Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
The Official Magazine of the Detroit Opera House
Dr. David DiChiera, General Director
Matthew S. Birman , Editor
Dr. David DiChiera
Laura Wyss
Michigan Opera Theatre Staff
Live Publishing Company
Frank Cucciarre, Design and Art Direc tion
Blink Concept &. Design, Production
Chuck Rosenberg, Copy Editor
Toby Faber, Director oj Advertising Sales
Photography contributed by the Bolshoi Ballet, Cincinnati Ballet , and Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
Physicians' service provided by Henry Ford Medical Center.
Northwest Airlines is the official airline of Michigan Opera Theatre.
Pepsi-Cola is the official so ft drink and juice provider for the Detroit Op era H ouse Steinway is the official pi ano of the Detroit Ope ra Hous e and Michigan Opera Theatre Steinway pianos are provide d b y Hammel Music, exclusive representative for Steinway and Sons in Michigan.
President Tuxedo is the officia l provider of formal wear for the Detroit Opera House Michigan Opera Theatre is a nonprofit cultural organization whose activiti es are supported in part b y the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs , the Natio nal Endowment for the Arts , and other individuals, corporations and foundations. Michigan Opera Theatre is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Building on Our Successes
Dear Friends,
It gives me great plea sure to welcome you to the 2001-2002 Daim lerChrys ler Dance Series.
Since the opening of the Detroit Opera House (1996), this magnificent stage h as played host to some of the worlds finest dance companies , including American Ballet Theatre, The Dance Theater of Harlem, le Ballets de Monte Carlo , Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre and The Joffrey Ballet of Chicago, to name a few.
We remain steadfast in our commi tment to present world-class dance. And , whi le the growth of our dance audience over the past six seasons is encouraging, we realize that there is still a great deal of work to do in developing our audience and base of support for this artform.
Throughout the course of the past year, Carol Halsted, our Director of Dance, and a highly organized and deeply committed group of vo lunt eers, ha ve developed a numb e r of programs. This season, for instance , members of the Bolshoi Ballet , Alvin Ailey American Dance Th eater and The Joffrey Ballet of Chicago will present master classes for a number of stu d ents throughout our community. This , of course , provides a wonderful and rare opportunity for asp iring
young talent. Also new this year is a dance-specific speaker's bureau, initiated and developed b y the Detroit Opera House Dan ce Council. Trained vol unteers are now ava ilabl e to present informative talks about the dance productions to civic groups.
I am espeCially pleased to announce that Dance Theater of Harlem will return this spring to provide two weeks in residency at our area schoo ls We owe the success of thi s program, which is d evo ted to providin g African American inspired dance both on the mainstage and in the community, to the dynamiC leadership of Betty Brooks.
Other on-going projects include the Dance Alliance, a co ll aborative audience d evelop m ent and education effort between the Opera House and area danc e studios. Now in its third year, the
Detroit Opera House Dance Alliance h as more than 60 participating members. Our deepest gratitude to the DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund, which ha s sponsored every dance season since 1996. Specia l thanks also to Bank One for sponsoring The Nut cracker, with additional support from Gannett Foundation and The Detroit News , Media partner. Our thanks to McDonald Investments, Thomas H. McMullen , Co. and Bank One for spon so ring the Bolshoi Ballet and to the Detro it Free Press, media partner. In ad dition to our corporate sponsors, we thank tho se individuals who have made dance at the Detroit Opera House possible: Maggie and Bob Allesee, Marlene and John Boll , Margo Co h en , David Handleman , Audrey and Irving Rose, the Shirl ey Schlafer Fund, and Pearl and George Zeltzer. These generous individuals have demon strated a strong commitme nt to the cultural well b eing of our community and the importance of dance to our city.
David DiChieraPERFORMANCE is a commitment to Excellence
its commitment to excellence in every performance, the Michigan Opera Theatre inspires, enthralls and delights us . It enriches our lives .
The MASCO family of companies proudly supports the Michigan Opera Theatre 's great productions in its 2002-2003 season. They are outstanding contributions to the cultural life of Michigan and we extend our best wishes for a sensational season.
Tchaikovskyss L k wan a e
Scene One
In an old German cas tle, Prince Siegfued s birthday is being celebrated: Today he comes of age. He is co ngratulated b y his mother, the Princ ess Mother, fri ends and co urtiers. In a maj es tic ceremony, Siegfried is made a knight. From this day on, dut y and valor will be the guiding prin ciples in his life
The last toasts are pronounced in his honor. Young girls , his contemporaries , try to attract hi s attenti on , but Siegfried is overcome b y emotions of a different order: He dreams of a pure , idea l love. The festivities draw to an end , the guests depart , leaving the prince alone with hi s thoughts in the gathering dusk. Night falls. Siegfried is conscious of the prese n ce of a shadow at his sid e: It is as if some mysterious force is b ecko ning to him. It is the Evil Genius , or Fat e itself , who has com e to reveal so me disturbing sec rets to the Submitting to the powerful pull of hi s invisib le companio n 's pres ence and full of foreboding , Siegfried su cc umb s to the idea l wo rld of his dreams .
Scene Two
Lured b y the Evil Genius, Siegfried finds
Anatoly Iksanov, General Director
Boris Akimov, Bolshoi Ball et Artistic Director Alexander Kopy lov, Alexander Sotnikov, Co nductors
Anna Antonicheva, Nade zhda Gracheva, Ga lina Stepanenko
Dmitry Belogo lovtsev, Serge i Filin , Nikolay Tsiskaridze , Andrey Uva ro v
Elena Andri enko , Maria Alexandrova , Maria Allash , Maria Volodina, Anastassia Go riacheva, Irina Zibrova, Ekaterina Shi pu lana , Irina Semirec henskaya, Sve tIana Uvarova ,
himself on the banks of a myste ri ous lake. In the shimmering patches of moonlight on the water, vision s of bewit che d swan maidens rise up before him. Siegfried ca tche s Sight of Odette , the mos t beauti ful of the maidens: He is spellbound, deepl y struck b y h er beauty At long las t , he ha s found his romantic idea l of love He swea rs to Odette th at he will love h er foreve r and be faithful to her.
Scene Three
Pro sp ec ti ve brid es -to-be are arriving at the Princess Mothers cas tl e. The Prince must choose one of them to b e his wife Siegfri ed appears; he ca n think of nothing but Odette and his meeting with her. He danc es in a distra cted way with the wellborn maid ens , but not one of them can co mpare to his ideal. Suddenly, a mys teriou s knight arri ves at th e ball ac co mpanied b y a ravishingl y beautiful young girl and a suite of black swans. It is the Evil Genius and Odile, Odettes double. Stru ck by their resemblance, Siegfri ed hurrie s towards Odil e The Evil Geniu s is putting the Prince s se ntiment s
to the tes t. Siegfried is ench anted by the perfidiOU S Odil e, who manages to disa rm all hi s doubts, h e announces Odile to be his cho se n bride. At this very moment , th e throne roo m is plunge d in darkness, and a vision of the beautiful Odette appears before the assemb led company Siegfried realizes that h e has become a plaything in the hands of Fate. Hoping to atone for his betraya l, he ru sh es in de spair after the rece ding ima ge of the white swa n.
Scen e Four
Night. A deep gloom hangs ove r the lake Odette brings the tragic n ews : The Prince has broken his vow of faithfu ln ess to h er Sieg frieds conscien ce is deepl y troubl ed ; he hurri es toward s Ode tte begging for her forgi ve ness . Ode tt e forgi ves the yo uth but sh e is no longe r mistre ss of her own fate. The Evi l Geniu s summon s up a sto rm which wrecks h avoc with the hero es of our tale, making it impossib le for them to unite. Made wreaks by his single combat with Fate, Siegfried tries in vain to hold onto the va nishing image As dawn breaks , h e find s himsel f alone on the empty banks of th e lake of his dreams. m
Anastassia Yatsenko
Yan Godovsky, Dmitry Gu danov, Morihiro Ivata , Alexey Lop arevich , Denis Medve dev, Vladimir Moiseev, Ilya Ryz hako v, Andrey Sitniko v, Ru slan Skvo rtsov, Gennady Yanin
Anna Antropova, Alesia Boyko, Elena Bukanova, Yulia Chi cheva, Irin a Fedoto va, Svet lan a Gnedo va, Anna Grishonkova, Daria Gurevich , Lyudmil a Ermakova, Elena Kas ianova, Olga Kl yp ina, Svetlana Kozlo va, Olga Lavre nkova, Anna Leon ova, Svet lana Luneykina, So fia Lubimova , Lu isa Mam helli , Ilona Matzy, Anna Mogi le ve ts, Ekaterina Murashova, Elena Neve nchenko, Sve tlana Pavlo va, Maria Propvic h , Anna Rebetskaya , Yevgenia Rozovskaya , El ena Sa uro va, Irina
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Serenkova, Anastasia Shilo va, Olga Tubalova, Ksenia Tsareva, Ks enia Ptch elkina, Olga Ushakova, Na talia Vyskub enk o, Maria Zharko va, Olga Zhurba
Vic tor Alekhin , Batyr Annadurdyev, Sergey Antono v, Yuri Baranov, Alexey Barsegian, Vit aly Biktimirov, Georgy Geraskin, Sergey Dorensky, Peter Kazmiruk , Maxim Korol ev, Kons ta ntin Kuzmin , Anton Leshinsky, Sergey Maximenkov, Dmit ri Mikhailov, Se rge y Minakov, Vitaly Mikhailov, Kirill Nikitin, Zakhar Potapov, An drey Rybakov, Ivan Semirechensky, Egor Sima chev, Roman Simach ev, Alexand er Somo v, Kirill Shulepov, Andrey Shumliansky, Roman Tselishchev, Maxim Va lukin, Art iom Vakhtin , Alexander Voytuk , Alexander Voro biev, Mikhail Zarubin
Detroit Op e ra House / UMS /
Swan Lake Artist Profiles
Yuri Grigorovich, (choreographer), is considered to be one of the greatest living choreographers in the world of ballet. His staging of the classic ballets refiects his pertaste and his often-stated conviction that drama must infuse and be expressed through dancing. He breaks with tradition, yet he himself is rooted in the traditions of classic ballet , by birth and upbringing. He is acutely aware of the vital contributions made to today's performances by previous generations' of great artists. On all of the Bolshoi's tours, the dancers have been accompanied by guardians of the classic school: ballerinas such as Marina Semyonova (born 1908) , Galina Ulanova (1910-1998) and Raissa Struchkova (born 1925), who continues to tour with the company These artists were - and continue to be - entrusted with the coaching of young ballerinas, and even established dancers return for their help and advice.
Yuri Nikolaievich Grigorovich was born in what was then Leningrad on January 2, 1927 . His uncle, George Rozai, was a character dancer who appeared with Diaghilevs Ballet Russe and his mother, Klauclia Rozai , trained at the ballet school with Semyonova. Many of his family were circus artists, and young Yuri was fascinated by the world of the circus, but was soon captivated by dance. He describes it as "a love affair that has lasted all my life "
He trained at the Leningrad Choreographic School and, along with the other pupi ls, was evacuated to Perm during World War II. He tried to run away (by canoe!) to get to the front, but was brought back and eventually graduated in 1946. He joined the Kirov Ballet, where he excelled in character roles. His favorite was that of the virtuoso warrior leader NuraLi, famous for his role in the last act of The Fountain of Bakhchisarai. But even in his formative years, Grigorovich was keen to try his hand at choreography In 1956 he was allowed to arrange a ballet to Glinka's Valse-Fantasie for a graduation performance at the Kiro v School. His first major choreographic work, undertaken despite the fact that another version already existed in Moscow, was The Stone Flower, set to the Prokofiev score. It was first performed at the Kirov on April 27, 1957, and marked the first collaboration between Grigorovich and the artist Simon Virsaladze, a man of great culture from Tbilisi, who was to design all his subsequent ballets. In addition to their working partnership, they also were the greatest of friends, a relationship that was only broken by Virsaladzes death in 1989, at the age of eighty
Grigorovich was named ballet master at the Kirov in 1962: but subsequently transferred to Moscow and to the Bolshoi in 1964. Grigorovich was artistic director of the Bolshoi Ballet for the following 30 years - a tenure in ballet rivaled only by the founding director of the New York City Ballet, George Balanchine. During Grigorovich 's term at the Bol shoi, he staged Spartacus to music by Khachaturian (1968) , Ivan the Terrible to Prokofiev (Moscow, 1975; Paris , 1977), Angara to Eshpai (1976), Romeo and Juliet to Prokofiev (Paris, 1978; Moscow, 1979), The Golden Age to Shostakovich (1982) Grigorovich revised classical masterpieces for Detroit Opera House / UMS /
the Bolshoi Ballet: The Sleeping Beauty (1963), Th e Nutcracker (1966), Swan Lake (1969) by Tchaikovsky; Raymonda by Glazunov (1984); La Bayadere (1991); La Fille Mal Gardee (1993) by Hertel , Don Quixote (1995) by Minkus. Spartacus, with its Hollywood-like Khachaturian score, stymied several choreographers before Grigorovich made what has now become his signature work. In creating it, he used a formu la which has served him we ll in many other productions: He divided the action between group effects and intimate scenes, which he calls "tableaux." The love duets in Spartacus are seen in beautiful contrast to the Roman orgies or the marching battalions. A similar fomlUla was used for Ivan The Terrible - a difficult subject, yet one made viable, in Grigorovichs version, because the character of Ivan is viewed with sympathy and understanding. For The Golden Age, Grigorovich evokes the corrupt bourgeoisie and gallant youth in the Russia of the 1920s.
Grigorovich has staged his works around the world, including Ankara, Copenhagen, HelSinki, Milan, Paris, Prague, Rome , Sofia, Stockholm, Vienna and Warsaw. He is the honorable president of the Dance Committee of UNESCOs International Theatre Institute , president of the International Ballet Association, president of the Benois de la Danse Jury, and preSident of the International Ballet Competitions in Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Switzerland and Japan. He is Professor at the Russian Ballet Academy Simon Virsaladze (designer) has made invaluable contributions to Russian ballet. First, he freed the stage for dance and built sets that were economical and figurative. Second, he created an image motif for each production that links together all the acts. In Swan Lake, this was the heraldic curtain that divides the two worlds: the ideal world of dreams and the world of earthly passions. Between them , Virsaladze established barely perceptible transitions from one world to the other. He has also provided models for modern ballet costume: Light , convenient for dancing, yet precise refiections of the characters' ro les, the signs of the time and the style of the age
In add ition, he came up with original solutions for classical ballet costumes: In Swan Lake, he dressed all of the brides -to-be Similarly, but they are distinguished by details of their nationality, so that each acquires an identity of her own. The costumes for all the charac ters in this ballet show great imagination, most apparent in the costume of the Evil Genius. Virsaladzes work is characterized by its own symphony of colors, just as the composers music varies the main themes. Virsaladze also made brilliant designs for opera, theater and the cinema His work remains an example and a source of inspiration for new generations of ballet designers.
Boris Akimov, (Artistic Director of the Bolshoi Ballet), was born on June 25,1946, in Vienna. A dancer and a coach, he was awarded the title of "Peoples Artist of USSR" in 1989. In 1965 he graduated from the Moscow Academic Choreography School, where he was taught by E. Sergievskaya and M. Liepa.
From 1965 , to 1989, he trained under the guidance of A. Ermolayev in the Bolshoi Theatre. He made his debut in the ro le of Geologist in The GeolOgiSts. His repertOire included: the Evil Genius in Swan Lake, Kurbsky in Ivan the Terrible , Kleop in [care , classical pas de deux in Those Fascinating Sounds .. , Chorut in The Indian Poem, Nerso in Gayane, lvanushka in The Little Humpbacked Horse, Ilias in Asel, Crassus in Spartacus, the Young Man in Les Sylphides, Siegfried in Swan Lake, Sergey in Angara, Pavel in Lieutenant Kizhe and Hans in Giselle. The characters created by Akimov were distinguished by their complexity and their powerful hidden passions. He acted in the film Terrible Age, based on the ballet Ivan the Terrible. In 1966 he won the 3rd prize Laureate of the International Ballet Competition in Varna. In 1977 , he was given the State Premium of USSR. A year later, he graduated from the State Institution of Theatrical Art, Ballet master Department. From 1980 to 1988, he was the pedagogue of the Choreography Department in this institution. Since 1989 he has been the coach and ballet master of the Bolshoi Theatre and also (on contract) in Covent Garden (London), La Sca la (Milan), Asami Makiballet (Tokyo) , Vienna Opera, Hamburg State Opera and London Royal SchooL He is the author of the music , script and stage direction of the Musical Poetic Evening, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of famous Russian poet Sergei Esenin (The Bolshoi Theatre, 1995).
Alexander Sotnikov (conductor) is a merited artist of Russia. Born in Moscow, Sotnikov studi ed at the Moscow Gnesin Musical Academy and took post graduate courses under the guidance of famous Russian conductor Arnold Katz. Today he is generally regarded by leading opera houses , cri tics and audiences as one of the best ba llet conductors. Anna Kisselgoff of Th e New York Times has noted that "Alexander Sotnikov, an outstanding Russian conductor, accomplishes a miracle. He treats the serviceable scores as if they were firstclass compositions: the music sings." Throughout his career, Somikov has worked with nearly every notable Russian musical institution: In 1965 he joined the U.S.S R. State (I. Moisseev) Dance Company; from 1973 to 1980, he spent seven prolific years with the State Opera and Ballet companies of Perm and Perm Philharmonic; after two years with the US.S.R. State Symphony Orchestra, in 1982 he joined Odessa Opera and Ballet Theatre; sin ce 1985, he had been a guest conductor with the Bolshoi Theatre, until 1992, when he accepted the position of musical director of the Royal Danish Ballet. Me. Sotnikov returned to Russia in 1995, joined the Bolshoi Theatre as a resident conductor and has held the position since then. Th e Repertory of Alexander Sotnikov includes 26 operas and 38 ballets of A. Bournonville, M Petipa, M. Fokine, G Balanchine , L Lavrovsky, Y Grigorovich and J Cranko, with such masterpieces among them as: Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, Giselle, Don QUixote, Romeo and Juliet, Raymonda, Le Corsaire, Coppelia, La Bayadere, La Sylphide, Kermesse in Bruges , us Sylphides, PaquiLa , Pas de Quatre, Le Spectre de la Rose, Apollo, Agon, Symphony in C, Allegro Brilliante, BRAVO 9
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Ballet Imperial, La Fille Mal Gardee, Onegin , Serenade and Konservatoriet. Sotn ikov has performed as a guest conductor with the Nationa l Ba ll et of Portuga l, Tokyo Ba ll et, Na tional Ba ll et of Hungary, Asami Maki Ballet Oapan) and the National Ballet of Georgia.
Alexander Kopylov (conductor) is a graduate of Erevan State Conservatory. In 1953, he began conducting wit h the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre, where he conducted Esmeralda (1953), Don Quixote (1954) , Swan Lake (1955), Masquerade, Alladin and a Miracle Lamp (1956), The Stone Flower (1959) and Taras Bulba (1960). In 1962, he was invited to work wi th the Bolsho i Theatre. His reperto ry includes all of the classical and modem ba ll ets of the Bolshoi Theatre, altogether about 80 productions , including Oass Concert (1963) , Heroic Poem, The History of a Soldier (1964), The Legend of Love (1956), Mozart and Salieri, The Sleeping Beauty (1973), Lovefor Love (1976) , Opo llino (1977), Kalina Krasnaya (1978), Gussarskaya Ballada (1980) , Indian Poem (1981) , Petit Prince (1983), Gayaneh (1984), Esquisses, The Knight of the Sad Image (1986), Grand Pas from Paquita (1988), The Taming of the Shrew, Swan Lake (1996) , Don Quixote (1999) and Afternoon of a Faun (2000). Kopylovs contributions to the musical life of the country were recognized when he was awarded the hi ghest state title of Peoples Artist of Russia.
Nadezhda Gra cheva (Pri nCipa l Dancer) , was born in Sernipa latinsk in 1969. She studied at the Alma-Ata Choreography School. In 1988, she graduated from the Moscow Academic Choreography School (Sofia Go lovkinas class) and was admitted to the Bolsho i Theatre Company in the same yea r. In 1985, an d again in 1988, she won second prize at the International Ba llet Dancers Compe titio n in Varna In 1987, she wo n the first prize at the All-Union Balle t Competition in Moscow. In 1995 , she won the International Balle t Dancers Competition in Osaka. She is also the winner of the International Balle t Prize "Benois de la dance" (1991) and Peoples Artist of Russia winner of State Prize of Russ ia.
Her repertory includes Odeue-Odile (Swan Lake) , la Sylphide (La Sylphide), Nikiya (La Bayadtre), Giselle and Myrthe (Giselle), Quitry (Don QUixote), Medore (Le Corsaire) ,J uliet (Romeo and juli et) , Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) , Copper Mountain Mistress (Stone Flower), Aegina (Spartacus), Mekhme ne Banu (The Legend of Love),Jeanne (The Last Tango) and Mazour ka (Chopiniane).
Anna Antonicheva (Principal Dancer) , was born in Baku. After gradua ting from the Moscow Academic Choreography Schoo l, she was admiued to the ballet company of the Bolsho i Theatre She dances the leading and solo parts in the classical repertory ballets as Shirin (The Legend of Love), Swan Princess (Swan Lake), Nikiya (La Bayadere), Myrthe (Giselle), Juliet (Romeo and juliet), Phrigia (Spartacus), Princess Aurora and Princess Florina (Sleeping Beauty), Quitry an d Dulcinea (Don Quixote )
At the Bo lsho i Theatre , Antonicheva is coached by Marina Kondratyeva. She frequent ly tours abroad with the Bolshoi Theatre and bears the title of Honoured Artist of Russia Her extensive concert repertory includes excerpts from classica l balle ts and modem choreographers ' wo rks.
Galina Stepanenko (Principa l Da ncer), was still a student at the Moscow Academy of Choreography (in Sofia Golovkinas class) whe n she danced the main ro les in the ballets Coppelia (Swanilda) and La Fille Mal
Swan Lake
Gardee (Lise) In 1984, she was invi ted to jo in the Moscow State Ba llet Theatre Company, led by Natalia Kasatki na and Vladim ir VasiIyov. From 1987 to 1990, she was a lead in g so loist at Moscows Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre. In 1990 , she was invited to join the Bo lshoi Theatre Ballet Company where she made her debut in the ro le of Odeue-Odile (Swan Lake - Yur i Grigorov ich's vers ion). Her coach was Marina Semyonova.
Stepanenko's repertory includes the main ro les in class ica l and modem ballets: Kitri (Don Quixote) , Nikiya and Gamzatti (La Bayadere), Raymo nda (Raymonda), Medo ra (Le Corsaire), Aegina (Spa rtacus), Julie t (Romeo and juliet - lavrovskys version) , Rita (The Golden Age), Pri ncess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) , Giselle (Giselle) , Sylphide (Les Sylph ides) , the Priests Daughter (Balda), the So lois t (Symphony in C), Anyuta (Anyuta) , the Swan-Princess (Swan Lake - Vladimir Vasi lievs version). Stepane nko has won numerous internatio nal prizes and awards includi ng the first prize , go ld meda l and the Leningrad Choreographic Academy Prize in 1984 at the All Union Compet itio n of Ba ll et Artists; second prize and silver meda l in the 1985, and first prize and gold medal in the 1989 International Compe ti tions of Ba llet Artists in Moscow. In 1995 she won the "Benois de la Danse" prize, awarded by the Inte rn ationa l Assoc iation of Ballet Peop le. In 1995, she won the "Danza-Danza" magazine prize
Andrey Uvarov (Pri ncipa l Dancer), was born in Moscow and entered the Moscow State Academy of Choreography, where he was trained by Alexander Bondarenko. In 1988, he joined the Bols hoi Ballet as a so loist and became a principal da ncer of the company in 1989. His perfect technique, natural lyricism, styli stic puri ty and soaring jumps ea rned him fame and led to his promotion to a leading "Danseur Noble" of the Bo lshoi Ballet. A French critic noted that "Mr Uvarov is an absolutely perfect exponent of the Russian class icism. " Since joining the Bolshoi, Uvarov has been coac hed by Boris Akim ov, forme r pri ncipa l dancer and famo us teacher of the Bolshoi. Under his guidance , Mr. Uvarov performed the roles of Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake; Prince Desire in The Sl eeping Beauty; Jean de Brienne in Raymonda; Basil in Don Quixote; Albrec ht in Giselle; So lor in La Bayadere; the title ro le in Romeo and juliet (Leonid lavrovsky) and Conrad in Le Corsaire , as we ll as leading ro les in Les Sylphides and Paquita.
In 1993 , Andrey Uvarov received the UNESCO "Be nois de la Da nce" prize for the best dancer of the ba ll et seaso n Recent premieres by Uvarov at the Bolshoi are Dreams About japan , choreographed by Alexei Ratmansky, Balanchines Symphony in C, and the ro le of Basil in Alexei Fadeechev's versio n of Don Quixote
Nikolay Ts iskaridze (PrinCipal Dancer) , was born in Tbilis i (Georgia). He began his studies in 1984 at the Tbilisi Ballet Schoo l. In 1987 he continued at the Moscow State Academy of Choreography (class of Professor Petr Pestov). A unique comb inatio n of natura l abilities such as flexibility, mUSicality, charisma and lyrical expressiveness distinguished the young dancer as a rare talent. Upon his graduation in 1992, he was invi ted to join the ba ll et company of the Bolshoi Theatre , whe re he received accla im fo r his wo nderful stage presence and perfect technique Artistic individuality as we ll as high leaps, flex ibility, and beautifu ll y shaped li nes of th e body helped him to become one of the leading soloists of the Bolshoi Ba ll et. He has worked with suc h outstanding ballet personali ties as Gal ina Ulanova , Mari na Semyonova, Nikolay Simachev and Nikolay
Fadeech ev.
Currently, he performs almost the entire Bols hoi repertory, including Mercutio (Romeo and juliet), Master of Ceremonies (The Golden Age), Nutcracker (TIle Nutcrack er), Evil Genius (Swan Lake - Yuri Grigorovichs version) , King (Swan Lake - Vlad imir Vasili evs vers ion), James (La Sylphide) , Paganini (Paganini) , Ferkhad (The Legend of Love) , So lor and Go lden Idol (La Bayadere), Desire and Blue Bird (Th e Sleeping Beauty) , Albert (Giselle) , Jean de Brienne (Raymonda) , solo part (Symphony in C) and choreographic miniatures Le Spectre de la Ros e, Grand Pas Classique, and Narcissus. Tsiska ri dze has won numerous awa rds and ho nors including the 1995 Silver Medal at the seventh Japan Wo rl d Ballet Compet ition in Osaka, the 1997 First Prize and Gold Medal at the eighth Moscow Interna ti ona l Ballet Competit ion and Pete r van der Sloat personal prize "For Confirmation of Russian Cla ssical Ballet Traditions ," the 1999 National Theatre Prize "Golden Mask" for the best male ro le in a ballet performance in 1998 (Albert, Giselle) In 1999, he also won the laureate of the Internat iona l Choreography Association Prize "Benois de la dance " for the best ma le ro le Oean de Brienne , Raymonda)
Sergei Filin (Principal Dance r), was born in Moscow and entered the Moscow State Academy of Choreograp hy, where he was trained by the famous teacher Alexander Proko fi ev After graduation , in 1988, he j oined the Bols hoi Ba ll et as a so loist and became a prinCipa l dancer of the company in 1989. His perfect tec hnique and stylistica l purity are particula rl y we ll sui ted to the roles of the great Russ ian classical ba ll ets. It has been repeatedly noted by the European press tha t "Sergei Filin is one of the best young talents of the Bolshoi Ballet Company"
Since joining the Bolshoi Ballet, Filin has been coached by legendary Niko lai Fadeechev, an outstanding "Danseur Noble" of the Theatre. Under his gu idance, Fili n perfo rmed the roles of Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake; Prince Desire in The Sleeping Beauty; Prince in The Nutcracker (Yuri Grigorovichs version);jean de Brienne in Raymonda ; Albrecht in Gis elle ; Solor in La Bayadere; the title role in Romeo and juliet (vers ions by Leonid Lavrovsky and Yuri Grigorovic h); James in La Sylphide ; Conrad in Le Corsaire; Pe trucchio in Taming of th e Shrew by John Cranko ; leading ro les in Les Sylphides , Paquita , The Last Tango and Bournonvilliana.
In 1994 , Filin received the UNESCO "Be nois de la Dance " prize for the best dancer of the ba ll et season. In 1995, he received the prestigious prize of the Italian magazine La Danza as the best dancer of the ballet season His most recent premieres with the Bo lshoi were Dreams Aboutjapan, choreograp hed by Alexe i Ratmansky, Balanchines Mozartiana and Symphony in C, the role of Basil in Fadeechevs version of Don Quixote and Taor in Pet ipas Pharaoh 's Daughter, revived by Pie rre Lacot te.
Dmitry Belogolovtsev (Principal Dancer) , was born in Moscow and entered the Moscow State Academy of Choreography, where he was trained by the famous teache r Alexande r Bo ndare nko. After graduating 1992, he joined the Bolshoi Ballet as a so loist and became a principal dancer of the company (1996). Powerfu l techniq ue and drama tic stage presence quickly earned Belogo lovtsev recognition in the famous virtuoso roles of the Bo lshoi ballet repertory He rece ived the Si lve r Medal at the Moscow Internatio nal Ballet Competition ('93 ) and Jackson International Ballet Competi tion (USA ,'98) Det
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Since j oining the Bolshoi Ballet, Belogo lovtsev has per formed the roles of Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake; the title role in Yu ri Grigorovichs Spartacus; Ferkhad in The Legend oj Love, by Yuri Grigorovich; Ja mes in La Sylphide; Romeo and Tyba lt in Romeo and Juliet, by Leonid Lavrovsky; Blue Bird in The Sleeping Beauty ; Abderakhman in Raymonda; Solor in La Bayadtre; Basil in Don Quixote; Petru cchio in Taming oj the Shrew, by J ohn Cranko; Yashka in The Golden Age, by Yuri Grigorovich; leading ro les in Les Sylphides and George Balanch ines Mozartiana. His rece nt p remie res with the Bo lshoi we re the role of Favorite in Russian HamletSon oj Catherine the Great - (production by Boris Eifman); Faun in AJternoon oj a Faun; by Jerome Robb ins, and Taor in Petipas Pharaoh's Daughter, revived by Pierre Lacoue.
David Eden Productions (co -produce r), David Eden has bee n a leading produce r of interna tio nal cultural attract ions and events for more than 20 years In the spring of 2000, in association with the John F Ke nnedy Center fo r the Performing Arts, David Eden to ured the fu ll Bolshoi Ballet to Washington, DC, New York, Chicago, Seattle, Los Angeles, and Orange County, Ca li fornia, marking the companys first American tour since the end of the Soviet era Mr. Eden has been associate d with the Kennedy Center since 1997, during which time he has been responsible for programming and curating international projects and festivals, including "Arts of the State: Israel at 50" (1998), "Island: Arts from Irela nd" (2000) , and most recently "Arts of the United Kingdom" (200l) which won the Helen Hayes Award
David Eden has also created and prod uced international projects with Li ncoln Center, the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM),jacobs Pillow, WolfTra p, the World Financial Center and various regional arts presenters across America. Notable among the ma ny participating companies are the Kirov Ballet & Vaganova Academy (St. Petersburg), the Batsheva Dance Co mpany (Tel Aviv), the Maly Drama Theater (S t. Petersburg) and Gate Theatre of Dublin.
Sergei Danilian (co -producer) create d Ardani Artis ts Man age ment in 1990, and his company became the first pri vately owned anistic management agency in the former Soviet Union. Inspired by his previous work with Pe ter Brook, Pina Bausc h , Patrice Chiraux , Pe ter Stein, Antoine Vitesse, Hector Orizolli and Claudio Segovia, Mr. Danilian has brough t many outstanding Russian prod uctions to New Yor k's worldfamous stages of Lincoln Ce nt er, City Center and Carnegie Hall In 1998, he introduce d New York audiences to the electri fying E fma n Ballet of St. Pe tersburg, and in 2000 he produced the troupes fi rst North American tour, as well as the 200l, 2002 and 2003 national tours.
Several years of experience resu lted in three consecuti ve seasons of Ardani Artists' productions be ing named among the lO best productions of the year by The New York Times, which prope ll ed the company to its well-deserved p lace among New York's most innovative artistic management agencies. Future presentations, in collaboration with their long- time friend and business partner, producer David Eden , include (200203) the US tour of the Bo lshoi Ballet. In 2003-2004 , Mr Danili an will present the Kirov Ballet (Maryins ky Theatre of St. Petersburg) in U.S.A. Tour Mr. Danilian was awarded SEMI 2000 for best producer of the year from the American Association of Russian Press and Media Network. m
Swan Lake Staff for the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia
Anatoly Iksanov - Genera l Director
Anton Ge tman - Deputy General Director
Elena Perfilova - Head of the Touring Department and the Tour Leader
Ekaterina Valieva - Tour Manager
The Ballet Company of the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia
Boris Akimov - Artistic Director
Coache s - Marina Kond ratieva, Ta tian a Krasina, Vladimir Nikonov, German Sitnikov, Niko lqy Fadeechev Manage r - Veronica San adze
Ca st Directors -Irina Meshkova, Vsevolod Nemoliaev
Stage Mana..gers - Igor Peregudov, Vladlmlr Sherb akov
Pian is ts - Dmitry Kotov, Alexey Melen tiev Mas s eur s - Yuri Gorbunov, Sadzhida Khakimova
Technical Staff
Alexan der Efimov - Technica l Director
Nikolay Trusov - Head Carpenter
Alexey Klychkov, Dmitry Minkin , Anatci ly Voron ov, Nikita lhuravlevCarpenters
Pavel Volb enkov - Lighting
Olga Andreeva - Lig ffting Boa rd lJperator
Viac h eslav Teperin - LigTlting Technician
Leonid Geraslmov, Irina ParchevskayaFollow $pots
Alexancfer l inin , Tamara Bit-Bayro - Pro ps
Lyu dmila Milenina - Head of Make -up
Sunday , Februa r y 9 1:00 - 3:00 p. m
Rimma Voropaeva, Na talia Piyanova, Irina
Tarfeeva - Makeup
Rash id Alimov, Inna Rasstan aeva, Ta tian a Vasiliyeva, Vera Seregin a - Wardrobe
Staff for USA Tour Management
For David Eden Productions
David Eden - Presiden t
For Ardani Artis ts Man agement
Sergei Danilian - Pres ident
Tedmical Supervision by Gene O'Donovan &: David Bradford
Michae l lande - Company Manager
Patrice Th omas - Producti on Stage
Manage r
Steve Snelley - Lighting Supervisor
C. Ma rk Overton - Production Carpenter
Larry Holde r - Production Electrician
Jose ph M Giordano, Jr. - Production
Property Mas ter
Eric Noren - Flyman
Karen Clem - Wa rd ro be Su!)ervisor
Michael Vesnin - Assistant production
Anna TIok - Assistant to Company
Ma na,gerllnterpre ter
Debby Bhcch oltz - Legal Services
Heidi Riegler - Publicity Coo rd inator
United Tours, Atlas Travel-
Travel Coord inators
Stonie Darling, Erica Carpantier, Sco tt Watson - AdminIStrative Support
Kate Mattingly - Program Editor
Th e Emp e ro r of Pia n os
Make a grand sta tem ent by select ing from the mos t diver se piano disp lay in the area, featur ing quali ty investm ents from 12 co u ntries and 4 co n tinents.
Sponsorship Credits
The Friday evening performance oj the Bolshoi Ballet is sponsored by McDonald Investments.
Th e Saturday aJternoon perJormance of th e Bolshoi Ball et is sponso red by Thomas B. McMullen Co
The Saturday eveni ng performance of the Bolshoi Ballet is sponsored by Bank One.
The educatio nal activities assoc iated with this perfo rmance are presen ted with supp ort from the Whitney Fund , a supp orting orga niza ti on of the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan
Th e Bolshoi Ballet is co-presented with the Detroit Opera House and the University Musical Society of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and presented with lead ership support from the University of Michigan.
The Detroit Free Press is a media sponsor for the Bolshoi Ballet
UMS Education Events
A ll UMS educational acti vi ties are Jre e and open to the public unl ess ot herwise noted ($). Please visit wwwums.orgJor comp lete details, upd ates, and upcoming events.
Lecture: The Bolshoi Ballet and Swan Lake
Renowned Tchaikovsky scho l a r R. John Wiley, University of Michigan Professor of Musicology, lectures on Swan Lak e an d its history with th e Bolshoi Ballet. Call the UM Ce nt er for Russian and Eastern Europea n Studi es at 734.764.0351 for more information.
Wednesday, November 20, 12 noon, UM
Int ernationa l In stitute, Room 1 636, UM Central Campus, Ann Arbor Ballet Master Classes ($)
D ance w ith the Bolshoi Ballet! Join Bori s Akimov, Arti st i c Director of th e Bolshoi Ba ll e t , at th ese dance m aster classes. Intermediate and adva n ce d dan cers only Limited space ava il ab l e. Cost is $20 per class/$l 0 for o b servers. For registration call 313.237.3 426.
Thursday, November 21,2 pm, Dan ce Studio, Wayne State University
Saturday, Nove mb er 23 , 10 am, Rehearsal Hall , Detroit Opera House
Swan Lake University Musical Society
Through an uncompromising commitment to Presentat ion , Edu cation , and th e Creation of n ew wo rk , the University Musical Society (UMS) serves Michigan audiences by b ringi n g to our commu nity an ongo in g seri es of wor ldclass artist s, who r epresent the diverse spectrum of today 's vigorous and exc it ing live performing arts world. Over it s 12 3 years, strong l eadership coup l ed with a devoted commun it y has p l aced UMS in a leagu e of interna ti on ally recogni zed performing arts pr ese nt ers. Ind eed, Musical A m erica se le cted UMS as one o f the five most influ ential arts presenters in the Un i ted States in 1999 . Toda y, the UMS seasona l progr am is a reflect i on of a thoughtful res pe ct for this rich and varied history, balanced b y a comm itme nt to dynamiC and crea tive vis i ons of where the performing arts wi ll tak e us in thi s millennium. Every d ay, UMS seeks to cu lti va te, nurture , and stimulate public interest and participation in every facet of th e li ve arts.
UMS grew from a group of l oca l univers it y and townspeopl e who gat h ered together for the stud y of Hand el 's Messiah. Le d by Professor Henry Frieze and cond u cte d by Professor Ca lvin Cady, the gro up assumed the name The Choral Union. T h e ir first performance of Handel 's Messia h was in De cember o f 1879, and this gl or iOU S oratorio has since been perform e d b y the UMS Chora l U nion annually
As a great number of C h ora l Un ion members also belonged to the university, the Univ e rsit y Musical Society was esta bli shed in December 1880 UMS included the Cho r al U ni on and
Univers it y Orchestra, and throughout the yea r , present e d a series of conce rt s fea turing l oca l and visit in g art is ts an d ensembles.
Si nce that first season in 1880, UMS has expa nd ed great ly and now prese nt s th e ve ry best from th e full spectru m of the perfo rmin g arts - int ernationa ll y renow n ed re citalists and orchestras, dance and ch amber e nsembl es, j azz and world music performers, and opera and theater. Through ed u cat ion al end eavo rs , com mi ss i oning of new works , yo uth progra m s, artist residencies and o th e r co llaborati ve projec ts , UMS has mainta in ed its repu tation for quality, artistic distinction and innovation. UMS no w h osts ap pro x im ate ly 90 perfo rman ces and more than 150 e ducat i o nal events eac h season. UMS has flourished w ith the su ppo rt of a ge n e rous co mmunity that this year gathers in 11 divers e venues in Ann Arbor, YpS ilanti and Detroit.
While prou d ly affiliat ed w ith th e Unive r sity of Mic higan , housed on the Ann Arbor campus, and a regular co ll aborator wi th many uni vers i ty units, UMS is a separate not-for-profit organizat ion that s upports it se lf from ticket sa l es, corpora te and indi vidua l contr ibuti ons, fou ndation and govern m ent grants, s p eCial project suppo rt fro m UM and endowment income.
For more information and a comp lete sc hedule of up co ming events, please visit on th e Int ernet. m
Kristi Capps , Lorna Feij60, Ne ls on Madriga l
Senior Soloists
Le ah Elzn e r, Cheryl Sullivan ,
J ay Goodl e tt , Dimitri Trubchano v,
Mi c h ae l Wardlaw
Mi s hi c Mari e Corn , Andre y Kasatsk y
Corps de Ballet
Sarah Hair s ton , Dawn Kell y,
Tara Mora , Erina Noda, Stephanie Roig ,
Tri c ia S undb e ck, Janessa Touchet ,
Oliv e r Arana , Zack Grubbs,
FrankJohn s on , Anthony Krut z kamp ,
Lu ciano Lazza rotto, Valentine Liberatore, Gr egg Sa ulni e r , Gr e g Schoenwolf,
Be nj a min Ward e ll
New Dancers
Ke ll y Ann Sloan , Dw ay ne Hollid ay
Laura Dunl o p , Re becc a Erhart ,
Erin Ginn , Stai s ha Grosch,
Am a nd a J esse, Coulisse Olivia Murphy,
Aaron C. Thay e r
Supplemental Dancers
Laur en Brown,Jill Marlow, Ann e Yoon
Venture Trainees
Me lis s a Galli , H e ather Liberman ,
Ke ll y Whit a k e r
The first Nut c ra cker was performed by the Kirov Ballet at th e Maryinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, Ru ssia, on December 17, 1892. Th e United States premiere was on December 24 , 1944 , by th e San Francisco Ball et, with choreography by Willam Christ ens en Th e story is an adaptation of "The Nutcrac ker and the Mouse King" by E. T.A. Hoffma nn , published in 1819. Th e or igin al versio n was a dark tale abo ut an unloved little gir l. When Marius Petipa commiss ioned Peter Il yich Tchaikovsky to compose the score for hi s new ball et, Petipa used a revised version of th e story by Alexandre Dum as Thi s is The Nut cracke r that is known and loved by chi ldren all over the world.
Act I SCENE 1 Drosselmeier's Workshop
The story begins on Ch ristmas Eve. A mysterious toymaker named Herr Drosselrneier is preparing to attend the an nu al holiday party at the Stahlbaum home. Drosselmeier put s the fiI)ishing touches on the magica l toys for his go dchildren , Marie and Fritz. One of the to ys was not really a toy at all, but a magical woo den Nutcracker. Drosselrneier puts the gifts in boxes, wraps them up and prepares to go out into the co ld , snowy night.
SCENE 2 The Part y
The Stahlbaum home is bright and festive, with the most beautiful Chri stm as tree imaginable. All the guest s and children are h aving a marvelous time, dancing , laughing and opening gifts. Suddenly, Herr Drosselrneier b ursts int o the room carrying the largest packages Marie has ever seen. Fritz is presented with a very mischievous gift , which is later taken away because h e is so naughty Drosselmeier un wra ps two more gifts, an unu sual woo den Nutcracker, whi ch Marie
14 BRAVOThe utcracker
espe cially curious doll that looks just like Marie. All the guests crow d around in amazeme n t. Drosselrneier works his magic: The Nutcracker and the doll grow and appear to come alive before everyo ne 's eyes . After the doll and Nutcracker dance , the Nutcracker is restored to its original size and is presented back to Marie . She j oyfu lly dances around the room, shOwing off her splendid gift. Fritz wis hes that Drosselmeier h ad given him the Nutcracke r and, in hi s exhilaration , gra bs it from Marie and aCCidentally breaks it. Imme diat ely, th e precoc iou s Fritz is sco ld ed by hi s father and sent off to bed. Herr Drosselmeier, watc hing from across the room, comes to the rescue and mends the Nut cra cker.
Now th e festivi ti es continu e we ll into the night , highli gh ted b y a stately dance led by Marie 's grandparents. As the evening comes to an end , Drosselmeier bids th e famil y farewell , with a special goo d-bye to his favorit e goddaughter. Marie is very tired and takes her new Nutcracker off to bed . She qUickly falls asleep and slip s into a fantastic dream. ..
3 The Batt le
Marie hears the ch imes of the big grandfather clock d ownstairs striking midnight. She find s herself in the drawing room an d is startled by the sou nd of scampe ring little
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feet and the flick ering of many tiny eyes . The mice steal away her beloved Nutcracker. Drosselme ier ap pears out of the darkness, and with the wave of his arms, the tree, toys and mice begin to grow. A terrible battle ensues between the mice and the toys. The Mouse King appears and frightens Marie The Nutcracke r, having escaped the clutches of the mice, cha llenges the Mouse King to a duel. It is a fierce fight , but Marie manages to distract th e Mouse King, allOwing th e Nut cracker to fatall y wo und his en emy. Magically, the Nutcracker is transformed into a hand some prince, who invites h er to the Kingdom of Toys and Sweets. Mari e begins the journey on her sleigh bed through the swirling snowstorm.
Act II
The Land of To ys &: Sweets
Much to Maries surprise , Herr Drosse lrneier greets them on their arrival at the enchanted kingd om. EXCitedly, the y describ e the fierce battle between the Nutcracker and the Mouse King, and how, with the help of Marie, the Nutcracke r was able to defeat his mighty fo e.
Delightful to ys from for eign land s, such as Spain , Arabia , France , China and Russia, are crow ded in the court ya rd Dro sselmeier b rings them all to life to perform in a roya l festival honOring his special guests. A brilliant rose leads the flo we rs of the kingdom in a bea uti ful wa ltz As the highlight of th e eve nin g, the Nutcracker invites Marie to dance with him , and they glide across the floor in the gra nd es t pas de d eu x of all. Marie is enc hanted ; it is all so perfect.
Now, ti red from the festivities, Marie imagines she is fl oa ting away, high above the kingdom and over the mountains. When she opens her eyes, she is home in bed , her beloved Nutcracker be side her. m
Cincinnati Ballet
Artist Profiles
V i ctoria Morgan , artistic dire c tol; Ove r th e past fi ve years , under the lea d ership of Art isti c Dire cto r Victor ia Morgan, Cinc in nati Ballet ha s ex p er ienced tremendo u s grow th and c riti ca l s uc cess. From the moment s h e ar ri ved in 199 7 , Ms. Morgan took imm ediate s te ps to raise th e standard of excellence b y attracting celebrated talent to Cincinnati Ballet from the int e rnati o nal danc e wo rld , in cl udi ng ou t standin g d an ce rs , choreo graphers and ballet maste rs Sh e revita liz ed the repertoire b y p e rso na ll y crea tin g m any wo rld premieres s u c h as Rom eo and Juli et, Prin cess and the Pea, Beyond Inn oce nce , Graceland (in co ll ab o ration with Jay Goodlett), a nd the hi ghl y accla im ed Cinde rell a, widely recognized as one of her best works.
Ms. Morga n initiated creative co llab o ra ti o n s w ith other ball e t co mpani es for th e sha ring of production expenses of new works , such as Stanton Welc h 's Fingerprints , a nd th e revitalization of important repertOire as we ll as the fir st-ever exc han ge program with nei ghborin g BalletMet Columbus. At th e sa me tim e s he broadened the co mpan y's h or iz o ns b y presentin g new programming s u ch as the "Come Together Festival ," w hi ch was concept ualize d b y Melody Sawye r Ri c hard son and sponsore d b y Proctor a nd Gamble. Essential ad diti ona l performances h ave e nhan ced th e company 's expos ure and artistic grow th , through th e "Hom e City Tour ," "University Tours " a nd la st fall marked the company 's fir st European appearance in Li sbo n , Port u ga l. Imp o rtantl y, Ms. Morgan h as hel ped to lay th e foundation for th e futur e wit h new in itia t ives s u c h as the a mbiti o u s 21st Century Campaign , and the ap p Oint m ent of Daniel Si m mons as director of th e O tto M. Budig Academy, which is producin g a hi gher ca liber o f s tudent ca pa b le of pe rform i ng with the Cincinnati Ballet in the corps d e ballet.
Ms. Morgan ca me to Cincinnati Ballet a ft er nearly a decade as resident c horeograp h e r for the Sa n Francisco Opera. Prior to that she was a principal dancer for Sa n Francisco Ballet ( 1978- 1987) and Ball e t West (1969- 1978) She danced lead roles in num ero u s classica l ba ll ets s u ch as Gis ell e, Swan Lake, Cindere lla and wo rld famous b a llet s b y Geo rge Balanchine. Ms. Morgan ha s a lso dan ced in mod e rn and conte mp o rar y ballets by Michael Smuin , Wi lli am Forsythe , J ames Kudelka and Va l Ca niparoli to na me a few. In add iti on , Ms. Morgan p e rformed lea d ro les for tel ev is io n and film and her c horeo g raph y was fea tured in the PBS documentary, "The Crea tion ofO.M.O "
Ms. Morgan la un c h ed h er c h o reog rap hi c ca reer in 198 5 and h as c reated m ore than 35 wo rk s fo r 20 o p e ra and ballet com panie s acros s the Un it ed States includin g Sa n Francisco Ball e t , Uta h Ballet, Pa cifi c
Detroi t Opera Ho us e
No rthwes t Ba ll e t , an d New York C ity Opera. Regiona ll y, s he choreographed Cincinnati Operas Samson and Delila , Aida, and Faust , and A Little Night Music for Pl ay hou se in the Park, as we ll as two PBS specia ls fea turin g the C in ci nnati Pops. Ms Morgan produced one of the fir s t balle t CDROM's , which is an audio a nd vid eo description of more than 700 ballet steps and positions.
Carmon DeLeone , mu sic direc tor, has been C in c innati Ba ll et 's music directo r for more th a n 30 seaso ns (S in ce 1969) He ha s co mp ose d many original scores for th e co mpany, inel uding Peter Pan , Prin cess and the Pea , W it h Timbr el a nd Dance, Freya, Guernica and Ruth Pa ge 's Billy Su nday, w hi c h was te levise d n atio n a ll y in 1983, wit h Johnny Bench as ho s t. Maestro DeLeone is also musi c director o f th e Illin o is Philh a rmoni c O rc he s tr a and The Middletown Symphony. In 1995 , the Illinois A rt s Counc il n a m e d him " Mu s ic Directo r of the Ye ar. " At New York 's Carnegie H a ll , h e has serve d as conductor and host of t h e " Family Co n cert " Se ri es and ha s also conduc t ed frequent performances in Europe w ith the Luxembourg Philharmoni c Orchest ra H e m ade hi s New York co nducting d eb ut with the Alvin Ail ey American Dance Theat er. For 12 ye ars , Ma estro De Leone se rved on the co ndu c tin g staff of the C in c innati Sym phon y Orc h estra. H e is a proud reci p ie nt of the Post-Corbett Award and s in ce 1991 , has h oste d th e popular week ly Cincinnati rad io prog r am "Sunday Morning Music H all. "
Val Caniparoli , choreogra ph er Va l ha s b ee n ca ll ed a choreographer of uncommon a bilit y and rare dr a mati c vis io n A memb er of Sa n Francisco Ball e t s inc e 1973 , h e h as had a multi-faceted ca reer w hi c h ineludes c horeog raph y, dance , mu s ic and th ea ter.
Ca niparoli h as c reate d or staged more than 16 ballets for Sa n Francisco Ball et since 1982 , cont ributing dynamiC wor k s to the re p erto ire o f America 's oldest professional ball e t compa n y. In add it ion , Ba ll et West h as eight of Can i paro li 's ballets in it s repertoire. H e is cur ren t ly residen t
www Michiga nO pera o rg
c h o reographer fo r Tulsa Ball et Theatre.
Can iparoli has been praised for his eclectic and un u s ual s el ectio n of mu sic an d for the implicit theatricality of hi s mo vement. Hi s sty le and sens ibilit y are uniquely his own. Ove r the yea rs, Caniparoli's ballets have earned him n a tional and international praise from critics a nd a udienc es a lik e - from Par i s to New York, to Tokyo and across the nation. Hi s works are performed by m a n y companies , ineluding Ballet West , Pacific No rth wes t Ballet, Pennsylvan ia Ballet, Ballet Florida, Sin ga pore Da n ce Th eatre, At lanta Ballet , Cincinnati Ballet , Oakland Ba ll et, Pitt s burgh Ballet Theatre, Richmond Ba ll e t , H o n g Kong Ball et an d Is rael Ball et , among others. In 1994 , h e h ad a major success with his first full-l e n gth ba ll et , Lady oj the Camellias , a coproduction of Ballet Wes t and Ballet Florida.
Since 1981, Caniparoli has been the recip ient of 10 grants for c horeogra phy from th e Na tional Endowment for th e Arts. In 1991 , he was awarded his first Artist Fe ll ows hip from th e Cali fornia Arts Cou ncil. I n 1994 , h e r ece ive d the Choo-San Goh Award from the Choo-San Goh and H. Robert Magee Foundation for his ballet Lambarena , c r ea t e d for San Fran cisco Ballet, and in 1997 he rece ive d the same award for his ball e t Open Veins, which he c reate d for Atlanta Ball et. That same yea r, Lamb arena was awarded th e "Benois de la Danse " awa rd from th e Int ernat i o n a l Dance Assoc ia tion at a gala at the National Theater of Warsaw, Poland , w h e re dancers from Paci fi c Northwest Ball et performed excerpts. Dance Bay Area has acknowledged Ca niparoli s cont ributi o n s to the local dan ce communi t y by hon oring him with awards for Su sta in e d Achievement and for Outs ta nding Choreography for his ballet Aubade Caniparo li has choreog r a ph ed t wo very s u ccess ful dances for the San Fran cisco Symphony Pops series, both p e rfor m ed by Sa n Francisco Ballet principal dancers Evelyn Cisneros a nd Ste phen Legate. In 1995 , he created the pas d e d eux Embraceable You to music by George Gershwin , a nd in 1996 , he c horeograp hed Psycho, th e Ballet, set to Bernard H e r ma nn 's music from the movie Psycho. For San Fra n c isco Opera 's 1990 season , Ca niparo li c horeographed Capriccio , whic h h e later reproduced for New Yo rk s Metropolitan Ope ra and Ch icago Lyric Opera. He a lso choreo grap hed Andl·ea Cheni er for the Chi cago compa ny.
Born in Renton , Washington , Cani paro li opted for a professional dance caree r after study in g music a nd theater at Was h ingto n State UniverSity. In 1972 , at the age o f 19 , h e received a Ford Foundation Scholarship to attend Sa n Francisco Ballet Sc hool. H e p er form e d with San Fran c isco Opera Ballet before j o inin g San Francisco Ballet in 1973.
H is theatrical training g ives him a particular n a i r for c haracter roles, suc h as Lord Capulet in Tomasson 's Romeo & Juliet , Ja cob Sc h midt in BRAVO
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Toma ss on 's N anna's Lied, Dros se lm eyer; in C hri ste n se n 's Nutcracker, the Rich Boy in C hri stensen's Filling Station, Widow Si mon e in Sir Frederick Ashton's La Fille Mal Gardte and Madge in Bournonville/Tomasson's La Sy lph id e.
Caniparoli was one of th e foundin g members of OMO, a San Francisco choreography co llective. For OMO's performances in 1985 , Can iparoli presented Accidental and Abnormal Chrom osom al Events, an exp erim ental multidisciplinary wo rk th at he first crea ted with a visual designer, composer, li ghtin g designer, and dramaturge for the 1984 Bay Area Playwrights Festival.
Trad A Burns, lighting designer, has des igned over 300 productions for theatre, theme parks , and dance.
Des igns include Ghoul's Gone Wild, Staling Ed Alonzo , Elvira at 20 Barely Legal, Snoopy Rocks! On Ic e, and It's Chlistmas Snoopy! (Knotts &rry Farm) , Th e Mal-vel Comics Stunt Show (Uni versa l Studi os Islands of Adventure), Waterworld (Universal Japan), Magic! (Disney Cruise Lines), Mys ti c Rhythms and MiCkey's Birthday Bash (Walt Disney Entertainm ent) , It's All About Chlistmas , Snoopy (The Famil y of Charles M Sc hulz), Blue Sky Transmission (la Mama , NYC), Blue Sky Transmis sion , On e Flea Spare, Summer & Smoke, Th e Fugitive Pi eces and Gross Ind ecency (Cl eveland Publi c Theatre).
Alain Vais, costume and scenic design er, is a wellknown costume and set designer for ball et compani es throu ghout the world , including The New York City Ballet (Waltz Project , Swan Lake, Songs oj the Auvergne, Staba t Matt eI; Morge n, and La So nnambula ), North Carolina Ball et (C inderella ), Fort WorthlDall as Ballet (Nutcracker), Boston Ballet ( Romeo and Juli et andJeu de cartes), Na tional Ballet of Flanders (Don Quixote), and now Cincinna ti Ballet. He is also known as an author and illust rato r of such popular books as Puss in Boots, 29 Bump Street, Th e Porcelain Pepperpot, Th e Wild Hamst er, Th e SteadJast Tin Soldier and Reynard th e Fox. Hi s most recent book, Plincess and the Pea, was published by Littl e, Brown and Company in September of this year. Mr. Vats has received awards for his illu strations and has sh own his works at the Pi e rpont Morgan Library in New York , DeCordova Museum in Massac husetts, the Art Institute of Chi cago, the Norma n Ro ckwe ll Museum and the Fort Worth Art Museum in Texas, to name a few.
Johanna Bernstein Wilt, ballet mi stress, dan ced with Cincinnati Ballet for 11 seasons befo re becoming ballet mistress in 1992 Ms. &rnstein Wilt grew up in Co lu mbus, Ohio , and studied at th e Metro politan Ballet School , the New Yo rk Sc hool of Ba ll et, The America n Dance Fes tival , Ohi o State University a nd Rotterdam Dance Conservatory In 1992, Ms Bernstein Wilt staged Tabl e Mann ers for Pete r Anastos at the Jacob 's Pillow Summer Dance Festival in Massachusetts. Sh e assisted in staging J ohn Butl ers Carmina Burana for Oak land Ball et in 1994. During the fall of the 1999-2 000 Season, Ms. Bernstein Wilt staged sections of Madame Butterfly for Ba li etM et in Columbus. In th e summ e r of 2001 , Ms. Bernstein Wilt assisted Victoria Morga n in staging Cinderella for Indianapolis Ba ll et. She set Se ptime Webres Peter Pan for Cincinn ati Ba ll et in May 2001 and for Cincinn ati Ball et's tour to Lisbon, and for Dayton/Akron Ballet in Sep tem be r 2001. She wi ll also stage it in Austin, Texa s, in Apri l 2002
BRAVOGregg Saulnier, ballet master, joined Cincinnati BaLlet in 1999 as a full-time dancer. Mr Saulni er continues to dance with Cincinnati Ballet and was recent1y appointed to ballet master for the 2002 produ ction of Th e Nutaac ker. Mr Saulnier grew up in No rth Attleboro , Massachusetts and received training from The Sc hoo l of Festiva l Ballet in Providence, Rhode Island und er the directi on of Christine Hennessy &fore coming to Cincinnati Ballet, Mr Saulnier da nced with Ballet Internationale in Indiannapolis , Indi ana under th e direction of Eldar Aliev In 1998-1999, Mr Sau lnie r was honored to be the co-vice prin cipal of Th e Acad emy of Ballet Internationale- Vladilen Se myenov, principal. Several dance credits from Cincinnati BaLlet include: George Balanchines Who Cares?, Lyla Yorks Rapture, Nils Christes SYNC, and James Truittes With Timbrel and Dance.
Wendy Van Dyck, assistant to th e choreographer, was born in Tokyo an d received he r ea rl y dance training with Fifi Hut in Mi sso ula , Montana. Harold Christensen saw he r at age 11 and awarded her a Ford Foundation Sc hol arsh ip to study at the Sa n Francisco Ballet School. She joined Sa n Francisco Ballet in 1979 and in 1987 was promoted to prin cipal dancer by Helgi Tomasson. Her classical role s include the Suga r Plum Fairy in the Lew ChristensenlHe lgi Toma sso n produ ction of The Nutcracker, the titl e role in Peter Martins La Sylp hide, and Juliet in Michae l Smuin's Romeo and Juliet. Sh e has also da n ce d leading roles in Giselle (Perrot/CorallO , Cinderella (Sm uin ), The Dream Pas de Deux and Monotones 1 (As hton), In the Night (Rob bin s), Forgotten Land (Ky li an), Su nse t (Taylor), Sons oj Horus and Th e Wanderer (Bint ley), Th e Comfort Zone and Dreams oj Ha rmony (Kudelka), Hamlet and Ophelia Pas de Deux (Caniparoli) , Du o Concerta nte (Balanchin e) and ma ny others. Ms Van Dyck has toUTed th e wo rld , performing at the Edinburgh Festival , th e Spol eto Festival, the Reykjavik Festival and in Athens, Tokyo, Singapore, Bogota, J erusalem and Pari s. In 1995, she deve loped and directed th e Pilates program for the San Francisco Ballet and from 1996 to 2000 was on fa culty of the San Fran cisco Ba llet Sch oo l. In addition , s he co-founded and acts as Associa te Director of th e San Fran cisco based lawrence Pec h Dance Compan y
Krist! Capps
A nati ve of Cha rlotte , No rth Caro lina, Ms. Capps has been with th e co mpany since 1996. This year, Ms. Capps was promoted to a prinCipal dan cer. Her ball et training includes the School of American Ballet, Harid Conserva tory and No rth Ca rolina School of the Arts, where she was chosen to study at the Hunga rian State Ballet School for three summers. Prior to joining Cincinna ti Ballet, Miss Cap ps was a member of the Atlanta Ballet for three seasons. In Cincinnati, Kristi delighted audi ences in many lea d ro les, including Sugar Plu m Fairy and Snow Queen in Th e Nutcracker , Kitri in Don Quixote, Swa nhilda in Coppelia, principal in Who Ca res? an d the stripper in
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Slaughter on Tent h Avenue. For the pa st six summ e rs, Ms. Ca pps has been a member of the Ch autauq ua Ball et Company, under the direction of J ohn Pi erre Bonn efou x .
Lorna Feijoo
Lorna Feijoo made her debut as Cincinnati ballet princi pal Dan cer in 2001 , when she and hu sband Nelson Madrigal joined the company Ms. Feij 60 holds the ti tl e of prima ballerina with the Ballet Nacional de Cuba. Sh e studi ed at th e National Ballet Schoo l of Havana and was awa rded numerous awards and recognitions - both in her home count ry and inte rnationally She rece ived the Grand Prix and Special Prize of Ju ry at the National Dance Contest o rganized by UNEAC (Cuban Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba) In 1999 , Ms. Feij oo danc ed in th e ope ni ng of the Roya l Ba ll et of Lond on in Tokyo, pe rforming the ro le of Od iellel Odette. In 2000, she danced wi th Carla Fracci and the Opera Romana in a Gala, perfo rming rol es of Giselle and Esmeralda. Rece ntl y, she comp leted a tour of the Uni ted States to ra ve reviews, pe rforming with the Ball et Nac iona l de Cuba New York Times dance criti c Anna Ki sselgo ff has this to say of Ms. Feij60s recent performance in New Yorks City Center in November"The stunnin g Lorna Feijoo had no break in [her] rou nded, !1owing movement and exceptional at te nti on to deta il ."
Prior to his 2002 debut with Cincinnati Ballet , Nelson Madrigal established himself as an "Artist of Extr aordinary Ability" as a leading dancer with the Ballet Nacional de Cuba He trained in the Cuban system of ball et sc hoo ls, performing in the Provincial Fest iva l of ballet sc hools in 1991 and graduating from the National Ball et Sc hool in 1994. That sa me year, Mr. Madriga l was awarded the First Prize in Ballet for males in th e nationa l Youth Dance Contest, spo nsored by th e Associa tion of Stage Artists of the Cub an Union of Writers and Artists. He became a professional member of the Ballet Nacional de Cuba in 1994 .
In hi s third yea r with the BNC, Mr Mad rigal was promoted to the ra nk of primero solisto, o r first so loist dance r Through his strong performances in leadi ng roles such as Prince Siegfried in Swa n Lake, Escamillo in Carme n, and the Nu tcracker Prince in Nutcracker, he co ntinued to rise through the co mpany's ranks to Principal dancer. In 2001 , Mr Madri ga l was eleva ted to th e level reserved for the BNC's ultimate stars, primeros bailarines. He also dance d with th e star Carla Fracci in th e Opera Romana.
The Ba ll et Nacional de Cuba tours internationa ll y each yea r, pe rfOrming in Europe , Asia , an d No rth America. This has ga mered Nelson Madrigal cri tical acco lades, both at h ome and abroad. Recently, Lewis Segal, cri ti c of the Los Angeles Tim es s potlighted h im: " prid e of pla ce belonged to Nelso n Madrigal as the da ncin g mas ter for his brilliant tunns an d jumps, perfect cla ri ty, whether on the ground or in th e air, and disarming modesty A dancing master indeed"
Leah El zner [n her 11 th season wi th Cincinnati Ballet, Ms. Elzne r has achieved the level o f senior soloist. She has delighted Cincinnati audiences with her portrayals o f Sugar Plum Fairy, Snow Queen and Lead Wa ltz Couple in The Nutcracker; Blue Bird Pas in Sl eeping Beauty; and principal roles in Cinderella, Butterfly, Can'l1ina Burana and Belling the Slayer. Ms. Elzne r has also danced wi th Ballet Contemporaneo de Caracas, Ame rican Festival Ballet and Tulsa Ball et, wh ere sh e was also a solo ist. Ms. E1zner studied at the Chri stensen Centre in Sa lt La ke City and the San Francisco Ba ll et School. Leah s ites her favorite roles as the lead s in both But teljly and Cal1'l1ina Burana. She is the only mom on the dance roster.
Cheryl Sullivan
In h er fifth season with the Cincinnati Ballet, Ms. Sullivan h as achieved the level of senior so loist. She is origina ll y from Boston, Massachusetts, and her ballet training includ es Boston BaUet and North Carolina Sc hool of the Arts. Prior to joining Cincinnati Ballet , Ms. Sullivan danced with Ballet Memphis , Ballet Met , Louisville Ballet and Boston Ballet. Some of her favorite roles include Snow Queen in The Nutcracker, Autumn Fairy in Cinderella, Lead Woman in Lila York s Rapture, second Theme in Four Temperaments and Kate in Bu tterfly
Jay Goodlett
Born at Daytons Wright Patterson Air F orce Base, Mr. Goodl ett a ttended the School for Creative and Performi ng Arts in Cinci nnati for nine years before training at the School of American Ballet for several seasons. Mr Goodletts first perfonmances wi th the comp any were as an apprentice in 1992. Mr. Goodlett has perfonmed in many Cincinnati Ballet productions, includin g: The Nutcrachel; Romeo and Juliet, A Mid summer Night's Dream, Carmen, Cinderella, Th e Lost World, The Four Temperaments and Jewels, among others. His fav orite roles were those in Carmina Buran a and in Beyond and Out-a-Sense. Ja y has also contributed several choreographic works to the repenoire of Cincinnati Ballet, most notably his world-premie re crea tion of Grace/and, set to the music of pop artist Paul Simon
Dimitri Trubchanov
Mr. Trubcha no v was born in Turkm en istan At age eight, he mo ved to St. Petersburg, Ru ssia, and was accepted into the Vaganova School of Ballet, now known as the Academy of Russ ian Ballet. Later, as he advanced in his training and ca reer , Dimitri perfo r med roles at the Kiro v Balle t Maryinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg for six years. His favorite ballets at that ti me included La Byadere, Le Corsaire, a n d The Fountain oj Bakhci1isarai. Upon his arrival in the United Sta tes, Dimitri danced with Colorado Ballet in Denver, Co lorado and Arlington Ballet in Ar lin gto n , Texas, before coming to Cincinnati.
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Detroit Opera HouseMichael Wardlaw is originally fTOm Atlanta, Georgia. While training at the North Carolin a School of the Arts , he was chosen by his peers to be a student teacher th e re H e also trained a t the Kiro v Academy on a full scholarship. Prior to T he Cincinn ati Ballet, Mr. Wardlaw danced at the Albany Berkshire Balle t in New York , th e Carlisle Project , the Tulsa Balle t , and the Ballet Contemperario de Caracas. Mic hael loves teaching dance and in the past has taught for companies such as Blue Lake F ine Arts Camp, Burhlyn Ball et, the Carolina Ballet , and the Ballet Co ntemperaneo in South America , the Charleston Ba llet, and the Next Ge n eration Dance Company:
Mishic Marie Corn
Ms. Corn returns to her third season with Cincinnati Ballet as a soloist d a n ce r. Her ball e t trainin g includes Central Penns ylva nia Youth Ballet , Nurembe rg Opera House and Chamber lain Sc hool of Ball et. Before joining Cincinnati Ballet, s he danced with Fort WorthlDalias Ballet and spent the past three summers with Ballet Arlington , unde r the direction of Paul Mej ia. Every summer, Ms. Com teaches ballet at Chamberlain Schoo l of Balle t in Plano, Texas. M ishic credits her parents with being solid ro le models throughout her life and feels her best professional moment as a dancer was touring to Lisbon , Portugal , last seaso n to perform in th e CB produ ction of Peter Pan. Ms. Com is married to fellow Cincinnati Ballet dancer, Va lentine Libe ratore
Andrey Kasatsky
A native of Moscow, Russia , Andrey Kasatsky says his m os t challenging moment was that of "deciding to start dancing in the United States." Andrey trained with the Academy of Bols h oi Thea tre Prior to arrival in the U.s., he dan ced with Moscow Classical Ball et. H e joined Ballet lnternationa le in Indianapolis in 1997 and came to Cincinnati Balle t in 1999. Of his ma n y roles , Andrey h as been featured in Th e Nutcrac ker role of "Ru ssian" and brought audie n ces to their feet with his dynam ic portrayal of "Aramis" in the 2000 production of Th e Three Musk etee rs.
Sarah Hairston
Ms. Hairston jOined Cincinnati Ballet in 2000 as a corps de ballet dancer. H er ballet training includ es Calven Brodie School of Dance unde r Ann Brodie , Hungarian Na tional Ballet , Boston Ballet Sch oo l under Tatiana Legat, and North Carolina School of the Arts under Melissa Hayden. Before joining Cincinnati Ballet , she danced with the Boston Ballet. Among her many roles, he r favorites include Mazjana in A Thousand and One Nig hts, Raymonda pas de deux, and Arabian in The Nu tcrac ke r
Dawn Kelly is fro m Boston, Massachusetts. She joined Cincinnati Ball et in 1998 as a corps de ballet dancer. Ms. Kelly tra in ed at Boston Ballet , Pe rm State C ho reograp hic Institute in Russia, The Vaganova Academy, and th e Kiro v Academ y in Washington D. C. Among h er many roles, Wendy in Peter Pan and Paquita in Paquita have been two of her favorites Dawns extraordinary ballet leap was the image featur ed to announce the 2000-2001 seaso n of Cincinnati Ballet on the companys season poste rs and print m aterial.
Tara Mora
A native of New York City, Ms Mora recei ve d her training as a sc holarship stud ent at the School of American Ba llet and is a gradu ate o f the High School of PerfOrming Arts. Ms. Mora's profeSS io nal affiliations include At lanta Ballet , Alabam a Ballet and Carolina Ball et. Most rece ntly, she pe rformed with Suzanne Farrell Ballet at the Kenn ed y Ce nte r Of the prinCipal roles sh e has danced, h er favo rites we re in George Balanc hine's Squa re Dance (a lso h e r most tec hnicall y challenging) and Serenade, Kir k Peterson 's Belling the Slayer and Lynn e TaylorCo rbe tts Trip tych. This is Ms. Mora's first season with Cincinnati Ballet.
Erina Noda
A native of Tokyo, japan, Ms. Noda rece ived he r training through th e School of Zurich Ballet. Ms. Noda danced at the James Sewell Ballet in Minneapolis, Minn eso ta and II Ballet d e Key in ZUlich, Swi tzerland before co ming to Cin cinnati Ballet. Among the roles she has performed , her favorites include Tchaik ovsky Pas de Deux b y Balanchine and Don Quixote Pas de Deux This past june, Ms. Noda was honored to dance in Don Quixote a nd Romeo and Juliet at the Interlochen Ar ts Festiva l held in Michigan. Erina h as also enjoyed portraying Tinkerbell in Peter Pan , Rose in The Nutcracker, Celebration of Dawn in Coppelia and Amor in Don QUixote with Cincinnati Ballet. Ms. Noda was inspi red to become a dancer after see in g Cynthia Harvey dancing Don Quixote with American Ba ll et Theater.
Stephanie Roig
A native of Somers, Connect icut , Ms. Roig received h e r training at the Sc h oo l of the Hartfo rd Ballet, Boston Ballet and North Carolina School of the Arts. She is the recipient of the Nation a l Fo undation fo r Arts Advancement Award. Before joining th e Cincinnati Ballet in 2000, Ms. Roig danced with the Hartford Ballet, under the direction of Kirk Pe terson. Severa l of Stephanie's fa vo rite roles include Queen of the Dryads in Don QUixote, Big Swa ns in Swan Lake, and the lead ro le in Valse Fan ta isie, Biches.
Tricia Sundbeck
Tricia recalls one of her most memorable dance moments was when "m y father brought me flowers on stage at my first performance of Sugar Plum Fairy" in Th e Nutcracker. Born and raised in Stockton , CalifOrnia, Ms. Sundbeck trai n ed with Sacramento Ballet and in summe r w orkshop s with both San Francisco Ballet and Boston Balle t. She rose to the pos ition of principal dance r with Sacramento Ballet prior to he r arrival in Cin cinnati. Of the many principal roles she has performed, she is most p roud of her Cinderella , Giselle, Bea u ty in Beauty and th e Beast, Sno w Queen, Arabian, Rose and Sugar Plum roles in The Nutc racker and lead roles in both Coppelia and Romeo & Juliet. She is an accomplished Balanchine dancer, having performed in Rubi es, Serenade, Concerto Bamcco and La Son nambula to name a few.
Janessa Touchet
After dancing as an appre ntice wit h Cincinnati Ballet last season, Ms. Touche t returns as a corps de ballet dancer for the 2002-2003 Season. Born and raised in New O rl eans, Louisiana, Ms. To u c het trained a t the G iacobbe Academy of Dance and Pacific Northwest Ballet. She has rraveled to Copenhagen, Denmark, to stud y at Royal Dan is h Ballet. In june of 2002, Ms. Tou chet was a semifinalist in the Inte rnational Ballet Com p e tition. Some of Ms Touchet 's favorite roles are Tinkerbell in Peter Pan and the Lost Boys, Ja smine in Alladin, and Spri ng Fairy in Cind erella
Oliver Arana is from Lima, Pe ru where he h as danced with Bal le t Municipal de Lima and Ballet Nac ional de Caracas. Mr Arana has a lso danced in Venez uela with Ballet Classico de Camara and in th e US wi th BayBallet Theatre a nd C leveland Ballet. H e has trained with such notab les as Nina Novak, Lucy Telge, Vladimir Issaev and Magaly Suarez. Mr. Arana is especially proud to have been invited to alternate the Diana and Actaeon pas de deux with Carl os Acosta at the Gala d e la juventud d e America. He has performed in festivals in both Tel Aviv, Israel and Camaguey, Cuba, and a m o ng hi s many ro les, his favorites include Escamillo in Ca rm en , Sigfried in Swan Lak e, Sol or in Raymonda, and Basilio in Don Qu ixote.
Zack Grubbs
Born and raised in Dallas, Texas, Mr. Grubbs rece ived his professional dan ce training a t Tuze r Ballet under the direction of Pa tricia and Tanju Tuzer. He a lso attended th e Kirov Academy, American Ballet Th eater, Pacific No rth wes t Ballet, Utah Ballet , Pennsylvania Ballet and Boston Ballet, where h e d anced professionally for four years prio r to joining C in cinnati Ballet. H is love of ba ll et stems from an initial introduction to use ballet as a training method to improve his gymnasti C ability. Hi s most s ignificant role model is Devo n Carney, and h e credits Tanju Tuz er as his profeSSio nal mentor. This is Zacks first seaso n with Cincinnati Ballet.
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Frank R. Johnson
A native of New York, Mr. Johnson comes to Cincinna ti Ballet from Dance Theatre of Harlem. H e received his training at the School of American Ball et, Pennsy lvania Ball et, laGuardia High Schoo l of Mu sic and Art and va riou s teac h ers in New York. Mr. J oh nson has also d anced with Suzanne Fa rrell Company, Pennsylvania Ballet, Pacific North west Ballet and Los Angeles Class ica l Ballet. Frank is passio nate about dance and lists one of h is most memorab le roles as that of Puck in Midsummer Night's Dream.
Anthony Krutzkamp
A home-grown dancer, Mr. Krutzkamp hails from Alexandria, Kentucky He is a graduate of the Virginia School of the Arts and has trained with th e Houston Ballet and Boston Ballet.
Anthony has danced professionally with Kansas City Ballet prior to his dancing with Cincinnati Ballet.
From 1996 through 2000 , Mr. Kru tzcamp was awarded full scho lars hip for ba ll et training programs, including Chau tauqua, Joffrey Ba ll et, Boston Ballet and Houston Balle t. His favorite ro les are those found in ballets choreographed by George Ba lanchine. Anthony firs t joined Cincinnati Ballet during the 2001-2002 season.
Luciano Lazzarotto
Born and raised in Brazil, Luciano Lazzarotto received professional dance training at Petit Ballet - Brazil , School of American Ballet in New York, San Francisco Ballet School, Pacific Northwes t Ballet School a nd privately with J ohan Renvall in New Yo r k. H e had danced professionally with Ballet Cidade de Cu ritaba - Brazil , San Francisco Ballet and Co nnecticut Ball et before joining Cincinnati Ballet in 2000. Luciano feels his best moment as a dancer is "when yo u find out how exhilarating yo ur perform a n ce is in the eyes o f the audience. Th e applause encourages yo u to do m ore an d more ." His favorite performance roles include the part s of Slave Trader from Le Corsaire and Albrecht in Giselle.
Valentine Liberatore
A native of BrownSvi ll e, Pennsylva nia , Mr. Liberatore returns to Cincinnati Ball et in h is third season, this year establishing a new dancer category as a pri n cipal charac te r dancer for the 20022003 season He trained at the School of American Ballet a nd Pittsburgh Balle t Theater. &sides the Cincinna ti Ballet, Mr. Liberatore danced with Pittsb urgh Ballet Theater and Fort WonhlDaUas Ballet. Every role that Mr. Liberatore plays is considered a favorite to him; he enjoys each a nd every moment s pent onstage. Vals cheerfu l personality and upbeat di s pos ition reflects his positi ve "never give up " a ttitude, and explains that his life is guided by the inspiration and support he receives from his wife, Cincinnati Ballet dancer Mishic Marie Com.
Detroit Opera Hous e
Greg Schoenwolf
Greg Schoenwolf was born in New Mexico, but claims Salt Lake C ity, U tah , as his hometown. Gregs professional dance trainin g took p lace at both the Univers ity of U tah Ballet Department and the Pacific North west Ballet Scho ol. Prior to joining C incinnati Ba lle t , Greg da n ced pro feSSion ally at Fort Worth! Dallas Ballet and Ballet Oklahoma.
Benjamin Wardell
Born in Zurich, Switzer land, Mr. Warde ll be gan balle t at age 10 in Memphis, Tennessee. H e j oin Cinc innati Ba ll et this year a ft e r comple ti ng his training at Classical Ballet Memphis School. H e attended the summe r p rograms of the Jo[fre y Ba llet Sch ool, Houston Ballet Academy and Vail International Dance Festival , all on full scho larship. In Memphis, Benjamin completed his Royal Academy of Dance major exa minations, achieving hono rs on his advanced exam. H e joined Cincinnati Ballet last year.
Kelly Ann Sloan is Origin ally from Bayonne, New J ersey, land is d elighted to return to Cincinnati after her apprenticeship last season. She began her dance st udies a t th e New J ersey Balle t Sc h ool and regularly performed with their professional company during her five years there. Sh e then attended Indiana Uni versity, whe re she received dual degrees in ba ll et a nd journalism. Kelly Ann is trul y thankfu l for every minu te she spends on stage and he r favorite roles include danCing in Balanchines Divertimento #15 and Square Dance, as well as original works by her form er teacher, Violette Verdy.
Dwayne Holliday A native of Baton Rouge, LA, Mr. Holliday enters the ballet as a new dance r. He received trai ning from Dances Workshop in Baton Rouge, LA , and Houston Ball e t Academ y. H e cla ims that seeing The Nutcracker at the late age of 18 inspired him to beco me a dan cer, and has loved every minute of it ever since Pri or to the ballet, he was appOinted to and accep ted the West Po int Military Acadmey, at which po int he ch ose to pursue hi s ba llet career Dwayne lists role models Bob Dylan and Ani DiFranco, as we ll as J ohn Magnu s, Jiang Qi and Claudio Munoz.
Laura Anne Dunlop After apprenticing with the Cincinnati Ballet in i ts 2001 production of Th e Nutcracker, Ms. Dunlop returns to Cincinnati in her first full season. A native of Elkhart , Indiana, Ms. Dunlop!; professional d ance training includes Schoo l o f Ba ll et Chicago, Indiana U niversity, as well as several summer programs with Miami City Ballet , American Ba llet Theatre and Pacific Northwest Ballet. Ms Dunlop has danced with such companies as Ba ll et Chicago, Chautauqua Ballet Company and, most recently, Cincinnati Ballet.
Rebecca Erhart
A native of San Ramon, California, Ms. Erhart is new to Cincinnati Ballet. A former stud ent o f Contra Costa Ballet Centre, Ms. Erhart was featured with the student company in Paquita and The Nutcrac ker , among othe r b allets. H er training there was supp lemented by attendance of su ch prestigious su mmer programs as The School of Ameri can Ballet, the Rock School of Pennsylvania Ballet, and the Miami City Ballet School. After graduating high school, Rebecca continued her ballet training with the Pittsb urgh Ballet Theatre School, an d was invited to j oin the company in performan ces of The Nutcracker and Tl1e Sleeping Beauty. Leaving Pittsburgh , Rebecca journeyed to Incliana University w h ere she was the recipient of the ballet d epartments highest scholarship Afte r two years, Rebecca graduated from Indiana University with degrees in both b aUet and business
Stalsha Grosch is originally from Fo rt Lauderdale , Florida , a nd is deligh ted to be in her first seaso n as a professional dancer. She did most of her training at San Francisco Balle t School as well as Madga Aunon School of Ballet ; plus various summer programs, including Royal Ballet School in London and Am erican Ballet Theater in New York. Ms Grosch recently performed in the
USA Interna tional Ballet Competitio n and states that the preparation for the co mpet iti on was a rewa rding expe ri ence Three ballets that she choreograp hed were adjudi ca ted and se lected to be danced at the Emerging Choreograp hers Showcase
Amanda Jesse A native of Richmond, Mic hi gan, Ms Jesse returns to th e Ci ncinnati Ballet after performing in Cincinn ati Ba ll ets 1I1C Nutcracher, 200l. Professional training includes the lascu Scho ol of Ballet in Michigan, the HARID Conservatory in Boca Raton, Florida, Mercyhurst Co llege in Erie , Pennsy lva nia, and Indiana Univers ity, as well as summ e r programs that include th e Schoo l of American Ballet and Ame ri ca n Ballet Theater. Ms. Jesse fee ls fonunate to be a pro fess ional dancer, cons ideri ng s he took time off to attend and graduate from college.
Coulisse Olivia Murphy
A native of Chesaw, Washington, Ms. Murphy trained at Pacific No nhwest Ballet Sc hoo l , Vanco uver Go Ballet Scho ol and San Francisco Ballet School. Sh e is proud to be a professional ballet dancer and even more proud to be dancing for the Cincinnati Ballet. Prior to dancing for Cinci nnati Ball et, Ms. Murphy danced for Hanford Ballet, Fort Worth Dallas Ball et, and Boston Ballet.
Aaron C. Thayer
Mr. Thaye r, o ri ginally from Reston, Virgi nia , gradua ted high school one year early to pursue his love of the ballet. He t rained at Classical Ballet Academy under Cynt hia
Rudorfer and Sa n Francisco
Ba llet Scho ol. and had summer training with American Reperatory Ballet as well as Chautauqua Festiva l. Among his roles, The Husband in Can Amore and A Hungarian Da nce r in Raymonda were hi s fa vo rites
Melissa Galli
Ms. Galli , received professional training at the Kirov Academy of Ball et. Prior to the Gncinnati Ballet, she danced at the Kirov Ballet, Universal Ba il et, Was hingto n Ballet and Indianapolis Ballet. Among her many roles, some of Ms. Galli s favo rites were Bell Dance, Gold Fai ry in Sleeping Beauty, and Peasant Pas Variation in Giselle
Heather Liberman is from Cincinnati and is proud to be one of the first two dancers to co me out of the Otto M. Budi g Academy and become a membe r of the co mpany. Her professional dance training includes Ballet Met , Boston Ballet Schoo l, Chautauqua Dance, Co llege Conservatory of Mus ic and The Otto M. Budig Academy of Ci ncinnati Ballet.
Kelly Whitaker is from Cincinnati and feels her wo rk in training through the Otto M. Budig Academy has paid off, consideri ng she is one of the fi rst to move on to the co mpany. Besides the Otto M. Budig Academy, she has trained at t he North Caro lina Scho ol of the ArtS Summ er Program , Bosto n Ball et Summe r Dance Program and American Ball et Theater Summer Intensive.
Lauren Brown
Jill Marlow
Anne Yoon Detroit
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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Sinc e its founding in 1949 , th e Rackham Symphony Choir has provid e d talented vocalists from the metropolitan De troit area with the opportunity to exp erience and perform choral music of the highest artistic quality: Detroit 's oldest choral organization , RSC enhance s the cu ltural richness of the commu nity through its co mmitment to offering concert performances, s tudent outreach programs, and benefit concerts for communityba se d charitable agencies.
U nd er t h e as tu te l eade rship o f Suzann e Mallare Acton, critically accla im ed conductor and th e Rackham Symphon y Choir 's artis ti c and mu sic d ir ector , the chorus has ex pand e d it s rich tr adi tion of musica l perfo rmance. Conce rts from the ac claim ed 2001-2002 season included th e Michigan pr em i ere of Too Hot to Handel , as we ll as th e offic i a l 50th an niver sa r y production of Gian Carlo Menotti 's A mahl and the N ight Visitors, staged personally by Maes tro Meno tti
Part I Sinfony
Comfort ye
Every va lley
And th e glory of the Lord shall b e revealed Thus saith th e Lord
But who may abide the day of His comin g And He shall purify
Behold, a Virgin sh all conc eive o thou that telleth good tidings to Zion
For beh old , darkness sh all cover the earth
The p eop le that walke d in d arkness
Fo r unt o u s a child is born
There were shepherds abiding in the field And sudd enly ther e was with the angel
Glory to God
Part II
Rejoice grea tly
Then sh all the eyes of the blind be opene d He sh all fee d His fl ock
His yoke is easy
Behold the Lamb of God
Surely He hath borne our griefs * *
All we like sh eep, ha ve gone as tray Behold , I tell yo u a mystery
The trumpets sh all sound
The Lord gave the word
Why do the n ation s so furiousl y rage Halleluj ah!
** with David Vaughn , Bass -baritone
Artist Profiles
The Concordia Orchestra of New York City commissio ned Too Hot to Hand el in the ea rl y 1 990s Since the first performance at Lincoln Center, crowds ha ve smi led, c heered and danced in their seats (and so metimes in th e ais l es l ). Too Hot captures the essential core of Handel's famous masterwork a n d re interprets it with cho rd s of rh y thm a nd blues, jazz and gospel. The end result) A dynamic and uplifting ce l ebrat i on that must be experienced. Sim ply put: Too Hot to Handel is Messiah recreated.
Music on loan from the archiv es of Th e Concordia Orchestra, Marin Alsop,founding music director and conductor.
Artistic and Music Director
Known for her "suppl e, distinctive , musical direction, " co ndu cto r Suzanne Mallare Acton continues to earn respect and admiration for her performances in both the concert hall and the ope ra s tage. In cond ucting a range of work, from classical favorites like Hand el's Messiah to contemporary jazz arrangements, audiences and cri ti cs recognize her exce ptional versati lity and dynamic s tyle. Ms. Acton, widely acclaimed for h er wo rk as conduc tor and chorus master for Michigan Opera Theatre, includes West Side Story, n Barbiere di SivigLia , Music Man, The Pirates of Penzance , The Mikado and The Daughter o f the Regiment among h er MOT conducting credits. Wi th the Dayton Oper a , she conducted My Fair Lady and La Traviata. Most recently, Ms. Ac ton condu c ted The Merry Widow for Art Park in Lewiston , New York. In May 2003, Ms. Acton will cond u ct MOTs Die Fledermaus.
Alfreda Burke th rilled
Detroit audiences in the Rackham Symphony Choir production of Too Hot to Hand el at Little Rock Baptist Church last season. Ms Burke made her
Carnegie H all debut in Strauss ' Elehtra with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra led b y Daniel Bare n boim. She has performed with the CSO at Ravinia and O rchestra Hall , Chicago Ope ra Theatre , MSU Symphony Orchestra , Grant Park Music Festival Metropolis Symphony
Orch estra, among others. Her cre dits include opera , oratorio, concert/recital and mu sical theater. She has also b een featured in recordings , music vid eo, radi o, television, film and commercials. Ms Burke has released her so lo debut CD , "From the Heart. " Visit her we bsite at
Vi vian Ch erry retu rn s to Detroit, where s h e d e li ght ed a udiences w i th h er dynamiC p er forman ce in RSCs premiere o f Too Hot to Handel last season. Audiences will also recognize Ms. Ch erry for her performances in the Concordia Orchestra p resentation o f Too Hot to Handel, as well as recitals at the Spoleto Jazz Festival and American Music Theatre Festival. In ad ditiona l to her classical work, she has performed and recorded popular wo rks with Frank Sinatra , the Carnegie H all J azz Band and Quincy J ones.
Rodrick Dixon returns to D etroit , whe r e h is e le ctrify in g presence and dynam ic ra n ge delighted audiences in RSCs first prod uction of Too Hot to Handel. Mr. Dixon has appeared in a variety of dramatic ro les that encompass the repertoire of ope ra, contempor ary opera, oratorio, concert/recital and mu sical theater. Hi s te levision cred its include th e PB S production "Three Mo' Tenors. " He h as performed as a concert soloist in Europe and th e United States. Mr. Dixon's prinCipal operatic debuts include the Lyric Opera o f Chicago , Portland Opera , Colu mbus Opera and Virginia Opera. Visit his websit e at www.tenorroddixon com m
TOO HOT TO HANDEL Contributors
Standard Federal Bank
Little Rock Baptist Church
Conductor's Circle
Archdiocese of Detroit
Cummins Standb y Po we r Divis ion
In m emory of Walter and Regin a Lin
Marriott Cou rt yard at Millender Center
In memory of Kennet h and Andrea Perso n
Suzanne Acton and Davi d Osborne
Maureen and Philip Abe le
Mike Arlow
J ay and Sh eila Becker
Mary An n Carro ll
Cheryl Ann and Jo se ph Krul
In memory of W illiam MacRae Lewis
Mr. a nd Mrs. Dennis B. Malaney
Paul Mazza
Alfred Nenciarini
Maury Okun
Pinnacle Reso urce Group
Clift on Shaw
Caro l Campbe ll
Patrick and Patricia Minnick
Robin Wa lko
Frank and Ju dith Zbikowski
Rackham Symphony Choir
S0Waa Ashton-
Shinti Dixon
Toni Hicks
Cyd Higgins
Detroit Opera House Orchestra
Violin I Brooke
Charlotte Hoplamazian
Merkerson, Mo lly Hughes
Cha rles Roth
Velda Kelly
Kevin Fi lewych
Carol Evans
Elizabeth Rowin
Nathaniel Basa
Violin II
Bing Xia
James Kujawski
John Madison
Scott Stefanko
James Greer
Julianne linn
Victoria Haltom Cello
Movses Pagossian Nadine Deleury
Diane Bredesen
Minka Christoff
John Iatzko
Derek Weller
Clark Suttle
Lawrence Nozero
Russell Mallare
George Benson
Jose Mallare
Ernest E. Rodgers
Horns Timpani Organ
Kyle Mills
Carrie Banfield
Steve Mumford
David Kueh n
Gordon Simmons
Maurice Davis
Edward Gooch
Maury Okun
Greg Near
John Dorsey
Donnie Lewis
Drum Set
Stanley Waldon
Electric Bass
Marion Hayden
Electric Bass
David Taylor Guitar
Alvin Waddles
Don Lewandowski
Electric Guitar
Robert Bourassa
The arts enri ch our l ives i n ways that go beyo n d t h e spoke n wo r d or mus i ca l note. They make us laugh. They make us cry. They l ift our sp ir its and bring enjoyme nt to our l ives. The arts and cu l t ur al oppo rtuni t i es so vita l to t hi s commu ni ty are also i mportant to us. That's w hy (omerica supports the arts. And we app l aud th ose who jo in us in making in vestments th at en r ic h peop l es li ves.
listen . We understand. We make it
Founder - Alvin Ailey
Artistic Director - JUDITH JAMISON
Associate Artistic Director - Masazumi Chaya
Company Members
Guillermo Asca, Kevin E. Boseman, Olivia Bowman, Hope Boykin , Clifton Brown, Anthony Burrell, Samuel Deshauteurs, Linda-D enise Fisher-Harrell, Jeffrey Gerodias, Vernard]. Gilmore , Venus Hall, Abdur-Ra him Jackson , Amos]. Machanic, Jr. , Benoit-Swan Pouffer, Briana Reed , Jamar Roberts, Renee Robinson, Juan-Antonio Rodriguez, Laura Rossini , Cheryl Rowley-Gaskins, Matthew Rushing , Rosalyn Sa nd ers, Wendy White Sasser, Bahiyah Sayyed-Gaines, Glenn A. Sims, Linda Ce leste Sims, Dwana Adiaha Smallwood, Asha Thomas, Tina Monica Williams, Dion Wilson , and Dudley Williams
The Alvin Ailey Americ an Dance Theater is produced by Alvin Aile y Dance Fo und ation, Inc.
