DETROIT OPERA HOUSE • HOME OF MIC U N PERA April 9-17, 2005 May 7-22, ,2005 June 4-12, 2005
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Dr David DiChiera
Laura Wyss
Karen Vande rKloot DiChie ra
Robe rto Mauro
Michigan Opera Theatre Staff
Dave Blackburn, Editor
Frank Cucciarre , Design and Art Directi on Blink Concept &: Design , Inc Production Chu c k Rosenberg , Copy Editor
Tob y Faber, Director oj Adve rtising Sal es
Physicians' service provided by Henry For d M e dica l C e nter
Pe psi-Cola is the officia l soft d rin k and juice provider fo r the De troi t Opera House
Cadillac Coffee is t he official coffee of th Detroit Opera House
Steinway is the officia l piano of the Detroit Opera House and Michigan Opera Theatre
Steinway pianos are provided by Hamm e l Music , exclusive representat ive for Steinway and Sons in Michigan
Preside nt Tuxedo is the official provider of forma l wear for th e Detroit Opera House .
Michigan Opera Theatre is a no nprofi t cu ltural organiza tion , whose act ivities are supported in part by the Michigan Council for Arts and Cu ltura l Affairs, the National Endowment for the Arts, and oth er individuals , corpora tions and fo un dat ions Mic h igan Opera Theatre is an Equa l Opportunity Emp loyer
The Officia l MagaZine of tlte Detro it Opera House BRAVO IS A MICH IGAN O PERA T HEATRE P UBLI CATION C
PUb lishing Company
City of Detroit Cultural Affoirs Department NA T ION A L EN D OW M ENT fOR THE A RTS 1I.bdt poSS ible w nh the :'l.1PJXll1 of thl.' Coundl ror Arts ;lnd Cuhtlml a p..1Jl llel' agenq of the National Endowlllent for the Am Renew your passion 2005 Spring WELCOME Letter from David DiC hi e r a 4 ON STAGE TOSCA . .. .. ............. . . .. ......... . ... . . . . . . . ... 5 Setting ... . .... ... . ... . . . . . ..... . . . .... .. . . . . . . . . .... 6 The Director's Cu t. .. . . . . . ......... . .. .. .... . . . . .... .... 8 MARGARET GARNER . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . ... . . . .... 9 THE DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT. ... . ... .. . ... 11 Setting 12 Donizetti and Th e Daught er of the Regim ent. . . . . . . . .... . . 13 Artist Profil es . . . . . . . ......... . ..... . ........ . . . ...... 15 Young Artist Apprentice s 18 Chorus and Orchestra .... . . . .. . . . . . .... . . . .. . . . . . . .... 19 MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE Administrati on and Staff. . .. ... ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 20 Avanti Soci ety 22 Board of Directors and Trustees ... . . . ........ . . . .. . . . .... 2 3 CONTRIBUTORS Camp aign to Restore the De t roit Opera House . . ........... . . 24 Michigan Opera Theatre Co nt r ibutors 26 IN MEMORIAM Ara Berberian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Josephine Harreld Love 28 MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE Community Programs ... . . . .. .. . .... . .............. . ... 32 Volunteers 33 General Information ..... . . .... . . . . .. . . ... . . . .. . ....... 34 www Mic h iga nOp e BRAVO 3 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Welcome to Michigan Opera Theatres
Sp ring Season!
Dear Friends,
I take great pleasure in welco ming you to the Detroit Opera House for Michigan Opera Theatres 2005 spring opera season.
We have assembled a wonde rfull y di verse season for you, with three phenomenal operas.
Tosca is undoubtedly one of the greatest theatrical dramas of all time-a tale of love and deceit , with a breathtaking score by Pu ccini.
May 7th, after six years of preparation, we will host the world premiere of Margaret Gamer. Our first world premiere to be staged at the Detroit Opera House, Margaret Gamer is an incredible American opera by Richard Danielpour and Toni Morrison. Michigan Opera Theatre has a long history of encouraging and presenting relevant new works, and I'm very proud to continue this legacy; as we raise the curtain on one of the most Significant n ew operas of our time.
We 'll close the season on a high note, with a delightful comic opera by Donizetti, Th e Daughter of the Regiment. We are very excited to present this li ghthearted tale of love for the first time in over a decade.
2005 has been a benchmark year for Michigan Opera Theatre, and while you 've come to see the excitement on stage, I hope you' ll join us in celebrating a number of other milestones.
In the same week as Margaret Gamer, Michigan Opera Theatre and the city of Detroit will host OPERA AmeJicas Opera Conference 2005: Diverse Voices. We're very excited to welcome colleagues world-wide to our magnificent Opera Hou se, and to share with them the many trea sures of our great city
While the 1996 opening of the Detroit Opera House has long been viewed as the catalyst for the revitalization of Detroits sports and entertainment district, we've 4
never been happy to rest on our laurel s. The recent completion of our final capital campa ign, the Crowning Achievement, ha s allowed us to take on two projects that will transform Broadway into a more vib rant , pedestrian-friendly corridor and provide valuable resources to the community as a who le.
We've demolished our outdated Opera House Garage to make way for a new, state - of-the-art facility; complete with parking for 800 ca rs , and 20,000 square feet of prime reta il space. The new structure wi ll be we ll lit , safe and attractive, with improved entrances and exits on John R. and Grand River, and a fa<;:ade that will complement the Opera House an d surrounding buildings. While this construction has created a temporary inconvenience , I know that you will appreciate our new facility, which will be open in time for our fall opera seaso n. Thank you for yo ur patience and und erstanding, as we work to improve and ensure parking for yo ur theatre-going experience.
Equ ally exciting is our crown j ewel, the Ford Center for Art s and Lea rning. Construction crews have taken over th e Broadway side of the Detroit Opera Hou se, working diligently to renovate the six-story tower. The Ford Center for Arts and Learning wi ll include the DaimlerChrysler
Theatre, the Margo V Cohen Center for Dance, the Marion and David Handleman
Media Studio, th e Lee and Floy Barthel Costume Shop, the Allesee Dance &: Opera Re source library, and a new s treet-level retail space for an expande d boutique Th e learning center will also provide a n ew home for our awa rd-winning Learning at the Opera Hou se series, allowing u s to expan d our programming and present edu ca tiona l opportunities year-round.
Looking ahead to the fa ll , we've planned a spec tacular season to commemorate Michigan Opera Theatres 35th anniversary The 2005/2006 season will feature productions of Bellinis bel canto masterpiece , Norma, a reviva l of the ever- loved La Boheme b y Puccini, our first main-stage production o f Rossinis Cinderella, and the return of the co ntroversial , and excep tionally powerful , Salome by Richard Strauss. In April, we'll commemorate the 10th annive rsa ry o f th e Detroit Opera House's opening with a lavish new production of Ve rdi s Aida.
The Detroit Opera Hous e co ntinu es to be th e only venue in Southeastern Michigan to present the major dance companie s of the world. Th e 2005/2006 DaimlerChrysler Dance Series is perfect evide nce of this, as our grand stage will by graced by Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, the Kirov Ballet , the Joffrey Ballet, Savion Glover and Les Grands Ballets Canadiens d e Montreal. 1 hop e yo u 'll Join us for these unforgettab le expe riences.
Thank you, and enjoy the sho w I
David DiChi era Founder and Genera l Direc tor Michigan Opera Theatre
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Detroit Opera House
Renew your passion
World Premiere: Rome, january 14,1900
Sung in Italian with English surtitle translation
Running time approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes , including intermissions
rt.31;J,J' 200 5 Spring Se ason is made p ossible by Ca dillac www Mi chi ga nOp e ra .org BRAVO 5
2010, Michigan
Setting: Rome in the time of Napoleon
Cesare Angelotti, an escaped politica l prisoner, runs into the church of Sa nt 'Andrea d ella Valle to hide in the family chapel. At the sound of th e Angelus , th e Sacristan ente rs to pray, int errupted by the painter Mario Cavaradossi, who ha s co me to work on hi s portrait of Mary Magda lene-inspired b y the Marchesa Atta vanti , An ge lotti s siste r. Mario contrasts th e beauty of the blond Marchesa with that of hi s lover, th e raven-haired singer Flori a Tosca (" Recondit a a rmonia "). Angelotti ventures out and is recogniz e d by Mario , who gives him food and hurries him back in to the chapel as Tosca is h ea rd outside She j ea lously qu es tions Mario, then prays and reminds him of their rendezvous that evening ("Non la sospiri la nostra case tta? ") When she recognize s the marchesas likeness in th e painting, h e r suspicions are renewed , but he reassures her (" Qual'occhio al mondo ") When she h as left, Mario summons Angelotti, as a cannon signals that the police have discovered th e es cape; the two flee to Mario 's villa. The Sacristan returns with chOirboys who are about to sing a Te Deum. Th eir ex citement is silenced b y
the entrance of Baron Scarpia , chief of the secret po li ce , in sea rch of Ange lotti When Tos ca returns looking for Mario, Sca rpia sho ws her the Attavanti crest on a fan he has found. Thinking Mario faithless , Tosca tearfu lly vows vengeance and leaves, as the church resounds with Te Deum. Sca rpia ha s the diva trailed , sch eming to get her in his power ("Va Tosca l ")
In the Farnese Pala ce, Scarpia anticipates the pleasure of bending To sc a to his will (" Ha pili forte sapore ") The spy Spo lett a arrives; having failed to find Angelotti , h e placates the baron b y bringing in Mario , who is interro ga ted whil e Tosca is h eard singing at a royal gala downstairs. She enters as her lover is dragged away to b e tortured. Unnerved b y Mario 's sc reams, she reveal s Angelottis hiding pla ce. Mario is ca rried in ; realiZing w h a t ha s happen ed, he rages at Tosca. When th e gendanne Sc iarrone ru shes in to announce Napoleon has won the Battle of Marengo, a defea t for Sca rpia 's side , Mario shout s his defiance ("Vittoria l ") and is dragged to pri son. Scar pia sugges ts that Tosca yield to him in exchange for h er love rs life. Fighting
him off, she protes ts her fat e to God, having dedicated her life to art and love ("Vissi d 'arte") Spoletta interrupts ; faced with ca pture, Angelotti has killed himself. Tosca accepts Scarpia's proposition. The baron pretends to order a mock execution , and Spoletta leaves. Scarpia prepares a document of safe conduct for the lovers. When he embraces her, Tosca s tabs him with a knife from the table , wrenches the document from his hand and, plaCing a crucifix on his chest, slips out.
A Shepherd is h eard singing , as church be lls to ll the dawn . Mario is le d to the roof of Castel Sant'Angelo to await executio n ; h e bribes the jailer to convey a farewell note to Tosca Writing it , overcome with memories of lo ve, he gives way to d espair ("E lu cevan Ie stelle"). Suddenly, Tosca runs in with the story of her recent adventure. Mario caresses the hands that committed murd er for his sa ke ( " 0 dolci mani") , and the two hail the future As the firing squad appears , the diva coa ches h er lo ver on how to fake hi s death convincingly; the so ldiers fire and depart. Tosca urges Mario to hurry, but w hen h e fails to mo ve, she disco ve rs Scarpia 's trea chery: the bullets were rea l. Spoletta rushes in to arrest Tosca. She climb s the battlements and, crying that she will meet Scarpia before God , leaps to her d ea th. m
-Courtesy OPERA N EWS
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Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
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The Directors Cut
Tosc a direc tor E. Randahl Ho ey rece ntly sa t down wi th BRAVO to ta lk about th e ope ra, love, his work and "so ci al nudity. "
Tosca will be your Michigan Opera Theatre debut. How did you get involved with the production? I m et Da vi d Di Chiera , so m e time ago , backst age at the L. A. Op era. H e contacte d me a little bit late r a bou t direc ting in the a ppre ntice program at Op e ra Pacific, which I did for a p eriod of time, and it w as a very sati sfying experience. Sub se qu ently, I re placed another director, wi th tw o d ays notice, in a Ru ssian-language produ ction, w hich John Pack ard was in , here in New York. J ohn was later cas t as th e lea d in Dead Man Walk ing, the Sean Penn role, and h e en ga ged m e to provide him with d ra matic coaching . I fl ew out to San Francisco for th e w orld premie re , a n d w hen h e d id it in Mic higan , h e sa id , "Why don't yo u com e a nd see m e , and we 'll h an g out) " So I flew in , enjoye d th e produ ction immensely, a nd the n David (DiChiera) and John and I wa tch ed the Ton y awa rds toge ther, at David's home We had quite a fun , goofy time with it. The upsh ot o f it was tha t th e n ext day, Mon d ay, I was in th e Michigan O p e ra Thea tre office sayin g goodbye, and David came in and said , very sp ontan eou sly, "Yo u have to be h e re ! Yo u have to wo rk h ere." So we then s tarte d discu ssing the va rious produ ctions , and Tas ca was the selec tion.
Have you directed it before? No, and thats wh y it s so exciting for me. It s alw ays b een top of m y li st-I' ve done m ay b e 14 grand op e ras-s o it s jus t b een a drea m of m ine to d o Tasca
In starting to think about how Tosca is going to come together on the Detroit Opera House stage, have you taken cues from other directors, or just the libretto and the music? Well , yo u kno w, I am a s h ame le ss s p on ge I h ave seen sever al produ ctions of Tasca, and I think wha t will m ak e our Tasca uniqu e is what the artists d o . Even thou gh I h ave d one som e preblocking, that will chan ge b ased up on m y inte raction with the artis ts. I don't kn ow that there s any other p ro duction that I've seen that loo k s o r feels like this p a rti cular se t , but the re a re ce rt ai n things in th e sco re- stage d irec tions that Pu ccini h as 8
Wlitten in-w hich m ak e a grea t d eal of sen se It will feel , I think, famili a r to audien ce s , but there a re also things that will m ake it very uniqu e, unique to Michigan O p e ra Thea tre.
What do you find so compelling about Tosca? You know, if you 've ever b een in love, yo u m ay h ave felt so smitten tha t yo u fel t h oo k ed into every breath that yo ur bel oved is taking. Love do es inte resting things to u s, and in many ca ses, w e b ec ome deeply b onded to our bel oved, we can b ecome addicted to our b elove d and we can be fri ghten ed if our beloved seems to not b e availabl e. Tas ca tap s into this uni ve rsal feeling, for me, o f love and what lo ve do es to p eo ple. And of course, in To scas case, sh e is a woman of the thea ter , and so sh e brings this sense of thea ter and d ra ma to on stage and o ff s tage life. So h e r love is a thea trical a nd dramatic event . Th e fac t that sh e ha s a predisposition as a possessor, s hall we say, and to this j ealou sy, lends itse lf to grea t drama like we see in the fir st ac t. I thin k audiences, if they' re rea lly hones t with them selves, kno w that at some point in their life , th ey've had th e sa me thou gh ts an d pani ck y fee lings that Tosca h as as sh e enters th e church
You've worked in TV, film , musical theater, opera , and you write and teach. Is there any aspect of your work you prefer? That's a tou gh ques tion , becau se I suppo se that if th e re were , that wo uld b e the onl y thing I wo uld do I think I'd like to go d eeper int o film and tele vision. I'm d eveloping Kidqu est, w hich is a television series for Latino c hildren. I will be direc ting and wri ting tha t , and I j u s t thin k th at eJ-..rploring television on a de ep er level and a multic ultural b asis will b e very enriching for m e. I'm just fascina ted b y te lling the story If its a sung story or a sp oken sto ry or a mm sto ry, thats jus t fine b y m e . O p era , ho wever, is the cente r of m y so ul. I h ave to d o op e ra. Like yo u have to ea t or yo u h ave to b rus h your tee th. I ju st h ave to direc t op e ra
Tell me about your book Standing Naked With Your Clothes On . Standing Na ked Wi th Yo ur Cl othes On is rea lly about the bare essentials of auditioning for film , thea ter, television a nd op e ra . My lite rary age nt is also as king m e to consid e r doing Na ked for the bu sinessm an w h o n ee d s to
www.Mi chi ga
e nhance his sp eaking skills and his inte racti ve s kills, a nd inc rease his p ro fit po tentia l. I'm d elighted to discover tha t the techniqu es I'm offering for the singe r and the ac tor a re immense ly ad aptabl e to the bu sinessm an
So what inspired Naked? I pl ay the piano , and in California I had a home with a grand piano , and wh e n p eo ple w ould come ove r, they' d say, "Pla y the p ian o for us. " I w as apprehen Sive about playing the piano . I h ad had so m e performing exp erien ce, but in the intimacy of m y living room wi th a dozen fri end s, I was frightened So I found a hypnotist , and we did so m e sess ion s and h e told m e to imagine, an ytime I sat d own at the p iano, that all o f the p eo pl e around m e were n ake d Therefo re, they' re m ore exp ose d than I am. And the whole thou ght of b eing expo se d hit m e, and ind ee d , the little p os thypno ti C sugges tion worked , b ecause you know, I h ad so m e friend s ove r, and I was as k ed to play the p iano and I sat d own , and m y girlfriend just said , "O h m y Go d That was great! You didn 't miss a note " And I w ent, "This rea lly w orks." The conce pt of social nudity fasc inated me as a result. O ur vu ln erability is our grea tes t stre n gth If we' re vulnerable and let life happ e n to us , we go throu gh s tuff, as opp ose d to stand tall an d resis t and put on the stiff uppe r lip. So to be vulner able to m e is to b e n ak ed , and to b e naked is to b e wh o we are. Yo u can 't hide wh e n you 're n aked If yo u a re conce rned ab out a little love h andle there or a little sag the re, gu ess what , it is The love h andle d oesn 't h ave to stay the re, the sag doesn 't h ave to s tay th ere, b ut it is the way it is no w An d if we can jus t let ours elves b e the way w e are n ow, w e s tart to shift and evolve quite n aturally But if we resist and arm o urselves, and walk thro u gh life with a force d smile or with a gru mp y attitude, or con stantly criticize , we' re not lettin g in w h ats rea lly a round u s. So the m eta ph or o f naked is rea lly a bout b eing open , so we can co mmunic ate and be truthful and grow-wa rts and all
Lea rn more ab out E. Randah l H oey, and Standing Na ked with Your Clo thes On (the bare essentials of auditioning for stage, f1lm and op era) at www. Th eEntertai nmentStudio com m
D e troit Opera Hous e Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Composed by Richard Danielpour
Libretto by: Toni Morrison
Opera in Two Acts
MAY 7-22" 2005
Premiere: Detroit , Michigan, May 7, 2005 A Co -Produ ct ion of Michigan O pera Theatre, Cincinnati Opera and Ope ra Co mpany of Philadelphia Sung in English Running tim e approximately 3 h ours, includin g intermission L " n ""Sit) eL:? /./J/J - G Schirmer Inc ."O"''''M,''C''''''''''.'NC 200 5 Spring Season is mad e poss ibl e b y Cadillac ©2004 Assoc iated Music Publi sh e rs , in c. Used by a rra nge me nt with Assoc ia ted Mu sic Publi s he rs, in c. www Mi c higanOp e BRAVO 9 Please see special Margaret Garner supplement for complete program information Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
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Courtesy of Michigan Opera Theatre
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The 2005 Spring Season is made possible by Ca dillac
Setting: A village in Tyrol during the Napoleonic Wars
While a gro up of peasants prepa re for a battle with the Fren ch , women pray for protection; the Ma rquise of Be rk enfield , who ha s co m e near th e advancing army by mistake , almost faint s wi th terror. Her steward , Hortensius , urges h er to contro l h e rse lf, but the Marqui se deplores the state o [ the worl d in whi ch Napo leo n 's army ignores th e nobility: Sergeant Sulpi ce and his m en appear [rom behind the rocks. The voi ce of the French regiment's drum majorette, Marie, h era lds h er appearance, and she and Sulpi ce glory in their lo ve of war and patriotism,
compose a solution?
