DETROIT GRAND OPERA ASSOCIATION with Oakland University University Center for Adult Education Detroit Public Library presents
DETROIT GRAND OPERA ASSOCIATION with Oakland University University Center for Adult Education Detroit Public Library presents
1965 Season
A program of excerpts taken from Operas to be pres ented in Detroit by the Metropolitan Opera Company of New York in May and the Metropolitan Opera National Company in October, 1965.
FEBRUARY 8, 1:15 p.m.-Dondero High School, Royal Oak (for students)
FEBRUARY 9, 8:15 p.m.-Dondero High School, Royal Oak. Admission: $1.00
For ticket information call: Mrs. Denton Kunze, Ll 2-7545; Mrs . Arthur Moore, LI 1-3779; Mrs. John Redfield, Ll 6-7560
FEBRUARY 14, 3:15 p.m.-Oakland University, University Theater, Rochester
Admission: $1.00, no charge to students and faculty. For ticket information call: Mr. James Petty, 338-7211
FEBRUARY 17, 2 :00 p m.-Ferndale High School (for students)
FEBRUARY 21, 8:00 p .m.-Fries Auditorium, Grosse Pointe War Memorial. Admission: $1.00
For ticket information call: TU 1-7511
FEBRUARY 24, 8:15 p.m.-Ambassador Auditorium, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario
Admission: Adults $1 25, students 75 cents. For ticket info rmation call: Music Department, 253-4232; Mrs Stuart Young, 252-3335
FEBRUARY 28, 3:00 p.m.-Ford Central Office Building Auditorium, The American Road, Dearborn
Admission: $1.00. For ticket information call: Mrs. James Beard, LO 1-9176; Mrs. Bruce Simpson, LO 5-2522
MARCH 3,8:15 p .m . -Copernicus Junior High School, Hamtramck. Admission: $1.00
For ticket information call : Mrs. Arthur Rooks, Jr., 867-2876
MARCH 4, 1:30 p.m.-Copernicus Junior High School, Hamtramck (for students)
MARCH 8, 2 :00 p.m.-Lincoln Park High School ( for students )
MARCH 10, 8:15 p.m .-Rackham Memorial Auditorium, Detroit. Admission: $1.00
For ticket information call : Mrs Abraham Cooper, UN 1-1532; Mrs. John Greene, TO 8-0957
MARCH 11, 4:00 p.m.-Rackham Memorial Auditorium, Detroit (f or students)
MARCH 17, 1 :30 p.m.-Pontiac Central High School (for students )
MARCH 22, 8:15 p .m .-Trenton High School. Admission: $1.00
For ticket information call: Mrs. Thomas Hunt, OR 6-7361; Mrs. Henry Rotay, DU 1-5168
MARCH 26, 8:15 p.m.-Bloomfield· Hills High School. Admission: $1.00
For ti cket information call : Mrs . Ralph Fox, MI 4-8228; Mrs. Henry Whiting, MI6-1260
MARCH 29, 2:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe High School ( for students )
Overture Co-Chairman . .. ... . ...... . . . .. . . Mrs . Robert Anderson
Producer and Music Director . . Dr. David Di Chiera
Stage Director . . . . . John Gregory
Scenic and Lighting De sig n Tom A. Aston
Accompanist .
Cos tumes .
Production Manager
Second Stage Manager
. Lawrence La Gore
. Metropolitan Opera Company . . Tom A. Aston . Serwind Netzler
Costume Alteration . .. ..... . . . ...... ... .. . ... .. . Jim Rousku
Lighting Jim Hays
Scenery Construction . .... ....... Tenya Algor and Serwind Netzler
· Previously , Dr. Di Chlera taught at U.C.L.A. , where he received his Bachelor of A rts degree with highest honors, a master's degree in composition, and e doctorate In musicology, with the Atwater Kenl and Gershwin awards as additional honors In 1958, he rece i ved a Fulbright award lor furthe r stud y I n Italy He was commissioned by the U. S. information Service to compose a piano sonllta for the Naples festi· val of contemporary Italian and American music, which was broadcast nationall y and highly praised by the Italian press - In 1959, Dr 01 CI,iera was selected for membership in the National Association for A merican Composers and Conductors In the field of musicology, Dr Di Chiera was given inter· national ecognllion i n 1961 for his research In eighteenth ·century opera when he was rn vited to New York to participate in the Eighth In t ernational Congress of Mus icology. In addilion to his teaching responsibilities at Oakland University, he has recently been apPOinted A ssistant Dean lor Continuing Education in t he A rts Opera Overture Is hono red to have D r. 01 Chiera as producer and musiC director for the second year
*Dr David Di Chiera, 29 , was appointed to the faculty of Oakland Uni versity in 1962
Dr. David Di Chiera Overture Chairman*Giacomo Puccini
Act I, Love Duet
Butterfly: Ernestine Nimmons
Lt. Pinkerton: Wesley Dalton
Giacomo Puccini
Act II, Last Scene
Floria T osca: Roma Riddell
Baron Scarpia : Russell Smith
Spoletta: Edward Kingins; Jonathan Swift
Camille Saint-Saens
Act II, Scene III
Samson: Edward Kingins; Jonathan Swift
Delilah: Alice Dutcher; Rosemarie Murch
Giuseppe Verdi
Act IV, Scene I
Desdemona: Doralene McNelly
Emilia: Alice Dutcher; Rosemarie Murch
Car/isle Floyd
Act II, Scene III
Susannah Pollc: Roma Riddell
Olin Blitch : Raymond Sharp
Giuseppe Verdi
Act IV, Scene I
Gilda: Doralene McNelly; Ernestine Nimmons
Maddalena: Alice Dutcher; Rosemarie Murch
Duke of Mantua: Edward Kingins; Jonathan Swift
Rigoletto: Raymond Sharp; Russell Smith
(at Masonic Temple)
Monday, May 24 (Betlefit performance for Detroit Symphony Orchestra)
Roberta Peters Teresa Stratas Lili Chookasian Arturo Sergi Walter Cassel Morley Meredith Donald Gramm
Tuesday, May 25 AIDA Verdi
Mary Curtis-Verna Giulietta Simionato Franco Corelli Frank Guarrera Ezio Flagello Louis Sgarro
Wednesday, May 26 o TELLO Verdi
Renata Tebaldi Dimiter Uzunov Anselmo Colzani Janis Martin Paul Franke Justino Diaz
Thursday, May 27
Gianna d'Angelo Mignon Dunn Richard Tucker Robert Merrill Bonaldo Giaiotti John Macurdy
Friday, May 28
Giulietta Simionato Jon Vickers Norman Mittelmann John Macurdy Justino Diaz
Saturday, May 29 (Matinee)
TOSCA Puccini
Renata Tebaldi Franco Corelli Anselmo Colzani Ezio Flagello Norman Scott
Saturday, May 29 ( Evening)
Leonie Rysanek Sandor Konya George London Ernst Wiemann Gladys Kriese George Shirley
MQil Orders:
Detroit Grand Opera Association 20 East Jefferson Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48226
Window Ticket SQles: ApproximQtely April 1 Box Office
Ford Auditorium Detroit, Michigan
A special plus for opera lovers is scheduled for Detroit this fall . The newly established National Company of the Metropolitan Opera will visit Detroit for performances of Bizet's " Carmen", Rossini's " Cinderella", Puccini's "Madame Butterfly", and Carlisle Floyd's "Susannah". There will be performances of these operas in English.
It is anticipated that the National Company will be welcomed to the Fisher Theatre from October 18 through the 23. The National Company is a repertory opera company which will perform in over seventy communities in order to nurture American and Canadian talent and contribute to the vitality and growth of opera throughout the United States and Canada. The emphasis for the National Company will be the over-all quality of the operatic production . To compete with the legitimate stage, the movies and television, it will combine those elements from which all great entertainment stems-artistic ability, direction, and design .
The General Managers of the Company are Miss Rise Stevens and Mr. Michael Manuel. Watch for this exciting opening .
Unfortunately , most cultural undertakings are not completely self-supporting. The Detroit Grand Opera Association is dependent upon your gifts and donations to continue to bring the Metropolitan Opera to our community . The Association gratefully acknowledges these contributions by publicly placing the donors on its preferred ticket list; thus entitling them to primary consideration in the distribution of opera seats