Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
The Official Magazine of the Detroit Opera House
BRAVO is a Michigan Opera Theatre publi cation
Dave Blackburn, Managing Editor
Con t ributors
David DiChiera
Karen Va nderKloot Di Ch iera
Ella M. Fredrickson
DeBo se Heyward
Roberto Mauro
Elizabeth Miller
Judith Slot kin
Pub li s h er
Echo Publications, In c. Royal Oak, Michigan
Tom Putters, presiden t Tob y Faber, Advertsing Sa les Director
Physic ians' services provided by Henry Ford Me d ical Center
Pepsi-Cola is the official soft drink and juice provider of the Detroit Opera House
Cadillac Coffee is the official coffee of the Detroit Opera Hou se .
Steinway is the official piano of the Detroit Opera House and Michigan Opera Theatre. Steinway pianos are provid ed by Hammell Music , exclu sive represe ntati ve for Steinway and So n s in Michigan.
President Tuxedo is the official provid er o f formalwear for the Detroit Opera House.
Michigan Opera Thea tre is a nonprofit cultural organization , whose activities are supported in part b y the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, the Na tional Endowment for the Arts, and other individ uals , co rp ora tio ns and foundations. Michigan Ope ra Theatre is an Equal Opportunity Emplo yer
The 2005-2006 season was an exceptional triumph for Michigan Opera Theatre and the Detroit Opera House, and as we open the fall 2006 season of opera and dance, there is much excitement to look forward to. Last year saw great artistic successes in acclaimed productions of Norma, La Boheme, Aida, Cinderella and Salome, along with one of our most exciting and successful DaimlerChrysler Dance Series to date. I'm also proud to note some tremendous bricks-and-mortar accomplishments in the opening of both our new parking center and the new Ford Center for Arts and Learning. With these milestones at our back, we've continued working diligently to ensure that the coming year will be even brighter. The 2006-2007 seasons are aptly themed Obsessed with Opera & Dance, as we at the opera house are certainly that.
The 2006-2007 dance season will showcase unique, innovative productions like the Royal Winnipeg Ballet's Dracula and Dayton Contemporary Dance Company's Color-ography-inspired by the works of renowned American painter Jacob Larwrence-a longside more classica l works like The Nutcracker and Swan Lake, danced by two of our nation's most respected companies; the Joffrey Ballet and American Ballet Theatre. We're also very excited to share with you a special children's ballet, Where The Wild Things Are, danced by the Grand Rapids Ballet-Michigan's premier professional ballet company This will be a banner year for dance at the Detroit Opera House, and I hope you'll join us for all the fun.
Opera fans, too, have much to enjoy We open the fall season with a perennial favorite, the Great American Opera, Porgy and Bess. Michigan Opera Theatre has a long history w ith this work. Though it premiered in 1935 , I'm very proud that we were among the first opera companies to truly embrace it, way back in 1975. I'm also very proud that this work, alongside Joplin's Treemonisha (staged in 1983) and Danielpours Margaret Gamer (2005) have given us so many opportunities to celebrate the Afri can Amer i can experience and phenomenal African American artists on our stage. As we present Porgy and Bess for our fifth time, I cannot help but think back
to the many great artists who have performed in this opera with our company-Leona Mitche ll , Gregg Baker and Carmen Balthrop, to name just a few. For 2006, we present a lavish production of Porgy and Bess, and an extraordinary cast of talented artists, sure to make a lasting impression.
In November, I look forward to sharing with you a time-honored classic, Rossinis The Barber of Seville, and the dynamic international cast we've assembled. Often parodied but never duplicated, Barber is the quintessential com ic opera , complete with infectious music and one of opera's most notorious schemers. A charming tale of love told with razor-sharp wit, it will warm your heart and make you laugh out loud. And, with its familiar score, novices and opera fans alike are sure to leave the show humming, "Figaro I Figaroll FI-GA-ROI!I" making this a perfect opportunity to introduce a friend to the art of opera.
Even now, as we prepare to open the fall season, there is a palpable excitement around the opera house, with regard to our holiday programming.
Back by popular demand, the Joffrey Ballets unforgettable Nutcracker kicks off the season like no other holiday production. A stunning ballet, The Nutcracker incorporates Tchaikovsky's magical score, incredible Victorian scenery, graceful choreography and some 65 talented local children. This year, we will again offer spec i al family matinees, including the Sugarplum Parade, face painting, pictures with Santa, picnic lunches and all the trappings that make this event fun for the whole family
Now in its fifth year, our partnership with the Rackham Symphony Choir returns Too Hot To Handel to the opera house stage. A unique Jazz-Gospel vers ion of Handel 's well-known Messiah, Too Hot To Handel will move you in ways no other holiday show can. We bill this show as "a handclapping, sou l- stirring holiday rapture," and I promise, you 'll be dancing in the aisles as some of the world's fin est Jazz and Gospel musicians bring this incredible music to life.
Looking ahead to 2007, our spring opera season offers something for everyone. Puccini's final opera, and only Grand Opera, Turandot will open the season on April 2l. Following shortly will be an opera new to
the Michigan Opera Theatre repertoire, and likely new to many in our audience, Mozart 's The Abduction From the Seraglio. We'll bring the season to a dramatic close, with Gounod's gorgeous music and a tale of true love, Romeo and Juliet.
Of course, it is paramount that I take a moment to acknow l edge the generous sponsors who have contributed to make these incredible performances possible. In this cha llenging economic climate, I feel an exceptiona l gratitude for our corporate partners, as well as the foundations and individual donors who have graciously extended their supp ort so that we may all enrich our lives with the arts. This support is critical to Michigan Opera Theatre and the Detroit Opera House, and to the cultura l wellbe in g of our entire community With that in mind, I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to our season sponsors, The Ford Motor Company, for making our fall opera season possible, and DaimlerChrysler, for their unwavering support of dance. I'm also pleased to extend my gra titud e to JP Morgan Chase for underwriting four performances in our dance series this season and Compuware for making the Joffrey Ballet's appearance possible.
I thank you too, for j oinin g us for this production and hope that you may return for many more Enjoy
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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Scene 1 - Lucy Westenra's Sea-Side Estate in England, late 1800s
Having already been inducted into Dracula's world, Lucy co llap ses in her bedroom. Her nightmares and s leepwalking have the household staff concerned. Troubled by her erratic moods , Lucy's three suitors and a medical specialist, Dr. Ab raham Van Helsing, are summoned to her bedside. Close to hysterical and seemingly paranoid, Lucy faints near dead. Van Helsing determines Lucy to have an unexplainable loss of blood. A transfusion is required. Suspicious that supernatural forces are at work, Van Helsing discovers two tiny holes in Lu cy's neck. Research material from the mansion library is brought to the doctor. Van Helsing abandons medical remedies and surrounds Lucy's bedroom with garlic and crosses. Lucy appears dead to the doctor and her three suitors.
A Sixty-Seven Year History of Excellence
Versatility, technical excellence and a captivating style are the trademarks of Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet; qualities which have garnered both critical and audience acclaim. These qualities keep the RWB in demand as it presents more than 100 performances every season.
Founded in 1939 by Gweneth Llo yd and Betty Farrally, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet holds the double distinction o f being Canada's premier ballet company and the longest continuously operating ballet company in North America. In 1953, the Company received its royal tit l e, the first granted
Detroit Opera House
Scene 2 - Lucy's Crypt
Holdin g her under his d a rk spe ll , Dracula claims his priz e by initiating Lucy into the tomb.
Van Helsing and the suitors, suspicious of Lucy 's death , break into the tomb. Armed with crosses and stakes they manage to free Luc y from Dracula 's evil empire.
Pantomime - (Present, late 1900s)
The dancers step out of their roles to illustrate humorously a condensed narration of Bram Stoker's famous novel , Dracula.
Scene 1 - Red Dance
This bacchanal is inspired by the traditions of classical dance along with elements of fo lkl ore and folk dance. The wo lf and dancers reflect different aspects of Dracula and his world.
Scene 2 - A Convent in Budapest, late 1800s
Mina Murray (a friend of Lucy Westenra, who is unaware of the fat e which has befallen her), travels to a convent in Budapest after being summoned to the side of her ill fiance , Jonathan
under the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. In 1958, Arno ld Spohr was appointed artistic director. Under his direction the Royal Winnipeg Ballet grew and developed to take its place among the world's internationally renowned compa ni es. To further the Company's development , a professional school was created in 1970 under the direction of David Moroni. Today two - thirds of the Company's dancers are graduates of the School.
In 1988, Mr. Spo hr turned his position over to Henny Jurriens. Tragically, Jurriens and his wife lost their lives in an automobile accident on April 9, 1989. On February 2, 1 990, during the Royal Winn ip eg Ballet's 50th anniversary season, John Meehan, former principal dancer with American Ballet Theatre, was appointed artistic
Harker. In order to advance his career, Jonathan has recently travelled to Transylvania to assist Count Dracula in buying real estate in England. Mina and Jonathan are together after a long absence when she chances upon his diary. Mina reads that Dracula h ad abandoned J onathan in the castle where he encountered three vampire women. Though lured by their strange seduction, Jonathan has managed to escape. Mina is enticed by Jonathan 's experiences in the castle and part of her feels drawn to that world. Having no secrets from Jonathan , she divulges this desire. Jonathan is shocked by Mina's behavior, which is similar to that of the vampire women. Repressing these desires , Mina assures Jonathan of her love by sealing the diary's secrets.
Scene 3 - The Crypt at Dracula 's Castle in Transylvania, late 1800s
Mina has been taken captive by Dracula who offers her a place to live in the world of the living dead , the place she read about in Jonathan 's diary. Dracula leaves Mina drained of blood as
director. Mr. Meehan resigned during the 1992/93 season to return to his home in New York. Former Joffrey Ballet and Twyla Tharp dancer William Whitener served as artistic director of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet from 1993 to 1995.
On March 7, 1996, Andre Lewis was named Art i st i c Director of Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet. A native of Hull , Quebec, Mr. Lewis has maintained a thirty year association with the RWB. During his tenure as Artistic Director, Lewis has worked to revitalize the company's repertoire , especially with the commissioning of new full-length ballets such as Dracula and Nutcracke r.
Th e Royal Winnipeg Ballet began to tour Canada in 1945; it completed its first American tour in 1954. Today, th e Company spends 20 or more
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
he hears Van Helsing and Lucy's suitors inside the cas tl e. Finding Mina alive they hunt for Dracula. The daylight is fast approaching and Dracula is for ced to battle the men. With all enslaved, the Count tortures Jonathan by performing his blood ritual on Mina.
Witnessing Jonathan's anguish, Mina manages to weaken Dracula by draining him of his blood. Mina then seiz es a cross and wakens the dazed men. They surround Dracula and , like Vlad ofWallichia, kill him.
Following are the sections of Gustav Mahler's music used in Dracula:
Symphony #2 , 1st movement
Symphony #2 , 3rd movement
Symphony #1, 3rd mo ve ment
Symphony # 1, 4th movement
Symphony #9, 2nd movement
Symphony #1, 1st movement
Symphony #2, 5th movement
weeks a yea r on the road, performing in centres large and small. The Royal Winnipeg Ballet is compact in size, with 24 dancers, a production crew of seven and a semi-tra il er th at carries approximately 55,000 pounds of equipment. For fulllength ballets, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet travels with two semi- trail ers and an expanded company The Royal Winnipeg Ballet has performed in the United States, South America, Europe, the Middle East, Russia , J apan, Asia, Mexico and in every province of Canada.
Throughout it s history, the Royal Winnip eg Ballet has been a dance leader, recording innumerable firsts. It developed the concept of the regional ballet fes tiva l in the 1940s. It was the first Western company to perform in Cuba after the revolution. It received Gold Medals
at the Int e rn a ti onal Ba ll e t Festival in Paris in 1968 and that same year becam e the first Canadian company to tour Ru ssia and Czechoslovakia.
The RWB's 67th season wi ll b egin in Septe mb er/October with a nine-city US tour of Mark Goddens Dracula In Nove mber the first Winnipeg shows of the season will b e a fi ve performance encore of Val Caniparolis A Cinderel la Story followed b y
Artistic Director
In March 1996, Andre Lewis was named Arti stic Director of the Royal W inni peg Ba ll et. It was the fulfilment of a more than two decad e l ong association with the RWB. Born in Hull, Queb ec, Andre began his ba ll et training in Ottawa before entering the RWB Sc hool Professiona l Divi s ion in 19 75, under the direc tion of David Moroni. H e j oin ed the Co mp any in 1979 and was aske d to become a m emb er of the RWB 's artistic staff in 1984. Andre was named Associate Artist i c Dir ector in 1 990 and Int er i m Artistic Director in 1995. Sin ce his appOintme nt , Lew i s has revitalized the company's r eperto ire In 1 998, he commissioned Mark Godden's bl ockbuster production of Dracula and was instrumental in the 1999 creation of a new N ut crac k e r In 200 1 , he commissioned a new versio n of Th e 'Sleeping Beauty and in 2002 he added Andre Prokovskys Anna Karenina In Fall 2003 th e Company premiered Goddens The Magic Flute and in 2004 Lewis commissione d Val Caniparo li to create A Ci nd erella St01Y.
Mark Godden is an establish ed int ernationa ll y known choreographer. Born in the USA but now living in Canada. He h as created origina l works for Boston Ba ll et , American Ballet Theatre (s tud 'io company),
eleven . performances o f Mam1cio Wainrots The Messiah in Fredericton, Saint John , Sackville and Moncton, New Brunswick; Glace Bay and Halif ax, Nova Scot ia; Charlottetown, Princ e Edward Isl and and Montreal, Quebec. Perfec t for famili es and new for th e Winnipeg holida y seaso n will be a world prem i e r e produ c tion of Peter Pan wi th ch oreography b y Jorden Morris
Canada 's Royal W innipeg Ballet, Les Grands Ballet Canadiens de Montr ea l, Ball e t F l or id a, Compania Na ti onal de Danza (Mexico) , Ball et Contempo rania (Argent ina ), Ball et Memphis, Alberta Ba llet, Milwaukee Ballet , Ballet British Columbia, Ballet Met, American Repertory Ballet and No rth Carolina Dance Thea ter.
He is the perm anent guest choreographer with the Harid Dance Conserva tory and many of his works have won award s in both Varna, Bulgaria and H e l sink i , Fin l and ba ll et competitions. Hi s full length
Dra cula , originally crea ted for Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet, was so successfu l that a madefor TV fi lm (directed b y Gu y Maddin) wo n an Emmy for best p er forming arts film as well as best cho reography in the Monaco Film Festival. His latest fu ll l eng th produ ct i on, Th e Magic Flute h as gained acclaim from both cri tics and audiences and has also been produced as a fil m. Recently Mark worked with Ballet British Co lu mbia (Co nv ersa ti o n Piece ) , Ba ll et Memphis (Ange l s in the Architecture ) and Milwaukee Ballet ( The Magic Flute ).
Set and Costume De signer
Pau l Daig l e h as a first-hand understanding of how to design for dance, since h e was a da n cer hims el f not so long ago. "It s not that I set out to please dancers specifically, but I do know what works for th e m and what do es n 't, " explains Daigle. A former student in the
in Dece mb er. In the new yea r there will be three performances of A C inderella Story at Ottawas Na tional Arts Centre in January
In March the company p erfo rms The Magic Flute b y Mark Godden in Winnip eg before h ea ding out on a Wes t ern Canada tour (Va n co uver , Nana imo , Dun can , Vic t or i a, Banff, Ca lgary and Edmonton) of his popular Dracula. Then in Apri l the repertoire sw i tc h es
Profes sio na l Division o f the Ro ya l Winnipeg Ballet Schoo l , Daigle perform e d for t wo seasons with the Royal Winnipeg Ball et before leavin g in 1988 to pursu e a ca r eer in painting, his first love. Raised in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Daigle stud i ed at the Nova Scotia Co ll ege of Art and Design with J ohn Clark before b eginning a career in dance at the age of 18.
Paul Daigle ha s established a very crea ti ve and productive relationship with choreogra pher Mark God d en. Together they ha ve co ll aborated on a va ri ety of crea tions for th e Royal Winnipeg Ball et, including se ts and cos tum es for Sequoia , Godden 's 1989 Clifford E. Lee Choreograp h ic Award winning b a ll et, Godden 's t wo awar dwinning pas de deux, Myth and La Princesse et Ie Soldat , as well as Forms of Distinction , Rap sod ie es pagnol e , an d seven one - ac t Godden ballets Symphony N o 1 , A ngels in th e Architecture, Dam e aux Fruits, La Folia , A Darkn ess Between Us , Shepherd's Wake a nd Miroirs.
Mr. Daigle h as also created set and cos tu me designs for ball et co mpanies other than the Roya l W in nipeg Ballet , including Ballet Br i tish Co lum b i a , Ball et Jorgen in Toronto , Alberta Ballet, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens and Compania Naciona l de Danza in Mexico. Recently Mr. Daigle has designed new wo rks b y Mark Morris and Kevin O'Day for Les Grands Ba ll ets Canadiens as well as designing
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
back to Th e Messiah for five p erformances in Medicine Hat, Alb erta ; Saskatoon and Regina , Saskatc h ewan a nd Brandon , Manitoba. The 2006/07 season will close in Winnipeg in Ma y wi th the North Amer i can premiere o f Hikari zatto by Tel Aviv born choreographer It zik Galili, the much awaited return of Mark Goddens Angels in th e Architecture and Vicente Nebradas Our Waltzes.
the sets a n d cos tumes for Alb erta Ballets new N utcracker Dur in g the 1997/1998 season h e red esigne d th e sets for Antony Tudors The L eaves Are Fading and th e costumes for Paquita. He a l so co llaborated with Mark Godden on two new works, The Rite of Spring and Anywhe r e But London.
Dur in g the 1998/1999 season Daigl e designed th e scene lY and costumes for Mark Goddens first full- length ballet, Dracula , as well as the wo rl d p r em i ere of N ina Menon 's Drunk en Butt e rfli es. H e also created new d esigns fo r Ballet Br i tis h Co lumbi a and Alb erta Ballet.
Mr. Daigl e designe d th e costumes for the RWB's ne w N utcrac ker , which premiered at Ottawa's Nat ional Arts Ce ntre on Dece mb er 2, 1999. A recent wo rk is th e set and costume d esig n for Mark Godden 's newest full-length creation , The Magic Flute, which premiered in Winnipeg in October 2003.
Lighting Designer
David Morrison, lighting designer, h as b een described as "dramatic", "daring" and "perfect" by The Globe and Mail. He has lit over 200 wo rld premi eres across Canada , the U.S., Europe and Asia. Previou s work with the RWB includes; Nina Menon's Drunken Butterfli es and Cheny Pink and Apple Blossom Whit e and Mark Goddens The Rit e of Spl1 ng and Dracula
Mr. Morrison h as speciali zed in dance li ghtin g si nce 19 83.
Detroit Opera Hou se
He apprenticed with renowned lighting d esigner N ichola s
Ce rn ovitc h. David ha s worked w ith many l eading ch or eographer s including John
All eyne, Peggy Baker, Serge
Bennathan, Bill James, James Kudelka, John Neumeier an d Rudi van Dantzig. His work has b een seen in the repertoire of Dancemakers, Alb erta Ba ll et, Ballet British Columbia, Boston Ballet, Ballet Florida, The Royal
Ballet of Fland e r s and Co mp ania Nac iona l de Danza (Mexico). Currently, David is Resident Lighting Designer for the National Ballet School and a regular gues t artist at Ryerson Unive rsity Most recently David designed Crystal Pite's Pilot X for Nederlands Dans Theater
Da vid lives in Toronto with his wi fe and their two daughters and continu es to freelance both at home and abroad.
HONORARY CHAIR: Kathleen M. Richardson, c.c.
CHA IR: James Co h en
PAST CHAIR: Jean Giguere
Jim Eldridge
David Filmon
Judy Fields'
Moe Levy
Jim Ludlow
Jennifer Moncrieff
Lynne Axworthy
Sheldon Bowles
Dee Buchwald
Dennis Carter
Dr. Alice Cheatley, C.M.
Irena Co h en
John Doole
Jane Ems li e
John F Fraser
Susan ]. Glass
Sol Kanee
Richard Kroft
The Hon. Otto Lang
Peter]. Macdonald
Mamie Marsha ll
Ruth Matas
Ted Patterson * *
Cha rl ene Rocke
Rosemary Vodrey
Art Pearson
Dr Robert T Ross
Dr. Leon Rub in Louise Soubry
Arnold Spohr, Oc. Am i Thorsteinson
W Terrence Wright, QC. Senator Rod Zimmer, CM.
Chief Operat in g Officer - Judy A. Murphy
Director of Finance &: Administrative Operations - Dale Sulymka
Director of Touring &: Company Operations - Gerard Roxburgh
Executive Secretary - J an Routledge
Physiotherapist - Sam Steinfeld
Director of Development &: Sponsorship - Louise Pujo
Senior Officer, Annua l Fund Program - Susan Frase r
Director of Marketing &: Commun ications - Greg Klassen
Marketing Manager - Arlette Anderson
Publicity Manager - Naniece Ibrahim
Director of Production - Don Rutley
Wardrobe Director - Anne Arrnit
Technical Director - Crystal Spicer
Stage Manager -Dianne Domaratzki
Company Manager - Cather ine Famega
Head Carpenter - Tim othy S. Jansen
Master ElectricianlLighting Director - Robert Mravnik
Assistant Electrician - Marc Gagnon
H ead Flyman - Paul McWh in ney
H ead Audio Technician- Kevin Davis
Head Wardrobe Mistress - Brenda Belmonte
Wardrobe Assistant - Barry Malenko
Properties lyIaster - Tim H rabchack
Audio Visual Technician - J ohn Kaminski
Footwear Manager - Krysty l Comstock
Tour Truck in g - Kiddell P roduct ion Services
Arno ld Brothers Transport
Th e R oya l Winnipeg Ballet wo uld lihe to aclmow ledge the contributions made by the WOOlens Committee, represented by Judy Fields * and the Alumn i Assoc iati on, Ted Pall erson**, President.
Canada 's Royal Winnipeg Ba ll et gra tefully acknow ledges the support of the Government of Canada, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canad ian H eritage; th e Province of Mani t oba, Department of Culture , Heritage and Tourism, the Manitoba Arts Council; the City of Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Foundation; pri vate and corporate ph ilanthropy
This tour is supported by the Canada Co u ncil for the Arts which enab les Canadian audiences to discover artists from other regions and provinces.
Cette tournee est soutenu e par Ie Conseil des Arts du Canada, qui perme t aux auditoires canadiens de decouvri r des artistes des Autres regions et provinces.
Official Airline
Official Hotel
Official Travel Agency
Official Design Company
Official Florist
Ma k e-up Provided By
Tour Services Provider
Beaver Bus Lines is the officia l bus company Four Seasons Coach Leasing Inc. is the official crew transport. Wilson Banwell &: Associates Ltd. is the proud provider of Employee and Family Assistance Program services.
The Company enjoys working arrangements wi th Canadian Actors' EqUity Association , the American Federation of Musicians, the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Emp loyees and the American Guil d of Musical Artists.
All lighting supervised by Robert Mravnik. All costumes exec u ted in the RWB Wardrobe Department under the supervis ion of Anne Armit.
Any filming , videotaping , photograph ing or sound recording without written perm ission from the management of Canadas Roya l Winn ipeg Ballet is strict ly prohibited.
We are pleased to receive yo u r letters, comments or questions Communications Department, Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet, 380 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg, Man itoba , R3C 4K2.
For US tours: Exclusive Tour Representation
Rena Shagan Ass ociates, Inc. 16A W est 88th Street New York, NY 10024 PH: 212-873-9700
FAX: 212-873-1708
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Bram Stoker did not invent the vampire. While va mpires are part of the folklore and legends o f many cultures dating back to ancient times , , the y did not make their appearance in British fiction until the early nineteenth century, thanks to a famous gathering on the shores of Lake Geneva in the summer of 18 1 6. Lord Byron and his physician John Po li dori were entertaining Percy Shelley, Mary Godwin (later Mary Shelley) and Mary's stepsister After a collective reading of ghost stories, Byron suggested that each member of the party write a story of their own. Two ta l es emerged that changed the face of Gothic fiction: Mary She ll ey b ega n Frank ens tein and Byron wrote a fragment which lay unfinished and discarded until picked up and reworked by Polidori as " The Vampyre". An immediate success, this story initiated a plethora of va mpire plays on the s tages of London and Paris, and even inspired a German opera , "Der Vampir".
Interest in vam pire literature continued through the nineteenth century But it was
Dracula that became the yardstick by which all future vampires in both fiction and film wo uld be measured. Stoker combined elements of earlier fiction with the results of hi s own research to produce his classic novel. Contrary to popular opinion, Stoker knew little about the real Dracula (Vlad the Impaler), certainly not enough to have been inspired to base Count Dracula on him. He found the name "Dracula " in an obscure history book in the Whitby Public Library while he was vacationing in the summer of 1890. He had already started his novel, and eve n had a name for his vam pire - Count Wampyr. He was attracted to the name "Dracula " because a footnote in his so urce indicated it was derived from a Romanian word meaning "devil". He appropriated the name, and Dracula became a vam pire
While writing Dracula , Bram Stoker was employed as a manager of London's Lyceum Theatre, owned b y the famous ninetee nthcentury Shakespearean actor, Sir H e nry Irving. There is little doubt that co ntinuou s exposure to the theatre influenced the novel, which lends itself so well to stage adaptation. In fact , Stoker himself prepared and presented a dramatic reading of Dracula at the Lyceum just days before its publication.
Though the first film adaptation of Dracula was the German "Nosferatu" (1922), it was Universal Studio's 1931 production that ensured the Count's immorta li ty. Based on a Broadway stage production, th e film starred Hungarian
actor Bela Lugosi , whose voice and physical appearance shaped the image of Dracu la for much of the twentieth century This movie has been fo ll owed by numerous other adaptations includ i ng "Horror of Dracula " (1958; Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing), "Dracula" (1979; Frank Langella , Laurence Olivier) and "Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992; Gary Oldman, Anthony Hopkins).
The Royal Winnipeg Ballet 's Dracula owes much more to the original novel than to the movies. It successfu ll y reflects the polarities that lie at the core of Stoker's classic: the vampire who is both repulsive and attractive; the scientist who must draw upon superstitions from our dark and primitive past ; the women who range from weak and submissive (Lucy) to strong and independent (Mina). Dracula is far more than a morality tale about the supremacy of good over evil. It encodes the fears and anxieties of late-Victorian England about sexually aggressive women, Eastern European immigrants, evo lutionary theory, the spread of syphilis , and "decadent dandies "
Why has Dracula remained so popular! The answer lies in the nature of the vampire, the most appealing of all monsters. For some it is the seductive element , for others the connection with the irrational side of our natures. The vampire epitomizes the breaking of taboos , the embracing of the Other, the challenge of authority, the fine line between power and passi on, and the search for immortality. While Stoker may have envisaged Dracula as the embodiment of evil , vampires have since shape-shifted into more ambivalent creatures, a clear reflection of the blurring of boundaries between good and evil in our increaSingly secular ized world. This very adaptability has ensured the vampire its immortality.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Elizabeth Miller , Professor Emerita (Memorial University of Newfoundland), is recognized internationally as a leading Dracula scholar. She has participated in TV documentaries for Discovery, History Channel, PBS, BEC, National Geographic, and "20120" (ABC), She is frequently consulted for feature articles in leading magazines and newspapers (including Chatelaine, New York Times , Chicago Tribune, Wall Street Journal and National GeographiC (Romanian edition). Her books on Dracula include Dracula: Sense & Nonsense, Bram Dracula: A Documentary Volume (Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol 304) and A Dracula Handbook She currently resides in Toronto. For further informat ion , visit Dr. Millers two websites at www.blooferland com. BRAVO
CindyMarie Small, Photo: Pau l MartensCopyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
In order of vocal appearance
Clara .... Alyson Cambridge*
Mingo. Lonel Woods
Sportin' Life .jubilant Sykes*
Jake Leonard Rowe* (22m, 28, 3, Sm)
Serena ....... .... . ...Angela Simpson (2 1, 25 , 27, 29m, 2, 4 )
Jim Peter
Maria Porgy ..... .. ... .. . ... ...
Crown. Bess
Monique McDona ld (22m, 28, 3, 5m)
................. Marlin Monroe Williford
.john Fulton +*
Demarcus Weathersb y*
Alaina Brown
Sabrina Elayne Carten*
........... Gordo n H awkin s
(2 1,25,27, 29m, 2, 4 )
Alvy Powell (22m, 28, 3, 5m)
Lester Lynch (21, 25, 27, 29m, 2 , 4 )
Tim othy Blevi.ns* (22m, 28 , 3, 5m)
Lisa Daltiru s
(21,25,27, 29m , 2 , 4)
J aninah Burnett *
( 22m , 28, 3, 5m)
Setting: Charleston, South Carolina , in the 1920s
Annie Frazier
Strawberry Woman
A Woman
Crab Man Coroner.
+Young Artist Apprentice
.j ohn Biedenbach
......... Keith All an Kalinowski *
Davi.d Va u ghn *
... Leah Dexter*
Ivan Griffin *
Bernard Holcomb *
Alaina Brown
(2 1 , 22,25,27 , 28,29,2,4 ,5) Betty Lan e * (3)
..... Alfrelyn n Roberts+ * Bernard Holcomb * Fred Buchalter
It is Saturda y night on Cat fi sh Row , a crowde d street in Charlesto n , So uth Carolina. A Crap game is in progress, a piano plays a "lo w-down blu es," and Clara sings a lullaby to h er baby Bess' boyfriend, Crown , who is drunk an d high , becomes enraged during the game and kills Robbins. The crowd quickly leaves the scene. Before making his escape, Crown tells Bess to wait for his return. Sportin' Life offers Bess refuge after sh e b egs for so me "happ y du st," but she chooses to hid e in Porgys room, not su specti ng that the crippled beggar loves hei
Scene Two
Later, in the empty courtyard , Sport in ' Life tempt s Bess once again, but Porgy orders him to stay away from h er. Al one, Porgy and Bess affirm their love for eac h other, and th en Bess reluctantly leaves Porgy to go to the picniC on Kittiwah Island.
The Kittiwah Island picnic is in full swin g. Sportin ' Life entertains the group with his cynical attitu d e toward religion. As the picnickers climb aboard th e bo at for the trip home, Crown quietly reveals himself to Bess. Alone with him, Bess argues that sh e now belongs to Porgy, but Crowns animal stre ngth proves too mu ch for her ; sh e is overpowered and gives in to hi s hot d esire.
*Michigan Opera Theatre d ebut
The Houston Grand Opera Production of PORGY AND BESS is a jointly funded Co-Production of Cleve land Opera , Dallas Opera, Florida Grand Op era , Houston Grand Opera Association, Los Angeles Music Center Opera, Portland Opera , San Diego Opera, San Francisco Opera and Seattle Opera, in association with Th e Orange County Pe rforming Arts Center.
Th e worldwide copyrights in the music of George and Ira Gershwin'" for this prese ntation are licensed by the Gershwin Family.
Porgy and Bess'" is present ed by arrangement with TAMS- WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY, INC. 560 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York 10022
GERSHWIN is a registered trad emark and service mark of Gershwin Enterprises.
PORGY AND BESS is a trad emark and service mark of Porgy and Bess Enterprises.