Miller Canfield, of course.
Our commitment to the Detroit metropolitan community is centered around integrity and participation. We unders tand Detroit. We understand the business climate here. But most of all we appreciate that our success depends on the Sllccess of the communities where we work and live.
reminiscing over th e stroke o[ lu ck that brou ght the orphaned Marie to the regiment. Since then , sh e h as b ee n like a daughter to all the men, h er singing and beauty enli ve ning their martial life. As Sul pice questions the girl abo ut a yo ung Tyrolean sh e h as been seen with, so ldi ers drag in Toni a, th e yo uth in qu es tion , who has b een found n ea r the ca mp. The so ldi ers want to kill him until Ma rie relat es how h e saved h er from falling off a precipi ce. Rej oicing in th e m ens acceptance of Tonia, sh e sings the regimenta l so ng. Th e m en are ordered to roll call, taking Toni o wi th th em , but h e rushes b ack to declare his love to Marie. Th e two fall int o each others arms and go off together. Sulpi ce, H ortensius and the Marqui se anive, and the Ma rquise tell s Su Ipice that her late sis ter had a child by a Cap tain Robert of Sulpi ce's regim ent. Informed tha t Marie is that child , she insis ts on taking th e gi rl away to prepare h er for h er rightful s tation in life. Marie enters gaily, only to be to ld that sh e will soo n d epart with h er n ewfoun d aun t. After the four leave, the soldie rs usher in a n ew rec ruit-Tonia, who hai ls the da y that brought him th e girl h e loves The sold ie rs are j ea lou s wh en th ey rea lize Tonia loves Marie, but they accept fate graCiou sly: Toni a 's rhapsody on hi s delight is en d ed abru ptly by Sulpices announc ement o f Marie's d epa rture.
Sa dly, the girl res igns he rself to h er n ew future Tonia , Sulpice and the so ldi ers b emo an th ei r loss as the Marqui se dra gs Mari e off, and Tonia vows to follow h er.
In a sa lon in h er cha teau th e Marquise receives Sulpi ce, aski n g him to convi n ce Marie th at the ri ch German prin ce sh e has found will b e a goo d hu sband. When the girl comes in, the Marquise asks h er to sin g an air she ha s learned as part of h er training in the socia l graces. Sulpice int erj ec ts fragments of the regim ental tun e until Marie, after tryin g a few m easures of both, laun ch es into the latter, with the Marquise and Sulp ice si nging along. H orrifi ed at herself, the Marquise sweep s ou t , but cannot help excl aimin g Marie 's ch arm. As Sulpic e follows h er out , Marie muses sa dl y upon h er up coming marriage. The s trains of a march inform her that the so ldiers ha ve arrived, and sh e sa lutes them. Tonia, Mari e and SuI pice d elight in their reunion , but the Marquise, int errupting , is unmo ve d b y Toni os express ions of de vo tion. Th e lovers go off in opposite di rections, and wh en the Marqui se confides to Sulpi ce th at Marie is her own daught er and b egs him to h el p h er in t h e allianc e sh e h as se t up , h e ag rees. Th e Du ch ess o f Krakenthorpe, mother of the persp ective groom, a rri ves unexpectedly with other wedding guests asking to meet Marie. H avin g lea rn ed the Marquises secret, the so ldi ers, led b y Tonia , burst in and revea l Maries rough-and-ready upbringing. Marie still is willing to proceed , but the Marqui se tell s h er to take the m an sh e loves. All except the outraged Du ch ess pr aise Marie, Tonia and Franc e. Ii]
-Courtesy OPERA NEWS Detroit Op e ra Hous e Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Donizetti and The Daughter of the Regiment
By Roberto Mauro
As balance to the high drama of Tosca and the extraordina ry tragedy conveyed by Margaret Gamer, Michigan Opera Theatre's spring opera season ends on a light note with Italian bel canto maestro, Gaetano Donizettis effervescent comedy, La Fille du Regiment, or The Daughter of the Regiment
Gaetano Donizetti was born in Bergamo, Italy, on November 19 , 179 7 At an early age, he possessed an innate awareness of music. His preoccupation with music soon led to an in terest in composition,
particularly opera; his first significant opera, Enrico Conte di B01-gogna, received a successful premiere in 1818. It would not be for another 12 years, and 25 operas, however, that Donizetti would estab li sh his favorable reputation, with the premiere of Anna Balena Well-known for his astonishing ability to compose rapidly, Donizetti, in quick succession, unveiled a series of no w notab le ope ra s, including The Elixir of Love (1832), Lucrezia Borgia (1833) and Malia Stuarda (1834), culmin ating with the triumph of Lucia di Lammermoor (1835), which contains his famous "mad scene. "
The death of Donizettis wife in 1837 thrust the composer into a deep depresSion , from which he wou ld never recover. As well , in 1845 h e suffered a massive stroke, whi ch left him comp letely paralyzed. Gaetano Donizetti died at home , in Bergamo, on April 8 , 1848, at the age of 51.
Ultimat ely, the world would remember Donizetti as an astoundingly prolific comp oser. In a career that spanned little more than 25 yea rs, he produced in excess of 70 operas, 12 string quartets, seven masses and countless scores of piano music. Graceful melodic style and florid
1828 MAPLELAWN TROY, MICHIGAN 48084 (248) 643-0900 Detroit Opera House
FAX (248) 643-7473 BRAVO 13 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
voca l lines are signa ture to hi s music , particularly his operas. Still, w hat sets this co mpos er apart is his unique ability to mak e the cha racters, both comic an d tragic , co m e alive , providing through mu sic , a sense o f fl esh an d blood.
Although his reputation as compo ser of the da y was estab lished in Italy, he h ad ye t to conquer Paris, the operatic Mecca of the period. Like Che rubini an d Rossini , hi s famous pred ecess ors, Doniz e tti mo ve d to Paris, where seve ral of his final operas were premi ered , amo n gst th ese, Don Pa squale (184 3) an d Th e Daughter of th e Regiment.
Premiered in Paris on February 11 , 1840, The Daughter of the Regi ment was an instant and res ounding success; its strong patriotic fl avor made it a fa vo rit e amongst Parisians. While its comedic nature has caused many to dismiss Th e Daughter of th e Regi ment as a mere trifle , there is far more to th e ope ra than meets the eye.
Firs t , its subj ec t , an aristocra tic chil d
taken from h er parents at birth and raised in common surroundings, was a favorit e th eme of romanti c e ra artis ts. Giuseppe Ve rdi 's n Trovatore is among the many works ba se d up on this premise With Th e Daughter of th e Regiment, Donizetti uses the theme as a means to po se philosophical questions. For exa mple , the entire second act is de vo ted to an exploration o f the conce pt o f "nuture vs. n at ure ," an d w h e th er it is en vironm ent or h eredi ty that will prove the more powerful force in determining the titl e cha ra c ter 's path in life No t bad for an opera tha t tends to b e viewed as simplistic
The title role of "Mari e," which d em ands a sense of humor and solid vocal technique, has always enticed prima donnas , attracting su ch legendary di vas as J enny Lind , Adelina Patti , Lui sa Terazzi ni , Jo an Suth erland , an d Lill y Pons. Althou gh th e titl e role h as grea t app eal , it is act ually the ten or role of 'Toni o," and th e famous Ac t I aria , th at h as familiariz ed audi ences wi th Th e
Daughte r of th e Regi ment. As written , the Ari a contains 9 high Cs, a c hallenge for an y tenor exce pt on e. At a now legendary p erforman ce for the Metropolitan Op era in 1972 , Lu ciano Pavaro tti d elivered all nine h igh CS with incre dible strength and ease, along with a brilli ant , shimmering tone. So ex tra ord inar y was hi s perform an ce, th at Tim e Magazin e placed him on th e magazine 's cove r, dubbing him "King of the High CS." Luciano Pavaro ttis "Toni o" will forever b e th e beacon against which all other ten ors will be judge d. For all its light-hea rted appeal , Th e Daughter of th e Regimen t is, indeed , more complex and intricate than one might fir s t believe. Having serve d as a staple of th e ope rati c r epertoire for more than 165 years, Gaetano Doniz et ti 's masterpi ece d em ands our attention , our r espect and our en ch antm ent , but most imp ortan tl y of all it never fails to delight and entertain u s. m
The arts en ri ch o ur lives in ways that go beyond the spoken word or musical note. Th ey make us laugh. They make us cry. They lift our spiri t s and bring enjoyme nt to our lives. The arts and cultura l opportunities so vital to th i s community are also important to us. That's why (omerica supports the arts. And we applaud those who jo in us in mak ing investments that enrich peoples lives.
We listen, We understand, We make it
@ Comerica Bank. Member FDIC. Equal Opportunity lender. D e troit Op e ra House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Artist Profiles
Assistant Music Di rector, Chorus Master, Conductor (USA)
Conducting debut 1986, West Side StOlY
Company debut as Cho rus Master, 1982
2005 Season: Chorus Mas ter, Tosca, Margaret Gamer, The Daughter oj the Regiment; Conductor, The Daughter oj the Regi ment
Re centl y : Rigoletto , Faust, Too Hot To Handel (Mic h igan Opera Theatre)
U pcoming: Holocaust Cantata, Too Hot To Handel, Voices oj Light , CElisir D'Amo re
Baritone (USA)
Michigan Opera Theatre debut
Porgy and Bess, 1982
2005 Season: Robert Gamer, Margaret Gamer
Recently: Aiela (Opera Company of Philadelphia, Scottish National Opera), Rigoletto (Berkshire Opera), Rigoletto (National Orch estra, Rome)
Upcoming : Margaret Gamer (Cincinnati Opera, Opera Company of Philadelphia), Carmen (Arena di Verona)
Tenor (USA)
Michigan Opera Theatre debut:
A Mashed Ball, 2003
2005 Season: Spoletta, Tasca
Recently: Rigoletta (Michigan Opera Theatre) , nRitomo
D'Ulisse In Patlia (Glimmerglass Opera)
Up coming: Gloliana, Les Contes D'Hoffmann (Des Moines Metro Opera), Le Nozze Di Figaro (New Orleans Opera)
Ten or (USA)
Michigan Opera Theatre debut: The Magic Flute, 2004
2005 Se ason: George H an cock, Margaret Gamer
Recentl y : Don Giovanni (Opera Royal de Wallonie)
Upc oming: Street Scene (Opera Portland), Susannah (Opera Columbus)
Bass-baritone (USA)
Michigan Opera Theatre debut
2005 Season: Sacristan/J ailor, Tasca
Rece ntly : f Elisir eI'Amore (Augusta Opera)
U pcoming: TIle Barber oj Seville (Lyric Ope ra of Cleveland), Le Nozze di Figaro (Toledo Opera)
Michigan Opera Theatre debut
The Marriage oj Figaro, 2002
2 005 Season: Marquise, The Daughter oj the Regiment
Recently : Street Scene (Lyric Opera o f Chicago), Hansel und Gretel (Metropolitan Opera)
Up coming: Peter Glimes (Santa Fe Opera), n Barbiere di Seviglia, BOIis Godullov (San Diego Opera)
Soprano (Canada)
Michigan Opera Theatre debut
Orpheus in the Unele/worlel, 1986
200 5 Se ason: Marie, The Daughter of the Regiment
Rec e ntly: Der Rosenkavalier , (Vancouver Opera) , Carmina Burana (Montreal Symphony)
U p coming : Lucia ele Lammennoor (Boston Lyric Opera), Nixon in China (Portland Opera), concerts with Toronto Symphony Orchestra
YU QIANG DAI Tenor (China)
Michigan Opera Theatre debut
2005 Season : Cavaradossi, Tasca
Rece ntl y : Turandot (Opera Pacific , Portland Opera) , Tosca (Covent Garden)
U pcoming : La Boheme (Covent Garden), Tasca (Portland Opera)
Soprano (USA)
Michigan Opera Theatre debut
200 5 Se as on : Tasca, Tasca
Recentl y: Tasca (El Paso Opera) , Aida (Connecticut Opera, Opera Company of Philadelphia)
Upcoming: fenfant Pmdigu e (Amsterdam) , I Vespli Sidliani
(Washington Opera)
Stage Di rector (USA)
Michigan Opera Theatre debut: Mikado, 1982
200 5 Seas o n : Director, The Daughter oj the Regiment
Recently : The Mikado (Opera Orlando), The Meny Widow (New Orleans Opera) , Di e Fledermaus (Opera Grand Rapids)
U pcoming : The Pirates oj Penzance (Opera Pacific) , La Ii-aviata (Virginia Opera), La Fille elu Regim ent (Florida Grand Opera)
Tenor (USA)
Michigan Opera Theatre debut: Too Hot to Handel , 2002
2 005 Sea son : Tonia, TIle
Daughter oj the Regiment
Recentl y : A Idbut e to Mr Rogers (Pittsburgh Symphony), Rec ital (Cincinnati Mu sic Hall), TIle Passion oj the Ouist (Church of Chlist, Oak Brook , IL)
U pcoming : Cook, Dixon &1: Young in Concert (PBS , Great Performances), Cook , Dixon &1: Young Volume One (CD, world tour)
Tenor (USA)
Michigan Opera Theatre debut
200 5 Season : Tonia , Th e Dalighter oj the Regiment
Recentl y : La Cenerentola (Dallas Opera), Falstaff (H ouston Grand Opera) Upcomin g : Le Jongl eur ele Notre-Dame (Festival de St. Etienne) , A Midsummer Nig hts Dream (H amburg State Opera)
Baritone (USA)
Michigan Opera Theatre debut
2005 Se ason : Edward Gaines , Margaret Gamer
Recentl y: Nicholas and Alexandra (Los Angeles Opera), Don Carlo (San Diego Opera), Doktor Fuast (San Francisco Opera), TIle Magic Flute (Washington National Opera)
U p coming : Margaret Gamer (Cincinnati Opera, Opera Company of Philadelphia), La Grand Duchess e de Guer/estein, Pagliacci (Los Angeles Opera)
Mezzo soprano (USA)
Michigan Opera Theat re debut: Werther, 1999
200 5 Seas on : Margaret Gamer, Margaret Gam er
Recently : Azucena (Washington National Opera), Samson and Dalila (Metropo litan Opera)
U pc oming : Margaret Gamer (Opera Company of Philadelphia, Cincinnati Opera)
D e tro it Ope ra Hou se
"Yu Q iang Dai..,has a splend id vo ice, mellow in the middle range , ringing on top, and he produces it in a well-founded Italian trad ition" , "
WWII IitUIDS. 'Towa,.com www.Michigan Oper a .org BRAVO 15 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
New Symphony Orchestra, JOSE A NTONIO MOLINA
Bari tone (USA)
Mich igan Opera Theatre debu t : A Mash eel Ball, 2003
20 05 Seaso n: Angelotti, Tasca
Rece n t ly: Rigoletto, Fielelio (Virgin ia O pera)
U p coming : Porgy anel Bess (Washington O p era), Margaret Gamer (Opera Carolina)
Bass (USA)
Mich iga n Opera Th eat re deb u t
2 00 5 Seaso n : Scar p ia, Tasca
Rece n tl y : Del' Fli ege nele
Hollaneler ( Pittsburgh Ope ra ), Bl uebew"eI Castle (Mont rea l Opera ), Iiistan ([nel Isolele (Metropoli tan Opera)
U p co ming: Tasca (Au stin Lytic Opera, Pi ttsbu rgh Ope ra), Samson et Da lil a (San Diego Opera)
C h oreographer (USA)
Mich igan O pera T h ea tre d eb u t
200 5 Seas on : Choreogra ph er, Marga ret Garner
Recen tl y : Concert (Tribeca
Perform ing Arts Cente r), Martin's Ma r h Your Move (Southern C hristian Leade rs hi p Confere nce) , Crowns (San Diego RepertOlY Thea ter) , The Wiz (True Colors Theat re Company)
Upco min g: The Moving WOIrI; The Minisuy oj Dance (Video)
Stage Direc tor (USA)
Mic h igan Opera Th eatre debu t
200 5 Se a so n : Directo r, Tasca
Recen tl y: Rueldigore (New Yo r k), Broaelway USA (New York)
U p co m in g: Kidquest (Network
Te levision), Kiss oj the Spieler
Woma n (Los Ange les)
Tenor (Canad a)
Mic hi gan O p er a Theatre deb u t
200 5 Se aso n : Au ct ioneer, 1st
J udge, Margaret Garne r
Re ce nt ly : Pi rates oj Penzance (Lyric Opera of Chicago)
Up coming: Margal"et Garne r (Opera Com pany o f Philad el phia,
U p co m ing : Porgy and Bess (A tlant a Ope ra), The Daug hte r oj the Regiment (Florentine Opera)
Soprano (USA)
Michigan O pera Theatre deb u t
200 5 Sea son: Caro line Gain es, Margaret Garn er Re ce n tl y : Camlen (Nashvi ll e Opera) , La Boheme (Ope ra
Grand Rapi d s), Don Giovanni (F lo ri da Gran d Ope ra)
U p com in g: Faust (Nashvi ll e Opera) , Margaret Gal11er (Opera Company of Phi ladelp h ia) , Thais (Boston Lyric Opera)
Sce n ic Designer (USA)
Mich igan Opera Thea tre d eb u t
200 5 Season : Sce n ic design, MargQl 'e t Gal11e r
U p co m in g: love Labo urs lost (Oregon Shakespeare Fes tival)
Conductor (USA)
Mic h igan O p era T heatre d ebut
200 5 Season : Conductor, MQlga ret Ga m er
Rece n tly: Turando t (Lit huanian State Opera), Lysist rata (Houston Grand Ope ra)
U p co ming : Ma lgaret Gamer (O pera Company of Ph il ade lphia, Cin cinn ati Ope ra), Porgy anel Bess (A tl an ta Ope ra)
Bali tone (Canada)
Michiga n Opera Thea tre d eb ut
2 00 5 Se ason : Scarpia, Tasca
Rece ntl y : A Mashed Ball (Opera Quebec), Rigoletto (Man itoba
O pera, New Yo rk City Opera)
U p comin g: Fil wne na (Edmonton Ope ra), Ro meo et Julliette, Falstaff (Ope ra Lyric Ottawa) , Lucia di Lammel11lOo r (Boston Lytic Ope ra)
Stage Director (USA)
Mich iga n Opera Theat re d ebu t
200 5 Seas on: Director, MQlgaret
Garn er
Cincinnati Opera)
Scen ic DeSigner (USA)
Michigan O pe ra Theatre deb ut
2 00 5 Season : Scenic design, Tasca
Rece ntl y : Enter the Gua rdsman (aboard the Q u een Elizabe th 2), Le Nozze di Figaro (Ope ra Compa ny o f P h i lade lp hia), The Abeluaion Jrom the Seraglio (Bronx Opera Company)
Rece n tl y : A Raisin in the Sun (Broadway), Gem oj the Ocean (Broadway)
U p co ming: Margaret Gamer
(O pera Compa ny of Ph ilade lphia , Ci n c innati Opera)
Tenor (Can ad a)
Mic h igan O p era Theatre debut: Pete r Gri mes, 2000
200 5 Sea s o n : Casey, Margaret Garner
Bari to ne (USA)
Mic higan Ope ra Th ea tre d e b ut: Rigoletto, 2004
200 5 Seas on : Sc iarro n e, Tasca;
2 nd Judge, Mmgaret Gal11er; Co rpo ral , The Daughte r oj the Regiment
Recently: Romeo and Julliette (Skylig ht Opera), Rigoletto, Faust (Mich igan Ope ra Theatre), La Boheme (O pera Theatre No rt h)
U pco mi n g : Ma lgaret Ga rn er (Cinci nnat i O pera, O p era Com pany of Philadel ph ia)
So p rano (USA)
Mic hi gan Opera Th ea tre debut
200 5 Seaso n : Ci lia, MQl garet Gamer
Recentl y: Rec ital (T hailand, Spa in, Au sltia, Un ited States)
U p co ming : Recita l (Au st ria, German y)
Sce n ic designe r (USA)
M ic hi gan Opera T heat re debut
2 00 5 Se ason: Scenic d es ign, Th e Daughter oj the Regiment
Re ce n tl y: II Ii'ova tore, The Pea rl Fishers (Opera Compan y of Phil ad e lph ia)
U p co ming: Die Wa li1ure (Teatro Co lon, Buenos Aires), I1le Pearl Fishe rs (Indianapolis Opera), A Mashed Ball (Opera Company of Philade lphia)
Tenor (USA)
Michigan O p era Thea tre debut: Falstaff, 2001
200 5 Season: Cavarad ossi, Tasca
Recentl y: Faust (Opera Frankfun), Madame Bu tte /jly ( Fl ori d a Grand Opera), Carmen (Trieste, Italy)
U p c omin g: Festival (Berlin Staa tsope r), Don Carlos (S trassbou rg O pera), Faust (Lyon, N ice, F rance)
Conductor Otaly)
Mic higan Opera Theatre debut
200 5 Sea son : Cond u cto r, Tasca
Recently : Concen Tour (Australia, Chi n a), Faust, Cavallelia Ru sticana, Pagliacci (Europe)
U p co ming: Conce rt Tour (En gland), Verdi Requ iem (P rague)
Sop rano (Venezue la)
Michigan Opera Thea tre debut
2 00 5 Sea s on: Tosca, Tasca
Rece ntly: La Jorza del elestino (Teatro alia Scala), Tasca ( Deutsc h e Ope r Berlin)
Upco min g : Tasca (Washingto n Ope ra)
So p rano (USA)
Michigan O pera Thea t re deb ut : A Mashed Ball, 2003
200 5 Seas on : Marie, The Daughter oj the Regiment
U p coming: A Mashe el Ball, Don Ca rl o, Tannhauser 16 BRAVO
Recen tly : Don PasqLlQ le (Florenti ne O p era), Die Frau Ohn e Schatten (Metropo li ta n O pera)
(A ustrali a Opera)
Rece ntl y: Sweeney Todd (Calgary O p era), Pagliacci (Opera Pac ific), Th e Love oj Three Oranges
U pcom in g : Ma/garet Gal11e r (O pera Compan y of Philade lp h ia , Cin ci n nati Ope ra), Tm1l1 /wiiser (Le Gran de Theat re d e Gen eve) w.vw" Michi ga nOp era.o rg
Ligh ti n g designe r (USA)
Mich iga n Opera Thea tre deb u t 200 5 Sea son : Li g htin g Design, MQlgaret Gal11er
Rece n tl y: Fm/st (Metropolitan Ope ra), The Weeldi ng (Lytic Ope ra o f C h icago)
U p coming: Turandot (Santa Fe O p era), The BassQlic/s (De Ned erlandse Opera), The First Emperor (Metropo li tan Opera)
__ - '=-..,
De t ro it O pe ra Ho use
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Ten or (USA)
Michigan Opera Theatre debut
2 00 5 Sea son : Hortensio, The DaLlghter of the RegimCl1t
Recentl y: The Men) Widow (Virginia Opera), The Threepenny Opera (Opera Omaha)
Lighting Designer (USA)
Michigan Opera Theatre d eb ut: The Ballad of Baby Doe, 1988
2 005 Season: Lighting design, Tasca, Th e Daughter of the Regiment
Rece ntly: Rigoletto (Michigan Opera Theatre), The Magic Flut e (Florida Grand Opera), Broadway Bound (Geve Theatre)
Upcoming: Lucia di Lamm ermoor (Indianapolis Opera), Kiss Me Kat e (Weston Playhouse)
Bass-balitone (Au stria/Canada)
Michigan Opera Theatre debut
2005 Se ason : Sergeant SuI pice, The Daugllter of th e Regiment
Re centl y: Don Pasquale (New York City Opera, Opera Lyra Ottawa, Florent ine Opera) , Dos Rheingold (New Orleans Opera)
U pcomin g : Ring Cycle (Seattle Opera)
Costume Designer (USA)
Michigan Opera Theatre debut
200 5 Sea son : Costume Design, Margaret Garn er
Re cently : The Color Purpl e (The Alliance Theatre) , A Raisin in th e Sun (Broadway)
U pcomi n g: Purlie (City Center Encores) , Privat e Fittings (Lajolla Pla yhouse) , Porgy and Bess (Washington Opera)
Wig and Makeup Designer
Michigan Opera Theatre deput: Tasca, 1995
200 5 Season: Tasca, Margaret Gamel; The Dallghter of the Regim ent
Rece ntl y: Rigaletta, faust (Michigan Opera Theatre)
U pcomin g : Tales of Hoffmann , Lucia di LammemlOOI; GI01ianna (Des Moines Metro Opera)
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Barbara Gibson Young Artist Apprentice Program
The launching of Barbara Gibs ons caree r reads like a scrip t from a Hollywood movie. She had been studying for three years with Maestro Stu ran i , when he invited a group of his Metropo litan Ope ra fliends, including soprano Bidu Sayao, bari tone Giuseppe Danise and tenor Giovanni Martinelli to hea r the 19year-old soprano. After the recital , Danise was so impressed tha t he was able to arrange an audition for Barbara with Arthur J udson of Columb ia Artists Management Inc. That very day, it happened that the producer of "The Telephone Hour" had an appo intment at Columbia, and h e was persuaded to listen to the young colo ratura. She was immediately Signed to a Columbia Artists contract and a debut on a national radio broadcast in September 1949. A recording contract with RCA soon followed as well as an appearance on the "Voice of Firestone" broadcast simultaneously on radio and television.
In 1952 , she was chosen by the legendary Arturo Toscanini to sing in the radio broadcast of Gluck's Olfeo ed EUlidic e Soon after, she made her operatic debut with Cincinnati Opera Association as Gilda in Rigoletto. In 1954 s h e appeared with the San Francisco O p era as Rosina, Oscar and Ze rlina The following spring s he was ch osen to participate in a five-week cultural good will tour of Europe. After a triumphant performance with the Berlin Philharmonic , Del' Tagesspiegal proclaimed , "Barbara Gib son brought back to life th e great era of coloratura singing. " Her second tour of Europe climaxed with the winning of first prize in the womans vocal division o f Italys Giamba ttista Viotti contest. First prize h ad n ever been awarded in the voice division. Moreover, acco rdi ng to the Associated Press wire report fl ashed around the world, Barbara Gibson was the first American to win a first prize in any of the four contest divisions (voice , piano , violin, and comp OSition. )
Returning after an exhaustive and extended national co n cert tour, she took the music world by surprise wh en , at the height of her vocal powers , she anno unced that she wou ld retire from the stage and dedicate herself to raising her young family in Detroit , Michigan , bringing a premature end to a meteoric career
In 1965, Dr. David DiChiera, who had committed himself to es tablishing an ope ra company in Detroit, pe rsuaded her to b e the featured artis t in the Overture to Opera Series, performing the m ad scene from Lucia di Lammermoor in eight performances throughout the Metropolitan Detroit area. She became a founding board member of the
Michigan Opera Theatre 2004-2005 Young Artist Apprentices
Michael Mayes DeRoy Testamentary Foundation Young Artist
Krysty L. Swann
Joyc e H. Cohn Young Artist
company, provid ing constant artistic advice , and introduced DiChiera to many co lleagues , including famous Italian basso Italo Tajo , w h o came to Detroit to sing in n Campanello and direct the company's first fu ll -length production, Th e Barber oj Seville
Barbara Gib so n 's commitment to MOT h as co ntin u ed through th e years , and in 2002 , a generous endowment gi ft es tablished the Barbara Gibson Young Artist Program, which will supp ort Michigan Opera Thea tre's ongo in g commitment to training and preparing the opera stars of tomorrow.
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Barbara Gibson as Lucia in the 1968 Overture to Opera SeJi es
Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra
Violin I Constance Markwick
Charlotte Merkerson, Michael McGillivray
Concertmaster* t Julia Kurtyka
Velda Kellyt
Bryan Johnstont
Carol Evanst
John Madison* t
Shawn Wood
Jean Marie Posekany
Gregg Powell
Mark Haas
Aaron Keaster
Scott Stefankot Flute
Kevin Filewych t Kathleen Grimest
Beth Kirton t
Jason Bendler
James Kujawski
Barbara Zmicht
James Greer
Julianne Zinn
Ewa Uziel Cello
Janet Sullins
Violin II
Victoria Haltom * t
Brooke Hoplamaziant
Molly Hughest
Henrik Karapetyant
Anna Wellert
Nadine Deleury* t
Tristan Rennie Harp
Roger Maki-Schramm
Patricia Terry-Ross* t
Kyle Mills* t Leonardo Soto* t
Carrie Banfield t
Susan Mutter
Pamela Hill * t Katherine Widlar
Dennis Carter Tamara Kosinski
Laura Larson t Alan Taplin
John Dorsey* t
David Taylor
Ron Strnad
Oboe Tuba Organ
Jean Schneider
Kristen Beene* t Phillip Sinder
Lynne Marie Flegg Trumpet * Princip al
Diane Bredesen t Sally Pituch t t Michigan Opera Theatre
Minka Christoff t
Robert Reed t
David Kuehn * t Orchestra
Gordon Simmonst
Brian Bowman * t Derek Lockhart
Detroit Federa tion of Musicians
John Iatzko Local #5,
Robert Clemens
Sarah Cleveland
Bing Xiat Bass
Janet Sullins Derek Weller* t
Elizabeth Rowin Clark Suttlet
Campbell MacDonaldt
Suzanne Rozmary
Sandra Jackson
Eric Varnert
Richard Beene
Trombone American Federation of
Maury Okun* t Musicians
Greg Neart
John Rutherford
Dan Harris
Michigan Opera Theatre Chorus
Dan Aggas
Wallace Ayotte
Patrick Barnard
Christopher Bauder
Victoria Bigelow
Heidi Bowen
Kim Brooks
Alaina Brown
Fred Buchalter
Patrick Clampitt
Timothy Clark
Damon Dandridge
Kelly Daniel-Decker
Victoria DeCarlo
John Deierlein
Jean Derricotte-
Leah Dexter
Keith Dixon
Dianna Dumpel
Jacqueline Echols
Brandy Ellis
Rebecca Engelhard
Vanessa Ferriole
Louise Fisher
Kurt Frank
Yvonne Friday
Janet Geisler
Conda Green
Rosalin Guastella
Dorian Hall
Leslie Hill
Terry Horn
Darnell Ishmel
Clarence Jones
Thomas Kabala
Jeffrey Krueger
Alexa Lokensgard
Susan Lowrie
Michigan Op era Theatre
Auxiliary Chorus
Ryan Banar
Pia Broden
William Broyles, IV
William Bro yles , Jr.
Joseph Dluzniewski
Rebecca Eaddy
Donald Gay
Andrew Hill
Kirsten Kunkle
Sylvester Lane
Bettie Lyons
Ursula Mason
Annie Radcliffe
Stephanie Schiff
Clifton Shaw
Gregory Stinson
Kathryn Stokes
Linda VanBuren
Kelly Warnke-Senger
Deborah Webb
Amber Williams
Gretchen Wolff
Anthony Lynch
Ann Marie
Robert Schram
Kenneth Shepherd
MacFarlane Bill Steiner
Amy Malaney Stephen Stewart
Miroslav Manovski Charles Sumner
Anthony McGlaun Judy Szefi
Kim Millard Lucy Thompson
Anthony Noto Dean Unick
Jennifer Oliver David Vaughn
Darren Ona Christopher Vaught
Peggy O'Shaughnessey Justin Watson
Monique Ricard Adrienne Webster
Matthew Schafer Jim Wells
Tamara Whitty
Jason Wilhoite
David Wilson
Anamaria Ylizaliturri
Eugene Zweig
The American Guild of Musical Artists is the official union of th e Michigan Opera Theatre vocal performers.
Michigan Opera Theatre Childrens Cnorus
Emmanuelle Baker
Kerry Banish
Patty Battersby
Ciara Curran
Denny Dorsey
Maddie Dorsey
Jack Fordon
Avery Hasenauer
Annie Jacobs
Danny Kornfeld
Brian Koziara
Patty Malaney
Katy Rapson
Emily Renton
Mikkala Smith
Cameron Stefanski
Detroit Opera House BRAVO 19 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Administration & Staff
DAVID DICHIERA, General Director
Bryan L. Rives, Chief Operating Officer
Karen VanderKloot DiChiera, Director of Community Programs
john Eckstrom, Director of Administration
Roberto Mauro , Director of Artistic Administration
David W Osborne, Director of Production
Mary Parkhill , Director of Develo pment
Laura R. Wyss, Director of Communications
Carol Halsted, Director of Dance
Rock Monroe, Director of SecUJity
Bill Austin, Exewtive Assistant to the Genera l Director
Heather L. Bell, Exewtive Assistant to Chief Operating Officer
Beverl y A. Moore , Receptionist
Michael Hauser, Mark eting Manager
Kimb erly A. MOgielski, Patron and Ticket Services Manager
jenise Collins, Group Sales Coordinator
Kimberly Gray, Ticket Services Assistant Manager
jane Coe , Patron Services Coordinator
Dave Blackburn, Public Relations Coordinator
Mitchell Carter, Website Coordinator
Bill Carroll, Public Relations Volunt ee r
Crysta l G. Ratledge, Account Exewtive, Solomon Fliedman Adv ertising
Christopher Barbeau , Production Photography
Mark Vondrak, Associate DirectorlTour Manager
Betty Lane, Op erations Manager
Dolores Tobis, Marketing Manag er
Lind a DeMers , Exewtive Assistant
Betsy Bronson , Alaina Brown , Heidi Brown, Maria Cimarelli, j ennifer Gale, Shawn McDonald, Steven McGhee, David Gilliland, Kim Parr, Michael Parr, David Pulice, Amanda Sabelhaus , Cynthia Seigle , Karl Schmidt , David Vaughn, Chris Vaught, Mark Vondrak, Karen White, Tamara Whitty, Tour Artists
jessica Cheshire, Volunt eer Manager
Aimee Argel, Corporate Campaign Manager
Heather Hamilton, Special Proj ec ts Manager
Katherine Kucharski, Mem bers hip Manag er
Mat thew Talbot , Foundation and Government Grants Manager
jane Westley, General Director's Circle Campaign Manager
Stephani Yates , Dance Patron Circle Campaign Manag er
Danielle DeFauw, Boutique Manager
Denick Lewis, Controller
Kimberl y Burgess-Rivers , Rita Winters , Accountants
joseph Rusnak, Systems Manag er
Deleana Hill , Applications Specia li st
Elizabeth Anderson , Production Coordinator
Carolyn Geck , Assistant to Directo r of Production
Margaret Bell*, Michael Shellt, Assistant Directors
Ken Saltzman*t ,jo e Gladestone* , Stage Manag ers
Nadine Andrews tO, Dea Franck *, j ennifer Paradise to, Erin j. Riggs *, Assistant Stage Managers
Nancy Krolikowski, Local ·hansportation Coordinator
Eugene Robelli , Production Volunt ee r
Pat Lewellen, Audition Volunt ee r
Alexandra Huntley, Leah Shopinski, Production
Music Department
David DiChiera, Music Director
Suzanne Mallare Acton, Assistant Music Director, Chorus Master
Diane Bredesen, Orchestra Personnel Manager
j ean Schneider*o, Rehearsal Accompanist, Repetiteur
Laurent Philipp et, Repetiteur
Laurie Rogers t, Assistant Repetiteur
Technical & Design Staff
Kent Andel , Technical Director
Monika Essen , Property Master & Scenic Artist
Kendall Smith , Lighting Coordinator
George Goumas , Ruth Pitzer, Assistant Lighting
Dee Dorsey, Surtitle Operator
Christopher Barbeau, Fight Choreographer
Daniel Dene, Recording Engineer
Keith Kalinowski , Technical Assistant
Rucli Lauerrnann , Assistant Reco rding Engineer
Suzanne M. Hanna, Costume Director
Co re y Globke, Assistant to Costum e Director
Marga ret Brond er, First Hand
Genevie ve Palczynski , Stitcher
Alice Moss, Wardrobe Mistress
Makeup & Hair
joanne Weaver, Wigs & Makeup Designer
DeShawn Glosson , 1st Assistant
Elizabeth Geck , 2nd Assistant
Detroit Local Wig and Makeup Crew
Stage Crew
john Kinsora , Hea d Carpenter
Robert Mesinar, Head El ectJic ian
Alan Bigelow, Head Propertyman
Paul Moraites, Head Sound
Robert Martin, Head Flyman
Mary Ellen Shindel , Head of Wardrobe
IATSE Local #38 , Stage Crew
IATSE Local #786, Wardrobe
Constance Wilson, Events Coordinator
Kyle Ketelhut , Concessions Manage r
Demetrius Barnes, jesse Carter, Building Enginee rs
Karl Hubble, Maintenance Assistant
Lorraine Monroe, Andre Paige, Stage Door
Secwity m
' Tasca
tMa rgaret Gamer
o The Daughter of the Regi ment
Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
In March 2004, Michigan Opera Theatre m et the final benchmark for the Touch the Future campai gn ! As a result , $3 00 ,000 in matching funds was plac ed int o MOTs endowm ent at th e Communit y Foundation for Southeastern Michigan. After thi s initial awa rd , another $3 90 ,000 in bonu s pool matching fund s was add ed to that endowmen t. Anoth er $ 100 ,000 in b onu s opera ting fund s was also awarded . Fund-raising for the endowment will
cont inu e until th e bonus pool of matching funds is depleted. MOT is in competition wi th th e leadership grantees to claim th ose matching funds on a firstcome, first-serve basis. If yo u are thinking about se tting up a Charitable Gift Annuity or other qualifying planned gift for Touch the Future , please d on't h es itat e to contact the planned giving office a t (313) 237-3438.
Michiga n Opera Theatre thanks the followin g gen ero u s Touch the Future Donors, whose combin ed $2 ,100 ,000 in planned gifts have generated $69 0 ,000 in matching fund s:
Mr. &: Mrs. Rob ert A. Allesee
Mr. &: Mrs . J Ad dison Bartush
Mr. &: Mrs. Mandell Berman
Dr. Ro bert E. Cornette
Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik Daoud
Mr. &: Mrs. Rob ert E Dewar
Dr. David DiChiera
Karen VanderKloot DiChiera
Ms. Mary Jane Do err
Mrs. Cha rle s M. End icott
Barbara Frankel &: Ronald Michalak
Mr. &: Mrs. Herman Frankel
Mrs. Rema Frankel
Mr. David Handlem an
Mr &: Mrs. Rob ert M. Klein
Mr. &: Mrs. Erwin Klopfer
Mrs. Ruth Rattner
Mrs. John C Stevens
Mrs. Mary Ellen Tappan
Mrs. Ameli a Wilhelm
'!'OUOITUE FUTURE De troit O p era House www Mi chi ganOpera.o rg BRAVO 21 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
When yo u give to the endowment or yo ur ravorite charity, r egardle ss or th e amount , yo u do an incredibl e thing-you tou ch p eo ple 's lives ror years to come . And th e feeling you get hom that is impossibl e to m eas ure in dollars and cents Find out more b y contacting the Michigan Op era Theatre at (313) 237-3438 or the Community Foundation ror Southeastern Michigan at 1-888-WE-ENDOW or .
Ensuring the Future
I. a gift tha t outlives you - that tou ch es future rna PIn ege n e ra tions in your ab se nce - to exp e ri en ce and enj oy Q e w orld o f o p era.
Thats the goal of the Av anti Socie ty, Mi chiga n Op e ra Theat re's Planned Gift Recognition Program.
The Avanti Society re prese nts a d eSign a ted group of fri end s of Michi ga n O p era Thea tre wh o have m ad e plan s to includ e the orga n iza tion in their es ta te pl an s- w h eth e r by will , tru s t , in surance o r life income arran ge m e nt. Memb er ship in the Avanti So cie ty is op en to all.
Memb er s of the Avanti Society receive a beautifu lly d eSign ed lapel pin , r ecognition a t th e annual Avanti Eve ning , invi tati o n s to
sp ec ial events and p erfo rmance s, and a re lis ted a s m emb e rs in o ur Pro gr am Boo k s throu ghout each season
The growth of Michigan Op e ra Th eat res permanent Endowment Fund en sures the gro w th and future vitality of one o f th e region 's greates t cultural asse ts. You are invi ted to create yo ur own le gacy - yo ur Avanti - th ro u gh Michiga n Ope ra
Yo u may u se the en close d confid ential re ply ca rd to indica te yo ur gift , or conta c t Mary Parkhill a t (3 13 ) 237- 3 4 38 to discuss gift opti on s that may b enefit you , your h eirs and Mi chi gan Opera Thea tre.
Confidential Reply : Please return this fo rm to Mary Parkhill , Michigan Opera Theatre, 1526 Broadway, Detroit , MI 48226 , or e-mail
Mrs. Adele Amennan
Dr. Lourdes V. Andaya
Mr. &: Mrs. Agustin Arbulu
Chester &: Emelia Arnold
Ms. Mary Ellen Tappan'
Donald &: Margaret Thurber
Mr. Edward D. Tussell
Mr & Mrs. George Vincent
Mrs. Amelia H Wilhelm '
Elizabeth &: Walter Work
Mr. &: Mrs. George M. Zeltzer N ame(s) _ _
Best time to call:
D Yes, pl ease se nd info rmation regarding planne d gifts
D Vwe alrea d y quali fy fo r the Avanti Socie ty
Please briefl y d escribe the es ta te gift that qu alifies you for m emb ership (all informa tion submitted will b e k ept confidential):
Mr. &: Mrs. j. Addison Bartush'
Mr. &. Mrs. Brett Bauerson
Mr &: Mrs. An Blair
Roy E. &: lise Calcagno
Gladys Caldroney
Dr. &: Mrs. Victor j. Cervenak
Dr. Roben E. Comette*
Mr. & Mrs Tarik Daoud *
Mr. &. Mrs. Robert E. Dewar *
Karen VanderKlool DiChlera*
Mr. &: Mrs. Charles H. Duncan
Mrs. Charles M. Endi cou *
Mr. &: Mrs. Herb Fisher
Pamela R Francis
Barbara Frankel &: Ronald Michalak*
Mr. &. Mrs. Hennan Frankel*
Mrs. Rema Frankel ·
Dr. &: Mrs. Byron P Georgeson
Priscilla R Greenberg, Ph.D.'
Mr. Lawrence W Hall
Mr. &: Mrs. Jerome Halperin
Mr. David Handleman *
Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth E. Han
Mr. &: Mrs Eugene l. Hanwig
Dr. Cindy Hung
Kristin Jaramillo
Mr. Donald Jensen
Mr. &: Mrs. Erwin H. Klopfer
Misses Phyllis &: Selma Kom
Mr. &: Mrs. Anhur Krolikowski
Mr. &: Mrs. Salvador P Mascali
Mrs. Wade H. McCree
Ms. Jane McKee
Drs. Orlando &: Dorothy Miller
Mr. Ronald K Morrison
Mr. Dale j. Pangonis
Mr. Richard M. Raisin
Mrs. Ruth E Ranner *
Margue ri te &: James Rigby
Ms. Patricia Rodzik
Ms. Susan Schooner
Drs. Heinz & Alice PIau Schwarz
Mrs. Frank C Shaler
Ms. Phyllis Funk Snow
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Starkweather
Mrs. Mark C. Stevens·
Jonathan Swift &: Thomas A.
St. Charles
Mr. Ronald F Switzer
Mr. &: Mrs. Roben A. Allesee'
Mr. &: Mrs. Mandell &rman
Dr. David DiChiera *
Ms. Mary Jane Doerr'
Mr & Mrs. Harvey Freeman
Mr. &: Mrs. Stephen Hagopian
Mr. &: Mrs. Robe n Klein'
Ms. Kalhleen Monroe
Dr. &: Mrs. Stephen Munk
Mr. Joshua Rest
Mr. Stanford C Stoddard
Mr. Allen B. Christman
Ms. Adele DeVlieg
Mr. & Mrs. Raben E. Oewar*
Mr. James P. Diamond
Mrs. Charlolle Bush Falling
Mr. Edward P Frohlich
Ms. Priscilla A. B Goodell
Mr. Ernest Goodman
Mrs. Robert M. Hamady
Mr Bruce Hillman
Mr. Gordon V Hoia lmen
Mr Carlj. Hu ss
Ms. Helen Barbara Johnston
Mrs. Ella M. Montroy
Ms. Ruth Rawlings Mott
Ms. Clarice Odgers Pereox
Mr. Thomas G. Poner
Mr. Mitchell J. Romanowski
Mr. Edward C Stahl
Mrs. Mary Ellen Tappan'
Mr. Ernest j. Wilde
Touch t he Fut ure Donor/ Ava nti Eve nt Sponso rs
Mrs. Adele Amenman
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Starkweather
Mr. & Mrs. George Vincent
Ava nt i Lo go & Pi n Des ign
Monica Moffat & Pat McGuire
*Avallli Society members WilD arc also Touc h lhe Future dOllo rs.
City, _ Sta te _ Zip ____
__________ (eve)
Phone (d ay)
22 BRAVO www MichiganOp -
Detroit Opera House Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Mr. & Mrs. Ro ben C. Larson
Mr. Raymond A. Lehtinen
Dr & Mrs. Leonard Lern er
Dr. & Mrs. Kim K. Li e
Loc ni skar Gro up
Mrs. Law rence LoPat in
Mr. Frank E. Miller
Marsha & J effrey H. Miro
Glen & Ca rmel Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore
Mo noli dis
Mr. & Mrs. Charl es R. Moo n
Rona ld K. Morriso n
Oxford AUlo mot ive
Mr. & Mrs. Ju les Pallone
Dr. Roben E. L Perkins
Plunk en & Cooney Pc.
Mr. & Mrs. Roben Rauth
Mr Jam es Red dam
Mr. & Mrs. Dean E. Richardson
James & Margue rite Rigb y
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Robens
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ronan
Mr. & Mrs. David I' Ruwan
Satu rn Elec tro ni cs & Engi neering Inc.
Dr. Norman & Ma ri lyn
Sc hak ne
Dr. Ba rba ra & Mr. Laurence
Sc hiff
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Sc hultz
Simmo ns & Clark Jewelers
Dr. & Mrs. Shel don So nkin
Mr. & Mrs. Ste ph en Strom e
Dr. & Mrs. David Susser
Dr. & Mrs. L. Murray Thomas
Th omp so n-McC ull y Co.
Dr. Robe rta & Mr. Sheldon
Mr & Mrs. Robert G Va ll ee Sr
Ann Kirk Warren
Ronald & Eileen Weise r
Mr. J. Ernest Wilde
Th e Hon. J oa n E. Young &
Mr. Thomas Sc helle nberg
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Zegouras
$5,000 TO $9,999
Th e Rando lphJ. & Judi th A.
Ag ley Foun dati on
Alber! Kahn Associates, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Assad Amin e
Mr. & Mrs. Roben L.
Anthony IV
Joseph E. & Kathl ee n A.
Antonini Foundat ion
Ms. Helen Arnol di-Rowe
Dr. Robyn J. Arrin gto n Jr.
A & 5 Suppl y Co mpan y
Dr. & Mrs. Ingida As faw
An drea & J ames Balcerski
Mr. & Mrs. Ge rald Barefoot
Brian & Heidi Bartes
Dr. & Mrs. John G Bielawski
Mr. & Mrs. W George Bihl er
Mr. & Mrs. David Bird
Mr. & Mrs. G. Pete r Blom
Mr. & Mrs Ri chard Boc ko[f
Mr. & Mrs. Ches ter E. Borck
Mr. & Mrs. Dougla s Bord en
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. BortzJr.
Lou is & Caro lyn Brun o
Tracey & Ma rk I. Burns tein
Sa ll y Ca rl so n
CenTra, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Victo r J. Cervenak
Dr Barbara Chapman & Mr.
Frank Andrews
Mrs. Maria M. Chi rco
Mr. Will iam G. Clark
Ms. Virginia M. Clementi
Dr. & Mrs. J ulius V Co mbs
Dr. Mary Caro l Co nroy
Mr.Jo hn A. Cont i
Mrs. Rosemary COlle r
Mary & Sal Craparo ll a
Dr & Mrs. Victor Curato lo
Barbara & Pau l W Czamanske J r
Mr. & Mrs. J erry I' D'Avanzo
Mr. Tyrone Davenpo rt & Ms. Lind a Forte
Mr. & Mrs. Dav id E. Da vis
Dr. & Mrs. An thon y DeLu ca
Mr & Mrs. Thomas D. DemelY
David K. Diskin , M.D & Doroth y Diskin
Mr & Mrs. Lawrence F
DuM ouchelle
Frank G. & Ge rt rude Dunl ap
Founda li on
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Earl
Mr. & Mrs George R Eh len
Mr. Ri chard En gel
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Engelhardt
Dr Fern R. Espi no & Mr. Tom Short
Dr. Haifa Fakhouri, ACC
Dr & Mrs. Herbert Fe ld stein
Mr. & Mrs. Pa ul Firnsc hild
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell B. Foste r
Mrs. Rema Frank el
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Fros t
Dr. & Mrs. Juan Ga nu m
Mrs. Frank Germac k J r
Mr Michae l Gerste nbe rge r
Mr. J osep h Giacalo ne
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Giancarlo
Mrs. Ernest Goodman
Mr & Mrs. Ca rson C. Grun ewa ld
Mr. & Mrs. J osep h Gualtier i
Mrs. Alice Berberian Haid os tian
Mr. La wrence W Hall
Ma rgot & J err y Halperin
Mr & Mrs. Mort Harr is
Mr. & Mrs. Be rn ard Hart man
Derek & Karen Hodgson
Mr. & Mrs. I. Mart in Ingli s
Colelle & Darn ell J ackso n
Gary E. & Gwenn C. Johnson
J ohnso n & J ohnso n
Ms. Rosemary J oli at
Lawrence & Dia ne J ones
Elliot & Caro lyn Joseph
David G.Judge & L, ura A.
Tchorznsk i
Kater Found ation
KDS International
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Kess ler
Mr. Arthur H. Kirsh
Har vey & Ail een Kleiman
Barbara & Michael Krat chman
Dr & Mrs. Alfred M. Kreindler
Dr. Richard & Victor ia Kulis
Mr & Mrs. Lee E. La nd es
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Larson
Dr. & Mrs. Alden M. Leib
Christine & Elmore Leo nard
Ri ta & Lance Leone lli
Dr. & Mrs. J ohn M. Lesesne
Mr. & Mrs Cha rl es E. LellS J r.
Dr & Mrs. Murray B. Levin
Ms. Mary Sirotkin Lewis
Lewis & Thomp so n Agency, In c.
Jodi & Ivan Ludi ngto n Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. No rm a n A.
Lu ss ier II
Benard L. Maas Foundation
Mrs Ruth Mac Rae
Mrs. Barba ra J. Mahone & Sara h Lou Sim pson Fund
Mr Donald W Maine
Ms. Mary C. MaZl"e
Mr. & Mrs. Mark McCartin
Mr. & Mrs. AngusJ. McMi ll an
Mrs. Lucie B. Mei ninger
Mexican Indus tri es in Michigan , Inc.
Mr & Mrs. George Mili drag
Rita & Morku s K Mitri us
Monica Moffa t & Pa trick J.
Trustee Circle Lobby, Mr & Mrs. Irving Rose
McG uire NAMED GIFTS Madison Patron Elevator, John R
Mr & Mrs. Fred Morganro th We exten d our grati tud e to Mary Sue & Pau l Ew in g Tower
Mr Ed win Lee Morrell the following donors to all Broadway Box Office Mrs Carolyn L. Ross
Mr. & Mrs Joel Morris three p hases of the ca pital Ford Moto r Com pany Grand Lobby Staircase
Mrs. Joan M Mossner cam paign - th e Campaign to Backstage Renovation Mirror
Mr. & Mrs. D""d C. Mull iga n Resto re the Detroi t Opera Broadway Lobby Raymond C. Smith
A. Sandy Munro Hou se, th e New Ce ntury Center fo r Ans & Learning Foun dat ion Fund of th e
Mr. Charles Nave Fu nd Ca mpai gn, and the Barbara Frankel & Ron Comm unity Founda tion for Sa nd ra & J ea nn e Nays mith Crow ning Achievement Michalak Sou th eastern Michiga n
Dorothy I. & George W Ca mpai gn - who und erwro te Patron Elevator, Center John R. Lobby
Nou han designated areas in th e for Production & Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Townse nd
Dr Marie C. Nowosielski Detroi t Opera House. Administration Trustee Circle Lobby,
Pa in eWeb ber AAA
Herman & Barbara Frankel Broadway
Mr. & Mrs. J ames Pamel Proscenium Arch General Directors Circle
Mr. & Mrs. George C. Vincent
Manuel L. & Louise J. Papista Dr. & Mrs. Roge r M. Aj lun i Lounge Mad ison Lobby
Mr & Mrs. David P. Parr Grand Lobby Staircase General Motors Corpora ti on Walbridge Al din ge r Compa ny
Penna Famil y Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. All esee Cafe Company Rehearsal SlUdio II
The Pri va te Bank Dance Patron Lounge Ope ra Plaza
Mr. & Mrs Alv in Wasserma n
Da rrel & Dawn Reece Dance & Opera Resource Barbara Gibson Stairway Box Level Promenade
Drs. Robert & Pa tri cia Reed Library, Center for Ans & Exhibit, Broadway World Heritage Foundation
Mr & Mrs. J ohn B. Reni ck Learning Robert & Alice Gustafson Conductors Dressing Room
Suzanne & Roben L. Rewey Anony mous Donor Third Floor Lobby Alcove, Th e Ritz-Carlton, Dearbo rn Grand Lobby Madison
Patri cia Rodzi k Anony mous Donor David Handl eman Sr
Dul cie & Norman Rose nfeld Broadway Fa,ade Media Studi o, Center for
Mr. & Mrs Gerald f Ross Dr & Mrs. Donald C. Austin Arts & Learmng
Enri co & Den ise Rosse lli Grand Lobby Cen tral Ri chard & Mary Lou Janes
Mr Thom as F Ros t Chandelier Third Floor Lobby Alcove,
Mr. & Mrs. J effrey Roth Lee & Floy Banhel Broadway
Mr. & Mrs. Anth ony Ru giero Costume Center, Center for Will iam & Ellen Kahn
Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Sa perste in Arts & Learning Dance Center Dressing
Mr & Mrs Ri chard). BASF Co rp oratio n Room , Cen ter for Ans & Sc hlitte rs Classroom, Center for Arts Learning
Ma rk & Sa ll y Sc hwartz & Learning Chaim, Fan ny, Lo uis, Benjamin Schwegman Mr. & Mrs. John A. Boll Benjamin & Ann Florence & Judith Tappero-Schwegman Rehearsal Studio I Kaufman Memorial Trust
Lois & Mark Shaevsky Margo V Co hen Grand Lobby Side
Mr. & Mrs. Roger f Sherman Dance Cente r, Center for Chandelier
Mr Roben Sievers Ans & Learning Wallis & Robe rt M. Kl ein
Barbara & Roger B. Smith Co meri ca Charitable Grand Lobby Staircase
Ms Ph yllis Funk Snow Foundat ion Mi!TOr
Ms Ann e Markley Spi vak Grand Dome Del ores & Paul Lav in s
Mr. Edward L. Sta hl Lobb); Center for Production Grand Lobby Side
Ms. Mary Ann Ste ll a & Administration Chandelier
Mr & Mrs. Bob G. Steve nso n DaimlerChrysler Corporation Grand Lobby Staircase
Joel & Shell ey Tauber Community Performance Mirror
Lorn a Thomas , M. D Th eater, Cemer [or Ans & Lea r Corpora tion
Michael & Na ncy Timmi s Learning Trustee Circ le Level in Opera
Mr. George C. Turek Da im lerChrysler Sen,ces Hall
Uni ve rsa l Fores t ProduclS , In c. Patron Elevator, Center for Rehearsal Stud io I Lobby
Dr. & Mrs. Leona rd Van Ans & Learning The Lomason Famil y Raaphorst
Mr. & Mrs. Tarik S. Daoud Opera Lounge
Mr & Mrs Raym ond J. Vecci Grand Drape Oliver Dewey Marcks
J oseph & Rosalie Vicari DeRoy Testame ntary Foundation
Victory ReSteel, Inc. Fo undation Third Floor Promenade
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Vitito e Co nferen ce Room , Staircase Lobby to 2nd Floor,
Mr & Mrs. Richard C. Ward Cemer for Production Madison
Mr. & Mrs. Will iam Widmyer & Administration MichCon Found ati on
Ch ris & Susan Wilhelm Detroi t Ed ison Foun dation Grand Lobby Boutique
Mr. & Mrs. Eri c A. Wilts hi re Mezzanine Level in Opera Th e Karen & Drew Peslar
Mr Todd A. Wye ll Hall Found atio n
Ms Shiao-F ong Yin Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Dewar Co-Star Dressing Room
De t ro it Op era Hous e
MARYGROVE COLLEGE -Education -Art r -Music -Dance -Social Work -Business ,.. Undergraduate: 866-313-1 27 www.Michiga BRAVO 25 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Contributors to Annual
Daiml erChrysler Corpora ti on Too Hot to Handel Production Brownr
Opera Ball Si lver Spo nsor Opera Ball Silver Sponsor Sponsor Intern aLionallnc. Sou theastern Mi chigan La Bayadere Producton
Commu nity Programs Golf & Tennis Outing Gold Th e Farbman Gro up Septe mber Moo n Produc tions Op era Th eat re Sponso r
Suppon Sponso r Bravo Bravo Terra Cotta Bravo Bravo Bricks and A Masked Ball Performance Dance Theatre of Harlem
Fo rd Motor Co mpany Fu nd Sponsor Mo nar Sponsor Sponso r Student Ticket Sponsor
Fall Opera Season Sponsor FELLOW Larson Rea lty Group Spec ial Events Pa rty Rental The Samu el l. Weste rman PeaT I & George M ZeItzer
Ewa Podles Rec ital Sponsor $10 ,000-$14 ,999 Go lf & Tennis Outing Tee Tec hnicom Founda tion La Bayadere Producton
Opera Ba ll Pl atinum Sponsor Chrysler Fina nc ial Sponso rs Walb ridge Aldinger Com pany SUSTAINER Sponsor
Dance Theat re of Harl em Dance Theatre of Harl em Madi so n Ele ctr ic Compa ny Go lf & Tennis Outin g Tee
Opening Night Gala Sponso r Perfo rm ance Sponsor Pepsi Bo ttli ng Company Sponsor
Gene ral Operating Suppon Co mpuwa re Golf & Tennis Outing
$5 ,000 - $9 ,999
Ann and Gordon Ge tty $20 ,000-$24 ,999
Genera l Mo to rs Co rpo ration Opera Ba ll Silver Spo nsor Sponsor FOUNDATION & Fo undation Margo & Mauri ce Co hen
Spring Opera Season Sponsor Federal Mogu l Corporat ion People's State Ba nk
Opera Ball Platinum Sponsor Opera Ba ll Silve r Sponsor Ewa Pod les Recital Sponso r OPERA & DANCE
J ames & Lynelle Holden Fu nd Op era Ball Sponso r
Herbert & Elsa Po nt ing
Mr. & Mrs. Will iam Davidson
Dance Theatre of Ha rlem Penske Corporati on Progressive Mec hanical, Inc. Mi chiga n Co un cil for Arts Foundation Opera Ba ll Sponso r
Perfo rmance Sponsor Ope ra Ball Sil ver Sponsor PSC Indu stri al Sc hool and Cul tural Affairs
J. Ern est & Almena Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Dav id Fischer Co mm uni ty Programs Sup port Bravo Bravo Te rra Co tt a Wil de Fo undati on Opera Ba ll Sponsor
Mr J am es Reddalll
SIGNAL BENEFACTOR $5,000-$9,999 The Quak er Chemi cal $100,000 + PATRON Op era Ball Sponsor
$50,000-$199,999 Kasle Steel Corpo ra ti on Foundati on McGregor Fund
$2 ,500 - $4 ,999
Ban k One, Michiga n The Nutcracker Perform ance Rea l Esta te One In c. Shi rley Sc hlafer Dance Fund Co mmuni ty Found alio n of BENEFACTOR
The Nutcracker Production Co-Sponsor Soloman Smi th Barn ey La Bayadere Production Greate r Roches ter $5 ,000-$ 9 ,999
Sponsor UAW- GM Cent er for Hum an Bravo Bravo Terra Cott a Sponsor Detroit Indus trial Sc hoo l Margo V Co hen
Dance Theatre of Harl em Reso urces Sponsor Mat il da R. Wilso n Fund Li vo nia Communi ty A Streetcar Named Desire
Adopt-A-Sc hool Sponso r Dance Theatre of Harl em Wo lveri ne Packi ng Co Fo undation Mard i Gras Afterglow
Ope ra Ba ll Silve r Sponso r Adopt-A-Schoo l Sponsor
DTE Energy Fou nd ati on Dance Theatre of Harlem CONTRIBUTOR
The Meyer & Ann a Prent is Sponsor
$25,000 - $99 ,999 Family Found ati on
Ope ra Performance Spo nsor Student Ticket Sponso r $500-$999 Co mmun ity Foun dati on for Trustees: Barbara P Frenkel, INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT-
Dance Theatre of Harlem Whole Foods Ma rket Al bert Kahn Associ ates So uth eas tern Mi chigan Marvin A. Frenkel, Dale P OPERA
Adop t-A-School Sponsor Aldoa Company Opera Th ea tre Frenkel, Ronald r Fren kel, GENERAL DIRECTOR 'S
Visteon Corporatio n PATRON Board walk Develo pment L. L. C Tessitura Project To m P Frenkel, Denise L. CIRCLE
Opera Ball Gold Sponsor
$2 ,500-$4 ,999 Golf & Tennis Outing Tee Touch the Future Operat ing Brown, Cindy Frenkel,
Achieving Exce llence Award Al Long Fo rd Sponsor Grant Nelso n P Lande IMPRESARIO Gol f & Tennis Outing Hole- Busy Bee Hardw are Stores , DeRo y Tes tamenta ry Louis & Ne llie Sieg Foundatio n $10 ,000 +
MAJOR BENEFACTOR in -One Sponsor In c an d Mikey's Loc k & Foundati on Golf & Tenn is Ou ti ng Silver Mr. & Mrs J. Addiso n Banush
$25 ,000-$49 ,999 Dance Theatre of Harlem Ke y Service Young Artist Apprent ice Sponso r Mr & Mrs. Roy E Ca lcagno
Comerica Ba nk Adop t-A-School Sponsor Golf & Tennis Outing Tee Program Sponsor Yo ung Womans Home Mrs Bar bara Frankel & Mr. Ope ra Ba ll Silver Sponsor Blu e Cross and Blue Shiel d of Spo nsor The Pirates oj Penzance Assoc iation Ro na ld Michalak
Bravo Bravo Gold Leaf Michigan Charter Homes, Inc. Performance Sponsor
DONOR Mr. & Mrs. Herman Frankel Det ro it Yo uth Foundation
Sponsor Dance Theatre of Harlem Bravo Bravo Bricks and Dance Theat re of Harl em
$1 ,000 - $2 ,499 Ms Patri cia Rodz ik
Golf & Tennis Ou ting Sil ve r Ado pt -A- Scho ol Sponsor Monar Sponsor Perfo rm ance Sponso r Autodesk , In c J an et & Pau l Vi cto r
Sponsor Co merica Cha ritab le Se rvi ces Co mmseop e Va ri ety Club for Child ren , Inc. Fran k & Gert rud e Dunlap
Dance Theat re of Harle m Corporate and Fou ndation Bravo Bravo Bricks and Foundation BENEFACTOR
Student Ticket Row Sponsor Appreciation Event Sponsor Monar Sponsor BENEFACTOR
Delph i Corpo rati on MGM Grand Detro it Cas ino Consu ltech Cons truction $15 ,000 - $24 ,999
Opera Ball Platinum Sponsor Da nce Theatre of Harlem Manageme nt Hudso n-We bber Founda tion
Katherin e B. Mi ner Chari tabl e $5 ,000-$9 ,999
The Sigmund & So ph ie
Gannett Foundation, Inc. Student Ticket Sponso r Bravo Bravo Bricks and Rohlik Foundat ion
The Nutcracker Media & Plante Moran Trust Monar Sponsor FELLOW
Perfo rmance Sponso r Corporate and Fou nd ation Dykema Gosse tt $10,000 - $14,999
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. All esee
Mr. & Mrs. Dou glas F. All iso n
Mr. & Mrs. Th omas Anderson
Dr. & Mrs Ag ustin Arb ul u
INDIVIDUAL SPONSORS Rosa li e & Peter Bee r
GMA C Finan cia l Services Ap preCIa tion Even t Sponso r Golf & Tennis Outing Te e Bay Area Com muni ty OPERA
Kirov Ba ll et Performance So lomon Fri edman Advertis ing Sponsor Foundati on
Sponsor Golf & Tennis Outing Silver Edgewo od E1 ectTi c, Inc. Alice Ka les Hamvick
Mr. & Mrs Harry Cendro wski
Mr Th omas Cohn
Mi chiga n Ope ra Th eatre grate full y ackn owledges the gen e rou s cor- In ad dition to enj oyin g outs ta n din g e nte rta inment on the De tro it p or ate, fo u nda tion , governm en t and individ u al do n or s whose contri- Ope ra H ou se s tage , contrib utors are offe red a num b er o f opportu n iti es bu tio ns we re m ad e b etwee n July 1 , 200 3 , and June 30 , 200 4 . Their that all ow them to obse rve th e m a ny pha ses of opera and d ance p rogenero sity plays an integral pa rt in th e company's financial s tabili ty, duction , meet the artists an d exp erien ce oth er "b ehi nd-th e-scenes " n ecessary for pro d ucing qu ality grand op e ra and d an ce. activities rnJ CORPORATE SUPPORT Adopt -A-School Sponsor DONOR Grun we ll -Cas hero Co. J ane & Rich ard Mn oogi an Pavarott i Conce n Sponsor OPERA & DANCE Dance Theatre of Harlem $1,000-$2 ,499 Go lf & Tennis Outing Tee Fo undatio
& Mrs. Anth ony Rea Stude nt Ticke t Sponsor As h Stevens, Inc. Sponsor
Ball Sponsor
i Conce rt Sponsor GRAND BENEFACTOR Ge neral Opera ting Suppon Barris , So tt , Denn & Driker, Hea lth Plus of Mi chigan
er Dewe y Marcks
$200 ,000+ Standard Federal Bank PLL C LE& CMPA
igg Loft Works Sage Fou nda tio n DANCE Fund Sponsor Golf & Tennis Ou ti ng Go lf Bravo Bravo Bricks an d Th e Ma ry Thompso n Dance Seaso n Sponsor Dance Thea tre of Harlem Ball Sponsor Mo nar Sponsor Fo un dalion MAJOR BENEFACTOR Kirov Ba ll et Productio n Adopt-A-School Sponso r Clea r Channel Entertainment PPG IndusTri es Foun datio n The Elizabeth , Allan and $25 ,000-$49 ,999 Sponsor Golf & Tennis Outing Tee Proge nitor,
Fun d Mr.
Fund of
nity Sponso r
Found ati on fo r Mr. &
Sheld en
& Mrs. J ohn A. Bo
Dance Theatre of Harlem
Bravo Bricks and Ida and Conrad
Smi th
Bayadere Producton Ope ning Night Gala
(a me rica Ins urance
nar Sponso r
Co mmu
Sponso r AM Michigan
& Tenni s Outing Tee Sa fety Tec hnology
Mrs. Irv ing
BENEFACTOR Mr. & Mrs. Peter D Dance Theatre of Harlem Sponsor Gol f & Tennis Outing Tee Foundation $50 ,000-$199 ,999 Cum mings Dance Residency Program WWJ 950 Rad io Sponsor Hea lth y YouthlHeallhy Mr. & Mrs Al ex Erdeljan Mrs. Charles M. End icott Sponsor Golf & Tennis Outing Si lve r Edibles Rex Se ni ors Fund of the Pavarotti Concert Spo nsor Dr Marjo rie M Fis her MAS CO Co rporatio n Sponsor Golf & Tennis Out ing Tee Co mmu nity Fo un dati on fo r Mr. & Mrs Th omas M Mrs. Ann e E. Fo rd Dance Thea tre of Harle m Sponsor So uth eas tern Mich igan Krikorian Mrs Roge r W. Hull 2 6 BRAV O www. Michigan Op era.o rg De t ro it O per a Hou s e Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Mr. Ken neth Han
Mr. &: Mrs. Ma xwe ll j os pey
joyce Urba &: David Kinse ll a
Mr. &: Mrs. Cha k Lai
Dr. &: Mrs. Stephe n Munk
Mr. &: Mrs E. Michael
Mr. james A. Nichol s
Karen &: Ronald Prate r
Mrs. Carolyn L. Ross
Mrs. Elh a m Shayo ta
Mrs. Rosemary Sk upn y
Mr. &: Mrs. Willi am H. Smith
Mr. Ri chard A. Sone nk lar
Professo r Calvin L. Steve ns
Mrs Ru th Townse nd
Mrs. Barbara Van Du se n
Mr. &: Mrs. George C. Vince nt
WalLer P. &: Eliza beth B Work
$2 , 500-$4 ,999
Dr. Lourd es Anda ya
Dr &: Mrs. Don a ld C. Aus tin
Th e Ho n &: Mrs. Edwa rd Avad enka
Mr &: Mrs. Lee Ba n hel
Mr. &: Mrs. Mark Ala n Baun
Mr. &: Mrs. Mandell L. Bennan
Mrs. Lori s G. Birnkram
Mr. Charles A. Bi shop
Mrs. Margaret Bord en
Mr. &: Mrs. Gera ld Br ight
Mr. &: Mrs. Bernard 1. Brodsky
Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Cheesebrou gh II I
Mr. David Cili vas
Mr. Dan Clan cy &: Mr. Jack
Mr. Edward Cody
The H OIl & Mrs. Avern L.
I Cohn
Dr. Mary Caro l Conroy
Mrs. Mary Rita Cuddo hy
Mr. &: Mrs. Ta rik Daoud
Mr. &: Mrs. Larry Da vid
Dr &: Mrs . j ohn M. Dee
Dr. David Di Chi era
Mr. &: Mrs. Keith Dodswort h
Ms Carolyn Doni ga n
Mr. &: Mrs Ca mero n B. Dun ca n
Dr. Charl es H Duncan
Dr. Rain a ErnstolT &: Mr. Sa nford Hanse ll
Mr. &: Mrs Paul Elvi ng
Mr. &: Mrs Oscar Feldman
Mr. &: Mrs Llo yd C. Fe ll
Mr. &: Mrs . J o hn Ferron
Mr. &: Mrs Ma x M. Fisher
Mrs. Rema Fra nkel
Mr. &: Mrs. Sa mu el Frankel
Mr. &: Mrs. Ha rvey Freeman Meyer & Ann a Prenti s Family
Tru stees: Barbara P. Frenkel , Marvin A. Frenkel, Dal e P. Frenkel, Ronald P. Frenkel,
To m P Frenkel , Den ise L. Brown , Cind y Frenkel
Kanter, Nelso n P. Land e
Mr. &: Mrs. Jam es Garavag lia
Mrs. Alfred R. Glancy
Mr. &: Mrs. Pres ton Happel
Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Hartwig
Mrs Da vid Hermelill
Mr. &: Mrs. Derek Hod gso n
Mr. &: Mrs. Anthon y Hopp
Mr. &: Mrs. Crai g J ac km an
Mr. &: Mrs. Ri chard Janes
Mrs Amy Jido v
Mr. &: Mrs Gary E. J ohnson
Mr. &: Mrs Larry Jon es
Mr. &. Mrs. Nor man Katz
Mr. &: Mrs. Marlin Kellman
Mr. &: Mrs. Th omas Kirb y
Dr. &: Mrs Richard Kulis
Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Lavins
Mr. Raym ond Lehtinen
Mr &: Mrs. Elmore Leonard
Dr. &: Mrs. Zvi Lev ran
Mr. &: Mrs. A. C. Lieb ler
Mr. &: Mrs. Ha rry Lomaso n
Mrs. lawrence LoPatin
Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli
Dr. Charles E Lucas
Mr. &: Mrs. Roben Major
Dr. &: Mrs Ronald Manella
Th e Ho n. jack &: Dr. Bet tye
Arr ington Ma rlin
Dr. Rob en Ma tthews
Mr. &: Mrs. Ri cha rd McB rien
Mr. &: Mrs. Euge ne Miller
Mr. &: Mrs. J e lTrey H Miro
Mr. &: Mrs Glen Mi tchell
Mr. &: Mrs. james E Mooney
Mr. &: Mrs. Ke nneth j. Moriany
Ms. A nn e Maroun
Mrs. Barbara Na ru la
Dr. &: Mrs. Pete r Nickles
Mr. &: Mrs. George W
Mr. &: Mrs. J ames Pamel
Mr. &: Mrs. Jose ph R. Papp
Mr. &: Mrs. Drew Pes lar
Mr. Charl es &: Dr. Charlone
Podo wsk i
Drs Irv in &: Pamela Tro tman
Mr. &: Mrs. Llo yd Re uss
Mr. &: Mrs Norman H. Rose nfeld
Mr. &: Mrs. William Sa nd y
Dr. No rma n &: Marilyn
Sc hakn e
Dr. Ba rbara &: Mr. Lauren ce
Sc hilT
Dr. Roben E Sc hirmer
Mr. &: Mrs. Dona ld Schm idt
Ms. Susa n Sc boo ner
Dr. &: Mrs. Karl E Schroeder
Mr. &: Mrs. Gregory j. Schwartz
Mr. &: Mrs. Donald E.
Sc hwe nd cmann
Ma rk &: Lo is Shaevsk y
Mrs. Frank Shaler
Mr &: Mrs. Erw in S Simon
Mr. &: Mrs. S. Kinnie Smithjr.
Ms. Ph ylli S Funk Snow
Dr. &: Mrs. Roben j. So kol
Dr. &: Mrs. Sheldon Son kin
Dr. Gregory Ste phens
Dr. &: Mrs. Gerald H. Stollman
Mr. &: Mrs. Geo rge Strumbos
Dr. &: Mrs. L. Mu rray Thomas
Dr. Robe na &: Mr. Sheldon
Mr. &: Mrs. C. Thomas Toppin
Mr. Richard D Ventura
Mrs. Alvi n Wassennan
Mr. &: Mrs. Ri chard C. Webb
Mrs. Amel ia H. Wilhelm
Dr. &: Mrs. Christopher D. Wil helm
Ms Na ncy Williams &: Ms. Sharo n Backstrom
Mr. R.Jamiso n Wil liams J r.
Dr. Marilyn L. Will iamso n
Mr. &: Mrs. Eri c H. Winter
The Hon. J oan E. Young &:
Mr. Thomas L. Schelle nberg
Mrs. Pa ul Zuckerma n
$2 ,000-$2 ,499
Mr. &: Mrs. Roger W Adams
Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Antos
Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Applebaum
Mrs. Harold Arno ldi
Dr. Haro ld Mi tc hell Arr ing ton
Dr &: Mrs Ingida As falV
Mrs. Dona ldJ. Atwood
Ms. Irene Barbour
Mr. W Victor Benjam in
Dr. &: Mrs. J ohn G. Bielawski
Lee &: Paul Bli z man
Mr. &: Mrs. G. Peter Blom
Ara Berberian
This past February, we lost one of Detroit's operatic luminaries and a dear friend to so many of US, Ara Berberian. Ara had recently retired from a long and celebrated career as a bass He was a regular at the Metropolitan Opera for 20 years, as well as the stages of opera compan ies around the world. Hi s vast repertoire encompassed over 100 roles. We fondly remember his performances with Michigan Opera Theatre, beginning with Basilio in The Barber of Seville in 1987, a role he repeated in 1993, Frere Laurent in Romeo and Juliette in 1990 and Sarastro in The Magic Flute in 1991 His final appearance with the Michigan Opera Theatre occurred in 1996, when, even though he was already committed to performances at the Metropolitan Opera, Ara wanted to take part in our production of La Boheme, the first production in the renovated Detroit Opera House. This was one occasion when we were happy to make many rehearsal exceptions so that this great artist could participate in such a luminous event.
In addition to being a wonderful singer, Ara was an ideal ambassador for opera. With his warm and sonorous speaking voice, and great sense of humor, we were all looking forward to seeing Ara in his newest role, Michigan Opera Theatre's community ambassador. Ara's planned talks and previews were awaited with great anticipation, and they represent another reason why he will be greatly missed
As a friend, his passing has left a great void in my life, but I am grateful that our families, who grew up together, recently shared a wonderful thanksgiving together
David DiChiera
De tro it O p e r a HO ll se
Berberian (far r ight) as Don Bas ili o in MOn II Ba rbi ere di Sivig lia , 1987, with (left to rig ht ) Pabl o Elvira , Carro ll Free man, Ju.di t h F or s t, Patricia G liffin and Pi erre Cha rbonn eau.
www.M ic higa nOp e ra .org Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Aesthetic Surgery 7091 Orchard Lake Rd., Suite 200 W0st Bloomfield, M148322 UJI/ I www.drdelacru z .com BRAVO 27 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Josephine Harreld Love
The legendary Josephin e Harreld Love was an amalgam of experience, knowledge and wisdom. A former chi ld prodigy, Mrs. Love 's early life was filled with educational success and musical brilliance She graduated from Spelman College at age 16, then tackled Juill iard School of Music, from which she graduated with a Master's Degree in Music.
She and Juilliard classmate Ann Brown became life long friends As a result of this friend ship, and her talent, Josephine Harreld beca me the accompanist for Ann Brown when the soprano auditioned for the Gershwin brothers for her most famous role, Bess in th e orig in al Po rgy and Bess Study in pre-World War II Europe gave th e gifted pianist Josephine Harreld the opportun ity to hone her skills for a concert career. She also began her life long study of children's music written by French compo se rs
Back in America, Miss Harreld began her concert career as a piani st. Following one of her national tours, she met her future hu sban d, Dr W. Thomas Love Dr Love was offered a job in Detroit. He was the first African American doctor to practice at Women 's Ho spita l (no w Hutzel Hospital). While she continued her concert career, the couple made their home in Detroit and had two chi ldren After her hu sband's untimely death, Mrs. Love accepted a fellowship at Harvard University and wrote about and presented performances based on her research of French mu sic, in particular French children's music.
Upon her return to Detroit, Mrs Love was hired by David DiChiera, th en th e cha irm an of Oakland Un ive rsity's Music Dep artm ent, to teach piano an d musico logy. At th e sa me time, David DiChi era was directing the Detroit Grand Opera Association's Overture to Opera-a n outreach program for the annual tours of the Metropolitan Opera of New York-the foundation on which Michigan Opera Theatre was built.
Mrs Love and I began sharing idea s about arts educat ion and children She founded Your Heritage Hous e Museum, which provid ed yo ung people arts programs from many cultures. After David DiChiera founded Michigan Op era Th ea tre, I founded the company's Depart ment of Community Programs.
Mrs. Love was involved in many as pects of the new opera company. She was on th e first" Black Outreach Program," wh ich offered peop le an opportunity to learn about the contributions of African Americans to opera and classical singing. In turn, I taught many classes at Your Heritage Hou se and often brought African American perfo rrners who were appea ring with Michigan Opera The at re to rneet Mrs. Love.
Jo sep hin e Love was on the task force that helped me create Learning at the Opera Hou se, which received an Opera America Succ ess Award in the year 2000 Mrs Love was also on the or ig inal planning committee which led to the commissioning of the new opera Margaret Garner.
During her final yea rs, Mrs Love mesmerized Opera Camp students from Learning at the Opera House with stor ies of her pa st and her philo sop hy about arts and life She told students abo ut the time she attend ed a performance of Salome in Ger many, with Richard Strauss conducting, and about how she wa lked a mile out of her way to a concert so she cou ld avoid being forced to give a Nazi sal ute. She t alked about her grandmother- a former slave-who had graduated from Oberland College She expla in ed abo ut Antonia Dvo iil k and hi s work teac hing mu sic compos iti on to gifted African American mu sicia ns, and about how she was working with an organization comm itted to preserv ing Dvorak's New York home.
And Jo sep hine Love talked about music-(Iassical mu sic, music the ens laved African American s made up, chi ld ren's music, multicultural music, co ncertizing, practicing, and how music and life ex periences can fit together to form a complete li fe.
Not only did Josephine Harreld Lo ve influence thousands of ch il dren through Your Her it age House, she gave in spiration to seve ral hundred future professionals in the arts through the Learning at the Opera House Opera Camp. The se students have repeatedly sa id or written that meeting and hearing Josephine Harreld Love has given them the inspiration to go on in spite of the obstacles they fac e Josephine' s recent passing has touched the Michigan Opera Theatre family very deep ly. Whi le the impact of thi s lo ss ha s been enormous, we take great comfort in knowing that her legacy continues to touch people throughout, and we ll beyond, our commun ity
Karen Vand erK loot DiChi
Mr. Jam es Bonahoom
Mr. & Mrs. Jo hn Boo th
Mrs. Th omas Bri ght
Mr & Mrs. Ri cha rd Brodie
Mr. & Mrs. Willia m C Brooks
Ms. Patricia Hill Burnett & Mr Rob ert Si ler
Mr. & Mrs. George Callas
Dr. & Mrs Victor j. Cerve nak
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Clark
Ms. Virg ini a Clementi
Mrs. Margo Cohe n
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cooper
Dr. & Mrs. Vic tor Curato lo
J ulia Dono va n Darlow & J oh n O'Meara
Mr. & Mrs. J erry DAvanzo
Mrs. Adelin e DeBiasi
Mr. Thomas j. Delaney
Mrs. Margaret Demant
Ms. Cy nth ia Dodd
Ms. Mary J ane Doe rr
Linda Dres ner & Edward Levy
Mr. Do n F. Duggan
Mrs. Ba rbara Eversma n
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fai r J r.
Adri enn e & Raben l. Feldste in
Mrs. Elaine Fontana
Mr. & Mrs. Lmry Garberdi ng
Mrs. Frank Germack J r.
Mr. & Mrs Andrew
Gianca milli
Mr. & Mrs. Keith E. Giffo rd
Mr. Allan Gilmour
Mr. & Mrs Arn old Gord on
Dr. & Mrs. J oei I. Hamburger
Mr. & Mrs. David
Dr. & Mrs. Jack H. Hertzl er
Mi ss Mary A. Heste r
Mr. & Mrs. David Hill
Mr Robert M. Holland
Mr. & Mrs. Jo hn Irvine
Alan & Elea nor Israel
Mr. & Mrs. Ve rn e G. Istock
Mr. & Mrs. Sterling C J onesJr.
Dr lofia & Mr. Mi tchell
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Kes ler
Mrs Charl es Kess ler
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Klein
Mr. Gerald Kn ec htel
Ma rtin J. Lappe & Da vid
Nowakowsk i
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. La rso n
Dr. & Mrs Leona rd Lern er
Dr. Melvin A. Lester
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Letts Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Stanl ey Levy
Dr. & Mrs. Kim Li e
Dr. & Mrs. Robe rt P. Li sak
Lou ise
Elaine & Mervyn Man nin g
Ms. Fl orin e Mark
Ms Mary Mazure
Mrs Wade 1-1. McC ree Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Angus J. McM illan
Da le Young & Lisa Meils
Drs. Orl and o & Doroth y Mill er
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mitchell
Mr. &. Mrs. Markus Mitriu s
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mi tse ff
Monica Moffat & Pat rick
McGu ire
Dr. & Mrs. Va n C Momon J r.
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Mon dry
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore
Monol idis
Mr. Rona ld K. Morri so n
Mr. & Mrs. E. Claren ce
Mu laroni
David & Juli e Mu ll igan
Mrs. J en nifer Nasse r
Mr. Charl es Nave
Mr. Ch ris Ne m
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Nusbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Ri chard O'Bri en
Mr. & Mrs Graham A. Orl ey
Mr. & Mrs. J ohn Ott o Weinreich
Dr Rabe n E. L Perkin s
Mr. & Mrs. Brock E. Plumb GDC OPENING NIGHT
Mr.J a mes Reddam Tom Co hn
Mr. & Mrs J ohn Reni ck Barbara Frankel & Ron
Mr. & Mrs J ames Ri gby Michalak
Mr Kenn eth Robi nso n Herman & Sharon Fran kel
Mrs. Linda Rodney Ma ry & Pres Hap pel
Mr. & Mrs. Irvin g Rose Leila & Gerald Sta llman
Me No rman Rose nzweig Ronald F. Swi tze r & Jim
Mr. & Mrs. Hu gh CRoss McClure
Mr. Waynej. Ru chgy
Dr. Hershel Sa nd berg GDC ANNUAL PARTY
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Sape rstein Dodi e & LHrry David
Mrs. R. j. Schlitters
Mr. & Mrs. Ala n E. Sc hwartz MEMBERSHIP DONORS
Mr & Mrs. Merton Sega l
Ms. Ellen Sharp LUMINARY
Mr. & Mrs Ri chard Sloa n $500-$999
Mr. & Mrs. David Snyder Mr. Robert G. Abgaria n
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Spi ca Mr. & Mrs. Ri cha rd Alo nzo
Mrs. Nadele Sp iro Dr. & Mrs. J oe l Ap pel
Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Stark Ms. Geraldin e Atkin so n
Mr. & Mrs. Ri chard Mr. & Mrs. Pa ul Aug ustin e
Sta rkweather Mr. & Mrs. Ste ph en M.
Ro nal d F. Switzer Bakonyi
Mr. & Mrs. No nnan j. Tabor
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Ba lcerski
Jr. Mr. J ohn H Bar bes
Mr & Mrs. J oel D. Tauber
Mr. & Mrs. Th omas Terrell
Ms. Ruth Berea n
Mr. & Mrs Anhur Berlin
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin C Mr Stan islaw Bi a log lowsk i
Va nd erB rug
Mr. Steven 1. Victor
Dr. & Mrs. Eri c Billes
Mr. & Mrs. Euge ne W
Mr. & Mrs J ona th an Wa lt on Blanc hard
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L Wassenmn Dr. & Mrs. David Bloo m
Da na & J ohn Webe r Mr. Robert Bom ier
Mrs. Beryl Winkelma n Dr. & Mrs. Dav id Bouwman
Dr. & Mrs. Clyde Wu Ms. CR. Camp itell e
Mr. & Mrs. Lany langerle Dr & Mrs. Th omas E. Ca rso n
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Zimm erman Mr. &: M rs. Maurice Chandl er
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Cosner
$1, 000 - $1 ,999 Mrs. Rosa Mary Crawford
Ms. Ni na Abrams
Mr. & Mrs Thom as V Angoll
Mr. & Mrs. Maur ice Binkow
Mr. J oseph DeOro
Mr. William A. Du nn ing
Mr. & Mrs Cha rl es Elias
Mr. & Mrs. Her man Brod sky Dr & Mrs A EI-Magrab i
Mrs Patricia B. Capa lbo
My. Harry Farsa ki an
Mrs. Eleanor A. Ch ri sti e Ms. J udith Fietz
Dr. & Mrs Mel vy n Eder Mrs. Pa ul Firnsc hild
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Franke l
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Frost
Mr. Ron Fisc her
Mr. & Mrs. Bu rke Fossee
Ms. Irene M. Garcia Ms. J osep hine E. Franz
Ms. Les li e Landau & Dr. Mr. & Mrs. Doug la s A. Fraser
Glendon Gardn er Dr. Yvon ne Friday
Dr. Pri sc illa Greenberg
Mr. Edmund A. Gasto n
Mr. & Mrs. J ero me Halperin Dr. & Mrs. Byron P. Georgeso n
Dr. & Mrs Karl Hanyi Thomas M Gervas i
Dr. & Mrs. Gerh ardt A. Hein Randy an d Diane Gi ll
Dean na & Davi d B. Holtz man
Mr. & Mrs. Will ia m N.
Mr. & Mrs. Ju li us Hu ebn er Gilm ore J r.
Dr. & Mrs. Sherman Kay Dr. & Mrs. Les li e M. Gree n
Ms. Mary Kram er Dr & Mrs. Pe ter & Susa n
Dr. William Kupsky Gree n
Mr. & Mrs .J ohn D. Lew is Dr. Rob ert Gree n
Dr. & Mrs. Step hen Manc uso
Dr. Shi va Maralan i
Mr. & Mrs. J osep h Gualtieri
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hage
Mr & Mrs. J ames McLe nn an Ms. Mary C Harms
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H Olso n
Mrs. Mary A. Perna
Mi ss Alma M Petrini
Mr. & Mrs. Hu gh G. Harness
Ms Barbara Hell er
Dr. Phi llip Hertz & Teresa
Ms. J enn ifer R. Potea t Roman
Mr. & Mrs. Dean E. Ri chardso n
Mr. & Mrs. Ja ck Robinso n
Mr. & Mrs . George Roume ll Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sc hmi d t
Dr & Mrs. Michael j. Short
Mr. & Mrs. J ohn Hi cks
Mr. Willi am Hu lsker
Mr. Rona ld R Hump hrey
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Iacobe lli
Mr. & Mrs. loltan j. J anos i
Mr. Frank D Ste ll a Mr. & Mrs. Ri chard Jerya n
Mr. Leopold Strausz Mr & Mrs. Ri cha rd j. J essup
Mrs Carolyn Stu bbs
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur L. J ohn son
Mrs. Donald Thurb er Ms. Mary B Jo lli ffe
Mr. & Mrs.John P Tierney Dr. & Mrs. Howard C
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald L. J oondep h
Va nderMo len Mr. Henry M. Kassen
Mrs. C Thero n Va n Duse n Mrs M. T Keefe
Mrs. Harry Ve llm ure Mr. Jo hn Keros
Mrs. Phyllis C Webb Ms. Ida King
Mr. & Mrs . Her man W Glenn Kopec
De t ro it O pe ra Ho u se
2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
D.R. Bondarian Tworek
Drs. Orland o lSI Doroth y Kim Ackenna n Moth er Fl etchers
Mr. lSI Mrs J ohn E. Utl ey Mill er
Joseph Va lentin , DDS
Bill Addison of Addiso n Motor Cit y Brewin g
Mr. Ric hard A. So nenkl ar Graphi c So luti ons Co mpa ny
Miss Lisa M Va rni er Agave Mus tang Fe nce Com pany
Mrs. Doris Keith Wa dd ell CORPS de BALLET
Mr. Howa rd H Wa ldrop $250 - $499
Ms Georgiann a Watse ll
Mr. lSI Mrs Marvin G Webb
Mr. lSI Mrs Th omas Weidne r
Mr. Ric hard Weiermill er
Mr. lSI Mrs Rand y Agley Nam i Sushi
Alli ed Dom ecq Nation a l Win e and Spirits
Mr. lSI Mrs . J ohn Axe AMC Theat ers Nederl ander Co mpa ny
Ms Mi chel e Barrett American Con ey Island Neiman Marcus
Mr. lSI Mrs . Frank Brz enk American Spee dy Printin g - New Cent er Co un cil , In c.
Mr. lSI Mrs Eugene Hartwig Downtown Detroit Yo land Nishell e
Mr. Marshall We ingarden Miss Mary A. Hester Andi amo Oak hu rs t Go lf lSI Co unt ry
Mr. Robert D We lchli
Mr. Paul We ni g
Meredith Westo n-Band lSI
Jdfery Ba nd, MD
Mrs. Lee HolTman
Anna Sc rip ps Whit co mb Club
Mr. Willi am Hu ls ker Co nservatory lSI Be ll e Isle Olymp ia Enterta inm ent
Mr. lSI Mrs DavidJ oswick Gree nhouse Opp enh eim er Funds
Dr. Jea n Keg ler
Mr. lSI Mrs Euge ne Optik Birmingham
Mrs Charle s Whitt en Debbi e lSI Kevin Kl ein homer Appl ebaum Opu s On e
Mr. Allen Wi erzbi cki
Mr. lSI Mrs. Ha lto n Williams
Mr. Lawrence Will ia ms
Mr. lSI Mrs Euge ne lei c h Paul Aubre y Orch ard lak e Count ry Club
Dr. & Mrs . Kim K. li e Bacco Ristoranle Palazzol o Sa lon
Mr. Glenn D Maxwell Bas har Salon Mr. lSI Mrs Ma tthew Pa ppas
Dr. Mag nus A. Wil so n Mr lSI Mrs. Marti n McGough Bea ns lSI Cornb read Mike Pearse: Eve nts So lu tio ns
Ms. Hild ega rd Wint ergerst Mr Chris top her Morton
Mr lSI Mrs Ma nd ell Bennan Interna tio nal
Ms. Karen L. Wo llT The Roc hes ter Sc hoo l of Birm ingham 8 Mov ie Th eater Pegasus Th eatrica l, In c.
Mr. Alfred Wood J r. Dan ce
Birm ingham Palladium Mov ie Peps i Co mpa ny
Mr lSI Mrs Thomas V Yates Ms Ca te Strumbos Th eater Pemod - Ri ca rd
Mrs. Jan e Zabik
Mr. lSI Mrs. Mil to n Zuss man IN TRIBUTE
Mr. Irvin Z,,; cke r March 1 to Se pLe mber 1, 2004
INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT- In Honor of Brett Batterso n
Bi z R Coll ection Perrier Group of America
Bl oc kbuster Randall Cummin g Ph oto
Body Lyrics Rat tles na ke Club
Brenda of Palazzo la Sa lon Mr. lSI Mrs. Anth ony Rea
Mr. lSI Mrs Wi lliam C. Broo ks RED TH E SALON
DANCE Barbara Frankel lSI Rona ld Cafe de Troit Lau ra Reish of Sup er Sign
Ca millian Cafe Con gress Remy lSI Ameriqu e In Memory of Nanc y Dewar Ca nape Cart , Inc. Zandra Rh odes
DIRECTOR Blanche lSI Bill Bent on Centre Street Multim edia Robe rtson Bros. Co
$5 ,000+ In Apprec iation of Dr Da vid Loun ge Robin of Abo ut Face
Mr. lSI Mrs . Robert A. Allesee Di Chi era Co mo's Ma rc Rosen th al of WJR Detroit Classical Radio Co ntempora ry Art Insti tute of Se pt ember Moo n Producti on
CONDUCTOR Corporat ion Detroit Gall ery Network
$2,500 - $4,999 Grosse Poi nte Women s Club
Da Ed oard o Fox towne Grill e Sidn ey Frank
Mr. lSI Mrs. l ee Barth el Honorin g Evel yn Katz 's Mr. lSI Mrs. La rry Da vid Sil ve r Fox Furs
Ms Barbara Franke l lSI Mr. Birthd ay DEMA at Wes tin Detroit SKYY Spir its Ronald Mi chalak Barbara Kux Metropolitan Airport SLAW
Mr. lSI Mrs. Herman Frankel In Memory of Dr. Charl es Detroit Bee r Compan y Small Plat es - Detroit
Mr. lSI Mrs Willia m L. Kahn Kess ler Detro it Lions SMZ Ad ve rtisin g
Mr lSI Mrs Harry A. Lo mason Dal e lSI Don Austin Detro it News Sol omon Fr iedman
Mr. lSI Mrs. Daniel Moo re The Breen Family
Lynn lSI Fred Pere ni c Gl oria & Fred Clark
J oyce Urba lSI David Kinse lla Shell y lSI Peter Cooper
Detroi t Pi stons Ad vertiSin g
Detroit Publi c Radi o - WDET SpeC ia l Events Part y Rental
Detroit Publi c Televisio n Mr. lSI Mrs Ri chard D. Annene De lo renzo
CHOREOGRAPHER Carol & Michael Fi el dmg
Detro it Red Win gs Stark wea th er
Detroit Sc ience Ce lller Ston ey Cree k Brewery
$1 ,500 - $2 ,499 Barbara Frankel lSI Ronald Detroit Spice Compa ny Swe et Lorrain e's Ca fe &. Bar
Mr lSI Mrs. Thomas And erso n Mi chalak
Mr. Davi d Chi vas French Lovers Lunch Group
Detro it Symphon y Orches tra Tel evi deo Studi os
Detro it Ti gers The Arrange ment Flower Shop
Mr. lSI Mrs. Frede ri ck H Clark De bo rah Roberts lSI David De tro it Zoo Th e Detro it Bo ta nical Soc iety Dodi e a nd la rry David Morri so n Do by hair co Th e F usc hi a Frog , Dr. David DiC hiera Mary Parkhill Lind a Dresn er Birmin gham
Linda Dresn er & Ed wa rd C. Ruth Rattner Dum ouche ll es The Palace of Auburn Hills Levy Jr Anne Ma rkley Spivak Rob ert Dumou chell e The Post Bar
Rosan ne lSI Sa nd y Dun ca n Marcia lSI Eric Will shire Edib les Rex Caterin g The Roosten a il
Mr. lSI Mrs. Roben Z. Feldstein Women 's Educational & Ed win Pa ul Spa Th e Souls ti ce Spa in Grosse
Dr. Marjori e M. Fis her Inves tm ent Club Enco re! Po inte Woods
Dr. lSI Mrs ClilTord Furgison Mary Lou & Mort Zieve Eri cs I've Been Framed Shop The Tenn is lSI Gol f Co mpany
Mr laurence V Glowczews ki Ra y Zimm erman Fastframe Th e Town Pum p Tave rn
Mr. lSI Mrs. David Handl eman In Me mory of Poll y Ferndale Yoga Th e Townse nd Hotel,
Mr. lSI Mrs. Elmore Leo nard Steve nso n Ma xwell Mr lSI Mrs. David Fo ns Birmin gham
Mr. lSI Mrs. Jam es Lo Prete Nadele Spiro Fox Th eat re The Wes tin Hotel
Dr Ali Moiin In Memory of Mr. lSI Mrs. Franklin Fitn ess lSI Raquet Toast , a Brea kfa st , Lun ch lSI
Ms Ruth E Rattner Graha m Orl ey's Moth er Cl ub Dinner J oint
Dr. lSI Mrs. Barry G. Siegel Shell y lSI Peter Cooper
Fri ends of th e Bloo mfi eld Todd 's Roo m Lila and Gil be rt Sil ve r man In Memory of Chery l Twp Pub li c Lib rary Tod Hunter
Mrs l es li e R. Sla tkin Sali sbu ry'S Mo th er Ge neral Win e lSI Liqu or Traqu e Inte rn ati onal
Dr. Roberta & Mr. Sheldon Dr. Rut h Worthington
GRAFl KA St udi o Manage ment Toll In Me mory of Kathryn Graphi c Resource Gro up Tubby'S Grill ed Submarin es John H White lSI lawrenc e j. Sov ran
Pocza Jan lSI Joe Calcaterra
PhylliS Col e
DANCE MEMBERS Jud y & Mike Dennis
Laverne Gruskiewich
$1 ,000 - $1,499
In Memory of Ma rgaret
Carol and Tom Hals ted Thurbe r
Mr. lSI Mrs. J oel D. Taub er Mary Adelaide Heste r
Mr. R. Jami son William s Jr.
Gree nstone's Fin e Jewei ry Union Street
Chri s Grifka lSI ESI Crew Uptown e Bl ossom s
Gri gg Graphics Vivio's
Harri s Marketing Gro up WDI V Loca l 4
Mrs. Davi d Herm elin W ho le Foods Ma r ket
Ho li day Mark et Mr. R. Jam ison Wi lli ams J r
Woodward Ave nu e Brewers
J ay's Portable Toilets WS In s ura nce Co mpany
Mr. Don Jen sen Xl Co lor, In c.
Honor ing R. Jamison J on Cowley and Sons
Mr. lSI Mrs. George M Zeltz er William s as MOT's new Bill Kramer
SOLOIST Chairm an of the Board
$500 - $999 Shirley Williams
Ms Denise Abras h
Mrs. Charl es M. End ico tt IN-KIND DONATIONS
Zens ati onal Day Spa
la Zin gara Zumba Mex ica n Grill e B
Maj es ti c Cafe
Mclnt osh Poris
Mrs. Barbara Eve rs man 546 Res ta ura nt Mi chi gan Opera Th ea tre
Louise About Face!Dino's Salon Miss Kate , Binnin gham
Detroit Opera House
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
BALLET I BROADWAY I CONCERTS I FAMILIES I COMEDY Visit to get in on the fun I A. WYNDHAM CLEVElAND HOTEl W AT PlAYHOUSE SQU\RE 218.815.7500 wyndham. com Wyndham Cleveland is Ihe preferred holel of Playhouse Square Cenler Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Karen VanderKloot DiChiera , Director
Produ cing opera is not easy Bringing to life the brilliant works of Verdi , Puc cini and Mozart is a co mplex and costly process. Commi ss ioning a new opera presents an op era compan y with even greater tasks , cha ll enges and dilemma s. In addit ion to the adde d steps of id enti fying a co mpo se rllibrettist team and selec tin g a relevant topic, the opera company must magni fy all it s standard operation s, from th e reh ea rsal process to fund-rai sing and mark eting.
While the d evelopment of a ne w opera is an extrao rdinary occasion for each o f the resp ec ti ve areas within the opera company, perhaps the grea tes t and most exciting opportuni ties are present ed to th e edu cational and outreach initiative; in Michi ga n Opera Th ea tres case , it is the Department of Community Programs
Above all , Margaret Garner allows Michigan Opera Th eatre to provid e young p eop le and adu lts ali ke new k n owledge and unders tanding that op eras are s till being created and that opera is a co ntinuously expanding art form.
Margaret Garner in the Schools
The Michigan Department of Education has requi rements in So cial Studies for eleme nt ary, middle and highsc hool students that includ e the pursuit of und ers tanding our Core Rights and Civic Prin cipl es, as guaranteed by the United Sta tes Constitution.
Karen R. Todorov, a lon g- time Michigan Opera Theatre seaso n ticketholder, is also the Social Studies co n sultant for the Mi chi gan Department of Ed u cation. FollOwing a se ries of initia l di scussions with our Department of Community Program s fou nd e r and direc tor, Kare n V DiChiera, Ms. Todo rov b eca me exci ted abo ut Margaret Garner and it s extraordinary pot ential as a tool in teaching Core Rights and Civic PrinCiples
With the continuing insp iration of Marga ret Garner, Karen R. Todorov then put together a group of K-12 teac h ers to writ e curriculum on the Civi l War, the Underground Railro ad and th e Core Rights and Civi c PrinCiples guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Aft er seve ral all-d ay writing sess ions in the De troit Opera Hou se, these material s we re turn ed over to Linda Williams, found er and di rector of MichiganEPIC Foundation , to be con verted for our website
Ms. Todoro v worked with Karen DiChi era to identify tour pieces that wo uld help teach Americas Core Right s. The result was th e creation of an education al revue called No Doub t. Thi s upb eat, thought-pro vo king revu e tr aces Africa n Am erica n history from slavery to the present , offering va luable lessons in the prinCipl es of equ ali ty, justic e and free dom. Another exc iting pro gram intend ed to address importan t soc ial issu es, is a n ew touring produ ction entitl ed Th e Araboolies of Liberty Street. Based on aut h or Sam Swo pe s children 's book of the same name, Th e Araboolies of Lib erty St reet offers a h umorous story of acceptance and diverSity The story was rewritten as a tour opera for elemen tary schoo ls b y Constance Congdon (libre ttis t) and Ron Perera (compo se r).
Michi gan Opera Thea tre's many edu cat iona l endeavors inspire d b y Margaret Garner act u ally began in 2004 wi th Lea rning a t the Opera H ouse. The award -winn ing summer learning pro gram offered a se ries of lectures from no tabl e historians , includin g Dr. No rman McCrae, wh o presente d historica l b ackgro und on th e significance of Mi chigan and De troit in the Underground Railro ad and helping esca pin g slaves get to Cana da , and Leni So rens en, co n su ltant to th e Ch a rl es Wright Africa n American Museum, who shared h er considerab le kno wled ge abo ut Margaret Garner, h er fami ly and the livin g co nditi ons of ens laved p eo ple. Learning a t the Opera Hou se also o ffere d tours to Underground Railro ad sit es in Detroit and Ontario , Ca n ada. As well, Barb ara Martin, curator of the Ha ckley Co ll ec tion at th e De troit Public Library and poet Hild a Vest, expert on quilts , along with MOT tour pe rforme r s Betty Lane, Made line Port er, Olive r Po okram and Roland Hamilton , presented a performance and exhibit ca ll ed Songs as Signa ls and Quilts as Co des. m
De troit Opera Hou se
2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Learning at the Opera House
The good news is - the old garage has b ee n tom down, and a new garage is being built! The unfortunate news for Learning at the Opera Hou se 2005 is that there will be fewer parking places!
Because of this, the evening classes taking place on Wednesdays and Thursdays will either be po s tp oned for a yea r or offered on a different night, when there are no conflicts with baseball games.
Daytime programs for youth and yo ung people, will take pla ce as usual. Learning at the Opera Hou se 2005 w ill offer Create Opera, Hip-Op era, Operetta Camp, Opera Camp and Workshop , Writers' Workshop, Clownin g and Behind the Scenes at Michigan Opera Theatre. Michigan Opera Theatre will also co -host the Theater Tours with Preservation Wayne.
The coming months will be used to "brain storm" the best use for the n ew space in the Ford Center for Arts and Learning. If yo u would enjoy being part of a severa l-month-Iong think tank abo ut issues of education and Michigan Opera Theatre , please contact Karen V DiChiera at (313) 23 7-34 06 or m
How y ou can still enjoy educational presentations on Margaret Garner!
For five Saturdays this spring, Central Michigan University students will tak e a three-cred it -hour graduate class on opera right h ere at the Detroit Opera Hou se. The operas they will be studying are Margaret Gamer and Th e Daughter oj the Regiment. This graduate course ha s been taught for six years by Karen V DiChi era and Steve H enrickson , director of voca l studies for the University of Windsor (On tario ).
Whenever there are lectures that the public might enjoy, the afternoon sessions are opened to the public for a fee of $ 12.00 a person for each l ecture. Tho se interested in attending the lectures ma y ca ll 313/237-3238 for more information. m
Michigan Opera Theatre and the Detroit Opera Hou se present one of the finest and most diverse opera and dance series in the country The theatrical experiences encompass vocal and orchestral music, dance, drama , cos tumes, sets and lighting. The achievement of this multipliCity requires many voices and many willing hands. The talented , giving hands of our Opera League, Ushers, Dance Counc il , Encore I , Ambassadors, Office and Boutique workers, Movers, Supers, Volunteer Education and AdagiO volunteers have a Significant impact on the overall operation of the company
MOTVA Executive Committee
Dodie David , President
Gloria Clark , Vice President
Barbara Gales, Secretary
John McMullin, Treasurer
Betty Brooks , Pas t Preside nt
Board of Directors and Committee Chairs
Roberta Starkweather, Adagio
Helen Millen , Ambassadors
Danielle DeFauw, Boutique
Marian n e Endicott , Commun ity Program s
Carol Halsted , Dance Co uncil
Helen Arnoldi-Ro we, DivaslD ivos
Kerry Burke , Encore!
Mark Onwine , Footli g hts
Amy J idov, Membership
Na nc y Krolikowski, Movers Volunteer OPERAtors
OlTice Vo lu nteers
Opera House Ushers
Judi th Agley
Margaret Allesee
Mado Lie, Opera Lea g ue H elen Arnoldi-Rowe
Gwen Bowlby, Publicit y &: Gloria Clark Development
Ali Moun, Supers
Margo Cohen
Joanne Danto
Wa ll ace Peace, Volunteer Education Dodie David Volunteer Voice
Kevin Dennis, Technology
Marianne Endicott
Deborah G. Foerster
Don Jensen , Board Member H e len L. Goettl
Randall Fogelman , Board Member Linda Ilka
Alan Israel
Am y Jidov
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Lern er
Ann Manix
Ali Moiin
Patricia Nickol
Katey Sz uma
De troit Opera
BRAVO 33 Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Gene ral Information
ca m eras and recording devices are not all owed inside the lobb y or theater at any time The takin g of p h otographs of the theater or any performance is strictly prohibited. As a courtesy to our guests, we as k that all paging devices, cell pho n es and alarm watches be switched to silent mode prior to the start o f a performance
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Doctors and parents are advise d to leave the ir sea t location (located on ticket) and our emergency number, (13) 237-3257, with the service or sitter in case of an emergenc y Please observe the lighted exit signs located throughout th e theater. In the event of fire or similar emergency; please remain calm and wa lk - do not run - to the nearest exit. Our ushers are trained to lea d you out of the bu ild ing sa fel y A trained Emergen cy Med ical Technician (EMT) is onsite during most events. Please see a n usher or starr m emb er to contact the EMT.
RESTROOMS Ladies ' restrooms are located off the Ford Lobby (Broadway s treet entrance), d own the s tairs an d also on the third fl oor (Mad iso n street entrance) - please press "3 R." on the eleva tor to reach this faCility Gen tlemen s res tro oms are located under th e Grand Sta ircase and also on the third fl oor (Broadway s tree t entrance) -p lease press "3" on the elevator to reach this faCility
Please note: Al l third- fl oo r restrooms are wheelchair accessibl e. Unisex accessible restroom located in th e GM Ope ra Cafe.
NO SMOKING The Detroit Opera H ou se is a sm oke-free faCility Ash re ceptacles are provided on the exterior of all entry doors for those who wish to smoke
USHERS Ushers are s tation ed at the top of each ais le. If yo u h ave a question or con cern, please in fo rm ushers, and they wi ll contact management. If you are interested in b ecoming a vo lu nteer usher, please ca ll the usher hotline at (313) 237- 3253.
LATE SEATING Latecomers will be seate d only during an appropriate pause in the program and may view the program on the closed-circuit televis ion monitor located in th e Ford lobb y until an appropriate program pause occurs. Late seating poliCies are at the discretion of the production , not opera h ouse management.
LOST Be FOUN D Lo s t and Found is located in the Security Department. Please see an u s h er if yo u ha ve misp laced an arti cle, or ca ll (313) 96 1-3500 if yo u h ave already left the th ea ter Items wi ll be h e ld in Lost and Found for 30 days.
PARKING The new Opera H ouse Garage, located directly across from the Detro it Opera House Con J ohn R. and Broadway streets) , is currently under construc tion and will open in the fall o f 2005 . Please call (313) 237-SING for parking information
ACCESSIBIUTY Accessib le sea ting locatio n s for patrons in w h eelch airs are locate d in all price ranges on the orch estra level. When inquiring abou t tickets , please ask abo ut these locations if you require speCial accommodations.
Assisted Li stening Devices are available on a first-come , firstserved basis. Ple ase see an u sher to request this service Although this is a complimentary service, we will request to hold a pie ce of personal identification whil e yo u a re u sing the device. Please contact th e Box Office, should you desire specia l considera ti on
CHILDREN Children a re welcome; ho weve r, all guests are re quired to h old a ticket, regardless of age. We kindl y ask that parental discretion be exercised for certa in pro grams and that all guests rememb er that during a program such as opera or ballet, the ability o f all audience m embers to h ear th e mu sic is a prerequ isite to enjoyment of the perfonnance In all cases, babes in arms are not permitted.
SERVICES Concession stands a re located on a ll leve ls. Please note that food and drinks are not all owed in the audito rium at any time. Coat c h eck is located in the Ford Lobby The cost is $ 1.00 per coat. Please note that the De troit Opera House does not accept responsibility for any person al articles that are not checked at the coat ch eck. Drinking fo u n t a ins are located in the lobbies on floors one and three Public pa y phones a re located in the ves tibule of the Ford Lob by Patrons in wheelchairs can access pay phones ou tside the third-floor ladies ' restroo m s.
RENTAL INFORMATION The Detroit Opera Hou se is ava il able for rent by yo ur organization. Please ca ll (313) 961-3500, and as k to b e directed to the Special Events Department.
The Detroit Opera H ouse Ticke t Office hours are as fo llows : Non-p er fo rmance weeks - Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Performance da ys - 10:00 a.m. throu gh the fir st intermission of the evening's performance , except Saturdays an d Sundays, wh en the Ticket O ffi ce wi ll open two hours prior to curta in . Tick ets for all public events held at the Detroit Opera Hou se are also ava ilable through all Ticke tMaster phone and retail outlets, or at TicketMastacom .
OPERA HOUSE TOURS Come join the Opera House Amb assado r s for a backstage tour of the Detroit Opera Hous e. Learn about the history of the Opera H ou se an d its res toration. Meet the people behind the scenes, tour the stage and see how it op erates Tours are $ 10.00 p er person. For more informa ti on, please call (313) 237-3425. m
Be advi sed that, for purposes of Mich igan Compi led Laws, Sect ion 28.4250(1)(1), this is an entertainment facility that h as a seating capaC it y of mo re than 2,500 individuals. It is therefore against the law to ca rry a co n ceale d pistol on the premises.
IMPORTANT NUMBERS EMERGENC IES (313) 237-3257 Mi c higan Op era Th eatre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . (313) 961-3500 Gen era llnfo nnation (313) 961-3500 Los t &: Found. (313) 961-3500 Tic ket Office (313) 237-SlNG Us her Hotlin e (313) 237-3253 Theater Rentallnfonnation (313) 96 1-3500 Detro it Op e ra Hou se Fax (313) 237-3412 Press &: Publi c Relations. (313) 237-3403 We bsite 34 BRAVO www.Michi ga nOp Detroit Opera H o use Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Michigan Opera Theatre offers a convenient transportation option to subscribers for select performances, at easy-to-reach locations.
Climb aboard the "OPERA EXPRESS"!
* If you are a Sunday Matinee Subscriber, park or be dropped off at one of the 4 suburban pick-up/drop-off locations.
* Royal Transportation coaches will pick-up 90 minutes prior to curtain time and drop you off at the Madison Avenue entrance to the Detroit Opera House.
* Royal Transportation coaches will leave the Detroit Opera House (Madison Avenue doors) 30 minutes after the final curtain.
* This is a great way to avoid all of the construction traffic and to meet new friends!
* Gives you time to enjoy a beverage or meal at the Cadillac Cafe in the Detroit Opera House.
* Roundtrip cost is just $15 per person.
* For further information, please call the Ticket Office at (313) 237-SING.
DETROIT OPERA HOUSE ROU ND TRIP COACH TO DETROIT OPERA HOU SE FOR ONLY $15.0 0 PE R PE RFORMA NCE Name ___ Addre ss ______ City ___ State __ Zip Daytime Phon e ___ Evening Pho ne ____ Em ail Addres s _____________________ Method of Payment: 0 Check Or Cha rge To : 0 MasterCard 0 VISA 0 American Express 0 Discover Account I Number: I I I II I I I I I I I I II I I I I Signatur e Please mail this order with your payment no later than 14 days prior to each performance to : Michigan Opera Theatre Ticket Services Manager 1526 Broadway - 4th Floor Detroit, Michigan 48226 Expi ration Date : rnrn M I CHI (, A N Davi d DiC hie ra, Genera l Director I WOULD LIKE TO ORDER COACH TRA NS PDRTATIO N AS FOLLOWS: _ Sun. October 9, 2005 Matinee $ NORMA - Sun. November 6, 2005 Matinee $ _ ___ _ LA BOHEME Number of riders @ $15 ea = $ SELE CT YOUR MOST CONVE NIE NT PA RK AND RIDE LO CATIO N: DEARBORN I HENRY FORD CENTENNIAL LIBRARY On Michig an Av enue across from Dbn Police Station TROY I BIG BEAVER CORRIDOR In lot ea st of Troy Library COACHES DEPART ALL LOCATIONS FOR DETROIT OPERA HOUSE AT 12:30 P.M Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
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Music by Richard Danielpour
Libretto by Toni Morrison
New American Opera
August 29, 2004 1:00 p.m. Detroit Opera House Detroit, Michigan G. Schirmer Inc. ASSOC IATE D MUS IC PUBLISHERS INC. Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Richard Danieipoor, Composer
Toni Morrison, Librettist
Stefan Lano, Conductor Kenny Leon, Director
Laurent Philippe Laurie Rogers
Suzanne Acton, Chorus Master Marcus Kiichle, Project Manager
Margaret Garner
Edward Gaines
Robert Garner
Caroline Gaines
Alaina Brown
Alexa Lokensgard
Jenni Oliver
Dianna Dumpel
Tracie Luck
James J. Kee
Angela Brown
Eric Greene
Mark T. Panuccio
Kristine Biller
George Hancock Matthew DiBattista
1st Fisherman Matthew DiBattista
2nd Fisherman
1st Judge
2nd Judge
3rd Judge
Eric Greene
Mark T. Panuccio
Eric Greene
Christopher Vaught
Alto Tenor Bass
Yvonne Friday Anthony McGlaun
Leah Dexter Leslie Hill
Lucy Thompson Kim Millard
Louise Fisher
Michigan Opera Theatre
David DiChiera
General Director
Miroslav Manovski
Cincinnati Opera
Nicholas Muni
Artistic Director
David Vaughn
Keith Dixon
Kurt Frank
Christopher Vaught
Opera Company of Philadelphia
Robert B. Driver
Producing Artistic Director
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Gltics the world over have proclaimed dramatic soprano Angela Simpson's voice wonderfully powerful, fascinating, thrilling and extraordinary. Nicola Salmoiraghi, critic for L JQJera, said of Ms. Simpson that she possessed "one of the most extraordinary voices we've heard from the stage of La Scala in recent times." Ms. Simpson made her Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Serena in Porgy andBess, 1998. In 2006, the soprano will sing with Opera Carolina for their production of composer Richard Danielpour's Margtret Garner starring Denyce Graves; singing the role of Glla She will sing Serena in Porgy am B£5S with the Washington National Opera in Washington D. C, Aida in A ida in North Carolina and Salzburg and will prepare Ariadne at the end of the year in Germany for engagements in 2006. Ms. Simpson, born in New York Gty, began her operatic career not long ago with the Virginia Opera International Touring Q)mpany taking her to Teatro Q)lon in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Immediately following she toured with Houston Grand Opera in its production of Porgy am B£5S as Serena. In 2002, she debuted with the New York Gty Opera in the televised broadcast "Live from Lincoln Center" as Serena in Porgy am B£5S. Ms. Simpson has sung Ariadne in A riadne auf Naxa, Santuzza in Caudleria Rusticana, Amelia in Un Ballo in Maschera, Leonora in Il and Aida in Aida and has sung, also in joint productions, with the Houston Grand Opera, Dallas Opera, San Diego Opera, Seattle Opera, Greater Miami Opera, San Francisco Opera, Los Angeles Opera, Michigan Opera Theatre, Opera Illinois, Opera Pacific, Oeveland Opera and Portland Opera. Internationally she has sung at the Staats theater am Gartnerplatz, the Bregenz Festival, La Scala and L'Opera Bastille.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
ACT I, (Kentucky, 1856)
A large group of slaves, shackled and caged, are on the trading block; they beg for deliverance from their suffering, as the lively town square prepares for an auction. When Maplewood Plantation is brought to the block, a genteel man, Edward Gaines claims it belonged to his deceased brother and therefore cannot be sold No one disputes the claim, so Gaines acquires the plantation, retaining the slaves as well. In signing the paperwork, Gaines notices an attractive young slave, Margaret Garner.
Months later, the slaves return to their quarters after a long day in the fields. Margaret rocks her baby, though her mother-inlaw, Cilia, advises against becoming attached As she sings a lullaby, the plantation foreman, Casey, arrives with shocking news - Margaret's husband, Robert, is being sent away that night to another plantation and Margaret will now work in the main house, where it is clear that Gaines expects sexual favors. Robert becomes angry, but Margaret reassures him of her faithfulness and the two pledge their love.
(1858) A wedding reception is being held at the plantation to celebrate the marriage of Caroline Gaines, and her father is eager to impress his guests However, a heated discussion breaks out about the nature of love, and Caroline makes matters worse by asking Margaret her opinion on love . The haughty guests are outraged she has asked a slave for her opinion and abruptly leave the party. Edward lashes out at Caroline who has ruined his proud moment, dismissing all apologies. After the newlyweds leave for their honeymoon, Gaines accosts Margaret as she cleans up. She resists his advances, but he overpowers her and drags her from the parlor.
ACT II. (1861)
Margaret goes to Cilia's cabin to see Robert, whom she has been secretly meeting on Sunday nights She fears her children are to be sold, but is reassured that Robert is planning for the entire family to escape that night, though Cilia chooses to remain behind. Suddenly, Casey storms in, and when he pulls out a pistol, Robert impulsively attacks him . A violent struggle ensues, and after a heated exchange, Robert shoots Casey to death Cilia drags the body away and Robert and Margaret must leave the plantation immediately.
Three weeks later, after a successful escape, the family lives as outlaws in an underground shed in the free state of Ohio. Sharing a moment under a huge elm tree, Robert and Margaret dream of a better future for themselves and their children. Only moments after returning to their shed, an intoxicated Edwar d Gaines arrive s. Shots are exchanged and slave-catchers tie up Robert Gaines grabs Margaret, but she breaks loose, hurl ing hot coals at him with her bare hands. Outside, she watches Gaines's men place a noose around Robert's neck and hang him under the elm tree.
Two fishermen recount a story about a plantation owner who wagered a slave and her children to cover his gambling losses When the slave was unshackled, she tried to escape, jumping overboard into the river with her children. Sa ilors rescued the slave, but her two children drowned . Another boat comes into view with Margaret Garner tied up on deck . Gaines is transporting her back to Kentucky to stand trial for the "destruction" of her children - his property. She thinks of Robert and happier days, and embraces her fate with quiet acceptance.
Margaret sits in the courtroom. Gaines has accused Margaret of theft and deliberate destruction of his property. Caroline and her husband try to rationalize that the proper charge should be for murder - the killing of two human beings. The judge disagrees, stating that a slave has no legal claim to her children, that this case deals with "property" and financial loss. Caroline makes a personal appeal to her father on Margaret's behalf, then states that she believes that everyone bears some blame for this crime. At this, the judge sentences Margaret to be executed - for theft. Margaret defiantly states that she is a unique individual over whom no one present has any power A melee breaks out in the courtroom and the prisoner is led away, condemned to be executed at sunrise. Later, alone, Edward cont emplates the course of his life, and wonders why he feels so troubled.
At dawn, the town authorities and local citizens process somberly into the square for the execution. The hangman leads Margaret up the platform and places the noose around her neck. Suddenly, Edward runs in excitedly - if Margaret admits and repents her crime, she will be returned to his custody and all will be well. While the crowd's attention is focused elsewhere , Margaret seizes her opportunity for "freedom" and hangs herself The crowd is stunned , and as the hangman carries her body through the square, all of the onlookers pray for repentance and pray that Margaret's final journey home be a peaceful one.
Mary Lou Humphrey
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MICHIGAN OPE World Premiere May 7,2005 OPERA July 2005 QPERACOMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC February 2006 For more information, please visit: w, Workshop made possible by: ., NA1'IONAl.IMJOWMENT FOR ntl ARrS Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
May 7, 2005
Dear Friends :
It is my pleasure to welcome you all to the world pr e mi er of "Margaret Garner ." Congratulations to the Michigan Opera Theatre, Cincinnati Opera and Th e Opera Company of Philadelphia on bringing such a compelling story to th e stage.
The great thing about the arts is that the experience is unique for every person. We can all watch the same play, hear the same concert, or . pound the same drum - and each of us walks away with a memory distinctly our own. The arts leave an impression. They inspire and energize us, they make us laugh and cry, and perhaps above all else, they make us think.
Michigan is home to a robust community of arts organizations and enthusiasts just like you. In the face of a challenging economy , it is often difficult to remember just how great a value the arts bring to our lives . We must hold tightly to that connection and support the arts whenever and wherever possible Preserving such an educational and innovative environment is worth every effort.
I want to thank you for being an advocate of the arts and for choosing a life fi-lled with music, theater and creative expression. You make our shared corner of the world a richer place
Enjoy the show!
P.O. B OX 3 0013· LAN S ING, MICHI G AN 48 909 www. mi c higan g ovCopyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Dear Friends,
It gives me great pleasure to congratulate Michigan Opera Theatre on the prestigious occasion . ofthe World Premiere of Margaret Garner.
Michigan Opera Theatre stands as one of Detroit's, greatest cultural treasures; this highlyanticipated premiere only fortifies this esteemed reputation. Deeply rooted in the horrors of slavery, Margaret Garner ex plores the relationship between African-Americans and the antebellum south This powerful new American opera gives a voice to a tragically heroic historical figure and unites traditional and nontraditional audiences through the triumph of the human spirit.
I recognize the significant impact arts and culture have upon the city of Detroit. A vibrant arts and cultural community creates an environment that facilitates creative expression and stimulates the development potential of our community and its residents Furthermore, fundamental values found in the arts positively impact economic and elevate the quality of life available in our community.
The city of Detroit is proud to be a part of Margaret Garner, and thanks David DiChiera, Michigan Opera Theatre, its co-commissioning partners, Cincinnati Opera and Opera Company of Philadelphia, the impressive creative team of Richard Danielpour and Toni Morrison and, of course the stellar cast for making this historic occasion a reality.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Adrian Dowdy Kynadi Echols
Sylvester McIntosh
Simone McIntosh
Additional Orchestra Members
Bethany Mennemeyer
Tamara Shennan
Additional Friends of Margaret Gamer
Dr. Lourdes Andaya
Mr. & Mrs. James Berline
Kathleen & Nicholas Chimicles
Maryann & Scottie Cromwell
Joanne Danto & Amold Weingarden
Aviva & Dean Friedman
Rudene P. & Edward K. Glass, Jr.
Barbara Gold
Doreen Hennelin & Dr. Melvin Lester
George Hill
Deborah Shuster
Rev. & Mrs. Nicholas Hood, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Laker
Gabriele Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mcdure
Connie Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Nusbaum
Robert Porcher
Mr. & Mrs. John Schaefer
Ginger Warner
Sherry Washington
Michigan Opera Theatre is grateful for the generous support of the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs
Thanks also to Neiman Marcus for donating the gala favors. Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Saturday June 4 at 8:00 p.m
Wednesday June 8 at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday June 11 at 8:00 p.m.
Sunday June 5 at 2:QO p.m.
Friday June 10 at 8:00 p.m.
THE FOLLOWING PERFORMANCES: FREE OPERA TALK one hour prior to performance featuring Dr. Wallace Peace.
Sunday June 12 at 2:00 p.m
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
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The role of Duchess of KrakenthOlp will be performed by Ira Siff as Madame Vera Galupe-Borszkh
Ira Siff (Madame Vera Galupe- Borszkh) makes his Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Duchess of Krakenthorp in Donizetti's DaufiJter if the RegjrrEnt. A naitive New Yorker, and graduate of the Cooper Union, Mr. Siff made his debut as a tenor in 1970. He spent the following decade performing opera, operetta and musical theater in New York
In 1981, Mr. Siff founded La Gran Scena Opera Co. di New York, an internationally-acclaimed troupe whose falsetto "divas" have spoofed opera affectionately for more than two decades, in theaters and opera houses throughout the world. Additionally, Mr. Siff appears as a guest artist with serious opera companies, as well as on Public Radio in New York Gty. He has been a vocal and interpretive coach, and in 2000, turned to stage directing. Mr. Siff also writes for Opera News, as feature writer and DVD and record critic.
Brandon Bateman
Bruce Davis
Harry Williams
Chris Hazlett
Jack Sorenson
Additional Orchestra Member
Terence Farmer
Special Thanks
Hagopian Rugs- Noiv, 111
Huber & Breese Music Studio- Frasier, 111
Please be advised that fog machines will be used in this production
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre