PROGRAM: Bravo 1970 Opera.pdf

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-verture - to ----era 1970


The Overture to Opera Company David DiChiera, General Di r ector Presents GIOACCHINO ROSSINI'S The Barber of Seville (In E ng li sh ) Sp o ns o red by the Detroit Grand Opera Association in co operation with O aklan d Univers ity Un iversity Center for A d uJeEd ucati o n, University of Michigan Extens io n Se r vice Honorary Chairman for 19 70 Overture to O p er a Sea son: Mrs. Ro man G ribb s
Photo of Dr. Diehl "", by Toni Spina

About the Opera

Wh en The Barbel' of Seville , a play by Beaumarchais, was introduced in Paris in 1775, it was quickly banned by Louis XVI who co nsi dered it derogatory to the aristocracy. In 1782, the I talian composer Paisiello gave The Barber of Seville a musical setting . His opera was so successful that 34 years later the premiere of Rossini ' s opera on the same subject aroused public demonstrations . The genius of Rossini's music won Ollt however. And his brilliant opera achieved such distinction that its 1825 debut in New York marked the first time an Italian opera was .heard in the United States.

ACT I, SCENE 1 : Outsid e Dr. Bartolo's house in Set/ale. Count Almaviva is in love with Rosina. Rosina, however, lives with a jealou guardian , Dr . Bartolo who plans to marry her for ber money. Disguised as a student the Count must serenade Rosina just to see her. Inspired by a b ribe, Figaro, the town barber, devises a plan to get Count Aimavi va into Dr. Bartolo's hOllse. SCENE 2: A room it1 Dr. Bartolo's house. Dr Bartolo learns from Ro ina's music teacbe(, Basilio, that Co'unt AIrna viva is in Seville . Basilio suggests getting rid of Alrnaviva by spreading malicious rumor about hill). The Count, following Figaro's plan, arrives disguised as a drunken soldier and demands lodging in Bartolo's house. An uproar ensues and Almaviva is arrested The Count reveals his i dentity to th e officer and i immediately released. ACT II: A room in Dr. Bflrtoio's house. Claiming to be a substitute for Basilio , who is upposedly ill, the Count returns. Wheo Basilio unexpectedly walks in, ALmaviva, Rosina and Figaro convince him that he is indeed ill. And while Figaro shaves Bartolo, the lovers plan their elopem ent. Bartolo sees the deception and decides to marry Rosina immediately. He sends Basilio foe a lawyeJ:. Figaro and the Count return for Rosina And when Basilio and the lawyeearrive they are persuaded to marry the couple. Bareolo bursts in with me police, but he is too late. Almaviva allow him to keep Rosina's dowry, however. So the comedy ends with rejoicing.

The Barber of Seville


Music by Gioacchino Rossini

Libretto by Cesare Sterbini

English Translation by Ruth and Thomas Martin

COUNT ALMA-VIVA, alias Lindoro ... . . ..... ... . .... Michael Cousins

FIGARO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... ...... Thomas Palmer

ROSINA, ward of Dr. Bartolo .. .. . .. ... .... ....... . ... Maria Ewing

DR. BARTOLO. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... . . .. . . ...... .. J. B. Davis

DON BASILIO, a music teacher

Rene A. Miville

BERTHA, Dr. Bartolo's housemaid Elsie Inselman

FrORllLLo, Count Almaviva' s servant .... . . . . . . .. . . . ..... Davis Gloff

A SERGEANT Joseph Ryan

A NOTARy Joseph Brown

SOLDlflRS and MUSICIANS ... ... .. . ... Carmen Cavallaro, Stuart Skog, Joseph Ryan , Jo eph Brown, Davis Gloff

Stage Director: Italo Tajo

Music Director: William C. Byrd

Associate Music Director: Naomi Amos

Production Design and Stage :Manager: Tom A. Aston

Assistant to the General Director and Personnel Manager: Dean Amos

IT"LO T "lo-Stage Director

W'orld-reoowned b. so-star of Me"opolitan and L. Scala-fcured in movies and recordingsCurrenlly director of opera tbeater fit Cincinnati Conservatory.

\'(IILLlA C BVRo-Mu ie Director

Acclaimed for hi. <ondueling of symphony and opera Annually

onducu major orc.hcsrc"as jn Scan . ctiaavia .nd Great! Iy music director of dIC Flint ymphony.

COUSINS-Count A hn. viva Winner of many prestigious competitions including American Opera Auditions-soon to assunle neW assignment as a leading tenol of the Munich Opera in fall of 1970.

THO""S P"lMell-i'iRaro

A graduate of Juilliard Schoolappeared with moS[ major symphony orcheslms and opera companies in U S. F.uropean debut at Geneva Opera in 1967. Recorded for Van/:uard and COlumbia Re · cently named as Sears Roebuck Foundation Affili.te Ard t a[ Oakland University .

MAJllA !JwING- Ro";na

A Oetroiter and winner of rhe 1970 Grinnell Award-protege of ( :unou s Met cti va £IeanOr greb· er Made her debut at Meadowbrook in Rigo/tllo with Robert. Peters, Jan Pe.rce , and Cornell MacNeil.

RENE A. MtVu I.Jl-Don Basilio

Vet tile man of the theater and films plus numerOus T.V. and musical comedy appearances. Opera assignments include MenotIi ' s Spoleto Festival and presently Sarah aldwelJ's BOston Opu. Company

EI slp. INSeLMAN-Dru-rba

A graduate of tbe Eastman Scl100l o( Music-Winner o( a Fulbright chol3rsbip (or study in Cermany, and in 1%9 the Donovan Award A Oelroiter, lhis i. her fourlh sea On wilh Overture

J B DAVis - Dr. Bartolo Basso (rom Louisville, Kentucky. Has sung a wide variety of roles wich 5utb major companies as ew York City Opera, ivic. Seaul. Opera. This summer will make South Americao debut

The Barber of Seville Calendar of Performances

A pril 3 -8 :1 5 P M (Preview)

Grosse Pointe Wac Memor ial, Fries AuditOrium

Admission: $3.00

Ticket information: 881-7511

A pri l 8 - 8:00 P M

Detroit Institute of Arts (Orchestra Performance)

Admission : $5 00, $4.00, $3.00

Student: $4.00, $3.00, $2.0 0

Ticket information:

Detroit Institute of Arts

5200 Woodward Ave., 48202 Phone: 832-2730,831-0360, ext. 53

J. L. Hudson Company : 223-5100

Apr il 9 & 1 0 - 12:30 P .M. ( tudent Matinees)

Detroit Institute of Ar t s

Admission: $1.50

Ticket information: 832-2730

Apr il 1 3 -1 2 :30 P . M _ (Student Mati n ee)

\.'V'arren Woods High Schoo l Auditorium

Twel ve Mile and chot:nherr

Admission: .50

Ticket information: L7-6600

A p ril 14 - 8:00 P.M

Warren Woods High School AuditOrium

Twelve Mile and cboenberr

Admission: $2.00

Ticket information: SL 7·6600

Ap r il 15 - 12:30 P M _ ( tudent Matioee)

Lahser High Scbool

Between Square Lk & Long Lk.

Ad mission: 1 00

Ticket information:

Mrs. Ralp h Curtis: 628-2737

Apr i l 16 - 8 :30 P M

La h ser High School

Between Square Lk. & Long Lk.

Admi ·sion: $2.50

Ticket information:

Me . Arnold Brown: 681-1080

MIs. James Gell: 647-4538

M r s Vern Severson: 651-1318

GrinneU 's-Ponciac Mall: 682·0422

Grinne U's-B i rmingbam : M I4-S135

April 21 - 8:00 P.M.

Midland, Michigan (S p onso r ed by Nor t bwood I nstitute)

Cen t ra l Intermedia t e Audito r ium

D etroit Grand Opera Association, Inc.


1970 Metropolitan Opera Season in Detroit

Monday, May 25



Benefit performance for the Detroit Institute of Arts and the Detroir S}'mpbony Orchestra

Tuesday, May 26 LA TR/I. VIA A-Verdi

Wednesday, May 27


Thursday, May 28

NORMA-Be l lini

Friday, l'vlay 29


Saturday, May 30-{Matinee) To cA-Puccini

Saturday, May 30-(Evening)

DtH ZAUBERFLOTE-Mozart (The Magic Flute)

Frank W. Donovan, C h airman Wi l ber H. Mack, President Me Ernest A. J ones, General Chairman
University Center for Adult Education (W.S.u. U. of M. E.M.U.) 60 Farnsworth Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48202

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