Houston Grand original production of Porgy and Bess was underwritten in substantial part by generous grants from the John S. and Jam es L. Knight Foundation, Cogen Technolo gies, and Lex u s
Robbins is laid out for the wake, wit h a sa ucer on his chest to co llect funds for his burial. The police ar ri ve and accuse Peter , an o ld man , of murderin g Robbins. Naming Crown as the killer, Peter is taken to jail as a material witness, while Robbin 's widow Se r ena mourn s her hu sb and. Bess, now accepted by th e community as Porg y's woman, leads them in a spiritual.
Scene Three
J ake and th e other fishermen repai r their nets before they go fishing. Jak e's w ife Clara i s worried about the weather and pleads with him not to go. Porgy displays his happiness now that Bess has come to live with him. Maria upbraids Sportin ' Life, forb idding him to peddl e hi s "happy dust" to her friends. The charlatan lawyer, Frazier, arrives to se ll Bess a "di vo rc e" from Crown, although the two were never r ea ll y married. A l arge buzzard fli es overhead fri gh te ning the crow d , but Porgy chases away the evi l omen , proclaiming his new - found st r eng th since he found lo ve.
A week has pa ssed since Kittiwah, and Bess ha s b een delirious for that entir e time. Sere na offers her prayers t o bring Bess back to h ea lth , and tells Porgy that Bess will be we ll b y five o 'clock. As the church bells sound the hour of fi ve, Bess ca lls out for Porgy Sh e tries to exp lain how Crown affects h er, and how she wants to stay with Porgy, who swears he w ill protect her. Suddenly, the wind rises, and the dreaded hurri cane bell so unds.
The en tire community i s gat h ered in Sere na 's room , in mortal terror as the hurric ane rages outside. Jake 's boat is out somewh ere in the storm; Clara and the other fishermen s wives are near hysteria. Like a hurricane himself, Crown burst s into th e room. Laughin g at the storm, Crown taunts the crowd, and the po wer of God himself. Sud d enl y, the distrau ght Clara , her baby to Bess, rushes out into the storm in search o f her husband. Crown goes afte r Clara, first warning Bess that h e will return for her.
Sce n e Fou r
T h e c itiz ens of Ca tfi s h Ro w mourn Clara, Jake and Crown, all th o ught to be lost in t h e s torm Sportin' Life cynically mock s th e m. Bes s, now ho ldin g Claras b aby, sings the same lullab y as Clara. When th e co urt ya rd i s empty, Crown enters furti vely, craw ling to ward
P orgy's win do w. But Por gy surprises him and kills him with hi s powerful hands. As the scene e nd s, Porgy lau g h s triumphantly
Sce n e Five
Th e po lice co m e to Catfish Row to investigate the murd er. They order Porgy to come wi th them
to id enti fy the b od y As soon as Porgy is tak en away, Sportin ' Life p ers uad es th e co nfu sed and distrau ght Bess to go away wit h him.
Scen e Six
A week later, Porgy is released b y the police. H appy to be h ome, he ca lls for Bess .
Di scove rin g sh e has gone to New York , Porgy orders his goat ca rt and , with a determination born o f en dle ss love, se ts out to find h er
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Nothing could be more ill -a d vise d than the writing of this articl e. It exhibits all to o clearly the decay of a human will, and it is strewn wi th th e d e bri s of broken re so luti o n s. O ut o f a limited but illuminatin g Broad way expe rience, I ha ve grasped the simpl e fact that a play d oes not exist until th e critic s and the publi c h ave looked upon it and found it goo d. Co uld ther e b e a mor e p erfec t examp le of artless, par ental ex hibiti onism than the spectacle of a playwright prattling a bout his expected brain-child a full month before the hazardou s accouchement?
Ho w did it happ en ' I will tell yo u I can at leas t expo se the sys tem of w hi ch I am a vic tim
You leave the first rehearsal, hypnotiz ed by th e music of yo ur own wo rd s. You are beguiled into the sanctum of an editor. Your fingers close of their own vo lition ab out a cocktail glass. You are told things about yo ur work which , in yo ur state of initi a l intoxication , yo u are fatuou s enough to believe. You co nclud e that th e e dit o r is also a discriminatin g cri ti c an d alto gether an exce llent fellow. And th en , sin ce, in any event it is against n a ture for an author to say "no " to an ed itor, you find yo ur se lf co mmitted. It is not until lat er th at yo u realize yo ur d ea dlin e for a monthly periodical is a month in ad va n ce of publication , and that yo ur sto r y may bur s t from the presses, not as a bright paean for the living, but a sa d and ironical epit aph for th e dead
But th e story of Porgy h as a d e finit e pa st , as we ll as a proje cte d r ei n ca rn ation, a nd th e production of the opera is th e materialization of an idea sug ges t e d b y
George Gershwin in a le tt er writt en to me nine years ago. The dram a h a d not yet b ee n produced , but was b ein g writte n by my wife , Dorothy Heyward , and m yse lf for the Theatre Guild , when George read
the no vel and suggested a meeting
My first impress ion of my collaborator remains with me and is Singularly vivid. A y oung m a n of eno rmous ph ys ical and emotional vi t a li ty, w h o possesse d th e facult y of see in g himself quite impersonall y and r ea li s ti ca ll y, and w ho k n ew exactly wh at h e wa nt ed and wh ere he was going Thi s chara c teristic put him be yo nd both mod es ty and co n ce it. About himself h e would m e rel y mention certa in facts , aspiration s, failing s . Th ey w ere usuall y right.
We dis c u sse d Porgy . H e sa id that it w ould not matt er about the dramatic production , as it wo uld be a number of yea rs b efor e h e wo uld be prepared technica lly to co mpo se an opera. At th e time h e had numerous Broadway su ccesses to his credit, and his Rhapsody in Blue , published three yea r s before, had pla ce d him in th e front rank of American composers. It was ex traordinary, I thought , th a t, in v iew of a success that might w e ll hav e dazzled any man , he could appraise hi s talent with such comp lete d e tac hm ent And so we decid ed t hen that day w hen we we re both prepared we wo uld d o an operatic ve rsion of m y s impl e Negro b eggar of th e Charleston stree ts.
In the m ea ntim e, th e pla y w ent into rehear sa l at th e Guild Theatre. Rouben Mamoulian , in hi s fir s t appearance on Broadway, was entrust e d with its direction. A cast was assembled from Negro night club s and Harl em theatres. Then for six weeks , w hat we all believed to be Broad way's m os t highl y spec ul a ti ve ve nture dragged it s personnel through the ex tremes of h o p e and d es pair toward th e opening nigh t. I s uppo se it is sheer ph ysic al exhaustion, plus the emotional bludgeoning an author und ergoes during rehearsals , that r edu ces him to peSSimisti c witlessness on the night of the premiere.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Out of that night, I rememb e r o nl y vagu ely a few moments of startling b ea uty: Mamoulian 's fantastic shadows , the h eartb reak ing quality of the funeral spiritual, Porgy's pathetic leave taking. But n eve r to be forgo tt en was that awful mom ent w h en Crown s hout ed to the silent h eavens, "Gaw d laugh and Crown l a u gh back. " Then, after an aching int er va l , came the belat ed clap of thunder th at was su ppo sed to b e the laugh of God The sce n e shift s see m ed int erminable And la s tl y, and most crushing as we cowered at the ba ck of th e hous e under the protective wing of Philip
Moeller, came the exit of Woollcott before the last scen e of the play.
I h ave never see n h im sin ce , but I could poi nt him out immediately in any crowd , so v i vid i s my impr ession of him. H e s tand s ab out fort y feet in his stoc kings , is about thi rty feet broad ; and when he rises to his full height fro m the second row in the orchestra , he ca n bl ot out an entire proscenium ar ch. His mouth is that o f a medieval executioner, and wh en h e strides down a theatre aisle and past a terrorstr icken p laywrig ht , hi s foo t steps sha ke the building with the tread o f doom.
So m ebody might h ave warned u s th a t he had an ea rl y deadline, and h ad to ge t hi s co p y in , but nobod y did. To us it was a
wa lk-out He gave u s a fine review. H e prove d tha t drama ti c critics r ea ll y ar e omnisc ient b y knowing h ow th e s ho w ende d. But the mischief h ad been done. Thirty months lat er , when th e play closed after a run in America and a su ccessful journey across the At lanti c , the aut hor s were still m ore or less n er vo u s wrecks.
Time pa ssed and Porgy and the goat lay co mfortably dossed down in Ca in 's wareh o u se . But eve r y yea r , b etween novels with me , and Broadway p roductio n s wi th Geo r ge, I would j o urn ey Nort h and we wo uld m ee t and discuss o ur o p e ra. I remem b er George sayin g once-it was, I think, when h e was p lanning to stage An American in Paris-that he wou ld s ta y abroad and put in so m e int ensive stud y in co un terpo int. As always, he knew ju st w h ere h e was go in g. The success o f hi s symphoni c poem in Pari s was fl atte ring , but the m ain idea was to build toward th e ope ra.
La t e r h e wo rk e d w ith j osep h Schillinger , the musicologist , wh o ca rried him from Bach to Sc ho en berg, concentrating hi s att en ti o n on polytonality-modern h a rm o n y, an d counterp o in t.
An d th en in Octobe r , exact ly two yea r s ago, our imp atience go t th e better o f what may prove t o have b een our better jud gment , an d th e actual a d vent ur e of composing b egan.
It is the fashion in America to lament th e pro stituti on of art by the big magazine, the radio , the moving pi ctures. Wit h this I have little pati en ce . Prop erl y ut iliz ed , the r a dio and the pictures m ay b e to th e present -day wr iter wh a t hi s prince was to Vill on , th e king o f Bavaria was to Wagner
At no o th er time h as it been possible for a writ er to earn by hirin g him se lf out as a skill e d tec h n ician for, say, two months, suffic ient income to sustain him for a yea r. And yet the moving pic tures have ma d e it possible. I dec id ed that the sil ver sc reen sho uld be my Maecenas, and George elec ted to serve the radio.
Durin g m y first yea r I wrote th e sc reen versio n of Th e Emperor Jon es. For thi s I may h ave lost the fr iend ship o f Eugene O ' Neil. I h aven 't d ared to look him up sin ce. And t o finance m y second year I made a pilgrim age to Ho llywood to tinker at Pea rl Bu ck 's Good Earth. My selec tion for thi s ass ign me nt presented a perfect example of m otion picture logic. W h en I arri ved o n the l o t and asked why I had been offered the job, it was made perfectly
plai n to m e. Negroes we re not a Caucasia n people. Ne ith er were Chin amen. I wro te u nders tandin gly of Negroes. It was obvious then that I wo uld und ers tand the Chin ese I suspect that before my en gagement close d , their faith in their r easonin g power was sh aken But I gave th em my best, and wh en I left for the East I was free to com plet e my work on the opera.
Statistic s record the fact that there are 25,000,000 r ad i os in America. Their contribution to the opera was indirect but important. O ut of them for h al f an hour each wee k poured th e glad tidin gs th a t Feenam int cou ld be w h ee d led away from virtu ally any dru g cl erk in America for one dime-the tenth part o f a doll ar. And wi th the a uth e nti c medicine-man fl air , the manufacturer distributed h is informa tion in an irres i st ib le w r a pper of Gershw in hits, with the composer at th e pi an o.
There is, I im agi n e, a worse fate than that w hich d erives from th e u se of a laxative gum And , anyh ow, we felt that the end justified the means, and th at th ey a lso serve d who only sa t and wai ted.
At the outset we were faced by a difficu lt problem. I was fi rm in my r efusa l to leave th e Sout h a nd li ve in New Yor k. Gershwin was bound for th e d ur atio n of his co ntra ct to th e microphone at Radio City. The matt er o f effec ting a happy union between wor d s a nd mu s i c across a thousand mi l es of Atlanti c seaboa rd baffled u s fo r a moment . Th e so lution came quite n atura ll y wh en we assoc iated Ira Gers h win with u s . Pr esently we evo lve d a system by which, b etwee n my visits North, or Geo rg e's dash to Charles ton , I cou ld sen d scenes and lyrics. Then t h e brothers Ge r sh win , after their extraor dinar y fashion, would get a t the piano, pound, wrangle, swear, burs t into weird snatch es of song, and even tuall y emerge w ith a p o li s he d lyri C. Then too, Ira's gift for the more sop hi s ti ca ted lyric was exac tl y su ited to the ta sk of wri tin g the songs for Sporting Life, the Harlem gamb ler who h ad drifted into Catfish Row. I imagin e that in a fter years w h en George look s b ack u pon this tim e, he wi ll feel that the summer o f 19 34 furnished h im wi th on e o f the most sa tisfying as we ll as exc itin g experiences of hi s career. Unde r th e bakin g suns of july an d Au gu s t we estab lish ed ourselves on Folly Island, a sma ll barri e r island t e n mil es from Charleston. j ames Island with its large
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
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Con tinued on page 47
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
In order of vocal appearance
.John Fulton+
ount Almaviva Yasu Nakajima * 01, 15, 18 )
Victor Ryan Robertson* 02m , 17)
Figaro Dalibor Jenis* 01, 15, 18)
Gianpiero Ruggeri 02m 17)
Dr. Bartolo ' R ' Jason Budd osma Manuela Custer* 01,15,18)
.Jossie Pe rez * ( 12m 17)
Alfrelynn + Basiho Jamie Offenbach Sergeant .J ohn Fulton+
+ Young Artist Apprentice
*Michigan Opera Theatre debut
Last Opera Theatre production of The Barber of SevIlle : 1999 at the Detroit Opera House. Conducted by Stewart Robertson. Directed by Dorothy Danner:
Setting: Seville in t he 18th Century
Count Almaviva, with his servan t Fiorello and some musicians, comes incognito to serenad e Ro sina, wa rd of Dr. Bartolo. Bartolo keeps Rosina confined to his house , with the int entio n of marrying h er himself and acquiring h er dowry. Sin ce there i s no response , Almaviva pays off the musicians , deciding to wait till daylight in hopes of seeing Rosma. The barber Figaro appears and describes his bu sy lIfe. H e promises to help Alma viva for a suitable re ward. The co unt s ings a serenade, g i ving himself the romantic p se udon y m "Lindoro " and assuring Rosina of his lo ve. Figaro suggests the count force hi s way into Barto l o 's house under pre text of being a soldier billeted there. The count anticipates love fulfilled , the barber monetary reward.
Reflecting on the vo ice that has capt ivate d her heart , Rosina resolves to be united with its owner. Bartolo enters, follow ed by th e music master Don Basilio, who warns h im that a
playing her false. Rea ss ured Bartolo allo ws Alonso to Rosina h e r s ing i ng le sson. When Figaro arrives to shave Bartolo, the doctor cannot decide which one to trust alone-the clumsy Figaro in his pantry or Rosina with her teache r. H e is doubly tricked. Figaro purloins the key to the b alcony shutters, while Alonso , recognized by Rosina, proposes to her. As the shaving is about to b eg in , Basilio hims e lf appears, but a bribe from the co unt persuades him to play SIck and leave. Figaro shaves Barto lo, distracting him while the lovers plan elopement , but Bartolo overhears the word "disguise" and sends for Basilio. After all ha ve left , the maid Berta wanders in to complain she is working in a madhouse.
rival for Rosina!> hand , Count Almaviva, is in Seville. Bartolo thinks h e had better marry his wa rd at once, and Basilio advices using slander to get rid of Almaviva. Figaro overhears , warns Rosina , and promises to ca rr y a letter from h er to Lindoro. The suspicious tries to get Rosin a to admit she ha s written to h er suitor, warning she should not trifle with so important a p e rson as himself. Almaviva burst s in, disguised as a drunken soldie 'r , and passe s Rosina a note, which she hides. A row ensues when Barto l o claims exemption from billeting orders. As a crowd form s outside, police try to take the troublemaker into custody, but h e confides his identity to the sergeant, who frees him Wondering at the stupefied Bartolo, the others express excitement and confusion.
Bartolo suspects the intruder was a spy for Almaviva, who arrives again, this tim e disguised as "Don Alonso " a music teacher substituting' for th e ill Basilio. The newcomer says he is staying at the same inn as Almaviva, and has found a letter from Rosina He offers to tell Rosina that Almaviva is
A while later, Bartolo welcomes Basilio and learns that there is no Alonso. The doctor sends his crony to fetch a lawyer at once so he can marry his ward that very evening. Calling Rosina, he flashes her note saying Lindoro deceived her b; giving it up and plans to win h er for his master, Almaviva. Wanting vengeance, Rosina agrees to marry Bartolo at once, adding that Figaro and Almaviva p lan to enter by way of the balcony Barto lo sends her to her room, saying he will fetch the police, as a storm bursts outside. When it subsides, Figaro and Almaviva come in the window, only to be spumed b y the angry Rosina , who accuses Lindoro of wooing her for Almaviva. When Lindoro reveals his identity, Rosina is delighted , but Figaro urges them to hurry Rea d y to escape, they find their ladde r has been taken from the balcony Basilio, entering with a lawyer, is sent off with another bribe from the count, who joins Rosina in signing the marriage contrac t. Bartolo surprises them but is mollified to lea rn h e ca n keep Rosina's dowry, and all ends happily
-Courtesy of Opera News
QUESTION: What do the operas
La Traviata, Carmen and The Barber oj Seville all have in common 7 If you answered that they are three of the most popular operas in the repertoire you would be correct. However, anot h er, and perhap s more interesting, response is that all three of these operas were co lo ssa l flops at their respective premieres.
Durin g the first half of the 19th century, no Italian composer enjoyed more popular and critical acclaim than Gioacc hin o Rossini. Born in Pesaro in 1792 to a mother who was a singer, and a father who was a horn player, Rossini went on to crea te new standards by which a ll future composers would be judged Indeed it was not until the advent of Verdi that Rossini was replaced at the center of Italian operatic life While some of his earlie r works had been produced, his career began in earnest with La Cambiale di Matrimonio in 1 810. Rossini composed at a prodigious rate, at one point composing seven operas in a mere 16 months. Legend has it that Rossini once boasted about composing the The Barber oj Seville in on l y 13 days, to which his fellow rapid composer Donizetti responded, "yes , isn 't he lazy " Rossini, Donizetti and Bellini were regarded as the three pre- Verdian giants of Italian Opera. After the eventual success of The Barber oj Seville, Rossini enthusiasm, s imilar to one of his ensem bles , swe ll ed into Rossini fever. After his l ast opera, William Tell, premiered in 1829, Rossini withdrew from operatic composition , eventua ll y becoming the
manag e r of the famed Paris Opera. He died in Paris in 1868 , respected and admired as one of the great musical geniuses of his time .
But let us return to that fateful night in Rome , Februar y 20, 1816. The source of Rossini's opera was the famous play "The Barber of Se v ille, " authored by French playwright Beaumarchais. Others had alread y set the subject to music, most notably Giovanni Paisiello, whose 1782 version was still in the repertor y. Out of respect for the still living Paisiello, Rossini titled his new opera Almaviva , but the name was soon changed to the title that the work now bears. The night of the premiere, the Teatro Angentino was packed with v arious factions, amongst them a group of Paisiello supporters who were present to disrupt the proceedings. However, they were not needed, for this premiere is legendary.
Trouble began before the performance had e v en started. Legend has it that Rossini was persuaded to wear some sort of Spanish-style costume , which elicited howls of laughter from the Roman crowd as he took his seat at the keyboard. Derisive noises arose again during the overture , as some in the audience claimed to recognize rec ycled material. The next
incident occurred before the first aria. In keeping with practice of the day, the Prima Donna, or, in this case Primo Uomo, Manuel Garcia decided that he would not sing Rossini 's aria "Ecco Ridente in Cielo," but rather a Spanish song. Appearing onstage, the tenor discovered that his guitar had not been tuned , and accordingly broke a string wile attempting the rectify the situation. The
atmosphere of hilarity continued as the Bartolo tripped and fell during his aria and had to keep singing while checking the flow of blood from his nose. However, the crowning achievement occurred during the first act finale , when a cat appeared onstage. The Figaro chased it off to one side, but the creature returned, and jumped into the arms of the unsuspecting Dr. Bartolo. The audience loved it, and began to imitate the cat 's meowing and encouraged it to continue with its improvised role.
At the end of the performance, poor
Rossini returned home, believing that his opera was a miserable failure. However, over time , Rossini's ever entertaining score with its elaborate and humorous stage business, along with wonderful arias and ensembles, has garnered admirers amongst composers and audiences alike. Giuseppe Verdi called it the finest Opera buffa ever written and Beethoven prognosticated that The Barber of Seville would be played as long as Italian Opera lasts. Despite it 's chaotic premiere, like Carmen and La Traviata , The Barber of Seville remains a cornerstone of the operatic repertoire and one the world's most popular operas.
The cast of Michigan Opera Theatre's 1999 production of The Barber of Seville.Scene 1
It is Christmas Eve in an American city in the 18 50's. Mayor and Mrs. Stahlbaum and their servants are preparing for a party The two chi ldren, Clara and Fritz, join their parents in the parlor and exclaim over the Christmas tree and its treasures. Soon their guests arrive laden with gifts. The last to appear is th e mysterious Dr. Drosselmeyer, Clara and Fritz 's godfather, and Drosselmeyer's nephew. They ha ve brought many wonderfu l gifts and surprises for the Stah lb aums and their friends. Young and old are delighted and amused b y the mechanical dollsColumbine and Harlequin , the Vivandiere and the Soldierwho dance for the guests. As a specia l gift for Clara, Dr. Drosselmeyer has brought a Nutcracker. Fritz, who with his friends has been teasing the girls, grabs it away and accidentally breaks it. Godfather Drosselme ye r bandages the Nutcracker and comforts the h eartbroken Clara. But now it grows late; the guests take their lea ve, and the family goes upstairs to bed.
Scene 2
It is midnight. Everyone is sl eeping but Cl ara, who has returned to the parlor to fetch her Nutcracker from under the tree. She hears a noise. A small mouse scurries by, then another. The mice begin to tease her, but Godfather Drosselmeyer has returned to shoo them away and transform the small Nutcracker into a life-size Nutcracker Doll. All at once the parlor disappears, and the Christmas tree grows before our very eyes. The toy soldiers that ha ve been standing guard under the tree have also grown to life s iz e. Th e N utcracker Doll summons the soldiers to battle with the mice, who are now led b y the seven-headed Mouse King. Clara returns with her
Godfather Drosselme ye r, and just in time she throws her slipper at the Mouse King and saves the Nutcracker Doll. With Clara's kiss , he is transformed into the Nutcracker Prince , who bears a striking resemblance to Dr. Drosselmeyer's nephew.
Scene 3
Godfather Drosselmeyer leads Clara and the Nutcracker Prince into the Land of Snow. Here they meet the Snow Queen and King, who look remarkably like
Clara's Mother and Father, and the Snow Prince, who reminds her of Fritz. The enchanted journey continues to the Kin gdom of Swee ts.
The Sugar Plum Fairy welcomes Clara, the Nutcracker Prince a nd Dr. Drosselme ye r to th e Kingdom of Sweets. The Nutcracker Prince tells th e Sugar Plum Fairy about their magical batt le with the mic e Gifts are presented to Clara. The
subjects of this enchanted kingdom - all the dolls from under Clara's tree and all the flowers from her Victorian bouquet - have grown to life size and dance in her honor. But all dreams must come to an end, and children must return home to their loving families. So, Clara too must depart the land of dreams and return home where her parents wait to welcome her back.
Robert Joffr ey and Gerald Arpino 's uniquel y American v is i on of dance first took form in 1956. The original company consisted of six d ynamiC and hi ghly indi vidual dan cers. While Robert Joffrey staye d in New York to teach ball e t clas ses and earn mon ey to pay th e danc er s' sa laries, Gerald Arpino led the troup e as th ey traveled across America in a s ta ti on wagon pulling a U-Haul trailer. Their r epertoire o f o r igina l ba ll ets by Rob ert Joffrey se t them apart fro m th e other sma ll touring co mpanie s o f the time w ho often p erfor m ed sca l e d-do wn ve rsion s of th e cla ss ics. From the beginning Joffre y and Arpino wa nt e d a company that came out of th eir roots, out of America.
Th e Joffrey Ball e t's first p erform ance took p lace on the m orn ing of October 2 , 1956 at Fro stb erg State Teach ers College in Mar yland. In 1957 , The Joffre y's fir st per for m anc e in a major city took p lace in Chicago at the Eighth St reet Theater. On the st r eng th o f that Chicago performance , The Joffrey began to tr ans form it self from a fledglin g co mpany to one of th e premier ba ll et compani es in th e wo rld. The Joffrey has p erform ed in over 400 U.s. cities and in all 5 0 stat es. Internation al tours includ e Afghanistan, Australia , Au st ria , Canada, Denmark , Egypt, England, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong , Ir an, I s ra e l , It a ly, Jordan , Korea, Mexico , Portuga l , Russia , Scotland, Singa pore , Sp ain , Syria, Tai wan and Turkey. The J offrey Balle t was th e first American compa n y in vit ed to tour the former Sovie t Union , and the first dance company to perform at th e White Hou se. The Joffrey also p ion ee red dance on televis ion , in a u g urating publi c television's " Dan ce in America" ser i es. In 2003, director Robert Altm an made a fea tur e film called "The Company," b ased on Th e Joffrey Balle t.
Tog e th e r , Robert Joffr ey and Ge rald Arpino crea ted a one-of-a-kind American company of d ancers for wh om they ch oreog raph ed or iginal an d soc ia ll y relevant ballets. Th ey were the fir st to co mmis sion
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
b all ets b y m o d ern dance choreographers su ch as Alv in Ai l ey, Laura Dean, Mark Morris and Twyla Th a rp. Th ey amassed the largest repertoires in th e U.S. of works b y such choreograp h ers as Sir Frederick As hton , John Cra n ko and Leo nide Massine . Th ey also recon s tru cted "lo s t" b allets of the early 20th century, primarily from Diaghi levs Ba ll ets Ru sses , includin g N ijinsk y 's L e Sacre Du Printemps , Massine 's Parade , and Ba l anchine's Cotillon. One o f the mo st recognized n a me s in d ance , T h e J o ffr ey Ba ll e t i s known around the world for its repertoire of histori cal ballets as we ll as groundbreaking works, such as B illboards, a full-length work crea ted to the rock music of Princ e.
The Joffrey Ballet was originally es tabli sh ed in New York in 195 6 and for many yea rs was the r esident ball et co mpany at C ity Cent e r. Th e Jo ffr ey was also th e resident s umm er dan ce co mpan y at Ravinia Fes ti val from 1972 to 1979 and th e re si d ent ballet co mp an y o f th e Los An ge le s Music Ce nter from 1982 to 1992 Finally, Th e J offrey Ba ll et m ad e Chi cago its p erman ent hom e in 1995 and is currently the re s id e nt ballet company of the Aud ito r ium Th ea tre of Roosev elt University.
A rt ist ic Direct or
Found ers
A r ti sts of the Co mp any
H eath e r Aagard - Matt hew Adam czyk
De rrick Agn ole tti - Fabri ce Ca lmel s
April Daly -J onathan Dummar
Eri ca Lyne tt e Ed w a r d s - John Glu ckm an
Davi d Gomb e rt -J e nnife r Go o dman
Eliz abeth H an sen. - William Hill a rd
Anastaci a H o ld e n - Vi ctoria J aiani
St acy Jo y Keller - Juli a nne Kepl ey
Calvi n Kitt en - Britta Lazen ga
Mi chael Le vin e -Suz a nne Lope z
Brian Mc Swe en - Thoma s Nichola s
Emily Patt e r son - Eduardo Pe rmu y
Alexi s Polito - Megan Quiro
Val e rie Robin - Christin e Ro cas
Aaron Ro ge r s -W illy Shives
Abi ga il Simon - Tian Shuai
Pat r ick Simoniello - Mich ael Smith
Lauren Stewart - Temur Sulu as h vi li
Kathl een Thielhelm - Mauro Villanu eva
Alli son Walsh - Maia Wilkin s
J oa nna Wozni ak
Arp ino App rentices
Bran d on Alexand e r - Kimb e rl y Blei ch
Matthe w Fr ain - Ju s tin e Hum en an s ky
Vice nt e Ma rtinez - Erin McA ffee
Caitlin Meig han - Scott Spivey
A ssoci ate Arti sti c Direc tors
Cam e ron Basd e n , Ada m Sk lut e
Ball et Ma sters
Ch a rthel Arthur , Ma r k Goldw eb e r
A ss istant Bane t Mas ter
W illy Shives
Prin Cipal Stage Manege r
Kath e rine Seli g
Stage Manage r
De ni se Olivie ri
Mu sic Direct or & Pri n Cipal Conduc tor
Leslie B. Dunn e r
Music Administ rat or & Company
Pi anis tP aul Lewi o
Robert Joffrey, Founder
Robert Joffrey was born in Seattle, Washington, in 1930 and died in New York City in 1988. In 1956, h e founded The Joffrey Ballet-an ensemble of American dancers for whom he c horeogr a phed, taught, commissioned original ballets, and reconstructed rare classics. In the process, Mr Joffrey built what is now acknowledged to be one of the major international dance companies, a company cited for its virtuosity and its exciting, original repertoire
Mr. Joffrey dis co vered and introduced innumerable modern dance choreographers to ball e t audiences. He was the first American director to present the work of Denmark's Auguste Bournonville and he was especially noted for his meticulous recreations of the legendary Diaghilev era ballets. Mr. Joffrey invited great living ballet choreographers to revive some of their "lost" masterworks and, in the pro cess, assembled one the largest and most diverse repertoires in the world. His own ballets indicate his varied interests, from th e classical Pas Des Deesses to the multim e dia Astarte; the romantic Remembrances to the evocative Postcards.
Mr Joffrey was a m aster teacher with an eye for talent Although he ga ve up a promising career as a dancer to form his company, he maintained his early interest in training gifted students and young professionals through The Joffrey Ball et School, which he established in 1953, and The Joffrey Workshop in San Antonio, found e d in 1977. Additionally, Mr. Joffrey guest taught in festivals around the country.
Among his many dance affiliations, Mr. Joffrey was co-president wi t h Bolshoi Ballet director Yuri Grigoro v ich of the International Danc e Committee, International Theatre Institute, on e of three jurors of Denmark's Hans Christian Andersen Ball et Awards, a member o f the Nati o nal Coun cil of th e Arts, a nd honorary chairman of the American Choreographer Awards. His numerous awards and honors included the Dance Magazine Award, the Capezio Award, New York City 's Handel Med a llion , Club 100's Distinguished Artist's Award (L.A. Music C e nt e r)' Dance Notation Bureau's Di stinguish e d Servi c e Award, and an honorary Ph.D. from Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington. In 2000, Mr. Joffrey was inducted into The National Dance Museum.
Gerald Arpino was born in Staten Island, New York, and re ceived early dance training in Se att le by Mary Ann Wells. He co-found ed The Joffrey Ballet with Robert Joffrey in 1956 and se rved as associate director f o r many years. Upon Mr. Joffrey's death in 1988, Mr. Arpino succeeded him as artistic dire ctor.
A leading dancer with the company in its early years, Mr. Arpino choreographed his first work for The Joffrey, Ropes, in 1961. Shortly thereafter, he became The Joffrey's resident choreographer and to date has created mor e than one-third of the comp any's repertoire. His amazingly diverse work ranges from social commentary to pure dance gems His ballets are in the repertoires of companies around the world.
