Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
"Baldwin ... is in itself a magnificently sensitive and brilliant SS-piece ensemble ... completely satisfying to me both as Pianist and Conductor."
.. . Leonard BernsteinThe New Baldwin Concert Grand is heralded by artist, audiences and critics alike as the Piano of the Century ... it is the result of a constant search for perfection, through 110 years of uninterrupted piano building, without change of ownership.
"If Beethoven had had a piano like that (Baldwin) the course of music would have been radically altered."
Robert CommandaY3 San Francisco Chronicle-August 9 3 1966
"The evening was further enhanced by the magnificent tones of one of the finest concert grands I have ever heard another of those remarkable new Baldwin instruments."
Harris Goldsmith3 High Fidelity/Musical American-January 1966
"The carrying power was imposing, something for which the Brahms Second provides a really severe test There has been a significant technological advance in pianos in decades We might all wind up being grateful to Baldwin for forcing a development."
Michael Steinberg 3 The Boston Sunday Globe-May 8 3 1966
was another contributing factor, too, the piano itself ... I cannot remember, in fact, hearing any make of piano with a better, truer, more musical treble right up to the top It 1S clear that the Baldwin people have taken a big forward step with this new instrument."
Alan Rich, New York Herald-Tribune-October 28 3 1965
September 28 - December 16, 1972
David DiChiera DAVID
DiCJIIERA, General Director ROBERT M. HEUER, Managing DirectorDetroit has done it again! A beautiful theatre, outstanding singers, and enthusiastic audiences have ensured that opera theatre is here to stay. Overture to Opera, recently accepted into OPERA American (the organization to which all major opera companies belong), opens its season for the second time in an ideal setting - The Music Hall Theatre.
This season our productions span three centuries of opera, from Mozart to Menotti. A varied repertoire has been characteristic of Overture to Opera - last year we presented a rock opera, and Puccini's La Rondine with soprano Nancy Shade. On our drawing boards for the future are ideas for productions of works by Offenbach, Barber and Verdi. We wiU continue to present familar as well as less-famous operas, always emphasizing the fact that opera is, above all, theatre.
As a regional company, our casts consist primarily of the finest professional artists in the Great Lakes area, as well as outstanding young singers from around the country. New dimensions are added when major international stars such as Phyllis Curtin perform with us.
Overture will continue with its extensive in-school educational program. New is the Opera in Residence Program beginning in February, in which Michigan communities will host the Overture Company in their town for a week of opera experience. The week will include classes, workshops and a full production.
Overture is grateful for the gTant from the National Endowment for the Arts which will enable us to carry our Tosca to Flint and Kalamazoo. We wish again to extend heartfelt thanks to the many volunteers whose behind-the-scenes labors have sustained and strengthened us.
Every great city needs a full gamut of cultural offerings. Overture to Opera is proud to provide the citizens of Southeastern Michigan with a full season of opera, thus joining the theatres, the Detroit Symphony and the Institute of Arts in offering Detroiters yet another outlet for their multi-faceted interests. Your generous contributions are making Overture possible, but your enthusiastic reception as an audience gives the company the spiritual support that cannot be measured.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
General Director: Dr. David DiChiera
Managing Director: Robert M.Heuer
Public Relations: Cindy Skalsky
Secretary/Receptionist: Diann Wolfe
Company Photographer: Bill Morse
Music Director: William Byrd
Chorus Master: Dr. Raynold Allvin
Coach/Accompanists: Beverly ·Labuta
Donna Edwards
Harpsichordist: Dr. David Daniels
The Flint Symphony Orchestra
William C. Byrd, Music Director
Soprano: Basses:
Jan Albright
Nancy Hoover
Cindy Jackson
Joan Wells
Lee Ann Wolf
Pat Smith
Phyllis Snow
Carol Weisswasser
Rose Burnett
Leta Dockett
Diann Wolfe
Jim Anderson
Larry Bellaire
Mike · Albrigh t
Ron Bobo
James Dutcher
George Jahn
Tom Murphy
Steven Olds
John Rahleeh
Albert Shont
Roman Terleckyj
Kenneth Young
Boys Chorus:
Gary Adams
Carl Allvin
Bruce Brunsdon
Gary Cobb
Carmen Cavallero
William Kaminski
Jim Wells
Larry Wolf
Stage Directors:
J. Michael Bloom
Carolyn Lockwood
Hal Youngblood
Tom Byrant
George Dusincki
Dayvid Warda
Allen White
Tim Hershberger
Bob Munn
Tim Thomas
Steve Tomlinson
Stage Manager: Linda Connor
Mr.& Mrs. Lynn A. Townsend, Co-Chairmen
Mr.& Mrs. Avern L. Cohn
Mr.& Mrs. John H. DeCarlo
Dr.& Mrs. David DiChiera
Mr.& Mrs. Aaron H. Gershenson
Mr.& Mrs. Donald Graves
Hon.& Mrs. S. Gribbs
Mr.& Mrs. John C. Griffin
Mr.& Mrs. Frank W. Donovan
Mr.& Mrs. Joseph Vance
Detroit Institute of Technology
University Center for Adult Education
Mrs. Donald Young Chairman
Mrs. Harvey Berman
Mrs. Sigmund Blum
Mrs. Edward Bush
Mrs. Abraham Cooper
Mrs. Paul K. Cousino
Mrs. Ralph Curtis
Mrs. Robert Cutler
Mrs. Robert Dewar
Mrs. Edward Frohlich
Mrs. Matthew Garrisi
Mrs. Eric T. Goullaud
Mrs. John C. Griffin
Mrs. Horace Holloway
Mrs. Robin Hough
Mr.& Mrs. Harry Jones
Hon.& Mrs. Wade H. McCree Jr.
Mr.& Mrs. Harry J. Nederlander
Mr. E. Harwood Rydholm
Mr.& Mrs. Neil Snow
Mr.& Mrs. Richard Strichartz
Mr.& Mrs. Robert C. Vander Kloot
Mr.& Mrs. Sam B. Williams
Mr.& Mrs. Theodore o. Yntema
Mr.& Mrs. Wilber H. Mack
Oakland University University of Detroit Wayne State University
Mrs. Napolean Jones
Mrs. Gunnar Karlstrom
Mrs. Jay Benton Lackey
Mrs. Thomas V. LoCicero
Mrs. Lorenzo Lorenzetti
Mrs. Scott McKean
Mrs. Irving Pasman
Mrs. Laurence Rattner
Mrs. Arthur J. Rooks
Mrs. Ernest J. Shave
Ms. Pat Smith
Mrs. William B. Ten Eyck
Mrs. Robert C. Vander Kloot
Mrs. Avern L. Cohn and Mrs. Sam B. Williams Co-Chairmen A ZANY FUN-FILLED EVENING Spectacular Italian buffet Fabulous singing waiters Famous celebrities
movies Exotic fun
SEPTEMBER 28, 30 & OCTOBER 6, 7, 1972
Cosi 3an 7utte [Wom en ane Like
Libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte
Translation by Ruth and Thomas Martin
Conductor: William C. Byrd
Stage Director: J.Michael Bloom
Technical Director: George Dusincki
Costumes Designed by Dayvid Warda
Fiordiligi ..•................ Doralene Davis
Dorabella .................... Barbara Windham
Guglielmo •....•.............. Charles Roe
Ferrando ..................... Richard Conrad
Despina ...................... Roma Riddell
Don .•................ John Ostendorf
Servants: James Anderson, James Dutcher, Thomas Murphy, Roman Terlackj
The action takes place in Naples
Richard Conrad, tenor, a sinuer of ex traordinary gifts has made successful tour s of Europe and South Africa. He also has many recordin gs to his credit, including the award winning "The Age of Bel Canto " with Joan Sutherland and \larilyn Horne. .'Ilr. Conrad appeared previously with The Overture to Opera Company in productions of LA RO;\D!;\E and HELP , HELP THE GLOBOLI;\KS
John O s tendorf , bas s- baritone, comes to us from tlle .'Iletropolitan Opera Studio, and as an up-and-coming young artist, he is in great demand around the country. Recent engagements have included performances with the Houston Grand Opera, the Opera and an appearance in LES TROY AS S at Carnegie Hall.
Charles Roe has appeared lvith numerous orciIestras, includin g a performance opposite Beverly Sills with th e Cleveland Orchestra. In 1966 he ",as named runner-up in the :'IJational Singer of the Year competition h e ld in \\a s hington , D C. :'olr. Roe has appeared in many leailin g roles in opera and mu"ical comedv, incl uding The Overture to Opera Company productions of LA RO;\DI;\E and RJTA.
Doralene Davis, soprano, has toured extensively as soloist wi th th e Rouer Wagner and the Robert Chorale throughout South America, the U.S.S.R., Europe and the Cnited States. \Jiss Davis has al so made so lo I appearances at the \lcadow Brook Festival and ,vith the Detroit Svmphony Orchestra. She gained siderable acclaim for her interpretation of \ladame Eut e rpova in The Overture to Opera Company production of HELP , HELP THE - GLOBOU:\KS.
Roma Riddell, soprano , began her career at the Toronto Conservatory of \Iu s ic and established herself as a leading artist with the Toronto Symphony, the Toronto Opera Festival and the C.B .C. Opera Company. Now a resident of Detroi t, this talented and beautiful singing actress frequently appears with The Overture to Opera Company and is also very active in the Detroit musical scene.
Barbara Windham ha s appeared in many productions of both grand and light opera and musical comedy, with such groups as the Toledo Opera Company and the Windsor Light Op e ra Company. She is a memb e r of the Kenneth Jewell Chorale and wa s seen in the much heralded production of THE PERFECT FOOL.
David Daniels is the harpsichordist for all performances.
PLEASE NOTE: There are a limited number of season tickets available The full price of single admission tickets for this opera may be applied on those tickets with an accompanying savings. Please bring your ticket stubs to the Music Hall Box Office during the next few days.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
OCTOBER 27, 28 & NOVEMBER 2, 4, 1972
Libretto by Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi Illica John Gutman
Conductor: Wl'llictm C. Byrd
Stage Director: Carolyn Lockwood
Chorus Master: Raynold Allvin
Sets Designed by George Dusincki
Lights Designed by Allen White
Costumes Designed by Dayvid Warda
Floria Tosca, an opera singer
November 2, matinee performance
Mario Cavaradossi, a
Baron Scarpia, the chief of the Roman police
Phyllis Curtin
Charles Hindsley
October 27 and 28 ..........•.........•.. Micheal Ingham
November 2 and 4 ........................ Ronald Holgate
Cesare Angelotti, an underground fighter •........ Charles Roe
A Saclistan ......•............................... Davis Gloff
Spoletta, a police agent Joseph Ryan
Sciarrone, Scarpials orderly
Kenneth Young
A Jailer ...........•......•.•.................... Thomas Murphy
A Shepherd Boy
Act I - The Church of Santi Andrea Della Valle
Act II - Palazzo Farnese
Act III - Castel Santi Angelo
Gail White
* This production of T os ca is supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts in Washington, D.C., a Federal Agency.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
The management reserves the right to make any changes in the above cast in case of unforeseen exigencies.
Phyllis Curtin, world renown ed soprano, heads the list of artists starring as the beautiful and tragic Tosca. Her following is as numerous as her list of accomplishments, tours, and superlatives preceeding her name. "Her voice is extraordinary , s he is beautiful, and her rep e rtoire is fantastic." London Vogue "Curtin's voice is a miracle. This was more than singing : this was creating."
Holland, Amsterdam Handelsblad
Ronald Hol ga te is a rarity of a performer. He is not only a trained operatic and concert baritone , but also an accomplished actor who won the much coveted Tony award for his rol e in " 1776 ." After his appearance here in Detroit last spring, Collins Geor ge of the Detroit Free Pr ess had this to say of "dr. Holgate: " With that voice, good looks of a movie character and great stage presence, Holgate 's name will be known from now on!"
Charles Hindslev, who will star in the rol e of is a young American tenor whose performance s with numerous op e ra companies have crarnered him such critical acclaim
"He has a clear lyric tenor that carries well and hi s high notes have quitea touch of body and brilliance."
Max Schaunsee, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. For the New York City Opera he has sung lead tenor roles in LA TRAVIATA, THE LOVE FOR THREE ORI\J\'GES, LA BOHEME as weJl as the world pr e miere of Giannini's THE SERVA1'lT OF TWO f\-1ASTERS. He recently starred as Rhadames opposite Martina Arroyo in the Meadow Brook Festival's production of AIDA.
Alternating with :\lr. Holgate in the role of Scarpia, is Michael Ingham', a young 'ba ritone , fast rising on the operatic scene. A product of the Indiana University Opera where he sang many leading roles, he also appeared for two seasons with the Central City Opera. Critics have lauded him for his passionate, intense in terpreta tions.
DECEMBER 7, 9, 15, 16, 1972
Conductor: William C. Byrd
Stage Director: Hal Youngblood
Sets Designed by George Dusincki
Lucy ......................... Onita Sanders
Ben Charles Roe
The scene is Lucy's apartment &
Conductor: William C. Byrd
Stage Director: (to be announced)
Designed by Thomas A. Aston
Madame Flora (Baba) .......... Muriel Greenspon
Monica ....................... Nancy Hoover
Toby ......................... (to be announced)
Mrs. Gobineau ................Phyllis Gaide
Mr. Gobineau ..........•...... Kenneth Young
Mrs. Nolan ..............•.... Suzanne La Croix
Act I -A squalid room in a flat Act II - The same
By arrangement with G. Schirmer, Inc.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
The management reserves the right to make any changes in the above cast in case of unforeseen exigencies.
Miss Greenspon returns this year to do the title role she first performed here in 1967. At that time Collins George of The Detroit Free Press commented: "To watch her build the tension carefully from the humdrum opening to the almost unbearably taut climax was fascinating. Miss Greenspon has been and will remain a great gift to the musical theatre."
Subsequently, Miss Greenspon was chosen by Menotti himself to create the role for the famed Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto, Italy. Critical acclaim was so overwhelming that Miss Greenspon was asked to return the following season for an unprecedented repeat production. Miss Greenspon, a native Detroiter, is considered the world's leading interpreter of the role.
Nancy Hoover received he B.M. degree in voice at W. Virginia University. She did her postgraduate study, majoring in lieder and opera at Mozarteum Academy, Salzburg, Austria. She has had private study with Ludwig Bergman, Marian Manderen, and Marjorie Gordon.
Her experience before coming to Detroit includes summer stock in New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, and operatic roles in Austria. Previous Overture to Opera performances include Th e Por t ug uese and Monica in the 1968 production of Th e Medium.
Onita Jackie Sanders, lyric Soprano, gained considerable experience in doing leading roles with the Celeste Cole Opera Theatre. She has performed for the last two seasons with the Detroit Symphony in their "Summer Music Theatre" Series. Her Overture to Opera debut as Lisette in L a R ondine garnered her rave review.
Ll Ll ST ?
If you are not now on our mailing list and would like to be, p lease call 377-2044 or write to OPERA, 383 Varner Hall, Oa kland University, Rochester, Michigan 48063.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Musical scholarship and award winner Phyllis Gaide is a talented soprano who has appeared in Overture to Opera productions of Menotti's The Medium and The Consul. A student of Avery Crew, she has also studied at the 1965 Meadow Brook School of Music at the Opera Workshop directed by Dr. David DiChiera. Miss Gaide has made numerous appearances as soloist with Detroit musical organizations.
* * * * * *
Davis Gloff is a young Detroit baritone who has embarked upon a most promising and professional career in opera. A student of Avery Crew, his recent credits include performances with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and the role of Tonio in Pagliacci for Delta College. He debuted with Overture Fiorello in the 1970 production of The Barber of Sem"lle; and last year won critical praise as the Wizard in Overture's premiere production of Holst's The Perfect Fool.
* * * * * *
Accomplished singer and actress Suzanne LaCroix has studied at Wayne State University and in New York. She is well known to Detroit audiences for her numerous appearances in productions at the Bonstelle Theatre and in nightclubs in the metropolitan area. She toured with the Overture to Opera Company as the lead in The Medium and appeared in the Company's productions of Jl Campanella and Der Jasager.
* * * * * *
Lyric spinto soprano Brenda Sinka has appeared with Indiana University Opera theatre and was a leading artist with the Rendsburg Opera in Germany and the Goldovsky Grand Opera Theater. She has made guest appearances with symphony orchestras in Chicago, Cleveland, and Dusseldorf. Most recently she won plaudits for performances in the title role of La Traviata, in Grand Rapids.
Kenneth Young is a lyric baritone who holds a masters degree in voice fromlndiana University. He was an apprentice artist with the Santa Fe Opera Company and has appeared as soloist with the Detroit Symphony. His previous Overture to Opera performances included roles in The Portuguese Inn, LaBoheme, and Help, Help, the Clobolinks.
Costumes Executed By: Mary M. Boone; Wigs and Hairstyles by Dayvid B. Warda; Beading by James Beaudoin: Custom Millinery by Mary-Magda Boone; Artwork by Stephen C. Foster.
Technicians: Timothy Alberts, Sue Adler, James Beaudoin, Kathy Grabruck, Karen McKean, Kelly O'Neil, Phyllis Snow.
Special Thanks To: Richard Bunn, Mrs. Funk, Mrs. White, Emma Vandenheede, Richard Foster, Johnston Optical Company
Set Crew: Jim Adams, Dwight Baldwin, William McAdam, Steve Thomas Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
l'lr • &: Mrs. Don E. Ahrens
Dr. &: Mrs. E. Bryce Alpern
Mr. &: Mrs. Gordon E. Areen
Mr. &: Mrs. J. Merriam Barnes
Mr. &: Mrs. Carl Barton
Mr. &: Mrs. Mortimer Bernhardt
Mr. &: Mrs. Virgil E. Boyd
Mrs. Benjamin Brewster
Mr. &: Mrs. Rinehart Bright
Burroughs Corporation
Mr. &: Mrs. Edmund Campbell
Mr. &: Mrs. Roy Chapin
Mr. &: Mrs. Grant Chave
Chrysler Corporation
Mr. &: Mrs. Ferdinand Cinelli
Mr. &: Mrs. Walker Cisler
Mr. &: Mrs. Avern L. Cohn
Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Cole
Mrs. Abraham Cooper
Mr. &: Mrs. John DeCarlo
Mr. &: Mrs. Walter Denison
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert E. Dewar
Dr. &: Mrs. Edward Dolan
Mr. &: Mrs. Frank W. Donovan
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Doran
Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Endicott
Mrs. Maxwell Fead
Mrs. Charles T. Fisher, Jr.
Mr. &: Mrs. Max Fisher
Mr. &: Mrs. Charles T. Fisher, III
Mr. &: Mrs. Harold A. Fitzgerald
Ford Motor Company
Mr. Phillip Fox
Mr. &: Mrs. Marvin Frenkel
Mr. Richard W. Frey
Mr. &: Mrs. Edward P. Frohlich
Mr. &: Mrs. John Garlinghouse
Mr. &: Mrs. Hans Gehrke
General Motors Corporation
Mr. &: Mrs. Aaron H. Gershenson
Mr. &: Mrs. L. C. Goad
Mr. &: Mrs. Stephen L. Goodale, Jr.
Mr. &: Mrs. Alan Gornick
Mr. &: Mrs. H. James
Mr. &: Mrs. Donald Graves
Mr. &: Mrs. John Griffin
Mr. &: Mrs. David Handleman
Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Handleman
Mr. &: Mrs. W. D. Hanway
Mr. &: Mrs. David Hill
Mr. &: Mrs. Henry C. Johnson
Mr. &: Mrs. Ernest A. Jones
Mr. &: Mrs. Harry L. Jones
Mr. &: Mrs. Semon E. Knudsen
Selma Korn
Dr. &: Mrs. James Labes
Mr. &: Mrs. Mark D. Littler
Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas LoCicero
Mr. &: Mrs. Alan Loofburrow
Mr. &: Mrs. Denver McCord
Mr. &: Mrs. Ralph T. McElvenny
Mr. &: Mrs. Paul McKenny
M &: M Distribution Company
Mr. &: Mrs. Wilbur H. Mack
Mr. &: Mrs. Gerald Manko
Mr. &: Mrs. F. W. Misch
Judge &: Mrs. Arthur Moore
Mott Foundation
Mr. &: Mrs. Harry J. Nederlander
Mr. &: Mrs. John S. Pingel
Mr. &: Mrs. David Pollack
Mr. &: Mrs. John J. Riccardo
Mrs. Hans Rogind
Mrs. George Roumell
Mr. &: Mrs. Ross Roy
Mr. Harwood Rydholm
Dr. &: Mrs. Herman Scarney
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert B. Semple
Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Seregeny
Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Shaheen
Mr. &: Mrs. Gerald R. Slattery
Mr. &: Mrs. Neil Snow
Mr. &: Mrs. Sidney R. Solomon
Mrs. Gould Teachout
Mr. &: Mrs. Lynn A. Townsend
Mr. &: Mrs. Macon C. Trabue, Jr.
Mr. &: Mrs. Emmett E. Tracy
Dr. &: Mrs. Arthur Turner
Mr. &: Mrs . . Joseph A. Vance, Jr.
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert C. VanderKloot
Mr. &: Mrs. H. C. VanWormer
Mr. &: Mrs. Harold G. Warner
Miss Katherine E. Wasserfallen
Mr. &: Mrs. Jervis Webb
Mr. &: Mrs. Edward G. Wellock
Mr. &: Mrs. Warren Wilkinson
The Hon. &: Mrs. G. Mennan Williams
Mr. &: Mrs. R. Jamison Williams
Mr. &: Mrs. Sam B. Williams
Mr. &: Mrs. John Wilson
Mr. &: Mrs. Isadore Winkelman
Mr. &: Mrs. Theodore Yntema
The Overture to Opera Company is not self-supporting, and is therefore dependent upon personal and financial support. Contributions, which are tax deductible, amy be made by check, payable to Detroit Grand Opera Ass'n. - Overture, and mailed to Opera Fund, 383 Varner Hall, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan 48063.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
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