PROGRAM: Bravo 2003-04 Winter Opera and Dance

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Too Hot to Handel November 29, 30 2003 Cincinnati Ballet's The Nutcracker December 5-14 2003 Les Ballets Africains February 27 2003 Dance Theatre of Harlem March 4-7, 2003 DETROIT Home of Michigan Opera Theatre David DiChiera , General Director DAIMLERCHRYSLER DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund 2003-04 Dance Series Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
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The Official Magazine of the Detroit Opera House BRAVO IS A


Dr. David DiChiera, General Director

Matthew S. Birman, Editor

Laura Wyss

Michigan Opera Theatre Staff


Live Publishing Company

Frank Cucciarre, Design and Art Direction

Blink Concept &: Design, Inc. Production

Chuck Rosenberg , Copy Editor

Toby Faber, Director of Advertising Sales

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Cit y of De troit Cultural Affairs Depa rt ment Made possible with the support of the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs a part ner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts Sur ender t o Love 2003 -2004 Winer cason
STAGE TOO HOT TO HANDEL. Program Artist Profiles Rackham Symphony Choir ..... . . . . . .. . .............. . Marygrove College Chorale and Soulful Ex pressions Ensemble Too Hot to Handel Orchestra THE NUTCRACKER Sett ing Artist Profiles . . . .. .. . . . Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra LES BALLETS AFRICAINS About Les Ballets Africains .... . DANCE THEATRE OF HARLEM. Program About Dance Theatre of Harlem Artist Profiles .4 .5 .6 .7 7 . . 7 .9 10 11 16 17 18 . . 20 . . 21 .22 .23 MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE Board of Directors and Trustees. 25 CONTRIBUTORS Avanti Society New Century Fund .. . . .. ........ . Michigan Opera Theatre Contributors ... . MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE Administration and Staff. General Information . . ......... . . . . . ..... . BRAVO · 26 · 27 · .. 27 31 .31 3 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Rackham Symphony Choir

Since its founding in 1949, the Rackham Symp h on y Choir has provided talented voca li sts from the metropolitan Detroit area with the opportunity to exper ien ce and perfonn choral music of the hi ghest artistic quali ty De troit's oldest choral organization, RSC enhances the cultura l richness o f the community through its commitment to offering concert perfonnances, studen t ou treach p rogra ms an d b ene fit co n certs for co mmunity-based ch aritable agencies. One su ch program with lo ca l music programs is this year's production of Too Hot To Handel, featuring members of Marygrove College C h oral and Sou lful Expressions En semb le.

Under th e v i sionary leadersh i p of Suza nn e Mallare Acton, c riticall y acclaimed co ndu ctor an u the Rackham Sy mphon y Choir 's art istic and mus i c directo r , the cho rus has expa nd ed its rich tr a dition of mu s ica l performance. Concerts of not e from the 2002-2003 Season include Too Hot To Handel; t h e moving Yizkor Re quiem , performed wit h co mm ent ary by composer Th omas Beveridge; and Th e Reluctant Dra gon , replete w it h life size d puppets.

More information is available a t

Spollsored by Standard Federal Bank


Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


Part I


Comfort ye

Every valley

And the glo ry of the Lord sha ll be revealed

Thus saith the Lord

But who may abide the da y of His coming

And He shall purify

Behold, a Virgin shall conceive

o thou that telleth good tidings to Zion

For behold, darkness shall cover the earth

The people that walke d in darkness

For unto u s a child is born

There were shep herds abiding in the field

And suddenly there was with the angel

Glory to God


Part II

Rejoice grea tly

Then sh all the eyes of the blind be opened

He sh all fee d His flock

His yoke is easy

Behold the Lamb of God

Surely H e hath borne our griefs"'''

All we lik e sheep , have gone astray

Behold, 1 tell yo u a mystery

The trumpet s hall so und The Lord gave the word

Why do the nations so fUriously rage H allelujah!

** with David Vaughn, bass-bariton e

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Too HOTl1 andel
1828 Maplelawn • Troy, Michigan 48084 (248) 643-0900 • Fax (248) 643-7473 SINCE 1988 Detroit Opera House www.Michiga nOp era.o rg BRAVO 5 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre



Stand ard Federal Bank

Contributors to Rackham Symphony Choir


DeRoy Testamentary Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Fre d Erb

Com eri ca Bank

Jeffery Kru eger Marygrove Coll ege

Conductors Circle

In memory of Kenneth & Andrea Person

In memory of Walter, Regina , Marion and Nom,a Litt

Marri ott Co urtyard at Millender Cent er

Mi llend er Center

Philip & Carol Campbe ll

Patri ck & Patri cia Minnick

In honor of Fra nk Mazza & Alish Joyce



Suza nn e Ac ton & David Osborn e

Philip & Maureen Abele

Jos hua & Emil y Eichenhom

North Star Partn ers

Yv onn e M. Friday

Helen Rowin


Cheryl Ann and Joseph Krul

Clift on Shaw

Brenda Reddin g

Anth ony & Helen Ruda

Susan & Dani el Fox

John Wickey

M L. Zieve


Caro l & Jerry Roszka

Janet Oakes

Cath erin e B. Washabaugh

Mary Ann Carroll

Ja y & Sheila Becker

Co nni e B. Randall

Leo nard H. Lern er, MD & Lorraine Lerner

Lind a Van Buren

Betti e Lyo ns

Sarah & James Piper

In Kind Donations

Lilt Electri c Co Inc

Patrick J. Clampitt

Vic Firth Sli cks In c

Additi onal support from Michigan Coun cil for Arts and Cultural Affairs & Detroit Cultural Commission

Artist Profiles


Th e Concord i a Orches tr a o f New York C it y co mmi ss i one d Too Hot to Handel in th e ea rl y 1990s. S in ce th e fir s t performance a t Lin co ln Center, crowds have s miled , c h ee red and d ance d in their sea t s (a nd so met i m es in t h e a is les!). Too Hot ca pture s the essential co r e of H a nd el's famous masterwork and re int e rpr e t s it wit h c h ords of rh y t hm and b lues, j azz a nd gos p e l. T he e nd re s u l t? A d yna mi C a nd uplifting c el e brati o n that must be expe rien ce d. Simp ly put : Too Hot to Han d el is Messiah r e-created.

M usic o n 10anJrom th e a rchi ves oJ Th e Conco rdia Or chestra, Marin Alsop,founding mu sic director and conductol:


Artistic and Music Director

S uzann e Ma ll are Acton is r ecogn ize d [or h e r ve rsa tili ty a nd d yna mi C s t yle , from the concert hall to the opera s tage. Opera c redits includ e West Sid e StO IY, n Ba rbi ere di Siviglia, Music Man, Pirates oj Penzance, Mikado, Daughter oj the Regime nt and Di e Fl edermau s for Michigan Opera Theatre; My Fair Lady and La Ii'av iata [or Day ton Opera; Merry Widow and Madama Butterfly for Artpark; and Tasca [or Augusta Op era. For Rackham Symp h o n y C h oir: Carmina Burana , AJlican Sanc tus , Voices oj Light and Amahl and the N ight Visitors.

Upcoming: Di e Fl ederm aus , Au gus ta Opera; Pira tes oj Penzance, Michigan Opera Theatre; Mozarts Req ui em , Rackham Sym pho n y Choir




Al fr e da Burk e t hr ill ed

D e troit a udi e n ces in t h e Rack h a m Sym phon y C h o ir pr o du ct ion o[ Too Hot to Handel last seaso n.

Ms. Burke made h e r Carnegie H all debut in Strauss ' El ektra, wit h the Chi cago Symphon y Orchestra le d b y Daniel Barenboim. She h as p er form e d wi th the CSO a t Ravinia and Orchestra H a ll , C h icago Opera Theatre , Milwau kee Symp h o n y O rc hes tra, MSU Symp h ony Orchestra, Lancaster Fes ti va l ,

Gra nt Park Mus ic Festival , Metropoli s Sympho n y Orc hestra and Chorus Angeloru m , amo ng ot hers. Her c re dits includ e opera , orato ri o , concert/recital and mu sica l theater. She has a lso been featured in recordings, music video, radio , television, film and comme rcials. Ms. Burke has released her solo d eb ut CD, "From the Heart." Visit h e r website at www.sopranoa l fre d


Mezzo- soprano

Vivi a n Cherry return s to D etroi t , w h e r e s h e d elight e d audience s w ith h er d ynam iCperformance inRS Cs To o Hot to Handel last seaso n . Audien ces ,vill also recognize Ms. C herry fo r her pe r formance s in the Conco rdi a Orchestra presentat ion of To o Hot to Handel as well as rec ita ls at the Spoleto J azz Festiva l and Am eri ca n Music Theatre Festiva l. In add it io n to he r classical work, s he has pe rfo rm ed an d recorded popular wo rks with Frank Sinatra , the Ca rn egie Hall J azz Band and Qu incy Jones



Rodrick Di xo n r eturns to D e troit , w h ere hi s electrifyin g presen ce and d y n amiC ran ge de li ght ed audiences in RSC:S fi rst production o[ Too Hot to Hand el. Mr. Dixon has appeared in a va riety of dramatic roles th at encompass the repertoire of opera, contemporary opera , oratorio, concert/rec ita l and mus ica l theater. His te levision c re di ts incl ud e the PBS production "Three Mo ' Ten o rs. " He has perfo rm ed as a co nce rt solois t in Europe and the United States. Mr. Dixo n's prinCipal op e ratic debuts include the Lyric Opera o f Chi cago , Po rtland O pera, Co lu m bus Opera and Virgin ia Opera. Visit hi s website at www. t enoIToddixon. com H e is also featured on a h oli day CD entitled Follow the Star, produ ced by Bishop TD. J akes. Mr. Dixon will be h os ting a benefit [or Rackham Symphon y Ch o ir e ntitled All Affair to Remember in February 2004. Mr. Dixon wi ll be crea ting a televised Christmas specia l [or Chicago 'S WGN, to air in Dece mber 2003. m


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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

ON STAGE "-I · • I-
it Op e ra Hou

Rackham Symphony Choir

SOPRANO Christine Pelot

Mattie Allison

Virginia Person *

Carolina Andrakovich Elizabeth Pugh

Sonya Ashton-Hardy

LaGreta Blake-Smith

MaryAnn Carroll

Joan Crawford

Susan Cucuzza

Brenda Redding

Carol Roszka

Ruth Seranian

RoseMarie Skrzynski

Edith Faires ALTO

Julie Fiorani

Maureen Abele

Yvonne Friday Jeff Krueger* Laverne Schenk

Deborah Greening

Joni Greening

Patricia Minnick

Nancy Nelson

Sarah Piper

Janet Oakes

John Saetta

Clifton Shaw

Stephen Stewart

Bonnie Sayen BASS

MaryAnne Smigulec

Linda Van Buren

Kate Walrad

Julius Becker

W ill iam Broy les III

William Broyles Jr.

Alan Sebastian *

Thomas Sklut

Brandon Tenille

Michael Thomas

Bud Uhl

Dean Unick

David Vaughn

Will Yates

Emily Gay

Conda Green

Cydney Higgins

Linda Irwin

Cheryl Krul

Bettie Lyons

Melissa Markey

Beth Adams

Barbara Ayers

Fran Bachmann

Emily Carter

Deborah Dailey

Emily Eichenhorn

Louise Fisher*

Susan A. Fox


Philip Abele

Patrick Clampitt

Nate Clements

Joseph Dluzniewski

Eddie Dunn

Donald Gay

Tim Cholyway

Suzanne Mallare Acton, Avital Granot

Music & Artistic

Douglas Cox

Tim Doty Director

Gary Hasley

Ray Litt

Steve Pejuan

Anthony Ruda

James Satterwhite

Jean Schneider, Pianist

Donald Kukier, Pianist

* Section Leader

Marygrov e Coll ege Choral e and Soulful Expressions Ensemble

SOPRANO Jessica Nelson ALTO

Celestine Carrol

Rita Dabney

Marion F Duncan

Jean Klein

Jeanine Reaume

Staci K. Reed

Carol Sed dens

Carmelia Stephens

Sue Livingston Kim Stroud

Angela May

Annette Wright

Angel Birch

Marletta Boyd

Deborah Ciolek, FSSJ

Tracey Coleman

Ellen Duncan

Melonie Fizer

Too Hot to Hand el Orch estra


Charlotte Merkerson, Julianne Zinn

Debbie Hillebrand BASS

Joan Iwankovitsch

Ronya Taylor


Jason Jones

Cleviston Newsome

Adio Bracy

Christopher Burton

Karlton Gause

Robert Miller

Anthony White


Charles Roth

Jason Bendler


Nadine Deleury+

Kyle Mills+

Carrie Banfield+

Steven Mumford

Carol Evans+ Diane Bredesen+ TRUMPET

Bryan Johnston+

James Kujawski


Minka Christoff+

John Iatzko


Donnie Lewis

Robert Bourassa Concertmaster+


David Taylor

David Kuehn+ PIANO

Gordon Simmons+

Maurice Davis

Diane Bredesen

Music Director/

Alvin Wadd les Conductor

Suzanne Mallare Acton


Victoria Haltom+ Derek Weller+ TROMBONE

Fred R. Hughes Jr.

Detroit Federation of Molly Hughes+

Elizabeth Rowin

Monica Jackson


John Madison+

Scott Stefanko+

Detroit Opera House

Clark Suttle+


Lawrence N ozero

Russell Mallare

George Benson

Maury Okun+

Greg Near+


Leonardo Soto+

BASS American Federation

Edward Gooch Musicians, Local #5, Bing Xia+

Marion Hayden of Musicians

BASS GUITAR + Member, Michigan

Don Lewandowski Opera Theatre

Jose Mallare Orchestra

Ernest Rodgers
BRAVO 7 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

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ith its commitment to excellence in every performance, the Michigan Opera Theatre inspires, enthralls and delights us It enriches our lives

The MASCO family of companies proudly supports the Michigan Opera Theatre's great productions in its 2002-2003 season. They are outstanding contributions to the cultural life of Michigan and we extend our best w ishes for a sensational season.

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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

The Nutcracker

Th eJirst Nut crac k e r was perJo rm ed by the Kiro v Ballet at the Mary insky Theatre in St. Pete rsbu rg, Russia, on December 1 7, 1892

Th e Unit ed States premiere was on Decembe r 24 , 1944 , by th e San Franci sco Ball et, with cho reograp hy by Willam Chri ste ns en. The story is an adaptation or The Nutcra cker and the Mouse King" by E. TA Hoffmann , publi shed in 18 19 Th e origina l versio n was a dark tale about an unloved li tt le girl. Wh en Marius Petipa commissioned Peter Il yich Tchaiko vs ky to compose the sco reJar hi s new ballet, Petipa used a revised ve rsion oj the story by Al exandre Dumas. This is The Nutcracker that is known and loved by children all ov er the world.

Act I

SCENE 1 Drosselmeier's Workshop

The sto r y begins on Christmas Eve. A mys terious toymaker named Herr Drosselmeier is preparing to attend the annual holida y part y at the Stahlbaum home. Drosselmeier put s the finishing touches on the magi ca l toys for his go dch ildren , Marie and Fritz. One of the to ys is not really a toy at all, but a magical wooden Nutcracker. Drosselmeier puts the gifts in bo xes , wraps them up and prepares to go out into the cold , snowy night.

SCENE 2 The Party

The Stahlbaum home is bri ght and festive, with the most beautiful Chris tmas tree imaginab le. All the gues ts and children are having a marve lous time, danCing, lau ghing and opening gifts. Suddenly, Herr Drosselmeier bursts into the roo m carryi n g the larges t packa ges Mari e has ever seen. Fri tz is presented with a very rnischievou s gift , which is later taken away becau se he is so naughty. Dros se lmei er unwrap s two more gift s; an unusua l woo den Nutc rac ker, which Marie imm ediately falls in lo ve with, and an especially cu riou s doll that loo ks just like Marie. All the guests crowd aro und in amaz eme nt. 10

Drosselmeier works his magic: The Nutcracker and the doll grow and appear to co me alive before eve r yo n es eyes. After the d oll and Nutcracker dance, the Nut crack er is restored to its origina l size and is given b ack to Marie. She joyfu lly dances around the room, showing o ff her spl endid gift. Fritz wishe s that Dro sselmeier had given him the Nutcracker and, in his ex hilaration , grabs i t from Marie and aCCidentally breaks it. Immedi ately, th e precocious Fritz is sco lded b y h is father and sent off to bed Herr Dro sse lmeier, wa tching from across the room, comes to th e rescu e and m ends th e Nut crac ker.

Now the festivities continue we ll into the night , highlighted b y a stately dance led by Maries grandparents. As the evening comes to an end, Dro ss elme ier bids th e family farewe ll , with a special good-bye to his favorite god dau ght er. Marie is very tired and takes h er ne w Nutcra cker off to b ed. Sh e qUickly falls asleep and slips into a fantastic dream.

SCENE 3 Th e Batt le

Marie hears the chimes of the big grandfather clo ck do wns tairs stri king midnight. She find s h ers elf in the drawi ng room an d is startl ed by the sou nd of scamp ering littl e feet and the fl ickering of many tiny eyes. The mice stea l away h er beloved Nu tc racker. Dro sselmeier appears out of the darkness, and with the wave of his ar ms , the tree , toys and mice begin to grow. A terrible battle en sues between th e mice and the toys. Th e Mo us e King appears and frightens Ma ri e. The Nu tcracker, having escape d the clutches

of the mice, challenges the Mouse King to a du el. It is a fi erce fi ght , but Marie mana ges to distract th e Mouse King, allo wing the Nut cracker to fatall y wound his enemy. Magically, the Nutcracker is transform ed into a handsome prin ce , who invites h er to the Kingdo m of To ys and Swee ts. Marie begins the journey on her sleigh bed throu gh the Swirling snowstorm.

Act II

Th e Land of Toys and Sweets

Much to Maries surprise , Herr Drosselmeie r greets them on their ar ri val at the enchante d kingdom. EXCitedly, the y describ e the fierce battle between the Nutcracker and the Mouse King , and h ow, with the help of Marie , the Nutcracker was able to defeat his migh ty foe Delightful toys from foreign lands, suc h as Spa in , Arabia , Fran ce , China and Russia , are crowded in th e court yard. Drosselmeier b rings them all to li fe to perform in a ro yal fe stival honOring his speCia l guests. A brilliant rose leads the fl owe rs of the kingdom in a beau tiful wa ltz As the highlight of the eve nin g, the Nutcracke r invites Marie to dance with him , and the y glide across th e floor in the grandest pa s de deux of all. Marie is enchanted; it is all so perfe ct.

Now, tired fro m the festivi ties , Marie imagines she is floatin g away, hi gh above the kingdom and over the mountains. When she opens h er eyes, she is home in bed , h er bel oved Nutcra cker beside her. m

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

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D elroit Opera House

ON STAGE NOtcracker

crac er

Artist Profiles


Morgan , Artistic Director

Since her arrival in 1997, Ms. Morgan has broadened the companys horizons and exposure, initia ted creative collaborations and revitalized the repenoire by creating world premieres such as Romeo and juliet, Ptincess and the Pea, Beyond Innocence and A Midsummer Nights Dlwm, all of which have raised the standard of exce ll ence at Cincinnati Ballet. Ms. Morgan came to Cincinnati Ba ll et after nearly a decade as resident choreographer for the San Francisco Opera; prior to that she was a principal dancer for San Francisco BaLlet (1978-1987) and Ballet West (1969- 1978). She launched her choreographic career in 1985 and has created more than 35 works for 20 opera and ballet companies across the United Sta tes in addition to A LiLtle Night Music for Playhouse in the Park (C incinnati , Ohio), and two PBS specials featuring the Cincinnati Pops. Ms. Morgan produced one of the first ballet CD-ROMs , which is an audio and video description of more than 700 ballet steps and positions.


DeLeone, Music Director

Mr. DeLeone celeb rates his 35t h season ,vith Cincinnati Ballet. He has composed many origina l scores fo r the Company, most recently, The Princess and the Pea. His bestknown work, Peter Pan, composed for Cincinnati Ballet in 1994, is enjoying continued worldwide praise. In London , Mr. DeLeone conducted the debut of Peter Pan during a 28-performance run with the Atlanta Ba Ll et at the prestigiOUS Royal Festi val Hall. Mr. DeLeon e has frequently conducted at Carnegie Hall and in Europe ,vith the Luxembourg Philhannonic Orchestra. His New York debut was with the Ailey American Dance Th eate r. Maestro DeLeone is also Music Director of the Ill inois Philharmonic Orches tra and the Middletown Symphony.

Val Caniparoli, Choreographer

Mr. Caniparol i has been calle d a cho reographer of uncommon abi li ty and rare dramatic vision. A member of San Francisco Ballet since 1973 , he has had a multifaceted career, which includes choreography, dance, music and theater. Caniparoli has created or staged more than 18 ballets for Sa n Francisco Ballet since 1982. In addition, Ballet West has eight of Can.iparolis ballets in its repenoire. He is currently resident cho reographer for Tulsa Ballet Theatre.

Caniparoli has been praised for his ecl ectic and unusual selectio n of music, and for the implicit theatricality of hi s movement. His style and sensibility are unique ly his own. Over the years, Caniparolis ballets have earned him national and international praise from critics and audiences alike. His works are perfonned by many companies, including Ballet West, Boston Balle t, Pac ific Northwest Ball et, Pennsylvania Ballet, Ballet Florida, Singapore Dance Theatre, Atlanta Ballet , Oakland Ballet , Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, Richmond Ballet, Hong Kong Ballet and Israel Ballet. In 1994 he had a major success with hi s first fulllength ba ll et, Lady oj the Camellias, a co-production of Ballet West and Balle t Florida.

Sin ce 1981 , Caniparoli has been the reC ipient of many gra nts an d awards. He has received 10 grants for cho reography from the National Endowment for the Ans. For his ballet Lambarena, created in 1997 for San Franc isco Ballet, Caniparoli received the Choo-San Goh Award and was awarded the Benois de la Danse award from the Internationa l Dance Association at a gala at the Nationa l

Theate r of Warsaw, Poland. His other awards include Mist Fellowship from the California Arts Council, Dance Bay Areas award for Sustained Achievement and an award for Outstanding Choreography for his ballet Aubade.

Caniparoli has choreographed two very successful dances for the San Francisco Symphony Pops series. In 1995 he created the pas de deux Embmceable You to music by George Gersh,vin, and in 1996 he choreographed Psycho, the Ball et set to Bernard Mennanns music from the movie Psycho. For San Francisco Operas 1990 season, Caniparoli choreographed Cap,jccio, which he later reproduced for New York s Metropolitan Ope ra and Chicago Lyric Opera. He also choreographed Andrea Chenier for the Chlcago company.

Born in Renton , Washington, Caniparo li opted for a profess ional dance career after studying music and theater at Washington State University In 1972, at the age of 19, he received a Ford Foundation Scholarship to attend San Francisco Ballet School. He performed San Francisco Opera BaUet before joining San Francisco Ballet in 1973.

His theatrical training gives him a pmticular flair for character roles, such as Lord Capulet in Tomassons Romeo & juliet, j acob Schmidt in Tomasson s Nannas Lied, Drosselmeyer in Christensens Nutcracker, the R.ich Boy in Christensens filling Station, Widow Simone in Sir Frederick Ashtons La fille Mal CQlcite and Madge in Bournonville!Tomasson's La Sylph ide.

Caniparoli was one of the founding members of OMO , a San Francisco choreography co ll ective. For OMOS perfonnances in 1985 , Caniparoli presented Accidental and Abnonnal Chromosomal Events, an experi mental multidiscipl inary work that he first created with a visual designer, composer, lighting designer, and dramaturge for the 1984 Bay Area Playwrights Festival.

Alain Vaes, Costume & Scenic Designer

Alain Vaes is a well known costume and set designer for ballet companies throughout the world, including The New York City Ballet (Walt z Pmject, Swan Lake, Songs oj the Auvelgne, Stabat Mattei; MOlgen, and La Sonnambula), No rth Carolina Ballet (Cinderella), Fon WorthlDalias Ballet (Nutcracker), Boston Ball et (Romeo and juliet andjeu de cartes), National Ballet of Flanders (Don Quixote), and now Cincinnati Ballet. He is also known as an author and illustrator of such popular books as Puss in Boots, 29 Bump Street, TI, e Porcelain Peppup ot, The Wild Hamst el; The SteadJast Tin Soldier and ReynQlci the fox. His most recent book, Plincess and the Pea , was published by Little , Brown and Company in September of 2002. Mr. Vaes has received awards for his ill ustrations and has shown his wo rks at the Pierpont Morgan Library in New York, DeCordova Museum in Massachusetts, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Norman Rockwell Museum and the Fort Wonh Art Museum in Texas, to nam e a few He has played for Frances national volleyball team.

Trad A. Burns, Lighting Designer & Lighting Supervisor

Mr. Burns' ca reer has spanned theater, dance , amusement parks, as well as archi tectural and retail lighting Design ing over three hundred productions during the las t decade , his varied work has been see n around the world His extensive credits include deSigns for Cincinnati Ballet, New York Theatre Workshop (NYC) , La Mama ETC

(NYC), HERE (NYC), Classic Stage Compan y (NYC), Th e Public Theatre (NYC), Cleveland Pub lic Thea tre , Indian a Repertory Th ea tre, Cedar Point , ValleyFair, Knotts Berry Farnl, Kings Island, Walt Disney World, Disney land, Disneyland japan, Disney Sea, Disney Cruise Lines , Ca rn iva l Cruise Lines, Universal Studios Florida &:ja pan, Woodstock Ice Productions, and The Family of Char les M. Schulz.

As the lighting for Cincinnati Ballet , Mr Burns ' designs have included, Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, Th e Nutcrackel; Concerto Bamcco , Serenade , Cannina Burana , j ewels, as well as recreations of the lighting for Blu e Until june and Crace/and.

Mr. Burn s is also the resident designer for Cleveland Public Theatre, where he has deSigned the scenery and lighting for Discordia , Blu e Sky Ii'ansmission: A Tibetan Bo ok oj ti,e Dead, Summer and Smoke, fugitive Pieces , and Cmss Ind ece ncy: TI,e Three Ii'ails oj OScai' Wilde.

With over one hundred and fifty productions to his credi t for Cedar Point since 1989, Mr. Burns has become one of the top designers in the theme park industry His deSigns have included attract ions for every major theme park in th e country, as well as roller coaster and themed retail design s for Six Flags, Cedar Point, KnottS Beny Fann , and Disney World.

Wendy Van Dyck, Assistant to the Choreographer

Wendy Van Dyck was born in Tokyo and rece ived her early danc e training with Fifi Hut in Missoula, Montana. Harold Christensen saw her at age eleven and awarded her a Ford Foundation Scholarshlp to study at the San Francisco Ballet School. She joined San Francisco Ballet in 1979 and in 1987 was promoted to principal dancer by Helgi Tomasson. Her classical roles include the Sugar Plum Faily in the Lew Ch ristensenIHelgi Tomasson production of The NutcrackCl; th e title role in Peter Martins La Sylphide, and j uliet in Michael Smuin's Romeo & juliet. She has also danced leading roles in Cise/le (Perrot/Coralli), Cinderella (S muin), The Dream Pas de Dettx and Monotones I (As hton ), In the Night (Robb ins), forgotten Land (Kylian ), Sunset (Taylo r), Sons oj HOI1IS and Th e Wanderer (Bintl ey), The ComJort Zone an d Dlfams oj HamlOny (Kud elka), Hamlet and Ophelia Pas de Deux (Ca niparoJi), Duo Concertante (Ba lanchine) and many others. Ms. Van Dyc k has toured the world, performing at the Edinburgh Festiva l, the Spoleto Festi val , the Rey kjavik Festival and in Athens, Tokyo , Singapore, Bogota, jerusalem and Paris. In 1995 , she developed and directed the Pila tes program for the San Francisco Ballet and fro m 1996-2000 was on faculty of the San Francisco Ba ll et Schoo l. In add itio n, she co-founded and acts as Associate Directo r of the San Francisco based Lawrence Pech Dance Company. Currently, she is enrolled in the Liberal Education for Ans Professionals (LEAP) program at Saint Malys College in Moraga, Ca lifornia.

Devon Carney, Ballet Master In·Chief

Mr. Carney joins us this yea r after serving as Ballet Master for Boston Ball et from 1998 to 2002 in whlch he assisted in the staging of works by Geo rge Balanchlne , Ann-Marie Holmes , Michael Pink , Ben Stevenson, Christopher Wheeldon, Bruce Wells and many others. Prior to that , Mr. Carney was a principal dancer for Boston Ballet from 1986-1998 he was able to perfoml leading roles in many


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well-known classical ballets suc h as Giselle, Don Quixote and The Sleeping Beauty. He also was the Director of Boston Ballet Summer Dance Program for eight years and his teaching credits include; Alvin Ailey Dance Theatre, Arizona Ballet Summe r Program, Boston Ballet, Cincinnati Ballet, Hartford Ballet, Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre and various regional balle t companies

Johanna Bernstein Wilt, Ballet Mistress Ms. Wilt danced with Cincinnati Ballet for 11 seasons before becoming Ballet Mistress in 1992. Ms. Bernste in Wilt grew up in Columbus, Ohio, and studied at the Me tropolitan Ballet Schoo l, th e New York School of Ballet , Th e American Dance Festival , Oh io State University, and Rotterdam Dan ce Conservatory [n 1992 , Ms. Bernstein Wilt has staged a number of wo rks , induding Table MannmJor Pet er Anastos at the Jacobs Pillow Summer Dance Festival in Massachusetts, John Butler's CQ/"mina Burana for Oakland Ba ll et, sections of Madame BUllerfly for Ball etM et and recreated from video, Th e Seventh Symphony for our tribute to The Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo.

Gregg Saulnier, Ballet Master

Gregg Sa ulnier joined Cincinnati Ballet in 1999 as a fulltime dancer. Mr. Saulnier continues to dance with Cincinnati Ball et and was appOinted to ballet master in 2002 for the production of The Nutcracker Mr. Sau lni er grew up in North Attleboro, Massachusetts, and received training from The School of Festival Ballet in Providence , Rhode Island, under the direction of Christine Hennessy Before co ming to Cinc innati Ballet, Mr. Saul nier danced wi th Ballet Internationale in Indianapolis, Indi ana under th e direction of Eldar Aliev.

Rene Micheo, Ballet Master

Rene Micheo joined Cincinnati Ballet in June of '88. He has delighted audiences throughout th e United States while viSiting othe r companies. A nati ve of Gua temala City, Guatemala, he began danCing at the local conservatory, later training at the Houston Ballet Academy, The Municipa l School of Chile and Steps New York. He has danced as a soloist and principal with Ballet Nacional de Guatemala, Ballet de Santiago, Houston Ballet , Sarasota Ballet Tulsa Ballet as well as Cincinnati Ballet. His roles have from time to Lim e with the Cincinnati Ball et, from lead dancer on ou r full-length production to Information Technology Manager, Photographer, Ballet Master, Choreographer and Webmaster. We like to ca ll him our sec ret weapon.

Ronna Willis

Ronna Willis is a native Cincinnatian. She began character roles wi th Cincinnati Ballet four years ago as Lady Montague in Romeo and Juli et. Since then, she has performed roles such as Grandmother in The Nutcracker, Hippolyta in A Midsummer Nights Dream and The Gypsy Fortun e Teller in Don Quixote. She also serves as a vice presid ent on the Board ofTrustees for Cincinnati Ballet and chair of the dancer relations and communications committee. She has many roles within Cincinnati Ba ll et and enjoys every one of them I


Kristl Capps

A native of Charlotte, North Caroli na , Ms. Capps has been with the company since 1996. This is Ms. Capps' second yea r as a principal dancer He r ballet training includ es the School of American Ballet, Harid Conservatory and North Carolina School of the Arts, where she was chosen to st ud y at the Hungarian State Ballet School for three summers.

Prior to joining Cincinnati Ballet, Ms. Capps was a member of the Atl anta Ball et for three seasons In CinCinnati, Ms. Capps delighted aud iences in many lead roles, includ ing Marie , Sugar Plum Fairy and Snow Queen in The Nutcracker, Kitri in Don Quixote , Swanhilda in Coppelia, principal in Who Cares' and Aurora in Sleeping


Beauty For the past six summe rs, Ms. Capps has been a member of the Chautauqua Ballet Company, under the direction of John Pierre Bonnefoux.

Dmitri Trubchanov

Mr. Trubchanov, was born in Turkmenistan. At age 8, he moved to St. Petersburg, Russia , and was accepted into the Vaga no va Sc hool of Ballet , no w known as the Academy of Russian Ballet. Later, as he advanced in his training and ca reer, Dmitri performed roles at the Kirov Ballet Maryin sky Theater in St. Petersburg for six years. His favor ite ballets at that time included La Byader-e, Le Corsaire , and The Fountain oj Bakhchisami. Upon his arrival in the United States, Dmitri danced with Colorado Ba llet in Denver, Colorado and Arlington Ballet in Arlington, Texas, before co ming to Cincinna ti.


Leah Elzner

In her 12th season with Cincinnati Ballet , Ms. Elzn er has returned as a senior so loist. She has delighted Cincinnati audiences with her portrayals of Sugar Plum Fairy, Snow Queen and Lead Waltz Couple in The Nutcr-acker; Blu e Bird Pas in Sleeping Beauty; and principal roles in Cinde rella , BUllerfly, Cannina Bmma and Belling the Slayer" Ms. Elzn er has also danced with American Festival Ballet and Tulsa Ballet where she was also a so loist. Ms. Elzner studied at th e Christensen Centre in Salt Lake Cit)' and the San Francisco Ballet School. Ms Elzner is the only mom in the co mpan y. She and her husband, Tim Snyder, have a son and daughter.

Cheryl Sullivan

1n her sixth seaso n with the Cincinnati Ball et, Ms. Sullivan has achieved the level of senior soloist. She is Originally from Boston, Massachusetts, and her ballet training includes Boston Ballet and North Carolina Schoo l of the Arts. Prior to joining Cincinnati Ballet, Ms. Sulliva n danced lvi th Ballet Me mphis , Ball et Met, Louisville Ballet and Boston Ball et. She is most proud of her roles as Snow Queen and Rose in The Nutcracker, Principal in CarminCi BUI'ana, Trey Mclntyres Blue Ul1til June and Waltz girl in Serenade. Ms. Sullivan has also enjoyed dancing in several operas here in Cincinnati. The past summer she had the privilege of performing the Gypsy Dancer m Cmcmnall Operas production of La Ti"aviata.

Jay Goodlett

Born at Day tons Wright Patterson Air Force Base , Mr. Goodlett attended the School for Creative and Perfo rming Arts in Cincinnati for nine years before training at the School of Ametican Ballet for several seasons. Mr. Goodlett's first performances lvith the Company were as an apprentice in 1992. Mr. Goodlett has performed in many Cincinnati Ballet productions including: The NLltcracker; Romeo & Juliet, A Midsummer Nights Dream, Cannen, Cinderella, The Lost World, Th e FoUl"Tempemments, and Jewels, among others.

Michael Wardlaw

Mr. Wardlaw is originally from Atlanta, Georgia. While tra ining at The No rth Carolina Schoo l of the Arts, he was chosen by his peers to be a stud ent teacher there. He also trained at The Kirov Academy on a full scho larship. Prior to The Cincinnati Ballet , Mr. Wardlaw danced at The Albany Perhshire Ball et in New York, The Cailike Project , The Tulsa Ballet and The Ballet Contemperario de Carracus. He considers the members of The Cincinnati Ballet to be very close to him and is proud of the past seven years he has spent here. He has a love for teaching ,and in the pa st, has taught for companies such as Blue Lake Fme Arts Camp, Burhlyn Ballet, The Carolina Ballet , The Ballet Conterano in So uth America, Th e Charleston Ballet and The Next Generation Dance Company. Besides danCing, Mr. Wardlaw has started his own business in interior design.



Mishic Marie Corn

Ms. Corn returns to her fourth season lvith Cincinnati Ballet. Her ballet training includes Centra l Penn sylvania Youth Ballet , Nuremberg Opera House and Chamberlain School of Ballet. Before joining Cincinnati Ballet, she danced with Fort Wolth !Dallas Ballet and has spent the past three summers lvith Ballet Arlington, und er the direction of Paul Mejia and Alexander Vetrov. Every summer, Ms. Corn teaches ballet at Chamberlain School of Ballet in Plano, Texas. Ms. Com is married to fellow Cincinnati Ballet dancer Valentin e Liberatore. Some of her memorable roles Hermina in Balan ch ines A Midsummer Nights Dream, Dewdrop and Snow Pas in Th e Nutcracker; and roles in Balanchines ballets, such as Jewels, Bagaku, Agon , and foUl " Temperaments.

Andrey Kasatsky

A native of Moscow, Russia, Andrey Kasatsky says his most cha ll enging moment was that of "deciding to sta rt danCing in the United States" Andrey trained with the Academy of Ballet - Bolshoi Theatre Plior to his arriva l in th e U.S., he danced with Moscow Classical Ballet. He joined Ballet Intemationale in Indianapolis in 1997 and came to Cincinnati Ballet in 1999 Of his many roles, Andrey has been featured in the Nutcracker role of Russian and brought audiences to their feet lvith hi s dynam ic portrayal of Aramis in th e 2000 production of The Three Musketem. Andrey loves a good game of chess and, when asked to describe an interesting fact about himself, he responds lvith a smile ''I'm Russian - need I say more7l"

Anthony Krutzkamp

A homegrown dancer, Mr. Krutzkamp hails from Alexandria, Kentucky He is a graduate of the Virginia School of the Arts and has trained lvith the Houston Ballet and Boston Ballet. Anthony has danced professionally with Kansas City Ballet prior to his dancing with Cincinnati Ballet. From 1996 th rough 2000, Mr. Krutzkamp was awarded full scholarship for ballet training programs including Chautaugua, Joffre y Ballet , Boston Ball et and Houston Ballet. His fa vori te roles are those found in ballets choreographed by George Balanchine. He considers his parents and friends to be his most important role models and the inspiration he needs to build his ballet career. Anthony first j Oined Cincinnati Ball et during the 20012002 Season and has been recently promoted to a soloist.


Valentine Liberatore

A native of Brownsville, Pennsylvania, Mr. Liberatore returns to Cincinnati Ballet in his third season, this year establishing a new dancer ca tegory as a Principal Character Dancer for the 2003-2004 season. He trained at The School of American Ballet and Pittsburgh Ballet Theater. Besides The Cincinnati Ballet, Mr. Liberatore dan ced with Pittsburgh Ballet Theater and Fort Worth , Dallas Ballet. Every role that Mr. Liberatore plays is considered a favorite to him, he enjoys each and every moment spent onstage. Vals cheerfu l personality and upbeat disposition reflects his positive "never give up " atti tude and exp lains that his life is guided by the inspiration and support he receives from his wife, Cincinnati Ballet dancer Mishic Marie Corn.


Aaron C. Thayer

Mr. Thayer, originally from Reston , Virginia, graduated high sc hool one year early to pursue his love of the ballet. He trained at Classica l Ball et Academ y under CynthIa Rudorfer, San Francisco Ballet School and had summer training with American Reperatory Ballet, as well as Chautaugua FesLival. Among his roles, The Husband in Con Amore and A Hungarian Dancer in Raymonda were his favorites.

Sarah Hairston

Ms. Hairsto n joined Cincinnati Ballet in 2001 as a co rps de

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ballet dance r. Her ballet training includ es Calven Brodi e Sc hoo l of Dan ce under Ann Brodie , Hungarian National Ball et, Boston Ballet Sc hool under Tatiana Legal and North Carol ina Sc hool of the Ans under Meli ssa Hayden. Before joinin g Cinc innati Ballet , she danced with the Bos ton Ballet. Among her many roles , her fa vori tes includ es Swa nhilda in Coppe/ia, Mazjana in A Thousand and One Nights, Dark Angel in Serenade, Titania in A Midsummers Night Dream and Coquette in La Sonnambu la. Sara h cred its he r famil y as be in g an inspiration in her life and her ballet teacher, Ann Brodie, as an important role mod el.

Dawn Kelly

Dawn Ke ll y is from Boston, Massac hu setts. She joined Ci ncinn at i Bal let in 1998 as a corps de bal let dancer. Ms. Ke ll y train ed at Boston Ballet, Peml State Choreog raphi c In stitute in Russia, The Vaganova Acade my and Th e Kirov Academy in Wash ingto n, D. C. Amon g her many rol es, Wendy in Petu Pan and Paqu ita in Paquita have been two of her favorites Dawns extraordinary ball et lea p was th e image featured to announce the 2000 -2001 , Season of Cincinnati Ba ll et on the companys season posters and print ma terial. Ms. Kelly continues to deli ght audi ences with every Cin ci nn ati Ball et performa nce.

Tara Mora

A native of New York Ci ty, Ms. Mo ra received her traini ng as a sc holars hip student at the School of American Ba ll et and is a graduate of the High School of Pe rfomling Arts. Ms. Mora's professional affiliati ons includ e At lanta Ballet, Alabama Ballet and Carolina Ball et. Most rece ntl y, she per formed with Suzann e farrell Ballet at the Kenned y Ce nter. Of the principal roles she has dan ce d , her fa vOlites were in George Balanchines Square Dan ce (a lso her most tec hni cally chall enging) and Serenade, Kirk PetersonS Belling the Slayer and Lynne Taylor-Corbetts Iiiptych. This is Ms. MoraS seco nd season with Cincinnati Ball et.

Erina Noda

A native orTokyo,Ja pan , Ms. Noda rece ived hert raini ng through The Sc hool of Zu rich Ball et. Ms. Noda danced at the James Sewe ll Ball et in Min neapol is, Mi nn esota, and 11\ Ba ll et de Key in Zuri ch, Switzerland, be fore coming lO Cin cinnati Ballet. Amo ng the roles she has pe rformed, her favorites include Tsc haikovs ky pas de deux by Bal anchine and Don Quixote pas de deux. In Jun e 2002, Ms No da was honored to dance in Don Quixote and Rom eo & Juli et at th e lnte rl ochen Art s Festival held in Michigan. Erina has also enjoyed portraying Tinkerbell in Peter Pan , Rose in The Nutcracker, Ce lebration of Dawn in Coppe/ia and Amor in Don Quixote with Cin cinnati Ballet. Ms. No da was inspired to become a dancer afte r seeing Cynthia Harvey danCing Don QUixote wi th Ame rican Ballet Th eatre.

Stephanie Roig

A native of Somers, Conn ecti Cut , Ms. Ro ig received her training at the School of the Hartford Ball et, Boston Ba ll et and No rth Carol ina Schoo l of the Arts. She is the reci pient of the National Foundatio n for Ans Advance ment Award. Before joining the Ci ncinnati Ballet in 2000, Ms. Roig danced with the Hartford Ballet , und er the direct ion of Kirk Peterson Seve ral of Step hanies favorite ro les include Queen of th e Dlyads in Don Quixote, Big Swans in Swa n Lak e and th e lea d ro le in Valse Fantaisie , Les Bich es

Tricia Sundbeck

Tr icia recalls one of her most memorab le dance moments was when "my father brought me fiowers on stage at my fi rs t performance of Sugar Plu m f airy" in TIle Nutcmcker. Bo rn and raised in Stoc kton , Cali fornia, Ms. Sundbeck trained wi th Sac ramento Ball et and in summe r wo rkshops with bo th San Franc isco Ballet an d BoSlOn Ba ll et. She rose to the pos iti on of prin cipal dancer with Sacra mento Ballet prior to her arriva l in Cincinnati.

Of the many principal roles she has performed, she is most proud of her Cinderella, Gis elle, Beauty in Beauty and the Beast, Snow Queen, Ambian, Rose and Sugar Plum ro les

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in The Nutcracker and lead roles in bOlh Coppelia and Romeo & JlIliet. She is an accomplished Balanchine dancer, having performed in Rubies, Serenade, Concerto Barocco and La Sonnambula to name a few.

Janessa Touchet

Ms. Touchet returns as a corps de ballet dancer for this season. Born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, Ms. Touche t trained at the Giacobbe Academy of Dance and Pacific Nonhwest Ballet. This past summe r, Ms. Touchet danced Don Quixote Pas de Deux at the Giacobbe Academy orDance &: Delta Fest ival, staffing New Orleans dance anists. She has traveled to Copenhagen, Denmark, to study at Royal Danish Ballet. In June of 2002, Ms. Touchet was a semifinalist in the International Ballet Competition Some of Ms. TouchetS favorite ro les are Tinkerbell in Peter Pan and the Last Boys, Jasmine in Aladdin and Spring Fairy in Cinderella. She counts her mother as her strongest, most important role model and cred its her fiance with providing the needed support and encouragement to be successful in her career. Janessa also enjoys spending time with her two ca ts, Nellie and Lilly, and says that if ball et were not an option, she would pursue a career as a professional beautician.

Zack Grubbs

Born and raised in Dallas , Texas, Mr. Grubbs received his professional dance training at Tuzer Ballet under the direction of Patricia and Tanju Tuzer He also attended the Kirov Academy, American Balle t Theater, Pacific Northwest Ballet, Utah Ballet , Pennsylva nia Ballet and Boston Ballet , where he danced profeSSionally for four years prior to joining Cincinnati Ballet. His love of balle t stems from an initial introduction to ballet as a training me thod to improve his gymnastiC ability One of hi s most Significant ro le models is Devon Carney, and he credits Tanju Tu ze r as his professional mentor. Outside of dan ce, Zack says hi s hobbies include "computers, computers, computers.. " This is Zacks second season with Cincinnati Ballet.

Frank R. Johnson

A native of New Yo rk, Mr. Johnson comes to Cincinnati Ballet from Dance Theatre of Harlem. He received his training at The School of American Ballet, Pennsylvania Ballet, laGuardia High School of Music and An, and various teachers in New York. Mr. Johnson has also danced with Suzanne Farrell Company, Pennsylvania Ballet and Los Angeles Class ical Ballet. Frank is passionate about dance and lists one of his most memorable roles as that of Puck in A Midsummer Nights Dream.

Gregg Saulnier

Gregg Saulnier is from North Attleboro, Massachusetts. He received his training at The School of Festival Ba llet. Mr. Saulnier was honored to be the co-vice principal of The Academy of Ballet lnternationale in 1998-1999 as has been appointed as Ball et Master for The Nutcracker this season. Several of Mr. Saulnie rS favorite roles include Johnny in Paul TaylorS Company B, Glory so lo in James Truitte's With Timbrel and Dance, and demi soloist in W110 Cares. His most challenging role as a dancer was "ge ttin g through Company B and Rapture - two of the most physically demanding ba ll ets I have ever done. " Greg lists several hobbies including cars, cooking, and with the purchase of his new condo, interior decorating.

Gregory Schoenwolf

Mr. Schoenwolf was born in New Mexico , bUl claims Salt Lake City, Utah, as his hometown. Mr. Schoe nwolfs professional dance training took place at both the University of Utah Ballet Depanment and th e Pacific Nonhwes t Ballet School. Prior to joining Cincinnati Ballet , Greg danced professionally at Fon Wonh, Dallas Ballet and Ballet Ok lahoma.

Benjamin Wardell

Born in Zurich, Switzerland, Mr. Wardell began ballet at age 10 in Memphis, Tenn essee. He joined Cincinnati Ballet

last year after completing his training at Classica l Ballet Memphis School. He attended the summer program s of the Joffrey Ballet School, Houston Balle t Academy and Vail International Dance Festival, all on full scholarship. In Memphis, Benjam in completed his Royal Academy of Dance major examinations, achieving Honors on his advanced exam. When he is no t danCing, Ben enjoys literature, studying foreign languages and writing Recently one of Mr WardeliS origina l poe try was published.

Kelly Ann Sloan

Kell y Ann jOined Cincinnati Ballet in 2001, after grad uating from Indiana Un ive rSity with degrees in ballet and joumalism. Born and raised in Bayonne , New Jersey, she trained at New Jersey Ballet School and regularly perform ed with its professional company She also attended summer programs at American Ballet Theatre in New York City and "Exploring Ballet with Suzanna Farrell" at the Kennedy Center. Kelly Ann is truly grateful for eve ry minute she spends onstage and would like to thank her parents for their love, suppon, and car mileage so she could follow her dream l She teaches ballet and jazz at th e Ouo M. Budig Academy of Cincinnati Ballet, and enjoys writing, thea tre, swimming, and exploring Cinc innati in her spare time.

Sergei Pakharev

A native of St. Petersburg , Russia , Mr. Pakharev trained at the Academy of Russian Ballet, the School of the Ki rov Ballet. He has had an exci ting career receiving diplomas at both the International Ballet Competition of Rudolf Nureyev in Budapest , Hungary and the International Ballet Competition of Maya Plisetskaya in St. Petersburg, Russ ia. Before coming to Cincinnati BaUet, Mr. Park harev has worked as a soloist for various companies perforn1ing lead roles in ballets such as Coppelia, Swan Lake, Who Cares, Prodigal SOil and Tchaiko vsky Pas de Deux. This is Mr. PakharevS first season wi th Cincinnati Ballet.


Laura Anne Dunlop

After apprenticing with Cincinnati Ballet in its 2001 production of I11e Nutcracker, Ms. Dunlop returns to Cincinnati in her second full season. A native of Elkhart, Indiana , Ms. Dunlops professional dance training includes School of Ba ll et Chicago, Indiana University, as well as several summer programs wi th Miami City Ballet, American Ba ll et Theatre and Pacific Nonhwest Ballet. Ms. Dunlop has danced with such companies as Ballet Chicago, Chautauqua BaUet Company, and most rece ntl y, Cincinnati Ballet. When shes not dancing, Ms. Dunlop enjoys outdoor activities, such as waterskiing and hiking. If dancing were not an option, Laura would like to utilize he r degree in Business which she received from Indiana University.

Staisha Grosch

Ms. Grosch is Originally from Fon Lauderdale , Florida and is delighted to be in her second season as a professional dancer. She did most of her training at San Francisco Ballet Sc hool, as well as Madga Aunon School of Ballet plus various summer programs including Ro yal Ballet School in London and American Ballet Theater in New York. Ms. Grosch recently performed in the USA International Ballet Competition and sta tes that the preparation for the competition was a rewarding experience. Three balle ts that she choreographed were adjudicated and selected to be da nced at the Emerging Choreograp hers Showcase.

Amanda Jesse

A native of Richmond , Michigan, Ms. Jesse returns to th e Cincinnati Ballet after performing in Cincinnati Ball ets The Nutcracker, 2001. Professional training includes Th e Lascu School of Ballet in Michigan, The HARID Conservatory in Boca Raton , Florida, Mercy hurst College in Etie , Pennsylvania, and Indiana University, as well as summer programs that include The School of American Ballet and

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America n Ba llet Theater. Ms Jesse ree ls rortunate to be a pro ress ional dan ce r co nsid erin g she too k tim e 01T to attend and graduate rrom co ll ege. When shes not dan cin g, Ms Jesse enjoys road trips with rri ends, coo kin g, rea di ng, tenni s and tra veli ng, as we ll as spe nding quality tim e wit h her twi n sister

Shannon Smith

Shann on Smith graduated rrom Th e Harid Conserva to ry in Boca Ra to n, Fl orid a, at th e begin ni ng or 1997. He then bega n his pro ress ional ca reer with Sarasota Ball et or Flori da. Shannon has perroml ed in such rol es as th e "Pas de Tro is" in Swan wk e, "Peasant Pas de Deux " in Gisell e, Gregory Robinsons Paga nini VQl iaUons, the titl e ro le in last seasons Peter Pan, and "Romeo" in Boca Ball et Th ea tres Romeo & Jul iet. Arte r rour seasons with Dayt on Ball et , he wi ll begin his first yea r with Cincinn ati Ballet ror the 200304 Seaso n


Jennifer Drake

Originally rro m Texas, Jennirer Drake co mes to Cin cinnati rrom th e Harid Conserva tory Whil e stud ying th ere, she perrorm ed vari ous ro les includin g Harl eq uin and Spani sh in Nutcracke r and the lead character in Hu nga ri an Dances. Ms. Dra ke also da nced wi th Tu zer Ball et in Da ll as, Texas perrorm ing in an array or ballet s includin g Nut crac ker; Swan wk e, Gisell e, and Carmina Bumna.

She participat ed in the summ er wo rks hops or th e Kiro v Academy, the Na ti onal Ball et Sc hoo l and Boston Ball et Th is is Ms. Dra kes first yea r with Cin cinn at i Balle t

Rebecca Erhart

A naLi ve or San Ram on, Californi a, Ms Erhart is new to Ci nci nnati Ball et. A fo rm er stud ent or Co ntra Costa Ba ll et Ce nt re , Ms. Erhart was fea tured with the student co mpany in Paq uita and Th e Nutc ra cker, among other ball ets. Her traill ing th ere wa s s uppl ement ed by attendanc e of such pres ti gious summ e r prog ram s as Th e Sc hoo l o r American Ball et, the Roc k Sc hool or Pe nns ylva ni a Ball et, and th e Miami Ci ty Ball et Schoo l. After gradu ati ng high sc hoo l, Rebecca co ntinued her ball et trainin g with th e Pitt sburgh Ballet Theat re Sc hoo l, and was in vit ed to join th e co mpan y in pe rrorm ances or Th e Nutcracke r and Th e Sleeping Beauty. Leaving Pit tsb urgh, Rebecca jo urn eyed to Indi ana Uni versi ty where s he was th e rec ipi ent of the ba ll et departm ent 's hi ghes t sc hol arship. After two ye ars, Rebecc a graduated rrom Indi ana Uni ve rsity with deg rees in bot h ball et and bu si ness.

Heather Liberman

Ms. Li be nnan is from Cin cinnati and is proud to be one or th e fi rs t two dan ce rs to co me OUt or th e Otto M Budig Acade my and beco me a member or the co mpany Her pro ressio nal dance tra ini ng incl ud es Ba ll et Met, Bosto n Ball et Sc hoo l, Chautaugua Dan ce, Co ll ege Conserva tory or Mu sic and The Otto M. Budig Aca demy of Cin cinn ati Ball et She cred its her ra mil y to helpin g her achieve her d reams and acco mpli sh her goa ls.


Eliza Kell y-S wirt

Leigh Lijoi

La uren Stewa rt m



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Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra



Charlotte Merkerson+ John Madison+ Pamela Hill+ Kyle Mills+ John Dorsey + Concert Master Principal Principal Principal Principal

Velda Kelly+ Sco tt Stefanko+ Laura Larson+ Tamara Kosinski

Carol Evans+ Kathleen Grimes+

Bryan Johnsto n+ Barbara Zmich+ OBOE


TRUMPETS Jean Schneider

Jason Bendler Jan Eberle+ David Kuehn+

James Kujawski CELLO Acting Prin cipal Prin cipal ORCHESTRA

Constance Markwick Na dine Deleury+ Sally Pituch+ Gordon Simmo n s+ PERSONNEL

Jan e t Sullins Principal MANAGER

Diane Bred esen + CLARINET TROMBONE Diane Bredesen

VIOLIN II Minka Christoff+ Brian Bowman+ Greg Nea r+

Victoria Haltom+ John Iatzko Principal Acting Principal Detroit Federation of Principal Campbe ll MacDonald+ Musicians, Loca l #5 ,

Anna Weller+ BASS

HARP Ame rican Federation of Bing Xia+ Derek Weller+ BASSOON Patricia Terry-Ross+ Musicians

Ewa Uziel Principal Spencer Phill ips+

Elizab eth Rowin Clark Suttle+ Principal

TIMPANI + Member, Michigan

AndrewWu Leonard o Soto + Opera Theatre Orchestra


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27., 2004

About Les Ballets Afncains


Les Ballets Africains , the n ational ensemble of the Re public of Guinea , has thrilled audiences worldwid e since it w as fo rmed b y the distinguish ed Guinean choreographer Keita Fodeba in 195 2/53. It is unive rsa lly recognized as Africas most accomplish ed touring company

In a c omp elling program celebrating the companys h alf- century, Les Balle ts Africains performs tra ditional dance, mu sic , acroba tics and storytelling. Pulsing rhythms from ancient tribal instruments build the excitement , as the comp an y bursts onto the s tage in an explo sion of dance and song. Fa scinating legends, fille d with humans, animals and spirits, unfold in a fast-pa ced j oyous cel ebration that will leave audien ces breathless. Les Balle ts Africains captures the elemental energy of its native land in a p erformance that is pure sen sa tion.


The Republic of Guinea is situated on the west coa st of Africa. It is bordered by Guinea Bisseau , Sene gal , Mali , Cote d 'lvoire , Liberia and Sie rra Leone. Guinea is divided into four natural regi ons: the Guinean Highlands, Maritime Guinea , the Fores t Region and Fouta Dj allon These areas co n s titute som e of the mo s t fantas tic and vari ed scenery in West Africa, from humid coas tal plains and swamps to the fertile and foreste d hills and plateau s o f the interior The four n a tural regions are inhabited b y a grea t di versity of people s, each po ssessing their own distinct culture and language

The company consists of p eople from each of the princip al group s to b e fo und within Guinea, wi th all the problem s o f differing languages and cu stoms thi s impli es . Each m ember of the c ompany is obli ge d to take up the trem endous challenge of becoming proficient , n o t only in their own cultural inheritance, but in that of the o ther tribes.

Les Balle ts Africains, in its rol e as the national d an ce company of the country, has mastered the art of pres entin g an accurate portrayal of m any of these different cultural forms, to a d egree of excellen ce in performance tha t is entirely satis fac tory to and respectful of the p eopl es conce rne d

Each produ ction tours inte rnationally for up to two yea rs, presenting lite ra lly hundred s of performan ces ac ross the globe. Sin ce the co mp an ys incep tion in 19 5 2 , it h as always b een artis tic p olicy to produ ce wo rks tha t d ea l with uni ve rsa l issues wi thin th e context o f the cultural p e rs pective For example, pa st shows in rece nt years su ch as Mal!Sa id o fo cu se d on fa ithfulness a n d tru st , w hil st Th e Bel l of Hamana con cent rated on the prote ction of the environment. The produ c tion Sil o, Th e Path of Life d em on strated the importance of a good e du ca tion for the youth of today, confronted with the re sponsibilities of to m o rrow, and Herit age re fl ec ted the a ccomplishments and as pira ti o n s of a peo ple b eing p asse d from gen e ra ti o n to gen eration.

Today, Les Ballets Africains is prep aring to embark on a voyage into the 21 st century For the 200 3- 2004 season , Les Ballets Africains is producin g a n ew w ork ce le bra ting the c ompan ys illu stri ou s 5 0- year his to ry Und er the gu idanc e of Artis tic Dire ctor It alo Zambo and assiste d b y Technical Directo r H amidou Bangoura and Choreographer Moh am ed Kemoka Sano, th e 35 strong en semble will present an inimi tabl e blend of traditional d an ce, mu s ic and s to ry- te lling , lace d with a supe rb dem on strations of sp ec tacle, ac robatiC S, comed y and drama


Les Ballets Afri ca ins h as toured the four co m ers of th e ea rth during an illu strio u s career spanning 5 0 yea rs and is uni ve rsally rec ogniz ed as Africas most ren owned and accomplis h ed d an ce company For a halfcentu ry, Les Ballets Africains have re p rese nted its country, continent and cult ure a t som e o f the worlds m ost pres tigiou s inte rna ti o nal fes ti vals and ve nu es.

The rich and varied rep ert oire presents a living demons tra tion of Africa's prodigiou s cultural h eritage, the vitality and authentici ty o f w hich is ensured by continuing with the dail y life of all African p e ople.

Crea te d in 195 2 b y the dis tingu ish e d Guinean c horeogr apher, Keita Fo d eba , Les Ballets Africa ins becam e the national en se mble of th e Republic o f Guin ea a fter its indep enden ce in 1958 The co m pan y has b een recogniz ed and en courage d in its role o f roving ambassa d o r, carryin g with it the pride and aspira tion s of the p eo pl e The

co mpanys ultima te mi ss ion is to fos te r a grea ter unders tanding of Africa , h oping tha t will lea d to a brighte r fu ture for its p eo ple.


Italo Zambo, Arti stic Director

Italo Zambo wa s b orn in March 193 8 in Dakar (Republi c o f Sen egal). He sh owe d great inte res t in danCing a t a ve r y ea rl y age a nd dro pp ed out of scho o l at a very ea rl y age to ente r a d an c ing company, imme dia tely b eco ming a princip al o f Le s Balle ts De mba Kan oute.

After performin g with Les Ball ets Demba Ka n oute for three yea rs, in 1955 h e j oin ed Les Balle ts Afri ca ins o f Keita Fod eb a as a co me d ian , d an ce r a nd ac rob at. During the tim e Guinea was d ecla ring its ind ep end ence in 195 8 , Les Balle ts Africains h ad its fir st big USA tour, prese nting Italo Zamb o as on e of the s tar s.

He left Le s Balle ts Africa ins to se rve in the mili tary in 1959, w h en Les Balle ts Afri cains o f Keit a Fodeb a b eca m e Le s Ball ets Africa ins o f th e Republic o f Guin ea After co mple ting military service, h e j o ined Balle t Na tional of Sen egal as the directo r

Italo Zambo re turned to Les Ball e ts Africa ins of the Republi c of Guinea as the reh ear sal direc tor in 196 2. While working und er title for seve ral yea rs, he p a rti cipa te d and got awarded several film roles, including rAfriqu e Dance. He was also ho n ore d as th e Best Arti s t by th e pres ident of Re publi c o f Zaire.

Fin ally, h e b ecam e a ch ore ogra ph er for Les Balle ts Africa in s in 1975. Also h elping wi th d esigns of lightin g and co s tumes , h e ac te d as the co mp an ys general sup erviso r until h e be came the Artistic Directo r in 1987. He has b ee n award e d the k ey to the ci ty o f Dallas, Texas, and honored wi th c itizenship to celebra te hi s contributi on to the art s and sciences.

Keita Fodeba , Fo un der

Keita Fod eb a was bo rn Janua ry 19, 19 21 , in Sigu iri (Repu b lic o f Guinea). Afte r co mpleting his primary edu ca tion in Con ak ry, the ca pital of Guinea, h e attend ed William Ponti In stitute in Da k ar (S ene gal). In 19 44 , h e gra du a ted with a teaching d egree fro m Da ka r. After teaching high -sch oo l stud ents a couple of yea rs in Sen ega l, h e m ove d to Paris and becam e an avi d re sea rch e r o f the -

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a ter and dance. Eventually, in 1949, h e found e d The African Theatre of Keita Fo d eb a.

His fir s t efforts of produ cin g and introd u ci n g Arri can style drama h a d m an y h ardsh ips. Arte r a couple of yea rs o [ s truggling wi th langu age and cultural p ro blems, h e ren am e d his company Les Balle ts Afri cain s o f Ke ita Fo d eb a in 195 4 H e ch ose dance as h is p limary attraction , b eca u se i t allowed him to express many asp ec ts of Arrica n li fe b y u sing origina l rhythms crea te d by num ero u s unique instrument s .

Th e fir s t Les Ballets Ahicains p erform an ce was staged at the Thea tre Etoile d e Pa ris on N ovemb er of 1952 . It was an in s tant su ccess. Aft er touring in Fran ce [o r a couple o f yea rs, Fo d eba brou ght his comp an y to Afri ca in 1955 and produ ce d an ex ten sive tour a mong Fre nch Co lo ni es of West Africa . During tha t trip , h e was selected to b e Minis te r of Int eri or of th e Rep u b lic of Guinea b y Guineas Forme r Presid en t , Ahm ed Se k ou Toure.

Fo d eb a la ter w as invit ed to b e th e h ea d o f Defen se and Security of Guinea, during

the country's war to ga in indep endence After changing seve ral p ositi on s within the gove rnm ent , h e go t arres te d for political reas ons on Ma rch 21 , 1965, and w as kille d in prison . Guinea st ill m ou rns Keita Fod eb a as the teach er wh o pion ee re d a d an ce comp an y tha t conn ec te d African culture to the res t o f the wo rld an d in tro du ce d its lega cy wi th style and elegan cy

Hamidou Bangoura, Tec hni ca l Direc tor Hamidou Ban go ura was b orn on De cemb er 31 , 19 41 , in Co n akr y (Republic of Guinea ) in a large family of nine. He rece ive d hi s primar y e du ca tion in Sand ervalia, Co n ak ry In 195 4 h e attended African Dan ce and Choreogra phy So umah Mngu e and a ft er grad u a tin g wi th high h ono rs, h e m ove d to th e Su p erior Africa n Danc e and Ch o reograph y Sch ool of Keita Fo d eb a, the fo und er of Les Balle ts Africains . Ban goura wo rk ed as an ass is tant to the Arti stic director o f Les Ba ll ets Africains from 19 70 to 198 0 H e also se r ve d as the general manager from 198 0 to 1988 and ha s been th e technica l direc tor eve r sinc e II

The arts enrich our li ves in ways t hat go beyond the spoken word or mus ica l note. They make us laugh. They make us cry. They li ft our spirits and bring enjoyment to our lives. The arts and cu l tural opportunities so vita l to th i s community are also important to us. That's why (omerica suppo r ts the arts. And we applaud t hose who join us i n mak ing i nvest ments that enric h peop l es lives.

We listen We understand We make it

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Program A

March 4, 6, 8:00 pm, March 7, 2:00 pm


Ch oreograp h y:

Stage d b y:

Mu sic:

Cos tume Design :

Costume Exec uti on:

Li ghting Design:

Prem iere :



Ch o reograp h y :

M us ic:

Cos tu me Designer :

Cos tume Executi on er:

Lightin g Design:

George Balanchine

Eve Lawson

Piotr Uyich Tchaikovsky, Sere nade in C

Major for String Orches tra


Zelda Wynn

Edward Effron

September 21,1999


A Song for Dead Warriors

Cho reography: Michael Smuin

Stage d b y: Attila Ficzere

Alison Dean

Mu sic: Charles Fox

Cos tume &: Se t Design: Willa Kim

Lighting Design: Sara Linnie Slocum

Proj ections Design : Ronald Chase

Indian Dan ce Con sult ant: Jasper Redrobe

Indian Singers &: Drumme rs: Tootoonsie Family

Native Ame rican Ad visor : Sacheen Little Feather

Sir Frederick Ashton

Jules Massenet

Anthony Dowel

Pamela Allen-Cummings

Peter Leanord

Program B

Research Co nsultan t:

Sou n d Designer:

Proj ec tio ns Con sul tant:

Stephen K. Smuin

Daniel Livingston

Staging Techniques , Inc.

Premiere: New York State Theatre , Lincoln Center, March 16 , 1993

March 5, 6, 2:00 pm, March 7, 7:00 pm


Ch oreogra ph y : Robert Garland

Mu sic:

Cos tum e Des ign:

Li ghting Design : Pause


Choreog raph y : Mu si c:


James Brown, Alfred Ellis , Aretha Franklin , Carolyn Franklin

Pamela Allen-Cummings

Roma Flowers

George Balanchine

Louis Moreau Gottschalk

A Song for Dead Warriors

Cho reography: Michael Smuin

Stage d by: Attila Ficzere

Alison Dean

Costu me &: Se t Des ign : Charles Fox Willa Kim

Mu sic:

Lighting Design: Sara Linnie Slocum

Projecti on s Design: Ronald Chas e

In dian Dan ce Consultant : Jasper Redrobe

In di an Singers &: Dru m mers: Tootoons i e Family

Native Ame ri can Ad viso r : Sacheen Little Feather

Resea rch Co nsultant: Stephen K. Smuin

So un d DeSigner : Daniel Livingston

Projectio ns Co n sultant: Staging Techniques , Inc.

Pre miere : New York State Theatre , Lincoln Center, March 16 , 1993

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About Dance Theatre

of Harlem

Dance Theat re of Harlem is a leading dance in stitution of unparalleled global acclaim, encompassing a "Cla ssically American" dance company, lea ding arts education cente r, and Danc ing Through Barri e rs, a national and international education and community outreach program . Each component of DTH carries a so lid commitment toward enriching the lives of young peopl e a nd adults around the wo rld through the arts.

Fo unded in 1969 by Arthur Mitchell and Karel Sh ook , Dance Theatre o f Harlem was considered "one of b alle t's mo st eXCiting und ertakings " (The New York Times, 1971). Sh ort ly after the assa ssination o f Rev: Martin Luthe r King, J r., Mitche ll was inspired to s tart a school that wo uld offer children--especially tho se in Harlem , th e co mmunit y in which he was born-the opportunity to learn about dan ce a nd the allied arts. Now in its fourth deca d e, DTH has grown into a multi-cu ltura l d an ce institutio n with an extraordin ary legacy of providing op portunities for creative expression and arti s tic excellence tha t co ntinu es to se t s tandard s in the performin g arts.

Dance Thea tre of H a rlem has ac hieve d unprecedented success, br inging inno va tive and b o ld new forms o f artistic exp ression to audiences in New York City, across the cou ntry and around the world. Among the rece nt hi ghlights of Dance Theatre o f Harlem was its return to England after a 14-yea r hiatu s in 2002 , opening to criti ca l acclaim in London and Manchester, where the y wo n the Manchester Evening News Award in Dance. In 2000 , Dance Theatre of Harlem performed to sold-out hou ses in China, givin g the country its first performances of Firebird , and co nduc ted ex tensive outreach and edu ca tional activities in Mand arin Chinese. That same year, the Company returned to the legendary Apollo Thea te r in Harlem, which marked DTH 's first performances on that stage in 2 5 years.

The Dance Theatre o f Harlem Sc hoo l co ntinu es to offer training to more than 1,000 youn g people annually through professional and pre-professiona l dance programs. The school also offers a community program open to any child who wants to study dance.

DanCing Throu gh Barri e rs " Dance Theatre of Harle m 's edu ca tion program , brings arts ed ucation programs to yo ung peop le in schools and community centers all over the wo rld

Dance Theatre of Harle m is loca ted at 466

West 152nd Street in a newly-designa ted landmark district in H a rlem. Th e building was d esign ed by H ard y Ho ltzman Pfeiffe r & Associates and received th e New York City Department of Gene ra l Services Awa rd for Exce llen ce. After a majo r gift from th e Everett Foundation in October 1994, the bUilding was officia ll y re-opened and dedi cate d as The Everett Ce nter for the Pe rfo nni n g Arts. The histori c site hou ses dance studio s used b y both the Co mpany a nd th e Scho ol. In 2003 , Dance Thea tre of H arle m co nt inu es to ins pire a nd to "ignite" th e minds of people throu ghout the world.

Fo r in fo rmation about the Company's national and international tour schedule, New York City e ngagements and the Dance Thea tre of Harlem Sch ool, visit www.da ncetheat reofha rl emorg.

About Arthur Mitchell

Arthur Mi tchell is known a round the world as an accomplished artistic director, astute educator, ta lent ed cho reogra pher, and ext raordinary dancer. Bo rn in New York Cit y on March 27, 1934 , h e began his dan ce training a t New York City's High Sc h oo l of the Performing Arts, where h e was the first m ale student to win th e co ve ted Annual Danc e Award

permanent member of a major ballet co mpan y when he JOi n ed the New York City Balle t.

During his 15 yea r ca re er with the New York City Ballet, Mitchell rose qu ick ly to th e rank of PrinCipal Dan ce r and elec trified audiences with his performanc es in a b ro ad spectrum of rol es. Mitchell is best known for two rol es cho reogra phed espe Cially for him by the late Geo rge Balanch ine; the "Pas de De ux" from Agon and the li ghth ea rted "Pu c k" in A Midsummer Nig ht's Dream. He also p erfotm ed in nightclub s, on Broadwa y, in film and on television. Mitchell was also a p opu lar guest artist in th e Unit ed Sta tes and abroad.

Upon learn ing of th e death of Re v Martin Luthe r King, Jr. , in 1968, Mitchell was inspired to provide c hildren--espec ial1 y those living in Harl e m-with the opportunity to stu d y da n ce. During the summer of 1968, h e began tea ch in g cla sses in a remodele d garage. In 1969 , with fi nancia l assistance from Mrs. Alva B. Gimbel and the Ford Foundation , Mitch ell founde d D ance Theatre of H a rl em with h is m ento r and ballet inst ructor, Karel Sh ook.

Mitchell is the recip ient of numerou s awa rds and ho nors , including the He inz Awa rd in 2001 and the Governor's Martin Luther King Award in 2000. He was ind u cte d into the Cornelius Va nderbilt Wh im ey H all of Fame at the Na tion al Mus eum o f Dan ce in 2000 He rece ive d th e Americans for the Arts Edu ca tion Awa rd in 1997, th e John W Gardne r Lea d ers hip Awa rd in 1996, th e Nat io n al Medal of Arts in 1995 , and the MacArthur Foundation "Geniu s" Fell owship and a Life tim e Achievement Award from the Sch ool of Ame ri ca n Ballet in 1994. In 1993, during Dan ce Theatre o f Harlem's 25th Anniversary, Arthur Mitchell was elevated to "Living Landmark " sta tu s by the New York Landmarks Co nservancy, b ecame one of the yo ungest Kennedy Ce nter H on o rs reCipi e nts and was presented wit h the H andel Me d allion, New York C ity's mo st prestigiOUS award fo r arti s ti c contribution .

A p a rtial li st o f his affiliatio ns inclu de the Council of th e Natio n al End owme nt for the Arts and an ap po intm e nt to t he Pre sid e nt's Commissio n on White Hou se Fe ll owships by Presi de nt Bill Clinton. He is a n Honorary Patro n of th e Ma r ket Theatre Fo undation in So uth Africa, and former council m e mb e r of the New York Sta te Cou ncil on the Arts. m

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Mitc h ell cont inu ed his classical training when h e received a full sc holarship to the Sc h ool of American Balle t. In 19 55, he was the first African-American male to become a www Mich igallOpe

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Artist Profiles


Duncan Cooper Denve,; Colorado

Duncan Coope r joined the Dan ce Theatre of Harl e m Company as a principal dancer in 1995.

Mr. Cooper trained at New York Sc h ool of Ball et , Palo Alto Ballet, Santa Clara Ballet and the San Francisco Ballet School. H e danced with San Franc isco Ballet from 1989 unti l 1994. He ha s performed in a variety of leading roles at Dan ce Theatre of Ha rl em , including The Prodigal Son, Le Corsaire, Allegro Briliante, Bugaku, A Son g Jor Dead WalTiors, Manifestatiol15, Adrian (Angel on Earth), Firebird , Th e Mo or's Pa vane, Dougla , Dial ogues, Th e j op lin Dances, Cross ing Over, Dark Elegi es , Con B,io, Rom eo & juli et, Swan Lake, Th e Four Temp eram ents , Signs & Wonders, Twi st an d Th e Sleeping Beau ty W ith San Francisco Ballet, h e danced a wide range of roles, includi ng Rom eo & Juliet, Dark Elegies, Har vest Moon, Symphony in C and Sta rs and Stlipes. Mr Cooper has performed as a gues t a rtist with Vi rginia Ball et Theatre , San Jose Ballet Th eatre and Contra Costa Ball et Ce ntre.

Alicia Graf Columbia, Maryland

Ali c ia Jan ell e Graf received her training at Ba ll et Roya le Academy under Donna Harrin gto n - Pid el.

Ms. Graf a lso attended the Sc h ool of American Ballet an d America n Balle t Thea te r summer programs. In 1995, s he won a finalist award at th e Vaganova G rand Prix in St. Petersb urg, Russ ia. At th e age of 1 7, Ali cia began her ca ree r with the Dan ce Th eat re of Ha rl em and was quickl y promot ed to the rank of so loist. She has had the opportunit y to dance lead roles in ballets such as Serenade , Bugaku , Four Tempe ram ents, Prodigal Son, Firebird, South AJ'i.can Suit e, Adagietto #5, and Manifestations. In 1998, The New YOl'll Til11es proclaimed Ms. Graf one of 10 m os t inOu entia l dancers of the year. Durin g a four-year hiatu s from th e company, Alicia gradua ted with honors in H istory from Columbia Unive rsit y and interned atJPMorgan Chase and Essence Magazi ne She a lso dan ced with Co mp lexions , A Co nce pt in Dance. Cu rren t ly, s he is the Associate Artistic Directo r of A Time to Dance , a gos pe l and pra ise dance ministry based a t the Ri ve rsid e Churc h in New Yo rk C ity. Alicia ret urned to Dan ce Theatre of Ha rle m as a principal dancer in 2003.

Ikolo Griffin San Francisco, California

Iko lo Griffin joined the Dance Theatre of Harl em Compa n y in 2001. Mr. Griffin trained at the San Francisco Ba ll et Schoo l, and in the Dance in Sc h ools (D IS) Program in 1983. H e became th e first San Fran cisco Ba ll et Company memb er recruited from the DIS Progra m (1993-2001 ). At Sa n Francisco Ball e t , Mr. Griffin perfo rm ed in works by Balan c hi ne, Robbi ns, Nure yev, MacMillan , Taylor, Ashton, de Mille, Tudor and Lew C hristenso n. He has also wo rked wi th choreographers that includ e Mark Mo nis, J a m es Kudelka, Lil a York , Helgi Tomassen , Va l Ca niparo li , C hri stop he r d 'Am boise , Redha , Dona ld Mc Kay le, and Sta nton Welc h Over the past six years , Mr. Griffi n has also taught ballet and movement classes, and lec tured exte ns ive ly as part of outreach programs aimed at b rin ging dance to chi ld ren around th e world.

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Tai Jimenez jamai ca, New Yo rk

Tai Jimenez has been a member of th e Dance Theatre of Harl em Company sin ce 1988. She began her dance training und e r the direction ofJoa n Millen Mesh. Before joining th e Dance Th eatre of Harlem Schoo l Ensemble, Ms. Jim e nez studied at the sch ool of American Ballet ancl with Mada me Gab ri e lla Darvash. During a hiatus from Dan ce Theatre of Harlem, Ms. Jim enez pe rform ed the role of Ivy Smith (Miss Turnstiles) in th e Bro adway revival of On the Town. She crea ted th e ro le of Fra n in Marie Irene Fornes' Letters Jrom Cuba a nd Isa bel in Debbie Alien s Salt! Possessed Her television a pp ea rances incl ude a fea tured performance on th e Acade m y Awa rds. Ms. Jim enez has also dan ce d in Prin ces "Rave Unto the Year 2000 " And s he is a member of th e improvisational performance g roup You are Madness , Diana! She is honored to rejo in the Dance Theatre of Harlem Company.

Andrea Long Philad elphia, Pennsylvania

Andre a Long joined the Dan ce Theatre of H arlem Company in 1996 and was promoted to principal dancer two years late r, in 1998. Ms. Long trained at the School of Ame rican Ball et and was a member of t he New York City Ballet for nin e years. W it h Dance Thea tre of Harlem , s he has danced fea tured roles in Firebird , Th e joplin Dances, Allegro B'illante, Dialogues, Manifes tations , Le Corsaire and Twist. Sh e has also appeared as a guest artist with Co m p lexio ns.

Lenore Pavlakos Brooklyn, New York

Lenore Pavlakos join ed th e Da nc e Theatre of H arlem Company in 1993, was promoted to so loist in 1998 and prinCipal dance r in 2001. Ms. Pav la kos' n o ted roles includ e, waltz gi rl in Geo rge Balanchines Serenade, Medea in Mi chael Smuin s Medea, Desdemona in J ose Limons Moors PC/van e, Myrta in Freder ic Franklins staging of Creo Ue Giselle as we ll as feature d parts in Alo n zo Ki ngs Signs and Wonders, Robert Garlands Retum and Bill y Wil so ns Ginastera. Ms. Pa vlakos has trained wi th Cat h e rin e Kingsle y and recei ved h er BFA from th e J uilliard Sc h ool. Sh e also train s \vi th Mr. Mo rales in t he Gyrotoni c ExpanSion Syste m at Circular Power. Sh e has per fo rmed as a guest arti s t with va riou s co mpanies an d teac hes Master Classes in the Un ited Sta tes. Ms. Pa vlakos wou ld like to thank he r fa mil y for their conti nual sup port and lo ve over the years.

Caroline Rocher St-Etienne, France

Caro lin e Roche r joined Dan ce Theatre o f H a rlems Dancing Through Barri e rs® Ensemble in 1998, was invited to join the Dance Th ea tre of Ha rl em Company in 1999 and was promot ed to pri n cipal dancer the following year. Miss Ro cher bega n her training at the Conservatoire de Mon tpeili er an d la ter studied a t the Rud ra & j art Lausann e Sc hool in Switzerlan d After wo r king as a solo is t at the Crazy Horse Ca baret in Paris, Miss Rocher ca m e to the United States to study a t the Alvin Ailey Ame ri can Dance Ce nter. Lead ing roles with the Dance Theatre of Ha rlem Company include South AJ'ican Suit e, TIle Four Tempera ments, Ago n, Othello, Glen Tetleys Sphinx, th e role of the Siren in The Prodigal Son, Gise ll e in Creole Giselle,

and "Be nd , Bu c kle an d Screw" in Twi st an d Return. Durin g th e Co mpan y'; 30 th Anniversary, as part of th e New York City BalletlDance Thea t re of H arl em co ll abora tion , Rocher performed in Slaught er on Tenth Avenu e with Damien Woetzel. Miss Rocher trav e led wi t h Stars o f American Ballet to Re ck linghau sen, Germany, and performed Le Spectre de la Ros e w it h Am erica n Ballet Theatres Vlad imir Malakhov during the Career Transition for Dancers 2000 Gala.

Kellye A. Saunders Washington, D C

Ms. Saunders began her dan ce training at th e J o nes- H aywoo d Sc hool of Ballet in Was hin gton, D .C. She co nti nued h er studies at Le Cent re Da nse Intern at iona l in Cannes, Fra n ce, und er th e tut elage of Rose ll a H igh tower. Ms. Saunders has perfoml ed a wide range of roles in the Compa n ys repertoire includin g fea tured roles in Firebird, Creol e Gi se ll e, Allegro Brillante, The Rive,; A SongJor Dead Waniors, Signs And Wond ers, Adrian (A ngel 011 Earth), The FoUl' Temperam ent s, The Moor's Pavane, Songs oj Mahler and Co ncerto ill F. Sh e has also p erform ed th e Stripteas e Girl in Slaug llt er on Tenth Avenue as a guest artist wi th th e New Yo rk City Ballet. Ms. Saun de rs has appeared o n Broadway in Porgy and Bes s and Th e Red Shoes. She has also a ppeared on Sesame Street a nd has performed as a guest artist with the Was h in gto n Balle t , Atlanta Ball et, Maryland Ball e t , Complexio ns, an d th e Fl int Ins titute of Music.

Kip Sturm Chi cago, Tllin ois

Kip Sturm jO in ed the Dance Theatre of Ha rl em Co mpany in 1998. Mr Sturm dan ced wi th Maria Tallch ief's C hi cago Ci ty Ballet and Milwaukee Ball et and was a so lo ist with Pittsb urgh Balle t und e r Patri cia Wilde He train ed wi th the Ruth Page Foundation , T he North Caroli na Sc ho o l of the Arts , Pennsylvan ia Ba ll et, the Interlochen Music Ca mp and at Ame ri ca n Ballet Thea tre's su mmer program s. He has perforll1 ed leading roles in Swan Lake , The Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella , Don Quixote, A Midsumme r Night's Dream , Th e Taming oj til e Shrew, La Baya dere, TI1eI11 e and VQliatiol15 , The Four Tem perame nts, Sy mphony in C, Western Symphony, "E mera lds "Jrom Jewels and J iri Kyli ans Retu rn to a Strange Land. At Da nce Thea tre of Ha rl em, he has per forll1ed in Ad,ian (A ngel on Earth), All eg ro B,illante, Buga ku , Firebird, Creole Gis elle, Retum , Twis t, Le Corsaire, A SongJor Dead Warriors, Memento Mori and Manifes tation s. Mr. St urm has perform ed at th e N ureyev Fes t ival in Russia and was featur ed as Siegfried in a Pittsburgh Symphony Pops performan ce te levised nationall y on PBS.

Ramon Thielen Barqui se mento, Vene z uela

Ramon Thie len joi n ed the Dan ce Theatre o f Harle m Co m pa n y in 1998 and was promo ted to prinCip a l d a nce r in 2000. Mr. Thie len began his b all e t studi es in 1982 with Nery J o h nson a t th e Casa d e la Cultu ra 'Julia Garmendia ." He received additiona l trai nin g in t he Gu stavo Frank lin Balle t Sc hool in Caracas, Ve n ezuela In 1987 , he became part of the Ball et Nuevo Mundo de Caracas, becoming princip a l dancer in 1990. La ter in 1991 , Mr Thielen j oi ned the Cleve lancl!San J ose Ballet and was featured BRAVO

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in many prin cipa l rol es in th e Companys classical and co ntemp o rary repertoi re He has toured exte nsive ly as a guest artist with many n at ional and inte rnational companies. His leadin g roles include Swan Lake , The Nutcracker, Rom eo and Juliet , Manifestations , Sp hinx, Equus, Ca rmina BLlrana, Spartacus and Apollo.

Kevin Thomas Montreal, Canada

Born in Trinidad , Kevi n Thomas j oined the Dan ce Thea tre of H arlem Com pany in 1995 and was promoted to principa l d an cer in 1999 Mr. T h omas began his training in 1980 with Eco le Superi eure de Danse du Quebec. He late r j Oined Les Grands Ballets Ca n adiens, a nd in 199 1 , was invi ted to join the Cleveland Ballet as a soloi s t. He has performed lea ding ro les in Romeo and Juliet, Swan Lake, Copptlia, Nutcracker, Pas de Dix, Th e Overcoat, Tarantella, Agon, Who Cares , A Midsumm er Night's Drea m, Don Quixote and Aureol e, and h as performed as a gu es t art ist in Lucife r's Datter with Fl eming Flindt and Peter Sc haufuss , and in the Sleeping Beauty "Pas de Deux" for the Royal Ballet's Chance to Dance educatio nal ou treac h program. At Dan ce Theatre of Harlem , Mr. Thomas' credits inclu d e ro les in Th e Prodigal Son, Dialogues, Th e Four Temp eraments, Oth ello, Adlian !Angel on Earth), Equus and Dougla. He is co- author, with Dr. Chri s Faivor, of Hypnosis and lmagelY in Dance Peljorn1Qnce, publi sh ed in th e Califomia Association oj Counse ling and Development Journal.

Rasta Thomas San Francisco, California

Born in 1981 and raised in Riyadh , Sau di Arab ia, Rasta Thomas studied at the Kirov Academy of Ballet in Washing ton , D.C As a teenager, Mr. Th omas made dance comp etition hiStory with hon ors including the Specia lj ury Prize from the 1994 Paris mc , the Gol d Medal in the juni or Men's Division of the 1996 Varna mc , and the Gold Medal in the Senior Mens Division o f the j ackson, MS USA- m C In 1995 , he beca m e a member o f Lejeune Ballet de France and in 1997, was invited to be a Principal Dancer wi th the Hartford Ballet. H is guest credits include the Russian Imp eria l Ballet , Nat iona l Balle t o f C h ina, Victor Ullate Ballet of Spain , Inoue Ball et of japan , Universal Ball et o f Korea, Joffrey Ball et , Tulsa Ball et and Philadanco. He has been a fe atured soloist at m an y galas, including Le Ga la Des Etoi les I n 2001 , Mr. Thomas was t he first American to b ecome a m ember of the Kirov Ba ll et of St. Petersburg , Russia. Mr. Thomas has danced diverse roles including "Basi lio" in Don Quixote, "A li " in Le Corsa ire and "Dea th" in Debbie Allens Soul Possessed Television c red its include a Bravo documentary in 1997 , CBS Brea kfast with the Arts , Sesame Stree t , a featured so lo during the 1999 Academy Awa rds and the Spring 2000 international ad campaign fo r The GAP Mr. Thomas is feat ured in the soon-to-be released feature fi lm One Last Dance starring Patrick Swayze. Mr. Thomas joined Dance Theatre of Harl em in 2003. James Washington New York, New Yo rk

J ames Washington grew up in Charl esto n , South Carolina Mr. Wash ington was invite d to j oin the Dance Th eatre of Harlem in 1988. H e per formed with the Company from 1988 through 1989 before joining New J e rsey Ballet (1989- 1995). Mr. Washington returned to Dance Theatre of Harlem in 1995, was promoted to soloist in 1999 and pri n cipal dance r in 2000. He ho ld s a Bachelor o f Fine Arts degree from North Carolina Sc hool of the Arts. Hi s per form ance credits at Dance Theatre of Harlem include roles in The Moor's Pavane, Fall River Legend , Dialogues, Th e Four Temperaments and All eg ro Blil/ante. Mr. Washington wou ld like to thank God


for his gift of dance and his family for the ir love and support , especially h is sister, Vivian , who ha s become the wind beneath his wings.

Donald Williams Chi cag o, Illinoi s

Donald Willia m s joined Dan ce Theatre of H a rl em in 1977 as an apprentice and was promoted to princ ipal d ancer in 1983. He began his d ance trainin g "vith La rry Lon g at the Ruth Page Fo und at ion in C h icago. At age 12, Mr. Williams accepted a scho larship to comp lete his t raining at Dan ce Theatre of Harlem. H e has perform ed many lead ing roles including, Giselle, Swan Lake, Le Corsaire Pas de Deux, Th e Moor's Pa vane, Fancy Free, All egra Blillante, Agon, Who Ca res, The Four Temperaments , Voluntali es, Dialogues and Geoffrey Holder's Banda and Dougla. As a guest artist, he ha s performed with London's Royal Ball e t and at the International Ballet Festival in C uba. He partne red Cynth ia G regory at the Gala oj the Stars in Bilbao, Spain. Mr. Williams also dances frequently with Co m p lexio ns, Dance Galaxy and Dances Patre ll e. Tele visio n credits in clude the role of th e Young Man in PB S' Peabody Awa rd-winning "Kenn edy Center Tonight: Stravin skys Firebird, " Mitch in A Streetcar Named Desi re and Motown's 30th Anniversary SpeCial. Mr. WHliam s appeared in the film Cotton Club and, in 1998, mad e hi s Broadway de bu t in the Ton y Awa rd -winning musi cal Ragtim e.


Mark Burns Jamaica, West Indies

Ma rk Bums joined the Dance Theatre of Harle m Co mpan y in 1993. Mr. Burns trained a t the J offrey Scho ol of Ba ll et, School o f American Ballet and t he

Alvin Ail ey American Dan ce Cente r. At Dance Theatre of Harlem , he has danced leading roles in such ballets as Dougla, Signs and Wonders, Th e Ri ve r, Retum and Twist. Mr. Burns ho ld s a Bachelor of F ine Arts degree from New York University.

Antonio Douthit S1. Louis, MissoUli

Mr Do uthi t began hi s dance training at age 16 at the Center for Conte m porary Arts un der the d irection of Lee No lting and at the Alexandra School of Ballet. He a lso attended th e Nort h Carolina Scho ol of the Arts and summer programs at the Joffrey Ballet Schoo l in New York , the Sa n Francisco Ballet , and D ance Theatre of Ha rlem. After graduating from high schoo l, he joined Dance Theatre o f Harlem w here h e has appeared in fea tured roles in South AJrican SUite, Dougla, Concerto in F, Return, and George Balanchin es Agon. Mr. Douth it h as also performed with Les Grand Ballet Canad iens de Mont rea l and No rth Carolina School of the Arts

Paunika Jones Miami, Florida

Prior to joining th e Co mpan y in 1998 , Paunik a Jones studied ballet , mod em, tap and jazz at th e New World Sc hool of the Arts. She has trained under the di rect ion of Ursi no Devill e, Linda Albritton, Yay[ Ferretta, Beatrice Leve rn e and studied in t he Alvin Ailey Am erican Dan ce Center Summ e r Intensive Program. At Dance Theatre of Ha rlem , Ms. Jones ha s danced roles in Firebird, Serenade, Dougla, South African Suite and RetLlrn.


Fidel Garcia Havana , Cuba

Originally from H avana, Cu ba Fid el Garcia trained at the sch oo l of Camaguey, Cuba before joining the Ba ll e t of Camaguey as a Principal Dancer. He has per form ed wit h companies in Mexico and Peru as well as with the Washington Ballet before joining

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th e Dance Theatre of Harlem in 2003. Mr. Garcia has perfornled leading roles in Giselle , Coppelia, Don Quixot e, Le Co rsaire, Swan Laile , Dark Elegies and The Four Temperaments.

Addul Manzano Santiago de Cuba , Cuba

Addul Manzano b egan his ball et t rai nin g at the National Ballet School of Cuba in Havana and was se lected to compete in the 7 th Internatio nal Competi ti on for Balle t , also in Havana. After graduation, Mr. Manzan o was se lected to join the National Ballet of C uba u nder the direction of Alicia Alonso. As a member of that compan y, he toured internationally an d perfonm ed m any solo roles in ball ets includin g Swan Lake, Don Quixote and Sleeping Beauty. Upon his arrival in the United States, Mr. Manzano joined th e Co lumbia City Ballet as a principal dancer and was later invited to join the Washington Balle t , under director Se ptime Weber.

Melissa Morrissey Contoocook, New Hamp shire

Ms. Morrissey tra ined o n scholarsh ip at Bosto n Ballet Sc h oo l, School of American Ballet and the Natio na l Ballet School in Toronto. She join ed Na tional Ba ll et of Ca nada in 1994 , w h ere she danced for fo ur years. Othe r credits include Ball etMet of Col um bus, Oh io, and Eliot Fe ld 's Ba ll et Tech. Mr. Morrissey jo ined Danc e Th ea tre of H ar lem in 2000


Frederic Franklin Artistic Advisor

At age 17, Frederi c Franklin began his profess ional ca ree r in 1931 at the Casino de Paris, w h e re he appeared with J osep hine Bake r Mr. Franklin has been staging ballets at Dance Theat re of H arlem sinc e 1979. In the late 1980's h e was named Artistic Ad visor, fornlalizing a freela n ce re lat ionship that cove red two decades Among the man y works th a t Mr. Franklin has staged and directed for the D ance Theatre of Harlem Company are Creole Giselle, Swa n Lake (Act II), Scheherazade , Ruth Page 's Franki e &Joh nny, Raymonda "Pas de Dix ," Sy lvia "Pas d e Deux " and Plince Igor. Many of Mr. Franklin s credits include Broadway shows and films.

Eve Lawson Ball et Mistress Washington, D C. Ms. Lawson was appo inted ballet m istress in Septembe r 2003 after staging Serenade fo r Dance Theatre o f Harlems 2003 Lincoln Center F estival p er formances. Sh e is a repe tit eur for the George Balanchin e Trust , and s tages Balanchine balle ts internationally. For DTHs current season , Ms. Lawson is staging t he Compan y's premieres o f Apollo an d Tarant ella, as we ll as Concerto Baracco and Agon. Ms. Lawson received her training at the Sc h ool o f American Ballet. As a principal dancer with th e Kansas Ci ty Ballet , u nde r its director Todd Bo lende r, s he per fornl ed th e lead in the revival of Balanchines Haieff Divertimento. In 1988, she jo ined the Miami City Ballet , under the direct ion of Edward Ville ll a. In 1994 , s he was appointed the Company's Ba ll e t Mistress and served on the Artis t Committee of the MCB Schoo l. For MCB , Ms. Lawson s taged the Companys premieres o f Giselle, Coppdia, Paquit a and Grand Pas Classique She restaged, amo n g others, the productions of Jewels, The Four Temperament s, Allegro Blil/ante, Square Dance, Divertimento #15 and Sylvia Pa s de Deux.

Keith Saunders Ba ll et Master Baltimore, MQ/yland

Keith Saunders began dancing in 1971 while a stu dent at Harvard Un iversity He began his ball et trai ning in 1973 at th e National Center for Afro-

[ I I
Detroit Opera Hou se

Ame ri ca n Artists in Dorchest e r, Massac hu se tts. Mr. Sa und e rs jo ined Dan ce Theatre o f Harl e m in 1975 a nd co minued his development und e r th e tu telage of Arth ur Mitchell, Karel Shook and Wi lliam Griffi t h He beca m e a princ ipa l dan cer with DTH , perform in g a wid e r ange of roles throughout t h e co mpany's repertoi re for m o r e than 1 7 years. He also da n ced wi th France 's Ba ll e t du No rd (1986) a nd Ba li e tM e t o f Columbus, Oh io (1987-1989). As a g ues t art ist, Mr. Saund e rs ap p ear ed with va ri ous compa ni es, including Boston Repe rt ory Ba ll et, Mary land Ba ll et, Egl evsky Ba ll e t , BaU et hni c Dan ce Co mpan y and the David Parso n s Com pan y Ke ith Sa und e rs h as been a m e mbe r of th e Da n ce Th ea tre of Harlem Schoo l faculty, as well as th e faculti es o f th e New Ballet Schoo l (now Ba ll e t Tec h), th e 92nd St reet Y, and the Ba lle tMet Danc e Academy. Mr. Sau nd e rs was appointed assis tant ball et ma ste r in 1994 a nd ball et master in 1997

Augustus van Heerden Ba ll e t Master

Johann esbu rg, Sout h

Au gus tus van Heerden joi n ed t h e Da n ce Th ea tre of H a rl e m Co mpany in 1983 a n d for more th a n 13 years, dan ced the full ran ge o f the Co m pa n y's re p ertoire. Mr. van Heerden b ega n stu dying ball et at the age o f nin e, and fu rthered hi s dance educa ti o n at th e University o f Cape Town with Dudley Toml inso n. He was a principal d ancer wit h Boston Ball e t from 1 973 umil1982 , perfomlin g lea d roles in many of th e classics. Whi le w ith Boston Ba ll et, Mr. van Hee rden was invited b y th e Sco tti s h Ball et to partner Dam e Margot Font eyn o n a tour of Sco tl and. Mr. van Heerden a lso works as a n ass istam to choreog rap h er Glen Tet ley H e h as staged Mr. Tet ley's ba ll et Volulltmies for compa ni es a rou nd the world including H et Natio n a l Ballet, Nat io na l Ba ll e t o f Canada , Englis h Natio n al Ba ll et, Stuttga rt Ba ll e t , Deutsc h e Opera Berlin , and No rwegian Natio n a l Ba ll et. Mr. va n H eerden h as also established a n onlin e dance directory at wwwda n m. The web s ite provides info rmati o n o n va rious dance-related services, a uditions, m e rc h an d ise, funding, and performan ces. He became ball e t master for Dan ce Thea tre o f Harl e m in 1989.

Joseph E. Fields Music Dire ctor

J osep h E. Fields was named Dan ce Theatre o f Ha rl e m 's Mu sic Director and Principal Con duc tor in 1998. Dr. Fie ld s recei ved h is Ba c h e lor o f Mus ic and Mas te r of Music d egrees from the Cin cinnati Co ll egeConservatory of Music , and his Do ctor o f Mus ica l Arts from t h e Ma nhattan Schoo l o f Mus ic, w h e re h e st udi e d w ith p ianist and conductor Seym o ur

Li pk in Prior to joining D a n ce Th ea tre of H arle m , h e was Director of the Lighthou se Music Sc h oo l and Execut ive Direc tor o f the Brookl yn Mu s ic Sc hoo l. He has cond u c ted th e Kenn e dy Ce m e r Opera Orc h est ra , th e State O rc h es tra of Victoria, Aus tra li a, th e Shan ghai Broadcas t Symphony O rc h es tra , the Dance Theatre of H arlem O rc h est ra and th e Hamlonie Ensemble New York. Dr. Fields ha s p e rfonn ed as so lo piani st a nd c hambe r m usician througho ut the Un ited Sta tes and Europe, includ ing p e r fonnances at Ca m egie Reci tal H all, Lin co ln Cente r, City Cente r, Kennedy Ce nt er, the Smi thsonian Institute, Me m phis Sym ph o n y H a ll , C h a rl o tte Spi rit Sq uare , the Nor folk-Yale Se r ies and th e Baden-Baden Weinbre nn ersaa L m

Board of Directors ·

Dr. David DiChiera, Presidel1l

Mr. Cam eron B Duncan, Treasurer

Mr C Thomas Toppin , Secretary

Mr. Roger W Adams

Mrs. Robert A. Allesee

Mrs. Donald C Austin

Mr.s. Bella Marshall Barden

Mr.. Lee Barthel

Mr. J. Addison Bart us h

Me. Richard A. Brodie

Mrs. Will iam C Brooks

Mrs. Frederick Clark

Mrs Peter Cooper

Mr Ta rik s. Daoud

julia Donovan Da rl ow

Mrs. Dod ie Davi d

Mr. Lawrence N David

Mrs. Cha rl es M. End icott

Mrs. Alex Erdeljan

Mr. Paul E. E\ving

Ms. Chery l Fallen

Dr. M Fisher

Barbara Frankel

Mr. Henna n Frankel

Mr. j ames Ga ra vagli a

Mrs. Lawrence Garberd in g

Mr. David Handleman

Mr. Ken neth E. Ha rt

Mr. Eu ge ne Hartwig

Mr. Ri chard j anes

Mr. Gary E. johnson

Mr. Lawrence s. jones


Mr. &: Mrs. Roger W Adams

Dr. &: Mrs. Roger M. Aj luni

Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A. Allesee

Mr. &: Mrs. Do uglas E Allison

Dr. Lourdes V. Andaya

Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas V. Angott

Dr. & Mrs. Agus tin Arbulu

Dr. Harold M. Arrington

Dr. &: Mrs. Ingi da Asfaw

Mrs. Donald J Atwood

Dr. &: Mrs. Donald C. Austin

The Han. &: Mrs. Edward Avadenka

Mr. & Mrs. Don H. Barden

Mr. &: Mrs. Lee Barthel

Mr. & Mrs. J Addiso n Bartush

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Alan Baun

Mr. &: Mrs Nicolas Be hnn ann

Mr. V>l Victor Benjamin

Mr. &: Mrs Ara Berberian

Mr. &: Mrs. Man dell Berman

Mr. &: Mrs. j ohn Boll

Mr. & Mrs. joh n L Booth II

Mrs. Thomas Bright

Mr. &: Mrs. john Broad

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Brodie

Mr. & Mrs. Wi lliam C Brooks

Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Celani

Mr. &: Mrs Robert D. Charles

Mr. &: Mrs Alfred Cheesebrough III

Mr. David Clark

Mr. &: Mrs Frederi ck H. Clark

Ms. Virginia Clementi

Mrs. Margo Cohen

The Hon. &: Mrs. Avem L Cohn

Mr. Thomas Cohn

Mr. & Mrs. Pete r Cooper

Ms. Rosalind L Cooperman &: Mr. Woody Robertson

Mr. & Mrs. Manon L Da nto

Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik S. Daoud

j ulia Donovan Darlow & j ohn C O'Meara

Mr. &: Mrs. j er.ry P D'Avanzo

Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence N. David

Mrs Margaret Dernant

Mr. Kevin Dennis & Mr. j eremy Zeltzer

Mrs. Robert E. Dewar

Dr. Femando G. Diaz

Dr. Da\od DiChi era

Karen Van derK loot DiChiera

The Han. & Mrs. john Dinge ll

Ms. Mary Jane Doerr

Mr. &: Mrs. Camero n B. Duncan

Mrs. Charles M. Endicott

Mr. &: Mrs. Alex Erdeljan

Dr. Fern R. Espino &: Mr. To m


Mr. &: Mrs. Roland C Eugenio

Mr. &: Mrs. Paul E. E\ving

Mr. &: Mrs. Stephen E\ving

Dr. Haifa Fakhouri

Ms. Cheryl Fallen

Me &: Mrs. Oscar Feld man

Me &: Mrs. john Ferron

Me & Mrs. Alfred J Fisher jr.

Mrs. Charles Kessler

Mrs. Carl ita E. Kilpatric k

Mr. Th omas M Krik orian

Mr. A. C Lieb ler

Mr Harr y A. Lomason

Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli

Mrs. jennifer Nasse r

Dr. Charlotte Podowski

Mrs. Ruth Rmtner

Mr. Roy Roberts

Ms. Patricia Radzik

Mrs. Irving Rose

Mr. Wi llia m Sa ndy

Mr. Gregory Sc hwa rtz

Ms. Elham Shayo ta

Mrs. Roge r F Shelman

Mr. Mark Silvennan

Mr. Frank D. Ste ll a

Mrs. George Strumbos

Dr. Lorna Th omas

Mr. George C Vincent

Mr. Gary L Wassemlan

Mr. Richard C. Webb

Mr. R jamison Williams jr.

Mr. George M. Ze ltzer

Mrs Dieter Zetsche

Dr Martin Zi mm ennan


Fran k W Donovan

james H. Gram

Mrs. William j ohnston

Mr. Robe rt Va nd er Kioot

Mr. Mort Zieve

Mr. & Mrs . Herbert Fisher

Dr. Ma rjorie M. Fisher

Mrs. Elaine L Fontana

Mr. & Mrs. Mitche ll B. Foster

Barbara Fran kel & Ron Michalak

Mr. & Mrs. Hemlan Frankel

Mr. Marvi n A. Frenkel

Mr. & Mrs. Dean Friedman

The Hon. Hilda R Gage

Mr. & Mrs. james Garavaglia

Mr & Mrs. Lawrence Ga rberd ing

Mrs. Frank Germackjr.

Mr. & Mrs. Yousi f B Ghafari

Mr. & Mrs. Vito r Gioia

Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Grace

Mrs. Berj H. Ha idost ian

Mr. & Mrs. David Handl eman

Mr. & Mrs. Preston B. Hap pe l

Ms. Gail Han

Mr. Kenneth E. Hart

Mr. & Mrs. Euge ne Hamvig

Mrs. David B. Henn el in

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hickey

The Hon. & Mrs. joseph N. Impastato

Mr. & Mrs. Verne G. Istock

Mr. & Mrs. Craig E. jackman

Mrs. David jacknow

Mr. & Mrs. Darnell D jackson

Mr. & Mrs. Richard janes

Mrs. Syb il jaques

Mr Don j ense n

Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence s. jon es

Mr. & Mrs. Elliot j oseph

Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell jaspey

Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell L Kafarski

Mr & Mrs. Will iam Kahn

Mr. & Mrs. j ohn Kaplan

Dr. & Mrs. Charles Kessler

The Hon. & Mrs. Kwame Kilpatrick

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L Klein

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Klein

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Koja ian

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Krikorian

Mr. & Mrs. William Ku

Dr. & Mrs. Richa rd W Kulis

Mr & Mrs. Angelo Lanni

Mr & Mrs. Paul Lavins

Dr. & Mrs. Kim K. Li e

Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Liebler

Dr. & Mrs. Ro bert P Lisak

Mr. & Mrs . Har.ry A. Lomason

Mr. & Mrs. james H. loPre te

Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli

Cardinal Adam Maida

Mrs. Frank S. Marra

Dr. &: Mrs. Ronald Martella

The Hon. j ack &: Dr. Bettye Arrington-Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Richard McBrien

Mrs. Wade H. McCree j r

Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene A Miller

Mr. &: Mrs. jeffrey Mlro

Ms. Monica Moffat & Mr. Patri ck McGuire

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Dr. Ali Moiin & Dr. William Kupsky

Mr. &: Mrs. Th eodore Monolidis

Mr. &: Mrs. E Clarence Mularoni

Dr. &: Mrs. Step hen Mun k

Mr &: Mrs. E. Michael Mu tchler

Mrs. jenn ifer Nasser

Mr. Christopher Ne m

Mr. & Mrs. Ha r. ry Nosa nchu k

Mr. & Mrs. j ules L Pallone

Mr. & Mrs. j ames Pamel

Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Pan rich

Dr. Robert E. L Perkins

Mr. Drew Peslar

Mr. &: Mrs. Brock E Plumb

Dr. Charl ott e &: Mr. Charl es Podowski

Mrs. David Po ll ack

Mrs. Heinz Prechter

Mr. &: Mrs. john Rako lta j r.

Mrs. Ruth F Ra ttner

Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony Rea

Dr. Irvin Reid &: Dr. Pamela Trotman Reid

Mr. &: Mrs. j ames Ri gby

Mr. &: Mrs. Roy S. Robe rts

Ms. Pa tri cia H Rodzik

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ronan

Mr. &: Mrs. Irving Rose

Mr. & Mrs. Rosenfeld

Mrs. Caro lyn L Ross

Dr. & Mrs. Will iam Ross

Mr. & Mrs. Anth ony Ru giero

Dr. Hershel Sandberg ,

Mr. &: Mrs. William Sa nd y

Mr. &: Mrs. Arnoltl Schafer

Dr. &: Mrs. Nonnan R. Schakne

Mr. &: Mrs. Alan E. Schwartz

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J Schwartz

Mr. &: Mrs. Donald E. Schwe nde mann

Mr. &: Mrs. Menon Segal

Mr. &: Mrs. Mark Shaevs ky

Mrs. Fra nk C. Shaler

Ms. El ham Shayota

Mr. & Mrs. Roger F Sherman

Mr. Mark Sil ver man

Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Sloan

Ms. Phyllis Funk Snow

Mr. &: Mrs. Dalod Snyder

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L Soave

Mr. Richard A. Sone nkl ar

Dr & Mrs. Sheldon So nkin

Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Sta rkweather

Mr. Frank D. Stella

Ms. Mary An ne Stella

Mr &: Mrs. Stephen Strome

Mr & Mrs. Wil liam Stone

Mr. & Mrs. George Strumbos

Mr. Ronald F Switzer

Ms. j udith Tappero

Mr. &: Mrs. j oe l Tauber

Dr. & Mrs. Ant hony R Tersigni

Dr. Lorna Thomas

Dr. Roberta &: Mr. She ldon To ll

Mr. &: Mrs. C Thomas Topp in

Mr. &: Mrs. Gary Torgow

Mr. &: Mrs. George Torreano

Mrs Lynn A. Townsend

Mr. james Trebilcott

Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Vecc i

Mr. Steven Victo r

Mr. &: Mrs. George C Vincent

Mrs. Alvi n Wasse nn an

Mr. & Mrs. Gary L Wasserman

Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth Way

Mr. &: Mrs. Ri chard C. Webb

Mrs. Amelia H. Wil helm

Dr. &: Mrs. Christopher D. Wilhelm

Mr. Rjamison Williamsjr.

Dr. & Mrs. Sam B Wil liams

Mrs. R Alexand er Wrigley

Th e Hon. joan E. Young &: Mr. Thomas L Sche ll enbe rg

Mr. &: Mrs. john E. Young

Dr. Lucia Zamorano

Mr. &: Mrs. Ted Zegouras

Mr. &: Mrs. George M. Zeltzer

Dr. &: Mrs. Dieter Zetsche

Mr. & ' Mrs. Morton Zieve

Dr. &: Mrs. Martin Zimme rman

Mrs. Pau l Zuckerman

Trustees Emeritus

Mrs. james Merriam Barnes

Dr. &: Mrs. Robert Gerisch

Mrs Aaron Gershenson

Mr. &: Mrs james Gram

Mrs. Kath erine Gribbs

Mrs. Roben Hamad y

Mr. & Mrs. E. jan Hartmann

Mrs. Walton A. Lewis

Mrs. j esse Mann

Mrs. Ralph Polk

Mr. &: Mrs. Fred Schne i(ielvind

Mrs Mark C Stevens

Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Va nderKioot

Found ing Members

Mr. & Mrs. Lynn A. Townsend, Founding Chairmen

The Hon &: Mrs. Avern L Cohn

Mr. & Mrs. john DeCarlo

Dr. & Mrs. David DiChiera

Mr. & Mrs. Aaron H Gershenson

Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Graves

The Hon. &: Mrs. Roman S. Gribbs

Mr. &: Mrs john C Griffin

Mr. &: Mrs. Harry L jones

The Hon. & Mrs. Wade McCree j r.

Mr. Har.ry J Nederla nder

Mr. E. Harwood Rydholm

Mr. &: Mrs. Ne il Snow

Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Strichartz

Mr. &: Mrs. Robert C Vand erKloot

Mr. &: Mrs. Sam B Wi ll iams

Mr. &: Mrs Theodore O. Yntema m

Detro it Opera House DIRE CTORS & TRUSTEFS
BRAVO 25 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Erwin Klopfer, a re tired too l an d di e s pecialist, was not going to ten Michigan Opera Th eatre about his sp ecial estate plans , wanting to re main anonymou s. Ho weve r, after lea rning that his es tate plan wou ld be e ligible for Touch th e Future campaign matching funds , h e decided to revea l his gift. As a result , MOT received a s ub stantia l match to its endowment funds at the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan. Erwin and his wife Sue also b ecame m e mbers of MOTs Avanti Soc ie ty.

Now h e urges, "J want people to know about the beauty of a Charita ble Re maind e r Trust. " His trust had been funded wi th a piece of apprecia ted rea l estate that h e no lo n ge r needed. Instead of selling that prop erty and paying consid erab le taxes, h e trans ferred the property into a Charitab le Rema inder Trus t. In re turn , h e ge ts incom e for life. After his d ea th , his fa vorite institutions, including Michigan Opera Thea tre, will receive w h atever remains.

Confid e ntia l Rep l y: Please return thi s form to J an e Fanning, Michigan Ope ra Theatre, 1526 Broadway, Detro it, MI 48226 e mail:jfanni ng@motopera.o rg or ca ll (3 13) 237-3268

Erwin and Sue KlopJer and Jamily

He is thrill ed that h is money is being u sed to secure the future o f Michigan Opera Theat re for his chil dren and grandchildren to experien ce Born in Dresden , German y, Erwin Kl opfe r is an enthu s iastic s upporte r of opera and faithful subsc rib e r. He loves the view and the sound from his front-row m ezza nine sea ts in the Detroit Opera H o u se.

His love of op e ra b ega n w h en he was nine years old after his parents took him to th e opera

After his famil y immig rated to th e De tro it a rea in 1952, h e and his sister loved th e Me tropo li tan Ope ra touring produ c ti o ns Later, Erwin introdu ced his wife , Su e, to opera, and "As luck wou ld h ave it , I m ad e an opera fan out of h er." He also reca lled that h e u sed to sing his daught er Sa ra to s lee p with melod ies from Th e Tal es oj HoJfmann (" in German, of co urse").

Durin g MOTs r ecent produ ction of Hoffma nn , Sa ra returned from her h ome in Ireland and attend ed with h er m oth er a nd fath e r, happily remembering her fa thers lullabies.

Erwins message to other MOT p atrons is "1 ca n't encourage p eo ple en ough to re membe r Michi gan Ope ra Thea tre w h en formin g their es tate p lan s. There a re a lot of struggles and sad things in life, but mu sic always uplifts. "

TI1e AVGnti SOciety-Ens wing the Future

Na rn e(s)

Address City

StaLe _________

Zip ___

Phone (da y) ________________ (eve) _____

Best time to call:

o Yes , please se nd infannalian regarding plann ed gifts

o IIwe alread y qualifY fa r The Avant i Sac iety

Please briefly describe the estate gi ft tha t qualifies you far membeIOhip (a ll infa nnati on submitted will be kept canfidential):

Imagin e a g ift that o utli ves yo u - tha t touc h es futur e generations in your abse n ce to exp erience a n d e njo y th e world of Op e ra. That s the goal o f Th e Ava mi Soc iety, Michigan Opera Th ea tres Pl anne d Gift Recognition Program. The Ava nti Socie ty represe nts a deS ignated gro up of friends of MOT wh o have m ade plan s to include MO T in th e ir es tate plans - w hether by will , tru st, in suran ce , or life income arrangement. Membersh ip in The Avanti Society is o pen to all. Members o f The Ava nti Society rece ive a beautifully designed lapel pin , recognition at the ann ual Ava nti Evening , invitations to special eve nts and perform ances and are listed as me mb ers in our program books through ou t each season.

An Avanti for Tomorrow

The growth of Mi chi gan Opera Thea tres permanent Endowment Fund , ensures the growth and fu ture Vitality of one of the regions greatest cul t ura l assets. You are in vi ted to c rea te yo ur ownyo ur Avanti -throu gh Michigan Opera Thea tre. Please use the enclosed confid entia l reply card to indicate yo ur gift , or co ntact J ane Fanning at (313) 237-3268 , to discuss gift opt ions that may bene fit yo u , your heirs and Michigan Opera Theatre.


Mr. Donald Jensen Mr. &: Mrs. Harvey TOUCH THE FUTURE


Mr. &: Mrs. 'Erwin H Freeman Michigan Opera Thea tre has successfu lMrs. Adele Amerman Klopfer'


Mr. &: Mrs. Stephen Iy met three of its four benchmarks fo r the Dr. Lourdes V Anda ya Misses Phyll iS &: Selma Hago pian I

Mr. &: Mrs. Agustin Korn

Mr. &: Mrs. Roben Klein ' Touch the Future campaign. As a resu t, Arbulu

Mr. &: Mrs. Anhur

Dr. &: Mrs. Slephen already been placed inlo MOTs endow-

Ms. Kalhleen Monroe ove r $285,000 in matching funds has Chesler &: Emelia Arnold Krolikowski

Mr &:BanMusrshd Addison

Mr. &:MascaMrsU: Salvador P. Munk menl al the Communily Foundation for Southeastern

Mr. Stanford C. Stoddard Michigan. Another $75,000 in bonus operating funds has

Mr. &: Mrs Brell Mrs. Wade H. McCree also been awarded. Afler successfully reaching Ihe founh Ballerson Ms Jane McKee FULFlUED BEQUESTS

Mr. &: Mrs An Blair

Drs. Orlando &: Dorothy

Ms. Adele gibJe 10 receive up 10 $1, I00 ,000 more in matching funds

Mr Allen B. Chrislman benchma rk , MOT will coll ect anolher $80,000 and be eliRoy E. &: lise Calcagno Miller

G Dlra.dYSobeCanldCroornneeYlle ' Mr. Ronald K. Morrison VI g available for new qua lified planned giflS.


Mr Dale J Pangonis

Dr. &: Mrs. ViclOr J Mr: Ri cha;d M.l<aisin

Mr. lames P. Diamond Michigan Opera Theatre thanks the following generous

Mr. 'Edward P Froh li ch Touch the FU lure Donors , whose combined $1,700,000 Cervenak

Mrs Ruth E Rmlner ' Priscilla A B. Goodell gifLS have generaled $285,000 in matching funds:

Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik Daoud Marguerite &: James Rigby Mr. Ernesl Goodman

Mr. &: Mrs. Roben E. Ms.l'mricia Roozik

Mr. &: Mrs. Roben A. Mr. &: Mrs. Herman Frankel Dewar' Ms. Susan Schooner Mr Bruce Hillman Allesee Mrs. Rema Frankel

Karen VanderKlool

Drs. Heinz &: Alice Platt

DiCh iera' Schwarz

Mr. &: Mrs. Charles H Mrs. Frank C. Shaler

Mrs. Roben M. Hamady

Mr. Gordon V Hoiahnen

Mr. &: Mrs. j. Addison Mr David Handleman

Mr. Carlj. Huss Banush

Mr. &: MI'. Raben Kleul

Mr. &: Mrs. El'\vin Klopfer M. Endicoll

Mr. &: Mrs. Herb Fisher Slarkweather

Ms. Helen Barbara Dr. Roben E. Cornelle

Mrs. Ella M. Montroy Barbara Frankel &: Ronald Mrs. John C. Stevens

• Pamela R. Francis Mrs. Mark C. Steve ns ' Ruth Rawlings MOil Michalak Mrs. Amelia Wilhelm

Barbara Frankel &: Ro nald Jonathan S,vifl &: Thomas Ciarice Odgers Pereox Eve muall)', the planned gifts listed by the generous Michalak' A 51. Charles Mr. Milchell j.

Mr. &: Mrs Hennan Mr. Ronald E Switzer Romanowski indi"duals above, could add, depending on investment Frankel' Ms. Mary Ellen Tappan' Mr. Edward C. Stahl perfonnance, over $2,500,000 to MOTS endowment at Mrs. Rema Frankel ' Donald &: Margarel Ihe Community Fou ndati on for Soulheastern Michigan.

Dr. P. Mr. D. Tussell FUTURE Types of tLS that qualify for malching funds include Prisc illa R. Greenberg, Mr. &: Mrs. George AVANTl EVENT SPONSORS paid-up h e insurance, chant able remainder trusts chanPh.D.' Vincent Mrs. Adele Amennan table grfl annUllles and pooled mcome funds.

Mr. lawre nce W Hall

Mrs. Amelia H. Wilhelm'

Mr. &: Mrs. Richard If you would hke mfonnallon aboul how yo u can be

Mr. &: Mrs. Jerome Elizabelh &: Waller P. Starkwealher a pan of Ihis unparalleled oppo rtunily for MOT, don'l Halperin Work

Mr. D",d Handl eman'

Mr. &: Mrs. George hesilate to call Jane Fanning in the Development Office al

Mr. &: Mrs. George M. Vincent (313) 237-3268. This ca mpaign is in ilS final slages and

Mr. Kenneth E. Zelizer AVANTI LOGO & PIN the time li mil for the malChing funds opponunily is nearly

Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene L. MEMBERS DESIGN comple led.


Mr &: Mrs. Roben A Monica Moffal &: Pal

Dr. Cindy Rung Allesee ' McGuire

Kristin Jaramillo

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

"There are a lot of struggles and sad things in life, but music always uplifts." FUTURE
I 26 BRAVO I 1 - ---------------------- '"

General Information Administration & Staff

DAVID Dl CHIERA , Ge neral Director

Brett Batterson , Chi ef Operating Officer



Karen VanderKloot DiChiera, DireclOl Administration of Community Programs Elizabeth Anderson. Production

John Eckstrom, Direcwr oj Coordinator

Administration C1rolyn Geck, Assistant to Direc/or oj

Roberto Mauro, Director oj Artistic Pr()(/uclio ll

Administration Nancy Krolik owski, Local

Da\rid W Osborne , Director oj TrmlSportalion Coordillator

Production Eugene Rabe l1 i, Production Volunteer

Mary Parkh ill , Directo r oj Dcvdopmfllt Pat Lewellen, Audition Volullteer

Karen Tjad en, Director of Facilities

L1ura R. Wyss, DircClOr oj



G1ro l Hal sted. Dance (oordillatol

Bill Austin , Executive Assislallf 10 tile


PHOTOGRAPHY & RECORDING DEVICES Unau th orized came ras and reco rding d evices are n ot a ll owed inside the lobby or theate r at any time Th e taking o f photographs of th e thea ter or any p e rfonnan ce is st rictl y prohibited. As a co urtesy to our gu ests, we ask th at all pagin g devices, cell phones and alann watc hes be s,vi tched to silent mod e prior to the start of a perfonnan ce.

Music Department DiChiera , Music Dircctor SUZt'lnne Malla re Acton, Assistant Music DirectOl; Ci10rusMrute r Diane Breciesen , On:heslra PerSlJn nd MQ/wgo

Unda DeMers, Executil'e Assis/anl to Tec hnical Staff

the Operati ng Officcr Kent Andel, Technical Director

Beverly A. Moore Reccptionist


Michael Hauser, Marke/ing Jlvfallager

Kimberly A,Mogielski, Patroll (md

ndlel Services Manager

Manhew S Binnan, Public RelatiollS


Jenisc Collins, Croup Sales Coonii nato r

Kimberl y Gray, Ticket SCI'vices Assis/allt


Timothy Lentz , An:hivisl

Jeanette Pawlaczyk, Public Relations


Bill Carroll. Public Rel atiol1s ValwlIen

Crystal G. Ratledge , ACCOUlll Executivc, Solomon Friedman AdvCltisillg

Mark S. rvlancine lli, De/roit Orxra

HOllse Phot ogra phy

Christopher Barbeau, Proouction Phocography


Mark Vondrak, Associate DircclOrffouf


Betty U1ne , OperatiollS Manager

Dolores Tobis, Mad,cting Managcr

Betsy Bronson, Alaina Brown, Heidi Brown Maria Cimarelli, Jennifer Galc ,Shawn McDonald , Sleven McGhee , Gilliland, Kim Parr, Michael Parr, David Pu lice, Ama nda Sabc lhaus, Cynthia Seigle, Karl Sc hm idt.

David Vaughn, Chris Vaught , Mark Vondrak , Karen vVhite , Tamara \A.'hitty, Outreacil Towing Co mpcmy


Jane Fanning, Associate DiIt'C/or of Developmcnt

L1uren AH ion, Voltmtecr Managcr

Aimee Argel , Call1/XTigll Manager

Heathe r Hamilton, SpeCial Projects


Katherine Kucharski, Mem/x:rship


Deniz Tasdemir-Conger, Foundation and Govemment Relations Manager

Jane Westl ey, General Circle

Campaign Manager

Danielle DeFauw, &utique MmlClgcr


Derrick Lewis, Co ntroller

Kimberly Burgess-Rivers, Rita Winters , Accountants

Joseph Rusnak, Systems Managcr

Deleana Hill, Applications Specialist

Detroit Opera Hou se


Suzanne M Hanna, Costume

Coordina to r

Margaret Bronder, Fi rst Hand

Mary Ellen Shi ndcl, Filling Assistant

Genevieve Palczynski , Slilchcr

David Stree t, Slilcher

Alice Moss, Mistress

Makeup & Hair

Joanne Weaver, Wigs & MaheuI'


DeShawn Glosson, Faye Cross

Angela Crui ce, Deanne lovan, Bridgette Keck. Nilaja Blackman , AssistanlS

Stage Crew

John Kinsora, Head Ca rpe nt er

Roben Mesinar, Hwd Electliciall

Alan Bigelow, Head PropcnymalJ

Raben Manin, Head flyman

Gmy Gi lm ore, Production ElectliciclIl

Mary Ellen Shindel , Head oJWardrobc

lATSE Local #38, Stage Crew

IATSE Local #786 , IVa,dmoc


CarolineJeffs, EYoll Coordinator

Demetrius Barnes, Jesse Caner, Buikling Engincers

Kyle Ketelhut, Concessio ns Manager

Rock Monroe. Di lrclOr oj Sccwily

Calvin Williams , Maintenance


Karl Hubble , MailJtenance Assistant

Lorrain Mo nroe, Terrance Verdell, C'lria Hudson , Stage Door Securi ty

IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Doctors and pa ren ts are advised to leave thei r seat location (located on ticket) a nd oUl· emergen cy number, (313) 237-3257 , wi th th e service o r siner in case of an emerge ncy. Please obse rve th e lighted exi t signs located through ou t th e theater. In th e event of fire o r similar e mergen cy, please remain calm and walkdo not run - to the neares t exil. O u r ushers a re train ed to lead you out o f th e buildin g sa fe ly. A trained Emergency Medical Tech nician (EMT) is on site durin g mos t eve nts Please see an usher or staff memb er to contact the EMT.

REsmOOMS Ladies' rest rooms are located off the Ford Lobby (Broadway street e ntrance), d own th e sta irs and a lso o n the th ird fl oor (Madi so n s tree t entran ce) - pl ease press "3R" on the elevato r to reach thi s facilit y. Gentlemens res trooms are located under th e Grand Staircase and a lso on the third fl oo r (Broad way street entrance) - pl ease press "3" on th e elevator to reach thi s fa cilit y Please note: All third-floor restrooms are wh ee lchair accessible Un isex accessible restroom located in the GM Opera Cafe.

NO SMOKING The Detroit Opera Ho use is a s moke-free facilit y Ash rece ptacle s a re provided on the exte rior o f al l en try doors for those w h o wish to smo ke.

USHERS Ushers are stationed at th e top of each aisle. If you have a qu estion o r co ncern , p lease inform ush e rs, and th ey ,vill co ntact ma nagement. If you are inte rested in becoming a volunte e r us h er, please ca U the usher hOllin e at (313) 237-3253.

LATE SEAnNG Latecom ers will be sea ted onl y during an a ppropriat e pause in th e program a nd may view t he program on the close d -c ircu it television monitor located in th e Ford lobby unti l an appropriate program pau se occurs. Lat e sea ting pol icies are at the discreti o n of the produ ction , not opera hou se manage ment.

LOST & FOUND Lost and Found is locate d in th e Secu rity Departm en t. Please see an ushe r if you ha ve mis placed an article, or ca ll (313) 96 1-3500 if you have already left th e theater. Items wil l be held in Los t and Fo und for 30 days.

PARKING Parking for all events is available in the Opera House Garage, located direc tl y across from th e Detroit Opera House (o n John R and Broad way st reets). Prepaid parking is available t hrough the box office Please call (313) 237-S ING for parking infonnation

ACCESSIBIUTY Accessible sea ting loca ti ons for patrons in wheelchairs a re loca ted in all pri ce ranges o n the orche st ra level. When inquiring about ti c kets , please ask about these locations if you require special acco mm odations. Ass is ted Li steni ng Devi ces are available on a firstcome, first-served basis. Please see an usher to request this service. Although t hi s is a complimentary service, we will request to h o ld a pi ece of personal identifi cat ion whil e yo u are usin g the dev ice Please co ntact the Box Office , s hould yo u desi re s pec ia l consideration.

CHILDREN Chil dre n are welcome ; howeve r, a ll guests are req uired to ho ld a ticket , rega rdless of age. We kind ly ask that parental disc re ti o n be exe rcise d for certa in program s, and that all gu ests rem embe r t hat during a program such as opera or ballet, the abi lity of all audience m embers to h ear th e mu sic is a pre requisite to enjoyment of the perfonnance. In a ll cases, babes in anns are not permitted.

SERVICES Concess ion s ta nds a re loca ted on all levels. Please note that food and drin ks are not a llowe d in the audiLOrium at any time. Coa t check is loca ted in the Fo rd lobby. The cost is $1.00 per coal. Please note that the De t roi t Opera House does not accept responsibility for an y personal art icles that are not ch ec ked at the coat check. Drinking fo untains are located in the lobbies on floo rs one and three Publi c pay phon es are located in the vestibu le of the Ford Lobby. Pa t rons in w h ee lc hairs can access pay ph o nes o ut side the th ird-floor ladies' restrooms.

RENTAL INFORMATION The Detro it Ope ra Ho use is availab le fo r rent by yo ur organizat ion. Please ca ll (313) 961 -3500 and ask to be d irec ted to th e Special Events Departm ent.

nCKET INFORMAnON Th e De troit Opera House Ticket Office hours are as follow s: No n-performance weeksMonda y throu gh Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p m Perfo rm an ce da ys - 10:00 a.m. through the fi rst inte rmissi on of the eve nings perfonnan ce, exce pt Sa turda ys and Sundays , wh en the Ti c ket Office wi ll open two hours pri o r to curtain. T ickets for all public events held at th e Detroit Opera House are also availa ble through all Ti cketMaster phone and re tail o utlets o r at TicketMaste r com.

OPERA HOUSE TOURS Co me jo in th e Opera Hou se Amba ssado rs for a backstage tou r of th e Detroit Opera House. Learn about the h istory o f th e Opera House and its restoration Mee t the peo pl e behind the scenes, tour the stage and see how it ope rates. Tours a re $ 10.00 per p e rso n For more informatio n , p lease ca ll (3 13) 237-3425.

Be advised th at , for purp oses of Michi gan Co mpiled Laws , Section 28.4250( 1)(1), this is a n enterta inm ent fa ci lity tI, at has a seat in g capaci ty of more t han 2 ,5 00 individuals. It is th ere fore against the law to carry a co n cealed pi sto l o n th e prelni ses.



Mich igan Opera Theatre

Gen era l Inform a ti o n Lost &. Found

Ticke t O ffi ce

Ushe r Ho t lin e.

Th eater Renta l In fo rmati on Detroit Ope ra Ho use Fax Press &. Public Relations


Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

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