Executive Director - Sharon Gersten Luckman
Major funding is provided by the New York Sta te Council on th e Arts , the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, the Na ti ona l Endowment for the Arts, AOL Time Warner Inc., an d MasterCard Int ernationa l.
Citigroup provides major support for the Alvin Ai ley Dance Fo und ation 's Arts -in- Educati on programs.
American Airlines is the official airline of Alvin Ailey American Dan ce Theater.
Nationa l Sponsor
Major support for the U.S Tour provided by
The 2002 -20 03 DaimlerChrysler Dance Series is made possible by the DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fu nd
All About Alvin Ailey
The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater grew from a now fabled performance of March 1958 at the 92nd Street Young Mens Hebrew Association in New York. Led by Alvin Ailey and a group of yo u ng black modern dancers , that perfor-
mance changed forever the perception of American dance The Ailey company has gone on to p erform for an estimated 19 million people in 48 states and in 68 countries on six continents , including two historic residencies in South Africa. The compan y h as earned a rep utati on as one of the most acclaimed international ambassa dors of American cu lture, promo ting the uniqu eness of black cultural expression and the preservation and enrichment of the American modern dance heritage.
Born in Rogers , Texas, on january 5, 1931, Alvin Ailey was introduced to dance by performances of the Katherine Dunham Dance Company an d the Ballet Russe de Monte Carl o. His formal dance training began with an introduction to Lester Horton's classes by his friend, Carmen de Lavallade.
When Mr. Ail ey began crea ting dance, h e drew upon his "blood memories " of Texas , the blues , spiritu als and gospel as inspiration , which resulted in the creation of his mos t popular and critica lly acclaimed work - Revelations.
Although h e created 79 balle ts during his lifetime , Alvin Ailey maintained that his compan y was not exclusively a repository for his own work. Today, the company continues Mr. Aileys mission by presenting imp ortan t works of the past and commissioning new ones to add to the rep ertoire. In all , more than 170 works by over 65 choreographers have been performed by Alvin Ailey American Danc e Theater
In 1989 , after the death , and in accordance with his wish es, Alvin Ailey appointed judith jamison Artistic Director of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. Ms . jamison wrote in h er autobiography, Dancing Spirit, "I h ope I'm a continuation of Alvins vision He has left m e a road map. Its very clear. It works. " m
For more information visit our website
Artist Profiles
JUDITH JAMISON , Artistic Director
JudithJamison was asked to become artistic director of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater by Alvin Ailey before his untimely death. She was appointed to the position in December 1989, after the death of her mentor, Alvin Ailey A native of Philadelphia, she studied with Marion Cuyjet, was discovered by Agnes De Mille and made her New York debut with American Ballet Theatre in 1964. She became a member of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in 1965 and danced with the company for 15 years to great acclaim. Recognizing her extraordinary talent, Mr. Ailey created some of his most enduring roles for her, most notably the tour de force solo Cry.
After leaving the company in 1980, Ms. Jamison appeared as a guest artist with ballet companies all over the world and starred in the hit Broadway musical Sophisticated Ladies. In 1988, she formed her own company, TheJamison Project; a PBS special depicting her creative process, Judith Jamison. The Dancemaher , aired nationally the same year.
As a highly regarded choreographer, Ms. Jamison has created works for many companies. HERE ... NOW; commissioned for the 2002 Cultural Olympiad, is her most recent ballet. She choreographed Double Exposure for the Lincoln Center Festival in July 2000. Divining (1984), Rift (1991) , Hymn (1993), Riverside (1995), Sweet Release (1996) and Echo: Far From Home (1998) are other major works she has choreographed for the Company
Ms. Jamison is a master teacher, lecturer and author. Her autobiography, Dancing Spirit, was published in 1993. She is a noted authority on modern dance and an advocate for education in the arts. She is the recipient of many awards and honorary degrees, including a prime-time Emmy Award and an American Choreography Award for Outstanding Choreography in the PBS "Great Performances: Dance In America" special, A Hymn Jor Alvin Ailey, and an honorary doctorate from Howard University In December 1999, Ms. Jamison was presented with the Kennedy Center Honor, recognizing her lifetime contributions to American culture through the performing arts. In November 200 I, she received the Algur H. Meadows Award from Southern Methodist University Ms. Jamison carried the Olympic torch during the relay prior to the opening ceremonies in Salt Lake City in 2002. Most recently, President Bush presented Ms Jamison with a National Medal of Arts, the most prestigious award presented to artists in the United States.
Today, JudithJamison pres i des over a renewed Ailey organization, artistically and fiscally invigorated. Her presence has been a catalyst, propelling the organization in new directionsthe development of the Women's Choreography
Initiative , performances at the 2002 Cultural Olympiad and the 1996 Atlanta Games, and two unprecedented engagements in South Africa Ms. Jamison has continued Mr. Ailey's practice of showcasing the talents of emerging choreographers from within the ranks of the company As Artistic Director of The Ailey School, official school of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, she has helped to implement a multicultural curriculum including salsa and the dances of West Africa and South India. She has also been a guiding force in establishing the B. FA. program with The Ailey School and Fordham University, which offers a unique combination of superb dance training and a superior liberal arts education Following the tradition of Alvin Ailey, Ms. Jamison is dedicated to asserting the prominence of the arts in our culture, spearheading initiatives to bring dance into the community and programs that introduce children to the arts. She remains committed to promoting the significance of the Ailey legacydance as a medium for honoring the past, celebrating the present and fearlessly reaching into the future. Currently she is at the forefront of the campaign for The Ailey's new home.
MASAZUMI CHAYA, Associate Artistic Director Celebrating 30 Years
Masazumi Chaya was born in Fukuoka,Japan , where he began his classical ballet training. Upon moving to New York on December 19 , 1970 , he studied modern dance and performed with the Richard Englund Repertory Company Mr. Chaya joined Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in 1972 and performed with the Company for 15 years In 1988, he became the company's Rehearsal Director, after serving as assistant rehearsal director for two years. A master teacher , both on tour with the company and in his native Japan, he served as choreographic assistant to Alvin Ailey andJohn Butler. In 1991, Mr. Chaya was named Associate Artistic Director of the company He continues to provide invaluable creative assistance in all facets of its operation.
Mr. Chaya has staged numerous ballets, including Alvin Ailey 's Flowers for the State Ballet of Missouri (1990) and The River for the Royal Swedish Ballet (1993), Ballet Florida (1995) , National Ballet of Prague (1995), Pennsylvania Ballet (1996) and Colorado Ballet (1998). He has also restaged Pas de Duhe, The River, The Mooche, The Stach-Up, Episodes, Masehela Langage and Bad Blood for the Company At the beginning of his tenure as Associate Artistic Director, Chaya restaged Ailey 's For "Bird" - With Love for a Dance in America program entitled Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater: Steps Ahead In 2000, Mr. Chaya restaged Ailey's Night Creature for the Rome Opera House and The River for La Scala Ballet.
As a performer Masazumi Chaya appeared on
Japanese television in both dramatic and musical productions. He wishes to recognize the artistic contribution and spirit of his late friend and fellow artist, Michihiko Oka.
RONNI FAVORS, Rehearsal Director
Ronni Favors began danCing as a child in her hometown of Iowa City, Iowa. After graduating from high school, she traveled to New York to continue her studies at The Ailey SchooL Ms. Favors has been a member of Ailey II, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and the Lar Lubovitch Dance Company, and is a recipient of the Min-On Art Award. She served as Lar Lubovitch's assistant in setting his works on several companies, including Cleveland Ballet, theJuilliard Dance Ensemble, Ballet du Nord and AAADT Ms Favors was the ballet instructor at AileyCamp's 1989 inaugural session in Kansas City and served as the Artistic Director there in 1990. She was the founding director of New York's CAS/Ailey Camp and provided guidance in the national implementation of the program. Ms. Favors was named Assistant Rehearsal Director in 1997 and Rehearsal Director in 1999 During the company's return to South Africa in the fall of 1998, Ms. Favors engaged and rehearsed South African students, who performed in Alvin Ailey's Memoria in Johannesburg.
GUILLERMO ASCA (Rego Park, NY), or "Moe" as he is affectionately known, was a scholarship student at The Ailey School and has danced with Ailey II, Ballet Metropolitano de Caracas, Ballet Hispanico, Dance Compass and Foot Prints Dance Project Hejoined the Company in 1994.
KEVIN E. BOSEMAN (Anderson , SC) began training with Andrew Kuharsky at the Greenville Ballet , where he later made his performing debut. Mr. Boseman was a scholarship student at The Ailey School and has danced with Ailey II, the Martha Graham Dance Company and Donald Byrd/The Group He was in the 1995 revival tour of Your Arms Too Short to Box with God. Mr. Bosemanjoined the Company in 1997.
OLIVIA BOWMAN (Brooklyn, NY) graduated from LaGuardia High School of the Performing Arts. She attended the North Carolina School of the Arts, Eglevsky Ballet, Dance Theatre of Harlem School and The Ailey School, all on scholarship. She danced with Nathaniel Trice and Mia Michaels, and was a member of Donald Byrd/The Group and Complexions - "A Concept in Dance." She joined the Company in 2001.
HOPE BOYKIN (Durham, NC) is a three-time reCipient of the American Dance Festival's Young Tuition Scho larship. She attended Howard Uni-
versi ty and per form ed wi th Ll oy d Whitmore's New Wo rl d Da nce Company in Washington, D C. Ms. Boykin was a stud ent and int e rn at The Ailey Schoo l. She was assi stant to th e late Tall ey Beatt y and an or igina l memb er of Complexions - "A Concept in Dance. " Ms Boykin was a m e mber of Phil a dan co a nd rece ived a N ew York D a n ce and Perfor ma nce "Bess ie" Aw ard She j oined t he Comp an y in 2000
CLIFTON BROWN (Goo d year, AZ) b ega n dancing at t he age o f five a nd t rained at variou s schools, in clu ding Tak e 5 Dan ce Academy, Ball et Arizona, N ew Schoo l for the Arts an d Th e Ailey Sc ho o l , where he was a s tudent in the Ai ley/F ordham BFA Pro gra m in Dan ce. H e has al so rece ived a numb er of scholars hi ps and awards, including th e Martin Luther Ki ng Sc holars hip fro m the ci t y of Phoe ni x a nd a level 1 ART S award g ive n b y t h e N ati o nal Found at ion for Adv anc ement in t h e Arts. Mr. Brown joine d th e Co mp a n y in 1999.
ANTHONY BURRELL (Phila d e lphia , PA) began hi s trai nin g at Point Br eez e P erformi n g Arts Center. H e later st udied at va riou s inst itu tions inclu d in g Phil ad an co, Pen nsy l va nia Ballet, t h e Uni ve rsit y of the Arts, a nd Th e Ailey Schoo l. He h as p e rform ed w ith Kores h , El eone Dance Theate r , KT. M.lExt reme and Ail ey II. H e was a n a ti onal go ld -medali st of the NAAC P ACT- SO Compe tition in Dan ce. Mr Bur rell j oined the Company in 2000.
SAMUEL DESHAUTEURS (Gua d elo up e, FWI.) be gan h i s dan ce training in his na ti ve country. After g radua ting from hi g h school, he performed in Paris, Fran ce, wi th Balle t]a zz Ri ck Od um s in 19 96. His performance credit s also includ e the F red Be nj amin Danc e Co mpan y. H e att e nd e d The Aile y School as a fellowship s tud ent a nd d ance d with Ail ey Il in 1 999. Mr. Des h auteurs join e d the Compa n y in 2000
LINDA· DENISE FISHER·HARRELL (Ba ltimor e, MD) b ega n her dan ce trainin g a t th e Baltimore Sc hool for the Arts under the gu idance of Sylveste r Ca mpb e ll an d Stepha nie Pow e ll. Sh e was a fellowship s tud ent at T h e Ail ey Schoo l and att e nd e d Th e Juilliard Sc hool before j oining Hub bar d St ree t Dan ce C hi cago, where s h e danced fro m 1 989 to 199 2. Mrs. Fisher-Harrell h as received ma n y awards includ ing, fir st p lac e in th e NAACP AC T- SO Co mp etition in D ance She won an ARTS award g iven by the Nationa l Fo un d ation for Adva n ce me nt in the Arts a nd ha s received t wo Ind ividu a l Arti st ci t ations fro m th e State o f Mar yland Sh e h as p erforme d with the Capito l Bal le t and was featured as a guest a rtist in th e Wo rl d Sta rs a t the Ope ra International Ballet Gala in Bud a p est, Hun ga ry, in 2000. Mr s. F is h erHarr ell joined the Company in 1992.
JEFFREY GERODIAS (Sa n Diego, CA) studie d at the Sa n Di ego School of Cr eative and Perfo rmin g Arts and the Boston Conserva tor y of Music, Th eater a nd Dance. He a lso studied at Th e Ai ley School, w h e r e h e was a reC ip ient of a D onna Wood Found ation Award durin g the summ e r of 1 994. He h as danced wi th Ail ey I! and joined th e Com p a n y in 1 996
VERNARD J. GILMORE (C hi cag o , I L) bega n d a n c in g at Curie Perfor mi ng an d Creat i ve Arts Hi gh Sc hool in C hi cago a nd late r s tudi e d a t the
Joseph H ol m es Chicago Dan ce Th eater wi th Marquita Levy, H arr ie t Ro ss and Emil y Stei n. H e attend ed Bara t Co ll ege as a dance sc h o larship recipient, wo n the a ll-ci ty NAACP AC T- SO Comp et i tio n in Dan ce in 1993 and studied a t Th e Ail ey Sc hool. A for mer member of Ailey I! , Mr. Gilm o rejo in ed the Comp any in 1997.
VENUS HALL (C hicago , IL) train ed a tJo se ph Holm es Chi cago Dance Th ea ter und e r th e instru ct ion of Ra nd y Dun can and H ar riet Ross. She was a sc hol arsh ip s tud e n t at Bara t College , where s h e received h er B.F A. and was nam ed to num e rou s honor so cieti es. Ms H a ll is a fo rmer w inn er of the all-ci ty NAACP ACT-SO Comp etition in Da n ce. She s tudi e d o n fellowsh ip a t T h e Ailey Sc hool, was a memb er of Ailey I! a nd joined the Company in 1 99 7.
ABDUR·RAHIM JACKSON ( Phil adel phia, PA) is a graduate of F ra nklin Learning Ce nter Hi g h Schoo l and re ceive d his B.FA fro m The Juilli ard Sc ho o l. H e r eceive d scho lars hi ps fro m F reedom Theatre, Philadanco, D ance Theatre of Harl e m , Boston Ballet and Th e Ail ey Sc ho ol. Mr Ja ckson has received a Marion D Cuyjet Awa rd and was a n award reci p ient of the regi o n a l NAAC P AC TSO Compet it ion in Dan ce. He dan ced wit h Ail ey Il in 2000 and j oine d the Co mpany in 2001
AMOS J. MACHANIC , JR. (M iami, FL) s tud ied da n ce a t the New Wo rld Sc hool of the Arts and co ntinu ed hi s tr a in ing at The Aile y Sc hool , where h e was a fe llo wshi p r ecipient. He was a member of Aile y Il a nd joined th e Co mpan y in 1996.
BENOIT·SWAN POUFFER (Paris, France) a ttend ed the Conse r vatoi re Na tion al Superi eur de Danse de Paris and was a fellowship student a t The Ail ey Sc hool. He was fir s t - pri ze winner at the European Bene tt o n Com petiti on in It aly, and has wo rk e d wi th Comp lexio n s - "A Co ncep t in Danc e, " Philadan co, a nd Donald Byrd/The Group. Mr. Po uffer jo in ed the Comp a ny in 1 99 7.
BRIANA REED (St. Pete rsbe rg, F L) g raduat ed from T h e Juilli ard Sc hool w ith a B.FA. degree in da n ce a nd studied at Th e Ailey Sch ool as a fe llo ws hip student. She was selec ted to j oin Ailey I! in 1 997 and b eca m e a m e mbe r of the Com pany in 1998.
JAMAR ROBERTS (M iami , FL) grad uat e d fro m the New Worl d Schoo l of th e Art s H e train ed at the J offrey Ball e t Sc hool an d as a fellowship s tudent at The Ailey Sc hool. He was a m e mber o f Ailey I! a nd joined the Co m pany in 2 002.
RENEE ROBINSON (Wash ing ton, DC) bega n h e r trainin g in class ica l ballet at the J onesHaywood Sc ho ol of Bal let. Sh e was t h e r ecipient of two Ford F ounda ti on scho larshi ps to the Sc h ool o f Am er ica n Ball et and wa s awa rded full sc holar s hips to the Dan ce Theat r e o f H a rl em and Th e Ail ey Sc h oo l. Ms Robinson was a mem be r o f Ail ey I! and jo ined the Company in 1981.
JUAN·ANTONIO RODRIGUEZ (Long Island , NY) began his dance t raini ng at Wes t b ur y Acade my and Two Worlds Dance Company und e r the gu idan ce of J ean Lee. H e co ntinued hi s trainin g at Th e Ai ley Sc h oo l as a fe ll owship s tud ent and won an ARTS award given by the Nation al Foundation for Advanceme nt in the Arts. In 2001 , Mr. Rodriguez g r aduated from T heJuilii ar d Sc h ool
wi th a B.FA. d eg r ee and j o in ed the Company.
LAURA ROSSINI (At lanta , GA) be gan s tudyin g dance in At la nta, w i th t he lat e Pittman Cor ry. After traini ng w ith Patricia Brom ley and Ga r y Harrison , s h e accepted a fell owshi p at Th e Ailey Sc hool. She su bsequ e ntly performed with Ailey I! befo r e jo in ing D o n a ld Byr d/T h e Group. Ms. Ross ini j o in e d the Comp an y in 2000.
b ega n d a n cing m o r e th an 13 yea rs ago . Sh e tr aine d at th e New World Sc h oo l in Florida was on fe llow s hip a t Th e Ail ey Sc h ool and won ARTS award given by the National Foundation for Ad va n ceme n t in th e Arts. Mrs. Ro wley-Gaskin s pe rformed with Ailey II fo r three yea rs a nd joined th e Co mpany in 199 9.
MATTHEW RUSHING (Lo s An gel es , CA)
a tt e nded th e Los Angeles County Hi g h Sc hool for th e Arts and trained a t the Lo s Ange le s Co ntemp o ra r y Da n ce Theater, Stan ley Hold en Dance Ce nt e r and The Ail ey Sc hool. H e has rece ive d the Spotlight Award and was nam e d a Pres id e ntial Sc holar in t h e Arts. Mr. Ru s hing dan ced w ith Ailey I! and j Oin ed th e Co mp any in 1992
ROSALYN SANDERS (New O rl ea ns, LA) s tudied at the New Orle a n s Center for Cre ative Arts. Sh e tra in e d a t Perr y Mansfie ld , t h e Sc h ool of A m er ican Ba ll e t an d Th e Ail ey Sc hool. After r ece iving h e r B.FA. from The]uilliard Scho ol, M rs. Sa nd ers was a m e mber of Ail ey II. Sh e jo ine d th e Co mp a n y in 2000.
WENDY WHITE SASSER (Mo ntgom e ry, AL) r ece ive d h er tra inin g from t he Alaba m a Da n ce T h eater and th e Ca r ve r C r ea ti ve and Pe rformin g Art s Center Magnet Sc hool. In 199 4, s h e was named a Pres idential Sc ho l ar in the Art s b y the Na ti onal Founda ti on fo r Ad va n ce m e nt in the Art s. Sh e was a fell ows hi p s tud e nt at Th e Aile y Sc hool and has dan ced with Ail ey I!, Dona ld Byrd/Th e Gro up and Comp lex io n s - "A Co ncept in Da n ce. " Sh e j oined the Company in 2000.
BAHIYAH SAYVED·GAINES (Brooklyn , NY) rece ive d h e r ea rl y a nd mos t in flue nti al train in g at the Ba lt imo re Sc hool for t h e Art s, s upp leme nt ed b y fe llow s hip s at T h e Ail ey Sc hool. Whil e attendin g The ]u illi a rd School, she performed with a rt is ts such as Jamel Ga ine s, Kev in]eff, Donald ByrdlThe Group and Co mple x io n s - "A Co n ce pt in Dance " Aft er re ce iv ing h er B.FA. degree, Mr s. Sayye d-Gain es join e d th e Frankfurt Ball et und e r th e d i rection of William Fo rsy th e. Sh e joined th e Com pan y in 1 998.
GLENN A. SIMS (Long Bran ch, NJ) b egan hi s d a n ce tra ining a t the Aca dem y of Dan ce Art s in Red Ba n k, NJ He was a fe ll owship stud e nt at Th e Ailey Sc ho o l and performed in the Garden State Arts Ce nt er's Ta len t Expo 1993. Wh il e a tt ending The Juilli ard Sc ho o l , h e pe rform e d wo rk s by Gle nn Tet ley, Pau l Taylor and Lila York. Mr. Sim s h as p er form e d for th e king of Morocco. H e joined t h e Co mpan y in 1997.
LINDA CELESTE SIMS (Bron x, NY) b ega n h e r d an ce trainin g a t Ball et Hispani co Schoo l o f D a n ce a nd is a g r aduate o f La Gu a rdia H igh Sc h oo l of Perfor min g Art s. During the s ummer o f 1993, she was a scholarship s tud e nt at th e Pennsy lvan ia Ba ll e t , an d in 1994 sh e wo n a n ARTS
award gi ven by the National Foundation for Ad vancement in the Arts. She has danced w i th 'EI Piccalo Theatro de l ' la Opera and Ballet Hispanico. She joined the Company in 1996.
DWANA ADIAHA SMALLWOOD (Brooklyn, NY) has trained at the Martha Graham Center of Contemporary Dance, LaGuardia High School of Perfo rming Arts,jubilation Dance Company and as a fe ll owship student at The Ailey School. She is a former member of the North Carolina Black Repertory Company and a three-time firs t place winner of the Apollo Theate r 's Amateur Night. She received first place in the NAACP ACT-SO Competition in Dance in 1990.. She was a member of Ailey II and joined the Company in 1995.
ASHA THOMAS (Atlanta, GA) began her dance training at Spelman College's Dance Extension Program in Atlanta. She has also received training from Ballethnic Dance Academy in Atlanta, Houston Ballet Academy and The Ailey School. Ms. Thomas graduated from North Atlanta High Schoo l of the Performing Arts and was a member of the Gary Harrison Dance Company in Atlanta. She received her RFA. degree from The J uilliard School before joining the Company in 1999.
DUDLEY WILLIAMS (New York, NY), graduated from the High School of the PerformingArts and also attended The Juilliard School and the Metropolitan Opera Ballet School. He performed with the companies of Martha Graham, Donald McKayle and Talley Beatty, and has made numerous solo appearances on television, both at home and abroad. He joined the Company in 1964.
TINA MONICA WILLIAMS (Elizabeth , NJ ) started dancing at a local dance school under the d irection of Michele Selvanto- Kowalski. In 1994, Ms . Williams began her formal training at The Ailey School, receiving a fellowship after her first year. She was invited to join Ailey II in 1998. Previously, she had danced with Footprints Dance Company, The Millennium Project and The Shore Ballet Company, and has performed in Italy as part of a youth cultural exchange tour. Shejoined the Company in :WOO.
DION WILSON (Ba l t imore, MD) graduated from the Baltimore School for the Arts in 1996. In 1998, h e jo ined the Philadelphia Dance Company (Philadanco) and, in 2000, the Dance Theatre of Harlem. In 2001 he received his B.FA. in Dance Performance from Purchase College at S.U.N.Y. Mr. Wilson has worked with The Asheville Civ ic Ballet, The Jones and Haywood School of Ballet, choreographer Debbie Allen in Pepito's Story and, most recently, with Creative Outlet Dance Theatre of Brooklyn Mr. Wilson was a 1999 r ecipient of a Princess Grace Fellowship and in 2000 received a Maryland State Arts Council Award for Solo Dance Perfo rmance Mr Wilson joined the Company in 2001. m
James King, General ManagerlDirector oj Production
Amadea Edwards, Manager oj Administration
Bernice Collins, Company Manager
E.]. Corrigan, Technical Director
Alaric E. Hahn, Stage Manager
Kristin Colvin Young, Assistant Stage Manager
Jon Taylor, Wardrobe Supervisor
Al Crawford, Lighting Director
Zakaria AI-Alami, Assistant Lighting Director
Christopher Kurtz, Master Electrician
Joe Gaito, Master Carpenter
Derek Menningen, Sound Engineer
Brian Kitlinger, Property Master
Tony Triplin, Flyman
Heath Hurwitz, Assistant Electrician
Shawn Ready, Senior Wardrobe Assistant
Rosalynn Evans, Wardrobe Assistant
Dacquiri Smittick, Tour Merchandise/Assistant to the Company Manager
Masazumi Chaya, Associate Artistic Director/ Company Teacher
Ronni Favors, Rehearsal Director/Company Teacher
Milton Myers, Company Teacher
Dudley Williams, Company Teacher
Donald]. Rose M.D., Director oJ the Harkness Center
Jor Dance Injuries, Hospital Jor Joint Disease
Shaw Bronner, Physical Therapist, Harkness Center
Jor Dance Injuries, Hospital Jor Joint Disease
The dancers appearing in this performance are members of the American Guild of Musical Artists AFL-C10, the labor union representing professional dancers, singers, and staging personnel in the United States. The production crew are members of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE).
Production Credits
VARI*UTE® automated lighting provided by Vari-Lite Production Services, Inc.
Lighting system provided by Fourth Phase Lighting. Touring sound system provided by New York Audio Service Inc. International freight forwarding provided by Rock-it-Cargo
Soft goods provided by I. Weiss 1St Sons. Recording and mastering studios provided by City Sound Productions. Domestic trucking services provided by Stage Call Corporation. Air travel arranged by Marjorie Agriss of Pisa Brothers Travel.
Arena Advertising is the official publisher and exclusive sales representative for the Alvin Ailey Official Souvenir Magazine.
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater is a proud member of DancefUSA, the national organization that represents nonprofit professional dance
For more information on the Alvin Ailey Dance Foundat ion, The Ailey School, The Ailey/Fordham B.FA. Program in Dance, Group Rates 1St Special Visits and Ailey 's new home:
211 West 61st Street , 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10023 , Tel: (212) 767-0590, Fax (212) 767-0625
www.a l v i .
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Michigan Florida New York Washington , D.C. Canada Poland
Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra
Nutcracker and Bolshoi Ballet
+Char lotte Hop l amaz i an
+Carrie Ban fi eld TIMPANI
+Nadine Deluery, +Kristen Beene , Connie Terence Farmer
Merkerso n , +Molly Hughes Principal Principal Hutchinson
Concertmaster +Bing Xia +Diane Bredesen +Sa ll y Pituch
Tammy Kosinski
+Minka Christoff Kristin Reynolds Al Taplin +John Dorsey, Asst. Concertmaster McGil liv ray
+Kevin Fil ewych, Mi chael
+Robert Reed Pri n cipa l
+Caro l Evans Gabrielle John Iatzko
+Bryan J oh nston Robinson
+Velda Ke ll y Elizabeth Rowin
Nathaniel Basa Ja n et Su ll ins
Jason Ben dl er
Andrew McIntosh
+Brian Bowman , +David Kuehn, David Taylor
Pri n cipa l Principa l
+Campbe ll +Gordon Simmons HARP
+Derek We ll er, MacDonald Mark Flegg +Patricia Terry -
J ames Kujawski VIOLA Principal
Cons tance +John Madison , +Clark Su ttle
Markwick Principal
Sam Martin
Derek Lockh art Ross, Principal
Ewa Uziel +Kathleen Grimes Sh awn Wood
Roger Maki-
+Maury Okun, J ean Schneider
Melody Wootton +Scott Stefanko Schramm Principa l
Nora Schankin
AndrewWu +Ba r bara Zmich
Cathe ri ne Fra n k lin
+Greg Near
+Pamela H ill , Christine Prince Michael Tyrrell
VIOLIN 2 James Greer Principal
+Victoria Haltom , +Laura Larson HORN
Wendy Hohmeyer +Kyle Mills, Bernard Flythe Principal Fri tz Kaenzig
2001-2002 Board of Directors
Dr. David DiChiera, President
Mr. Cameron B. Duncan, Treas urer
Mr. C. Thomas Toppin , Secretary
Mrs . Robert A. Allesee
Mrs. Donald C. Austin
Mrs. Bella Marshall Barden
Mr. J. Addison Bartush
Mr. Richard A. Brodie
Mrs. William C. Brooks
Mrs. Peter Cooper
Mr. Tarik S. Daoud
Julia Donovan Darlow
Mrs Dodie David
Mr. Lawrence N. David
Mr. David Denn
Mrs. Charles M. Endicott
Mr. Paul E. Ewing
Ms. Ch eryl Fallen
Dr. Marjorie M . Fisher
Mrs Barbara Frankel
Mr. Herman Frankel
Mrs. Lawrence Garberding
Mr David Handleman
Mr. Kenneth E. Hart
Mr. Eugene Hartwig
Mr. Richard Janes
Mr. Gary E. Johnson
Mrs. Charles Kessler
Mr. A. C. Liebler
Mr. Harry A. Lomason
Mr. Alphonse S Lucarelli
Mrs. Jennifer Nasser
Mr. Charles A. Parcells Jr.
Dr. Charlotte Podowski
Mr Roy Roberts
Mrs. Irving Rose
2001-2002 Trustees
Dr. & Mrs Mohamad K. Ajjour
Dr. & Mrs. Roger M Ajluni
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Allesee
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F Allison
Dr. Lourdes V Andaya
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V Angott
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Anthony IV
Dr. & Mrs. Agustin Arbulu
Dr. Harold M. Arrington
Dr. & Mrs. Ingida Asfaw
Mrs. Donald]. Atwood
Dr. & Mrs Donald C. Austin
The Hon. & Mrs. Edward Avadenka
Mr . & Mrs . Don H . Barden
Mrs.James Merriam Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barthel
Mr. & Mrs. J. Addison Bartush
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Alan Baun
Mr. & Mrs. Nicolas Behrmann
Mr. W Victor Benjamin
Mr. & Mrs. Ara Berberian
Mr. & Mrs Mandell Berman
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Biggs
Mr. & Mrs. John Boll
Mr. W Wayne Booker
Mrs. Thomas Bright
Mr.John Broad
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Brodie
Mr & Mrs. William C. Brooks
Mrs. Clarence G. Catallo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Celani
Mr. & Mrs. Aurelio Cence
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Cheesebrough III
Mr. David Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Clark
Detroit Opera House
Ms Virginia Clementi
Mrs. Margo Cohen
Mr. Maurice Cohen
The Hon . & Mrs. Avern L Cohn
Mr. Thoma s Cohn
Mr. & Mrs. Michael]. Conno ll y
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cooper
Ms. Rosalind L Cooperma n & Mr. Woody Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin 1. Danto
Mr. & Mrs. Tarik S. Daoud
Julia Donovan Darlow &John C. O'Meara
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry P. D'Avanzo
Mr. & Mrs. Lawr ence N. David
Mr. & Mrs. John W Day Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David Denn
Mr. Kevin Dennis & Mr. Jeremy Zel tz e r
Mrs. Robert E. Dewar
Dr. Fernando G. Diaz
Dr. Da vid DiChiera
Karen VanderKloot DiChiera
The Hon. & Mrs. John Dingell
Ms. Mary Jane Doerr
Mr. & Mrs. Cameron B. Duncan
Mrs. Charles M. Endicott
Dr. Fern R. Espino & Mr. Tom Short
Mr. & Mrs. Roland C. Eugenio
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Ewing
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ewing
Dr. Haifa Fakhouri
Ms. Cheryl Fallen
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Feldman
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ferlito
Mr. & Mrs. Alfr edJ. Fisher Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Fisher
Mr. William Sandy
Mr. Gregory Schwartz
Mrs. Roger F Sherma n
Mr. Mark Silverman
Mr. Frank D. Stella
Mrs. George Stru mbos
Dr. Lorna Thomas
Mr. Robert C. VanderKloot
Mr. George C. Vincent
Mr. Gary L Wasserman
Mr. Richard C. Webb
Mr. R. J amison Williams Jr.
Mr George M. Zeltzer
Mrs . Di eter Zetsche
Mr. Martin Zimmerman
Directors Emeritus
Frank W Donovan
James H. Gram
Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher
Mrs. Elaine L Fontana
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell B. Foster
Barbara Frankel & Ron Michalak
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Frankel
Mr. Marvin A. Frenkel
The Hon. Hilda R. Gage
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Garberding
Dr. Robert A. Gerisch
Mrs. Frank Germack Jr.
Mrs. Aaron H. Gershenson
Mr. & Mrs. YousifB. Ghafari
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Giancamilli
Mr. & Mrs. Vito P. Gioia
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Grace
Mr. & Mrs. H. James Gram
Mrs. Katherine Gribbs
Mrs. John C. Gr iffin
Mr. & Mrs. Ja cques K. Haddad
Mrs. Berj H. Haidostian
Mr. David Handleman
Mr. & Mrs. Preston B. Happel
Ms. Maria Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hartwig
Mrs. David B. Hermelin
Th e Hon. & Mrs. Joseph N. Impa s tato
Mr. & Mrs. Verne G. Istock
Mr. & Mrs. Craig E. Jackman
Mrs. David J ack no w
Mr. & Mrs. Darnell D. Ja ckson
Mr. & Mrs. RichardJanes
Mrs. Sybi ljaqu es
Mr. Don J ensen
Mr & Mrs. Ga r y E. Johnson
Mrs. Wi lli am E.Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. ElliotJ oseph
Mr. & Mrs. Maxwelljospey
Mr. & Mrs. Mit chelll. Kafa rsk i
Mr. & Mrs. William Kahn
Dr. & Mrs. Darnell Ka igler
Mr. & Mrs. J ohn Kaplan
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W Keirn
Dr. & Mrs. Cha rl es Kess ler
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Ko j ai an
Mr. & Mrs. Thom as Krikorian
Mr. & Mrs. William Ku
Dr. & Mrs. Richard W Kuli s
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Lanni
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lav in s
Mrs. Walton A. Lewis
Dr. & Mrs. Kim K. Li e
Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Li ebler
Dr. & Mr s. Robert P Lisak
Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Lom ason
Mr. & Mr s J ames H. LoPr ete
Mr. Alp honse S Lucarelli
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Mahoney
Card inal Ada m Maida
Mrs. Fran k S. Marra
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Martella
Th e Hon. Jack & Dr. Be t tye
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Roya l Oak
Arrington -Martin
Ms. Alyss a Marti na
Mr. & Mrs Ri chard McBr ien
Mr. & Mrs. Willi am T. McCorm ick Jr.
Mr s. Wade H . McC reeJr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank McKulka
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Mill er
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Miro
Ms. Monica Moffat & Mr. Patr ick McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Th eod or e Monolidis
Mr. & Mrs. Fr ed Morganro th
Mr. & Mrs E. Cla rence Mularoni
Dr. & Mrs. Stephe n Munk
Mr. & Mrs. E. Mic h ael Mutc hl er
Mr. J acques A. Na sser
Mrs Jen nifer Nasser
Mr. Chr istop h er Ne rn
Mr. & Mrs . Ralph Nicho ls
Mr. & Mrs. Harr y Nosa nchuk
Mr. & Mrs. Jul es L. Pall on e
Mr. & Mrs .J ames Pamel
Mr. Charles A. Parcells Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Spe ncer Partrich
Dr. Rob e rt E. L. Perkin s
Mr. Drew Pes lar
Mr. & Mrs. Bro ck E. Plumb
Dr. Ch arlotte & Mr. Charles Podowski
Mrs. Ralph L. Polk
Mrs. David Pollack
Mrs. Heinz Pr ec hte r
Ms. Patricia Pr es ton
Mr. & Mrs. J ohn Rakolt a Jr.
Mr s . Ruth F Rattner
Dr. Ir vin Reid & Dr. Pame la Trotma n Reid
Mr. & Mrs Ro y S. Rob erts
Ms. Patricia H. Rodzik
Mrs. Hans Rogi nd
Mr. & Mrs. Pe ter Ron an
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Ro se
Mr. & Mrs Norman Ro se nfeld
Mrs. Ca ro lyn L. Ros s
Dr. & Mrs. William Ros s
Mr. & Mrs. Ant hon y Rugiero
Dr. & Mrs. Hers hel Sandberg
Mr. & Mrs. Willi am Sandy
Mr. & Mrs Arno ld Schafer
Dr. & Mrs. Nor man R. Sc ha kne
Mr. Fred C. Sc hn eid ew ind
Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Sc h wa rt z
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J Sc hwartz
Mr. & Mrs Benjamin Sc hwegman
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Sc hwend emann
Mr. & Mrs. Merton Segal
Mr. & Mrs Mark Sh aevsky
Mrs. Frank C. Sh aler
Ms. Elham Sh ayota
Mr. & Mrs . Ro ge r F Sherma n
Mr. Mark Silverman
Mr. & Mrs. Ri ch ard Slo an
Ms. Ph ylli SFunk Sn ow
Mr. & Mrs . Dav id Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. An th on y L. Soave
Mr. Richard A. Sonenk lar
Dr. & Mrs. She ld on Sonki n
Mr. & Mrs. Ri ch ard D. Sta rk weat h er
Mr. Fr ank D. Ste ll a
Ms. Mary Anne Stell a
Mrs. Mark C. Stevens
Mrs. Rud o lph Stonisc h
Mr. & Mrs. Geor ge Stru mbos
Mr. Ronald F Switzer
Dr. & Mr s. Ant hony R Tersigni
Dr. Lorna Thom as
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Thoma s
Dr. Rob erta & Mr. She ld on Toll
Mr. & Mrs. C. Thom as To pp in
Mr. & Mrs. Gar y Torgow
Mr. & Mrs. Georg e Torr ean o
Mrs. Lyn n A Tow n se nd
Mr. Jam es Trebilcott
Mr. & Mrs. Tall al Turfe
Mr. Robert C. Van d e rKl oot
Mr. & Mrs. Ra ymond Vecci
Mr. & Mrs. George C. Vincent
Mrs. Alvin Wasserma n
Mr. & Mrs. Gar y L. Wass erman
Mr. & Mrs. Kenn et h Wa y
My. & Mrs. Rich ard C. Webb
Mr. & Mr s Gar y L. White
Mrs. Ame li a H Wilhelm
Dr. & Mrs. Ch ri s topher D. Wilhelm
My. R.J amison WilliamsJr.
Dr. & Mrs. Sam B. Willi ams
Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Wilt sh ire
Mr. & Mrs. Don ald E. Worsley
Mrs. R. Alexa n der Wrigley
The Hon. J oa n E. Yo u ng & Mr. Thomas L. Sc h ellenbe rg
Mr. & Mr s. John E. Youn g
Dr. Lu cia Zamorano
Mr. & Mrs. Larr y Zangerle
Mr. & Mr s. Ted Zegouras
Mr. & Mrs. Geor ge M. Zeltzer
Dr. & Mrs. Diet er Ze ts che
Mr. & Mrs. Morton Zie ve
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Zimm er man
Mrs. Paul Zuckerman
Mr. Roy Zurkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn A. Townsend , Fo u nd in g Cha ir men
The Hon. and Mr s. Avern L Cohn
Mr. and Mrs J ohn DeCarlo
Dr. an d Mrs. David DiChi e ra
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron H. Gershenson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Graves
The Hon. an d Mrs. Roman S. Gribb s
Mr. and Mrs. J ohn C. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Harr y L. Jon es
The Hon. and Mrs. Wad e McCree Jr.
Mr. Harry ]. Ne d erland er
Mr. E. Har woo d Ryd h olm
Mr. and Mrs . Ne il Snow
Mr. and Mrs Ri chard Stricha rtz
Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert C. Vande rKl oot
Mr. and Mrs. Sam B. Will iams
Mr. and Mrs Th eo dore O. Yntema m
Mrs Beryl Winkel man Allesee Dance Patron
Mr. and Mrs. Law rence A. Lounge
Wisne Allesee Dance & Opera
Mrs. Barbara Wrigley Resource Library
Anonymous Donor -
Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Wu Grand Lobby
Mr. Todd A. Wyett
Anonymous Dono r -
Ms. Shai o Fong Yin- Tuinman Broad way Facade
Ms. Gayle M. Zech Dr. & Mrs Donald C. AustinMrs. Helen Grand Ce ntral Chandelier BASF Corporation -
Named Gifts Media Studio Classroom
Comerica Charitable
We extend our gratitude to Foundat ion -Grand th e follmving donors, who Dome have underwri tten deSigna ted DaimlerChrysler Co;:rarion- areas in the Detroi t Opera Community Per onnance House :
Dr. & Mrs Roger M AjluniTheater
Grand Staircase
Mr & Mrs. Tarik S. DaoudGrand Drape
Mr & Mrs. Roben A. AlleseeDetroi t Edison Foundati on-
'The Avanti Society
The Italian word "avanti " means "ahead " or "forward. " Th e Avanti Society of Michigan Op era Theatre is a specia l group of forward-thinkin g donors who have d esignated a speCial gift to benefit the organization in th e future. These generous gift s ensure our artistic progress in the future for the benefit of generations to come .
Gifts can be made through a va riety of estate planning instruments , including bequests , trusts and other planned giving arrangements
Benefits of The Avanti Society include :
o Invitations to dress rehearsals and other special events not offered to the ge neral public
o Annual recognition eve nt fe aturing gu est artists.
o Educational seminars.
o Individualized estate planning assista nce for bequests , trusts , life income plans and other charitab le gifts to Michi gan Opera Theatre.
o Recogn ition on the d ono r wall in the Detroit Opera House and in the seas on program books.
If yo u are interested in making a planned gift to Michigan Opera Theatre and thereby qualifying for memb ership in The Avanti Society, pl ease contact:
Jane Fanning, Associate Director of Development at (313) 237-3268 or
Mezzanine Level in Opera Chaim, Fanny, Lou is, Staircase Lobby Hall Benjamin and Ann Lobb y to 2nd Floor, Mr & Mrs George Vince nt-
Mr. & Mrs. Robe n E. Dewar- Fl orence Kaufman Madison Madison Lobby Trustee Circ le Memoria l Trust - MichCon Fou ndati on - Mr. & Mrs. Alvin WassennanMadison Lobby Grand Sid e Cha ndelier Lobby Boutique Box Leve l Promenade
Ford Motor Com pan yWallis & Robe n M. Klein -
The Karen & Drew Peslar Wo rld Heritage FoundationBacks[age Reno vation Grand Staircase Foundation- Conductors Dressing Broadway Lobby Mirror Co-Star Dress ing Roo m Room & Barbara Frankel- Dol ores & Pau l Lavins -
Mr. & Mrs. Irving RoseGeneral Directors Circle Grand Si de Chandelier Patron Eleva tor in Lobby
Lounge Grand Stai rcase Tower
General Motors Corporation-
Several named gift opportu- Mirror
Mrs Carolyn L. Ross - nili es are available in the
General Motors Opera Cafe Lear Corpora ti on - Grand Staircase Mirror Detroit Opera House For Raben & Alice Gustafson- Trus tee Circle Level in Raymond C. Smith
Third Floor Lobby Opera Hall Foundation Fund of the more information , please Alcove, Madison Th e Lomaso n Family - Comm unity Foundation call the Development
Richard & Mary Lou Jan esThe William K. & Neva for Sou theastern Department at Lomaso n Michigan-
Alcove, Broadway
Third Floor Lobby Opera Lounge (313) 237-3438. m Raym on d C. Smith Lobby
Oliver Dewey Marcks
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Townsen dFoun dat ion - Trustee Ci rcle Broadway Third Floor Promenade
A Message from a long·time donor and volunteer
Art and I have both b ee n Detroit area residents all of our lives. We have b ee n marri ed almo s t 3 4 years, and for a numb er of years , we have thought about getting our financial affairs in order. Making a will was especially important since we were never bl essed wi th children. We didn't want the government to be making our financial decisio ns for us after we were gone.
About a year and a h alf ago , we contacted a lawyer and started the pap e rwork. After we to ok care of our love d ones , we wanted to remember organizations and charities that brou ght u s pleasure and happ iness during our lifetime.
We ha ve had seaso n tick e ts for Mi chigan Opera Theatre since 1972, and I have be en a volunteer in the Production De partment almo st 19 years.
We want to help make sure Michigan Opera Theatre will go on to thrill audience s for many yea rs after we are gone and other people are sitting in our seats.
It ha s given u s peace of mind to know that our financial matters are in order and our wishes will be carrie d out according to our plans.
Sincerely, Nancy Kro lik owski
Mrs. Adele Amennan
Dr. Lourdes V Andaya
Mr. & Mrs. Agustin Arbulu
Chester & Emelia Am old
J. Addison Banush'
Mr. & Mrs. Bret t Batterson
Mr. & Mrs. Art Blair
Roy E and li se Calcagno
Gladys Cal droney
Dr. & Mrs. Victor J. Cerve nak
Mr. & Mrs. Tari k Daoud
Nancy Dewar*
Karen VanderKloot DiChi era'
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H Dunca n
Mrs. Cha rl es M. Endicot
Mr. Herb Fis her
Barbara Frankel *
Hennan Frankel *
Rema Frankel*
Byron P Georgeson
Priscilla R. Gree nberg, Ph.D. *
Mr. Lawrence W Hall
Mr & Mrs. Jerome Halperin
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E Han
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L Hamvig
www.M ichi
Dr. Cindy Hung
Kristin Jaramillo
Mr. Donald Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Erwin H Klopfer'
Misses Phylli s and Se lma Korn
Mr. & Mrs. Anhu r Kro likowski
Ms. Vi rgin ia Mascali
Mrs. Wade H. McC ree
Ms. J ane McKe e
Drs. Orlando & Doroth y Mill er
Mr Ronald K. Morrison
Mr. Dale J. Pangon is
Mr Ri chard M Raisin
Marguerite & James Rigb y
Ms. Susan Schoone r
Drs. He inz & Alice Platt Schwarz
Mrs. Frank C. Shaler
Ms. Phylis Funk Snow
Mr & Mrs. Richard Starkweather
Mrs. Mark C. Stevens '
Mr. Jonathon Swift & Mr. Th omas A.
51. Cha rles
Mr. Rona ld F. Swi tzer
Mary Ellen Ta ppan '
Donald & Margaret Thurber
Mr. Edwa rd D. Tusset t
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Mr & Mrs George Vince nt
Mrs Amelia H Wilhel m'
El izabe th and Walter P. Work
Mr. & Mrs. George M Zeltzer
* Michigan Opera Theatre Thanks our gererou5 Touch th e Future Campaign Donors
Mr. Allen B Christman
Ms. Adele DeVli eg
Mr James P. Diamond
Priscilla A. B Goodell
Mr. Emest Goodman
Mrs. Roben M. Hamady
Mr. Bruce Hillman
Mr Gordon V. Hoialmen
Mr. Ca rl J. Huss
Ms. Helen Barbara Johnston
Ms. Helen Miller
Mrs. Ella M Montroy
Ruth Rawlings Mott
Cla ri ce Odgers Pe rcox
Mr. Thomas G. Poner
Mr. Mitchell J. Romanowski
Mr. Edward C. Stah l
Detroit Opera House
In the spring of 1999, Michigan Opera Theatre was proud to be selected as a Leadership Grant participant in the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan's (CFSM) Touch the Future program. Originally, 13 organizations were chosen for this honor, and after March 31, 200 1, only nine organizations, including Michigan Opera Theatre, remained in the program. We are working together with the other organizations and the Community Foundation to build endowments for the future of this community and southeastern Michigan.
As a participant, Michigan Opera Theatre is eligible to receive over $300,000 in matching grant funds to go into MOT's endowment at the Community Foundation and $l30,000 in operating support from CFSM. In order to receive these funds, we must raise over $2,000,0 00 in qualified planned gifts, such as Charitable Gift Annuities , Charitable Remainder Trusts, Life Insurance or Pooled Income Funds.
To date , Michigan Opera Theatre has raised over $73 0 ,000 (face value) of new endowment gifts through the Touch the Future program, $112,000 in matching funds for its endowment at the Community Foundation and has received another $50,000 in operating support .
When you give to the endowment of your favorite charity, regardless of the amount, you do an incredible thing -you tou ch people's lives for years to come And the feeling you get from that is impossible to measure in dollars and cents Find out more by contacting the Michigan Opera Theatre at 313- 237 -3268 or the Community Foundation for Sou theastern Michigan at 1-888-WE-ENDOW or
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
If you would like more information about how you can be a part of this unparalleled opportunity for Michigan Opera Theatre, please call Jane Fanning in the Planned Giving Department at (313) 237·3268.
Together, we can touch the future. BRAVO
Detroi t Opera HouseMichigan Opera Theatre
Michigan O p era Thea tre gratefully acknowled ges the gen erou s co rpora te, fo unda ti on , gove rnment and indi vi du al d on ors wh ose co nt ri bution s we r e m ade be tween July 1 , 20 0 1 , and Jun e 30 , 2 002 . Th eir gene ro sity p lays an integral p art in the co mp anys fin an cial stab ility, n ecessa ry for pro du Cing qu ality gran d op era, d an ce and mu sical thea ter.
CORPORATE Marshall Fie lds Opera Ball Sponsor
CONTRIBUTIONS Project Imagine The Ghafari Companies
GRAND BENEFACTOR The Marriage of Figa ro Opera Ball Sponsor
$200,000 + Production The Koj aian Companies
Ford Moto r Company Sponsorship joffrey Ballet of Chicago
Fund 200112002 Fall MAJOR BENEFACTOR Sponsor
Season UAW-GM Ce nter for Sponsor $25,000 TO $49,999 Human Resources
2001 Opera Ball SBC Ameritech Dance Theatre of Harlem
Sponsor Carmen Opening Night Performance Sponsor
Dance Theatre of Harlem Sponsor
In ad diti on to enj oyin g ou ts tanding e ntertainm ent on the De t roit Ope ra H ou se stage, co ntribut ors are o ffered a n umb e r of op portuniti es t ha t all ow them to ob serve the m any ph ases of op era and d an ce produ c ti on , m ee t the artists an d ex pe rience other "b ehin d - the-scenes" ac ti vi ti es.
Come ri ca Insurance Services
Dykema Gossett
Edgewood ElectriC, Inc.
$25,000 TO $99,999
$2,500 TO $4,999
Com munity Fou ndat ion J un ior League of Detroit
Moffat McGuire , Inc. fo r Sout heastern Louis & Ne ll ie Sieg Mich igan
National City Bank of Foundation Detroit Youth Foundation Mich igan
Nova Title Company
Dance TIleatre of Harlem Meyer & Anna Prentis
Presenting Sponso r Family Fou nd ation
Trustees: Ba rbara P.
Open ing Night Dance Theau-e of Harlem
SUSTAINER Festivities $5,000 TO $9,999
General Operating Residency Sponso r
GMAC Financial Services Health Alliance Plan
General Motors Dance Theatre of Hadem Fried , Saperstein & Abbott, Corporation Education & Outreach PC
2001/2002 Spring Sponsor joffrey Ballet of Chicago
Season Sponsor Gannett Foundation, Inc. Sponsor
Otello The Nutcracker Thyssen Inc., N.A
Opening Night Promotion Sponsor Victor International joffrey Ballet of Chicago Festivities Northwest Airlines
Dance Theatre of Harlem Airline Sponsor Sponsor Opera Ball Sponsor Opening Night PATRON
Fes tivities Scott Shuptrine $2,500 TO $4,999
General Operating Opera and Dance Talks Boardwalk Deve lopment Support Sponsor Conway MacKenzie & DaimlerChrysler BENEFACTOR Dunleavy
Corporation Fund $15 ,000 TO $24 ,999 joffrey Ballet of Chicago
200112002 Dance AA.A Michigan Sponsor
Season Sponsor Dance Theatre of Harlem Opera Ball Sponsor Kenwal Steel Corp Go lf Tournament Trott & Trott , PC
Production Sponsor Sponso r joffrey Ballet of Chicago
Dance Theatre of Harlem Gene ral Operating Sponsor
Opening Night Support Wa lb ridge-A ldinger
Festivities Lea r Corporation Company
General Operating Opera Ba ll Sponsor Golf Tournament Sup port FELLOW Sponsor
$50,000 TO $199,999 Amerisure Insurance
$1,000 TO $2,499
Bank One, Michigan Opera Ball Sponsor General Dynamics Land
TIle Nutcracker Consumers Energy Systems , Inc.
Produc tion Foun dation lATSE Loca l 38
Sponsorship Community Programs
Dance Theat re of Harlem Touri ng Sponsor Larson Realty Group
Res idency Sponsor Flagstar Bank Michigan Regional Council of Ca rpenters
Opera Ball Sponsor Time Out for Opera
Come ri ca Incorporated Sponsor Presidion Solutions Process Development Corp.
Opera Ball Sponsor Grunwell-Cashero Co., Inc.
Lakme Performance Go lf Tournament Progressive Mechanica l, Inc.
Sponsor Sponsor Real Estate One Inc.
joffrey Ballet of Chicago Masco Co rporation Warren Contractors and Sponsor Opera Ball Sponsor Development, Inc.
BravoBravo! Event Moto r City CasinoNicki & CONTRIBUTOR
Sponsor Tom Ce lani
joffrey Ball et of Chicago
$500 TO $999
Dance Theatre of Harlem Sponsor Albert Kahn AssOCiates , Inc
Sponsor Soave Enterprises Brownrigg Companies, Ltd.
Plastomer Corporation
PPG Industries Foundation
Russe ll Industria l Center
Dance Theatre of Hadem Fre nkel, Ronald P
Hudson-Webber Frenkel , Marvin A. PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation Frenkel , Dale I' LLP.
Presenting Sponsor Frenkel, Tom P
General Operating Frenkel , Denise L
September Moon Support Brown , Cindy Frenkel , Production Network BENEFACTOR Nelson P Lande
Solomon Friedma n $15,000 TO $24,999
Young Woma n's Home Advertising Capital Region Association
Star Corporation Communi ty DONOR
Techn icom
Founda tion
Community Foundation of
$1,000 TO $2 ,499
Thompson-Brown Realtors Greater Fli nt Be rn ard L. Maas
Ticket Master Foundation
DeRoy Testamentary
Founda ti on
$100 TO $499 Sage Foundation
Aldoa Company
He rbert & Eisa Ponting Foundation
The Sigmund & Sophie
FELLOW Rohlik Fou ndation
BPS Corporate Training & $10,000 TO $14 ,999 Tuscola County Conference Center Community Foundation
Elizabeth, Allan & Wa rren
Busy Bee Hardware Stores , She lden Fund
The Womans Club Inc. Foun ation
CBS Television Network Michigan Gateway Community GENERAL DIRECTOR'S Cook Moving Systems , In c. Foundation CIRCLE MEMBERSHIP
John E. Green Company Olive r Dewey Marcks 200112002
Levitat ion, Inc.
Maddin, Hauser, Warrell, Sagi naw Community $10,000+ Roth, et al.
Mikeys Lock & Key Service
Mu Phi Epsilon Detroi t
Alumni Chapter
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F
The Mary Thompson All ison
Foundatio n
The Samuel L. Wes tem1an
Mr & Mrs. Roy E Calcagno
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ewing
Special Events Party Rental Foundat ion
Ten Air, Inc.
The Maniage of Figaro
Perfonnance Sponsor
Whitney Fund
Mr. Rona ld Michalak
Mrs. Ba rbara Frankel & Standard Federal Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose
Michigan Council for Arts
$5,000 TO $9,999
Alice Kales Hartwick
Foundation and Cultura l Affairs
National Endowment for Ann & Gordo n Getty
Mr. & Mrs. Roben A. Allesee
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Anderson
Dr. & Mrs. Agustin Arbu lu
Dr. & Mrs. Donald C. the Arts
$100,000 +
Foundat ion
J. Ernest & Almena Gray Austin
Wil de Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. J. Addison
James & Lyne ll e Hold en Bartush
Ma tilda R Wilson Fund Fund
McGregor Fund
Ra lph L & Wini fred E.
The Skillman Foundation Polk Foundation
Rosalie & Peter Beer
Mr. David Clark
Mr. Thomas Cohn
Mr. Frank Brzenk
Mrs. Kathleen Burek
Mr. &. Mrs. David Burnett
Ms. Mary Ali ce Busch
Mr &. Mrs. Siegfried Busc hmann
Dr. &. Mrs Roger C. Byrd
Ms. Mary C. Caggegi
Mr. &. Mrs. Brian C. Camp bell
Mrs. Maria M. Chirco
Mr. &. Mrs. Regina ld L. Cio kajlo
Mr. &. Mrs. Th omas E Claget t
Ms. Jan e Clements
Dr. Volna Clermont
Mr &. Mrs. Roben Closson
Dr. &. Mrs. Alberto Co hen
James &. Marilyn Collins
Dr. &. Mrs. James. M Colville
Mr. John Co nti
Mr. &. Mrs. Eugene A. Cosma
Mrs. Lois Co urvill e
Mrs. Katherine Cox
Mrs. Rosa Mary Crawford
John Wand Beve rl y j. Crump
Ms. Annette Cusenza
Mr. &. Mrs. Douglas E. Cutler
Mr. &. Mrs Doug Cygnar
Mr. All en Czajk ows ki
Ms. Caro l A. Czes tkowski
Mr &. Mrs. John J Daly III
Mr. &. Mrs. Norman Dancy
Mr. Keit h Davey
Mr &. Mrs. Richard de Bear
Mr. &. Mrs. Joe Decker
Mr. &. Mrs. Annando DeUcato
Dr. &. Mrs. Anthony DeLuca
Roy K. Denn iso n &. Darlene Karle
Mrs . Mary DeTomaso
Mr. &. Mrs. Carlos Diaz
Mr John R. DiLodovico
Mr. John Dodds
Mr. &. Mrs. Marc Dolin
Dr. Helene C. Dombrowski
Mr. &. Mrs. Harold B Doremus
Mr. John Dre ifus
Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph R. Dudley
Mrs. Sau l H Dunitz
Ms. In gri d Brit Eid nes
Hon &. Mrs. S. j. Elden
Dr. &. Mrs. Richard FElton
Dr. &. Mrs. N. Cary En gleb erg
Mr. &. Mrs. Paul S. Ensing
Mr. &. Mrs. Abra m Epstein
Dr. &. Mrs. Marko Farion
Dr. &. Mrs. Irving Feller
Mr. Dan Ferrie r
The Hon Sharon Tevis Finch
Dr. &. Mrs. lionel Finkelstein
Dr. Juli e B. Finn
Mr. &. Mrs. Walter B. Fisher
Mr. William F Fisher
Mr. &. Mrs. Jam es E Fi sk
De troit OpeTa House
Mr. Shirl ey M Fl anagan
Mr. &: Mrs. Ca rl B. Fontana
Mr. &: Mrs. Ant hon y C. Fort un ski
Ms. Dori s R. Foster
Mr. &: Mrs. Helmut Franz
Dr Yvonn e Friday
Mr &: Mrs. Eugene S Fri edman
Mr. Rob ert Furlo ng
Dr. &. Mrs. James W Ge ll
Ms. Virginia George
Mr Th omas M. Gervasi
Mr. &. Mrs. Stephe n j. Gilbert
Mr Randall j. Gi ll ary
Ms. Ann e Ginn
Ms Patricia Gode ll
Mr. Go rd on Godse ll
Dr &: Mrs. Joe l Go ldberg
Dr &: Mrs. Pa ul Goodman
Mr. &: Mrs. Wi lli am R. Goud ie
Mr. &. Mrs. Will iam W Gou rl ey
Mr. &: Mrs. Harvey Grace
Mrs. Patri cia Greenwood
Dr &. Mrs. John N. Grekin
Mr. &: Mrs. F W Gridley
Dr. Ro sa lind E. Griffin
Mr &. Mrs Grovenor Gri mes
Mr &: Mrs. Carson C. Grun ewa ld
Ms. Karen Niva Gubac hy, c.PA.
Mr. &. Mrs. Philip Haddad
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Hage
Mr. Nizami Halim
Mr. Lawrence Hall
Dr &: Mrs. Natan HarPaz
Dr. &. Mrs. John M. Hartzell
Mr. &: Mrs. Step hen R. Harvath
Ms. Joann Hatton
Mr. &. Mrs. William B. Heaton
Mr. &: Mrs. Fred J Hendra
Dr &: Mrs. Mi chael Hepner
Dr. Gloria Hep pn er
Dr. &. Mrs. Martin M. Herman
Mr. &: Mrs. John Hicks
Mr. &: Mrs. John W Hill
Mr. Ric hard Hill
Dr. &. Mrs. James Hoeschele
Dr. Jean Holl and
Mrs. Sa lly Holm es
Mr. Rex Holto n
Ms. Donna Holycross
Mr. &. Mrs. Jan Holm an
Mr. &: Mrs Alan Hu dson
Ms. Dai sy Marguerite Humes
Mrs. Almeda Hun ter
Mr. &: Mrs. Jacob Hurwitz
Mr. &. Mrs. Mari o Iacobelli
Mrs. Davi d Jac kn ow
Mr. &. Mrs. Zo ltan J Janos i
Mrs. Esther Jaruga
Mr. Josep h F Jea nn ette
Mrs. Christine Jennette
Mr. John W Jickling
Dr &. Mrs. Arthur j. Johnson
Dr. &. Mrs. Arth ur L. Johnson
Mrs. Ollie John son
Mr. &. Mrs . Steven Johnso n
Ms. Rosemary Joliar
Ms Mary B Jolliffe
Mr. &. Mrs Chois Jon es
Mr. Brian E. Jorde
Mr. Theresa Joswick
Drs. Mark &: Nadia Juzych
Mr. Michael Kac hm an
Mr. Paul Y. Kadish
Mrs. Elmer Kapp
Mrs. Nancy L. Kassab
Mr. Henry M. Kassen
Mr. Albert Kebl
Mr &. Mrs Barry Kell er
Dr Annetta R Kell y
Mr. John Keros
Mr. &. Mrs. Ge rd H KeufTel
Mr. Robert Kirsammer
Dr. &. Mrs. Edward Klarman
Mr. &. Mrs. Jus tin Klimko
Mr. &. Mrs. Donald A. Knapp
Mr. John Knapp
Mr &. Mrs. Robertj. KofTron
Mr. Dani el B Kolton
Mr. Rob ert Kozar
Ms. Mary Kram er
Mr. &. Mrs. Karl A. Kreft
Dr. &. Mrs. Richard Kulbersh
Mr. Ralph Kwyer
Mr Jose ph W Labuta
Mr. Ann Lambrecht
Mr. Henry J La Motte
Ms. Be rnadet te L. Lane
Mr. &. Mrs. Darwin Larson
Del Lauria
Mr. Ray H Lawson
Mr. &. Mrs. Robert E. LazzerinJr.
Mr. Philip Leon
Adrienne Leonard
Dr. &. Mrs. Pau l Lessem
Mr. &. Mrs. Kenneth Levin
Mr. &: Mrs. John D. Lewis
Dr. &. Mrs. John H Libcke
Mrs. El izabeth Lifsey
Mr. Davi d L. Lindauer
Mr. &. Mrs. Robe rt A. Lin e Jr
Ms. Karen Linnell
Mr. &. Mrs. Ray Litt
Mrs. Lind a Lott
Ms. Elaine Lovitt
Mr. &. Mrs. John Lowe
Ms. Marie Lozon
Mr. Ivan Ludin gton Jr.
Fred &. Lauretta Lyo n
Dr Melody M MacMartin
Mr. Michael Madigan
Ms. Suzanne Ma ld ave r
Ms. Janet R Marsh
Dr. David E. Massignan
Mr. &: Mrs. Marco Maxemovich
Mr. Timothy Mayer
Ms. Jodi F Mays
Ms. Mary C. Ma zure
Ms. Ann McClellan
Lillian McCormick
Mr. &. Mrs. Ra lph McCreedy
Ms. Katherine McCu llough
Ms. Vivien McDona ld
Mr. Donald E. Mclntosh
Mr. &. Mrs. Patrick McKeever
Mr. &. Mrs. John McMullin
Ms. Ann McNichol
Mr. &. Mrs. Ouo Mehringer
Mr. Wayne R. Melchior
Mr. &. Mrs. Warren A. Merc hant
Dr. &. Mrs. HermanJ Merte
Ms. Ca rl a Michaud
Mr. &. Mrs. Robert Michielutti
Mrs. Step hen Migda l
Mr &. Mrs. John T Mill er
Mr. Leonard Miller
Mr. &. Mrs. Milton J Miller
Dr. &. Mrs. Rona ld Miller
Mr. &. Mrs. Stan ley Mill man
Mrs. Gretc hen Mizerows ki
Ms. Miriam Mondry
Dr. &. Mrs. Elieze r Monge
Mrs. Charles R. Moon
JayK Moon
Ms. Linda Moo re
Ms. Theresa S. Moreland
Dr. Jam es L. Mose ley
Mrs. Maxin e Mose ley
Mr &. Mrs. James D. Muir
Mr &. Mrs Germano L. Mularo ni
James &. Maree Mu lvoy
Mrs. O. W Nazzaro
Mr. James A. Nee lan ds
Ms. Kathleen Nemecek
Mr. Gera rd F Hee ley &. Mr. Paul Newman
Mr. &. Mrs. Fran co Om id No nahal
Mr &. Mrs. Richard L. Norling
Mrs. Stanley Nowakwoski
Dr Eugene Oliveri
Mr. Dale j. Pan go ni s
Mr. &. Mrs. William C Panzer
Ms. Margot Parker
Dr &. Mrs. Francis Pasley
Mr. Duan e Pavey
Mr. Jim Pawli cki
Ms Betty M. Pecse nye
Ms. Haryani Perm ana
Mr. Claus Petermann
Mr. Charles Phillip s
Dr &. Mrs. Kenneth E. Pitts
Production SBC Ameritec h
Swa n Lake (1994/95) - Dance Theatre of Harlem
Production - Adopt a School
Comelica Incorporated Sponsors (2001/02)
The JofIrey Ballet of Th e Shirley Schlafer
Chicago (2001/02) Endowment
TheJofIrey Ballet of Le Corsaire (200 1/02)Chicago (2000/01)Prod uctio n
Production Swan Lake (199912000) -
Mr. &: Mrs Tank Daoud
Drawla (1997/98)The Merry Widow
Performance (2000/01) - Production
The Detroit News - Media UAW-GM Cente r for Partner Huma n Resources
Th e Nutcracker (200 1/0 2) Dance Theatre of Harl em -
DaimlerChrys ler Sunday Matinee Corporation Spo nsor (200 1/02)
Pearl A. &: George M. Zeltzer
Dance Theatre of Harlem - Opening Night Gala Swan Lake ( 1996/97) -
Sponso rs (2001/0 2) Performance
Detroit Youth Foundation Giselle (1997/98) -
Dance Theatre of Harlem
Performance - Presenting Sponsors Don Quixote (1998/99)(200 1/02) Production
Ford Mo tor Company Swan lake (199912000) -
Dance Theatre of Harlem
Production - Opening Night Gala The Merry Widow
Sponsors (2001/0 2) (2000/01)Performance
Gannett Foun dation
The Nutcf"i/cka (2001/02) Le COI·saire (200 1/02)Performances - Promotion
The Nutcracker (2000/01) DANCE SERIES - Production SEASON SPONSOR
General Motors Daimle rC hrysler
Dance Theatre of Harlem Corpora tion Fund
- Opening Night Ga la GRAND BENEFACTOR
Spo nsors (200 1/02) $100,000 +
GMAC Financial Services Bank One
Dance Theatre of Harlem The Shirley Schlafe r - Educational Endowment Outreac h Sponso r SIGNAL BENEFACTOR
Mr David Handleman $50,000 - $99,999
Giselle (1997/98) -
PerfOlma nce Hu dso n-Webber Foundat ion
Romeo etJuliette (1998/99)-
Cinderella (2000101)-
$25,000 - $49,999
Mr. &: Mrs Robert Allesee
Hudson-Webber Foundation DairnlerC hrysler
Dance Theatre of HarlemCorporation Fund Detroit Youth Founda tion
Presenting Sponsors Ford Motor Company (2001/0 2) Gannett Founda tion
Michael &: Elizabeth Kojaian General Motors Co rporation
The JofIrey Ballet of Chi cago (2001/02)
Motor City Casino - Tom &:
SUSTAINER Chateau Grand Traverse
$2,500 - $4,999 Chris Chung
Adele &: Michael Acheson Clear Magazine
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barthel Comerica, Inc.
Sue &: Van Conway Como's
DTE Ene rgy Compu-Aid
Ms Barbara Frankel and D. Ericson &: Associates
Ronald Micha lak Da Edoarado FoxLOwn
Mr. and Mrs Herma n Grille
Frankel Detroit Tigers
Mr. &: Mrs. Wil li am L DJ Sho nround
Kah n Doyna Michigan Co.
Joyce Ur ba &: Edibles Rex Kinsella Events Marketing
Mr. &: Mrs . Hany Lomason Figaro Salon &: Gallery
MGM Grand Casino Fiona's Tea House
Lynn &: Fred Perenic General Wine &: liquo r
Mr. &: Mrs. John Compa ny Grazyna Wierzbicka
Standard Federal Ban k Greenstone Jewe lers
Kathleen &: Dave Trott Guerla in Vicki &: Richard Vlas ic W F Hubner Intermezzo Ita li an
DONOR Risto rante &: Bar
$1,500 - $2,499 ]. Lewis Cooper
Ms . Deborah Berstein- J im Gibbons
Siegel Steven Kemp
Mr. David Chivas la Zingara Trattoria
Dodie &: larry David Dr. &: Mrs. Stanley Levy
Dr Fernando Di az Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Lutz
Rosan ne &: Sandy Duncan Lyla's Catering
Mr. Ernest Gutierrez Majestic Cafe
Dr Ali Mo iin Gary Benneu len at lila &: Gilben Silverman Ma rs hall Field's Mavericks Food &: Spi rits
Ms Mary Mirab iturSingleton MBNA
GOLDEN PATRON Michigan Opera Theatre Motor City Brewing Works
$1,000 - $1,499
Jay Alix &: Associates
Mr. &: Mrs. Irving Rose
Pea rl A &: George M
Vicki Celani Zeltzer
The JoITrey Ballet of PRINCIPAL Chi cago (20 01/02) BENEFACTOR
The JofIrey Ballet of $10,000 - $24,999 Chicago (2000/01) -
Prod uction Comerica
El izabeth &: Michael
Mr. &: Mrs Irving Rose Kojaian
Clselle (1997/98) - SBC Ame ritech
Performance UAW-GM Center fo r
Swan Lake (1 99912000)- Human Resou rces
Production &: Stude nt BENEFACTOR
Perfornlance $5,000 - $9,999
The Merry Widow Sa rah Deason- Fried (2000/01) - Un a &: Craig Jackman
Performance &: Mr. and Mrs David
Student Perfonn ance Johnson
I.e Corsa ire (200 1/02) - Mo tor City Casino
Performances Victor International
Detroit Opera Hous e
National Wine &: Spirits
Neiman Marcus
Mr. &: Mrs. James Darlene &: David Jackson Nicholso n
Mr. &: Mrs. Fre d Clark
Mr. &: Mrs. James LoPrete Northern lighting
Mr. Cha rl es Peters Northwest Airl ines
Mrs Ru th Ra tt ner Oa kland Printi ng
Mr. &: Mrs. John Opus One Packaging Services Bureau
Ms. Leslie Rubin -Slatkin Pemer Group of Ame ri ca PL Marketing Services
PATRON Red Coat Tavern
$500 - $999 Samuel Adams
Mr. &: Mrs . Thomas Second City Anderson SLAW
Mrs. Marian ne End icott Small Plates - Detroit
Mrs Barbara Eversman Solomon Friedman
Louise &: Harvey Kl eiman Advertising
Drs. Doro thy &: Orlando Southcorp Wines Miller Specia l Events Party Rental
Lexy &: Sandy Storne Spectacle lighting
Dr Roberta &: Mr. Sheldon Stevens Design Bureau
Mr &: Mrs George
Mr. Jonatha n Swift
AAA Michigan Sysco Food Services of
Dr. &: Mrs. Roge r M. Ajluni Detroit
Al Long Ford The Taubman Company
American Speedy Ptinting The Post on Broadway
Centers-Downtown The Town Pump Tavern Detroit TiITany &: Company
Dr. Lourdes V Andaya Tubbys Grilled Submarines
Andi anmos lakefront Union Street Saloon
Bis tro Universa l Music Group
The Arrangement Flower Uptowne Blossoms Shop Vantage Valet, Inc.
Bacard i USA VP Catering
Beans &: Corn bread Mr &: Mrs. Ronald We ise r
Berverly Hills Club WOW ' Panas ian Cuisine
Bi ll Dziecolowski Xl Co lor, Inc.
Blue Water Technologies Zoup' Fres h Soup Co m
BMG Music
Boyne USA Resorts
BV Vineya rds
Cana pe Cart, Inc.
Cary limousine
Cen ter Street Pub
Erica Chappuis
The Department of Community Programs -
An Overview
Ther e is much more to Michigan Opera Theatre and the Detroit Opera House than presentations of professional opera and dance . In 1978 , the Department of Community Programs was founded by Karen VanderKloot DiChiera , who had be en working with Dr. David DiChiera in the founding of Michigan Opera Theatre.
At first, the Department of Community Programs presented touring programs in Detroit Metropolitan Areas schools. Now, th e d e partment has a troupe of singers and pianists who travel throughout Michigan, nei ghb o rin g states and Ontario, Canada , performing an average of 170 shows a year.
And that's not all! Other programs include a television series , educational proje cts wit h private and state uni versities, partnerships with cultural organization s, programs with public and private schools, work with disab led persons an d a major summer institute for all ages, called Learni ng at the Opera Hou se.
Memb ers of the staff perform, give workshops and l ecture on a variety of arts-related topics. They also stage, direct, write and compose the mu sic for presentations, cr eate t each ing mat er ial s an d publish art icles for young people and adult patrons. As a result , the Department of Community Program s has been presented with man y awards locally, regionally, nationall y and internationally for outstanding work.
H ere are ways anyone can enjoy th e D e partm ent of Community Programs during th e w inter month s. m 42 BRAVO
Call Dolores Tobis, Mark e ting Manager for the department, at (313) 2373429, to ask where th e Artists of Community Programs are performing. I t might be close to where you li ve or work. You can frequently find th em in schools, libraries and community centers.
This yea r, th e departm ent is touring two musical s and an opera for young children ( Th e Night Harry Stopped Smoking, Th e Musicians ofBreman, and The Cadilla c's and Their Great Lakes Adventures) a beautiful and informative program - Oh Freedom! - about the history of African Americans for older children and families, and a sparkling musical revue for communities. The Michigan Opera Theatre Sampler presents excerpts from operetta and opera and The American Song Book features popular music and selections from Broadway and Hollywood musica ls.
If the Michigan Opera Th ea tre Departm e nt of Community Programs is not performing near yo u , you can talk to staff from your arts council, community center, school district or librar y to book one of our touring programs Call Dolores Tobis at the above number to make the first contact. Th en call her back and she can handle the rest. m
For seven years, the Department of Community Programs has coproduced a television series with Bloomfield Community Television and educator Dr. Jonathan Swift. The ha lf-hour shows feature interviews with singers, who also perform on the program. Some singers are well-known national and international stars who live in this area Some are local singers of interes t. Even students from our summer camps and workshops ma ke their way onto Time Out For Opera .
The show 's guests have a lso included the inventor of super titl es, a highschool dance troupe, historians , a ragtime pianist, a popular musi c expert and a comedian, to name a few unusual guests. A speCial feature is the Opera Quiz, with popular pre-opera le c turer Dr. Wa ll ace Peace
Time Out for Opera is bro a d cas t in Bloomfield, Bloomfield Hill s, Bloomfield Township, Birmingham , Beverly Hills , Bingham Farm s and Franklin at various times during the week. InJanuary, it is also broadcast on Sunday mornings over WFUM, Flint Public Te levision Thi s reaches much of southeastern Michigan and Ontario, Canada.
If you would like to have access to opera programming all year round, or yo u live in a community th at do es not have Time Out For Opera, her e is how
www.Michigan Opera .o rg
The Time Out for Opera's guests have also included the inventor of super titles, a high-school dance troupe, historians, a ragtime pianist, a popular music expert and a comedian,
yo u can have this award-winning ser i es in yo ur ve r y own commun it y. Contact yo ur lo ca l public access station manager , exp lainin g that Time Out For Opera is a half hour program on opera and opera - re l ated topics , coprodu ced b y Bloomfield Commun i ty Tele vis ion , Karen V DiChiera and Dr. Jonathan Swift.
To purchase program s, in V H.S. , 1/2 In ch or D.VC Pro form ats, ca ll Bloomfield Community Tel ev ision Sta ti on Manager Les li e HelWig at 248/4337790 o r print a Television Program Request Form at www.b l oomfie ldt and mail it in.
We would love to visit yo u a ll at home l m
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<The law firm of Dykema Gossett applauds the Michigan Opera Theatre ... for bringing music to life, audiences to their feet and the spirit of harmony to our one Sound performance after another.
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Detroit Opera House Dorothy McMahon, LUTCF, CSA Certified Senior AdvisorAdministration & Staff
Technical Staff
General Direc tor Public Relations jane Fanning Assistant to Kent Andel Coo rdinat or Associate Directo r Directo r oj Tec hnical Directo r
BRETT BATTERSON jenise Collins oj Developmen t Production
Monika Esse n
Chi eJ Operating Group Sales Stephani Mille r Cynthia Sto kes* Prop erty Maste r Coordinator Yates Kimbe rly Wetherell+ & Scenic Artist
Offi ce r Kimb e rly Gray Assistant Direc tor Assista nt Directors Kendall Smith
Ti cke t Services oj Development Nancy Kro li kowski Lighting
DEPARTMENT Assistant Manager lauren All ion Incal Coordinator
DIRECTORS Timothy Lentz Memb ership Transportation
D ee Dorsey
Karen VanderKloot Archivist Manage r Coo rdinator Surtitle Operator
DiChiera j ean e tte Pawlaczyk Hea ther Hamil ton Eugene Robelli
Christoph er Barbeau
Director oj Public Relations Vo lunteer Production Fight
Community Ass istant Coordinat or Volunt ee r Choreographe r
Programs Bill Carro ll Kathlee n M. Pat Lewe llen
D aniel D e n e
john Eckst rom Public Relati ons Mc Namara Audition Reco rding
Director oj Volunt ee r Corporat e Volunteer Engineer
Administration Crys tal G. Ratledge Campai gn
Rudi lauermann
Roberto Mauro Account Executiv e, Manager MUSIC Assistant Reco rding
Directo r oj Artistic So lomon Fri edman j an e We s tle y DEPARTMENT Engineer
Administration Advertising Devel opm ent Davi d DiChiera Keith Ka lino wski
David W Osborne Mar k S. Mancinell i Associate, General Music Direc tor Tec hnical Assistant
Directo r oJ Detroit Opera Director's Circle Suzanne Mallare
Produ ctio n Hou se Photography
Mary Parkhill Christopher Barb ea u
Roberta Acton
Starkweather Assistant Music
Suzanne M. H a nna
Directo r oj Produ ction Capital Ca mpaign Di rector, Choru s Costume
Developmen t Photography Coord inator Mas ter Coordinator
Karen Tjaden
Danielle D eFau w Jean Schneid er'
Ma rgaret Brond er
Director oj Fa ciliti es COMMUNITY Boutiqu e Manager Repetiteur Second Hand
Laura R. Wyss PROGRAMS
Mary Bu c h er Diane Bre desen
Mary Ellen Shindel
Direc tor oj Mark Vondrak Research Manager Orch es tra Fitting Assista nt
Communications Tour Manag er Personnel
Betty lane
ANANCEICOMPUTER Manager Palczynski
Caro l H als te d Dolores Tobis
William T. Schulz
j ean Sc hneider Stitch er
Diane Lord
Alice Moss
Dan ce Coordinator Office & Controll er Rehea rsal Wardrob e Mi stress
Bill Austin Marketi ng
Kimberly Burgess - Accompanis ts
Assistant to the Manag er Rivers
Genera l Director Be tsy Bronson
Rita Winters
Linda D eMe r s Ala ina Brown Accountants
Maria Cimare lli
Exe cutive Assistant
Beverly A. Moore
Rec eptionist
Makeup & Hair
J oa nne Weaver
Stage Management
Ellen Marie Peck Wigs & Makeup
jose p h Ru s n ak Assistant Stage DeS ign er
Trenda DeGraw Syst ems Manager
jennife r Gale Deleana Hill Manager
Kim Parr Syst ems
D avi d Pulice Progra mmer
Michael Hau se r Gregory Robinso n
Mark eting
Manage r
Kimberly A.
Karl Schmidt
Mark Vond r ak Production
Chris Va u ght Administration
Tamara Whi tty
Elizabeth Neds-Fox
DeS hawn Glo sson
Faye Cross
Assistants to
Designe r
Vio leta Kapayo
Local Crew
Stage Crew
j ohn Kinsora
Hea d Carpenter
Rob e rt Mes inar
Hea d Elect rician
Alan Bigelow
Head Prop ertyman
Robert Ma rtin
Head Fly man
Steve Kemp
Head Soundman
Gary Gilmore
Produ ctio n El ec tri cian
Mary Ellen Shindel
Hea d oj Wardrob e
lAT SE Lo ca l #38
Stage Crew
lATSE Local #786
Wardrob e
Demetri u s Barnes
j esse Carter
Elisa Giu iani
Buildint Engine ers
House Manager
Kyle Ketelhut
Con cess ions
Manage r
Rock Monro e Directo r oj
Ca lvin Williams
Maint enance
Sup erVi so r
Carl Hubbl e Maint enance
A ss istant
Bobb y Abrams
Rona ld Mosley
Stag e Door
Chancellor Wyman Producti on Services Manager Outreach Touring Coordinat or Co mpany
Pat ro n and Tick et
University Musical Society of the University of Michigan
UMS Board of David J Flowers InJormation Systems Programming! Ca rla Dirlikov Wendy Woods
Directors William S. Hann Manag er Production Jen ny Graf
Beverley B. Geltner, Randy J Harris Mic hae l J Kondz iolk a, Lauren Molina UMS Teacher
Chair Wal ter L. Harriso n Choral Union Directo r Sameer Patel Advisory Committee
Alice Da vis Irani, Vice- Norm an G. Herbe rt Thomas Sheets, Emily Avers, Production Corey Trip lett Fran Ampey
Chair Peter N. Heydon Conductor Administrative Kitty Angus
Prudence L. Rosenthal, Kay Hunt Jaso n Harris, Assistant Director President Emeritus Alana Barter
Secretmy Stuart A. Isaac Conductor Christine Field, Gail W Recto r Joseph Batts
Erik H. Serr, Treas urer Thomas E. Kauper Andrew Kus ter, Produ ction Assistant Linda Batts
Jani ce Stevens Botsford Davi d B. Kenn edy Associate Conductor Jasper Gilbert, Technical Advisory Committee Kathleen Baxter
Barba ra Everitt Bryant Richard L. Kennedy Kathleen Operhall , Director Sa ra B. Fra nk , Chair Elaine Bennett
Kathleen G. Charla Thomas C. Kinnear Manag er Jeffrey Golde , Production Louis e Townley, Vice- Lynda Berg
Mary Sue Coleman F Bru ce Ku lp Donald Brya nt , and Programming Chair Yve tte Blackburn
Jill A. Corr Leo A. Legatski Conductor Emeritus Assistant Sue Schroeder, Ba rbara Boyce
Ha l Davis Earl Lewis Susa n A. Hami lton , Sec retQlyfTreasurer Letitia Byrd
Sa lly Stegem an DiCarlo Patrick B. Long Development Artist Services
Raquel Agra noff Doug Cooper
David Featherman Jud ythe H Maugh Susan McC lana han, Coordinator Barbara Bac h Nancy Cooper
Debbie Herbert Paul W McCracken Director Mark Jacobson, Lois Baru Gail Davis Barnes
Toni Hoo ver Rebecca McGowan Mary Dwyer, Manager Programming Judi Batay-Csorba Ann Deckert
Gloria James Kerry Shirle y C. Neu man oj Corpomt e Support Manager
Helen B. Love Len Nieh off William P Maddix, Bruce Osha ben, Head
Barba ra Meadows Joe E O'Neal Development Assistant Usher
Kath leen Benton Gail Dybdahl
Mimi Bogdasarian Keisha Ferguson
Jenni fe r Boyce Doreen Fryling
Les ter P Monts John D. Paul Lisa Michiko Murray, Vic toria Buckler Yulonda Gill -Mo rgan
Alb erto Nacif John Psarouthakis Manager oj Ticket Office Laura Cap lan Brenda Gluth
Jan Barney Newman Ga il W Recto r Foundation and Nico le Paoletti , Manag er Cheryl Cass id y Louise Gruppe n
Gil bert S. Omenn john W Reed Govemment Grants Angela Clo ck, Assistant Patrick Conlin Vickey Holley Fos ter
Randall Pittman Ri chard H Ro ge l M j oann e Navarre, Manager Elly Rose Coope r Linda j ones
Philip H Power Ann Schriber Manager oj Indi vidual Sa lly A. Cush in g, Nita Cox Deborah Katz
Ro ssi Ray-Tay lor Dani el H. Sch urz Su pp ort Associate Mary Ann Da ane Deb Kirkland
Judy Dow Rumelhart Harold T Shapiro Lisa Rozek, Assistant to Chri stine Field , Norma Davis Rosalie Koenig
Maya Sava rino Geo rge I. Shi rley the Director oj Associate Sall y Stegeman DiCarlo Sue Kohfeldt
Herbert Sloan John 0 Simpson Developme nt Robert W Hubbard, Lori Director David Leach
Timothy P Slottow Carol Shalit a Smok Ier J Thad Sc hork, Assistant Na nc y Ferrario Reb ecca Logie
Jorge A. Solis Lois U. Stegeman Developm ent Officer Lakshm i Kilaru, Group Anne Glendon Dan Long
Peter Sparling Edward D Surovell Sales Coordinator Alvia Golden Laura Mac hida
Clayto n Wilhit e James L. Telfer
Education/ Audience Linda Gree ne Ed Manning
Karen Wolff Susan B. Ullr ich Development Work -Study Kare n Gunderso n Kim Mob ley
Eil ee n Lappin Weiser Ben Johnson, Direc tor Au brey Alter Nina E Hause r Ke n Mona sh
UMS Senate Gilbert Wh itake r Eri n Dahl , Youth Nicole Blair Kathy Hentschel Eunice Moore
(former members oj th e B. j oseph Whi te Education Assistant Ap ril Chisholm De bbie Herbert Denise Murray
UMS Board of Marina vN.Whitman Kris tin Fonti chiaro , Kindra Co lema n Anne Kl oac k Michelle Pe et Direc tors) Iva M.Wilson Yo uth Education Lauren Dawson Beth laVoie Rossi Ray-Taylor
Robert G. Ald rich Manager Barbara Fleming Stepha nie Lord Gayle Richardso n
Herbert S. Amster UMS Staff Dichondra Jo hnson, Jamie Freed man Esther Ma rtin Victo ri a Sco tt Rond eau
Ga il Davis Barnes Administration/ Manager Mile na Grubor Mary Matthews Katy Rya n
Richard S. Berger Finance Warren Wi lli ams, Dawn Low
Maurice S. Binkow
Kenneth C. Fischer, Manager Na talie Malotke
Lee C. Boll in ger Presi dent
Melissa Mc Give rn
Pau l C. Boylan Li sa Herbert, Special Marketing!Public Claire Mo ll oy
Ca rl A. Brauer Proj ects Director Relations
Bridget Murphy
All en P. Britt on Eliz abe th E. j ah n , Sa ra Billm ann, Director Vi ncent Pavigli aniti
Letitia J Byrd Assistant to the Susan Bozell , Ma l'neting Na dia Pessoa
Leo n S. Cohan President Manager
Fred Peterba rk
Pe ter B Corr Jo hn B. Kenn ard Jr., Gulshi rin Dubash, Rosie Richards
Jon Cosovich Director of Public Relations j enni fer Salmon
Doug las Crary Admi.l1istration Manager Sean Walls
Rona ld M. CressweLl
Chandrika Patel, Senior
Robert F DiR omua ldo Accountant Interns
Ingrid Merikoski Na ncy Sc hewe
Ernest Merlanti Karen Schul te
Jeanne Merla nti Derek Shelton
Cand ice Mi tchell Joan Singer
Bob Morris Sue Sinta
Bonnie Paxton Grace Sweeney
Mary Pi ttman Sandy Trosien
Jeri Sawall Me linda Trout
Penny Sch reiber Sa lly Vand eve n
Aliza Shevrin Barbara Wa llgren
Morrin e Silverman Jea nn e Weinch
Ma ria Simonte
Loretta Skewes
James j. Dud erstad t John Peckham, Vineeta Bhandari Cynny Spencer
De troit Opera House / UMS / www
www.Michiga nOpera org
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
General Information
Unauthorized cameras and recordi ng devices are not all owed inside the lobby or theater at any time. The taking of photographs of th e th eater or any performance is s tri ct ly prohibited As a courtesy to our guests , we ask that all paging devices, cell phones and alarm watc h es be switc h ed to sil ent mode prior to th e s tart of a performance.
and p arents are advised to leave their seat lo cation (located on ticket) and our emergency numb er, 313/237-3257, with the service or sitt er in case of an emergency
Please observe the light ed exit signs loca ted throughout the theater In the event of fire or similar emergency, please remain ca lm and walk - do not run - to the nearest exit. Our u shers are trained to lead yo u out o f the building safely A trained Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) is on site during most events. Please see an usher or sta ff member to co ntact the EMT.
RESTROOMS Ladie s' restrooms are loca ted off the Ford Lobby (Broadway street entrance), d own th e stairs and also on the third floor (Madison street entrance) - please press "3 R" on the elevator to reac h these facilities. Gen tl emens restrooms are located un der the Grand Sta ircase and also on the third floor (Broadway street entrance) - please press "3" on the elevator to reach these facilities. Please note: All third-flo or restrooms are wheelchair accessible. Unisex accessib le restroom located in the GM Ope ra Cafc.
NO SMOKING The Detroit Opera House is a smoke-free faCility Ash receptacles are provided on the exterior of all entry doors for th ose who wish to smoke.
USHERS Ushe r s are stationed at the top of each aisle. If you have a question or concern, please inform u shers, and they will con tact management. If you
are interested in becomi n g a vo lunt eer usher, please call the usher hotlin e at 313/237-3253.
LATE SEATING Latecomers will be seated only during an appropriate pause in the program and ma y view the program on the closed-circuit television monitor lo cate d in the Ford lobby until an appropriate program pause occurs. Late sea ting policies are at the discretion o f the production, not opera house management.
LOST Be FOUND Lost and Found is located in the Secur it y Department. Please see an usher if you have misplaced an article, or call 313/961-3500 if yo u h ave already left the theater. Items will b e held in Lost and Found for 30 days.
PARKING Parking for all events is available in the Ope ra House Garage, lo cated directly across from the Detroit Opera House (on J ohn R. and Broadway streets). Prepaid parking is available through the box office. Please call 313/237 -SING for parking information
ACCESSIBIUTY Accessib le seating locations for patrons in wheelch airs are lo ca ted in all price ranges on the orch es tra level. When inquiring about tickets, please ask about these locations if you require specia l accommodations.
Assisted Listening Devices are ava ilabl e on a first-come , first-served basis. Please see an usher to request this service. Although this is a complimentary service, we will request to hold a piece of personal identification whil e yo u are u sing the device. Please contact the Box Office , should you desire special con side ration
CHILDREN Children are welcome; h oweve r, all guests are reqUired to hold a ticket, rega rdl ess of age. We kindly ask that parental discretion be exercised for certai n pro grams, and that all guests remember that during a program such as
opera or ballet, the ability of all audience members to h ear the musi c is a prerequisit e to enjoyment of the p erform an ce. In all cases, babes in arms are not permitted.
SERVICES Concession stands are lo cated on all levels . Please note that food and drinks are not allowed in the audi torium at any time. Coat check is located in the Ford lobby The cost is $ 1.00 p er coat. Please note that the Detroit Opera H ouse does not accept res ponsibility for any persona l articles that are not checked at the coat check. Drinking fountains are located in the lobbies on floors one and three. Public pay phones are locate d in the vestibule of the Ford Lobby Patrons in wheelchairs can access pay phones outside the third-floor ladies' restrooms.
The Detroit Opera House is available for rent b y yo ur organization. Please call 313/961-3500 and ask to be directed to the Specia l Events Department.
The Detroit Opera House Ticket Office hours are as fo ll ows: Non-performa n ce weeksMonday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Performance d ays - 10:00 a.m. through the firs t intermission of the evening's perfo rman ce, except Saturdays and Sundays, wh en the Ticket Office will open two hours prior to curtain. Tickets for all public events held at the Detroit Opera House are also available through all TicketMaster phone and retail outlets or at
OPERA HOUSE TOURS Co m e join the Opera House Ambassadors for a backstage tour of the Detroi t Ope ra H ou se. Learn abo ut the history of the Opera H ou se and its restoration. Meet the peop le behind the scen es, tour the stage and see h ow it operates. Tours are $1000 per person For more information, please call 313/237-3425.
Be advised that, for purposes of Michigan Compiled Laws, Section 28.4250(1)(0, this is an entertainment facility that has a seating capacity of more than 2,500 individuals It is therefore against the law to carry a concealed pistol on the premises
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
At DaimlerChrysler Corporation , we know a little something about moving performances. We proudly support the Michigan Opera Theater and are honored to sponsor the DaimlerChrysler Dance Series. Thank you for bringing the power of music and dance to our community.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre