PROGRAM: Bravo 2001 Fall Opera and Dance

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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

The :Official MagaZine of the Detroit Opera House


Dr. David DiChiera, General Direc tor

Laura Wyss , Editor

Matthew S. Binnan , Associate Editor


Dr. David DiChiera

Mitche ll Krieger

Roberto Mauro

Michigan Opera Theatre Staff


Live Publi shing Company

Frank Cucciarre , De sign and Art Direction

Chuck Ro senberg, Copy Editor

Toby Faber, Director of Advertising Sales


Illustrations b y Ste ve Tetlow

Cove r Design b y Frank Cucciarre, Blink Conce pt &: Des ign

Michigan Op era Theatre would like to thank Harmony House Records fo r donating season recordings and videos.

Phys icians ' service provided b y Henry Ford Medical Center.

Pepsi-Co la is the official soft drink and j ui ce provider for the Det ro it Ope ra House.

Starbucks Coffee is the official coffee of th e Detroit Opera House.

Steinway is the o fficial piano of the Detroi t Opera House and Michi gan Opera Th eat re. Steinway pianos are provided by H am mel Music, exclu sive represe ntative for Steinway and So ns in Mich igan.

President Tuxedo is the offi cial pro vide r of formal wea r fo r the Detroit Opera House.

A s pec ial thanks to Viviano Flowers for providing roses for our Callnen guests.

Mich igan Opera Theatre is a n on profit cultural organization whose activitie s are su pporte d in part by the Michigan Council for Arts and Cu ltura l Affai rs, the National Endowment for the Arts a n d o the r ind ividua ls, corporations and foundations. Michigan Opera Th ea tre is a n Equal Opportunity Emp loyer.

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Fall2001 .. . Seaso n

MESSAGE From the Genera l Director 7 ON STAGE Carmen 9 Synopsis ....... . ............ . . .... ........... ... ... 10 Ron Daniels discusses Carmen 11 Artist profiles ................. . . . . .. . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . .. 14 Anoush . ....... .. .. . .. . ... . . . .. . .... .. . . . . . ....... .. 17 Synopsis ... . ... . .. .. .................... .. ......... 18 David DiChiera discusses Anoush 19 Artist profiles .. .......... . . .. ... .... . ... ..... . . . ... . . 21 Armenians and fri en ds for Anoush . . . ... .. ... . ... .. ... . . . .. 23 ORCHESTRA Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra and Chorus .. ... . . . .. .... . 24 MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE Board of Directors and Trustees . . ....... ... .. .. ... ... . . .. 2S OUTREACH & EDUCATION Community Programs ............ . . ... . ....... .. . . .... 28 CONTRIBUTORS Avanti Society . . . ....... .. . . . . . ..... . . . . ... . . . . ... . . . 30 Young Artist Apprentice Program ................ ...... . .. 32 New Cen tury Fund ...... . . . .. . ........ .. . . . .. .. .... .. 33 Named Gifts 34 Michigan Opera Theatre Contributors ....... . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . 3S MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE Administration and Staff. .. ..... . . . . ... ... . .. . . ... ...... 4S General Information .... .. . ... ...... . .. . . .. . . . .. ....... 46 4 BRAVO Detmi t Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Flagstar Bank is a proud partner with Classical Music Detroit. com Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Award Winning Design and Unsurpassed QJlality ... • • Convenient Financing Available , ,,-,Of CaU Today For An In Home Consultation'J -8 DO-gL} -TD-F P \ S ;l' .'J :I Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Building on Our Successes

Dea r Fri ends ,

On b ehalf of Michigan Opera Theatre, it is my grea t p leasure to we lc ome yo u back to the Detroit Opera Hou se. We hope yo u have enjoyed your summer, and we look forward to sh a ring wi th you an other extrao rdina ry season of wo rldclass opera and dance produ cti ons.

Whi le th e summer months provide d a brief rest to the action on stage, the Detroit Opera Hous e bu s tled with the awa rd -winnin g Le arning a t th e Opera H ou se progra m and a va ri e ty o f yo uthbase d programs, including American Ballet Thea tres summer d ance intensive, whi ch was attended b y stu d ents fro m aro und the nation.

The past few months hav e also allowed u s to continu e th e ongoing restoration of th e Detroit Opera Hou se. Specifically, you wi ll notice impro veme nts to th e Broadway facade, which we ant icip a te will b e co mp leted b y the h olid ays. I hope you will take a moment to revel in th e ex qui site architectural b eaut y o f this portion of a magnificent theater.

Th e large lounge, l ocat e d near th e Madison Str ee t entrance, will b e closed th rougho ut the fa ll and w int er seasons, an d wi ll reo p en as the General Motors O p era Cafe in time for our spring seaso n . Thi s new faCilit y w ill allo w our gues ts to enjoy li ght far e b efo re

and aft er performances. I am also very pleased that , as part of this restoration, we will be able to provide a fully accessible restroom fa Cility on our main floor.

The 1996 opening of th e De troit Ope r a Hous e became the cata lys t for the revit aliza tion of the sports and entertainment dis tric t tha t surrounds Grand Circus Park and Harm onie Park. Whil e we remain inordinately proud of our role in the trem end ous d evelo pment of this area and enjoy th e su ccess of the new businesses , res taurant s and the beautiful Comerica Park , we h ave become painfully aware that this grow th h as its price . We share the concern th at many of yo u ha ve about the in creased difficult y in parking; we have thu s b een working with many of our n eighbors and the City o f De troi t to

d evelop a so lution to this evergrowing ch all enge .

In 1999 , we lau n ch ed the New Centu ry Fund wit h the historic Thr ee Ten ors Conce rt While we ha ve mad e grea t strid es in our fund -raising efforts, we still h ave a long way to go. The suc cess ful co mple tion of this campaign will ensure that Michigan Opera Thea tre and all its cultural and educational activities at the Detroit Opera H ouse will remain a vi tal force for our co mmunity in thi s new ce ntu ry: At the top of our prio riti es is th e co m p letion o f the Educat ion Reso urce Center, the retirement of our construction d eb t and the establishment of a Significant en d owment.

In addition to all these initiati ves, we have planned an ex traordinary season of opera and dance for y our p leasure . Our fa ll opera seaso n will feature two completely n ew produ ctions of Carmen and Anoush, wi th a ho s t of exciting artists to bring th em to life. As always, I truly appreciate yo ur support and hop e that yo u will enjoy yo ur experiences at the Opera Hou se

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Detro it Opera Ho use
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Davi d DiChiera
Be late. Time is a luxury. (9) CONCORD@ Michigan's most trusted jeweler since 1977 Orchard Mall. West Bloomfield, MI 48322 Visit us at 248-932-7700 800-337-GIFT
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By order of voca l appearance


Terence Mu rp hy


N ico lle F o land


Hu gh Smith *

(Oc tober 13, 1 7 & 2 0)

Gera r d P owe r s*

(October 14m, 19 & 21m)


Salva d or Gino ri


Iri n a Mis hura

(Oc tober 13, 17,1 9 & 21m)

Ka te Ald ri ch

(Octobe r 14m & 20)

FRASQUITA Va lerieYova


Eliza W am er *+


,Ky le Ketelsen


Terence Murphy


Mat thew Tu ell+

* Michigan Opera Theatre Debut + Michigan Opera Th eat re Young Artist Apprentice

Conducto r John DeMain

Direc tor Ron Daniels *

Chorus Mas ter Suzanne Mallare Acton

Se t Design Riccardo Hernandez*

Cos tum e Des ign Constance Hoffman

Lighti ng Design James Ingalls *

Cho reograp her Lili del Castillo

Ma keup & Hair Design

Elsen Associates

Stage Manager Kenneth

Surtitle translation Christopher Bergen

Surtitles Jar this production oj Carmen are owned by Christopher Be rgen

Carmen is a Co-Production of Mi ch igan Opera

Thea tre, Opera Pacific and Ho u ston Grand Opera.

By arrangement with Baerenreiter Music Corporation for Alkor-Edition, publisher and copyright owner.

The October 17th per formance is sponsored by the Ida & Conrad H. Smith Fu nd, which was established by the Raymond C. Smith Foundation Fund of th e Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan.

De tro it Ope ra House
Opera Th
Season is m ade p ossibl e b y Ford Motor Co m pan y The Opening Night Performance
Scott Shup trine Presents: ()1pE:RA [7ALKS One hour prior to the performance www.Michi ganO pe r a. org BRAVO 9 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
cts I & II will each be follo we d by a 20 minute intermi ssion
ea tres 200
of Carme n is sponsored by Ameritech.

Setting: 'II S · SCVI C, paIn


In a square in Sevill e, town sp eo ple and so ldiers relax in the sun. A pretty coun tr y gi rl , Mica ela , co m es in looking for h er swe e theart, Corporal Don Jos e ; an officer, Morales, tells h e r Jos e will b e the re later, and sh e leaves. As the guard is change d , a band of children parade around , imit ating the so ldiers ("Avec la grand e m ontante "), whose number no w includes J ose. To the sound o f the noon b ell , girl s from the n earby cigarette fa c_ tory wa nd er in to smoke and chat , as passersb y look on in fasc ination ("Dans l'air"). enters la s t , flirting, joking and exp lainin g h er philo sop h y of life: Lo ve is a wi ld bird that cannot be tamed (Haban era: "I:a mour est un oiseau rebelle ") J ose sits apart , sullen and distra cted. Drawn by hi s indifference , Ca rmen tosses him a flow e r as the work be ll ca lls the girls back. Th e square grows qui e t , and Micael a returns to give Jo se news o f his moth er ("Parl e-moi d e rn a mere" ). No soo n er ha s sh e left than a disturbance is heard in th e fac to ry; Ca rm en is in vo lved in a fig ht , and th e girl s run out arg uing over who started it. Captain Zuniga orders Jo se to arrest Carme n , but sh e res is ts th ei r questions with brazen nonchalance H er wrists bound, sh e sings "to her self ' abo ut th e ren d ezvo u s she might arran ge with Jos e (Sequidill a: "Pres des ram p a rts d e Sevi lle") Falling under h er sp ell , he loosens h er b onds. Th e crowd return s to see Carmen led to prison , roari n g with delight when she escapes; J ose is arrested for let ting her ge t away


A month later, a t Pastia 's Inn, Carmen j oins h er co mpanions in a gypsy so n g ("Les tringles des sistr es tintaient ") and exerts h er ch arms on th e matador Escamillo , wh o boasts of hi s ex ploits in

the arena ("Vo tre toast ") When the inn closes, Carmen tells four fri endsFrasqu ita , Mercedes, Dancairo, Remendado - that love for Jo se keeps her from go in g along on th eir n ex t smuggling trip (quint et : "No u s avons en tete "). They laugh at h er, th en hid e as J ose is h ea rd approac hin g. Ca rm en sings and danc es for him , but a bugl e is heard so unding th e retreat, and h e s tart s to return to hi s barra c ks. Thi s an gers her, and he pauses to show h e r the fl ower sh e thre w at h im , telling wh a t it m eant to him in pri so n ("Le fl eur qu e tu m'ava is j etee"). Sh e invites him to join h er wild m ounta in life , but h e refu ses Suddenl y, Zuniga breaks in , provoking an attack b y J ose. Carmen calls the gypsies, who seize Zuniga J ose is now forced to join the ou tlaws.


In their mountain hideout , th e smugglers congratulat e themselv es on their su ccessful ca reer, but Jo se is unhappy in their midst. Carme n find s his h omesickness tireso m e and bu sies h ersel f with h er friends in tellin g their fortun es a t ca rds Frasqu ita sees an ardent lover, Mercedes a wealthy hu sband and Carmen on ly death ("En vain pour evi ter"). Th e gypsies leave, an d Micaela ent ers in sea rch o f Jose ('J e dis que rien n e m 'empou -

www Mich

vante"). A shot rin gs out, and sh e fl ees. It was Jo ses gun , aimed at Escamillo , who has come looking for Carmen. The two start to fi ght with knives and are se parated by th e gypsies; Escamill o invites them all to his next bullfi ght and leaves after insulting Jo se, who se j ea lou sy is reaching dangerous bounds. Remen dado brings in Micaela , and sh e begs Jo se to return home. Carm en , tired as she is of him , agrees, but h e kn ows w h a ts on h er mind and vows to find h er after he has see n hi s mother.


In Sevi ll e's Plaz a de Toro s, the crow d ga th ers for th e bullfight, hailing Escamillo. Carmen is with him and assures him of h er lo ve; she waits in th e s quare , thou gh h er girlfriend s warn that Jo se has b een seen prowlin g aro un d , l ooking despera te. Carmen is a fatalist; she knows she mu st face Jo se even tually Sure eno ugh , h e enters ("C'est toi 7" "C' es t moil" ), demanding that sh e give up Escamill o. But she and J ose a re finish ed , she says tossing his ring in his face, as the crowd is heard cheering for Escamillo. When Ca rmen tries to run p ast J ose into th e arena , he stabs h e r, falling in d es pair by her body OJ

Court esy of Op e ra News Detroit

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Op e ra
2010, Michigan Opera

Mitchell Krieger talks to Director Ron Daniels about


When asked to do Carmen, what were your first tho ughts?

I was tremendously excited, of course. Not too long before yo u phoned, I had i:mended a concet t p er formance of Carmen in the Berkshires, so I cou ld st ill vividly remembe r the vo luptu ous music, its exubera n ce as weII as its delicacy I felt at once that this was a perfect opera for me to work on - a strong narrative and passionate, even violent characters; a story of love, obsession and murder. I coulfin 't wai t to get started But I felt a touch of panic, too. Never having seen the ope r a perfo rme d o n stage, this wou ld really be a voyage of discovery

Where did your research take you?

First of all, I listened to severa l recordings - Bernstein, Pretre, Lombard - over and over again , tr yi ng to ge t a deeper fee ling for the music, to und ers tand its r ichness and eclecticis m. I studied th e sco r e in detail, comparing it to the various recordings, noting the possible cuts and the different choices to be made I read the history of the opera and o f the operacomique, and earlier evalu ation s. also looked a t va r ious contempo rary studies of opera, among them Suzan McClary's Ca rmen and Catherine Cle m ents Opera or the UndOing of Women. And by th en , the no vel by Merimee had become ob liga to ry r ead ing, every time I rode th e sub way in New York l

Can you te ll us something about th e discussions you had with set des igner Riccardo Hernandez and costume d es igner Constance Hoffman that led to th e visual concept?

De t ro it Opera House

I had worked with both Riccardo and Con stance severa l times before; I have a tremend ous admiration for their work and great trust in their instincts By the time I met with Riccardo, I already had this n otion of the "fantasy of the South": th e ima ge of all these men (Merimee among th em ) from the co ld north of Europe, tra veling to sun- dren ch ed Spain to watch the women from the cigare tt e factory as they made their way down to the Guada lquivir to bathe - men yearning for a fr eedom impossib le for them in their northern homes. Riccardo and I , both of us having b een b o rn in wa rmer climes and n ow living in th e cold northern h emisphere, always dreaming of faroff southern h omes, discussed this "fantas y" with some degree of whimsy and wondered w h at "th e South " could pOSSibly mean to the peop le of sou thern Ca lifornia. Mexico, perhaps? When Riccardo returned from our secon d meeting, he brought with him some b eautiful sketch es Startling yellow su nlit wa lls , rose- pink fl oors , white stucco buildings .. these drawings b ecame a point of d eparture and an inspiration for our www.M ichi ga

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Sevi ll e - the world fo r Cannen.

We also discussed how the o p era is clearly divided into mu sical numbers - almost like a Broadway musical - separated by spoken dialogue. By then, we already knew that we wanted to use the opera-comique version and not the la ter recitatives. Each o f these numb ers has its own separate and some times conflicting musica l identity, defining each of the characters with a stylis tiC boldness tha t is quite breathtaking. How could we create a framework th at wou ld embrace this daring eclecticism? Realistic, but also theatrical?

Why did you pick the 1940s and 1950s as th e setting for this version of Carmen? When Constance and I m et, it had become more clear than ever that gender - the dangerous struggle between the genders - was crucial to the opera. Don J ose is a man from an ancient land owning famil y, a man of vio lent temper who has run away from his home country b eca u se he killed a man aft er a game of b ou les. Though he was intended for the priesthood, his violent and obsessive nature had already turned him into a murderer (in the Merimee, he also murd ers Carmens Romany husband). Carmen , on the o ther h and, is a free sp irit and a gypsy - an outsider who warns th at "love is a bird that cannot be tamed." Sexually lib erated as any man, ch oos ing her own partners according to h er own desire, sh e was born free and refuses to be possessed by anyone Constance and I p oured over books on period costume, and it soon struck us th at a silho u e tte w hi ch we felt portrayed an utterly u ninhibi ted and almost defiant female sensua lity was that of the Fifties - Gina Lollobrigida, Sophia Loren. Spain in the Fortie s and Fifties


then b ecame our choice o f period - a period not too fa r removed from our own, but su ffi ciently di stant from us [or thi s not to be a "m odem -d ress" produ ct ion tha t might lose so me sense of fantasy

You've talk ed about the sout hern (i e., Spanish) sensib ility filtered through the eyes of the northerners (M erimee, Bizet). That's a reversal of yo ur own history, isn 't it? How did yo ur Brazilian upbringing and your resid ence in London contribute to your p erceptions and directorial approaches?

In one sense, yes, it is a reve rsal of my own hi story, tho ugh aft er so many years away from So uth America, I too now dream of Braz il as thi s su n -dren ch ed beautiful landsca p e. - which is utterly untrue, by the way I spent three months in Sao Paulo this year; it was bitterly co ld , 'th ere was no h eating anyw here , - a nd I su ffered terribl y from the po lluted city air 1

I cann ot rea ll y te ll you how being South

Am eri can, ha ving matured artisticall y in Europ e and n ow living in No rth Am erica, co ntributes to m y wo rk. My hope is that , in being a kind of wo rld gypsy, partaking both of the passionat e an d turbul ent "Sou th ," where my roots are, and of th e more rational and dis ciplin ed "N orth ," wh ere I have li ve d for many yea rs - an ine vitab le syn theSiS will em e rge in everything I do.

When you and yo ur design ers first presented the set mode l to us , we were blown away by the striking colors. Were thos e difficult choices?

Not at all Our job is to crea te imaginary wo rlds As far as I am c;g ncerned, the brighter a nd th e bolder these world s, the better.

Is it confining or liberating to be asked to direc t pieces as w e ll-known as Carmen?

I am quit e us ed to both th e p erils and pleasure s of direc ting we ll -known pie ces, having directe d so many Shakespearean production s. Up to a point , tradition h as to be tak en into account and res pected , o therwise ex p ec tations will not b e m e tan d everyone h as fa vorit e moments

that the y wo u ld like to see , whether in Hamlet or Carmen. But at the same t ime we each ha ve to find our own way into the se ma s terpi eces, alm ost as if we were p ioneers; to fo ll ow our own lines of thought, our instincts - ind eed, our sense of who we are and the wo rl d we live in, as we emb race these great works Otherwise, they will b ecome museum pieces , d ead as the legendary dodo. I believe th ey have to speak to us, h ere and no w. What I hope to do is infuse tradition with fres h new thinking - wi th a sense of urgency an d p assion that will hel p b ring these mas terp ieces to life.

W h at I oft en say to my co ll aborators, deS igners, actors and singers is "Let us tr y to imagine thi s work h as never been performed before. Let us cons ider ourselves immensely fortuna te that this great mas terpi ece h as just arrived throug h th e mailbo x Le t u s pretend th at we are discover ing it for th e first tim e, asto nished and thrill ed th a t it h as b ee n writt en and compose d espeC ially for u s !"

Can you tell us some of what you want to accomplish with Carmen's characters? Much the same as in Butt eJjly, I think. However reson ant the narrative, wh a tever its large r impli cations, th e po int of d eparture must, in my op inion , b e th e human si tuation. Thi s is wha t interests me: the s to ries o f p eop le who a re c h OOSing their lives and in ve nting themselves eve nt b y eve nt , moment by moment - and who are continu all y changing.

In Butterfly, the co re drama stemme d from a cla sh of cultures , East and West, bu t this clash is deep ly imb edd ed in their personalities o f Cio·-cio- san, yo ung P inkerton , Sh arp less, Suzuki and the rest. It seems to me tha t , in Carme n, the core d rama ste m s from an equa ll y broad ce ntra l id ea: th e tragic and seemingly

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in evi tab le clash b etw een m en and women wh o refu se to be po ssessed an d co ntrolled. Women who reco gniz e that li fe and love are in co ntinu al flu x. This abs tract notion is given real f1 esh and b lood by th e li ves of the chara cters in the opera - and ultimatel y, also by their deaths.

You 've now don e three operas How is it different from and how is it similar to "stra ight" th eater?

Well, it is obviou s to say so, but in thea te r there is n o mus ic to gu ide you. In opera, musi c is th e impe rat ive, an d th ere can be no que stion abou t that. The tex t of any "s trai ght " play is a map , wh ich directors and actors ha ve to learn how to read , much as any tra ve ler h as to learn th e map of a n ew lan d scap e. This map can be read in a numbe r of ways, o f co ur se . But in opera, the mu sic rema ins th e deter mining factor, outlining the e motional dynamiC as we ll as the impo rtant narrative mom ents of each scen e. Th e great deli ght is in trying to understa nd this dynamic, in accepting th e gU idance of the music an d fulfillin g the n ecessity of the sco re, an d in findi n g freedom within th ese ca refull y defined parameters.

Music also all ows, indeed d emand s, broader so luti on s. The behavi or of characters on an y s tage always h as to be within the bounds o f cred ib i lity Otherwise, the audience will not recognize and engage with the story But the musical infra st ru cture in opera often makes oth er d em ands, an d so metimes cred ib ilit y h as to be se t aside. Or ra ther, so m etimes an ad ditional susp en sion of disbe li ef is called for. For in sta n ce , it is late a t night at Lilla s Pastia's tavern Everything is s till and qu iet. Sudd enly the stage is full of smugglers, more than six ty o f them, s in ging about th e gypsys yearning for fre edo m. Where hav e they sudde nly sprouted fro m? In many ways it is simply n ot b eli evable. The logic h ere is not rea lly worth exa mining. In "straight " t h ea te r, too man y questions wou ld be asked. But somehow, in the opera, the fina le of Ac t II makes a de eper emotional a nd g ratifying se n se. It is a brave and bold ges ture , a mp ly support ed by mu sic.

Our job is to create imaginary worlds. As far as I am concerned, the brighter and the bolder these worlds, the better.
Detroit Op era House I j' aa; Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Do you have any preference?

I consider myself a storyteller who works with different forms - I have also just completed m y first film. Each of the forms has its own language, of course. Film is primariLy about visual narrative: The image is what counts. Whereas comp lex ideas can best be discussed in the theater; p erhap s here , the word is what matters. In opera, it is the music that makes our h earts beat faster. It is music that gives it its overwhelming emotional sweep. But this is only a matter of emphasis, as these boundaries are constantly overlapping theater and opera' also require their visual component, and so on.

Are you planning to do more opera?

I very much hope so.

One of your recent successes was King Lear (the play) in Brazil, in Portuguese. what is it like dealing with Shakespeare in translation?

I am fluent in Portugu ese, so I translated the text myself. And I think I was able to

find the exact "tone" I was looking for. The tradition in Brazilian thea ter for Shakespearean performance is grandiloquent and archaic style, imitating English recordings of the Forties and Fifties - the voice beautiful. I was looking for something natural , contemporary and very Brazilian - in fact, as if the play had been written in Portugu ese. I invited m y actors and m y audience to pretend Shake sp eare was Brazilian What pleased me enormously is that it seemed as if the audience was astonished to realize that they could understand every word of the text. And because of this , the text became a real point of access into Shakespeares characters and them es. So Lear was no longer an alien , imp orted "cultural" event, but a narrative that spoke about their own lives and a world they could recognize They seemed to b e discovering the p lay for the first time.

If I were a young person aspiring to direct, what skills and training would you advise me to get?

I never had any training - I dropp ed out of sc hool and became a professional actor a t seventeen. Everything I learned , I learne d through experience and hard work. So first, m y advice to anyone wanting to co m e into the business is: Don't unless you rea lly, really ha ve to l The pleasure and the joys are enormous, but unless you are really lucky (and, fortunately, I h ave been), the disappointment can also be grea t. If that advice is not going to b e taken , I'd say it is important to acquire the broadest pos sible education ; to rea d everything yo u can lay your hands on : th eory, biographies, novels , anything. But remember that doing it yoursel f is more important than any reading : Act, direct, conduct w hatever you can. Learn at leas t one foreign language. If possible, two. Tra vel. Go to the theater and the opera , to museums while abroad. Open yo ur mind Be respectful o f the past but also hunger for what is fresh and new. Learn to be patient, very p atient. And , to quote Polonius in Hamlet: "To thine own se lf be true. " m

White Chapel MEMORIALCEMETERY Private· Non-Sectarian West Long Lake at Crooks Road, Troy Detroit Opera House BRAVO 13 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
The new addition to the magnificent White Chapel mausoleum is distinguished by the richness of its marble crypts and floors This handsome addition contains over 300 crypts and 200 niches now ready for selection for individual or family entombment. A White Chapel staff member will be happy to assist you with further information. Please call (248) 362-7670.

Artist Profiles



(October 14m, 20)

Michigan Opera Theatre debut Falstaff 200 l.

Mezzo-soprano Kate Aldrich, who hails from Maine, returns to the United States after a successful debut as Amneris in a production of Aida in Busetto, directed by Franco Ze ffirelli. Ms. Aldrich was the winner of the Palm Beach Opera Vocal competition and a two-time semifinalist of the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions Ms. Aldrich has also performed Maddalena in Riga/etta with the Glimmerglass Op era, Cherubino with Central City Opera, and Preziosilla in La Forza del DesUno and Fennena in Nabucc (J at l'arena di Verona . Future engagements include Rigo/etto in Cleveland, Carl11C11 in Genova , - Norma in Palm Beach and a debut as Dulcinee in Don at the Vienna Festival.


Micaela (all performances )

Michigan Opera Theatre debut La Ti'aviata 200l.

A winner of the prestigious 1997 ARIA award , Nicolle

Foland is quickly establishing herself as a leading soprano throughout the U.S. and Europe. Previous career highlights include La Traviata in Chicago and Houston , and TIle Maniage oj Figaro in Philadelphia, Boston and Minnesota. Ms. Foland also has a longstanding relationship with the San Francisco Opera, where she has perfonned in Don Gio vanni , The Maniage oj Figaro , La Boheme and the world premiere of j ake Heggies Dead Man Wa/l1ing Later this season, Ms Foland will travel to Boston and Minneapolis for La Boheme and will also reprise her Micaela at the San Francisco Opera and the Teatro Municipal in Santiago, Chile.


Zuniga (all performances)

Michigan Opera Theatre debut

La li'aviaJg 200 l.

Mexican bass-baritone Salvador

Ginori received a diploma in vocal perfonnance from the ConservatOlio de las

Rosas in Morelia. Recent engagements include the Mozart Requiem and Beethoven's Ninth Symphony with the International Festi val of the Organ Mr Ginori is also a member of the Enrico Caruso Lyric Ensemble , which recently performed scenes from Don Giovanni, Tile Elixir oj Love, Rigolello and Don Carlo on tour throughout Mexico. Mr. Ginori is currently studying with Metropolitan Opera bass Ara Berberian


Escamilla (all perfornnnces)

Michigan Opera Theatre debut

La Boheme 2000

Bass-baritone Kyle Ketelsen is originally from Clinton, Iowa. The twenty-nine-year-old singer performed graduate work at I ndiana University, where he studied with the now-retired Metropolitan Opera bass-baritone , Giorgio Tozzi. Career highlights include Carmen at the Lyric Opera of Chicago, Orlando Opera and Dayton Opera, La Boheme at Opera Theatre of St. Louis and La Fanciulla del West at the Canadian Opera Company Future engagements include Tile Tales oj HoJJmann and Carl11en with the Washington Opera, Don Giovanni with the Madison Opera and Opera Pacific, and The Barber oj Seville at Greensboro Opera



(October 13, 17, 19, 21m)

Michigan Opera Theatre debut Madama BLLLte/fly 1992.

In a short period, Russian-born mezzo-soprano hina Mishura has established herself as one of the most exciting performers on the opera and concert scene. Ms Mishura completed her musical studies at the prestigious Gnesinikh Music Institute, where she earned a doctorate in vocal arts Her earliest performances on the operatic stage were with the Moldavian State Opera, where she sang Carmen, Amneris, Azucena, Adalgisa and Princess Eboli in Don Carlo, to name only a few In 1992, Irina Mishura immigrated to the United States and was soon engaged by David DiChiera. Since her auspicious debut, Ms. Mishura has performed in MOT productions of Aida, Carl11 en, Samson et Dalila and at the gala opening of the Detroit Opera House in 1996. Irina Mishura began the 2000-01 season with her debut at the Metropolitan Opera as Dalila in Sal11son et Dalila, opposite Placido Domingo She later returned to the Metropolitan Opera for performances of the title role in Cannen and as Azucena in the new production of nli'ovatore The role of Azucena was also the vehicle for Ms Mishura 's debut with The Washington Opera, in performances conducted by Placido Domingo Later this season , the mezzo-soprano returns to the Metropolitan Opera as Maddalena in Rigaletto, repeats her portrayal as Cannen in Santiago and debuts in Geneva in n Ti -ovatore. Ms Mishura is also a regular on the leading stages of the world, notably the Vienna Staatsoper, Dallas Opera, Teatro San Carlo in Lisbon and the San Francisco Opera.


MorctieslEI Dancairo

(all performances)

Michigan Opera Theatre

debut La Boh eme 2000

Baritone Terence Murphy hails from Missouri and holds a master of music from the University of Missouri, Kansas

City Recent career highlights include The Barbet' oj Sevill e at [Opera de Montreal, The Ballad oj Baby Doe and Tosca at New York City Opera and Les HlJguenots with Opera Orchestra of New York. Future engagements include a return to Opera Orchestra of New York for Ad/iana Lecouvreur and Marilla Falino and LItaliana in Algeri for [ Opera de Montreal.


Don}ose (October 14m, 19, 21m)

Michigan Ope ra Theatre debut. AmClican Gerard Powers is one of todays most promising tenors Career highlights include La Boheme and La Traviata at New York City Opera, Carl11en at Opera Festival of New jersey and Houston Grand Opera , The Tales oj Hoffl11 ann in Antwerp and Ghent , and La Boheme at the Opera Theatre of St. Louis. Mr. Powers also recently performed the role of Gasta Berling in Zandonai's rarely performed I Cavalieri di EllebCL Future engagements include Tosca at the New York City Opera and a return to Detroit next spring as Gerald in Lahme.


Don Jose (October 13, 17,20)

Michigan Opera Theatre debut. Hugh Smith is one of Americas most important young tenors. Since winning the 1995 Luciano Pavarotti International Competition, Mr. Smith has appeared \vith the San Francisco Opera and Houston Grand Opera in Madama Butte/fly, Lyric Opera of Chicago in La Traviata, JenuJa and Attila , as well as other opera and concert performances throughout Europe and North America. Recently, Mr. Smith sang the role of Enee in Les Tl'Oyens at the Edinburgh Festival and Pollione in Nanna in Berlin Future engagements include Arabella and the title role in Benvenuto Cellini in Paris, MallOl1 LescmLt in Munich and Katya Kabanova in Geneva


Le Remendado (all performances)

Michigan Opera Theatre debut La Traviata 200l.

Tenor Matthew Tuell, recently perforn1ed the role of Edgardo in Arbor Opera Theatres produc tion of Lucia di Laml11erl11oOl; as well as Rinuccio in Gianni Schicchi at the Pine Mountain Music Festival. Mr. Tuell has also performed ,vith the Utah Festival Opera Company, the Natchez Opera Festival and Sarasota Opera Mr Tuell was recently named the joyce H Cohn Apprentice for the 2001-02 season and will appear in each Michigan Opera Theatre production this season.

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Mercedes (all performances)

Mich igan Opera Theatre debut. Mezzo -so p rano Eliza Warner holds a master of music in vocal performance from the University of Michi gan.

Previou s credits include the ro le of Mrs. Mc Lean in the Toledo Opera production of Susan/wlr, Olga in Eugene Onegin with Opera San Jose and roles for the Santa Fe Opera. Ms Warner will also appear in the Michigan Opera Theatre production of Anoush this fall. She will return to Michigan Opera Theatre next spring as Rose in Lakme.


Frasquita (all performances)

Michigan Opera Theatre debut Rigoletto 1990 Soprano Valerie Yova is a national wi n ner of the prestigious Metropolitan Opera Auditions as well as a finalist for the Frederich Schorr and Loren Zachary Society Auditions. Previous appearances include performances with New York City Opera, Pittsburg h Opera Theatre and the Toledo Opera. Ms. Yovas extensive oratorio experience includes appearances with the Grosse Pointe, Plymouth, Dearborn and -Birmingham -Bloomfield symphonies.


Conductor (all performances)

Michigan Opera Theatre debut

OJ Mice and Men 1980.

J ohn DeMain has estab li shed himself as one of the preeminent maestri of his gene ration. In addi tio n to his duties as music director of the Madison Symphony and artistic di rector of Opera Pacific, he is also a sought-after guest conductor of orchestras and opera companies around the world Recent highlights are Susannah at th e Washington Opera, Porgy and Bess for the New York City Opera, The GlassbIowers at the Glimmerglass Opera and Carmen and Der Rosenhavalier at Opera Pacific Future plans include The Merry Widow for the Los Angeles Opera, a return to Glimmerglass to conduct Little Women and Rigoletto, Don Giovanni and Dead Man Walking for Opera Pacific.


Stage Director

Michigan Opera Theatre debut.

Born in Braz il and currently resid ing in New York, Ron Danie ls curren tly holds the title of honorary associate director at the Royal Shakespeare Company, having directed over thirty productions for that company. Recent credits include: II Re Pastore for the Boston Lyric Opera, Madama BLitte rfly for the San Francisco Opera and Opera Pacific, King Lear in Sao Pau lo, Brazil, and Anthony and Cleopatra at the Shakespeare Theat re in Washington, D.C. Mr. Daniels is also the executive producer of Naomi Wall aces film Lawn Dogs and earli er this year directed a short film tit led Sana Que Sana. He is currently in pre -production for The War Boys , which will begin shooting later this fall.


Michigan Opera Theatre debut

Carmen 1996

Lili del Castillos dramatic style has graced stages throughout the U.s. She trained in Spain, where she was a member of the Antonio Alonso Troupe. She has perfOlmed o r choreographed Cannen in Orlando , New Orleans, H ouston , Costa Mesa and Milwaukee. She has been the choreographer, dance and movement coach, and a performer in La Ji-aviata for both Atlanta Opera and Opera Pacific.


Lighting DeSigner

Michigan Opera Theatre debut.

The work of J ames Ingalls has been seen th roughout the world. Career highlights include the 1987 world premiere of Nixon in China, a production that won an Emmy Award. Mr. Ingalls has designed for the Kirov Opera, the Metropolitan Opera an d the Nethe rlands Opera.


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Hasmik Papian* Nov 10,14,17

Aline Kutan* Nov 11m, 16, 18m


Yeghishe Manucharyan* Nov 10 , 14 ,17

Sarkis Barsernian* Nov 11m, 16 , 18m


Yuri Nechae v*

ANOUSH'S MOTHER (p lease see insert)


Edna Garabed ian *


Matthew Tuell+


Karekin Odabashian *



Karla Hughes*+ ,


Eliza Warrier


Heidi Bowen *


Katherine Schmidt*


Tamara Whitty


Rubi ck Maihan*

* Michigan Opera Theatre Debut + Michigan Opera Theatre Young Artist


Conductor Raffi Armenian

Director Gerald Papasian

Clwrus Master Suzanne Mallare Acton

Choreographer Eldar Aliev

Set Design Franco Colavec<;bia

Costume Design Melissa Bruning *

Lighting Des ign Kendall Smith

Mak eup & Hair Design

Elsen Associates

Stage Manager Kenneth Saltzman

Surtitle Translation Christopher Bergen

Surtitles Jar thi s production oj Anoush owned by

Christopher Bergen

Scenery Construction Virginia Scenic

Costumes constructed by Piedmont Op era

Costume Shop & Michigan Opera Theatre

Costume Shop De troit Op era House

Opera in Three Acts

Music by Armen Tigranian

Libretto by G. Ya. Burkovich

Revise d orchestration arranged b y Julian Miran

Based on a poem by Hovhannes Toumanian

World Premiere: Alexandropol , Peoples City Hall , August 17 , 1912

DYE Energy

DTE Eneryg Technologies

Michigan Opera Theatres 2001 Fa ll Season is mad e possible b y Ford Motor Company

Scott Shuptrine Pres e nts,

The November 17th p erfom1ance is sponsore d b y DTE Energy Technologies

One hour prior to the p erformance BRAVO 17 Copyright
2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Setting: S · · ; pnngtlme, in the mountains of Armenia


Anoush is set in th e Arm en ian mountain village of Lori and is rooted in the traditions of the people who inhabit that h arsh and beautifu l land.

The young girl Ano u sh lives with her mother and bro ther, Mossy As the opera opens, it is sp ring, and Anoush is feeling a restless longing she scarcely understands. From a distance can be h eard th e vo ice _ of the young she pherd who is Mossy's best friend, singing abo ut the beauty of Ano1".tsh.

As Alloush's worrie d mother orders h er to go insiqe and ignore the you n g boy, Saro appears to continue his seren ade in person. When h e leaves, Ano u sh describes to her mother the heartache and sa dness she often feels, for no apparent reason. Hoping to cheer h ersel f, sh e decides to take the empty wate r jugs down th e hill to the spring, where th e village maidens are gathering.

At the fountain by the banks of the River Debet, An ou sh ar rives as the yo ung girls sing a song to the river, asking if it p asse d their future loves in its wanderings through the mountain s. Th ey fill their water jugs and then sit by the fount ain, happily singing rhymed co upl e ts abo ut sad and unrequ ited love. +he worried voice of Anoushs mother sounds a coun terpoint , calling her daughter to come home.

Anoushs premonit ions o f misfortune are intensifi ed at th e v illa ge fe s ti val celebrating Ascensio n Day The villagers dance and sing, and then undertake traditional wres tli ng matc h es - all of which, according to strict c u stom, must end in draws, so that no on e is humiliated by l osi n g in front o f hi s friends. The villagers wa nt Saro and Mossy to wrestle, but Mossy declines.

After the men have left , the young girls begin th eir traditional holiday fortunetelling. Ano u sh 's fortun e indicates th at h er lo ver will die, shot through the heart; despite the othe r maidens ' efforts to ca lm h er, sh e ex cl aims that a curse laid on her as a child h as been con firm ed


The village gath ers for a we dding. Carried away by the genera l merriment, Saro and Mossy agree to entertain the gu es ts with a wrestlin g m a tch Saro, ho wever, caught up in th e exci tement o f the m atch and sh Owing off to his b eloved Ano u sh, forgets the traditional rules and defeats Mossy, thus humiliating him in front of the entire village. Enr aged, Mossy vows revenge, as his terrified sister loo k s on helpless ly


Mossy angrily refuses to forgive Saro for the accidental insu lt. Saro an d An oush, realizing th at they will never b e allowed to marry and will , in fac t , be forbidden to see each o th er, run off together into the mountains.

So m e months later, Anoush goes into the villa ge, hoping to effect a reconcili ation, whil e Saro, knOwing that Mossy is still seeking to kill him, waits in the hills above the village. Mossy finds Saro and kills him with a b u lle t throu gh th e h eart, co nfirmin g th e prop h ecy of Act One. When his body is discovered , Anoush goes mad wi th grief -and flin gs herself to her d eath from a high cliff m

Detroit Opera House
Opera Theatre

David DiChiera discusses Anoush

Any mu sic lo ve r has th e opportunity to h ear major works of the western Europ ean operatic rep ertoire on recordings, and thos e fortunate enough to live in or travel to a city with a th riving cu ltural clima te may also have the opportunity to see the m performed. Ho weve r, there are equally musica l, drama t ic and passionat e works that , b y accid ent of language or nation al origin, stand outside the mainstream o f It alian , French and German opera. Dedica ted op era buffs may kno w their names, but chances are the y have ne ver actually heard th em. The performan ce of any genera lly unfamiliar therefo re is a not ewo rth y event. If the opera in question is also a fin e represe ntative of a di s tin ctive culture an d its traditions , the produ ction is doubl y significant.

I feel particularly pri vilege d to ha ve been invo lve d in bringing the first English-language produ cti on of Anoush, the most important work of the Armenian composer Armen Tigranian, to the Ame ri ca n s

ta ge, wh en Michigan Op era

The a tre produced it at the Music Hall Center for the Performing Arts in 1981. Twenty yea rs later, it is with an even greater se n se of prid e and nostalgia that I prese nt th e first western, original-language produ ction of Anoush, now with se ts d eSigned and built sp eC ifically fo r the expansive stage of th e m ag nificent Detroit Opera Hous e For a long time , I ha ve b elieve d that Detro it, give n its genero u s mixture of n at ionali ties and an enthu siast ic musical co mmunity, is a natural lo ca tion for Mi chigan Opera Theatre to mount a series o f major nationali stic operas. Th e very nature of opera en ables the audience to exp e rien ce a p anorama of the cu ltural ele ments that

distinguish one nationality from another. Anoush provides a stimu lating and mo ving introdu c tion to the danc es, music , visua l arts, lit era ture and cu s toms that constitut e the Armenian h erita ge, and in this way, Anoush bridges the gap between the culture of the Armenian homeland and the music al and cu ltural co nventions better known to most American audiences.

Armen Tigranian himself was co nscious of his role as a continuator and a co nservator of music and cu s toms. As a profeSSional co mpos er, h e knew that th e foundations o f his c raft we re laid both in Armenian folk so n g and in the various ge nres of art music. By the la st qua rter of th e nineteenth century, Armenian composers had written an impressive va rie ty of Europ ean- influenced works and had d on e a grea t deal to collect an d prese r ve n ative folk mu sic.

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When Tigranian began to compose Ano ush in 1908, h e was on his way to crea ti n g an enduringly popular nationa l opera, rooted in both sources. He had received hi s forma l training at the co ns ervatory in Tbili si, wh ere h e stud ied the theory of composition und er Niko lay Se m yonovich Klenovsky, who had himsel f studied und er Tchaiko vsky After gradua ting in 1901 , Tigranian began a caree r as a ch oral director and teacher. The inspiration for Anoush and th e circ ums tanc es o f it s first p erformanc e are desc ri b ed in a memoir Tigranian wro te in 1948.

I read Ho vhann es Toumanian 's [poem] "A noush " for the first time in 1907, and from that tim e on the great po et beca me dear to me. I decided to wlite the opera Ano u sh I corresponded with the poet until I fina lly met him personally in 1913. In 1912 we had peljonned the opera with loca l BRAVO

Detro it
Opera House

talent in Alexandropol [present-day Leninakan). ... The performance brought about great interest ... which was understandable , since the poem enjoyed such great popularity. I felt the artistic success of the great poet, and that day became a holiday for me .... Almost all of Hovhannes Toumanian's works can be put to music, because they are so inspiring and sonorous.

In 1933, fifteen years ago, the great poet's lyre became silent, but his writings remain. Today our new generation has every opportunity to use Toumanian's works, to study them and to create new works and new talents for our homeland

What Tigranian modestly did not say was that the popularity of his opera stems in great part from the lyrical and dramatic qualities of his own music. Combining the forms of western opera with the melodic and modal traditions of Armenian music, and making skillful use of his background in choral directing, he gave the worla a unique masterpiece.

In preparing our original-language

Great ;Oet.

Anoush, I have made some large-scale changes to the original with the intention of making it more readily understandable to modern-day audiences. The central dramatic si.tuation - the story of lovers who are trapped and destroyed by the conflicting demands of rigid social codes and their own passions - is immediately affecting to any group. On the other hand, it must seem somewhat strange to a contemporary audience that the lovers must die because a young man forgot the rules of a wrestling match. Furthermore, while Tigranian could assume that his audience knew and sympathized with

the extreme importance of family and community approval of an individual's behavior, we might find it hard to understand why Anoush and Saro (who even get married in the origina l poem) cannot go away and live together happily ever after. In our versi.on, the two are not married when they run to the mountains, and Mossy's desire for vengeance can be linked to his concern for his sister's honor as well as to his own humiliation and outraged traditionalism. In other words , the broad outlines of family honor, community codes and a strongly patriarchal system are represented in the original libretto. We must be able to look beyond the actual incidents and contemplate their reflections of deeply felt Armenian fo lk morality and pride.

Certain other changes have been made for purely dramatic and theatrical reasons. When Tigranian divided Toumanians poem into five acts, he seems to have been as much interested in presenting different aspects of peasant life as he was in developing a sustained dramatic progression and theatrical climax. I felt that a sense of continuity would be better served if Acts I and II were combined to set up the dramatic situation. The original Act III thus became a presentation of a wedding scene - though not that of Anoush and Saro - with its dances and customs climaxed by the fateful wrestling match Tigranians Acts IV and V have become our Act III, enabling the audience to experience the death of Saro and Anoush's descent from despair into suicide as an increaSingly intense emotional progression.

more information.

Present and future audiences will make the final judgment on the success of Anoush in its new dress, but I know that all those who have worked to present it share my gratification at bringing an Armenian national classic onto another stage. As we present Anoush in commemoration of the adoption of Christianity in Armenia 1,700 years ago, I would also like to express my immense gratitude specifically to the "Armenians for Anoush" committee and to the broader Armenian community for their extraordinary commitment and support for this project. m

Detroit Opera House

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

The central dramatic situation - the story of lovers who are trapped and destroyed by the conflicting demands of rigid social codes and their own passions
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Artist Profiles


Sara (Nov 11m, 16, 18m)

Michigan Opera Theatre debut. Recent career highlights for young Canadian tenor Sarkis Barsemian includ e performances in an exciting co -production of Carl Orffs Carmina Bumna between the Edmonton and Calgary symphonies, Bachs Magnificat with the C ho eu r Classique in Ottawa, and Ariadne mif Naxos at the Orforu Festival. Other operatic appearances include Fenton in Falstaff, Count Almaviva in the Barber oj Seville and Armand de Clavat in Massenets Therese Mr. Barsemian holds a bachelor of music d egree fro m McGill University This appearance marks Mr. Barsemian's U.s. debut.


Anoush (Nov 11m, 16, 18m)

Michigan Opera Theatre debut.

Canadian soprano Aline

Kutan is a past winner of the Metropolitan Opera Nationa l Council Auditions. Career highlights include performances in The Magic Flute at the New York C ity Opera, tOpera de Tours , Avignon and Massy in France, Aliadne auJ Naxos in Naples, The Rake's Progress at tOpera de Metz and The Tales oj Hoffmann in Liege and Massy Future engage m e nts include The Magic Flute at tOpera de Montreal and tOp era de Vic h y an d her first Kostanze in Die Enifuhrung auJ del11 Serail with the Orcheste Metropolitan in Montreal. Ms. Kutan will return later this season to sing the title role in Lakme, a role she has already sung at the Arizona Opera, tOpera d e Montreal, tOpera d'Avignon and tOpera de Toulon in France.


Sara ( ov 10, 14 , 17)

Michigan Opera Theatre debut

A native of Yeravan, Armenia, tenor ¥eghis he Manucharyan graduated from the Tchaikovsky Central Music School in 1988.

In 1995, h e was engaged b y the Armenian National Opera Th eate r as pJincipal artist and sang leading roles in Anoush, n y,'ovato re and La Cenerentola amo ng others. During the 2000-01 season, he perfol1Tled extensively in recital, debuted with Boston Lyri c Opera in Salome and performed in Verdis Messa da ReqUiem and Otello at New Yorks Caramoor Music Festival. Future engagements include a debut ,vith th e Baltimore Ope ra as Tamino in The Magic Flute , appearances in Bethovens Symp h ony NO.9 and Choral Fantasy with the Westchester Oratorio Society and a return to the Caramoor Music Festival.


Michigan Opera Theatre debut

Anoush 1981

One of Canadas most prominent conductors, Raffi Armenian was music director of the KitchenerWaterloo symp hony for twentytwo years. Maestro Armenian has conducted produ ct ion s at companies such as t Opera de Montreal, Opera Hamilton, Canadian Opera Company and Opera Columbus. Maestro Armenians legacy is secured by his highly acclaimed interpretation of Parsifal, in w hich legendary tenor Jon Vickers made his final public appearance in 1989. Recent engagements include II Trovatore and Rigoletto at the Fresno International Grand Opera. Maestro Armenian is also currently the director of orchestral studies at the Uni versity of Toronto and Montreals Conservatoire de Musique.


Stage Di rector

Michigan Opera Theatre debut

AnoLlsh 1981

Gerald Papasian studied theater in Armenia for five years, whe re he received h is masters degree in fine arts from th e Dramatic Insti tute of Yerevan State Univers ity Driven by a passion to introduce major Armenian poets to a broader audience, Gerald Papasian staged a theatrical performance, Sojourn at Aramt, based on poems in English translation. The production won international acclaim in the U.S, Canada, Europe and the Middle East. As a professor, Papasian has lectured on Armenian theater at the American Armenian International College, La Verne, Cali forn ia. He currently lecture s at the University of Venice. As director of the Dikran Tchounadjian research Center in Paris, Papasian co-publishe d a cri ti ca l edition of th e original version of T. Chouhadjians opera Arshak II , which ,viII be performed this season at the San Francisco Opera.


Mossy (all performances)

Michigan Opera Theatre debut.

Born in the Ukraine, bali tone Yuri Nechaev graduated from the Moscow Conserva toire and went on to become a soloist of the Bolshoi Th ea ter in Moscow, where he perforn1ed roles suc h as the title role in Eugene Onegin, Conte di Luna in TI Tl'Ovatore and Dunois in The Maid oj Odeans. Career highlights include the tile role in Mazeppa at La Scala, Rigoletto for both Ope r St. GalJtn and Opera Bonn, and his Canadian debut in TI Tabano and Cavalletia RLlsticana. Future engagements include a return to La Scala in Pique Dame. This appearance m arks Mr. Nechaevs American debut.


Anoush November 10, 14 , 17

Michigan Opera Theatre debut. Of Armenian origin , Hasmik Papian studied violin and singing at the conservatory in the Armenian capita l of Yerevan. She made her professional debut with the Yerevan opera as Mimi in La Boheme, where she also perforn1ed the role of Rosina in nBarbiere di Siviglia and Micaela in Carmel1. Recent career highlights include the tit le role of Aida at the Metropolitan Opera, Don Cado at the Choregies d'Orange, Desdemona in Otello at tOpera de Montpellier and the role of Olympia in Arshak II at the San Francisco Opera. Future perform ances include Aida in Berlin , Don Giovanni in Munich and the title role of Norma at the Teatro Regio in Torino, Italy.

KAREKIN ODABASHIAN Village Eldel' (all performanc es)

Michigan Opera Theatre debut. Born in Turkey of Armenian heritage, baritone Karekin Odabashian studied at the Colleggio Armeno Moo rat Raphael in Venice. After appearing as prinCipal so loi st in various churches , 1997 marked the yea r of his stage debut when he was in vi ted to give a solo recital at the State Opera H ouse in Yerevan. The success of this recital garnered Mr. Odabashian the prestigious Kohar Kasparian Best New Talent Award. Other career highlights include the role of Germont in La Y,-aviata in Casal maggiore, Italy, the title role in Gianni Schicchi with proVoce Studios in Toronto, and Madal11a Butte/fly with Opera Mississauga. This appearance marks Mr. Odabash ian 's American debut.


Michigan Opera Theatre debut Regina 1977.

One of America 's most •• eminent set designers, Franco Colavecch ia's has created productions that have been seen on stages throughout the world. Recent productions include The Tales oj HoJJmann [or Toledo Opera, Faust for Lyric Opera of Chicago and Los Angeles Opera, and The Dialogues oj the Carmelites for the Juilliard Opera. Mr. Colavecchia has designed more than twenty productions [or the Opera Company of Philadelphia, including La Boheme, starring Luciano Pavarotti. Mr. Co lavecchias international caree r includes designs for Monte Carlo Opera, Opera New Zealand and the Wexford Opera Festival in Ireland, am ong othe rs.

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Detro it O pera Ho us e
21 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

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Saros Mother (all performances)

Michigan Opera Theatre debut. Of Armenian descent, mezzosoprano Edna Garabedian has performed to critical and popular acclaim throughout the United States and Europe. Career highli ghts includ e Santuzza in Cavalle ,ia Rusticana at the Munich Opera, Aida at t he Frankfurt , Stuttgart and Ka rl sruhe Opera, and 11 'Ii'ovatore and Ii-istan WId Isold e at the Nurnberg Opera In North America, she has appeared wi th the San Francisco Opera, Seattle Opera, Houston Opera, New Yo r k City Opera, Edmonton Opera and the Lyric Opera of Chicago among others.

Eldar Aliev


Artistic Directo r, Ballet Internationale.

Using his creativity and connec tions in the dance world, Eldar Aliev has quickl y transformed Indiana 's only profes\ sional ballet company into an internationally acclaimed ensemble. In just seven seasons, Eldar has recruited many outs tandin g dancers, expanded the repertoire to include the finest in classica l and contempo rary ballet, and created a number of remarkable productions that have garne red acclaim [roIll international d ance critics, such as A Thousand and One Nights, The NLltcracher an d The Firebird.


Lighting Desigl1er

Michigan Opera Theatre debut

TI1e Ballad oj Baby Doe, 1988. Ove r th e course of his association wi th Michigan Opera Theatre, Kendall Smith has designed over twenty-five productions for the company. Other opera companies incl ude San Diego Opera, Virginia Opera, Lyric Opera of Kansas City, Opera Pacific, Eugene Opera and The Boston Lyric Opera. Theater cred its include Pioneer Theatre in Salt Lake City, Nort h Shore Music Theatre, StageWest, Merrimack Repertory Theatre and the Amelican Stage Festival in New Hampshire. Future plans include a new production of Macbeth for Lyri c Ope ra of Kansas City and Don Pasquale for Florida Grand Opera.


Wigs and Makeup

Cu rrently hair and m akeup designers for more than twenty opera companies in the U.s. and Canada, including Opera Colorado, Glimmerglass Opera, Pi ttsburgh Opera, Sarasota Opera, Washington Ope ra and Florentine Opera. The company has participated in the festivals of Edinburgh, Jerusalem and Spole to. On Broadway, their work has been seen in The Merchanl oj Venice , Two TI'ains Running, and The Wild Party alllong o thers. Elsen Associates has educational affiliations with Yale University, the University of Maryland, the Kennedy Center Education Department and Carnegie-Mellon Universi ty.

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Detroit Op era Ho u se
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra


'Charlott e Merkerson, *J ohn Madison, Plincipal


*Caro l Evans

*Velda Kelly

Kevin Filewych

Eliza beth Rowin

Jame s Greer, Acting

PJin cipal, Anoush

*Sco tt Stefa nko

*Ka thleen Grimes

*Barbara Zmich

James Kujawski Barbara Sto lberg

Ewa Uziel

Julianne Zinn

Janet Su llin s Katherin e Franklin

Dani el Stac hyra


Mary Sto lb erg

Jason Bendler



*Nadine Deleury, Pri11cipal

*Diane Bredesen

*Minka Christoff

*Rob ert Ree d

John la tzko

'Victo ria Haltom , PJincipal Andrew Mclntosh

*Brooke Hop lamazian

_*Lyd ia Lui

*Blyan Johnst0l}

*Anna Weller


*Derek We ll er, PrinCipal

*Clark Suttl e

KathrynStepulla Shawn Wood

Julia Kurtyka

Michael McGillivray


*Pamela Hill , Principal

*Laura Larson


*J eannette Bittar, Plincipal

Sally Pituch


*Brian Bowman, Principal

Sam Martin


*Kirkland Ferris, Principal

*Scott Ar mstrong


*Carrie Banfield, Acting


Martin Lim oges

Janine Gabouri-Sly

Steve Mumford

Katherine Widiar

Susan Mutter


Larry Picard


*David Ku eh n, Plincipal

*Gord on Simmons

Jean Moorehead-Libbs


*Maury Okun, Principal

*Greg Near

Michael Tyrre ll


Phillip Snider


*Grego ry White, Plincipal

David Taylo r


*John Dors ey, PIi11cipal

David Taylor


*Patricia Terry-Ross, Plincipal


Diane Bredesen

*Core orchestra member, Michigan Opera Theatre Orches tra

Detroit Federatio n of Musicians, Local #5 , American Federation of Mus icians.

Greg Sheld on

Michigan Opera TheatreCh oms


Dan Aggas

Christopher Bauder

Ronald Bemrich

Chlistophe r Borowitcz

Heid i Bowen

Kim W Brooks

Alaina Brown

Stacey Brown

Kristen Bryant

Panick Clampitt

Deborah Dailey

Rebecca Engelhard

Vanessa Feniole

Louise Fisher

Yvonne Friday

Janet Geisler

Conda Green

Leslie Hill

Clarence Jones

Tom Kabala

Jeff Krueger

Richard Levitsky

Ray Litl

Susan Lowrie

Anthony Lynch

Miroslav Manovski AUXILIARY CHORUS


Cynthia Menitt

Jennifer Oliver

Darren Ona

Peggy O'Shaughnessey

Patricia Pierobon

Marc Ricard

Mo niqu e Ricard

Mary Robenson

Katheline Schmid t

Roben Schram

William Steiner

Stephen Stewart

Lawrence Stotsbe ry

Judith Szefi

Lu cille Thompson

Dean Uni ck

David Va ughn

Mary Helen Malaney

Jennifer Oliver

Darren Orta CHOIR)

Maureen Abele

Christine Birac

Mark Birac

Susan Cucuzza

Joseph Dluzniewski

Betty Lyons

Anthony Ruda

Alan Sebastian

Clifton Shaw

Linda Van Buren


Alexander Acton

Kerry Banish

Lauren Elizabeth Bezerko

Ashlyn Brady

Adam Lawrence Zahller

Kristin Wa lu kas Brown

Justin Watson

Jim We lls

Karin White

Tamara Whitty

Tracy Wolstoncroft

Eugene Zwieg

Halli e Dorsey

Denny Dorsey

Jordan Fantauzzo

Chris Feniole

Carrie Fisk

Brandon LePage

Patty Malaney

Anna R. Sklut

Johnny Sklut

Philip T Smith

Dennis Strach

Nicholas Yocum


Christopher Bauder

Heidi Bowen

Kim W Brooks

Alaina Brown

Kristen Bryant

Patrick Clampitt

Douglas Cox

Deborah Dailey

Louise Fisher

Yvonne fliday

Ja net Geisler

Leslie Hill

Karla Hughes

Clarence Jones

Angela Peavey

Marc Ricard

Monique Ricard

Katherine Schmid t

Robert Schram

William Steiner

Stephen Stewart

Lawrence Stotsbery

Jim Talpos

Dean Unick

David Vaughn

Chlistopher Vaught

Eliza Warner

Jim Wells

Tamara Whitty

Jason Wickson

The American Guild of Musical

Gayaneh Kachadourian Anists is the official union of the

Susan Lowri e

Michigan Opera Theatre vocal

Miroslav Manovski perfonners

24 BRAVO www Mich iga nOp e r a.o rg D etro it Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

2,000-2001 Board of Directors

Dr. David DiChi era , President

Mr. Cameron B. Duncan , Treasurer

Mr. C Thomas Toppin , Secretary

Mrs. Robert A All esee

Mrs. Donald C Austin

Mr s. Bella Marshall Barden

Mr. J Addison Bartush

Mr. Rich ard A Brod ie

Mrs. William C Brooks

Mrs. Peter Coope r

Mr. Tarik S Dao,ud

julia Donovan Darlow

Mr. Lawrence N. D avid

Mr. David Denn

Mrs. Cha rl es M. Endicott

Mr. Paul Ewing

Dr. Marjorie M. Fish er

Mr. Herman Frankel

Mrs. Lawrence Garbe rding

Mr. David H andleman

My. Kenneth E. Hart

My. Eugene Ha rt wig

Mr. Richard j anes

Mr. Gary j ohnso n

Ms. Ch erlon Kanode

Mrs. Charles Kessler

Mrs. Robert Klein

My. Gerald A Knechtel

Mr. A C Liebler

Mr. Harry A Lomason

Mr. Alph on se Lucarelli

Mrs. jennifer Nasse r

Mr. jules L Pallone

Mr. Ch arles A. Parcells, jr.

Dr. Charlotte Podowski

Mr. Roy Roberts

Mrs. Irving Rose

My. William Sand y

Mr Gregory Schwartz

Mr s. Ro ger F Sherman

Mr. Mark Sil verman

Mr. F rank Ste lla

Mrs. George Strumbo s

Mr. Robert C VanderKloo t

Mr. George C Vin cent

Mr. Gary L Wasserman

Mr. Richard C Webb

Mr. R j amiso n Williams jr.

Mr. George M. Zel tzer

Directors Emelitus F r ank W Donovan james H. Gram

Th e arts enrich our liv es in ways that go beyond the spoken word or musical note The y make us l augh. Th ey make us cry. They lift our spirits and bring enjoyment to our lives. Th e arts and cultural opportunities so vital to this community are also important to us. That's why (omerica su pport s the arts. And we applaud those who join us in making investments that enrich peoples liv es.

We listen. We understand. We make it

Detroit Opera House
BRAVO 25 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

2000-2001 Trustees

Mr. &: Mrs. Randolph Agley

Dr. &: Mohamad K AJjour

Dr. &: Mrs. Roger M. Aj luni

Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A All esee

Mr. &: Mrs. Douglas F Alli son

Dr. Lourd es V An da ya

Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas V Angott

Mr. &: Mrs. Robert L Anthony IV

Dr. &: Mrs. Agustin Arbulu

Dr. Haro ld Arrington

Dr. &: Mrs. In gida Asfaw

Mrs. Donald]. Atwood

Dr. &: Mrs. Donald C Austin

Hon. &: Mrs Edward Avad enka

Mr.&: Mrs. Don H. Bard en

Mrs. Jam e? Merria m Barnes

Mr. &: Mrs. Lee Barthel

-Mr. &: Mrs. ]. Addison Bartush

Mr. &: Mrs. MaFk Alan Baun

Ms. Jo an Behrmann

Mr. &: Mrs. W Victor Benj amin

Mr. &: Mrs. Ara Berberian

Mr &: Mrs. Mande ll Berman

Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Biggs

Mr. &: Mrs. John Boll

Mr. W Wayne Booker

Mrs. Th omas Bright

Mr. John Broad

Mr. &: Mrs. Richard A Brodie

Mr. &: Mrs. Willi am C Brooks

Mrs. Clarence G. Catallo

Mr. &: Mrs. Avrelio Cence

Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Cheesebro ugh , III

Mr. &: Mrs. Frederick H Clark

Ms. Virginia Cl ementi

Mrs. Margo Co hen

Mr. Maurice Cohen

Hon &: Mrs. Ave rn L Cohn

Mr. Thomas Co hn

Mr. &: Mrs. Michael ]. Connolly

Mr. &: Mrs Peter Cooper

Ms. Rosalind L Cooperm an &: Mr. Woody Robertson

Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik S. Daoud

Julia Don ovan Darlow &: John C O'Me ara

Mr. &: Mrs. Jerry P. D'Avanz o

Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence N David

Mr. &: Mrs. John W Day, Jr.

Mr. &: Mrs. Davi d Denn

Me Kevin Dennis &: Mr. Jeremy Zeltzer

Mrs. Robert E. Dewar

Dr. Fernando G. Diaz

Dr. David Di Chiera

Karen Vand erKloot Di Chiera

The Hon &: Mrs. John Dingell

Ms. Mary Jane Doerr

Mr. &: Mrs. Cameron B. Dun can

Mrs. Charles M. End icott

Dr. Fern R. Espino &: Mr. Tom Short

Mr. &: Mrs. Roland C Eugeni o

Mr. &: Mrs. Pau l E. Ewing

Mr. Step hen Ewing

Dr. Haifa Fakhouri

Mr. &: Mrs. Antho ny Ferlito

Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred ]. Fisher,jr.

Mr. &: Mrs. Herbert Fisher

Dr. Ma rj orie M. Fisher

Mrs. Elaine L Fontana

Mr. &: Mrs. Mitchell B. Foster

Barbara Fran ke l &: Ron Michalak

Me &: Mrs. Herman Frankel

Mr. &: Mrs. Marvin A Frenkel

Hon . Hi lda R. Gage

Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence Garberding

Dr. &: Mrs. Rob ert A Gerisch

Mrs. Frank Germack, Jr.

Mrs. Aaron H. Gershenson

Mr. &: Mrs. You sif B. Ghafari

Mr. &: Mrs. Andrew Giancamilli

Mr. &: Mrs. Vito P. Gioia

Mr. &: Mrs. Harvey Gra ce

Mr. &: Mrs. H James Gram

Mrs. Katherine Gribbs

Mrs. John C Griffin

Mr. &: Mrs. Jacques K Haddad

Mrs. Berj H Haidostian

Mrs. Robert M. Hamady

Mr. David Hand leman

Me &: Mrs. Preston B. Happel

Ms. Maria Harris

Mr. &: Mrs . Steven Harris

Me &: Mrs. Kenneth E. Hart

Mr. &: Mrs. E. Jan Hartmann

Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Hartwig

Mrs. David B. Hermelin

Hon. &: Mrs. Joseph N Impa stato

Mr. &: Mrs. Verne G. Istock

Mrs. David Jacknow

Mr. &: Mrs. Darnell D. Jackson

Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Janes

Mrs. Sybil Jaqu es

Mr. Don Jensen

Mr. &: Mrs. Gary E. Johnson

Mrs. William E. Johnston

Mr. &: Mrs. Maxwell Jospey

Mr. &: Mrs. Mitchell L Kafarski

Dr. &: Mrs. Darne ll Kaigler

Ms. Cherlon Kanode

Mr. &: Mrs. John Kaplan

Mr. &: Mrs. Donald W Keirn

Dr. &: Mrs. Charles Kessler

Mr. &: Mrs. Eu gene L Kle in

Mr. &: Mrs Rob ert Kl ein

Mrs. Ca rol Kne chtel

Mr. Ge rald A Knechtel

Mr. &: Mrs. Mike Koja ian

Mr. &: Mrs. William Ku

Dr. &: Mrs. Richard W Kulis

Mr. &: Mrs. Angelo Lanni

Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Lavins

Mrs. Wa lton A Lewis

Dr. &: Mrs. Kim K Lie

Mr. &: Mrs. A C Li eb ler

Dr. &: Mrs. Robert P. Lisak

Mr. &: Mrs Harry A Lomason

Mr. &: Mrs. James H. LoPrete

Mr. Alpho nse S. Lu carel li

Mr. &: Mrs. Kevin Ma honey

Cardinal Adam Maida

Mrs Jessie B. Mann

Mrs. Frank S. Marra

Dr &: Mrs Rona ld Martella

Hon. Jack &: Dr. Bettye Arrington-Ma rtin

Ms. Alyssa Martina

Mr. &: Mrs. Richard McBrien

Mr. &: Mrs. William T McCormick , Jr.

Mrs . Wa de H. McCre e, Jr.

Mr. &: Mrs. Frank McKulka

Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene A Miller

Mr. &: Mrs. Jeffrey Mir

Mr. &: Mrs. Theodore Monolidis

Mr. &: Mrs. Fred Morganro th

Mr. &: Mrs. E. Clarence Mularoni

Dr. &: Mrs. Stephen Munk

Mr &: Mrs. E. Michael Mu tchler

My. Jacques A Nasser

Mrs. Jennife r Nasser

Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Mr. Christopher Ne rn

Mr. &: Mrs. Ralp h Nich ols

Mr. &: Mrs. Harry Nosanchuk

Mr. &: Mrs. Jules L Pallon e

Mr. &: Mrs James Pame l I

Mr. Charles A Parcells, Jr.

Mr. &: Mrs. Spencer Partrich

Dr. Robert E. L Perkins

Mr. &: Mrs. Bro ck E. Plumb

Dr. Charlotte &: Mr. Charles Podowski

Mrs. Ralp h L Po lk

Mrs. David Pollack

Mrs. Heinz Prechter

Ms. Patricia Preston

Mr. &: Mrs. John Rakolta, Jr.

Mrs. Ruth F Rattner

Dr. Irvi n Reid &: Dr. Pamela Trotman Reid

Mr. &: Mrs. Roy S. Roberts

Ms. Patricia H. ROdZik

Mrs. Hans Rogind

Mt'. &: Mrs. Peter Ronan

Mr. &: Mrs. Irvi ng Ro se

Mr. &: Mrs. ' No rrnan Ro senfeld

Mrs. Carolyn L Ross

Mr. &: Mrs Anthony Rugiero

Dr. &: Mrs Hershel Sandberg

Mr. '&: Mrs. William Sandy

Mr. &: Mrs. Arnold Scha fe r

Dr. &: Mrs Norrnan R Schakne

Mr. &: Mrs. Fred C Schnei dewind

Mr. &: Mrs. Alan E. Schwartz

Mr. &: Mrs. Gregory J Sc hwartz

Mr. &: Mrs. Donald E. Schwendemann

Mr. &: Mrs. Merton Segal

Mrs. Frank C Shal er

Ms. El ham Sha yo ta

Mr. &: Mrs. Roger F Sherman

Mr. Mark Sil verman

Mr. &: Mrs. Ri chard Sloa n

Ms. Phyllis Funk Snow

Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony L Soave

Mr. Richard A So nenkl ar

Mr. &: Mrs. Richard D. Starkweather

Mr. Frank D. Ste lla

Ms. Mary Anne Stella

Mrs. Mark C Stevens

Mrs. Rudolph Sto nisch

Mr. &: Mrs. George Strumbos

Mr. Ronald F Swi tzer

Dr. &: Mrs. Anthony R Ters igni

Mr. &: Mrs. Mark Thomas

Dr. Roberta &: Mr. Sheldon Toll

Mr. &: Mrs. C Thomas Toppin

De troit Ope ra House

Mr. &: Mrs. Gary Torgow

Mrs Lynn A Townsend

Mr. James TrebiIcott

Mr. &: Mrs. Tallal Tu rfe

Mr. Rob ert C VanderKloot

Mr. Raymond Vecci

Mr. &: Mrs. George C Vincent

Mrs. Alvin Wasserrnan

Mr. &: Mrs. Gary L Wasserrnan

Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth Way

Mr. &: Mrs. Richard C Webb

Mr. &: Mrs. Gary L White

Mrs. Amelia H. Wilhelm

Dr. &: Mrs. Christopher D. Wilhelm

Mr. &: Mrs. R Jamison Williams, Jr.

Dr. &: Mrs. Sa m B. Williams

Mr. &: Mrs. Eric A Wiltshire

Mr. &: Mrs. Dona ld E. Wo rsley

Mrs R Alexa nder Wrigley

Hon Joa ri E. Young &: Mr. Thomas L Sc hell enberg

Mr. &: Mrs. John E. Young

Dr. Lu cia Zamarano

Mr. &: Mrs. Larry Zangerle

Mr. &: Mrs. Ted Zegouras

Mr. &: Mrs. George M. Ze ltzer

Mr. &: Mrs. Morton Zieve

Mrs. Pau l Zucke rman

Mr. Roy Zurkowski


Mr. and Mrs. Lynn A To wnsend, Founding Chairrnen

Hon. and Mrs. Avern L Cohn

Mr. and Mrs. John DeCarlo

Dr. and Mrs. David DiChiera

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron H Gershenson

Mr. and Mrs. Donald C Graves

Hon. and Mrs. Roman S Gribbs

Mr. and Mrs. John C Griffin

Mr. and Mrs. Harry L Jones

Hon . and Mrs Wade Mc(ree, Jr.

Mr. Harry J Nederlander

Mr. E. Harwood Rydholm

Mr. and Mrs. Ne il Snow

Mr. and Mrs. Richa rd Strichartz

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C Va nd erKloot

Mr. and Mrs. Sam B. Williams

Mr and Mrs. Theodore o. Yntema

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Department of Community Programs

Karen DiChiera , Director

Time Out for Opera-

-Introducing opera and opera singers to the public.

Our Award-winning televi sion series, TIME OUT FOR OPERA, is taped and aired at Bloomfield Community Televis ion (BCTV) to a much large r subscriber audi ence than ever before. This is because BCTV ha s e nlarged its cab le viewing audience, so that besides the communiti es of Bloomfield, Bloomfield Hills and Bloomfield Township over Channel 15 , the station also broadcasts to Birmingham, Beverly Hills, Bingham Farms and Franklin on Channel 18. Th ere are no w approximately 65,000 su b sc rib ers.

In July 2001, TIME OUT FOR OPERA was a secon d -plac e winner in the; Arts Category at The Home Town Video Festivals North American co mpetition. We wish to thank BCTV Station Manager, Leslie Helwig , Production-Director James Gillis, co -produ cers Jonathan Swift and Karen V DiChiera, and all the sta tion vo lunteers for their hard work. A spe cial thank you to mezzo-soprano , VisnJ3 who was the singer on the program that was sent to the judges.

A new season of seventeen sho ws has been recorded. Be sure to check your cab le listings , so you ca n tun e in And remember, each January, Flint Public Television Sta tion WFUM chooses thirteen of the programs to broadcast on Sundays to Cable viewe rs throughout Southea st Michigan and into Ontario, Canada. HI

The 300th Anniversary of the founding of Detroit

The year 2001 presents a unique opportunity for Michigan organizations to create spec ial works about Detroit and Michigan and their histories

W ith the Department 's long associat ion with Harriet Berg, found er and director of the Madame Cadillac Dance Theatre, and with a generous grant from the Grayling Fund of the Community Found a tion of Southeas t Michigan, it was decided to create a piece about the Cadilla cs, their friends the Tontis and their adventures crossing the Great Lakes, which led to the founding o f Detro it.

It had be en a w hile sin ce Karen V DiChiera , director of community programs, had composed a new work, and she approached her childh ood friend , the awa rd-winning playwright Bonnie Lee Moss Rattner, about writing a libretto. Exc ited about the project , Ms. Rattner and Ms. DiChiera met with Harriet Berg , and a new opera was on its way to being created 1

MOT Main Stage Costume Director, Suzanne H anna researche d the period and created breathtaking costumes 1 Familiar Set Designer for Community Programs Alliso n N orfleet spen t time in the Detroit Public Library Map Department and painted a backdrop of Michigan, all of the Great Lakes and th e northern route , (taken by the men,) as www Mich iganOp

we ll as the southern route, (later taken by the women and children).

A workshop performance was presented at the Neinas Elementary School in southwest Detroit on June 1, 2001. After some rewriting, a premiere preview was performed in Studio 1 at the Detroit Opera House in front of an invited, enthu siast ic audi ence on July 13. With last-minute d etails now worked out, The Cadillacs and Their Great Lakes Adventures is ready for the road l Call Dolores Tobis, marketing manager for community programs , to bo ok The Cadillacs and Their Great Lakes Adventures for your school , if yo u are a teacher - or if you are a parent , grandparent , aunt or uncl e, book it for your yo ung family members You can help MAKE HISTORYI

For a limited time, we are offering The Cadillacs and Their Great Lakes Adventures , together with our highly successful The Night Harry Stopped Smoking, as a package. Through underwriting from the Community Foundation for Southeaste rn Michigan and the Southeast Michigan Healthy Youth and Healthy Seniors Fund, your favorite schoo l can have th e two operas for $4 0000 1 Contact Dolores Tobis at (313) 237-3429. Or e-mail her at dtobis@motoperaorg HI

Detroit Opera House

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

The Cadillacs and Their Great Lakes Adventure Back row, L to R; Betsy Bronson (Mme. Cadillac); Mark Vondrah (Cad illac & a Fre nch Voyageur); Ka rl Schmidt (Tonti & Father joli); Maria Ci mare lli (M m e. Tonti) and David Pulice (Indian Nat iv e, Jiimanina), with boys and girls from Nei nas E leme ntm y School, who portrayed the children of the Cadillacs, the Tontis and Jiiminana.

A new partnership program!

, The Department of Community Programs is beginning a new partnership with the -Nataki Talibah Schoolhouse, a Detroit Public School Academy chartered by Central Michigan University.

Beginning in the fall of 2001, the MOT Department of Community Programs is partnering with the Nataki Talibah Schoolhouse for three years under a grant awarded to the school from the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program through the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Washington, D.C.

Through the partnership, The Department of Community Programs will perform age-appropriate one-act operas at the schoo l , make students aware of the architecture and buildings of their community, teach Create Opera I , arrange field trips to the Detroit Opera House for tours and performances, bring professionals-in the field of the arts to the school, include Nataki Talibah students in Learning at the Opera House programs and work with the schoolteachers to use the arts in school curriculum and after-school and weekend programs.

What are partnerships?

We in arts organizations have actually been involved in partnerships over many years, but they didn't have a name. We simply stated that we were doing a program with a school or with

another cultural organization. But by stating that we have a PARTNERSHIp, it means that we have carefully discussed what our goals are and have agreed to who does what, for how long, for how many participants, for how much money and for what kind of a result. We have often applied for funding together, which even further cements the idea of being partners.

What kinds of organizations could partner with an opera company?

Opera is such a combination of things that the imagination can become overwhelmed with creative directions. We have already had collaborations with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, the Charles Wright African-American Museum, the Detroit Community Music School, and Your Heritage House Museum.

Through the Arts Centered Education Partnership Program (ACE), several groups of cultural organizations had the opportunity to create partnerships with clusters of Detroit Public Schools for a five-year period. This exciting pOSSibility led to the grouping together of Michigan Opera Theatre, the Detroit Public Library, the newly renamed Heritage Museum for Youth, Preselyation Wayne and First Circle. The school cluster is the Detroit Day School for the Deaf Poe Developmental, Edmonson Elementary, Pelham Middle and Murray Wright High Schools

For a name of the newly formed entity, Gretchen Coleman, the prinCipal of the Detroit Day School for the Deaf, suggested "The Celebration of Self Partnership." All of the partners loved it l The name reflected what we all believe and strive for with our young people.

Michigan Opera Theatres Community Programs Department strives to allow young people to discover their ability to create, perform, produce and feel that any art form from any century or any country can be theirs to enJoy The Detroit Public Library believes that world knowledge should be available to everyone . The Heritage Museum for Youth shares the talents of people from many nations and ethnic backgrounds. Preservation Wayne yearns to preserve our past by preserving our built history while making it accessible to future generations of citizens. First Circle students move, feel, experience and dream.

We are entering our final year of funding through the ACE Program. We are so privileged to have had the opportunity to work with all the participating cultural partners and with the schools and their wonderful students. It is hoped by the entire partnership that, somehow, funding can be found to continue the work we have begun . We have all been enriched I We truly understand the real meaning of what a PARTNERSHIP can be. m

Learning at the Opera House (LATaH) - A Summer Learning Program for All Ages.
o Arts Centered Education (ACE) Partner School- Poe Developmental Karen V. DiChiera, 'centel; with fliends from the Celebration of Self Partnership, part of the ACE Program. "Clown Workshop" children from the LATaH, ARTS CAMp, dance around the Jester "Mark," a member of STAR CAMP MICHIGAN. Funded by the Widman Fund of the Community Foundation of Southeastern Michigan, STAR CAMP MICHIGAN is a camp for artistically gifted adults who are mentally impaired. A proud participant of the Decorative Plaster Worl1shop shows off her project, a capital, made from opera house restoration moulds. This popular class is taught at LATaH each summer by Detroit Opera HOLlse Plaster Restoration SupervisOJ; Chlistopher Richardson. Detroit Opera House
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

TheA · S · .l1VantI OCIety

The Italian word "avanti " means "ah ea d " b eques ts, trusts , life income p lans and o ther charitable gifts to Michigan Opera Theat re.

or "fo rward. " The Avanti Society of Michigan Opera Theatre is a special grou p of forwa rd -thinking donors who ha ve d esignated a special gift to benefit the organization in th e futur e. These genero us gifts ensure our art is tic progress in the future for the benefit of gen erati ons to come.

Gifts can be made throu gh a va riety of es tat e planning inst rument s, including bequests , tru sts and other planned giving arran gemen ts.

Benefits of The Avanti Society include :

o In vi,ta tions to dress r eh earsals and othe r spec ial even ts not offere d to th e genera l pub li c

o Ann u al rec ogn ition eve nt , featuring guest arti sts.

o Ed u cational seminars.

o Individu alized es tate planning assista n ce for

o Recognition on the donor wa ll in the Detro it Opera H o u se an d in the season program books

If yo u are interested in making a planned gift to Michigan Opera Theatre an d thereby qualifying for m emb ership in Th e Avan ti Soc iety, please contact:

Jane Fanning, Assoc iat e Director of Development at (313) 2 3 7-3 2 68 or jfann in g@m oto p era .org or return the rep ly form below to:

Jane Fanning

Michigan Opera Theatre 1526 Broadway Detroit , MI 48226


o I am interested in receiving further information on The Ava nti Soc ie ty and planned giving arrangements with Michigan Opera Th ea tre.

o I wo uld be interested in attending an educational seminar on planne d giving and the tax advantages ava ilable through p lanned giving. My preferred time to attend a se minar wo uld b e : o midday 0 eve ning 0 weeke nd

o I h ave alrea d y includ ed Mic h igan Opera Theatre in m y es tate plans. NAME(S)


Mrs Adel Amennan

Dr. Lourdes V Andaya

Mr. &: Mrs Agustin Arbulu

Chester &: Emelia Arnold

Mr. &: Mrs. Brett Batterson

Mr. &: Mrs. An Blair

Roy E. &: lise Calcagno

Gladys Caldrone)'

Victor]. lSI Ka therine V Cervenak

Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik Daoud

Karen VanderKloo t DiChiera *

Mr. &: Mrs. Charles H. Duncan

Mrs. Charles M Endicott

Barbara Frankel *

Mr. Hennan Frankel *

Priscilla R. Greenberg, Ph.D*

Mr. Lawrence W Hall

Mr. lSI Mrs. Jerome Halperin

Mr. lSI Mrs Kenneth E. Han

Mr. lSI Mrs. Eugene L. Hanwig

Dr. Cindy Hung

Christine Jaramillo

Mr. Donald Jensen

Ms. Phyllis Korn

Mr. &: Mrs. Erwin H. Klopfer' Virginia Mascali

Mrs. Wade H. McCree

Ms. Jane McKee

Drs. Orlando &: Dorothy Miller

Mr. Ronald K. Morrison

Mr. Dale]. Pagonis

Mr. Richard M. Raisin

Ms. Susan Schooner

Drs. Heinz lSI Alice Platt Schwarz

Ms Phyllis Funk Snow

Mr. lSI Mrs. Richard Starkweather

Mrs. Mark C. Stevens *

Mr. Jonathan Swift lSI Mr. Thomas A.

St. Charles

Mr. Ronald F Switzer

Mary Ellen Tappan *

Dona ld &: Margaret Thurber

Mr. Edward D. Tusseu

Mr. &: Mrs. George Vincent

Mrs. Amelia H. Wilhelm*

Mrs. Elizabet h B. Work

Mr. lSI Mrs. George M. Zeltzer


Mr. Allen B. Christman

Ms. Marjorie Adele DeVlieg

Priscilla A.B. Goodell

Mr. Ernest Goodman

Mr. BlUce Hillman

Mr. Go rdon V Hoia lmen

Mr. Carl]. Huss

Ms. Helen Barbara Johnston

Ms. Helen Miller

Mrs. Ella M. Montroy

Ruth Rawlings Mott

Clarice Odgers Percox

Mr. Thomas G. Poner

Mr. Mitchell]. Romanowsk

Mr. Edward L. Stahl


Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


In the spring of 1999, Michigan Opera Theatre was proud to be selected as a Leadership Grant participant in the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan 's (CFSM) Touch the Future program. Originally, thirteen organizations were chosen for this honor, and after March 31 , 2001, only nine organizations , including Michigan Opera Theatre, remained in th e program. We are working together with the other organiz ations and the Community Foundation to build endowments for th e future of this community and southeastern Michigan.

As a participant, Michigan Opera Theatre is eli gibl e to receive over $3 00,000 in matching grant funds into MOT's endowment at the Community Foundation and $130,000 in operating support from CFSM. In order to receive these fund s, we must raise over $2,000,000 in qualified planned gifts, such as Charitable Gift Annui ties, Charitable Remainder Trusts , Life Insurance or Pooled Income Funds.

To date , Michigan Opera Th eatre h as raised over $330,000 (face value) of new en dowment gifts through the Touch th e Future program and ha s received $50,000 in matching funds for its endowment at the Community Foundation.

If you would like more information about how you could be a part of this unparalleled opportunity for Michigan Opera Theatre, please call Jane Fanning in the planned giving department at (313) 237-3268.

Togeth er, we can touch th e future.

By giving to the endowment of your favorite charity, your generosity and your belief in community will touch lives for yea rs and years to come. And if tha t's not immortalit y, what is{ Find out more by contacting the Michigan Opera Theatre at 313-237-3268 or the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan a t 1 -888-WE-ENDOW or

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


Young Artist . Apprentice Program

Michigan Opera Theatre's Young Artist Apprentice Program is now in its twentyfirst year of training aspiring young vocal artists and production apprentices for the rigors of the professional theater world. This yea r, talented young singers, recruited from across the country, will take up residence with Michigan Opera Theatre , participating in multiple-week masterwith the conductors, directors _ and singers from current productions. Apprentices a1so receive private coaching with Michigan Opera Theatre's professional music staff, preparing their aSSigned comprimario roles for the season's productions. Rehearsals and performanCes assist them in making the transition from student to professiona L

Since its inception, Michigan Opera Theatre has been committed to the development of young American talent and regards with pride those who have gone on to establish careers in the field. Many singers, as well as several company production and artistic staff, have returned to Michigan Opera Theatre in full professiona l capacities after apprenticeships with the company

The impressive list of now-prominent artists who made their debuts or had early starts with Michigan Opera Theatre includes Carmen Balthrop, Kathleen Battle, Rockwe ll Blake, Richard Cowan, Maria Ewing, Terese Fedea, Wilhelmenia Fernandez, Rebecca Luker, Catherine Malfitano, Leona Mitchell, David Parsons, Kathleen Segar and Victoria Vergara among others. For further information on auditions and application requirements for the Apprentice Program, please ca ll the Michigan Opera Theatre Production Office at 313/9613500.

Michigan Opera Theatre 's Young Artist Apprentice Program is sponsored in part by an endowment from the Jo yce H. Cohn Apprentice Award Fund. Additional support for the 2001-02 season provided by DeRoy Testamentary Foundation and Robert A. Cornette, Ph.D, Pc.

We invite you to participate in sponsoring an artist apprentice. Sponsors provide opportunities for a new generation of promising yo ung singers. To sponsor a young artist, please call 313/23 7- 3408.

Karla Hughes - DeRoy Testamentary Foundation Young Artist.
Matthew Tuell - Joyce H. Cohn Young Artist.
Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Eliza Warner - Robert A. Cornette Young Artist.

New Century Fund


$2 ,000 ,000 AND ABOVE

Ford Motor Company


$1 ,000 ,000 TO $1 ,999 ,999


Mr. and Mrs. Roben A. Allesee

General Motors Corporation

DaimlerChlysler Co rpo ration Fund


Coma u Pico

Lea r Corpora tio n

Mrs. Shi rle y K'Schlafer

State of Michigan


$250,000 TO $499 ,999

Arbof DrugslCVS Pharmacy, Inc.

Bank One

Mr. and Mrs. Don Barden

BAS F Corpo ration

Come rica Charitable Foundation

Detroit Ed ison Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Raben E Dewa r

Herma n &1 Barbara Fra nkel

Robert &1 Alice Gustafson

john S &1 james L Knight Foundation

Richard &1 Ma lY Lou janes

The Lo maso n Fami ly McGregor Fund

Linden D. Nelso n Foundation

Mr. &1 Mrs. Roger Penske

Raymond C. Smi th Foundation Fund of Com mulllty Foundation of Sou theastern Michigan

Mr. and Mrs. R. jamison Williams


$100 ,000 TO $249 ,999

Mr. &1 Mrs. Lee Barthel

Mr. &1 Mrs. Mandell L Berma n

Blue Cross Blue Shield of MichiganIBlue Care Network

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brodie

De troit Ope ra House

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Frankel

Wallis and Roben M. Klei n

Kman Corpo rati on Dolores and Paul Lav ins

MichCon Foundation

Michigan Na ti ona l Bank

Nationa l City Bank of Michigan/Illinois

Mr. and Mrs. Irvin g Rose

Mrs. Carolyn L Ross

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Soave

Wa lbridge-Aldinger Company

Wo rl d Her itage Foundat ion

Mr an d Mrs. George M. Zeltzer


$50 ;000 TO $99 ,999

Han. and Mrs. Avern L Cohn

Mr. and Mrs. Tarik S. Daoud

Deloitte &1 Touche LLP

General Electric Company

The GM Card

j oh nson Co ntrol s Fou nd ation

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kojaian

Ol iver Dewey Marcks Foundation

The Karen and Drew Peslar

Foun dation

Standard Federa l Bank

Mrs. Ruth Rattner/Ann F Katz and Nornlan D. Katz


$25 ,000 TO $49 ,999

Mrs. LOIis G. Birnkram

The Wayne Booker Charitab le Fo und ati on

The Budd Company

Mr. Th omas Coh n

Consumers Energy Foundation

Crain Commun ications, Inc.

Decision Co nsultants, Inc.

Detroit Int erna tional Bridge Company

Rosa nn e and Sandy Duncan

Eato n Corpo rati on

Mr. &1 Mrs. Paul E. Ewing

Mr. Edward P. Frohlic h

Andrew and Wa nda

Gianca mi ll i

Hilda &1 j oel Hamburger

Hartmann Foundation

Kenwal Stee l Co rp ora tion

Caro l and jerry Kn ec htel

Mr. &1 Mrs. Thomas Krikorian

Mar ia and Alphonse S. Luca rell i

Magna International,lnc.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller

Mr. and Mrs. james Nicholson

Frances H. Parcells Memorial

Mr. and Mrs. Lou is R. Ross

Sand y Family Foundat io n

Alan and Ma rianne Schwanz

Mr. Mickey Shapi ro

Mr. and Mrs. S. Kinnie Sm ith , j r.

Wil liam H. and Patr icia M. Smi th

Venture Industries

Me. and Mrs. George C. Vincent


$15,000 TO $24 ,999

Alcan Al uminum Corporat ion

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F Alli so n

Ma rvin and BellY Damo

He rbert and Bet ty Fishe r

The Gilmour Fund

Mr. Gordon A. Hoialmen

Mr. and Mrs. Maxwe ll Jospey

Nancy and Bud Liebl er

Ann &1 William McCormick, jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Orley

Mr. and Mrs. E. Steve n Robinson &1 Family

Mr. Richard San ders

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sloan

St John Health Syste m

Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Toppin

TRW Fo undation

Mrs. Barb ara Van Dusen

The Samuel L Westerman Foundation

The Y &1 R Group


$10 ,000 TO $14 ,999

Ms. Irene M. Barbour

Mr. Charles A Bishop

Bill and BellY Brooks

Sheldon and Barbara Cohn

Community Counseling Service Co., Inc.

Dalod and joanne Denn

Dalod and Karen DiChiera

Drusc ill a Fa rwell Fo undatio n

Mr &1 Mrs. Roland C Euge niO

Mrs. Robert Hamilton

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Hart

judith Hlcks and Eric Hespenheide

Miss Mary A Hester

Mario and Jane Iacobelli

Mr. and Mrs. Ve rne G. Istock

Ms. Eli zabeth Judson Jo hnso n

Mary Bartus h Jones Foundation

Mr. &1 Mrs. Robert C Larson

Mr. an d Mrs. Lance Leonelli

Mr. Dana Locniskar

Mr. and Mrs E. Michael Mutchler

Mr. and Mrs. Eino Nurm e

Mr. and Mrs. jules Pallone

Mr and Will iam R. Roberts

Hon joan E. Young and Mr. Thomas Sc hellen be rg

Mr and Mrs. Gregory J Schwartz

Simmons and Clark Jewelers

Mrs. Rosemary Skupny

Mr. Frank D Stella

Ronald and Eileen We iser

Mr. J Ernest Wilde


$5 ,000 TO $9 ,999

Anonymous (2)

The Rando lph J and judith A. Agley Foun dat ion

The Ai rasia n Famil y

Dr. and Mrs. Roge r M. Ajluni

Albert Kahn Associates, Inc.

Mrs. john E. AmermanIMrs. Arthur J Rooks, J r.

Mr. and Mrs. Assad Amine

Dr. Lourdes V Andaya

Mr. an d Mrs. Thomas V Angott

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L Anthony

j oseph E. and Ka thl een A Anto nin i Foun dati on A &1 S Su pp ly Company

At las Tool, In c

Mrs. Donald J Atwood

Dr. Dona ld and Da le Austin

ww w, Mic hi ga nO pe ra .o rg

Andrea and James Ba1cerski

james Ba lk, II and Shir.\ ey A. Balk

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Barefoot

Brian and Heidi Bartes

Mr. and Mrs. Mandell L Berman

Dr. Joh n and Anne Bielawski

Mr. and Mrs. David Bird

Mr. and Mrs. G. Pete r Blom

Mr and Mrs. j oh n Boll

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Borck

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bri ght

Lou is and Carolyn Bruno

Tracey and Mark I. Burns tein

Dr and Mrs. joseph L Cahalan

Campbell &1 Co.

Sa lly Ca rl so n

Mrs. Maria M. Ch irco

Mr David Cl,ivas

Mrs. Eleanor A. Christ ie

Mr. and Mrs. Fredelick H. Clar k

Mr Will iam G. Cla rk

Dr. Mary Carol Conroy

Mr. j ohn AConti

She ll y and Peter Cooper

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cotter

Mary and Sa l Craparona

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cu mmin gs

Barbara and Paul Czamanske

Julia D Darlow and Jo hn Corben O'Meara

Shelley and Richard Dalley

Mr. &1 Mrs. je rry P. D'Avanzo

Dr. Harvey Day and Ms. Lin dsay Roth

Lawrence N. and Dori s C. David

George and Vivian Dean

Dr. and Mrs. Anthony S. DeLuca

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Demery

Di ckinson Wright PL LC

Davi d K. Diskin , M.D. and Dorothy Diskin

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H Earl

Mr. and Mrs. George R. Eh lert

Inna Elder, Jaguar of Troy

Mrs. Charles M. Endicott

Mr Richard Engel

Mr. and Mrs. Francis En gel ha rdt

Dr. Fern Espino and Mr. Tom Short

Dr Haifa Fa khouri, ACC

Mr. David Fischer

Dr. Mmjorie M. Fisher

Mrs Rema Frankel

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Garberd ing

Ms. Stephanie Germack

Mr. Joseph A. Giaca lone

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Giancarlo

Keith and Eil ee n Gifford

Mr. and Mrs. Vito P. Gioia

Mrs. Jo hn C. Griffin

Charles and Ela in e Gunderson

Mrs. Alice Be rb eri an Haidostian

Mr. David Hall

Mr. Lawrence W Hall

Mr. David Handl eman

Mary and Preston Happe l

Mr. Morton E. Harris

Me. and Mrs. Bernard Hartman

Donna and Eugene Hartwig

Fran k and Nancy Hoag

Derek and Karen Hodgson

Mrs. Donna Holycross

Mr. and Mrs. Martin In gli s

BRAV O 33 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Michigan Opera Theatre

Michigan Opera Th ea tre gratefully ack nowl edges the gen erou s corporate, foundation , gove rnment and individu al donors whose co ntributi ons were mad e betwee n July 1, 2000 , and June 30, 2001. Their generosity plays an integral part in th e Company's fin ancial s tability, nec essary for produ cing quality grand opera , mu sica l thea ter and danc e



$200 ,000 +

Ford Motor Co mpany Fund

2000/2001 Fall Seasbn Sponsor

2000 Opera Ball Sponsor

General Ope rating Support


2000/200 1 Spring Season Sponsor

La Ti ·aviata Opening Night Festivities

Genera l Ope rating Sup port



2000/200 1 Dance Season Sponsor

Les BalieLs de Monte Carlo Production Spo nso r

Les Ballets de Monte Carlo Openi ng Night Fest iviti es


$50 ,000 TO $199 ,999

CaIT s Crackers Int erm issio n Spo nsor

Marsha ll Fie lds Proj ect Imagine

La Ti aviata Production Sponso r


$25 ,000 TO $49 ,999

Amerit ec h

La Boheme Opening Night Spo nso r

Ba nk One, Michiga n

La Tra viata Perfomla nce Sponsor


$15 ,000 TO $24, 999

ANR Pipeline Co.

Come rica Incorporated

Fal staff Perfo rmance Sponsor

DTE Energy Foun dation

Gannett Foundation, Inc.

The Nlitcracker Prod uction Sponsor


$ 10 ,000 TO $ 14,999

Consumers Energy Foundation

Community Programs Touring Spo nsor

Kmart Co rporatio n

StudentlSenior Matinees Sponsor


$2500 TO $4, 999

MlchCon Foundat ion


$1, 000 TO $2 ,499

AM Mi ch iga n

Alcoa Foundat ion

Kenwal Steel Corp.

Meritor Automotive, Inc.

Real Estat e One Inc.

Th e Quaker Che mical Found ation

The W W Group , Inc.


$500 TO $999

Albert Kahn Associates, Inc.

Brid gesLOne!Firestone Trust Fund

IATSE Loca l 38

PPG Industries Foundation


$100 TO $499

Bolton &: Co mpany

FC S. Industries, Inc.

John E. Gree n Company

Mu Phi Epsi lon Detroit Al umni Chapter

Plastomer Corporatio n

Ash Stevens, Inc.

The Birmingham Musicale



Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs

National End owment for the Arts


$ 100,000 +

McGrego r Fund

Th e Sk illm an Foundation


$25 ,000 - $99 ,999

Co mmun ity Fou ndation for Sou theaste rn

Michiga n

DeRoy Te stamentary Foundation

Tir e Tal es oj Horrmann Perfomance

Spo nso r

Matilda R. Wilson Fund

Sage Foun dat ion

Falstaff Pe rformance Sponsors

Whitney Fu nd

In addition to enj oying outs tanding en tertainment on stage , MOT contribu tors are offered a number of opportunities that all ow them to observe the many phas es of opera and danc e produ ctio n , meet th e artists and experien ce other "behind -the-sce ne s" activities


$ 15 ,000 -$24, 999

Hudson-Webber Foundation


$10 ,000 - $14 ,999

The Eli za beth , Allan and Wa rren Shelden Fund

The Mary Th ompson Fou ndat ion

Ra lph L. and Wi nifred E. Po lk Foundation

The Sa mu el L. Westemlan Fou ndat ion

Widman Fund of the Community Foundation for Southea ste rn Mich igan


$5 ,000 -$9 ,999

Al ice Kales Hartwick Foun dat io n

Ann and Go rd on Getty Fou ndation

Ca pit al Region Commun ity Foundation

Detroit 300

Fanclub Fou nd ati on for th e Arts

James and Lyne ll e Holden Fund


$2 ,500 - $4 ,999

Drusi ll a Farwe ll Foundati on Meyer &: Anna Prenti s Family Founda tion

Trustees: Barbara I' Frenkel , Marvin A Frenkel, Dale I' Frenk el, Rona ld I' Frenkel, Denise L. Brown , Ci nd y Frenkel Kamer, Ne lson P Lande

Saginaw Comm unit y Foundatio n

DONOR TO $2 ,4 99

The Cla rence and Jack Himmel Fo undation

Th e Sigmund and Sophi e Rohli k Foundation

The Village Womans Club Foundation



$1 0 ,000+

Mr &: Mrs. Roy E. Cal cagno

Mrs Rob ert E. Dewar

Mr. &: Mrs. Paul E Ewin g

Barbara Frankel &: Rona ld Micha lak

Mr &: Mrs. Irving Rose


$5 ,000 -$ 9999

Mr. &: Mrs. Ro bert A. Allesee

Mr &: Mrs Douglas E Allison

Mr &: Mrs. Thomas Anderson

Dr. &: Mrs Agustin Arb ulu

Dr. &: Mrs. Donald C Austin

Mr. &: Mrs. J. Addison Bartush

Mr. David Clark

Mr. Thomas Coh n

Mr. &: Mrs. Marvin 1. Damo

Mrs. Charles M. Endi co tt

Dr. MaJj ori e M. Fisher

Herman &: Sharon Frankel

Meyer &: Anna Prentis Fa mi ly Fo undat ion

Trustees: Ba rbara P Frenkel ,

Marvin A. Frenkel , Dale P Frenkel, Ron ald P Frenkel, Denise L. Brown, Ci nd y Frenkel Kamer, Nelson P. Lande

Mrs. Roge r W Hull

Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Janes

Mr. &: Mrs. Maxwelljospey

Joyce Urba &: David Kinse ll a

Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas G. Kirby

Lou ise

Mr Alphonse S Lucarell i

Mon ica Moffat &: Patrick McGuire

Mr. Char les Nave

Mr. &: Mrs Drew Peslar

Robert &: Sharon Pew

Drs. Irvin &: Pamela Troutma n Reid

Mrs. Carolyn L. Ross

Alan E. &: Mariann e Schwanz

Ms. Elham Shayota

Mr &: Mrs WJ!iiam H. Smith

Mr. Richard A. Sonenklar

Professor Ca"on L. Steve ns

Mrs Ruth Townsend

Mrs. Richard Va n Du se n

Jan et &: Paul Victor

Mr. &: Mrs George C. Vin ce nt

Walter P. &: Elizabeth B. Work


$2 ,500 -$ 4 ,9 99

Mrs. Donald J. At wood

Detro it Ope ra Hous e www.MichiganOp BRAVO 35 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Hon. & Mrs. Edwa rd Avadenka

Mrs. Irene M. Barbour

Mr. & Mrs. Lee Bart hel

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Alan Baun

Mr. & Mrs. W VicLDr Benjamin

Mr. & Mrs. Mandell L. Berman

Mrs. Lons G: Birnkrant

Mr. Charles A. Bishop

Mrs. Margaret Borden

Mrs. Betty J Bright

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bright

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Brodsky

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Cheesebrough III

Mr. David Ch ivas

Dan Clancy

Hon. & Mrs. Avern L. Cohn

Mr. & Mrs. Tarik Daoud

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry DAvanzo

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence N. Dmod

Dr. & Mrs. John M Dee

Dr. David DiChiera

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Dodswonh

Mr. & Mrs. Came ron B. Duncan

Dr. & Mrs. Charles H.

Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd C. Fell

Mr. & Max M. Fishe r

Mrs. Rema Frankel


Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Frankel

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Garberding

Mrs. Aaron H Gershe nson

Mrs. John Griffin

Mr. & Mrs. Preston B. Happel

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hanwig

Mr. & Mrs.·Da\od H. Hill

Mr Anthony Hopp

Mr. & Mrs. Roben Klein

Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Kli ne

Mr. Gera ld Kn echtel

Dr & Mrs. Richa rd W Kulis

Mr. Raymond Lehtinen

Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Letts, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Lomason

Dr. & Mrs. Henry W Maicki

Mr & Mrs. William T. McConnick

Mr & Mrs. Jeffrey H. Miro

Glen & CaJmel Mitchell

Mr. Edwin Lee Morrell

Dr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Munk

Mr & Mrs. E. Michael Mutchler

Mr & Mrs. Marco Nobi li

Jack Perlmutter

Dr. Charlotte & Mr. Charles

Mrs. Pollack

Dr. & Mrs. Robert E Reid

Mr. Wayne J Ruchgy

Mr. & Mrs. Arnol d Schafer

Dr. Robert F Sc hinn er

Ms. Susan Schooner

Dr. & Mrs. Karl F Schroeder

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J Schwanz

Mr & Mrs. Donal d E Sc hwendemann

Mr & Mrs. ET\vin S. Simon

Mrs. Rosemary Skupn y

Mr. & Mrs. S Kinn ie Smith, Jr

Ms. Phyllis Funk Snow

Dr. & Mrs. Robert J Sokol

Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon Son kin

Dr. & Mrs Gerald H Stoll man

Mr. & Mrs. George Strumbos

Dr. & Mrs. L. Murray Thomas

Va lerie & Francis Ward

Mrs. Alvin Wasserman

Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Webb

Dr. Marilyn L. Williamson

Mrs. Beryl Winkelman

Mr. Robert Zincone

Mrs. Paul Zuckennan



Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Antos

Mr. & Mrs. Eu gene Ap plebaum

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Arnoldi

Dr. Harold Mitchell Arrington

Dr. & Mrs. Ingida As faw

Mrs. Annette Balian

Drs. John & Marilyn Belamaric

Mr. & Mrs. Ara Berberian

Mrs. Margareta Berker

Dr & Mrs. John G. Bielawski

Mr & Mrs. Maurice S. Binkow

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Bla nchard

Lee & Paul Blizman

Mr. & Mrs. G. Peter Bl om

Dr. & Mrs. Davi d Bloom

Mr. & Mrs. Jo hn Boo th

Mr. & Mrs. William C. Brooks

Dr. Karl H. Brose

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Cahalan

Mr. & Mrs. George Callas

Drs. Margaret & John Casey

Mr. & Mrs. Harry T. Cendrowskl

Dr. & Mrs. Victor J Cervenak

Mr. & Mrs. Le ona rd Ciokajlo

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Clark

Ms. Virginia Clementi

Mrs. Margo Co hen

Vivian & Jerry Cole

Dr. Mary Carol Conroy

Mrs. Ellen R. Cooper

Shelly & Peter Coope r

Mrs. Mary Rita Cu ddohy

Dr. & Mrs. Victor Curatolo

Mr. & Mrs. George Dambach

Mrs. Barbara Darin

Julia Donovan Darlow & John O'Meara

Mr. & Mrs. Wi lliam J Davis

Mr. & Mrs. WiliiamJ DeBiasi

Mr Jeffrey W De ll

Mrs. Margaret Demant

Mr. & Mrs. Davi d Denn

Dr. Fernando Diaz

Ted & Bonnie Dickens

Mr. David Disend

Drs. Paula & Michael Duffy

Mr. Don F Duggan

Mrs. William Eversman

Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Feldman

Adrienne & Roben Feldstein

Dr. & Mrs. Paul Firn schild

Mrs. Elaine Fontana

Mr. & Mrs. Mitche ll B. Foster

Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Freeman

Hon. Hilda R. Gage

Mrs. Irene M. Garcia

Mrs. Frank Germack

Mr. & Mrs. Ke it h E. Gifford

Mrs. Sha ron Gioia

Caro lyn & Arnol d Gordon

Mr. Ernest Gutierrez

Dr Harla n L. Hagman

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hagopian

Mrs. Alice Berberian Haidostian

Mr. Lawrence Hall

Dr. & Mrs. Joel L. Hamburger

Mr. David Hand leman

Dr. Raina N. Ernstoff & Mr. Sanford Hansell

Ms. Mary C. Harms

Mr. & Mrs. Kennet h E. Hart

Dr. & Mrs. Jack H. Henzle r

Miss Mary A. Hester

Mr. Robert M. Holland

Ms. Mary Ann Hollars

Edwa rd & Paula Hughes

Alan & Eleanor Israel

Mr. & Mrs. Verne G. Istock

Mrs. David Jacknow

Mrs. Wendy Jansen

Ms. Amy Jidov

Mr & Mrs. Gary E. Jo hnson

Mr. Sterli ng C. Jones, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Joh n Kap lan

Mr. & Mrs. Nonnan D. Katz

Dr. & Mrs. Shennan Kay

Mr. & Mrs. Donald W Keim

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Kes ler

Dr. & Mrs. Charles Kessler

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Klein

Father Ra lph E. Kowalski

Dr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Kreindler

Mr. & Mrs. William Ku

Mr. David Nowakowski & Mr. Ma rt in J.

Lap pe

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lavins

Mr. & Mrs. Elmore Leona rd

Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Lerner

Dr. & Mrs. Melvin A. Lester

Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Levy

Dr. & Mrs. Kim K. Lie

Dr. & Mrs. Ro ben P Lisak

Mrs. Florence LoPatin

Dr. Charles E. Lucas

Elaine & Mervyn Manning

Mr. Jack Martin & Dr. Bettye Arringto n Marti n

Dr Roben Matt hews

Mrs. Wade H. McCree, Jr

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley C. McDonald

Mr. & Mrs. Angus J McMillan

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Miller

Drs. Orlando & Dorothy Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Morkus Mitrius

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mitseff

Dr. & Mrs. Van C. Momon,Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Mondry

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Monolidis

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Mo rganro th

Ms. A. Anne Moroun

Mr. & Mrs. E. Clarence Mularoni

David & Julie Mulligan

Mrs Jennifer Nasse r

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Nosanchuk

Mr & Mrs. George W Nouhan

Mr. & Mrs. Graham A Orley

Ge rald Padilla & Linda Orlans

Mr. & Mrs. Ju les Pallone

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Papp

Mr. Charles A. Parcells, Jr.

Dr. Robert E. L. Perkins

Mr. & Mrs. Wi lliam T. Phillips

Dr. & Mrs. Leonard M. Pickering

Mr. & Mrs Brock E. Plumb

Mr. Richard M. Raisin

Ms. Ruth F Rattner

Mr. & Mrs. John B Renick

Dr. & Mrs. John H Ro berts

Ms. Rosalind Cooperman & Mr. Woody Robenson

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Robinson

Ms. Patricia H. Rodzik

Mr. & Mrs. Norman H. Rosenfeld

Dr. & Mrs Norman Rosenzweig

Mr. Alan Ja y Ross

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh C. Ross

Dr. & Mrs. Mark Rottenberg

Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Ruben

Dr. Bradley Selvick & Ms. Laurie Sall

Dr. & Mrs. Hershel Sand be rg

Mr Richard Sanders

Mr. & Mrs. William Sandy

Dr. & Mrs. No rman R. Schakne

Hon. Joan E. Young & Mr. Thomas L. Sche llenberg

Mrs. R.]. Schlitters

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schmidt

Mr. Josep h Schwanz

Mr. & Mrs Merton Segal

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shaevsky

Mrs. Frank C. Shaler

Ms. Ellen Sharp

Dr. & Mrs. Mic hael J Shon

Patricia Hill Bu rnett & Robert Siler

Mrs. Marge Slezak

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sloan

Ms. Evelyn S Smith

Karen & Paul Spica

Nadele Spiro

Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Stark

Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Sta rkweather

Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Stefanutti

Mr. Frank D. Stella

Mrs. Mark C. Stevens

Dr & Mrs. Mack C. Stirling

Mrs. Ru dolph Stonisch

Dr. & Mrs. David Susser

Ronald f Switze r

Mr. & Mrs. Norman Tabor, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Joel D. Tauber

Mr. & Mrs. A. Alfred Taubman

Mr & Mrs. Robert Taubman

Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Thomas

Dr. Roberta Toll & Mr. Sheldon To ll

Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Toppin

Mr. James J Treb ilco tt

Mrs. Paula Tucker

Mr. & Mrs. Melvin C. Vande rbrug

Mr. Raymo nd Vecci

Mr. & Mrs. Steven I. Victor

Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Wasserman

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Way

Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Weissman

Mr. & Mrs. Will iam Widmeyer

Detroit Opera Hous e Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Mrs. Amelia H. Wilhelm

Dr & Mrs. Christopher D. Wilhelm

Mr R. JmTIlson Williams, J r

Mr & Mrs. Eric H. Winter

Mr & Mrs. Lawrence E. Witkowski

Mr. & Mrs. GregOlY)' Wronkowicz

Dr. &,Mrs Clyde Wu

Dr. & Mrs. jose E Yanez

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Zangerle



Gail Kahn & Gerry Allen

Dr Lourdes V Andaya

Mr & Mrs. William L Black

Mrs. Doreen Bull

Mr & Mrs. R{)bert B Fair, Jr

Mr & Mrs. Drew Fishburn

Mr John Fleming

Mr & Mrs. George E. Frost

Dr. & Mrs. William R. Fulgenzi

Mr. & Mrs Jerome Halperin

Dr. & Mrs. Gerhardt A Hein

Judith & Eric Hespenhe\de

Mr. & Mrs Derek Hodgson

Sam & Donna Kountoupes

Mr. ' & Mrs. Richard M. Lar.son

Mr. HelllY Martin Lee

Dr. & Mrs. Zvi , Levran

Mrs. Dorothy Lewis

Mr. & Mrs. Basil Marrella

Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Martella

Mr. Kenneth). Moriarty

Mr E;r Mrs. Adolph). Neeme

Mr & Mrs. Daniel H. Olson

Mrs. Mary A Perna

Mr. & Mrs Douglas Rentschler

Mr. Kenneth Robinson

Mr. & Mrs. George Roumell,jr

Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Saperstein

Drs. Theodore & Michelle Schreiber

Mr & Mrs. Neal Shine

Mrs Carolyn Stubbs

Mrss Mary Ellen Tappan

Mrs. Burt E. Taylor

Mrs. jay H. Taylor

Mr & Mrs. Th omas Terrell

Mr. & Mrs. john P Tierney

Dr. & Mrs. Vainutis K. Va itkevicius

Mrs C. Theron Van Dusen

Mr Robert Vanlente

Dr john White

Mr.). Ernest Wilde

Ms. Nancy S. Williams


Ms Ginn y Clementi

Mr. Thomas Cohn

Mr. & Mr.s. Tarik Daoud

Herm an & Sharon Frankel

Mr. jack Martin & Dr. Bettye Arrington Martin

Barbara Frankel & Ron Michalak

Ronald F Switzer & jim McClure


$500 - $999

Mr Robert G. Abgarian

Detroit Op era House I IffI/IfCI£fTOLL FREE 1-888-560-.JIMS BIRMINGHAM 248-644-1919 690 OLD S, WOODWARD LIVONIA 734-522-9200 29500 W 6 MILE RD Please call for store hours. NOVI 248-348-0090 48700 GRAND RIVER OPENING SOON IN SHELBY TOWNSHIP BRAVO 37 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Mr. & Mrs. Felix 1. Adams

Mr. & Mrs. Richard L Alonzo

Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson

Mrs. Charles C. Andrews


Dr. & Mrs. Joe l Appel

Mrs Doris , 'Arms

Mr. & Mrs. Step hen M. Bakonyi

Mr. John H Barbes

Mr. & Mrs. J D. &auvais

Miss El aine Be resh

Mr. & Mrs Arthur Berlin

Mr Sta nislaw Bia loglowski

Dr. & Mrs Eric Billes

Mr. & Mrs. David Bilso n

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry M. Blaz

Hon & Mrs. William F Bledsoe

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bologna

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bourget

Mrs. Marilyn Bowerman

Ms. Ruth Bozian

Dr & Mrs. Murray Brickman

Mr. & Mrs. Herman Brodsky

Ms. L:.R. Ca mpitelle

Mrs. Patri cia B Capalbo

Mr. & Mrs Jack Cochran

Mr. & Do uglas Cornelse n -

Mr. & Mrs. Robert R Cosner

Mr. & Mrs. Ja mes D'Alessandro

Mr. Sa mu el L Davis

Detroit Tige rs In c., Tigers Care

Mr. Joe De l Giudice

David & Carol Domina

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Dunn ing

Dr. & Mrs. Melvyn Eder

Dr. Patricia L Edwards

Dr. & Mrs. A. EI-Magrab i

Mr. & Mrs. Cha rles Elias

Mr. Ro n Fisc her

Mr. & Mrs Bur ke Fossee

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hampson

Ms. Josep hin e E. Franz

Dr. & Mrs. Byron P Georgeson

Mr. Hugh Gill

Ms Anne Ginn

Mr. & Mrs. Nick Grad

Ms. Jane Ade le Graf

Mr & Mrs. Charles D. Groves

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gualtieri

Mr. & Mrs. Phili p Haddad

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh G. Harness

Mr. & Mrs Stephen R Han'ath

Ms. Randa Haurani

Mrs Joan Hines

Ms. Elizabeth Ingraham

Mr. & Mrs John Irvine

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jeryan

Dr. & Mrs. Howard C. Joondep h

Mr. & Mrs. Mark L Kahn

Mr Walter Kane

Mr & Mrs. Steve n Kavulich

Mrs. M. 1. Keefe

Mr. Ba rry Ke ller

Mr. & Mrs Harvey Kleiman

Mr Gerald Knapp

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kohlenberg

Misses Selma an d Ph ylliS Korn

Ms. Rosemary Kurr 38 BRAVO

Mr & Mrs Ja mes Kuykendall

Miss Gene M. Kyle

Dr. & Mrs. Ge ra ld Laker

Dr. Glendon M. Gardne r & Leslie Landau

Mr. & Mrs Lee E. Landes

Mr. Edward Lekki

Mr. & Mrs. Michae l Leonard

Ms Carme n Setta Ludy

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Lysinger

Dr. & Mrs. M. Davi d Madorsky

Ca rdinal Adam J Maida

Ms. Amy Malane y

Dr. & Mrs. Step he n Mancuso

Mr. & Mrs. Jose ph Maniscalco

Mr Maurice L Marsha ll

Mr. Donald E. Mcintosh

Ms. Patricia McKanna

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McKeever

Mr. & Mrs. Phi lli p Mc Kenn a

Mr. James McLenna n

Mr. & Mrs Mark Me hall

Mr. & Mrs. William Michaluk

Mr. & Mrs. Mil to n J Miller

Mr. & Mrs Ric hard Mue ll er

Mr. & Mrs. James Mulvoy

Mr. James A. Neelands

Mr. Robert A. Nitsch ke

Ms. Pat ri cia O'Brien

Ms. Cori nne Opiteck

Eric & Arlene Oppenhe im

Ms. Cathe rine Osenkowski

Mrs. Nancy Owens

Ms. V Beverly Payne

Mrs. Sop hie Pearlstein

Mark & Kyle Peterson

Ms. Ire ne Piccone

Dr. & Mrs. Peter J Polidori

Mrs. Na ncy L Raj ala

Ms. Vera Rea

Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Reuss

Mr. & Mrs. Dean E. Richardson

Mr. Dale Robertson

John Romani and Ba rb ara Anderson

Dr. & Mrs. Davi d B. Rorabacher

Ann & Mike Rosenthal Family Foundat io n

Ms. Lindsay Roth

Mr. Vinod Sahne y

Mrs. Johanne Schaefer

Mr. & Mrs Jack D. Shu mate

Ms. Heather Sievers

Mr. & Mrs. Pete r Silve ri

Mrs. Lo retta Skewes

Mrs. Hele n 1. Slater

Mr & Mrs. Ja me s Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Jero me 1. Spencer

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Sperry

Mr. William J Stein

Dr. She ldon & Jessie Stern

Mr. Thomas Tapert

Ms. Susan Tro tti er

Ms. Susa n Tuttle

Mr. & Mrs. William Walker, III

Mr. & Mrs. Jonat ha n 1. Walton

Ms. Geo rgianna Watsell

Dr. & Mrs. John G. Weg

Mr Herman W Weinreich

Mr & Mrs. Robert Whitman

Mr. Richard G. Wilkes

Mrs. Stanle y J Wi nkelman

Ms. Hildega rd Wintergers t

Dr. Ruth A. Wo rth ington

Mr. & Mrs. Ervin M. Yura

Mr. Dave Zmyslowski


$250 - $499

Mr. & Mrs. Anse l Aberly

Mrs. Eileen Abo ulafia

Mrs. Maryan F Abramson

Dr & Mrs. Pete r Ajl u ni

Dr. & Mrs. Teisa An

Mr. & Mrs. David J Anderson

Ms Geral di ne At kinson

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Baer

Mr. & Mrs. Ja me s M. Ba1cerski

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Balda

Dr. & Mrs. Jeffery Band

Mr. Robert Bartolameoll i

Mr. Th eodore Beard,Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Dean Bedford, Jr.

Drs John and Marilyn Belamaric

Hon & Mrs. Ro bert D. Bennett

Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Benson

Dr. & Mrs. Rolan d Bessette

Mr & Mrs. Joh n Bjorklund

Mr & Mrs. Sa ul Blackman

Drs. Rosemary and John Blase

Mr. & Mrs William Bolto n

Mr. La rry J Bossman

Mr Mi chael Boy le

Mr & Mrs Dona ld Brasie

Dr. & Mrs. Sander J Breiner

Dr Arnold L Brown

Dr. Eugene Brown

Ms. Kerry Bruce

Mr. Frank Brzenk

Mrs. Lois A. Budman

Mr. & Mrs. Davi d Burnet t

Ms. Mary Alice Busch

Mr. & Mrs. Siegfried Buschmann

Ms. Mary C. Caggegi

Alex Callas

Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Campbell

Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Campbell

Mi ss He len H Cannon

Mr. & Mrs. John J Carrick, III

Dr. & Mrs Thomas E. Carson

Mr George Cassa r

Mr & Mrs. Jose ph F Cavanaugh

Mrs. Robert Chambers

Mrs. Sara h M. Cine lli

Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Ciokajlo

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Clagett

Mr. Alexander Clark

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Closson

Mr. & Mrs James Collie r

Mr. & Mrs. James Collins

Dr. & Mrs. Jam es M. Colville

Ms. Carol Cook

Dr. Roy Cooley

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Cosma

Mrs. Lois Courville

Dr. Warren W Cowan

Mrs. Katherine Cox

Ms. Alice Crawford

Mrs. Rosa Mary Crawfo rd

Mr. & Mrs. Jo hn W Cru mp

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E Cutler

Mr. & Mrs. Doug Cygna r

Ms. Carol A. Czestkowski

Mr. & Mrs. Norman Dancy

Mr. & Mrs Keit h D. Danielson

Mr. & Mrs. Ric hard de Bear

Dr. & Mrs. Anthony De Luca

Mrs. Mary DeTomaso

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Decker

Roy K. De nnison and Darlene Ka rle

Ms Les lie Desmond

Mr & Mrs. Ro be rt Di Giulio

Mr John R DiLodovico

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Dickelmann , Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Enrico Digirolamo

Mr. Louis Digiulio

Mr. John Dodds

Dr. Hel ene C. Dombrowski

Dr Martin E. Donaldson

Mr. 1. Parachini & Ms. D Donati

Mr & Mrs. Harold Doremus

Mr & Mrs. Harry M Dreffs

Mr John Dre ifus

Mr & Mrs. Josep h R Dudley

Mrs. Sa ul H. Dunitz

Ms. Ingrid Bri t Eidnes

Hon. & Mrs. S. J Elden

Dr. & Mrs. Richard FElton

Dr & Mrs. N. Cary Engleberg

Mr. & Mrs. Pau l S. Ensign

Mr. & Mrs. Pa ul J Ethington

Dr. & Mrs. Irving Feller

Ms. Jeannie Fellows

Mr. Dan Ferrier

Dr. & Mrs. Li onel Finkelstein

Mr & Mrs. Ja mes E. Fisk

Mrs. Shirley M. Flanagan

Mr & Mrs. Carl B. Fontana

Mr & Mrs. Robe rt Fortne r

Mr & Mrs. David Frank

Mr. & Mrs. Helmut Franz

Dr. Yvon ne Friday

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene S Friedman

Mr. Robert J Frost

Mr Roben Furl ong

Mr. Carl Gardecki

Mr. Edmund A. Gaston

Dr. & Mrs. Ja mes W Ge ll

Dr. & Mrs. Pete r E. Georgeson

Mr. Thomas M. Gervasi

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Giancamilli

Mr. & Mrs Will iam N Gi lmore

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Glover

Ms. Parricia Go dell

Dr & Mrs. Joel Goldberg

Dr & Mrs Paul Goodman

Dr. Josep h Lapides an d Arl ene Goreli ck

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Goudie

Mr. & Mrs. Jon athan Green

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Greenspan

Mrs. Patricia Greenwood

Dr Rosali nd E Griffin

Ms. Kat hlee n A. Grimm

Mrs Cla ire L Grosberg

Mr. Leonard Grossman

Mr. & Mrs. Ca rson C. Grunewald

Mr. Randolp h Gryebet

www Mi chiga nOp era .org
De tro it Opera Hou se Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Mr & Mrs Robe rt Hage

Mr Nizami Halim

Dr & Mrs. Nata n HarPaz

Mr. & Mrs. Ste phen G. Harpe r

Dr. Cha rl es F. Hartley

Dr & Mrs John M. Hartzell

Mr. &: Mrs. Carl A. Hasselwan der

Ms Joa nn Hatton

Mr & Mrs Jeffrey K Haynes

Rev. Tho mas Heie r

Ms Barbara Heller

Gera ld R Heller & Mary C Heller Fund

Mr & Mrs. Fred J Hen dra

Mrs Cha rl es L. Hencitzy

Dr & Mrs Michael Hep ner

Dr. & Mrs Ma rt in M. Herma n

Dr. Phi llip Hertz

Mr & Mrs John Hicks

Mr. & Mrs Heinz Hintzen

Dr. & Mrs. James Hoeschele

Mr. & Mrs Leslie J Hogan, Jr

Dr Jean Holl and Dr & Mrs. David Holtzman

Ms. Donna Ho lycross '

Mr. & Mrs Jan Homan

Mrs. Chri stine Hope Ala n Hudson

Mr & Mrs William C Hufford

Ms. DaiSY Marguerite Humes

Mr. Ronald R. Hum phrey

Mr & Mrs. Jacob Hunvitz

Mr & Mrs. Ma rio Iacobell i

Mr. Micheal Iannuzzi

Drs ,lllum ina li & Jackiw

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Jacob son

Ms. Elsa Jakob

Mr. & Mrs. Zolta n J Janosi

Mrs. Esther Jaruga

Mr Joseph F. Jean nette

Mr. John W Jickling

Dr & Mrs Arthur L. Johnson

Mrs Oll ie Johnson

Ms Rosemary Joliat

Ms. Mary B Jolliffe

Mr & Mrs Chois Jo nes

Mr. Scott Jorgensen

Drs Mark & Nadia Juzyc h

Mr Michael Kac hma n

Mr Paul Y Kadish

Mr & Mrs. Peter Kalaka rlo

Mr Steve Katsakis

Dr Annetta R Ke ll y

Mr. PatnckJ Keough

Mr. John Keros

Ms . Ida Kmg

Mr Robert Kirsam mer

Dr & Mrs Edward Klar man

Mr & Mrs. Thomas Klem

Mr & Mrs . Justin Klimko

Ms. Ma rya nn Koen ig

Mr Joh n Kolasa

Mr Danie l B. Kolton

Mr & Mrs. Gregory R. Kosma tka

Mrs. Joann Kovan

Mrs Joann C Kowals kI

Mr. & Mrs. MIchael Kratchman

Ms Michelle Krem bel

Mr. Ralph Kwyer

Mr Henry J La Motte

Dr & Mrs James Labes

Mr & Mrs. Gregory R. Lane

Mr Ray H. Lawson

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Lazzer in, Jr.

Mr David Lebenbom

Mr. Ph ilip Leon

Adr ienne Leona rd

Mr. & Mrs Kenne th Lev in

Mr & Mrs Jo hn D Lewis

Dr & Mrs. John H Libcke

Mr Irving Licht man

Ms Elizabeth Lifsey

Ms. PatricIa D. Limbird

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Line , Jr

Ms. Karen Lin nell

Mr & Mrs. Mac Lipon

Mr & Mrs Ray li n

Mr & Mrs. John Lowe

Mrs Inngard Luelsdo rf

William Zack & Lois Lurie

Dr & Mrs Roderico Luttmann

Mr & Mrs. Fred Lyon

Mr & Mrs. James J Madden , Jr

D e tro i t O pera Hous e
BRAVO! MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE MILLER CANFIELD M lUER, CANFIELD PADDOC K AND SfO N E. P.LC 150 West Jefferson, Suite 2500 Detroit, MI 48226-4415 31'3/963-6420 www millercanfield com -Providing legal services since 1852Michigan· New York · Washington , D C, • Pol a nd Affiliated offi ce in Florida www.Mic higan Op
NOW SHOW ING B EC HS T EI N Th e Emperor of Pianos Make a g rand statemen t by selecting from t h e most divers e piano disp lay in th e area, f eaturing qua lity investmen ts from 12 countries and 4 continen ts, AT ION Nov i • A n n Arbor • Traverse City C a ll 800 - 357- 42 6 6 BRAVO 39 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Ms. Suzann e Maldaver

Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Mallow

Mr. David M. Mark

Ms. Janet R. Marsh

Mr. Keith A. Manin

Ms. Mary C. Mazure

Mrs. JaneL'Ga ll up McCanhy

Ms. Katherine McCullough

Ms. Vivien McDonald

Mrs. Mary McKay

Mr & Mrs. John McMu llin

Mr & Mrs. Otto Mehringer

Mr. & Mrs. Haro ld A. Mein inger

Mr & Mrs. Morrey Mendelson

Mr. & Mrs. Warren A Merchant

Dr. & Mrs. Herman j. Me ne

Ms. Lynne M. Metty

Dr. & Mrs. Anthony B Michael s

Mr. & Mrs. Rober t Michielutti

Mrs Stephen Migdal

Mr. Myron L Milgram

Ms. Helen Mill en

Mr. Leonard Mill er

Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Miller

Mr. & Mrs Frank Mitchell

Mrs. Lucille A. Monark

Ms. Miriam Mon d ry

o'r. & Mrs. Eli eze r Monge

Mrs. Charles R. Moon

Hon. Marion Moore

Ms. Sh irley Mopper

Ms. There sa Mo relan d

Mr. Henry Morris

Mr. Wj. Morris

Mrs. Maxi ne Moseley

Mrs. Ea rl A. Mossner

Mr. & Mrs Ge rmano L Mularoni

Mr. & Mrs Ca rl 1. Muma

Brian and Ton i Sanchez-Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Adolphj. Neeme

Ms. Kath leen Nemecek

Mr. & Mrs. Ri chard L No rling

Mrs Stanley Nowakowski

Ms. Dolores Oakley

Dr. Eugen e Oliveri

Mr. Dale j. Pagonis

Mr. & Mrs. William C. Panzer

Mrs. Anoush Pape lian

Ms. Margot Parker

Dr. & Mrs. Franc is Pasley

Mr. Duane Pavey

Mr. Michael W Pease

Mr. Cla us Peterma nn

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Petinga,Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Leonard M. Pickering

Dr & Mrs. Kenneth E. Pitts

Richard & Meryl Place Fun d

Dr. & Mrs. Charles A. Po rrett a

Mrs. Davi d W Po ner

Mr. & Mrs. Roben S. Powell

Mrs Ba rbara Quinn

Mr. Man in Rafal

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Ransome

Mr. & Mrs Antonio Rea

Mr. & Mrs. John W Redd y

Dr. Melvin L Reed

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Re id

Mr. & Mrs. William Remer


Mr. & Mrs. Jason Reyes

Mr. & Mrs. John j. Riccardo

Mrs. Miriam C. Richa rdson

Mr. & Mrs. MilLOn Ring

Mr. & Mrs. George Robenson

Mr. & Mrs. Geo rge Robinson

Ms. Joa nne B. Rooney

Dr. Rhoda Rosentha l

Mr. & Mrs. Anhur Roshak

Ms. Mary P. Rossio

Dr. & Mrs. Alexa nder Rota

Mr. & Mrs. Luigi Ruseillo

Mr. Danie l G. Rusecki

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rush

Mr. Rodney Rusk

Dr & Mrs. Leona rd Sahn

Dr. & Mrs. Will iam H. Salot

Mr. & Mrs. Geo rge E. Saunders

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Schiefer

Mrs. Tru di Schreiber

Mrs. Marn ita M. Scott

Dr & Mrs. Nathan P. Segel

Mr. Ma rc Shaberman

Dr. John E. Sheard

Mr & Mrs. Raben Sheeter

Dr. Anthony Shields

Dr. Janice M. Shier

Dr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Siders

Ms. June A. Siebe n

Mr. & Mrs. Roben W Siegel

Mr. & Mrs. William Siko ra

Mr. Sidney Simo n

Mrs. Leslie Sla tkin

Mr & Mrs. Kalmin D Smith

Mr & Mrs. Tom Smith


Mr. James S. Snyde r

Mr. & Mrs. Nathan D Soberman

Mrs Merle So lway

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sonye

Ms. Renate Soulen

Mr. Jo hn W Spalding

Ms Anna M. Spec k

Mr. Domenico Sp ina

Mr. Theodore j. St. Antoine

Mr. Stephen M. Stackpole

Mr. Jerry Stage

Mr. Will iam Stefani

Dr. Mildred Pond er Stennis

Mr. Allan Stillwagon

Dr. & Mrs. Choichi Suga wa

Mr. & Mrs Robert Swee ten

Mr. & Mrs. Jon Swienc kowski

Dr. Jonathan Swift

Ms. She ila Fo ley Switzer

Ms. Jeanette SlVol

Dr. Barry Szcesny

Ms Teresa Takai

Ms. Melissa Flones Tapp

Justice Clifford W Taylor

Ms. Mary Teac hout

Dr. Gretchen M. Thams

Mr Jack W Theisen

Mrs. Rho nda Goe rs Thomas

Mrs. Norman Thorpe

Mr & Mrs. Pe ter P Th urber

Mr & Mrs. Manin Todorov

Mr. & Mrs. Pau l Tomboulian

Mr. Emmet E. Tracy

Dr. & Mrs. Dimitry M Turin

Drs. June W & Sheldon G. Turley

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Utley

Mrs. Ma rcia Valenstein

Jose ph Va lenti n, DDS

Mr. & Mrs. Elliot t H Valentine

Mr. Ri cha rd D. Ventura

Mr. & Mrs Thomas Violante

Mr. & Mrs. Robe n D. Wallin

Ms. Doris Wa lter

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Wa lter

Mrs Mary Ward

Miss Evelyn A. Warren

Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus H Warshaw

Mr. & Mrs. Pau l F Wasielewski

Mr. & Mrs. Ne il H. Wasse rman

Mr. Charles K Watters, Jr.

Mr Thomas Weidner

Mr. Roben D. Welchli

Mr & Mrs. Pau l S. Wemhoff

Mr. Paul Wenig

Dr. & Mrs. William]. Westcott

Mrs. Sa ndra White & Mr. Nicholas DeGrazia

Mr. Thomas D. Whitt emore

Mrs. Eloise C. Whitten

Mrs. Amy Willens

Mr. & Mrs. Halton Will iams

Mr. Lawrence Williams

Dr Magnus A. Wilson

Mr Andrew Wise

Mr. Alfred Wood

Mr David D. Woodard

Ms. Andrea L Wu lf

Mrs. Marguerite Yahr

Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Yez bick

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Young,Jr.

Mrs. Jane Zabik

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Zelasko

Mrs. Erwin Ziegelman

Mr. Irvin Zwicker


February 1, 2001 toJuly 30, 2001

Rememb ering Mrs. V. Margaret Millard

Fam ily and Frie nd s

In Memory of Lady Jane Easton

Roben Burch halte r

Shirley &. Dick Carr

Sarah Cine lli

Rosemary Durant

Patricia & Armand Duva l

Ann & Larry Ga rberding

Garde n Club of Mic higan

Sherry & Keith Huff

H C. Kresge

Jan et & Nelson Leze

Mrs. Lois Mack

Mary An n &. Preston Mann

Mr & Mrs. Cha rles Moo n

Dea n & Barbara Richardson

Mrs. Wi ll iam Ternes

Mrs Virginia Tompkins

Mrs Ruth Townsend

Mari lyn & Emmet Tracy, Jr

Celestte B. Whyte

In Memory of Diane Foster

Ms. Li nd a 1. Rozakis

MsAnn WWang

In Memory of Maria Lucarelli

Shelly & Peter Cooper

Dr. & Mrs Charles Kessler

Barbara Frankel and Ron Michalak

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Wiltshire

In Memory of Frank Shaler

Mrs. Frank Shaler

Inga & George Vincent

In Memory of Hector Somerville

Dr. & Mrs. Leo Nancy Ginns

Jerry &. Cha rlotte Gotzeff

Mr. James G. Hough

Mark & Donna Kelly

Mr. &. Mrs. Donald Knapp

Mr. & Mrs. Gary McCombs

Duncan & Alice Mc Donald

Annie Mc Fadden & Alice Brinkley

Mr. James Mooney

Owen & Jan Newell

Melinda lader & Valerie Randall

Marion Rodger

Roben Rollinger

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Ruhl y

King and Ve lma Ruhl y

Jean & Al Sayers

Ms. Sh irley Saltzman

Barbara Schaupeter

Mrs. Dorothy De Spe lder

Walter Timmons

The "Wa llaces: Elizabeth Nichols, Jeremy Rose and Mark & Karen Williamson

Womens Bar Asso ciation of Oakland Co unty

In Memory of Clara (Tuttie) VanderKloot

Mr. & Mrs. William Bostick

Gladys Ci felli

In Memory of Alvin Wass erma n

Ann & La rry Garberding

In Honor of the Birthdays of Roselyn & Eugene Blanchard

Barbara Fra nkel & Ron Michalak

In Honor of Sandy Duncan's Retirement

Margaret &. Robert Allesee

Madge & Bill Berman

Joseph & Lynda Bianco Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brodie

Mr. &. Mrs. Thomas Bryant

Mr. Shawn Buckley

Shelly & Peter Cooper

Ju lia Darlow & Jo hn O'Meara

La rry & Dodie David

Jeffrey &. Leah Davidso n

John W DayJr.

Detroi t Edison Foundation

Dr David DiChiera

Paul & Cheryl Drogosch

Mr. John Eckstrom

James & Janet Fitzpatrick

Alan Frank Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


Hennan &< Sharon Fran kel

Ann &< Larry Gar berding

Mrs. Stephanie Germack

Mrs. Ruth Glancy

Mr. &< Mrs . H ja mes Gram

Mrs Ali ce Berbe ri an Haid ostia n

Dav id :Handl eman

Eri c &< j ud ith Hespenhei de

Dan &< Rose mary Kelly

Gregory &< Kat hleen Kosmat ka

Bunny &< Mic hael Kratchman

Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarell i

Florine Mark

Eugene &< Lois Miller

Sonia &< Carl Olse n

Phyll is Peters Look

Ms. Debra Po li ch

Mr. W James Prowse

Maria nne &< Alan Schwartz

Fran k Stella

Me Gerad Theri ac

Mr. &< Mrs. C. Thomas Toppin

Ms. Inna To rres

Mr. &< Mrs. Wil liam Vitltoe

Mrs. Alvi n Wasselma n

Mr &< Mrs. Robert We ndze!

Marilyn Wheaton &< Paul Duffy

Mr. &< Mrs. Jeffrey Will emain

jamison W i lliams j r

Mrs. Stanley Winkel ma n

Thonlas &< Elain e Wright

Mr. &< Mrs Morton Zieve


Mr. &< Mrs. Ro bert A. Allesee

Dracula (1997/98) - Per fonn ance

Giselle (1997/98) - Pe rfonnance

Don Quixote (1998/99) - Prod uction

Swan Lilke (199912000) - Perfonnance

Cinderella (200010 I) - Produc tion

The Meny Widow (2000/01) - Pe rformance

Mr. &< Mrs John Boll

Pau l Tay lor Dance Com pany (1998/99) - Performance

Margo Cohe n

Alv in Ail ey American Dance Th eatre (2000101) -

Per fonn ance

Mr. &< Mrs. Maurice Cohen

The Sleeping Beauty (1992/93) - Production

Cinderella (1993/94) - Production

Swan Lillie (1994/95) - Production

Come rica Incorpora ted

The joffrey Ballet of Chicago (2000101) - Produc tion

Mr. &< Mrs. Tarik Daoud

Drawla (1997/98) - Performance

Ga nne tt f oundation

The Nutcracker (2000/0 1) - Production

Me Dav id Handl eman

Gise ll e (1997 /98) - Perform ance

Romeo etJuliette (19 98/99) - Performance

Cinde rella (200010 I) - Pe rfonnance

Michael &< Elizabet h Koja ian

The Joffrey Ba llet of Chicago (2000101) - Productio n

Moto r City Casino - To m &< Vicki Celani

The joffrey Ba llet of Chicago (2000101) - Product ion

Mr. &< Mrs. Irving Rose

Giselle (1997/98) - Perfo rma nce

Swan Lake (199912000) - Production &< Student

Perfo lma nce

Tke Meny Widow (2 000101) - Performance &< Student

Pe rform ance

Delroil Op era House

29355 North w e stern Hi gh w a y (C arson Cen t re ) Sui t e 100 So ut hfi eld , M I 480 34 P HONE F AX 248.208.0555 248.208 0558 www. Curious About Cremation?
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Plastic Surgery and Laser Center


for your boy or girl...

The Cathedral Church of St. PauHEpiscopal), , in Detr o it' s Cultural Center, invites applicants for the Choir of Men & Boys Choir of 'Yomen ,& Girls

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The Shirley Sch lafer Fund

Swan Lake (199912000) - Pro duct ion

The Meny Widow (2000101) - Production

Pearl A. &: George M Zeltzer

Swan Lake (1996/97) - Performance

Giselle (1997/98) - Performa nce

Don Quixote (1998199) - Produc tion

Swan Lake (199912000) - Production

The Meny Widow (2000/01) - Perfo rmance



$100,000 +

Daimle rChrysler Corporation Fund


$50,000 - $99,999

Mr. &: Mrs Roben Allesee

The Shirley Sc hlafer Fund


$25,000 - $49,999

Gannett Foundat ion

Mr. David Handleman

Mr &: Mrs. Irving Rose

Pearl A. &: George M Zeltzer


$10,000 - $24,999

Margo Cohen


Kevin Dennis &: Jeremy Zel tzer

Motor City Cas ino - Vicki &: Tom Celani

Elizabeth &: Michael Kojaian


$5,000 - $9,999

Interna tiona l Truck &: Engine Corpo ration

Una &: Craig Jackman

Ke ll y Services, Inc.

Mr Chris Nern

Jack Perlmutter &: Dan Cla ncy


$2,500 - $4,999

Adele &: Michael Acheson

Nancy &: Dan iel Aronoff

Me. &: Mrs. Lee Barthel

Conway. MacKenz ie &: Dunleavy, Inc.

Dr. Fernando Diaz

Me. Herman Frankel

Sa rah Deson-Fried &: Harold Fried

Fried , Saperstein , Abbott &: Rocki nd , PC

Dr. David &: Darle ne Jackson

Jaguar Saab of Troy

Don Jensen

De. Ali Mo iin

Synergy Group

Mr. &: Mrs. Harry Lomason

Phyllis Funk Snow


$1,500 - $2,499

Me. David Chlvas

Dod ie &: Larry David

Me. &: Mrs Jeffrey Douma

Mr. &: Mrs. Cameron Du ncan

Lynn &: John Ferron

Barbara Frankel &: Ron Micha lak


Ellen &: William Kahn

Joyce Urba &: David Kinsella

David Knop Oer

Maty Mirab itur-Singleton

Deborah Siegel

Lila &: Gilbe rt Silverman

Mr. Emery Viazanko

Sandra White


$1,000 - $1,499

Mr &: Mrs. Frederick Clark

Mr Alan DeWolf

Steven Gordon

John Richards Homes

Mr &: Mrs. Charles Letts

Leslie Slatkin

Mr. William Unde rdown

Vicki &: Richard Vlasic

Woodward Financial Group


$500 - $999

Me &: Mrs Thomas Ande rson

Marianne Endicott

Dona ld Epstein

Mrs. William Eversman

Mic hael Evola

Paul Le rg

Dr. &: Mrs. Kim Lee

Mary McGough

Henry Messer

Dorothy &: Orlan do Mille r

Robert E L Pe rkins

Ruth Ra ttner

Mr Ric hard Sonenklar

Mr R.F Whelan



Ford MOlOr Company


Anthony L and Darlene Soave


Barbara Frankel &: Ron Michalak

Kman Corporation

Mrs Carolyn L Ross


Me &: Mrs. Raben Allesee

Mr &: Mrs. John Boll

Mr &: Mrs Richa rd Brod ie

Mr. David Chi vas

Mr &: Mrs Fred Clark

Mr. Thomas Coh n

Mrs . Robert E. Dewar

Mr. &: Mrs. Cameron B. Du ncan

Mrs. Charles Endicott

Me Richard Engel

Mr &: Mrs Alex Erde lj an

Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Ewing

Dr. Haifa Fakhouri

Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Herman &: Sharon Frankel

Don f Jensen

Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Lavins

Mr. &: Mrs. Harry A. Lomason

Mr. Ivan Ludington

Mi chi ga n Na ti onal Bank

Mr til Mrs. George Penna

Dr. &: Mrs. Roben Reid

Dr. &: Mrs. Hershel Sandberg

Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Starkweather

Dr. Gregory Step hens


Maria Har ris

Luigi &: Ed ith Rusci ll o

Maria Stan te

Mary Lou Staricco


Annabel Co hen

Arbonne International Skin Care

Arra nge ment Flowe r Shop

200 1 Australian Grand Prix

Bacardi USA , Inc.

Bag Lad y Bea ds

BB] Li nens

Beans &: Cornb rea d

Be twee n th e Lines

Beverly Hills Cl ub

Big Da ddy's Parthenon

Big Ro ck Chop House

Blossoms Florist

BMCi Music Dis tribution

Bower's Harbor Vineya rd

Canape Can

Cans Crackers

Centre Stree t Pub

Charles A. Parkhill

Chatea u Grand Traverse Wi nery

Clear MagaZine

Comerica In corpo rated

Com OS

Co mpuware

Crown Towers Hotel Australia

Cruise Magazine

Dan Stall, In c , The Auction Te am

Daniel Stober AIF D Design

Detroit Fury Football Team

De tro it Marri oll Renai ssance Center Hotel

De troit Spice Company

Duet at Orc hestra Place

East Asia Gallery

EM I Mus ic Distribution

Figaro Hair Sa lon

Fionas Tea Room

Five Lakes Grill

Flower to Flour Bakery

Gene ral Wine &: Liquor

Giovannis Ristorame

Graph iCEnterprizes

Grosse Pointe At hletic Club

Hanselman Service

Intermezzo Itali an Restaurant &: Bar

J Alexanders Restaurant

J Coope r

Jaguar Cars No rth America

Jim Howill

De tro it Op e ra House

L &: L Wi ne World

La Zingara Tralloria

Lisa DiChiera

Made from Scratch Enterprises

Made in Detroit

MajestiC Cafe

Meagan Mi tche ll Sa lons

MonJin Lau

Motor Cit y Brewing Works

New Seoul Garden Resta urant

Nei man Marcus

Northwes t Airl ines

Olympia Entertainment

Op us One

Passagewa ys Travel


Phil Foster


Po rtraits by Sayles

Post on Broadway

Pure Bar Room

Pure Detroit

Red Coa t Tavern

Ristora nte di Modesta

Shana West ley


Qantas Airways Limited

Roben Mandavi Fam il y of Wines


Shu las Steak House - Troy

The Co urt ya rd by Marriott Detroit Downtown

The De troit News

The Display Group

The Ginger Group

The Main Event &: The Detroit Li ons

The Padd ock Club 2000

The Perrier Group of America

The Town Pump Tavern

The Townsend Hotel Rugby Grill e

The Ritz-Carl ton Grille Room



Un ion Street Saloon

Unive rsal Music &: Video Di stribution

Uptown Deli &: Catering

Vantage Va let

Vintage Wine Co.

West in Hotel Sout hfi el d - Detro it

Wico Me tal Products

www Michi ganOp BRAV O 43 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Volunteers Are the Heart of

Michigan Opera Theatre and the Detroit Opera House

Th e Michigan Opera Th eat re an d th e Detroit O p era H ou se p rese nt one of the finest and mos t dive rse opera and d an ce series in th e co u ntry Th e thea trica l experiences enco mp ass vocal and orch estra l m u sic, dance , d rama , costumes, se ts an d lightin g. The ac hi evement of this m u ltip li City requires many vo ices and m an y wi lling h an ds. The talented, giving hands of our Opera Leagu e, Us h ers , Dan ce Council , Yo ung Professionals, Ambassadors, O ffi ce and Boutiqu e worke rs, Movers, Su pers, Educa ti on &: O utreach , and Ad agiO vo lun teers have a significant impact on the ove rall op erati on o f the co m pany


Dodi e D avid , Pres ident

Gloria Clark, Vice President

Eva Mehan)" Sec retary

Linda Watt er s, Treasurer

Betty Brooks, Past Preside nt


Roberta Starkwea th e r, Ad agiO

Helen Mill en , Amb assa d o rs

Ann ette Balian , Bylaws a nd Procedures

Betty Brooks , Coo kbo ok

Linda Watters , Cookboo k

GlOlia Clark (Int elim Cha ir), Dance Counc il

Vicki Barnett , Di vaslDivos

Wallac e Peace , Edu ca ti on & Outreac h

Ri chard Hill , Educa tion & Outreach

Su e Dimattia , Membe rshi p

Nancy Krolikowski, Move rs

Corinne Op it eck, Opera House Ushers

Sh aro n Wa ll ace Sn yder, Ope ra

League o f Detroit

Ali Moiin, Sup ers

J ea n ette Pawlaczyk, Voluntee rs, etc.

Phil Hughes , Vo lunt ee r Voice

Randall Fogelman , Young Profession als


Ard a Barenholtz

Kevin Dennis

Caroline Add ison Peace Hill

Don J en sen

Queenie Sar kis ian

GREENSTONE'S 0/@iJw Ofvnce 1.925 2 1;8.61;2.2650 Hoffmann and other productions sing works by Strauss , Mozart , Delibes and in r ec ital Sunday October 21 2:00 pm Next on our series - Durufle: Requiem All Soul 's Day· November 2 • 7 :00 pm St. John 's Episcopal Church On Woodward next to Come rica Park· Gated free parking on site Tickets: $15 individual $35 family Advance purchase: 313.962 7358 .... . .. 44 BRAVO VOLUNTEERS
www.M ichi
De t ro it O pe r a Hous e Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Administration &

DAVID DICHIERA Matthew S. Birman Annette M Lozon MUSIC

Genera l Director Co mmuni catio ns Man1cer of DEPARTMENT

Coord inator Foun ation & David DiChiera

BRETT BATTERSON J an e Coe Gov ernm ent Music Director

Ch ief Op erating Kimb e rl y Gray Grant s Suz ann e Ma ll are Tick et Serv ices Lauren Allion Acton Officer Assistan t Membership Assistant Music

DEPARTMENT Managers Manag er Director, Chorus Christy Gray Hea ther Hamilton Master

DIRECTORS Ti ck et Services Volunte er Lawrence Picard

Karen VanderKloot Rep rese ntative Coordinator Repetiteur

DiChiera Timothy Lentz Kathleen M. Diane Bredesen

Directo r of Archivist McNamara Orch es tra

Community J eane tte Paw laczyk Corporate Personnel

Programs Publi c Relations Campaign Manager

J ohn Ecks trom Assistant Manager J ean Schneider

Direc tor of Bill Carro ll Jane Westley Rehearsa l

Administration Publi c Relation s Develo pm ent Accompanis t

Roberto Ma uro Volunteer Associate, General Rubik Mailian

Director Of Artistic Direc to r's Circle Armenian Diction

Administration Community Danielle DeFau w Coac h

David W. Osborne Programs Boutiqu e Manage r Dani elle DeFauw

Director of Mark Vondrak French Diction

Production Tour Manager Finance/Computer Coac h

Mary Parkhill Bett y Lane Services

Direc tor of Program Manager William T. Schulz Stage Management

Develop ment Dolores Tobi s Co ntroll er Kenne th Sa ltzman

Jennifer Turner Office & Kimberly Burgess - Produ cti on Stage

Director of Facilities Mark eting Ri ve rs Manager

Laura R. Wyss Manager Rita Winters Li sa Marie Lange

Directo r of Betsy Bronson Accountants Ell en Marie Peck

Comm uni cations Alaina Brown Joseph Ru sn ak Assista nt Stage Mari a Cimare lli Systems Manag er Managers

ADMINISTRATION J ennifer Gale Ke it h Bibbins

Bill Austin Lawrence Pi card Systems Technical Staff

Assistant to the David Pulice Programm er Randall L. Mauck

General Director Kar l Schmidt Techn ica l Director

Linda DeMe rs Mark Vondrak PRODUCTION

Monika Essen

Executive Assistant Chancellor Wyman Production Property Master

Beve rl y A. Moore Outreac h Touring Administration

Rec eptionist Co mp any



Costumes DETROIT

Suz an n e M. Hanna OPERA HOUSE

Costu me Tris h Almquist

Coordi nator Event Coord inator

Mary Ell en Shindel Ro ck Monroe

First Hand Director of

Ma rgaret Bronder Security

Second Hand Elisa Giuliani

Ulla Hettinger Hous e Manag er

Pricia Hi cok Ca lvin Williams

Genevieve Maint enan ce

Palczynski Super visor

Stitchers Demetriu s Barnes

Alice Moss Jesse Carter

Wardrob e Mistress Building Engineers

J ocelyn Doodell Aubrell Hi cks

A ssistant Darron Smith

Wardrob e Mistress Con cessions


Make-up & Hair Bobb y Abrams

Elsen Associates Lorrain e Monroe

Joanne Weaver Stage Door

Allison Mazurski Security

Loca l Crew

Stage Crew

J o hn Kinsora

Hea d Carpenter

Rob ert Mesin ar

Head Elec trician

Alan Bigelow

Head Prop ertyman

Rob ert Martin

Head Flyman

Steve Kemp

Head Sound man

Gary Gilmore

Produ ction

Elec trician

Kenda ll Smith

Elizabeth Ne d s-F ox Lighting Produ ction Coordinato r

l)evelopment Coordinator

Michael Hauser J ane Fanning

Dee Dorsey

Kendra Moyer Surti tl e Operator

Marketing Associate Director Assistant to Shawn Kaufman

Manager of Develo pm ent Direc tor of Assistant Lighting

Kimberly A. St ephani Miller Production Designer

Mogielski Yates

Greg Fortner

Dan Patterso n

Patron and Tick et Assistant Direc tor Elizabe th Stevens Lighting Assistant

Services Manager of De velo pm ent Assistant Brian Sloc um

J enise Co llin s Bra dl ey L. Strou d Directors Assistant to Mr. Group Sa les and Directo r of Dance Nancy Krolikowski Co lavecc hia

Patron Serv ic es Development Local Keith Kalinowski

Superv isor

Tran sportati on Tec hnical Coordinator Assistan t

Pat Lewe ll en Audition

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Mary Ellen Shindel

Hea d of Wardrobe

lATSE Loca l #38


lATSE Local #786

Wardrob e

Volunt ee r De troit Opera Ho u se www.Mi c higanOp era.orgMICHIGAN OPERA T H EATRE

General Information



DEVICES Unaut h orized came ras and recording devices are not allowed inside the theater at any time. The takin g of photographs of the theater or any performance is s tri c tl y prohibited. As a courtesy to our guests, we ask that all paging devices, cell phones and alarm watches be swi tched to silent mode prior to the start of a performance.

IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Doctors and parents are advised to leave their seat lo ca ti on (located on ti cket) and our emergency number, 313/237-3257, with the service or sitter in case of an emergency Please observe the lighted exit signs lo cated throughout the .theater In the event of fire or similar eme rgency, please remain ca lm and walk - do not run - to the nearest exit. Our ushe rs are trained to lead you out of the building ' safely A trained Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) is on site during most events. Please see an usher or staff member to contac t the EMT.

RESTROOMS Ladi es ' restrooms are lo cate'd off the Ford Lobby (Broadway s tree t entrance), down the stairs and also on th e third floor (Madiso n street en trance) - please press "3R" on the elevator to reach these facilities. Gentlemens restrooms are located under the Grand Staircase, and also on the third fl oor (Broadway street entrance) - please press "3" on the elevator to reach these faciliti es. Please note: All thi rd-floor restrooms are wh eelchair access ible .

NO SMOKING Th e Detroit Opera House is a smoke -fre e facility Ash receptacles are provided on the exterior of all entry doors for those WHO wish to smoke.

USHERS Ushers are stationed at the top of each ais le. If you have a question or concern, please inform ushers, and they will contac t management. If you are int erested in becoming a vo lunt eer

usher, please call the usher hotline at 313/237-3253.

LATE SEATING Latecomers will be seated only during an appropriate pause in the program and may view the program on closed-circuit tel evision monitors loca ted in the lobb ies until an appropriate pro gram pause occurs. Late seating poliCies are at the discretion of the produc tion, not opera house management.

LOST & FOUND Lo s t and Found is lo cated in the Security Department. Please see an usher if you have misplaced an article, or call 313/961-3500 if you have already left the theater. Items will be held in Lost and Found for thirty days

PARKING Parking for all events is available in the Opera House Garage, locat ed directly across from the Detroit Opera House (on J ohn R. and Broadway streets). Prepaid parking is availab le through the box office . Please call 313/237-SING for parking information

ACCESSIBILITY Accessible seating locations for patrons in wheelcha irs are located in all price ranges on the orchestra level. When inquiring about tickets, please ask about thes e locations if you require speCial accommodations. Assis ted Listening Devices are availab le on a first-come, first-served basis. Please see an usher to request this service. Although this is a comp limentary service, we will request to hold a piece of personal identification while you are using the device. Please contact th e Box Office, shou ld you desire specia l considera tion.

CHILDREN Children are welcome; ho wever, all gu ests are r eqUired to hold a ticket, regardless of age. We kindly ask that parental discretion be exercised for certa in programs, and that all guests remember that during a program such as opera or ballet , the ability of all audience

members to hear the music is a prerequisite to enjoyment of the performance. In all cases, babes in arms are not permitted.

SERVICES Concession stands are located in all levels. Please note that food and drinks are not allowed in the auditorium at any time. Coat check is located in the Ford lobby The cost is $1.00 per coat. Please note that the Detroit Opera House does not accept responsibility for any personal articles that are not checked at the coat check. Drinking fountains are located in the lobbies on floors one and three. Public pay phones are located in the vestibu le of the Ford Lobby Patrons in wheelchairs can access pay phones outside the third-fl oor ladies ' restrooms.



The Detroit Opera H ouse is avail ab le for rent by your organization Please ca ll Jennifer Turner, Director of Facilities, at 313/961-3500 to receive rental information.


The Detroit Ope ra Hou se Ticket Office hours are as follows: Non-performa n ce weeksMonday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Performance da ys - 10 :00 a.m. through th e first intermission of the evening's performance, except Saturdays and Sundays, when the Ticket Office will open two hours prior to curtain. Tickets for all public events held at the Detroit Opera Hou se are also available through all TicketMaster phone and retail outlets.


Come join the Opera Hou se Ambassadors for a backstage tour of the Detroit Opera House. Learn about the history of the Opera House and its restoration. Meet the people behind the scenes, tour the stage and see how it operates. Tours are $10.00 per person. For more information, please call 313/23 7-3407.

IMPORTANT NUMBERS 0 313/237-3257 Usher Hotline 313/237-3253 Michigan Opera Theatre 313/961-3500 Theater Rental Inform ation Detroit Opera House Fax Press &: Public Relations . Website 313/961-3500 .313/237-3412 313/237 -3416 . wwwM General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313/961-3500 Lost &: Found . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 313/961-3500 Ticket Office 313/237-SING 46 BRAVO www Detro it Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

PERFORMANCE -is a commitment to Excellence

its commitment to e x cellen c e in every performance, the Michigan Opera Theat r e inspires, enthralls and delights us It enriches ou r lives

The MASCO fami ly of companies proudly suppo r ts the Michigan Opera Theatre's great productions in its 2001- 2002 season They a r e outstand ing cont r ibutions to the cultural life of Michigan a nd we e x tend our best wishes for a sens ation a l season


Behind every courtesy oj Micbigan Opera Tb ea l re
courtesy of Micb iga n Opera Tb ea t're
© 200 1 Masco Corpora t io n Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Produ c t s
th e Ho me ®

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

The editors of Bravo regret the omission of the following information:


Chorus Master

Michigan Opera Theatre debut-Mikado, 1982 .

Now celebrating 20 years with Michigan Opera Theatre, Suzanne Mallare Acton has served as the Opera Company's Assistant Music Director and Chorus Master since the 1981-1982 season . She has conducted several productions during her tenure, including The Barber of Seville and The Daughter of the Regiment . For Dayton Opera, she has conducted West Side Story, My Fair Lady and The Pirates of Penzance. Ms. Acton has served as coach and accompanist for the opera companies of St. Louis and San Diego, and is the Music Director of Rackham Symphony Choir.


Danny Bradley Charlotte Jones Paul Plamondon Jim Slowik

Bruce Davis Keith Jones Jan Renard Paul Snyder

Jim Flannery Frank Kong Karla Roberson Sean Thomas

Ira Harris Maggie Malaney Matt Ruhlig Francesca Zino

Bryan Johnson Emmanual Ogua Patrick Sharpe Justin Zook

Wig and Make-up Crew:

DeShawn Glosson Deann Lovan Vi Kapayo

Carmen French Language Consultant: Danielle Dufauw

Fight Choreography: Christopher Barbeau

Carmen October 14-21, 2001
A I R LIN E S ® Northwest Airlines is the official Airline of Michigan Opera Theatre Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Opera in Three Acts

Music by Annen Tigranian

Based on a poem by Hovhannes Toumanian

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


Edmond Azadian

Edgar Hagopian


Committee Members

Mary J 0 Agbabian

Varsenick Apkarian

Annette Balian

Shakeh Basmajian

Silva Ficici, MD

Lucine Hartunian

Jeanette Keramedjian

Fr. Garabed & Roberta Kochakian

Mike & Shirley Kojaian

Richard Manoogian

Dolly Maloian

Emma B. Minasian

Margaret Keteyian Reese

Shirley Anne Sarkisian

Fr. Antoine

Martin & Diana Shoushanian

Fr Daron Stephanian

Rev. Dr Vahan H Tootikian

Edward & Tutelian

Dan Yassian

Michigan 'Opera Theatre's "Anoush"

LET IT BE KNOWN, That it is a pleasure and a privilege to extend my heartiest congratulations on behalf of the State of Michigan on the opening night performance of the opera "Anousb". Michigan Opera Theatre's presentation is part of a worldwide commemoration of the 17001lo anniversary of the adoption of Christianity as the state religion of Annenia. This highly anticipated production also serves as a tribute to the extraordinary contributions ofthe Armenian community in this tn-centennial year of the City of Detroit. This event was made possible by the generous support of the Michigan Opera Theatre charitable donations from the Armenian community, as well as contributions from those who support the arts. We commend them for their investment in the State of Michigan. IN SPECIAL TRIBUTE, therefore, this document is signed and dedicated to celebrate the opening night performance of the opera "Anoush". May each participant know of our admiration and warmest wishes for their both with this event and in their future endeavors.

October 20, 2001




It is with great ple;uure that I con"'e)' my m05t heartfelt greetings to tnt; perfOnT\Crs, musicians and the management of the MichiCtn Opera Tht=aue on the SLaginC of Anou sh ()pera i.n one oflhe mOSI celebuted Ope ra houses in the world

The United Stales has long ago become bome (or milny of our compatriots They have enjoyed vast opportunities (or prtstn'ing their national identiry and sharin, their cultu re with thtil [dlo_ Ameri can'S The performance of Anoush Opera. one of the most rcnoWf')«:d pieces of Armenia ' s musical cu r.urc. is;s rtm.1t'kablc to the contribution of the Atmt:nian American'S to the depl h of Arr.eriaft multicU lturalis m The of human civilisation rests in the diversiry of its c.ultural herirnfC · The 'IIalucs oftTc:C'doll"l, aU th c more cher ished in today s turbultnl times. continue to offer unequalled oppoounitiC5 (or the best ('xpression ofhum':ln ta llo-nL This event is particularly dear to our hearu as it is taking [)Iace at a time when the Armenian people art celebr1.lins: 1700 yellrs of Cltristianit) as the state rc:ligion

r thank all the sponsors for their urup:uing efforts in m!lcing this production possible J c.ommend greatly the dedication and vigour of Or Q.lvid D i Ct,iera, General Director o( the Michigar.. Opera lhe3[tc". l.r.d the: su;ff of Theiltre. who have displayed profound inspiratinn towards iMurin; Ihe succ.ess orthe perfonnanct: I h3vt 1'10 doubt Ihal the in will vah).; hiShly these efforts.

Robert Kocharian President, Republic of Armenia
WVt'u esnt-f<l.atn.. l..UluU4U"\ PR.£StDENT OF
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Blessings from the Calholicos of AU Armenians

We are extremely pleased to leam that Armen Tigranian's opera will be perfonned at the renowned Michigan Opera Theater, wit h the initiative of the Detroit Armenian community and the administration of the Michigan Opera Theater in celebration of the 17001h anniversary of Armenia's conversion to Christianity.

The Opera is one of the jewels of Armenian musical art , and thanks 10 its typical Armenian character it enthralls and moves the listening audience with the echoes of the Armenian highland We are confident that the production of this opera will bond souls together and bridge the friendship of dilteren! nationalities thanks to the miraculous power of the art

We extend our Pontifical blessings from the 1700 year old H oly See of Etchmiadzin and our sincere appreciation to the responsible parties who have made this achievement possible, to the performers and the music-loving audience Our special appreciation to the MOT General Director Or David DiChiera, wishing that the performance of -Anoush" is warmly received and successfully performed on Ihe s t age of this famous opera theater

Let the Lord give you strength and bless your good deeds


Holy EtchmiadzinOCtober 5, 2001 PATRlARCAT

With blessings , Garegin II Catholicos of All Armen ians 1,u.Sn6

Dear Dr DiChiera.

With great joy and spiritual deep gratification the "Anoush" opera commiuee's members informed us of the musical presentation of Hovhannes Toumanian's epic poem. Indeed this poem describes the life of an Annenian village with its noble traditions and the purity of human love and emotion. which ends in the tragic death of the coupLe bringing sadness and sorrow over the entire village.

As Armenians, we are proud and bonored to see Annen TIgranian's n Anoush" opera, produced first in 1981 in.. English, to again be presented in Annenian native language on the occasion of 1700 years of our national adoption of Christianity in Annenla Through the participation of some of the famous Annenian artistS in Annenia and in the Oiaspora: Hasmik Papian, Alica KUlian Yeghishe Manuctwyan and Sarkis Barsemian, and under the professional dirC(;tion of the internationally prominent conductor Maestro Raffi Armenian and director Gerald Papazian.

We pray to God to bless you, your collaborators. the 'Anousb' opera comm iuee's members and all those women and men who have contributed in different ways to make the actual production of "Anoush" opera a worthwhile meaningful and memorable event.

We wish you all good health and prosperity

Sincerely yours in the Lord +Vrl"'-(u "'lG-'I'-/'''«.fo:

Catholicos·Patriart.h of th e House ofCilicia

For Anne nian Catholics

Given at Beirut, October 2, 2001

The second year of our Calooticossate


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Dr Da\·jd Oi Chiena Ceneral Director Michigan Opera Theater 1526 Broadway Detroit, Mich 48226 USA

Dear Or. Oi Chieru

Ar..teli2s, 11th Aug\lsl 2001

t came to learn with special joy that Michigan Opera Theater in l'ovember 2001. will prescnt to the publi c the "Anol1sh" Opera

In fact. Anoush " Opera is not merely an important musical achieve· ment; it expTll!sse5 the love and joy the suffering ar,d itspirations of our peo· p Ie Therefore, the performance of by Michigan Opera Theater ,,,HI not only d isplAY to the public the cult ural but also the mner yearnings dream' of a who has survivt>d in the midSot of the tensions .1nd po!erizatlons of history

I a ppreciate this initiative of the Mich igan Opera Theater r atso the full support of the Arme)'\ian community of Detroit to this major proJect.

God bless you alt



Nerses -Bedros XIX Vahan Tootikian



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Augu s t 30, 2001

A Word Frol1llhe Armenian World Council

The yea r 200 I i. a highpoint for all llumkincl being the (ir&t year of t he 2 1" century lIud the beginning of the third millennium For the ArMeniun people throughout the world. the }'CM 2001 it. nn c\'en more .significant year Ilince, bellidea the a fOrtlDl entioned milel8tonea. it ia th e 1700d' annivertary 1)£ the " "" prociamst:ion of ChrisLianity till the 5Ulle religion of ArmcGia Th rear Armeninlll i n ever)' cornur o f tho world are .ole mnl}' and joyfully


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Anneniana of Greater Detroit, along with their 1700" annivertary commemoration&.. M\'O joined their fellow American ci ti l'.ttllll o f in celebratioa: the tri·amt.ennial annivcnlary of the City of Detroit

lIofichignn ()pcra Theatre's pn!lCntation is a fitting tribute to thelle dual celebrulwna. The --Anoush" opera i. an Armenian musical maaterp iece. conlpoee<i by It talented Amenia n composer Armen Tig:ranian ( 18;9·1950) and wa baaed on the popuJar literary work of D most brilliant Arme nian poet, Toumanian (1869· 1923). endeari ngly called "The Poet of All ArmenialU."

We thi ll oppo rtunity to acknowledge our debt o( gratitude to those ",'ho, through the ir contributi on of time t a lent lind tre3 s ure brought thia venture! t o 8uttel!8ful culmination: to the Ce neral Director o( Mich!gan Opera Theatre lind hill; s taff to the tage and musical directorf;, the performers, the chairpersons of steering com mittee and and myriad of frie-nd il of We IIllute them (or the job well done!

\nni1o'CrMrie8 are appro prin l4l tin'" IlOt only to hr.tnor the past but alao opportune timel to claim Lhe The put iJ; oniy 'Ours to kt'CP "'h('n we are willing to mo\'. into th e which we will accept. Each generation mus t take itl part. in building a (uture for the cecne ration to come dml is worthy of ita pallt.

We m\at took to the future and be challenged to grea te r effmu and achievomen t. Ma), God b1css ou r glorioWi heriLuge: ond m ake U8 worthy pnHM!f\"era. pc'fPCtuntor8 nnd prornotenJ o r I,},a &a rn e

With all or my best wishcl

Re y Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian President. Armenian Evangelical 'Vorld Council

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

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Ao- C, l.

Notes from the Director

Back in 1981 , th e u se of surtitles was not as commo n as it is today Anoush was sung in English, in accordance with Mi chigan Opera Theatre's mandate to render opera widely accessible. Today, Michigan Opera Theatre will make history once aga in b y staging its Western World Premier of Anoush sung in its original Armenian language

Directing Anous h once again, tw enty years later a t Michigan Opera Theatre, is a joy and a ch all enge for m e. When Dr. DiChi era invited me to discuss this new production , I had an obvious feeling of d eja vu. Ma es tro Raffi Armenian, as well as set designer Franco Colaveccia, both of whom collaborated with me in 1981 , were also the re. As we began rehearsals, it seemed tha t nothing had change d , except the few additional wrinkles we each had acquired. And ye t the world has ch ange d tremend ou sly since those da ys.

It is easy to describe Anoush as a moody young VIloman verging on depression

We 've completed the 20th Centu ry with great hopes manifeste d in the co ll apse o f the Berlin wall , the break-up of the Soviet Union and the creation of n ew independent Republics (Armenia b eing one of them) - only to be gin the 21st Century with a set of tragic events , which suddenly make u s see the h arsh realities of our times.

Anoushs b eautiful, innocen t music may seem somewhat out o f place in view o f toda y's realities . However, we have to remember that b ehind Tigranians d elicately evocative melodies lays Hovhannes Toumanians epic poem 'Anoush' upon whi ch the opera is bas ed Toumanian has offered a harsh social commentary on the old-fashioned mores and fundamentalist attitudes that provoke th e d estru c tion of pure and innocent love. Is it so in comprehensible then that Tigranians seemingly light melodies are written mostly in minor keys?

I1 ) Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

It is easy to dismiss Anoush as a moody young woman verging on depression and wonder upon the sadness of Saro's melancholic aria in the middle of a joyous wedding scene, where everyone is supposed to be happy - or are they? In this 19th Century remote Armenian village lost in the lofty Caucasian Mountains , a' mother giving away her daughter was well aware of the womens condition 'in a society such as theirs. In our new production of Anoush I propose to take a young maiden, trapped in a web of rigid and oppressive social order without the glimpse of hope for future emancipation, on a journey back down memory lane: a flashback in Anoushs mind before her final leap to her destiny Toumanian himself had six daughters and didn't wish them to grow up under those circumstances. He gave each of them a brilliant education and allowed them unprecedented freedoms, with the hope that others would fo ll ow his example. He was a pacesetter in his time. In that particular area of the world perhaps things have changedor perhaps not! One certainty is that the "mores" Toumanian fought against still exist in the world today and there are still many Anoushes and Saros (or Romeos and Juliette'S, if you will) who suffer the evils of deeply rooted superstitions, heavy-handed traditionalism, outdated cod€s of honor and absurd religious and social hatreds.

Understanding the overall sadness of this 'winters tale', as Shakespeare would have it, is understanding cultures in need of help in their quest for emancipation towards universal standards of human relations , so crucial in our drive to conquer all hatred and evil. Music, dance, and drama create this understanding through the emotions they generate . Could opera, as a true international art form, be an answer to our modern problems? I Sincerely believe it can!

Artist Profiles additional cast update


Sara's Mother

Michigan Opera Theatre debut. Nicole Philibosian's ravishing soprano has sung with distinction in opera houses throughout the United States, Asia, and in Europe, featuring [,Opera de Nice, France, the Gloria Opera in Seoul, Korea, the New York City Opera, Seattle, Portland, Hawaii, Dallas, and the Chamber Opera Theatre of New York. She has appeared as soloist with such d istinguished conductors as Gerard Schwarz, Andrew Litton , Valery Gergiev, David Zinman , Yael Levi, Eve Queler, Jorge Mester, Arthur Fagan, Richard Westenburg, Gerhardt Zimmermann, Hal France, and Catherine Comet. She has sung with the Symphony Orchestras of Dallas, Atlanta, Seattle, Rochester, Grand Rapids, and the American Symphony Orchestra of New York.



Michigan Opera Theatre debut La Traviata 2001.

Tenor, Matthew Tuell, recently performed the role of Edgardo in Arbor Opera Theatre's production of Lucia di Lammermaar as well as Rinuccio in Gianni Schicchi at the Pine Mountain Music Festival. My. Tuell has also performed with the Utah Festival Opera Company, the Natchez Opera Festival and Sarasota Opera Mr. Tuell was recently named the Joyce H. Cohn Apprentice for the 2001-02 season and will appear in each Michigan Opera Theatre production this season.


Chorus Master

Michigan Opera Theatre debut - Mikado, 1982.

Now celebrating 20 years with Michigan Opera Theatre , Suzanne Mallare Acton has served as the Opera Companys Assistant Music Director and Chorus Master since the 1981-1982 season. She has co nducted several productiOns during her tenure, including The Barber oj Seville and The Daughter oj the Regiment For Dayton Opera, she has conducted West Side Story, My Fair Lady and Th e Pirates oj Penzance. Ms. Acton has served as coach and accompanist for the opera companies of St. Louis and San Diego , and is the Music Director of Rackham Symphony Choir.


Costume Designer

Michigan Opera Theatre debut

Melissa Bruning received a MFA from NYU Tisch School of the Arts in Costume Design and a BFA in Technical Theatre from Nebraska Wesleyan University Ms. Brunings New York theatre credits include productions with Overture Theatre Company, Lincoln Center Theatre Festival 98',

Samual Beckett Theatre , Harold Clurman Theatre , The Actors Studio, Expanded Arts Theatre, American Opera Projects , and several other Off and Off-Off Broadway theatres. Film Credits Include: SuperTroapers; selected for Sundance Film Festival 2000, Kissing]essica Stein, selected for LA Independent Film Festival , Just One Time, also selected for LA Film Festival and Toronto International Film Festival, and many more. Commercial credits include such products as Discovery Channel Stores, IBM, ESPN Classic Sports Channel, Viagra and Ex-lax, among others.


Bes t Man

Michigan Opera Theatre debut. Music Director and soloist at St. John's Armenian Church, Rubik Mailian is a familiar face in Detroits Armenian Community As a singer, Mr. Mailian is equally versatile in opera and concert repertOire , performing in New York, Boston, Miami and Houston His operatiC experience includes performances with Houston Grand Opera and Des Moines Metro Opera, among others. In Detroit , he has led the Komitas Choir of St. Johns and the Armenian Community Chorale group in numerous churches and cultural halls. During the pontifical Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, Rubik was invited as one of the guest conductors to lead the 300 member choir in Central Park, New York in May 2001.


Anoush's Mother Michigan Opera Theatre debut

La Traviata 1996

Mezzo-soprano Barbara Bland received her BA in Music from the University of Michigan and went on to Oakland University _ ____ where she earned her Masters Degree in Vocal performance. Barbara was thrilled to be selected as one of the finalists in the Metropolitan Opera Auditions for the Detroit District Competition in 1995, and a winner of the Michigan Opera Theatre Young Artist Apprentice Award in 1996-97. Barbaras roles with the Michigan Opera Theatre include , "Mercedes" in Carmen, "Second lady" in The Magic Flut e, "Annina" in La Traviata, "The High Priestess" in Aida, "Countess Ceprano" and "G iovanna " in Rigaletta and "Kate" in Madama Butterfly. Currently, Ms Bland is a voice instructor at Oakland University, where she also teaches Vocal Techniques.

SUSANNA TCHOUBARIAN is covering the role of Anoush.


Richard Hill , Priest

Denny Dorsey

Hallie Dorsey

Corey Graff

1 ]
This production of Alloush will utilize the Original orchestration of the revised version
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
by Julian

Like many American cities, Detroit is comprised of a rich diversity of peoples. This community involves an intermingling of many cultural heritages, giving our Ci ty its own unique history and ch aracteristics. Since the founding of Michigan Opera Theatre I have always believed that opera , with its synthesis of literary, musica l and visua l elements, is the ideal vehicle to showcase and share wi th the entire community the unique ethnic and n ationa l qualities of each of our peoples.

While American operagoers have ample opportunity to enjoy Italian, French, German and Anglo-American works, there are man y other cultures that are rarely experienced in our opera houses. The opportunity to bring to our community the works inspired by other cul tures, su ch as African-American, Polish, Russian and Armenian, strengthens our understanding and appreciation . I am espeCially grateful for the enthusiasm and commitment demonstrated by these various communities, all of whom have participated in bringing these works to our stage - often for first time in America.

As one who was possessed and driven b y a dream to provide our community with a wo rld- class opera h ouse, I could not resist a similar dream of a talented musician and Armenian co mmunity lea d er to bring to America its first production ever of the Armenian opera Anous h In 1981 , Alice Haidostian persuaded me that the Armenian community wou ld support this American premiere and sh e indefatigably provided the leade rship to ensure its success. With the opening of the Detro it Opera House, Alice further dreamed that Anoush would one day be seen in a new production, befitting our expansive new stage - thi s time sung in its original language.

It h as been a great pleasure to work with the Armenian community in bringing this project to fruitio n I h ave been greatly impressed with the leadership and dedication that they h ave demonstrated in this drive to provide the necessary funds to help make Anoush a reality On behalf of Michigan Opera Theatre , I salute the Armenians for Anoush Committee, Alice Haidostian , Chairman , Edmond Aza di an and Edgar Hagopian, Co-chairmen , and the hundreds of Armenians and friends who con tributed their time and resources to the success of A nou sh.


Under the leadership of Alice Berberian Haidostian


Richard 1St Jane Manoogian


Roben 1St Maggie Allesee

In Memory of Leo Boodakian

Steve 1St Dee Hagopian

Alice Berberian Haidostian

Home Style Foods Inc.

Suren A. Hovsepian

Mike 1St Shirley Kojaia n

Thomas 1St Deborah Krikorian

Helen Mardigian

Martin 1St Diana Shoushanian

Marie Vanerian


Noubar 1St Anna Afeyian, Lexington , MA

Gerald 1St Marceline Bright

Manoogian Manor

Phillip 1St Catiana Mooradian

SUSTAINER $2,500-$4,999


Edward 1St Eleonore Aslanian , San Francisco, CA

Sarah 1St Edgar Hagopian

Lucine Hanunian

Kirkor 1St Hasmig B. lmirzian

In Memory of Dr. Aram Janigian

Albe n 1St Althea Kabak

Vaughn 1St Stella Koshka rian

George 1St Marge Manoogian

John 1St Janet

Laurence E 1St Mary Sue Trevarrow,]r.

SPONSOR $1,500-$2 , 400


Edmond 1St Nora Azadian

George 1St Shakeh Basmaj ian

Detroit Armenian Women's Club

C Michael 1St Elizabeth Kojaian

Ken 1St Carolyn Kojaian

Armen Haig Ovlianesian

Alfred 1St Balig Berberian Stein, Chilliwack, B.C

Roy 1St Cynthia Haidostian Wilbanks

Richa rd A. Yarmain

Dan 1St Kathleen Yessian

FEUOW SPONSOR $1,000-$1,499

Dr Vahagn 1St Mary Jo Agbabian

Dr. Hashim 1St Dr. Mary Alani

Dr. Ashod Rafli Aprahamian

Dr. Roben 1St Patricia Aranosian

Armenian General Benevolent Union, Detroit Chapter

Armenian Renaissance Association

Mike 1St Marale Arzoumanian

Annette Balian

Vankess 1St Rita Balian, Arlington, VA

Dr Garabed 1St Zabel Belian

George 1St Angela Benian

Roben 1St Margare t Benian

Ara 1St Ginny Berberian

Elizabeth Brazilian

Dr. Vigen 1St Rosemary Darian

Ge ral d 1St Mary Decatur, IL

Dr. Silva Ficici

Samuel 1St Jean Frankel

Ralph 1St Frances Garabedian

Lauren , Armen and Kriste n Garry, Barrington , IL

Dr. Michael Shahan 1St Christine Haidostian Garry 1St Family, Barrington, IL

Archie 1St Susan Gop igian

Allison 1St Lisa Haidostian

Dicran 1St Aralynn Haidostian

Hennan H. 1St Shoushan Hintiryan

Mihran Hoplamazian

David 1St Esther Yessayian Howell

Gregory 1St Paula Imirzian

Marlene Imirzian 1St Carl Kuehn, Phoenix, AZ

Charles (Chase) Kojaian

Chelsea Kojaian

Christopher Kojaian

Claire Kojaian

Gram Kojaian

Alice Manoogian

John 1St Rose Manoogian

Edward 1St Janet Mardigian

Zaven 1St Gladys Ma rgosian

Solange 1St No rman Messelian

Gary 1St Mary Najarian

Jennifer Nasser 1St George Ossian

Margaret Babigian Reason

Roderick 1St Margaret Keteyian Reese

Elizabeth Robe ns

Peter 1St Marilyn Sa rkesian

Melvin 1St Barbara Va nder Brug

Sarah 1St Steve

Westbom Market Inc. Dr Joyce Marie Yeghissian

PATRON $500-$999

Norman 1St Seta Akarakcian


Ardash 1St Charlene Apigian

Elizabeth Ap rahamian

Mirijan 1St Anita Arslanian

Rose Assarian

Howard 1St Catherine Atesian

Dr Carlos 1St Dr. Ursula Bedrossian , Oak Park, IL

Armen Boladian

Daughters of Vanan

James 1St Genya Deri an

George 1St Flora Dunaians, Pasadena, CA

Susan, John and Shami Entenman

Cha rles E. Fine


George 1St Phyllis Googasian

Suzanne Hagopian

Dr Anhur Hamparian

Edward, Susan 1St Krista Harou tunian

Vio let Herbekian, Cathedral City, CA

David 1St Joan Hill

Gar 1St Brooke Hoplamazian

John 1St Cynthia Jamian

Alex 1St Lily Jemal

Paul 1St Millie Jingozian

Susan Kapagian

Richard 1St Jeanette Kera medjian

Alben Z. Keteyian

Dr. Armen 1St Mary Korkigian

Brian Manoogi an

Douglas Manoogian

Michael 1St Dolly Matoian

Brian 1St Lisa Keramedjian Meer

Michael 1St Emma Minasian

Annand 1St Nadia Mirij anian , Monon Grove, IL

Richard 1St Au drey Mooradian

Mark 1St Zepur Karougian Moore

Agnes O. Nigoghosian

Dr Neshan 1St Deborah Ohanian

Gary 1St Susan Reizian

Osep 1St Dr. Nadya Sarafian

Dr. Armen 1St Susan

Thomas 1St Lola Sinelli

Peter 1St Anahid Sirian

Sun Medical, Inc.

Paul 1St Alice Tomboulian

Dr. Salpi Toroyan

Dr. Daron 1St Dr. Ka thleen Baltz

Rose Yeghissian

Ara Zerounian

DONOR $250-$499

Roben 1St Olga Arabian, Danville , CA

Dr. Michael 1St Karen Armoudlian

B. Paul 1St Penelope Avesian

Edward 1St Mary Bedikian

Dr Ro ben A. 1St Linda Bennett Bagramian

Harold 1St Sylvia Bjornstad

Ruth E Bozian

Michael 1St Jill Dolik

Mike 1St Loucin Dorian

Masis 1St Albena Godoshian

Maro Imirzian, Lakewoo d, WA

Richard 1St Christine Jeryan Harry 1St Elaine Ka lajian

Dr. Charles M Keoleian 1St Ms Aud rey S. Armoudlian

Armen 1St Dede Keteyian , New Canaan, CT.

Dr. Michael 1St Laurie Haroutunian

Earl 1St Stefi Hovious

Alice and Simo nJ avizian

Ani Kavaflan, Goldens Bridge , NY

John 1St Sima Kchikian

Alice Haidostian
2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Friends for Anoush

Harry &: Mary Keo leian

Dr. Gary Keoleian '

Somen &: Vir.ginia Keoleian

Dr.. Harry &: Patricia Kezelian

D. Lee Khachaturian

Esther Macktarian Lyons

Dr. Christine Matoian

Chuck &: JoAnne Melekian

Shahe' &: Shirley Momjian

Raffi &: Terri Muschegian

Aram &: Seta Najarian

Anush Vera &: Levon Nazarian, Cresskill, NJ

Alice Nigoghosian

Richard &: Mary Simonian

Saint Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church Ladies Guild

James &: Patricia Stamboulian

Dorothy Tarpinian

Maury Okun &: Tina Topa lian

Harutun &: Nadya Vaporciyan

Gregory Vapurciyan


Richard &: Diane Aginian

Bernard &: Patricia Akkashian

Mrs. Guy i\mboian &: Family

Michelle Andonian



Anonymous '

Anthony &: Annrae Anusbigian

Arthur &: Cynthia Apkarian

Richard &: Paulette Apkarian

Varsenick Apkarian


Edward &: Virginia Arakelian

George &: Zabel Arakelian

Artin &: Mary Ann Artinian

Dr. Charles Gary &: Ka ren Aninian

Lisa Asadoorian

Victor &: Gaye A,ttar

Ardavast &: Shirley Avakian

Charles &: Elizabeth Avsharian

Michael Avsharian

Carol Anahid Azizian

Virginia Berjouhe Azizian

Uoyd &: Seda Barnes, Las Vegas, NY

John Baronian, Medfo rd, MA

Dr. Vincent &: Ann Baylerian

Harry Artin Berberian, CA

Everett H. Berberian, Hillsborough, CA

Dr. Rose Marie Berberian

Dr. Larry &: Janice Berkower

Edwin &: Margarita Bozian

Roy &: Joy Callan

George J. Chamchikian

Violet Cholakian

Kaloust &: Aroussiag Christianian, Superior, CO

Rita Winters &: David Cinabro

George &: Lily Coury

Grace Couyoumjian

Karl &: Nancy Couyoumjian

Helen Daiyan

David &: Marianne Dardarian

Sarkis &: Seta Demirjian

Edward &: Suzanne De rbabian

William &: Marybeth Derderian

Manouk &: Sona Derovakimian

Agnes Dourjalian

Ruben &: Sonia Eshkanian

Harout &: Sona Emdekian

Harry Farsakian

Dr. Hovsep &: Hilda Fidanian, Glendale, CA

Dr. Geo rge &: Caro l Gopoian

Gary Gozmanian

John &: Debra Green

Amalia Grigorian

Giorgio and Ida Guglielmi, Cambridge, ONT

Avadis J. Hagopian

Alice Haig

Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural


Thomas &: Patricia Hardy

Jay &: Sonia Derman Harlan, Bu rr Ridge, IL

Margue ri te Babaian Harms

Peno &: Takouhy Hartounian

Randall &: Kim Minasian Hawes

Dr. Aris &: Alice Hoplamazian

Jane Hovsepian

Peter &: Agnes Hovsepian

Robert C. &: Hourig Toukhanian Jaco bs

Edward &: Kora Jamian

Ann Jevizian

Badrik Jooharigian &: Virginia Jooharigian

Pauljorjorian, Sacr.amento , CA

Rita Vanerian Jury

Roben &: Gayaneh Kachadourian

Grace &: Evelyn Kachaturoff

Aram &: Alice Kakousian

Stefan &: Anne Karadian

Roben &: Denise Karakashian

Edward Karamanian

Michael &: Dr. Linda Darian Ka ribian

Armen Kasahac h

Ida Kavafian, New Fairlield, CT

Jack &: Vera Kazanjian

Dr. Harry &: Mary Kerns

Anhm &: Lucy Keurajian

Dr. Arlene Kevonian

Mara Kevonian

Armen Kevorkian

Dyana Kezelian

J. Edward Kloian

Rev. Fr. Garabed &: Roberta Kochakian

Manya Korkigian

Edward Haic &: Yvonne Korkoian

Walter &: Sadie Kourtjian

Dr Robe rt &: Christine Kradjian, Hillsborough, CA

Takeos &: Sonia Kralian

George A. Krikorian

Stephen &: Doris Krikorian

Paul &: Uda Kullukian, Hillsborough, CA

Mary Kumjian

Richard &: Mona Kurjian

George &: Ann Laktzian

David &: Elaine Lebenbom

Ann Lousin, Chicago, IL

Norman &: Alice Madanyan , Pelos Heights, IL

Harry Mardirosian

Alben &: Rose Mardirosian

Michael Mardirosian

Ann Margosian

Ralph &: Aud rey Markarian

Katherine Mekjian

Louise H. Melikian

Lucy Merzian

Cross &: Shakay Mooradian

Chuck &: Alice Moss

Barkey Mossoian

George &: Rose Mouradian

Movses &: Ann Movsesian

Mary Mugerian

Ardavast &: Sona Nadjarian

Dr. Berge &: Mary Najarian

Jeffrey &: Suzanne Nercesian

Eugene &: Robin Newman

Ariana Maral Nigoghosian

Sandra Nigoghosian

Jerry &: AtTie Norian

Dr Jeffrey &: Lorig Noroyan

Dr. Harry &: Seta Oknaian, Chatsworth, CA

Margaret Oknaian

Dr. Hayg &: Georgi-Ann Oshagan

Kathryn Linn Ossian &: James E. Linn

Violet Oulbegian, Portland, OR

Dr. Dennis &: Dr. Mary Papazian

Rev. Fr. Diran &: Rosalie Papazian

Kathleen Panogian

Dr. Ara &: Shirley Paul

Dr. John &: Esther Hovanesian Peterson

Movses Pogossian &: Vany Manouelian

Maro Kouyoumjian Roge rs, l.exingon, SC

Armen &: Alice Safilian

Torcome &: Roxie Sahakian

Saint Johns Arme nian Chmch Kom itas Choir

Saint Johns Armenian Chmch Womens Guild

Melek Samarian

Rose Samarian

Sylvia Samarjian

Isabelle Samouelian

Arsen Sanjian

Harout &: Berjouhi Sanj ian

Hagop &: Hasmik Sarian

Queenie Sarkisian

Lisa Sarkisian

Gayle Sarkisian

Shirley Ann Sarkisian

Father Antoine Saroyan

Harry &: Patricia Semerjian

Jack Shoushanian

Irving &: Virginia Slomick

Frances Sogoian

Rev. Fr Daron &: Sossi Ste phanian

Alex &: Marybelle Suczek

Dick A. &: Barbara Tarpinian, Chandler, AZ

Charles &: Marcella Montante Tashjian

Tatosian Family, Evansto n , IL

Mariam Talosian, Evanston, IL

Roland &: Mary Azizian Telfeyan

Arsen &: Shoghig Terjimanian

Kaye &: Kathleen Tertzag

David &: Sara Terzibashian

Rev. Dr. Vahan H &: Rosette Tootikian

Jon &: Vartouhy Topalian

Kenneth &: Medina Topalian, Pawtucket, RI

Edward &: Rosalie Torossian, Sylvania , OH

Hrayr Toukhanian

Edward &: Astrig Tutelian

Dr. Thomas G. &: Marilyrm Varbedian

Gary &: Virginia Vartanian

Richa rd D. &: Rosemary Vartanian

Rick W &: Barbara Dourjalian Widener

Alan &: Emma Lu cas Wright

Dr. R. Ar.a &: Janice Yagoobian

Kar.abet &: Sibil Nana Yerelek, Tarzana, CA

Dr. Ara K. &: Rosy Yeretzian, Munster., IN

Mark &: Cynthia Yessian

George K. &: Anne Zamanian

Dr. Gary &: Mariann Zamanigian

Dr Andrew &: Mary Rose Zazaian

Dr. John &: Suzan Zazaian

FRIENDS $50-$99

Susan Ameriguian

Haig &: Susan Arabian

Alice Argnian

Sahan Ar.zruni, New York, NY

Antranik &: Rosalie Baghdoian

Y. Gladys Barsamian

George &: Carole Basmadj ian

Ara Jon Berberian

Nyal A. &: Kelly Bischoff

Donald J. Bissett

John A. Bo rden, Tequesta, FL

George &: Denise Boyagian

Alethea Anoush Brooks

Vanges &: Tanya Bukucuyan, Plainview, NY

Jacqueline Tonya Chichmanian , Tacoma Park, MD

Jack &: Aida Dakessian

David &: Rose Dar.akjian

Alice Davidson

Mary Davidson

Kay Doumanian

Faouzi &: Jacqueline Melkonian EI-Chemmas

George &: Mary Elian

Nick &: Rose Evarian

Sirop &: Alice Sabb Ghazourian

Karabet &: Kinar Goncae r

Sooren &: Margaret Gozma nian

Fr.ank &: Jessica Hac higian

Barbar.a Haroutunian

Antonio &: Marian lafr.ate

Shenorig G. Ishkanian, Lyrm, MA

Norman &: Esther Javezian

Zorob &: Sally Ka bodian

David &: Janeva Kar.apetian

Ashen Kavafian

Craig &: Arsho Kmkechian

Rose Lahiff

Albes Rose Mahlebashian

Hovagim &: Hermine Manoogian

Mark &: Elaine Mardirosian

Edmond &: Axelle Megerian

Barbara Mege rian

Sadie Metzigian

Dr. Sam Mikaelian, Chicago, IL

Harry &: Helen Movsesian

Ludwig &: Mari Muschegian

John M. &: Lucille Noraian

Esther Ovian , Henderson, NY

Victor &: Sosi Papakhian

Nevan Papazian

Vett &: Elise Parsigian

Gladys Kermoyan Peters, Fresno, CA

Helen Sahakian

Suzanne Sahakian &: Lee Brooks

Dr. Edward &: Anna Sarkisian

Kenneth &: Angela Hago pian Snow

Ric hard &: Linda Gumushian Spranger

Kegham Tazian

Dr. Dennis &: April Arabian Tini

Anahid Van

Sebou h &: Dr Va n i Van anian, Hillsborough, CA

Harry &: Jeannette Yangouyian

Dr. Ara &: Lori Yarjanian

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


Aram Agbabian

Vahan &: Julie Agbabian

Vartan Agbabian, Boston, MA

Bedo Agopian, Antioch, CA

Walter &: Manha Akkashian

Bere &: Armine Araz, Edison, NJ

Leo &: Gladys Artinian

Harry &: Alice Baharozian

Glenn &: Joanne Agbabian Black

Rose Dabanian

Katherine Der Mugrdechian, Clovis, CA

Anahid Derbabian

Hermine DerVartanian

Zaven and Araxe Dolik

Nurhan &: Mary Donikian

David &: Angela Karamian

Dr. Steven &: Lyne tte Keteyian

Haro ut &: Maguy Kmdian

Sam &: Anna Lovalenti, Toledo, OH

Linda Lutz

Martin &: Violet Dir.asian-Madrin

Carl &: Alice Malakhanian

Lawrence L. Mehr.en 111 &: Christina Balian

Flor.a Mirzaian, Alameda, CA

Robert Missirlian &: Alice Missirlian

Dr. Eugene &: Dr. Aud rey Goncaer Mi tchell

Victor &: Valentine Bozian Nemetz, E. Hanover, NJ

Mitchell &: Va nohe Nicholas

James &: Carol Ohanesian

Violet Ramezzano, Menlo Park, CA

Richard M &: Karmen Santourian

Pamela Der Matosian Sayre &: William J. Fortuna

Ralph J. Si rlin

Leon &: Anais Tarkedjian

Andrew &: Anne Tarpinian

Josefma Teroganesyan, Duarte, CA

Kazar &: Matina Tenerian

Dr. Aram Vosgerchian

Mary Kooyoumjian Wiley, Walnut Creek, CA

Dr. Aram &: Sarah Yavtuian

Joyce Yeremian, North Providence, RI

George &: Alice Zallakian

Jack Zaratzian

In Memory of Azniv Edna Avedian

Harry Barberian, Toronto , Ont.

Sid Barberian

Harry &: Siroun Berberian

Vahram Boladian

Martin Buyikian

Levon Daghian, LaSalle , Ont.

Robert E. Dewar

Rose Evarian

Dr Berj H Haidostian

Mardiros &: Margo Hatch eri an

Dr Harry Y Kasabach

Pearl Keshishian

Sadie Kourtjian

Alex &: Marie Manoogian

Edward Mardigian

Zaven Margosian

Esther Markariian

Nora Mazloumian

Glenn McGeogh

Earl V. Moore

Margaret Mu tafIan

Helen Greene Oberla

Varsenick Samarian

Isabelle Samouelian

J ack &: Zanrouhe Shoushanian

Albert E Sindlinger

Zenopia Sohigian

David H Soultanian

Lyrm A Townsend

Peruz Kavafian Zerounian

Alice Berberian Haidostian

In Memory of Vah. "Ray" Vart

Archie &: Susan Gopigian

Alice Berbe rian Haidostian

Kirkor &: Hasmig B. Imirzian

Esther Macktarian Lyons

In Memory of Dr Georg. Kadian

Archie &: Susan Gopigian

Alice Berberian Haidostian

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Production Notes

GERALD PAP ASIAN was born in Egypt of Armenian Parents. After graduating from the Armenian State Dramatic Arts Academy as a Diaspora student with an M.A. in Directing, he joined his family in the US, living in Detroit then in Los Angeles. He received further theatre training in thli US and in France where he currently resides. Gerald has acted in, directed, translated, adapted numerous 'plays and has lectured on Theatre and Opera at various universities internationally.

His US directorial debut was the Western World Premiere of the Armenian Opera Anoush in his own English translation (MOT). Other credits include Caesar and Cleopatra (Cairo Opera House), Arms and the Man (Young Vic-London) and most recently Taparnigos, Dentiste Pour Dames (Dejazet Theatre-Paris). He has adapted and directed numerous plays from an early age in Cairo, Paris, London, Los Angeles and Yerevan ranging from musicals, opera, operetta, straight plays to TV and video productions.

Gerald Papasian recently completed the drama¥gic restoration of Dikran Tchouhadjian's opera Arshak II in collaboration with Musicologist Haig Avakian. The work was recently released in a complete 26-volume public ation including piano and orchestral scores as well as separate iristruments and had its world premiere at the San Francisco Opera in Sep,tember of this year, 133 years after its creation.

Gerald Papasian was twice awarded Best Actor by the Cinematographers' and Theatre Unions of Armenia respectively, and was made Honorary Member of the National Theatre there in 1992.

He is the Founding Director of the Dikran Tchouhadjian Research Centre for the Preservation of the Treasures of Western Armenian Culture in Paris since 1998 where he currently resides with Nora Armani. * * *

Due to Family concerns, Edna Garabedian was forced to withdraw from this production ofAnoush. The thoughts of the Michigan Opera Theatre staff are with her and we wish her well.

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

The editors of Bravo regret the omission of the following information:

Yeghishe Manucharyan will perfonn the role of Saro in all six perfonnances of Anoush.

Dancers appear courtesy of Ballet Internationale, , Indianapolis, Indiana


Kerrie-Anne Dunn

Svetlana Kazonina

So-Yon Nam


Yuri Beletski

Ogulcan Borova

Vadim Dulepa

Chieko Oiwa

Karen Scalzitti-Kennedy (Bride)

Marie Tyukova

Vadim Pijicov

Sergei Sergiev

Alexei Tyukov (Groom)

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

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