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Dr. David DiChiera
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Roberto Mauro
Mary Parkhill
William Weaver
Michigan Opera Th eatre Staff
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he Offi cial Magazi ne of t he Detroit Opera House
City of Detro it Cultural Affair s Departmen t I!. .. _.", arts (wd cultuml affairs Made possible with the support of the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, a partner agency of the Nationa l Endowment for the Arts Detroit Opera House {contents} Fal cason -wELCOME Letter from Dr. David DiChiera . .. . ... . .. . .. ... . . . . .. . 4 ON STAGE NORMA . . . . . Se tt in g . . . . .. . Belli n i an d Nor m a .. THE SLEEPING BEAUTY .... . . . . . ........ . Setting The Orchestra of the Mari insky Theatre of St. Petersburg LA BOHEME Se tting Artist Profiles Chorus and Orchestra MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE Ad mi n ist r a ti on and Staff. . ... . Board o f Directo rs an d Trustees Avant i Socie ty CONTRIBUTORS Campa i gn to Resto r e th e Detroit Opera House . Michigan Opera Th ea tr e Co nt r ib ut ors IN MEMORIAM Mort Zieve Ro b ert Van d erKloot Bla n ch e Po ll ock MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE Co mmu nity Programs Genera l Information ... . . 7 .8 .9 BRAVO 11 12 14 15 16 1 7 21 .22 24 . 25 .26 .29 .3 1 .33 .36 .37 38 3 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Welcome to Michigan Opera Theatre's Fall Season!
Greetin gs, dear friends, and welcome to Michigan Opera Theatres 35th fall opera seaso n . We're excepti ona lly proud to bring you another exciting season full of beautifu l music, intense passion, remarkable artis try and, of course, Desperate Divas.
We begin the 2005 season, made possible by the generous sup port ofFord Motor Company; wi th Bellinis great bel canto masterpiece, Norma. Absent from our repertoire for more than a decade, Norma graces the grand stage of the Detroit Ope ra House for the first time. Replete with so m e of the most beautiful music in the operat ic catalogue and one of operas most desperate divas, it is a tale of tragic love , which will ce rtainl y leave you breathless.
We'll close the 2005 fall opera season with a perenni al favo ri te; Puccinis La Boheme. Without a doubt, La Boheme is one of the grea test love stories ever sung and one of ope ra's most end earing tragedies. Puccinis librettists, Giacosa and Illica, saw fit to give the opera a tru l y d esperate diva in Mimiin fact, a cast of desperate bohemians-and for his part , the composer produced a score so ap t with the emotions o flo ve and loss that La Boheme remains as relevant and enticing today as it was at its premiere , more than a century ago.
Now in our ninth year presenting ballet , the Detroit Opera House continu es to be the only venue in Southeastern Michigan to stage the worlds great dan ce companies. We look forwa rd to another season o f exceptional p erformances. The 2005-2006 DairnlerChrysler Dance Series opens , in grand fashion , with the mu ch- anticipa ted return of the Kirov Ballet - one of only three U.S performances this season. The Sleeping Beauty is a magnificent fairy tale, lavishly produced and performed by the artists of the Kirov Ballet. The Orch estra of the Mariinsky Theatre of St. Petersburg will masterfully perform Tchaikovskys magical
We're exceptionally proud to bring you another exciting season full of beautiful music, intense passion, remarkable artistry and, of course, Desperate Divas.
camp aign, the Crowning Achievement, will soon bring the Detroit Opera House to co mpletion. This lO-year Journey has not only restored our beautiful theater, but also turned it into a va lu abl e resource for our community. W ith the co mpl etion of our new Ford Center for Arts and Learning on the h orizon, we look forward to expanding educa ti onal opp ortunities and welcoming learners of all ages to this m agnificent new faCility
score I extend my deepest gra titude to the Ford I take special pride in noting a couple of steps Moto r Compan y, DaimlerChrysler, Margo into a very bright future for Michigan Opera Cohen , David and Marion Handleman, Lee Theatre. The completion of our final capital and Floy Barthel, Maggie Allesee and all those 4
who se generosity has contributed to the Ford Centers completion
Add iti ona lly, th e new Opera House Parking Center is open for your convenience We 've worked diligently to improve and ensure parking for yo ur visit to the Detroit Opera House, and this b eautifu l new blocklong faCility is reserved just for yo u during regu larly scheduled performances. If you didn't make u se of the s tru cture on this visit , I en courage you to do so on your next. It 's well lit, con ve n ient and , with entrances an d exits on John R and Grand River, p arking is eas ier than ever b efore I thank you fo r your patience over the last yea r, as we brought this project to fruiti on.
I wish to express my d eepest grat itude to board member and dear friend Herman Frankel , who se vision and foreSight made the Opera Hous e Parking Center a reality W ith out hi s determination that Michigan Opera Theatre control its own parking destiny, this undertaking wou ld never have happened.
The 200512006 seasons look to be as exciting as any in our history I thank you for joining us, and I hope yo u 'll return to enjoy the rest of our 35th-anniversary season.
EnJ OY the performance!
David DiChiera Founder and General Director Michigan Ope ra Theatre
Detroi t Opera Hou se Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
National City,. Some restrictions apply ©200S, National City Corporation ®
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
n October Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Setting: Gaul, 50 B.C.
The Cast
In orde r of vocal app ea rance
Arutjun Kotch inian*t
Juli an Gavin" (8, 12 , 15)
Don gwon Shin* (9 m , 14)
Mark T. Panuccio
Hasm ik Papi an (8, 12 , 15)
Brenda Harris (9m, 14)
Irina Mishura
Eva Evola*
Stephen Lord
Mario Co rradi
Chorus Master: Suzanne Malla re Acton
Se t and Costume Design: J ohn Pascoe
Lighting Des ign: Kendall Smi th
Hair/Makeup Design: J oanne Weaver
Asst. Director: Trev ore Ross
Stage Manager: Ken Saltzma n
Surtitles: Rob ert o Mauro
Sets and costumes created and owned by Michigan Opera Theatre
Deep in a forest, druid s and wa rriors of Ga ul gathe r at the alt ar o f the go d hminsul , wher e their pries t , Oroveso , leads them in a prayer for reve n ge against th e con quering Romans. When they h ave left , the Roman pro -consu l , PoUione, enters with hi s centurion, Flavio, to wh o m h e confesses hi s love for a young druid priestess, Ad algisa ("Meco aU'altar di Ven ere "). This p assion complicates his relationship with the high priestess , NOlm a, Orovesos daughter, wh o b e tra yed h e r vows of chastity for Pollione and secretly bore him two children. Trumpets h erald the druids ' return, but Po lli one decl ares his love will arm him against their wrath ("Me protegge, me duende"); Flavio nonetheless persua des him to leave. The druids now asse mble , and Norma replies to Orovesos demands for war with a praye r to the chaste moon goddess for peace, cutting the ritu al mistletoe ("Casta Diva ") The o thers ech o h er wo rds, w hile sh e muses privately on h er love for her Roman en em y ("Ahl bello a m e ritorna "). After the company dispe rses, Adalgisa arri ves to pray for the strength to resist Pollione ("Sgombra e la sacra selva"), and wh en h e appears, sh e repulses him . Reproached fo r h er cruelty, the girl relents and agrees to leave with him the n ext day for Rome ('Vieni in Roma").
Scene II
In h er hidd en retrea t , No rma te Us h er co nfidante, Cl ot ilde, that s h e fea rs PoUi one may d esert h er. The children are led away, as Adalgisa ente rs to confess that sh e has a lover ("Sola , furtive , al tempio "). Recalling h er own weakness, Norma rea ssures the girl and releases h er from h er vows ("Ah l si , fa core e ab b racciami"); but this kindness turns into fury when Polli one appears, and Nonna realizes t h at he is Adalgisa's lover . Adalgisa is bewildered and No rma maj es ti c, as sh e d enoun ces the man whose treachery h as victimized another woman ("O h n on tre mare"). Sh ock ed a t the story she h ears, Adalgisa j oins Normas plaint in sympathy ("O h , di qual sei tu vittima"), while Polli on e, unimpressed , advises No rma to spa re the girl h er impreca tions. H e wou ld escape with Adalgisa, but she protests that she would ra ther die than steal him from Norma. When a go ng of defian ce to Rome so und s in the fo rest, Pollione angrily ru sh es off.
That ni ght , da gger in h and, Nonna tries to brin g h e rse lf to kill h er children in thei r sleep to keep th em from PoUione (" Teneri fi gli ") But sh e cannot , instead sum moning Ad algisa to take the m to Po llione (" Deh l Con te Ii prendi") . The girl refu ses, pleading with t h e d espa iring moth er to p ity h er children ("Mira, 0 No rm a") . No rma embraces Adalgisa, ove rcome by h er offer of ftie ndship to go to Polli one and plead for No rma.
Scene II
The drui ds assemble at th eir altars to h ea r Orov es os anno uncem ent that Po Ui o n e is being rep laced by a c ru eler comm ande r. H e r ages at Romes hateful bondage ("Ah ! del tebro al giogo indegno"), bu t cou nsels submission for the moment, to make ultimat e revolt more certain of suc cess. Awaiting h er lo vers re turn , No rma is stunned to learn from Clotilde that Adalgisas entrea ties to him have been in vain. In a fu ry, the priestess calls the druids and tells them the gods de cree war She s trikes the war shiel d three times, and h er battle cry is take n up by the peop le ("G u erra I Guerra! ") Oroveso deman ds a sacrificial victi m , and jus t the n Po llione is dra gge d in , h aving p rofaned the sa n ctu ary Alone with h im, N orma va un ts h er p owe r over him (" In mia man alfin tu sei"), but h e steadfas tly refuses to give up Adalgisa, preferring death. J ealou sly, the priestess vows to d estro y the girl instea d. Her people return as sh e announces the sacrificial vic tim , a priestess who has broken h er vows and betrayed h er counnyNorma h erself. In the h orri fied sil ence, sh e teUs Po Uione that d espit e everything that h as p assed between them , they are b ound beyond the grave ("Qual cor tradisti"). Moved by h er nobility, h e insists on sharing h er fate. After begging h er father to wa tch over h er children (" Dehl Non vole rli vittime"), No rma lea ds her lover to the pyre, while all pray the gods may be paCified. I!]
Last Mich igan Opera Theatre production or Norma: 1989.
Featurning Dame Joan Sutherland a nd Nova Thom as. Conduc ted by Ri chard Bonyn ge, directed by John Pascoe.
t Mr. Kotchinians appeara nce is supponed by girlS made in memory or Ara Berberian (see page 34)
* Michigan Opera Theatre debut
M I ( II I CAN De t ro it Opera House r " Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Court esy of Opera News
Bellini and Norma
By W ill iam Weaver
Originally printed in San Francisco Opera Magazine, reprinted in Michigan Opera
Th eat re's 1988/89 program.
A little group of Vincenzo Bellini 's letters tell , in synthesis, the story of Nonna's composition. On 23 Ju ly, 1831 , the co mposer wrote to his fri end , Alessandro Lamperi: "I have already chosen the subject of my new opera, and it is a tragedy entitled Nonna, or th e Infanticid e b y Sou m e t , just performed in Paris and with resounding success. "
On 1 September of that same year, Bellini wrote to the singer Giuditta Pasta , who was to b e the protagonist of the new opera:
"Now I must apply myself to the opera, whose outline Romani (Felic e Romani, Bellini's librettis t) gave me only yesterday. 1 hope this subject will be to your taste. Romani believes it velY effective and just right for your encyclopedic character, si nce Nonna's character is th e same. He will arrange the situations in such a way that they will arous e no remini scences of other subjects, and will retouch and even change the characters , if necessary, to derive greater effect from them "
Pasta's character was indeed encyclopedic. Only a few months before, she had been the first Amina , in &llini's Sonnam bula, a part at the other interpretive pole from the noble Nonna Meanwhile, on 7 September, th e composer wrote his mistress, Giuditta Turina:
"I've almost finished the opera's Overture and have sketched an opening chorus, and I am not displ ease d with them."
On 12 December, a le tter not from Bellini , but from his slightly older contemporary, the composer Saverio Mercadante , takes the story a s tage farther. Mercadante writes to Bellini's old friend Francesco Florimo, saying that he has just heard from Bellini and adding: "I think you'll b e interested in a passage I'll quote for yo u : 'Mo nda y I'll begin the reh earsals of m y opera Norma '"
In a little over three months, from early September to mid-December, Bellini had completed the work that was to be his greatest and most enduring achievement, his undisputed masterpiece
Undisputed now. On the opening night at La Scala, 26 December, the Milanese audience
Detro it Opera House
was cold, if not outright hostile On returning from the thea ter, the distraught composer sat down and poured out his heart in a letter to Florimo, in Nap les:
"I write yo u under the impression of glief, a glief I can't express to yo u. I hav e just come from La Sca la: first performance of Norma. Would you believe it?. Fiasco!!! absolut e fiasco!!! To tell you the truth, the audience was severe; it seemed to hav e come deliberately to pass judgment on me; and with haste (I believe) wanted to make my Norma undergo the same fate as the Druidess. I could no longer recognize those dear Milanese who had welcomed, with joy in their faces and exu ltation in their hearts, Il Pirata, La Straniera, La Sonnambula; and ye t I th ought that, with No rma , I had given them a worthy sister!"
And, as if justifying himself, the co mposer went on to list the numbers that seemed to him parti cularly va lid : Norma's opening aria ("Casta Diva"), the duet between the two women, the whole second act. And he concluded, stiffening his upp er lip: "I am yo ung, and I feel in my spirit the strength to avenge this terrible failure. "
Of course, No nna was not a failure. Already with th e second p e rformance, the public began to change its mind, greeting the individual scenes with applause and ca lling t h e co mposer to the footlights for bows. By the end of the 183 1-32 season at La Scala, Nom1a had been sung 39 times. And it had considwww.Mic h
erable competition, in that season, when La Scala revived the Rossini Otd lo with success, plus Donizetti 's ye ar-old Anna Bolena and his brand-new Ugo Conte do Pangi.
In 1831 , at the time of Nonna's fa ll and rise, Bellini was just 30 (he was born in Catania, SiCily, on 3 November, 180 1), but he was already considered a leading Italian composer since his first Milanese success with Il Pirata in 1827. He was not only ta len ted , but remarkably handsome , popular in society and without financia l worries. Now he was ready for international fame, and in fact, early in 1833 , he was to leave Italy for London and Paris, where - after creating his final great work, I PLlntani - h e died , on 23 September, 1835.
His career, from his first student opera LO I Pwitani , lasted barely a decade, but he left an indelib le mark not only on the It alian opera ofhis time (Donizetti's Lucia owes a clear debt to &llini), but on other non- Italian and non-operatic mus ic (Chopin admired him and was influenced by him).
Bellini's life was romantic, and h is early biographers romanticized it even more. But his operas , and espeCially Norma, have a classical simplicity and purity This quality makes his music Singularly p e rsonal , immediately recogrLizable; at least in part, this quality was derived also from the talents of the composer's most frequ ent , preferred librettis t , Felice Romani , the po e t of Nonna. Thirteen yea rs older than Bellini, Romani considered himself, with some reason, the composer's mento r And th ough they quarreled at one point (th ey made up just before Bellini's death), Bellini always remained impressed b y Romani's sober taste an d h is s taid p ersonality It may we ll have been Romani who chose the French tragedy NOm1a for Bellini, since in the field of literature, the poet-librettist was a convinced classicist and a nti-romantic. And Alexandre Soume t's dramatic style was consonant with Romani's literary criteria. When the occasion de m anded it , Romani could forget his priva te prefere nces a nd tum even seething romantic dramas - like Hugo's Lucrec e Borgia - into librettos ; but he was happier with less violent , more s ta tely works In fact , he considerably tempered the tragedy Nonna, w h ich
BRAVO 9 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
in the original Paris version included a mad scene and ended with the protagonists suicide and murder of her two children. Romani and Bellini invented the finale of noble self-sacrifice for the opera.
The adj ective "lunar" has been applied to No rma , and the opera is indeed a nocturne. If "Casta Diva," with its direct appeal to the moon-goddess , is the wo rks most celebrated aria and one of the most beautiful ever written for the soprano voice, the great seena of the second acts opening ("Dormono entrambi ... ") is perhaps an even more striking musical and dramatic achievement, with its subtle shifts of mood, its sensitive depiction of rich and profound character. In fact, Norma as a whole, is far more varied than the superficial listener might think. Though it is supremely coh erent musically; the opera can contain pages disparate as Orovesos solemn opening aria and the furi ous "Guerra I Guerra l " war chorus, the awed dream of Pollione, and the melting duet of Norma and Adalgi sa, with its impassioned "friendship " cabaletta, to say nothing of the heart-piercing conclusion.
Norma has been called a "protagonistopera," and undoubtedly the central role is a prima donna s delight (if she has the voca l skill and stamina and the courage to tackle it). But the other roles are not negligible. The first Adalgisa was Giulia Grisi (Bellini's Juliet in his I Capuleti ed I Monte ee hi and, later, the first Elvira in I Puritani); the role has now become mezzo-soprano property; but the mezzo who essays it must equa l the Norma in range and dramatic ability And while Domenico Donzelli , the first Pollione, didn't please Bellini (he hadn 't studied his part enough), subsequent tenors have proved that, though essentially passive, the Roman warrior can cut a stirring amorous figur e. Like previous and subsequent operatic high priests and fathers, Oroveso has little to do but sing. What he sings, however, is unerringly and au sterely beautiful.
From the beginning, Norma has had its detractors (Berlioz in the lead) and its convinced admirers . Of these , the most unexpected is Richard Wagner, who said, succinctly: "Of all Bellini s creations, Norma is the one which unites the richest flow of melody with the deepest glow of truth " The opera cou ld not be described more aptly m
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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
THE KING SILVER FAIRY Diana Vis hneva, Uliana Lopatkina, Vladimi r Ponomarev Daria Sukhorukova
Inna Nioradze, Daria Pavlenko
Igor Zelensky, Igo r Kolb, And rian
HIS QUEEN CARABOSSE Fadeev, Alexa nd er Kurkov
Elena Bazhenova Igor Petrov (20; 22m; 23)
PRINCESS AURORA, Roman Skripkin (21; 22) Tatian a Amosova, Sofia Gumerova,
THEIR DAUGHTER, CATALABUTTE Irina Go lub , Yu li a Kasenkova, Diana Vishneva (2 0) Andrey Yakovlev Ekaterina Ocmo lkin a
Irma N ioradze (21) GALIFRON Islom Baymuradov, Ruben
Ekaterina Osmolkina (22m) Andrey Yakovlev Bobovnik ov, Anton Korsakov, Leonid
Alina Somova (22)
Sa rafanov, Dmitry Semiono v, Andrey
Olesia Novikova (23) SERVANT Yakovlev
PRINCE DESIRE Islom Baymuradov
The King and Queen are celebrating the birth o f their dau g hter, Princess Aurora.
The Lil ac Fairy and her attendants a ppear to the gentle sounds of harps and violins. The good fairi es - The Tenderness Fairy, the Playful Fairy, the Generous Fairy, the Brave Fairy and the Carefree Fairy - all arrive.
Each h as brought a gift for the new born Princess.
Terrified servants announce that Carabosse, the evil fairy, is on her way
Igor Zelensky (20)
PRINCESS FLORINA Olga Akmatova, Elena Adamenko, Anton Korsakov (21) Kse nia Ostreykovskaya (20) Ele n a Androsova, E lena Bazhenova, Vladimir Shkliarov (2 2m) Sofia Gumerova (21) Yulia Boishakova, Tatiana Bazhitova, Igor Kolb (22) Yulia Boishakova (22m) Ele na Vostrotina, Daria Grigorieva, Leonid Sarafanov (23) Daria Pavlenko (22) Na d ezhda Demakova, Ksenia
BRIDEGROOMS OF Irina Golub (23) Dubrovina, O lga Esina, Sve tlana Ivanova, Ekaterina Klimkova, Maria
THE PRINCESS THE BLUE BIRD Kolomi ytseva, Ekaterina Kondaurova, Alexander Kurkov Maxim Chasc hegorov (2 0)
Ruben Bobovnikov Dmitry Semionov (21 ; 22m) Anna Korotysheva, Maria Lebe de va, Dmitry Semionov Vasily Sc herbakov (22) Valeria Martynyuk, Ekaterina Mikhaylovtseva, Olesia Novikova, Vladimir Shkliarov Anton Korsakov (23) Yevgenia Obraztsova, Ksenia
LILAC FAIRY THE WHITE CAT Ostreykovskaya, Daria Pavlova, Uliana Lopatkina (20) Yana Seli n a Ekaterina Petina, Irina Prokofieva, Daria Pavlenko (21) Yana Se lin a, Yana Serebriakova, Diana
Elena Vostro tina (22m) PUSS IN BOOTS Smimova , Alisa Sokolova, Alina
O lga Esina (22) Anton Lukovkin Somova, Daria Sukhorukova, Ksenia
Tatiana Amosova (23)
LITTLE RED RIDING Tagunova, Viktoria Tereshkina, Tatiana Tkachenko, Ti En Ru, Sve tlana
TENDERNESS FAIRY HOOD Khrebtova, Lira Khuslamova, Na talia
Daria Sukhorukova (20; 21 ) Yevgenia Obraztsova Sharapova, Elena Yushkovskaya
Ksenia Ostreykovskaya (22; 23) WOLF
Alexey Bazhitov, Boytsov Anton,
VIVACITY FAIRY Nikolay Zubkovsky Stanislav Burov, Niko lay Zubkovsky, Tatiana Tkachenko (20; 21 ; 23) Maxim Zyuzin , Artem Kokorin, Sergei
Yulia Kasenkova (22)
MAIDSERVANT Kono n e nko , Valery Konkov, Alexey
Lira Khuslamova Krasnov, Fedor Lopukhov, Anton
GENEROSITY FAIRY HUNTSMAN Lukovkin, Pavel Moskvito, N ikolay
Yevgenia Obraztsova
Anton Lukovkin Naumov, Igor Niki tin, Novfel N iyazov, Igo r Petrov, Vladimir Ponomarev,
COURAGE FAIRY MAIDS OF HONORS Serge i Salikov, Roman Skripkin , Yana Serebriakova
Daria Sukhorukova Dmitry Solo vey, Nikita Tkachenko, LIGHTHEARTEDNESS Yana Serebriakova Maxim Chaschegorov, Vladimir
FAIRY Ekaterina Kondaurova Shkliarov, Vasily Scherbakov
Yana Selin a Olga Esina
The Kirov Ballet isJresented under YOUNG LADIES the Management 0 Ardani Artists
DIAMOND FAIRY Management, In c.
Irina Golub (20) Elena Yushkovskaya
Tatiana Tkachenko (22m; 23) Yevgenia Obraztsova
VJktoria Tereshkina (21 ; 22 ) Yana Selma
Yana Sereb riako va NEREIDS
Elena Vostrotin a
Yu lia Kasenkova
Lyudmila Chaykovskaya (Violin )
Mikhail Slavin (Cello)
Natalia Shlykova (Flute)
Victor Khussu (Oboe)
Yevgen y Kultygin (Clarinet)
Bo zh ena Chomak (H arp)
The old and ugly Carabosse draws up in h e r c h ario t , drive n b y monsters and mice. She is furious that they forgot to invite her to the ball. Carabosse calls forth a vision of the yo ung Aurora and says she will prick h er finger on a s pindle and die.
The Lilac Fairy drives Carabosse from Auroras c radle and promises to protect the Princess. Good has won this battle against evil. Carabosse leaves the palace, fuming and e nrage d.
In order to prevent the traged y fore told b y the evil witch , the King issues a command forbidding the use of spindles in his kingdom on pain of death.
Act I
Princess Aurora is now 16. The palace is fille d with guests The suitors are presented to Aurora. She is kind to them all and dances with each of them , without bestOwing h e r fa vor o n any particular one.
An old woman with a bouque t of roses approaches the Princess. Aurora takes the bouqu e t and dances a waltz. Suddenly; pricking h er finger, the Princess falls senseless A sharp n eedle was hidden amid the flowers. Everyone is grief-stricken. At this instant, the old womans cloak slips from her shoulders It is the evil Carabosse, in triumph. Drawing
their swo rds , the suitors throw themselves
upon her, but the witch disappears Auroras protector, the Lilac Fairy, appears.
Sh e is unable to undo Carabosses e vil sp e ll , but sh e can so fte n its effect. "Aurora is not d ead - sh e is merely asleep," says the good fairy, and with a wave of her magic wand
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sends the entire kingdom into a lOO-year slumber. The grounds become overgrown with lilac bushes, hiding the castle deep in a forest.
Act II
The overgrown park is inhab ited only by the evil Carabosse and her attendants. They bar the way to all who attempt to enter the sleeping kingdom. Suddenly, they h ear sounds indicating that the Lilac Fairy is approaching. Carabosse is powerless before h er.
In the meantime, Desire has already reached the walls of the royal castle. Looking for the Princess, he hUrriedly passes by the sleeping court He approaches the couch where Aurora lies in a deep sleep .
Desire wakens the sleeping beauty with a passionate kiss. The whole kingdom awakes with her. Aurora and Desire feel all the passion of first love. Enchanted by Auroras beauty and charm , the Prince asks the King and Queen for their daughters hand.
Aurora and Desire 's magnificent wedding is b eing celebrated at the palace.
The many guests include characters from fairy tales. There is Blu ebird and his wives, Princess Florine and the Bluebird, Puss in Boots and the White Cat, Little Red Riding Hood and the Wo lf, and Hop 0 ' My Thumb and his brothers, with the Ogre chasing them. Cindere lla runs by, losing h er slipper. Prince Fortune piCks it up.
The Diamond Fairy, the Sapphire Fairy, the Golden Fairy and the Silver Fairy come to congratulate Aurora and Desire
Aurora and Desire, the radiant newlyweds , perform a festive duet.
General rejoicing. The fountains are playing. The Lilac Fairy, symbolizing the e te rnal triumph and victory of good , rises above the gushing cascade. III
Makhar Yaziev (Directo r of the Ballet) Honored Artis t of Russia (2002). Born in Alagir, North Ossetia. Graduated from the Vaganova Academy (under YuryUmrikhin) in 1981. joined the Kiro v Ballet in 1979 and became a prinCipal dancer in 1989. In 1995 , was appo inted Direc tor of the Kirov Balle t.
His repertOire included La Sylphid e (James), La Bayadere (Solor), Th e Sleeping Bea uty (Prince Desire) , Th e Nutcracker (Prince), Swan Lake (Siegfried), Don Quixote (Basil), Giselle (Albrecht), Le Corsaire (Ali), Raymonda (Abderkhaman), Paquita Grand Pas, Th e Legend of Love (Ferkhad), Soheherazade (Golden Slave), Fokine s Chopiniana, Spect re de la Rose, Balanchine 's Th eme and Variations, Le Jeune Homme et la Mort, Roland Petits Carm en.
During his directorship , the follo wing new productions have entered the repertoire of the Kiro v Ballet: Balanchines Symphony in C, Se renad e, Apollo and Jewels; Roland Petits Carmen and Le Jeune Homme et la Mort ; Kennet MacMillans Manon; Le Baiser de la Fee, Po eme de I'Extas e, Middle Duet, Cinderella by Alexe y Ratmansky ; Petrushka, the re-creation of the 1890 produ ction of The Sleepi ng Beauty and La Bayadere , Th e Nutcracker (set, costume and produ ction design created by Mikhail Shemiakin), three ballets of john Neumeier, William Forsythe s ballets. Alexander Polianichko (Conductor) was appointed house conductor at the Kiro v Opera and Ball et in 1989. In addition to regular performances at the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, h e has conducted the Kirov at the Edinburgh International Festival, Savonlinna Opera Festival and on tour in Germany, Israel , Italy, France, Finland , japan, Korea, the Netherlands , Portugal, Spain , Switzerland and the USA. Alexa nd er Polyanichko's engagements have included the Bolshoi Theatre Moscow, the Danish National Opera, Deutsche Oper, English National Opera , Opera National de Paris , the Royal Opera Covent Garden , San Francisco Opera , Stuttgart Opera, Teatro alla Scala and Welsh National Opera. In 19 96, he was invited to take the Opera Na tional de Paris to New York for
their appearances at the Metropolitan Opera House. His operatic repertoire comprises the core of the Russian repertoire, including Boris Godunov, Khovanshchina, The Marriage and Sorochinsky Fair (Mussorgsky); TchaiKovsky s The Que en of Spades, Eugen e Onegin and Mazeppa ; Borodins Prince Igor ; Th e Legend of th e Invisibfe City of Kitezh by Rimsky- Korsakov; Th e Fiery Angel and Th e Duenna (Proko fie v); Th e Miserly Knight (Rachmaninoff); Mavra (Stravinsky) ; Lady Macbeth of Mts ensk and Th e Gambl ers (S hostakovich). Other repertOire includes Lohenglin (Wagner); Faust (Gounod); Verdis Aida, Don Carlos , Otello and La Traviata; Carm en (B izet); Th e Barb er of Sevill e (Rossini); La Boheme , Madama Butterfly, To sca and Turandot (Puccini); Kurt Weill 's Seven Deadly Sins and Salome (R. Strauss). He conducts an extensive ballet repertoire from classics of the Russian 19thcentury school, via the masterpieces of Fokine and Balanchine, to contemporary choreography including works by Neume ier. After graduating as a violinist from the conservatoire in his native Rostov-on-Don (class of Professor M. Dreyer), Alexander Polianichko took up conducting studies with the legendary Professor Ilya Musin at the St. Petersburg Conservatoire, at the same time playing in th e St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra under the great Evgeny Mravinsky. In 1988, he was awarded first prize in the Sixth All-Union Conductors' Competition. From 1986 to1989 Alexander Polianichko was principal cond uctor and artistic director of the Belorussian Sta te Chamber Orchestra in Minsk, with whom he toured and recorded extensively. H e was appO inted chief conductor of the Bournemouth Sinfonietta in 1998, a post he still held at the time of the orchestras disbandment. He has appea red with many of the orchestras in the countries of the former Soviet Union , as well as in Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, New Zealand, Spain, the u.K. and the USA. He was a member of the jury at the Rimsky-Korsakov Opera Singers' comp etiti on in St. Petersburg ( 1997) and has conducted at numerous music festivals in his native Russia, including the Golden Mask Festival in Moscow and the White Night s Festival in St. Petersburg. III
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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
The Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theatre of St. Petersburg
First Violin
Yuri Zagorodnyk
Alexander Shirokov
leonid Kirichenko
Vera Skripnik
Madlena Zakarian
Ildar Gatov
Nina Pirogova
Yury Ivanov
Genrikh Chtchyan
Sergey Gavrikov
Natalia Genttselt
Anna Vinogradskaya
Second Violin
Zhanna Abdu laeva
Elena Khaytova
Ivan Krasilnikov
Alexander Vas ilie v
Yerdan Yergaliev
lyubov Gavrikova Double Bass Bassoon Tuba
Vladimir Kutepov Vasily Rakitsky Arseny Makarov Nikolay Novikov
Mikhail Zagorodnyuk Alexander Belokon
Viktor Alekseev
Viola Roman Zas tavny
Olga Maximova
Viktor Zakharov Flute
Svetlana Kozlova Natalia Shlykova
Robert Pakkanen Vasily Viland
Khamid Aliev Diana Ch erezova
Anna Pavlovich
Vlada Sokolova Oboe
Konstantin Shevchu k
Horn Valery Zhavnerchik
Anato ly Tchepkov Nikolay Volkov
Igor Prokofiev Viktor Ivanov
Dmitry Tchepkov Va lery Kniga
Viktor Mitroshin Harp
Trumpet Bozhena Chomak
Constantine Baryshev
Viktor Hussu Alexander Smimov Piano
Cello Alexa n der Sveshnikov Igor Kravtsov O lga Bystrova
Mikhail Slavin Alexander Trushkov Gennady Kuteev Carpenter
Dmitry Kirillov
Reza Gimaletdinov
Clarinet Trombone Andrey Romanov
Yevgeny Kul tygin Ilya Belyaev
Sarkis Ginosian
Boris Mezhvinsky Grigory Volobuev Alexey Repnikov
Tatiana Kozhevikova
Vladimir Polevin
Administration and Staff
Makhar Vaziev, Director Technical Staff Staff for oj the Ballet Sergey Grachev, Ardani Artists
Assistants to Technical Director Management, Inc.
Serge y Shestakov, Head Sergei Danilian, Ballet Director Carpenter President & CEO
Tatiana Bessar abova Leomd Dobroborskl , Gaiane Danilian
Sofya Yadchenko Master Carpenter Vice -President & CFO
Ballet Masters Alexey Skvortsov, David Bradford
Ta tiana Berezhnaya Mikhail Dmitriev, Technical Sergei Berezhnoy Yury Gnshaev, Patrice Thomas
Sergei Vikulov Carpenters Production
Elena Efteeva Alexander Naumov, Manager
Clark Transfer, Domestic Cargo Transportation
OOCl , Overseas Cargo Transportation
Atl as Travel, Oasis Travel, Overseas and Domestic Ii avel Arrangements
Musica l Instruments provided by Carroll Music
Nine lla Kurgapkina Llshtmg DesIgner Penny Jacobus, Gabrie la Komleva VladlIIllr Zamaraev,Ilya Lighting Supervisor DeWitt Stem Group, lyubova Kunakova Kabanov, Electnaans Fredrick Gary Steele, Liability Insurance
Galina Kekish eva Vlacheslav Ryzhkov, Production Carpenter
Anatoly Nisnevich gead Anita Willis, APS, Accounting Service
Gennady Selyutsky epa en Production Electrician
N ina Ukhova
Natalia Zakharova, Props Joseph M. Giordano Jr., Promotional materials
Olga Chenchikova Elena Klpmna, Nataha Production Property provided by Ardani Bonsova, Heads oj Master Design Studio
Ballet Teacher
Yuri Fateev
Stage Managers
Margarita Sukhova
Vera Kirillova
Lidia Zvereva
Nata li a Merkul ova
Zoya Kharlanova
Vla dimir Kalistratov
Fridlyansky Ilya
Makeup Department Eric Noren Ryman
Tatiana Mezentseva, l ynn Buck, lyudmila Aleynikova, Wardrobe Supervisor USA 2005 Tour Makeup Anna Dok, Interpreter, Management
Nma Galnbek, Assistant to Production Ardani Artists
lyudmlla Sltmkova, Stage Manager Manangement, Inc.
Heads oJ Wardrobe Michael Voo l 130 West 56th Street Department. Interpreter, 'Assistant Floor 5M ' Nataha Chubachma, to Production New York, NY 10019 Favzla Alleva, Alia Carpenter 212-399-0002 m
lyneva, Wardrobe Victoria ZenginDmltry Shreyber, Karaian, Int erpreter, Sound Engtneer Assistant to Company Manager
14 BRAVO De t ro it Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Setting: Paris, 1830s
The Cast
In order of voca l appearance
Frank Hernan dez
Cha rles Castronovo * (5 , 9 , 12)
Attila Fekete*t (6m, 11, 13m)
Matthew Arnold *
Kyle pfortmiller *
Tony Dillon
Liping Zhang (5, 9, 12)
Ermonela Jaho*t (6m , 11 , 31 m)
Lonel Woods'
Nicol e Cab ell *
Tony Dillon
Justin Watson
Christopher Va ught
Steven Mercurio
E. Rand ahl Ho ey
Chorus Master: Suza n ne Mallare Ac ton
Set Des ign: Mi chael Yeargan
Cos tum e Design: Malabar, Ltd. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Lighting Design: Kendall Smith
Hair/M akeup Design: J oanne Weaver
Asst. Director: Trevore Ross
Stage Manager: Ken Sa ltzman
Surtit les: Roberto Mauro
Sets own ed by Florida Gra nd Opera
Costumes owned by Malabar, Ltd. Toronto, Onta ri o, Ca nada
Last Michigan Ope ra Theatre produc tion of La Boheme: 2000 Featuming F ra ncesea Pe daci , Raul Melo , Kyle
Ke telsen , Ma ri u sz Kwiecien . Condu cte d by Steven Me rcurio , directed by Mario Corradi.
t U .5 Opera debut
* Michigan Opera Theatre d ebut
In a ch eerless garret on Christmas Eve. Rodolfo, a poe t , and Marcello, a painter, keep warm b y feeding a s tove with pages from Rodolfos drama. They are joined b y Colline, a philosopher, and Schaunard , a musician , who bring food, fu el and funds. As they celebrate their good fortune, Benoit, the landlord , interrupts their gaiety, d emanding the rent. They ply the old man with wine, encouraging him to tell his flirtations. With pretended indignation at his indiscretions, they throw him out. Rodolfos friends d epart , agreeing to meet him later at the Ca fe Momu s Returning to his work, h e is surprised b y a knock at the door. The visitor is a pretty young neighbor, Mimi, w hose candle has gone out on the drafty s tairway and who faint s as soon as s he enters. Rodolfo revives h er with a glass of wine. He lights h er candle, but as s he leaves, she rea lizes she canno t find her k ey As th ey search for it , a gust of wind ex tinguishes both candles In the mo onlight , the p oe t ta k es MimiS shive ring hand and tells h er of his drea ms. She respond s b y telling him how she lives alone in h er attic apartment, embroidering flowe rs and waiting for the first kiss of Aprils sun When Rodolfos friends call to him from the street, he answers that h e will be along shortly with a friend. Expressing their n ewfound love, Mimi and Rodolfo embrace and leave arm in arm.
The Latin Quarter bristles with humanity celebrating Christmas Eve . Rodolfo buys Mimi a pink bonne t at a shop n ear the Ca fe Momus. The poet introdu ces Mimi to his friends Soon Musetta, Marcellos high-spirited former sweetheart , makes a noisy entrance on the arm of h er rich new admirer, the elderly Alcindoro. The ensuing tumult reaches its height w hen Muse tta , trying to regain the painterS attention, sings a waltz , te lling h ow sh e is the center of attention wherever she goes. Everyone except Marcello is highly amu se d b y the encounter. To get rid of Alcindoro, Musetta complains that her shoe pinch es and sends the old man off to have it repaired. The moment he is out of Sight, she falls into Marcellos arms. Muse tta tells the waiter to charge everything to Alcindoro. A detachment of parading soldiers p asses the cafe, and the bohemians fall in behind , lifting Muse tta with h er shoeless fo o t to their shoulders
www MichiganOpera .org
Alcindoro rushes back with Mu se ttas shoe only to face the bill '
Intermission ACT III
On a snowy morning at a customs gate at the e d ge of Paris, merrymakers are h ea rd from within a tavern. Mimi enters searching for the place where Marcello dow lives with Musetta . When he emerges and asks her to join them inside, she declines because Rodolfo is there. Mimi is distraught over her lovers incessant jealousy Rodolfo, who has b een asleep in the tavern, is heard , and Mimi quickly hides Emerging, Rodolfo tells Marcello that h e wants to leave Mimi because she is so fi ckle Pressed for the real reason , he breaks down, saying that h er illness can only grow worse in the pove rty in which they live. Mimi, ove rhearing , is overcome with tears and coughing , and Rodolfo discovers her. Mimi explains that it is best for them to part amiably While Mimi and Rodolfo exchange memories of their happiness , Muse tta and Marcello storm out of the tavern , shouting insults at one another The stormy couple part in anger, but Mimi and Rodolfo promise to remain together at least until the spring.
Intermission ACT IV
Back in their garre t and separated from their loves , Rodolfo and Marcello lament the ir loneliness. Colline and Schaunard join them , bringing a m eager meal. To lift their s pirits , the four stage a mock ball , which turns into a good-natured du el. At the h eight of their re velry, Mu se tta bursts into the room, saying Mimi is downs tairs , too weak to climb the s tairs. Rodolfo runs to assist her. Musetta te lls the others how Mimi begged to b e taken to Rodolfo so she cou ld die ne ar him. The d es titute bohemians go to pawn their goods for a doctor and medicine : Musettas earrings and Collines coat, which has served him so faithfully for so long. Alone, Rodolfo and Mimi recall their happy days together. When the others return, Musetta gives Mimi a muff to warm her hands. As Mimi qUietly thanks her friends for their kindness, she slips slowly into sleep Schaunard goes to Mimis b e dside and discovers that sh e is dead. Rodolfo , seeing the pain on his friends faces, rushes to Mimi , calling h er name in d espair III
Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
- Courtesy of Opera N ews
Artist Profiles
Chorus Mastfl· (USA)
Suzanne Mallare Acton, Michigan Opera Theatres chorus master and assistant music director, is recognized for her versatility and dynamic style from th e concen hall to th e opera stage.
Conducting credi ts inclu de West Side Story, II Barbiere di Siviglia, Music Man, Pimt es oj Penzance, Mikado, Daughter oj the Regiment, and Die Fledermaus for Michi ga n Opera Th eatre, My Fail' Lady and La Yr·aviata for Dayto n Opera, Merry Widow a nd Mad ama Butte/fly fo r Anpark, and Tasca for Augus ta Opera. As a rtistic director/music director for Rackham Symph o n y C h oi r: Cannina Bumna , Rican Sanctus, Too Hot to Han del, and Amahl and the Night VlSito". Upcoming engagemen ts i nclude Too Hot to Handel at th e Detroit Opera Ho u se an d Chi cagos Auditorium T heate r, [ Elisi,· d'Amore for Verdi Opera Theatre and Voices oj Ught for Rackham Symphon y C hoi r.
Co llin e
Bass Matthew Arnold was a 2003 district winner in the Met ropo litan Opera Natio nal Council Auditions, and has recen tl y comple ted studies at Phi ladelph ias Acade m y of Vocal Arts. Recently, Mr. Arnold appeared in La Sonnambu la at Santa Fe Opera and in Chicago Opera T h ea tres produ ction of Rossini s II Viaggio a Rileims. FollOwing his debut with Michigan Opera Th eatre in La Boheme, Mr. Arn o ld will d eb ut with both Minnesota Opera and Florida Grand Opera as Escamill o in Ca rm en.
Mus etta
Ame ri can sop rano Nicole Cabell makes her Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Musetta. Ms. Cabel was a member o f the Lyric Opera Center [or American artists. She hilS performed in productions at th e Lyric Opera of Chicago that include Thais and the Cunning Uttl e VlXen. Ms. Cabe ll also recently was the grand prize winner of the Ca rdiff Si nger of the World co m petition. Late r th is seaso n , Ms. Cabe ll w ill d ebut with Palm Beach Opera in Th e Magic Flute and record h er frrst recital disk for Decca.
RodolJo (Nov 5, 9, 12)
Ameri can tenor Charl es Castrono vo makes h is Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Rodo llo in La Bah eme. Mr. Casrron ovo is one of the wo rlds most sou ght-after artists. Recent appea ran ces include, La Travi ata in Lo ndon , Berlin and Genoa, [ Elisir d'Amore i n Vienna and Th e Pead Fishers wi th San Francisco Opera. Afte r h is pe rformances in Detmit, Mr. Castronovo will appear in Fal staJJ in Brussels, Don Giovanni in Be rlin and m ore perfo rm an ces of La Tm via ta in London.
S tage Director
Mario Co rradi returns to the Detroit Opera House to direct Michigan Opera Theatres 2005 production of Bellinis Norma-his 15th production with the company. made his Mic hi gan Opera Theatre debut wi th 1996s Cannen, Mr. Corradi has returned to Detroi t a nnuall y, d i recting productiOns ranging from Werther to A Mask ed Ball, Rigoletto and Faus t, amo n g others. A native of
Milan, Italy, Mr. Corrad i has directed productiOns in many of the worlds great opera h ouses and theaters, includ in g Teatro Regio in Parma, the Natio nal Opera of the Ukra ine, as well as with countl ess opera compani es throughout ule United States. Mr. Corradi mad e h is professi ona l directorial debut in 1982, ha Ving previously been an assistant to the acclaimed jean-Pierre Ponne lle for five years.
BenoirJA lcindoro
Bass-barito ne Tony Dillon has appeared with opera co mpanies throu g hout th e Uniteci States , Ru ssia and Central America. Noted as an interpreter of many pre miere works , including pieces by Coppola, Earnest, Mlyn and Fink , Mr. Dillon will make his Michi gan Ope ra Thea tre m ain s tage debut as Benoit and Alcindoro in the companys 2005 produ ction of La Boheme. Recently, he has appeared in Tasca with Pittsburgh Opera, Gianni Schicchi wi th Illinois Opera Theatre and us Contes d'HoJJmann and Gloriana with Des Moines Metro Opera
C lotilde
This production marks Ms. Evolas debut with Michigan Opera Theatre Ms. Evola h o lds a Bachelo r of Fine Arts degree in musica l theater from Columbitl in Chic.ago. Ms. Evola is active on the local classical music scene , havi ng recently perfom led in La Yrmiata with the Verdi O pera Theatre and a ga la co ncen with the Bim1inghamBloomfield Symphony Future performances include Celisir d'Amore \vit h the Verdi Opera Thearre of Michigan.
RodolJo (6, 11, 13m)
T h ese pe r foffi1a nces mark Hunga rian tenor Attila Feke tes American debut. After attending the Liszt academy in Budapest , Me. Fekete was a m ember of th e H un ga rian State Opera, w here he sang ro les in La Bohem e, Rigoletto, Don Giovanni, Un Ballo in Masch em and Die Fl edemwLlS He has a p pea red in conce rt throughout Europe and j apan, an d is featured on recordings of Liszts Faust Sym phon y, a disk of Liszt Lieder, and a disk of Banok Li ede r. Later th is season , Mr. Fekete \vill make his Ca nadian d ebut as Pollione in Non11a with the Canadian Opera Company in Toronto.
JULIAN GAVIN (Austra lia)
Po l/ ion e (8, 12, 15)
Australian tenor julian makes his Michigan Opera T heatre debut as PoUiane in Nonlla. Recent engagements include Car·men in Berlin and Sydney, Rigoletto in Denver and the Bartered Bride with the Glyndebourne festival. Future engagements feature a return to Ope ra Co lorado in Can11en, Don Carlo and th e title role in And,m Olenier- in Graz. Me. Gavins impressive discograph y includes complete reco rdings of Emani and Can11en on the Chandos label.
Nanna (9 m , 14)
American so prano Brenda Harris returns to Michigan Opera Theatre as Norma, a role she has performed to great accla im at co mpan ies such as Opera de Q uebec a n d Minneso ta Opera. Ms. Harris debuted \vith Michigan Opera Theatre as Margue rite in Faust in 1994. She
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returned as t he Countess in the 2002 production o f TIle Maniage oj Figaro. Recent e ngagements include, Chrysothemis in Elehtra with Austin Lyric Opera, Magd a in Menotti 's The Consu l at Arizo na Opera and th e title rol e in Donizetti s Ma,ia Padilla at Minnesota O pe ra. Upcoming engagements will see Ms. Harris travel to Pal ermo , Italy for the title ro le in Vanessa, La Yr·aviata with Fort Worth Opera, and th e ro le of Camilla in Mereandantes rarely performed Oraz; e Cw iazi with Minn esota Opera.
Marce ll o
Baritone Frank Hernan d ez, w h o last appeared with Michigan Opera Th eat re in the 2004 prod uction of Faust , enjoys a busy career. Recent engagements in clude The Magic Flute with Opera Caroli na , La Boi,eme with Atl a nt a O pe ra and Tumndot with Madison Opera. en gage ments include Faust \vith Nash ville Opera, Madama Butterfly \vith th e jacksonville Symp hony an d a return to Ma dison Opera in TIle Magi c Flute.
Sta ge Director
Acclaimed director E. Randahl Hoey mad e h is Michigan Opera Theatre de but with the com panys 2005 spring production o f Tasca. He returns this fa ll to direct La Boheme. Mr. Hoeys extensive directorial credits include works fo r the operatic stage, as well as musica l theater, televisio n and moo. Mr. Hoey has more than 14 grand ope ras and some 70 musical theater credits to h is directorial resume. Most recentl y, Me. Hoey has worked as one o f the prodUCing directors o f the New Yor k Musica l T heatre Festival - the largest event o f its kind No table upco min g proj ects include three network seri es, IIveen Angel , Curtain Up a nd an animated children 's show titl ed KidQu est.
Photo not avai labl e at time of print ing
Mimi (6 m , 11 , 13m)
Albanian so p rano EmlOnela j ah o makes her American deb ut in the ro le o f Mimi, in Michigan Opera
Th eatres La Boheme. Ms. j ah o was a winne r of the Giacomo Pucci ni Competition , an d has performed th rough o ut Italy and Europe. Recent engagements include La Boheme at the Tea tm Comuna le di Bologna, Carmen in Trieste and Aube rs Manon uscaut at the Wexford Festival. Late r this seaso n , Ms. jaho willtravelta Ge neva for La Clemenza di Tito and make her debut with Ope ra Co mpany o f Philadelph ia, again as Mimi in La Boh eme.
Arme n ian bass Arutjun Kotchinian is a frequent guest of the most important European opera houses , s u ch as Covent Ga rd en , La Sca la, Munich , Hamburg an d Barce lo n a.
In 2002, he m ade hi s American debut as Zuccaria in Na bucco a t Los Ange les Opera, a ro le h e has performed to great accla im at companies s u ch as DeuLsche Ope r Berlin and Teatro La Fenice, Ven ice Recent engagements includ e Pimen in Boris Godul1ov , at Teatm Liceu in Barcelona , a return to Los Angeles Opera in Aida S im a " Bocca negra with Sa n Diego Opera and his debut as Ki n g Phillip at Co logne Opera. Upcomin g engagements include Nabu cco at Amste rdam and Cagli ari, Mephistoph eles in Fa ust at Berli n , Don Qui chotte at Trieste and a re turn to Cove nt Garde n in Turandot.
D e tro i t Opera House
{on stage}
BRAVO 17 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Maes tro Lord's association with Mi chi gan Opera Theatre dates back to the 1970s, when he was a member o f the music sta ff. His Michigan Opera Th ea tre conducting debut occurred in 2004 , when he conducted The Magic Flut e. He returns to Detroit in 2005 to conduct NOIm a. Maestro lord has conducted La Rondine at New York City Opera , Romeo and Juli ette at Opera Theatre of Saint louis , Eugene On egin at Boston Lytic Opera and Carm en at the Ponland Opera Theatre Future engagements include Carmen and Norma wi th Opera Colorado, and debuts with San Francisco Opera, Lyric Opera of Chicago and Dallas Opera. In additio n to his conducting engage ments , Maestro Lord remains music director of both Boston Lytic Opera and Opera Thealre of St. Lo uis
Condu ctor
Steven Mercurio is a frequ ent guest of the wo rlds opera companies, and this production marks his 12th appearance with Michigan Opera Theatre. Recent engagements include BlitzensteinS Regina at the Kennedy Center, La Rondine in Palermo and a symphOnic concen al the Tealro Co mmunale in Bologna. Fo llO\ving these performances in Detroit , Maestro Mercurio wi ll travel to Frankfun fo r Tasca, Ca tania for Andrea Chen ier, and to Livo rn o, Italy, for Mascagnis Isabeau.
Detroi t favorite Irina Mishura returns to Michigan Opera Theatre for the first time since her appearance as Carmen in 200 1. Ms. Mishura has appeared in numerous previous Mi chigan Opera Theatre productions , including Carmen, Aida, Samson et Dalila and the Opening Ga la of the Detroit Opera House Recent engagements include a re turn to the Metropolitan Opera in Aida and Carmen, a debut at Covent Garden as Awcena in nTrovat o,", Aida at the Savolirma festival in Finland and Aida at the los Angeles Opera. Futu re engagements includ e Aida in Palm Beach , NOIma in De nver, and a ret urn to the Metropolitan Opera in Luisa Mill er Ms. Mishura will also return to Michigan Opera Theatre this April as Amneris in Michigan Opera Theatres new production of Aida.
Mr. Panuccio returns to Michigan O pera Th eatre aft er debuting with the co mpany as Casey in the student performance of Margaret Ca rner. Mr. Panuccio wi ll also appea r in Marga ret Gamer in Philadelphia and Charlotte. He has appea red with the Saraso ta Opera , Opera Pacific , Cincinnati Ope ra , Utah Festival Ope ra , Nevada Opera and Portland Summer Opera in a varie ty of roles ranging fro m Cavaradossi in Tasca to Mao Tse- tung in Nixon in China.
Non na (8 , 12 , 15)
Acclaimed Arme nian soprano
Hasmik Papian made her Michigan Opera Theatre debut in the 200 1 production of AnousJ1. Ms. Papian has graced the stages o f the wo rld s most imponant opera ho uses , including the Metropolitan Opera, Vie nna State Opera and Opera Bastill e in Paris. Last season, Ms. Papian performed, Nabucco in Dresden, La Bohtme in Palermo , Piqu e Dame in Paris an d La Juiv e at the Vienna State Opera. Ms. Pap ian is also consi dered one of toda ys greatest interpreters of the titl e role in Norma. She has pe rformed NOIm a in Amsterdam , Washington , Orange, Nantes, Turin, Baltimore , 1i"apani, and Marseille. After her petformances in Detroit , Ms. Papian travels to Montreal for anothe r production of Norma, then to New York fo r Aida with the Metropolitan Opera. She then sings Tosca in Geneva, and again Nanna in Denver
PASCOE (E ngland)
S et a nd Cos tum e DeSigner
John Pascoe mad e his operati c design debut in 1979 , with Julius Caesar at the English Nationa l Opera. Since this initial offering, Mr Pascoe has received acclaim for his wo rk, both in design and as a director His productions have been featured on man y of the worlds great stages, includin g the Ro ya l Opera h ouse in londo n , the Metropoli tan Opera House in New York , Tea tro del'Opera di Roma in Italy and the Sydney Opera Ho use in Australia
Mr. Pascoe mad e hi s Michi ga n Opera Th ea tre deb ut in 1984 , as set des igner of Anna Bolena. He returned in 1989 , designing and direc ting the company's production o f Nanna, which is revived for the 2005 season. Addi ti onal
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{on stage}
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cred its with Michigan Opera Theatre include two productions of Don Giovanni and 20015 Don Pasqual e. Upcoming projec ts include productions with Palm Beach Opera, Virginia Opera, Washington National O pera and the unveiling of a completely ne w production of Lu crezia Borgia.
This production marks American baritone Kyle Pfortmillers debut with Michigan Opera Theatre He is a regular with opera companies throughou t No rth Am erica The 2005-2006 season will see Mr. Pfortmille r travel to Tulsa for Faust and his European debut in Paglia cci in Am s te rdam
DONGWON SHIN (South Korea ) Pollione (9m, 14)
South Korean tenor Dongwon Shin makes h is Mich igan Opera Theatre debut as Pollio n e in Nonma. Mr. Shin holds a Bachelor o f Music from Seou l National Uni versity, and comp leted gradua te studies at the prestigious Acadamy o f Vocal Arts in Philadelphia. Rece ntl y, Mr. Shin m ade his debut singing in a gala at Dayton Opera opposite Angela Brown Other recent engagements include a debut wi th Opera Company of Philadelphia in Aida, and wi th Sa nta Fe Opera as Calaf in Turand ol. Future en gage m ents wi ll see Mr. Shin travel to Athens for Turandol.
Lightin g DeS igner
Kenda ll Smith re turns to Michigan Opera Thea tre to d esign lighting for both Norma and La Boheme , re s p ec tive ly, hi s 49th a nd 50th production s with the comp an y. Mr. Smith made h is Michigan Opera Theatre debut in 1988 with Th e Ballad of Baby Doe. He recently d eSigned the company's 200 5 product ion of Tasca , as well as Lucia di Lammermoo r fo r Indianapolis Opera. Upcomin g engagements include Th e Daughter of the Regiment with Florid a Grand O p e ra, The Dim ) of Anne Fmnk with th e Oregon Shak es p ea re Festival, and a re turn to Detroit fo r Aida, in Apri l.
Wig alld Maheup Designer
Wig and Makeup DeSigner Joanne Weaver m ade h er Michigan Opera Th eatre debut with Tasca in 1995. She has since acted as resident designer for th e company Ms Weave r has also designed for opera companies th roughou t the United States, m OSt recently Des Moines Metro Opera in produc tions of Tales of Halfman n , Lu ci a di Lammenlloor and Glorianna. In the coming season , Ms. Weaver will return to Des Moin es Metro Opera for a produc tio n o f Amahl and th e Night Visitors, and sh e will also visit Reno Opera.
Set D esigner
Mich ael Yeargan makes his Mic higa n Opera Theatre design d e but WIth La Boh eme. Mr. Yea rgan is a professor of stage design at the Yale School of Drama and has c rea ted more than 50 productions as resident designer for the Yal e Repertory T heater. Mr. Yea rga n s d es igns have been fea tured o n many of the worlds great s tages, including th e Metro p olitan Opera House in New York, the Roya l O pera H ouse at Covent Garden, Th ea tre Musica l de Paris and the Welsh National Opera.
M imi (Nov 5 , 9, 12 )
So prano Liping Zhang returns to Mi chigan Opera Theatre after her d ebut as Butte r fly in 2003. Rece nt engagem e nts includ e Madama Butterfly a t the Metropolit a n Ope ra and Vancouver Opera, and La Boheme in Blisban e and at th e Royal Opera Hou se, CoventGa rde n Future e ngage m e nts include a return to the Metropolitan O p era in TUl"Qndot, the Opera Bastille in Madama Butte/fly and the Ro yal Opera in Cal·men.
D e troit Opera House
enenn£! World's Greatest New Year's Concert!
Center THE STRAUSS SYMPHONY OF AMERICATM Bernhard Schneider, conductor (Vienna)
Ga lamb os, s oprano (Budapest)· Neal Von Osten, tenor (Vienna) With Dancers from THE GYI)R NATIONAL BALLET OF' HUNGARY alld INTERNATIONAL BALLROOM DANCE CHAMPIONS To Reserve Call: 313-576-5111 or Visit the DSO Box Office at The MAX Groups of 10 or more, please call for special pricing! II .www Mi c higa nOp e r II Detroit Public TV OETItOIT RfNA SS" ,ECfNUR BRAVO 19 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Monday, January 2, 2006 • 2:30 pm Orchestra Hall, Max M. Fisher Music
THE DETR.OIT INSTITUTE OF AR.TS 5200 Woodwa rd Ave. I D etro it I dia. org Exhibition o rga ni ze d by M usee n atio n al des beaux<l.rts du Quebec, in Quebec City. w ith Musee Rod in in Paris In Detroit, t h e ex hibi tion ha s been m ad e possib le by a ge n e rous grant from the DaimlerChrys le r Corporat ion Fu nd Additional s upport prov ided b y the Mi ch iga n Cou ncil for Art s and Cu ltural Affairs and th e City of D e troit. CAMILLE CLAUDEL &RODIN FATEFUL ENCOUNTER OCTOBER 9, 200S - FEBRUARY S, 2006 Romeo & Juliet. Antony & Cleopatra. Rodin & Claude!. Among the world 's greatest love affairs, theirs is the only one carved in stone. For tickets call 1.877.DIATIXS or visit DIA membership 313.833 .7971 SPONSORED BY DAIMLERCHRYSLER DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund Ca mill e Claudel , Th e Wilt z, modeled 1893 ; cast 1905. Bronze. Musec Sa int e-Cro ix , Poiliers. PhotO: Mu sees de Poili ers I e h Vig-nau d Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Michigan Op era Th eatre Orchestra
Violin I Viola
Charlotte Merkerson, john Madison* t
Concertmaster* t Scott Stefanko t
Laura l e igh Roelofs , Kathlee n Grimest
Assistant Concertmas ter t Barbara lmich t
Velda Ke llyt
Pamela Hill * t
Laura Larsont
Dennis Carter
james Greer Oboe
Bryan J ohnsto n t Julianne l inn
Caro l Evanst
Kevin Filewycht Cello
AndrewWut Nadine Deleury* t
Tamara Kosinski
Katherine Widlar
Neal Campbell
Kristen Beene' t Trumpet
Sally Pitu ch t
l yn n e Marie Flegg
Beth Kirtont Diane Bredesen t Clarinet
Jason Bend le r Minka Christo ff t
j ames KUjawski Rob ert Reed t
J ohn l atzko
Violin II Stephen Koch
Victoria Haltom * t
Brooke Hoplamaziant Bass
Molly Hugh est Derek Well e r ' t
H e nrik Karapetyan t Clark Suttlet
Ann a Wellert
Aaron Keaster
Rita Lammers Sh awn Wood
janet Su llins Greg Sh eldo n
Bethany Mennemeyer
J ean Marie Posekany
David Kuehn * t
Gordon Simmonst
Derek l ockhart
Brian Bowman ' t Trombone
Suzanne Rozmary
Sandra Ja ckson
Eric Varnert
Richard Beene
Maury Okun* t
Greg Neart
J ohn Rutherford
David J ackson
Patricia Te r ry- Ro ss* t
Kyle Mills' t Timpani
Carrie Banfield t leonardo Soto* t
Susan Mutter
Michigan Op era Th eat re Chorus
Dan Aggas Brandy Ellis
Kara Alfan o
Patrick Barnard
Heidi Bowen
Kim Brooks
Alaina Brown
Fred Buchalter
Patrick Clampitt
Victoria DeCarlo
John Deierlein
leah Dexter
Hannah Dixon
Hyung Sang Do
Dianna Dumpel
Rebecca Eaddy
jacqueline Echols
Ma r ko Farion
Vanessa Ferriole
louise Fisher
Kurt Frank
Yvonne Friday
Elizabeth Gray
Andrew Hill
l eslie Hill
Thomas Kaba la
Alexa lokensga rd
Susan lowrie
Ann-Marie MacFarlane
Amy Do lan -Ma laney
Miroslav Manovski
Anthony McG laun
Michigan Op era Th eatre
D ar ren Orta j ustin Watson
Daniel Parado wski
Annie Radcliffe
Monique Ricard
J oseph Roberts
Benjamin Robinson
J o lanta Rod e-Kubiak
Aaron Sanko
Stephanie Schiff
Kenne th Shepherd
Woojin Shim
Stephen Stewart
Gregory Stinson
lu cy T h ompson
David Vaughn
Christopher Vaught
Norman Weber
Tamara Whitty
Am be r W illiams
lonel Woods
Anamaria Ylizaliturri
john Dorsey' t
David Taylor
Dan Maslanka
jean Schneider
• Principal
t Michigan Opera Theatre Orches tra
Detroit Federation of Musicians local #5 ,
Ameri can Federation of Musician s
The American Guild of Musical Artists is the official union of the Michigan Opera Theatre vocal p erformers. Michigan'S
Childrens Chorus
{on stage}
Miche ll e Alwardt Kerry Banish
Craven Denny Dorsey
troit Opera Hous e Maddie
H ass
r H atzis
Annie J acobs
Alexa lu sader
Maggie Ma laney
Danielle Muawad
Emily Sche rrer
J ordan Solano -Reed
icasia Solano- Reed BRAVO 21 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Madalyn Tenace
Administration & Staff
Bryan L Rives, Chief Operating Officer
Karen VanderKloot DiChiera, Director oj
Community Programs
John Eckstrom, Director oj Administration
Carol Halsted, Director oj Dan ce
Roberto Mauro, Assistant Artistic Directo r
Dewan Mitchell, Director oj Booking and Events
Manage ment
Rock Monroe, Director oj SaJety and Security
David W Osborne, Director oj Produ ctio n
M ary Parkhill, Director oj Develo pment
Laura R. Wyss, Director oj Communications
Bill Au s tin , Executive Assistant to th e General Director
H ea ther L Bell , Ex ecuti ve Assista nt to th e ChieJ
Op erating Officer
Beve rl y A Moore, Receptionist
Tunisia Brown , Patron Services Coordinator
Dave Blackburn , Public Relations Coordinator
Bill Carroll, Public Relations Volunt ee r Mitchell Carter, Website Coordinator
Jane Coe, Ticket Services Assistant Manager
jenise Collins, Group Sales Coordinator
Kimberly Gray, Tick et Services Assistant
Michael Hau ser, Marketing Manager
Kimberly A. Mogielski , Patron and Ticket Services Manager Manager
Crystal G. Ratledge, Account Executive, Solomon Friedman Advertising
Nikki Ruddy, Ev ents Marketing Consultant
Mark Vondrak, Associate Directorrrour Manager
Betty Lane , Op erations Manag er
Dolores Tobis , Marketing Manager
Betsy Bronson, Alaina Brown , Heidi Brown, Maria Cimarelli, David Gilliland, jennifer Gale, Sh awn McDonald, Steven McGhee, Kim Parr, Michael Parr, David Pulice, Amanda Sabelhau s, Cynthia Seigle, Karl Schmidt, David Vaughn, Chris Vaught, Mark Vondrak, Karen White, Tamara Whitty, Tour Artists
jessica Cheshire , Volunt ee r Manager
Danielle DeFauw, Boutique Manager
Heather H amilton, Special Projects Manager
Katherine Kucharski, Membership Manager
Matthew Talbot , Foundation and Government Grants Manag er
Kim-Lan Trinh , Planned Giving and Major Gifts Manager
Jane West ley, General Director's Circle Campaign Manager
Stephani Yates, Dance Patron Circle Campaign Manager
Kimberl y Burgess-Rive rs , Rita Winters, Accountants
john Grigaitis , Systems Manag er
Deleana Hill , Applications Specia list
Derrick Lewis , Controller
PRODUCTION Administration
Elizabeth Anderson, Production Coordinator
Caro lyn Geck, Assistant to Director oj Production
Trevore Ross , Assistant Director
Ken Saltzman , Stage Manage r
Dea Franck , Kathleen Stakenas, Assistant Stage Managers
Nancy Krolikowski , Local Transportation Coordinator
Eugene Robelli, Production Volunteer
Pat Lewellen , Audition Volunteer
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Zakiya Toby, Production Int ern
Music Department
David DiChiera , Music Director
Suzanne Mallare Ac ton , Assistant Music Director, Chorus Master
Diane Bredesen, Orchestra Personnel Manag er
J ean Schneider, Rehearsal Accompanist, Repetiteur
Technical & Design Staff
Daniel T. Brinker, Technical Director
Monika Essen, Property Master & Scenic Artist
Kendall Sm ith, Lighting Coordinator
David Leonard , Assistant Lighting DeSign er
Dee Dorsey, Surtitle Operator
Christopher Barbeau, Fight Choreograph er
Daniel Dene , Reco rding Engine er
Keith Kalinowski , Technical Assistant
Rudi Laue rrnann, Assistant Recording Engineer
Suzanne M. Hanna, Costume Director
Alice Moss, Wardrobe Mistress
Margaret Bronder, First Hand
Katie H ein & Lisa Morin, Stitchers
Bethany Killian , Costume Int ern
Makeup & Hair
Joanne Weaver, Wigs & Makeup DeSign er
Elizabe th Geck , Assistant to Wig and Mak eup DeSigner
Ange la Cruice, Local Crew Director
Detroit Local Wig and Makeup Crew
Stage Crew
John Kinsora, Head Carpenter
Robert Mesinar, Head Electrician
Alan Bigelow, Head Propertyman
Paul Moraites , Head Sound
Robert Martin , Head Flyman
Gary Gilmore, Production Electrician
Mary Ellen Shi ndel , Head oj Wardrob e
IATSE Lo cal #38 , Stage Crew
IATSE Loca l #786, Wardrobe
Jesse Carter, Senior Building Engin eer
Deme trius Barnes, Building Engin ee r
Francine Harper, House Manager
james Hughes, Concessions Manager
Lorraine Monroe, Andre Paige, Stage Door
Constance Wilson, Events Coordinator
Robe rt Neil , Parking Center Manager m
Detroit Opera House
{michigan opera theatre}
Ali Moiin M.Dt U i pI L,;II:'.C': Arlt:1io:.m f,f ir i 0': , 1 Pr; I:: ;,· , Expert In: AfriL::an Amcrican Skin Lase:r Su rgery Botox Treatment Bod \ r COlUDurilll2 , ... Sldn :\ {·oltlprJ'J : etl.ll' IY' 1. h ! rtl1tl roI lJ '()' (('tf""T h, I ( ! ,I ,I :.' I)llJ )U I" .-l il'f 1II', :d.i , : :;; .) 'II,. H L,qlll l'" SLJi c(' C·l.i I II" ,.1[ ·1 248 M 643- '7677 ' 22 BRAVO
Giving is noble. But receiving definitely has its points.
PE A Charitable Gift Annuity allows you to benefit from both. Ir!!
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I:i:I Annu itie s,
Giving and M ajor I:i:I Ir!! FOUND A 'TION Ir!! Ir!! .n. Gifts Manager, at (313) 23 7 3408. Ir!! Ir!! For SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN Ir!! Ir!! © 2003 CFSEM Ir!! 1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!!1r!! Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
ca ll
Board of Directors
Mr. RJamison WilliamsJr., Chaimlan
Dr. David DiChiera, P,·esident
Mr. Cameron B. Duncan, Iimsurer
Mr. C. Thomas Toppin, Secretmy
Mrs. Robert A. Allesee
Mr. Douglas F Allison
Mrs. Donald C. Austin
Mrs. John Barfi eld
Mr. lee Barthel
Mr. James Berline
Mr. Richard A. Brodi e
Mrs. William C. Brooks
Mr. Thomas Celani
Mrs. Frederick Clark
Mrs. Peter Cooper
Mr Tarik S. Daoud
Julia Donovan Darl ow
Mrs. Dodie David
Mr Lawrence N. David
Mrs. Charles M. Endicott
Mrs. Alex Erdeljan
Mr. Paul E. Ewing
Dr. &: Mrs. Roger M. Ajluni
Mr &: Mrs. Robert A. Allesee
Mr. &: Mrs. Douglas F Allison
Dr Lourdes V Andaya
Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas V Angoll
Dr &: Mrs. Agustin Arbulu
Dr Harold M. Arrington
Dr &: Mrs. Ingida Asfaw
Mrs. Dona ld J. Atwood
Dr. &: Mrs. Donald C. Austin
The Hon. &: Mrs. Edward Avadenka
Mr. &: Mrs. Don H. Barden
Mr &: Mrs. Jon Barfield
Mr &: Mrs. lee Barthel
Mr. &: Mrs. J. Adclison Bartush
Mr &: Mrs. Mark Alan Baun
Mr. W Victor Benjamin
Mrs. Ara Berberian
Mr. &: Mrs. James Berline
Mr &: Mrs. Mandell Berman
Mr. &: Mrs. John Boll Sr.
Betty J. Bright
Mr. &: Mrs. John Broad
Mr &: Mrs. Richard A. Brodie
Mr. &: Mrs. William C. Brooks
Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Celani
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert D Charles
Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Cheesebrough III
Mr. David Clark
Mr. &: Mrs. Frederick H. Clark
Mrs. David Fischer
Dr. M. Fisher
Barbara Frankel
Mr. Herman Frankel
Mr. James M. Garavaglia
Mrs. Lawrence Garberding
Mr Richard G. Goetz
Mr. David Handleman
Mr. Kenneth E. Hart
Mr. Eugene Hamvig
Mr. Richard Janes
Mr. Gary E. Johnson
Mr. Lawrence S. Jones
Mrs. Charles Kessler
Mrs. Carlita E. Kilpatrick
Mr. Thomas M. Krikorian
Mr. A. C. liebler
Mr. Harry A. Lomason
Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli
Mrs. Jennifer Nasse r
Mr. James Nichols
Dr. Charlotte Podowski
Mrs. Ruth Rattner
Mr. Roy Roberts
Ms. Patricia Rodzik
Mr William Sandy
Mr. Gregory Schwanz
Ms. Elham ShayOta
Mrs. Roge r F Sherman
Mr. Frank D. Stella
Mrs. George Strumbos
Dr. Lorna Thomas
Mr. George C. Vmcent
Mr. Richard C. Webb
Mr. George M. Zeltzer
Chairmen Emeitus
Mr. Robert E. Dewar t
Mr Lynn A. Townsend t
Directors Emeritus
Mr. J. Addison Bartush
Mr. Frank W Donovan t
Mr. James H Gram t
Mrs. WIlliam Johnston
Mr. David Pollackt
Mrs. Irving Rose
Mr. Robert VanderKloot t
Mr. Mort Zieve t
Ms. Virginia Clementi
Mrs. Margo Cohen-Feinberg &: Mr. Robert Feinberg
The Hon &: Mrs. Avem L Cohn
Mr. Thomas Cohn
Mr. &: Mrs. Peter Cooper
Ms. Rosalind L Cooperman
Mr &: Mrs. Marvin l. Danto
Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik S. Daoud
Julia Donovan DarIow &: John C. O'Meara
Mr. &: Mrs. Jerry P. D'Avanzo
Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence N. David
Mrs. Margaret Demant
Mr. Kevin Dennis &: Mr Jeremy Ze ltzer
Dr Fernando G. Diaz
Dr. David DiChiera
Mrs. Karen VanderKloot DiChiera
The Hon &: Mrs. John Dingell
Ms. Mary Jane Doerr
Ms. linda Dresner &: Mr Edward levy
Mr. &: Mrs. Cameron B. Duncan
Mrs. Charles M. Endicott
Mr. &: Mrs. Alex Erdeljan
Dr. Fern R Espino &: Mr. Tom Short
Mr. &: Mrs. Roland C. Eugenio
Mr. &: Mrs. Paul E. Ewing
Mr. &: Mrs. Stephen Ewing
Dr Haifa Fakhouri
Mr. &: Mrs. Oscar Feldman
Mr. &: Mrs. John Ferron
Mr. &: Mrs. David Fischer
Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred J Fisher Jr
Mr &: Mrs. Herbert Fisher
Dr. M. Fisher
Mrs. Elaine L. Fontana
Mr &: Mrs. Mitchell B. Foster
Barbara Frankel &: Ron Michalak
Mr. &: Mrs. Herman Frankel
Mr. Marvin A. Frenkel
Mr. &: Mrs. Dean Friedman
The Hon. Hilda Gage
Mr &: Mrs. James Garavaglia
Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence Garberding
Mr &: Mrs. Yousif Gharfari
Mr. &: Mrs. Vito P. Gioia
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard G. Goetz
Mr. &: Mrs. Harvey Grace
Mrs. H. Haidostian
Mr. &: Mrs. David Handlernan
Mr. &: Mrs. Preston B. Happel
Mr. Kenneth E. Hart
Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Hartwig
Mrs. David B. Hermelin
Mr &: Mrs. Patrick F Hickey
Mr. &: Mrs. Derek Hodgson
The Hon &: Mrs. Joseph N. Impas tato
Mrs. Una Jackman
Mrs. David Jacknow
Mr. &: Mrs. Darnell D. Jackson
Mr. &: Mrs. Ri chard Janes
Mrs. Sybil Jaques
Mr. Don Jensen
Mr. &: Mrs Gary E. Johnson
Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence S. Jones
Mr &: Mrs Elliot Joseph
Mr. &: Mrs. William Kahn
Mr. &: Mrs John Kaplan
Mr. &: Mrs. Patrick Kerzic
Mrs. Charles Kessler
The Hon. &: Mrs. Kwame
Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene L Klein
Mr &: Mrs. Robert Klein
Mr. &: Mrs. Mike Kojaian
Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas M Krikorian
Dr. &: Mrs. Richard W Kulis
Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Lavins
Dr. &: Mrs. Kim K. lie
Mr. &: Mrs. A. C. [jebler
Dr. &: Mrs. Robert P. lisak
Mr &: Mrs. Harry A. Lomason
Mr. &: Mrs. James H. loPrete
Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli
Cardinal Adam Maida
Ms. Florine Mark
Dr &: Mrs. Ronald Martella
The Hon Jack &: Dr Bettye Arrington-Martin
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard McBrien
Mr &: Mrs. Eugene A. Miller
Mr. &: Mrs. Jeffrey Miro
Ms. Monica Moffat &: Mr. Patrick McGuire
Dr Ali Moiin &:
Dr. William Kupsky
Mr. &: Mrs. Theodore Monolidis
Mr. &: Mrs. E. Clarence Mularoni
Dr &: Mrs. Stephen Munk
Mr &: Mrs. E. Michael Mutchler
Mrs. Jennifer Nasser
Mr. &: Mrs. Tunothy Nasso
Mr James Nichols
Mr. &: Mrs. Harry Nosanchuk
Mr &: Mrs. Irving Nus baum
Mr &: Mrs. James Pamel
Mr. &: Mrs. Spencer Partrich
Dr. Robert E. L. Perkins
Mr. &: Mrs. Brock E. Plumb
Dr. Charlotte &: Mr. Charles Podowski
Mrs. Heinz Prechter
Mr &: Mrs. W James Prowse
Mr. &: Mrs. John RakoIta Jr.
Mrs. Ruth Rattner
Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony Rea
Dr. Irvin D. Reid &: Dr Pamela Trotman Reid
Dr &: Mrs. James Rigby
Mr. &: Mrs. Roy S. Roberts
Ms. Patricia H. RocIzik
Mr. &: Mrs. Peter Ronan
Mr. &: Mrs. Irving Rose
Mr &: Mrs. Norman Rosenfeld
Mrs. Carolyn L Ross
Mr. N Mrs. Anthony Rugiero
Dr. &: Mrs. Hershel Sandberg
Mr. &: Mrs. William Sandy
Mrs. linda Schafer
Dr &: Mrs. Norman R Schakne
Mr. &: Mrs. Alan E. Schwanz
Mr. &: Mrs. Gregory J. Schwanz
Mr. &: Mrs. Donald E. Schwendemann
Mr. &: Mrs. Merton Segal
Mr. &: Mrs. Mark Shaevsky
Mrs. Frank C. Shaler
Ms. Elham Shayota
Mr. &: Mrs. Roger F Sherman
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Sloan
Ms. Phyllis Funk Snow
Mr. &: Mrs. David Snyder
Mr &: Mrs. Anthony L. Soave
Mr. Richard A. Sonenklar
Dr. &: Mrs. Sheldon Sonkin
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard D. Starkweather
Mr. Frank D. Stella
Ms. Mary Ann Stella
Mr. &: Mrs. William Stone
Mr. &: Mrs. Stephen Strome
Mr. &: Mrs. George Strumbos
Mr. Ronald F Switzer
Ms. Jud ith Tappero
Mr. &: Mrs. Joel Tauber
Dr. &: Mrs. Anthony R Tersigni
Dr Lorna Thomas
Mr. Sheldon &: Dr. Roberta Toll
Mr &: Mrs. C. Thomas Toppin
Mr &: Mrs. George Torreano
Mrs. Lynn A. Townsend
Mr. &: Mrs. Steven Victor
Mr. &: Mrs. George C. Vincent
Mrs. Alvin Wasserman
Mr. &: Mrs. Gary L Wasserman
Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth Way
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard C. Webb
Mrs. Amelia H. Wilhelm
Dr. &: Mrs. Christopher D Wtlhelm
Mr. R Jamison Williams Jr
Dr. &: Mrs. Sam B. Williams
The Hon. Joan E. Young &:
Mr. Thomas L Schellenberg
Mr. &: Mrs. Ted Zegouras
Mr. &: Mrs. George M. Zeltze r
Mrs. Morton Zieve
Mrs. Paul Zuckerman
Trustees Emeritus
Mrs. James Merriam Barnes
Mr. t &: Mrs. t Robert E. Dewar
Dr. t &: Mrs. t Robert Gerisch
Mrs. Aaron Gershenson
Mr. t &: Mrs. James Gram
Mrs. Katherine Gribbs
Mrs. Robert Hamadyt
Mr. &: Mrs. E. Jan Hartmann
Mr. &: Mrs. Maxwell Jospey
Mr. Mitchell &: Dr. Zophia Kafarski
Mrs. Walton Lewis
Mrs. Jesse Mann
Mrs. Wade H McCreeJr.
Mr. &: Mrs. Jules L. Pallone
Mrs. Ralph Polk t
Mr. t &: Mrs. t David Pollock
Mr. &: Mrs. t Fred Schneidewind
Mrs. Mark C. Stevens
Mr. t &: Mrs. t Robert VanderKloot
Mrs. R Alexander Wrigley
Founding Members
Mr. t &: Mrs. Lynn A. Townsend , Founding Chaimen
The Hon. &: Mrs. tAvern L. Cohn
Dr. &: Mrs. John DeCarlo
Dr. &: Mrs. David DiChiera
Mr. t &: Mrs. Aaron H. Gershenson
Mr. &: Mrs Donald C. Graves
The Hon. &: Mrs. Roman S. Gribbs
Mr. t &: Mrs. t John C. Griffin
Mr. &: Mrs. Ha rry L. J ones
The Hon. t &: Mrs. Wade McCree Jr.
Mr. Harry J Nederlander
Mr. E. Harwood Rydholmt
Mr. &: Mrs. Neil Snow
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Strichanz
Mr. t &: Mrs. t Robert C. VanderKloot
Dr. &: Mrs. Sam B. Williams
Mr. t &: Mrs. t Theodore O. Yntema m
t Deceased
{michigan opera theatre}
Plastic and Reconst ructive Su rgery Aesthetic Su rgery 7091 Orchard Lake Rd., Suite 200 w"st Blnomfield, MI48322 www.delacruzmdcom l 24;)) 7374323 w 24 BRAVO
- -- -
Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Ensuring the Future
O ne a gift that outlives yo u - that tou ch es future gene ratIOns m your absence - to expenen ce and enjoy e world of op era
That s the goal of the Avanti Society, Michigan Opera Theatres Planned Gift Recognition Program.
The Avanti Society represents a d esignated group of friends of Michigan Opera Thea tre w h o have made plans to include the organization in their es tate p lans---whether by will , trust, insurance or life income arrangement. Membership in the Avanti Society is open to all.
Memb ers of the Avanti Society receive a b eautifully designed lapel pin , recognition at the annual Avanti Evening, invita ti ons to
THE AVANTI SOCIETY Misses Ph yllis &. Selma Korn'
Mr Robert G. Abgarian
Mr. &. Mrs. Arthur Krolikowski '
Mr. &. Mrs. Salvado r P Mascali'
Mr. &. Mrs. Robert A. Alles # Mrs. Wade H McCree'
Mrs. Adel Amerman * # +
Dr. l ourdes V. Andaya *
Mr. &. Mrs. Agustin Arbulu *
Chester &: Emelia Amold*
Mr. &. Mrs.]. Addison Bartush* #
Mr. &. Mrs. Breu Batterson*
Mr. &. Mrs. Ma ndell Berman
Mr &: Mrs. Art Blair*
Roy E. &. lise Calcagno*
Gladys Ca ldron ey'
Dr. &. Mrs. Victo rJ Ce rvenak*
Mr. Allen B. Christman
Mr. &. Mrs. Roben C. Coms tock #
Dr. Robert E. Comeue* #
Mr. &£ Mrs. Tarik Daoud * #
Ms. Ma rj orie Adele DeVlieg
Mr. &. Mrs. Robert E. Dewar* #
Mr. Jam es P Diamond
Dr. David Di Ch iera #
Karen Vand erK loo l DiCruera* #
Ms . Mary Jane Doerr #
Mr. &. Mrs. Charles H. Duncan*
Mrs. Charles M. Endicott' #
Mrs. Charlo tte Bush Failing
Mr &. Mrs. Herb Fisher*
Pamel a R. Francis*
Barbara Fra nk el &. Ronald Michalak' #
Mr &. Mrs. Herman Franke1* #
Mrs. Rema Frankel* #
Mr. & M rs. Harvey Freeman
Mr Edward P Frohli ch
Dr &. Mrs. Byron P Georgeson'
Prisci lla A. B. Goodell
Mr. Ernest Goodman
Priscilla R Greenberg, Ph .D.* #
Mr. &. Mrs. Step hen Hagopian
Mr. Lawrence W Hall*
Mr. &: Mrs. Jerome Halperin *
Mrs. Robert M. Hamady
Mr. David Handleman * #
Mr. &. Mrs. Kenne th E. Han '
Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene L. Hartwig*
Mr. Bruce Hillman
Mr. Gordon V Hoialm en
Dr. Cindy Hung*
Mr. earl J. Huss
Kristin Jaramillo *
Mr. Donald Jense n*
Ms. Helen Ba rbara Johnston
Mr &. Mrs. Robert Kl ein #
Mr. &. Mrs. Erwin H Klopfer * #
Detroit Opera House
s p ecial events and p erformance s, and are lis ted as members in our Program Books throughout each season.
The growth of Michigan Opera Thea tres permanent Endowment Fund en sures the growth and future vi tality of one of the regions greatest cultural asse ts. You are invited to crea te your own legacy - your Ava nti - th rough Michigan Opera Theatre.
You m ay use the enclosed confidential reply card to indicate your gift , or contact Kim-La n Trinh at (313) 237-3408 to discuss gift opt ions that may benefit you , your h eirs and Michigan Opera Theatre.
Ms. Jane McKee*
Mrs. Helen M. Miller
Drs. Orlando &. Dorothy Mill er'
Ms. Kathleen Monroe
Mrs. Ella M. Montroy
Mr. Ronald K. Morrison *
Rut h Raw li ngs Mott
Dr &. Mrs. Step hen Munk
Mr. Dale j. Pangonis*
Mary &. Charles A. Parkh ill
Clarice Odgers Percax
Mr. Thomas G. Porter
Mr. Richard M. Raisin*
Mrs. Ru th F. Rattner' #
Mr. Jos hua Rest
Margu erite &. James Rigb y'
Ms. Patricia Rodzik*
Mr. Mitche ll]. Romanowski
Ms. Susan Schoo ner *
Drs. Heinz &: Ali ce PIau Schwarz*
Mrs. Frank C. Shaler*
Mrs. Marge Slezak
Ms. Ph yll is Funk Sno w'
Mr. Edward L. Stahl
Mr. &. Mrs. Richard
Starkwea ther* # +
Mrs. Mark C. Stevens* #
Mr. Stan rord C. Stoddard
Jonathan Swift &. Thom as A. St.
Mr. Ronald F. SwilZcr*
Ms. Mary Ellen Tappan * #
Donald &: Margaret Thurber *
Mr. Edward D. Tusset*
Mr. &: Mrs. George Vincent* # +
Mr.]. Ernest Wilde
Mrs Amelia H Wilhe lm * #
Eli zabeth &. Walter P Work *
Mr. &. Mrs. George M. Zeltzer*
Avanti Logo & Pin Design
Monica Moffa t & Pal McGuire
Bes t time to call :
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D I1we already qualify for the Avant i Society
Please brie fl y describe the estate gift that qualifies you for m embership (all information submitted will be kept confidential) :
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+ Avanti Society Sponsors
cs = deceased
* Founding Members
the Future don ors
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Reply: Please return this form to Kim-Lan Trinh , Michigan Op e ra Thea tre, 1526 Broadway, De troit , MI 4 8226, or e-mail ktrin Name(s)
_ Zip, _____ Phon e (day)
www.M ichiganOp BRAVO 25 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Dr. Roberta & Mr. Sheldon Toll
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Vallee Sr.
Ann Kirk Warren
Ronald & Eileen Weiser
Mr. ]. Ernest Wilde
The Hon. Joan E. Young & Mr. Thomas Sc hellenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Th eodore
Th e Randolph]. & Judith A. Agley Foundatio n
Albert Kahn Associates , Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Assad Am ine
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Anthony IV
Joseph E. & Kathleen A.
An tonini Foundation
Ms. Helen Arnoldi-Ro we
Dr. Robyn]. Arrington Jr.
A & S Supply Co mpan y
Dr. & Mrs. Ingida As faw
Andrea & Jam es Balcerski
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Barefoot
Brian & Heidi Bartes
Dr. & Mrs. J ohn G. Bielawski
Mr. & Mrs. W George Bihler
Mr. & Mrs. David Bird
Mr & Mrs. G. Pe ter Bl om
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bockoff
Mr. & Mrs. Cheste r E. Borck
Mr. & Mrs. Doug las Borden
Mr. & Mrs. Donald ]. Bortz Jr.
l o uis & Caro lyn Bruno
Tracey & Mark l. Burnste in
Sally Ca rl son
CenTra , Inc
Dr. & Mrs. Victo r]. Cervenak
Dr. Barbara Chapman & Mr.
Fra nk Andrews
Mrs. Maria M. Chirco
Mr. William G. Clark
Ms Virginia M. Clementi
Dr. & Mrs. Juliu s V. Combs
Dr. Mary Caro l Co nro y
Mr. John A. Con ti
Mrs. Rosemary Ca ll er
Mary & Sal Craparolla
Dr. & Mrs. Victor Curato lo
Barbara & Pau l W
Cza mans ke J r.
Mr. & Mrs. J erry P. D'Avanzo
Mr. Tyron e Davenport & Ms.
linda Forte
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Davi s
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony De lu ca
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Demery
David K. Di sk in , M D. & Dorot hy Diskin
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E
DuMou che ll e
Frank G. & Gertrude Dunlap
Foun dation
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Earl
Mr & Mrs. George R. Ehlert
Mr. Ri chard Engel
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A
Dr Fern R. Espino & Mr. Tom Short
Dr. Haifa Fakhouri , ACC
Dr. & Mrs. He rbert Feldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Pau l Firnschild
Mr & Mrs. Mitchell B. Foster
Mrs. Rema Frankel
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Frost
Dr. & Mrs. Juan Ganum
Mrs Frank GermackJr
Mr. Michael Gerstenberger
Mr. J osep h Giaca lone
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Giancarlo
Mrs. Ernest Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Carso n C.
Mr. & Mrs. Jo sep h Gua lti er i
Mrs Ali ce Berberian Haidos tian
Mr. Lawren ce W Hall
Margot & J erry Halp erin
Mr. & Mrs. Mort Har ri s
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Hartman
Derek & Karen Hodgson
Mr. & Mrs. l. Martin Inglis
Colett e & Darnell Jackson
Detroi t Opera Hous e
Gary E. & Gwenn C. Johnson
Johnson & Johnson
Ms. Rosemary Jolia t
Lawrence & Dian e Jones
Ell iot & Carolyn Joseph
David G. Judge & Laura A.
Kaler Foundation
KDS Interna tiona l
Dr. & Mrs. Cha rl es Kessler
Mr. Art hur H. Kirsh
Harvey & Aileen Kleiman
Barbara & Michael Kratchman
Dr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Krei ndler
Dr. Ri chard & Victoria Kuli s
Mr. & Mrs. Lee E Land es
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Larson
Dr. & Mrs. Ald en M. l eib
Chris tin e & Elmore Leona rd
Rita & Lance Leonelli
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Lesesne
Mr. & Mrs. Charl es E. LeusJr.
Dr. & Mrs. Murray B Levi n
Ms. Mary Sirotkin Le\vis
Lewis & Thompson Agency,
Jodi & Ivan ludington J r.
Mr. & Mrs. No rman A. Lu ss ier II
Benard L. Maas Founda ti on
Mrs. Ruth MacRae
Mrs. Barbara]. Mah one & Sara h Lou Simpson Fund
Mr. Donald W Maine
Ms Mary C. Mazure
Mr. & Mrs. Mark McCarti n
Mr. & Mrs. Angus ]. McMillan
Mrs. Lucie B. Meininger
Mexican lnd ustries in
Mi chiga n , I nc
Mr & Mrs. George Milidrag
Ri ta & Morkus K. Mitrius
Monica Mo ffat & Patrick ].
McGu ire
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Morganroth
Mr. Edw in l ee Morrell
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Morris
Mrs. Joan M. Mossne r
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Mull igan
A. Sa nd y Munro
Mr. Cha rl es Nave
Sand ra & J ean ne Naysmith
Doroth y l. & George W
Nou han
Dr Marie C. Nowos ielski
Oxford Auto motive
Pain eWebber
Mr. & Mrs. James Pamel
Manuel L. & Louise J. Papista
Mr. & Mrs. David P Parr
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Partri ch
Penna Family
Th e Private Bank
Darrel &: Dawn Reece
Drs. Robert & Patric ia Reed
Mr & Mrs. John B. Reni ck
Suzan ne & Robert L. Rewey
Th e Ritz-Carl ton, Dearborn
Pa tricia Radzik
Du[ cie & Nor man Rosenfe [d
Mr. & Mrs. Gera[d F. Ross
Mr. Thomas F. Rost
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffre y Roth
Mr. & Mrs. Anthon y Ru giero
Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Sape rstein
Mr. & Mrs. Richard]. Sch liuers
Mark & Sally Schwa rtz
Be njamin Schwegman & J udi th Tappero-Schwegman
Lois & Mark Sha evsky
Mr. & Mrs. Roger F Sherman
Mr. Robe rt Sieve rs
Barbara & Roge r B. Smi th
Ms. Ph yllis Funk Sno w
Ms. Ann e Markley Spivak
Mr. Edward L. Stahl
Ms. Mary Ann Stel la
Mr. & Mrs. Bob G. Stevenson
Joel & Shelley Tauber
l orna Th omas, M. D.
Mic ha e[ & Nanc y Timmis
Mr. George C. Turek
Uni versa l Forest Products , Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. l eona rd Van
Raaph orst
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by General Motors Corporation www.Michigan BRAVO 27 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
We rep resent ,I very sn1.l 1l len,lissance t,lking p lace 111 t h e Onent,II Rug Wodd, whele ,I few rugs ,ue being nude ,1gall1 using only n,ltur,V I dyes ,md lund-spun \\001. rhe results ,lie srunnll1gly be,llltiful rugs possessll1g gle,1t Splnt ,md Integrit:.
J osep h &: Rosalie Vicari
Victory ReSteel, In c.
Mr. &: Mrs. William P. Vititoe
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard C. Ward
Mr. &: Mrs. Gary L. White
Mr. &: Mrs. William Widmyer
Chris &: Susan Wilhelm
Mr. &: Mrs. Eric A. Wiltshire
Mr. Todd A. Wyett
Ms. Shia o-Fo ng Yin
We extend our grat itud e to the following donors to all three phases of th e capital campaign - the Campaign to Restore the Detroit Opera House, the New Century Fund Ca mpai gn, and the Crowning Achievement
Cam pai gn - who underwrote des ignat ed areas ill the Detroit Opera Hou se.
Proscenium Arch
Dr. &: Mrs. Roger M Ajluni
Grand Lobby Staircase
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A. Allesee
Dance Patron Lounge
Dance &: Opera Resource
Library, Center for Arts &: Learning
Anonymous Donor
Grand Lobby
Anonymous Donor
Broadway Facade
Dr. &: Mrs. Donald C. Austin
Grand Lobby Central
Lee &: Floy Barthel
Costume Center, Center for Arts &: Learning
BASF Corporation
Classroom, Center for Arts &:Learning
Mr. &: Mrs. John A. Boll Sr
Rehearsal Studio I
Margo V. Co hen
Dance Center, Center for Arts &: Learning
Co meri ca Charita bl e
Founda ti on Grand Dome Lobby, Center for Production &:
DaimlerChrysler Co rpora tion
Community Performance
Theater, Center for Arts &: Learning
DaimlerChrysler Services
Patron Elevator, Center for Arts &: Learning
Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik S. Daoud
Grand Drape
DeRoy Testa mentary
Conference Room, Cente r for Produ ction &: Administration
Detroit Edison Founda ti on Mezzanine Level in Opera
Mr. &: Mrs. Robe rt E. Dewar
Trust ee Circ le Lobby, Madison
Mary Sue &: Paul Ewing
Broadway Box Office
Ford Motor Company
Backstage Renovation
Broadway Lobby
Center for Ans &: Learning
Barbara Frankel &: Ron
Patron Elevator, Center for Production &:
Herman &: Ba rbara Frankel
General Directors Circle
General Motors Corporation
Opera Plaza
Barbara Gibson
Stairway Exhibit, Broadway
Robert &: Ali ce Gustafson
Third Floor Lobby Alcove, Madison
David Handl eman Sr.
Media Siudio, Center for Arts&: Learning
Richard &: Mary Lou J anes
Third Floor Lobby Alcove, Broadway
William &: Ellen Kahn
Dance Center Dressing
Room, Center for Arts &: Leanting
Chaim, Fa nn y, Louis , Benjamin &: Ann Florence
Kaufman Memoria l Tru st
Grand Lobby Side
Wallis &: Robert M. Klein
Grand Lobby Staircase Mirror
Delores &: Pau l Lavins
Grand Lobby Side
Grand Lobby Staircase
Lear Corporation
Trustee Circle Level in Opera Hall
Rehearsal Stud io I Lobby
Th e Lomason Family
Opera Lounge
Oliver Dewey Marcks
Foundati on
Third Floor Promenade Staircase Lobby to 2nd Floor, Madison
MichCon Fou ndation
Grand Lobby Boutique
Th e Karen &: Drew Pes lar
Co-Star Dressing Room
Mr. &: Mrs Irving Rose
Patron Elevator, John R Tower
Mrs Carolyn L. Ross
Grand Lobby Staircase
Raymond C. Smith
Foundation Fund of th e Co mmunity Foundation for South easte rn Michigan
John R. Lobby
Mr. &: Mrs. Lynn Townsend
Trustee Circle Lobby, Broadway
Mr. &: Mrs. George C. Vincent Madison Lobby
Wal bridge Aldinge r Company
Rehearsal Studio II
Mr. &: Mrs. Alvin Wasserman Box Level Promenade
World Heritage Foundation
Conduct2J:l; Dressing Room W
MICHIGAN Detroit Opera Hou seCopyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Contributors to Annual Campaigns
gratefully acknowledges the generous
2005. Their generosity p lays an integral part in the companys financial stability, necessary for producing quality grand opera and dance, and award-winning educational activities. m
The Samuel l. Westerman Foundation
$5 ,000-$9 ,999
Bay Area Conununity Foundation
Drusilla Farwe ll Foundation
Fo ur Cou nty Community Foundation
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
James &: Lynelle Holden Fund
Oliver Dewey Marcks Foundation
Midland Conununity Foundation '
African American Dance Celebration Student TIcket Sponsor
$1 ,000-$2 ,499
Mr. &: Mrs. Roben A. Allesee
Dayton Contemporary Dance Company Student Ti cket Sponsor
IMPRESARIO $10 ,000+
Golf Outing Silver Sponsor The Executive Health Sponsor Rinke Pontiac , Rinke Program at Wayne State
General Operating Suppon Cadillac, Rink e Toyota University
General Motors Corporation BravoBravo! Bricks &: Monar Opera Season Sponsor Seion, Honda of Bloomfield, Sponsor
P i1a anco Perfonnance Toyota Sc ion of Bloomfield, The POS I Rar
Sponsor Hyundai of Waterford BravoBravo! Bricks & Monar
Opera Ball Platinum Sru;nsor Golf Outing Silver Sponso r Sponsor
Community Pmgrams uppon Taktix Solutions, liC Golf Outing Silver Sponso r FOUNDATION & SIGNAL BEN FACTOR
Farbman Group GOVERNMENT SUPPORT $50,000-$199,999 BravoBravo l Crystal leaf OPERA & DANCE
One, Michigan Sponsor
Nutcracker Production GOVERNMENT Sponsor DONOR Michigan Council for Ans
Ball Silver Sponsor $1 ,000 -$2 ,499 and Cultural Affairs
Barris, Sott, Denn & Driker, $100 ,000 +
louise Tuller Miller Trust
Southfield Community Foundation
$2 ,500-$4,999
Jackson County Community Foundation
Livonia Community Foundatio n
Young Woman's Home Association
$1,000-$2 ,499
Capital Region Community Foundation
Detroit Industrial School
Herben & Elsa Ponting Foundation
Katherine B. Miner Charitable Trust
The Sigmund and Sophie Rohlik Foundation
Vi llage Woman's Cl ub Foundation
Mr. Richard A. Sonenklar
Artist Sponsor-William Burden in Faust
Mr. &: Mrs. J. Addison
Mr. &: Mrs. Roy E. Calcagno
Mrs. Barbara Frankel & Mr. Ronald Michalak
Mr. &: Mrs. He rman Frankel
Mrs. Patri cia Rodzik
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose
Janet & Paul Vic tor
BENEFACTOR $5 ,000-$9 ,999
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Allesee
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E Allison
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Anderson
Dr. &: Mrs. Agustin Arbulu
Rosalie & Peter Beer
Mr. Thomas Cohn
Mr. &: Mrs. Peter D. Cummings
Mrs. Charles M. Endicott
Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher
Mrs. Rema Frankel
Mr. Ernest Gutierrez
Mr. Kenneth Han
Mrs. Harriet Hull
Mr. & Mrs. MaxwellJospey
Jo yce Urba & David Kinsella
Mr. & Mrs. Chak Lai
Mr. & Mrs. Elmore Leonard
Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Lomason
Mr. Tim Mucciante
Mr. & Mrs. I'. Michael Mutchler
Mr. James A. Nichols
Mrs. Caro lyn L. Ross
Golf Outing Silver Sponsor Nextink Communications Inc.
General Operating Suppon
Standa rd Federal Bank
Golf Outing Titanium Sponsor
Too Hot to Handel Production P'toi Bottling Compane; $10 ,000-$14 ,999
Sponsor olf Outing Sponsor 2) Community Foundation for
Dance Theatre of Harlem
Progressive Mechani cal, Inc.
Golf Outing Tee Sponsor (2)
Southeastern Michigan
Adopt-A-School Sponso r General Operating Suppon Frank and Genrude Dunlap Foundation
Real Estate One, Inc
$15,000-$24 ,999 Schre iber Corporation
Golf Outing Gold Sponsor (2)
AAA Michifan Golf Outing Titanium Sponsor Louis & Nellie Sieg Foundation
Opera Bal Silver Sponso r Wolverine Packi ng Co.
Golf Outing Gold Sponsor (2)
OTE Ene:fo' Foundation
0gera Pe onnance Sponsor
ance Theatre of Harlem
Golf Outing Gold Sponsor (2)
CONTRIBUTOR New England Foundation for
$500-$999 the Arts
Auto Desk, In c.
UNES Performance Sponsor
Philadanco Perfonnance
Adopt-A-School Sponsor Detroit Urban living Sponsor BravoBravo! Bricks & Monar
FEUOW Sponsor Sage Foundation
$10 ,000-$14,999
Drake's Batter Mix The Mary Thompson
Colasanti Construction Golf Outing Tee Sponsor Foundation Services Inc.
$15 ,000-$24 ,999
Mr. &: Mrs David Fischer
Opera Ball Gold Sponsor
Mr. & Mrs Alex Erdeljan
Opera Ball Silver Sponsor
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher [][ Opera Ball Silver Sponsor
$25 ,000-$49 ,999
Edith S. & Barry D. Briskinffhe Shirley K.
Sch lafer Foundation
Dance Educational Activities
The Elizabeth , Allan and Golf Outing Platinum Sponsor Gol Outing Tee Sponsor Warren Shelden Fund
Enteitrise Rent A Car
Vrsteon Corporation Federal Mogul Corporation
Ida & Conrad H. Sntith Fund
Opera Ball Silver Sponsor BravoBravo! BrickS & Monar of the Community Sponsor Foundation for Southeastern
IATSE Local 35Ke Michigan
Kemisrry Reco rds Rigoletto Perfonnance Sponsor
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Zeltzer
Cinderella Pmduction Sponsor
$5 ,000-$9 ,999
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose
Opera Theatre
corporate, foundation, government
30, CORPORATE SUPPORT SUSTAINER LE&:CMPA OPERA & DANCE $5,000-$9,999 Maddin , Hauser, Wanell , MAJOR BENEFACTOR Dwyer &: Sons Volvo Roth , et al. Golf Outing Silver Sponsor (2) Magna International $200 ,000 + Grunwell-Cashero, Inc. Nesi and Associates PC DaimlerChrysler Corporation Golf Outi;J. Gold Sponsor BravoBravo l Bricks &: Monar Fund Walbridge dinger Sponsor Dance Season Sponso r Golf Outing Silver Sponsor (2) Proj ect Producers liC Philadanco Opening Night General Operating Suppo n Rohrsc h eib Sons Caissons Gala Sponsor Golf Outing Tee Sponsor Opera Ball Platinum Stc0nsor PATRON Community Programs uppon $2 ,500-$4,999 Safety Techno logy Ford Motor Company Casino Wmdsor International Inc Fall Opera Season Sponsor National Ballet of Canada Special Events Pany Rental Philadanco Opening Night Marketing Supponer Sterling Bank &: Trust Gala Sponsor Dykema Gossett Golf Outing Tee Sponsor Opera Ball Platinum Sponsor Golf Outing Silver Sponsor Telecom Technicians , In c. Opera America Host Rich and Associates Golf Outing Tee Sponsor Company Reception
donors whose contributions were made between July 1,
and June
Community Programs Suppon P.l.l.c. McGregor Fund Brownrigg Companies LTD MAJOR BENEFACTOR Golf Outing Tee Sponso r (2) MAJOR BENEFACTOR $25 ,000-$49,999 Camerica Insurance $25 ,000-$99 ,999 Comerica Bank Golf Outing Tee Sponsor (2) DeRoy Testamentary Opera Ball Silver Sponso r Commercial Maintenance Foundation BravoBravo! Presenting Golf Outing Titanium Sponsor Young Anist Apprentice Srronsor Electric , Inc. Program Sponsor Go f Outing Tee Sponsor (4) If Outing Tee Sponsor (2) The
Gannett Foundation, Inc. General Operating Suppon Perfonnance
The Nut cracker Media and J.l. Construction Services Matilda
Perfonnance Sponsor Golf Outing Titanium Sponsor Whitney
GMAC Financial Services Dance Th eatre of Harlem la&lle Electric Services BENE FACTOR School Residency Program Golf Outing Titanium Sponsor $15 ,000-$24,999 Sponsor Mervyn 's Hudson-Webber Foundation Dance Theatre of Harlem National Precas t Inc Adopt-A-School Sponsor Variety
Programs Suppon Advanced Air
Corporation Golf Outing Tee Sponsor (2)
Daught er oj the Regiment
Spo nsor
R. Wilson Fund
Club for
Detroit Opera Honse www.Michiga n BRAVO 29 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Mrs Frank C. Shal er
Ms. Elham Shayota
Mrs. Rosemary Skupny
Patri cia &. William H. Smith
Mr. Richard A. Sonenk lar
Dr Calvin L. Stevens
Mrs. Lynn Townsend
Mrs. Ri chard Va n Du se n
Mrs. Ma ry Rita Cuddoh y
Mr. &. Mrs. Tarik Daoud
Mr. &. Mrs. Llwrence N. David
Dr. &. Mrs. John M Dee
Dr. David DiChi era
Ms. Cynthia Dodd
Mr. &. Mrs. Kei th Dodswo rth
Mr. &. Mrs. Ca meron B
Mr. Richard D. Ventura Duncan
Mr. &. Mrs George C. Dr. Charl es H Dun can
Vincent Dr. Raina N. Er.nstolT &. Mr.
Mr. R. Jamison Williams Jr. Sanford I. Hansell
Walter P and Elizabeth B. Work
Dr. &. Mrs. Dieter Zetsche
$2 ,500-$4, 999
Dr. Lourdes V Andaya
Dr. &. Mrs. Donald C. Austin
Mr. &. Mrs. Paul E. Ewing
Mr. &. Mrs. Osca r Feldman
Mr. &. Mrs. Lloyd C. Fell
Mr. &. Mrs. J ohn Ferron
Mrs. Ma x M. Fish er
Mr. &. Mrs. Samuel Frankel
Mr. &. Mrs. Harvey Freema n
The Hon &. Mrs. Edward Meyer &. Anna Prentis
Avad enka
Mrs. Irene M. Barbour
Mr. &. Mrs Lee Barthel
Family Foundation
Trustees: Barbara P Frenkel ,
Marvin A Frenkel , Da le P
Mr. &. Mrs. Mark Alan Baun Frenkel, Ronald P Frenkel, Mand ell L. &. Madel eine H Tom P. Frenkel , Denise L
Bennan Foundation Brown , Cind y Frenkel
Mrs. Loris G. Bimkrant Kanter, Nelso n P Ll nde
Mr. Charles A. Bis hop
Mrs. Marga ret Bord en
Mr &. Mrs. Gerald Bright
Mr. &. Mrs. Bernard T. Brodsky
Mr. &. Mrs. Harry T.
Mr. &. Mrs. Alfred
Cheeseb rough III
Mr. David Chi vas
Mrs. Elea nor A. Christie
Mr. Dan Cla ncy &. Mr. Jack
Mr. Edward Cody
The Hon. &. Mrs. Avern L.
Dr. Mary Carol Co nro y
Mr. &. Mrs George E. Frost
Mr. &. Mrs. J ames Garavagli a
Mr. Allan D. Gilmour
Mrs. &. Mrs Alfred R. Glancy III
Mr. &. Mrs. David Hand leman
Mr. &. Mrs. Eugene Hartwig
Mrs . David B. Hennelin
Mr. &. Mrs. Derek Hodgso n
Mr. Anthony Hopp
Mrs. Amy J idov
Mr. &. Mrs. Gary E. J ohnso n
Mr. &. Mrs. Llwre nce J ones
Mr &. Mrs . Sterling c. Jones Jr.
Mr. &. Mrs. No nnan D Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kellman
Mr. &. Mrs. Thomas G. Kirby
Dr. &. Mrs. Ri chard W Ku li s
Dr William Kupsky
Mr. &. Mrs. Richard M. Llrson
Mr. &. Mrs. Paul Llvins
Dr. Melvin A. Les ter
Dr. &. Mrs. Zvi Levran
Mrs Llwre nce LoPatin
Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli
Dr. Charl es E. Lucas
Mr. &. Mrs. Roben M Major
Dr &. Mrs. Rona ld Martella
Th e Hon Jack Marti n &. Dr. Be tt ye Arrington Martin
Ms. Mary C. Mazure
Mr. &. Mrs. Richa rd McBrien
Mr. &. Mrs. Eugene Mill er
Mr. &. Mrs. Glen Mi tchell
Ms. Ann e Maroun
Dr. &. Mrs. Stephen A. Munk
Dr. &. Mrs. Peter Nickles
Mr. &. Mrs. George W Nou han
Mr. &. Mrs. J ose ph R. Papl'
Mr. Cha rles &. Dr. Charlo tte Podowski
Drs Irvin &. Pamela Trotman
Mr. &. Mrs. Lloyd Reuss
Mr. &. Mrs. Kenneth Robinson
Mr. &. Mrs. Nor man H Rosenfeld
Mr. &. Mrs. Willia m Sandy
Dr. &. Mrs. No nnan R. Scha kne
Dr. Barbara &. Mr. Llurence Schiff
Dr. Robert F. Sc hirm er
Kim &. Donald W Sc hmi dt
Ms. Susa n Schoo ner
Dr. &. Mrs. Karl F. Sc hroed er
Mr &. Mrs. Dona ld E. Sc hwendemann
Mr. &. Mrs. Mark Shaevsky
Ms. Ellen Sharp
Mr. &. Mrs. Ef\vi n S. Sim on
Mr. &. Mrs S. Kinnie Smi u1 J r.
Ms. Phyll is Snow
Dr. &. Mrs. Robert J Sokol
Dr. &. Mrs. Sheld on Sonkin
Mr. &. Mrs Paul Spi ca
Dr. Gregory Step hens
Dr. &. Mrs. Gera ld H
Sto ll man
Mr. &. Mrs. George Strumbos
Mr &. Mrs. Thomas Terrell
Mr. &. Mrs. Ri chard A Brodi e
Mr. &. Mrs. Will iam Brooks
Ms. Patricia Hill Burnet t &.
Mr. Roben Siler
Dr. &. Mrs Victo r J Ce rve nak
Mr. &. Mrs. Frederick H Clark
Ms. Virginia M. Clementi
Mr. &. Mrs. Peter Cooper
Mr. &. Mrs John Irvine
Eleanor &. Alan Israel
Mr. &. Mrs Verne G Istock
Dr. &. Mrs. Sherman Kay
Mr. &. Mrs. Patrick Kerzic
Mr. &. Mrs. Steve Kesler
Mrs. Charles Kessler
Mr. Gera ld Knechtel
Dr. &. Mrs. Victor Curatol o Ms Les lie Llndau &.
Mr. &. Mrs. Marvi n I. Danto
Dr &. Mrs L. Murray Thomas Ju lia Do no va n Darlow &.
Dr Roberta &. Mr. Sheldon Toll
Mr &. Mrs. C. Thomas Toppin
Mr. &. Mrs. Ri chard C. Webb
Mrs. Ame lia H. Wilhelm
John C. O'Meara
Mr. &. Mrs. J erry D'Avanzo
Mrs. Adelin e J DeBiasi
Mrs. Margaret Deman t
Dr. &. Mrs. Chri stophe r D. Mrs. Leslie Desmo nd &. Mr
Philip StolTregan
Ms. Na ncy S. Williams &. Ms. Ms Mary Jane Doerr
Sharon Backstrom
Dr Marilyn L. Williamson
The Hon. Joan You ng &. Mr.
Thomas L. Sc hell enberg
Mrs. Paul Zuckerman
$ 2 ,000 -$ 2 ,499
Mr &. Mrs. Raymond G. Amos
Mr. &. Mrs. Eugene
Appl ebaum
Linda Dresner &. Edwa rd Levy
Mr. Don F. Dugga n
Mrs. Ba rbara Eve rsman
Dr. Glendo n M Gardner
Mr. Martin J Llppe &. David
Dr. Ald en &. Loraine Leib
Dr. &. Mrs. Leonard Lerner
Mr. &. Mrs. Charles E. Letts Jr
Dr. &. Mrs. Stanley Levy
Dr. &. Mrs. Kim K. Lie
Dr. &. Mrs. Robert P. Lisak
Dr &. Mrs Stephen Mancuso
Ms. Fl orine Mark
Dr. &. Mrs. Robert Matthews
Mr. &. Mrs. Robert B. Fair Jr. Mrs Wade H. McCree J r.
Mar:b' Co hen-Fei nb erg &.
Ro ert Feinbe rg
Mr. &. Mrs. Robert Z. Felds tein
Mrs. Elai ne Fontana
Mr. &. Mrs. Mitchell B. Foste r
Mr. &. Mrs. Stuart Frankel
Mr. &. Mrs. Llwrence
Mrs. Harold Arno ld i Garbe rdin g
Dr. Harold Mitche ll Arrin gto n
Dr. &. Mrs. Ingi da Asfaw
Mrs. Donald J Atwood
Mr. &. Mrs. James M. Balcerski
Mr. and Mrs. Bassel Y. Ba nn y
Mr. W VicLOr Benjamin
Mrs. Ara Berberian
Dr. &. Mrs. J ohn Bielawski
Lee &. Paul Blizman
Mr. &. Mrs. G. Pete r Blom
Mr. Robe rt Blu este in
Mr. &. Mrs. Jim Bo nahoo m
Mrs. Betty Br ight
Mr. &. Mrs. Andrew
Gia nca milli
Mr. &. Mrs. Angus J McMillan
Mrs. Lucie B Meininger
Drs Orlando &. Dorothy Miller
Mr. &. Mrs. Frank Mitchell
Mr. &. Mrs. Carl MitselT
Ms. Monica Moffat &.
Mr. Pa tri ck McG uire
Dr. &. Mrs Va n C. MomonJr.
Mr. &. Mrs. Eugene Mondry
Mr. &. Mrs. Theodore
Mr. &. Mrs. Keith E. Gillord Mo nolidis
Mr. &. Mrs. Arno ld Gordo n
Dr. Michael Fl ores &. Mr.
Mr. Ronald K. Morriso n
Mr. &. Mrs. E Clarence
Alan Grigg Mu laroni
Mr. &. Mrs. Carson C.
Mr. &. Mrs. David Mulligan
Grunewa ld Mrs. Barbara Naruta
Dr. &. Mrs Joel I. Hamburger Mrs . J ennifer Nasser
Dr. &. Mrs. J ack H Hertzl er Mr. &. Mrs. Irving Nusbaum
Miss Mary A. Heste r
Mr. &. Mrs. David H Hill
Mr. &. Mrs. Richa rd F. Q'Orien
Mr. &. Mrs. Graham A Orle),
Mr. Robe rt M. Ho ll and Mr &. Mrs. John Otto
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Call (248) 362-7670 NON-SECTARIAN West Long Lake Road at Crooks in Troy Detro it Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Ms. Michelle Gu isewite
Mr. Ernest Gutierrez
Mr. Fred HalT er
Mr. &: Mrs Eugene Hartwig
Miss Mary A. Hester
Ms Charlyn M Idler
Dr. jean Kegler
Mr. &: Mrs. Kevin K1einhomer
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert]. KolTron
Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Leich
Mr. Philip Leon
Ms. joyce E. Leon
Ms. Mary C. Mazure
Mr. Howard Meyers
Mr &: Mrs. james Muir
Ms Barbara Portnoy
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert Rauth
Mr. Nick Relich
General Motors Corpo ra tion and Cadillac
Titl e Sponsors
Lois &: Avern Cohn and Th omas Co hn
Commi ssion Sponsor
GMAC Financ ia l Services
Produ ction Sponso r
Student Per fom1a nce
Sponso r
(omerica Bank
Opem ing Night Perfonuan ce &: Ga la Spo nso r
DaimlerChrysler Corpora tion
Fun d
Arti st Sponso r-Den yce
Ford Motor Compan y
Art ist Sponsor- Angel a Brown
Mr. &: Mrs. Will iam C.
Artist Sponso r-Gregg Baker
MASCO Corpo rati on
Arti st Sponso r- Rod Gilfry
The Ru th Rattner and An n F &: Norman D. Katz
Charitab le Foundation
Allist Sponso r- Ke nn y Leon
DTE Energy Foundation
Perfo rm ance Sponsor
MGM Grand Cas ino
PerfonTIan ce Sponsor
American Express
Sil ve r Sponso r
Dow Automotive Silver Sponso r
Silver Sponsor
Dalessandro Contractin g Group
Silver Sponso r
Moonroof Co rp oration of America
Sil ve r Sponso r
Toby &: Sam Habe rman
Silve r Spo nsor
Mr &: Mrs. Drew Peslar
Sil ve r Spo nso r
R. j amison Williams jr., Wendy Williams Lyn ch &:
Tod C. Will iams
Sil ve r Spo nsors
Motor City Casino
Educationa l Prog rams
Standard Fed eral Bank
Educatio nal Tour Sponsor
jomar Build ing Company, Inc.
Teachers Curri culum Guid e Sponso r
Bank One , Michigan
Schoo l Prog ram Sponsor
TIle co-pmdllc!i oll oj Margaret
Gamer w(ls made possible ill
pwt by gellemlls gifts Jrom
Montgomery, McCracken , Walker &: Rhodes , LLP
The P&:G Fund
The Phoeb e W Haas
Charitable Trus t
Additiollal support Jorthe
commission, \Vor!lsIIOP and
Detro it Opera Ho u se
pmdllc!ioll provided by The Na tional Endowment for the Arts
$5 ,000
AAA Michigan (2 gifts)
john &: Marlene Boll Sr.
Michi gan Counc il for Arts and Cultural AlTa irs
Miller, Canfield , Paddock &: Stone , PLC
$2 ,500
Ash Stevens , Inc.
Paul &: Lee Blizman
julia Darlow &: john O'Mea ra
Mrs. Cha rl es M. Endicott
Barbara Frankel &: Ronald
Herman &: Sh aron Frankel
Greektown Casi no
Dr. &: Mrs. Step hen Munk
Robert E. L. Perkins, DDS
Mr. &: Mrs Anthon y Rugiero
Erwin &: Marjo ri e Simon
Ph ylliS Funk Snow
SLjoseph Mercy of Macomb
$1 ,000
Sarah &: Douglas Allison
Dr. Lourdes Andaya
Lee &: Flo y Barthel
Mr N" Mro;; J a m r " &rline
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michiga n
Roben Bomier
Kathleen &: Nicholas Chimicl es
Gloria &: Fred Clark
Matyann &: Scottie Cromwell
joann e Danto &: Arnold
Dod ie &: Larry David
Linda Dresner &: Ed Levy
Mr. &: Mrs. Cameron B.
Li l &: Alex Erdeljan
Mary Sue &: Paul Ewing
Margo Cohen Feinberg &:
Robert]. Fe inberg
Dr Mi chael Flo res
Aviva &: Dean Friedman
Sharon &: Vito Gioia
Rudene P. &: Edwa rd K.
Barbara Go ld
Diane &: Sa ul Green
Rose &: David Handleman
Donna &: Eugene Hartwig
Doreen Hermelin &: Dr. Me lvin Lester
George Hill
Derek &: Karen Hod gson
Rev. &: Mrs. Nicholas Hoo d Sr.
Mr. &: Mrs. Albert A. j adach
Chacona &: Arthur L.
The Hon. Damon &:
Dr. Rachel Keith
Mr. &: Mrs. Robert]. KolTron
William Kupsky &: Ali Mo iin
Dr. &: Mrs. Ge rald Laker
Gabriele Lee
Mr. &: Mrs. Charles McClure
Connie Moore
Euni ce &: james Moore
jennifer Nasser &: Frank Stella
Mr. &: Mrs. Irving Nusbaum
Ph il &: Sherri Pierce
Robert Pocher
Dr. Gle nda D Price
Mr. &: Mrs. W. j ames Prowse
Nanci Rands &: Robert L.
Carolyn L. Ross
Mr. &: Mrs. j ohn Schaefer
Kim Sc hmidt
Alan E. &: Maria nn e Sc hwartz
janice M. Sh ier &: Andrea
Robert VanderKloot
Although Michigan Opera Theatre's beginning is said to be 1971, the 1960s were a flurry of activity including tour performances and educational programs for the Detroit Grand Opera Association that brought the Metropolitan Opera on its yearly tours to Detroit. Also, there were meetings and parties galore where early planning began to eventually create Detroit's own opera company
Many of those meetings and parties
da ug ht er Va nderKl oot Di Oi era. took place at the rambling home of my parents, Bob and "Tuttie" Vand erKloot. (Tuttie was a nickname given to my mother by her Danish father, William S Knudsen. ) In addition to pencils, paper and electric typewriters, the meetings featured mile -high plate s of cookies, and (to everyone's amazement) guests could copy their meeting note s on one of two early copy machines that were at th e house!
One thing that my father, Bob, loved doing wa s to entertain with story-telling, joke-swapping (often original and "R" rated), tap dancing, and mo st especially playing the piano and singing. Ne xt to th at, Dad loved attending any kind of musical theater With an unfailing ear, he would come home to the piano and play the "hit tunes " of whatever he had just heard, whether a musical, operetta or opera.
Dad also loved creating new ideas and doing what we now call "networking "
He loved to t ell everyone about" David's and Karen's projects " In fact. Detroit Rotary colleague Bob Allesee (Allison) frequently boasts that if it hadn't been for Dad, that Bob and Maggie would never have gotten involved with Michigan Opera Theatre and what would become the Detroit Opera Hou se.
Bob recently remembered , "Bob VanderKloot inv ited us to a small meeting where the bo x seats (of the Detroit Opera House) are now. We thought the plaster was going to fall on our heads. But sinc e Bob and I wer e th e only two people who could play THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER in A flat for the Rotary, I trusted him, and we stayed and listened Then he introduced David, and we heard about these dreams and really got excited."
When David decided th at in order to produce larger scale operas, we had to move out of our home at the Music Hall, Dad said to him, "David, I want to show you a real opera house." My grandparents, Matt and Ellie VanderKloot. had brought Dad to the Capital Theater in 1922, the day after it opened, to see a vaudeville show and a silent film He had thought about that theate r fondly during his adult years, hoping it would be put to use again.
David was worried at that time that the oper a company was too small to undertake the huge project of res toring and renovating this wonderful theater Instead, the move was to the Fisher Theater and the Masonic Temple. Years later, David called Dad and asked, " Where was that theater again?" And now the Detroit Opera Hou se is a reality!
The history of Michigan Opera Theatre is really told by Dad's adult life First, during the Overture to Op era days; he and Mom attended the tour performances They became members of the "Founding Committee" of Michigan Opera Theatre They were made trustees, and Dad served on the board of directors, with both of them working on many committees. After Mom passed away, Dad became an emeritu s member of the MOT Bo ard
Then Dad began attending the performances of young people in the summer camps of Learning at the Opera House. They learned to know him and enjoyed his suggestions and droll remark s. Dad began attending the classes I teach for the Special Performing Arts Club, a project of the Itali an Study Group of Troy for Mentally Challenged Adults who enjoy creating and performing Dad loved these students, and they, in turn , adored him and called him" Uncle Bob."
So after his long history with Michigan Opera Theatre, here was Dad, the octogenarian, helpi ng young people and mentally challenged adults realiz e their own talents and creativity That encompa ss es everything that Michig an Opera Theatre has become, what it does and what it hopes to continue
Dad, who had just turned 90 , was with the Special Performing Arts Club last fall of 2004 and saw the beginning of their yearly Create Opera project. After Dad died june 1st, the saddened students decided to dedicate their finished opera performance to him. As Kyle, one of the Special Performing Arts Club members, summed it up in tribute at their june performance, "Thanks for helping us, Uncle Bob!"
-Karen VanderKloot DiChiera
www Michiga n Op e ra.o r g BRAVO 33 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Imagine the world without music and dance, or literature and art. Life is incomplete withour ways to express ourselves, and to discover who we are and what we can be. That's why Northern Trust proudly supports the arts in its many diverse forms. Northern Trust has been helping clients meet their financial needs for more than 116 years. Northern Trust Bloomfield Hills 248-593-9300 Grand Rapids 616-233-0834 northern trust. com No rthern T ru St Ba nk , FSB • M e mb er FDIC Grosse Pointe Farms 313-881-1030 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Dodie & Larry David
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Noreen Dwyer
Gina Eubanks
GinJ,er & John Francis- Reno
Fre erick Funston
Nancy Heugh & Family
Dr & Mrs. Norman McRae
Dr & Mrs. Josef Miller
Mr & Mrs. Hany Nosanchuk
Mary & Charles A Parkhill
Ms. RUlh F. Rattner
Mr. James Reid
Mr. & Mrs. Norm an H.
Stacy & J ason Hinds Rosenfeld
Richard A Hobson
Nancy & Gunn Hurite
Penny & Bun King
Jane Kudej
Mr & Mrs. Charles Rutherford
Mr & Mrs Donald E.
Mrs. Frank C. Shaler
Alben Lili enfeld Carol
Livonia Ski Club
Steve Lukas
Mary & Ray Me illeur
Mary & Dave Pacitto
Karen & Eugene Patemi
Tanya & Clayton Robinson
Garry Sanchez
Frank D. tella
Mrs. Lynn Townsend
Mr & Mrs. George C. Vincent
Mary Lou & Man Zieve
227 Bistro
Beth & Chuck Schroeder Aestetic Dentistry by Robert
Betty & Ken Simmons
Diane & Paul Sonnecken
Liz & Mike Stevens
Lisa Teets & Dan Gorzen
Dipill a, DDS, PC
Rosette & Roger Ajl uni
AI Long Ford
Rosemary R. & Richard E. American Coney Island
American Ph otograp hers
Jane estley America n Speedy Pri n tingDetroit
In Memory of Eve lyn Katz Melinda Anderson
Christine & Mike Curry
Barbara Kux
Blanche Pollock
Mrs Blanche Pollock and her husband, David, were elected to the Michigan Opera Theatre Board of Trustees in 1989 David also served on the Board of Directors until his death in 1995
Both Blanche and David were active with the company as subscribers and donors since 1971. David served on the MOT Nominating Committee, and Blanche participated on several Opera Ball committees. They were both key volunteers in the first capital campaign to restore the Detroit Opera House.
Mrs. Pollock was well known in the Jewish community for her leadership and generosity to several organizations. After graduating from Wayne State University, she worked as a social worker at the North End Clinic and also the Jewish Family Services. In later years, she became an active volunteer in many social service organizations. "My mother's generosity knew no boundaries. She gave of her time and resources quietly and graciously to so many organizations She was an inspiring individual," recalls daughter Linda Schafer. Michigan Opera Theatre was fortunate to be a beneficiary of her giving spirit.
Although her health was failing in recent years, she attended the opera whenever possible with her family. Michigan Opera Theatre remains grateful for the many contributions Blanche and David made to the organization during their lives
Andi amo Riverfront
Arc hitectural Go ld
Holly Stiel Assagi
Michele Assan te
In Memory of John Krasnick Atl as Global Bi stro
Shelly & Peter Cooper James Austin
In Me mo ry of Dena Baile Corcaigh Bally Total Fitn ess Corp
McFadd en's Mother Bang Salon
Provider Services Dept. at Barthel Contra cting Company Health Dialog Flay & Lee Barthel
In Honor of Michi ga n Opera
Battle Creek Country Club
BBJ Linens
Beans & Cornbread
The employees of RamcoGershenson In c. Beau Ja ck's Bi ll Addiso n, Add ison Graphics
In Memory of Ali Moii n's Fath er Biz-R Collectio n Marlene & John Boll
Norman H. Silk & Da[e R. Borders
Morgan Joanne & Dick Brodie
In Memory of Jeanette Betty & Bill Brooks
Pawlaczyk Roosterta il
Rebecca Happe[ Cafe de Troit Canine to Five
In Memory of Blanche Pollock Carl's GoInand
Mr & Mrs. Lawrence Caro l Lewis Day Spa
Garberding Charlott e by Ehinge r-Sc hwa rz Cin gular Wireless
In Memory of Alfred W Ri ch 248-538-4000
The Ricn Family Gloria & Fred Clar k Lois & Avern Co hn
In Memor y of Rob ert Como's
Va nd erKl oot Co ngress Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. Raben Allesee Crave Restaurant + Sake Bar
Dr Lourdes V Andaya DaEdoardo Foxtowl1 Grille
Dr & Mrs Agustin Arbulu D'A mato's & Goodnite Gracie
F[oy & Lee Banhe\ Dan Stall , [n c., Th e Auct ion
G[oria & Fred Clark Team
Hon. & Mrs. Avern L. Cohn Maure en & J erry D'Avanzo
Shelly & Peter Cooper Dodie & Lar ry David
Annette Delorenzo Detroit Be er Company
Mrs. Charles M. End icott
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Erdeljan Detroi t Pis tons
Barbara Frankel & Detroi t Public Tel evision
Ron Micha[ak Detro it Red Wings
Mr & Mrs. Lawrence Detro it Spi ce Co.
Garberding Detroit Synergy Group
Mrs. Alice Berberian Detro it Tigers
Haidostian Detroit Yach t Club
Mrs. David B. Hermelin Brian Dice, OLCC
Mr. & Mrs. Harry A Dimensiona l Greetings
Lomason Dina's
Han. Jack Martin & Dr. Door to Door Valet Service
Bettye Arrington-Manin Dwyer & Sons Volvo Subaru
Edib les Rex Catering Ros & Nick Scheele
Edmun d 1. Ahee J ewelers Eric Schultz
Edsel & Eleanor Ford House Step hanie & Peter Sc hwartz
Emil y's Resta urant Sel dom Blu es
Epiphany Glass Com pany Severance Ga ll ery
Rachel Epstein Shakers Origina l Amer ica n
Lil & Alex Erdeljan Vodka
Fe rnd ale Yoga Shepherd's Holl ow Golf Club
Jennifer & David Fischer Simm ons & Cla rk Jewel ers
Gail Fisher Skyy Vodka
Jim Fl eming, OLCC SLAW
Barbara Franke l & Ron Small Plates
Micha lak Darlene & Ton y Soave
Frankenmuth Bavarian Inn $oav.e En terprises
Franklin Fitn ess & Rack et Club Solomon Friedman Advertising
Dr. Daniela Allega Fuciare lli Sto ney Creek & Atwate r
Ann & Larry Garberding Nick Stumbos
Gem & Century Theaters Sweet Georgia Brown
General Wine & Liquor Sweet Lorrai ne's Cafe &: Ba r
Germack Pi stac hi o Co. Sweet Streets Desserts
Allan Gilmour & Eric J ergens Table for Eight
Grafika Studio Tasterest 2005
Greencrest Manor, Battle Creek Tele Vid eo Studios
Harley Davidson The Arrangement Flower Shop
Dr Reginald & Anne Harnett The Bagel Factory-Josh Charlip
Dr. Heather Plumer Haun , D.O. The Beverly Hills Club
Holiday Inn Express & The Capita l Grill e
Suites-De tro it The Detroi t Insti tut e of Arts
Holiday Market The Loose Leaf
Andrew and Carol Ho ll ow The Origina l Wandering
Holly Crossing Bed & Breakfast Gourmel
HO UR Detroit The Sports Clu b of Wes t
Una J ackman Bloomfield
Mary Bet h & John Jagger Th e Techn icom Group
J ax's Car Wash The Tenni s & Golf Company, Don Jensen David Sc hwartz
J ohn Cow ley and Sons The Town Pump
David V J ohnso n , Tunle La ke The Townsend Hotel
Diane & Larry Jones Th e Wes tin Detroit
Krispey Kreme Donuts Metropolitan Airport
Kruse & Muer Thought Co lli de Produ ctions
La Zingara Toast
L. B. Office Suppl y Tra[erigh e
Lege nds of Ice U.S. Food Se rvice
Leo Douell e Inc. Union Stree t Saloon In c.
A[ Lucarelli Vicente Cuban Cuis ine
Denise & Bob Lutz Vintage Wine
Majestic Cafe Viviano Wine Importe rs
Ell en & Raben Marcin Washington Place Antiques
Mario's Washington Place Estate Sa le Michigan Opera Thea tre Weinste in J ewe lers of Novi
Midtown Ca fe Whitlock Business Systems
Modem Sign St udio
Whole Foods Market
Monica Moffat & Pat McGuire Wico Meta[ Products
Ed Nagel, B[oomfield Ten nis William Ston e-WS Insuran ce Nederlander Company Group
Ne iman Marcus Carter Willi ams , Fireny
Ne twork Mortgage Corp. Mobil, In c.
Oakhurs t Golf & Country Club R.Jam iso n Wili iams J r
Opus One Wi nes or Dis tin cti on Orchard Lake Co untry Clu b Woodward Ave nu e Brewers
Palazzolo Salo n XL Co lor, In c.
Pepsi Company Yoga She lt er
Perrier Group o f America WVvJ News Radio 950 m
Charli & Chuck Podowski
Joe Portfilio, Ca rl 's GoIna nd Post Bars
PPG Limosine Services
Michael Raffin
Ra lph Lauren
Fra nzi ska Raspa
Redcoat Tavern
Rinke Po ntiac GMC, Rink e
Cadillac, Rinke Toyo ta
Scion, Honda of B1oomfie[d , Toyota Scion B[oomfield, Hyandai of Wate rford
Robin of About Face
David Ru do[p h
Saks Fifth Ave nue
• Perfect for clubs , singles groups or corporations. Any special occasion
• Coach Transportation available
• Opera House tours after the show
• Group discounts based on number of attendees
• Flexible meeting/eve nt spaces
• Complete event planning
For information contact Nikki Ruddy, events marketing conSUltant, at (248) 408·1152 36 BRAVO Detro it Opera H ouse Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
At leJt: The artists oj co mmuni ty programs perform The Anaboo lies of Lib erty Street.
Right co lumn: Young performers
oj th e Summ er Learning at th e Opera House series, 2005.
We Can Visit You ...
Would you like to have a group of opera singers entertain right in your own home , office , club or school? We have a lot of great programs to tempt you!
The Artists of Community Programs, Michigan Opera Theatres outreach and edu cation department, ha ve traveled all over Mi chigan , to neighboring sta tes and to Ontario, Cana da. This pa s t year saw our singers perform for 2 ,000 sen ior citiz en s at Templ e Be th EI in Be ve rl y Hills. They performed Broadway excerpts and ope ra "hits" for hungry Dream Cruise enthu sias ts in the Woo d ward parking lot at the famous Fox and H ound s Restaurant in Bloomfield Hill s, and also visited schools and clubs too numerous to list.
We toured the Detroit Metropo litan areas and then too k off to other parts of our state; Bay Ci ty and Saginaw, Flint and Genesee County, St. Joseph and Benton Harbor, Ann Arb or and Ypsilanti, Port Huron and East China, Leonard and Berrien , Bangor and Essexville, and lots of points in b etween Th en we went to W indso r, Ontario . We did over 150 performances, performed for over
55,000 p eople and logge d some 150,000 miles on our van.
I[ y ou want us to vi sit yo u this year, we are performing special programs. These are an oper a about accepting diversity, Th e Araboolies of Liberty Street, b y Ronald Perera , and our anti-smoking mu sical , Th e Nig ht Harry Stopped Smoking. Lu cky children from participating schoo ls are ch osen to perform right along side our professional performers l Middle and high sch oo l s tudents will learn a lot about Soc ial Studies in Michigan wi th the historica l revue No Doubt! Middle and high schools may also ca ll to find out abo ut our Worksh ops in Performing Arts, whi ch we tailor for sp ecific middle and high sch ool needs.
People of all ages enjoy our MOT Sampler, with sh ow tunes and hits from opera and operetta , as well as our yearly rewritten Broadway Revue, with som e favori tes from the Great White Way.
And Now ... You Can Visit Us!
Of course, anyone can attend our opera productions and our presentations in dance, but look what we have created for you . . .After a pilot project with three schools, we are ready to launch our newest program . ..
The Detroit Opera House Sampler
Gea red for upper elem enta ry through high-schoo l students, our profeSSional singers and stage personnel will trea t yo ung people to a tour of the Detroit Opera House (including our s ta ge, backsta ge - on e of the larges t in the Midwes t - and other parts of the building that our au dience never gets to see) Learn abo ut costuming , lighting and our Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra, one o f the largest professional orchestras in Michigan. Learn about other parts of our operations such as public relations, marketing, ticket sales, education , customer relations and h ow the Detroit Opera House is run.
Then to top it all off, our profeSSional singers will p erform excerpts from the MOT Samp ler and will condu ct a question-andanswe r session with yo ur students I
For information about this exciting expansion of our touring programs , ca ll Dolores Tobis , Community Programs ' marketing manager, at (313) 237 -3429, or e-mail h er at dtobis®
We tru ly look forward to seeing yo u , either at yo ur p lace or at ours - th e magnificent Detroit Ope ra House
Detroit O p era House
www.MichiganOp e {community programs} BRAV O 37 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
General Information
PHOTOGRAPHY & RECORDING DEVICES Unauthoriz ed camera s and recording d evices are not allowed inside the lobby or theater at any time . The taking of photographs of the theater or any performan ce is strictly p ro hibited. As a courtesy to our gu ests, w e ask that all p aging d evices, cell p hones and alarm w atches b e switched to silent mode prior to the s tart of a p erformance.
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Doctors and p are nts are advise d to leave their seat location (located on ticket) and our emergen cy numb er, (3 l3 ) 237-32 5 7 , with the service or sitter in case of an emergen cy Please ob serve th e lighted exit signs located throu ghout the theater. In the event o f fire or similar em ergen cy, please remain calm and walk - do n ot run - to the n eares t exit. Our u sh ers are trained to lea d you out of the building sa fel y A trained Emergen cy Medical Technician (EMT) is onsite during mo st events. Please see an usher or staff memb er to contact the EMT.
RESTROOMS Ladies' res tro orns are lo ca ted o ff the Ford Lobb y (Bro ad way stree t entran ce), d own the s tairs and also on the third floor (Madison street entra n ce) - please press "3 R" on the eleva tor to rea ch this faCility Gentlemen s restrooms are located under the Grand Staircase and also on the third floor (Broadway stree t entran ce) - please press "3" on the elevator to rea ch this faCility
Please n ote: All third-floo r res tro oms are wh ee lchair accessible. Unisex accessible res tro om located in the GM Op era Cafe.
NO SMOKING The De tro it O p e ra Hou se is a s moke-free faCility Ash receptacles are provid ed on the exterior o f all entry d oo rs for those w h o wish to smoke.
USHERS Ush e rs are sta tion ed at the top o f eac h aisle. If yo u h ave a ques ti on or co nc ern , please inform u s h ers , and they will contac t m anage m en t. If you ar e interes ted in b eco ming a volunteer u sh er , pl eas e ca ll the u sh e r hotline at (3 l3 ) 237- 3253 .
LATE SEATING Latecomers will be seated only during an app ropriate p au se in the program and m ay view the p ro gram on the closed-circ uit television m onitor located in the Ford lobb y until an appropriate program p au se occurs Late sea ting p olicies are at the discre tion of the produ c tion , no t opera h ou se m anagem ent.
LOST & FOUND Lo s t and F ound is lo cated in the Security Department. Please see an u sh er if y ou h ave misplaced an article , or call (3l3) 96 1-3500 if yo u h ave alrea d y left the theat er. Item s will b e hel d in Lost and Found for 30 d ays.
PARKING Th e D e troit Ope r a Hou se P a rki n g Cent e r , l oca te d next to th e D e troit Op era House , is no w o p e n. Thi s n ew s tat e -of- th e-a rt faCilit y is r ese rved s p eC ifi ca ll y for D e troit Op e r a H o u se patron s during re gul a rl y sc h e duled p e rfo rmanc es. Entr a nc es and exits are lo ca t e d o n both J o hn R a nd
Gr a nd Ri ve r for add e d co n v eni e n ce. P re paid parkin g is availabl e Ca ll (3 13 ) 237 -S IN G for more information.
ACCESSIBILITY Accessible seating loca ti on s for patrons in wheelchairs are loca ted in all price r an ges on the orch es tra leve l. Whe n inqu iring about tick ets , please as k ab out these locations if yo u require special accommod ations.
Assisted Listenin g Devices are available on a first- co m e, firs tserved ba sis. Pleas e see an usher to r equ es t this servi ce . Although this is a complimentary service , we will r equ est to hold a piece of p e rso n al id entifica tion while you are u sing th e d evice Please contac t the Box Office , sh ould you d esire sp ec ial considera ti on .
CHILDREN Child re n are we lcome ; h owever, all gu es ts are required to hold a ticke t , regardless of age . We kindly ask th a t parent al discretion b e exe rcised for ce rt ain program s and that all gues ts rem emb e r that during a program such as opera or ballet , the ability of all audien ce m embers to h ear the mu sic is a p re requisite to enj oyme nt o f the p e rforman ce . In all cases , b ab es in a rms ar e n o t p e rmitted.
SERVICES Concession stands are lo ca ted on all leve ls. Please not e that food and drinks are not allo we d in the audit orium at an y tim e. Coat check is loca ted in the F ord Lobby The cos t is $ 1.00 pe r coat. Please n o te that the Detroi t Opera Hou se does not acce pt resp on sib ili ty for an y p e rson al ar t icles that are n o t ch ec k ed at th e coa t check. Drinking fountains are locat ed in the lobbies on fl oo rs on e and three . Public pay ph on es are located in the ves tibule of the Ford Lobb y Patrons in w h ee lchairs can access pay ph on es outsid e the third-floor ladies ' res tro oms
The De troit O p e ra Hou se is available for rent b y yo ur orga niz ation Please ca ll (3 l3 ) 961 -350 0 , and ask to b e direc ted to the Sp eC ial Events Dep a rtment.
The Detroit O p er a Hous e Ticke t Office h ours are as follo ws: Non -p erforman ce week s - Mond ay th ro u gh Frid ay 10: 0 0 a .m. to 5:3 0 p m Performa n ce da ys - 10:00 a. m. th ro u gh the fi rs t int ermission of the evenings p erforman ce , exce pt Sa turda ys and Sund ays, wh en the Ti ck et O ffi ce will o p en two hours pri or to curtain Tick ets for all public events h eld at the De tro it O p era Hou se are also available throu gh all Ti ck etMas ter ph on e and re tail outlets , or at Ti chetMast erco m
OPERA HOUSE TOURS Co me join the Ope r a H ou se Ambassado rs for a b ackstage tour o f th e De tro it Ope ra H ou se Lea rn ab out the his tory o f the Op era H ou se and its restora ti on. Mee t the p eople b ehind the scene s , tour the s tage and see ho w it op er ates. Tours are $ 10 00 p er perso n Fo r more information , pl ease ca ll (3 l3 ) 23 7- 3 40 7. m
Be advise d th at , for purp oses of Mich igan Co mp ile d Laws , Sect ion 28 .42 500)(0 , this is an entert ain ment facility th at has a sea tin g ca paci ty of m ore th an 2 ,5 00 indivi du als It is therefo re aga in st the law to ca rry a concea led pistol on th e pre mises
{michigan opera theatre}
IMPORTANT NUMBERS EMERGENCIES Michigan Op era Theatre Generaiinformation ............... . ... . . . Los t &: Fou nd .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ti cket O ffic e Ush er Hotli ne Thea ter Renta l In form ation ....... .. . . . . . Detroit Opera Hou se Fax Press &: Pub li c Relati ons Web si te 38 BRAVO (313) 237-3257 (313 ) 96 1-3500 (3 13) 96 1-3500 (313 ) 961 -35 00 (313) 237 -SIN G (313) 23 7- 3253 (313 ) 96 1-35 00 (313 ) 237-34 12 (313 ) 237-3403 www.MichiganOp eraorg www MichiganOpera org Detroit Op e ra House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Behind every GREAT
is a commitment to Excellence
With its commitment to excellence in every performance, the Michigan Opera Theatre enriches our community and the quality of our lives.
The MASCO family of companies proudly supports the Michigan Opera Theatre's great productions in its 2005 - 2006 season.
We believe a strong, supportive presence in the community where we live, work and do business is vital. It strengthens our dedication to excellence in all that we do.
Great Products for the Home"
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
© 2005 Ma sco Corporation
Courtesy of Mi chigan Opera Th eatre
Michigan Opera Theatre offers a convenient transportation option to subscribers for select performances, at easy-to-reach locations.
Climb aboard the "OPERA EXPRESS"!
* If you are a Sunday Matinee Subscriber, park or be dropped off at one of the 2 suburban pick-up/drop-off locations.
* Royal Transportation coaches will pick-up 90 minutes prior to curtain time and drop you off at the Madison Avenue entrance to the Detroit Opera House.
* Royal Transportation coaches will leave the Detroit Opera House (Madison Avenue doors) 30 minutes after the final curtain.
* This is a great way to avoid all of the construction traffic and to meet new friends!
* Gives you time to enjoy a beverage or meal at the Cadillac Cafe in the Detroit Opera House.
* Roundtrip cost is just $15 per person.
* For further information, please call the Ticket Office at (313) 237-SING.
DETROIT OPERA HOUSE ROUND TRIP COACH TO DETROIT OPERA HOUSE FOR ONLY $15.00 PER PERFORMANCE Name _______ Address ___ City _____________ State __ Zip _ _ Daytime Phone _ Evening Phone _ _ Email Address ____ Method of Payment: D Check Or Charg e To : D MasterCard D VISA D American Express D Discover Ac co unt I Number: I I I II I I I II I I I II I I I I Signature Please mail this order with your payment no later than 14 days prior to each performance to : Michigan Opera Theatre Ticket Services Manager 1526 Broadway - 4th Floor Detroit. Michigan 48226 Expiration Date : rnrn 13'1411_'" David DiCh iera, General Director I WOULD LIKE TO ORDER COACH TRANSPORTATION AS FOLLO WS: __ Sun. April 23, 2006 Matinee $ AIDA Sun. MaV 14 , 2006 Matinee $ CINDERELLA Sun June 4,2006 Matinee SALOME Number of riders @ $15 ea. = $ $ SELECT YOUR MOST CONVENIENT PARK AND RIDE LO CAT ION : DEARBORN / HENRY FORD CENTENNIAL LIBRARY On Michigan Avenue across from Dbn. Police Station TROY / BIG BEAVER CORRIDOR In lot east of Troy Library COACHES DEPART ALL LOCATIONS FOR DETROIT OPERA HOUSE AT 12:30 P.M. Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Vincenzo Bellini's
er 8-15, 2005 at the Detroit Opera House
2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Michigan Opera Theatre presents
Additional Production Credits
Mark Anderson
Timothy Anderson
Henry Coucke
Bruce Davis
Dellashon DiCresce
DeRon Dotson
Matt Hidalgo
Shawn Knott
Delton Pinter
Charles Tazzia
Tiffany Watson
Maria DiCresce
Zoe Dorsey
Maddie Dorsey (Understudy)
Michigan Opera Theatre
Michigan Opera Theatre presents Giacomo Puccini's La Boheme
2005 at the Detroit Opera House
November 5-13,
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Additional Production Credits
The role of The Boy will be played by Maddie Dorsey
Oliver Aguilar
Timothy Anderson
Henry Coucke
Bruce Davis
Berl Falbaum
Kathryin Garma-Jhun
Ira Harris
Brian Koziara
Sal Mascali
Sarah Smalheer
Leslie Tse
Lydia Willis
Mandie W oollcott
Waiter & Drum Major
Pere Noel
Madame Momus
Flag corps
Jennifer Ausman
Susan Fox
Lindsey Novak
Gregory Henson
Donna Robertson
Raceine MacDonald
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre