Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
PERFORMANCE is a commitment to Excellence
its commitment to excellence in every performance , the Michigan Opera Theatre inspires , enthralls and delights us. It enriches our lives.
The MASCO family of companies proudly supports the Michigan Opera Theatre's great productions in its 2001- 2002 season. They are outstanding contributions to the cultural life of Michigan and we extend our best wishes for a sensational season.
The Official Magazine of the Detroit Opera House
Dr. David DiChiera , General Director
Laura Wy ss , Editor
Matthew S. Birman , Asso ciate Editor
Dr. David DiChiera
Michigan Opera Th eatre Staff
Live Publishing Company
Frank Cucciarre , Design and Art Direction
Jud y Beveridge, Production Coordinator
Chu ck Rosenberg , Copy Editor
Toby Faber, Director of Adv ertising Sal es
Cove r Design b y Frank Cu cciarre, Blink Conc ept & Design
Michiga n Opera Theatre wo uld lik e to thank Harmony H ouse Records for d onatin g season recordings and videos.
Physicians ' service provided b y Henry Ford Medical Cente r.
No rthw es t Airlines is the offi cia l Air line of Mic hi gan O p era Thea tre.
Pepsi-Co la is the official soft drink and j uice pro vider for th e Detroit O pera Hou se.
Steinway is the o ffici al pian o of th e Detroi t Ope ra Ho use an d Michiga n Ope ra Thea tre. Steinway p ia n os are p rovi ded b y Hamm el Musi c, exclus ive re p rese ntative for Steinway and So n s in Michi gan.
President Tuxedo is the official provider of formal wear fo r the Detroit O p era Ho u se
Mic hi gan Opera Thea tre is a n on profit cultural organiza ti on wh ose activi ti es are sup p orted in part by the Michigan Council fo r Arts an d Cultural Affairs, th e National En dowment for th e Arts, an d other in dividuals, corporations and fou nd ati o ns . Michigan Opera Th ea tre is an Equal Opportu nity Employe r.
Building on our Successes
Dear Friends ,
The opening of the Detroit Opera House in 1996 brought not only grand opera, but also extraordinary dance performances to this magnificent stage and auditorium . For the past five years, we have been deeply committed to staging the greatest in dance programming; our 2001-2002 DaimlerChrysler Dance Series, which began with Tango Pasion , continues this tradition.
Our exciting dance season continues with the Detroit Opera House debut of the ever-popular Danc e Theatre of Harlem in February, and th e return of American Ballet Theatre with a lavish production of Le Corsaire in March. Of course, a dance season is not complete without the annual holiday tradition of The Nutcracker, which takes the stage once again in December. By popu lar d eman d , we are also pleased to present, for the second season, The Joffrey Ballet of Chicago, March 9 and 10. We again present th e Joffrey Ballet of Chicago, with special support from Detro it Friends of The Joffrey Ballet of Chicago.
Our deep est gratitude goes to the DairnlerChrys ler Corporation Fund, which has sponsored every dance series since 1996. This season, the DairnlerChrysler Corporation Fund will also serve as the production sponsor for Dance Theatre of Harlem . Special thanks also to Bank One for
sponsoring Th e Nutcracker, with additiona l support from Gannett Foundation and Th e Detroit News, media partner. In addition to our corporate sponsors, we especially thank those individual s who ha ve made dance at the Detroit Opera Hou se possible: Maggie and Bob Allesee, Marlene and John Boll, Margo Cohen, David Handleman, Audrey and Irving Rose, the Shirley Schlafer Fund, and Pearl and George Zeltzer. These generous individuals have demonstrated a strong commitment to the cultural well-being of our community and the importance of dance to the arts in our city
While we remain steadfast to our mission of presenting a world-class dance series , we still ha ve a great deal of work to do to ensure its future. We can't achieve this alone; we need your support. We hope you will introduce a friend to the world of danc e to help crea te the audiences of tomorrow and ensure the future of dance in Detroit.
Enjoy the performance I
David DiChiera Founder and General Director Michigan Opera Theatre/Detroit Opera Hou seA Detroit Holiday Tradition
An old m an , tired and uninspired , ambles abou t his room. We rec ognize him as author ETA. Hoffman only when he is trans formed with creative energy and is in spired to write a new story As the w ork b egins, the authors vivid imagination tr an sports us to the home of th e Van Stahlbaums. Th e action is frozen , and Hoffm an prepares to choo se a main character. H e sees something spec ial in a yo ung girl. Hoffman casts the girl as Clara and himself as the m ys terious H e rr Dro sscl m cycr
Act I
The Von Stahlbaurns and their ch ildren , Clara and Flitz , are ho st in g a Christmas party As the guests ce lebrate, the party is interrupt ed by the surprise a rri va l of the eccentric H err Drosselmeyer. As us u al, h e delights the crowd with wonderful gifts and magical toys Drosselmeyer gathers the children and, using life-size dolls as props , tells them the story of "The Nutcracker and the Sugar Plu m Fairy"
The Story of the Nutcracker and the Sugar Plum Fairy
In a faraway land called th e Kingdom of the Sweets, there lived th e hand so me Nutcracker Prince and th e Sugar Plum Fairy. Th e two were Vel) mu ch in lo ve and anxiously awaited th e day they would be marri ed . Befo re th e gl0110US wed ding day, the Mouse Queen Rathilda gre w j ealous, becaus e she was neither beautiful nor in lov e. Out of spite, Rathilda tri ed to steal th e Sugar Plum Fairy's beauty, but th e N utcracke r Prin ce stopped her. Angry with th e Princ e, Rathilda cast an ev il spell, turning him into an ugly wood en nutcracker.
After Dro sselmeyer's story, all the children except Clara return to the party. Th e Von Stahlbaums' daughter is a gir l wi th a romanti c sou l, and she cannot bea r the
10 BRAVOthought of th e Princ e being se parated from hi s true lo ve. She asks Dros sel meye r if anything can be don e to help the Nutcracker Prince. Dros sel meyer tells Clara that , if she is willing to go through great trial s, she can help , and gives her the nutcracker doll. Clara's imp etuou s littl e broth el; jealous of th e att ention his sister receives , brea ks the dol l. Drosselm eyer plac es the doll undern eath th e tree, and the party co ntinu es.
Unable to sleep that eveni ng, Clara goes downstairs around midnight to chec k on her do ll and is fri ghtened by a group of large mice. Wh en th e mice turn on Clara and she is about to sacrifice her life for the Nu tcra cker; Dro ssel meye r interve nes . Impressed by Clara's brav e act, Drosselm eyer teac hes her magi c.
Dro ss elmeyer th en vanishes as qUickly as he ap peared , and Clara fac es her nex t trial. Ju st as th e Mou se King is about to defe at th e Nutcracker; Clara summons all her strength and bravery, and slays the vil e rodent. Rathilda's spell is broken, and th e Nutcrac ker returns to his human form as the handsom e Prin ce Et ern ally gra tefu l to Clara, the Nutcracker Prin ce tak es her to
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see th e extraordinary Kingdom of th e Sweets.
-IntermissionAct II
Dro sse lm eyer; wielding the unlimited pow er of the author's imagination , prepares th e Kingdom of th e Sweets for Clara's visit and vanis hes befo re she arrives. Th e Nu tcrac ker Prin ce introduces Clara to the Sugar Plum Fairy, th e King and Queen, and the wedding ceremony begins. An array of delicious entertainment awaits. Th ere are the exo ti c Spanish, Arabian, Chin ese, and Ru ss ian danc es, followed by the Littl e Shepherds Th en the magnificent Walt z of th e Flowers begins. Fina lly, the Nutcracker Princ e and the Sugar Plum Fairy danc e a romantic pas de deux for Clara Dro ssel meyer appears and tell s Clara it is tim e to go
Still at his de sk, E. IA. Hoffman comp letes the final chapter of a story that he hopes will teac h and inspire generations to come m
Artist Profiles
The Artistic Staff
Assistant Artistic Director
Former Prima Ballerina Assoluta of the Kirov Ballet and favorite partner of Mikhail Baryshnikov and Rudolf Nureyev, Irina Kolpakova is widely recognized as one of the finest ballerinas in the last half-century Ms. Kolpakova joined the Kirov in 1950 and danced leading roles in all major ballets including Stone Flower , Legend oj Love, The Creation oj the World, TIle Nutcracker, Raymonda , Romeo and juliet , Les Sylphides, Otello, Giselle , Cinderella, Don Qltixote and La Bayadere during her illustrious 38-year career She was the undisputed star of the Kirov's first tours to the United States in 1961 and 1964, enchanting audiences with her interpretation of Princess Aurora in The Sleeping Beauty, regarded by many as the most beautiful of our time
The last pupil of Agnppina Vaganova, famed founder of modern ballet education, Ms. Kolpakova has garnered many prestigious awards, including People 's Artist of the Soviet Union and the Anna Pavlova Prize. She is a remarkable teacher and coach , and is a jurist in several international ballet competitions in Russia, japan and the United States Prior to joining Ballet Internationale , Ms. Kolpakova served as ballet mistress at the American Ballet Theatre in New York.
Principal Ballet Mistress
Ms Shields is a former principal dancer with Indianapolis Ballet Tlieatre , where she appeared in lead roles in many productions, including Giselle , TIle Sl eeping Beauty, Swan Lak e, Th e Nutcrachel; Romeo andjltliet, Gaite Parisienne , A Midsummer Night's Dream and Coppelia, as well as George Balanchines Night Shadow and Jose Limons The Moor's Pavane. Ms. Shields was invited by former artistic director George Verdak to perform and assist in the staging of the Russian premiere of the ballet Le Bal in St. Petersburg, Russia. As ballet mistress fo r Ballet Internationale , she has been responsible for assisting in the staging of Eldar Aliev's The Nutcracker , A Thousand and One Nights, and The Firebird. Ms. Shields has also assisted in the s taging of Alberto Alonso's Carmen , Martin Fredmanns Cinderella, Agnes de Milles Rodeo and Val Caniparolis Lambarena (in Indianapolis and Pretoria , South Africa). A native of Winson-Salem, North Carolina , Ms. Shields studied at the North Carolina Sch ool of the Arts as well as the joffrey School and Butler University, and has been a guest performe r and teacher across the United States
Ballet Mistress
Tatiana Pali achieved stardom as a Prima Ballerina with the Moscow Classical Ballet , garnering numerous international awards for her performances
Detroit Opera House
in Swan Lake , Don Quixote, Giselle, Romeo & juliet, The Creation oj the World , Paquita and many others. She won the gold medal at the prestigious International Dance Competition in Varna, Bulgaria; received the August Bournonville prize from the Paris Academy of Dance; was acclaimed with the title "Honored Artist of Russia " and was named as "Best Ballerina of the Year in Moscow" in 1991. Ms Pali is regularl y featured in international galas, and participated with other gold medalists in the "Russian All-Stars Super Gala" in Tokyo. Indianapolis audiences have enjoyed Ms Pali in many leading roles including Princess Aurora in The Sleeping Beauty, the Sugar Plum Fairy in The Nutcmck el; as well as leading roles in CoppeIia, Les Sylphides , Giselle, The Creation oj the World and many others. She also danced a magnificent and unforgettable performance in the lead role in Ballet Int ernationale 's world premiere of Sheherezade. In April 2000 , Ms. Pali retired as Principal Dancer with Ballet Internationale She will continue to assist in the artistic direction of th e company and is a member of the faculty of The Academy of Ballet Internationale.
Guest Conductor
Guest Conductor Oleg Beluntsov will lead the In d ianapolis Chamber Orch estra in Ballet Internationales 200112002 season. He was Principal Conductor of Moscow Musical Theatre s "Amadeus " and is the former Conductor of the Perm State Opera and Ballet. Me. Beluntsov has been a Guest Conductor with the Bolshoi Theatre , the Leningrad Philharmonic , th e Vienna Symphony and many other prestigious companies around the world. Born in Smolensk, Russia, Me Beluntsov trained at the Moscow Co n servatory under the guidance of Gennady Rozhdestvensky, He is married and lives in New York City
Music Director and Company Pianist
Originally from St. Petersburg, Russia, Mrs. Shestakova was the Accompanist for the Vaganova Academy from 1979-1986 and the Kirov Ballet from 1986-1996. She has been the Music Director and Company Pianist for Ballet Internationale since 1996. She performed the music for a BBC documentary on Leningrad legend , Natalia Makarova , and her work is featured on a new CD , "Favorite Classics of Ballet. "
Principal, Th e Academy oj Ballet Int emationa le Vladilen Semenov enjoyed a prominent career with the Kirov Ballet in St. Petersburg from 1950 to 1996. A Premier Danseur for twenty years, his partners included Irina Kolpakova , whom he married in 1955 , and ballerinas Alicia Alonso, Natalia Makaro va ,
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and Alla Osipenko He earned international fame as the Kirov BalletS Artistic Director from 1970-1972 , was the companys Principal Teacher and has served on the faculty of the prestigiOUS Vaganova Academy since 1964. H e has won numerous international awards In 1982, he received the title of Peoples Artist of the Soviet Union - the countrys highest honor. Regarded as one of the finest ballet teachers in the world , Me Semenov has served as company teacher and principal of The Academy of Ballet Internationale since 1997.
CLARK BLAKLEY Vice Principal, The Academy oj Ballet Int emationale
In 1988 , Clark Blakley joined Ballet Internationale as a soloist and received outstanding reviews for his character roles as Pan in Walpurgisnacht, the Chief of Thieves in A Thousand and One Nights, and Carabosse in The Sleeping Beauty A native of Canada and a graduate of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School, he also danced with the Alberta Ballet and Banff Festival of the Arts. H e has been teaching at The Academy of Ballet Internationale since its inception in 1993 and has taught master classes in j apan and Taiwan. Mr Blakley has also coached three IPS Prelude Scholarship winners , was a dance coach for 1992 Olympic Pairs Figure Skating Champion Natalia Miskituruk, and was a certified level II figureskating coach in Canada.
Principal Dancers
Oguican Borova was recognized in 1996 as the "Prize Winner " at the National Competition in Turkey, his home coun try H e won a bronze medal in the Junior Division at the 1998 Varna International Ballet Compe tit ion in Bulgaria , was a finalist at the 1998 Paris International Ballet Competition, and in 1999 was a semi finalist at the j apan International Ballet and Modern Dance Competition In Turkey, Boro va danced leading roles in La Fille Mal Carde e, Don QUixote, Flam es oj Palis and Le Corsaire. He joined Ballet Intemationale in 1999 , and performed leading so lo roles in A Thousand and One Nights, The Creation oj the World, Don Quixote, Cinderella and others This is his first season as Principal Dancer.
Irina Komarenko is a native of the Ukraine and a 1992 graduate of the Alma-Ata Ballet Academy
Upon graduation, she joined the world-renowned Donetsk Ballet and danced leading roles in various performances. Ms. Komarenko has toured extensively in Europe. She joined Ballet Internationale in 1999, performing leading roles in The Creation oj the World, The Nutcracker, Napoli , and A Thousand and On e Nights. In 2000, she was a guest dancer with Universal Ballet for their US tour to the Kennedy Center, Lincoln Center and Los Angeles ' Music Center That same year, she received the
prize as best n on-competing partner in the Varna International Dance Competiti on.
Karen Scalzitti-Ke nn e d y is a former principal dancer wi th Boston Ballet and Ballet West. She was the pa rtner of superstar Fernando Bujones. Her classical repertoire includes principal roles in various co ntemporary and classical productions. She became a favorite of Ind ianapolis audie n ces when s h e danced in Ballet Internationale productions of A Thousand and One Nights, Firebird, Th e NLltCl'ackel; Giselle and many others. She is from H awthorne, New jersey, and received h er formal training at the !tine Fokine School of Ballet and with j eremy Ives. Thi s is her eighth season with Balle t Internationale. Alexe i Tyukov graduated with honors from the Perm State Ballet Academy in 1995, in his home city of Perm, Russia. The same year he joined the Perm State Ballet, where he performed lead roles in Swan wke, Le Corsaire, Giselle and The Nutcracker At the 1998 International Balle t Competi tion "Arabesque," Mr. Tyukov won the gold med al in the Senior Men"; Division and was awarded "The Mikha il Arnopolskii Prize ," given to the most talented participant of th e competition. He joined Ballet Internationale in 1999 , and h as received rave reviews for his leading pe r formances in Phaedra, The Nutcracker, The Creation oj the Wodd, and A Thousand and One Nights. In 2000, he was a finalist in the Varna International Dance
Katherine Lawre nce, originally from Fairfield, Co nn ec ticut, began her ba ll et training at the Connecticut Dan ce School. At age 15, she left home to train a t the Harid Conservatory, whe re she graduated in 1998 as valedi ctorian. She has performed with the Hartford Ballet, joined Ba llet Internationale in 1999 as an apprentice and, because of her talent, was quickly promoted to Corps de Ballet in the 2000-2001 Seaso n This summer, sh e performed w Bayadere with the Universal Ballet Company of Korea and has danced roles in w Fille Mal Gardte, Don Quixote, Creation oj the Wodd and other ballets. This is her firs t season as a soloist. So-Yon Nam is a native of Taegu, Korea , and studied ba ll et at Moscow"; Bolshoi Ballet Academy Upon grad uation in 1995 , she jOined th e world-renowned Nat ional Ballet of Korea, wh ere she danced leading roles in Don Quixot e, Giselle, w Bayadel'e and Swan wk e, and toured internationally to Egypt and Israe l. She was a semifinalist at the Varna International Ballet Competition in Bulgaria in july 2000. This is h er third season with Ballet Internationale and first as so loist.
Chieko Oiwa joined Ballet Internationale in 1999. A native of Nagoya, J apan, she is the recipient of many awards. In 1996, she rece ived first place in the junior Division of the Kobe Modern and Dance Competition; in 1999, was a semifinalist at th e j apan International Ballet and Modem Co mp eti tion and in 1997, won the IBM Award at the Asia Pacific International Ballet Competi tion. Most recently, Ms O iwa became a fin alist at the Varna International Dance com petition in july 2000. Her repertoire includes leading solo roles in The Nutcracker, Don Qulxote, Swan Lake, La Bayadere, Pha edra, Napoli and A Thousand and One Nights. This is h er firs t season as soloist.
I Copyright 2010,
Canada, F rance, Germany, Holland, Italy, Spain and throughout the United States. Ms. Sinitsyna has performed with the Boston Ballet , New Jersey Ballet and Tulsa Ballet Theatre. Her repertoire includes leading roles in Swan Lake, Romeo and Juliet, The Sleeping Beauty , The Nutcracker , La Bayadere and many others She has danced with Ballet Internationale since 1998 and is a member of the faculty of The Academy of Ballet Internationale. This is her first season as soloist.
Corps de Ballet
Alexei Agoudine is from Russia and studied at one of the world's finest ballet institutions, the Ballet Academy of Moscow, under the d irection of Bolshoi star Gennady Ledyakh He had guest performances in New York City in 1997 and Nice , France, in 1998. In 1999, Mr. Agoudine joined the Vienna State Opera Academy, where he continued his education with distinguished ballet masters such as Valentin Onochko. His solo roles include th e Pas de Trois in Swan Lake, Basil in Don Quixote and various productions of The Nutcrackel; Amade , and Swan Lake. This is his first season with Ballet Internationale N iko la i Ba lats e nko studied at the Kie v Ballet Academy in his native Ukra ine He has danced with companies in the Czech Republic, Ukraine , Europe and Washington, D C. H e has toured with the Classical Ballet of Paris to France , Germany, Belgium and Denmark. This is his first season with Ballet Internationale.
Yu r i Bel e t s ki y, a native of Kiev, Ukraine , trained at the Kiev Ballet Academy of the Ukraine Upon completion of his studies in 1994 , he was invited to join the Donetsk Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Ukraine, where he danced solo and principal roles At the International Festival, "Stars o f the Ballet World, " he has been a featured art ist in Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux, Pas De Sclave , Pas de Deux from Le Corsaire and the Pas de Deux from Four Kisses. He joined Ballet Internationale in 1999 with his wife , Irina Komarenko.
Melin d a Bower , from Parkersburg , West Virginia, received her forma l training from North Carolina School of the Arts, where she studied under Melissa Hayden, Duncan N oble , Fanchon Cordell and Richard Gain. There she performed in Th e Nutcracke1; Western Symphony, Edward Stierle's LaClymosa and Ma rk Dendy's Symmetries. She is a graduate of the Hungarian Dance Academy in Budapest , H ungary, where she danced as a soloist in Don Quixote and Robert Norths Entres dos Aquas. Ms. Bower jOined Ball et Internationale in 1997 and has taught the adult ballet classes for The Academy of Ballet Internationale since 1999
Reb ekah Cri scimagn a, of Indianapolis, is a 1999 graduate of The Academy of Ballet Internationale , which she attended since she was ten years old Under the direction of The Academy, she became a trainee with Ballet Internationale in 1997, an apprentice in 2000 and was promoted to the Corp de Ballet in 2001. Ms. Criscimagna has performed in Ballet Intemationales Paquita , Coppelia, Sl ee ping Beauty, Firebird, The Nutcracker, Phaedra, Th e Creation of the World and A Thousand and On e Nights.
Vadim Dul epa j Oined Ballet Internationale last season from the Ontario Ballet Theatre in Toronto, Canada , where he was Principal Dancer. He graduated from the Bolsh oi Ballet Academy in 1998 and joined Moscow's Kremlin Ballet as a soloist. Mr Du lepa has danced a number of leading roles in Moscow, Detro it Opera House
as well as on international tours around the world. He has been featured in The Nutcrack er , Swan Lake , Romeo and Juliet , and Tom Sawyer. With Ballet Internationale , he has danced in Napoli , Creation of th e World and other ballets.
Kerrie-Anne Dunn trained at the Harid Conservatory, studying under Marjorie Tallchief and Oliver Pardina. Upon graduating valedictorian, she began her professional career with the Milwaukee Ballet and later with the Columbia City Ballet, where she performed the Fairy of Song and the Diamond Fairy in Sle eping Beauty, the Autumn Fairy in Cinderella , and solo roles in Stephanie Ballards A Gathering , Romeo and Juliet, Stars and Stripes and Raymonda. Originally from Lynchburg,YA , this is Ms. Dunns third season with Ballet Internationale , p erforming in such ballets as Don Quixote, and A Thousand and On e Nigllts.
Sela h a tti n E r k an , from Izmir, Turkey, studied with Shavkat Tursunov at the Dokux Eyl University in lzmir, Turkey He was a semifinalist at the Paris International Ballet Competition in 1998. In Turkey, he danced in La Fm e Mal Gard ee and Th e Flow er Festival at Genzan o, and since 1999 has danced with Ballet Internationale in Th e Nut cracker, Phaedra, Napoli , The Creation of th e World , and A Th ousand and One Nights.
Linds ey Hanlon is a 1999 graduate of The Academy of Ballet Internationale , where she had been training since she was 11. A native of Noblesville, Indiana, Ms Hanlon became a Ballet l nternationale trainee in 1997 , an apprentice in 2000 and was promoted to the Corps de Ballet in 2001. During her three years , she has performed Paquita , Coppelia, Sle eping Beauty, Firebird , Th e Nutcracke, ; Phaedra, The Creation of the World , A Thousand and On e N ights and others.
S te phanie Heston spent six years with the Eglevsky Ballet of New York and has performed leadin g roles in ballets such as Swan Lake, Don Quixote and Les Sylphides. She has been a guest artist with several companies in the US, including Ballet Internat ionale last year, dancing in the company's producti on of Th e Nutcracker in Indianapolis and Detroit. For her talent and hard work, she was invited to join Ballet Internationale th is year.
Sve tlana Kaz onina graduated from the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet in 1993 , then joined the Kiro v Ballet of Maryinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg , her native city During her six-year tenure at the Maryinsky Theatre , she toured throughout the world with the company and performed in Swan Lak e, Th e Sl ee ping Beauty, Don Quixote, Gis ell e, Ray mondas , Les Sylphides , La Bayadere , Le Corsaire and Serenade. This is her second season with Ballet Internationale.
Vadim Pij icov, a native of N ovgorod, Russia, came to Ballet Internationale in 1997 from Italys CosiStefanescu Ballet Company, where he danced as a soloist. He graduated from the p restigious Vaganova Academy and enjoyed an ll-year career as a soloist with the N ational Opera and Ballet Theatre of Khishinev, Moldova. In 1993 , he was awarded the special prize for Pas de Deux at the International Ballet Competition in Costanza , Romania. Mr. Pijicov has toured in Austria, Bulgaria , France , Germany, Hungary, Romania and Spa in With Ba llet Internationale , he has performed solo roles in Don Quixote , Creation of the WOI·ld, A Thousand and One Nights and others.
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Rac h el Rutl an d , from Columbus, Ohio, grad uated from the Vagan ova Acade m y in St. Petersburg. She has dance d profeSSionally with the Makarov Ballet Co mp an y CSt. Petersburg), Co lorado Ba ll et and as a guest artist with G rego ry Hancock Dance Theatre
Ms. Rut land has per formed soloist roles in Les Sy lphides, Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracner and The Creatio n oj the World. Thi s is her fifth season wi th Ballet Inte ma ti on ale, w h ere she has danced roles in ballets suc h as Phaedra, A Tho usand and One Nights, Don Quixote, The Firebird and others.
S e rgey Se r giev is a native of Sofia, Bu lgaria Mr Se rgie v stud ied ballet at the State Choreographic Institute. In 1993, h e was awa rded th e third prize at the Bulgarian Nati o nal Ballet Competitio n , in the name of Anastas Pe trov. In 1996 , he was a semifinalist at the 17'h Internatio nal Ba lle t Competition in Varna and in 2000, p erfo rmed as a gu est artist at the 19,h Varna In te rnational Ballet Competiti on, Supe r Ga la p er fo rman ce. H is re p ertoi re with th e Bulgarian Nationa l Ballet includes lead in g and solo roles in Gis ell e, Swan Lane , Zorba the Green, The Goat Hom and Th e Nutcracner
O ybek Tas h p ul a to v, from Tashkent City, Republic of Uzbekista n , graduated in 1987 from the Uzbe k Sc hool of Choreo grap h y For th e next ten yea rs, h e per formed as PrinCipa l Dancer with the National Academic Opera a nd Ballet Thea tre in Tashkent City For his outsta nding achie ve men ts in the field of dance, the countrys preSi d ent gave Tashpulatov the national title of Hono red Artist of the Republic o f Uzbekistan in 199 7. In 1998, Tashpulatov ca me to the Uni ted Sta tes to d an ce with the Inte rnational Ballet at Carnegie Hall in New York City He joined Ba llet Intemationale in 1999.
Maria Tyu k ova stu di ed at the Perm State Ba ll e t Academy in he r n at ive Ru ssia She joined the Perm Sta te Ba ll et in 1998 a nd toure d Ch ina , Korea and the U.S. She ha s danced in Swan Lane, The Nutcracne l; The Sleeping Beauty, Don Quixote and Giselle. last season, s h e per form ed wit h Ballet Intema tionale as a gu est dancer and was invited to jo in the Corps de Ballet this season. Maria is married to Princip a l Dancer Alexei Tyuko v. P hillip Ve lin ov s tu d ied at the State Choreographic In s titute in Sofia , th e n received full scho lars hip s to b oth the Kiro v Academy in Wash in gto n DC, and the Alaba ma Sc h ool of Fine Arts, fro m wh ich h e gra d u ated. In 2000 , h e grad uated with honors on a full schola rship from Birmingham Southe rn Co llege the first tim e in th e school 's 140-year hi story that suc h a scho larship was awarde d in the p erforming arts. He danced with the Alaba m a Balle t , the Birmin gham Ballet and as a guest wit h the Montgo m ery Ba llet, with leading roles in Paquita, La Fille Mal Gardee and Esmeralda. In 1998, h e received th e Birming h am Fine Arts Socie ty Award for Exce ll ence in Dan ce. Thi s is Mr. Ve linovs second season with Ballet Intem ational e. m
The "Apollo Show"
In June 2001 , Dance Theatre of Harlem p erform ed for the first time at the Apollo Thea tre The program , now call ed the "Apollo Sho w," is presented again b y popular demand. Dance Theatre o f H arlem:' "Ap ollo Show " features three signature works from Dance Theatre of Harlem :' "ClasSically American''TM rep ertory, which trace the spiritual journey of the African Dia sp ora in mu sic, song and dance .
World Premiere of Expanded Version
March 30, 1999
Choreographed by Augu stus van Heerd e n , Laveen Na idu and Arthur Mitchell
Music by the Soweto String Quartet
Eureka (Soweto String Quartet)
N tyilo Ntyilo (S. Khemese)
Zebra Crossing (S. Khemese IG. Beggs !RaT Khemese 1M. Mnguni)
Bossa Baroque (Dave Grusin)
Sh ul Up ancl Lislen (Thul'u Lalde) (M. Mnguni IS. RaT Khemese IG. Beggs)
Mlibe KwaZ ulu (Long , Long Ago in KwaZulu) (Soweto String Quartet)
Costumes by Pamela Allen-Cummings
Lighting by Kevin Connau ghton and Brad y jarvis
Through music and mo vem ent, the many fa cets of South Africa ar e brou ght ou t o f the earth, re ve aling th e commo nality of all humankind. This is a pla ce wh ere the spirit of the peopl e endures for ever, despite their lamentations, and like the anima ls can be both playful and fi erc ely majestic.
In 1992 , Dance Theatre of Harlem mad e hi story as the first American company to perform in South Africa after the 30-yea r cultural ban was lifted. That unprecedented six-week tour r ece ived critical praise and played to integra ted, so ld-out houses
The firs t ve rsion of South Afri can Suite was co-commissioned for The John F. Kenne d y Center Per forming Arts , with su pport from BMG Record s/South Afri ca, as well from Philip Morris Co mp anies
U kh o lo l ok'ssa (Endwing Spirit)
Amaka t i (Feli nes)
In tsha (Youth)
Amab u tho (Warrior s)
Antonio Dout hit , Preston Dugger, Orlando
Pagan , Claudio Sa ndoval , William Smith, Iyun
H arrison, Ahmed Farouk, Eri c Underwood
Isibu siso (Bl essing)
AKUA PARKER (9/ 11 )
Ntomb i (Women)
jarina Carvalho , Rejane Duarte, Raintree
H alpern, Amy Johnson, Melissa Morrisey (9/ll )
Nicole Stoner, Leanne Codrington. Chandra Moss, Christiane Cristo, Lynda Sing
Product ion Sponsor
Umcimb i (A Gathering)
Ithemba (Hope)
REjANE DUARTE (9/ 11 )
World Premiere April 16, 1974
Choreography, Music and Costu mes by Geo ffr ey Holder
Assistant to M,: Holder: Avind Harum
Music Arranged by Tania Leon
Costume Execution by Zelda Wynn
Ligh ting Design by Paul Sull ivan
Conducted by joseph E. Fields
Where twains meet, where Hindu and African tangle, their offspring are called "Dougla. " Set in the colorful costumes and atmosphere of Trinidad , Dougla presents the ritua l and ceremo n y of a wedding and celebra tion b etween two "Dougla" people.
Music by arra nge ment with Peer Southern Music Publishing Compa ny, In c.
SOUTH AFRICAN SUITE Choreographed by Arthur Mitchell , Laveen Naidu and Augustus van Headen; featuring Caroline Rocher.Dou gla People
Kevin Thomas, J ames Washington, Orlando
Pagan, Eric Underwood, Claudio Sandoval, W illi am Smith, Ramon T hiele n , Antonio
Do u thit , Ahmed Farouk, Preston Dugger, Ik olo
Griffin, lyun H arrison
Akua Parker, Leanne Codtington, Melissa Morrissey, Lynda Sing, J arina Carvalho, Christiane Cristo, Raintree Halpern, Rejane
Duane, Chandra Moss, Nico le Stoner, Amy
johnson, Ebony Haswell , Dionne Figgins, Naimah Willoughby
Woman in Green
Claudio Sandoval, William Smith, Orlando
Pagan , Preston Dugger, Anton io Douthit, J a m es
Pas de Deux
Women in Black
Dougla People
The Company
World Premi ere September 21, 1999
Choreographed by Robert Garland
MLl5ic performed and/or written by ja mes Brown , Alfred Ell is, Are t ha Franklin, Carolyn Franklin
Costume Design and Execution by Pamela Allen Cummi n gs
Lighting Design by Roma Flowers
"Mother Popcorn"
Lenore Pavlakos, Caroline Rocher, Kellye A. Saunders, Lynda Si n g, Tanya Wideman
Preston Du gger, Claud io Sandoval, O rlando Pagan, Ramon Thielen, james Washingt on DIONNE F IGGINS (9/ll)
Be thania Gomes, Ca mill e Parson, Lynda Sin g, Meli ssa Morrisey, Tanya Wideman
Mark Bums , Eric Underwood, Anto ni o Douthit, Kevin Thomas, James Washingto n
"Baby, Baby, Baby "
Lenore Pavlakos, Jam es Washington, Tanya Wideman, Orlando Pagan BETHANIA GOMES, DU NCAN COOPER (gill)
Camille Parson, Antonio Douthi t, Tanya Wideman, J ames Washington
"I Got the Feelin '"
Caroline Ro che r, Lynda Sing, Preston Dugge r MARK BURNS, DIONNE FI GGI NS, KEVIN THOMAS
Melissa Morrisey, Lynda Sing, Eric Underwood (91ll)
"Call Me "
Th e Company
"Sup erbad "
Th e Company
The Company
Mother Popcorn and Supe rbad perfonned by James Brown
Courtesy of DynalOne Publishing Company
By arrangement with Wamer SpeCial Products
Baby, Baby, Baby and Call Me perfonned by Aretha
Counesy of Pronto Music and Fourteenth Hour Music, Inc.
By arrangement with Warner Special Products
I Got the Fee/in' performed by James Brown
By arrangement with Fon Knox Music, In c.
Return was commissioned by Arthur Mitchell and Dance
Th eatre of Harlem.
Th e arts enri ch o ur l ives in ways that go beyo nd the spok en wor d o r mU Si cal note. They mak e us l augh. Th ey make us cry. They lift our sp ir its and bring enj oy men t to our l i ves. Th e arts and cu ltu r a l opportun iti es so v i tal to this commun it y are al so important to us. That 's why (omerica su pport s the arts. And we applaud those who join us in mak ing investment s t hat enrich p eo pl es li ves.
We listen . We understand . We make it
Program B
World Premiere September 25,2001
Choreographed by Robert Garland
Music by Johann Sebastian Bach (Violin Concerto in A Minor, BWV 1041)
Costume design and execution by Pamela AllenCummings
Lighting design by Roma Flowers
Conducted by Joseph E. Fields , (name tk) ,violin
"Prej udices are sop h isticatedly acquired tastes that destroy innocence - that s tate of purity in which man can be in accord with himself, his fellow men, and attuned to nature. This innocen ce is one of the intrinsic beauties of man and if we do not regain it soon, we will perish. True dance , in any of its myriad forms , is an expression of this innocence, and it is through dance that man has the possib ility to fin d h imself aga in."
Karel Shook (from Elements oj Classical Ballet Technique, 1977)
PaunikaJones, Akua Parker, Ebony Haswe ll
Lynda Sing, Ikolo Griffin , Antonio Douthit , Preston Dugger, Claudio Sandoval
Paunika Jones , Akua Parker, Ebony Haswell , Lynda Sing
Ikolo Griffin, Antonio Douthit , Preston Dugger, Claudio Sandoval
The Company
New Bach was commissioned by Arthur Mitchell and Dance Theatre of Harlem.
World Premiere Septe mber 25,200 1
Choreographed by Augustus van Heerden
Music by J esus Villa -Rojo (Concerto #2 for Cello and Orchestra)
Francesco Tarrega (Capricio Arabe)
Isaac Albeniz (Sev illanas from Suite Espanola, Op. 47)
Costume Design and Execution by Pamela AllenCummings
Set Design and Forest Projection by Maxine Willi Klein
Lighting Design by Roma Flowers
Conducted by joseph E. Fields; Eugene Moye, Cello, Scott Kuney, Guitar
Carolina , His Wife CARO LI NE ROCHER
jarina Carvalho, Christiane Cristo, Nicole Stoner, Dionne Figgins , Raintree Halpern, Lynda Sing, Paunika jones , Ebony Haswell , Mark Bums, Antonio Douthit , Preston Dugger, Iyun Harrison , Orlando Pagan, William Smith, Eric Underwood, Claud io Sandoval
H IS MOT H ER. Ahmed is filled with though ts of Kellye , the woman he wants to many H is mothe r reluctantly agrees that it is a good match and that they will arrange the marriage. Ahmed is abou t to leave when h is moth er discovers a knife in his pocke t ; th e discovery sends her into a rage.
SCENE II THE HOME OF RAMON AND CAROLINA. Carolinas mo ther tells her tha t Ramon h as been seen near Kellyes house. Both women know that, three years earlier, Ramon and Kellye h ad a relatio n ship. When Ramon arrives, it is clear to Carolina th a t h e is d is tracted and preoccupied with other thoughts.
SCENE III THE HOM E OF KE LLYE AN D H ER FATH ER. Ahme d a n d his moth e r arrive at Kellyes house to arrange the marriage.
SCENE IV Ramon appears outside Kellye\; house .
SCENE V TH E WEDD ING RECEPTION, OUTS ID E KELLYE'S H OUSE. During Kellye and Ahmed's wedding r ecep tion , Caro lina di scovers that her husban d , Ramon, h as run away with Kellye. Ahmed\; mother sends him to find them.
SCENE VI THE CONF RONTATION. Passion of the Blood was commissioned by Arthur Mitchell and Dance Theatre of Harlem.
World Premiere Se pt emb er 2 1, 1999 Choreographed by Robert Garland Music performed and/or written by J ames Brown, Alfred Ellis, Aretha Franklin, Carolyn Franklin
Costume Design and Execution by Pamela Allen Cummings
Lighting Design by Roma Flowers
" Mother Popcorn
Lenore Pa vlakos, Caroline Roche r, Kellye A Saunders, Lynda Sing, Tanya Wideman
Preston Dugger, Claudio Sandoval, Orlando Pagan, Ramon Thielen, j ames Washington
Bethania Gomes, Camille Parson , Lynda Sing, Melissa MOrrisey, Tanya Wideman
Mark Bums , Eri c Underwood, Antonio Douthit, Kevin Thomas , j ames Washington
" I Got the Feelin'"
Caroline Rocher, Lynda Sing, Preston Dugger
Melissa Morrisey, Lynda Sing, Eric Underwoo d (9/ll)
" Call Me "
The Company
The Company
" Superbad "
The Company
Th e Company
Mother Popcorn and Superbad performed by James Brown
Courtesy of DynaLOne Publishing Company
By arrangement wilh Warner Special Products
Baby, Baby, Baby and Call Me performed by Arelha
Courtesy of Pronto Music and Fourteenth Hour Music, Inc.
By arrangement with Warner Specia l Products
I Got the Feelin' performed by James Brown
By arrangement wilh Fort Knox Music, Inc.
Return was commissioned by Arthur Mitchell and Dance
Thealre of Harlem.
Lenore Pavlakos , james Washington, Tanya Wideman, Orlando Pagan
Camille Parson , Antonio Douthit , Tanya Wideman, Jam es Washington
Baby, Baby, Baby "
Heather Aagard
Deanne Brown
Deborah Dawn
Erica Lynette Edwards
Jennifer Goodman
Trinity Hamilton
Taryn Kaschock
Stacy Joy Keller
Britta Lazenga
Suzanne Lopez
Elizabeth Mertz
Emily Patterson
Valerie Robin
Kathleen Thielhelm
Maia Wilkins
Yukari Yasu i
Teanna Zarro
Michael Anderson
Fabrice Calmels
Angelina Sansone
J acqueline Sherwood
Erin Smith
Orlando Julius Canova
Christopher Fellows
Sam Franke
Nozomu H aga
Ca lvin Kitten
Peter Kozak
Michael Levine
Pierre Lockett
Brian McSween
Masayoshi Onuki
Samuel Pergande
Matthew Roy Prescott
Jamie Rhett Roberts
Davis Robertson
Domingo Rubio
Willy Shives
Patrick Simonello
Michael Smith
Guoping Wang
J ohn Gluckman
David Gombert
Mauro Villanueva
Kevin Dreyer, Lighting Des igner
George Darveris, Product ion Manager
Michael Andrew Currey, Production Stage Manager
SpeCial Thanks to COMMONWEALTH EDISON, an Exelon Company.
The SARA LEE FOUNDATION is the J offrey Ballet of Chicago); 200112002 PRESENT ING
The J offrey Ballet of Chicago); 2001 -2002
Season is sponsored b y PHILI P MORRIS COMPANIES INC
American Airlines is the official airline of The Joffrey Ballet of Chicago.
Program and artists subject to change.
GERALD ARP INO , Founder and Artistic Director, TheJoffrey Ballet of Chicago
ROBERT JOFFREY and GERALD ARPI N O , Founders , TheJoffrey Ball et Laura Gates , Ex ecutive Director
Cameron Basden , Ball et Mistress
Mark Go ldweber, Ballet Master
Ch art hel Arthur, Ball et Mistress
Adam Skl ute, Assistant Ballet Master
Choreography by Gera ld Arpino
Music by Johann Strauss Sr. * &: Johann Ma ye r* *
Lighting by Thomas Skelton
Costumes by Jo e Eula
Kettentanz is Gerald Arpinos salute to the O ld Vienna of court balls and weingarten s. The ball et is filled with Viennese -style dances- polkas, ga lops and wal tzesand was inspired by The Joffrey Ballet's ac cl aimed visit to Vienn a in 1969 The ba ll et was choreographed during a residency at the University of California, Berkeley It is also in the repertories of the National Ballet of Canada , the Australian Ballet and the Vienna State Opera Ballet. This ballet has ten movements:
l. Gitana Galop 6. Schno fler Tanz
2. Annen Po lka 7. Seufzer Galop
3. Kettenbrucke 8. Hofba ll Wa ltz Waltz 9. Cachucha
4. Eisele und Galop Beisele Sp runge 10. Gitana Galop
5. Chinese Galop
"It has invention and a blithe use oj music, extends and illuminates its dancers and shows an imaginative sense ojJorm .Here the Vienna Woods are only Jaintly suggested with a little dappled and bosky lighting and the ballet unfolds
with a youthful zest that belongs to all time."
- Clive Barnes
"His loveliest ballet .. Arpino has blithely soared above the music to create a suite oj tender miniatures all growing out oj an opening chain Jormation and eventually returning to it with the gleaming casualness oj a meadow stream filtering through cluster aJter cluster oj blightly nodding flowers."
- Doris Hering, Dan ce Magazine
World Premiere: Zellerbach Auditorium, Berkeley, California, September 7,1971.
Original Cast: Francesca Corkle, Starr Danias, Denise Jackson, Donna Silva, Gay Wallstrom, Rebecca Wright, Scott Barnard, Henry Berg, Dermont Burke , James Dunne, Roben Th omas, Glenn White.
New Yo rk Premiere: October 20, 1971, City Center
Length of Ballet: 33 minutes
N umb er of Dance r s : 12
*G itana Galop, Opus 108; Annen Polka, Opus 137; Erste Kettenbru c ke Walzer, Opus 4; Eisele und Beisele Sprunge, Opus 202; Chin eser Galop, Opus 20; Seufzer Galop, Opus 9; H ofball Tanz , Opus 51 ; Cachucha Galop , Opus 97, all by Johann Strauss Sr ** SchnoOer Tanz by Johann Mayer m
Lilac Garden
Choreography by Antony Tudor
Music by Ernest Chausson (Poeme)
Antony Tudor s Lilac Garden , set to music by Ernest Chausson, was crea ted for Balle t Rambert in 1936. This intimate work revea ls Tudor 's increasing interest in deve loping a cho r eogra phic language that shows the p sycholOgica l m otivation for his protagonists' actions, through the story of a young woman who must say farewell to her lover on the eve of h er arranged marriage to a man sh e does not lo ve .
Antony Tudor, 1909-1987 , came to the United Sta tes at the invitation of the Ballet Theatr e, New York City (1939); h e danced leading roles an d created ballets for several English and American companies, and was later the artis tic director of the Roya l Swedish Ballet ( 1963 - 64). He rema ined th e resident ch oreographe r at the American Ballet Theatre until his death. His ball ets, influenced by the expressionism of Fokine and Massine, use the modern idiom. In hi s later work, he used psychological tension and dramatic gestures to exp lore human su ffering . m
Make a grand statement by se lecting from the most diverse piano display in the area, featuring quality investments from 12 countries and 4 continents.
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(The Courting at Burnt Ranch)
Choreography by Agnes de Mille
Music by Aaron Copland
Scenery by Oliver Smith
Costumes by Kermit Love
Lighting by Thomas Skelton
Throughout the American Southwest, the Saturday afternoon rodeo is a tradition. On the remote ranches as well as in trading centers an d towns, the ranch hands get together to show off their skills in roping, branding and throwing. Often , on the more isolated ranches, the rod eo is done for an aud ien ce that consists of a h andful of fello w workers , womenfolk and thos e neighbors who can make the 80-mile or so run over. The afternoon's exhib ition is usually followed b y a Sa turd ay night dance at the ranch hou se
Rodeo, de Mille's classic American masterpiece of the South west, displa ys the exuberant spirit of fronti er men and women . The mat erial of the ballet is redolent of our American soil.
"A Rodeo atJoffrey is terrific. hums with vitality vi brant a tru e part of Am erican cul ture."
The current production is a reconstruction of the original, as it was se t b y the Ballet Russes d e Monte Carlo in 1942.
Original Cast: Agnes d e Mille as the Cowgirl, Frederic Franklin as the Champion Roper, Casimir Kokitch as th e Head Wrangler and Milada Mlado va as th e Rancher's Dau ghter.
The Joffrey Ballet Premiere: October 28 , 1976 , City Cent er, New York City
Length of Ballet: 31 minutes
Number of Dancers: 22
Available Recordings (Partial Listings) Bernstein , NY Philharm onic: 2 Col .MG 30071IMGT30071
Copland , London Symph ony: Col. M30 114
Dorati, Detro it Symphony: Lon. LDR7l047 (D)
Irving, Concert Arts Orchestra: Sera. S 60198 m
Choreography by Konstantin Sergeyev after Marius Petipa
Music by Adolphe Adam, Cesare Pugni, Leo Delibes, Riccardo Drigo and Prince Oldenbourg
Staged by Anna-Marie Holmes with the assistance of Tatiana Legat, Tatiana Terekhova and Sergei Berjnoi
Libretto by Jules-Henri de Saint-Georges and Joseph Mazilier
In a version by Konstantin Sergeyev
Based on The Corsair (1814) by Lord Byron
Lighting design by Mary J0 Dondlinger
Shirley Schlafer Endowment Production Sponsor
The 2001·2002 DaimlerChrysler Dance Series is made possible by The DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund
le Corsaire
A pirate ship, manned by Conrad, his slave, his friend Birbanto and a crew of corsairs, sails toward Turkey
Act I
Th e Bazaar. Dea lers and buyers fill a no isy bazaar wh ere slave girls are being t r aded Conrad and his men arrive where Lankendem, the owner of the bazaar, is selling girls. Conrad sees Medora, a slave girl, and falls immedia tely in l ove . Seyd, a pasha, arri ves on t h e scene amid much fanfare. Lankendem presents three young women, whom the pasha rejects. Lankendem presents Gulnare, a l ove ly slave girl, to the pas h a , and he b u ys her. Lankendem th en presents Medora. Everyone is entranced by her beauty The pasha buys her. Conrad ins tructs th e slave to stea l Medora back, and the pirates raid the vill age and kid n ap Lankendem.
Act II
The Grotto. Co nr ad shows Medora his h i deout. Birb anto ca ll s all th e pirates to bring into the grotto their sto len bounty, as well as the slave girls and Lankendem. Medora, Conrad and h is slave dance to entertain th e cr ew. Afterward, Medora entreats Conrad, in the name of the ir l ove , to free all of the slave girls. He agrees, but Birbanto rebels against the idea and persu ades th e pirates to rio t aga inst Co nr ad ins tead. By the force of his commanding personality and physical presence, Conrad Single- h anded ly instills terror
in the hearts of the pirates, and they abandon their mutinous plans. Not to be th warted, Birbanto devises a new scheme. He sprays a rose with a sleeping potion and forces Lankendem to help him pass the flower to Medora, who unwittingly gives it to Conrad. He inha les its aroma and falls into a drugged sleep. The p irates return to the grotto and attempt to capture Medora. While struggling , she snatches a dagger and cuts Birbanto 's arm. In the confusion, Lankendem steals Medora back and escapes. Birbanto is about to kill Conrad, but is interrupted by the slave. Stunned and broken-hearted, Conrad discovers Medora missing. Birbanto
feigns ignorance and swears his loya l ty to Conrad.
Scene I: The Pasha 's Palace. Lankendem appears with a veiled Medora, and a guard ru ns to get the pasha. The pasha is de ligh ted th at Medora has been recaptured and declares that she will become his number one wife Gulnare enters and closes the boxes full of riches that were promised to her by the pasha. Gu lnare sees that it is her friend Medora to whom he has promised the riches, and runs to her.
Scene II: Jardin Anime. Delighted by all the lovely women, the pasha dreams of them in a beautiful garden.
Scene III: The Pasha's Palace. The pasha is awakened by the arrival of Conrad, Birbanto and the pirates, disguised as pilgrims. He invites them to enter the palace. The pasha is surrounded by his wives, his chief sultan Zulmea and Gulnare. The y compete for his affections. Medora recognizes Conrad. Sudden ly, the pilgrims throw off their robes and reveal themselves to be pirates. Chaos erupts within the palace. Conrad and his men chase away the pasha, his guard and wives. They dance in victory But Birbanto runs in , chasing Gulnare. The y collide with Conrad and Medora. Medora exposes Birbanto as a traitor , and Conrad shoots him. Conrad's sla v e helps Medora and Conrad escape. They flee to the ship.
Scene IV: The Storm. The pirate ship sails upon a calm sea. Conrad, at the helm , cradles Medora in his arms. Sudden ly, a fierce storm blows across , as lightning illuminates the darkening sky Gusting winds shred the sails, and a lightning bolt snaps the ship'S mast in half. The ship sinks among the relentless , turbu lent waters.
As the wind subsides and the sea becomes ca lm, the moon rises in the sky It sheds light upon Conrad and Medora , clinging to a rock and offering thanks for their miraculous survival , a testimony to the strength of their 10ve. W
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Marius Petipa , the "fa ther of classical ballet," was born in Marseilles, France, in 1819 He began his dance training at the age of seven with h is father, Jean Petipa, the French dancer and teacher. Marius was educated at the Grand College in Brussels and also attended the conservatoire, where he studied music.
In 1834, Jean Petipa became Maitre de Ballet at the theater in Bordeaux , and it was here that Marius completed his education. At the age of 16 , he became Premier Danseur at the theatre in Nantes, where he also produced several short ballets.
In 1839 , Marius left Nantes to tour North America with his father and, on their return visit went to Paris. The following year, he made his debut at the Comedie where he partnered Carlotta Grisi in a benefit performance. He continued his studies with A Vestris and became a principal dancer in Bordeaux, where he appeared in Giselle, La Fille Mal Gardee and La Peli, and choreographed La jolie Bordelaise , La Vendange, Untligue Amoureuse and La Language des Hours.
Petipa next went to Spain, in 1845, to work at the King's Theatre While in Madrid, he studied Spanish dance and choreographed Carmen et son Terero, La Perle de Seville, LAv enture d'une Fille de Madlid, La Fleur de Grenade and Depart pour la Course des Toureaux.
In 1847, he left for Russia. He had signed a one-year contract with the St. Petersburg Impelia l Theatre, but was to remain there for the rest of his life. As a principal dancer, Petipa often appeared with Fanny Eissler and was much acclaimed for his performances in such ballets as Paquita (which he restaged, and in which he made his debut), Giselle, La Peli, Armida, Catalina, Le Delire d'un Peintre, Esm eralda, Le Corsaire and Faust. Considered an excellent dancer and partner, his acting, stage manners and pantomime were held up as examples for many generations of dancers.
When Giselle was revived in 1850, Petipa made some changes in the Wilis scenes, which became the Grand Pas des Wilis of 1884. In 1854, he married Maria Sourovshchikova, a student in the graduating class of the Imperial School, who later danced in many of her husband's ballets. (Petipa's second marriage was to Lubova Leonidovna, a member of the Moscow Ballet, in 1882.) In 1854, he became an instructor in the school while continuing to dance and to restage ballets from the French repertoire.
In 1869, Petipa became Premier Ballet Master of the Imperial Theatre. The value of his accomplishments is inestimable: He produced more that 60 full-evening ballets and innumerable shorter works, and he is considered to have laid the foundation for the entire school of Russian ballet. The ballet repertoire in the Soviet Union is still based mainly on his works
Among Petipa's greatest original works are Don Quixote (Minkus, 1869), La Camargo (Minkus, 24 BRAVO
1872), La Bayadere (Minkus, 1877), The Talisman (Drigo, 1889) , The Sleeping Beauty (Tchaikovsky, 1890), Kalkabrino (Minkus, 1891), Cinderella (with Cecchetti and Ivanov; Baron Shell, 1893), Swan Lake (with Ivanov; Tchaikovsky, 1895), Hotel de Cavalelie Q. Amsheimer, 1896), Raymonda (Glazunov, 1898) , Ruses d'Amour (Glazunov, 1900), The Seasons (Glazunov, 1900), Les Millions d'Arlequin (Drigo, 1900) and Th e Magic Mirror (Koreshenko, 1903).
In 1903 Petipa, at age 84, was forced to retire from the Imperial Theatre as a direct result of the failure of his ballet , The Magic Mirror His las t years were filled with bitterness and disillusionment because his beloved theater had been taken away H e died in St. Petersburg in 1910.
Marius Petipa is considered one of the greatest choreographers of all time. He researched the subject matter of the ballets he staged, making careful and detailed preparations for each production, and then worked closely with the designer and composer. Petipa elevated the Russian ballet to international fame and laid the cornerstone for 20th century ballet. His classicism integrated the purity of the French school with Italian virtuosity
Konstantin Sergeyev is perhaps most well known for his 20-year tenure as director of the worldfamous Kirov Ballet. He began his training at 14 , with Victor Semyonov at the Leningrad Ballet Schoo l in 1924, and graduated in 1928. He joined the Kirov in 1930 and quickly achieved the position of Premiere Danseur Noble, the highest rank for a ma le dancer, and became the partner of the great ballerina Galina Ulanova. H is repertoire as a performer included Vaslav in The Fountain of Bakhchisarai , Lucien in Lost IllUSions, the prince in Cinderella and many more. At the world premiere of Romeo and juliet by the Kirov Ballet in 1940 , Sergeyev appeared as Romeo opposite Galina Ulanova As a choreographer, Sergeyev re vive d important Petipa ballets for the Kirov, including Raymonda, Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty and Le Corsaire He and h is wife, former ballerina Natalia Dudinskaya, staged Boston Ballet's 1990 product ion of Swan Lake. Sergeyev was the director of the Vaganova Academy until his death in 1992.
French composer Adolphe Adam was born in Paris on July 24 , 1803, and died there on May 3, 1856. He was the son of a musician who did his best to dissuade him from following the same career, but he was eventually allowed to enroll at the Paris Conservatoire, where he studied under Boieldieu. After helping Boieldieu to orchestrate the overture to his opera La Dame Blanche in 1825 , he came to the notice of the Opera-Comique and had his first one-act opera, Pierre et Catheline, produced there in 1829. H is brother-in-law, Laporte, was musical director at Royal Opera House , Covent Garden, and through him, a coup le of Adam's works were staged there in 1832 Until that point , he had
www.M ichigan
written in the conventiona l opera-comique style, but in La Chalet (1834) he wrote what is considered to be the first true French operetta, light and frivolous, with music nearer the popular vaudeville idiom. The opera that established his reputation and has been most frequently performed is Le PostilIon de Longjumeau (1836); the aria "Mes amis, ecoutez l'histoire" has remained a tenor favorite. In 1844, he was elected a member of the Institut and, in 1849, professor of composition at the Conservatoire. He clied suddenly seven years later. Adam wrote ballets for London, Berlin and St. Petersburg. The ballets that brought him great success were Faus t (London, 1833); La Fille du Danube (Paris, 1836, for Taglioni); Lajolie Fille de Gand (Paris, 1842) and Giselle (Paris Opera, June 28, 1841). Adam attempted four kinds of dramatic composition: grand opera, in which he utterly failed; ballet, in which he produced some charming melodies; comic opera, the one and only real domain of his talent; and incidental music for nearly 30 plays, which is ephemeraL He also wrote church music, pianoforte pieces and songs. Richard en Palestine is considered his most successful grand opera; Giselle, his most successful ballet; and Le PostilIon de Longjumeau, his most successful comic opera.
Cesare Pugni was born in Genoa in 1802 and studied at the Milan Conservatory of Music. H is teachers included Alessandro Rolla, violin, and Bonifazio Asioh, composition. While in Milan , he contributed music for the ballets Macbeth, The Kenilworth Castle and The Siege of Calais. Elerz e Zulmida (1826) was the first work composed completely by him. From 1832-1834, he was maestro al cembalo and music director of La Scala, a post he left in disgrace- presumab ly, due to a fondness for gambling. Pugni then went to Pa ri s, where he became director of the Paganini Institute and had a brief association with Bellini. During this time, he composed The Devils Fiddle, The Marquitante, The Marble Maiden and Stella, au Les Contrebandiers (1850) In 1843, he began a long co ll aboration with Jules Perrot at Her Majesty's Theatre in London (under Benjamin Lumley). Unquestionably gifted, Pugni always worked in a great hurry and on specific order from customers he was forced to satisfyhence the crudeness of h is music. He composed music espeCially for Marie Taglioni , Fanny Eissler and Carlotta Grisi, among others. In 185 1, he went to St. Petersburg, where he was staff composer of ballet music at Royal Opera House, Covent Garden Opera In Russia, he was staff composer at the Imperial Ballet , and, during his 19 years there, composed 35 ballets and a great number of individual dances. Among his outstanding compositions were La Esmeralda (1844), The Little Humpbacked Horse (1864), Daughter of Pharaoh (1862), Catalina, ou La Fille du Bandit (1846), Armide, con tributions to Adolphe Adam's score for Le Corsaire (1856), Pas de Quatre (1845), Paquerette, Faust (1854) and King Candaule. As a composer, Pugni's output numbered 3 12 ballets, 10 operas and 40 masses He died in 5t. Pete rsburg in 1870, at the age of 68.
Leo Clement Philiben Delibes was born in St. Gennain-du-Val in the Depanment of Sanhe, France, in 1836. He died in Paris in 1891. He studied at the Paris Conservatory and immedia tely appeared before the public as a composer of successful operettas, operas and ballets. Of the balle ts, Coppelia and, to a lesser extent, Sylvia are favorites. His appointment to the opera as accompanist (1863) and second chorus-master (1865) turned his interest toward ballet. But opera drew him back, and he wrote three works for the Opera-Cotnique: Le Roi l'a Dit (1873), Jean de Nivelle (1880) and the famous Lakme (1883). Succumbing to (or exploiting) the cu rrent vogue for "the mystelious East," an opera comique trad ition refreshed by the Romantic poets' fascination, Delibes set his tale around the English lieutenant and the Indian girl Lakme with a wealth of delightful mock-Oriental melody It is chiefly for the channing colOring of the scoring that Lakme and the ballets retain an appeal that led Tchaikovsky to ra te Delibes above Brahms. In melody, hannony an d orchestration, Deli bes had that graceful, ligh t-handed touch which is welcomed b y musicians and non-musicians alike. Like Chabrier, but to a lesser degree, Delibes has influenced many composers of different temperament from his own.
Ri ccardo Drigo was born in Padua, Italy, onJune 30,1846. He studied withJorich and Bresciani in Padua and with Antonio Buzzo ll a at the Venice Conservatory Before h e left for Russia in 1878, he estab lished a repu tation as a composer an d con ductor in Padua, where his o pera Don Pedro di Portogallo was perfonned in 1868. His first ballet composition was for a series of ad ditional new dances for Marius Petipas 1886 revival of J ules Perrots Esmeralda, including the now- famous Diana and Actaeon Pas de Deux. This was followed by the scores fo r Lev Ivanovs The Enchanted Forest (1887), Petipas threeact ba ll et The Talisman (1889) and lvanovs The Magic Flute (1893) and The Awakening oj Flora (1894).
He was commissioned by the Prince of Monaco to wri te the sco re fo r an opera-ballet, La Cote d'Azur, which received its world premiere in Monte Carlo in 1895. For the coronation festivities of Tsa r Nicho las II in Moscow in 1896, h e wrote the score fo r Petipa's The Pearl. In 1899, he p rovided the music for the now-famous interpolated pas de deux for Petipa's revival of Le Corsaire, expressly for the ballerina Pierina Legnani, followed by Les Millions d'Ariequin (1900). In 1904, he wrote the score for one of Petipas last creations, The Rose and the BLLtterjly, and a pas de tr ois inserted into Sergei and Nicho las Legat's production of The FailY Doll, later to be danced by Anna Pavlova in Les Coquettelies de Columbine, choreographed by Ivan Cl u stine
He remained in Russia for 40 years, becoming the conductor of the Italian Opera in St. Petersburg in 1879, which he resigned from in 1886 to become conductor and composer of th e Imperial Ballet, a post he held until 1917. H e worked with m ost of th e leading dancers and choreographers in Russia at tha t time, and conducted the first perfonnances of Tchaikovskys The Sleeping Beauty (1890) and The Nutcracker (1892), as well as the first perfonnance of Glazunovs Raymonda (1898). During his time in Russia, Drigo made occasional visits to Ita ly, and in 1908, hi s ba llet Le Porte-bonheur, choreograp hed by L. Tornelli, was given its world premiere in Milan. His last-known ballet composition in Russia was TIle Romance oj the Rosebud (1919), after which, dissatisfied with life in Russia after the revolu ti on, he re turned to Padua in 1920, where he lived unti l his de ath on October 1, 1930, age 84. m
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+ Pamela Hill + Mau ry Oku n
Plincipal Principal
+ Laura Larson + Greg Nea r
Wen d y Hohmeyer Mich ael Tyrrell
+ Jeannette Bittar Fri tz Kaenzig
PrinCipal Phillip Snider
+ J Bud Ro ach
Kristen Been e TIMPANI
Sally Pitu ch + Gregory W h ite PrinCipa l
CLARINET David Taylor
+ Brian Bowman
Sam Martin + J ohn Dorsey
Suzanne Rozmary PrinCipal
Ketih Claeys
BASSOON Dan Maslanka
+ Kirkland Ferris Davi d Taylor
Nora Sch anki n
Roger Maki- HARP
Schramm + Patricia TerryRo ss Principal
+ Ca rrie Banfield KEYBOARD
Principal La rry Picard
J anin e Gabouri- Sly
Connie Hutchinson ORCHESTRA
Tammy Ko sinski PERSONNEL
Celest McClellan MANAGER
Katherine Widlar Diane Bred es en
Detroit Fe deration + David Ku ehn of Mu sicians, Local
PrinCipal #5 , American + Gordon Simmons Federation of Mark Flegg Mu sicians, is the Derek Loc khart offi cial union of the Mich igan Opera
Thea tre Orches tra.
2001-2002 Board of Directors
Dr. David DiChiera, President
Mr. Cameron B. Dun can, Treasurer
Mr. C. Thomas Toppin, Secretary
Mrs. Robert A. Allesee
Mrs. Donald C. Austin
Mrs. Bella Marsha ll Barden
Mr. ]. Addison Bartu sh
Mr. Richard A. Brodie
Mrs. William C. Brooks
Mrs. Peter Cooper
Mr. Tarik S Daoud
Julia Donovan Darlow
Mrs. Dodie David
Mr. Lawrence N. David
Mr. David Denn
Mrs. Charles M. Endicott
Mr. Paul Ewing
Ms. Cheryl Fallen
Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher
Mrs. Barbara Frankel
Mr. Herm an Frankel
Mrs. Lawrence Garberding
Mr. David Handleman
Mr. Kenneth E. Hart
Mr. Eugene Hartwig
Mr. Richard Janes
Mr. Gary Johnson
Ms. Cherlon Kanode
Mrs Charles Kessler
Mrs . Robert Klein
Mr. Gerald A. Knechtel
Mr. A. C. Liebler
Mr. Ha rry A. Lomason
Mr. Alphonse Lucarelli
Mrs. J ennifer Nasser
Mr. Charles A. Parcells, Jr.
Dr. Charlotte Podowski
Mr Roy Roberts
Mrs. Irving Rose
2001-2002 Trustees
Dr. &: Mrs. Mohamad K Ajjour
Dr. &: Mrs. Roger M. Ajluni
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A Allesee
Mr. &: Mrs. Douglas F Allison
Dr. Lourdes V Andaya
Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas V Angott
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert L. Anthony IV
Dr. &: Mrs. Agus tin Arbulu
Dr. Harold Arrington
Dr. &: Mrs. Ingida Asfaw
Mrs. Donald]. Atwood
Dr. &: Mrs. Donald C. Austin
Th e Hon. &: Mrs. Edward Avadenka
Mr. &: Mrs. Don H. Barden
Mrs. James Merriam Barnes
Mr. &: Mrs. Lee Barthel
Mr. &: Mrs. ]. Addison Bartush
Mr. &: Mrs. Mark Alan Baun
Mr. &: Mrs. Nicolas Behrmann
Mr. &: Mrs. W Victor Benjamin
Mr. &: Mrs. Ara Berberian
Mr. &: Mrs. Mandell Berman
Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Biggs
Mr. &: Mrs. John Boll
Mr. W Wayne Booker
Mrs . Thomas Bright
Mr. John Broad
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard A. Brodie
Mr. &: Mrs. Will iam C. Brooks
Mrs. Clarence G. Catallo
Mr. &: Mrs. Tom Celani
Mr. &: Mrs. Avrelio Cence
Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Cheesebrough III
Mr. David Clark
Mr. &: Mrs. Frederick H. Clark
Detroit Opera House
Ms Virginia Clementi
Mrs. Margo Cohen
Mr. Maurice Cohen
The Hon. &: Mrs. Avem L. Cohn
Mr. Thomas Cohn
Mr. &: Mrs. Michael]. Connolly
Mr. &: Mrs. Peter Cooper
Ms. Rosalind L. Cooperman &: Mr. Woody Robertson
Mr. &: Mrs. Marvin Danto
Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik S. Daoud
Julia Donovan Darlow &: John C. O'Meara
Mr. &: Mrs. Jerry P D'Avanzo
Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence N. David
Mr. &: Mrs . John W Day Jr.
Mr. &: Mrs. David Denn
Mr. Kevin Dennis &: Mr. Jeremy Zeltzer
Mrs. Rob ert E. Dewar
Dr. Fernando G. Diaz
Dr. David DiChiera
Karen VanderKloot DiChiera
The Hon. &: Mrs John Dingell
Ms. Mary Jane Doerr
Mr. &: Mrs. Cameron B. Duncan
Mrs. Charles M. Endicott
Dr. Fern R. Espino &: Mr. Tom Short
Mr. &: Mrs. Ro land C. Eugenio
Mr. &: Mrs. Paul E. Ewing
Mr. Stephen Ewing
Dr. Haifa Fakhouri
Ms. Cheryl Fallen
Mr. &: Mrs. Oscar Feldman
Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony Ferlito
Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred ]. Fisher Jr.
Mr. &: Mrs. Herbert Fisher
Mr. William Sandy
Mr. Gregory Schwartz
Mrs. Roger F Sherman
Mr. Mark Silverman
Mr. Frank Ste ll a
Mrs. George Strumbos
Dr. Lorna Thomas
Mr. Robert C. VanderKloot
Mr. Raymond Vecci
Mr. George C. Vincen t
Mr. Gary L. Wasserman
Mr Richard C. Webb
Mr R. Jamison Williams Jr.
Mr. George M Zeltzer
Mrs. Diet er Zetsche
Mr. Martin Zimmerman
Directors Emeritus
Frank W Dono van James H . Gram
Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher
Mrs. Elaine L. Fontana
Mr. &: Mrs. Mitchell B. Foster
Barbara Frankel &: Ron Michalak
Mr. &: Mrs. Herman Frankel
Mr. &: Mrs. Marvin A Frenkel
The Hon. Hilda R. Gage
Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence Garberding
Dr. &: Mrs Robert A Gerisch
Mrs. Frank Gerrnack Jr.
Mrs. Aaron H. Gershenson
Mr. &: Mrs. Yousif B. Ghafari
Mr. &: Mrs. Andrew Giancamilli
Mr. &: Mrs. Vito P Gioia
Mr. &: Mrs. Harvey Grace
Mr. &: Mrs. H. James Gram
Mrs. Katherine Gribbs
Mrs. John C. Griffin
Mr. &: Mrs. Jacques K Haddad
Mrs. Berj H. Haidostian
Mrs. Robert M. Hamady
Mr. David Handleman
Mr. &: Mrs. Preston B. Happel
Ms. Maria Harris
Mr. &: Mrs. Steven Harris
Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth E. Hart
Mr. &: Mrs. E. Jan Hartmann
Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Ha rtwig
Mrs. David B. Hermelin
The Hon. &: Mrs Joseph N. Impa stato
Mr. &: Mrs. Verne G. Istock
Mr. &: Mrs. Craig Jackman
Mrs. David Jacknow
Mr &: Mrs. Darnell D. Jackson
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Janes
Mrs. Sybil Jaques
Mr. Don Jensen
Mr. &. Mrs. Gary E. Johnson
Mrs. William E. Johnston
Mr. &. M;-s ElliotJoseph
Mr. &. Mrs. Maxwell Jospey
Mr. &. Mrs. Mitchell L Kafarski
Mr. &. Mrs. William Kahn
Dr. &. Mrs. Darnell Kaigler
Ms. Cherlon Kanode
Mr. &. Mrs. John Kaplan
Mr. &. Mrs. Donald W Keirn
Dr. &. Mrs. Charles Kessler
Mr. &. Mrs. Eugene L Klein
Mr. &. Mrs. Robert Klein
Mr. Gerald A Knechtel
Mr. &. Mrs. Mike Kojaian
Mr. &. Mrs. Thomas Krikorian
Mr. &. Mrs. William Ku
Dr. &. Mrs. Richard W Kulis
Mr. &. Mrs. Angelo Lanni
Mr. &. Mrs. Paul Lavins
Mrs. Walton A Lewi s
Dr. &. Mrs. Kim K Lie
Mr. &. Mrs. A C Liebler
Dr. &. Mrs. Robert P Lisak
Mr. &. Mrs. Harry A Lomason
Mr. &. Mrs. Jame s H. LoPrete
Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli
Mr. &. Mrs. Kevin Mahoney
Cardinal Adam Maida
Mrs. Frank S. Marra
Dr. &. Mrs. Ronald Martella
The Hon Ja ck &. Dr. Bettye ArringtonMartin
Ms . Alyssa Martina
Mr. &. Mrs. Richard McBrien
Mr. &. Mrs. William T McCormick Jr
Mrs. Wade H McCree Jr.
Mr. &. Mrs. Frank McKulka
Mr. &. Mrs. Eugene A Miller
Mr. &. Mrs. Jeffrey Miro
Ms. Monica Moffat &. Mr. Patrick Mcguire
Mr. &. Mrs. Theodore Monolidis
Mr. &. Mrs. Fred Morganroth
Mr. &. Mrs. E. Clarence Mularoni
Dr. &. Mrs. Stephen Munk
Mr. &. Mrs. E. Michael Mutchler
Mr. Jacques A Nasser
Mrs. Jennifer Nasser
Mr. Christopher Nern
Mr. &. Mrs. Ralph Nichols
Mr. &. Mrs. Harry Nosanchuk
Mr. &. Mrs. Jules L Pallone
Mr. &. Mrs. James Pamel
Mr. Charles A Parcells]r
Mr &. Mrs Spencer Partrich
Dr. Robert E. L Perkins
Mr. &. Mrs. Brock E. Plumb
Dr. Charlotte &. Mr. Charles Podowski
Mrs. Ralph L Polk
Mrs. David Pollack
Mrs. Heinz Prechter
Ms. Patricia Preston
Mr. &. Mrs. John Rakolta Jr.
Mrs. Ruth F Rattner
Dr. Irvin Reid &. Dr. Pamela Trotman Reid
Mr. &. Mrs. Roy S. Roberts
Ms Patricia H. Rodzik
Mrs. Hans Rogind
Mr. &. Mrs. Peter Ronan
Mr. &. Mrs. Irving Rose
Mr. &. Mrs. Norman Rosenfeld
Mrs. Carolyn L Ross
Mr. &. Mrs. Anthony Rugiero
Dr. &. Mrs. Hershel Sandberg
Mr. &. Mrs. William Sandy
Mr. &. Mrs. Arnold Schafer
Dr. &. Mrs. Norman R Schakne
Mr. &. Mrs. Fred C Schneidewind
Mr. &. Mrs. Alan E. Schwartz
Mr. &. Mrs. Gregory J Schwartz
Mr. &. Mrs Benjamin Schwegman
Mr. &. Mrs. Donald E. Schwendemann
Mr. &. Mrs. Merton Segal
Mrs. Frank C Shaler
Ms. Elham Shayota
Mr &. Mrs. Roger F Sherman
Mr. Mark Silverman
Mr. &. Mrs. Richard Sloan
Ms. Phyllis Funk Snow
Mr &. Mrs. David Snyder
Mr. &. Mrs. Anthony L Soave
Mr. Richard A Sonenklar
Dr. &. Mrs. Schelden Sonkin
Mr. &. Mrs. Richard D. Starkweather
Mr. Frank D. Stella
Ms. Mary Anne Stella
Mrs. Mark C Stevens
Mrs. Rudolph Stonisch
Mr. &. Mrs. George Strumbos
Mr. Ronald F Switzer
Dr. &. Mrs. Anthony R Tersigni
Dr. Lorna Thomas
Mr. &. Mrs. Mark Thomas
Dr. Roberta &. Mr. Sheldon Toll
Mr. &. Mrs. C Thomas Toppin
Mr. &. Mrs. Gary Torgow
Ms. Gail Tarreano
Mrs. Lynn A Townsend
Mr. James Trebilcott
Mr. &. Mrs. Tallal Turfe
Mr. Robert C VanderKloot
Mr. Raymond Vecci
Mr. &. Mrs. George C Vincent
Mrs. Alvin Wasserman
Mr. &. Mrs. Gary L Wasserman
Mr. &. Mrs. Kenneth Way
Mr. &. Mrs. Richard C Webb
Mr. &. Mrs. Gary L White
Mrs. Amelia H. Wilhelm
Dr. &. Mrs. Christopher D. Wilhelm
Mr. R Jamison Williams Jr.
Dr. &. Mrs. Sam B. Williams
Mr. &. Mrs. Eric A Wiltshire
Mr. &. Mrs. Donald E. Worsley
Mrs. R Alexander Wrigley
The Hon. Joan E. Young &. Mr. Thomas L Schellenberg
Mr. &. Mrs. John E. Young
Dr. Lucia Zamarano
Mr. &. Mrs. Larry Zangerle
Mr. &. Mrs. Ted Zegouras
Mr. &. Mrs. George M. Zeltzer
Dr. &. Mrs. Dieter Zetsche
Mr. &. Mrs. Morton Zieve
Mr. &. Mrs. Martin Zimmerman
Mrs. Paul Zuckerman
Mr. Roy Zurkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn A Townsend Founding Chairmen
The Hon. and Mrs Avem L Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. John DeCarlo
Dr. and Mrs. David DiChiera
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron H. Gershenson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C Graves
The Hon. and Mrs. Roman S. Gribbs
Mr. and Mrs. John C Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L Jones
The Hon. and Mrs. Wade McCree Jr.
Mr. Harry J Nede rlander
Mr. E. Harwood Rydholm
Mr and Mrs. Neil Snow
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strichartz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C VanderKloot
Mr. and Mrs. Sam B. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore O. Yntema
The Italian word "ava nti " m ea n s "a h ea d " or "for ward ." The Avanti Socie ty o f Michigan
O p era Th ea tre is a sp ecia l group of forwardthinking donors w ho have d eSigna ted a sp eCial gift to be nefit the organiz at io n in th e future
Th ese gen ero u s gift s en s ure our a rti s ti c pro gr ess in the future for th e b en efit of ge n erations to come.
Gi ft s can be m ad e th rou gh a vari ety o f es tate p lanning instru m en ts , includin g bequ es ts, tru s ts and othe r p lann ed givi n g arran ge m en ts
Benefits of The Avanti Soci ety include :
• In vi tation s to d ress reh earsa ls and other sp ecial eve nt s not offered to the gene ral pu b li c
• Annu al re cognition event fea turin g gu es t artis ts
• Edu cati ona l seminars
• Individu aliz ed es tate p lannin g as sista n ce for b equ ests, tru sts, life income pl an s and ot h er ch aritabl e gifts to Mic higan Opera Thea tre
• Recogn iti on on the do n or wa ll in the Det ro it Op era H ou se an d in the se as on pro gra m bo oks
If you are interes ted in maki n g a p lanned gi ft to Mich igan Op era Th eatre an d th ereby qualifyin g for m emb ership in The Avanti Society, p lease co ntac t:
Jane Fanning, Assoc iate Director of Deve lopm en t at (313 ) 2 37 -3268 or jfa nning@m o t o p era or g or return th e repl y form be low to:
J an e Fanning, Mi chiga n Op e ra Th ea tre 1526 Broadway, Detro it , MI 48226
The Avanti Society of Michigan Opera Theatre
o I am interes te d in rece ivin g furt h er in forma ti on on The Avanti So ciety and planne d givin g arran gem ents with Michigan Op er a Thea tre o I wo u ld be interes te d in attend in g an e d u ca tiona l se min a r on p lanne d giving and the tax a d van tages avail ab le throu g h plann ed giving . My p referred time to a t tend a seminar w ould b e:
o mid -da y 0 even in g 0 wee k en d o I ha ve al r ea d y includ ed Mi chi ga n Op er a Theatre in m y estate p lan s.
Mrs. Adele Amerman
Dr. Lourdes V Andaya
Mr. and Mrs. Agustin Arbulu
Chester &: Emelia Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Batterson
Mr. and Mrs. An Blair
Roy E. and lise Calcagno
Gladys Caldroney
VIctor]. and Katherine V Cervenak
Mr. and Mrs. Tarik Daoud
Karen VanderKloot
Mr and Mrs. Charles H. Duncan
Mrs. Charles M. Endicou
Barbara Frankel'
Mr. Hemlan Frankel'
Priscilla R. Greenberg, Ph.D'
Mr. Lawrence W Hall
Mr. &: Mrs. Jerome Halperin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E Han
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L Harl\vig
Dr. Cindy Hung
Christine Jaramillo
Mr. Donald Jensen
Ms. Phyllis Korn
Mr. &. Mrs. Em;n H. Klopfer'
Ms. Virginia Mascali
Mrs. Wade H. McCree
Ms. Jane McKee
Drs. Orlando &. Dorothy Miller
Mr. Ronald K. Morrison
Mr. Dale]. Pangois
Mr. Richard M. Raisin
Ms. Susan Schooner
Drs. Heinz &. Alice Piau Schwarz
Ms. PhylliS Funk Snow
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slarkweather
Mrs. Mark C. Stevens'
Mr. Jonathan S\vift and Mr. Thomas A Sl. Charles
Mr. Ronald E S,vitzer
Mary Ellen Tappan'
Donald and Margaret Thurber
Mr. Edward D. Tusse u
Mr. and Mrs. George Vincent
Mrs Amelia H. Wilhelm'
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Work
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Zeltzer
Mr. Allen B. Christman
Ms. Adele DeVlieg
Priscilla A B Goodell
Mr. Ernest Goodman
Mr. Bruce Hillman
Mr. Gordon V Hoialmen
Mr. Carl]. Huss
Ms. Helen Barbara Johnston
Ms. Helen Miller
Mrs. Ella M. Momroy
Ruth Rawlings Mou
Clarice Odgers Percox
Mr. Thomas G. Poner
Mr. Mitchell]. Romanowsk
Mr. Edward L. Stahl
In the spring of 1999, Michigan Opera Theatre was proud to be selected as a Leadership Grant participant in the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan 's (CFSM) Touch the Future program.
Originally, 13 organizations were chosen for this honor, and after March 31, 2001 , only 9 organizations, including Michigan Opera Theatre , remained in the program We are working together with the other organizations and the Community Foundation to build endowments for the future of this community and southeastern Michigan.
As a participant, Michigan Opera Theatre is eligible to receive over $300,000 in matching grant funds into MOT's endowment at the Community Foundation and $130,000 in operating support from CFSM. In order to receive these funds , we must raise ove r $2 ,000,000 in qualified planned gifts, such as Charitable Gift Annuities , Charitable Remainder Trusts, Life Insurance or Pooled Income Funds.
To date , Michigan Opera Theatre has raised over $330,000 (face value) of new endowment gifts through the Touch the Future program, and has received $50,000 in matching funds for its endowment at the Community Foundation.
By giving to the endowment of your favorite charity, your generosity and your belief in community will touch lives for years and years to come. And if that 's not immortality, what is? Find out more by contacting the Michigan Opera Theatre at 313-237-3268 or the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan at 1-888-WE-ENDOW or
Detroit Opera House
If you would like more information about how you can be a part of this unparalleled opportunity for Michigan Opera Theatre, please call Jane Fanning in the planned giving department at (313) 237-3268.
Together, we can touch the future .
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Administration & Staff
DAVID DICHIERA Matthew S. Birman
Annette M. Lozon MUSIC
Robert Martin
General Director Communications Manager of DEPARTMENT Head Flyman Coordinator Foundation & David DiChiera
Steve Kemp
BRETI BATIERSON Jane Coe Government Music Director Head Soundman
Kimberly Gray Relations
Chief Operating
Gary Gilmore Ticket Services
Suzanne Mallare
Lauren Allion Acton Production Officer Assistant Membership Assistant Music Electrician
DEPARTMENT Managers Manager Director, Chorus
Christy Gray
Mary Ellen Shindel
Heather Hamilton Master Head of Wardrobe
DIRECTORS Ticket Services Volunteer
Diane Bredesen
IATSE Local #38
Karen VanderKloot Representative Coordinator Orchestra Stagehands
DiChiera Timothy Lentz
Kathleen M. Personnel
IATSE Loca l #786
Director oj Archivist McNamara Manager Wardrobe
Community Jeanette Pawlaczyk Corporate Jean Schneider Programs Public Relations Campaign Rehearsal DETROIT
John Eckstrom Assistant Manager Accompanist
Director oj Bill Carroll
Jane Westley
Trish AlmqUist
Administration Public Relations Development Stage Management Event Coordinator
Roberto Mauro Volunteer Associate , General Demetrius Barnes
Director oj Artistic Director's Circle Technical Staff
Jesse Carter Administration Community
Danielle DeFauw
Randall L. Mauck Building Engineers
David W Osborne Programs Boutique Manager Technical Director
Director oj Mark Vondrak
Elisa Giuliani
Monika Essen House Manager
Production Tour Manager Rnance/ Computer Property Master
Mary Parkhill Betty Lane Services
Director oj Program Manager
William T Schulz
Kyle Ketelhut
Kendall Smith Concessions
Lighting Manager
Dolores Tobis Controller Coordinator
Jennifer Turner Office & Kimberly Burgess -
Rock Monroe
Director of Director oj Facilities Marketing Rivers
Laura R. Wyss Manager
Keith Kalinowski
Technical Security
Rita Winters Assistant
Director oj Betsy Bronson Accountants
Alaina Brown
Joseph Rusnak
Maria Cimarelli Systems Manager
Jennifer Gale
Calvin Williams
Costumes Supervisor
Suzanne M. Hanna
Keith Bibbins Costume
Bill Austin Lawrence Picard Systems Coordinator
Assistant to the David Pulice Programmer
General Director
linda DeMers
Karl Schmidt
Mark Vondrak
Executive Assistant Chancellor Wyman Production
Beverly A. Moore Outreach Touring Administration
Receptionist Company
Elizabeth Neds-Fox
Communications Development Coordinator
Michael Hauser
Jane Fanning
Carolyn Geck
Marketing Associate Director Production
Manager of Development Assistant
Kimberly A. Stephani Miller
Nancy Krolikowski
Mary Ellen Shindel
Bobby Abrams
Stephanie Miller
Ron Mosley
Stage Door
First Hand Security
Margaret Bronder
Second Hand
Ulla Hettinger
Pricia Hicok
Alice Moss
Wardrobe Mistress
Jocelyn Doodell
Mogielski Yates Local Assistant
Patron and Ticket Assistant Director Transportation
Services Manager of Development Coordinator
Jenise Collins
Bradley L. Stroud
Pat Lewellen
Group Sales and Director of Dance Audition
Wardrobe Mistress
Stage Crew
John Kinsora
Patron Services Development Volunteer Head Carpenter Supervisor
Eugene Robelli
Robert Mesinar
Production Head Electrician
Alan Bigelow
Head Property man
General Information
Unauthorized cameras and recording devices are not allowed inside the theater at an y time The taki ng of photographs of th e theater or any performance is stri ctly prohibited. As a courtesy to our guests, we ask that all paging devices, cell phones and alarm watches be switched to silent mode prior to the start of a performance.
usher, please call the usher hotline at 313/237 -3253.
LATE SEATING Latecomers will be seated only during an appropriate pause in the program and may view the program on closed-circuit television monitors lo ca ted in the lobbies until an appropriate program pause occurs. Late seating poliCies are at the discretion of the production, not opera house management.
members to hear the music is a prerequisite to enjoyment of the performance. In all cases, babes in arms are not permitted.
Doctors and parents are advised to leave their seat lo cation (located on ticket) and our emergency number, 313/237-3257, with the service or sitter in case of an emergency Please observe the lighted exit signs located throughout the theater. In the event of fire or similar emergency, please remain calm and walk - do not run - to the nearest exit. Our ushers are trained to lead you out of the bUilding safely A trained Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) is on site during most events. Please see an usher or staff member to contact the EMT.
LOST Be FOUND Lost and Found is located in the Security Department. Please see an usher if you have misplaced an article, or call 313/961-3500 if you have already left the theater. Items will be held in Lost and Found for thirty da ys.
PARKING Parking for all events is availab le in the Opera Hou se Garage , lo cated directly across from the Detroit Opera House (on J ohn R. and Broadway streets). Prepaid parking is available through the box office. Please call 313/237-SING for parking in form ation .
SERVICES Concession stands are lo ca ted in all levels. Please note that food and drinks are not allowed in the auditorium at any time. Coat check is lo cated in the Ford lobby The cost is $1.00 per coat. Please note that the Detroit Opera House does not accept responsibility for any personal articles that are not checked at the coat check. Drinking fountains are located in the lobbies on floors one and three. Public pay phones are located in the ves tibul e of the Ford Lobby Patrons in wheelchairs can access pay phones outside the third-floor ladie s' restrooms.
The Detroit Opera Hou se is available for rent by your organization. Please call Jennifer Turner, Director of Facilities, at 313/961-3500 to receive rental information
Ladies' restrooms are located off the Fo rd Lobby (Broadway street entrance), down th e stairs and also on the third floor (Madison stree t entrance) - p lease press "3 R" on the elevator to reach these facilities. Gentlemens restrooms are located under the Grand Staircase, and also on the third floor (Broadway street entrance) - please press "3 " on the elevator to reach these facilities. Please note: All third-floor re strooms are wheelchair accessible
NO SMOKING The Detroit Opera Hou se is a smoke-free facility Ash receptacles are provided on the exterior of all entry doors for those who wish to smoke.
USHERS Ushers are stationed at the top of each ais le If you have a question or concern, please inform ushers , and they will contact management. If you are interested in becoming a vo lunt eer
ACCESSIBILITY Accessible seating locations for patrons in wheelchairs are located in all price ranges on the orchestra level. When inquiring about tickets, please ask about these locations if you require speCial accommoda tions.
Assisted Listening Devices are availab le on a first-come , first-served basis. Please see an usher to request this service. Alth ough this is a comp limenta ry service, we will request to hold a piece of personal identification while yo u are using the device. Please con ta ct the Bo x Office , sho uld you desire special consideration.
CHILDREN Children are welcome; however, all guests are required to hold a ticket, rega rdless of age. We kindly ask that parental discretion be exercised for certain programs , and that all guests remember that during a program such as opera or ballet, the ability of all audienc e
313/237-3257 Usher Hotline
The Detroit Opera House Ticket Office hours are as follows: Non-perfo rma nce weeksMonday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Performance days - 10:00 a.m. through the first intermission of the evenings performance, except Saturdays and Sundays, when the Ticket Office will open two hours prior to cu rtain. Tickets for all public events held at the Detroit Opera House are also available through all TicketMaster phone and retail outlets.
OPERA HOUSE TOURS Come join the Opera Hou se Ambassadors for a backstage tour of th e Detroit Opera House Learn about the hiStory of the Opera House and its restoration. Meet the people behind the scenes, tour the stage and see how it operates. Tours are $ 10 .00 per person. For more information , please call 313/23 7-3407.
DaimlerChrysler proudly supports the Michigan Opera Theatre and is honored to be the exclusive sponsor of their 2001-2002 dance season
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
www.daim lerch
Our engineers may not be graceful dancers, but they do know their left foot from their right.
The Nutcracker Cast December 7-11, 2001
Part)!. Childre.1l
Adam Parus Allen Wiseman
Evan Autio James Moore
Van Doescher Stephani Houghton
Leah Chilcutt Noelle Hardy
Chelsea Nedrow Julia Pyko
Stephanie Middaugh Jessica Thomas
Rachel Rebecca Gretchen Weed
Erin Parus
Babv Mice. ..
Brittany Noble Jillian Parus
Ashley Orsette (1217, 12/8M1E, 12/9M1E)
Katie Weed (12110M, 12/11M)
Samantha Legare
Gina Guzzardo
Blaise Badynee
Emily Greenwell
Lindsay Carless
Megan White
Megan Okoniewski Steffany Bozeman
Lauren Lochner Lindsay Lochner
Colin Klosterman
Ryan Lotan
Rebecca Fisher
Sarah Tilden
Shae Badynee Noel Granger
Amanda Kisic
Katie Copeland
Katherine Rothermel
Darlene Chudzinski(l2/8M, 12/9M/E, 12/10, 12/11)
Barbara Schoen(l217, 12/8E)
Rachel Rebecca Gretchen Weed
Brittany Noble
Kelsey Kenrick Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Dominic Santia
Waltz of the Flowers
Chelsey Shirk
Leah Chilcutt Stephani Houghton Noelle Hardy
Rebecca Fisher
Sara Bride
Jo Ann Cusmano and Judith Molina
Students from the following dance schools are participating in the Nutcracker production.
American Dance Academy
Bev's Dance Studio
Birmingham Dance Center
Bravo Dance Center
Broadway Bound
Bunny Sanford's School of Dance
Channaines Studio of Dance
Cre8tive Fine Arts Academy of Dance
Dance Classics of Ann Arbor
Dance Dynamics
Dance Steps Studio
Dancer's Image
Dancer's Workshop
Deborah's Stage Door
EDE Center for Dance
Geiger School of Ballet
Gotta Dance
ICEl of Music and Dance at Marygrove College
Kensington School of Dance
Knapp School of Dance
Mary Skiba School of Dance
M.B.S. School for the Performing Arts
O'Day School of Dance
Performing Arts Academy
Pointe Academy of Dance
Pointe Counterpoint
Rochester School of Ballet
The Dancer's Studio
The Sports Club of Novi
Tina Marie School of Dance
Turning Point
Wayne State University
The Nutcracker sco re will be peiformed by the Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra, as fe atured on page 260/ the Bra v o program.
E.T.A. HoffmanlHerr Drosselmeyer
Frau Von Stahlbaum
Counse lor Von Staulbaum
Clara Fritz
Gu e sts Adrienne Atkins
Rebekah Cris c imagna
Svetlana Kazonina
So YonNam
Rachel Rutland
Maria Tyu kova
Sergei Berejnoi
Janna Sinitsyna
Alexei Tyukov
Melinda Bower
Phillip Velinov
Emily Momberg
Cory Lingner
Alexei Agoudine
Nikolai Balatsenko
Vadim Dulepa
Selahattin Erkan
Sergey Serg iev
Oybeck Tashpulatov
Sugar Plum Doll
Nutcracker Prince Doll
Nutcracker Soldier Doll
Mouse King
Mice Adrienne Atkins
Kerrie-Anne Dunn
Stephanie He ston
Nutcracker Prince
Snowflakes Rebekah Criscirnagna
Kerrie-Anne Dunn
Stephani e Heston
So YonNam
Irina Komarenko
Rebekah Criscimagna
Kerrie-Anne Dunn
Katherine Lawrence
Vadim Pijicov
Jamie Marie Planko
Jill Schwartz
Yuri Beletskiy
Jamie Marie Planko
Liesl Rinke
Rachel Rutland
Maria Tyukova
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Sugar Plum Fairy
Nutcracker Prince
E.T A. HoffmanlHerr Drosselmeyer
King Queen
Spanish Dance Kerrie-Anne Dunn
Arabian Dance Svetlana Kazonina
Chinese Dance Rebekah Criscimagna
Russian Dance Rachel Rutland
Little Shepherds Tuesday Perry
Dominic Santia
Waltz of the Flowers
Stephanie Heston
Katherine Lawrence
So YonNam
Jamie Marie Planko
Maria Tyukova
Grand Pas de Deux
Finale & Apotheosis
Company/Production Manager
Production Stage Manager
Costume Manager Assistant Stage Manager
Costume Assistant
Irina Komarenko
Yuri Beletskiy
Sergei Berejnoi
Alexei Tyukov
Janna Sinitsyna
Phillip Velinov
Oybeck Tashpulatov
Alexei Agoudine
Nikolai Balatsenko
Kristin Young
Vadim Dulepa
Selahattin Erkan
Sergey Sergiev
Irina Komarenko
Yuri Beletskiy
Charles D. Stepp
Lisa Marie Lange
Stephanie Rossell
Heather Lafferty
Guzal Tashpulatova
Special guest artist SERGEI BEREJNOI is Ballet Master for the Boston Ballet and fonner Principal Dancer with the Kirov Ballet. A native of Odessa, the Ukraine, Berejnoi is a graduate ofthe famed Vaganova School in St . Petersburg. He began his ballet training at age lOin his native Odessa, and also attended the Kiev Choreography School. He perfonned throughout the world as a principal dancer with the Kirov Ballet for 23 years, dancing a wide range of classical roles He has perfonned principal roles in many dance videos such as The Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake and Diana and Acteon. He taught at the Kirov Ballet and at the Vaganova School. He has been a Ballet Master for Boston Ballet since 1993. In 1997 he staged the American premiere ofPetipa's Le Corsaire for Boston Ballet with Natalia Dudinskaya, Vadim Desnitsky and Anna-Marie Holmes . That same year he assisted Ms. Holmes in staging Swan Lake in Oslo, Norway.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
The Nutcracker score will be perform ed by th e Michigan Opera Th eatre Orchestra, as featured on page 26 of the Bra v o program
llulle l ilJt e rlluliorlll/ C The Nutcracker Cast December 9, 2001 - 2:00 p.m.
E .T.A. HoffmanlHerr Drosselmeyer
Frau Von Stahlbaum
Counselor Von Staulbaum
Clara Fritz
Guests Adrienne Atkins
Kerrie-Anne Dunn
Stephanie Heston
So Yon Nam
Liesl Rinke
Janna Sinitsyna
Sergei Berejnoi
Svetlana Kazonina
Alexei Tyukov
Rachel Rutland
Vadim Pijicov
Kristin Young
Chris Lingner
Alexei Agoudine
Mykola Balatsenko
Vad im Dulepa
Selahattin Erkan
Sergey Sergiev
Phillip Velinov
Sugar Plum Doll
Nutcracker Prince Doll
Nutcracker Soldier Doll
Mouse King
Mice Melinda Bower
Rebekah Criscimagna
Katherine Lawrence
Nutcracker Prince
Snowflakes Rebekah Criscimagna
Kerrie-Anne Dunn
Stephanie Heston
Svetlana Kazonina
Karen Scalzitti-Kennedy
Katherine Lawrence
Melinda Bower
Chieko Oiwa
Oybeck Tashpulatov
Jamie Marie Planko
Jill Schwartz
Maria Tyukova
Ogulcan Borova
Jamie Marie Planko
Liesl Rinke
Maria Tyukova
Sugar Plum Fairy
Nutcracker Prince
E.T.A. HoffmanlHerr Drosselmeyer
Spanish Dance Irina Komarenko
Arabian Dance So Yon Nam
Chinese Dance Chieko Oiwa
Russian Dance Katherine Lawrence
Little Shepherds Lauren Cote
Dominic Santia
Waltz of the Flowers
Melinda Bower
Rebekah Criscimagna
Kerrie-Anne Dunn
Stephanie Heston
Liesl Rinke
Ogulcan Borova
Sergei Berejnoi
Alexei Tyukov
Janna Sinitsyna
Oybeck Tashpulatov
Salahattin Erkan
Vadim Pijicov
Nikolai Balatsenko
Emily Momberg
Alexei Agoudine
Vadim Dulepa
Phillip Velinov
Svetlana Kazonina
Pas de Deux
Finale & Apotheosis
Company/Production Manager
Production Stage Manager
Costume Manager Assistant Stage Manager
Costume Assistant
Karen Scalzitti-Kennedy
Ogulcan Borova
Charles D. Stepp
Lisa Marie Lange
Stephanie Rossell
Heather Lafferty
Guzal Tashpulatova
Special guest artist SERGEI BEREJNOI is Ballet Master for the Boston Ballet and fonner Principal Dancer with the Kirov Ballet. A native of Odessa, the Ukraine, Berejnoi is a graduate of the famed Vaganova School in st. Petersburg. He began his ballet training at age 10 in his native Odessa, and also attended the Kiev Choreography School. He perfonned throughout the world as a principal dancer with the Kirov Ballet for 23 years, dancing a wide range of classical roles. He has perfonned principal roles in many dance videos such as The Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake and Diana and Acteon. He taught at the Kirov Ballet and at the Vaganova School. He has been a Ballet Master for Boston Ballet since 1993 In 1997 he staged the American premiere ofPetipa's Le Corsaire for Boston Ballet with Natalia Dudinskaya, Vadim Desnitsky and Anna-Marie Holmes. That same year he assisted Ms Holmes in staging Swan Lake in Oslo, Norway
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Allard Academy of Dan c e-Ea stpointe
American Dance Acad e my- Commerce Township
American Dance Academy-South Lyon
Ann Parsley School of Dan c e -Clinton Township
Barbara Hatch School of Dance-Farmington
Betty Johnson Studio-Birmingham
Birmingham Ballet & Jazz-Birmingham
Birmingham Dance Academy -Birmingham
Bunny's School of Dance-Livonia
Chris' Dance Workshop -Port Huron
Community School of Ballet-Ann Arbor
Dance Arts Academy-Traverse City
Dance Ensemble West-Plymouth
Dancing Feats Dance Center-Farmington Hills
Dance Force-Marine City
Dance Gallery/Peter Sporting Dance CO .- Ann Arbor
Dance Unlimited-Plymouth
DanCentre at Sports Club of Novi- Novi
Dancing Feats Dancing Center-Farmington
Deborah's Stagedoor Center for the Performing Arts-Rochester Hills
Detroit Dance Collective-Huntington Woods
Doris Marsh-School of Classical Ballet-Sag inaw
EDE Center for Dance-Rochester Hills
Eisenhower Dance Ensemble -Roche ster Hills
Freedom Danz Xpressionz-Detroit
Geiger Classic Ballet Academy-Bloomfield Hills
Harrison Dance and Creativity Centre Inc.-Harrison
Hope College, Dance Department-Holland
lene ' s Dance Electric-Farmington Hills
Karen ' s School of Dance -Highland
Kensington Community Church School of Dance-Troy
Knapp School of Dance-Warren
Lansing Chamber Dance-East Lansing
Maggie Allesee Dept. of Dance/WSU -Detroit
Marcia ' s School of Dance-Wyandotte
MBS Training Center for the Perform ing Arts-Oak Park
Metro Dance-Plymouth
Michigan Dance Centre-Linden
Milligan School of Ballet-Dearbom Heights
MoreDances Contemporary Dance Co -Troy
O'Day School of Dance-Detroit
Osborne Dance Ensemble-Detroit
Pointe/Counterpoin t e Dance Centre-Garden City
RenaissanceDance Workshop-Detroit
Rochelle Bertsch School of Ballet-Mount Pleasant
Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy-Saginaw
Spotlight Dance Academy-Grand Haven
Steppi n ' Out Dance Studio-New Baltimore
Studio 1 School of Dance/DEMI-Ann Arbor
Sickle's Dance Gallery-Dearborn
Suzanne Hawkins' Ballet Workshop
The Dance Center, Inc .-Traverse City
The Dance Centre, Inc.-South Lyon
The Pointe Academy of Dance, Inc -Rochester Hills
Toni's Dance Studio -Mount Pleasant
Youth Dance Theatre of Michigan, Inc-Chelsea
The Detroit Opera House and American Ballet Theatre have joined to create Dance Alliance, a community outreach program designed to support Michigan's many dance studios while promoting the art of dance and strengthen the Opera House's commitment to provide world-Class dance for its audiences
For more information , contact Jenise E. Collins at 313 237-3409, or e-mail: Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre