PROGRAM: Bravo 2002 Fall Opera and Dance

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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

The Official Magazine of the Detroit Opera House

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:n,ETENGE WEALTH Season mlU!! REDEMPTION 4 BRAVO MESSAGE From th e Genera l Di r ec t or ........... . ......... .. . . . .... . 7 ON STAGE IL TROVATORE Synopsis 10 The Essence of Opera . . ... . . .. . .... . . .... . . . . .. ... .. ... 11 DON PASQUALE Synopsis 14 Donizetti and Don Pasqual e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ARTIST PROFILES ................... . .. .. .... .. . 18 ORCHESTRA AND CHORUS Mich igan Opera Theatre Orchestra and Chorus .. . ..... . ... .. . 20 THE GEORGIAN STATE DANCE COMPANY Abou t Georgian State Danc e Company . . . .... ... . .. . . . . . . .. 22 Program 24 MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE Board of Directors and Trust ee s 26 CONTRIBUTORS New Century F u nd . ... .... . ... .. ... . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. .. 28 Avanti SOCiety ..... . ... . ..... .... ... ..... .. . . . ....... 30 Mic hi gan Opera Theatre Contributors 32 MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE Commu nity Programs 40 Adm ini stratio n and Staff. ... .. .. ... .. . . . ..... . .. ... . . . .. 45 Genera l Information ........ . ... . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. ... ... .. 46 www Mich De troit Opera Hous e Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
De tro i t Opera Ho u se THE DETR.OIT INSTITUTE OF AR.TS
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Edgar Degas, Dancers
at the Barre,
ca. 1900. The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C. Edga r Degas , Dancers, ca.
The Detroit Institute of Arts
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Building on Our Successes

Welcome to Michigan Opera Theatres 32nd Season of opera. We hope that you have enjoyed yo ur summer, and look forward to filling your fall, winter and spring with performances that will provide you with a lifetime of wonderful memories.

Last season, I hope you wi ll agree, was artistica lly one of our best. If you recall my curtain speech about tryin g to please those who want to see only we ll known operas, contrasted to tho se who want to see operas that the y ha ve not seen before, I used Lahme as an example of a work that the audience loved , but was seen primarily by our subscribers, who came because they had faith in going beyond just picking the one or two operas with whi ch they were familiar.

This is again the case with the current season Besides a brilliant new production of n Trovatore and two beloved masterworks, Mozart's Don Giovanni and Johann St rau ss' popular waltz operetta Die Fledermaus, we will present two works that you canno t miss: Don Pasquale, the delicious comic opera by Gaetano Donizetti (th e composer of Lucia di Lammermoor and The Elixir oj Love) is a delight from sta rt to finish. Dead Man Walhing "makes the most concentrated impa ct of any piece of American music theater since West Side Story ", according

to a British critic with The Guardian (London) .

Subscribers are the lifeblo od of Michigan Opera Theatre , making a profound impa ct on our continued success and in our constant quest to be a major cu ltural force in our community. Please remember that subscription s are offered in a variety of packages and many price levels , and are ava ilabl e through the final production of the season. If you have purchased a single ticket for this performance, we are offering you the unique opportunity to apply the full value of the ticket to a subscription package (Flex 3 or greater - please see program insert for details). Please visi t the Ticket Services Office during first intermission or ca ll 313/237-7464.

While our ability to provide our community with world-class programming

is dependent upon our sub scribers and the generosity of many individual s, corporations and foundations , we need yo ur assistance in protecting and building upon the programs and services that we offer through community and educationa l outreach. If you live in Wayne or Oakland counties , this November 5th, you have the opportunity to support Michigan Opera Theatre 's edu cational outreach programs and your local community, in an unprecedented manner, b y votin g YES on Proposal K. (remember "K is for Kids"). Proposal K guarantees a fundin g ba se for 17 major cultural institutions throughout Oakland and Wayne counties. As well, the initiative provides local funding for each community to serve its own local cultura l and recreational programs and facilities, as it sees fit. Each of our institutions wi ll use this funding to protect and expand upon important programs and services. It is your positive vote that will ensure extraordinary and vital cultural opportunities for generations to come.

This November 5 , vote YES on K.

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


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Opera in Four Acts

Music by Giuseppe Verdi , Libretto by Salvatore Cammarano Based on Antonio Gutierrezs play EI Trovador World Premi ere : Teatro Apollo , Rome , January 19, 1853 Michigan Opera Theatre 's Fall Season is sponsored by Ford Motor Company Open ing N igh t SPO;."'iJ (!!J AmeritKh The Oc to be r 19th perfonnan ce is spo nso red by th e Ida a nd Conrad H. Smit h Fun d of t he Community Fo und a tio n fo r Sou theas tern Mi chi gan Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Giuseppe Verdi5 II Trovatore

ACT I: Outsi d e th e gua rd room of Ali aferia Palace in Aragon, Count di Luna's soldi ers a re waiting to appreh en d Manri co , a trou b ad our, w h o riva ls th e count fo r the favors of th e Lady Le on ora. Fe rrand o, cap tain of th e gu ard, k eeps hi s m en awa k e by telling the m of a Gypsy woman burn ed at the s tak e yea rs ago for b e witching Di Lunas you n ge r brother

The Gyp sys d au ghter sou ght vengea n ce b y ki d n ap p in g th e ch ild an d, so the s tory goes, bu rni ng him at the very stake wh ere her m other die d Di Luna, thou gh, still hop es his b ro ther lives .

In the p alace gard en s, Leon ora confid es to Inez ho w at a tou rna me nt sh e p laced the vic tory wrea th on th e b row o f an un kno wn knight in bl ack arm or; sh e saw him n o m ore until h e ca m e to serenade her Thou gh Inez h as misgivin gs, Leono ra d e cl a res h e r l ove for th e h an ds om e stran ger. No soo ner d o the women reenter the p ala ce tha n Di Lun a arrives to co urt Leo n ora. Simultaneously, Ma nri co's so n g is h eard in the distan ce, and Leonora ru sh es to gree t him. Th e j ea lou s count ch all en ges Manri co to a d u el, an d th ey hurr y away


ACT II: As d awn brea k s in the Biscay m o u n t ai n s, Gypsies sing at work with hammer and an vil. Azu cena, the Gypsy's d au ght er d esc rib ed b y Fe rrando, relives h er m o th er s fi ery execu tion , recalling th e d yi n g wo m an s pl ea for ve n geance Man ri co asks to h ear h er full story, be coming confu se d w h en Azuce n a, overwh elm e d wi th mem o ries, b lurts out that b y mi stak e sh e hurl ed h er own so n into the fl am es. Ass uring him of a m o thers love, Azucen a m akes Manrico swear revenge, but h e says a stran ge power staye d his h an d wh en h e could have killed Di Lu na in the du el. A messenge r b ri ngs

news tha t Leo n o ra, th inkin g Man rico dea d , p lans to enter a con vent. Despite Azu ce n as pleas, Manri co ru sh es away Di Lu n a, burnin g with p ass ion for Leo n ora, w aits b y th e cl ois ter to kidn ap h er When sh e ent ers wi th the nuns, h e strid es forward , only to b e halte d b y Manri co, who suddenly app ea rs wi th hi s men. As th e for ces stru ggle, th e lovers esc ap e.


ACT III: Di Luna h as pitch ed ca mp n ea r the bas ti on o f Cas tell o r, wh ere Manri co h as tak en Le ono ra. Aft er s oldi ers sing of their eage rness for vic to ry, Fe rrand o lea d s in Azu cen a, w h o was found n ea rb y The Gypsy des crib es h er poor, lonely life and says sh e is only sea rching for h er son. Di Lun a revea ls h is id entity, at w hi ch Az u ce na reco ils and is reco gnize d by Ferrand o as the sup p ose d murderer of Di Lunas baby broth er. Th e co unt o rd ers h er bu rne d a t th e st ake.

In s ide the cas tl e, Manri co ass ures Leonora he r love m ak es him invin cibl e. As the couple prep ares to go to the wedding ch ap el, Ma nricos a ide Ruiz burs ts in to say th at Az u cena h as b een seiz e d and tie d to a stak e Ma nrico sta res in h o rror at the dista nt p yre, whi ch ha s b een lit.

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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

He runs to his moth er s rescu e, vowin g ve n gea nc e


ACT IV: Ruiz brings Leon o ra to th e foo t of the ca ptured Manrico's priso n to wer, wh ere sh e voices h er undying love and p rays for his release. Mo nks are h ea rd into ning a d oleful Mise rere fo r th e soul of the cond emn ed, w hile Manri co sin gs farewe ll from insid e the b as ti on Leon ora reso lves to save him . When Di Luna app ea rs, Leonora agrees to yield to him , but secre tly swa llows po ison In their cell , Manrico comforts Azu cen a, wh o longs for their h om e in the m ountains. No so oner d oes th e old Gypsy fa ll aslee p than Leono ra rush es in to t ell her love r h e is save d , urgin g him t o fl ee . Manrico co mpreh end s the pri ce of hi s fre e d o m and d en ou nces h er, but the p oison b egin s to ta ke effect. He tak es h er in his arm s as sh e di es. Furious at being ch ea ted o f his prize, Di Luna se nd s Manrico to th e executi on er s bl ock, w hil e Azu cena stagge rs to h er feet to see the ax fall Sh e cri es out tha t h er m oth er is ave nge d: Di Luna ha s kill e d his own brother III

b y J ohn W Free m an - co urtesy of Op era News

ON STAGE It Trovatore
De tro it Op e ra House

The Essence of Opera

Th e tint and color of II Trovatore

Even its grea test fans admit that n Tro vatore is an improbable s to ry that is impo ss ibl e to follow.

Even its greatest detractors mu s t admit that II Trovatore is a triumph of th e composer's art and a watershed op era in Giuseppe Verdi's ca reer.

So, go figure.

n Ii uvato re was Verdis 17th professionally produ ce d wo rk, h aving it s premi ere a t the Tea tro Apo llo in Rome on J anua ry 19 , 1853. In the Verdi chronology, it came after Rigo letto (1851) and jus t before La Ii'aviata, which had its premi ere in Venice on March 6, 1853 , less than two months after II Trovatore. H e worked on both at the same time, referring to one as hi s "Rome opera " and the other as his "Ve ni ce opera. " Musicologists place all three work s in Verdis middle p e riod of composition. The compose r himself pla ce d a ll three works wi thin his "ye ars in the ga lley "a phrase h e u se d in an 1858 le tt er - in which h e composed some 18 operas (not counting re visions) in 16 years, from Emani to Un ballo in masch era in 1858. After that, h e composed for hi s own pleasure , or for fat interna tional co mmi ssions - only fi ve more op eras in th e remaining 4 3 ye ars of hi s life (but wha t operas!).

Middle-period operas such as Lui sa Miller, Rigo letto and La Traviata h ave ce rtain obvious similariti es in their tight dram atic s tructures and intimat e, hi ghly p erso nal sto ries. II Ii'ovatore, howeve r, seem s to be cut from a different cloth: a wildly melodramatic tale told agains t a romantic backg round of armies and battl es , gypsy e ncampments a nd lurid tal es of ven gea nce and th e auto-d a-fe. If o n e looks only at the overly co mpl ex story of II Trovatore, i t would seem to be a thro w back to the very typ e of excess

and lack of drama ti c unity that Verdi s truggled all his career to escape, making real progre ss at last with the middleperiod ope ras .

No, the genius of II Trovatore is not literary but musical. Either b ec au se of the libretto , or p erh ap s in spit e of itthe true motiva tion is unknown - Verdi was inspire d to write hi s most dramatica lly effec tive sco re to d ate , making giant s trides in th e use of orc h es tra l color, in bre vi ty, in pa ce. There are elaborate mUSicologica l analysis of nTrova tore that discuss mirror-image musical constru ction , sequences of shortllong sce n e and short

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actllong act, the u se of verbal and mu sical im agery, e tc. But the bottom lin e is this: The audience may not understand wha t is happ ening in the opera and (particularly) why, but the audience always und erstand s at every moment exac tly what each character is fee lin g In II Trovatore , Verdi, for the fir s t time, approached the Mozartea n ideal of composing p sychologica l portraits in music for th e chief chara c ters

Th e esse n ce of opera for Verdi , as h e sta ted in his vo luminou s correspondence on many occasion s, was tinto and co lorito , or the tint and co loring of each opera. Before h e compo se d a note, he in sisted


Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

ON STAGE 11 Trovatore

that the full libretto be delivered to him (and reworked until he was satisfied). Only when he saw the completed te xt could h e get an idea of the shape, mood and character of th e whole; not just the characters and the plot, but the settings, costumes and stage effects. Only then cou ld h e arrive at a musica l concept of types of melody, rhythm and orchestration that wo uld deli ver th e overall mood h e envisioned as the operas tint or co lor.

In L11 Traviata, p erhaps one of the most obvious examples , the characteristic tinto is intro verted and subdued. All scenes tak e place indoors (at least as called for in th e original score), often with the principals seated rather tha n in motion. A purposefu l thinness of tone is established in th e melodies. Arias often are conversational or introspective, moving up the scale deliberately by tone or half-tone.

In n Trovatore, howeve r , th e tinto is entirely extroverted, even violent. Characters and the audience, too , are caught up in

the rapid forward motion of the dramatic events; swept along b y arias featurin g bold melodic lea ps up the sca le , dri ven by heavily accented musical rhythms. Virtually all the scenes are set outdoors amid the clamor of so ldiers, duels and rescues. The mood of II Trovatore is established from the very first moments in the brief orche stral introduction , hammering hom e a descending scale of arpeggios played in unison. And speaking of hammering , the "Gypsy Chorus" at the beginning of Act II , often called the "Anvil Chorus," is a perfect illustration of the vigorous tinto and colonto of this mUSically concise work.

In short, all th e confusing details of the plot , the shortcomings of story, are driven away b y a dramatically effective and brilliantly playe d score. The reason Verdi bought into the complex story line and respo nded to it so magnificently is that the librettist , Salvatore Cammarano, gave Verdi the thing he priz ed above all else: a drama in which the events have focal point in divide d character. Rigoletto is torn b etween his duty to the Duke and his duty as a father. Radames is doomed when love and patriotism conflict within him. And above a ll others, II Trovatore's dark gypsy, Azucena , is tom between her maternal love for Manrico, her adopted son, and her thirst for revenge on the Count di Luna. What makes the division all the more delicious is the fact that Azucenas ven geance is dri ve n, too, b y maternal love for the rea l infant son she lo st by mistake. In Azucena , Verdi c rea ted his first important m ezzo -soprano role. It is her conflict that drives the opera forward and creates the web in which Manrico, Leonora and di Luna are caught.

When it is done well (an d even not so well, sometimes), audien ces ea t it up. II Trovatore was a success from the first performance (wh e reas L11 Ii'aviata was not). During the 19th century, it was s taged far more frequently than any of the other middle-p e riod works. m

ON STAGE 11 Trovatore
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Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Jonathan Abarbanel is th e awardwinning theater critic for North Shore magazin e.



By order oj vocal appearance


Donato Di Stefano


Mariusz Kwiecien


John Osborn'" (Nov. 9 , 13 , 16)

lawrence Brownlee'" (Nov. 10m , I S,17m)


Ying Huang (Nov. 9 , 13, 16)

J ennifer Aylmer* (Nov. 10m, I S, 17m)


Chri stop h er Vau ght

*Michigan Opera Theatre Debut

Co ndu ctor Mark D. Flint

Director Mario Corradi

Chorus Master

Suzanne Mallare Acton

Set Design John Pascoe

Costume Des ign Mario Corradi

Lighting Design Kendall Smith

Wig & Makeup Design

Joanne Weaver

English Surtitle Translation

Christopher Bergen

Stage Manager

Kenneth Saltzman

Scenery for thi s production is owned by Virginia Opera

Costu m es for this produ ction provided b y Sa rto ri Teat rale Arrigo , S.R.L.

Surtitles owned b y C hristopher Berge n

Detroit Opera House
2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Gaetano Donizettis

Don Pasquale


Don Pasqual e's Room

Don Pasqua le p aces the flo or board s o f his livin g room, co nt empl a tin g the sh ocking de cision h e is about to land on his sole h eir and n eph ew, Ernesto . It is early in the 19"' centu ry, in a wea lthy section of Rome, and Don Pa s qu a le , th e agi ng bachelor , has mad e th e d ec isi on to marry. Thi s an noun cement will h ave resounding consequences for po or Ernesto. Dr. Malatesta enters wi th a discovery: H e has found a bride for the luc ky Pasqual e, as th e aria says - "Bella si ccome un ange lo ," lo vely as an an ge l.

She just h appen s to be Malatestas sister. Ma late s ta is ordered to bring her at once , d espite his wa rnings that Pasquale proceed slowly The doctor d eparts, as Don Pasquale cho nles ab out his p otential n ew role as the fath e r of six.

Ernesto appea rs at the door, and his uncle qUi ckly informs the yo ung man h e wo uld like him to wed a wea lthy lady of Roman social s tandin g. Ernesto lo ves only his swee theart No rina. H e pa ti ently refuses th e arra ngement In a pique of anger, Uncle Pasquale threa tens to disown Ernes to and th en blurts ou t the news of his own we dding p lan s. The duet which follows attests to Ernesto's misery an d Pasquales gleefulne ss. Ernesto leaves wi th a request that his uncle discuss all of this with Dr. Malatesta. H e h as, the uncle repli es. In fact, Malat es ta h as offe re d the hand of hi s own sister. Mo re d espond ent th an ever, Ernes t o now surmises his only ally, Dr Ma la tes ta , has turned aga in st him as well.

SCENE TWO Norina's Room

The plot thickens. In her room , lo vely Norina sings abo ut love and th e romantic no vel she h as just read, in the aria "Quell 14 BRAVO

guardo, il Cavaliere." A lett er arrives from (of course) Ernesto. And Dr. Malatesta arrives jus t as No rina finishes the las t paragraph. The do ctor bo as ts o f his plans to unite the yo ung co uple , but No rin a shows him Ernestos despairing m essage.

The young m an is to b e disinherited , the letter exp lains , and their plan s to marry forever postponed . He eve n proposes off leave Europ e altogether I Nonsense, says Mal a tes ta . Hi s strategy is airtight. They wi ll pass No rin a of to Don Pasquale as the proposed bride, So fronia. {Sofronia ac tually resid es in a co n vent} Cous in Ca rlotta, a notary, will perform a phony marriage ceremo n y, and th en No rina will proceed to provide Pasquale with a we dded life of complete misery He will b e screaming for an annulment ! The scene close s on a j oyo u s duet.


ACT II Emesto's Lodging

With the dramati c "Cerchero lon tan a terra," Ernesto vows to leave fo r di stant parts and live out his life in un ending so rro w and loneliness. Enter Pasqua le, www.Michiga

admiring hi s "trim " figur e. We ll , not b ad for a fell ow of 70. Ma lat esta and his sh y, ve iled "sis ter Sofronia " arrive As the two men admire h er feminine charms, sh e fe ign s dizziness and see m s about to faint. Pa squ ale is imp resse d with h er love ly form and hopes aloud th at h er face matches the re st. When Norin a finall y lift s h er ve il , Pasqua le fall s b ack , ove rw helmed. H e immed iately proposes and demands a we dding co ntract on the sp ot. The obliging Mal a tes ta di sappears in sea rch of a notary and , a counterfeit contract is qUickly produ ce d Ernesto is called to act as a witness. No t knOwing Malatestas plan , h e is at fir st offended. When Ma late s ta takes the you n g m an as id e to ex plain, Ernesto consents to parti cipate in thi s not entirely convincing sce n ario.

Th e m arriage cere mony complet ed , chaos en sue s. The timid No rina shoves Pasqual e away with the authority of an an gry sh e-bear. Then she b egins a household campaign of expenditure to bankrupt him in sho rt ord e r. She wa nt s a n ew ca rri age, n ew furniture, yo unger and more a ttrac ti ve serva nts' And, w hile the y're at it , why not double the servants sa laries for h eavens sake 7 Sh e can 't spend enou gh fas t enou gh. But , of course, there 's always tomorrow. Ernesto and Malatesta shake h an d s, as Don Pasquale b emo ans w hat wi ll obviously be a gruesome future with his new "wife. "



Pasquale's House

At th e Pasquale household , new deli ve ri es of fin ery and furni sh ings co ntinu e to arrive as the poor Don b ewa il s hi s fin an cia l doom . Nori na appears wi th th e n ews sh e will b e leaving

Don Pasquale
De troit O pera Hous e Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

for the opera. Pasquale is not invited, since "O ld men should be in bed early"

Sh e "accidentally" drops a note on the floor, which Pasquale reads when she has departed. The letter invites Norina to a romanti c rendezvous in the garden with an unnamed lover. Pasquale nearly collapses with anger and departs for his room.

Servants pass busily to and fro through the living room, gossiping merrily about the free flow of money in the household. As the servants leave, Malatesta and Emesto appear to discuss the "rendezvous " They agree, that as soon as Pasquale enters the garden, Emesto will disappear, undetected Pasquale now relurns to the living room and, showing Malatesta the infamous letter left behind by Norina, explains h ow much h e wishes he had let Emesto marry whomever he pleased, thereby avo idin g his own bankruptcy

Ma lates t a ac ts stricken by the entire turn of affairs. He advises Pasquale to catch his unfaithful wife with her lover and expose h er infidelity then and there. They' ll insist she give this man u p, Ma l atesta proposes. Such treatment is too good for her, Pasquale protests Well , they wi ll see what consequences they can fashion to suit the occasion, Malatesta says.

SCENE TWO A Rooftop Garden

The scen e opens on the wonderfu l tenor aria: "Com' e gentil. " On an idyllic spring evening in the garden, Ernesto sings of his love for No rina and she soon joins him in the romantic duet 'To rnami a dir che m 'a mi ."

As Pasquale and Ma latesta approach, Ernesto qUickly escapes. Norin a feigns horror at being cau ght in an assignation with her lover, but also informs Pasquale that sh e is, after all , in her own garden Malatesta con vinces the flabbergasted Don to let him h and le this woman. He informs h er the widow Norina is about to marry Erne sto, provided Pasquale approves - which h e, of course, does. Emesto is called out to h ear the wonderful news When Norin a objects about this "other woman's" appearance in "h er" household , Pasquale insists - no demands - tha t the wedding take p lace immediately He, of course, asks to see

the ne w brid e.

Of course, she is already there, and Malatesta exp lains th e whole scheme. The disoriented old man denounces the couple, until the y fall on their knees before him. Fina lly, he forgive s them and

offers his bleSSing, as the four launch into a quartet proclaiming the foo li shness of old men who court young women. m

Courtesy of Arizona Opera

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Detroit Opera House ON STAGE
National City. *BTokerdge St.1'ttlc(JSproIlJded ilJlvugh Tl1tJ('stlrte11ir Int;, • ©2 00 2 , NariQnai Corporatio n iJ BRAVO 15 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Donizetti & Don Pasquale

Although Gaetano Donizetti lived only 51 years, music seemed to literally flow from hi s pen Occasionally, he managed to produce more than three operas in a Single calendar year. In total , he gave us some 70 operas, liturgical masses and numerous chamber works However, not everyone was impressed with Donizetti's rapid compos iti onal skill. These staggering statistics prompted the Gennen philosopher and Wagner discipl e, Heinrich Heine , to remark sarcastically, "In fecundity, Donize tti is surpassed only b y rabbits."

Donizetti was born in the northern Italian town of Bergamo in 1797. However, a series of tragedies prompted him to se ttle in Paris in 1838. Suffering from the effec ts of his exhaustive work schedule and syp hili s, the music ian finally went mad and had to be confined to an asylum in 1846.

Unfortu nately, only a few of his works h ave remained in the repertoire

Neve rthel ess, Donizetti 's operas have enjoyed a rich history at Michigan Opera Theatre including Lucia di Lamm ermoor prod u ced by Michigan Ope ra Theatre, in

1976,1982 , 1992 and 199 8; featUring stars such as Sumi Jo , Ruth Ann Swenson, Ne il Schicoff and Catherine Malfitano; Anna Bol ena, immortalized b y Dame Joan Suth erl and in Michigan Opera Th eatre's 1984 production; and The Elixir of Love, produced by Michigan Opera Theatre in 1975 and 1998. Michigan Opera Theatre also produced Th e Daughter of the Regim ent in 199 4 Altho u gh Don Pasqual e is not as we ll k n own, it rightly deserves to be counted among th e three finest examples of Italian comic opera, along with Rossinis Th e Barb er of Seville and Verdis Falstaff.

Don Pasquale is Donizetti 's la st great work. It was first perfonned on J anuary 4 , 1843, in Paris, at the Thea tre- Italien , where it enjoye d instant success. Moreover, Don Pasquale also represen ts the last exa mpl e of opera buffa (comic), w hi ch stretches back th rough Rossini to Pergolesi. Opera buffa enjoyed great popu larity during the Na poleoniC e ra , but during the 1820s , its popu larit y had b egun to wane . With the adve nt of the Itali an Riso rgim ento, opera's like Verdis Nabucco, began to fo cus more on patri otic enthu siasm and heroism,

Mario Corradi on this production of Don Pasquale

Opera composers have not always been exclu sively interest ed in hi storica l or mytho logical subj ects. Cost fan Tutte was based on a factual story th at, in Mozarts time, had been Trieste 's "talk of the town. " It was only the ce nsor that forced Verdi to h ave the worlds premiere of La Traviata staged one centu ry back. Thus, Don Pasquale, for all its "c ontemporary" story, was not as revo lu tionary as some criti cs o r musicologiSts wou ld su ggest. Rather, it was 16 BRAVO

(a nd is) a wond erfully funny piece of "m usical theater" that , if written one century later, wou ld have had its premiere on Broadway

Histori ca l subjects in opera are seldom an exercise in historical storyte lling. Verdi's historica l subj ects we re always all egOries, the main purpose of w hi ch was to promote Ita li an independence from Austri an domina ti on. In visual and performing arts, ancient characters were always depicted and clad in

w hi ch cause d opera b uffa to see m trivia l and outdate d

On the da y following th e first performance , Donizetti wrote to his brother-inlaw th at his n ewest ope ra had cost him "imm ense troubl e" (he composed it in 11 days.) Ironi cally, it had been 10 years since h e had achieved a major success in the comedic genre. Of his 26 operas of that previo us decade , all but four h ad been of a se riou s or tragic nature. Regardless , in Don Pasquale , Donizetti managed to create an opera that offe rs a naturalness and energy, which, co mbin ed with Donizetti's lyrica l fin esse, made th e characters human and familiar in a way tha t the audien ce can eas il y relate to. m

- Roberto Mauro is the Director of Artistic Administration for Michigan Opera Th eat 1-e

ON STAGE Don Pasquale
Detroit Opera Hou se Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

contemporary costumes. There is not one single Renaissance painting in which Christ and his Mother are not pain ted in contemporary Renaissance garments. To be sure, these cursory remarks on history and chronicl e in opera have the purpose of exp lain why, in staging Don Pasquale , I have decided to do it in modem times. It is not a matter of "updating" anything. Donizetti's piece is such a masterpiece that it does not require "updating," either in text or music. It is simply a matter of making the story (a lm ost) as contemporary to us as it was for Donizettis aud iences back in 1843 . I said almost because the s taging is not exactly contemporary, but moved back to 1914115 a t the time of WW l. More than a farce, Don Pasquale can be seen as "s ophisticated comedy," and for my taste, that period represents the qu intessentia l setting for such a musical "genre." Fina lly, having to stage this opera in the United Statesand above all , in Detroit - I decided to move the act ion from Rome to an American city tha t co uld be Brooklyn or even Detroit. Th e tex t needed no ch anges: A dejec ted Emesto can wish to leave for "lontana terra ," (far away land) by enlisting for the European front in WWI, and the false ingenue who lures the old man into a "vi rtua l" marriage is an evergreen si tcom The clever set, designed by J ohn Pa scoe, was the idea l vehicle for such s tagin g. I had the costumes made in Ita ly for the occasion. In the end, I ca n only h ope that the audience will h ave as much fun as we had in mQunting the produc tion. III

- Mario Corradi, Stage Director Don Pasquale marks Mr. Conadi's 11th stage production Jar Michigan Op era

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Artist Profiles


Chams Master

Debut: Mikado, 1982

2002 Season: Chorus Master n Trov ato re, Don Pasqua le, Don Giovanni, Die Fl edermaL15, Dead Man Walking; Conductor, Die Fledennw15

Recently: Ca rm en, Anoush, Lahme, Otello a nd The Maniage of Figaro (Mi c higan Opera Th ea tre)

Upcoming: Don Pasqual e, Don Giovanni, Dead Man Walking (Mic hi gan Opera T hea tre); Con du c torDie Fledermaus (Michigan Ope ra Th ea t re), Cavellmia Ru sticana (F ri ends of the Ope ra o f Michigan); Too Hot to Handel (Rackham Symp h ony Choir)




Michigan Opera Th eat re Debut

2002 Season: Manrico , n T;-ovatore (Oct 12 , 16 , 19)

Recently: Cavaradossi, Tasca (O pe ra Bonn , and Opera Company of Philade lphia); Manrico , II Ii"ova tore (O pera Bonn); Rad ames, Aida (Pisa)

Upcoming: Cavara do ssi, Ta sca and And rea C henier, Andrea Chenier (Tur in)



Mich igan Opera Th eat re De but

2002 Seaso n : Norina, Don

PasqLwl e (Nov. 10m , 15, 17m)

Recently: Nanne n a, Falstaff (Loui svill e); Elisetta , TIle Secret Maniage (Lake George); Sophi e, Del' Rosenhavalier (Min neapolis) ; Governess, TIl e TL'111 of the Screw (Be rk sh ire Opera)

Upcoming: EmiHa, Fla via (New Yo r k City O p era)


Costume De signe r

2002 Season: n Ii'ovato re

Recently: An Unive rsit y in Bloomington; Dea n of Faculty of App lied Arts (Belgrad e)



Debut : PO'"gy and Be ss, 1998

2002 Seaso n : lnez, TI Iiuvatore

Recently: Mary Sone, TI1e Devil and Daniel Webster (Pa lenno); Honey and RLle (Da ll as Symphony); Annina , La ]j-mriata (Michigan Opera Theatre)



Michigan O pera Theatre Debut

2002 Season : Em esto, Don

PasqLwle (Nov. 10m , 15 , 17 m )

Recently: Count Alma viva , TI Barbi ere di Siviglia (Boston LyTic Opera , La Sca la , Mila n ); Do n Curzio, Th e Man'iage of figaro

and Flute, A Midsummer Night's Dream (Wo lf Trap Opera)

Upcoming: Ernes to, Don Pasq Lwl e (Sea ttl e Opera); Lindoro , tUaliana in Algeri (La Scala, Milan)



Debut: La ]j'aviata , 2001

2002 Season: Tl ]j'ovato re

Recently: Ta sca (Ve rona); Cannen (Dijon Ope ra); I Pwitani (Liege); Andrea Cheni er (Tel Avi v); Macb et h (Marseill e)

Upcoming: Don Pasquale (S trasbourg Opera); TI Tro vato re (Tokyo)


Di rec tor & Costwne DeSigner

D e but: Carmen, 1996

2002 Season: Don Pasqual e Rece ntly: Otello ( Detroit); La Tra viata (Piacenza); Aida (Ma rse ile)

Upcoming: Manon Lascaut ( Pal e r mo); Turandot (Kiev); and Carmen (Tea tro Regio-Parma)


Mezzo Soprano

Mi c higan Opera Theatre Deb ut

2002 Season: Azucena, Tl

]j'ova tore (Oct. 13 m , 18 , 20m )

Rece ntly : Azucena, Il Ii'ovatore (Cagliari); Amneris , Aida (Catania, Montreal Opera); Eboli, Don Caeca (Tokyo), Upcoming: Azucena, Il Ii'ovatore (Tokyo); Mother Marie, DialogLles des Carmalites (La Scala, Milan and Philadelphia Orchestra Conce rt)


Ba ss

Debut: Barber of Seville, 1999

2002 Season: Don Pasqu ale , Don Pasqu al e Rece ntly: Don Pasqua le, Don Pasquale (M iami Grand Ope ra); Don Magnifico, La Cenerentola (Teatro Real-Madrid); Dulcamara , tElisir d'Amore (Glasgow a nd Savonlinna)

Upcoming: Si mone , Gianni Schicchi (Ope ra Na tional de Paris); Bartolo, Tl Barbi ere di Siviglia (O pera Frankrurt); Bartol o, Le Nozze di Figaro (Teatro Real-Madrid)


Co nductor

Debut: Carmen, 1977

2002 Season: Don Pa sqLwle Rece ntly: Artistic Direc tor (A ugusta Opera) HM S Pinafore (A ugu sta); Lakmt (Det roit); Carm en ( Honolulu ); Therese ReqUiem (Mo ntrea l Opera); Pead Fishers (Nas hvill e)


Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Upcomin g : La ]j "av iata (Nashville) , Di e Zaube rj10te (Mont rea l Opera); Pass ion (N e w Yo rk - Dicapo) ; Don Pasquale (Orlando Opera)


Sop ran o

Debut: Werthe, ; 1999

2002 Season : No rina , Don Pa squale (Nov. 9, 13, 16)

Recently: Susanna , The Maniage of Figaro (New York Ci ty Opera); Pamina , The Magic Flute (O pe ra Th eat re of Saint Louis); Norina, Don Pasqual e (Sa n Di ego O pera)

Upcoming : Gilda , Ri go letto (Flore ntine O pera )


Bmiton e

Debut: La Boh eme, 2000

2002 Seaso n : Dr Malatesta , Don Pas quale

Recently: Silvio, Pagliacci ( LyTic Opera of Chicago); Count

Alma vi va, Le Nozze di fi garo (Dallas), Bel co re, LElisir

D'Amore(Netherlands Opera)

Upcoming : Dr. Malatesta, Don Pa sq ual e (Se attle Ope ra); Marcello, La Boh eme (New York Metropolitan Opera)


Se t Design er

2002 Season: TI IiDvatore

C. Y. LlAO

Bariton e Mi c higan Op era Theatre De but

2002 Season: Count di Luna, Tl Tt'ov atore (Oct. 13m, 18, 20m)

Recently: Be rtu cci, Marino Fali ero (Opera Orchestra or New York); Dap e rtutto, Les Co ntes d' HoJfman a nd Count Di Luna , Il ]j"ova tore (Was hin gt on O p era)

Upcoming: Ezio, Atti/ a (O pera Orchestra o f New York)


Direc tOl; Set DeS igner

D e but: Riga /etta , 1997

2002 Season: Tl IiD vato re Rec e ntly: La Rondine , Ol eilo and Turandot (At lanta Opera ); Ta sca (Fl o rent in e Opera)

Upcoming: Rigoletto (Florentine Opera); The Flyi ng Dutchman (Atlanta Opera); n]j vvatore (Opera Pacific)



D eb ut: Turand ot, 1998

2002 Season: Ruiz , Il Ii'ovato re Rec e ntly: Th ier, Lakme; Prin ce o r Pe rsia , Tu randot; Choru s Lahmt, FalstaJf and Eugene On egin (Michigan Opera Theatre)

Detroit Opera House


\, Grand Rapids)


Baliton e

D e but: Mossy, Anoush, 2001

2002 Seaso n: Cou nt di Luna , n Jj'ovatore (Oct. 12, 16, 19)

Rece ntl y: Michele, n TabaITo and Alfio, Caval/e lia Rusticana (Canadian Opera Com pany); Tomsky, Piqu e Dame (Opera

Upcoming: Un Mandalino, Turandot (Paris-Bastille); Count di Luna , IT Jjuvatore (Ope ra Pacific, Welsh National Opera)



Michigan Opera Theatre Debut

2002 Season : Emesto, Don Pasquale (Nov. 9, 13, 16)

Recentl y: Rinuccio , Gianni Schicchi; Don Ottavio, Don Giovanni; and Tamino, The Magi c Flute (New York City Opera)

Upcoming: Don Ramino, La Cenerentola (Pa risBastille); Coum Almaviva, n Barbi ere di Siviglia ( Los Angeles Opera); Alfred, Di e Fledermaus (Bosto n Lytic O pera)


Set Designer

D ebut : Don Giovanni, 1989

2002 Season: Se t Designer, Don Pasquale, Don Giovanni; Director, Don Giovanni

Recently: Don Giovanni; Me t ropoli tan Opera, Ro yal Opera (London), Canadian



Michigan Opera Theatre Debut

2002 Season: Manrico, 11

Trovatore (Oct 13m, 18, 20m)

Rece ntl y: Pin kerton, Madama Butterfly (Fort Worth Opera); Mamico, nTrovatore (Indiana p o lis Opera, Opera Caro lina); Grigory, BOlis Godunov ( Florida Grand Opera)


lighting DeSigner

Deb ut : The Marria ge oj Figaro,


2 002 Season: n Jjuvatore

Rece ntl y: Kdty'a Kabanovd (F lorida Grand Opera); Tosca , Madama Butteljly and Turandot (F lorentine Opera)



D eb ut : Viva Verdi!, 2001

2002 Season: Leonora , II

Jj'ovatore (Oct. 12, 16, 19)

Re cently: Elisabella, Don Carlos (M innesota Opera and Boston Lyric Opera); Desdemona, Otello (Caramoor); Lill, Turandot (Metropo li tan Opera)

Upcoming: Lucrezia, I due Foswri (La Sca la , Mi lan)



D e but : Anoush, 2001

2002 Season: Notary, Don Pasquale; Vecchio Zingaro, II Trovatore

Rece ntly : Vecchio Zingaro, II Jj'ovato re ; N igh t Watch man, Alloush; H erald , Otello and Merchant, Lakme (Mic hi ga n


Wig Designer and Makeup

2002 Seaso n : n Jj'ovatore, Don Pas qual e, Don Giovanni, Die Fledennaus, Dead Man Walking

Recentl y : Washington Opera, Baltimore Ope ra, Opera Pacific, Sarasota Opera, Florent in e _____ Opera, Wolf Trap and Opera


Opera Company



Michigan Opera Th ea tre Debut

2002 Season: Ferrando, II


Rece ntl y: Dr. Grenvil, La Tra viata and Prin ce Gremin, Eugene Onegil1 (Santa Fe Opera); Colline, La Boheme (Minneapol is Opera a nd New York City Opera)

Upc oming: Fenicio, Ennion e (Da ll as); Ferrando, n Jj'ovatore (Opera Pacific)



Debut: Desd e mona , Otdlo, 2002

2002 Season: Leonora , n Jjuvatore (Oct. 13m, 18, 20m)

Recently: Desdemona, Otello (Michigan Opera Theatre, Zuric h and Mun ic h ); Mimi , La Boheme (Os lo and Napo li)


lighting Designer

D e but: The Ballad oj Baby Doe,


2002 Season: Don Pasquale

Recently: Don PasqLlCIle (Flo ri da Grand Opera); Otello (Michigan Opera Theatre)

Detro it Opera Hou se

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Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra

VIOLIN I Jane t Sullin s Prin cipal


+ Charlotte Eliza b e th Ro win + Clark Sut tl e + Kyle Easton Mills + John Do rsey

Merkerson, Mary Sto lberg Gr eg Sheldon Pri ncipal Principal

Concertmaster Shawn Wo o d + Carrie Banfie ld David Ta ylor

+ Kevin Filewych, VIOLA

Assistant Co ncertm aster + John Madison FLUTE

Celeste McClellan

Janine Gabouri-Sly HARP

Steve Mumford + Patri cia Terry-Ross + Ca rol Evans + Kathleen Grimes Principal PJincipal

+ Bryan Johns ton Prin cipal + Pamela Hill

+ Vel da Kelly + Scott Stefanko + laura larson

Nathaniel Basa + Ba rb ara Zmich


+ David Kuehn


Constance Markwick James Greer OBOE Principal J ea n Schneider

J aso n Bendle r Barbara Stolberg + Krist en Beene + Gordon Simmons

Jam es Kuj aws ki Juli anne Zinn Principal Mark Flegg


Ewa Uziel + Sa lly Pitu c h Steve Carryer


VIOLIN II + Nadin e Deleu ry CLARINET + Maury Okun

+ Victori a H altom Plin cipal + Brian Bowman PJincipal

Principal + Diane Bredesen Principal + Greg Ne ar




Diane Bredese n + Brooke + Minka Christoff + Campbell R. MacDonald

Michael Tyrrell

Hoplamazian + Robert Reed Detroit Federa tio n of Musicia ns ,

+ Bing Xia J ohn Iatzko

+ Molly Hu gh es Jana Thompkins Roger Maki-Schramm Fritz Kaenzig Mu sicians.

+ Anna Weller

Nora Schankin

Julia Kun yka BASS Spence r Phillips TIMPANI + Me mber, Mi c hi gan Ope ra Theatre Orc hestra

Andre wWu + De rek Weller Terrence Farmer

Michigan Opera Theatre

Wa lla ce Ayotte Yvonne Friday Angela Peavey Jim We ll s RACKHAM

C hri stop h er Bauder Cond a Green Patricia Pi ero bon

H eidi Bow en Rosahn Contrera Guastella Monique Ricard Ja son Wickson

Kim Bro oks Celeste Headl ee Mary Rob ertson Tim Wolf AUXILIARY

BASSOON TUBA Local #5 , Am e rica n Fed e rati o n of
Ta m ara Whitty SYMPHONY CHOIR
Stacey Bro wn Lesli e Hill Rohert Sch ra m Eu gene Zwe ig CHORUS for Kris ten Bryant Glen H olco mb Christina Shay " Trovatore Fred Bu ch alt er Tom Kabala Kevin Starnes The Am e ri ca n Guild o f Mus ical Timothy Dot y Artis ts is th e official uni o n o f the Pa trick Clampitt Jeff Krueger Stephen Stewa rt Mi chi ga n O pera Th eatre voca l per- Pat Minnick Deborah D ailey Marcus LaPratt lawrence Sto tsbery fonn e rs Anthony Ruda
Deierlein Ra
Litt Judith Szefi M. John Saetta Rebecca
Susan LoWTie Dean Uni ck Clifton Shaw
David Va u ghn Ma ria Fifelski Jennifer Oliver Ch ristoph er Va ught Louise
Kristin Walukas Kurt
O'Shaughnessey Ju stin Watson 20 BRAVO De troit Opera Hous e Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
En glehard
Vanessa Ferriol
Kim Millard


Ketevan Irina

Abramashvili Kkarebashvili

Merab Abuladze lrakli Khobelia

Revaz Abuladze Jemal

Vasili Abuladze Khundadze

Tamar Asatiani Pikria Kipiana

Levan David Kupatadze

Bachiashvili Khatuna

Tenzig Makharadze

Bagdavadze Jimi

Zaza Bazerashvili Mamadashvili

Zaza Bibileishvili Roin

Salome Chachua Margvelashvili

Mikheil Chelidze Gia Mikeladze

George Irakli Nikolaishvili


Chigogidze George

Daraxvelidze Omanidze

Tea Darchia Zurab

Kakhaber Parjanadze

Dashniani Nino Sharashidze

Tamar Gocha

Eliozishvili Sikharulidze

Teona Enukidze

Eter Su hishvili

Gamsakhurdia David

Nino Sultanishvili

Garibashvili Khatuna

Georfe Surmava

Ge ashvili Levan Sutiashvili

Teimuraz Nino Svanidze


Shalva Goguadze Zviad Takaishvili

Tatiana Genadi

Gomelauri Tatulashvili

Bekar Iosava Gela Tsereteli

Zviad Iosava Mamuka

Shalva Tsertsvadze

Javshanashhvili Z u rab Tsibadze

Shota Jishkariani Badri Tskovrebauli

Nino Jokhadze Akaki

David Tsopurashvili


Nino Turabelidze

David avelashvili Ugrekhelidze

Imeda Kavlashvili Gia Ustarashvili

Tamar EkateriFie

Kelenjeridze Vacheishvili





Amiranash viii

lrakli Chachkhiani

Paata Deisadze



Egnate Jamelashvili

Kapiton Kandelaki

Robert Kirugian

Lasha Kv:emadze

Akaki Mamaladze



Oleg Moloznishvili

Koba Papiashvili

Avtandil Tabukashvili

Tristan Tandiashvili

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Detroit Opera HOllse

About the Georgian State Dance Company

The Georgian State Dance Company was founded by Ihko Sukhish vili (19071985) and Nino Ramishvili in 1945. A talented ballet mast er and danc er, Iliko Su khishvili received his training at Tblisi Opera and Ballet Theatre. He wanted to show the rest of the world his different view of th e fantastic ballet created on the border of the Georgian traditional art and modernism, and this is what gave him the idea to crea te the Georgian State Dance Company Nino Rami shvili , born in 1910 and still active with the company, trained as a classical dancer at Tblisi State Opera and Ballet Theatre. She became chief choreographer and matriarch of the Georgia n Nationa l Ballet. It is wholly

due to h er that Georgian nati onal dancing and music has been developed and become we ll known all over the world.

Nino Ramishvili and Iliko Sukhishvili became inseparable partners both on stage and in life. Filled with determination, they made their dream a reality Their life together was an adventure of crea tivit y, which was fully rea liz ed through the birth of the Company and continues to live through new generations of dancers.

For more than 50 years, the Georgian State Dance Company has traveled around the world, and worlds most famous stages have ho sted the company, including th e Bolshoi Theatre (Moscow), Teatro ali a Scala (M il an), Teatro la Fenice (Venice),

Royal Albert Hall (London), Kennedy Center (Washington, DC) , Wolf Trap (Vienna , VA), Metropolitan Opera, Madison Square Garden and many others.

The compan y tours frequ ently throughout Europe, Asia, Australia, North and Sout h America. The company returns for its eighth tour of the United States in 2002.

Three generations of the Sukhishvili family have dedicated their lives to the Georgian State Dance Company The company now ha s 70 dancers and a small orchestra. The costumes are deSigned by Solomon Virsaladze (19081989) , chief art de Signer of the Georgian State Dance Company and the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia. m

Detroit Opera Hou se Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Allegro. Presto. Prestissimo.
DaimlerChrysler Corporation, we know a little something about moving performances. We proudly support the Michigan Opera Theater and are honored to sponsor the DaimlerChrysler Dance Series. Thank you for bringing the power of music and dance to our community. DAIMLERCHRYSLER www.daimlerch rys l er. com Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

The Georgian State Dance Company Program

11. PARTSA A traditional festival dance is its choreographic basis. Includes a "live tower" of male dancers standing on each other's shoulders and moving in a circle.

2. KARTULI Danced according to definite rules and is an expression of chiva lry by the Georgian men toward the women. The women must be regarded with the greatest respect.

3. KHORUMI Dates back to the period of the heroic war against the conquering armies of the Turks, Mongolians and other nations Composed of four

parts; the search for the suitable spot for the fighter , the approach of the enemy, the battle and the defeat.

dance was built on the exc iting picture of the hunt of the magic gazell e.

7. KHEVSURULI This is a dance

4. KAZBEGURI A traditional dance of the Georgian mountain village, perof th e sh epherds living near Kazbegi formed with swords When the battle mountains.

5. ADJARULI This duet of a lOving coup le looks quite impressive in the background of a crowded festival. This dance is typical of the people living on the shore of the Black Sea. The movements are more frivolous and flirtatious.

6. JEIRANI Georgian fairy epos. The word 'Jeirani" means gazell e The

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

reaches its peak, the girl takes off her headdress and throws it between the warriors. According to tradi tion , the duelers have to stop immediately, as if a magic wand has been waved. This is the epitome of Georgian chiva lri c tradition, analogous to that of Europe.

8. SAMAIA This danc e was based on the grace and characteristics of attire , typica l to the national portraits , mainly of the portrait of Queen Tamar.

dance. In Georgia, the craftsmen are known as karachokheli or "Black Coats." This dance represents th e craftsmen of old Tbilisi, solid citizens, upright, honest, restra ined , pleasant -spoken.


Dances of the Georgian noblemen. Originating in the feudal period , it was primarily a dance of feudal aristocracy and can be compared with the minuet of the 17th and 18th centuries.

11. KINTAURI Urban dance of the old city artisans.

12. SIMD This wedd ing dance is based on the rhythmic alternation of black and white , and the strict graphiC outline and exact mirror symmetry The duet of a man on point and a lady gliding lightly is also in keeping with the absolute symmetry of this dance. Detro it Opera House


1. KHANDJLURI A d a n ce d ep ict ing th e warriors' d escen t fro m th e m oun ta ins.

13. SHEJIBRI Comp eti tion in bravery and co urage They dance an d jump on th e tip s o f their toes in b oo ts, w hich are n ot hard en ed as with ball e t sh oes Thi s is a sp ec tac ular pe rfo rm an ce whi ch , b esides m any years o f tra ining, also n ee d s a lot o f courage . 11

2. ALVANURI A d an ce by yo u ng m aid en s from th e hill s at the spring.

3. MKHEDRULI Th e word

"M khe d ari" m eans cava lry m an . The d ance b egins in a ra ge- like tempo, b ecoming m ore and m ore vio len t. Th e legs of th e cava lryma n imi tate th e fast movem ents of th e h orse, whil e th ei r bo dies an d arms imp ersona te the h orsemen in comp e titi on.

4. SAMAN I Dance of th e Am azons

New choreograp hy b ase d on the old traditi onal Georgian movem ents .


Dan ce from the m oun tainou s region Svan eti. This is th e hi gh es t occu p ied site in Euro p e .

6. UCHKHRESTI Dan ce of the m aid ens, wi th sm all woo den p ercussion inst rum ents.

7. JIGITURI Th e Georgian Cowboy's dance


9. ZEKARI Mo d em d ance on the folk base. Zeka ri is the fam ou s p ass in Georgia, m eaning "the d oo r to the top " To create th e n ew d ance, yo u h ave to cross th e path fro m th e past to th e fut ure.

So, u sing the Georgian tra di tional movem ent s, n ew Geo rgia n ch oreograp h y is b orn .

10. HOURI Dan ce of two coup les

Th e ladi es are d resse d in m en s cos tu mes. (Da n ce d edi ca ted to found ers of th e Geo rgia n State Da n ce Co mp an y)

11. JUTA It is the n am e of a sm all vill age on th e bord er, a tra n s-ship ment p oin t. In the old time, this pl ace was we ll known for h orse -thi eves . The Geo rgian Sta te Da n ce Co mp an y was founded b y Ilik o Sukhi sh vili (1907- 1985) and Nino Rami sh vi li in 19 45. A talen te d b all et m

Come and experience the comfort , convenience , fit and finish of our newly re-designed and re-engineered dealership facility The true lUXUry and performance of the Acura sedans and coupes are now presented and described in a style appreciated by the discriminating enthusiast.

We welcome your visit.. soon

D etro it Op e ra Hou se www. Mi chi gan Op era o rg 1828 Maplelawn • Troy, Michigan 48084 (248) 643-0900 • Fax (248) 643-7473 SINCE 1988 BRAVO 25 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

2001-2002 Board of Directors

Dr. David DiChiera, President

Mr. Cameron B. Duncan , Treasurer

Mr. C. Thomas Toppin , Secretary

Mrs. Robert A. Allesee

Mrs. Donald C. Austin

Mrs. Bella Marshall Barden

Mr. ]. Addison Bartush

Mr. Richard A. Brodi e

Mrs William C. Brooks

Mrs Peter Cooper

Mr. Tarik S. Daoud

Julia Donovan Darlow

Mrs. Dodie David

Mr. Lawrence N . David

Mr. David Denn ,

Mrs. Charles M. Endicott

Mr. Paul E. Ewing

Ms. Cheryl Fallen

Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher

Mrs. Barbara Frankel

Mr. Herman Frankel

Mrs. Lawrence Garberding

Mr. David Handleman

Mr. Kenneth E. Hart

Mr. Eugene Hartwig

Mr. Richard J anes

Mr. Gary E. Johnson

Mrs. Charles Kessler

Mr. A. C. Lieb ler

Mr. H arry A. Lomason

Mr. Alphonse S. Lu ca relli

Mrs. J ennifer Nasser

Mr. Charles A. Parcells Jr.

Dr. Charlotte Podowski

Mr. Roy Roberts

Mrs. Irving Rose

2001-2002 Trustees

Dr. &: Mrs. Mohamad K. Ajjour

Dr. &: Mrs. Roger M. Ajluni

Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A Allesee

Mr. &: Mrs. Douglas F Allison

Dr. Lourdes V Andaya

Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas V Angott

Mr. &: Mrs Robert L Anthony IV

Dr. &: Mrs Agustin Arb ulu

Dr. Harold M. Arrington

Dr. &: Mrs. Ingida Asfaw

Mrs. Donald]. Atwood

Dr. &: Mrs. Donald C. Austin

The Hon. &: Mrs Edward Avadenka

Mr. &: Mrs. Don H Barden

Mrs. James Merriam Barnes

Mr. &: Mrs. Lee Barthel

Mr. &: Mrs. ]. Addison Bartush

Mr. &: Mrs. Mark Alan Baun

Mr. &: Mrs. Nicolas Behrmann

Mr. W Victor Benjamin

Mr. &: Mrs. Ara Berberian

Mr. &: Mrs. Mandell Berman

Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Biggs

Mr. &: Mrs. John Boll

Mr. W Wayne Booker

Mrs Thomas Bright

Mr. John Broad

Mr. &: Mrs. Richard A. Brodie

Mr &: Mrs. William C. Brooks

Mrs. Clarence G. Catallo

Mr. &: Mrs Th omas Celani

Mr. &: Mrs. Aurelio Cence

Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Cheesebrough III

Mr. David Clark

Mr. &: Mrs. Frederick H. Clark


Ms. Virgin ia Clementi

Mrs. Margo Cohen

Mr. Maurice Cohen

The Hon. &: Mrs. Avern L Cohn

Mr. Thomas Cohn

Mr. &: Mrs. Michael]. Connolly

Mr. &: Mrs Peter Cooper

Ms. Rosalind L Cooperman &: Mr. Woody Robertson

Mr. &: Mrs. Marvin L Danto

Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik S. Daoud

Julia Donovan Darlow &: John C. O'Meara

Mr. &: Mrs Jerry P D'Avanzo

Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence N. David

Mr. &: Mrs. John W Day Jr.

Mr. &: Mrs. David Denn

Mr. Kevin Dennis &: Mr. Jeremy Zeltzer

Mrs. Robert E. Dewar

Dr. Fernando G. Diaz

Dr. Da vid DiChiera

Ka ren VanderKloot DiChiera

The Hon. &: Mrs. John Dingell

Ms. Mary Jan e Doerr

Mr. &: Mrs. Cameron B. Duncan

Mrs. Charles M. Endicott

Dr. Fern R. Espino &: Mr. Tom Short

Mr. &: Mrs. Roland C. Eugenio

Mr. &: Mrs. Paul E. Ewing

Mr. &: Mrs Stephen Ewing

Dr. Haifa Fakhouri

Ms. Cheryl Fallen

Mr. &: Mrs. Oscar Feldman

Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony Ferlito

Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher Jr.

Mr. &: Mrs. Herbert Fisher

Mr. William Sandy

Mr. Gregory Sch wartz

Mrs. Roger F Sherman

Mr. Mark Silverman

Mr. Frank D. Stella

Mrs. George Strumbos

Dr. Lorna Thomas

Mr. Robert C. Va nd erKloot

Mr. George C. Vincent

Mr. Gary L Wasserman

Mr. Richard C. Webb

Mr. R Jamison Williams Jr

Mr. George M. Zeltzer

Mrs. Dieter Zetsche

Mr. Martin Zimmerman

Directors Em elitus

Frank W Dono van

James H. Gram

Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher

Mrs. Elaine L Fontana

Mr. &: Mrs. Mitchell B. Foster

Barbara Frankel &: Ron Michalak

Mr. &: Mrs. Herman Frankel

Mr. Marvin A Frenkel

The Hon. Hilda R. Gage

Mr. &: Mrs Lawrence Garberding

Dr. Robert A Gerisch

Mrs. Frank GermackJr.

Mrs. Aaron H Gershenso n

Mr. &: Mrs. Yousif B. Ghafari

Mr. &: Mrs. Andrew Giancamilli

Mr. &: Mrs. Vito P Gioia

Mr. &: Mrs. Harvey Grace

Mr &: Mrs. H. James Gram

Mrs. Katherine Gribbs

Mrs. J ohn C. Griffin

Mr. &: Mrs. Jacques K. Haddad

Mrs. Berj H. Haidostian

Mr. David Handleman

Mr. &: Mrs. Preston B. Happel

Ms Maria Harris

Mr. &: Mrs. Steven Harris

Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth E. Hart

Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Hartwig

Mrs. David B. Hermelin

The Hon &: Mrs. Jo seph N. Impastato

Mr. &: Mrs. Verne G. Istock

Mr. &: Mrs. Craig E. Jackman

Mrs. David Jacknow

Mr. &: Mrs. Darnell D. Jackson

Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Janes

Mrs . SybilJaques

Mr. Don Jensen Detroi

Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Mr & Mrs. Gary E. Johnson

Mrs William E Johnston

Mr. & Mrs. Elliotjoseph

Mr & Mrs. MaxwellJospey

Mr. & Mrs. Mitche ll 1. Ka farski

Mr. & Mrs William Kahn

Dr. & Mrs Darnell Kaigler

Mr. & Mrs. John Kaplan

Mr. & Mrs. Donald W Keirn

Dr. & Mrs. Charles Kessler

Mr. & Mrs Eugene L. Klein

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Klein

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Koja ian

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Krikorian

Mr. & Mrs. William Ku

Dr. & Mrs. Richard W Kulis

Mr. & Mrs. Angelo La nni

Mr. & Mrs. Pau l Lavins

Mrs. Walton A. Lewis

Dr. & Mrs . Kim K. Lie

Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Liebler

Dr. & Mrs. Robert P Lisak

Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Lomason

Mr. & Mrs. James H. LoPrete

Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Mahoney Cardinal Adam Maida

Mrs. Frank S. Marra

Dr. & Mrs. Rona ld Marte lla

The Hon. Jack & Dr. Bettye Arrington-Martin

Ms. Alyssa Martina

Mr. & Mrs. Richard McBrien

Mr. & Mrs. William 1. McConnickJr.

Mrs. Wade H. McCreeJr.

Mr. & Mrs. Frank McKu lka

Mr & Mrs. Eugene A. Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Miro

Ms. Monica Moffat & Mr. Patrick McGuire

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Monolidis

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Morganroth

Mr & Mrs. E. Clarence Mu laroni

Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Munk

Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael Mutchler

Mr. Jacques A. Nasser

Mrs. Jennifer Nasser

Mr. Christopher Nern

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Nichols

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Nosanch uk

Mr. & Mrs. Jules L. Pallone

Mr & Mrs. James Pamel

Mr. Charles A. Parcells Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Partrich

Dr. Robert E. L Perkins

Mr. Drew Peslar

Mr. & Mrs. Brock E. Plumb

Dr. Charlotte & Mr. Charles Podowski

Mrs. Ralph L Polk

Mrs. David Pollack

Mrs. Heinz Prechter

Ms. Patricia Preston

Mr. & Mrs. John Rakolta J r.

Mrs. Ruth F Rattner

Dr. Irvin Reid & Dr. Pamela Trotman Reid

Mr. & Mrs. Roy S Roberts

Ms Patricia H. Rodzik

Mrs. Hans Rogind

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ronan

Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose

Mr. & Mrs. Norman Rosenfeld

Mrs. Carolyn L Ross

Dr & Mrs. Will iam Ross

Mr. & Mrs Anthony Rugiero

Dr. & Mrs Hershel Sandberg

Mr. & Mrs. William Sandy

Mr. & Mrs. Arno ld Schafer

Dr. & Mrs. Norman R. Schakne

Mr. Fred C. Schneidewind

Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Schwartz

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory ]. Schwartz

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Schwegman

Mr. & Mrs. Dona ld E. Schwendemann

Mr. & Mrs. Merton Segal

Mr. & Mrs. Ma rk Shaevsky

Mrs. Frank C. Sha ler

Ms. Elham Shayota

Mr. & Mrs. Roger F Sherman

Mr. Mark Silverman

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sloan

Ms. PhylliS Funk Snow

Mr. & Mrs. David Snyder

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L Soave

Mr. Richard A. Sonenklar

Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon Sonkin

Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Starkweather

Mr. Frank D. Stell a

Ms. Mary Anne Stella

Mrs. Mark C. Stevens

Mrs. Rudolph Ston isch

Mr. & Mrs. George Strumbos

Mr. Ronald F Switzer

Dr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Tersigni

Dr. Lorna Thomas

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Thomas

Dr. Roberta & Mr. Sheldon Toll

Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Toppin

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Torgow

Mr. & Mrs. George Torreano

Mrs. Lynn A. Townsend

Mr. James Trebilcott

Mr. & Mrs. Tallal Turfe

Mr. Robert C. VanderKloot

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Vecci

Mr. & Mrs. George C. Vincent

Mrs. Alvin Wasserman

Mr. & Mrs. Gary L Wasserman

Mr. & Mrs . Kenneth Way

Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Webb

Mr. & Mrs. Gary L White

Mrs. Amelia H. Wilhelm

Dr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Wilhelm

Mr. R. Jamison Williams Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Sam B. Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Wiltshire

Mr. & Mrs. Dona ld E. Worsley

Mrs R. Alexander Wrigley

The Hon. Joan E. Young & Mr. Thomas L Schellenberg

Mr & Mrs. John E. Young

Dr. Lucia Zamorano


Mr. & Mrs. Larry Zangerle

Mr. & Mrs. Ted Zegouras

Mr & Mrs. George M. Zeltzer

Dr. & Mrs. Dieter Zetsche

Mr. & Mrs. Morton Zieve

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Zimmerman

Mrs. Pau l Zuckerman

Mr. Roy Zurkowski


Mr. and Mrs. Lynn A. Townsend , Founding Chairmen

The Hon. and Mrs Avern L Cohn

Mr. and Mrs John DeCarlo

Dr and Mrs. David DiChiera

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron H Gershenson

Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Graves

The Hon. and Mrs Roman S Gribbs

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Griffin

Mr. and Mrs. Harry L Jones

The Hon . and Mrs. Wade McCree Jr.

Mr. Harry ]. Nederlander

Mr. E. Harwood Rydho lm

Mr. and Mrs. Neil Snow

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strichartz

Mr. and Mrs . Robert C. VanderKloot

Mr. and Mrs. Sam B Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore o. Yntema m

Detroi t Op era Hou se
www Michi ganOpera.o rg
BRAVO 27 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

General Motors Opera cafe

Michigan Opera Theatre is proud to announce the opening of the Genera l Motors Opera Cafe on the Madison Avenue side of the Detroit Opera House. This warm, cozy pub-like bistro is open two h ours prior to performances for salads, soups and sandwiches. The Genera l Motors Opera Cafe will also rema i n open throughout the performances and for dessert fo llowing all shows The Cafe will 'have a separate entrance off Madison Avenue and will be open to the general public for all Detro i t Opera House events

Thanks to a generous grant from the General Motors Corporation, Michigan Opera Theat r e has been ab l e to transform what was once our p l aster shop during restorat i on into an inviting oasis for patrons, while at the same t i me contribut i ng to the new vitality in our ne ighborhood.

Open to the Public Cafe Cuisine

Edibles Rex exce l s in quality food, impeccable service and on-time deliveries, with the highest regard for the safe handling of their food They have been in business for over 10 years and have a seasoned and accomp l ished staff. Current cl i ents include the Detroit Sc i ence Center and the Wayne County Medica l Soc iety.

Sam pl e Offerings




Italian Wedd i ng, Chicken Noodle, Bl ack Bean Chili, Traditiona l Chili, Lemon Lent i l, Split Pea & Ham, M i nestrone and Seasona l Soups

Smoked Salmon Caesar. Grilled Chicken Salad, Beef Tenderloin & Bl eu Cheese

Salad, Mixed Baby Greens

Chicken Sa l ad Croissant Smoked Salmon on Focaccia, Smoked Turkey & Apple

Wood Bacon, Roasted Vegg i e Baguette, Peanut Chicken Wrap and Beef

Tenderlo i n on Black Bean Salsa Flute



Tiram i su, Key Lime Pie, NY Style Cheesecake, Chocolate Cake, Apricot Spice

Cake, Oversized Cookies, Oatmea l Cherry Bars and Blueberry Coffee Cake

• Outdoor pat i o seating

• Unisex accessible restroom

• Small stage

• Large-screen te l evision

• Open to general public before, during and after all Detroit Opera House events

- PLEASE VISIT THE GM CAFE DUR ING INTERM ISS IONCopyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Mr and MLS. Lawrence A.

Mr. & MLS. Roben A. AlleseeWisne Allesee Dance Patron

Mrs. Barbara Wrigley Lounge

Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Wu Allesee Dance & Opera Resource Library

Mr Todd A. Wyett

Anonymous Donor -

Ms. Shaio Fong Yin-Tu inman Grand Lobby

Ms. Gayle M. Zech

Anonymous Donor -

Mrs. Helen Zuckerman Broad way Facade

Named Gifts

Dr. & MLS. Donald C AustinGrand Ce ntral Chandelier

BASF Corporation -

We extend our gratitude to Media Stud io Classroom the following donors, who have underwritten designated Comerica Charitable areas in the Detroit Opera FoundationHouse : Grand Dome

Dr & MLS. Roger M. Ajluni- DairrilerChrysler Co;:rationGrand Staircase Community Pe OnTIance Theater

Mr. & MLS. Tarik S. Da oudGrand Drape

Th e Avanti Society

The It ali an word "avanti " means "ahead " or "for wa rd ." The Avanti Society of Michigan Opera Theatre is a speCial group of forward-thinking donors wh o have designate d a sp ecial gift to b enefi t the organ ization in th e futur e. These gen erous gift s ensur e our arti s ti c pro gress in th e future for th e benefit of generatio n s to come

Gifts can be made through a variety of estate planning instruments , inclu di ng bequ es ts, tru sts and other planned giving arrange ments.

Benefits of The Avanti Society include :

• Invitations to dress reh earsals and oth er speCial events not offered to the general public.

• Annual recognition even t featUring gues t arti sts.

• Educational se min ars.

• Individu aliz ed estate planning assistance for be qu ests , trusts, life in co me plans and other ch aritable gifts to Michigan Opera Theatre.

• Recognition on the dono r wall in the Detro it Opera Hou se and in the season pro gram books.

If you are interested in making a planned gift to Michigan Opera Theatre and thereby quali fying for membership in The Avanti Society, please con tac t:

Jane Fanning , Associate Direc tor of Development at (313) 237-3268 or j fanni n g@motop

Detroit Edison Fou ndati on- Chaim, Fanny, Louis, Oliver Dewey Marcks

Mr & Mrs. Lynn TownsendMezzanine Level in Opera Benpm in and An n Foundation - Trustee Circle Broadway Hall Florence Kaufman Third Floor Promenade Lobby

Mr. & Mrs. Roben E. Dewar- Memoria l Trust - Staircase

Mr. & Mrs. George VincentTrustee Circ le Gra nd Side Chandelier Lobby to 2nd Floor, Madison Lobby Madison Lobby Wallis & Roben M. KleinMadiso n

Mr. & Mrs. Alvin WassennanFord Motor CompanyGrand Staircase MichCon Fou ndation - Box Level Promenade

Backstage Renovation Mirror Lobby Bouti que World Heritage FoundationBroadway Lobby Dolores & Pa ul Lavins - The Karen & Drew Pes lar Conductor's Dressing

Herman & Barbara Frankel- Grand Side Chandelier Foundation Room

General Directors Circle Grand Staircase Co-S tar Dressing Room

Lounge Mi rror

Mr & Mrs. Irvin g Rose-

General Moto LS Corporation- Lea r Co rporati on - Patron Elevator in Lobby Seve ral named gift

General Motors Opera Cafe Trustee Circle Level in Tower opportunities are available in Ope ra Hall the Detroit Opera House For Robe rt & Alice Gustafson-

MLS. Carolyn L. Rossmore infonnation , please Third Fl oor Lobby The Lomason Family - Grand Staircase Mirror call the Development

Alcove, Madison The William K & Neva

Raymond C. Smith Departm ent at Richard & Mary Lou JanesLomason Foundation Fund of the (313) 237 -3 438. m

Third Floor Lobby Opera Lounge Communi ty Foundation

Alcove, Broadway for Southeastern MichiganRaymond C. Smith Lobby

A message from a long·time donor and volunteer

Art and I h ave bo th b een D etro it area residents all of our lives We have b een married almost thi rty- four years and for a number of yea rs we have th ought abo ut getting our financi al affair s in order. Making a will was espeCia lly import ant sin ce we we r e never blessed with child ren. We didn 't want the gove rnment to be ma king our financial decisions for u s after we we re go n e

Ab out a year and a h alf ago we contacted a lawye r and s tart ed the pap er work. Afte r we took care of our loved ones, we wan ted to remember organiz atio n s and chariti es tha t b ro u ght u s pleasure and happine ss during our life time

We h ave h ad season tickets for Mi chiga n Opera Theatre since 1972 , and I h ave been a volunteer in the Produ ction Department a lm ost ninete en yea rs.

We want to help m ake sure Michigan Opera Theatre will go on to thrill audiences for many ye ars after we are gone and oth er peopl e are sitting in our seats.

It h as given us pea ce of min d to know th at our financial m atters are in ord er and our wish es will be ca rried ou t according to o ur plans.

Sincerely, Nancy Krolikowski


Mrs. Adele Amerman

Dr Lourdes V Andaya

Mr. & MLS. Agustin Arbulu

Chester & Emelia Arnold

J. Addison Bartush'

Mr & MLS. Brett Barter.son

Mr & Mrs. Art Blair

Roy E. and lise Calcagno

Gladys Caldroney

Dr & Mrs Victor J. Cervenak

Mr & Mrs. Tarik Daoud

Nancy Dewar'

Karen VanderKloot DiChiera *

Mr. & Mrs. Cha rles H. Duncan

Mrs. Charles M. Endicot

Mr Herb Fisher

Barbara Frankel*

Herman Frankel *

Rema Frankel'

Byron P Georgeson

Priscilla R Greenberg, Ph.D. *

Mr Lawrence W Hall

Mr. & MLS. Jerome Halperin

Mr & Mrs. Kenneth E. Hart

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Hart wig

Dr Ci ndy Hung

Kristin Jaramillo

Mr DonaldJensen

Mr & Mrs. Erwin H. Klopfer*

Misses PhylliS and Selma Korn

Mr & Mrs. Arthur Krolikowski

Ms. Virginia Mascali

Mrs. Wade H McCree

Ms. Jane McKee

DLS. Orlando & Dorothy Mill er

Mr. Ronald K. Morrison

Mr. Dale J. Pangonis

Mr. Richard M. Raisin

Marguerite & James Rigby

Ms. Susan Schooner

DLS. Heinz & Alice Platt Schwarz

Mrs Frank C. Shale r

Ms. Phylis Funk Snow

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Starkweather

Mrs. Mark C. Stevens*

Mr Jonathon Swift & M. Thomas A.

St. Charles

Mr Ronald E S"otzer

Mary Ellen Tappan *

Donald & Margaret Thurber

Mr. Edwa rd D. Tussett

Mr & Mrs. George Vincent

Mrs Amelia H. Wilhelm'

Elizabeth & Walter P Work

Mr & Mrs. George M. Zeltzer

*MOT Tha nks ou r ge ne rous Touc h

the Fu t ure Campa ign Dono r


Mr Al len B. Christman

Ms. Marjorie Adele DeVlieg

Mr James P Diamond

Pri scilla A. B. Goodell

Mr Ern est Goodman

Mrs Robert M. Hamady

Mr Bruce Hillman

Mr Gordon V Hoialmen

Mr CariJ. Huss

Ms. Helen Barbara Johnston

Ms Hel en Miller

MLS. Ella M. Montroy

Ruth Rawlings Mott

Clarice OdgeLS Percox

Mr Thomas G. Porter

Mr Mitchell J. Romanowski

Mr Edward C. Stahl

www.Mi c higa n Op e
Detro it Opera Hous e Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

In the spring of 1999, Michigan Opera Theatre was proud to be se lected as a Lead ership Grant participant in th e Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan's (CFSM) Touch th e Future program .


Originally, 13 organizations were chosen for this honor , and afte r March 31, 2001 , only nine organizations , including Michigan Opera Theatre , remained in th e program. We ar e working together with th e other organizations and the Co mmunity Foundation to build endowment s for th e futur e of this community and so utheaste rn Michigan.

As a participant, Michigan Opera Th eat re is eligib le to receive over $3 00 ,000 in matching grant funds to go in to Michigan Opera Theatre 's endowment at the Community Foundati on and $130 ,000 in operating support from CFSM. In ord er to receive these funds , we must raise over $2,000, 000 in qualifi ed planned gifts, su ch as Cha ritable Gift Annuities, Charitab le Remaind er Trusts, Life Insuranc e or Poo led In come Fund s.

To date, Michigan Opera Th eatre ha s rai sed over $730,000 (face value ) of new endowment gift s throu gh the Touch the Future program , $ 11 2,00 0 in matching fu n d s for its en dowment at the Community Foundation and has receive d another $50 ,000 in operating support.

When you give to th e endowment of your favorite chality, regardless of th e amount , you do an incredible thing - you touch people's lives for years to come And the feeling you ge t from that is impossible to measure in dollars and cents. Find out more by contacting the Michiga n Opera Theatre at 313·237·3268 or the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan at 1·888·WE·ENDOW or

If yo u would like more information about how you can be a part of this unparalleled opportunity for Michigan Opera Theatre , please call Jane Fanning in the Planned Giving Department at (313) 237·3268.

Together, we can touch

___ --' the future.

Detro it Opera House www MichiganOp BRAVO 31-Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Michigan Opera Theatre

Michigan Opera Th ea tre gratefully ackno wle dges the generou s co rporate , fo u nda tion , government and individual donors whose contribution s were made b e tween Jul y 1, 2001 , and J une 30, 2002. Th eir generosity p lays an int egral part in th e co mpanys financ ial s tability, n ecessa r y for prod u cing qu ality grand op era, dance and musica l th ea ter.

CORPORATE Project Imagi ne Soave Enterp rises

CONTRIBUTIONS The Maniage oj Figaro Opera Ball Sponsor


The Ghafari Co mpa ni es

$200 ,000 + Sponso rship Opera Ball Sponsor

Ford Motor Company

The Kojaian Com panies

Fund 2001/2002 Fall MAJOR BENEFACTOR Joffrey Ballet oj Chicago

Season $25,000 TO $49,999 Spo nsor


200 1 Opera Ball

UAW-GM Cente r for

SBC Ameritech Human Reso urces

Spo nsor Carmen Opening Night Dance Theat re oj Hadem

Dance Thea tre oj Had em Sponsor Performance Sponsor

Opening Night Dance Theatre oj Harlem

Festivities Residency Sponsor

General Op erating

Sup port

Genera l Moto rs

Corporat ion

200112002 Sp ring

GMAC Financial Services

Dance Theatre oj Harlem


$5 ,000 TO $9,999

Hea lth All iance Plan

Educatio n &: Outreach Fried, Saperstein &: Ab bott , Sponsor

Gannett Found ation, Inc. PC

Season Sponsor The Nutcraci1er jofji-ey Ballet oj Chicago

Ote llo Promotion Sponsor Sponsor

Opening Night Northwest Ai rlin es Thyssen In c., N.A.

Airl ine Sponsor Victor Internati ona l

Da nce Theat re oj Harlem jaJfrey Ball et oj Chicago

Opening Night Ope ra Ball Sponso r Sponsor

Sco tt Shuptrine

General Opera tin g Opera and Dance Talks Support Spo nsor PATRON

$2,500 TO $4,999

DaimlerCh tysler Corporation Fund BENEFACTOR Boardwalk Deve lopment

2001/2002 Dance $15 ,000 TO $24,999 Co nwa y MacKenzie &:

Seaso n Sponsor MAMichigan Dunleavy

Dance Theatre oj Harl em Opera Ball Spo nsor joffrey Ballet oj Chicago

Production Sponsor Go lf Tourn ament Sponsor

Dallce Theatre oj Harlem Sponsor Kenwal Stee l Corp.

Ope ning Nigh t Ge neral Operating Tro tt &: Tro tt, Pc.

Festivities Support jaffrey Ball et oj Chicago

Genera l Operat in g Lear Corporation Sponsor

Support Opera Ball Sponsor Wa lbridge-A ldin ger Com pa ny


$50 ,000 TO $199,999 Sponso r $10,000 TO $14,999

Bank One, Michigan Ameris ure Insurance

The Nutcracker Opera Ball Sponsor DONOR


Sponsors hip ronsu mers Energy $1 ,000 TO $2 ,499

Dance Theatre oj Harl em Foundati on Gene ral Dynamics Land

Reside ncy Sponsor Community Prog rams Syste ms, Inc.

Opera Ball Sponso r Touring Sponsor IATSE l ocal 38

Co merica Incorporated Flagstar Bank larson Realty Grou p

Opera Ball Sponso r Time Out Jor Opera Mic hi gan Regional Council

Lah me Pe rfo rm ance Sponso r of Ca rpenters

Sponsor Grunwell -Cas hero Co., Inc Presidion So luti ons Go lf Tournament

jaffrey Ballet oj Chi cago Sponso r Process Deve lop men t

Spo nsor Masco Corporation Co rp.

BravaBravo Event Progressive Mechanical, Inc.

Opera Ball Sponso r

Sponso r Motor City Cas in oNicki &: Real Estate One In c.

Dallce Theatre oj Harlem Tom Celani Warren Contracto rs and Sponsor jaffrey Ballet oj Chicago Deve lopment , Inc.

Marsha ll Fields Sponsor

In addition to enjoying outstanding en terta inment on the De troit Opera House stage , cont rib u tors are offere d a numb er of opportunities th at all ow th em to ob serve the many phas es of opera and dan ce production , meet th e artis ts and experie nce other "behind-th e-s cenes" activities.


$100,000 + Fou nd ati on

Alben Kahn Assoc iates , Inc. Matilda R. Wil so n Fun d ]. Ernest &: Al mena Gray

Brownri gg Companies, LTD McGregor Fund Wilde Founda tion

Comerica In su rance

The Skillman Foundation James &: Lynelle Holden Fund

Dykema Gossett MAJOR BENEFACTOR Ralph L. &: Winifred E. Edgewood Electric, Inc.

$25,000 TO $99,999

Moffat McGuire, In c Communi ty Foundation

Polk Foundation

Natio nal City Bank of for Southeastern PATRON Michigan Michigan

$2,500 TO $4 ,999

Nova Ti tle Company

Detroit Youth Fo und ation

Dance Theatre oj Harl em Junior League of Detro it PricewaterhoueCoo pers

Plastomer Corpo ration


PPG Ind ustries Foundation

Russell Indust ri al Cen te r

September Moon

Presenting Sponsor Louis &: Nellie Sieg

Hu dson-Webber Foundation

Found ation

Dance Theatre oj Harlem Meyer &: Anna Prentis

Presenting Sponsor Famil y Foundation

General Opera ting

Production Network Sup port

So lomon Friedman Adve rtising

Sta r Corporation

Trustees: Barba ra P

Frenkel, Ma,,;[n A

Frenkel, Da le P

Frenkel , Ronald P

BENEFACTOR Frenke l, Tom P

$15,000 TO $24,999

Frenkel , Deinse L. Technicom

Cap ital Region Bro wn , Cin dy Frenkel , Tho mpson-Brown Realtors Communi ty Nelson P Lande

Ticke tMaster Foundation

Commun ity Foundation of Young Womans Home Association

SUPPORTER Greater Flint

$100 TO $499

Aldo a Company

DeRoy Tes tame ntary Foundation DONOR

Sage Foun dation

$1,000 TO $2,499

BPS Corporate Training &: Bernard L. Maas Co nference Cente r Bu sy Bee Hard ware Stores , FELLOW Fou nd atio n

$10,000 TO $14,999 Inc. Hebert &: Elsa Ponting

CBS Netwo rk Elizabeth , Allan &: Warren Found atio n

Cook Moving Systems , Inc. Shelden Fund

The Sigmund &: Sophie

John E. Green Com pany Mic higa n Gateway Rohlik Fou ndation Communit y In c. Founda ti on The Village Womans Club Maddin, Hause r, Wartell, Oliver Dewey Marcks Foun datio n Roth , et al. Tuscola County Foundation

Mikeys l ock &: Key Semce Saginaw Co mmunity Community Foundation

Mu Phi Epsilon Detroit Foundation

Alu mni Chap ter

The Mary Tho mpson GENERAL DIRECTOR 'S

Spec ial Events Party Rental Foundation

Standard Fede ral Bank

Ten Air, Inc.


The Samuel L. Westenman 2001/2002


The Maniage oj Figaro $10,000+

FOUNDATION AND Perfo rmance Spon so r

Whitney Fund

Mr. &: Mrs. Douglas E



Michigan Counci l for Arts


Mr. &: Mrs. Roy E. Calcagno

Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Ewing and Cu ltural Affairs

$5,000 TO $9 !999

Na tional Endowme nt for Alice Ka les Hamvick

Mrs. Barbara Frankel &: the Arts Foundatio n

Mr. Rona ld Michalak

Mr &: Mrs. Imng Rose

32 BRAVO www.Michi ganOpe Det ro it Opera H ou se Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Mr. &. Mrs. Kenn eth Way

Me. &. Mrs. William Wid meyer

Mrs. Amelia H Wil helm

Dr. &. Mrs. Christopher D. Wilhelm

Mr. RJamiso n WiIliamsJr.

Mrs. Be ryl Winkelman

Mr. &. Mrs. Eric H. Winter

Mr. &. Mrs. Lawrence E. Witkows ki

Dr. &. Mrs. Jose E Yanez

Dr Lucia Zamorano

Dr. &. Mrs. Martin Zimmennan

Mr. &. Mrs. Lar.ry Zangerle



Mrs. Nina Abrams

Mr &. Mrs. James Bonahoom

Mrs Doreen Bu ll

Mr. Richard Cramer

Mr &. Mrs. George Damba ch

Dr. &. Mrs. Me lvyn Eder

Mr &. Mrs. Roben B Fair Jr

Mr. Drew Fishburn

Mrs. Irene Garcia

Mr. &. Mrs. Hugh Gill

Ms. Priscilla Greenberg

Mr &. Mrs Jerome Halperin

Mr Richard Hamlin

Mr &. Mrs. Thomas Hammond

Mr &. Mrs. Mon Harris

Dr. &. Mrs. Ge rhardt Hein

Judith &. Eric Hespen heide

Mr &. Mrs. Julius Hu eb ner

Ms. Linda 1I ka

Mr &. Mrs. Gerald Knapp

Sam &. Donna Kountoupes

Glendon Gardner

Leslie Landau

Mr &. Mrs Richard M. Larson

Mrs. Wa lton A Le,vis

Mr &. Mrs. Robert Maj or

Mrs. Amy Malaney

Mr &. Mrs. Ja mes Mc lennan

Mr Nick Nazaria n

Mr. &. Mrs. Adol ph Neeme

Mr. &. Mrs. John Otto

Mrs Mary Perna

Miss Alma M. Petrini

Mrs. Vera Rea

Mr. &. Mrs. Jack Robinson

Mrs. Lind a Rodney

Mr &. Mrs. George Roumell


Mr. &. Mrs. Mark Schm idt

Ms Elsa Sha rtsis

Mr. &. Mrs. Nea l Shine

Mr Frank D. Stella

Dr Leopo ld Strausz

Mrs. Carolyn Stubbs

De troit Opera Hou se

Mrs. Burt E. Taylor

Mr. Thomas Terrell

Me. &. Mrs. John Tie rn ey

Mrs. C Theron Van Dusen

Mrs. Harry Vell mure

Mrs. Phylliss Webb

Mr. &. Mrs. Henry Whiting


Mr. Robert F. Whitm an

Mr. J Ernest Wild e

Mrs. Nancy Willia ms

Mr. &. Mrs. Joseph Zafarana

Dr. &. Mrs. Dieter Zetsche


Mr. &. Mrs. Fred Clark

Mr Thoma s Cohn

Mr &. Mrs. Larry David

Ann &. Larry Garberding

Mr &. Mrs. Harry Lomason

Barbara Frankel &. Ron Mich alak

Ronald F Switze r &. Jim McClure

Honoring lnge Vin cents

Birthday by George Vin cent


LUMINARY $500-$999


Mr Roben G Abgarian

Mr. &. Mrs. Felix T Adams

Mr &. Mrs. Wil liam J Adams

Mr &. Mrs Ric hard Alonzo

Dr. &. Mrs. Joel Ap pel

Mrs. Doris 1. Arms

Ms Geral din e Atkinson

Mr. &. Mrs. Pau l Augustine

Mr &. Mrs. Stephen Bakonyi

Andrea &. James Balcerski

Mr Anthony L Barelae

Mr &. Mrs. Arthur Berlin

Mr. Stani slaw Bialoglows ki

Dr. &. Mrs. Eric Billes

Mr. &. Mrs. Eugene W Blanchard

Mr &. Mrs. Joseph Bl och

Dr &. Mrs. David Blo om

Dr &. Mrs. David Bouwman

Mr. &. Mrs . Herman Brodsky

Mrs. Kathleen Burek

Mrs. Warnensterre Calhoun

Ms. C R Cam pi te ll e

Mrs. Patric ia B. Capalbo

Dr. &. Mrs. Thomas E. Carson

Mr. &. Mrs. Ma uri ce Chandler

Mr &. Mrs. Robert R Cosner

Grand Valley State University brings toge th er outstandin g faculty, talented s tud e nts, a nd s tate-of-the-art facilities in a well-orchestrated ed u cational produ c tion It's a perfOlman ce that has made Grand Valley one of the mo st sel ec ti ve yet afford abl e universities in Michigan Visit for a look bac kstage or call 1.800.748.0246 for more infOlmation.

@) GRANDVALLEY STArE UNIVERSITY "The freshness and honesty of Porgy and Bess was amazing." - The London Times
the show-stopping favorites: Summertime, I Qot Plenty 0' Nuttin', It Ain't Necessarily So and Bess, You Is My Woman Now fisher Theatre • 3 weeks only
11- 30 Standard Federal Wealth Management Tickets on sale December 2002. For more information, call (313) 872-1000. Groups of 20 or more, call (313) 871-1132. nederlanderdetroit . com www.Miclti ganOp e BRAVO 35 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Mrs. Rhonda Goers Thomas

Mrs. Norman Thorpe

Martin D. &: Karen R. Todorov

Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Tomboulian

Mr. &: Mrs. Emmet E. Tracy

Dr. &. Mrs. Dimitry M. Turin

Drs. June W &: Sheldon G. Tu rley

Mr. &. Mrs. John E. Utley

Dr. &. Mrs. Vainutis K.

Ms. Colet te Verdun

Mr. &. Mrs. Timothy Walker

Mr &: Mrs. Robert D. Wallin

Mr. &. Mrs. Robert C Walter

Mrs. linda A. Wanstreet

MaryB. Ward

Miss Evelyn A. Warren

Mr. &: Mrs. Leo S. Wasageshik

Mr. &: Mrs. Pau l f Wasie lewski ,

Mr. &. Mrs . G. Webb

Mr. &. Mrs. Thomas Weidner

Mr. Richard We ierm iller

Mr. Robert D. Welchil

Mr. &: Mrs. Paul S. Wemhoff

Dr. &: Mrs. William]. Westcott

Mr. Thomas D. Whittemore

Mrs. Charles Whitte n

Mr. Richard G. Wilkes

Mr. &. Mrs. Halton Williams

Mr. Lawrence Will iams

Dr. Magnus A. Wilson

Ms. Hild egard Wimergerst

Mr. Andrew Wise

Mr. Alfred WoodJr.

Mr. Andrea L. Wulf

Leo Zimmer &: Dawn Boesen

Mr. &. Mrs Milton Zussman



Marcil 1, 2002 to August 31, 2002

In Memory of Barbara Frenkel

Dr. &: Mrs. Charles Kessler

In Memory of Betty


Agustin Arbulu

John &: Marlene Boll

Gloria &. Fred Clark

Demetra Monolid is

Dulcie Rosenfeld

Ruth Townsend

Marc ia Wiltshire

In Memory of Max Ke li n

Phil &: Belh Gou tman

In Memory of Samuel


Mrs. Edith K. Gottlieb

Honoring the Birth days of Ali Moiin &: William Kupsky

Elizabeth A. And rews

Jean &. Ahmad Azar

Zeiimir &. Marta Basta

Craig &. Dawn Bloomfield

linda Borus

Giles W Branston

Eugene Brown &. Erwin


Louis G. &. Vicki R. Caravelli

L. B. &: Erica Chappuis

Anotoli Cheiniouk

Nadine Deleury

Fredrick]. &: Joan R. Dindoffer

Mark Drouillard

Joseph C &: Jahan Fets

Claudia Fontana

Cyrus Ghalambor &.

Susan Ghodsi

Haleh Ghalambor

Dr. &: Mrs. Massoud


Dr. David &: Mrs. Laurie Grignon

Dr. Shaghayegh


Mark A. Herman &. Shiva Maralani

Gheorghe &: Marioara


Robert M. Johnson

Dr N. M Kachaturoff

Scott Karlene &: Kevin Goffrey

Dr. &: Mrs. Charles Kessler

Michael W &. Usa D. Kozemchak

David Kupsky

Elizabeth S. &: Willia m

]. Kupsky

Jean-Francois &: Isabel

A. Lefaivre

James C &. Anita G. Leisen

Chuenfung lin &: Tma


Dr. John C &: M\5. Michelle Uu

Arth ur ]. &: Frederica

K. Lombard

Norman A. &: Mary M.

Luss ier

Horacio &. Consuelo Marchetti

Cynthia &. Ronald Abgjuro \ Dr Danus R. &: Mrs., Rebecca R. Mehregan

Virginia A. Mehregan

Charles Moceri

Mark E. &. Gail M.


Drs. Theodore G. &: Nana Pamos

Christ ina Peixoto &. John Be rgasse

Brian Pickel &. Julie


Gerald ]. Piro &. David

S. Balle

Janet M. Poulik

Andrew &: Susan

Richne r

Charles &. Pamela


Manaf &: Leleh


Norman H Silk &: Dale R. Morgan

Susan Jane Smit h

Germaine &. Marge


Richard A. Tepper Jr &.

Donna A. Gilman

Jeffrey V Tranchida

Dawn Va n Hoek

Jeffrey R. &: Cyn thia L. Webster

Don Wheeler

Eric &. Dina Winter

Alfred K. Wood Jr &. Florence Monnier

Robinson, Pietras, Kalisky &: Co , P C

In Appreciation of Mr &:

Mrs. Lawre nce Schiff

Marliene &: Ronald Rosen

In Memory of Hector

Som erville

Mrs. Dorothy De Spelder

Marie Furcron

Dr &: Mrs. Leo Ginns

Jerry &. Charlotte


Mr. James G. Hough

Mark &: Donna Kelly

Mr &. Mrs Donald Knapp

Pat &. Jack Mayer

Duncan &: Alice


Annie McFad den &. Alice Brinkley

Mr &: Mrs. Gary McCombs

Mr. James Mooney

Ms. Ruth Moss

Owen &: Jan Newell

Flo Nitzkin

Carrie &: Tom O'Connor

Marion Rodger

Robert Rollinger

King &: Ve lma Ruhly

Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred


Ms. Shirley Saltzman

Jean &. Al Sayers

Barbara Schau peter

Robe rt &: Sharon Smith

Wa lter Timmons

Florence Woods

Melinda lader &. Valerie


The "Wallaces"

Elizabeth Nicho ls, Jeremy Rose and Mark &: Karen


WomenS Bar

Association of Oak land County

Get Well Wishes for Ann e Spivak

Jo &: Charles Kessler

In Memory of Arlene


Alan 1. &: Sharyl

Ackerman and Family

Irwin Alterman

Lauren &: Eric Bean

Ram &. Uma Bed i

John Bloom

Penny &: Harold

Blumens tein

Vio la &: So l Cohen

Lauren &: Jordan

Cohe n

Lois &: Avern Cohn

David &: Roseann


Amy &: Ezra Cut ler

Lauren &: Marvin


John &: Nancy


Caro l &. Seymour


Margaret &. Mark

Eichne r

Ike &: Judy Engelbaum

Dede &: Oscar Feldman

Marilyn Finkel &: Stanley Brown

Nate &: Cathy Forbes

Mary Frank

Ralph &: Erica Gerson

Sally &. Jim Ginn

Drs. Les &: Tracey


Cheryl &. Dan Guyer

Linda &: Stephen


No rman &. Carole


Mark 1. Jacobson

Agnes &. Bernie Klein

Diane &: Emery Klein

Hon. &: Mrs. Joe


Rosita &. Allen Krass

Michael &. Bunny


Ms. Karen Landers

Karlene Le hman

Ms. Corrine Lemberg

Edwa rd Levy &: Linda


Dr So l &. Beatrice Luft

Mary &: Peter Mahu

Mr Lionel S. Margolick

Judy &: John Marx

Burt &: Sharon Meisel

Mitchell &. Jill Milan

David &. Andrea Page

Eileen &. Richard Polk

J udith &. Gera ld Primak

Dr. George &: Eleanor


Jack &: Aviva Robinson

Beth &. Bob Ruskin

Jane &. Richard


Todd &: Kare n Sachse

Heather &: Lowell


Mr Bryce Sandler

Peter E. Schaffer, DPM

Mr David Schon

Sandy &: Shmvin


Sandy &: Alan S


Robert S. Sher

Lois Shiffman

Richard, Melissa &. Alex


Pau l &. Jennifer


Ted &: Mary Ann Simon

Amy &: Craig Singer

Merle &. Jack So lway

Joyce &: Alle n Sosin

Anita &. Ra lph Sosin

Debbie &: Bill Stein

Sydney &: Norman Slem

Dr. Sheldon &. Jessie


Dr &. Mrs. Randall


Herman Victo r

Diane Agin Victor &.

Lyle Victor

Lois &: Milford Vic tor

Gwen &: Evan Weiner

Samue l &. Juclith Weiner

Helen &: Lloyd

Th e City i s Built to Mu s ic. - Lord, A l fred Te nn ys on Mi ll e r C anh eld is p r oud t o b e p a rt o f tb e r e v i ta l izati o n and r e bui l d i n g o f D etroi t's cul tural unit y. A ctiv e l y s upp orting th e a r t s for 15 0 ye ar s MILL E R CANF I ELD 1 8 S 2 - 2 0 0 2 MIU.U.CA."A ElD. PADOOCK »IDS'TONE.'.u;. 150 W cs tJ eHerson, S u ; t e 2 5 0 0 Dc tr o; t , MI 4822 6 313. 9 63 642 0 www. m.i ll e r c anf ie lcl c otTI Michigan · Rorida • New York · Washington, DC • Canada · Poland NOW SHOW ING BECHSTEIN Th e Emperor of Pi anos Mak e a grand statem en t by selecting from th e most di vers e piano di splay in t h e area, featuring quality investments from 12 countries and 4 contin ents. ,,,_.<<,I N AT ION N ov i • A nn A rb o r • Trav ers e Ci t y Call 800-357-4266 38 BRAVO
www.Mi ch iganOp e r a.o rg
- - - --
Detroit Ope r a Ho use Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Weingarden - Opening Night Ga la

J ane Westley Spo nsors (2001/02 )

J anis & William Detroit Youth Foundation


Dance Theatre of Harlem

Trud i & He nry - Presenting Sponsors

Wineman II

Richard & Karen Yolles (200 1/02)

GregOlY Greenfield & Ford Motor Company

Associates, Ldl. Dance Theatre of Harl em

Law OlTices of Ka tz, - Opening Night Gala

Victor & Yolles, Pc. Sponsors (2001/02)

All State Management Gannett Foundation Company, Inc. The Nutcracker (200 1/02)

In Memory of Jo se ph - Promotion

Wesn er

The Nutcracker (20001011

In Loving Me mory of - Production

J ames & Ma rgaret General Motors

Dia m ond

Demetra Monolidis



Dance Thea tre of Harlem

- Opening Nigh t Gala

Sponsors (200 1/02 )

GMAC Financia l Services

Mr. & Mrs. Roben A Dance Theatre of Harlem

Al lesee - Educational

Dmcula (1997198)Outreach Sponsor

Perfonnance Mr. David Handleman

Giselle (1997/98)Giselle (1997198)-

Perfonnance Pe rfonnance

Don Quixote (1998/99)Romeo etJuliette (1998/99)-

Production Performance

Swan Lake (199912000)Cinderella (200010 llPerfonnance Perfonnance

Cinderella (2000/01) - Hudson-Webbe r Foundation

Production Dan ce Theatre of HarlemThe Merry Widow Presenting Sponsors (20001011 - (2001/02)

Perfom1ance Michael & Elizabeth Kojaian

BankOne The JolTrey Ballet of Th e Nutcracker (2001/02)- Ch icago (2001/02)

Production Motor Ci ty Casino - Tom & Dance Theatre of Harlem- Vicki Celani

Adopt a School The JolTrey Ballet of

Sponsor (2001/02) Chicago (200 1/02)

Mr. & Mrs. J ohn Boll T he JolTrey Ballet of Paul Taylor Dance Chicago (2000/0 1)Company (1998199)- Production

Performance Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose

Margo Cohen Giselle (1997/98) -

Alvin Ailey American Perfotmance

Dance Th eatre Swan Lake (199912000)(2000/011 - Production & Student

Performance Perfom1ance

Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Cohen The Meny Widow

The Sleeping Beauty (20001011(1992193) - Perfonn ance & Production Student Performance Cinderella (1993194) - i.e Corsai re (200 1/02) -

Production Perfonnances

Swan Lake ( 1994195) - SBC Ameritech

Productio n Dance Theatre of Harlem

Comerica Incorporated - Adopt A School

The J olTrey Ballet of Sponsors (200 1/02) Chicago (2001/02) The Shirl ey Schlafe r

The Joffrey Ball et of Endowment Chicago (20001011i.e CO/·sai,·e (2001/02) -

Production Production

Mr. & Mrs. Tarik Daoud Swan Lake (199912000) -

Dracula Q997198)Production

PerfOlmance The Meny Widow

The DelToit News - Media (2000/01) - Production

Panne r UAW-GM Center for

The Nutcraciler (2001/02) Human Resources

Da imlerChrysler Dance Theatre of HarlemSu nda y Matinee Corporation

Spo nso r (2001/02)

Dance Theatre of Harlem Pearl A & George M. Zeltzer

Detroit Opera House

Swan Lake (1996197)Perfonnan ce Giselle (1997/98)Perfonnance

Don Quixote (1998/99)Production

Swan Lnke (199912000)Production

The Merry Widow (20001011Perfom1ance

Le Co,·saire (2001/02)Perfonnances



DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund


$ 100,000 +

Bank One

The Shirley Schlafer Endowment


$ 50 ,000 - $ 99 ,999

Hudson-Webber Foundation


$ 25 ,000 -$ 49 ,999

Mr & Mrs. Raben Allesee

DaimlerChrysler Co rporation Fund

Detroit Youth Foundation

Ford Motor Company

Gannett Foundation

Gene ral Motors Corporation


Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose

Pearl A. & George M. Zeltzer


$ 10 ,000 - $ 2 4 ,999


Elizabeth & Michael Kojaian

SSC Ameritech

UAW-GM Cemer for Human Resources


$ 5 ,000 - $9, 999

Sarah Deason-Fried

Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson

Una & Craig Jackman


Mo tor Ci ty Casino Toll Ga ry Bermeu len at Marshall

Victor lnternational Field's


$ 2 ,500 - $4 ,999

IN KIND GIFTS Mavericks Food & Spirits

AM Michigan MBNA

American Speedy Printing Michigan Opera Theatre

Adele & Michael Acheson Detroit Motor City Brewing Works

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barthel Dr. & Mrs. Roger M. Ajltlni National Wine & Spirits

Sue & Van Conway

DlE Energy

Al Long Ford Ne iman Marcus

Dr. Lourdes V Andaya Mr. & Mrs. James Nicholson

Ms. Barbara Frankel and Andianmos Lakefront Bistro Nonhern Lighting

Ronald Michalak

The Arrangement Flower Shop Nonhwest Airlines

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Frankel Bacardi USA Opus One

Mr. & Mrs. William L. Kahn Beans & Cornbread Oakland Ptintin g

Joyce Urba & David Kinsella Berverly Hills Club Packaging Services Bureau

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Lomason

Bill Dziecolowski Perrie r Group of America

MGM Grand Casino Blue Water Technologies PL Marketing Senoces

Lynn & Fred Perenic BMG Music Red Coa l Tavern

Standard Federal Bank Boyne USA Resorts Samuel Adams

Mr. & Mrs. John BV Vineyards Second City

Kathleen & Dave Trott Canape Can, Inc. SLAW

Vicki & Richard Vlasic Cary Limosine Small Plates - Detroit Center Street Pub So lomon Friedman

DONOR Etica Chappuis Advenising

$ 1 ,500 -$ 2 ,499

Chateau Grand Traverse Sourhcorp Wines

Ms. Deborah Berstein- Siegel Chtis Chung SpeCial Events Pan y Rental

Mr. David Chivas Clear Magazine Spectacle Li gh ti ng

Dodie & Larry David (omerica, lne. Stevens Design Bureau

Dr. Fernando Diaz Comas

Rosanne & Sandy Duncan Comptl-Aid

Mr. & Mrs. George Strumbos

Mr. Jona than Swift

Mr. Ernest Gutierrez D. Ericson & Associates Sysco Food Services of Detroit

Dr. Ali Moiin Da Edoarado FoxlOwn Gtille The Taubman Company

Lila & Gilben Silverman Detro it Ti gers Tiffany & Company

Ms. Mary Mirabitur-Singleton DJ Shonround


$1 ,000 - $1 ,499

Jay Alix & Associates

The Post on Broadway

Doyna Michigan Co. The Town Pump Tavern

Edibles Rex Tubby\; Grilled Submarines

Events Marketing Union Street Sa loon

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Clark Figaro Salon & Gallery Universal Music Group

Darlene & David Jackson

Fiona's Tea House Uptowne Blossoms

General Wine & Liquor Vantage Va let, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. James LoPrete Company VP Catering

Mr. Charles Peters

Mrs. Ruth Rattner

Grazyna Wierzbicka Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Weiser

Greenstone Jewelers WOWI Panasian Cu isine

Mr. & Mrs. John Guerla in XL Color, Inc.





ltalian Ristorame PATRON & Bar
500 -$ 9 9 9 J. Le\vis Cooper
Leslie Rubin-Slatkin WE Hubner Zoup' Fresh Soup Co. HI Imennezzo
r. & Mrs. Thomas Anderson Jim Gibbons
Matianne Endicott
La Zingara Trattoria
Mrs Harver Kleiman
Barbara Eversman
Louise &:1
Dr. &
Drs. Dorothy & Orlando Mr. & Mrs. Roben Lutz
Sandy 5torne Lyla\; Catering
Lexy &
Cafe McMahon AN D ASSOC IATES, LTD Long Term Care Insurance Specialists Rep rese nt i n g Only th e Fin es t Com pa n ies Custom-Tailored Insurance Plans Home Health Ca re· Assisted Living 2481844-9787 Do rot hy McMa hon , LUT C F, CS A Cert if ied Senior A dv isor www BRAVO 39 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Dr. Robena & Mr. Sheldon

Department of Community Programs

Learning at the Opera House h as b ec ome an acclaimed oppo rtuni ty for ch ildren , young adults, adu lts and senior citizens to parti cipate in an d learn abou t the arts, humanities and hi story

The summer in s titute h as be en honored with a SUCCESS AWARD in edu ca tion b y Opera America, the se rvic e orga nization fo r No rth Ameri can ope ra co mpanies

From late June throu gh the mi ddle of Augu s t , citizens of Mic higa n a nd O ntario , Ca n ada , have access to fin e lo cal , national and int ernation al presenters w ho give lectures, tours and worksh ops throu gh Learning a t th e Opera House


Variety, the Chi ldren's Cha rit y, made an invaluabl e impact on Learning at the Ope ra Hou se Programs for Young People this 2002 Through a generous grant , four college stud ents (a ll form er an d current students in the summer camps) work ed as paid inte rns from Jun e through Augus t. Th ese students were ab le to teach , run opera tion s an d lea rn abo ut ,arts adminis tration and finance under th e wa tchful eyes of Be tty Lane, Program Manager of the Departmen t of Co mmuni ty Programs.

Va rie ty, the Children$ Charity's generos ity also pro vided sch olars hip fund s an d enab led the Department to purcha se a whole n ew se t of p ercussion in strument s to be u sed for Learning a t the Opera House summer camps and in schoo l partnership programs and teacher training pro gram s during th e sc h ool yea r.

Lea rning at the Op era Hous e sc h ola rship studen ts and schoo l yo un gste rs from across Michigan j oin the Department of Community Pro grams in prai sing Va r ie ty, the Childre n $ Charit y, with a h eartyBRAVO!!!!

O th er fu nding for Learn ing at the Opera H ous e Programs for Young Peopl e came from The Na tion al End owment for th e Art s, The Raymond C. Smith Fund of th e Community Foundation of So utheas tern Michigan and Fanclub Fo und atio n For the Arts. Our heartfelt thanks go to all o f our b en efactors.


In kee ping wi th the Department of Co mmunity Program $ co mmitment to to uring works that enhance the Michigan Co re Curri culum , we are proud to mount two n ew tou ring programs.

Th e Grimm Brother$ wri tin g of THE MUSICIANS OF BREMEN was turne d into a deli ghtfu l children's mu sical by form e r West ern Michigan Univers ity

www.M ichi ga

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Professor Alfred Ba lkin. The familiar ta le about the adventures o f four aged animal s and h ow they save th emselves th rough th eir m u sica l ab ili ty wi ll d e li ght elementary-sch ool aud iences while fittin g rig ht into the Language Arts curriculum.

Socia l studies will rece ive a boost with O H FREEDOM! In a fonnat crea ted b y the Educat ion and Outreach Department of the Virgi nia Opera, OH FREEDOM! will includ e Michigan influ ences on th e history of African Am erican s. The histo rica l overview is informative and uplifting fo r all ages. We are proud th at Na omi Long Madget t (poet laureat e of Detroit) is all Owing us to includ e her p oem FREEDOM set to m u sic by Gera ld Savage

The Department of Community Programs will also co ntinu e to uring THE CADlLLACS AND THE IR GREAT LAKES ADVENTURES as we ll as the eve r-popular and instru ctive THE N IGHT HARRY ST OPPED SMOKING

We will continu e our Resid ency Programs for Middle and Hi gh Sc hool s, and our pop ul ar Broadway Revue will be available for our adu lt aud ien ces. Fo r information, please contac t Do lores Tobis , Marketing Manager for Community Programs at (313) 2373429.

- - -- --
OH FREEDOM! courtesy oJ Virg inia Op era
De t ro it Opera HOll se

LATOH Opera Ca mp 2002 finale: The Tenderland by Aaron Cop land


When lamar Richardso n , Proprietor of the new Southfie ld Outback Steakhouse , offered to provide the food for a fund-raising event for the Department of Community Programs, Karen DiChiera jumped at the chance ! Summer seemed the best time , as so many talented young people are involved with Learning at the Opera House Summer Camps and Wor ks ho ps that there are lots of ready, willing and able performers for such an event.

August 4th marked the first annual Outback Operafest with Barb Naruta as th e chair of the event. To every ones delight , there was a la st minu te deluge of patrons as Mr. Richardson and his staff served over 300 meals (three times th e number of reservations 1I)

Pa trons were delighted with performances by about 100 children and young adults in an entertain ment ex travaganza, skill-

Detroit Opera House

fully M.C'd by Nancy Pacitto. Young peop le between the ages o f 8 an d 19 from Learning at the Opera Houses Create Opera l , Rappera , Operetta and Opera Camp , and from th e Rising Stars, a Canad ian group directed by Learning at the Opera House Intern Kim Parr, presented exce r pts from musicals , ope r etta and opera, as well as their own o riginal wo rks. A special co n cert was given in tribute to the late Alden Sch ell , beloved teach er, accompanist and vocal coach for Learning at th e Opera House Programs for Young People since 1997.

Additional funds raised from the OUTBACK OPERAFEST will be used to send th e Departments touring educational programs to sch ools that can't afford them. A hearty thanks to all wh o helped make this event a huge su ccess l ! Watch for the OUTBACK OPERAFEST on its re tu rn next summer II 1

Community Programs on T.V.

"Will you please invite me back7 " sa id legendary ope ra sup e rs tar Shirl ey Ve rrett on the se t of "Time Out for Opera. "

Why wou ld suc h a famous glob al opera and recording star wa nt to return to do a loca l Michigan televis ion program! Th e answer is simp le. Like th ou sa nd s of viewers, she loves and supports op er a, and there are no oth er r egu lar televisio n programs in Michigan d evoted so lely to opera. This award-winning series with co-hosts Karen DiChiera and J ona th an Swift, now in its sixth season, ha s brought opera to over 80 communi ti es via Bloomfield Community television and WFUM (PBS station, Flint)

www.Mic hi

What distinguishes this ·national award winning series has been its qu ality and the scope of its gues ts. W h ere else can you be surprised weekly wi th the singing and conversation s of international artists su ch as Irina Mishura and Leona Mitchell. BRAVO

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


Community Programs Continued ...

If you would like to h ave access to opera programming all year round or live in a community that doe s not have TIME OUT FOR OPERA, here is h ow you can ha ve this award-winning selies in yo ur very own community.

Contact your local public access station manager, exp laining that TIME OUT FOR OPERA is a 112-hour program on opera and opera-related topics co-produced b y Bloomfield Co mmunity Television , Karen V DiChiera and Dr. Jonathon Swift.

To purcha se programs , in VH.S., 3/4Inch and D.Ve. Pro fonnats, call Bloomfield Community Television Station Manager Lesli e Helwig at 248/433-7790 , or print a Television

from page 41

Program Request Form at www.bloomfi and mail it inl

We would love to visit all of you at hornell


Once again, the Cultura l Coalition of So uthea s t Michigan is spon so ring a series of free events for grandparents and grandchildren. Seventeen events at 17 different ve nues will take p lace throughout Metropolitan De troit during the months of September and October.

Michigan Opera Thea tre s event will take p lace at the Detroit Opera House on Saturday, October 19 , at LOO p.m. Young , old and in-between will love two offerings b y the Department of Community

Don 't miss this opportunity to introduce your grandchil dren to the excitement

o ffered by Metropolitan Detroits cultural institution s. Visit online at: www.grandp are n - or pick up a bro chure in the Detro it Opera Hou se lobb y. m

Arlene and Steven Victor were one of the earliest couples to support the dream lhat became Michigan Opera Theatre and the Detroit Opera House. When their now adult children were very you ng , Arlene and Steve wo uld share their love of the arts and op era with them.

Arlene spent countless hours voluntee ring at th e home s of the Lynn and Ruth Townsend and Bob and Tuttie VanderKloot stuffing envelopes, planning fund-raiSing parties and contributing ideas for the growth of the burgeo ning opera company.

Sometimes Arlene had to leave her vo lunte er work early. "I ha ve to get to my piano less on, " she wou l d exp lain. An accomplished pianist , she was qUietly stu dying with piano legend Mischa Kottler, Plincipal Pianist of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra! Her love and gift of music was always evident when sh e discussed variou s operas and what th ey were about. She always was drawn to plots that spoke of the human spirit and of the rights of p eop le.

Her mu sicianship a lso mad e her views about singers, conductors, and Michigan Opera Thea tre productions particu larly

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

va luabl e . She was definitely a patron w hos e op inions we re sought and va lu ed.

Arlene Victor was also highly edu cated in entirely different areas. Sh e taught elementary sc hool and re turned to Wayne State University to finish a Master of Social Work D egree. Sh e worked as a social worker for Jewish Family Services and found ed the local ch apter of WAND (Womens Action for a New Direction), a national organization dedicated to nucl ear disarmament and redirecting government fund s to social services. She served as the nati ona l preSident of WAND from 199 3 to 199 6.

Arlene was also very open about her politi ca l views and was a strong supporter of ca ndid ates interest e d in humanity, edu cation , the environment and womens' issues. The more than one thou san d mourners who attended her funeral h eard not o nly from her Rabbi , but also from two of her children and from some prominent politi ca l leaders.

We will all miss her gentleness, her convictions, h er faith , h er love of family and humanity and h er wonderful kno wledge and thoughts about opera. m

Arlene Victor 42 BRAVO
www Mich iga n Ope
De troit Opera l' lou se

upporting the Detroit Opera House

Advertisers have a myriad of choices about where to invest their advertising dollars, and we are proud and pleased that many of SE Michigan's most important companies have selected The Detroit Opera House's Bravo Magazine. Please remember to tell our advertisers you appreciate their support.

Four-way Asphalt Paving Company, Inc

National City Corporation

Northwest Airlines

Blue Cross Blue Shield

Castaldi's Market and Grill


9remation Society of Michigan


Detroit Institute of Arts

Dykema Gossett

Fisher Theater

ford Motor

Friends of the Opera of Michigan

General Motors Corporation

Grand Valley State University



McMahon and Associates

Miller, Canfield , Paddock and Stone , P.L.C

Oakland University



September Moon

Standard Federal Bank

Universal Watch and Jewelry Co .

Visiting Nurse Association

Wearly Studio & Gallery

White Chapel Memorial Cemetery

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Acura of Troy Ali Moiin , M.D.

Volunteers Are the Heart of Michigan Opera Theatre

and the Detroit Opera House

Michigan Opera Theatre and th e Detroit Opera House present one of the finest and most d iverse opera and dance series in the country The theatrical experiences en compass voca l and orchestral mus ic, dance , drama , costumes, sets and li gh ting. The achi evement of this multipliCity requires many voices and many willing hands. The ta lented, giving hands of our Opera League, Ush ers, Dance Co u ncil, Yo u ng Professionals , Ambassadors, Office and Boutique workers, Movers , Supers, Education &: Outreach , an d Adagio vo lunteers ha ve a Significant impact on the overa ll operation of th e company


Dodie David , President

G loria Clark, Vice President

Eva Meharry, Secretary

John McMullin, IieaSLtrer

Betty Brooks, Past Presi dent


Robert a Starkweath er, Adagio

Helen Millen, Ambassa dors

Annette Bali an, Bylaws and Procedures

Betty Brooks , Cookbook

Caro l Hals te d , Dance Council

Vicki Barn ett , Divas/Divos

Richard Hill , Education &: Outreach

Wa ll ace Peace, Educat ion &: Out reach


Nancy Krolikowski, Movers

Eileen Smith , Opera House Ushers

Sharon W Sn yd e r, Opera Leagu e of Detroit

J ere m y Zeltzer, Spin

Ali Moiin, Supers

J ea nette Pa wlaczyk, Office Volunteers

Arda Barenholtz, Vol unteer Voice

Randall Fogelman, Young Professiona ls


Kevin Denni s

Don Jensen

Queenie Sarkisian

SpeC ial thanks to the followin g individuals whose financial support qualifi es them as members of th e VOLUNTEER OPERATORS

Donna Bukowicz

Glor ia Clark

Dodie David

Don Jensen

Jutta Letts

Eva Meharry

Eva Powers

Shirley Ann Sarkis ian

Rosemary Skup n y

www.M ichi
Detroit Opera Ho u se Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Administration & Staff

David DiChiera Matthew S. Birman DEVELOPMENT Carolyn Geck Technical Staff Robert Mesinar General Director Public Relations Jane Fanning Assistant to Kent Andel Head Electrician Coordinator Associate Director Director of Technical Director Alan Bigelow

Brett Batterson Jenise Co llins of Development Production Monika Essen Head Propertyman

ChieJ Operating Group Sales Stephani Miller Cynthia Stokes* Property Master Robert Martin Coordinator Yates Kimberly Wethere ll' & Scenic Artist Head Flyman Officer Kimberly Gray Assistant Director Assistant Directors Kendall Smith Steve Kemp Ticket Services of Development Nancy Kro li kowski Lighting Head Soundman

DEPARTMENT Assistant Manager Lauren Allion wcal Coordinator Gary Gilmore

DIRECTORS Timothy Lentz Membership Transportation Shawn Kaufman Production

Karen VanderKloot Archivist Manager Coordinator Assistant Lighting Electrician

DiChiera Jeanette Pawlaczyk Heather Hamilton Eugene Robelli Designer Mary Ellen Shindel Director oj Public Relations Volunteer Production Dee Dorsey Head of Wardrobe

Community Assistant Coordinator Volunteer Surtitle Operator lATSE Local #38

Programs Bill Carroll Kathleen M. Pat Lewellen Chris Barbeau Stage Crew

John Eckstrom Public Relations McNamara Audition Fight lATSE Local #786

Director oj Volunteer Corporate Volunteer Choreographer Wardrobe

Administration Crystal G. Ratledge Campaign Daniel Dene

Roberto Mauro Account Executive, Manager Music Department Recording Engineer DETROIT

Director oj Artistic Solomon Fliedman Jane Westley David DiChiera

Rudi Lauermann OPERA HOUSE

Administration Advertising Development Music Director Assistant Recording Trish Almquist

David W Osborne Mark S. Mancinelli Associate, General Suzanne Mallare Engineer Event Coordinator Director oj Detroit Opera Director's Circle Acton Keith Kalinowski Demetrius Barnes

Production House Photography Roberta Assistant Music Technical Assistant Jesse Carter

Mary Parkhill Christopher Barbeau Starkweather Director, Chorus Building Engineers Director oj Production Capital Campaign Master Costumes Elisa Giuliani

Development Photography Coordinator Jean Schneider! Suzanne M. Hanna House Manager

Karen Tjaden Danielle DeFauw Rep etiteur Costume Kyle Ketelhut

Director oj Facilities COMMUNITY Boutique Manager Diane Bredesen Coordinator Concessions


Margaret Bronder Manager Director oj Mark Vondrak Research Manager Personnel Second Hand Rock Monroe

Mary Bucher Orchestra

Communications Tour Manager Manager

Betty Lane

Mary Ellen Shindel Director of

RNANCE/COMPUTER Jean Schneider Fitting Assistant Security


Caro l Ha lsted

Genevieve Calvin Williams

Dolores Tob is William T. Schulz Rehearsal Palczynski Maintenance

Dance Coordinator Office & Controller Accompanists Stitchers Supervisor

Bill Austin Marketing Kimberly Burgess -

Assistant to the Manager Rivers Stage Management

General Director

Linda DeMers

Executive Assistant

Beverly A. Moore


Betsy Bronson

Rita Winters

Alice Moss Carl Hubble

Wardrobe Mistress Maintenance

Kenneth Sa ltzman ' Assistant

Ala ina Brown Accountants Production Stage Makeup & Hair Bobby Abrams

Maria Cimarelli

Joseph Rusnak Manager

Trenda DeGraw Systems Manager

Jennifer Gale

Deleana Hill

Kim Parr Systems

Joanne Weaver Ronald Mosley

Lisa Marie lange ' Wigs & Make-up Stage Door

Thomas Mehan' Designer Security

DeShawn Glosson

Ellen Marie Peck'


Michael Hauser


David Pulice Programmer

Gregory Robinson

Karl Schmidt


Mark Vondrak Production Manager

Chris Vaught Administration

Faye Cross ' Il Ii-ovatore

Assistants to ' Don Pasquale


Violeta Kapayo

Kimberly A. Local Crew

Tamara Whitty

Elizabeth Neds-Fox


Patron and Ticket Chance ll or Wyman Production

Sta ge Crew Outreach Touring Coordinator

Services Manager Company

John Kinsora Head Carpenter

Detroit Opera House BRAVO 45 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

General Information



Unauthorized cameras and recordi n g d evices are not allow ed inside the lobby or theater at any time. The taking of photo grap h s of th e theat er or any p erformance is strictly prohibit ed . As a courtesy to our guests, we ask that all pa gi ng d evices, ce ll phones and ala rm wa tches b e switch e d to silent mod e prior to the sta rt of a p erform ance .



an d p arents are advise d to leave their seat location (lo ca ted on ticket) and our em erge ncy numb er, 313/237-3257, wi th the service or si tter in case of an em ergency

Please observe the lighted exit signs located throughout the thea ter. In the event of fire or similar emergency, p lease rem ain calm and walk - do not run - to th e nearest exi t. Our us hers are trained to lea d yo u out of th e building sa fely A train ed Emergen cy Medical Technici an (EM T) is on si te during mo s t events. Pl ease see an usher or staff member to co nt act the EMT.

are int e res ted in b eco ming a vo lunt eer u sher, pl ease ca ll th e u she r hotlin e at 313/237 -3253.

LATE SEATING Lateco m ers will be seated only during an appropriate pau se in the program and may view the program on the closed-circuit television monitor located in the lobb y until an appropriate program pau se occurs. Lat e sea ting policies are at th e discretion of th e production, n ot ope ra hou se management.

LOST & FOUND Lost and Found is located in the Security Departm ent. Please see an ush er if yo u ha ve misplac ed an article, o r ca ll 3 13/96 1-3 500 if you h ave alrea d y left th e theater. Items will be held in Lo s t and Found for 3 0 days.

opera or ballet , the ability of all audience members to h ear the mu sic is a prerequisite to enj oyment of the p er forman ce. In all cases, babes in arms are not p ermitted.

SERVICES Concession stands ar e located in all levels Plea se note that food and drinks are not allo wed in th e auditorium at an y tim e. Coa t check is lo cated in th e Ford lobby The cost is $ 1.00 p er coa t. Please note that the Detroit Opera Hou se do es not acce pt res ponSibility for any personal articles that are not ch ecked at th e coa t ch eck. Drinking fountains are lo ca ted in the lobbi es on floor s one and three. Public pay phon es are locate d in th e ves tibul e of th e Ford Lobb y Patrons in wheelc h airs can access pa y phones outside the third-floor ladies' res trooms.


Ladies' r es tro oms are located off the Ford Lobby (Broadway s tree t entrance), d own th e stairs and also on the third flo or (Ma di son s tr eet entrance) - please press "3R" on the el evato r to reach these faci li ties. Gentlemen s restrooms are lo cated under the Grand Staircas e and also on the third floor (Broadway s treet entrance) - ple ase press "3" on the elevator to reac h th ese fac ilitie s. Please note: All thi rd - floor restrooms are wh eelchair accessible. Unisex accessib le restroom lo ca ted in the GM Op era Cafe.

NO SMOKING Th e Detroit Opera Hou se is a smoke-free faCility Ash receptacles are provided on the exterior of all entry doors for thos e who wish to smoke.

USHERS Us hers are sta tioned at th e top of each ais le. If yo u ha ve a question or conc ern, p lease inform u s h ers , and they wi ll co ntact management. If yo u

PARKING Parking for all events is available in the Opera House Garage , located directly ac ross from the Detroit Opera Hous e (on J ohn R. and Broadway streets) . Prepaid parking is availabl e through the box office . Ple ase call 313/237 -SI NG for parking information.

ACCESSIBILITY Accessib le sea ting lo cations for patrons in wheelch airs are lo cated in all price ranges on the orche s tra leve l. When inquiring about tickets, please ask about these locations if yo u requi re speCia l accommo d ations. Assisted Listenin g Devices are avail able on a fi rst -co me , first -served b asis. Pleas e see an us h er to reque st thi s se rvi ce. Althou gh this is a complimentary service, we will reques t to h old a piece of personal identifi cation while yo u are u sing the d evice. Please contact the Box Offic e, shou ld yo u desire sp ec ial considera ti on .

CHILDREN Child ren are we lcome ; h owever, all gu es ts are required to h old a ticket , regardless of age We kind ly ask that p are ntal discre ti on be exercise d for ce rt ai n programs , and that all guests remember that during a pro gra m su ch as


The Detroi t Op era Hou se is ava il able for rent b y your organiz ation. Pl ease call Tri sh AlmqUi st , Events Coordinator, at 313/961-3500 to re ce ive rental information.

TICKET INFORMATION The Detroit Op era House Ti ck et Offi ce hours are as foll ows : No n-p erforman ce weeksMonday throu gh Frida y 10:00 a .m . to 5:30 p.m. Performan ce da ys - 10:00 a.m. throu gh the fir s t intermi ssio n of th e even ings performance, excep t Saturdays and Sund ays, wh en the Ti cket O ffi ce wi ll open two hours prior to curtain. Tick ets for all pub li c events held at the Detroit Op era Hou se are also avai lab le throu gh all Ticke tMas ter phone and retail outlets or at

OPERA HOUSE TOURS Come join the Op era House Ambassadors for a b ackstage tour of the Detroit Opera H ouse. Learn ab out th e his tory of the Opera Hou se and its restoration. Meet the people b ehind the scen es, tour th e stage and see h ow it operates. Tours are $ 10.00 per perso n . For more information, p lease call 313/23 7-3407.

Be advised tha t , for purposes of Michigan Compiled Laws , Section 28 4250(1)(£) , this is an entertainment facility that has a seating capacity of more than 2 ,500 individuals. It is therefore against the law to carry a concealed pisto l on the premises

EMERGENCIES Michigan Opera Thea tre Gene ral Information Lost &: Found Ticket Office 46 BRAVO IMPORTANT NUMBERS . . . . 313/237-3257 313/961-3500 313/961-3500 313/961-3500 .313 /237 -SING Us her H otline ............ . Theat er Rental Informa tion Detroit Opera Hou se Fax Press & Public Relations . Web sit e www.Mi .... 313/237-3253 313/96 1-3500 313/237-3412 . . .... .... 313/237 -3403 .. www.MichiganO pera .org Detroit Opera Hou se Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
E o o o (5 ::E "E N o o N @ rd com VOLVO 8 rnazca * Because they broaden our understanding of each other and our communities, Ford Motor Company is committed to preserving, promoting and sharing cu l tural treasures through our support of the arts and humani Hes For your contribution to the arts, Ford Motor Company applauds you. @ LINCOLN MERCURY Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Here's to a Spectacular Performance

Michigan Opera Theatre II Trovatore

October 12-20,2002


Barbara Dever, Azucena, will not perform tonight due to illness

Melissa Parks, mezzo-soprano, Azucena

Young mezzo-soprano Melissa Parks has already bowed with the Metropolitan Opera, with both La Fille du Regiment and The Rise and Fall of the Cihj of Mahagonny In recent seasons Ms Parks debuted with the New York City Opera National Company and returned to the Opera Company of Philadelphia as the Marquise de Berkenfield in La Fille du Regiment A double debut as Mrs. Benston in Lakme and Mary in Die Fliegende Hollander with the New Orleans Opera followed Azucena in II Trovatore with the AVA Opera Theatre. Recent and upcoming engagements include a return to the New Orleans Opera as Mama McCourt in The Ballad of Baby Doe, a return to Chautauqua for the Witch in Hansel und Gretel, a Cleveland Opera debut in The Pirates of Penzance, a Virginia Opera debut as Ulrica in Un Ballo in Masch era a return to El Paso as Mama Lucia in Cavalleria Rusticana, Katisha in The Mikado with Utah Opera Festival and Chautauqua Opera, the Verdi Requiem with the Utah Symphony and Zita in Gianni Schicchi with Philadelphia's newlyformed Sylvan Opera.

As a winner of the Fifth Luciano Pavarotti International Voice Competition she performed the role of Dame Quickly in Falstaff on a Gala concert hosted by the tenor The young artist made her debut with the Opera Company of Philadelphia as Mother Goose in The Rake's Progress, sang Mama McCourt in The Ballad of Baby Doe with the Chautauqua Opera, Mama Lucia in Cavalleria Rusticana with Opera Delaware, and Berta in n Barbiere di Siviglia with the El Paso Opera Company She participated in the American debut of the Polish opera Straszny Dwor as Madame Czecznikowa with Opera Buffalo.

While a student at Philadelphia's Academy of Vocal Arts, Miss Parks sang Dryade in Ariadn e auf Naxos, the Marquise in La Fille dll Regiment, the Principessa in Suor Angelica, Zita in Gianni Schicchi, the Witch in Hansel lind Gretel, Dame Quickly in Falstaff, the Wife in Wargo's Chekov Triloglj, Azucena in II Trovatore and Ulrica in Ballo. She also traveled with AVA to the ArtPark Festival where she performed the title role in Menotti's The Medium.


Carolyn Andree, Lady-in-waiting

Tracy Chapman, Fight Silhouette

Henry Coucke, Monk

Richard Hill, Trinket Selier, Convict

Fred Lebowitz, Monk

Sal Mascali, Convict Rasheda Williams, Lady-in-waiting

Lauren Andree, Azucena Silhouette

Joseph Convery, Fight Silhouette

Bruce Davis, Di Luna Silhouette, Manrico Silhouette

Steve LaGrassa , Jailer

Josh Madden,Chaplain

Larry Thomas, Wine Seller, Convict

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


Don Pasquale November 9-17,2002

Additional Production Credits

Supernumeraries, Women

Dellashon DeCresce, Nurse/Prostitute

Gema Long, Nurse/ Prostitute

Carolyn Moss, Nurse/Prostitute

Supernumeraries, Men

Oliver Aguilar, Servant/ Soldier

Ira Harris , Worker

Pauli us Jurelionis, Worker

Tom Mehan, Notary Assistant

David Piotrowski, Worker

Matt Ruhlig, Work er

Steve Smith, Servant/ Soldier

Perry Zimmerman, Butler

Dog: E Bailey Witherell, Hers e lf

Denise Franczak, Nurse/ Prostitute

Kim McKissak, Nurs e/Prostitute

Jan Renard, Nurse/Prostitute

Bruce Davis, Worker

Richard Hill , Cook

Lance Maddox, Work er

Ali Moiin, Driver

Lee Reitelman, Servant/ Soldier

Gordon Simmons, Blind Trump et Playe r

Paul Snyder, Recruiting Officer/ Val e t

Special thanks to: John Forster, Royal Oak, for donating the use of the 1915 Hudson touring car. MOT gratefully acknowledges MotorCities-Automobile National Heritage Area , Detroit, and Bill Chapin, for vehicle arrangements and coordination.


Don Pasquale November 9-17,2002

Additional Production Credits

Supernumeraries, Women

Dellashon DeCresce, Nurse/Prostitute

Gema Long, Nurse/Prostitute

Carolyn Moss, Nurse/ Prostitute

Supemumeraries, Men

Oliver Aguilar , Servant/Soldier

Ira Harris, Worker

Paulius Jurelionis, Worker

Tom Mehan, Notary Assistant

David Piotrowski, Worker

Matt Ruhlig, Worker

Steve Smith, Servant/ Soldier

Perry Zimmerman, Butler

Bailey Witherell, Hers e lf

Denise Franczak, Nurse/ Prostitute

Kim McKissak, Nurse/ Prostitute

Jan Renard, Nurse/Prostitute

Bruce Davis, Worker

Richard Hill, Cook

Lance Maddox, Work er

Ali Moiin, Driver

Lee Reitelman, Servant/ Soldier

Gordon Simmons, Blind Trumpet Play er

Paul Snyder, Recruiting Officer/ Val e t

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Special thanks to: John Forster, Royal Oak, for donating the use of the 1915 Hudson touring car. MOT gratefully acknowledges MotorCities-Automobile Nation a l Heritag e Area , Detroit, and Bill Chapin, for vehicle arrangements and coordin a tion .

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