that’s just the bottom line. As a matter of fact just since the announcement of the proposed cut in the tax incentive I‘ve heard that out of 26 movies scheduled to be produced in Michigan… 24 of them are now on hold..! Darian: I know you’ve been a big proponent of the tax credit since the beginning. Did the governor at any time ask for input from you on what effect it’s had? Jeff: Well yes. Late last year the Governor requested a meeting with me. I was honored to speak with him. We talked, or I should say I talked. He listened. And I have to say I understand he has a huge job to do. In our meeting he was very open and seemed to listen intently. And based upon that I do hold out hope that a compromise can be reached. Michigan doesn’t have to have the BEST tax incentive plan in the country but we have to remain competitive. I believe there is room for compromise, and based on my meeting with the governor I have to say that I do feel agreement can be reached. I have hope that the legislature will sit down and hammer out a way to save the state some money and keep this industry, as well as the many young people who are flocking to this industry, here. I believe the governor and the legislature is willing to do that … but it’s just a hunch. If they do that I believe that movies will return to Michigan. Perception can be reality. Almost as important as creating a business friendly environment is creating

the perception that Michigan has a business environment. And right now that perception, which so many have worked hard to create over the last few years, has been damaged. Granted it can be repaired. As Jeff Daniels says” if we can reach a compromise, which I think we can, movies will come back. But as things are now, without intervention from the people and legislators of Michigan, it’s in serious danger.” As business after business either closes or relocate to other parts of the country one industry has over the last couple of years been flocking to our home state, If Michiganders wish to keeps our economy going in the right direction we will have to act. Call or write your local legislators and tell them to keep the movie business tax credit. Because right now, in the state of Michigan, every job counts.

Pick up Detroit Live Magazine NEXT MONTH as Jeff Daniels and Darian Counts discuss Jeffs music career and acting roles from Harry in Dumb and Dumber to portraying historical figures like George Washingtom. Detroit Live Magazine - 13

Bob Harris

Bob & Benny Benny & Bob By Benny Jet & Bob Harris

Harris, concert promoter and the guy who wrote the “Motor City Rock & Roll of the 60’s and 70’s” book and yours truly Benny of Benny and the Jets Hills concert. Tommy Sr. reports just a band. I am currently in L.A. talking to great show and great time had by all. Bob on the cell phone pounding out this Tommy Jr’s career seems to be on the column on the laptop. You have to love fast track, recent tours with Nugent, technology. Mr. Harris has been making Cooper, Zombie and now Ozzy, really puts Tommy in the super drummer the rounds in the “D”. He goes to his favorite little downriver breakfast spot classification! We could say some good across from the Cee-Em bar. He checks things about Slash too. Not only did he Hey boys and girls, you’ll want to read out the new club Blue Iguana in Lincoln do a nice job opening for Ozzy, he had this column! SEX, drugs, and rock and Park. He also stops in at the Trolley Stop a high profile cameo at the Superbowl roll. We are going to mention the Detroit bar and Bucks Place. Remember, Bob is with the Black Eyed Peas! rock and roll scene, the L.A. rock and no teenager but like the Beach Boys say, roll scene, Ozzy Ozbourne, Sykofish, We at Detroit Live Magazine might “He Gets Around.” Bob has also been KISS, Chubby Checker and Benny and spending a lot of time at the Gibraltar have to look into that Rock and Roll the Jets band. Trade Center in Taylor and is promoting Hall of Fame. How can it be that Ted another concert “The Stars of Country Nugent is NOT in the Hall of Fame? I pack all of those cool names and Music” from 1 til 5pm Sunday, March Rush is not in the Hall of Fame? topics into the first sentence so that it 27! As an added attraction there will be KISS is not in the Hall of Fame? Not hooks the casual reader into reading even Chubby Checker? Chubby made a Justin Beiber look-a-like contest at the whole column. So many people 3pm. All the kids, and I guess the ladies the world TWIST! He sold 100’s of just scan newspapers and magazines; millions of records. Nobody in the too, love the Beiber. they miss all the cool stuff at the world of Rock and Roll doesn’t know bottom of the page. Also, so many the Chubby Checker name. He is even It is interesting in L.A., because like people read DL MAG online, or find Detroit, the music scene is very diverse. in BOB’s Motor City Rock and Roll it via a Google search often the first Everything from rock, metal, and blues BOOK! Not only should Chubby sentence pops up in the search. You can to DJ dancing and karaoke. It does seem Checker be in the Hall of Fame, he always find the column and all the cool country music may be slipping into the should have a statue in front of the Detroit Live magazine info at www. main stream? With Taylor Swift, Julian building! detroitlivemagazine.com and at Benny Huff, and Carrie Underwood crossing and the Jets band message board see For more information or to contact the line between country and Top 40. www.bennysmessageboard.yuku.com With cowboy boots, blue jeans jackets, Bob Harris call 313-399-8285 or email Photos and past columns too! and short skirts all the fashion. Sex, bhpaper@att.net. To contact Benny drugs, Ye-Ha, and Rock and Roll! or Benny and the Jets band call 313Regular readers know my partner Bob 730-1627 or e mail benejets@aol. Also a main attraction seems to be the Tommy Clufetos Jr. com also see us www.myspace.com/ almighty “Open Mike Night”. I am bennyandthejets not sure if like karaoke, it is a budget friendly night for the clubs or there Photo/Doug Coombe are just so many people that need to perform? I do believe if you or your band can make it in Detroit, you can make it anywhere. Sykofish, Pistol Day Parade, Critical Bill, Ray Street Park, Howling Diablo’s even the Benny and the Jets Band would all do fine in L.A. I heard from Tommy C. the Detroit bandleader and sax man for Chubby Checker. Tommy’s son, Tommy Clufetos Jr., plays drums for Ozzy Ozbourne and recently played the Palace of Auburn 14 Detroit Live Magazine - Get into it!


Recently there has been a lot of talk about the resurrection of Detroit. It seems the Eminem/Chrysler commercial seems to have struck a chord with Detroit as well as the rest of the country. But this attitude is nothing new to Detroit Live Magazine. We’ve been pushing that line for almost 3 years. Recently we had a conversation with John Henegar and Mike Mcmurry from Lost Hope Productions who shares Detroit Lives’ commitment to the Detroit music scene. Lost Hope Productions is a quarterly live entertainment and promotions company dedicated to helping the local music scene expand and increase in profitability for both bands and venues. Says owner John Henegar “bands should be able to focus on the creativity of their music, yet for many bands it’s difficult to do that since they need to focus on making money. We’re dedicated to helping them do both.” In addition to booking shows and doing promotions, Lost Hope Productions acts as a management company representing bands like Rose from the Ashes and Kastura, and is currently looking to take on 3 more bands. “In the past, many bands have been taken advantage of with little or no pay or had to sell tickets.” Says Henegar. “We are working on a format whereby bands can pay a flat rate of around $50 and receive tickets for their show. They then can turn around and sell them to break even or turn a profit … it’s up to them.” Look for quarterly shows around southeastern Michigan throughout 2011 starting with their kickoff show on April 2nd at Rack and Roll. “We are looking forward to partnering with the music community of Detroit as well as Detroit Live Magazine to help kick start what we believe will be a fantastic summer” states Hengar.

www.losthopeproductions.com The Howling Diablos

John Anton, cont from pg 12


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us didn’t seem to bother him at all. He is clearly a man of great determination, creativity, and drive. After hearing many stories, one thing that is most admirable is his will to make things happen for HIMSELF. He told me he worked on a set with Eric Roberts (a successful Hollywood actor who can be seen in movies such as The Dark Knight and The Expendables), while he was in town filming a movie. Anton saw him every day, handing Roberts the guns for his scenes. After asking Eric Roberts to play a small role in his movie and giving Mr. Roberts a DVD with sample scenes, he



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told Anton he’d do it. When Anton then asked him what it’d cost him and told him his budget, Roberts replied, ‘You can’t afford me kid! But I’ll give you one day.’ After that, the rest is history. Roberts gave the unwavering Anton a few days where he flew into Detroit and stayed at John’s house to film. You could tell as Anton laughed and reminisced about Eric Roberts, how thankful he was to have gotten that great and rare opportunity. Just like the story of starting from scratch and learning the ropes of film making, to getting Eric Roberts to cameo in the film, Anton shows the same drive in the business world. He owned a bar named Blondies in Detroit from 8994, but when the neighborhood turned too rough, he left, for fear someone would wind up hurt, or worse. He said, “Then in 92 the Token Lounge was busted, by a big cocaine bust, right? And it was shut down for a year or two, and I’m like ‘You know what, The Token’s closed down!’ And I made the phone call, and the owner said, ‘I’ve been waiting for a guy who has experience with the bands.’ And I said, ‘I’m your guy!’ So we arranged deals, so I bought it in 94. I’ve been there ever since.” When I asked Anton, “So you just make stuff happen for yourself, don’t you?” His response was, “Yeah, you gotta try right? If you don’t try, nothing’s going to happen.” Which is exactly what he’s going to do this summer, keep making stuff happen! He has big plans for a new vigilante film in the works. The night wound down and the cold of the metal benches was becoming a little painful. John and I gathered up our things, coffees in hand, and walked to our cars that were parked side by side. His wild resilience, untamed passion and creativity, and unrelenting willpower left me driving home smiling. John Anton is truly a down-to-earth, driven person that I’m sure his friends, family, and coworkers can attest. If you would like to see the astonishingly action filled film, ‘Guns, Drugs, and Dirty Money’, you can log onto smokescreenfilms.com or see it shown at the Detroit Independent Film Festival on March 12th at 3pm in the Burton Theater. Also stop by his bar The Token Lounge in Westland (seen many times in the film). You can rock out with the talented Joey Belladonna, lead singer of Anthrax on Saturday March 19th! You can also see the amazing Hawthorn Heights, on April 1st. -Thanks again for reading! See you in your nightmares… -JSW

Detroit Live Magazine - Get into it! 15

Dinner Date andCutiethe Pie Guy By Darian Counts

One of the fantastic acoustic acts current appearing in Detroit is the group Dinner Date. Bill Causey and Heather Lee compose this dynamic duo of acoustic awesomeness.

Dinner Dates 5 songs EP “Cutie Pie and The Guy” found its way into my CD player and I was immediately struck by their ability to merge a velveteen lounge style vocal with provocative lyrics. DD’s version of Making their début appearance in late the Misfits song “Last Caress”. It’s 2010 these newcomers are a surprising Beautiful and disturbing, just as it mix of talent and influences. Bill, on guitar should be. hails from a hardcore background. Heather has the voice of an angel. Says guitarist Bill (25) from Woodhaven and Heather Bill Causey, “When I met Heather and (22) Taylor can be seen gracing stages heard her voice I knew it was right. I had throughout downriver. been considering doing a project like this and was just looking for the right vocalist. Friend them on Facebook! And check Heathers voice was so perfect I couldn’t them out Live and pick up a copy of pass up the opportunity to write and their Cd. perform with her.” Bill Causey

Heather Lee

THURSDAY By Sarah Stonebraker

Touring to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of their seminal album, Full Collapse, New Jersey’s “Thursday” performed an explosive show on Saturday night. Full Collapse is an album that undoubtedly influenced tour mates, Animals as Leaders, A Skylit Drive, and Underoath. My doubts about seeing them perform songs they had written a decade ago vanished the moment they began their set. They played Full

whenever he’s at the club where the incident happen. Some people are just jerks. Amongst those who book gigs for their Those people will get themselves kicked own band, this story has happened to at out of the band before too much harm least 60% of the musicians that I know. is done anyway (the one exception is You call up a club and tell them you drummers. They are so hard to replace want to book a show. The club owner that some bands will put up with more is more than willing to help you out. than their share with someone who can At some point during the conversation simply hold a beat). But some of the you mention the name of one of your nicest guys on the planet can become band members. Suddenly the booking total a-holes when they’ve had too much agent wants no part of your band. What to drink. I once had a guitarist who tried happened? From my own experiences to attack a soundman just because his I’ve found that this is the monitor didn’t work. I’ve never called case, when a musician has that club back. I think that I already two much to drink and know if my current band is welcome makes a jerk of himself. there or not. This incident had nothing It will follow to do with anyone else in the band, but I him and know a lot of booking agents who don’t every want to deal with that sort of thing. Who band can blame them? he is A person is judged by the people for with whom he or she chooses to associate. If you walk into a bar with a jerk, those who do not know you have reason

The Impaler

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Collapse in its entirety with the same enthusiasm and energy to be expected from a brand new album mixed with 10 years to perfect each note. Singer Geoff Rickly’s melancholy yet aggressive vocals matched with a powerful stage presence constantly kept the show engaging and intense. This was a performance that will stick with both life-long fans and the audience members who were hearing the album for the first time. to assume you’re a jerk too. I was once in a band with a guy nobody liked. When that band split up, I was amazed at how many people, who had avoided me in the past, welcomed me with open arms. It was a couple of years before I realized the connection but today it appears obvious. You cannot control what other people do but, when you think about it, if you know you have a band member that wants to fight every time he has a few drinks, the fight that he gets into is as much your fault as his. Bars do not want to have to call the police every time you play at their establishment. So it’s a lot easier on the booking agent to just not book your band if a known trouble maker is a band member. The Impaler’s point for this month is party as much as you want as long as you can hold your liquor. But, if you or someone in the band can’t handle a few beers, DRINK POP!

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Detroit Live Magazine - Get into it! 19

Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas

My family was into Motown and soul There’s a lot of talk today in and turned me on to the Four Tops and this high-tech internet-infused society the Tempatations. Then there was the about doing it yourself. Everywhere you whole Latin influence—the strings, the look it’s D.I.Y. this and D.I.Y. that! The horns and everything really big. That all world is one’s artistic oyster to unfold. really inspired me very much.” Well, if that’s the case, there’s an artist In her formative years, that has embraced that philosophy and Hernandez sang in choirs and claimed it as her very own by the name participated in musical theater as well. of Jessica Hernandez. Although the Surprisingly, as prominent a role as diminutive 23 year old has only been music played in her life, the full leap officially on the local and regional into a music career played second to music performance scene for just a few fashion studies and a major in marketing short years she has already established communications at Chicago’s Columbia herself as an emerging session vocalist College. “I went there for two years and on the Detroit recording front. She sang in a couple bands in my freshmen and her band The Deltas also made and sophomore years,” says Hernandez. appearances this past year at two of the “But after that I dropped out to really country’s largest indie music festivals, pursue music. I just felt the marketing Bonaroo and SXSW. And critics have studies were kind of a cop out. I knew compared her voice to Amy Winehouse, I wanted to play music but hadn’t even Fiona Apple and Joan Osbourne. Not started playing an instrument yet. I felt too shabby for an artist that really has like I was too old to start playing, even just come into her own in the last year. though I was only 17. I had all these Hernandez grew up in the ideas in my head but I felt they weren’t Mexicantown area of Southwest Detroit being taken seriously. I kept getting the and that experience influenced the attitude ‘you don’t know what you’re diverse and eclectic tendencies she talking about.’ I kept getting frustrated expresses in her music today. “I moved because I didn’t play an instrument and I to the suburbs when I was in high would dream of things and have visions school but my whole family lived down for these songs.” here,” says the singer-songwriter whose The singer-songwriter moved parents own Armando’s Restaurant and to Kansas City on the insistence of a the adjacent Mexicantown Bakery on friend who was moving back home there Vernor. “Every day after school we rode to become an engineer at a recording bikes around the neighborhood and I studio. He connected her with a girl went to summer school at Western. It she could live with and allowed her to was that mix of city life and suburban utilize the studio at night where she life. I feel it just made me bettertaught herself to play piano, organ, rounded as far as influences and sounds. drums and some of the other existing 20 Detroit Live Magazine - Get into it!

instruments that were housed there. “That’s when I bought my first guitar and keyboard,” says Hernandez. “I learned mostly chords in 6-8 months and moved back home and then went back to Chicago. I tried to stay out there for a little bit but it was just too big for me. I was still kind of intimidated playing shows and stuff so I came back to Detroit, saved some money and bought a real piano and some more instruments.” It was at this juncture that that D.I.Y. approach to her emerging career really was put into practice, employing both her fashion and marketing skills. Hernandez started designing her own outfits for shows and even created her own merchandise as well. The marketing side prepared her for the business end of things. “I think a lot of people have approached me like ‘here’s this soft spoken little girl who knows nothing about business,’” explains Hernandez. “But I’ve read a lot about the music ‘business.’ I take everything really serious when it comes to signing contracts or anything. I don’t wanna make any bad career moves. I wanna make sure that my full band and I are in a good position where we could one day be situated to making a living doing this.” The Latin-American chanteuse has been handling all the promotion, management and booking duties for herself and The Deltas; tasks that have been a full-time labor of love but are starting to take their toll. “It’s becoming too much, actually,” says Hernandez. “We’re trying to find some good people that will help us out and that we can trust. It’s kind of frustrating because when you get so caught up in the business side of things it takes away from the artistic side.”

By Eric Harabadian

And what about the “artistic side?” Hernandez has an expressive and fiery voice that can visually stimulate and emotionally captivate persons from all walks of life. There’s an earthiness in her original and personal songs that can cover the gamut from subtle and vulnerable to confident and forthright, often within the same tune. “I work with different members because it’s hard to keep regular people when the band is not really making much money right now,” explains the singer. “But my two horn players have been with me for a year now and are students in the jazz program at Wayne State. My bassist is a student in the program also. I teach everybody their parts by ear and everyone picks things up pretty easy that way because they know how to improvise. I’ll describe the feel and tell them the key. Half the time it’s more about the vibe of the band than being strict about writing anything down. It feels more natural anyway. A lot of the songs are really soulful. The band works less off my lyrical content and more on emotion.” Hernandez’s current EP is entitled Weird Looking Women in Too Many Clothes and is to be followed by a fulllength disc sometime in the coming year. She has stated that she has some Spanish lyric-oriented songs recorded for her upcoming album but points out

Cont on pg 28.

Kurt Cobain

Bon Scott

Layne Staley

John Bonham

Jimi Hendrix

Musician, filmmaker, actor and writer Rat Skates knows a thing or two about the trials and tribulations of the music business. He experienced both its highs and lows, in the early ‘80s, while navigating his own musical career as a founding member of thrash metal icons Overkill. The A CONVERSATION WITH FILM MAKER RAT SKATES celebrated drummer and By Eric Harabadian vocalist not only pushed the driving have absolutely no guidance. They WANT TO ADDRESS IN THIS beats and grooves that fueled their imitate what they’ve seen. And what FILM? legendary and innovative sound but was we’ve done is make mistakes. There on the ground floor with their promotion is this enormous problem that nobody RS: We’re gonna go through and stage design as well. Skates has has stood up and never addressed like I been involved in, virtually, every aspect am. We’re gonna continue to just watch everything that is unresolved and problematic. We’re gonna look, as a of the music industry. He’s lived in them kill themselves through a series pursuit of the rock ‘n roll dream and has of events—which means, of course, not starting point, how the artists are wired up as individuals and people. There’s seen that pursuit turn into a nightmare understanding their careers and goals. the addiction to creativity. It’s like for himself (via alcohol) and many of All of this had to happen for trying to figure out the creation of the his peers. some good reason. I did the rock star universe. The artists’ creativity when it Today Skates is a partner in thing and it failed me, or I failed it, I meets his obsession to be recognized— a successful company called Kundrat don’t know? But, the point is I talk to a essentially seeking stardom or needing Productions and has produced two lot of other young musicians about the to share your art. There’s the band music documentaries Born in the same thing and we’ve got a big problem. “family”—and that whole dysfunction, Basement (2007) and Get Thrashed To me it’s a screaming problem! When which is incredible! We’ll talk about (2008). His current directorial debut is things are a certain way for so long the process of writing—the heart and an ambitious work slated for 2012 and everyone takes it as “I guess that’s the head—the two different struggles currently in production called Welcome the way it is.” But then people are there. There’s performing live—the to the Dream. The subtext of Welcome taking guns and shooting themselves validation from the fans. Does the artist to the Dream is “the rude awakening of in the head—people that were revered control the fans or do the fans control rock stardom.” And that is exactly what as having the ultimate life and are the artist? We’ll look at ego—is it the musician/documentarian wants to so incredibly talented—we’ve got a justified or is it not? And then there’s uncover in this film. Skates is definitely problem! the whole industry problem—never a man on a mission and that mission is being understood and signing contracts to give musicians and creative artists— DLM: IN THE TRAILER YOU’VE we don’t understand. Of course there’s young and old—a fighting chance and GOT SOME INCREDIBLE life on the road. It’s seen as one big the tools to survive in the treacherous INTERVIEWS WITH FOLKS LIKE party 24-7 when, in fact, it’s just the waters that comprise the classic and VERNON REID, JAY JAY FRENCH, opposite, with depression, loneliness, modern music industry model. MIKE PORTNOY AND SO FORTH. solitude and all kinds of things like HOW ARE YOU ASSEMBLING that. And then you have the big selfDLM: CAN YOU TALK ABOUT THE THESE INTERVIEWS? medication problem—on the way up, ORIGIN OF THIS FILM PROJECT? during and the way out—you have it all RS: The overall response has been “You there. Then there’s the trend window. RS: The origin came out of a very need to do this!” It’s been incredible! For instance, Anvil didn’t change what simple combination of my son being Getting people on board has been no they were doing but they’re popular a very gifted young musician and he problem. The people in the trailer have now because of the movie. They’re in and his band being very infatuated with been friends of mine or musicians I’ve a little window of trend but it’s gonna my professional history. They wanted known or have had a close rapport with. go away again. Artists can never figure to do that. I told them everything that The big problem is I’m doing this on that out. It’s a window of trends and happened in my career—the arc and the contributions/donations and getting decline. They were looking for advice. people to fund it. These aren’t investors they either fit into it or they don’t. And then we’ll talk about defining They asked “what should we do?” I but contributors and grants through the asked them “you guys tell me what you art making foundations and everything. success. That’s a real problem that has never been addressed. Some people think you should do.” And the answers Right now we’re in a recession so that are starting to get it now—you know, I got were their falling into the same makes it unbelievably tough. you play in a club, you make a few pit of problems that veteran recording bucks on the weekend, you get to rock artists have had. And a lot didn’t survive DLM: WHAT ARE THE MAIN out with your guitar and you have just it. It became clear that young musicians TOPICS OF DISCUSSION YOU

cont on pg 25

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On Wed. Feb. 23rd Detroit Live Magazine

OUT ON THE TOWN WITH DL MAG held its first monthly musician’s excursion.

In cooperation with Entertainment express Limousine we loaded up a couple dozen of our favorite musician friends and made the first of what will become our monthly Detroit Live invasion. Simply put, we pile a group of Detroit Live readers & musicians into a Limo and stormed a few of our favorite advertisers drinking/entertainment establishments


On this night Detroit Live staff as well as members the bands, “Quit Your Job”, “Rose from the Ashes”, “Kastura”, “Morrows Memory” and “Mindrought” hit The Landing Strip lounge in Romulus. Lately, The landing Strip has been exceptionally musician friendly. They’ve turned hump day into “Rock star Wednesdays” from 5- 9pm with free buffet, $20 buckets of beer and No cover. In addition if your band brings a CD they will have the “talent” perform to your song! Detroit Live thanks all the bands from last month’s excursion for joining us and invite you and your crew to join us next month for a similar event. To register for next months (Wed. March 9th) eventlog onto www.detroitlivemagazine. com and click on “DL excursions”. Come Rock with DL and get mentioned in next month’s issue of Detroit Live Magazine.





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Detroit Live Magazine - Get into it! 23

d a e d t n s i k c o


By Ryan Lapointe

spent 2010 recording their 2nd album American Tragedy and opening up for Avenged Sevenfold and Stone Sour on the Nightmare After Xmas Tour. I had a chance to hang out with them after their set at the Palace. “The new album is heavy, it’s just enough to make HU fans happy, but we’re stepping it up a notch so we don’t get bored doing the same thing twice. We’re going to do a headline tour and then some festivals. Rock on the Range is going to be fun; Korn is one of our favorite bands so that’ll be cool. Rev Theory is gonna be there, and we’re beefing with them, they think it’s gone, but it’s cooking like stew,” laughed Johnny 3 Tears and the rest of the guys. For a heavy metal legend like Max Cavalera, recording the long awaited 2nd Cavalera Conspiracy album, Blunt Force Trauma, with brother Igor was much anticipated. “We don’t get to tour as much as Soulfly, so we’re going to do a headlining US tour. I love the commitment of heavy metal fans; we just played a show in Brazil with Cavalera Conspiracy in front of 100,000 people. I hope you like the new record and make sure you catch one of our shows.” 2010 may have been a down year for rock, but it looks like 2011 will be one for the books!


Though Detroit Live is primarily entrenched in the music scene of metroRolling Stone recently had a piece that Detroit, there is room for cross-over with mildly blamed the lack of rock album other industries. Recently, D.L spoke with sales in 2010 to the musicians recording Than, CEO of Scientifically Proven, who cycles and smaller number of albums was part of the talent that brought us Call released. Well rock fans, with the of Duty franchise from the beginning. final month of the first quarter here, be Who would want to come to Michigan in prepared for some new albums that have our economic turmoil you may ask? Than, already had singles making their way originally from New York, having lived up the charts. “You live in a bubble and in L.A. was originally of the mindset, “I make art for yourself. Then there’s the have no intention of going to Michigan,” 3 weeks when you get hammered from when it was proposed to him by his people who have heard your record, agent because of the tax credits Michigan and it’s been an unbelievable pleasure offers for entertainment type industries. to hear the things some people are Now, being a part of Epicenter Studios saying,” stated DevilDriver singer Dez Pick up the new DevilDriver album, Beast, based in California, the company’s new Fafara while at the Machine Shop doing available now. www.devildriver.com pre-promotion for their just released venture is known as Scientifically Proven 5th album, Beast. “We’re going to be Entertainment. SPE is a standalone entity, Make sure you check out Hollywood on the road supporting Beast til 2013, a 100% Michigan company! Undead @ St Andrews in Detroit on and the new album won’t let you down. Before we even walk into the May 21st and at Rock on the Range in I’m very grateful for what we have and studio, there is a sign on the entrance Columbus, OH May 22nd. Their new we’re ready to steamroll over all in our warning that by entering the area you album American Tragedy is available way.” One of the biggest problems that essentially are agreeing to be filmed for March 8th. www.hollywoodundead.com bands have is keeping a cohesive unit an upcoming reality series the company after they obtain success, especially when www.rockontherange.com is involved in. This company has a lot it comes early. Newcomers Hollywood going on! We talked with Than about Pick up the new Cavalera Conspiracy Undead learned this when singer Deuce topics ranging from how he feels about the was asked to leave the group after a huge album, Blunt Force Trauma, on March metro-Detroit area (about which he says, 26th. www.cavaleraconspiracy.com 2009 for the rap-rock six-some. They “pleasantly surprised doesn’t even sum it up…we were like, blown away!!”) to what inspired the ‘Rock of the Dead’ video game and finally leading to the reason we were here, the company’s latest project “Man vs. Wild”, which is based off the TV show. Though I didn’t get a chance to play the actual game, we did get a preview game with one of the employees playing some various levels for us while we watched and asked questions. So without actually controlling and feeling the play I will say the game definitely seemed to move smoothly, the graphics were exceptional and the game presents challenges at every stage. There is video from the actual TV show which adds

24 Detroit Live Magazine - Get into it!

Cavalera Conspiracy

By Dustyn Hall

some great visual content. You’ll be parachuting and scaling rock walls, but watch your step so you don’t get bit by the snake hiding in the bush. All of this while trying to find food, shelter, and water and trying to keep Bear Grylls alive and make it to the extraction point! In any event, if you’re a gamer you should definitely add this game to your collection! Test your survival skills virtually on the couch! It probably has some good ideas that could carry over into real-life if one of these survival situations is ever encountered. All in all, the great people working at Scientifically Proven Entertainment have taken a chance on Michigan and the company is already becoming entrenched in the community. That is what Than wants. He already has had a child born here…a true Michigander. “The goal is to become entrenched in the community. We want to help build Michigan, build Detroit. To me, this has become my new home. I love it up here; my family loves it up here!” An enthusiastic Than commented. He has big hopes for this area. We should be thankful for people like Than who are willing to take a chance on Michigan. “In terms of the arts and entertainment scene, this is the next Austin or Vancouver. We’re really looking at making the Michigan entity big!” Detroit Live hopes to work with Scientifically Proven in the future, maybe getting some local music talent on some of their upcoming projects as rewards. Be sure to look for and buy “Man vs. Wild” created by Scientifically Proven with a release date sometime in April. These guys took a chance on Michigan, let’s help them forge a new economy for Michigan and support their efforts all we can! For more info check out www.scientificallyproven.com

cont from 21

enough people. That’s a great attitude! But, primarily, it’s been about the need to be a rock star and play in an arena. Is that success? All that is you’re on a different level. It has nothing to do with success. If you look up success in the dictionary most descriptions have the word “money” in them and they should not. DLM: ADDRESSING ALL THESE ISSUES IN A DOCUMENTARY IN THIS MANNER SEEMS UNPRECEDENTED. I APPRECIATE THE PROFESSIONAL INSIGHT YOU’RE PUTTING INTO THIS!

your career that you don’t take the time to step back and take a look at things. Artists and creative people really don’t have any help. We have platforms and things. You can go online and read articles on how to be a better musician or writer. But as far as helping us as people, this is where it’s at. With artists, writers, poets, musicians there is an incredibly high rate of psychosis, mood disorders, substance abuse and suicide attempts. It breaks my heart and I can’t just sit back when I have some information. Is it gonna be a cure? Not necessarily! But you can’t solve a problem until you understand what it is.

RS: Thanks! I know that I survived what I did and I can’t just say “oh well, I got DLM: YOU ASK A LOT OF TOUGH in and out of it!” You get so caught up in QUESTIONS IN THE TRAILER. HAVE YOU RECEIVED ANY OPPOSITION FROM THOSE IN THE MUSIC INDUSTRY? RS: Well, the film is in its really early stages. The original concept for this came out of a TV pilot I produced with my friend Dave Ellefson from Megadeth. It was gonna be something like The Best Damn Sports Show for musicians. It was turned down by Viacom because they said it was unbelievable. However they said it was fantastic but it won’t sell because our audience is between 18 and 25 and they wanna see sex, violence and drug problems. If you guys wanna exaggerate that and get a chick with big boobs, then maybe we could talk a little more. Television has their agenda to make money, period! But that’s a whole different topic. I felt in order to do this effectively and have this work I had to do it on an independent film level. DLM: CAN YOU TELL ME A LITTLE MORE ABOUT THE FUNDING PROCESS FOR THIS FILM? RS: Musicians, like yourself, are saying they think this is great and can’t wait for it to come out. But typically musicians are broke. I have a funding campaign on indiegogo. It’s a fundraising website for creative projects. People can give five bucks or five thousand. And they’re gonna get something back—either film

credits or executive director credits. But, again, we’re in a recession so it’s very difficult. This is all based on contributions and support from charitable people and places. Everything you’ve seen in the trailer I’ve done on a back loan. I could try and fund everything myself but then I would have to rely on unit sales to recoup that. And that’s suicide because unit sales don’t sell like they were. I’m not doing this for profit. There’s a whole program that’s gonna be rolled out after this. DLM: CAN YOU ELABORATE ON THAT? RS: Once we address the problems and look at solutions, problems are solved by trying to understand and talk about them. It’s very important for musicians to talk to each other. A lot of times the attitude is “I don’t wanna talk with that band, they’re dicks and everything!” But you know what, if you’re playing in a club and you’re on a club level you’re in the same arena. You can help each other. So I wanna put groups together to talk about issues as well as an educational DVD version of the film strictly to address things on more of a classroom level.

Jim Morrison

Janis Joplin

The Rev

DLM: RAT, THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR TIME AND WE LOOK FORWARD TO THE DOCUMENTARY. ANY CLOSING COMMENTS? RS: The music industry, having collapsed so much, is down to basically three major labels. With all this in mind it’s only a matter of time before they stir the pot a little more and get back up on their legs. And we’re vulnerable to that. The next thing you know we feed the monster and he’s off and running again. So, the timing is really important on this that we do it now while the monster is injured.

Paul Gray

For more information on the upcoming documentary Welcome to the Dream just go to www.welcome-to-thedream.com . You can also check out this and Rat Skates’ other projects at www. ratskates.com . --Eric Harabadian

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vampire DLCs available, adds more VIDEO GAME & DVD and macabre! www.naughtybearthegame.com REVIEW EA Sports Active2- Workout video game, By Ryan Lapointe

Winter is wrapping up, but we here at Detroit Live once again are here to give you the newest word on today’s video games and DVD’s. All games played on PS3 and we now have multiplayer!! (Feel free to add me, “slipknut85”) Dead Space 2- Creepy as hell, and I found myself “jumpy” at times. Simple controls and a lot of fun. One of the best sequels to a game I’ve seen in a long time. Multiplayer is exceptional, but the storyline is the best reason to get it. Great guy game, even if it makes you a little sissy. www.deadspace. ea.com

NBA Jam- A game for the no nonsense gamer. You know the type who doesn’t want to spend a lot of time figuring out moves and just wants to play. NBA JAM is fast, fun and easy to play. The slam dunks are ridiculous. You’ll get your money’s worth with this game. www.nba-jam.easports.com

ESPN 30 for 30 Box set- Series 1, 15 episodes of some the greatest sports stories ever. Can be enjoyed by fans and non fans alike. Musical influence in a few episodes (Ice Cube, Luke, a marching band) I personally learned a lot on many sports subjects I knew a little about. Made me ask the question “Did OJ’s shenanigans help escalate the East vs. West coast war of the 90’s?” Guess you’ll have to watch to figure it out! Can’t wait for series 2 in May. www.30for30.espn.com

WWE Best of RAW 2010- What a year it was!! The Miz winning the title was laughed at a year ago, but who’s laughing now? See how it all happened as well as everything else on those magical Monday nights on this Top Gun- Just like the classic movie (I hear 3 disc set. Lots of matches to watch as well a rumor of a remake?) Fighter pilot over too, so be ready for the long haul. www. the Indian Ocean and the combat can get wweshop.com hairy at times. The cinematic is lacking, but respectable for a DLC only game. Last Michael Jackson Vision- All of Michael’s level is extremely frustrating to beat! I wish videos digitally remastered for your more people played it online though. www. enjoyment including 10 previously paramount.com/games/top-gun-game/details unreleased ones. Share in the glory and Naughty Bear- Cheesy game, but amusing none the less. You’re a teddy bear who didn’t get invited to a birthday party, so you extract murderous revenge. Can actually become very difficult at times. New pirate

26 www.detroitlivemagazine.com

ahead of the time production he had in the 80’s. This 3-disc set will have you moon walking with everyone’s favorite Smooth Criminal! RIP MJ! www.michaeljackson. com

Shamrock: Yea man, Tha WyteRapper $how is the first official retail album from Shamrock and it’s the first official release from Lil Wyte’s label, Wyte Music. It hits stores March 15th, 2 days before St. Patty’s Day and it’s been 4 years coming. Most people know me from Vh1 White Rapper Show and it’s a play on that and the fact that Lil Wyte is the one putting it out.

White rappers are nothing new here in Detroit. Detroit’s nothing new to white rappers Shamrock or Lil Wyte either. Vh1’s “The White Rapper Show” champion, Shamrock, had the chance to play St. Andrews Hall while on the hit TV show and Hypnotize Minds Recording Artist Lil Wyte rocked a local night club last September on a Monday night that set fire to the stage. Detroit Live had the chance to talk with Wyte and Shamrock about his upcoming album, and their love for Detroit. DL: What can you tell us about your new album?

DL: How do you feel about the upcoming tour? Shamrock: It’s like a dream come true to promote my first album, the first album from Wyte Music, and rock the stage alongside Lil Wyte. I was a fan before I was working with him and I’ve performed all over the country, but I think these will be my most memorable shows because they represent so much. DL: What are your thoughts on coming back to Detroit? Shamrock: This is technically my 1st time back to the D since I was there on the White Rapper Show. When I was

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cont. on pg. 30

NBA 2K11- Pays homage to the greatest player ever, Michael Jordan. Improved controls and new game options make it the premiere NBA game. Many throwback teams are available and a really cool soundtrack. Try the “Jordan Challenge”. www.2ksports.com/games/nba2k11

By Shaun Zewatski aka ReD

how cool! Keeps track of heartbeats, calories burned, and has 3 levels on intensity. You can work out alone or with friends, and there are even online groups to join. Summer is coming..good way to get in shape. www. easportsactive.com

Disney Sing It: Party Hits- For any aspiring vocalist infatuated with the current crop of sugar coated pop music this game is for you. It’s karaoke and music videos at its best, or worst depending who you ask. The Demi Lavato vocal coaching was very informative Little Big Planet 2- Sackboy is addicting!! and useful for the novice to advanced Level creation is extremely enjoyable, as singers. A guilty pleasure was singing well as playing levels made by others. Great Paramore and Justin Bieber songs to my kids game you can play with your GF, kids, or who looked at me in utter disgust. Who can whoever has a great imagination. Easy pick blame them? www.disney.go.com/officialfor game of the year. www.littlebigplanet. sites/singit-‌party-hits.com com Medal of Honor- If you’re into the story mode more than multiplayer, this is a good “war” game. Great attention to detail and it does take a little while to finish. I tried the multiplayer which was fun, but very few other people were playing it. Lots of influence from real military went into the making of the game. www.medalofhonor. com


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By Eddie Cooper

Aries...New partnerships are highlighted for our Ram friends. In March, your new ideas are on track. Now is a good time to expand your business or activities into a new market. Your new ideas will pay off only if everyone involved agrees to the ideas or changes. Beware of pessimist and know-it-all’s, they will only slow you down. Rock On!! Taurus...This could be a very interesting month for our bull friends. At work others may try to undermine your authority and take advantage of your good nature. Don’t let this happen. Know this now, and be ready to defend yourself and friends from the envy of jealous people. Good Luck!!!

The stars say your key to success in the coming month is simple, look before you leap and think before you act. Now is a good time to set new ground rules for co-workers. So remember if it sounds too good to be true...it probably is...Good Luck!!! Scorpio...It looks like a good month for this hard working sign of the zodiac. Our Scorpio friends need love and in March you get all you need. Things have slowed down a bit at work and at home, but you don’t want that to happen. The stars say now is a great time to throw a party for you and your friends. Go For It!. You can thank me later.

Sagittarius...Your goodwill shines through in March, music is featured Gemini…You don’t have to be an and so is your giving sprit. Others Astrologer to know that tight money look to you for inspiration and help, is for our twin friends lately. The and of-course you give them what stars say your key to success in they need, maybe not what they the coming month is to start a new really want, but all they really need. budget plan. Learning from the last Rock On!! few months will teach you a good lesson about people and money. Capricorn...New group activities are Right!?! highlighted for our goat friends in March. You take over where others Cancer...Staying focused and leave off, and this could be the break playing the waiting game is on the you are looking for. Your expertise agenda for our Cancer friends in is needed and you know how to use March. The calls you have been your skills to enhance a new product waiting for will soon come, so sit Go for It!! And Good Luck!! back and ride the wave; this will be a very good month for you. Cool!!! Aquarius...All Aquarians talk the talk and in March you get to walk the Leo...Old habits are hard to break, walk. You’ll show others you know but in March our lion friends should how to throw a real party. Be ready be doing just that. Out with the old to help out at social event or charity and in with the new. Your intuition function. Remember the people is right on the money, so don’t be you help out now will help you later. afraid to say you’re sorry and just Good Luck!! move on...Go for It!!!! Virgo...New friendships are highlighted for our Virgo friends in March, and so are old time connections. So be ready to meet and greet some new friends and old ones too. This will be a great month for most Virgos...Rock On!!! Libra...In March our Libra friends start the month off with a bang.

Pisces…Happy birthday to our Pisces friends. In March you get what you want, well almost. Your key to success in March will be advertising. You have the right product and the right attitude, but you just need a little luck. Look for the color red and the number # 9 they will help you more than you can imagine. Detroit Live Magazine - Get into it! 27

By Karin Elizabeth My By Karin Elizabeth


If I have one piece of advice for any musician, it’s this: Never ever give up. This sounds so cliché, but I believe it is the single most important piece of knowledge out there, because music is so incredibly difficult, especially at first. When you first learn an instrument, you basically sound like crap for the longest time. On stringed instruments like the violin and cello, you sound terrible for about a year because it takes that long for your muscles to develop and for you to develop your ability to move the bow. Similarly, it can take up to a year to build up the necessary calluses on your fingers to be able to play the guitar. Mastery takes even longer, at least five years. That’s why it’s best to start when were young. For adults, it is very difficult because it takes so long, and you are already competent at other things. Music can be a very frustrating and humbling experience. If I had given up on violin lessons when I was a kid like I had wanted to several times while I was growing up, I would never be able to play my instrument. Many years later I can now also sing and play several other instruments, which has since manifested as a performance career, which would have never been possible without all those hours as a kid squeaking away at my violin. Thank God for my parents, who would not let me quit. Now, I can’t imagine life without music, as hard as it is to deal with sometimes. In fact, if I didn’t have my instrument I wouldn’t know who I was. I would have no identity. 28 www.detroitlivemagazine.com

late father was a jazz bass player. It’s interesting to hear people’s dreams when it comes to music. Last week I He was like me in a lot of ways. had awful writer’s block, and I went He played double bass (acoustic stand-up bass), electric bass, guitar on facebook to get some ideas. One and could sing. He had an amazing facebook friend, a guitarist, had this vocal range, from high harmonies to long description of what his “Rock and low leads. He was a great performer. Roll Dream” would look like: His band, The Iris Bell Experience, “The struggling band that plays gig had a deal with Atlantic Records. after gig and it seems as if they never Later in life, my father became handicapped and could not play his get noticed. They often wonder what bass. After that, he had hobbies, but is going on with the band. They all it was never the same as what he had seem to be playing very well together, note after note chord after chord. They in his music. He died a miserable man. I am pretty sure that I would say, “We cannot give up.” Then one feel the same way. I imagine that I day a man starts to question them. Not would have found something else to knowing he was a record producer do, but I have never loved anything as looking for a band with their type of music, they played a show for him. He intensely as what I do now. watched them and was blown away. He goes up to meet them and says, “How Being in a band is similar to the experience of learning your instrument. long have you guys been playing?” The band members all at once said Just like learning to play, there are many years. We just did not give up! things you have to learn in order to have a successful band. Musicianship, With amazement the record producer tells the band if you sign with my label working with a crowd, working with other musicians, booking, and putting I can give you a five-album deal. The on a good stage show are just a few of band members all look at each-other the skills that are involved with being in awe and say, “We never gave up!” The band’s five albums where all very in a band. It takes time, hard work, money and experience. Some people successful. They got to see the world. decide it is not worth it. However, you And often they go back to the local bars must go through it in order to learn how and clubs they started at. Come to it all, it really pays to play your music. to do it. It is not something that will Refuse to give up!” happen overnight. All of the bands that I talk to that are very successful have been together a long time. I’m talking decades. Sometimes it’s only one or two members of that original band, but the important part is that the name is still out there, the mission of the band is intact, and they are still out there putting on a show every weekend. Just like any other type of business, it’s the length of time that the business is able to keep going that proves success. Despite drama, economical difficulty and whatever else, these musicians stuck it out and kept going. The reward was financial, lifelong working relationships and friendships with their bandmates, and a happy crowd who keeps coming to see them, week after week. When I ask them how they do it, their answer is always the same: It just takes time…

Stories like this from other musicians and from fans are inspiring to me. Whether it’s being on stage at your local bar, or being on stage with a national act at DTE, this cannot happen if you quit. There are many trials along the way, and believe me, you will definitely

By Karin Elizabeth

want to. However if you keep your eyes on the prize, and remember what your goals and dreams are when you are going through a difficult time, that may be enough to motivate you to keep going just one more day. Whatever your Rock and Roll fantasy is, don’t give up on it. Keep going.

Jessica Hernandez and the Deltas cont... an interesting distinction between Spanish and English spoken lyrics. “The way you express emotions in the Spanish culture is a little bit different,” she explains. “There’s a sassiness, expressiveness and kind of romanticism there. So I don’t think I’ll ever do a copy of the same record in another language. I really wanna have some Spanish songs on the next record but they will be exclusively Spanish songs. There’s a different vibe or feel. Whenever I hear American pop songs that are turned into Spanish songs they sound forced, cheesy and insincere.” Jessica Hernandez and The Deltas will be performing live at their own public rehearsal/ performance space at the Bakery Loft atop the Mexicantown Bakery on Vernor Highway on Saturday April 2nd. Other Midwest dates in Ohio and Illinois are also in the works come this May. You can find out more about all things Jessica by checking out www.jessicahernandez. net/epk/ .

Detroit Live Magazine - Get into it! 29

cont from pg 26

new kind of southern style and flow. His flow is now best described as “fluid” and the album shows his growth as an artist.

there I got to meet Kid Rock and perform at St. Andrews Hall, but to me the coolest part was visiting the compound for Insane Clown Posse and to meet Violent J, Shaggy, and Twiztid. They are underground legends and I look up to them so much.

Live, Detroit Don ReD, and Motown Hustlin’! DL: Who stands out to you from Detroit? Someone you would want to work with in the future?

DL: What’s next for you after the album release/tour?

LWL STRAIGHT CUTTTHROAT!!! This is the hardest album to date by far! Jelly Roll, BP’z and I put a lot of thought and time behind this one, with a lot of influence and pointers from Three 6 Mafia. 18 tracks that are all bangers, you can play it straight through, and play it right through again! It’s powerful, it’s new, and when I say new, I mean it doesn’t follow the same old trend coming out now. This album I co-executive Produce, which I have never done. We brought out several other producers on this DL: What are your thoughts on Shamrock & project just to get that new sound. Juicy J, Dj Paul, and Project Pat all worked with his new album? us on this one. 10 years ago I got signed; I’ve grown so much as a man and as an LW: I remember watching Sham on the Vh1 show and had hoped he won cause he artist. I’ve got the Hypnotize Minds Camp still behind me and Wyte had way more talent than the rest of them dudes. Couple years later Shamrock called Music growing as an independent wanting a feature from me and I was down label. The formula is there, and it’s available everywhere for sure. He later asked if he could join the in this album th April 19 ! team, so I signed him right away and he’s come a long way from the show to this album. He is more grown and put a lot of heart & soul into this DL: What would you like to say to your fans? album. The album is jamming; he’s got a

DL: What can you tell us about your upcoming release Sno Year Round?

LW: Slaughterhouse! They a group of legends right there. Slaughterhouse be killin um! I rock some Royce 5’9” fa sho! Also D12 and the crew! Shout out to Shady Shamrock: We got so much coming up Records for signing Slaughter House on Wyte Music! I am working with Yums and YelaWolf... much respect from Wyte clothing out of Dallas, TX to develop my Music on that topic. If Em’ didn’t sign him signature line (YelaWolf) I sure wanted too! Other than of T-shirts. They did clothes for Soulja Boy, that, Detroiters are like Memphians, straight Dorrough, Sean Kingston, and Lil Jon so I gutta, both Memphis & Detroit are gutta ass am pumped to be working with them for my cities and I think we relate well due to that clothes. fact. DL: What would u to say to your fans? Shamrock: March 15th my new album Tha WyteRapper $how hits stores. It’s the first album in stores from Shamrock and the first album from Wyte Music. Then I will be performing 2 days later in Detroit, the home of legends Eminem, Kid Rock and of course Insane Clown Posse. Go get the album and support real underground independent rap music and I will rock the show when I get there. I want everyone to come out, get wasted and party with me and Lil Wyte!! Lastly I got to give a big shoutout to Detroit

LW: I’m truly blessed, 10 years and I’m still doing it! I’m so thankful the fans have kept me going thus far. Keep an eye on me and Wyte Music for sure, you can see the progression, and how we’ve grown. I hope to keep rocking another 50 years! Thank you to the fans, for real. Make sure you check out Shamrock’s CD release party for Tha WyteRapper Show featuring Lil Wyte on March 18th @ The Emerald Theatre brought to you by MotownHustlin Productions. For more info go to www.wytemusic.ning.com




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This year March brings along with it, the refreshing promises of a new season, coupled with a highly anticipated event that has the Medical Marijuana community buzzing. The THC in Michigan Expo (Treating Health Concerns) shines like a ray of new sunshine, lighting the vast and grey world of medicinal cannabis for patients, caregivers and activists alike. The three day event is presented by the AAMP (American Medical Marijuana Professionals), and will be held March 1113th at the Suburban Collection Showcase in Novi, the former Rock Financial Showplace. Along with an amazing atmosphere and unlimited networking potential, the weekend is geared towards being an educational experience where you can feel comfortable and learn. So long to the days of secrecy and miscommunication! Professionals and average joes alike will brush shoulders throughout the course of the weekend, sharing knowledge and experiences in an effort to raise awareness and promote better understanding to the MMJ community, as well as the general public. Each day boasts a load of notable speakers whom are active and firmly

rooted in the MMJ community. Amongst these guests will be marijuana hero Tim Beck, political director of the Michigan Association of Compassion Centers, Michigan’s leading marijuana lawyer Matthew Abel, and cannabis patient advocate and former executive director of the MMMA (Michigan Medical Marijuana Association), Brandy Zink. Also among the attendees will be, medical cannabis activist and head of the Brighton Area Compassion Club, Doug Orton, Reverend Steven Thomas and Mike Whitti. Speaker presentations will be running from 6-9pm on the 11th, 10-9pm on the 12th, and 10-5pm Sunday, 13th.

By Brad Savino

In a state that desperately needs to stick together and a community that does more so, the AAMP are offering a place for current and future cardholders to mingle with vendors, sponsors and professionals in a comfortable setting. This event will no doubt be a huge success; anyone with interests in medical marijuana should attend.


Vocalize to Legalize is making it’s second annual appearance at the Detroit Pub on Saturday, March 26th. The event, titled “Come Get Legal,” is aimed at being informational and educational to current and

future MMJ patients. If another MMJ gathering is not enough, it also happens to be backed by some of Detroit’s finest musical talents. Panama Red will be headlining the bash, accompanied by Layin Low Records’ own Sticky Bandits and the Hip-hop Collective. Other local labels Spark Hop and Sucker Punch Productions will also be there in full force. The show will run from 7pm2am and cost $5 for 21+, and $8 for 18+. There will be a dispensary onsite, as well as tons of Detroit’s own vendors. This is a great opportunity to get out and enjoy the city, hear some kick-ass local artists and get legal. By Brad Savino

Accompanying the stellar lineup of speakers there will be plenty of vendors and action to keep you occupied all weekend. Sponsoring the event are international giants, High Times and Advanced Nutrients, along with local favorites Michigan NORML, Flint Talk Radio.com and the American School of Cannabis. Ticket prices are $10 per day for MMJ cardholders or $25 for the entire weekend. Non-cardholders will pay $15 per day or $40 for the weekend. More information and online ticket sales can be found at www.ammp.biz

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