Mr. Arpino is the first chor e ographer commissioned to create a ball et to honor the Offic e of the American Presidency: The Pantages and the Palace Present Two-a-Day. He was the first American commiss ioned by a city, San Antonio, to do a ball et, Jamboree. In 1993, Mr. Arpino produc ed Am e rica's first full-evening rock ballet, Billboards, set to the music of Prince. In addition, he is the only choreographer to have had f o ur of his ballets performed at the Whi t e House.
Mr. Arpino serves on numerous boards and councils including the national advisory council of the ITI/USA International Ballet Competition and the b oa rd of the Dance Notation Bureau. He is a member of the Arts Advisory Committee of the New York International Festival of the Arts. He serves as an advisor to the Artists Committee for The Kennedy Center Honors. He is also a memb e r of the board of The Chicago Academy for th e Arts. Among many awards and tributes Mr. Arpino holds honorary doctorates from of Staten Island, City University of New York, and Wagner Coll ege. He was recipient of the 1974 Dance Magazine award and the Vasla v Nijinsky Medal. In 2005, Mr. Arpino recei ved several p restigious awards, including the first award for Vi sio nary Le adership from the Arts and Busin e ss Council of Chicago, th e Univ e rsity Club of Chicag o 's Cultural Award, and the Chicago National Association of Dance Masters' 2005 Lifetime Achievem e nt Award. He was also honored by the Chicago Tribun e f o r the third time a s one of the " Chicagoans of the Year" for his important co ntribution to the arts in Chicago and the w o rld. In the summer of 2006, Mr. Arpino w ill be presented with the prestigious Grande Ufficiale 0551 (Ordine della Stella della Solidarieta Italiana) by the President of the Republic of Ita ly, Carlo Az e glio Ciampi.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
The Concordia Orchestra's mu sic director Marin Also p commission ed Too Hot To Handel in 1993, from arrangers Bob Christianson and Gary Anderson. Si n ce the first p erformance at Lin co ln Center, crow ds h ave smi led , ch ee red and danced in their seats (a nd sometimes in the aisles l ). Too Hot captures th e ess ential core of Handel 's famou s masterwork and reinterprets it with chord s of rhythm and blues, jazz and gospel. Th e end result7 A dynamic and uplifting celebr"iltion that must be expe rienced. Simp ly put: Too Hot To Handel is Messiah r e -cr eated.
Si nfon y Comfort ye
Every va ll ey
And th e gl ory of the Lord sh all be revealed
Thus sai th the Lord
But wh o may abide the da y of His comin g
And H e shall purify
Behold, a virgin shall co n ceive o th ou th at te ll es t good tidings to Zion
For behold, darkness shall cover the earth
Th e people tha t wa lked in darkness
For unt o us a chil d is born
Th ere we re she pherd s abiding in th e field
And sudden ly there was with the ange l
Glory t o God
Intermissio n
Rejoice greatly
Then shall th e eyes of th e blind b e opened H e shall fee d hi s fl ock
Hi s yoke is easy
Behold the Lamb of God
Surely He hath born e our griefs * *
All we like sheep hav e gone astray Behold, I tell you a mystery
The trumpet sh all sound
The Lord gave the word
Why do th e n a ti ons so fur iou sly r age Hallelujah l
* * with David Va u ghn , b ass baritone
Product ion Sponsor Family
LaSalle Bank
Impr esa r io
Joanne & Salvatore
Mary & William Bechtel
Cec ilia Benner Sand ra & David
Susan & Tom Cucuzza
Emily & Joshua
Boege ho ld
Robert Bomier
Eichenhorn Nola & Arthur Chester
IBM Foundation
Julie Christ
Michigan Council for Pamela & William Day
Arts and Cu ltura l Carol & Gerald
Lori & Carl Pesta
Mary Lu Robertson
Emily & Don Gay
Andrea Gibson
Paul Silver Nancy & Arthur Kro likowski
Conductor 's Circle Alfred Ne nciarin i
Archdiocese of Detroit Ph il ip O'jibway
Suzanne Mallare Acton M. Allene & Hector & David Osborne Pejuan
Mandy S. Atwal D.O. Sandra Reese
Tarik Daoud Suzanne Reynolds
Raile K. Rothman
Lynn & Gary Has ley
Patricia & Patrick John Saetta
Minnick Clifton Shaw
Claire & Nick Morgan Monica Skrzynski
Nancy & Roger Nelson Laverne & Lois Schenk
Northern Concrete Susan & Frank Sonye
Pipe, Inc.
Diana & Frederick
John Wickey Ternes
Susan Fox Betty & Norm Tucker
Lois & William Yeats
Sin ce i ts founding in 1949 , Rackham Symp hony Choir ha s provided ch ora l music of th e hi ghes t artistic qu ality to app r ec iat ive audiences th ro u ghout Metro Detroit. Talented voca lis ts sh ow their versat ility in p erforman ces of b oth cla ssica l and con temporary choral m asterpieces. Thi s seaso n marks the tenth season under the visionary lead ersh ip of Su za nn e Mallare Acton, RSC's artistic and musical director. A critica lly accla im ed con du c tor , she ha s expanded on th e ch oir 's ric h tradition of mu sica l performance.
Notewo rth y co ncert s from recent seasons includ e th e moving Yi z kor Requi em , performed wit h commenta ry by com poser Thomas Beveridge; and Th e Holocaust Cantata, a co ll ectio n of songs and readin gs tak en from co n centration camp survivors and Richard Einhorn 's multi-m edia wo r k , Voices of Light.
Looking fo rward , 2007, promi ses great artistic growth and n a ti onal exp ansion. In J an u ary RSC returns to Chi cago's Auditorium Th ea tr e t o perfo rm Too Hot To Handel. Later in th e year, Rackham presents another ground breaking multi-media work, with Th e Arme d Ma n , fea turing a choir of over 100 voices, a full orches tra and an original film. More information is available at www.rackh am ch oir.o rg.
Since 1949, Rackham Symphony Choir has been pre se nting chora l music of th e hi ghes t art istic quality Our members ju st lo ve mu sic - both traditional cho r al sh ows and inn ova tive multi-media presenta tions. Members are of all ages and ba ckgro und s. To learn more about becomi ng a m emb er, visi t r ack h amch o ir. org an d sign up to sc h edu le a private audition w ith Music Di rec t or Suzan n e Mallare Acton.
Maureen & Philip Abele Matching Gifts
James Leyerle CNA Foundation
Janet & Phi lip McPeek GM Foundation
Debbie & Richard IBM Corporation
Nemesi Ke ll ogg's Corporate
Brenda Redding Citizenship Fund
Penske Corporation
Patron Textron, Inc
Constance & James Andres In -Kind Donat ions
Wendy & Marc Bakst
Fran Bachmann
Patrick Clampitt Bodman LLP
Sean Fossee
Mary Fowlie
Capita l Grill
Patrick Clampitt
Dolores Garden Detroit Opera House
Amy Malaney Detro it Executive
Mary Ma ley Service Co rps
Melissa & James Rodr ick Dixon
Suzan & Robert
McC loskey
Piazza Dance Co.
Sarah & James Piper
Daniel D. Sherbert, MD
Trisha Sticklinski
Linda Van Buren
Catherine & Thomas
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
John Grigaitis
Alvin Waddles
Mary Lou Zieve
Washabaugh BRAVO
Burke h as also b een featured in recordings , mu sic vid eos and co mm e rcials , on t e l ev ision , radio and film an d h as a l so released her so lo debut CD , From th e Heart. She is a gues t l ec tur er in voice a t Wheaton
Co llege Co n servatory an d was an Alumna Ambassador for Roosev e lt Uni ve rsity 's 6 0th
also was th e 1988 $ 100 ,0 00 male vocalist Star Se arch winner an d feels honored to sh are the stage wi th Rod rick and Alfreda.
credits includ e Ra g tim e on Broadwa y, Showboat a t th e Au di torium Thea ter in Chicago, pop co n certs with Gra nt Park Sympho n y a nd W h eaten Symphony. Lea rn more about Rodri ck Dixon at www
Suzanne Mallare Acton
Anniversary Visit her we b site at Cond u ctor Suz anne Mallare m.
Acto n is r ec ogniz e d for her ve r sa tilit y and d yna mi c sty le from th e co ncert h a ll to the opera stage. Co ndu cting credits includ e West Side Story, Il
Barbiere di Siviglia, Music Man, Pirat e s of Penzance , Mikado ,
D a ught er of th e R eg iment an d
Di e Fled e rmaus for Mi ch iga n
Opera Theat r e, My Fair Lady and La Traviata for D ayton
Ope r a, M e rry Widow an d
Madama Butt e rfly for Artpark and Tosca for Augusta Opera .
As a rti stic dir ec t or/music
dir ecto r for Rackham
Sy mphon y Choir: Carmina
Burana, African Sanctus , Too Hot To Handel and Amahl and th e Night Visitors.
Alfreda Burke
Soprano Alfr e da Burke made h er Carneg ie and Orchestra
H all debut s in Strauss' El ektra
wit h th e Chica go Sy mph ony
Orchestra led by D a ni e l
Barenboim. Sh e has mad e so lo
d eb ut s w ith the Chi cag o
Symphony at Rav inia u nder
Eri ch Kunzel, Chi cago Opera
Thea ter, Milwaukee Symphony
Orchestra, MSU Sy mphon y
Orc h es tr a, Grant Park Music
Fest iv al , Rac kham Symp h o n y
Cho ir , D etr oit Sy mphon y
Orc hestra , Michigan Op e ra
Th ea tr e , La nca ste r F estiva l , Chi cago land Pop s Orchestra and Li vent amo n g other s. Ms
Tenor Victor Trent Cook , native New Yorker, Brooklyn bo rn , b ega n singing at the age of three in his h ome church , the House of David. After dis cove ring hi s uniq u e tale n t, h e beg a n his musical training at the Brooklyn Boys' Chorus Sch oo l under the dir ec tion o f J ames McCa rth y and continu ed his stud y at the High Schoo l of Music and Art s. Vict or 's Broadwa y and o ffBroadway cred its includ e Th e Haggadah, Romance in Hard Times , Don 't G et God Started, Street Corner Symphony, an d Starmites. He is most nota bl y known for his 1995 Tony Awa rd nomination in Smokey Joe 's Cafe. He ha s toured throu gh out J apan wi th Harlem Symphony and Europe with Body and Sou l , and m ost recently app ea red in Rodger s and H ammerstein's Cinderella , s tarring Earth a Kit. For tel ev ision , M r. Cook 's credits include All My Children, Ryan's Hop e, Th e Days and N ig hts of Mo lly Dodd as we ll as va riou s co mm e r c ials. Fi lm cre dit s includ e Hangin g with Th e Hom eboys and Starlight. As a so loi st , h e ha s per form ed at the W hit e H ouse, J ohn F. Kenn edy Ce nt er, Avery Fi sher H a ll and Boston Sympho n y Hall , with co ndu ctors includ in g Z ubin Me ht a, Leo nard Bernstein and Seiji Ozawa. He
Tenor Rodri c k Di xon ha s a pp eare d on s tage an d in co n cert in a variety of dramatic role s w hich e ncompa ss th e repertoire of opera, contemporar y o p era, orato ri o, concert/rec ital, musi cal theater an d tel evision Mr Dixon's televis ion cre dit s includ e PB S special s Thre e Mo' Tenors, My Favorite Love Songs, th e Mark Tw ain Awards h onoring
W h oopie Go ldb e r g at th e Kennedy Center in Wa shington D.C., The Tony Awards and NBC's Today Sh ow. Mr. Dixons pr in c i pal opera ti c d e but s includ e t h e Lyr ic Opera of C hi cago, Portland Ope ra , Co lumb u s Op era and Virgini a Opera, as we ll as Mich ig an O p era Th eatre. He ha s p erformed as a co ncert so loist in Europ e at the Chate le Thea tre in Franc e, and the Be ttona Symp hony in Italy. U.S. co ncert debuts includ e the Chicago Sy mphony Orc h est r a at Ravini a, Den ve r Symp h ony and Co n cordia Sy mphony at Lin co ln Cent er, Wheeling Sy mphon y an d E l gin Sym ph ony. Mr. Dixon ea rned rave reviews for h is Dame Myra Hess Memorial Con cert Broadc as t h onor in g Roland Ha yes on WFMT-FM in Chicago. Mr. Di xo n ha s perform ed as tenor so loist for the popu l ar Do-It-YourselfMessiah at Orc h estra Hall (S ymphon y Center) and Ly ri c Opera in C hicago. H e co mpl ete d a natio n a l rec it a l to ur for Community Concerts with soprano Alfre da Burke in 20 01. Mr. Di xo n 's musical
Victor Trent Cook , Rod Dixon and Thomas Young comprise the group Cook, D i x on & Young , form erly kn own as the Three Mo' Teno r s. Th e group combines the talents of three of the most m agnificent and versatile tenors in th e world toda y. Th ese t enor s hit th ose Cs in opera, belt out Bro adway, b end and sca t n o tes in jazz an d s tir your so ul with haunting gosp el and spiritu als W ith each new style, the y' r e comp l e tel y at hom e. Look for th eir newe s t album , entitled Cook , Dixon & Young Volum e One , availab le on RCA Victo r
Rackham Symphony Choir is pleas ed this year to add th e Family Day p erformanc e of Too Hot To Handel. Th e Saturday, D ece mber 9, 2006, 2:00 p.m. matin ee p erformanc e is dedicated to famili es and includes a qu es tion and answ er session with artists folloWing the p e rforman ce. It is open to a ll tick e t-holding patrons and is fr ee of charge. Th e session will tak e plac e in th e auditorium immediately folloWing the p erformanc e.
CD R ecording of Too Hot Too Handel availab le at
Suzanne Mallare Acton, Musical and Artistic Director
Melissa Mengden Bunker, Administrative Director
Ray Litt , President
Roger Nelson, Vice President
Susan A. Fox , Sec r etary
Thoma s Cucuzza , Treasurer
Carolina Andrakovich
Ardith Arne ll e
Elizabeth Arsov
Sonya Ashton-Hardy
Victoria Bigelow*
Kathy Boettcher
MaryAnn Carroll
J oan Crawford
Susan Cuc u zza
Laura DeSanto
Connie Ran dall
Brenda Redding
Ruth Seranian
RoseMarie Skrzynski
Carla Sledge
Beth Smi th
Kimberly Smith
Deborah Webb
Robin Weidinger
Anamaria Ylizaliturri
Iris Diop Alto
Edith Faires
Julie Fiorani
Emily Gay
Avital Granot
Conda Green
Cydney Higgins
Leslie Ann Hochadel
Sa lly Lawton
Bettie Lyons
Genna Moon
Christin e Pelot
Maureen Ab ele
Beth Adams
Lisa Adams
Fre,n Bachmann
Deborah Dailey
Emily Eichenhorn
Lou ise Fisher*
Susan A. Fox
Yvonne Friday
Krystal Hubbard
Patricia Minnick
Susan Cucuzza
William A. Day
Emily Eichenhorn
J effr ey L. Fritz
Gary Hasley
Nancy Nelson
Diane Oliver-Page
Sarah Piper
Patricia Stewart
Linda Van Buren
Ruth Zaromp
Philip Abele
Michael Boettcher
Fred Buchalter
Byron Burbank
Patrick Clampitt
Nate Clements
Joseph Dluzniewski
Eddie Dunn
J eff Fritz
Donald Gay
Clarence Jones
Jeff Krueger*
Jim Moore
Jane t Oakes
Clifton Shaw
Nat h an Head
Pat Minnick
Mary Lu Robertson
Paul Silver
J ohn Wickey
Steve Stewa rt
Jo e Toth
Harry Williams
Julius Becker
Tim Cho lyway
Douglas Cox
Tom Cucuzza
Tim Doty*
Gary H asley
Ray Litt
Homer Matthews
Steven P. Pejuan
Anthony Ruda
Laverne Schenk
Alan Se bastian
Bud Uhl
Dean Unick
Will Yeats
*Sec tion Leader
Violin I
Charlott e Merkerson
Velda Kelly
Bryan Johnston
Caro l Evans
Beth Kirton
Violin II
Victoria Haltom
Brooke Hoplamazian
Molly Hugh es
Henrik Karapetyan
Ann a Weller
Monica J ackson
Kathleen Grimes
Barbara Zmich
Na dine Deleury
Diane Bredesen
Minka Christoff
J ohn Iatzko
Derek Weller
Russell Mallare
George Benson
David Kuehn
Gordon Sim mons
Maurice Davis
Edward Gooch
Maury Okun
Greg Near
Leona rdo Soto
Donnie Lewis
Alvin Waddles
Fred R. Hughes , Jr.
Bass (E lec tric Stand Up)
Marion Hayden
Electric Bass
James Simonson
Electric Guitar
Robert Tye
Detroit Federation of Ernest Rodgers
Jose Mallare
Drum Set
David Taylor
Musicians Lo cal # 5
John Madison
American Federation of Scott Stefanko
Carrie Banfield
Katherine Widlar
Kelly Daniels
George Frideric Handel was on a roll in the sp ring of 1742 , when he premiered his grea t Oratorio: the Messiah. It was reported in the Dublin Joumal by an anonymous cri ti c th at: 'On Tuesday la st Mr. Handel's Sacred Grand Oratorio , the Messiah, was performed at the New Music-Hall in Fishamble Street. The Sublime, the Grand, and the Te nder, adapted to th e most elevated, majestik and mo v ing Words, conspired to transport and charm the ravished Heart and Ear.'
Fast forward two hundred and sixty-four yea rs , and Handel 's Messiah is one of the most performed and popular choral works, performed and appreciated by audiences all over the globe. Instantly recognizable is the "Hallelujah Chorus " which always gets people on th eir feet during performances of the Messiah.
It is exactly that sense of exci tement that prompted conductor Marin A l sop to suggest giving Handel 's Messiah a new twis t. Too Hot To Handel grew from an idea to fruition in th e hands of Alsop's colleagues: Gary Anderson and Bob Christianson, who recreated thi s gospeUjazz adaptation of th e Messiah in 1992. The sensa tional new appeal of Too Hot To Handel has been met with the same enthusiasm as it was when the ink was fresh in 1742
Marin Alsop, in co ll aboration with Anderson and Christianson , envisioned
Messiah in a way that captures a fresh ' feel' and thrill , while s till retaining Handel 's original musical intent.
"It s a great story, but I also think that it requires some kind of audience participation. It becomes an active list e ning experience, when yo u 're allowed to stan d up or clap yo ur hands ," says Alsop, who wanted to rela x the perception of a quiet, polite classical audience and turn the performance into a partiCipatory event. The creative team of Alsop-AndersonC hri stianson decided their adaptation would e ncompass jazz, gospel, rock and funk - to "break the classical sound barrier. " The result is a swinging performance of the traditional oratorio'*
Ra c kham Symphony Choir 's Music Director and cond uc tor Suzanne Ma ll are Acton knew, after h eari ng Too Hot To Handel for th e first time, that it would be so mething extraordinary for th e choir to perform She also knew that she co uld tap into th e wealth of ta l e nt in the D e troit music co mmunity, esp ec ially drawing from Detroit 's uniqu e jazz hi s tor y to shape the performance with Detroit style and jazzy flare.
Maestra Acton s u gges t s a udi e nc e memb ers listen for these musical elements :
The basic m elodic and harmonic outline of the Messiah is imitated throughout the piece.
music- a practice that was common during Handel s time. In Too Hot To Handel, thi s improvisatory style was extended freely to include scat, bends , backb ea ts , gospel and jazz impro v, etc.-even improvis atio ns b y va rious instrumentalists (not limit ed to jus t th e voice ).
The us e of th e figur e d ba ss in the continuo part from Handel 's Messiah is no w trans formed to the impro visatio n by the pianist and organiSt.
"Th e Peop le That Walked in Da rkne ss " , which incidentally is su ng by th e bass so loist , is realized in Too Hot To Handel to include the "wa lking b ass" line playe d b y the jazz bass.
The re citatives with their improvisatory style in Messiah have b een expanded to shout and response improvisations over a gospel organ and piano accompaniment.
The u se of the drum set is actually a natural progression from the metrical music of Messiah.
While certainly a new way of looking at the centuries-old classic, Too Hot To Handel keeps all the elements of Handel 's work intact while adding a new twist. The result is that Too Hot To Handel is in reality a tribute to Handel 's masterpiece.
*Excerpts are copyright ©2 006 Ella M Fredrickson for TOO HOT, LLC
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Th ere is much ornamentation of the
Chorus Master
Suzanne Mallare Acton, Michigan Opera Th ea tr e's Chorus Master and Assista nt Music Director, is recognized for her versatility and dynamic style from the concert hall to the opera stage. Conducting credits include We st Side Story, II Barbiere di Siviglia, Music Man , Pirates of Penzance, Mikado, Daughter of the Regiment, and Die Fledermaus for Michigan Opera Theatre , My Fair Lady and La Traviata for Dayton Opera, Merry Widow and Madama Butterfly for Artpark, and Tosca for Augusta Opera. As Artistic DirectorlMusic Director for Rackham Symphony Choir: Carmina Burana, African Sanctus, Too Hot to Handel , and Amahl and the Night Visitors.
Lighting Designer, Porgy and Bess
DeSigner Marie Barrett has been lighting opera for two decades , making her Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Lighting Designer for Porgy and Bess. Ms. Barrett has designed for many opera companies including San Diego Opera, Houston Grand Opera, Los Ange les Opera, Florida Grand Opera, the Bastille in Paris, and the Seattle, Minnesota, Pittsburgh , Tulsa, and Fort Worth Operas. Ms. Barrett has worked with many noteworthy directors including Jonathan Miller (Tosca , The Rise and Fall of Mahoganny, The Mikado), Andre Serban (The Fiery Angel), and Micha.el Hampe (Die Zauberflote, Un Ballo in Maschera, Der Rosenkavalier) Recent career highlights include well-received product ions of Turandot (the Southwest premiere of the new ending by Luciano Berio), Katya Kabanova (San Diego) , Un Ballo in Maschera (Canadian Opera Company), and Salome for Fort Worth Opera. Upcoming productions include Di e Fledermaus and Un Ballo in Maschera for San Francisco Opera and The Barber of Seville for the Dallas Opera
Detroit Opera House
Detective, Porgy and Bess
American artist John Biedenbach returns to Michigan Opera Theatre for the first time since debuting as Detective in the company's 1998 production of Porgy and Be ss He reprises this role in 2006. Mr. Biedenbach has performed with many Detroit -area theatres, including Plowshares, Jet, Attic , Detroit Repertory and Meadowbrook Theatre.
Crown, Porgy and Bess (22m, 28, 3,5m)
American baritone Timothy Blevins makes his Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Crown in Porgy and Bess. Mr. Blevins has previously performed this ro le with the New York City Opera and Virginia Opera. Additional operatic highlights include Le Nozze di Figaro with To ledo Opera and Virginia Opera, Carmen with Connecticut Opera and the world premiere of Amistad with the Lyric Opera of Chicago. Mr. Blevins was recently featured in the soundtrack of Disney's animated feature Home on the Range, and will also be fea tured in the company's soon-to-be-released Enchangted , singing the ro le of Steel Drum Player.
Strawberry Woman (21,22,25,27, 28, 29, 2, 4, 5) and Lily, Porgy and Bess
American soprano Alaina Brown returns to the Detroit Opera House stage as Strawberry Woman and Lily in Porgy and Bess. Ms. Brown made her Michigan Opera Theatre debut in this ro le in 1998 , and has since performed with the company several times, including as Marianne in Der
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Rosenkavalier (2000) and as Inez in II Trovatore (2002). A Michigan native, Ms. Brown was named Top Vocalist in Michigan High Schools by the Michigan Schoo l Vocal Music Association in 1992. She is a graduate of the Interlochen Arts Academy, and also the Eastman Schoo l of Music She has appeared on stages throughout North America and Europe, and is a frequent guest so loist with the Rackham Symphony Choir, the Macomb Symphony and many others.
Bess, Porgy and Bess (22m, 28, 3, 5m)
American soprano Janinah Burnett has gained acclaim for both her dramatic and vocal abi li ties, in ro les ranging from Pamina in The Magic Flute, to Mimi in Baz Luhrman 's adaptation of La Boheme Ms Burnett makes her Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Bess, a role which she has performed, most recently, on tour of Austria, Sweden and Japan with New York Harlem Productions. Other recent engagements include La Boheme with Baltimore Opera and La Traviata with Augusta Opera and Opera Columbus. In addition to singing on the operatic stage, Ms. Burnett is a member of the sister group to Three Mo ' Tenors , entitled the Three Mo ' Divas, and performs frequentl y in concert .
Coroner, Porgy and Bess
American artist Fred Buchalter has performed in more than 50 Michigan Opera Theatre productions, as a member of the Michigan Opera Theatre Chorus. He has also performed the roles of Emperor Altoum in Turandot and Coroner in Porgy and Bess - a role he repeats in 2006. Other recent engagements include Brooklyn Boy and Hello Muddah Hello Fadduh, both with the J ewish Ensemble Theatre. Mr. Buchalter also recently performed Too Hot To Handel and Voices of BRAVO 31
Light with the Rackham Symphony Choir. In 2007, Mr. Buchalter wi ll perform in the world premiere of Ted Herstand's It Should Be at the Jet Theatre.
Dr. Bartolo, The Barber of Seville American bass-baritone, Ja so n Budd returns to Michigan Opera Theatre for the first time since hi s debut in To sca in 2005 Recent engagements includ e Le Nozze di Figaro in Toledo, Th e Barber of Seville in Cleveland, and Tosca and Salome both with Orlando Opera.
Later this season Mr. Budd will travel to Greenvi ll e, for Don Giovanni, and return to Orlando, for Madame Butterfly and The Pirates of Penzance.
Clara, Porgy and Bess
American soprano Alyson Cambridge makes her Mic hi gan Opera Theatre debut as Clara in Porgy and Bess. Grand prize winner of The Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions in 2003, Ms. Cambridge has sin ce studied in The Met's Lindemann Young Artist Development Program, performing as Gianetta in the compa ny 's production of [ Elisir d'Amore, and as Flowermaiden in Parsifal. Other recent engagements includ e Clara in Washington Nationa l Opera's premiere of Porgy and Bess, Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni with Portland Opera Repertory Theatre and Countess Almaviva in Le Nozze di Figaro with Wolf Trap Opera.
Maria, Porgy and Bess
Ame ri can mezzo soprano Sabrina
Elayne Carten makes her Michigan Opera
Theatre debut as Maria in Porgy and Bess. Ms. Carten has performed a variety of roles in this opera, but is most acclaimed for her portrayal of Maria, with which she
debuted at the New Orleans Opera and the New York City Opera. Ms. Carten also ap p eared in the Live From Lincoln Center broadcast of Porgy and Bess on PBS, in Marc h of 2002 Ms. Carten has performed extensively as a so loist, and also performs frequently in musical theater productions, includin g a recent national tour of Showboat.
Stage Director, The Barber of Seville
Italian stage director Mario Corradi returns to Michigan Opera Theatre to stage The Barber of Seville, his six teenth production with the company Having made his Michigan Opera Theatre debut with Carmen, 1996, Mr. Corradi has returned to Detroit annually, directing productions ranging from Werther to A Masked Ball, Rigoletto and Faust among others. Most recently Mr. Corradi dir ected the company's production of Norma, last fall. Mr. Corradi has direc ted productions in many o f the world's great opera houses and theatres, including Teatro Regio in Parm a, The Nationa l Opera of the Ukraine, as well as with countless opera companies throughout the United States. H aving previously been an assistant to the acclaim ed J ean- Pi erre Ponnelle, he made his professional directorial debut in 1982.
Rosina, The Barber of Seville (11,15,18)
It alian mezzo soprano Manuela Custer makes her Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Rosina in The Barber of Seville Ms. Custer has performed on many of Europe 's great stages, including Teatro Regio in Elisabetta regina d'Inghilterra and Le Nozze di Figaro, Theatre des Ch amps-Elysees in Orlando Finto pazzo and also at the Edinburgh International Festival in Zelmira Ms. Custer can also be heard on numerous recordings, including La rimembranza, La partenza, II primo dolce affanno, [esule di Granata , Pia de' Tolomei, Elisabetta regina d'Inghilterra
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
and Zelmira for Ope ra Rara , Juditha Triumphans for Warner Fonit and Arminio for Virgin Classics. Ms. Cus ters upcoming engagements include It aliana in Algeri at the Opera de Toulon, a recording of Mercadante's Maria Stuart for Opera Rara , Falstaff, Les contes d'Hoffmann and II Barbiere di Sivig li a at the Teatro Regio in Turin , It aly
Bess, Porgy and Bess (21,25, 27, 29m, 2, 4)
American soprano Lisa Daltirus returns to Mic hi gan Opera Theatre for the 2006 fall opera season to sing Bess in Porgy and Bess. Most r ecently, Ms Da ltiru s appea red on the Detroit Opera House stage as Ai da , last April. She made her company debut singing the title ro le in Tosca, in 2005. Ms. Daltirus' oth er recent engagements includ e II Trovatore in H artford and Tosca in Minneapolis. Upcoming engagements include Serena in Porgy and Bess with the Opera Company 0; Philadelphia , as well as a debut with the Seatt le Opera in three roles ; Tosca , Aida and Madame Lid Jin e in The Dialogues of the Carmelites
Lighting Designer, Th e Barber of Seville
Lighting Designer Jeff Davis recently designed Vivaldi 's Ercol e suI Termondonte for the Spo leto Festival in Spo leto, Italy Mr. Davis was the Resident Lighting Designer for New Yo r k City OJ:era from 1991 through 1996, and designed over 20 new productions including Mathis der Maler, Regina, Th e Dreyfus Affair, Harvey Milk , Cavall eria RusticanalPagliacci, 110 in the Shade, the Emmy Award-winning Live From Lincoln Center broadcasts of La Boheme and La Traviata, and the world premieres of Marilyn, Esther, Griffe lk in , and The Dreyfus Affair. Mr Davis designed Der Jasager and Die Burgschaft for Pittsburgh Opera Theatre and The Eternal Road at Lincoln Center. He h as also design ed for th e opera companies of Detroit OpE.ra House
Philadelphia, Portland, Indianapolis, Virginia, Sarasota, Chautauqua, Washington , D.C., and Quebec. Mr. Davis' design work has also included the Broadway productions of the Duke Ellington musica l Play On!, The Mask of Moriarty, Born Yesterday, The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940, Death of a Salesman, I Never Sang for My Father, Blues in the Night , and the New Shanghai Circus. For television, Jeff has designed One Life to Live (ABC), Great Performances and Live From Lincoln Center, both for PBS.
Costume Designer, Porgy and Bess
American costume designer Judy Dearing created numerous productions on and off Broadway, as well as for the operatic stage. She served as a professor of design at Howard University, and also as resident designer at the Crossroads Theatre, the University of Texas Drama Department, the New Federal Theatre and the Negro Ensemble Company A Tony Award nominee for Once On This Island, 1991, Ms. Dearing was recipient of nine Audelco Awards, a 19 85 Obie Award and a 1988 Beverly HillslHollywood NAACP Image Award , among other accolades. Ms. Dearing passed away in 1996, shortly after the premiere of H ouston Grand Opera 's Porgy and Bess.
Annie, Porgy and Bess
American mezzo soprano Leah Dexter makes her Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Annie in Porgy and Bess. A Michigan native, Ms. Dexter holds both bachelor 's and master 's degrees in music from the University of Michigan She has performed with the University of Michigan Opera, Toledo Opera, Motor City Lyric Opera, New Opera Festiva l of Rome and the Brevard Music Cente r , among others. Recent engagements include a debut wi th Opera Theatre of St. Louis as Mae Jones in Street Scene, a performance as featured soloist with the
Detroit Opera House
Charles Ives Music Festival in Ann Arbor and Voices of Light with the Rackham Symphony Choir and Orchestra. Upcoming engagements include a reprise of her solo performance with the Charles Ives Music Festival and also Waiting Woman with the Motor City Lyric Opera.
Set Designer, Porgy and Bess
American artist Kenneth Foy has designed numerous multi-media productions for Houston Grand Opera, including Carmen, Madama Butterfly and Porgy and Bess. Mr. Foy has designed for many of the nation's great opera companies, as well as for Broadway and touring productions. Most recently, he designed a new rock & roll production of Romeo and Juliet, written and directed by Terrance Mann. He also recently provided art direction for the Emmy award winning Pulitzer Prize documentary Moment of Impact. Mr. Foy is currently preparing new national tours of My Fair Lady and a new musical based on the Doctor Dolittle stories, written and composed by Leslie Bricusse.
Jim, Porgy and Bess / Fiorello and Sergeant, The Barber of Seville
American baritone John Fulton makes his Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Jim in Porgy and Bess, and app ears in two roles, Fiorello and Sergeant , in The Barber of Seville Formerly an Artist Apprentice with the Central City Opera, Mr. Fulton has performed with opera companies throughout the United States, including II Barbiere di Siviglia and La Ii'aviata with Opera Colorado , Le Nozze di Figaro with Opera Theater of the Rockies and , most recently, Madama Butterfly and Hansel und Gretel with Berkshire Opera in Massachusetts. Mr. Fulton also performed the role of Robert Garner in Cincinnati Opera's community outreach performances of Margaret Garner
Frazier, Porgy and Bess
American baritone Ivan Griffin makes his Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Frazier in Porgy and Bess. Mr. Griffin has performed with numerous opera companies, including the Great Lakes Lyric Opera, Buffalo Opera Unlimited, South Carolina Opera Theatre, Western New York Opera Theatre and Oswego Opera Theatre. Mr. Griffin has also performed as a guest soloist with the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra, South Carolina Philharmonic, Augusta Symphony, Toledo Symphony and Flint Symphony Orchestra, among others.
Porgy, Porgy and Bess (21,25,27, 29m, 2, 4)
American baritone Gordon Hawkins returns to the Detroit Opera House stage for the first time since Rigoletto , 2004 , as Porgy in Porgy and Bess. Mr. Hawkins made his Michigan Opera Theatre debut in this role in 1998 Mr. Hawkins performs frequently with lea ding opera companies, both in North America and abroad Recent engagements include Das Rheingold with Washington Opera, Macbeth and The Ring Cycle with Seattle Opera, Les Contes d'Hoffman in Tokyo and II Trittico in Dusseldorf , Germany Upcoming engagements include The Ring Cycle with Washington Opera, Rigoletto with Opera Carolina, Samson et Dalilah with Opera Ontario and Aida with Houston Grand Op e ra and Cincinnati Opera.
Nelson/Crab Man, Porgy and Bess
American tenor Bernard D. Holcomb , a Detroit native , makes his Michigan Opera Theatre main stage debut as Nelson and Crab Man in Porgy and Bess. Previously, Mr. Holcomb has sung principal roles with the Michigan Opera Theatre Department of Community Programs ' summer Opera Workshop. Mr. Holcomb has performed in several Eastman Opera Theatre productions, including Sweeney Todd, East and We st and La Rondine , among others. Mr. Holcomb recently made his European debut singing with the Oberlin in Italy program.
Figaro, The Barber of Seville (11,15,18)
Baritone Dalibor jenis makes his Michigan Opera Theatre debut in the title role of Rossini 's The Barber of Seville, a role he has performed at such houses as the Pesaro Festival , Vienna Staatsoper, and the Teatro Municipal de Chile amongst others. Recent engagements include, A Masked Ball with the Deutche Oper in Berlin, Lucia di Lammermoor in San Diego and Madama Butterfly in Barcelona. Future engagements include a return to Cincinnati Opera and Covent Garden in Faust, the title role in Eugene Onegin in Hamburg and Madama Butterfly in Vienna. Mr. jenis ' interpretation of the Barber can be seen on a recently released DVD from a performance taped at the Paris Opera Bastille.
Policeman, Porgy and Bess
American actor Keith Allan Kalinowski makes his Michigan Opera
Theatre debut as a policeman in Porgy and Bess. A graduate of Wayne State University, Mr. Kalinowski has performed with many of Detroit 's theater troupes ,
including Planet Ant Theatre , the Zeitgeist Theatre , and Plowshares Theatre Company
Strawberry Woman, Porgy and Bess (3)
Soprano Betty Lane is a native Detroiter who has the distinction of being the first American to win Le Premier Grand Prix in Le Concours
International de Chant in Toulouse , France. She has appeared in a wide variety of performance venues including the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Santa Fe Opera , Orchestre de Toulouse , St. Cecelia Chorus and Orchestra, Houston Grand Opera, American Symphony, Frankfurt Opera, Victoria Symphony Canada , Toulouse Opera and many others. Ms. Lane can be heard in the role of Clara on the "Grammy" award winning RCA Victor original cast recording of Houston Grand Opera 's Broadway revival of Gershwin 's Porgy and Bess As a Singing Voice Specialist and active member of The Voice Foundation, she is an independent voice consultant for Detroit 's Henry Ford Hospital Medical Center for the Performing Artist. At Michigan Opera Theatre , Ms. Lane is Operations Manager for the Department of Community Programs, a member of the voice team for the Learning at the Opera House vocal arts program and a performing artist with the Michigan Opera Theatre Touring Company
Conductor, Porgy and Bess American maestro Steven Mercurio returns to Michigan Opera Theatre as conductor for Porgy and Bess, his thirteenth production with the company Mr. Mercurio debuted with the company conducting Tosca, in 1995, and most recently led the Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra for La Boheme , in 2005. The internationally acclaimed conductor and composer is a frequent guest of many of the world 's great opera companies and symphonies, having conducted more than forty-five different
operas in six languages. In the U.S. , Mr. Mercurio has appeared with San Francisco Opera, Washington Opera , Opera Company of Philadelphia, Florida Grand Opera and Opera Pacific , among others. Mr. Mercurio has also conducted for several television broadcasts, and on numerous recordings. His latest recording, a compilation of his own vocal compositions, features notable artists including Andrea Bocelli , Sumi j 0, Marcello Giordani , Gino Quilico , Ana Maria Martinez and Rolando Villazon and was just been released on the SonylBMG Masterworks label.
Set Designer, The Barber of Seville
Set designer Allen Moyer is a graduate of New York University Tisch School of the Arts, and has designed numerous productions of opera and musical theatre. His credits include Carmen for the Seattle Opera , Salsiuedos for the Houston Grand Opera , Nixon in China for Opera Theatre of St. Louis, Cosi fan tutte for Santa Fe Opera and Le nozze di Figaro for Dallas Opera, among many others.
Conductor, The Barber of Seville
Italian maestro Edoardo Muller returns to Michigan Opera Theatre to lead the Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra in The Barb er of Seville. Mr. Muller last appeared with the company as conductor of Aida in Concert , featuring Luciano Pavarotti, in 2000. Mr. Muller made his American Opera debut in 1980, and has since conducted productions with many of the nation 's leading companies. He has been a frequent guest at the Metropolitan Opera, first for II Barbiere Di Siviglia and most recently for La Cenerentola. Upcoming American engagements include La Cenerentola with Houston Grand Opera , II Trovatore and Le Nozze di Figaro in San Diego.
Count Almaviva, The Barber oj Seville
Japanes e tenor Yasu Nakajima makes his Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Count Almaviva in Th e Barber of Seville. In 2001, Mr. Nakajima became the first Japanese member accepted into the Accademia of the Teatro alla Scala. To date , he has appeared with La Scala in Der Rosenkavalier, La Bohem e and the title role in Donizetti's Ugo, Cont e di Parigi. Other rece nt engagements include The Barb er of Seville in Verona and Lucia di Lammermoor in Toronto and Boston Future engagements will see Mr. Nakajima travel to Frankfurt for Rossini 's II Viaggio a Reims, Le Comte Ory in Tenerife and a return to Toronto for more performances of The Barb er of Seville
Basilio, The Barber oj Seville
American bass baritone Jamie Offenbach returns to Michigan Opera Theatre as Basilio in The Barber of Seville, having debut ed with the company in Don Giovanni, 2003. Mr. Offenbach ha s appeared frequently with Los Angeles Opera, and has also recently performed Th e Mikado, Rigoletto and Tasca with Hawa ii Opera Theatre, LItaliana in Algeri with Santa Barbara Opera and La Tra viata and Le Nozze di Figaro with Opera Pacific. Mr. Offenbach has also performed extensively in musica l theater , as both a dancer and singer, on and off Broadwa y, and on national tours. Mr. Offenbach can also be heard on Angel Records ' recording of Gershwin's Blu e Monday.
Rosina, The Barber oj Seville (l2m, 17)
Mezzo soprano j ossie Perez makes her Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Rosina in Th e Barb er of Seville. A winner of the National Council Auditions at the Metropolitan Opera, among other accolades, Ms. Perez performs frequentl y with American opera companies and abroad. Rec ent engagements include La Clemenza
Detroit Opera House
di Tito in Barcelona and w ith th e Washington Nationa l Opera, LItaliana in Algeri with Opera Pacific , Mitridate in Granada and concert performances of the Mozart Requie m in Madison, Wisconsin Upcoming engagements include Carmen at the Saito Kinen Festiva l and also with Portland Opera and Opera Pacific.
A Woman, Porgy and Bess / Berta, The Barber oj Seville
American soprano Alfrelynn Roberts makes her Michigan Opera Theatre debut as A Woman, in Porgy and Bess. Ms. Roberts has appeared frequently with the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra, as well as the Battle Creek Symphony and Opera Grand Rapids Ms. Roberts made her Lyric Opera of Chicago debut in the world premiere production of Amistad. Additional operatic credits include Th e Medium and Hansel and Gretel. Ms. Roberts ' up co ming engagements in clude Cirque de Symphony for Kids with the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra and Beetho ve n 's Ninth Symphony with the Battle Creek Symphony
Count Almaviva, The Barber oj Seville (l2m, 17)
American tenor Victor Ryan Robertson makes his Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Count Almaviva in Th e Barb er of Seville. Recent engagements include a much-acclaimed appearance at Ro ya l Albert Hall in London , as Rodolfo in La Boh eme, the tit le role in Les Contes d'Hoffmann and Edgardo in Lucia di Lamm er moor with Dallas Opera and Rodolfo in Baz Luhrman 's adaptat ion of La Boh eme in Los Angeles. Upcoming engagements will see Mr. Robertson perform Tybalt in Romeo et Juli ett e with Atlanta Opera, Sportin Life in ,,,,
Porgy and Bess with the Los Angeles Opera, as well as a concert with the Richard Tucker Foundation and Cleveland Opera called A Night of Rising Stars Mr. Robertson also performs as a member of Three Mo ' Tenors.
Jake, Porgy and Bess
American baritone Leonard Rowe makes his Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Jake in Porgy and Bess. Mr. Rowe has previously performed with the Grand Rapids Opera and the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, as well as with numerous opera companies and symphonies in the U.S. and abroad. Recent engagements include titl e- role performances of Porgy and Be ss with New York City Opera, and in Berlin, Amsterdam and Munich. Mr. Rowe also recent ly performed the role of Jake with the Nashville Symphony for a recording of the opera released on the Decca label in Sep t ember 2006. Upcoming engagements will take Mr. Rowe to New York for performances with the Buffalo Symphony, and later to Tel Aviv to perform with The Israel Kibb utz Orchestra.
Figaro, The Barber oj Seville (l2m, 17)
Italian baritone Gianpiero Ruggeri made his Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Guglielmo in the company's 2000 production of Cosi fan tutte. For 2006 , he returns as Figaro in The Barb er of Seville. A graduate of the Rossini Conservatotry of Pesaro , Mr. Ruggeri has performed ex tensively in Europe. Recent engagements include Don Giovanni at Teatro di San Carlo di N apoli , La Cenerentola at Teatro Comunale di Bologna and Loccasione fa illadro at the Rossini Festival. Following his appearances in Detroit, Mr. Ruggeri will return to Europe, singing II cappello di paglia di Firenze in Bari , Ital y
Serena, Porgy and Bess
(2 1,25,27, 29m, 2, 4)
Angela Simpso n r eturns to Michigan Opera Theatre for the first time si n ce performing Cilia in Margaret Garner, 2005 , as Serena in Porgy and Bess. Ms. Simpson made her debut with the co mp any in thi s role , in 1998.
Recent engagements includ e the role of Cilia in Margaret Garner with Opera Carolina and Serena in Porgy and Bess with the Washington Opera. Future engagements includ e Porgy and Bess with the Los Angeles Opera and performances of the title role of Aida in Germany
Stage Director; Porgy and Bess
Acclaime d stage director Roman Terleckyj has enjoyed a long history with Michigan Opera Theatre, including stage direct ion for eight productions, principal role performances in three and a term as Assis tant to the General Director from 1971-1975. Mr , Terleckyj made his performance debut wi th the compan y in Cosi Fan Tutt e, 1972, and debuted as a director with La Boh eme in 1988. Most recently, he directed Th e Flying Dutchman in 1997 . Mr. Terleckyj also se r ve d as assistant to composer Gian Ca rl o Menotti for many yea rs , coo rdinating all producti on d eta ils for Mr. Menotti 's composit ions , and wo rking closely with th e Maestro on all pha ses of the Spo leto Festivals in Italy, the United States and Aust ralia. He has held administrative and artistic positions with numerous arts organizations, including the Civic Opera of the Palm Beaches , the Wolf Trap Foundation, the Santa Fe Opera and the Washington Opera. Mr. Terleckyj curren tl y serves as Vice Presid ent for Artistic Planning at the John F Kennedy Ce nt er for the Performing Arts in Washington D.C , where he ha s work ed, in varying capacities, sin ce 1997.
Undertaker; Porgy and Bess
American bass baritone David Vaughn make s hi s Michigan Opera Theatre debut as the Undertaker in Porgy and Be ss. A former student of Dr. Donald Hartmann at Eastern Michigan University, Mr Vaughn is becoming we llkn own in Sou theastern Michigan , for exceptional performances as a soloist with orchestras, church choirs and large choral ensembles. Additionally, Mr. Vaughn has performed principal roles in operatic productions ranging from Amahl and the Night Visitors and Gallantry , with Arbor Opera Theatre to Le Nozze di Figaro with EMU Opera Workshop. Mr. Va ughn performs with the Rackham Symphony Choir, and is also a member of the Michigan Opera Th eatre Chorus.
Peter; Porgy and Bess
American tenor Demarcus Weathersby makes hi s Michigan Opera Theatre debut as Peter in Porgy and Bess. Mr. Weathersby has performed in numerous operas and musical theat er productions , including Carmen, The Barber of Seville and Th e Magic Flute, with the University of Southern Mississippi. Mr. Weathersby also toured Spain in 2003 and 2005, performin g as a soloist with the Triumph Ministries Chorus. Future engagement s include a tour of Jamaica with Triumph Ministries as we ll as recital performances in Jackson and Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Robbins , Porgy and Bess
Marlin Monroe Williford d ebuted with Michigan Opera Theatre as Peter in the company's 1998 production of Porgy and Bess. A Detroit native, Mr. Williford was also one of Michigan Opera Theatre 's Barbara Gibson Young Artist Apprentices durin g the 199 8 season. Mr. Williford ha s performed in numerous professional opera productions, including Falstaff with the Di capo Theater, Il Tabarro with The Vertical Player Repertory Theat er and Aspen Opera Theater, La Traviata with New Jersey Verismo Opera and A Bayou Legend b y William Grant Still, with the Great Lakes Lyric Opera.
Min go, Porgy and Bess
Tenor Lonel Woods, a native Chicagoan , made his Michigan Opera Thea tre d eb ut in the role of Parpignol in the company's 2005 production of La Boh em e. Mr. Woods also perform ed th e role of Messenger , in the 2006 production of Aida. He returns to the Detroit Opera House stage for the fall 2006 seaso n as Mingo in Porgy and Bess. Previous operatic performances includ e : Lord Cec il in Donizetti 's Rob erto Deveraux , and Federico in Verdi's Stiffelio , with Washington Concert Opera; and the roles of Atilano , in Don a Fran cisquita and Th e Second Duelsman , in Dangerous Liaisons with The Washington Na tional Opera. Mr. Woods ' recently performed Alfredo in La Traviata with the Bay View Music Festival and also won the Adrian Boyer Concerto Competition. Upcoming engage m ent s include Gianni Schicchi with the Verdi Opera Theatre of Michigan and Hand el's Messiah with the Landon Symp h ony in Washington D.C Mr. Woods is curre ntly pursuing a Docto r ate of Musical Arts at the University of Michigan.
Violin I Vio l a Flu te
Charlotte Merkerson *t John Madison*t
Concertmaster Scott Stefankot
Laura Roelofst Kathleen Grimest
Ass istan t Barbara lmich t
Tru mpets GuitarlBa njo
Pamela H ill * t David Kuehn * t Robert Tye
Laura Larson t Gordon Simmonst
Dennis Carter
Concertmaster James Greer Oboe
Ve lda Ke llyt
Br yan Johnstont
J u li anne linn
Carol Evanst Ce ll o
Kevin Filewych t Nadine Deleury*t
David Ammer Harp sich or d
Mitch Wechsler Jean Schneider
Derek Lockhart
Kristen Beene*t Pi an o
Sally Pituch t Tro mb o n e David Wo lff
Greg Near t
John Rutherford * Principal
AndrewWut Diane Bredesen t Brian Bowman * t Brian Pokorny t Michigan Opera
Beth Kirton t Minka Christofft J Will iam Kingt Theatre orchestra
Vi o li n II
Eugene lenzen Jane Carl
John Iatzko
Shannon Marie Ford
Tuba member
Nea l Campbe ll
Victoria Haltom * t Andrew Mclntosh James Ormston Detroi t Federat ion of Brooke Haplamazian t
Har p Musicians Local # 5
Molly Hughest Bass Bassoo n Patricia Terry-Ross*t
Henrik Karapetyant Derek Weller * t Eric Varnert
American Federation of Anna Wellert
Clark Suttlet Jeff Lyman
Jason Bendler Shawn Wood
James Kujawski Horn
Janet Sullins
Wallace Ayotte
Ryan Banar
Pia Broden-Williams
Kim Wayne Brooks
Alaina Brown
Eric Brown
William Broyles Jr.
Bill Broyles IV
Ti m pan i Musicians
Leonardo Soto*t
Carrie Banfield t Percu ssio n
Tamara Kosinski
Andrew Pelletier
Kelly Daniels
John Dorsey*t
David Taylor
Deborah Dailey
Malcolm Davis
Conda Green
Ivan Griffin
Jean Derricotte -Murphy Celeste Headlee
Lea h Dexter
Rebecca Eaddy
Jacqueli n e Echols
Brandy Ellis
Jud ith Elli s
Patrick Clampitt Marko Fario n
Timothy Clark
Yvonne Friday
Carl Clendenn ing Donald Gay
Les li e Hill
Bernard Holcomb
Terry Horn
Richard Jackson
Clarence Jones
Th omas Kabala
Jeffrey Krueger
Sylvester Lane
Tony Lynch
Mirosla v Manovski
Karen Martin
Anthony P McGlaun
Andrew Papas
Jennifer Pasha
Alfrelynn Roberts
Aaron Sanko
Kenneth Shepherd
Woojin Shim
Bettye Steines
Stephen Stewart
Gregory Stinson
David Vaughn
Christopher Vaught
Tiffanie Waldron
Justin Watson
Demarcus Weathersby
Norman Weber
Adrienne Webster
Amber Williams
Lydia Willis
John Eckstrom, Vice President & ChieJ Financial Officer
Karen VanderKloot DiChiera, Director oj Community Programs
Carol Halsted, Director oj Dance
Roberto Mauro, Assistant Artistic Director
Dewan Mitchell, Director oj Bookings & Events Management
Rock Monroe, Director oj SaJety & Security
Laura R. Nealssohn , Director oj
David W Osborne, Director oj Production
Mary Parkhill, Director oj Development
Bill Austin, Executive Assistant to the General Director
Timothy Lentz, Archivist and Administrative Assistant Jor Ford Center
Kimberly A. Mogielski, Patron & Ticket Services Manager
Michael Hauser, Marketing Manager
Kimberly Gray, Ticket Services Assistant Manager
Jane Kennedy Coe, Ticket Services Assistant Manager
Jenise Co llins, Group Sales Manager
Tunisia Brown , Communication & Ticket Services Associate
Christy Gray, Assistant Office Associate
Mitchell Carter, Website Coordinator
Dave Blackburn, Publicist & Editor oj BRAVO
John Grigaitis, Photographer
Crysta l G . Ratledge, Account Executive , Solomon Friedman Advertising
Bill Carroll , Public Relations Volunteer
Mark Vondrak, Associate Director & Tour Manager
Betty Lane, OperatiOns Manager & Singing Voice Specialist
Dolores Tobis, Marketing Manager
Trish Shando r, Special Projects Coordinator
Betsy Bronson, Maria Cimarelli, Roland
Hamilton, Betty Lane, Shawn McDonald, Kim Parr, Michael Parr, Madelyn Porter, David Pulice, Amanda Sabelhaus, Cynthia
Siegle , Karl Schmidt, Chris Vaught, Mark Vondrak, Karen White, Tamara Whitty
John Grigaitis, InJormation Technology Manager
Mariela Sandoval, LAN Administrator
Kamilah Levens, Dance Education Coordinator
Kim-Lan Trinh , Associate Director oj Development , Planned Giving & Major Gifts Manager
Danielle DeFauw, Boutique Manager
Michelle Deland, Corporate Campaign Manager
Heather Hamilton, Special Projects Manager
Katherine Kucharski, Membership Manager and Database Consultant
Nikki Rudd y, Volunteer Manager
Matthew Talbot , Foundation & Government Grants Manager
Jane Westley, General Director's Circle Campaign Manager
Stephani Yates, Dance Patron Circle Campaign Manager
Derrick Lewis, Controller
Kimberly Burgess-Rivers, Rita Winters, Accountants
Dennis Wells, Facilities Manager
J esse Carter, Senior Building Engineer
Demetrius Barnes, Building Engineer
Francine Harper, House Manager
Constance Wilson, Events Coordinator
Rashid Avant, Dondra Mainor, Pamela Scott, Daryl Stuckey, Derrick Sykes, Control Center Officers
Leroy Banks, Richard Wedden, Dave Williams Stage Door Officers
Lorraine Monroe, Supervisor & Stage Door
Robert Neil, Manager
Kristina Chaney, Head Cashier
Elizabeth Anderson, Production Coordinator
Carolyn Geck, Assistant to the Director oj
Byron Abens**, Dea Franck * , Matt Jackson * , Rachel L. Ginzberg* * , Assistant Stage Managers
Nancy Krolikowski , Local Transportation Coordinator
Eugene Robelli , Production Volunteer
Roze Berisaj, Michael Trail, Int erns
David DiChiera, Music Director
Suzanne Mallare Acton, Assistant Music Director & Chorus Master
Diane Bredesen, Orchestra Personn el Manager
David Wolff*, Jean Schneider* *, Repetiteurs
Daniel T. Brinker, Technical Director
Monika Essen, Property Master & Scenic Artist
Kendall Smith, Lighting Coordinator
Brian Barrett, Assistant Lighting DeSigner
Dee Dorsey, Superti tle Operator
Christopher Barbeau, Fight Coordinator
Daniel Dene, Recording Engineer
Rudi Lauermann , Assistant Recording Engineer
Suzanne M. Hanna, Costume Director
Alice Moss, Wardrobe Mistress
Katie Hein, First Hand
Jenny Dallas, Stitcher
Joanne Weaver, Wig & Makeup DeSigner
Elizabeth Geck, Assistant to Wig & Makeup DeSigner
Angela Cruice , Local Crew Director
Detroit Local Wig and Makeup Crew
John Kinsora, Head Carpenter
Robert Mesinar, Head Electrician
Alan Bigelow, Head Propertyman
Paul Moraites, Head Sound
Robert Martin, Head Flyman
Gary Gilmore, Production Electrician
Mary Ellen Shin del , Head oJ Wardrobe
lATSE Local #38, Stage Crew
lATSE Local # 786, Wardrobe
* Porgy and Bess
* * The Barber oj Seville
Ent rances and ex its o n Jo hn R. and Bro adway Ind oor National City Bank ATM 24-hour security
People Mover access
Across the street from the DETROIT OPE RA HOUSE , and t he Bo ll Famil y YMCA, a sho rt wa lk from Comerica Park, Ford Field , Greektown, Harmoni e Park, the D etroi t Beer Company and the city's best restaurants , ba rs , clubs and t heatres .
Great monthly parkin g rates
Competi tive event rates
Pre-paid parking available for DETR O IT OPERA H OUSE events
All proceeds benefit MICHIGAN OPERA THEATRE
Foll owing the success of the Touch the Future Program to educate attorneys, nonprofits and the general public about the benefit of planned giving and endowment building, the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan announced a new philanthropic effort in Southeast Michigan in October 2005. With the Increasing Regional Philanthropy (IRP) initiative, the Community Foundation offered a $6.4 million match pool for all endowments. Of the total match pool amount , $2.9 million was reserved
As of Jul y 1 , 2006, the Community Foundation's Increasing Regional Philanthropy ( IRP ) program i s b e in g expan d ed. The Community Foundation is now making available a total of up to $7.9 million (an increase of $5 million l ) in matching funds on a first-com e, fir stmatched ba sis for new gifts to endowments of nonprofits held at the Community Foundation.
In the first phase of the IRP program , Michigan Opera Theatre was one of 56 participating agencies selected to receive up to $ 150,000 in match monies , and to date we have secure d almost $250,000 in new gifts and matching funds deposited in the Michigan Opera Theatre Endowment Fund at the Community Foundation.
With the seco nd phase of IRP program, Michigan Opera Theatre now will be allowed to rais e additional gifts up to $1 million total and receive additional matching funds up to $500,000 total, with a new exte nd ed d ea dlin e of December 31, 2008. The minimum gift allowed per donor is $ 1,000 and th e maximum gift is $300 ,000 per donor. All gifts are matched on a 1-for-2 basis For exampl e, a $1,000 gift will receive a match of $500 for a total of $1,500 to Michigan Opera Theatre A $50,000 gift will receive a match of $25,000 for a total of $75,000 to Michigan Opera Theatr e. A maximum $300,000 gift will receive a match of $ 150 ,000 for a total of $450,000 to Michigan Opera Theatre. A $ 1 million maximum total will receive a match of $500,000 for a total of $ 1.5 million to Michigan Opera Theatre. To le arn more about this expanded, eXCiting effort to build ch aritab le resources for Southeast Michigan, please visit the Community Foundation Web site
We thank all of our donors for the generosity that ha s made it possibl e for us to receive a 2: 1 matching gift from the Community Foundation, thu s not on l y ensur in g the sta bilit y of Michigan Opera Theatre and its many and diverse programs for years to come, but also allowing Michigan Opera Theatre to receive annual di stributions from o ur endowme nt fund at th e Community Foundation. As yo u know, your gifts and matching funds are deposit ed at the
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Michigan Opera Theatre Endowment Fund at the Community Foundation, and will help grow this fund to our ultimate goal of $5 0 million. In addition , as this fund grows, we will be able to receive larger annual distributions to help with our general operations. Consequently, you help us ensure the future and support the present at the same time with your gifts.
We are confident that , as you ponder a time for a special gift in 2006, yo u will have Michigan Opera Theatre in mind and help us to secure the matching funds that are still needed to complete our goa l of $1,000,000 in new gifts, with a subsequent $500,000 in match monies for a total of $1,500,000 by December 31, 2008. For further information or assistance with estate planning and planned giving, please do not hesitate to call Kim -Lan Trinh, Associate Director of Development, Planned Giving Giving and Major Gifts, at (313) 237-3408 or email her at
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Allesee
Mr. and Mrs Douglas F Allison
Mr. and Mrs. J. Addison Bartush
Mr. W Victor Benjamin
Betty and Art Blair
Mr. Robert Bomier
Hon. And Mrs. Avern L. Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cornelsen
Dr. Robert A. Cornette and Mr. Alan Murdock
Ms. Joanne Danto
Mr. Randal Darby
Mrs. Charles M. Endicott
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Fischer
Ms. Barbara Frankel
Mr. Ernest B. Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Halperin
Mr. Kenneth E. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Hartwig
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling C. Jones Jr.
Mrs. Josephine Kessler
Mr. Edward C. Levy Jr. and Ms. Linda Dresner
Mr. Hanna Lis
Ms. Lawrence LoPatin
Ms Ruth F Rattner
Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Rosenfeld
Ms. Mary Anne Stella
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Tabor Jr
Detroit Opera House
Herman Frankel's home bui l ding company was founded in 1954 , but he has yet to suffer a loss year. His success is based on his expertise in marketing, finance and construction. His company has been very conservative and limited its new developments to those that could be financed by previously retained profits The 79-year old Frankel knows the right way to do things, focusing on integrity, principles and philosoph y. His business philosophy and operation has always been that the members of his organization, the subcontractors, the suppliers and the home buyers are all part of one family who work together to make life better for all of them. "Instead of concentrating on more ", says Frankel , "concentrate on better and the more will take care of itself. "
His way of doing things permeates not only every aspect of his business , but also his life , and his philanthropy in the community He feels a strong obligation to the customer in his business, and the same strong obligation to the community in which he lives , Southeastern Michigan.
Frankel established the HFF Foundation in 1993, an independent foundation with a particular interest in health and Jewish organizations as well as the performing arts. In addition, Frankel sits on the board of numerous nonprofit organizations, including the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and Michigan Opera Theatre as well as the Asolo Theater Company in Sarasota, Florida.
At Michigan Opera Theatre , where he is a member of the Board of Directors , Board of Trustees , Finance Committee, Real Estate Committee, and the Avanti Society (Michigan Opera Theatre 's legacy society), Frankel has been a major benefactor to the annual campaign and the campaign to restore the Detroit Opera House.
As a builder, he has had the privilege of working with David DiChiera since 1993 on the conception and the construction of the Detroit Opera House. In the year 2002, thanks to the commitment of Herman Frankel with the support of the Board of Directors, Michigan Opera Theatre completed the purchase of an adjacent garage, and in 2005 the grim old garage was
replaced with a new striking parking center. But, if yo u were to ask him to define the nature of his relationship at Michigan Opera Thea tre, he 'd say "noo dge ".
A "noo dge " is a person who ke e ps reminding yo u of things that are good for yo u, but that yo u really don't want to hear. The person who tells you to lose weight, for example, or to stop smoking, or to exercise.
In Herman Frankel 's case, he qualified as a "noodge" because he insisted that the Detroit Opera House needed a parking center. Everyone else was focused on completing the Opera House itself But to Da vid DiChiera , Michigan Opera Theatre 's General Director, Herman was "relentless " He looked past the obvious and saw a time w hen a revitalized Broadway Street and a pair of massive sports stadiums in downtown Detroit would lea ve opera patrons out in the cold - literally And, like the quality builder that he is, he wanted to act before there was a crisis.
His generosity did not start nor end with the parking center of the Detroit Opera House. In 2001 , in addition to an existing bequest and at the height of the Touch the Future program - developed b y the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan to challenge nonprofit organizations to raise funds through new irrevocable planned gifts - Frankel was among the first contributors to the program through several charitable gift annuities, adding that "there is no better way to support your charity and at the same time receive an income stream with a high rate of return "
How rewarding to hear those words from a savvy businessman I
Mr. Frankel's donor story will also appear in the fall of 2006 on the national Web site of Leave A Legacy, http://www.leavea legac y. org, a public awareness program sponsored by the Na tional Committee on Planned Giving to benefit all types of charitable causes and organizations. Leave A Legacy is a national effort to inspire people from all walks of life and all income levels to think be yo nd their lifespan when doing good works.
a gift that outlives touches future generations in your absence-to exp enence and enJoy the wo rld of opera.
That 's th e goa l o f the Avant i Society, Mich igan Opera Theatre 's Plann ed Gi ft Recognition Pro gram.
Th e Avanti Society represents a d esigna ted group of friends o f Michigan Ope r a Th ea tre w ho ha ve made p lans to includ e the organization in their es tat e plansw h eth er b y wi ll , trust, in s urance , or life income arrangement. Membership in the Avanti Soc iety is open to all.
Members of the Avanti Socie ty r ece ive a beautifully d es igne d lapel pin , recognition at th e annua l Avan ti Eve ning an d invitation s to spec ial eve nts and performances, and are li s ted as m emb ers in our program books th roughou t eac h season.
Confidential Reply : Please ret urn th is form to Kim -Lan Trinh , Michigan Op era Theatre, 1526 Broad way, Detroit , MI 48226 , or e-mail
The growth of Mich igan Op e ra Thea tre 's p ermanent Endowment Fund en sures th e grow th and future vi tality of one o f the region 's gr ea test cultural assets. You are invit ed to create yo ur own legacy- your Avant i-th rough Michigan Opera Th ea tre.
You m ay use the attached con fid ential r eply card to indicate yo ur gi ft , or co nta ct Kim-Lan Trinh at (3 13 ) 237-3408 to discuss gi ft options that m ay ben efi t you , your h eir s an d Michigan Ope ra Theatre.
M>: Robert G. A bgar ian
Mr. &: Mrs. Robe rt A. All esee #
Mr s. Ade l Amerman' # +
Dr. Lourdes V Andaya'
Mr. &: Mrs. Agus tin Arbu l u'
Chester &: Emelia Arno ld '
Mr &: Mrs. j. Addison Bartu s h ' #
Mr. &: Mrs. Brett Batterson'
Mr. &: Mrs. Ma nd e ll Berman
Mr. &: Mrs. Art Blair'
Roy E. &: li se Ca lcagn o'
Gladys CaldrOlleY'
Dr. &: Mrs. Victo r j. Cervenak'
M>: A ll en B. Chri st man
Best time to ca ll :
D Yes, please sen d information rega rding pl anne d gifts.
D I1we already qualify for the Avanti Society
Please brie fl y describ e th e estate gift tha t qualifies you for memb ership (a ll information s ubmitt ed wi ll be kept co nfid ential):
Mr. &: Mrs. Robe rt C. Comstock #
Dr. Robert A. Co rnett e' #
Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik Daoud' #
Ms Marjorie A del e DeVlieg
M>: & M,·s. Robert E. Dewar ' #
Mrjam es P Diamond
D r. David DiChiera #
Ka r en VanderKloot DiChi era' #
Ms. Mary Jane Doerr #
Mr. &: Mrs. Charles H Duncan'
Mrs. Charles M. Endicott' #
Mrs. Charlo tt e Bush Failin g
Mr. &: Mrs. Herb Fisher'
Pamela R. Franc is*
Barbara Frankel &: Ronald Mic ha lak' #
Mr. &: Mrs. Herman Frankel' #
Mrs. Rema Frankel' #
Mr. &: Mrs. Harvey Freeman
Mr Edward P Frohlich
Dr. &: Mrs. Byron P Georgeson'
Pri sc ill a A. B. Goo dell
Mr Er nest Goo dman
Prisci ll a R. G ree nberg , Ph .D.' #
Mr. &: Mrs. Step h en Ha gopian
Mr. Lawrence W Hall'
Mr. &: Mrs. Jerome Halperi n'
Mrs. Robert M Hama dy
Mr. David Hand lema n ' #
Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth E H a rt
Mr. &: Mrs. Eu ge ne L. H artwig'
Mr Bru ce Hillman
M>: Gordo n V Hoialm en
Dr. Ci n dy Hun g'
Mr Carl]. Hu ss
Kristin J ara mill o'
Mr. Donald Je n sen'
Ms. Helen Barbamjohnston
M r. &: Mrs. Robert Klein #
Mrs jos ephin e Kleiner
Mr. &: Mrs. Erwin H. Klopfe r ' #
Misses Phyllis &: Selma Korn'
Mr. &: Mrs. Art hur Krolikowski'
Mr & Mrs. Salvador P Masca li '
Mr s. Wade H McC ree'
Ms. J ane McKee'
Mrs. Helen M Miller
Drs. Orlando &: Dorothy Mill e r
Ms Kathleen Monroe
Mrs. Ella M. Montroy
Mr. Ro n a ld K. Morrison *
Ruth Rawlin gs Matt
Dr. &: Mrs. Stephen Munk
Mr Dale j. Pangonis'
Mary &: C h a rl es A Parkhill
Mrs. Eli za beth Pecsenye
Claric e Odg ers Percox
Mr Thoma s G. Porter
Mr. Richard M. Ra isin'
Mr s. Ruth F Ra ttn er' #
Mr. Joshua Rest
Margu erite &: James Rigby'
Ms. Patri c ia Rodzik'
Mr Mit chel l]. Romanow s /,i
Ms. Susan Schooner' D rs. H einz &: Ali ce Pl att Sch warz'
Mr s. Frank C. Shaler'
Mrs. Marge Sleza k
Ms Phyll is Fu nk Sn ow'
Mr Edwa"d L Sta hl
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard starkwea ther'#+
Mrs Mark C. Stevens' #
Mr. Stanfo rd C. Stod dard
J ona than Swift &: Thomas A. St Cha rl es'
Mr. Ronald F Switze r '
Ms. Ma ry Ell en Tappan * #
Donald & Marga ret Thurb e r '
Mr. Ed ward D. Tusset'
Mr. &: Mrs. Geo rge Vi n cent' # +
Mr]. Em est Wilde
Mrs. Amel ia H. W ilhelm' #
Elizabeth &: Walter P Work'
Mr. &: M rs George M leltzer'
Monica Mo ffa t &: Pa t McGuire
, Founding Members
# Touc h the Future d o n ors + Avanti Soc ie ty Sponsors
Uali cs = cl ece asecl membe rs D e tro it Opera Hou se
Continued from page 17
population of primitiv e Gullah Negroes lay adjacent, and furnish ed us with a laboratory in w hi ch to test our theor ies, as we ll as an inexh aust ible source of folk material. But th e most int erestin g di scove r y to m e, as we sat li s tening to their spirituals, or watched a gro up shuffling b e fore a cabin or country sto re, w as that to George it was more like a homecom in g than an explor at ion. The quality in him w hich had produc e d the Rhapsody in Blue in America, found its counterpart in th e impul se b e hind the mu sic a nd bodil y rh ythm s of the simple Negro peasant of the South .
The Gullah Neg ro prid es himself on what he calls "shouting. " This is a complicated rh ythmi c pattern b ea ten out b y feet and hand s as an accompaniment to th e sp iritual s, and is indubit ab ly an African s ur vival. I sha ll ne ve r fo r get the night w hen , at a Negro meeting on a remote seaisland , George started "s houting " with them. And eve ntually to th eir huge delight s tole the s h ow from th e ir c hampion "s houter". I think that he is probabl y th e only w hit e m a n in America w ho could have don e it.
Another night as we were about to enter a dilapidat e d cab in that h ad b ee n taken as a m ee ting hou se b y a group o f Negro Holy Ro ll ers, George caught my arm and held me. The so und that had arrested him was one to which, through long familiarity, I attached no special import ance. But no w, listening to it with him , and n o ticing hi s excitement , I b ega n to ca tch its ex traordin a r y qualit y. It c onsi s t ed of perhaps a dozen vo i ces raised in loud rh y thmic prayer. Th e o dd thing about it was that w hile each had s tarted at a different time , upon a different them e, they fo rm e d a clearly d efine d rh ythmi c p a tt ern and that this, with the act ual words lo st, and th e ine v itabl e pounding of the rhythm , produced an effect almo st terr ifying in its primitive int e n s it y In spired by th e ex traordinar y effect , George w rote six si multan eo u s prayers produ cing a terrifying primitive invocation of God in th e face of th e hurricane.
We had hop ed, and it was logical , that th e Th ea tr e Guild wo uld produce th e opera. An excursion into the field of th e theatre was a new id ea to the directors. But then they had gambled on ce on Porgy and won. There was a so rt of indulgent a ffec tion for th e crippl e and hi s goat on Fifty-second Stree t. Most ce rtainl y th ey did not want anybody el se to do it , and so co ntract s we re signed.
Mamoulian re turned from Hollywood to ass um e th e direction. Al exa nder Smallen s, w ho had cond u c t ed th e Philharmonic Stadium Concerts , and th e Philadelphi a Sym phony, and wh o, in spite of having conducted the orch es tra of Four Saints in Thre e Acts , still mad e hi s wants known in com pr ehensibl e English , was made conductor.
A lexand e r S t ei nert , pi a ni st and co mposer , w ith a Prix d e Rom e to his credit, was intru s ted with coaching the principals.
For a year George had b een casthunting It h ad b ee n an exc iting , if at times a strenuous sport. But la s t April, when I journeye d No rth to h ea r the aspirants and advise on the final decisions, I was amazed at the amount o f promising talent exhibited. Th e cast was asse mbled Steinert took th em in hand , and at the first reh ears al h e h ad them read y to r ea d the difficult score from beginning to end.
We were in rather a dith er about the name The compo se r and author both felt that the opera should be ca ll ed si mpl y Porgy. But th e r e was a feeling in th e publicity departm ent that this wo uld lead to a confusion in that amorphou s region known as th e publi c mind , and that Porgy in lights mi ght be construed as a revival of the original play, rather than as the Gershwin opus.
There had of course been Pelleas and Melisande, Samso n and Delil ah , Tristan and Isold e
" And so ," sai d He ywar d , w ith the humility characteristic of tho se who dra w their sustenance from the th ea tr e, "wh y not Porgy and Bess 7"
To w hi ch Gershwin repli ed w ith the detachment to whi ch I have referre d and whi ch co uld not possibly b e mistaken for conce it , " Of co urse , it 's right in the operatic tradition."
Two yea r s ! It doesn 't seem that long. Th e re has b een so mu c h to do. The published vers ion of the pi an o an d voca l sco re, fre sh from the pres s, runs to fi ve hundred and six ty pages. And when that was finished , George tackled the orchestration single h a nded. Th e resulting m an uscript is impressi ve. It co ntains seven hundr e d pages of closely wr itten music , and it is the fruit of nine m onths of unremitting labor
For my own part , I had a pl ay which needed to b e cut fort y p erce nt for the lib re tto , yet nothing of dram a ti c va lu e co uld b e sacrifi ce d. The dialogue had to follow that of th e drama, but it h a d to be
arra nged to form a new pattern , to escape monotony and ad ap t itse lf to th e music. And th en there were the sp iritu als , and the lyrics upon which Ira and I worked.
In the th ea tr e every production i s a gamble. In some, n aturally, the odds are grea ter than others. Porgy and Bess ha s, I believe , a fair cha n ce of scor in g. But whet her it does or not , we w h o h ave w ritt en and compose d the opera cannot lo se. We hav e spent two yea r s doing exac tl y what we wante d to. It h as b ee n a ve ry es pecial sort of adventure. That , at an y rate, is in the ba g
-DuBose Heyward 's reflections on the creation of Porgy and Bess are reprinted from Michigan Op e ra Theatre's 1986-1987 program, in which, they were re printed from Stage Magazine, 1935.
Michigan Opera Theatre extends a ppreciation to the many donors w h o co ntribut ed so generously to the three phases of the Detroit Opera Hou se fund-raising initiati ve. T h e followin g is a cumulative listing of gifts, of $5,00 0 and above, to t h e Ca pital Ca m paign to Resto re the Detroit Opera
$5,000,000 +
Ford Motor Co mpan y
T h e Kresge F o und atio n
$2,000,000 to $4,999,999
DaimlerChrys ler Corporation
Ge n e ral Motors Corporation
T h e Sta te o f Michiga n
$1,000,000 to $1,999,999
Mr. &: Mrs. Ro be rt A. All esee
Anonymou s (2)
Eugene Appleba um Famil y Foundation
Lee &: Flo y Barthel
Mr. &: Mrs. J ohn A. Boll, Sr.
H e rman &: Sh aro n Fran kel
Jo hn S. a nd Jam es L. Knight Foundation
The Skillman Foundation
$500 ,000 TO $ 999 ,999
JPMorgan C h ase
Th e Coh e n Fam il y Philanth ro pi c Fund of th e Community Foundation for Southeaste rn Michigan
Co me rica
Detro it Grand Ope ra Association
DTE En ergy Foundation
Mr. &: Mrs. Max M Fi sh e r
H e rman &: Barbara Frankel
Mr. &: Mrs. Samu el Fra n ke l
Mr. David Handleman
LaSalle Bank
Lea r Corp ora tion
Mr. &: Mrs. Harry A. Lomason
McGregor Fund
Mr &: Mrs. Roger S Pe n ske
Ralph L. &: Winifred E. Polk
Founda tio n
Mr. &: Mrs. R. Jami so n
W illiam s, Sr.
$250,000 TO $499,999
Mr. &: M rs. D on H Barde n
BASF Corporation
Mr. &: Mrs. Philip E
Be nto n, Jr.
Mandell &: Madeleine H
Be rma n Foundation
Blue Cros s and Blue Shield
o f Mi c hi ga n
Dayton Hud so n
F o und a tionlHud so n 's
Mr. &: Mrs. Robe rt E. Dewar
Ghafari Associates, Inc.
Robert &: Alice Gustafson
Hudson -We b ber Found at io n
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Janes
Kmart Corporat ion
Mr. &: Mrs. Paul Lavins
MASCO Corporation
Non profit Faci liti es Center
Raymond e. Smith Foundation Fund of th e Community Foundation fo r So uthea s te rn Michigan
Mr. &: Mrs. Ge orge St rumbos
Mr. &: Mrs. Lynn A. Town se nd
TRW F o undation
Mr. &: Mrs. George e. Vin ce nt
Mr. &: Mrs. Al vin Wasse rman
Mr. R.Jamison W illi a ms , Jr
$100 ,000 TO $249,999
Ms. Jan e E. Agostinell i
Dr. &: Mrs. Don ald e. Austin
Ms. Anne Loma so n Bray
Mr. &: Mrs. Richard A. Brodie
Vicki &: Tom Celani
The Hon. &: Mrs. Ave rn L. Co hn
Comau Pico
Daiml e rChrysler Se rvices
Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik Daoud
D e Roy Testa men ta r y Foundation
Di c kin son Wright PLLC
Downtown D eve lopment Authority, City o f Detroit
DTE EnergylMichCon Founda tion
El P aso Energy Foundation
Mr. &: Mrs Roland e.
Mr. &: Mrs. Paul E. Ewing
J e nnifer &: David Fischer
Barb a ra Frankel & Ron Michalak
M r. & Mrs. Preston B. H appel
Mr. & Mrs Rob e rt Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Thoma s M. Krikorian
Oliver Dewey Marcks
Foundat io n
Nationa l C ity Bank of Michigan
Karen & D rew Peslar
Fou n dation
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose
Mrs Caro lyn L. Ro ss
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L.
Walbridge Aldin ger
Compa n y
Mr. & Mrs. Charl es L. W il so n , Jr.
Worl d H eritage Foundatio n
Mr. & Mrs. Geo rge M.
Zel tz er
H ouse ( 1989 -1 998), the New Cen tury Fund Ca mpaign 0999-20 0 1) a nd the Crowning Achievement Campaign (2002 - 2 004)
We a lso thank t h e many donors who ha ve contribut ed g i fts below $5,000 fo r the ir com mitment and b e lief in th e Det roit O p era H o use Project.
$50,000 TO $99,999
Dr. &: Mrs. Ro ger M. Ajluni
Alli edSignal Founda ti o n , Inc.
Dr. Lourdes V Anda ya
Dr. &: Mrs. Ag ustin Arbu lu
Mr William P. Bae r
Mr. &: Mrs. J. Add ison Bartu sh
Mr. Thom as Cohn
Co nsumers Energy Foundation
Mr & Mrs. Marvin I. Da n to Delo itt e & Touche LLP
The D etroit News/Gann ett Foundat io n
Dr. D avi d DiChiera
Rosanne & Sa n dy Dun ca n
Mrs. Charles M. Endic ott
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Erdeljan
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred ]. Fisher, Jr.
Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher
Ann e E Ford
Mr. & Mrs. St a nle y Frankel
Mr. Edward P Froh li c h
Th e GM Card
Mr. & M rs. Alan L. Gornick
Mr. &: Mrs. J ohn e. Griffin
Handleman Co mpany
David &: Rose Handlem an
Mr. & Mrs. E. ]. H artmann
Ali ce Ka les Hartwick
Found ation
Mrs. David B. Hermelin
Huntington Na tional Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Ve rne G. Istock
Mrs. Sybil J aq u es
Johnson Contro ls
Found ation
W illi a m &: Ell en Kahn
Cha im , Fanny, Loui s, Benjamin & Anne Floren ce Kaufman Memorial Trust
Mr. Gera ld Knechtel
Mr. &: Mrs. Mike Koj aian
Nancy & Bud Li e bl e r
Mr. Alphonse S. Lucare lli
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Miller
Millike n & Com p a n y
Ne iman Marcus
Linden D. N el so n
Foundati on
Mr. & Mrs. I rving Nusbaum
Mr. &: Mrs. G raha m A Orley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Orley
Mr. &: Mrs. Donald E. Peters en
Mr. & Mrs. H arold A. P o lin g
M r. & Mrs. David Polla c k
PVS Chemicals In c.
Mrs. Ruth Rattn e r/Ann f Katz & Nor man D Katz
Antonio & Suzanne Rea Family
Mr & Mr s. Alan E Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs Dona ld E. Schw e ndemann
Mrs. Rosemary Sk upn y
Mr. & Mrs. S. Kinn ie
Smith , Jr.
Mr. Richard A. So n e nklar
Mr. Sta nford e. Sto ddard
Th ysse n In c., N.A.
Mr. &: Mrs. e. Th omas
Toppi n
Mr. & Mrs. Herb e rt Tyne r
The Sam uel L. Westerman Foundat ion
Dr. & Mrs. Cl yde Wu
$25 ,000 TO $49 ,999
M r. & Mrs. Dou glas f Alli son
Ano nym o us
Mr. & Mrs. Gebra n S. Anton
Mrs. J ohn V Balian
Mrs. Loris G. Birn k ra nt
T he Wayne Bo oker
Ch a ritable Foundation
Th e Budd Company
Covansys Corporation
Crain Co mmuni cat ions Inc.
Julia D. Darlo w & J ohn e. O'Mea ra
Larry & Dodie David
D r. & Mrs. George A. Dean
Decis ion Consultants Inc.
Delphi Foundati on
Mrs. Margaret D e mant
De troit Internati ona l Bridge
Co m pa n y
Ea to n Corpo ra t ion
Ern st an d Young
Mr. & Mrs. Herb ert Fisher
Mrs. Aaron H Ge rshe n son
And rew & Wan d a Giancamilli
The Gil mour Fund
Hil da & Joel Hamburger
Mr. & Mrs Kenneth E. Hart
Juliu s & Cynthia Hu e bner
F o undation
Mari o & Jane I acobe lli
The H on & Mrs. J osep h N. Impastato
Kenwal Stee l Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald e.
Robert & Vic toria Li gge tt
Magna International
Th e Hon J ack & D r Be tt ye
Arring ton - Marti n
Ann & W illia m
McCormick, J r.
Mr. &: Mrs. E R. Milner
Mr. & Mrs. E. Mi c ha el
Mutc hler
Mrs. J ennifer Nasser
Fran k & Karen Nesi
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Nosa n c huk
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. O'Conn e ll
Frances H. Pa rcells
M r. & Mrs. Hu gh es L. Potik er
Mr. &: Mrs. W James Prowse
Mr. & Mrs. Llo yd Re u ss
Roy & Maureen Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. J ac k Robin son
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H Ro gel
Mrs. Louis R. Ross
D r. H ersh el & Lois Sa n dberg
Mr. Ri c hard Sa nders
The Sandy Family Foundation
Mrs. Emm a L. Sc ha ve r
Mrs. Shirl ey K. Sch lafer
Diane & Mo n o n Scholnick
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J Sc h wanz
Mr. Joseph Sch wa rt z
Mr. & Mrs. Frank e. Shaler
Mr. Mi ckey Shapiro
Elham Shayota
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sloan
Mr. & Mrs. W illiam H Smith
M rs. Mar ke. Steven s
United American H ea lth Care Corpo r a tion
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin e. Vand e rBru g
Mr. & Mrs Art Van Elsland e r
Mr. and Mrs. Steve n I. Victor Neva Will ia m s Arts Foundation
Matilda R. W ils on Fund
Mrs. Paul Zuc ke rman
$15,000 TO $24 ,999
Alcan Alumin um Co rp oration
Aldoa Company
D r. & Mrs. Ro byn]. Arrin gton, Sr.
Mrs Donald J Atwood
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bri ght
Betty & Bill Brooks
Mr. David C hi vas
Gloria & Fred Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Cu m mings
Mr. &: Mrs. Donald Cutler
Mr. & Mrs. J oh n W Day, J r.
David & J oanne Denn
Mrs. Karen Vande-rKloot
DiChi e ra
Mr & Mrs. John R. Edman
Mr. & Mrs. Bu rton D Farbman
Elaine Fontana
Mr. Kenn eth H Fox
Ann & Larry Garberding
Kei th & Eileen Gifford
Great Lakes Ex te riors
Mrs. Robert M. Hamad y
Mrs. Robert Hamilton
Eugene & Donna H art wig
Louise Hodgson
Gordon V Hoi a lmen Trust
Mrs. David Jackno w
Mrs William E. Johnston
Mr. & M rs. MaxwellJospey
Mr. & Mrs. John Kaplan
Bruno & Mollie Leonelli
Mr. & Mrs. David Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Wa lton A. Lewis
Richard & Florence McBrien
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Munk
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nic kol
Mr. & Mrs. Eino Nurme
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Partrich
Mr. J ohn E. Perry
Phillips Service Industries ,
In c.
Dr. Charlotte & Mr. Charles
Meyer & Anna Prentis
Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. E. Steve n
Rob inson & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schmidt
St. John Health Ca re Systems
Rob erta & Dick
Starkweathe r
Mr. Frank D. Stella
Mr. Ronald F Switzer
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony R
Mr. & M rs. Rob e rt C.
Mrs. Richard Van Dusen
Venture Indu stries
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L.
Richard & Kathl ee n Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Weber
Dr. Marilyn L. Wil li amson
Mrs. Be ryl W inkelman
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E.
Wors ley
The Y & R Group
Dr. & Mrs Di et er Zetsche
$10,00 0 T O $14,999
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V
Mr. & Mrs Chester Arnold
Mrs. Irene M. Barbour
Barris , Sott, Denn & Driker, P.L.L.c.
Bethle hem Steel Corporation
Mr. Charles A. Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Brodsky
Mrs. Pearl Brod sky
Mrs. Martin L. Butz el
Dr. & Mrs. Jo sep h L.
Caha lan
Mrs. Eleanor A. C hristie
Mr. David A. C lark
Sheldon & Ba r bara Cohn
Community Counseling Services Co., Inc.
Shelly & Peter Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Rodkey
Cherrill & Rich a rd Cregar & Family
Ms. Mary Jane Doerr
Mr. Don F r ancis Duggan
Detro i t Opera Hou se
Drusilla Farwell Foundation
Anthony F & Sa rah M. Earley
Rona & H e rbert Freedland
Mrs. Roy Fruehauf
James & Barbara Garavaglia
Charles & Elaine Gunderson
Mr. & Mrs. Step hen
Miss Mary A. Hester
Judith Hicks & Eric
Hesp enh eide
Alan & Eleanor Israel
Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. J adach
Ms. ElizabethJudson
John son
Ms. Mary Bartush Jon es
JPRAlPeter hansrea Arch itec ts
The Han Mitchell!.
Kafarski & Zona
Dro zdowska, M.D. with sons Erik M. Kafarski & Konrad C. Kafarski
Mr. & Mrs. Step hen D. Kasle & Famil y
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Kirby
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Kirlin
M r. & Mrs. Eugene Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Kline
Ms. Eleanor Korn
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Larson
Mr. Raym ond A. Lehtinen
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Lerner
Dr. & Mrs. Kim K. Li e
Locniskar Group
Mrs. Lawrence LoPatin
Mr. Frank E. Miller
Marsha & J effrey H. Miro
Glen & Carmel Mitchell
F oundation
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Monolidis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Moon
Rona ld K. Morrison
Dr. & Mrs. Moon]. Pak
Mr. & Mrs. Jules Pallon e
Dr. Robert E. L. Perkins
Plunkett & Cooney Pc.
L. L. P.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rauth
Mr. Jam es Reddam
Mr. & Mrs. Dean E. Richardson
James & Marguerite Rigby
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Rob e rts
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ronan
Mr & Mrs. David P. Ruwart
Saturn El ectronics & Engineering Inc.
Dr. Norman & Marilyn Schakne
D r. Barbara & Mr. Laurence
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Sc hultz
Simmons & Clark Je we lers
Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon Sonkin
Mr. & Mrs. Ste phen Strome
Dr. & Mrs. David Susser
Dr. & Mrs. L. Murray Thomas
Thompson-McCully Co.
Dr. Rob erta & Mr. Sheldon Toll
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Vallee, Sr.
Ann Kirk Warren
Rona ld & Eileen Weiser
Mr. J. Ernest Wilde
The Han. Joan E. Young & Mr. Thomas Sche ll enberg
Mr. & M rs. Theodore Zegouras
$5,000 TO $9,999
The Randolph]. & J udith
A. Agley Foundation
Albert Kahn AsSOCiates, Tnc.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Airasia n
Mr. & Mrs. Assad Am ine
Anonymo u s
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Ant hon y, TV
Jos ep h E. & Kath leen A. Antonini Foundation
Ms. H elen Arnoldi-Rowe
Dr. Robyn]. Arrington, Jr.
A & S Supply Company
Dr. & Mrs. Tn gida Asfaw
Andrea &James Balcerski
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Barefoot
Brian & Heidi Bartes
Dr. & Mrs. John G. Bielawski
Mr. & Mrs. W George Bihler
Mr. & Mrs David Bird
Mr. & Mrs. G. Peter 810m
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bockoff
Mr. & Mrs Chester E. Borck
Mr. & Mrs. Dou g las Borden
Mr. & Mrs. Don ald]. Bortz,]r.
Louis & Caro lyn Bruno
Tracey & Mark [ Burnstein
Sally Carlson
CenTra, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Victor]. Cervenak
Dr. Barbara Chapman & Mr. Frank An drews
Mrs. Maria M. Chirco
Mr. William G. Clark
Ms. Virginia M Clementi
Dr. & Mrs. J ulius V Combs
Dr. Mary Carol Conroy
Mr. John A. Cont i
Mrs. Ro se m ary Cotter
Mary & Sal Craparotta
Dr. & Mrs. Victor Curatolo
Barbara & Pau l W Czamanske, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry P. D'Ava nzo
Mr. & Mrs. Davi d E. Dav is
Dr & Mrs. Anth ony DeLuca
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D.
David K. Di skin , M.D. & Dorothy Diskin
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence F DuMou ch elle
Frank G. & Gertrude
Dunlap Founda t ion
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Earl
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Ehlert
Mr. Richard Engel
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Engelhardt
Dr. fern R. Espino & Mr. Tom Short
Dr. Haifa Fakhouri, ACC
Dr & Mrs. H erbert Feldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Pau l Firns child
Ms. Li nda Forte & Mr.
Tyron e Davenport
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell B.
F oster
Mrs Rema Frankel
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Frost
Dr. & Mrs. Juan Ganum
Mrs. Frank Ge rma ck, Jr.
Mr. Michae l Gerstenberger
Mr. J oseph Giacalone
Dr. & Mrs Thoma s
Mrs. Ernest Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Carson C.
Gru newald
Mr. & Mrs. J oseph Gualtieri
Mrs. Ali ce Berberian
H aidostian
Mr. Lawrence W Hall
Margot & Jerr y Halperin
Mr. & Mrs. Mort H arris
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard
Derek & Karen Hodgson
Mr. & Mrs. !. Martin Ingli s
Colette & Darn ell Ja ckson
Gary E. & Gwenn C. Johnson
J ohnson & John son
Ms. Rosemary J oliat
Lawrence & Di ane Jones
Elliot & Carolyn J oseph
David G. J ud ge & Laura A. Tc horznski
Kater Foundation
KDS International
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Kess ler
Mr. Arthur H. Kirsh
Harvey & Aileen Kleiman
Mrs. Carolyn Knechtel
Barbara & Michael Kratchman
Dr. & Mrs. Alfred M.
Dr. Richard & Victoria Kulis
Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Landes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Larson
Dr. & Mrs. Ald e n M. Leib
C hri s tine & Elmore Leonard
Rita & Lance Leonelli
Dr & Mrs. J ohn M. Lesesne
Mr. &: M rs. C harles E. Patricia Rodzi k NAMED GIFTS Daiml erC h rysler Services Wa llis &: Robert M. Klein
Letts,Jr. Dulcie &: Nor m an Rosenfeld We ex tend our gratitude to Patron ElevatOl; Center Jar Grand Lobby Stai rcase
Dr. &: Mrs. Murray B. Levin
Ms. Mar y Si ro tkin Lewis Mr. Thoma s f' Rost the Jollowing donors to a ll thre e phases oj th e capital
Le wis &: Thompson
Mr &: Mrs Gera ld f Ross Arts & Lea rning Minw
Mr. &: Mrs. Tarik S. Daoud Delores &: Paul Lavins
Mr. &: Mrs. J e ffr ey Roth campaign - th e Campaign to Grand Drape Grand Lobby Side
Agency, In c. Ms. Lin d say Ro th &: Dr. Res tore the Detroit Opera De Roy Testamentary Chandeli er
J odi &: Iva n Ludington, Jr. H arvey Day House, th e New Centwy F o und atio n Grand Lobby Sta ircase
Ben ard L. Maas Found a ti o n Mr. &: Mrs. Anthony Fund Campaign, and th e Conference Room, Center Jar Minor Cro wning Ac hi evement
Mrs. Ruth Mac Ra e Ru g iero Production & Lear Corporation _
Mrs. Barbara]. Mahon e &: Lee C. Sa perstein
Sara h Lou Simpson Fund
Mr. &:Mrs. Campaign - who hav e Administration Ii-ustee Ci rcle Level in
Mr &: Mrs. Ri c h ard J und erwritten designat ed
Detroit Ed ison Foundati o n Op era Hall
Mr. Donald W Maine Sc hlitters areas in the Detroit Opera Mezzanine Level in Opaa The Loma son Family Hous e. Hall Th e William K & Neva
Ms. Mary C. Mazure Mark &: Sally Sc hwartz
Mr &: Mrs. Mark McCart in Benjamin Sc h wegma n &:
M r. &: M rs. Robe rt E Dewar Lomason Opera Lounge
M r &: Mrs. Angus ]. J udith Tappero- AAA Ii-ustee Circle Lobby, O li ver Dewey Ma rc ks
McMillan Schwegman
Mrs Lu cie B. Meininger Lois &: Mark Sh aevsky
Proscenium A rch Madison Foundati on
Dr. &: Mrs. Roger M. Ajlun i Mary Sue &: Paul Ewing Third Fl oor Promenade Gran d Lobby Stail'Wse
Mex ican Indu st ries In Mr. &: Mrs. Ro ge r f' Bro adway Box OJJic e Staircas e Lobby to 2nd Floor, Michigan, In c. Sherman
Mr. &: Mrs. Geo rge Milidrag
M r. &: Mrs. Robe rt A. All esee Ford Motor Compa n y Madi so n
Dr. &: Mrs. M ichael Sho rt A llesee Dan ce Patron Backstage Renovation MichC on Foundation
Rita &: Mor ku s K. Mitrius Mr. Rob ert Sievers Lounge Broadway Lobby G rand Lobby Boutique
Moni ca Moffa t &: P atri ck J Barbara &: Roge r B. Smi th Allesee Dance & Opera Centa Jar Arts & Learning Th e Ka ren &: Drew Pes lar Resource Libra ry Foundation
McGuire Ms Phylli s Funk Snow
Mr. &: Mrs. Fred Morganroth Ms. Anne Markley Sp ivak Michalak Co -Star Dressing Room
Mr. Edwin Lee Morrell
Mr &: Mrs. Joe! Morris
Mrs. Joan M. Mossner
Anonymous Don or Barbara Frankel &: Ro n
Mr Edward L. St a hl Grand Lobby Anonym ous Donor Pat ron Elevato r, Center Jar Mr. &: Mrs John Rakolta
Ms. Mary Ann Ste ll a Pmduction & Rehearsal Studio II
Mr. &: Mrs. Bob G. Bmadway FQI;:ade Administration
Mr. &: Mrs. David C. Steve n son
Joel &: She lley Tauber
A. Sandy Munro Lorna Th omas, M.D.
Mr. Ch a rl es Nave Michael &: Na n cy Timmis
Sandra &: J ea nne Naysmi th
D orothy I. &: George W
Mr. George C. Turek
Universa l Forest
Nou h an Products, In c.
Dr Marie C. Nowosielski
D r. &: M rs. Leo nard
Oxford Auto m o ti ve Van Raapho rs t
Mr. &: Mrs . J a me s Pa me!
Manuel L. &: Lou ise j.
Mr. &: Mrs. David P Parr
Penna Family
Joseph &: Rosalie Vicari
Mr. &: Mrs. Irvi ng Rose
D r. &: Mrs. Dona ld C. Aus t in H erma n &: Ba rba ra Franke l Patron Elevatol; John R
Grand Lobby Centra l General Director's Circle Tower
Chandel ier Lounge
Mrs. Carolyn L. Ross
Lee &: Floy Barth el Herm an &: Sharo n Frank el Grand Lobby Stail'Wse
Cost um e Center, Ce nt er Jar
Arts & Learning
BASF Corpo rati on
PaI·king Garage Mirmr
Genera l Motors Corporation
Raymond C. Smit h
Cadillac CaJe F o unda tio n Fun d o f th e
Flexib le Classroom, Center Opera Plaza
Jar Arts & Learning
Mr. &: Mrs. J o hn A. Boll
Made ne Boll Hall
Community Founda ti on
Robert &: Alice Gus t a fson for So utheastern Michigan
Third Floor Lobby Alcove, Raymond C. Smi th Lobby
Victory ReSteel, Inc. Madison
Mr. &: Mrs William P Vititoe Margo V Cohen
Mr &:Mrs. Richard C. Ward
Dance Center, Center Jar
Da vid H a ndl e man
Mr. &: Mrs. Lynn Townse nd
Trustee Circle Lobby,
Media Studio, Center Jar Bl"Oadw ay
Mr. &:Mrs Arts & Learning Gary L. White
Mr &: Mrs. W illi am
The Pri vate Bank Widmyer
Mr. &: Mrs. Be rn a rd Quinlan C hris &: Susan W ilh elm
Mr. &: Mrs. Er ic A. Wiltshire
Arts & Learning
Mr. &: Mr s. George C.
Come r ica C haritab le Ri c h a rd &: Mary Lou J anes Vincent
Foundation Madison Lobby
Grand Dome
Third Floor Lobby Alcove,
Mr. &: Mrs. Alvin Broadway
Lobby, Center Jar Pmduction Wasserman William &: Ellen Kahn
Darrel &: Dawn Reece & Administration Box Lev el Pmmenade
Co-Star Dressing Room
Drs. Robert &: Patricia Reed
Mr. Todd A. Wyett DaimlerChrys ler
Dr. &: Mrs. Sam Williams
Chaim, Fanny, Louis, Randa ll Reher, M.D. Ms. Shiao-Fong Yin Corpo ra tion Barb ara Gibson Stairway Be njamin &: Ann Florence
Mr. &: Mrs. J ohn B Re n ick
Suzanne &: Robert L Rewey
Community Pe1io nnance Exhibit, Broadway
Ka u fm an Memoria l Tru st
Theater, Center Jar Arts Grand Lobby Side
The Ritz-Carlton, De a rb orn & Learning Chandelier
I n th e fa ll o f 2005, Michigan Opera Theatre was fortunat e to be the recip ien t of an exciting gift from th e Danto famil y.
The Danto family-Marvin and Bett y D anto, and th e ir daughter Joanne-agreed to give a combined gift of $1 million to establish t he Betty, Marvin and Joann e Danto Dance Endowment Fund at the Detroit Opera House.
This endowment fund w ill b e u sed to sponsor a performance by a major dance company on th e main s ta ge, as well as s upport dance initiatives such as ma ste r clas ses and classes for und erprivileged ch ildren in the Ford Center for Arts and Learning.
Joanne Danto , in co ll abora tion with Carol Halsted , Director of Danc e at Michigan Opera Theatre,
w ill be a major re so urce in t h e se lec ti o n o f projects for th e Betty, Marvin and Joanne Danto Dance Endowm en t Fund. Joanne's expertise in this area will m ea n exciti n g poss ibilit ies for future projects, as h e r profe SSio n a l experi en ce as a ballet dancer and dance instructor has included the Joffrey Ball et, the Frankfurt Opera Ballet , the Nationa l Ballet of Washington, Inte rl ochen Cen ter for the Arts, the UniverSity of Michigan a mong man y oth e rs.
Mr. Marvin Danto has been a memb e r of the Board o f Trustees of Michigan Opera Th eat r e for m a n y years He has had a su ccessful caree r in th e furniture and int e rior d esign business as well as real es tate de velo pment, and is well known in Mi c higan as
a co mmunit y and civic leader and philanthropist.
Mr Danto and hi s wife Betty ha ve s upported num ero u s c harit ab le ca u ses, including the Detroit In s titute of Arts , the Sa rasota Ba lle t of Florida, Int e rl oc h en Center for the Arts, th e J ewis h Federation of Detroit and Cranbrook Academy of Art, to nam e a few.
"The Dantos' tremendous ge n erosi ty mean s so much to th e futur e o f dance at the Detroit Opera H o u se. The ir gifl will ensure that we can and will re m ain co mmitted to presenting th e world's gre at dance compa nies. We are ve r y b lessed t o h ave th e Danto family as our fri e nds," said Da vid Di C hiera, Genera l Directo r of Mi c hi gan Opera Thea tre
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
"",vw.MichjganOpera org
World H erit age Foundation
Conductor's Dressing Room
Endowment Funds at Michigan Opera Theatre
Mandell Berman
Arthur Blair
Ma rl e n e and John Boll Dance Fund
J oyce H Cohn
Betty, Marvin and Joanne Danto Dance Endowment
Detro it Grand Op er a Associat ion
Barbara Gibson and Sam Williams
Young Artist Apprentice Fund
Hilda and Joel Hamburger
Gordon V Hoialmen
J ohn S and James L. Knight
Michi gan Opera Th eat re En dowme nt Fund at the Commu nity Found ation for So utheaste rn Michigan
Shirley K. Schlafer
Ida and Co nrad H. Sm ith
Endowment for Mich igan Opera T h eatre
P earl and George Zeltzer Dance Endowment
Michigan Opera Th eatre gra t efu lly acknowledges the generous corporate, founda ti on, government and indi vidua l donors whose contributions we r e made between Ju ly 1, 2005 and J une 30, 2006. Their generosity p l ays an integral part in the company's financia l stab ili ty, necessary for producing quality grand opera and dance, and award - w i nning educatio n al activities.
$200 ,000+
DaimlerCh rysler
Corporation Fund
Dance Season Sponsor
Alvin Ailey Opening Night
Gala Sponsor
Opera Ball Platinum Sponsor
Community Programs
F ord Motor Company Fund
Fall Opera Season Sponsor
10th Anniversary Concert & Gala Sponsor
Alvin Ailey Opening Night
Gala Sponsor
Opera Ball Platinum Sponsor
General Operating Support
General Motors Foundation
Spring Opera Season Sponsor
Alvin Ailey Performance Sponsor
Opera Ball Go ld Sponsor'
Community Programs Support
$50,000-$199 ,999
The Nutcrackel· Production Sponsor
Opera Ball Silver Sponsor
BravoBravo Silver Leaf Sponsor
Community Programs Support
MASCO Corporation
Alvin Ailey Educational Outreach Sponsor
The Nutcracker Student
Ticket Sponsor
Community Programs Support
General Operat ing Support
$25,000-$49 ,999
Comerica Bank
Cinderella Performance Sponsor
Opera Ball Silver Sponsor
BravoBravo Go ld Sponsor
LaSalle Bank
Too Hot To Handel Production Sponsor
AAA Michigan
Opera Ball Silver Sponsor
Golf Outing Silver Sponsor
DTE Energy Foundation
Aida Performance Sponsor
Alvin Ailey Adopt-A-School
Globa l H ue
Alvin Ailey Pe rformance Sponsor
$ 10 ,000-$14 ,999
GMAC Financial Services
Alvin Ailey Performance Sponsor
Meadowbrook Insurance
Alvin Ailey Performance Sponsor
Visteon Corporation
Opera Ball Silver Sponsor
$5 ,000-$9 ,999
Arvin Meritor
Great Lakes Beve r age
BravoBravo Silver Leaf
$2 ,500-$4,999
Alix Partners LLC
The Nutcracker Supporter
Casino Windsor
Les Grands Ballet Canadiens de Montrea l Marketing
Colasanti Construction
Services, Inc.
Golf Outing BronzeSponsor
Farbman Group
BravoBravo Crystal Leaf Sponsor
Grunwe ll -Cashero Co., I nc
Go lf Outing·Bronze Sponsor
Home Title Connect
BravoBravo Crystal Leaf
Kelly Services Foundation
The Nutcracker Supporter
Nesi and Associates
BravoBravo Crystal Leaf
Quality 1st Lending
BravoBravo Crystal Lea f
Red Bull
BravoBravo Crysta l Leaf
Right Management
Consu l tants
BravoBravo Crystal Leaf
Rock F inancial MOT Kidz TV
$1 ,000-$2,499
Ash Stevens
Community Programs
Barris, SOlt, Denn &: Driker, PL L C
Blue Cross Blue Sh ie ld of Michigan
BravoBravo Terra Cotta
Sponso r
Commercial Maintenance, I nc.
Golf Outing Titan ium
Cuzzens Credit Bureau &: Services
BravoB ravo Terra Cotta
Evola and Associates
BravoBravo Terra Cotta
IATSE - Local 38
Marine Pollution Control
Community Programs Jazz
Series Sponsor
Metropolitan Ti tle Company, Commerc ial Division
Pepsi Bottling Company
Golf Outing Titanium
Resi dence Inn by Marriott
Golf Out ing Titanium
Rinke Pontiac GMC, Rinke
Cadillac, Rinke Toyota Scion, H onda of Bloomfield, Toyota Scion Bloomfield, Hyu n dai of Waterford
Golf Outing Titanium
Taktix Solutions LLC
Golf Outing Titanium
Comerica Insurances Services, Inc.
Golf Outing Tee Sponsor
Edgewood El ectric, Inc.
Golf Outing Tee Sponsor
J M Olsen Company
BravoBravo Bricks &- Mortar
Ke lly Law Registry
BravoBravo Bricks & Mortar
Maddin, Hauser, Wartell, Roth et al
Moffat McGuire, I nc.
Go lf Outing Tee Sponsor
PPG F oundation
ProgreSSive Mechanical, Inc.
Golf Outing Tee Sponsor
Reliant Pattern
Golf Outing Tee Sponsor
Safety Techno logy Internat 'l Inc.
SpeCial Events Party Rental
Golf Outing Tee Sponsor
WPM., Inc.
Golf Outing Tee Sponsor
Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs
National Endowment for the Arts
$100,000 +
J ohn S. and J ames L Knight Foundation
McGregor F und
$25 ,000 - $99 ,999
DeRoy Testamentary Foundation
Young Artist Apprentice
Program Sponsor
Aida Perfonnance Sponsor
Matilda R Wilson Fund
$15 ,000 - $24 ,999
Hudson-Webber Foundation
Oliver Dewey Marcks Foundation
Sage Foundation
Whitney Fund
$10,000 - $ 14,999
T he Elizabeth, All an and Warren Shelden Fund
Louis &: Nellie S ieg F oundation
Go lf Outing Platinum Sponsor
Ida &: Conrad H. Smith Endowment for the Mich igan Opera Theatre
Cinderella Performance Sponsor
Mary Thompson Foundati on The Samuel L Weste r man Foundation
Widman F und of the Community Foundation for Southeastern M ichigan
]. Ernest and Almena G ray Wilde Foundat ion
$5,000 - $9 ,999
Capital Region Community Foundation
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
James &: Lynelle H o l den Fund
$2,500 - $4 ,999
Frank and Gertrude Dunlap Foundation
Golf Outing Bronze Sponsor
Livonia Community Foundation
St. Denys Foundation Young Woman's Home Associat ion
$1,000 - $2 ,499
Community Foundation of Greater Fli nt
Detroit Industrial School
Drusilla Farwell Foundation
Benard L Maas F oundation
T he Sigmund and Sophie Rohlik Founda
Mr. &: Mrs Lee Barthel
Cinderella Production Sponsor
Detroit Opera House Projects General Operating Support
$25,000 - $49 ,999
Me. &: Mrs. Mic h ael A. Chirco
Artist Sponsor - Salvatore Licitra In Aida
Jamison Williams Foundation
Salome Performance Sponsor
$ 15 ,000 - $24 ,999
Mr. &: Mrs Eugene Applebaum
Opera Ball Go ld Sponsor
Mr. &: Mrs. J ohn A. Boll, Se.
Opera Ball Go ld Sponsor
Mr. &: Mrs David F ischer
Opera Ball Go ld Sponsor
Mr. Richard A. Sonenklar
$10 ,000 - $14,999
Mr. &: Mrs. Gebran Anton
Opera Ball Silver Sponsor
Mr. &: Mrs. Adrian Kramer
Opera Ball Silver Sponsor
Mr &: Mrs Manuel Moroun
Opera Ball Silver Sponsor
$5,000 - $9 ,999
Dr. David DiChiera
Penske Corporation
Mr. &: Mrs W James Prowse
Connie &: Gera ld Ross
$1,000 - $2,499
Irina Mishura &: William]. Morris
$50,000 - $199 ,000
Marlene &: John Boll Family Foundati on The Shirley K. Schlafer Foundat ion
$25 ,000 - $49,999
M r &: Mrs. George M. Zeltzer Sleeping Beauty Production Sponsor
$5 ,000 - $9,999
Mr &: Mrs. Irving Rose
Alvin Ailey Student Ticket Sponsor
In Appreciation of Barbara Como 's
BRAVO BRAVO! 2006 Nic ole Herdoliza Ellen & james Lab es
Frankel on Mother's Day Congress IN KIND SPONSORS San d y H erzog Firefly Phone s
Laurie Frankel, Leia and Connie & john Ahee
Mr. & Mrs. An drew H owell Frank lin Ra cq u e t Clu b
Na than Courthouse Brass iere Platinum Is lan d Hou se Ho tel Gr ace Thorson Des ign
Crave Res taurant & Su sh i 6 Degrees Mazazine jacob 's Creek Harvey Yate s, LB O ffice
In Appreciation of Herman Ba r & Lounge Crave restaurant + sush i b ar jill Admoni u s Pro du c ts
Frankel on Father's Day Da Edoardo 's Foxtown Grille + lounge
Ka rmi c Cafe H ilton Garden Inn
Laurie Frank el, Leia and Dan Sta ll In c., The Auc tion I talmo d a La Contessa j P's Pet Grooming
Na th a n Tea m Levi tation, Inc. La Zingara
In Memory of Frederick W.
Krystyna's Europea n Spa
Darle n e & Tony Soave Legends of Ice, Inc. Microso ft
Daniela Allega Fu ciarellil Silver Leaf liquid Exposu re Nexlink Communication s
Gridley Architectura l Go ld Ad di son Graphic So lutions Luigi Bruni Capell i Mod e rni Opus One/Opus to Go
Ze ta Alpha Chapter, Delta David V J o hn so n Colo n ia l Party Event Re nta l Majestic Cafe Pul se Detroi t
Omicron Inte rna ti onal
Den ise & Bob Lut z
Fra te rnit y Free Ma re Re sid en ce Inn b y Marri ot t
In Memory of Stanley Jeziak
Lawrence j eziak & Family
la yn e & Ka thl ee n Stewart
In Memory of Candace Jidov
Virgini a Francis
In Memory of Joseph Johns
Maureen H Burke
Betty & Sta n Ca rl so n
Elle n & joseph Folz
In Honor of the Recovery of Ann Katz
Mary Lou Zieve
Dia n e & Larry jones Crystal Leaf
Ma rio 's No rth e rn Ita li an Ri nke Ponti ac GMC
Dod ie & Larry Davi d Planterra Cuisine (2) She p h erd 's Hollo w Golf Club
D r. Lorna Th omas
Dr. Lo u rdes Anda ya Terra Cotta
Edmun d T. Ahee j ewe lers The Display Group
Ma rsha ll Field 's Inte rio r Simmo n s & Clar k j ewe le rs
Design Stud io So u t h ern Hosp it alit y Group
Michel ob Ultra / Miche lo b Tak ti x Sol utio n s, l. l. C
Elmo re Leonard Newpo rt Furnis h ings Amber Tennis & Golf Company
Fox & H ou nd s Source Aud io
Frances & Ken Eisenberg
Fu sc h sia Frog
Gery c h 's Flowers
MLE Transportati o n Ticketmaster
Mon jin Lau Tubb y's Grilled Subm arines
Moo Moo 's Organic Bistro
6 Degrees Mosaic
Gloria & Fred Clark Bella Blu e My Gym
Illu sions Salon & Spa Capital Event Productions Nature Nook
joanne & Ri cha rd Brodie Corner Productions Nes tl e Wate rs No rth
judie & Roger Sh e rma n Detroit Synergy America
Ju dy & Ran d y Ag ley EastWes t Produ c tion s New Por t Furn is h ings
jules R. Sc hu bot j ewe ll e rs & liquid Exposure
Gemologis ts
In Honor of Ron Switzer & Krisp y Kreme Do nu ts
Jim McClure
Kat hl een Atteberry
Sue, Alan & Nick Buratto
Vita m in Water
Whole Foods Marke t
WWj Newsradio 950
Dou g Button
Ed Nagel
Oa k land At h let ic Cl u b jim Fl emin g
Re al Detro it j esse Pa lt er Marimar Alo n so
Thought Co lli de Productions Phase One H airdressers
Sa ra j ohns ton
Kr isti ne & jim Mes tda gh Vision Enterta in me nt The Parade Compa n y Tennis & Golf Com p any -
La Belle Provence WD IV Park West Ga ll ery Davi d Schwartz
Lora & Sergio Mazza Post Bar Detroit
Marcia & Eugen e BRAVO BRAVO! 2006 Pulse Detroit
In Honor of Charli Podowski Applebaum IN KIND DONORS T he Rattlesnake Adel Ame rman
Ginge r & Arno l d
Bu c hman
In Honor of Roger Sherman
Mario 's About Fa ce Red Coat Tavern Ali Mo iin
Marlen e & john Boll Aest h e ti c Dent ist ry by Red Th e Sa l on Amy jidov
Mary & C harli e Park hill Robert DiPilla , DDS PC Roosterta il April Wagn e r, Armagnac
Mary Ann Van Els lander Agave ' Sal on Sydney Rob ert Bomier, Robin Ric h H o mb erg
Mary Bet h & j o hnj agge r American Coney Island Ton i Sc ho en ith Weid in ger
Mery l & Ter ry Podo ls k y An d o n ia Bri c k town Stat io n Shepherd 's H o ll ow Go lf Cl u b Caro l & Nonm Sk ru ch
In Memory of Hector Mich e ll e Geo rgioNi nta ge An diamo Ri ver front Sim m ons & Clark J ewelers Dodie & Larr y David
Somerville Win e Co.
Ms. Lee A. So m ervi ll e Michigan Ope ra Theatre
Aq ua Sa lo n Slows Bar B Q Do n j e n se n
Atwater Bl ock Brewe ry Sma ll Plates Eva Meha ry, Marsh USA
Mo ni ca Moffat & Pat Audra Kubat Sp orts Club of West Floy an d Lee Barth el
In Memory of Joy Vallier McG uire
Barb a ra & Do u glas Bloom
Tina & Mario Caponi
Maria & Dino Cidvatti
T h e Hon Marilyn Kelly
Mosa ic
Bang Sa lon West Bloom field Bloomfiel d Ga il U rso , U rso Design s, In c
Barefo ot W ine Starbu ck s Gloria & Fred Cla r k
Motor City's Iri desce n ce Bashar Salo n Sta rTrax Event Produ c tions Gloria Stonis ch
Neim an Marcus
Beans a n d Cornbread St rawberry Sp irits
Gwen & Richa rd Bowlby
Nora & Mall ie Moroun Beau jack's Food & Spir its "Th a t 80 's Band" H e len Rowe
George Martindale No rt hp ointe In s urance Big Rock C h op H o u se The Town Pu mp john Lop ez - Twingo 's
Mary E. McDev itt Opus One
Gle nn Murray Os lo
C Pax to n
Cafe Cortina Tubby's Sout h ga te Res taura nt
Callo way McMaho n Thought Collid e Produ cti ons Kelly Verbeerst
Pam e la App leb aum Wyett Heli cop te r Se rvices Un de r Your Com man d Kevi n Dennis & j eremy
Pa tricia Rodz i k Can ape' Cart Un ion Street Sa loon , In c. Ze ltzer
Purpl e Bear
R. j a miso n W ill ia m s, Jr.
Canine to F ive Vicente 's Cu b an Cuis in e Kr ys tyna's Spa
Centaur W in e & Marti ni Ba r Vitamin Wa te r Mary Sue & Pau l Ewi ng
OPERA BAIl Ro b e rt a & She ld o n Toll The Centu ry G rill e Zin c Na t ure Noo k of Gross e
110 Co u ture Roma Ca fe
Al Lu ca re lli
American Co n ey Is land
Ann & Larry Garberding
Anonym ous (2)
Anto ni o's
Assagg i
Av iva & Dean F riedman
Bai le Corcaigh
Beau J ack's
Bett y & Bill Brooks
Chaudjea n s Poi nte
Ro sanne & Sa nd y Duncan Chicago O p era Th eat re
Ro se tt e & Roger M. Aj lu ni Th e Chop Sh op Birmingham Add ison Graphic So lu tio n s Osca r & Dee Feldman
Sa lon Sy dn ey
Sandra Ba er
Seeger Peop le
Seldom Blu es
Como 's AI Long Ford
Tom Betolini
Currents by the Riv e r Barbara Yakima l.l. C Village Toy Shop
Detroi t Beer Co mp a n y Bavarian Inn
De t ro it Ri ve r Regatta Beau j ac k 's Food & Spirit s MISCELlANEOUS
Sh e ll y & Peter Coope r Association
Simmons & Clark j ewe lers
Sma ll Pl a tes
Sweet Lorr a in e's
Dj Captain 20
Come rica Bank Dr. H ershel Sand berg
C ra ve re s tauran t + s ushi bar Es t ate of Florenc e Maiull o
DJ Matt A + lou n ge Barn es
Dj Rubix Cu b e Dalgleish Cad i llac
The launc hing of Ba rbara Gibsons ca reer reads like a script from a H ollywood movie. She had been studying for three years with Maestro Sturani, when he in vited a group of his Metropolitan Opera friends, including soprano Bidu Sayo, baritone Giuseppe Danise and tenor Giovanni Martinelli to hear th e 19-year-o ld soprano. After the reci tal, Danise was so impressed that he was ab le to arrange an audition for Barbara wit h Arthur Judson of Columbia Artist Management , Inc That very day, it happened that the producer of 'The Telephone Hour" had an appointment at Columbia, and he was persuaded to listen to the young coloratura. She was immed i a t ely Sign ed to a Co lum bi a Artists contract and a debut on a national radio broadcast in September 1949. A recording contract with RCA soon fo ll owed as well as an appearance on the "Voice of Firestone" broadcast simu ltaneously on radio and television.
In 1952, sh e was ch osen by the legendary Arturo Toscanini to sing in the radio broadcast of Gluck's Oljea ed Ew id ice. Soon after, she made h er operatic deb ut with th e Cincinn ati Opera
Association as Gilda in Ri ga letta In 1954, she appeared w i th the San Francisco Opera as Rosina, Oscar and Zerlina. The follOwing spring s h e was chosen to p artiCipate in a five-week cultural good will tour of Europe. After a tr i umphant performance w i th the Berlin Phil harmon ic, De r Ta gess pi ega l proclaimed, "Barbara Gibson brought back to life the great era of colora tura s in ging. " H er second tour of Europe clim axed with the winning of first prize in t he woman's vocal divis i on of Italy'S Giambattista Viotti con test. First prize had never been awarded in the voice d ivis ion. Moreover, accord ing to the Associated Press wi re report flashed around the world, Barbara Gibso n was the first American to win a first prize in any of the four contest divisions (vo ice, p iano, vio lin and composition).
Re turning after an exhaus tin g and extended nationa l concert tour, she took th e music world by surprise when, at the he ight of her vocal powers, she announced that she wou ld retire fro m the stage and dedicate h erself to raising her young family in Detroit, Michigan, bringing a premature end to a meteoric ca reer.
In 1965, Dr. Dav i d Di Chi era, w h o had
Grand Valley celeb ra tes the imagina tion , creativity and beau ty o f the arts. We applaud the talented people who sh are our p assion for exce llen ce and our commitment to per sonal achievem ent. For more information ab out the ou tstanding opp ortunities at Grand Valley, call (80 0 ) 74 8- 024 6 or visit wwwgvsu .edu
Barbara G ib son a s Lucia in th e 1968
Michigan Opera T heatre 2005-2006
committed himself to establishing an opera company in Detroit, pe rsuaded h er to be the featured artist in the Overture to Opera Series, performing t h e mad scene from L u c ia d i La mmerm oo r in eight performances th roughout the Metropo li tan Detro it area. She became a founding boa r d member of t h e fledgling compan y, provid ing constan t artistic advice, and introducing D i C hi era to many co ll eagues, includ ing famous Italian basso Ita lo Tajo, who came to Detro it to sing in Il C amp a n ell o an d direct the compan yS first fu ll- length produc tion, T h e Ba rb er of Sev ill e
Ba rbara Gibson's comm itment to Michigan Opera Theatre has continued through the years, and in 2002, a generous endowment gift estab lished t h e Barbara Gibson Young Artist App r e nt ice Program, wh ich will support Michigan Opera Theatres ongoing commitment to tra ining and prepari ng the opera stars of tomorrow.
• If you are a Sunday Matinee Subscriber, park or be dropped off at one of the 2 suburban pick-up/drop-off locations.
• Royal Transportation coaches will pick-up 90 minutes prior to curtain time and drop you off at the Madison Avenue entrance to the Detroit Opera House.
• Royal Transportation coaches will leave the Detroit Opera House (Madison Avenue doors) 30 minutes after the final curtain.
• This is a great way to avoid all of the construction traffic and to meet new friends!
• Gives you time to enjoy a beverage or meal at the Cadillac Cafe in the Detroit Opera House
• Roundtrip cost is just $15 per person.
• For further information, please call the Ticket Office at (313) 237-SING.
A map of your parking location and departure time will be mailed to you prior to performance date. Parking locations are subject to cancellation due to insufficient riders.
_ Sun. October 22, 2006 Matinee $
- Sun. November 12, 2006 $
- Sun. April 22, 2007 $
- Sun. May 13, 2007 $
- Sun. June 3, 2007 $
Number of riders @ $15 ea. = $
On Michigan Avenue just west of Ford Performing Arts Center Park in rear of lot.
Off of Big Beaver Road at 1-75, just west of Marriott Hotel Park in rear of lot.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Michigan Opera Theatre offers a transportation option to subscribers for select at easy-to-reach locations.
The 2006 Learning a t the Opera House Programs for Young People included a n ew workshop called MOT Kidz TV Workshop. Step hani e Milledge, Policy Analyst for Detroit City Co uncil President, Kennet h V Cockrel, Jr, attended the closing celebration for thi s new workshop and surpr i sed everyone with a SPIRIT OF D ET ROIT AWA RD that was Signe d b y every member o f th e Detro it City Council , in honor of the Fir st Ann ual MOT Kidz TV Workshop! We wish to thank Ms. Mi lled ge and the entire City Co uncil for this tremendo us recogn ition. It is gratifying that Learning at the Opera House is being honored.
"We are thrilled with this honor, " said workshop instructor, Brian Heath. "Th e stu dent s w ill remember th e Spi rit of Detroit award proudly for th e rest of their lives"
The seve n minute film that the student s produced is to be entered into a stud ent film contest. "The film is of a very hi gh quality," cont inu ed Mr. H eath. " It 's a fantasy about Ipod s ruining the brains of the nation 's youth. "
"We had lots of fun doing the film and learned a ton," said st udent and Juni or Int ern , Remington Devereaux. "It's a funny movie, but it's a serious idea. It 's an honor to have our wo rk recognized b y the Detroit City CounciL"
Congratulations to the students; Brian Heath; Interns: Dea Day and Tri sh Shandor as we ll as Ope ratio ns Manager, Betty Lane for their fin e work I
Tim e Out for Opera, a television series produced b y our own Karen DiChiera and educator Jonathan Sw ift , has received many awards over the years. In 2006 , the
s ho w's producers were hon ored by The Alliance for Community Media , and rece ived the Philo T Farnsworth Awardnamed for the inventor of the television Time Out for Op era airs on channel 15 and 1 8 in areas served by Bloomfield Community Tel ev i sio n. The half-hour show is also syndicated on a number o f other stations throu gho ut the state . Ch eck your l ocal listings and tune in for great disc u ssion about all things opera.
Over the summer, th e tour artists of Community Programs staged a Music Revue for a sold-out crowd at Temple Beth El and performed in the parking lot of the Fox and Hounds Restaurant for the Dream Cruise . As a reminder, the touring artists can enterta in at private and public eve nt s and for spec ial occasions. Contact Dol ores Tobi s , Marketing Manager at dtobis@motoperaorgor (313) 237-3429.
The art ist s of Co mmunit y Programs continue to tour great sh ows to school s an d community events all over the state. For 2006/2007, the group is pleased to present NANABUSH, a s hort opera bas ed on ancient sto ries that are favorites of the Native American Indian population of the
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Learning at the Opera House has ended its s umm er wo rk shops and Comm unit y Programs is once again "on the road " serving the state of Michigan. www.Michiga
Great Lakes Region. Th e opera was composed b y Community Programs Direc tor, Karen DiChiera, to a libretto b y William Kirk, for the state's 1S0th Anniversary
Jam es Blanchard w as Governor of Michigan from 1983 - 1991 and s tart ed p l anning for the sesquicentennial soo n a ft e r taking office. He co nta cted arts organizations which toured th e state with outreach programs to p lan their offerings in 1997 to have a "Michigan Th e m e."
Karen DiChiera felt that the lesso ns that the NANABUSH stories provided wou ld be enjo yed by everyone.
To learn more about these stories, Ms. DiChiera spent tim e on both the [ Anse Rese r vation in th e Upper Penninsula and with Victor Kishigo, owne r and founder of Indian Hills Gallery and Museum outside of Petosky As a result of the help provided b y these experts, Bill Kirk and Karen DiChiera were able to r e-shap e four stories about an Indian Trickster and god who was
ab le to teach va lues such as t e llin g the truth , taking turns, overcoming fea rs and learning from nature. In this unusual tour opera, Ms. DiChi era co mposed musi c for xylophones, drums , and other percus sio n instruments which are actually played by th e si nger s as th ey perform.
We learn ed, sa dly, that Victor Ki sh igo prematur e l y passed away this year of complication s from pneumonia. We are dedicatin g our NANA BUSH tour in hi s memory with gra titude for his help in the crea tion of this piece and for serving on the Advisory Comm itt ee for the Michigan Opera Thea tre Depa rtment of Community Programs.
To bring NANA BUSH , or any o f our exci tin g co mmunit y program s to yo ur community, contact Dolor es Tobis, Marketing Manager at dtobis@motop era.orgor (313) 237-3429.
ic hi gan Opera Th eatre Volunteer Associat ion members have a starr ing ro le in the co ntinu ed su ccess o f Michigan Opera Theatre and the Detroit Opera Hou se. Since 1993, the mission of MOTVA h as b een two -fold: to provide financi al support for Michigan Opera Theatre productions and community programs, and to cultivate public aware n ess of and interest in opera and dance as art forms.
MOTVA members participate in meaningful activities that includ e sponsorin g fund raising events, presenting social and edu ca tional programs, workin g b ehin d the scenes to provide ad vocacy and audience development and much need e d administrative services. Member b enefits include wonderful opportunities to make new friends while contrib u ting to a prestigious community asset.
Most importantly, yo u will know that yo ur volunteerism helps bring the very fin es t opera and dance production s to th e stages o f th e Detro it Opera Hou se, providing the most excit ing and gla morou s theater experie nce s avai lable in our co mmunity.
Your tax-deductible membership allows yo u to participate in as many of the individual vo lunte er grou ps and activities as yo u wish. Simply fill in the membership form and return it with yo ur du es. We lo ok forward to we lcoming yo u to the Michigan Op era Theatre family through your membership in the Michigan Opera Th eatre Volunteer Association.
Most Sin ce rel y,
Judith SlotkinPre sid ent MOTVA
Learn the rich history of the Detroit Opera House and share your knowledge by guiding tours through the h ouse
Ass i s t in sel lin g opera and dance merchandise durin g performances at th e Detro it Opera H ouse.
Promote an d inspire participation in comm uni ty o utr each and educational programs of the Michigan Opera Theatre Department of Community Programs.
Work to broaden the audience for da n ce at the Detroit Opera House through events whic h hi ghlight, support and ce l ebrate each production in the Da n ce Series.
Introdu ce v isiting art is t s to Detroit and make their stay more enjoyab l e and memorable.
Network wi th young professionals who s har e a mutu a l int erest in fostering supp ort for the Detroit Opera Ho u se, and raise funds for its continu ed preserva ti on.
Fostering GLBT unity in support of Michigan Opera Theatre and its programs.
Assist wit h th e transpo rt ation of vis it ing artists and dignitaries.
Assist with office duties and o th er tasks whi ch help keep Michigan Opera Theatre 's "wheel s" turning.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Pl an open in g night festivities and other special events s upp orting opera productions.
Perform sile nt ro ll s which add atmosp h ere and dimension to our produc ti ons. No fo rm al o p eratic or th eatrica l training required.
Assist wit h taking tickets and seating patrons at Detroit Opera House events and performances.
Promote Opera and Dance through ta lk s and continu al discussions.
Mi c h igan Opera T h ea t re and th e De t ro i t O p era H o u se p resen t one of th e fin est and m ost di verse o p er a an d da n ce se ri es in the co unt ry. Th e th eatrica l expe ri e n ces e n co mp ass v o ca l an d orch es tr al mu sic, d an ce, dr am a, cos tu mes, se ts an d lighting Th e ac hi evem ent o f thi s m ultipli c it y r e quir es m a n y vo i ces a n d m any willing h and s Th e talen te d , givin g h an d s o f o ur Ope r a Leag u e, Us h ers, Da n ce Co u nc il, En co r e l , Amb assa d o r s, o ffi ce, edu ca ti on an d Bo utiqu e wo r ke r s, Mover an d Su per vo lu n t ee r s h ave a sign ifi can t impa ct on th e ove rall op era ti on of the co m pa n y.
MOTVA Executive Committee
J u dit h Slo tkin , Pres id en t
Nancy Moore, Secre tary
J o h n McMulli n , Treas urer
Bett y Brooks, Pas t Pr es id ent
Gloria Cl ark, Pas t Pres id ent
Do di e Davi d, Past President
Board of Directors and Committee Chairs
Hel en Arn oldi -Rowe, Di vas/Divos
Gwen Bowlby, Publi city
Glo ri a Clark & Do di e Davi d , Ope r a Leagu e
Danie ll e DeFa u w, Boutiqu e
Kevin Denni s, Tec hn ology
Marian n e Endi co tt , Co mmunity Pro gr am s
Ga il Urso, Dance Cou n cil
Don J ensen, Board Memb er
Amy Jid ov, Me m be r shi p
Vitt o ri a Kat ans ki , Enco re l
Na n cy Kro likowski , Movers
H elen Mill en , Amb assa d ors
Ali Mo iin , Su pe r s
Wa llace Peace, Vo lunt eer Edu ca ti on
Terry Sh ea, Boa rd Me mb er
Dere k Smi ertk a, Foo tli gh ts
Ro b erta Sta rkwea ther , OV I Rep. Boa rd Me mb er
2006 OPERAtors:
Ma rga r et All esee
H ele n Arn oldi- Rowe
Glori a Cla rk
J oa nne Dant o
Dodie David
Mar ianne Endi co tt
Alan Israel
Am y J i d ov
Mr. & Mr s. Ri ch ard Partric h
Katey Sz um a
Please indicate the typ e of membership:
o Individu aL .. . ..... ........ .... .... .$ 35.00
o Co upl e.. $ 6 0 00
o Pa tro n: O PERA t ors $1 00 00
o Se ni or slUsh er s $ 25.00
o Stud ent s $ 10.00
( Memb ership is for on e ye ar and is ren ewabl e on th e anniv e rsary dat e.)
To tal:
o My ch eck to Michi gan Ope r a Th eat re is en cl ose d .
o Pl ease ch arge m y cr edi t ca rd in the amo u nt o f: ___
o Visa 0 MC 0 AMEX 0 Discove r Acco unt num be r: ________ Exp. ___
Sign ature ________
Your contributions help bring the very finest opera and dance productions to the stages of the Detroit Opera House and provide the most exciting and glamorous theater experiences available in our community.
(Please ch eck Vo lun teer Group s of int erest)
o Ambassadors
o Boutique
o Community Programs
o Dance Council
o Divas / Divos
o Encore! Young Professionals
o Footlights
o Movers
o Office Volunteers
o Opera League
o Supers
o Ushers
o Volunteer Education
Please return this completed form to:
Michi gan O p era Theatre
Att n : Nikki Ruddy, Vo lu nteer Manage r Detro it, MI 48226
Or sign up online : tva org
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Judith Slo tki n, MO TVA Presid ent wo ul d b e h ap py to an swe r a n y q u estio n s you m ay h ave. Pl ease ca ll h er : 2 4 8. 7 6 1. 8766 www.Michi ga nOpera o rg
Unauthorized came r as and recording devices are not allowed inside the lobb y or theater at a n y time. Th e taking of photographs of th e theater or any performance is strict ly prohibited. As a courtesy to our guests, we ask that all paging devices, cellular telephones a nd alarm watches be switched to silent mode prior to the start of a ll performances.
Doctors and parents are ad vised to leave their sea t location (located on ticket) and our eme rgency number, (313) 237-3257 , with the service or sitter in case of an em ergency Please observe the lighted exit sign s lo cated throughout the theater. In event of fire or simi lar emergency, please remain calm and walk - do not run - to the nearest exit. Our ushers are trained to lead you out of the bu ildin g safely. A trained Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) is onsi te during most events. Please see an usher or staff member to co ntact the EMT.
Ladies' restrooms are located off the Ford Lobb y (Broadway Str eet entrance), down the s tai rs an d also on the third floor (Madiso n Stree t en tran ce) - please press "3R" on the elevator to reach this facility
Gentlemen's restrooms are located under the Grand Sta ircase and also in the third floor (Broadway Street side) - please press "3" on the elevator to reach this faci lit y Please note: All third floor r estrooms are wheelchair accessible. A unisex, wheelchair accessible restroom is lo cated in the Cadillac Opera Cafe.
The Detroit Opera House is a smoke-free facility Ash receptacles are provided on the ex terior of all entry doors for those who wish to smoke.
Ushers are stationed at the top of each aisle . If you have a question or concern, please inf orm an ush er, and they w ill contact management. If yo u are interested in becoming a volunteer usher, please call the usher hotline at (313) 237-3253.
Latecomers will be seated only during an appropriate pause in the program. Late
seating p olicies are at the discretion of the production, not opera house management.
Lo st and Found is located in the Safety and Security Department. Please see an usher if you have misplaced an article , or ca ll (313) 961-3500 if you ha ve already l eft the theater. Items will be held in Lo st and Found for 30 days.
The Detroit Opera House Parking Center , lo cated next to the Detroit Opera House, is now open. This new state-of-the-art facility is reserved specifica ll y for Detroit Opera House patrons during regularly-scheduled performances. Entrances and exits are located on both J ohn R. Street and Grand River Ave. for added convenience. Prepaid parking is availab le. Call (313) 237-SING (7464) for more information.
Accessible seating lo cations for patrons in wheelchairs are located in all price ranges on the orch estra le vel. When inquiring about tickets, please ask about these locations if you require special accommodations.
Assisted Listening Devices are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please see an u sher to request this service, or visit the Guest Services desk lo cated in the Vincent Lobby (Madison Street entrance). Although this is a complimentary service, we will request to hold a piece of personal identification whi le you are using the device Please contact the ti cke t office at (313) 237-SING (7464), shou ld yo u desire special consideration.
Children are welcome, however, all gues ts are required to hold a ticket, regardless of age. We k indl y ask that a ll guests rem ember that during a program such as opera or ballet, the ability of all audience members to hear the music is a perquisite to enjoyment of t h e performance. In all cases, babes in arms are not permitted.
Concessions stands are lo cate d on all leve ls. Please note that food and drinks are not allowed in the auditorium at any time. Coat Check is located at the Guest Services desk, in the Vincent Lobby (Madison Street side). Cost is $ 1.00 per coat. Please note that t he Detroit Opera House does not accept responsibility for any personal
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
articles that are not checked at th e coat check. Public Pay Phones are located near the third floor ladi es ' restroom. Take the elevator to "3R" and turn to the left. Pay phones are wheelchair accessible
Be advised that, for purposes of Michigan Compiled Laws, Sec tion 28 425 0(1)(0, this is an entertainment facility wh ich has a seating capacity of more than 2,500 individuals. It is therefore against the law to carry a concealed pistol on the premises.
The Detroit Opera Hou se is avail ab le for rent by your organization. Please call (313) 961-3500 , and ask to be directed to th e Special Events Department.
Th e Detroit Opera House ticket office hours are as follows: No n-p erfo rm a n ce weeks - Monday-Friday 10:00 a.ill. to 5:30 p.m. Performance days -10:00 a.m. throu gh the first int er mi ssion of the evening's performance, except Saturdays and Su nda ys, when the ticket office will open two hours prior to curtain time. Tickets for all public events at the Detroit Opera Hou se are also available through all Tick etMaster outlets, by phone at (248) 645-6666, or at
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With its commitment to excellence in every performance, the Michigan Opera Theatre enriches our community and the quality of our lives.
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We believe a strong, supportive presence in the community where we live, work and do business is vital. It strengthens our dedication to excellence in all that we do.
Please be advised that some cast information has changed since the printing of BRAVO
In order of vocal appearance
C l a r a A l yson Ca mbrid ge*
Min go Lo n e l Woo d s
Sportin' Life Jubil a nt Sykes*
Jake Leo n a rd Rowe
Se re n a A n ge la Simpson (2 1,25,27, 29 m )
M on iqu e McDonald* (22m, 28, 4, 5 m )
Robb in s. M a rlin Monroe Williford*
Jim Jo hn Fulton* t
Peter Dem a rc us Weathersby*
Lil y Alaina Brown
Maria Sabrina Elayne Ca rte n *
Porgy Gordon H aw kins (21,25,27, 29m, 4)
Alvy Powell (22 m , 28, 5 m )
Crown Timothy Blevins (2 1,25,27, 29 m , 4) Perry L. Br own (22 m , 28, 5 m )
Bess Li sa Daltirus (21,25,27, 29m, 4)
Ja nin a h Burn ett* (22 m, 28, 5 m)
D etect iv e John Biedenbach
Po li ce m a n Keith Allan Ka lin ows ki *
Und e rt ak e r. D av id V a u g hn *
Annie Lea h D exte r *
Frazier Iva n Griffin*
Nelson Bernard H o lco mb *
Str awbe rr y Woman Alaina Brown
(21, 22m, 25, 27, 28, 29,4)
Betty Lane* (5)
Perry L. Brown, Crown (22m, 28, 5m)
American bass Pe rry L. Brown m ade hi s o p e rat ic debut with Michigan Ope ra Th ea tre as Commendatore in Don G iova nni, 1995. H e h as since built a n impr ess iv e reput ation as a crossove r a rti st, app ea rin g in num e ro u s ope rati c a nd Broadway produ ct i o n s. Mr. Brown's r epertoir e includ es suc h dive rse ope r ati c roles as D o n Fernando in Fidelio, Spar afu c il e in Rigoletto, C rown in Porgy and Bess, th e Bonze in Madama Butterfly, Balthazar in L-----'.---' --' A m ahl a nd the N ight Visito r s, Bartolo in Le Nozze di Figaro a nd the King , Ra mfi s a nd Amonasro in A ida, a mong m a n y ot he r s. Broadway c redits includ e ro les in Showboat, It 's So N i ce To Be Civilized, Princ e an d the Pauper, Big River, j es us Ch rist Sup erst ar a nd G u ys and Dolls Mr. Brown's up co min g e ngagements includ e the Bonze in Madama Bu tterfl y with both the Austin Lyri c Oper a a nd Palm Be ac h Opera.
Monique McDonald, Serena (22m, 28, 4, 5m)
American soprano Moniqu e McDonald m a kes he r Mi c hi ga n Ope ra Th eat re debut as Serena, and will a l so m ake he r Los Angeles Opera d eb ut in the role t hi s co ming May. She rece ntl y e nj oye d great success as Ariadne in A ri adn e a uf Naxos with the Seattle Opera. Other rece nt e n gage m e nt s include th e titl e role in Tosca o n a tour throughout Spain, as well as with the Teatro Co mun a le di Bologna, Ita l y. Ms. M cDo nald a l so performed as sopr a n o so l o i st in th e Verdi Requiem with the D e lawa re Symphony O rc hestra, a nd in r ec it a l s with the George Lo nd o n Fo und at i o n a nd th e Caramoor Music Festival. Other engagements fo r the 200612007 season includ e a re turn to Spain, touring as Lady M ac b eth in Macbeth, a nd a debut as Aida in Sicily
Alvy Powell, Porgy (22m, 28, 5m)
A Wo m a n
C r ab Man
Alfrelynn Roberts* t
Bernard H olco mb *
Co rone r. Fr ed Buchalter
t Yo un g Artist App renti ce
Georg Klaas - C l arinet Maury Okun - Trombone
Und e rta k e r s Bruce D av i s, Noah Fields, Jose ph Welch, H a rr y Williams
Po li ce m a n Ca rl Fo nta n a
C hi Idren Alexandra D' A br e u-Hin es
Fr ed H o lm es
Josep h H o lm es
Sa ra Kee n e Fa ith La in
Sylvester Mcintos h
Alan Michael McKelton
Z i on Israe l Parrish
Ka ra Pepper
Deja Reese
American b ass- b a riton e Alvy Powe ll is o n e of the world's best-known int e rpreters of Porgy In the r o le, which he h as performed ove r 1,500 times, h e toured Australia with the Spoleto Fest iva l and Europe with the N ew York H a rl e m Theatre. In the H o ust o n Grand Opera tour he sang Porgy at the opera co mpanies of San Di ego, Seattle, Los Angeles, Costa Mesa a nd Portla nd Add itionall y, Mr Powell h as ap p eared as Porgy in the televised Live from Lin co ln Center of the New York C ity Opera produ ct i o n of Porgy a nd Bess, a nd a lso sta rs in a n ew r eco rdin g of Porgy and Bess released thi s past September o n the D ecca labe l. Mr. Powell has a lso e nj oyed su ccess in m a ny other rol es, includin g Sarastro in The M agi c Flute, Balthazar in Amahl and t h e Nig ht Visitors a nd Mephistopheles in Fa ust , a lo ng with ro les in La Boheme, Salome, A ida a nd m a ny other s. Curr ently, Mr. Powell se rv es as full time soloist with th e United States Army Band
Ameri ca n baritone Jubil a nt Sykes m akes hi s Michigan Opera Th eat re debut as Sportin' Life. La ud ed fo r hi s v e r sat ility, Mr. Sykes i s well known for uniqu e co n ce rt perform a n ces, as we ll as fo r d y nami c inte rpr etat i o n s o n th e ope rat i c stage In th e 200512006 seaso n, Mr. Sykes gained c riti ca l accla im for co n ce rt p e rform a n ces with re n ow n ed g uita rist Christopher Pa rk e nin g, in v e nu es across the United States. The two will co ntinu e th e ir uniqu e partn e r ship for addition a l performances this seaso n, p e rfo rmin g h o lid ay classics on tour throu g h o ut th e n ati o n and in Ca nada. An excl u siv e Sony BMG Masterworks a rti st , Mr. Syk es h as re leased se v e ra l recording s, including jubila nt with j azz trump ete r a nd co mposer T e re n ce B la n c h a rd a nd Wait For Me f eat urin g class ic so ng s b y Bruce Springsteen, Bob D y la n and Brian Wilson Mr. Sykes h as appea red with the Metropolitan Ope ra, D e uts c h e Oper Be rlin a nd Hou ston Grand Ope r a, amo ng ot h e rs , a nd ca n frequently be h ea rd as a classical so lo i st w ith symphony o rc h est ras a ll ove r the world.
Anastas i a Feofanova, Gregory H enson, Race in e McDo n a ld, Tammy G raebert
La ura Brinker & Je nny Dalla s
Joanne Weaver, Wig and Makeup Designer
Orig in a ll y from England, Joa nn e Weaver returns to Michigan Ope ra Theatre as wig a nd mak e up d es i g ner for both Porgy & Bess a nd Barber of Sev ille during t he fall 2006 seaso n Ms Weave r h as serve d as r es id e nt d es i gn e r w ith th e co mp any sin ce m akin g he r debut with To sca, in 1 995.
Recen t e ngage m e nt s includ e Cin dere lla a nd Sa lom e with Mi c hi ga n Ope ra Theatr e as we ll as Th e Mag i c Flu te and The Rakes Pro gress w i t h D es
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
"----''-''''----' Mo in es Me tr o Opera. Upco min g engage m e nt s in c lud e Ote llo n ex t summ e r in Des Mo i nes.
Scene I. A Victorian Parlor
Dr. Drossehneyer, Godfather of Clara and Fritz Will y Shives
His Nephew (The Nutcracker Prince) Mic hael Levine
Clar:l Anas t acia Holden
Fritz : : J o hn G lu ckman
Parents of Clara and Fritz:
Mayor Stahlbaum Brian M cSwee n
Mrs. Stahlbaum Ka thl ee n Thielh elm
Grandmother Eliza be th Hanse n Grandfather
Maiden Aunts ............ . .April Daly & A bigail Simo n
Governess Maia W ilkin s
Guests Erica L yn e tte Edward s, Victoria J aiani, Megan Q uir oz, Alexis Polito, Christin e Rocas, J oa nn a Wozniak Matth ew Ad amczyk, Fabrice Calmels, J ona than D UIDIDar, Vice nte Martinez, Thomas Nic h olas, E duard o P ermuy
Their Clnldren.....
drea Ab raham, E lise Armstro ng, Jose p h Badalame n ti, Ho ll y Borla, Bian ca Bo u sarrua, Syd n ey N ico le Brooks, Kenzie Devine, Marisa DeVuys r, Matthew Fuller , Ka thl ee n Howe, Sarah J o n es, Madelin e K un ert, Laur en Lay n e, Kasey Morns, E mliy P rue t er
Servants De rric k Agnole tti & Aaro n Rogers
Maids Kimb erl y Bleic h & Alliso n Wal s h
Mechanical Dolls:
Columbine Suzanne Lopez
Harlequin Calvin Kitte n
Vivandiere J ennifer Goo dman
Soldier P a tric k Sim o niello
Scene II. The Magical Battleground
Nutcracker Doll lVlauro Villan ueva
Nutcracker Prince lVIichael Levine
King ofMice D avid Go mb ert
First Battah"on ofMice . . . . ...... B ran d o n Alexan d er, William I-lillard , Vicente Martinez, Aaron Rogers
Second Battah"on ofA1ice.......................... .............As hl ey Alore, Vero ni ca Alore , A udr ey Beaumarch ais , Alyssa Buss, Alyssa Iselli, Jess ica Maas, Laure n Jourdan M cD o ugal, Irene Van de n berghe
Cavalry Mice O livia M Dorantes , So phia Gevoy, Mollie Hanse n , Elizabe th K un ert
Officers Fa bric e C alm els, J o n ath an D ummar, Matth ew F r ain, T h o m as Nic h o las Soldiers N in a Ahra bian , T ris t e n Asmann , Kayla C. Belfiori, Alliso n Burke, Lucia DelVillan o,
Gina Mahaz, M alo rie M. McGowan, Kaleigh Ann Mead, Victoria M o ntgo m ery, Kalia nn e Reyno lds, J essica Zacharias, Marissa Zoratti
Dolls under the Tree:
Spanish Doll .Alexandra Weaver
Arabian Doll Ca th erine Yo un g
Clnnes e Dolls lVIira nda Wilking & lVIelanie Wilking
Russian Doll. A bigail F is h er
Pierrot Doll Carnryn P atrice H all
Punch ;Reyna Martinez
Gingerbread E rin Lyd d on
Scene III. The Land of Snow
Snow Queen Ka thlee n T hielh elm
Snow King Brian M cSwee n
Snow Prince .......................• J o hn G lu c km a n
Snowflakes Heather Aagard , Kimbe rl y Bleich, April Daly, Erica Lynette Edwards, Eliza be th Ha n se n ,J u s tin e Hum e n ansky, Vic toria Jaiani, Megan Q uiroz, C hristine R ocas, A b igail Sim o n , Laure n Stewart, Alliso n Wals h,
Snow WInds Derrick Agno le tti , William Hillard, E duardo Permu y, Aaro n R oger s, T ian Shuai, T emur Suluas h vili
Snow Trees A va Am brose, Macke nzie A uger, Lib by Baxter, Mikaila Downin g, Parrah A ni se G rund y,
Gabriell a G uglielm etti, La ura M. Hayse, Kriste n J arzemb o ws ki, Megan Lewan, Aleigh G. Shlatterb eck, Mic h elle Woo dard , Mac ke nzie Verelle n
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
-Continued on reverse
The Kingdom of Sweets
Sugar Plull1 Fairy
Nutcracker Pnnce
Chocolate UOll1 Spain l'vlaia Wilkins
Coffee UOll1 Arabia
R ob in & Fabric e Calm els
Tea UOll1 China Heather Aagard & John G luckman
Nougats UOll1 Russia
Marzipan Shepherdesses
n Walsh, Matthew A damcz y k, Derrick Agnoletti, William Hillard
Kimberly Bleich, Abigail Simon, Joanna Wozniak
Mother Ginger Franci s Kane & Her Polichlnelles
Waltz of the Flowers, A Victorian Bouquet
hley Alore, Veronica .Alore , A udre y Beau marchais, .Alyssa Buss, Alyssa Iselli, J ess ica Maas, Lauren Jourdan McDougal, Irene Vandenberghe
Christine Rocas
Caitlin Meighan
David Gombert, Brian McSween, Thomas Nicholas, Temur S ulu as hvili
Brandon Alexander, Matthew Frain, Vicente Martinez, Tian Sh uai Grand
This performance's featured choir:
Eisenh ower High School Utica, Mic higan Julia Jenkins Holt, Dir ector
The Following Local Dance Studios Have Students Participating In The 2006 Joffrey Ballet Production of
American Dance A cademy
Bev's Danc e Studio
Birmingham Communi ty Center
Brighton Schoo l of Ballet
Bunny Sanford 's School of Da nc e
Dance Aca d em y of Bloomfield Hills
Dance D ynamics
Performing Arts Center
Dancer's Edge Studio
Center of th e Arts-
Faith L uther an Church
Center Stage Dance Company
The Nutcracker
Ch armaine's Studio of Dance
Gotta Dance
Inner City Dance Scope
Institute of Mu sic an d Dance at Marygrove Co ll ege
julian a's Aca d emy of Dance
Mary Skiba's Schoo l of Dance
NIDS Training Cen ter for the Performing Arts
Milligan Sch ool of Ballet
Miss Harriet's Dance Studio
Miss Jeans Dance Arts
oretta D unworth Sc hool of Dance
O'Hare Scho o l of Iri sh Dance
Piazza Dance Co mp an y
Rhythm Pointe Dance A cademy
Russian Ballet A cadem y
Sherry'S Acade m y of Dance
Sheryl' s Sc h oo l of Dance
Suzette's Masters of Dance
Studio J Dance Company Taylor Dance
Underground Dance Company
Detroit Opera House gift ,certificates are available at the ticket office, in any denomination, and are redeemable towards single tickets or subscription packages to opera and dance programs.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Scene I. A Victorian Parlor
Dr. Drosselmeyer, Godfather of Clara and Fritz Bria n M cSwee n
His Nephew (The Nutcracker Prince) Calvin Kitten
Clara l-Ieather Aagard
Fn·tz D errick Agnoletti
Parents of Clara and Fn tz:
Mayor Stahlbaum l\IIichael Levine
Mrs. Stahlbaum E mily P a tterso n
Grandmother ..... . ................... . ............................... . ....J oann a Woz niak
Grandfather .............. . .... . ................................................. . ... Willy Shives
Maiden Aunts , Juliann e Ke pl ey & A bigail Sim o n
Governess Ka thl ee n Thielhelm
Guests , E liz a b e th H an se n , Britta Laze n ga, Erin McA fee, Caitlin M eighan , Megan Q uiroz, Laur en Stewart, Brand o n Ale xand er , J o n ath an D urnmar, William Hill ard , Tian Shuai, Mic hael Smith , Temur Sulu as hvili
Their Cln1dren Andrea A b rah am , E li se Arm s tr o n g, J osep h Badalame nti, Ho lly Borla, Syd n ey Nico le Brooks, Bian ca Bo u samra, Ke n zie Devine, Marisa D eVuys t , Matthew F uiler , Ka thl ee n Howe, Sarah J o n es, Mad elin e K un ert, La uren Lay n e, Kasey Morri s, E mily P ru eter
Servants ............................................................
Mechamcal DoDs:
................................... Ma tth ew Frain & Aaro n Roger s
.... Kim b e rl y Bleic h & A nas tacia H o lde n
ColUIIlbine l\IIaia Wilkin s
Harlequin , Th o mas N ich olas
Vivandiere Erica L yn e tte E dward s Soldier Ma ur o Vill anu eva
Scene II. The Magical Battleground
Nutcracker DoD Pa trick Sim o niell o
Nutcracker Pnnce Calv in Ki tten
King ofMice
First Battahon ofA1ice
M atth ew A damc zyk
n Alex an de r , William Hillard, Vicen te Martin ez, Aaro n R oger s
Second Battalion ofMice As hl ey Alore, Vero nica Alo re , A udrey Bea urnarc hais, Alyssa Bu ss, Alyss a I selli, \-' J ess ic a Maas, Laur en J o urdan Nl cD o ugal, Ire n e Vand enb er g h e
Cavalry Mice O livia M. Do rantes, Sophia Gevoy, Molli e H an se n, Eliz ab eth Ku n ert
J o na than Durnmar, E duard o P ermu y, Tian Shu ai, Temur Sulu as hvili
Soldiers N in a A hra bian , Tris t en As mann , K ayla C. Bel fio ri , Alliso n B ur ke, L ucia D elVillano,
G ina Mah az, M alo rie M . M cGowan , Kelsey McNett, Kaleig h Ann Mead , Kaliann e R ey n o lds, Jessica Zac haria s, Zoratti
DoDs under the Tree:
Spanish DoD Alex andra Weaver
Arabian Doll. Cath erin e Yo ung
Chinese DoDs l\IIiranda Wilking & l\IIelanie Wilking
Russian DoD A bigail F ish er
Pierrot DoD C=yn P a tric e H all
Punch R ey na Martinez
Gingerbread Erin L ydd o n
Scene III. The Land of Snow
Snow Queen E mily P atterso n
Snow Klng Mich ael Levin e
Snow Prince Derrick Agno letti
Snowflakes Ap riJ. D aly, Erica Ly n e tte Edward s, E lizab e th H an se n , A n as t acia Holde n , Bri tta Laze n ga, Cai tlin Meighan, Alexis Po lito, Megan Q uir oz, Ab igail Sim o n , Lauren Stewart, Alliso n Wals h , J o anna W oz niak
Snow Winds Fabrice C almel s,Jo nat h an D umm ar, D avid Go mb ert, T h o mas N ic h olas, Aaro n Roge r s, Mich ael Smith
Snow Trees
Ava Am b rose, Macke nzie A uger, Libb y B ax ter , Mikaila Dow nin g, P arrah Anise G rund y,
Ga briella G uglielmetti, Laura M. H ayse, Kriste n J arze mb ows ki, M egan Lewan , Aleig h G Shlatte r bec k, Mackenzie Verell en , Mich elle Woo dard ,
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
The King dom of Sweets
Sugar Plum Fairy Je nnifer Goo dm an
Nutcracker Prince Calvin Kitten
Chocolate from Spain ... .. ..... . . . . .. .... .. . .... .... . ...........................................................Julianne Kepley
Coffee from Arabia Victoria Jaiani & Michael Levine
Tea from China April Daly & D errick Agnoletti
Nougats from Ru ssia Allison Walsh, William Hillard , Aaron Rogers, Patrick Simoniello
Marzipan Shepherdesses Anastacia Holden, Abigail Simon, Joanna Wozniak
Mother Ginger . ........ .... ........ . .. ........ .. ......................................................... Francis Kane & Her PoHchineUes .As hl ey Alore, Veronica Alore , A udr ey Beaumarchais, Alyssa Buss, Alyssa I selli, J essica Maas, Laur en Jourdan McDougal, Irene Vandenberghe
Waltz of the Flowers, A Victorian Bouquet
Pan sy Britta Lazenga
Rose Emily Patterson
Peony Christine Rocas
Rhododendron Erica L ynette Edwards
DaMa Eliza beth Hansen
Ins .... Caitlin Meighan
Columbine Alexis Polito
Camation Lauren Stewart
CavaHers Jon athan D ummar, Eduardo P erm uy, Tian Shuai, Mauro Villanueva
Consorts Brandon Alexan d er, Matthew Frain, Vicen te Martinez , Thomas Nicholas
Grand Pas De Deux
Sugar Plum Fairy J ennifer Goodman
Nutcracker Prince Calvin Kitten
The Entire Cast
Detroit Children's Rehearsal Directors
This performance's featured choir:
E i se nh ower High School Utica, Michigan
Julia Jenkins Holt, Direct or
Jo An n C usmano & Judith Molina
The Following Local Dance Studios Have Students Participating In The 2006 Joffrey Ballet Production of
American Dance Academy
Bev's Dance Studio
Birmingh am Co mmuni ty Center
Brighton Sc h oo l of Ballet
Bunny Sanford 's School of Dance
Dance Aca d em y of Bloomfield Hills
Dance D ynamics
Performing Arts Center
Dancer's E d ge Stu dio
Center of the Arts-
Faith Lutheran Church
Center Stage Dance Company
The Nutcracker
Charmaine's Studio of Dance Gotta Dance
Inner City Dance Scope
Institute of M u sic an d Dance at Marygrove Co llege
Julian a's Aca demy of Dance
Mary Skiba's Schoo l of Dance
NIBS Training Center for the Performing Arts
Milligan Sc h oo l of Ballet
Miss Harriet's Dance Studio
Miss Jeans Dance Arts
Noretta Dunworth Schoo l of Dance
O'Hare Sch oo l of Irish Dance
Piazza Dance Co mpany
Rhythm Pointe Dance A cademy
Russian Ballet A cademy
Sherry's Aca d em y of Dance
Sheryl's Schoo l o f Dance
Suzette's Masters of Dance
Studio J Dance Co mpany
T aylor D ance
Undergro und Dance Co mp any
Detroit Opera House gift certificates are available at the ticket office, in any denomination, and are redeemable towards single tickets or subscription packages to opera and dance programs.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Saturday, December 2, 2006, 2:00 pm
Scene I. A Victorian Parlor
Dr. Drosselmeyer, Godfather of Clara and Fritz Willy Shive s
His Nephew (The Nutcracker Prince) : Patrick Simoruello
Clara Jennifer Goodman
Fritz Aaron Rogers
Parents of Clara and Fritz: Mayor Stahlbaum Fabrice Calmels
Mrs. Stahlbaum , , VictoriaJaiani
Grandmother Eliza beth Hansen
Grandfather F ranci s Kane
Maiden Aunts Ab igail Simon & April Daly
Governess ; .... Kathleen Thielhelm
Gues ts Erica Lynette Edwards, Catlin Meighen, Alexis Polito, C hristin e Rocas, Joanna Wozniak, J onathan Durnmar, Justine Humenansky, William Hillard, Vicente Martinez , T homa s Nicholas , Ed uardo Pe=uy, Michael Smith
Their Children Andrea Abraham, E lise Armstro ng, Jo seph Badalamenti, Holly Borla, Sydney Nicole Brooks, Bianca Bousarnra, Kenzie Devine, Marisa DeVuyst, Matthew Fuller, Kathleen Howe, Sarah Jones, Madeline Kunert, Lauren Layne, Kasey Moms, Emily Prueter
Servants Matthew Adamczyk & l'vl atthew Frain
Maids Kimberly Bleich & A nastacia Holden
Mecham'cal DoDs:
Vivandiere Heather Aagard
Soldier John Gluckman
Sce ne II The Magic a l B a ttleground Nutcracker DoD
Nutcracker Prince Patrick Simoniello
King ofMice David Gombert
First Battalion ofMice Derrick Agnoletti, Brandon Alexander, William Hillard , Vicente Martinez
Second B a ttalion ofMice As hle y Alo r e, Vero nica Alore , Audrey Beaumarchais, Alyssa Buss, Alyssa Iselli, Jessica Maas, Lauren Jourdan McDougal, Irene Vandenberghe
Cavalry Mice
. O livia M. Dorantes, Sophia Gevoy, Mollie Han sen, Elizabeth Kunert
Officers . . .... .. .. ..... ... ............ .. . .. . . .............Jonathan Dummar, Matthew Frain, Eduar do Permuy , Michael Smith
D o Ds under the Tree:
Nina Ahra bian , Tristen As mann, Kayla C. Belfiori, Allison Burke, Lu cia DeiVillano ,
G in a Mahaz, Malorie M. McGowan , Kaleigh Ann Mead, Victoria Montgomery, Kalianne Reynolds , Je ssica Zacharias, Marissa Zo r atti
Spamsh DoD. .. ..... ....................................................... . ...... ... . ......... .... . .. . ....... .Alexandra Weaver
Arabian DoD Ca therin e Young
Chinese DoDs l'vIiranda Wilking & Melanie Wilking
Russian DoD Abigail Fisher
Pierrot DoD ........•... Camryn Patrice Hall
Punch Reyna l\IIartinez
Gingerbread Erin Lyddon
Scene III. The Land of Snow
Snow Queen VictoriaJaiani
Snow King Fabrice Calmels
Snow Pnnce Aaro n Rogers
Sn owflake s Heather Aagard, Kimberly Bleich, April Daly, Erica Lynette Edwards, Elizabeth Hansen, Erin McAfee, Alexis PoLito,..Megan Quiroz, Christine Rocas , Abigail Simon , Lauren Stewart, Joanna Wozniak
Snow Winds Matthew Adamczyk, Jonathan Dummar, William Hillard , Tian Shuai, Michael Smith, Mauro V illanueva
Snow T r ees ...... . .....Ava Ambrose, Mackenzie A uger, Libby Baxter, Mikaila Downing, Parrah Anise Grundy,
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Gabriella G uglielmetti, Laura M. Hayse, Kristen Jarzembowski, Megan Lewan, Aleigh G. Shlatterbeck, Michelle Woodard , Mackenzie Verellen -Continued on reverse side-
The Kingdom of Sweets
Sugar Plum Fairy Suzanne Lopez
Nutcracker Prince Patrick Simoniello
Chocolate from Spain ................................................ . . ..................................... .. .... Valerie Robin
Coffee from Arabia Kathleen Thielhelm & Fabrice C almel s
Tea from China Heather Aagard & Aaro n Roger s
Nougats from Russia Erica Lynette Edwards, Derrick Agnoletti, David Gombert, Temur Suluashvili
Marzipan Shepherdesses Anastacia Hold en, Megan Quiroz, Joanna Wozniak
Mother Ginger ................................................................................................... Francis Kane & Her Polichinelles ............ .......As hley Alore , Veronica Alore , A udrey Beaumarchais, Alyssa Buss , Alyssa I selli, Jessica .tvIaas, Lauren J ourdan McDougal, Irene Vandenberghe
Waltz of the Flowers, A Victorian Bouquet
Pansy Victoria J aiani
Rose Emily P a tterso n
Peony Christin e R ocas
Rhododendron A pril Daly
Dahlia Elizabeth Hansen
....Caitlin Meighan
Columbine Alexis Polito
Morning Glory Abigail Simon
Cavaliers Brian McSween, Ed uardo Permuy, Tian Shuai, .tvlauro Villanueva
Consorts Brandon Alexander, Matthew Frain, William I-lillard, Vicente Martinez
Grand Pas De Deux
Sugar Plum Fairy Suzanne Lopez
Nutcracker Prince Patrick Simoniello
The Entire Cast
Detroit Children's Rehearsal Directors
This performance's featured choir:
Adams High School
Rochester, Michigan
Thomas Blue, Director
Jo An n C usmano & Judith Molina
The Following Local Dance Studios Have Students Participating In The 2006 Joffrey Ballet Production of
American Dance Academy
Bev's Dance Studio
Birmingham Community Center
Brighton School of Ballet
Bunny Sanford's School of Dance
Dance Academy of Bloomfield Hills
Dance Dynamics
Performing Arts Center
Dancer's Edge Studio
Center of the Arts-
Faith Lutheran Church
Center Stage Dance Company
The Nutcracker
Cha=aine's Studio of Dance
Gotta Dance
Inner City Dance Scope
Institute of Music and Dance at Marygrove College
Juliana 's A cademy of Dance
Mary Skiba 's School of Dance
MBS Training Center for the Performing Arts
Milligan School of Ballet
Miss Harriet's Dance Studio
NllSS Jeans Dance Arts
Noretta Dunworth School of Dance
O'Hare School of Irish Dance
Piazza Dance Company
Rhythm Pointe Dance Aca demy
Russian Ballet Academy
Sherry'S A cademy of Dance
Sheryl's School of Dance
Suzette's Masters of Dance
Studio J Dance Company
Taylor Dance
Underground Dance Company
. ..
Detroit Opera House gift certificates are available at the ticket office, in any denomination, and are redeemable towards single tickets or subscription packages to opera and dance programs.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Saturday, December 2,2006, 7:30 pm
Scene I. A Victorian Parlor
Dr. Drossehneyer, Godfather of Clara and Fritz
Brian McSwee n
His Nephew (The Nutcracker Prince) Willy Shives
Clara Hea th er Aagard
Fritz Calvin Kitten
Parents of Clara and Fritz: Mayor Stahlbaum Fa bri ce Calmels
Mrs. Stahlbaurn
Victoria J aiani
Grandmother , J o ann a Wozniak
Grandfather Francis Kane
Maiden Aunts A pril Daly & Abigail Sinlo n
Governess Ka thlee n Thielh elm
Guests Erica L yn e tte Edwar d s, Bri tta Laze nga, C aitlin Meig han , Megan Quiroz, Chris tin e Rocas, La uren Stewar t, Ma tth ew A damczyk, J o n a than Dummar, William Hillard , T h o m as Nic h ola s, Tian Shu ai, Temur Suluashvili
Their Children Andrea A braham, Elise Arms tr o ng, J osep h Badal amenti, H o lly Borla, Sydn ey Nico le Brooks, Marisa DeVuys t , Ma tth ew F ull er, Camill e Rose H all, Sarah J o n es , Hea th er Kell y, E mma Ko r te, La ure n L ayn e, Kase y Morri s, C allie M unn , E mily Pru eter
D errick Agnole tti & Aaro n Rogers
Maids ..........•.. . ................... . ............ . ...... . .................. . . . ............... ... . .. Kimb e rl y Bleic h & Anas t acia Holden
Colu.rnbine E mily Patterson
Harlequin Michael Levine
Vivandiere J e nnifer Goodman
Scene II. The Magical Battleground
Nutcracker Doll.
D avid Go mb ert
J o hn G lu ckman
Nutcracker Prince Will y Shives
King of Mice Michael Smith
First Battalion ofMice ............................. .Ma tth ew A dam czyk, De rric k Agnoletti, Brand o n Alex an der, William Hillar d ,
Second Battalion ofMice As hl ey Alor e, Vero ni ca Alo r e , A ud rey Bea um archais, Alyssa B uss, Alyssa Iselli, J ess ic a Maas, La ure n Jo urdan M cD o ugal , Iren e Vande n berghe
Ca valry Mice O livia M Do rant es, Mo llie Hanse n , Eliza b e th K un ert , Lance J ordan McDo ugal
Oflicers T h om as Nicholas, Ed uardo Permu y, T ian Sh uai, Temur Suluashvili
Soldiers Tris t en Asmann , Kayla C. Bel fi ori, J essica DeSano, Tarnika Evans, Kelsey M cNett,
K aleig h A nn Mea d , La uren Me n delso n , Vic t oria Mon tgo m ery, Zaria Woodso n -Murray, Cassidy P lo ug h, N icol e Stel t e nkamp, M arissa Zorat ti
Dolls under the Tree:
Spanish DoD • Alexandra Weaver
Arab1an DoD Hail ey Korte
Chines e DoDs K elli Co n way & Alex andria G Jao
Russian Doll. A bigail Fis h er
Pierrot DoD Vale rie J ac kma n
Punch H an nah Hansen
Gingerbread E rin L yddon
Scene III. The Land of Snow
Snow Queen Vic toria J aiani
Snow King Fabric e Calm els
Snow Prince C alvin Ki tten
Snowflakes April Daly, Erica Lynette Edwards, Eliza be th H ansen, Anastacia Holden , Britta Lazenga, Erin McAfee, Cai tlin Meig han, E mil y Patterson , Al exis Poli to , Ab igail Sinl o n , Ka thl ee n Thiel h elm ,Jo ann a Woz ni ak
Snow WInds Ma tth ew A damc zyk, J o na than Dumm ar, T h o m as N ich o las, Tian Shu ai, Te mur Suluas hvili , Ma ur o Villanu eva
Snow Trees Ava Am b rose , MacKenzie A u ger,Libby Baxt e r , Kend all Ale sa Carr, P arrah Anise G ru ndy,
Gab rie lla G ugli elm e tti, Aleig h G Shlatterbeck , Lizz ie Tripp , B rittan y Va n Cleave, Tara Van Cleave, lVli che ll e Woo dard , Madelin e Zie ma n ,
EnchantedJourney to the K1ngdorn of Sweets INTERMISSION
-Continued on reverse side- Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
T he King d o m of Sweets
Sug ar PluIn Fairy Maia Wilkin s
Nutcra cke r Prince• Willy Shives
Divertisse In ents : Chocolate FrOIn Spain Valerie Robin
Coffee FrOIn Ara bia
T ea FrOIn Chin a
mily Patterson & Thomas Nicholas
A nastacia Holden & Calvin Kitten
N o uga ts FrOIn Ru ssi a Erica Lynette Edwards, Jo hn G luckman, David Gombert, Mauro Vill anueva
M arzipan Sh epherde sses•
Kimb erl y Bleich, Suzanne Lope z, Megan Quiroz
M o th er Ginger Francis Kane & Her Policmn elles
W altz of th e Flowe rs, A Victori a n B o uqu et
Ashley Alore, Veronica Alore , Audrey Beaumarchais, Alyss a Buss, Alyssa Iselli, Jessica Maas, Lauren Jourdan McDougal, Irene Vandenberghe
Kathleen Thielhelm
R ose . .• •.. .•................ Julianne Kep ley CleInatis
Fabrice Calmels
Patrick Simoniello, Michael Smith
Jo Ann Cusmano & Judith Molina
This performance's featured choir: Mosai c Ch oir
D etroi t, iVllchiga n Ken A nd er so n , Dir ector
The Following Local Dance Studios Have Students Participating In The 2006 Joffrey Ballet Production of
American Dance Academy
Bev's Dance Studio
Birmingh am Communi ty Cen ter
B righton Sch ool of Ballet
B unn y Sanfo r d's Sc h oo l of Dance
Dance Aca d e m y of B loo m fiel d Hills
Dance D ynamic s
Performing Arts Center
Dancer's Edge S tudio
Cente r of the A rt s-
Faith L u the r an Church
Center Stage Dance Co m pany
The Nutcracker
Charmaine's Studio of Dance
Gatta Dan ce Inne r City Dan c e Sco p e
Institute of Music an d Dance at Marygrove College
juliana's Acad e m y of Dance
Mary Skiba's Sc h oo l of Dance
MBS Training Cen ter fo r the
Performing Arts
iVlilliga n Schoo l o f Ballet
iVllss Harriet's Dance Studio
iVllss Jeans Dance Arts
Noretta D un worth Sc h oo l of Dance
O'Hare School o fI ris h Dance
Piazza Dance Co mp any
Rh y thm P ointe Dance A ca d e m y
R u ssian Ballet Aca d e m y
Sh erry's Acade m y of Dance
Sh eryl's Sc h oo l of Dance
Suzette's iVIasters of Dance
Studi o J Dance Company
Taylor D ance
Undergroun d Dance Co mp an y
Detroit Opera House gift certificates are available a t the ticket office, in any denomination, and are redeemable towards single tickets or subscription packages to opera and dance programs.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Sunday, December 3, 2006, 12:00 pm
Scene I. A Victorian Parlo r
Dr Drosselmeyer, Godfa ther of Clara and Fritz NIich ael Smith
His Nephew (The Nutcracker Prince) . ... ................ .. ...... . .. . NIauro V illanu eva
Clara . ........ . ..... .. ...... . ................................................................................................... Heather Aagard
Fritz J o hn Gluckman
Parents of Clara and Fn'tz:
Mayor Stahlbaum Thomas Nicho las
Mrs. Stahlbaum Nfegan Quiroz
Grandmother Joanna Wozniak
Grandfather , Francis Kane
Ma1'den Aunts .Ap ril Daly & A bigail Simon
Governes s Suzanne Lopez
Guests Elizabe th Hansen, Justine Humeriansky , Victoria Jaiani , Britta Lazenga, Erin McAfee, Lauren Stewart, Matthew Adamczyk, Brandon Alexander, Jonathan Durnmar, William Hillard, Tian Shuai, Temur Suluashvili
Their Cm1dren Andrea Abraham, Elise Armstro n g, Joseph Badalamenti, Holly Boda, Bianca Bousamra, Marisa DeVu ys t , Matthew Fuller, Camille Rose Hall, Sarah Jones , Heather Kelly, E mma Korte, Lauren Layne, Kase y Morris, Callie Mu=, Emily Prueter
Servants Derrick Agnoletti & Aaro n Rogers
Maids Kimbedy Bleich & Anastacia Holden
Mechanical DoDs:
Columbine Maia Wilkins
Harlequin ..................................................................................•.......... Willy Shives
Vivandiere ..... .. .... . ........................ Erica Lynette Edwards
Soldier David Gombert
Sce ne II. The Magical Battle g round
Nutcracker DoD . Patrick Simoniell o
Nutcracker Prince Fabrice Calmels
King ofMice NIatthew Adamczyk
First Battalion of.M1·ce Derrick Agno letti, Brandon Alexander, William Hillard,Vicente Martinez
Second Battalion ofMice As hle y Alore, Veronica Alore , A udr ey Beaumarchais, Alyssa Buss, Alyssa Iselli, Jessica Maas, La uren Jourdan McDougal , Irene Vandenberghe
Ca valry Mice Olivia M Dorantes , Sophia Gevoy, Mollie Hansen , Elizabeth Kunert
Officers Jonathan Durnmar, Matthew Frain , Eduardo Permuy, Tian Shuai
Soldiers Nina A brabian, Tristen Asmann, Kayla C. Belfiori, Allison Burke, Lucia DelVillano, Gina Mahaz ,
Malorie M. McGowan, Kaleigh An n Mead, Victoria Montgomery, Kalianne Reynold s, Jessica Zacharias, Marissa Zoratti
DoDs under the Tree:
Spanish DoD Alexandra Weaver
Arabian DoD •.............. . .Catherine Young
Chinese D o Ds , NIiranda Wilking & Nfelanie Wilking
Russian D oD. Abigail Fis h er
Pierrot DoD Canuyn Patrice Hall
Punch Reyna Nfartinez
Gingerbrea d Erin Lyddon
Scene III . The Land of Snow
Snow Queen Megan Quiroz
Snow King............................................ ................................................................ . ......Thomas Nicholas
Snow Prince ........ . .............. .. . ................... ............ . .......John Gluckman
Snowflakes April Daly, Erica Lynette E dwards , Elizabeth Hansen, A n astacia Holden , Justine Humenansky, Victoria Jaiani, Erin McAfee, Caitlin Meighan, Emily Patter so n, Christine Rocas , Abigail Simon, Lauren Stewart
Snow Winds David Gombert, William Hillard, E duardo Permu y, Aaron Rogers, Tian Shuai, Temur Suluashvili
Snow Trees ........ .. .... .... ............Ava Ambrose, Mackenzie A uger, Libb y Baxter, Mikaila Downing, Parrah Anise Grundy, Enchante dJourney t o the IGngdom of Sweets
Gabriella Guglielmetti, Laura M . Hayse, Kristen Jarzembowski, Megan Lewan, Aleigh G. Shlatterbeck, Mackenzie Verelle n , Miche ll e Woodard ,
2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
The Kin g d o m o f Swee t s
Suga r Plum Fairy.......
erie Ro bin
Nutcr a cke r Pnnce Fabric e C almels
Diver ti ssements:
Chocol a t e fr om Sp ain A pril Daly
C o ffee fr om Ara bia .
T ea fr o m Chin a
Victoria Jaiani & Nlich ael Levine
Anas t acia Hold en & John G luc kman
N o uga t s fr o m Russia J oann a Wo zniak , Matth ew Ad amc zyk, Willi a m Hillard , A aro n Roger s
Ma rzipan Sh eph erdesses H ea th er Aagard , Suzann e Lo p ez, A bigail Sim o n
Moth e r Ginger Franci s K an e
& H er P olich i n eUes As hl e y Alore, Vero nic a Al or e ,A udrey Beaumarc hai s, Sydn ey N ico le B roo ks, Alyss a Bu ss, Alyss a I selli , J essica Maa s, Ire n e Vand enberg he
Wa ltz of th e Fl owe r s , A V i c tori a n B o uquet
Pan sy Britta Laze nga
R ose J e nnifer Goo dman
P eon y C hris tin e R o cas
Rh o d o d e ndron E ric a L yn e tte Edw ar ds
D ahlia E lizab e th H anse n
Iris Caitlin M eig han
C o rnflo wer Megan Q uiroz
Carn a tio n La uren St ewart
J o n ath an Dummar, D avid Gomb ert, T h o ma s N ic h olas, Te mur Sulu as hvili
C on sorts Matthe w F rain , Vicente Martin ez, E duard o P ermu y, T ian Shu ai
G r and P a s D e Deux
S ugar Plum F ai ry . . ...
..Valerie Ro bin
Nutcrack e r Prin ce Fabric e C al eml s
FINALE Th e E n tir e Cas t
D e tro i t Childr e n' s R e hear sal Dire cto r s Jo An n C usm a no & Ju di th M olin a
Thi s performance's featured choir:
A d ams High Schoo l
Roche s ter , Nfic higan
Tho m as Blu e, D irector
The Followin g Local Dance Studios Have Students Participating In The 2006 Joffre y Ballet Production of
American Dan c e A ca d emy
B ey s Dance Studio
Birmingh am C ommunity C enter
Brighton Schoo l of Ballet
Bunn y Sanford 's Sch oo l of D ance
Dance A cademy o f Bloomfield Hill s
Dance D yn amic s
Performin g Art s C enter
D ancer 's E dge Studio
Cente r of th e A rts -
F aith Lutheran Church
C enter Stage Dance C o m pany
The Nutcracker
Ch armaine ' s Studio of Dance
G atta Danc e I n n er City Dance Scope
In stitute of M usic and Dance at Marygrove Co ll ege
juliana 's A cademy of Danc e
M ary Skiba 's Sch ool o f Dance
NIB S Training Center for the Performing Arts
Nfilli gan School of B allet
Nfiss H arriet's Dance Studio
Mis s Jean s Dan ce Arts
N oretta D un worth Sch oo l of Dance
O'Hare Schoo l of Iri sh Dance
P iazza Dan c e Co m pany
Rhythm Pointe Dance A cademy
Ru ssian Balle t A cade m y
Sherry's A c ademy of Dance
Sheryl' s Schoo l of Dance
Suzette' s M as ters of Dance
S tudio J D ance Company
Taylor Dance
U ndergro und Dan ce C omp an y
Detroit Opera House gift certificates are available at the ticket office , in any denomination, and are redeemable towards single tickets or subscription packages to opera and dance programs.
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
Sunday, December 3, 2006, 5:00 pm
Scene I. A Victorian Paclor
Dr. Dro sselrneyer, Godfather of Clara and Fritz Brian Mc Swee n
His Nephew (The Nutcracker Prince) _ C alvin Kitten
Clara , H ea th er A agard
Fritz .................. . ... . ...... Derrick Agnol e tti
Parents of Clara and Fritz: Mayor Stahlbaum Nlich ad Levine
Mrs. Stahlbaum E mily P a tter so n
Grandmother Joanna Woz niak
Grandfather Willy Shives
Maiden Aunts A pril Dal y & A bigail Sim o n
Go verness Kathlee n Thidh elrn
E lizabeth H an se n , Britta L az enga, E rin M cAfee, C aitlin Meig han , M egan Q uiroz, Laure n Stewart , Brand o n Al exand e r , J o nathan Dummar, William Hillard , Tian Shuai, Nlich ael Smith , T emur Sulua s hvili
Their Children An drea Abraham , E li se Arm s tro ng, J ose ph Badalam enti, Holl y Bo rla, Sydn ey Nicole Brook s, Bianc a Bo usarnra, K en zie D evin e, Marisa D eVu ys t, Ma tth ew F uller, Ka thl een H owe, Sarah J o ne s, Maddin e Kun ert , Laure n Lay ne , K asey Mo rris, E mily Prueter
Servants • l'vIatthew Frain & A aron Ro ge r s
Maids Kimberly Bleich & Anas tacia H old e n
Mechanical Dolls : Columbine Maia Wilkin s
H a rlequin Th o m as N ich olas
Vivandiere ..................................... E rica L yn e tte E dward s
M a uro Villanu eva
Scene II. The Magical Battlegr o und Nutcracker Doll Patrick Simoniello
Nutcracker Prin ce
Calvin Kitte n
King ofMice ............... . . . .... . ... .... . ........................... . .. .. .. .. l'vIatth ew Adamc zy k
First Battalion oF-Mice Brand o n Al exand er , William Hillard , Vic ente M artine z , Aaro n Roger s
Second Battahon ofMice .As hl ey Alore , Ve ronic a Alore , A udrey Beaumarchais, Alyssa Bus s, Alyss a Iselli, J ess ica Maas, Laur e n Jourdan McDougal , Irene Va nd e nb ergh e
Cavalry klice O livi a M_ D o rantes, M ollie H a n sen , E lizabeth Kun ert , Lanc e J o rd an McD o u gal
Officers J o na than Dummar , E duardo P e=uy, Tia n Shuai, T emur Sulua shvili
Soldiers Tri st e n As mann , Ka yla C Belfio ri , J ess ic a D eS ano , T arnika Evans, Kel sey Mc Ne tt, Kaleigh A nn Mead ,
Laur en M e ndel son , Victo ria Mo ntgo m ery, Z aria W oo d so n-Mur ray, Cassidy Pl o ugh, Nic ole Steltenkam p, Marissa Zo ra tti
Dolls under the T ree:
Spamsh Doll Ale xandra W eave r
Arabian Doll.
Chinese D o lls .
.Hailey K o rte
...... . ...... . K elli Co nway & Al exandria G _ J ao
Ru ssian Doll .A bigail Fis h er
Pierrot Doll Valerie Jackman
Punch H annah H an sen
Gingerbread E rin L ydd o n
Scene III. The Land of Snow
Snow Queen ." Emily P a tter so n
Snow King l'vIichad Levin e S n ow Pnnce ...... .. ..... ....... .... ..... Derrick Agn ole tti
Snowflakes•...... A pril D al y, E ric a L yn e tte E dwards , E lizabeth H an se n , A nas tacia H o ld e n , Britta Lazen ga, Erin M cA fee, Caitlin Meig han , Ale xis P olito, Megan Q uir oz, A bigail Simon , Lauren Stewart, joanna Woz niak
Snow Winds F a bric e C alm els, J o nathan Dummar, David Go mb ert, T homa s N icholas, A aron Roger s, Nlichael Smith
Gabriella G uglielm e tti , Al eigh G Shl a tterb eck, L iz zie Tripp, Brittan y Van Cleave, Tara Van Cleav e, Nlich ell e Woodard , Madelin e Z ieman
Snow Trees Ava Am bro se, Macke nzie A uger , Libb y Bax ter , Ke ndall Al esa C arr, Parrah A nise G rund y, EnchantedJourney to the Kingdom of Sweets INTERMISSION
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre
-Continued on reverse side-
Nutcracker Pnn
Tea nOll1 ChIna
Nougats nOll1 Rus sia
Marzip an Shepherdesses
Maia Wilkins
& Michael Levine
Daly & Derrick Agnoletti
.Joanna Wozniak, William Hillard, Aaron Rogers, Patrick Sirnoniello
e Lopez, Abigail Sirnon,]oa nna Wozniak
Francis Kane & Her PolichineUes
Moth e r Ginger...........•....................................
ey Alore, Veronica Alore , Au drey Beaurnarchais, Alyssa Buss, Alyssa I selli,] essica Maas, Lauren Jourdan McDougal, Irene Vandenberghe
Waltz of the Flowers, A Victorian Bouquet
Britta Lazenga
E mily Patterson
Christine Rocas
th Hansen
Ins , Caitlin Meighan
Colull1bIne ................................................•......
Carnation Lauren Stewart
Ca valiers ]onathan Durnmar, Eduardo Perrnuy, Tian Shuai, Mauro Villanueva
Consorts Brandon Alexander, Matthew Frain, Vice nte Martinez, Thomas Nicholas
Grand Pas De Deux
Sugar Plull1 Fairy ]ennifer Goodman
Nutcracker Prince Calvin Kitten
This performance's featured choir:
Eisenhower High School Utica, Michigan
Julia Jenkins Holt, Director
The Following Local Dance Studios Have Students Participating In The 2006 Joffrey Ballet Production of
American Dance Aca dem y Bev's Dance Studio
Binningham Community Center
Brighton School of Ballet
Bunny Sanford's Schoo l of Dance
Dance i \cademy of Bloomfield Hills
Dance D ynamics
Performing Arts Center
Dancer 's Edge Studi o
Center of the A rts-
Faith Lutheran Church
Center Stage Dance Company
The Nutcracker
Charmaine's Studio of Dance
Gotta Dance
Inner City Dance Sco pe
In stitute of Mus ic and Dance at Marygrove Co llege
Juliana' s Aca d emy of Dance
Mary Skiba 's Sch oo l of Dance
NIBS Training Center for the Performing Arts
NIilligan School of Ballet
Miss Harriet's Dance Studio
Nore tta Dunworth Schoo l of Dance
O'Hare Schoo l of Irish Dance
Piazza Dance Company
Rhythm Pointe Dance Academy
Russian Ballet Academy
Sherry'S Aca dem y of Dance
Sheryl's Schoo l of Dance
Suzette's Masters of Dance
Studio J Dance Company
Taylor Dance
U nderground Dance Co mp any fJiAIe
Miss Jeans Dance Arts
Detroit Opera House gift certificates are available at the ticket office, in any denomination, and are redeemable towards single tickets or subscription packages to opera and dance programs
Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre